
Unglorious Necrocomicon monster by Filippo Munegato

2024.06.03 14:41 Baba_Jaga_II Unglorious Necrocomicon monster by Filippo Munegato

Unglorious Necrocomicon monster by Filippo Munegato submitted by Baba_Jaga_II to ImaginaryGraveyards [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:19 rnst77 Best nazi movies

Im lookin fr sone real good movies about nazis or where the nazis plaed a big part. I just watch theministry of ungentlemanly wat. And i really like it. Unglorious bastards. The bunker. Overloard. I already seen those. Also a bidge too far and son crazy like dead snow and the one where the Nazis are hidden on the moon.
submitted by rnst77 to MovieSuggestions [link] [comments]

2024.03.24 18:44 DisciplineShot2872 Curious about Unglorious

I've been very curious about Unglorious, but I can't find much info about it, particularly mechanics and level of crunchiness. The only videos I can find are unwatchable to me, or in languages I have only a fleeting grasp of. Can someone give me an overview of how it runs, because I love the concept.
For context, I've been playing rpgs since 1989, and have dozens of systems under my belt so feel free to compare and contrast with other systems. I won't give preferences because indent want them to color the answers.
Thanks for the help wonderful Redditors!
submitted by DisciplineShot2872 to rpg [link] [comments]

2024.03.16 02:09 Chrisser6677 “ do you think you could photoshop in their dead bodies?”

“ do you think you could photoshop in their dead bodies?”
So cringe when so many of your staff have been laid off, this is not empowerment. This is cringe af
submitted by Chrisser6677 to LinkedInLunatics [link] [comments]

2024.03.14 08:12 lilith30323 Surprised to find out the fandom hates Mako and loves Bolin. For me, it was the reverse.

Recently re-watched ATLA and LOK in preparation for the live action, and went on fandom social media pages. I was surprised by all the Mako hate (some people even wanted him to die at the end) and Bolin praise. I get that Mako's part in the love triangle was cringe, but he's overhated. He was one of my favorites on my first and second watches. Bolin was one of my least favorite characters (actual least favorite is Su Yin, don't get me started on that.) The mods of legendofkorra removed this but I don't think it violates any rules. They are probably on the defensive of renewed LOK dissing amid the live action dissing, which is unfortunate.
The brothers' parents died when they were young, and Mako fiercely protects his brother throughout their childhood and the series. While Bolin is off doing stupid tricks, Mako gets an actual job bending lightning at the factory. Mako sees through Varrick's conspiracy before anyone else, and is generally a good boyfriend to Korra in season 2. She is a snappy piece of shit toward him during the whole season. (The one exception is him snitching on her efforts to obtain the United Forces; snitches get stitches). While it wasn't the smartest move to lie to Korra about her memory loss, what was he supposed to do: upset her in a moment of already overwhelming stress? Mako knows that Korra is emotionally volatile and her focus needed to stay on the civil war, not their relationship. Again, Mako becomes a factory worker, policeman, and bodyguard; meanwhile Bolin is being a moviestar and a Nazi. Mako is willing to work normal, unglorious jobs for the sake of stability and fulfilling a purpose in society. By contrast, Bolin must satiate his ego by playing a heroic character onscreen. Mako accepts that it's okay to be single. He's an NPC and that's fine because some people are like that in real life and are perfectly happy with that. Overall, I admired Mako's level-headedness and skepticism, although I think he could've been a better listener to Korra and developed more emotional openness torward the end.
I know that the writers were trying to endear us to both brothers through the polar-opposites trope, but it's unrealistic that Bolin would be that naïve. They both saw their parents die and lived as gang members on the streets. The writers try to imbue him with Sokka's sense of humor but it really falls flat because only Mako has Sokka's trademark pragmatism. Arguably, Bolin fumbled his romantic relationships even worse than Mako. He sexually harasses Ginger because he is unable to separate his identity from the character he plays on TV. Bolin is not "method acting"; he is literally too stupid to realize that Nuktuk is a fictional character. Bolin's romantic relationship to Eska mirrors his professional relationships with Varrick and Kuvira. His low self-esteem and need for validation render him gullible to manipulation by more powerful forces. How contradictory is it that Nuktuk, hero of the South, is dating the princess of the North in real life? It undermines the propaganda effort that Bolin doesn't even realize he's playing a part in. I was cringing way more at season 2 Bolin than at season 2 Mako, even though both were second-hand embarrassing.
(As an aside, TLOK's depictions of Bolin's relationships are problematic. He sexually harasses a character for laughs, and Eska is the definition of a domestic abuser. Imagine if Eska were a man and Bolin were a woman; that wouldn't be played for laughs. Bolin repeats the cycle of abuser and abused. It's portrayed as comedic instead of a trauma response. His relationship with Opal magically comes together; he doesn't learn anything from his previous ordeals. It's reminiscent of many people's criticisms of Kataang whereby the "hero gets the girl" when Katara pulled away during the Ember Island kiss like one episode before the finale. I loved that Mako ended up single, since it undermines TV tropes.)
To be fair, Mako and Bolin are flawed in different ways. It's just that Mako grows as a character by acknowledging that he and Korra are better off single. They break up maturely and amicably, which is rarely depicted onscreen. In the comics, Mako is nothing but supportive of Korra and Asami's relationship. By contrast, we rarely see Bolin's character grow. He develops higher self-esteem through lavabending and Opal. These are external factors rather than through his own volition. Similarly, he only sees through Kuvira's fascism when she tries to kill Varrick. He doesn't develop a healthy skepticism by questioning the purpose of the vine experiments or going to see the "re-education" camps on his own. (To be fair, the show's depiction of a gullible character's descent into fascism is raw and realistic. It just doesn't build off any of Bolin's previous growth in the past 3 seasons, which is frustrating. Yes, I know the constraints Nickelodean put on the writers.)
Overall, I believe Bolin is a kind, well-intentioned character, but he does not improve on his self-esteem or gullibility. The writers robbed him of so much potential. Does anyone have any thoughts? Am I being too hard on Bolin or too easy on Mako?
submitted by lilith30323 to TheLastAirbender [link] [comments]

2024.01.28 23:24 StarAggravating3636 AITA for asking the guy I'm dating to take down a Facebook post?

So I (42F) have been seeing/dating this guy (47M) on and off for a year and half. I'm a pretty private person online, I keep my social media presence to a minimum, I try to avoid disclosing personal info, and generally value my privacy (btw, this is a throwaway account, and I understand the irony of mentioning all the above in a Reddit post). Anyhow, while I was with the guy outside my appartment building (where I live, he lives in whole other neighborhood), we found a used needle on the ground on a site where someone had visibly been doing injectable drugs, for context there's also a significant homeless population around where I live. He took a video of the drug use site, posted it on his Facebook page commenting on how the city is going downhill, and he included specific details about where this was filmed (in front of a residential building on X street, x meter from a police station, etc.). He did not mention anything about me in the post, but remember that this video was taken right in front of my apartment building where I live. Also, several of his Facebook friends know that he is seeing me and that we are dating. This makes me uncomfortable, in part because I never disclose where I live on social media, and in part because it was a pretty unglorious post about the city being full of public drug use. I asked him to take the post down, but he refused, saying that the post was not linked to me. AITA for asking him to take the post down?
submitted by StarAggravating3636 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2023.12.27 04:38 Alien-Anal-Probe First time down stories.

My first time down I was fresh off the streets and had a 5 year bid. In county there was a 6'5" monster who preyed on the extra trays, after my opiate withdrawals went down and I got hungry a spare tray got thrown down and I sporked the cake straight off the tray quick af. He took offense and said he was going to kill me. He caught the chain the next am. I show up to the receiving facility 2 weeks later and am hitting the yard day one and I hear "Bet you thought you were safe mf'er hahahaha I'm coming for you!" I died inside. FFWD and I was sent to the gang units in max because of a tattoo I got as a kid "Mr. Horsepower" my family raced cars and it happened to be a "Peckerwood" gang tattoo (Woody wood pecker with a cigar), word travels before you even land so as I'm walking yard on the max side a few days later he sees me and starts coming my way. I picture my death and how unglorious it will be and he has the biggest smile and says "Whats up wood? The pile is over here, why didn't you just tell me?" So do I die or play along? Welp I'm typing this aint I?
submitted by Alien-Anal-Probe to Prison [link] [comments]

2023.12.16 23:49 nclark8200 I Wanna see your real Taco Photos

I Wanna see your real Taco Photos
I'm tired of seeing AI taco images or people reposting professional taco photos. I wanna see your real every day unglorious (but so delicious) tacos.
My photo is a pan fried cod taco with grilled peppers/onions, cheese, and a sourcream-paprika-lime-cilantro-cabbage slaw. Made just a few days ago for dinner.
submitted by nclark8200 to TacoPlanet [link] [comments]

2023.11.22 18:19 bourbonleader Hurts to say goodbye

To it all. The unglorious “romantic” nights. Youthful folly. Clandestine kisses. Unbridled emotion. Anger. Sadness. Fury.
To the person who was there with me. The cause of so much of each others suffering. And our constant companion, alcohol.
“But when I grew up I put away childish things”. And this next road, I have to go alone. It’s my path. A shield for my son. Seems I have to carry.
It hurts so much to say goodbye. But there’s no juice left to squeeze. It was beautiful it was ugly.
submitted by bourbonleader to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2023.08.18 14:25 Justthisdudeyaknow Help me obi wan RPG!

Not so long ago (between 1-3 years) on kickstarter, there was... I think it may have been a 5e supplement, but it could have been stand alone? The idea was pitched as 'Playing after your characters die' and I remember the classes were like, ghost, skeleton, zombie, but they had weird names, like boney, or squelcher (not exact names, just remember they were odd.)
Does anyone remember what this was? I didn't have the money to back it, and was hoping to pick up a copy.
Edit: Unglorious, the Necro-fantasy RPG
submitted by Justthisdudeyaknow to rpg [link] [comments]

2023.07.16 14:03 Chaize Nosferatu Feat. Minckz - Unglory (2013)

Nosferatu Feat. Minckz - Unglory (2013) submitted by Chaize to hardstyle [link] [comments]

2023.05.13 11:33 killerbunnyfamily Pitey - Unglorious rpg by Vincenzo Pratticò

Pitey - Unglorious rpg by Vincenzo Pratticò submitted by killerbunnyfamily to ImaginaryScholars [link] [comments]

2023.05.03 16:05 TckoO New trade site - possibility to filter ,, offer ,, and ,, obo ,,

Hello, simple question. Is there a way to filter out these unglorious cabbagetoed toads ?
You obviously know what you want for that item, so write it there !

submitted by TckoO to ProjectDiablo2 [link] [comments]

2023.04.27 01:21 seffial Newsletter Week of April 28th 2023

Omnivoracious Listeners New Music Newsletter (Week of April 29th):
New LPs:
🇺🇸 A Cloud of Ravens - 'Lost Hymns' (Genre: Post-Punk, Darkwave)
🇫🇷 Aleister - 'Nightmare' (Genre: Thrash Metal)
🇦🇺 Austere - 'Corrosion of Hearts' (Genre: DSBM)
🇺🇸 秋 [Autumn] - 'New America' (Genre: Post-Rock, Plunderphonics)
🇩🇪 Bald Anders - 'Navigator' (Genre: Avant Folk, Psych Rock)
🇺🇸 Bastard Cröss - 'Beasts of the Night' (Genre: Blackened Thrash)
🇺🇸 Bebe Rexha - 'BEBE' (Genre: Dancepop)
🇩🇪 Black and Damned - 'Servants of the Devil' (Genre: Heavy Metal)
🇫🇮 Black Mass Pervertor - 'Dionysian Rite' (Genre: Black Metal, Hardcore Punk)
🇺🇸 Blood Cult - 'Tomb of the Unknown Redneck' (Genre: Black N Roll)
🇺🇸 Brave the Sea - 'Lady Death' (Genre: Celtic Rock)
🇺🇸 Burial Extraction - 'A Shadow of Things to Come' (Genre: Death Metal)
🇮🇹 Bushido - 'Perfect View' (Genre: AOR, Rock Opera)
🇮🇹 Cadaveric Crematorium - 'Zombology' (Genre: Brutal Death Metal, Grindcore)
🇨🇴 Carpe Diem - 'In Nomine Honoris' (Genre: Symphonic Power Metal)
🇺🇸 Chrome Waves - 'Earth Will Shed Its Skin' (Genre: Post-Black Metal)
🇨🇷 Corpus Necromanthum - 'He...Who Suffers Knowledge' (Genre: Death, Black Metal)
🇺🇸 Country Westerns - 'Forgive the City' (Genre: Southern Rock, Country Rock)
🇮🇹 Crimson Dawn - 'It Came From the Stars' (Genre: Epic Doom, Heavy Metal)
🇺🇸 Crown the Empire - 'Dogma' (Genre: Metalcore)
🇺🇸 Danava - 'Nothing but Nothing' (Genre: Stoner Metal)
🇺🇸 Dave Hause - 'Drive It Like It's Stolen' (Genre: Alt Punk, Folk Punk)
🇸🇪 Dead Express - 'Game Changer' (Genre: Stoner Rock)
🇯🇵 Defiled - 'The Highets Level' (Genre: Death Metal)
🇺🇸 Disciple - 'Skeleton Psalms' (Genre: Hard Rock, Christian Metal)
🇬🇧 Disconnect - 'From Faith to Death' (Genre: Industrial Doom Metal)
🇬🇧 Dropkick - 'The Wireless Revolution' (Genre: Power Pop, Jangle Pop)
🇺🇸 During - 'During' (Genre: Post-Punk)
🇺🇸 Elephant Rifle - 'Broken Water' (Genre: Hardcore Punk)
🇮🇹 Elvenking - 'Reader of the Runes - Rapture' (Genre: Power Metal)
🇵🇹 Enchantya - 'Cerberus' (Genre: Heavy, Gothic Metal)
🇮🇹 End - 'Hunter' (Genre: Black Metal)
🇺🇸 Enforced - 'War Remains' (Genre: Crossover Thrash Metal)
🇩🇪 Erdling - 'Bestia' (Genre: Gothic Metal, Gothic Rock)
🇬🇧 Existentialist - 'The Heretic' (Genre: Blackened Death Metal)
🇮🇹 Extinction - 'Cryogenesis' (Genre: Thrash, Death Metal)
🇫🇷 Fardeaux - 'The Den Has Become an Abyss' (Genre: Avant Garde Black Metal)
🇹🇼 Fatuous Rump - 'I Am at Your Disposal' (Genre: Brutal Death Metal)
🇺🇸 Fibril - 'Fibril' (Genre: Shoegaze)
🇩🇪 Fimbulvet - 'Portale' (Genre: Pagan Black Metal)
🇺🇸 Fires in the Distance - 'Air Not Meant for Us' (Genre: Doom, Death Metal)
🇦🇺 Flitcraft - 'House at the Centre of the Universe' (Genre: Heavy Metal, Hard Rock)
🇬🇧 Glen Matlock - 'Consequences Coming' (Genre: Punk Rock)
🇮🇹 Gosforth - 'Scourge of Dark Dominion' (Genre: Black Metal)
🇮🇹 Graveworm - 'Killing Innocence' (Genre: Gothic Metal)
🇨🇦 Great Lake Swimmers - 'Uncertain Country' (Genre: Indie Folk Rock)
🇯🇵 HADES - 'BRINGS' (Genre: Hard Rock)
🇦🇺 Harroway - 'I Don't Want to Be Here Anymore' (Genre: Metalcore)
🇬🇧 Hawkwind - 'The Future Never Waits' (Genre: Space Rock)
🇲🇾 Ibliss - 'Unholy' (Genre: Stoner Doom)
🇺🇦 Ignea - 'Dreams of Lands Unseen' (Genre: Symphonic Metal)
🇺🇸 Illenium - 'Illenium' (Genre: Electronic)
🇺🇸 Indigo De Souza - 'All of This Will End' (Genre: Indie Rock, Bedroom Pop)
🇸🇪 Ironmaster - 'Weapons of Spiritual Carnage' (Genre: Death Metal)
🇺🇸 Josh Ritter - 'Spectral Lines' (Genre: Indie Rock, Singer-Songwriter)
🇫🇮 Kalmah - 'Kalmah' (Genre: Melodeath, Power Metal)
🇺🇸 Karma Vulture - 'Something Better' (Genre: Stoner Rock)
🇮🇹 King Potenaz - 'Goat Rider' (Genre: Stoner Doom)
🇺🇸 King Yosef - 'An Underlying Hum' (Genre: Industrial Metal)
🇯🇵 KISAKI - 'Providence' (Genre: Visual Kei, Heavy Metal)
🇬🇧 Lakes - 'Elysian Skies' (Genre: Midwest Emo, Indie Rock)
🇺🇸 Lawrence Wallace - 'Life Force' (Genre: Prog Metal)
🇮🇹 Le Scimmie - 'Adriatic Desert' (Genre: Desert Rock, Stoner Rock)
🇺🇸 Lost Circus - 'Lost Circus' (Genre: Hard Rock) 🇬🇧 Lottery Winners - 'Anxiety Replacement Therapy' (Genre: Pop Rock)
🇩🇪 Lucifuge - 'Monoliths of Wrath' (Genre: Black, Thrash Metal)
🇬🇧 Lunar Bird - 'The Birthday Party' (Genre: Dreampop, Synthpop)
🇩🇪 Majesty - 'Back to Attack' (Genre: Heavy, Power Metal)
🇺🇸 Male Tears - 'KRYPT' (Genre: Darkwave, Synthpop)
🇫🇷 Mälheür - 'Nocturnal Forces' (Genre: Speed Metal)
🇫🇷 Mars Red Sky - 'Mars Red Sky & Queen of the Meadow' (Genre: Stoner Rock, Psych Rock)
🇸🇻 Miasis - 'Consumación Humana' (Genre: Deathcore, Brutal Death)
🇵🇱 Mistral - 'In the Throes of Losing Love' (Genre: Post-Black Metal)
🇯🇵 桃色ドロシー (Momoiro Dorothy) - 'アイオライト' (Genre: Alt Rock)
🇩🇪 Nachtig - 'Eisig' Romantik' (Genre: Atmoblack)
🇮🇹 Nautha - 'Metempsychosis' (Genre: Psych Rock, Prog Rock)
🇩🇪 Necronomicon - 'Constant to Death' (Genre: Thrash Metal)
🇺🇸 Nova Skellis - 'Life Amongst the Damned' (Genre: Heavy Metal)
🇮🇩 Numeron - 'Road to Valhalla' (Genre: Atmo Black Metal)
🇺🇸 Oblivion FL - 'The Executioner' (Genre: Power Metal)
🇺🇸 OK Cool - 'Fawn' (Genre: Indie Rock)
🇺🇸 Old Dirty Buzzard - 'What a Weird Hill to Die On' (Genre: Groove Metal, Hard Rock)
🇫🇮 Ondfödt - 'Det Österbottniska Mörkret' (Genre: Black Metal)
🇳🇿 Orphans of Dusk - 'Spleen' (Genre: Gothic Doom)
🇫🇷 O.S.M. - 'Plagued by Doubts' (Genre: Prog Metal, Ambient)
🇳🇴 Panic Attack - 'Don't Stop' (Genre: Hardcore Punk, Thrash Metal)
🇦🇺 Peni Parker - 'Disrupt' (Genre: Alt Rock)
🇮🇹 Perfect View - 'Bushido' (Genre: AOR)
🇺🇸 Photo Ops - 'Burns Bright' (Genre: Dreampop, Indie Folk Rock)
🇺🇸 Plastic Presidents - 'Good Times Can't Last' (Genre: Ska Punk)
🇧🇪 Primal Truth - 'Seed of Evil' (Genre: Metalcore)
🇦🇺 Pustilence - 'Beliefs of Dead Stargazers and Soothsayers' (Genre: Death Metal)
🇬🇧 Redshift - 'Laws of Entropy' (Genre: Prog Metal)
🇬🇧 Reverend & the Makers - 'Heatwave in the Cold North' (Genre: Indie Rock, Dance Rock)
🇩🇰 Riverhead - 'Cancer' (Genre: Post-Hardcore)
🇸🇪 Runemagick - 'Beyond the Cenotaph of Mankind' (Genre: Death, Doom Metal)
🇪🇸 Sanctuarium - 'Into the Mephitic Abyss' (Genre: Death Metal)
🇯🇵 佐々木亮介 (Sasaki Ryousuke) - 'HARIBO IS MY GOD' (Genre: Indie Rock, Pop Rock)
🇨🇷 Savage Existence - 'Savage Existence' (Genre: Groove Metal)
🇺🇸 Scrap Pile - 'The Eagle Lake Slasher' (Genre: Brutal Death Metal)
🇸🇪 Sentinel Sirens - 'Orbithon Wave' (Genre: Thrash Metal)
🇯🇵 SHERBETS - 'Midnight Chocolate' (Genre: J-Rock)
🇦🇹 Siamese Elephants - 'There Goes the Sun' (Genre: Garage Rock)
🇬🇧 Single Mothers - 'Roy' (Genre: Punk Rock, Post-Punk)
🇬🇧 Skerryvore - 'Tempus' (Genre: Celtic Rock)
🇺🇸 Sleepsculptor - 'Divine Recalibration' (Genre: Mathcore)
🇺🇸 Smokey Robinson - 'GASMS' (Genre: Soul, R&B)
🇬🇧 Sock - 'Sock' (Genre: Indie Rock)
🇺🇸 So Much Light - 'Walkyouhome' (Genre: Midwest Emo)
🇧🇷 Sour Brandy - 'Unglory' (Genre: Groove, Stoner Metal)
🇺🇸 Spotlights - 'Alchemy for the Dead' (Genre: Post-Metal, Doomgaze)
🇬🇧 Staff Party - 'Dread' (Genre: Post-Hardcore, Noise Rock)
🇩🇪 Storm Seeker - 'Nautic Force' (Genre: Folk Metal)
🇺🇸 Supercollider - 'Once, but Never Again' (Genre: Shoegaze, Dreampop)
🇮🇹 Tarchon Fist - 'The Flame Still Burns' (Genre: Heavy Metal)
🇺🇸 Teenage Bottlerocket - 'So Dumb/So Stoked' (Genre: Skate Punk)
🇦🇺 Teramaze - 'Dalla Volta' (Genre: Prog Metal, Prog Rock)
🇺🇸 Terranoct - 'Icon of Ruin' (Genre: Thrash, Death Metal)
🇺🇸 The City Lines - 'Analog Memories' (Genre: Power Pop)
🇬🇧 The Damned - 'Darkadelic' (Genre: Punk Rock)
🇮🇹 The Frozen Autumn - 'The Shape of Things to Come' (Genre: Darkwave, Synthpop)
🇬🇧 The God in Hackney - 'The World in Air Qoutes' (Genre: Experimental Rock)
🇵🇱 The Hunt - 'The Hunt' (Genre: Darkwave)
🇭🇺 The Swan Station - 'Nightgazer' (Genre: Melodic Death Metal, Deathcore)
🇳🇿 Tiny Ruins - 'Ceremony' (Genre: Dreampop, Psych Folk)
🇨🇦 Tunic - 'Wrong Dream' (Genre: Punk Rock, Noise Rock)
🇬🇧 Twisted Illusion - 'Upstars to Optimism' (Genre: Prog Rock, Prog Metal)
🇨🇷 Unborn Prophecy - 'Waking Our Ancient Memories' (Genre: Death Metal)
🇺🇸 Underxted - 'Carnage' (Genre: Industrial Alt Metal)
🇺🇸 Vadiat - 'Spear of Creation' (Genre: Death Doom)
🇮🇹 Valgrind - 'Millennium of Night Bliss' (Genre: Death Metal)
🇺🇸 Vamachara - 'No Roses on My Grave' (Genre: Metalcore, Hardcore)
🇵🇪 Voracious Infection - 'Decrepexist' (Genre: Brutal Death Metal)
🇫🇮 Walhalla - 'Release the Beast' (Genre: Black, Thrash Metal)
🇬🇧 Wallowing - 'Earth Reaper' (Genre: Blackened Sludge Doom)
🇺🇸 Washer - 'Improved Means to Deteriorated Ends' (Genre: Indie Grunge)
🇦🇷 Winona Riders - 'Esto Es Lo Que Obtenés Cuando Te Cansás De Lo Que Ya Obtuviste' (Genre: Hard Rock)
🇨🇦 Zoon - 'Bekka Ma'iingan' (Genre: Shoegaze, Alt Rock)
New EPs:
🇬🇧 Assurance - 'From Ruin: Volume I' (Genre: Metalcore)
🇬🇧 Black Coast - 'Black Coast' (Genre: Nu Metalcore)
🇫🇷 Clarion Knell - 'Abyss of Fear' (Genre: Atmo Black Metal)
🇩🇪 Fiat Nox - 'Opium to Insidious Slumber' (Genre: Black Metal)
🇺🇸 Iced Earth - 'Hellrider / I Walk Among You' (Genre: Power Metal)
🇺🇸 Jaded Black - 'Vitriolic Awakening' (Genre: Death Metal)
🇧🇩 Kaal Akuma - 'Turiya' (Genre: Death Metal)
🇵🇱 Mismatched - 'Imperium/Plaga' (Genre: Blackened Death, Groove Metal)
🇬🇧 Nadir - 'Possessed by Grandeur' (Genre: Prog Thrash Metal)
🇨🇦 Ocular Trauma - 'The Dissection of Tragedy' (Genre: Black, Death)
🇲🇽 Shattered Vessels - 'Exile' (Genre: Symphonic Metal)
🇺🇸 Swollen Teeth - 'Swollen Teeth' (Genre: Nu Metal)
🇯🇵 TENDOUJI - 'BUDDY CLUB' (Genre: Indie Rock, New Wave)
🇬🇧 The Medea Project - 'Reflections' (Genre: Gothic Doom, Sludge Metal)
🇯🇵 ゆうらん船 (Yuransen) - 'ゆうらん船' (Genre: Alt Rock)
New Compilations:
🇺🇸 Ross the Boss - 'Legacy of Blood, Fire & Steel' (Genre: Heavy Metal, Punk Rock)
May have breezed through some of my sources and missed a few things but still a packed week and plenty of underground and new acts to try!
Happy Listening!
submitted by seffial to OmniListeners [link] [comments]

2023.04.26 02:41 Reiken___ pavillion

pavillion submitted by Reiken___ to FearAndHunger [link] [comments]

2023.02.26 05:46 prudent_rodent misfortune and unglory, kid

misfortune and unglory, kid submitted by prudent_rodent to IndianaJonesMemes [link] [comments]

2023.02.18 17:29 PythonicByron Nearly 40 hours in and still completely clueless

Hey everybody!
I desperately want to love this game and get into it, and I've given it a lot of tries, but I always get stuck in the same loop: I find nothing to do in the beginning. I'm two hours in an x-th Youth Gun, and I got quite lucky as I got a free freighter from an easy Hatikvah mission. Then I get this mission to scan an enemy ship for hull parts, and there is no way in hell I can figure out how to do it. All their ships I try to scan answer by the negative.
I found a basic delivery mission that was paid another 40,000 so I now stand with a very unglorious 80,000 credits, docked at the main Argon trading station on Hatikvah's choice and with absolutely no idea of how to move forward.
I tried a data leaks quest to but it didn't work out as I am asked to pick up an "interface" that doesn't show up at the station I'm looking to pick it up at.
So what should I do? I'd like to get to the point where I can have a fleet of small traders and miners generating some passive income.
EDIT: Thanks everybody, super helpful community!
submitted by PythonicByron to X4Foundations [link] [comments]

2023.01.28 07:04 aguyfromsydney I need suggestions for Club Member Management Software

Hi all. I am a Sport Shooting Club Official and have the unglorious task of
  1. Managing attendances
  2. Recording Scores for Each Competition
We already do have a custom management system that a previous member made, however it has out grown our needs. He has since stopped developing it.
I have googled my fingers out and cant find anything similar here that would fit my needs.
So I want a platform that can:
  1. Bring up member details when a QR Code is scanned
  2. Record the attendance
  3. Record the scores for the comp
  4. Web based
  5. Can do reporting at the end of the year
I am open to knowing what sort of other clubs use.
Thank you!!
submitted by aguyfromsydney to Ausguns [link] [comments]

2023.01.19 21:31 Mugatu68 Lost my first high"ish" level HC character.

Oh boy, didn't think the near death experiences were such a rush until... It was just too close and fell into darkness.
Rip druid level 83 that made it up to act 3 hell. Died ungloriously mfing in the pit from too many archer bosses in the 2nd level.
submitted by Mugatu68 to diablo2resurrected [link] [comments]

2022.11.26 17:32 tpatmaho CHALK RATINGS, AQUEDUCT, SATURDAY NOV. 26

CHALK RATING (in parens): The higher the Chalk Rating, the more competitive the race. The average race comes in at 100. Any race in the 80s or lower is weak, and likely to be won by a low-odds horse. Any race over 120 is strong, and more likely to produce a longshot winner.
CLASS: A rating for the individual horse, based only on speed and class.
ADV: A rating of relative advantage, which includes factors beyond just speed and class. The top relative advantage is 10.
AQU ONE (126)
Curiously, trainer Rudy Rodriguez is bringing #9 Darknstormy back from a layoff with jockey Castillo Amin, who hasn’t won in 107 tries this year. Rudy’s using Jose Lescano for his other two horses running here today. Hmmm.
AQU TWO (72)
#2 Royal Tryst (9/2) had won three claimers but hasn’t done much since coming to the barn of ownetrainer Marcelo Arenas. This $500,000 Medgalgia D’Oro colt is second on our ADV list and first in class, but, with a relatively unproven trainer, I'd want a price.
#2 Hydra rates high here, but there’s a negative trainer switch, from Jeffrey Englehart to Faith Wilson, who’s only trained horses in 10 races this year.
AQU FOUR (106)
Crowd will jump all over #4 Up to the Mark, with his Repole/Pletcher connections, Even worse, from a payoff perspective, is the people’s favorite jockey, Irad.
#10 General Jim, an expensive colt, is 2-for2 on the turf. However, jockey Junior Alvarado hasn’t been tearing up the lawn lately, winning only at a 7% rate with a truly dreadful ROB. It’s quite possible Shug has a reason for putting Junior in the irons, but we’ll see, won’t we? In horse racing, humans have the questions and horses have the answers.
AQU SIX (107)
#1,#3,#4,#6 are all desperados, being switched from unglorious turf efforts to this dirt sprint in the hopes of … what? A miracle? Maybe. But none of these has proven a thing on the dirt so far.
#6 Photon looks like a super-chalk in this MSW. #3 Summer Takeover is the better of the two first timers.
The Fall Highweight G3. Greeley and Ben, 8 years old and the winner of 22 races, won his last against a field so weak that the odds dropped to 15 cents. This admirable old campaigner seems to win, then need a couple of races until he wins again. In any case, he races a much better field now, and looks to be the third best horse. That generally indicates a 6/1 line. He’s another horse trotting from the Englehart barn into the care of Faith Wilson.
AQU NINE (104)
The Red Smith G3 Turf, named for the great sportswriter of yore. The two to beat here are the #1 Highest Honors and the #9 Soldier Rising, who damn near won this event last year. #3 Balthus, #4 Astronaut, #8 Temple have all given good account of themselves in graded races.
AQU TEN (131)
There’s a short-priced favorite in this race, Mariachi, and there’s a 40% chance he’ll wire this group out of the 1-hole. However, the three first timers have powerful connections, so it might be best to monitor where the money flows...
submitted by tpatmaho to horseracing [link] [comments]

2022.11.05 16:01 margoman_98 Unglorious, necro-fantasy TTRPG

I am not the author but I would like to point out this great Italian game on kickstarter. It is a game with decidedly ironic overtones in which your characters are dead people who have to face the world of the undead and the living in order to aspire to better paradises. The rules are not particularly complex, a traditional d10 game with metacurrency. It is dry but perfect for what it has to bring to the game. If you feel like it take a look at the project
submitted by margoman_98 to rpg [link] [comments]

2022.09.08 21:25 RandallBates Just realized something with the new released manga

We will see Godrick licking Malenia boots in all it’s unglory
submitted by RandallBates to Eldenring [link] [comments]
