Goodnight sayings to your bf

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2024.05.14 06:47 yoshemitzu "Live 4 Love - Early Version" Appreciation Post

A couple months ago, I finally decided to take the dive into Prince and explore his whole catalog -- that's a longer story, but the fact that like 80% of the songs are about sex and romance and half of the catalog is slow songs had put me off for a while.
But I'm so glad I did, because among all that are truly profound message pieces like "The Rainbow Children" and "Live 4 Love" (and beyond that, I could go on a different tangent about how Prince doesn't get enough credit having talked about social justice).
But to keep it contained, I'm currently listening to "Live 4 Love - Early Version" on loop, and I just have to gush with people I know will also appreciate it. The first 6 minutes of the song are good, but the song keeps keeping itself from really taking off. Every time it's about to drop, Prince intentionally deflates the energy and repeats the words "live for love" over and over. He truly wanted that to be the message of the song.
And then in the last minute and a half or so, the song reaches this peak that even the album version never quite made it to, and in the lyrics, he's basically saying, "What, you think this song ain't fire? I bet you're vibing on it right now." And I so fucking am.
Since this was an alt-take that was only released recently, this song might have actually escaped some of y'all's notice, so have the Spotify link.
As an aside, a few weeks ago, before I had finished Prince's catalog, my BF had made some comment about how Prince "couldn't rap." I'm assembling a list of songs like this ("Acknowledge Me" is in there, too) to show how wrong that is. Other suggestions welcome!
submitted by yoshemitzu to PRINCE [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:47 Latter_Quit5023 AITAH for using my boyfriend's "hall pass" he gave me on the "wrong" person?

Hi guys. Firstly, burner account for obvious reasons. Secondly I want some.... outside perspective on this.
So I (31F) have been dating my boyfriend John (37M) for close to a year. John has a really great job but has a pet project living his dream of putting a music project together. You would never know he has no formal experience but he has a great ear and he found a really great musician to start off. A beautiful talented young woman by the name of Tammy (25F), whom John has no interest in romantically because, well... he is with me and is happy with me.
Now Tammy is bisexual and it's no secret she has a crush on me. Always hugging me, wanting to put her arm around me to take selfies with me, always complimenting me. I am not uncomfortable with it and neither is John because he feels it's just harmless affection between between two new besties.
One day I ask to speak to her in private and I tell her that John has this weird thing about wanting to lick my armpits during sex (I don't mind, just I never had a partner doing... that before and it actually feels good) and I asked her if she ever had a partner focus on it. She says no, but asks if I can raise my arms up. I do, and she says "I can see why John likes to lick them, even your armpits are gorgeous." She always makes a point to gush on me. Sorry for the TMI, btw.
When me and John got in the car later that day I tell him what I talked to Tammy about. He said, and I quote, "We all know her lesbian crush on you. I know you say you're hetero, but if you ever want to scratch that lesbian itch I am giving you a hall pass.... a lesbian hall pass where I will not consider it cheating as long as it's with another girl." I tell him thanks but it will never be used, and that's the end of it....
....Fast forward to a month later and John is out of town for a work thing. Tammy invites me out to go clubbing with her, and I accept. We go and have a great time, dancing, then she suddenly leans in and kisses me! At first I was taken aback, but then I remember the hall pass and decide to kiss her back. Well let's just say that we couldn't wait to get back to her place and just lay into each other.... she also got why my BF liked my armpits. It was my very first time doing anything with a woman and although I enjoyed the experience, I think I would rather be with my guy.
When John got back the next day, I couldn't hold back and told him I used the lesbian hall pass. He asked, "Who was the lucky lady?" When I tell him it was Tammy, he got quiet, then said "Of all the women you had to pick Tammy?" I told him he didn't say she was off limits or anything so why not? He told me, "What you did was like clicking the unsubscribe link in a spam email. It doesn't do what you think it does. By having sex with her, she is likely going to think she has a shot of being with you as her girlfriend." I tell him that's silly, she knows I am with you.
A couple of days later she comes to my house and tells me that she really likes me and that night confirmed her feelings for me. I tell her that our night together was a one-time only show and I am with John not to mention I am not really into women (Alcohol was involved). She burst into tears, left in a hurry and John said she called him and asked to take a break from the pet project. My friends that I told are saying I am the asshole not for using the hallpass but for deciding to use it on John's partner knowing her crush. But AITAH if John didn't tell me up from the start not to use it on her?
submitted by Latter_Quit5023 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:34 ExplanationHappy173 Currently I have been thinking of this a lot…

So I (F26) live with my pup and bf. I wfh which means I am with her all the time. She is a little more than 3 months, beagle pup. And being a beagle she has a lot of opinions and ‘talks’ a lot. So be both end up talking for like god knows what several times in the day. I ask her ‘Say something’ looking at her and sometimes she would bark and go ‘woo woo’ and I would follow it up with some other questions like ‘why are your ears so long’ so like that’s how the conversation goes. Yesterday my neighbour, opposite my apartment, different buildings. He has 2 goldens, they were in the balcony so from the other side we brought our pup out to make them meet from far, she is not fully vaccinated yet so we don’t take her out. These golden guys were going crazy, excited, barking when they saw her. But my beglu (😭) she was just staring, idk trying to understand? Which got me thinking, she doesn’t interact with any dog… can she even speak the right dog language? What if she doesn’t know their language and she speaks something (thanks to me), something very different. This question has been keeping me up a lot these days. Any thoughts?
submitted by ExplanationHappy173 to puppy101 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:19 Delicious-Gate-8192 M/22 F/21 My boyfriend seems to prioritize money over me and it scares me .

We have been together since 4 years and I just saw that he commented on a post that asked : if you have the choice to save 2 what would you pick ? The options were mother , girlfriend, your kid and 20M $ , my bf picked his mom and 20M $ . I wouldn’t fuss about it if he didn’t have a history of letting me know that he would always choose money over me if he has the choice but he made it clear many times.
I understand that financial stability is important , but he doesn’t even know how to manage his money that well and borrows a lot from me (he gives it back ofc). So I don’t understand the obsession over money. I’ve asked him sometimes if he would be willing to lose me forever for 10 000 $ and he replies yes. I try to tell him that it’s a bit hurtful and weird in my opinion it’s so toxic . but he claps back saying that I never worked once in my life and that I wouldn’t understand.
It’s true we come from a different background thankfully my parents help me a lot . Him on the other hand he has to work to take care of himself and also his family back in is hometown. I try to be really understanding but it doesn’t make sense to me to be able to put money before a person who truly loves and support you . Money comes and goes right? If you lose some u can always gain it back but a genuine partner who loves you is so special nowadays and I feel like he doesn’t really see how lucky he is to be with me ( in the most humble way possible btw) .
He recently got a job at Sephora as a security agent. I was a bit nervous about it because he will be surrounded by women and he hasn’t always been honest about stuff. But I didn’t cause an argument and I accepted his choice and recently he told me that he needs to go back to his house and that he can’t live with me anymore because the Sephora shop is closer to his house. I got mad because he didn’t tell me about it sooner . Hell we were at the restaurant yesterday he talked about it he saw that my mood was shifting a bit so he said that he’s joking and that he won’t leave . As soon as we arrived home he came and told me that he needs to leave and I was so confused it didn’t sit right with me the whole process of letting me know about it. I got mad and again he called me selfish and told me that I wouldn’t understand cause I don’t have a family to take care of . I don’t know what do do anymore this makes me question everything. Is it normal to prioritize money that much?
TL;DR: My boyfriend commented on a post asking which two he’d save: mother, girlfriend , kid, or $20M. He chose his mom and the money. He has a history of saying he’d choose money over me, which hurts since he often borrows from me. I understand his financial background is different from mine, but his obsession with money feels toxic. He recently got a job at Sephora and decided to move back home without properly discussing it with me, saying it’s closer to work. This, along with his dismissive attitude towards my feelings, makes me question our relationship and whether it’s normal to prioritize money this much.
submitted by Delicious-Gate-8192 to relationships_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:13 valeriemaried How do I (28 F) resolve conflict where my bf (29 M) is saying he doesn't feel listened to and feels hurt by me?

I feel like I am losing myself in my relationship because I'm always feeling like a failure. My partner (29 M) frequently tells me things I've done wrong . Something comes up at least once a week where he says he doesn't feel listened to or "like a partner" in our relationship. I have tried really hard to fix previous concerns like letting him know when I'll be away from my phone for a while or making changes to my routine to not be late to things. We have had some really good strides where I've been able to tell him what I need or ask what he means about things to avoid miscommunications. But somehow, something else always goes wrong. I'm sorry this post is lengthy but I'll try my best to explain the most recent example.
Yesterdat my bf slept through his brother coming to visit on accident. He woke up and texted me and said he was spiraling a bit about feeling bad about it and would be okay but just needed a "5" to show him I was there. (this is supposed to be a call back to him saying I love you 5 ever in the past)
I didn't see his text for 30 minutes and then told him l was soo sorry I didn't see this sooner and that I was really sorry he slept through his alarm and missed that,but his body must have needed rest. He said it's okay, it's just my brother.
We spoke for 40 minutes about mothers day and other stuff and then he said "hey you never sent a 5" and I said "oh shoot, 5". It clearly upset him that I hadn't read and replied to that part of his text. It made him feel not listened to, he said, that I chose to reply how I wanted instead of doing what he asked for. I apologized and also said sorry I didn't say a 5 sooner and that I wish I had seen his text and sent a 5 right away. He got upset that I was apologizing for not texting him right away. He said apologizing for the thing he's not even upset about (not replying for 30 minutes) takes away his agency and takes away from him feeling heard. He then explained it hurt that I didn't ask more about his feelings and just changed the topic after he said "it's okay". I think sometimes I forget people say "it's okay" to try to be strong when really they want to talk about their feelings. He emphasized he wished I had asked about his feelings and I said I definitely should have and need to be better about asking more.
I apologized a ton last night and called him and cried to him on the phone about how much I cared and how much I didn't want to hurt him. He told me it was going to be okay and he even told me he felt loved and cared about. He showed appreciation when I took accountability and said things like "I totally see how it made you feel not heard that I dint do a small thing you asked for" and "I really should have followed up by asking more about your feelings or why you were spiraling".
Today he got upset again once he woke up and said I was defensive yesterday and it hurt and that I talk at him and not with him (I did get defensive a bit by saying things like "I didn't know you weren't still okay and I took it at face value when you said you were okay" or saying "I told you I know I messed up and I shouldn't have ignored you opening up to me" when he brought up again how hurt he felt.
For 24 hours he has continued to talk about how hurt he felt. But I don't know what I'm supposed to keep saying besides sorry and that I messed up. I tried keeping my answers brief after he said i was making things about myself because i didnt want to risk monopolizing the conversation. Then he told me I really hurt him because he shared so much about how hurt he was and I gave a 10 word answer. I apologized multiple times for my 10 word answer. He said it felt like I wasn't even trying. I tried asking what else he needs or what I could do to help and he told me I'm just Asking "out of self preservation". Then when I said I wish I knew what I could do to help he said "did you ask". Then he asked for examples of me asking accountability. I sent screenshots of when I said I messed up and hurt him and I should've done differently and he got upset and said "those are from yesterday and don't impact how I feel today". I tried taking accountability again.
Most recent convo, word for word: M: "I felt so small when you gave me a 10 word response I felt like I didn't explain enough or wasn't good enough . And to not really have a response, it hurt me so bad."
F: "I'm sorry for hurting you so much and giving so small of a response. I'm really sorry for the things I did to make you feel small."
M: "thats not what I'm worried about or bothers me"
F: "What are you worried about or bothered by? You shared it Made you feel small when I sent a 10 word response, so I thought that was a part of the problem."
M: "Not really related and makes me feel worse about getting the love I need/want"
F: "i don't understand. You brought up how much hurt you and how low it made you feel, how is it not related?"
M: "Did you ask?"
F: "I'm asking now"
M: "I'm sorry, I didn't realize you being hurt negated everything I've felt?"
F: "What? Where did I say I'm hurt?"
M: "You're asking a question so you could feel good or secure but I dont feel I'm afforded the same"
What am I supposed to do??
submitted by valeriemaried to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:07 Delicious-Gate-8192 My boyfriend seems to prioritize money over me and I don’t know if i should be concerned M/22 F/21

We have been together since 4 years and I just saw that he commented on a post that asked : if you have the choice to save 2 what would you pick ? The options were mother , girlfriend, your kid and 20M $ , my bf picked his mom and 20M $ . I wouldn’t fuss about it if he didn’t have a history of letting me know that he would always choose money over me if he has the choice but he made it clear many times.
I understand that financial stability is important , but he doesn’t even know how to manage his money that well and borrows a lot from me (he gives it back ofc). So I don’t understand the obsession over money. I’ve asked him sometimes if he would be willing to lose me forever for 10 000 $ and he replies yes. I try to tell him that it’s a bit hurtful and weird in my opinion it’s so toxic . but he claps back saying that I never worked once in my life and that I wouldn’t understand.
It’s true we come from a different background thankfully my parents help me a lot . Him on the other hand he has to work to take care of himself and also his family back in is hometown. I try to be really understanding but it doesn’t make sense to me to be able to put money before a person who truly loves and support you . Money comes and goes right? If you lose some u can always gain it back but a genuine partner who loves you is so special nowadays and I feel like he doesn’t really see how lucky he is to be with me ( in the most humble way possible btw) .
He recently got a job at Sephora as a security agent. I was a bit nervous about it because he will be surrounded by women and he hasn’t always been honest about stuff. But I didn’t cause an argument and I accepted his choice and recently he told me that he needs to go back to his house and that he can’t live with me anymore because the Sephora shop is closer to his house. I got mad because he didn’t tell me about it sooner . Hell we were at the restaurant yesterday he talked about it he saw that my mood was shifting a bit so he said that he’s joking and that he won’t leave . As soon as we arrived home he came and told me that he needs to leave and I was so confused it didn’t sit right with me the whole process of letting me know about it. I got mad and again he called me selfish and told me that I wouldn’t understand cause I don’t have a family to take care of . I don’t know what do do anymore this makes me question everything. Is it normal to prioritize money that much?
TL;DR: My boyfriend commented on a post asking which two he’d save: mother, girlfriend , kid, or $20M. He chose his mom and the money. He has a history of saying he’d choose money over me, which hurts since he often borrows from me. I understand his financial background is different from mine, but his obsession with money feels toxic. He recently got a job at Sephora and decided to move back home without properly discussing it with me, saying it’s closer to work. This, along with his dismissive attitude towards my feelings, makes me question our relationship and whether it’s normal to prioritize money this much.
submitted by Delicious-Gate-8192 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:55 Tomatenboot How can I get on autopilot temporarily, I feel like I am going crazy

This is kinda like a helpcry but also to rant and get some frustration out. As the title says I want to be on autopilot for a while, I feel like I am losing all my nerves, going insane and any ability to get anything done. I am a student, having my own apartment and (luckily) don't have to work at the moment because I went through chemotherapy (<2 years ago) and am getting insurance money for now. I can't keep up with anything. I can't focus/concentrate on university, even for just one subject, I can't keep my apartment clean or even remotely tidy, I can't feed myself, I struggle with going to sleep, I can't wake up and the only reason I shower twice a week is because I would be too ashamed in front of my bf or when going to university. I know that he tries his best to help me, but he has plenty of his own struggles too, I know that I would exhaust him too much in the long run, at least I can see improvement every ~6 months, but recently I am in a worse headspace again and a lot of the work and energy I worked up to is fading away again. Before my cancer diagnosis I used to (unintentionally) burrow negative feelings and memories in my mind far away, I know its not healthy and in the last two years I tried to face a lot which helped a lot in dealing with my experiences, but right now I feel like I need to lock those thoughts away, "fake it until I make it" to form some lasting habits again in helping me to at least deal with my chores and hygiene. I KNOW that I was/am able to cook everyday/every two days proper meals, to eat roughly 3 meals per day (either in meals or multiple snacks), to feel put together after waking up, to keep my apartment clean or at least tidied up, and I lost all those habits and routines during and after chemotherapy. I try to have some routine in going to university 3 times per week, not being too harsh when I skip things because I know that I am struggling a lot with the niveau, but I also know that it would feel easier if I had routines at home that helped me keep some chaos and disbalance out of my apartment, or if I at least ate everyday 2 meals. My boyfriend can't help a lot, mainly on the weekends.
This was definitely more of a rant, but my request for help still is: what are your tips to get on autopilot for some time, maybe just 2-3 weeks, to ignore stress, panic, anxiety and insanity.
submitted by Tomatenboot to depression [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:51 skyeky_ [M4A] A Friendly Spirit Haunting Your Apartment Needs Your Help to Pass on [PT1] [Bittersweet] [Ghost Speaker]

The listener accidentally calls on a surprisingly polite spirit, and the listener tries to help him pass on
Monetization is okay! No major changes to the script though, if you are wondering about something in that regard please feel free to message me! Let me know if you intend to fill this script and leave me your channel so I can keep an eye out, or post the video and send me a link! Always super happy to see people's hard work! ^-^
[Scene opens with some ambient spooky music, and the sound of a ouija board piece scratching on the board, writing something out. Some sort of sound like a phasing in or out of energy or something as the ghost appears]
Ghost: Oh- uh, hello there!
[Sound of the board and piece falling on the floor, followed by a thud]
Ghost: Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you! Are you alright? You didn’t hit your head, did you?
Listener: ….
Ghost: Huh? What do you mean who am I? You already asked if anyone was here! I said yes, and then spelled out my name for you! Remember? This just happened! Maybe you did hit your head…
Listener: ….
Ghost: Oh- well how did you think it was moving on its own then?
Listener: ….
Ghost: Magnets…? Sorry, no. There are probably some spirit boards that are fake, but this one is genuine! It was mine, a long time ago. I was hoping you’d find it eventually when you first moved in here.
Listener: ….
Ghost: Yes, this was my apartment. This was my room, in fact. I was glad you were the one to end up sleeping in here and not your roommate. You seem more in tune with the other side. By the way, love the decor! Some of it is definitely mine, I was glad you put it back up! Most people don’t decorate their rooms with the possessions of long deceased inhabitants that they found in storage boxes in the back of a walk-in closet, haha. I used to live here with my mom, I’m guessing when I died, she couldn’t stand to take some of my things with her. She was superstitious, so she never liked ‘occult’ related things. Although turns out she was right, so I guess she earned an I told you so. Too bad she left before I could get her to notice me. Most people can’t perceive me at all, and well, no one lived in this unit for a long time.
Listener: ….
Ghost: How did I die? My my, that’s an awfully forward question. To tell you the truth though, I don’t remember. The last thing I remember is watching tv in the living room, but I don’t know how much time passed between my last memory, and my death. I know for sure I died here though, I haven’t been able to leave this place. I haven’t even been able to go out into the main hall.
Listener: ….
Ghost: Ah, it’s not all bad! I can still turn the tv on, so there’s that at least! Uh- sorry, a-about your power bill… Ahem anyway, I seem to have this weird… attunement I want to say, to certain things. I don’t know how it works, electromagnetic waves maybe? I didn’t pay much attention in high school science. Or- high school in general, really.
Listener: ….
Ghost: Oh, I don’t know why I’m still here. Unfinished business, I guess? I don’t know, most spirits are angry, vengeful psychos because they got murdered or something. I don’t even know how I died, and life wasn’t all that great either, so I don’t really have anything to be angry about. I mean I miss my mom, sure, but I know my grandparents would take care of her, and she has some brothers and sisters and really great friends.
Listener: ….
Ghost: Aha, no, no girlfriends. No boyfriends, either. No friends, at least not close ones. No one to really miss me, besides my mom. I’ll admit, it does get a bit lonely from time to time.
Listener: ….
Ghost: You… want to help me? Well- that’s really sweet and all, but I don’t even know why I’m still here… where would we even start?
Listener: ….
Ghost: When did I die… I’m not totally sure. My sense of time isn’t great anymore, maybe twenty years ago or so? Things have changed so much, at least what I can see from the window. I’d say a long time.
Listener: ….
Ghost: Obituaries… that’s not a bad idea! At least gives you a place to start! Are you-... sure you want to help me with this? I feel like I’m putting you out, I only wanted to talk to you and say hello, but you’re going out of your way to do something kind for me.
Listener: ….
Ghost: Well, okay, if you’re sure then, thank you! Just one question- how long are you going to leave the creepy music playing? I’m not spooky enough to warrant that. Am I?
[Music stops abruptly]
Ghost: [The ghost laughs] You totally forgot about your mood ambience, huh? Do you like music? I did too. Not too many good ghostly radio stations these days though, haha… but anyway! I think you’ll be able to see me from now on, I sense some sort of… connection with you now through the spirit board. As long as nothing happens to it, I think you’ll be able to see and hear me from now on! I don’t think your roommate will though, so that probably works out for the best.
Listener: ….
Ghost: Thank you, so much… I actually feel kind of hopeful about not being trapped in this tiny apartment for the rest of… well, forever. I finally have a chance. That means a lot to me. I thought you might not be afraid of me, given your apparent interest in spirits, but this is even better than I could have hoped for.
Listener: ….
Ghost: I’m glad to see you’re so enthusiastic, but don’t you think you should be getting to bed? Your schedule on the fridge says you work at 7 tomorrow, and it’s past 11.
Listener: ….
Ghost: Of course! I’m dead, not blind! I can check your schedule just as easily as you can! It was nice knowing when people were going to be here and when they weren’t. I… actually paid really close attention to it. Alright, no more distractions! Get to sleep, or you’ll be totally exhausted for the first day of our investigation tomorrow!
[Listener turns off a lamp and gets into bed]
Ghost: Goodnight. And again… thank you. You’re committing more time to me than I deserve.
Part 2 coming soon!
submitted by skyeky_ to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:39 Faariiday I (28F) might to leave my (30M) boyfriend because of his hateful family. I do not want to hurt him, but I do not know what to do?

This relationship started 7 yrs ago during our college yrs. 5 months into our new relationship, I moved in with my bf and his brother due to a disagreement I had with my family. Of all the things that were going wrong during that time, my relationship with my bf actually became better and stronger. We got to know each other more and it turns out we are a good match! Towards the end of 2020, his brother and mom had lost their jobs due to covid. So the brother (we’ll call him Petter), Mom/Dad, and my boyfriend ended up all moving together to a bigger house. On top of that, his other brother (we’ll call him Mat) was about to have his baby. Once the baby was born, they basically left the child with my boyfriend’s mom. So the baby now lives there too. I became uncomfortable due to the lack of privacy and loudness so I moved out. Like most couples, I sleep over at his place at least 2-3 times a week but this is now becoming a problem. I’ve gotten into multiple fights w/ the mom and most recently with the dad.
I cannot stand his family. I might sounds aggresive but here me out... He comes from a very abusive and dysfunctional family. The type of dynamic where the dad is your typical wife beater with a loser mentality who lives rent free and the mom who has stockholm syndrome and relies on her children to care for her every need and even makes them fight each other. The mom constantly bullies me to the point where we don't talk anymore. She believes I am not doing anything with my life just because I have not had a baby yet. Any occasion we would talk, she would bring up the conversation about having a child. We went to Disneyland not too long ago. When we got back, the mom told both of us that “if we can afford disneyland we can afford a baby”, which is incredibly ignorant to say. Out of anger, I told her she should focus on bothering Mat about his deadbeat parenting style instead of her bullying and harassing me for not having a child. To put it in simple words, his family (specifically his mom) is very good at punishing good-hardworking-positive behavior and rewarding horrible-sh*tty-loser mentality behavior.
Recently, his dad was hospitalized for heart issues and was discharged on “RMA-AMA”. He now expect everyone, including my boyfriend to baby him and wipe his a**. This is where my issues with his family got a whole lot worse. About 3 nights ago, I was awakened by the sound of stuff being thrown around and the dad yelling. I told my boyfriend to check it out but he was refusing so I went out to see what was going on. The dad was calling the mom a lot of profanity words and throwing things at her. This instantly triggered me and I told him to stop calling her those names and stop throwing things or I would get the police involved. I just wanted to defend the mom. He turns and stares at me with bad intentions. The dad called me a “b*tch”, “wh*ore”, and all the worst things you can think of. My boyfriend instead of defening me, told me to go back to the room and procedding to saying "lets just go to sleep" and acted like nothing happened. When things calmed down, I asked my boyfriend why he didn’t defend me from his dad. My boyfriend said “what was I supposed to do, fight my dad?”. I would never ask my boyfriend to get physical with anyone but dang can I at least have his support. To make things worse, the next day his mom with her stockholm syndrome said I was being disrespectful when all I was trying to do was DEFEND her. Now I know I should NEVER get involved in those types of situations, I was just triggered and scared by the whole situation because I am not used to that type of behavior.
This has put us in very complicated situations. It’s depressing, because almost every other day my bf and I are arguing about our living situation (we do not live together) and his family. It is so painful because I feel like this is not who we are. When we are away from his family, we are the happiest couple ever but when his family is in our presence we are basically miserable. I’m fed up and it makes me wonder if this relationship is worth it. I also feel like his family only brings out the worst in me. I am currently working in the medical field as a new grad so I had a lot of stress. I try my best to not be around toxic environments but it's hard because my boyfriend LIVES in a toxic environment. I’m desperately trying to move out and my boyfriend thinks its time to dip as well. However, he doesn’t want to move out until he is financially ready to pay for his rent and also help out his family with their rent. I might be an a**hole but I do not believe his family deserves his help. I also think this is such a slap in the face towards me. He knows his family treats me like sh*t, yet his guilt complex is making him think he needs to take care of his family. I asked how he could still want to be “in good terms” with them especially after his dad called me a “b*tch” and his mom called me “disrespectful”. His family has never done anything to help him achieve the goals he accomplished or even cared to see how he is doing. I honestly think him wanting to still help his family is a huge slap to my face and basically shows me that he will never have my back. For this reason, I'm considering leaving because I do not want to make him pick between his family or me. I cannot, will not, and do not want to change his way of thinking because I wouldn't like to be in that sitation myself. However, I would never let any of my family talk profanity or bully my boyfriend because I know it is not right. My boyfriend isn't a bad a partner, he is my bestfriend but I just feel betrayed and alone in this issue. I feel like he doesn't understand the what it feel like to be bullied by your partners parents. This is one of the hardest decisions I’m going to make, so I’m wondering if there us anyone with a similar experience who can commiserate.....
submitted by Faariiday to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:37 Firm-Character-677 4yrs LDR delulu lang ba ako or may future (medyo mahaba)

Hi I just wanna share my LDR story cuz I can't really judge clearly right now without being biased. I'm already attached to him given na naka abot na kami ng 4years and my mind seems to justify him. We broke up last May 5 lang.
Anyways, I'm 23F, filipino and he's 23M, indian.
Ps. Medyo mahaba hahaha
So, we met on a MMORPG last summer of 2020. We started talking on DC and I usually don't get interested to ppl I met online but his attack was kinda different. He asked about my GPA and I was like wow concern sa grado baka matino. Ganern. Online classes are still on going that time so we usually talk more at night. And it wasn't just some small talks but quality talks. About life ganern, interests and views on different things. We don't usually agree but we both talk so deeply about it kaya nagkasundo.
Fast forward, ako talaga ang unang naattached. And I already know that time (which was only months after we first talked) na wala kaming patutunguhan. He wasn't that attached to the point of considering me on his future. But still, I didn't mind. Wala pa din naman akong plano sumabak sa relationship irl. NBSB pero may mga manliligaw. So ayun, nagpatuloy sa kalandian habang nanonotice ko na na medyo may katotohanan na sa mga "I love you" nya. We've been so wholesome na rin. Been into different kind of games like Dragon Raja, 8ball, COC, at halos lahat na yata ng games sa play store na subukan na. Hindi naman ako gamer tbh ML lang talaga yung game na nilalaro ko tyaka yung MMORPG na yun. But anyways to make the story short, sa 4 years na yun marami na ring away. Let's say every year may pinag aawayan talaga. He was talking to girls on DC even tho it wasn't that malicious but still. We started there too😆 iyan yung issue sa let's say 2-3 yrs ig. Pero di naman sobrang dami mga like 2 months lng out of 12. Then last year, he greeted his ex of 2yrs a happy birthday. Tbh nung unang year wala lang sa akin. On our 2nd year when I found out, I told him to stop cuz I didn't like it. Last year was kinda diff cuz he greeted her a belated birthday mga atiiih. Belated hahahaha the care to greet even though it was alrdy late di ba. So nag away ulit. Ilang beses na rin sya nag ask ng chances sa 4yrs na Yan. Like super sincere to the point na hindi ka niya tatantanan ng message mapa DC, tele, WhatsApp or insta. Ilang beses na rin sya umiyak dahil sa situation namin like sa LDR, to say sorry, dahil sa different beliefs and all. I told him that we should wait until 26 to decide if pwede na iuwi sa kasalan hahaha ganun kalala ang love and patience ko mga bhiee. He agreed too cuz by that time, we will be mature enough to decide considering na di pa sya secured sa job that time. And to conclude kasi napahaba na, for me, our love was real and very wholesome I might not show it through this forum but yeah, it was. But the thing is, last 1st week of May I kinda tested him saying that, "this is probably the lowest point of my life" cuz currently we're having some financial problem cuz of hospitalization and he knew it. But guess what, he ignored that msg. I told him goodnight right after kasi mukhang Wala talaga syang plano mag reply and guess what, he replied. "Sorry Im kinda busy, you can sleep tho" okay I understand. Busy sya. But girl diba? Am I wrong tho? Did I just assume stuffs? Pero I decided to end it right after. I deleted my msged abt that lowest point shi and he innocently asked if I want to explain why I was breaking up with him. And I told him no need. Cuz bakit pa? I've had my answer. And si kuya sabi niya, I kinda know why and it's rlly hard that I can't do anything about it. Pero why not console me? Pero mali ba ako? I need your wisdom masyado nang biased utak ko. So ayun wala na talaga. Kala ko mabilis lang mag move on since online lang pero iba rin talaga pag naattached na haha. Was I wrong tho or did I saved myself. Anyways, graduation na nxt year so focus nlang muna sa studies ngayon.
submitted by Firm-Character-677 to adultingph [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:34 strawberrysings Narc Dad getting worse about me because I am slowly cutting him off

I haven't talked to my narc dad in about 3 months/well haven't seen him or barely answered his calls or texts. Long story short recently, he has been pushing even more to "see" me and getting angrier when I don't. He asked me multiple times throughout the day to "do things", and then when I declined... he asked to come to my house to get a hug... haha. Creepy isn't it? Then 2-3 days ago, I was leaving knowing he was coming to the house to drop my brother off (he doesnt live with me, I live with my mom and her bf). I got unlucky and he drove right next to me in the neighborhood. I didn't let down the window or get out because I was in a rush and was on the phone with the bf he doesn't know about.
I was at a mothers day dinner, and my moms bf (hates my dad) mentioned my narc dad was PISSED about me not getting out of the car to give him his little attention and say hi. The fact that my n dad assumes the absolute worst about me is hilarious. So you want a relationship with me, but you physically and virtually stalk, manipulate, gaslight, possess, and assume the worst about your youngest daughter. Ill give yall an example, when i WAS seeing him, I told him casually a "friend" (my bf) helped pay off my minimum for my credit card when I was on hard times. He flipped it around, investigated and went pyscho calling my mom (hes been divorced to her for 7-8 years) telling her this "friend" helped pay off my WHOLE entire balance and that I probably did some "favors" (sexual) for this friend. Assuming that I would do intimate and vile things for money.
Basically my n dad ranted to my mom about how he doesn't understand why I am ignoring him and doesn't want to see him. The Narc will ALWAYS push everyone and everything when it has something to do with them even having to THINK about looking in the mirror. He has been upset for days apparently and even talked to my enabler sister about it. The narc has to have to control even if it isn't a situation that needs to be controlled. Anyways, since his little hidden agenda doesn't work, he clearly confided in my enabler sister about it. Same night, she asked me if I wanted to go to lunch with him, her, and my brother. I said I don't know. What do i do? at this point I want to go off on him, but I know he will not listen or believe anything I say.
Everyone judges me for treating him the way I am, How about why do I feel so much pain? How about all of the abuse? I don't judge or try to sway my enabler sister for having a 'relationship' with him, but she pressures and forces me to have one with him. That is the definition of hypocrisy. The fact that he can't come to me personally about the issue says a lot, because he knows I am the only person who won't give af about confronting him. He doesn't want to know an issue is about him in any sort of way. Anyone going through the same thing?
submitted by strawberrysings to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:01 ThrowRA5353003 My (f23) bf (m24) has a girl best friend since high school and they talk quite often. Why do I feel so uncomfortable about it even when ik there’s nothing going on?

They have been best friends since high school and I have male best friends as well but we don’t talk as often as my bf and his friend do. I’ve met her before and she’s cool but I still feel uncomfortable with how often they talk to each other. In my head when you get a significant other, your opposite gender friendships aren’t as prominent in your life. I know that when my guy friends got girlfriends we stopped talking as often out of respect for them. I’ve brought it up to him multiple times and how it makes me uncomfortable but idk what to do anymore. He says that there’s nothing between them and they are just friends. I believe him but I still feel jealous that another girl gets to vent to him and share her life with him. I don’t know how to ease my mind or make myself feel any better.
submitted by ThrowRA5353003 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:48 codywan_confusion AITAH for doing a Codywan RP?

Throwaway account because the subject matter is cringe and id rather not get bullied on my main, thanks.
TLDR: My boyfriend thinks the romantic codywan RP I'm doing with a friend is emotionally cheating and wants me to stop RPing and to stop engaging with the fandom. AITAH?
I (f27) am in an argument with my bf (m29) of two months concerning a text based roleplay I'm doing with a friend.
I'm a cringey fandom roleplayer. Fandom and RP have been an enormous part of my life since I was 13. It is my most beloved hobby, two of my best friends in the whole world, I meant through RP. Roleplaying is basically like creating fanfiction with another person. You each play a character, you write a couple of paragraphs, then the other person responds. It's a game. It's fiction. The things my character says or does are oftentimes not things that I would say or do or endorse, because I'm playing as a character. The relationship I have with my RP partner is not the same as the relationships our characters might have with each other. We DO NOT bring our real lives into the RP. I promise, this is relevant so keep it in mind.
I know it's not everybody's cup of tea, I know a lot of people see it as childish and cringey, and I'm okay with that. It was something that I was deeply ashamed of and was bullied for for a long time, but I've come to accept that it's something I don't have to be ashamed of, but it's still a sensitive topic for me and something I really don't like to disclose. Growing up, I felt a lot of pressure to keep this hobby a secret, or to abandon it entirely because people who found out about it were mean about it. When I was 17, one of my closest friends emailed large potions of my "Mermaid Destiel mpreg RP" around the school. So, I'm sure you can imagine why I'm having such a hard time looking at this situation rationally. It's all caught up in my feels.
In 2019, I started doing Codywan (Obi-Wan x Commander Cody, if you're a casual Star Wars fan and know nothing about the fandom, I am so sorry.) rp with a friend, and we're still doing that RP to this very day. She is one of my closest friends. We have written thousands of pages together. The RP is most definitely romantic, but it isn't smutty. We tried writing porn a couple of times years ago, but it never went anywhere because I didn't enjoy it. The old threads have long since been deleted.
My boyfriend absolutely hate the RP. I have never, ever tried to hide it from him. I told him about it when we first started dating, before we were official, because he asked what my hobbies are. He's a Star Wars fan, not really into the fandom thing, and we had a good laugh about it. Sure, he's made a couple of snide remarks about how cringy it is, but I'm not going to pitch a fit about that because, yeah, it is cringy. I'm self-aware enough to know that. But yeah, it's never been a secret. He's never been very interested in it, and that's fine by me. Every once in a while he'll ask me questions, and I'll answer them. I guess that's why I feel so blindsided about this whole thing.
Recently, he asked to read a couple, just out of curiosity, and I let him, and he was fucking furious! The section he was reading was romantic, describing the characters holding hands and kissing because they were on a date. He accused me of emotionally cheating on him with my RP partner. I think that's ridiculous. Like I said, the role play is fiction. I have never felt romantic feelings for my RP partner, we've never kissed, we've never even met in person. Yes, we chat about all kinds of things outside of the RP because we're friends. Outside of the rp, we do not flirt. We do not talk about our sex lives. I have never come ever said anything bad to her about my boyfriend. I've never hidden the fact that I have a boyfriend from her. I do not see her out as my primary source of comfort. We talk about fandom, other hobbies, life, things like that.
I just feel so fucking confused. I pulled up our "out of character" thread and begged him to read it because I felt like that would prove my innocence, but he absolutely refused because he "already saw everything he needed to know". I asked him if married actors are cheating on their spouses when they have to kiss other people in movies, and he said that wasn't the same. I asked him if it was cheating for an author to write about a romantic relationship, he said that it wasn't the same because authors work alone. I asked him "what about people who co-author books together?" I mean, christ, were Terry Pratchett and Neil diamond having an affair without each other when they wrote Good omens? That's fucking ridiculous. But he got absolutely furious and told me to "shut up and stop trying to defend myself!" He told me I ruined Star Wars by doing this to him, and he wanted me to delete discord and Tumblr. I told him absolutely not, I hadn't done anything wrong. It still makes me so fucking mad because he was talking down to me like I was a fucking child, and my punishment for disobeying him was taking away my social media.
He was mad at me and gave me the cold shoulder for a couple of days, but yesterday, he sat me down because he wanted to have a talk with me. He apologized for freaking out at me, he said that his behavior was irrational and unacceptable, and he did agree that he had no right to try to force me to delete discord and Tumblr. You told me that the role play made him really uncomfortable, and that he felt I had betrayed him by hiding this from him, which is absolute bullshit and I called him out on that, because I hid nothing from him. He tried to tell me that I never told him it was a romantic RP, and I told him that he knew from the start that it was a ship RP, what did he expect? Then he said he doesn't mind if I kept RPing, but he doesn't want me engaging with the Star Wars fandom anymore, and he wants me to block my friend. I told him that he's talking down to me again, that he is punishing me without even bothering to hear my side of things. I asked him, again, to read the OOC thread, because if he genuinely thinks our relationship is inappropriate, I need to know. The characters we play are fictional, the relationship is fictional, there's a line between fiction and reality and we do not cross it. The RP isn't going to give him an accurate representation of my relationship with my friend. If he wants to judge that relationship, he needs to look at the OOC thread. Well, when I suggested it, he blew up at me again and told me I wasn't listening to him. He told me I was being petulant, fucking petulant, and unreasonable. He hasn't spoken to me since, and he's still absolutely fuming.
Look, I'll be honest, there's no way in hell I'm staying in this relationship. I do not want to being a relationship with somebody whose first response is anger. I want somebody who respects me enough to have an adult fucking conversation with me. If he had just talked to me instead of accusing me of cheating and blowing up at me, things would be different. But he didn't and I don't do second chances, not for stuff like this.
But this is the first long-term relationship I've had since I was a teenager, so some part of me feels like maybe I misstepped. Is doing a romantic RP with someone "cheating"? Was I in the wrong? AITAH?
submitted by codywan_confusion to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:13 mojikou I am not allowed to see him because of my parents. And im not sure how long he is willing to put up with it.

So in an earlier post I (F18) put in vent, I have a big crush on a guy, and I only called him my bf (M20) for simplicity and the sake of the post and it's pretty much mutual. But as a brief summary:

I made things worse by fabricating that I was going out with friends 2 days ago. I was actually trying to go out with my crush. Dad fucking drives me there. BIG mistake, demands to see my friends, ofc I cant show him. I get an earful of how crush is a predator, he just saved my life, essentially never do that again. I get my phone taken for lying and I basically have to cut contact with him.

My dad swears (along with my mom since she just co-signs every thing he does) that all I have to do is just tell him who he is and introduce him. And call me crazy for NOT doing that, but I've been living with these helicopter parents my whole life and I can make a pretty good assumption of how I would be treated after introducing him.

The times I would be honest about who I'm with, it would be brought up randomly in a conversation and how my boyfriend of the time is distracting me and then they would "eliminate" the problem by taking my phone or laptop typically.

I've had a clean slate my whole life because every bad deed I've committed, they have been there every step of the way. Some people dream at night for parents like those and I know that. So I am in constant torment of appreciating the lavish life I have, in exchange for the most committed parents one has ever seen.

So dad comes in today and I'm just sick of this conversation. First of all he condesendingly says "Your life sucks right now huh?" and I tell him no because I secretly have other plans (-and even if I didn't I'm far too old to be bitching about a roadblock I would find an alternative to), but he asks me who he is, where he lives, when he's gonna meet him. I tell him straight up I'm not disclosing any of that stuff. Bold move for someone who lives under his roof but I already accepted that I'm willing to get my things taken and yelled at if that means protecting my peace and my crushes because A) he didn't deserve getting stood up, intentional or not, 2 days ago, and B) I wasn't going to drag him into my family mess no matter what. He starts yelling ofc and is probably going to take more jurrasic measures knowing him and my mom.

Believe it or not while my caretakers are a big concern, my bigger one is how long my crush is willing to put up with it since we are starting to be, and basically something much more. I undeniably adore him and we really have a bond like no other. I tell him my parents just wont be apart of the picture for now. But with his looks and personality I'm sure a girl with a much better situation than me could easily take him away.

TL;DR: Parents find out about crush and now im worried my boyfriend don't wanna be a part of that
submitted by mojikou to Crushes [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:11 NetflixFoodChill My INFJ ex bf still talks to me, is he breadcrumbing me?

It’s been a month since my INFJ ex bf (29M) broke up with me (ENFP, 29F). He started a new job 2 months ago and seemed to be struggling there at that time. I too was adding some emotional baggage to him since I kept telling him about my concerns etc last month. We had a misunderstanding a week before the breakup, he told me before that that I’m not even checking on him (not even texting him good night or goodmorning unless he initiates it). It has been only one month since we’ve been in LDR coz I have to go home for my study review, but we agreed for me to come back to the city. I couldn’t go back so I felt that he got so upset with me about it since he’d been looking forward to it. Then a week after that, he sent me a long message about breakup. Saying he had so many issues in our relationship but couldn’t muster the courage to tell me since I may get upset with him. For now, he just wants to give time for himself.
We lived together for more than 2 years but have been together for more than 3 years. We connect so well but had difficulty in handling conflicts. My fault is I am an avoidant as he is. The differences in terms of conflict resolution seemed to have burned him out emotionally. Hence, the main reason why he broke up with me—incompatibility. I honestly believe we can still work it out but he seemed to have checked out for many months already prior to the breakup. It’s so sad because he has not even communicated to me in all transparency and honesty his issues with me, or his own needs. Always telling me you should have known about it already. But, I’m no mind reader so I don’t even have a clue when I have already hurt him, although I do not even mean to.
A few days after the break up, I still tried to plead with him for us to work it out. But he told me he needs space and time to think, and to work on himself, and he said that even if we get back together since it’s ldr for now, the main issues will still not be resolved and things might just get worse.
But 2-3 weeks post break-up, when I told him I already respect and accept his decision, he got so sad. We started talking again, although not everyday.. just for a few days each week, because I was initially initiating the conversations.
3.5 weeks since the breakup, the mental and emotional anguish hit me and I decided not to contact him anymore.
He then reached out, asked about my well-being, my family, my studies..and how I feel.
We broke up amicably one month ago, and in 2-3 weeks time, he told me directly (one time only) and indirectly (through other cues like reminiscing and talking about my quirks, our past etc.) that he misses me.
I told him I am doing better now and asked him how he was too. He updated me about his life but he keeps on turning the conversation about me. He undeniably gives me attention and I felt that he still prioritizes me whenever we talk. (I usually end our conversation since I am also not 100% healed yet from the breakup and I don’t want to harbor any false hope).
He talked to me as if giving all his attention to me, sometimes flirting too, and told me I hope you don’t keep unsending your messages. So I can read them later if I can’t read them right away. He also even told me he hopes that I will greet him on his bday. He also still calls my parents “mama and papa” even though we’ve broken up already. I am so confused since he has not mentioned about the breakup anymore since 2 weeks ago and seems to avoid that topic. But he has not told me he wants to get back together too. He also thanked me when I told him I already agree for us to meet up at a later time when I’m already settled.
Is he breadcrumbing me or is he having second thoughts about the breakup? Why is he doing these?
submitted by NetflixFoodChill to infj [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:05 Bakablueberrypie dear o

i wonder how you're doing. it's been a month since we last talked, you ghosted me again. for like the 100th time. no matter how much i try to not care about you for my own good deep down i just miss you so much. i will never forget the day you left me for what i thought would be the final time, oh how bad i cried. i cried till i got a headache. i cried until i felt relief after. i cried listening to our favorite song, the one you showed me... when you left, i couldn't even listen to their music without breaking down in tears...
when you left, it hurt so bad. it hurts so fucking much to lose your best friend that you care for so much. worst part was that i had no one to go to at the time, my bf would get pissed at me everytime i talked about it cause he was jealous i was crying over another guy, so i just held it to myself. (this next part is personal and i am NOT blaming it on my friend! it is not his fault. this is just my story.) the pain got so much worse and consumed me. i fell into a very deep depression last year. i didn't feel like myself at all i couldn't recognize myself anymore. eventually i had a really bad episode of insomnia and eating disorder. couldn't eat or sleep, all i did was hallucinate and cry. i still missed you a lot and would cry about it ocasionally. after a couple months or so i was able to sleep again cause i bought melatonin and i slept like a baby, slowly i began fixing my relationship with food and eating more and healthier foods aswell, i started exercising again, and i started begin to feel like myself...
around the time i started getting better, started to find meaning in life again, you came back unexpectedly... i was sooooo happy when you came back, although i tried to act casual and chill because i didn't want to scare you off, deep inside i was extremely happy to talk to you i missed you so much... i finally got to tell you all the things you missed out on while you were gone... i was over the moon. my bf and close friends didn't like seeing you return, but i didn't really care...
although the second time you came back around we weren't as close as we were the first time, we were still friends. you'd still ghost me a bit every now and then and it hurt but i ended up getting used to it after a couple months. you told me your (its complicated but basically his girlfriend) was suicidal and on the verge of k-lling herself very soon and there was nothing you could do about it. i tried my best to comfort you and give you all the advice i could. a bit after, you ghosted me again.
this is a bit odd but during january night i had a feeling you could come back soon i even talked a bit about it to my at the time bf (a new one not the other one) and whats weird literally the next day you texted me randomly after ghosting me for a bit. crazy right. anyway we talked a bit had a brief conversation talked about my new bf whatever. last we talked, you told me you were trying to better yourself and took a bit of action and i was genuinely so happy for you, like that made my day. i told you about some of my struggles. after that conversation, you ghosted again. i thought to myself, maybe he just has a distance personality. maybe this is who you are as a person and i should get used to it.
a couple weeks ago i realized you blocked me? i don't really know why. i'm not gonna trip over it though because you always end up coming back anyway lol. even if you didn't, though... i think i will be okay this time... <3
i just wanna say, thank you for everything. when we first met, we helped eachother soooo much in the short time we knew eachother. even though our friendship was quite traumatizing for me i'm still so glad it happened because it means so much to me, and the pain that came with it has also changed me so much as a person. i still care about you so much. i don't even have a problem with you being around. you always leave because your depression gets bad and you think leaving will benefit me, but it's actually the opposite. o, i love having you around. i love talking to you. i don't know why you convince yourself the best thing to do when things get bad is isolate yourself and go ghost on everyone that cares about you. (something that touches me is that when he ghosted me the first time, i was the last one. he went ghost on most people he knew and i was the last one he let go of... it took me months to realize. that makes me feel quite special though despite this behavior is toxic lol.) i'd support you every step of the way no matter how bad things get for you, i'm not sure why you always leave. but at this point, you should definitely know i will always welcome you with open arms... even though it hurts me. i don't know why despite i know you're toxic for me, i still care about you. maybe it's the close bond we had at the beginning idk. i will always welcome you with open arms, i still (platonically) love you no matter what. all i want is to see you happy and healthy, sometimes i even pray for you. i <3 u sm o. (platonically!) even if you reach happiness while not in my life, all i care is that you are happy and okay. even if you don't come back, i'll be okay this time.
submitted by Bakablueberrypie to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:01 lost-PT Am I being unreasonable for being suspicious about my sister's relationship? (wall of text)

My older sister is 36 and in her first relationship. She's religious and never had premarital sex. Right now she is dating a nonreligious guy (41) who did have previous girlfriends and had sex. She's not eager to have children or be a mom or give birth, though if they happen they will happen and she plans on hiring a nanny to raise them while she works. IDK if this is because the guy wants kids, but you shouldn't have kids just because the guy wants it. No mention about whether the guy will stay at home or not, it's assumed he will work.
They've been dating for over 3 years. I feel like you would know whether you want to marry someone after at least a minimum of year and a half, especially if you're past 30 and more established with your life and know yourself better, and there should be zero doubt by that point. This is also her first relationship so she has no frame of reference to compare him to other guys.
Recently, she thought having sexual desires and fantasies similar to movies (very tame stuff) were "demonic attacks", and I had to tell her that "sometimes a banana is just a banana. You're just a healthy woman with a reproductive drive." I can't believe I had to say this to a 36 year old. My sister said I should be able to find a good guy despite having sex outside of marriage if I know I "made mistakes and regret it". She's pretty churchy, and probably told her boyfriend how she will forgive him for having premarital sex or something. She brought him to a church where the people started speaking in tongues.
I feel like the boyfriend has a lot of doubt about my sister, according to what she tells me. My sister acts like she needs to convince and prove to him that she's marriageable, and she's worried about him walking away if she tells him about our brother knocking up a girl. This isn't how you should feel in a healthy relationship. If you don't feel 100% comfortable with someone after 3 years of dating them and feel like you still need to prove yourself to them and worry if they would break up with you over something that's not even your fault, then you shouldn't marry them. There should be a deep trust between each other and faith that your partner will have your back before marrying them. I asked her what she likes about her boyfriend and she listed a laundry list of stats about him, like "has a good job, responsible, comes from a good family, attractive to me" and said he probably likes her because she is educated and has a good job, is attractive, doesn't have a difficult personality. Nothing about how he makes her feel, how he positively impacts her, connections.
A bunch of little things about the BF and the relationship with him doesn't sit right with me. I saw him in person and spent time with both my sister and BF at the same time a couple times, and I get this underlying feeling that he doesn't really respect her or dote on the ground she walks on. I wonder why he is with her and get the feeling he is settling because he feels like he can't do better despite the red flags that my sister shows, and I feel like he's just "tolerating" her "quirks".
My sister described her boyfriend as "perfectionist" and that's why he is stalling on getting married, because he hasn't gotten my mom's approval (which he will never get). Life isn't picture perfect and he needs to go with the flow. I feel like he's too controlling over factors that are outside his control and he can't accept this. Like how arrogant and neurotic can he be that he thinks he can reason with our mom when not even her two own daughters can get that from her? My sister is also annoyed by him being perfectionist and talking so much (in her opinion), she should assume it's gonna be even more annoying during marriage and possibly get worse.
What is he gonna do when things happen during marriage that are obviously not always going to be perfect? When my sister isn't perfect or behaves exactly the way he expects a wife to?
Also, not having sex for over 3 years. He isn't a Christian or doing it for religious reason. Maybe he really is waiting and staying celibate for her, but is he really? Or is he cheating behind her back until he gets to marry her? Even my sister was like "I feel like he would cheat on me during marriage if I didn't have sex with him. A lot of guys cheat."
I probably should say something but I don't know if she would take it, and if she does, if she will self reflect. Maybe this relationship works for her and it will be fine if they marry. The relationship feels odd to me but unfortunately I don't think my sister can do better. Not the way she is now. She has too many weird things going on herself.
submitted by lost-PT to AskWomenOver30 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:22 Bright-Talk5516 Original Break Up Post.

If you're here from my newest post on breakups thank you for caring first of all. and second, here's the post from a day or two after the breakup. also might be all over the place. sorry in advance lol.
Hi, I never post on reddit, (in fact I just made this account for this post) but after thinking a lot and watching a lot of smosh's reading reddit stories, I think this might be the best place to get advice about this, given how specific it is lol.
Anyway, I'll just get started. I (18M) met my gf (17F) about 5 months ago online, a couple months after a rough breakup. Weirdly, she had just got over a break up too. After talking almost everyday for about a month, we decided to officially start dating.
I didn't wanna move on yet, but she completely changed my mind. She's the best. The absolute sweetest person in the world. I was so so in love with her. She was perfect. We called almost every night, texted all day while we were at school. I've always had mental health issues since I was 14. Most prominently, severe anxiety inherited from my father. Along with disorders like OCD and ADHD. But she completely cleared the fog in my mind. Everytime we texted, called, played a game together, or even just seeing her face on my wallpaper, it calmed me down. She was my safe place.
I can go on for hours and hours about this girl, you can ask more questions in the comments if you want but basically, she was perfect, and I believe she's my soulmate. Everything fell into place just for us to meet, which makes me think it was meant to be. Anyway, I'll just get to the point of this post.
It is Wednesday, January 24th. And on Saturday, January 20th, she texted me a long message saying she thinks we should break up. The whole idea was that she's never been quite sure about her sexuality. She always identified as Bisexual, but she thinks she might be a lesbian. As much as it hurt, especially with how sudden it was (we were telling one another how much we loved each other just the night before and she even posted a picture with a filter that said "I ❤️ my bf"). Everything felt like it was going amazingly, the best it's ever been. Then she dropped the bomb.
The first night and the whole next day, I was crushed. I don't cry often (not that I'm one to bottle up, it just never happens) but I cried hysterically. The most I've ever cried in my life, tied with when my childhood dog passed. My love, my happiness, my everything was gone.
Although, on Sunday, she said we should block each other as it would make it harder for both of us if we saw each other on our feeds. Which I agreed with, but I suggested we just unfollow instead of block. Due to her concerns that she might come to the conclusion that she's not gay after this journey she's taking. I love her, and told her I'll support her and her journey of self-searching. And if she never needs anything, I'll be here. She talked through everything with me to help me process it. It gave me clarity and made the following days easier. But I still miss her so much.
I love that she's so motivated to go out and find herself. I'm so proud of her. But I can't lie and say it doesn't hurt. Obviously, if she never told me, she would've been lying to herself and me. I know that. So I'm just accepting it right now. But this is where my head starts to get complicated.
I know it might sound naive because we're still so young. But I really think we're soulmates, and I don't think this is the end of us. It just doesn't feel right, and like it has to resolve in some way. I'm willing to do what it takes to get her back. I'm willing to wait months and months for her to maybe come back around. But is that wrong?
Everything I've heard is saying you shouldn't wait for them to come back. But she's going on a journey of self discovery, so I shouldn't push it right? I should wait for her to find out if she really is gay. And let her come to me when she finds out.
My biggest fear is that she'll wanna come back but she'll be too scared to reach out after she broke my heart. I know her and she's very considerate and sweet. This is something she would do, she's done similar things like this (obviously on a smaller scale).
But this raises even more questions. What if I wait too long and she ends up moving on? What if I wait for a year and she never even texts me? Idk what to do. I just want some guidance. Cause I'm kinda stuck.
If you read this heartbroken teenagers mind being spilled onto this random reddit post, thank you. Any advice is appreciated. And I'll answer any questions you have in the comments. <3
submitted by Bright-Talk5516 to u/Bright-Talk5516 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:18 saarsurya My cats’ strange habits

My cats’ strange habits
For some reason if I pet my cats hard enough they’ll both ask for belly rubs and start purring really loud lol. Sometimes they will not stop meowing at me until I do it too which I find VERY strange cuz I’m like why are u literally craving belly rubs lmao. they’re both sisters and I got them together ~3 years ago. The grey one is Iris and the black one is Boa. Another weird habit is that during the day Iris will sleep on my bed and boa under it, and then as soon as the sun goes down they flip flop idk why. Boa always has to lay on me for like 10 minutes and get pets before bed it’s like her way of saying goodnight it’s v endearing, then she goes and sleeps by my feet lol. Not complaining whatsoever I just found these habits pretty funny. Love em to death, feel free to share your cats’ weird habits!
submitted by saarsurya to cats [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:41 arasitar Dawn of the Infinite - Hard Mode - Deathless (Immortal) for 519 loot was a pretty fun challenge - though has some annoyances

I don't think a lot of people realize that Dawn of the Infinite has an additional difficulty above Hard Mode - called Deathless / Immortal.
There is an achievement tracking it:
The challenge is do all bosses on HM but have no one die from beginning to end (we've seen similar things in previous mega dungeons - Tazavesh and Mechagon). The 'Deathless' twist is four hourglasses that only prevent you from jumping - this isn't really a big deal and on Deos the hourglasses is auto-chucked by a player when they are near a keeper add.
The reward if you haven't done it before is an achievement plus transmogs. Relevant this season is that the final boss loot is upgraded from 509 Hero 3/6 gear to 519 Myth 1/4 gear. Some specs rely on Mirror of Fractured Tomorrows which is BiS for some specs since you can upgrade it all the way to 528.
Also relevant this week is the Dragonflight Dungeon bonus which upgrades Chrono-Lord Deios and drops an additional piece.
The Good
The Bad
In short, liked what I got. Was interesting and different feeling from M+. Looking forward to Blizz's iteration on this system going forward especially with added QoLs.
submitted by arasitar to wow [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:18 Far-Masterpiece9070 WIBTAH I I had one last fling with my FWB

Hi I am new to Reddit but watch a lot of reaction videos and thought this might be a good place to get some advice. I hope at least.
My BF (55m) and I (44f) have been dating for a few months. We have known each other for 6 years and have been, for lack of a better term FWB. It kind of an involved story where we went out on 3 dates, he never texted me and for some reason we keep finding each other again and again. I’ve been in puppy love with him for 6 years.
Now my BF “Keith” and I had a kind of wild night the night we started dating it’s a weird and graphic story but he basically stole me from my then boyfriend when we all met up because they both had own the same car (the exact same car, like vin number same vehicle, it was weird). During the festivities, so to speak that night, Keith told me he loved me and I left with him and kind of left my now ex boyfriend hanging (I am an AH for that and I know it, but Keith and I… well I felt were destiny or fate or meant to be or whatever).
When we started the dating process we agree to some ground rules. We could have outside the relationship physical relationships on one day a week and when one of us is out of town. We are also allowed to swing together. I agreed to this very early on.
I expected us to maybe go out on dates on the weekend and start slow. Well that didn’t go as I thought and we spend almost every night together. We constantly tell each other “I love you” and do the mundane like watch TV and go grocery shopping. We are like a real committed couple at this point. We also a a wonderful daily + life in the bedroom. We really enjoy each other physically. So there is no issue there.
The open relationship started bothering me. More so when he came back from a business trip with a hickey on his neck. Like seriously in tears freak out. We didn’t argue but really discussed it and we decided to drop the once a week free time, but he wanted to keep his out of town free time. I am not exactly happy with this plan. I would prefer that we only have physical relationships together. But he told me I was being hypocritical because I was engaged in such acts as well when he was out of town. I own that and the next trip, I actually didn’t because I didn’t want to be a hypocrite. I also expressed to him how much it hurt me that he was still doing it and his response was “I’m sorry you’re hurting” I don’t know what or if he did anything on the last trip. I just try not to think about it. I live in my delusion of believing he wouldn’t but he never said he didn’t. Whatever I’m not sure it matters.
Part of what matters is that he stay in contact during these trips. Like tell me good morning and I love you and text me when you get back to your room so we can chat about our day. He has an important job and I know he is busy and networking and meeting with people during these trips, so I try to stay out of his way and let him get in touch with me. Well last trip he barely spoke to me and didn’t really do anything I asked him to. But it is what it is he was busy. But it hurts me to think that he is with some random at the hotel bar instead of texting me. Like I become completely unimportant on these trips.
I’m getting better about and he actually had 3 7 day trips in the first two months so it was early on and whatever.
Now he has his own jealousy. He will never admit to it but he is jealous of another FWB of mine that I have know as long as I have known as long as I have known Keith (they have been aware of each other for years but it never mattered because we were just FWB). Me and “Joey” (55m) have never been in a relationship and have never seen each other outside of his house. I do have feelings for him and have asked him to think about dating me several times. Keith knows this and gets very upset when I said anything about him. Joey waited until after I was dating Keith and told me he had feelings for me because why shouldn’t two men I have been ignored by for half a decade suddenly decide they love me at the same time. So be it. I told Joey not to put me in that position and he has been very cool about it since. Keith also got jealous because my exboyfriend that he so gracefully stole me from with a handshake a the words “I’m keeping her” texted me to see if Keith and I were together still. I told him we were and he said congrats. Keith got uncomfortable and a little weird about it and said he was trying to get back with me. Like yes he was, but I told Keith I went home with him that night and not to worry about it.
Now, guess who is going out of town this coming weekend, Ya guessed it, Keith. I know what is going to happen and I again am trying not to think about it and stress about it. But it also happens to coincidentally be a big weekend for Joey as it is his 10 year sober birthday and he has told me I am the only one who ever remembers. I really want to see Joey to celebrate.
I know me continuing to have a physical only relationship and friendship with Joey hurts Keith. I know that I am a hypocrite for wanting Keith to not have a physical relationship on business trips when I am doing the same. But this is really a huge special milestone for Joey and I want to spend it with him and know for a fact it will be physical. I want that. I will say though I have explicitly told Joey this might be the last time we see each other.
I am ridiculously happy with Keith he is the love of my life. We are actually coming up on the planned time we were going to reassess the open relationship when we started it. He makes me really happy, with the exception of the times he is out of town.
WIBTA IF have one more fling with Joey
tl;dr I have an open relationship should i utilize it and be with a guy my boyfriend is jealous of?
submitted by Far-Masterpiece9070 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:11 Simone_Galoppi07 My ex left me for my childhood friend who looks like a discord mod💀

Jokes aside, this is how 1 month ago my ex left me for my childhood friend, and i want to talk about it to see your opinions guys.
(This is more of a venting post)
So, i was having a really bad period already, my parents recently divorced and i wasn't already in a mentally good situation.
And after 3 months of relationship, i moticed how my at the time gf was a bit colder than usual, we would hang out rarely and would spend all her time with her "bff"...
Then she broke up with me. Now, im not the guy to get mad cuz "someone lost feelings", she had told me that and, even if i was heartbroken, i accepted t wnd we had talked about it, i wanted to be the best bf ever.
Then, not evem 2 weeks later, she was going around all alone with her bff (she did it probably even 1 week after we broke up), and then even less than 1 month aftwr our break up, i saw her kissing my childhood friend (her bff) in the dark.
I honestly suspect this had been going on for longer, when we were together she used to spend a lot of timw with him, way more than me, and she would say he was her bff.
I remember one day she had spent a whole day with him and afterwards had said she felt like a whore. I had some bad ideas then but i wanted to be positive.
Now i understand everything, and it hurts, i feel replaceable and my mental health and sh are getting worse.
I already tried suicide but im too much of a coward, plus my bff and family would be i can't do it...
So my omly option is to keep going, but now i don't want to hang out with my group of friends since my ex and her new toy are gonna hang out everyday too.
So i was thinking of maybe just leaving the group for a new one, but how can i? I can't just materialize in a group, i don't have much interests as for now and i don't want to end up in a group of hooligans.
Im good at making superficial friends but i honestly suck at getring close to ppl (the omly person i trust irl is my bff).
What should i do?
(Also i wanted to add, since i don't know this subreddit much, i won't tolerate any incel behavior, sinxe this kind of posts is "content" for them)
And lastly, sorry for the bad english, it's very late at night for me and im not a native speaker.
Thanks for everything you migt write guys! <3
submitted by Simone_Galoppi07 to love [link] [comments]