Poems that use imagery

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2009.12.25 19:35 thewabberjocky It's /r/aves!

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2009.03.25 05:20 whacko_jacko /r/longboarding

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2014.03.13 17:54 garyp714 Original Content Poetry

A place for sharing your original work. Please read the rules before posting. Sister sub to Poetry & ThePoetryWorkshop

2024.05.15 18:12 jiminahhhh first wlw break up :( advice?

I thought things were going really, really well between us, we’d been together almost 3 months. We had talked about our wants/needs/goals/life plans. We agreed that our lives meshed well and we were excited about the future. She showed me off to all her friends and coworkers, posted sweet things on social media. Always made me feel loved and cared for. For the first time in my life I felt secure in a relationship, like not afraid of the person leaving or cheating on me. Last week she bought a book for us to fill out that has like couples milestones in it and cute little relationship things. But then Monday abruptly she texted me that she didn’t see us working out long term because we are too different and she wanted to end things. I just feel so blindsided. We spent the weekend together and it was great, like it always had been. I asked her if we could try to work it out and she just said it just wouldn’t work. She also just texted me all this, which in hindsight is kind of shitty.
I’m on my period so i’m probably taking this harder than usual. I just don’t get what went so wrong. I’m afraid like maybe I did or said something and she is using this as an excuse to break up? i’m almost afraid to ask for more details because I don’t want to seem desperate, like I can’t let it go. She has been stressed about work lately and she does have bpd, but I am not sure if this is related? I wished her well and it was amicable, no drama. But I’m just now starting to really feel the pain.
I just really thought things were great. She wrote a poem for me just a few days ago and it was so sweet. Now I’m sitting here wondering if anything she said was real. Am I actually any of the nice things she said? It gave me so much confidence and now i’m just broken.
submitted by jiminahhhh to latebloomerlesbians [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:07 ErisTK Cave Entrance Preview

Cave Entrance Preview
I am one of those strange people who think part of a game's story is "told" through the imagery, which is why I (probably) overcomplicate the maps I've been working on. This is the first actual cave the player will be able to enter (it's for the first side-quest) and nope, those crystals are neither used ironically, nor are they magical by any means; they're just topaz, which is meant to hint at part of the demi-human country's economy (which is split between trade with other demi-human towns, hunting, fishing and making and selling goods.)
Without giving too much of the plot away (just yet,) there is a fairly simple puzzle in the cave that the player will need to solve-- and this side quest starts out with dealing with a pair of thieves, which will unlock a secondary small side-quest when the first part is turned in.
Since the cave is not located in a barren or poisoned area (and some plants do grow in caves) I somewhat sparingly used some mushrooms and plants, along with the usual suspects (rocks, different ground types, debris to show it's not just an empty cave, et cetera.) Of course, lighting effects, screen tints and a fog was used here as well =)
The mice and bats here do not represent enemies, especially since it's not uncommon to find such animals in a cave. The bones on the floor are indicative of larger creatures (in this case, a few goblins and the monsters that will be encountered.)
submitted by ErisTK to RPGMaker [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:03 yelpvinegar How to Create a Great Website Hero Section

10 practical tips for designing a motivating Hero Image that always works

The Hero Image is the first thing people see when they open your page. It’s your unique chance to win them over — or lose them forever.
It takes mere seconds for the user to process the first screen. But behind the scenes, there’s a lot of painstaking work by marketers, designers, and developers. How can you quickly find the right solution and pick the perfect image?
I have compiled the best practices for creating an effective Hero Image to share with you. Let us learn from the best.

1. Don’t lose sight of Hero Section goals

The goal of a Hero Section is to make the user want to learn more and perform the next action. It serves as an introduction and invites further communicat

2. Don’t lose sight of user goals

In an attempt to surprise and keep the viewer on the first screen, some designers unwittingly replace the user’s goal with their own: to make an awesome design. But the user’s goal is not design.
The user’s goal is to get something he or she needs: a thing, a service, or particular information. The design should facilitate this task rather than hamper it.
Smart design doesn’t draw attention to itself, or distract users from their goals, or make them gape in amazement, forgetting why they came. This is especially true for the hero section.
Here’s a typical case. The key points presented to the user are:
The message is obvious: our company is great and the user should hurry up and press that button. Alas, that’s not how it works.
User goals have nothing to do with the goals of website owners, marketers, or designers.
Any info that has no immediate value for the user must be held back. Messages like “We Are the Best,” “Celebrating Ten Years of Success,” “Why People Trust Us,” etc. belong at the bottom of the visual hierarchy.
Hero Section visuals must prioritize user goals.
Show the users what they want to see, and make it look really good. That’s your number one priority. All the rest — reliability, trust, guarantees — only serves to cement the user’s conviction that they’ve come to the right place.ion.
At first glance, what users want to see are benefits and problem solutions, not how great the company is or how cool the design looks. :) That stuff stays in the background!
A Hero Image is a visual stimulus. It promises benefits, improvements, and positive changes.
The user will be willing to take a step forward if:

3. Remember: no clutter

The home screen must be crystal clear and easily navigable for the user. This is where you showcase the very essence of your offer. Do your utmost to maximize readability. This includes:
Keep it simple and concise!

4. Turn the user’s goal into a visual magnet

The designer’s task is to visualize the user’s goal, making it look attractive, lively, and catchy. Do a comprehensive study and analysis of your users, product, and competitor sites. This will help you find inspiring images and motivating messages for your audience.
Customers often arrive at the page with a specific image of their goal in mind. It’s important to take this into account and meet their expectations. Predictability is what people expect from you. This applies to both visuals and user experience.
Follow the “one idea, one image” rule. Let your heading resonate with, reinforce, and enhance the image. The image and text must stimulate the user’s desire and willingness to take a step toward gratification.

5. Look for specific triggers

As you work on a Hero Image from concept to final design, remember: you are creating a motivational trigger. Feel free to use any and all marketing, design, and psychology tricks to influence user perception.
Every audience has its own motivation. Get to know your users and find the best way to engage them, both emotionally and rationally. (An emotional reaction is followed by a rational assessment of the information.)
User emotions need to be designed and incorporated into the project at the concept stage.
Specific triggers, such as images and/or text, are especially good for engaging emotions.
To find the best trigger, ask yourself:
Finding an emotional trigger often requires a good brainstorming session. Make a list of emotions and their possible visualizations, such as engaging images, illustrations, or videos. Test the best ideas.
This is the key to your future conversions and audience love.
The emotions don’t necessarily have to be positive. Apple once successfully exploited fear by designing a blood-red AIDS awareness website with an invitation to become a blood donor. It looked impressive. I don’t know about donations, but a lot of people bought red iPhones. :)

6. Show explicit or implicit benefits

An effective trigger is always associated with user benefits. The trigger pushes users to perform actions that will let them reap these benefits.
Popular Hero Images are focused on:
Any type of the Hero Image must convey benefits.
Explicit benefits: highlighting the apparent advantages of using the product or service.
Implicit benefits: visually and psychologically highlighting the user’s improved status, importance, success, skills, and opportunities.
User analysis will help you decide what should be made explicit or kept implicit on a case-by-case basis. Showcasing an implicit benefit is always a win-win. A website that sells nails, for example, will fare much better if its hero section features an image of a thrifty, smart, and neat worker than if it simply has a photo of a house or a bunch of nails. Customers will enjoy feeling like handy homeowners.

7. Manage the user’s attention

Be clear about where you want the viewer’s eyes to go. What will they see first? What next? Where should their gaze linger? Everything depends on the goals of your website and product. The hierarchy of highlights needs to be planned in advance and then tested to make sure it looks like you need it to.
The user’s gaze is controlled by dominance and focal points. Dominant elements are the largest and most attractive ones. Focal points are icons, buttons, and other elements that the user sees after the dominant element. They are responsible for the user’s interest zones and hold his or her attention. They’re typically located at the edges of the screen.
Lifehack #1: Blur your design layout and show it to an average person (not a designer). What’s the first thing they see? What merits more or less attention? It’s a good way to rectify failed ideas before it’s too late.
Lifehack #2: Use eye-tracking software. Even a simple freeware app will help you check if the highlights are in the right places.
If you find that the user’s gaze doesn’t linger long enough on any given element, get to work. Perhaps it’s worth highlighting this element further by making it larger or brighter, adding animation, increasing the font size, and so on. (Test everything!)
Note: Place the main highlight on the emotional trigger, not the CTA button.
All visual composition tricks and instruments must be hierarchically ordered. Shape, color, shade, contrast, size, balance, movement, typography — everything must follow the principle of priority.
Note: Remove distractions. Everything that’s not a first impression priority must have reduced visibility, hidden, or moved elsewhere.

8. Use relevant images

Images are relevant when they match the website’s purpose, idea, and content. Any mismatch between the idea and its visual representation leads to misunderstanding and mistrust. It’s not just out-of-context imagery. A website dedicated to innovation using outdated designs is also an example of irrelevance. Unnecessary wow effects that distract from the message are likewise irrelevant.
The Hero Image must visually convey the essence of the content.

9. Use a short, powerful tagline

Use a short, powerful tagline to engage the user. Coming up with it isn’t as easy as it seems. It’s a creative process. Again, I recommend brainstorming. You have limited character space, yet you need to succinctly convey your values, explain some benefit or problem solution, or ask a related question that will pique the user’s interest. Brainstorming is a great way to find an original idea.

10. Be subtle with your СТА

You may have a great hero image with a good conversion potential, but it will be worthless without a CTA. However, CTA should be approached with caution.
Never use CTA to exert pressure.
Design your CTA to be friendly and non-aggressive rather than demanding. Do not pressure the user into learning everything at once, making purchases, or subscribing. CTA is a logical step on the user’s path toward their goal. If you failed to pique their interest with your tagline and visualization, no CTA button or text will work.
CTA is an organic continuation of your design and business idea. Your visitors are welcome. That’s the point of a CTA button or message: it invites the user to join the action.
Focus your UI and UX on making the user’s goal attractive.
Only then will your CTA be effective. A button motivates no one. People are motivated by ideas and images of the future.
Thanks for reading. Don't forget to follow analyzeoptimize for more such insightful content to grow your online busines.
submitted by yelpvinegar to analyzeoptimize [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:58 ArmChairAnalyst86 Space Weather Update - 5/15/2024 - Short to Medium Range Forecast & Observations - Article Teaser

Space Weather Update - 5/15/2024 - Short to Medium Range Forecast & Observations - Article Teaser
Good morning everyone, AcA here and I have a brief (haha) update for you this morning. I felt it was pressing to give everyone an idea of what I am seeing and feeling headed into the next epoch of space weather. What a ride AR3663/3664 were? Long before most of you showed up for the biggest storm in decades, AR3663 was trying to get there, only to be usurped by AR3664 stealing the show. Well AR3664 has now departed, and the sunspot situation is complex, but not as intense as before it left. There are certainly more spots and active regions, but we are missing one with significant complexity and size like AR3664. As a result, we can probably expect a quieter stretch of space...
Something wild just happened. Something that has happened numerous times since I have started this. Call it stupid, tell me I am ate up, call it woo woo, I don't care. I don't call it anything, I juste note its occurence. As I am writing this brief little snippet, X-Ray spikes, and topped out at X2.99. For the last 10 days, when I have seen magnitudes like that, I automatically go to AR3664, or went to I should say, but AR3664 is gone...so what AR is responsible? I can barely see the leading edge of the plage, but it must be respectable.
That is the beauty. Nobody knows. It is not visible and as a result has not received a numeral yet and we have zero real idea of what it looks like. However, we can extract 3 key details from this information.
    • The sun is still very active - X flaring continued overnight with an X3.3 overnight and this most recent X2.99~ from a new contender.
    • Something imposing is hiding behind the limb, and will be rotating into view, and appears that it will be X capable off jump street.
    • The flare topped out at X2.99, but based on the signature, I would not be surprised if the actual flare magnitude is north of that. THis often happens when flares occur so far on the limb they are occulted by the sun. It affects our probes ability to measure it.
    • The radio emission from this flare was over 1000 km/s. Wowzers
Buckle up folks. Now hopefully you have got the drift. There is no certainty here. I think many people are forgetting one key fact about this game. Its comprised of two words. Space & Weather. Space suggests its distant, massive, and on scales far bigger than a human. Weather suggests its an interconnected and dynamic system of more variables than we can track or understand. Our brightest minds, best models, and best computers, cannot tell you with any high degree of certainty whether it will storm 5-7 days from now, maybe not even rain. If that is the bar for terrestrial weather, than what is it for space weather? I give you my take. I give you my analysis. I hope I am right, and alot of you are here because I have had a pretty good track record so far. Do not think for one second that I don't know that track record could fall apart tomorrow. I need you to understand that.
Internally though? That is a different story. My confidence is rising. My perception broadening and my understanding increasing. The beauty of space weather currently, is at some point you have to make a gut call. You read the same data as everyone else, and you make your prediction. The finer brush strokes don't always come out perfect, but the big picture is definitely coherent at this point.
I expect a brief lull in activity affecting earth. Flaring may remain slightly elevated but we cannot escape the fact that AR3664 is out of the mix. The other groups are growing, but they are not growing exceptionally fast. That could change and we will keep close eyes on active regions. Here is a link to all SDO imagery with a few pointers
AIA 131 Teal - best for capturing the flash of flares.
AIA 171 Gold - best for capturing magnetic connections, overall activity, post arcade loops
AIA 211 Purple - best for capturing eruptivity during flares and dimming
AIA 193 Bronze - good for coronal holes esp, but a blend of 171 and 211 showing activity and a glimpse of eruptivity
AIA 304 Red - best for plasma filaments and prominences and eruptivity
The others are great too and have various specialities but the primary ones are above.
If existing active regions do intensify, the forecast will change. We cannot assume they will, although I think they will. The sun is active overall and is able to generate big flares from any location or sunspot group. Even though the existing are not huge gashes like AR3664, AR3664 had humble beginnings too. Even though the spots on the disk are compact, they are fairly intense. I believe the official forecast reflects this. Even with AR3664 off the disk and no longer listed, the M-Class chances are 75% (too low) and the X-Class chances are 40% (I agree). They are seeing the same thing.
WSA-ENLIL shows an atypical setup. There are some small CMEs in the pipe and we are passing through a solar wind enhancement. Not sure where it came from but the parker spiral action is carrying it to and through us. Nothing big out there right now though. CME production remains elevated, including several potential full and partial halo, but currently nothing substantial aimed directly at us. DONKI shows a minor impact in the coming days with max Kp3.
Our star has made its most prolific run yet over the past few weeks. Both generating massive geomagnetic storms on earth and massive flares. Yes, SC23 was more intense in every facet, but SC25 is not over. It has already far exceeded SC24 though and its not close. Get this little fact.
In SC24 there were approximately 48 X-Class flares in the entire cycle which spanned from 2008-2019. In the past 2 weeks have seen more than 25% of that total. In 2 weeks, we got 25% of the way to the entire total of the previous 11 year cycle. And that does not even count the years and months prior of SC25, just the last 2 weeks. I think Mr McIntosh can take a victory lap. He went against the grain, called this a big cycle in direct opposition to NOAA on the basis of his own theory. Bravo! Its not done. We are in solar maximum and that is clear, but what is not clear is just how max this max will be? Nobody can predict the future or what will happen tomorrow on the sun, but I can say that there has NEVER been a better time in all of our recorded civilization to get acquainted with and understand space weather. Not only because of the activity level, the tools available to everyone for free, but because we must be on watch. We are the watchers. If you are here, you know what is up. The rest of the world does not. They do not understand space weather and the think its impossible to do so. Too complicated. Well that is where you come in. Learn it. Understand it. Teach it. Its going to matter in the coming decades, and I would bet everything I own on that. Does that mean CE 2.0? Hell no. Don't immediate jump to extremes, but here is the simple facts. We hit extreme storm levels last weekend from not so extreme storms. It did not harm anything. No widespread damage, just some localized stuff. A transformer blew up in a city about 50 miles from me overnight. Don't see that often. Could it be coincidence it occurred as our earth is trying to process all of the excess energy and current coursing through it? Sure it could be, but I am paying attention. Seismic activity is sharply rising the past few days, with significant attention paid to the south pacific and the caribbean currently. Weather and cloud anomalies all over the place and in strange places. The link to cloud anomalies shows iridiscent clouds usually spotted in polar regions only, yet these are in Vietnam. Many other places too. Are you paying attention?
Coming Article Teaser and Open Letter
I am going to touch on my article that is in the works just a little bit. A teaser if you will because I think it needs to be discussed right now, but when I release it, you will need no less than an hour to read it. It will be comprehensive and supported. I am shooting from the hip here, but I do so from an informed standpoint, the same standpoint I want you to arrive at.
What does ALL of this mean? Should I be scared? Can I jump to conclusions about this? Stop it. One day at at time. We are not scientists here. Most of us have no degrees or letters behind our names. We come armed with logic and the powers of perception, ready to learn. We are in the observation stage. We are looking for signals, correlations, coincidences, anomalies, patterns, etc. We must all determine for ourselves the truth of the matter, with our own eyes, and it starts right here at solarmax.
Now let me get something straight. I am very excited about aurora chances and the study of this field. I have no reason to believe we are in imminent danger. I have no reason to believe that we are in imminent danger tomorrow, or any other time. I recognize that like many forces of nature and the cosmos, that the sun does have the ability to make life pretty hard here, as well as makes all life possible. I give it the respect it deserves, but I do not give it fear or panic. I give it logic and rationality. Logic and rationality tells me that something is up with our planet, and I am not sure its so easily explained by the current narrative. I see man made climate change used far and wide to excuse every development from earthquakes, length of day glitches, changing earths rotation, etc and who am I to argue? I have no degrees as I said. I am just a self taught dude who likes space.
But I would offer them a challenge. Find a way to attribute last weekends massive geomagnetic storm from some relatively low magnitude CMEs to climate change. Go ahead, I will wait. No one would argue that the CMEs from 2003 were stronger, yet the effects were nearly identical and anecdotally more intense. How did our Co2 do that? They will attribute it to starlink satellites or something else man made. ESA swarm mission will tell you that its only decreased 9% on average whatever the hell that means. How can that be, if its been weakening at absolutely positively no less than 5% per century on average with modern estimates much closer to 5% per DECADE. The average rate of loss is no longer reported and is a mystery and possibly a closely guarded secret. As a result, I have no numbers or figures I can give you that I can prove. I will offer you a challenge too though.
Look around. Do you see a pattern? Do you see an acceleration of "things"? Everyone does. Cant deny it. Climate change is a good candidate for it, but we must factor last weekends geomagnetic storm in as anecdotal evidence that something could be changing, quickly. Its not proof. We could not go to a court of law and establish it as fact without refute. Some could say the CMEs combined in an unusual way and it somehow drastically magnified the overall energy content into a single wave. Maybe that is true. I cant refute it with data.
But....we can watch for the next one. We will get another big storm? I dont know. But we will be watching. If we see another storm like last weekend from low end X-Class flares, that could change. Our argument could strengthen, but we must approach it scientifically and logically, even if we are not scientists. Immanuel Velikovsky said that the test of a theory should be the explanation that requires the least in the way of modification, qualifier, and assumption to arrive at a conclusion. Pardon my french, but fuck what the mainstream is telling you. I am not saying they are lying, but am I saying trust your eyes, your instincts. This is IN you. It is in us all.
Thank you for making SolarMax a top 12% space and astronomy subreddit. I am a modest and humble man, but we are doing good work here. I am moved and touched by all of the posts, comments, questions, articles, and observations. Someone made an excellent observation overnight about the possible sympathetic nature of the flaring yesterday on direct opposite sides of the sun that I had made myself, but not brought to your attention. I thought maybe the timelapse just made it look sympathetic, but evidently others noticed too. That is what this is all about. Again, I am an armchair analyst. I make no bones about that. I have no qualifications that I could point to that says I know what I am talking about. When I say self taught, I do not just mean this subject. I am self taught in life. I barely graduated high school. I was essentially guaranteed graduation because my high school could not wait to get rid of me. If you are looking for good grammar, punctuation, syntax, etc you will not find it here and ultimately qualified or not, the results and predictions will pan out and prove it or they wont. Either way I will not lie to myself about it. I have been preparing for this for months and I did not know why I was preparing, or why I felt making this sub was so important when so many resources already exist. I am going to ride that wave, but I expect you all to keep me accountable.
I am sorry this was longer than expected. I hope you can get the message and be an adult about it. I am not saying we are in trouble, but I am saying we need to be paying attention. If you want to freak out about it, I cant stop you. Arm yourself with knowledge, and you yourself will know, when or if it is time to freak out. Arm yourself with knowledge and you will not be swayed by twitter idiots and AI written articles which sensatonalize the topic and only give the worst case CE scenario because it sells. I realize now that its not practical to guide you through each event, that we will grow past that point, and as a result, you must teach yourself with the tools here and elsewhere. Not even just for yourself, but for the rest of the world who do not understand space weather and they need someone to trust. Why not you?
With love and respect,
submitted by ArmChairAnalyst86 to SolarMax [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:54 TemporaryMango123 Infidelity has turned me into a toxic person, how do I find myself again?

My bf behaved unfaithfully a couple years ago and it’s been an ongoing issue since. He didn’t cheat physically, but he did flirt and entertain other women we knew (both hidden from me and literally in front of me). Then he tried to pin blame on me (for calling it out) and didn’t apologize or admit wrongdoing for a long time. It absolutely destroyed my trust, I hadn’t had any issues with him having women friends and also thought he could handle a coworker hitting on him himself, but he betrayed my trust on both fronts.
I used to be the kind of woman who was just so in love. I wrote poems to him, painted art on a whim for him. I would drop racks on gifts. I loved him so much even when I had my suspicions about his infidelity. I apologized and took the blame when he told me I was the problem for calling him out.
I’ve tried very hard to get over it, especially his behavior towards one of his woman friends, but instead I find myself being a less loving partner and being venomously jealous towards this other woman. It’s not even about our relationship anymore, my jealousy has evolved beyond that. It’s obsessive and creepy and it makes me hate myself and hate her, when she doesn’t deserve that. I’ve only ever been kind to this woman face to face, but I am two-faced. I hate seeing her and I hate hearing her name (my bf used to bring her up nearly everytime we hung out, and even now people who know her almost constantly bring her up, she is a likeable person, especially for men). And it’s brought up complicated feelings about my ethnicity too.
I know I need to find the right therapist for this, but is there hope? Or will it always be this way? Have any of you recovered from toxic jealousy?
submitted by TemporaryMango123 to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:28 Sangenkai Morihei Ueshiba on Aikido - 1941

Thanks to Scott Burke for pointing out this Doka ("poem/song of the way") by Morihei Ueshiba that appeared in "Aikibudo o Kiku", from Shin Budo Magazine, October 1941.
Aikibudo o Kiku - 1941
”惟神光と熱の合気道, 世をば清めん八紘の玉”
Kannagara hikari to netsu no Aikidō, Yo wo ba kiyomen, Hakkō no tama
The Light and Heat of Kannagara,
Jewel of the Eight Directions,
Purifies the World.
Briefly, "Kannagara" refers to the "Way of the Gods", a metaphorical reference Morihei Ueshiba often used to refer to the interaction of Yin and Yang.
The interaction of Yin and Yang creates heat and light - a reference to the creation of internal power - martial power.
The "jewel" is a term that Morihei Ueshiba often used to refer to the Dantian - so, the interaction of Yin and Yang here creates internal power, martial, physical power through the Dantian.
What about the last section about the eight directions? Well, here we see, once again, Morihei Ueshiba's fondness for multiple layers of meaning.
In one layer we see that he is saying that the interaction of Yin and Yang creates internal power, martial power, physical power, through the Dantian, expressed in all directions through the body.
But that's not all! Yin/Yang and Heaven-Earth-Man cosmologies in China and Japan were commonly seen as kind of "universal field theories" that explained physical theories of martial body usage, mental theories of psychological balance, health oriented theories, and socio-politically oriented theories.
Here Morihei Ueshiba uses the Kanji for "Eight Cords", in reference to "Hakko Ichiu", the Japanese political slogan meaning the divine right of the Empire of Japan to "unify the eight corners of the world.", a slogan that formed the basis of the empire's ideology. It was popularized in a speech by Prime Minister Fumimaro Konoe, Morihei Ueshiba's patron and student, on January 8, 1940. Konoe was also on the board of directors of Morihei Ueshiba's Kobukai organization, the predecessor for the modern Aikikai.
In other words, there was another layer of meaning, in which Aikido was meant to be a process through which one worked to purify the world in order to unite it in a ultra-nationalist right wing Empire under the aegis of Japan and the Japanese imperial family.
Ellis Amdur referred to this concept in "Hidden in Plain Sight":
"Ueshiba saw himself as a kind of avatar, instrumental in ushering in a golden age of redemption, the unification of Heaven, Earth, and Man. To a considerable degree, he was unconcerned about whether others became avatars like himself. He regarded aikidō practitioners as living out their fate as appointed by their ‘chief guardian deity,’ doing the work of the ‘spiritual proletariat,’ accumulating merit and energy through aikidō practice, just as the followers of the Byakkokai did by prayer, while Goi, another avatar, did the hard work."
Morihei Ueshiba restated this basic idea in 1960:
"Aikido is the Great Way of the Universal Bansei Ikkei."
"Bansei Ikkei" is the "unbroken Japanese Imperial line", and here Morihei Ueshiba again refers to one of his primary goals for Aikido, expressed both before and after the war, as a way towards establishing a "paradise on Earth" - in other words (as he would say elsewhere in the same post-war lectures), a right-wing ultra-nationalist religious utopia under the aegis of the Japanese empire.
One last thing - notice the interesting use of the word "Aikido"? The Aikikai states that the name "Aikido" was adopted in 1942. Minoru Hirai, who often claims credit for the implementation of the name through his work with Dai Nippon Butokukai, also stated that this occurred in 1942. But here we see that the phrase was actually in use somewhat earlier, concurrent with "Aiki Budo" (as in the title of the article).
This persisted after the war, as recounted by Hiroshi Tada:
"GuillaumeErard.com: When you started, was it already called "Aikido"?
Tada Hiroshi: When I was admitted it was not called that yet, it was called “Aiki-Budo”. There was no official name. "
Morihei Ueshiba himself stated in a post-war interview that the name "Aikido" was adopted some time after the war, at the suggestion of an official from the Ministry of Education, which throws another issue on the pile.
What does the naming mean? Likely, much less than many people think. It's common to read significant meaning into name changes, but the name of Morihei Ueshiba's art changed many times over the years, primarily, it seems, due to the influence of parties...other than Morihei Ueshiba, who was, as far as I can tell, massively disinterested in what the art was actually called.
submitted by Sangenkai to aikido [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:27 scriptorpress The Cenacle 124 April 2024 *Just Released*

The Cenacle 124 April 2024 29th Anniversary Issue
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Hello everyone,
Here comes the just-released Cenacle 124 April 2024. Returning to the desired quarterly issue cadence that has been missing for the past couple of years. It was hard doing this issue without the usual many years’ involvement of my dear poet friend, the late Judih Weinstein Haggai, but her poetry features in this issue nonetheless, & will remain so in each issue ever on.
Thus far, 2024 for the human world has been a fairly dark one. The global Pandemic has not ended, though millions risk sickness & death for themselves & others by choosing to join in a kind of mass amnesia about the crisis. Meanwhile, the climate crisis continues to get the same kind of hostile indifference. The genocide in Gaza goes on unabated by any of the many powerful & supposedly democratic nations of the world. And a likely felon has jazzed the US electoral process, its weaknesses & flaws among its many strengths, to be within reach of again taking over &, as he has vowed, taking revenge.
I can’t tell you that this literary journal operates toe to toe on the global scale to oppose these various human catastrophes, but I can say that if we don’t seek Beauty, & Nature, & look beyond the petty fuckeries of the current day, we are much more likely to be lost than if we find a way to do this.
This fine anniversary issue features new poetry by Tamara Miles, Martina Reisz Newberry, Colin James, Sam Knot, Jimmy Heffernan, Judih Weinstein Haggai, & myself.
Also new fiction by Timothy Vilgiate, Algernon Beagle, & myself. And classic fiction from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
And new prose pieces by Nathan D. Horowitz, Charlie Beyer, & myself.
There is also new graphic artwork by AbandonView, Epi Rogan, Louis Staeble, Kassandra Soulard, Sam Knot, Tamara Miles, & Nathan D. Horowitz.
Contents of this new issue include:
From Soulard’s Notebooks [Excerpt]
I find myself leaning back often into 3 questions that I believe most influence human psychology & human culture:
1) Why are we here?
2) Where are we from?
3) What are we supposed to be doing?
* * * * * *
Feedback on Cenacle 123 [Excerpt]
I made it to the first poem by Judih Weinstein Haggai, sank into it, breathed it, needed it, and couldn’t go further into the issue yet. But it’s beautiful. And Kassandra Soulard’s cover photo: wow.
(Tamara Miles)
* * * * * *
From the ElectroLounge Forums:
Selections from Unknot 24, Part 1[Excerpt]
A project that I expect to work on for the rest of my life and never finish is a kind of art project playing with meaning making and the first few layers of knots, so this is all part of that really. I suppose it is a way to give a kind of focus or even kind of “abstract grounding” to some other kind of activity which isn’t necessarily even directly related to or about it.
(Sam Knot)
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Haiku from a Silent Retreat (7/31/2021) [Excerpt]
by Judih Weinstein Haggai
Are you everybody?
I’m not either
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Notes from New England:
Dream Raps, Volume Thirteen [Excerpt]
by Raymond Soulard, Jr.
Now that my friends are gone, the very shy Creatures who sometimes visit my hovel begin to come out, sniffing friendly their hellos. Accept my offer to cluster with me under the blankets, them being cold as ever when outside of the White Woods. White Bunny, Hedgedyhog, Peppermint Bears, Kittees & their Friend Fish. Alvinarah Poesy, & his dear friend Naria Narwhal. Even that cackling little Imp is under there somewhere. They never stay long, but I love them passing through. They’re excited about the Rutabaga Festival & Fleastock in the White Woods, I’m guessing.
* * * * * *
Becoming Archaeology: A Eulogy for Living Moor. (Part Two) [Excerpt]
by Sam Knot
It moves me more than any painting
or poem, seems to encode more meaning,
personal & planetary, than any other art,
this simple offering. This intricate gift.
* * * * * *
Notes Toward Many Musics [Excerpt]
by Raymond Soulard, Jr.
I believe a Narrative should always lead with the best it has, its most potent moment or image or the like. And let this lead set its standard. When I think of the Narrative options for these poems, I come back every time to starting from the start. These poems build on years & years of the work it took to get the six Brother-Heroes reunited rightly, after telling their unique stories as rightly as possible too. I did the best thinking & writing that I could.
* * * * * *
Poetry by Martina Newberry [Excerpt]
Tall on the dirty stage,
from my notebook I conferred
my poems. No time limit,
no faces, noises of shifting
dust and cars out there somewhere,
I read for many minutes,
emoting here and there,
hands rising and falling,
singing through some.
* * * * * *
Rivers of the Mind (A Novel) [Excerpt]
by Timothy Vilgiate
I could not help but fear that he’d attack me as I laid there; I lost count of how many times I got up to check my locks or to peek underneath the bed. I turned over and over, rocking the mattress like an unsteady boat, straining to keep my eyes shut. It was no use. Midnight came, and I was still awake; my hair matted over my irritated face, my blanket clutched in between my hands over my mouth as I tried to stop myself from sobbing. But I couldn’t let it see me cry. I couldn’t let it even see me blink.
* * * * * *
Poetry by Tamara Miles [Excerpt]
A lion’s music—a carnival of sound, beyond the roar of reserve, park, zoo, circus, and
safari, the wild kingdom beyond the definition of safe and unsafe, cruel or kind, in
sub-Saharan Africa, or in India, Gir forest, where the heart beat and drum beat and
incense are heavy.
* * * * * *
The Lagoon of the Air Goblins (Travel Journal) [Excerpt]
by Nathan D. Horowitz
I’m dehydrated from the sun today. I haven’t rehydrated. My hydration’s out of wack. It seems an eternity, maybe two, since I ordered a glass of papaya juice. Inside the café, mysterious café things may be happening, involving blenders and workforce and fruit and power. Time’s ticking by and it sounds like trees falling into a river. I glance at the red and white checkered tablecloth and remember I’ve always hated red and white checkered patterns. Serafín the educator said he would meet me here to tell me about the Secoya cosmovision, and he isn’t showing up.
* * * * * *
Poetry by Colin James [Excerpt]
Episodically craved by adolescents,
Prometheus displays his tats
behind The Dollar Store in Bonita.
The one with the plastic pillars.
* * * * * *
Mad Jack (Prose) [Excerpt]
by Charlie Beyer
We were longhaired teenage criminals. I looked like Jesus and my best buddy had flaming red shoulder-length hair, the devil to rival my divine look. Scott the Red. We were all hair, except Mad Jack (or Bob, as I knew him), who was as shaved as a plastic bag. We all sat in the car outside the 7-11 in the night rain. Blue smoke trickled out of the cracked window. Inside was a haze of marijuana smoke tainted with opium. We were high and crazed.
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Poetry by Jimmy Heffernan [Excerpt]
The moment to which we have access
So Nature can “see” through time
And what is this but awareness?
A tunneling from the immediate future
Back into the present
* * * * * *
Bags End Book #21: What is the Creature Carnival? Part 3 (Fiction) [Excerpt]
by Algernon Beagle
It makes me remember how our teacher Mister Owl in Bags End teached how different places have their different ways of thinking & telling. So if you’re gonna watch a Creature production, whether it’s the Carnival, or a Grand Production, or this time both, you’re gonna be in 4or a good crazy ride.
* * * * * *
The Hound of the Baskervilles (Classic Fiction) [Excerpt]
by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Mr. Sherlock Holmes, who was usually very late in the mornings, save upon those not infrequent occasions when he was up all night, was seated at the breakfast table. I stood upon the hearth-rug and picked up the stick which our visitor had left behind him the night before. It was a fine, thick piece of wood, bulbous-headed, of the sort which is known as a “Penang lawyer.” Just under the head was a broad silver band nearly an inch across. “To James Mortimer, M.R.C.S., from his friends of the C.C.H.,” was engraved upon it, with the date “1884.” It was just such a stick as the oldfashioned family practitioner used to carry—dignified, solid, and reassuring.
* * * * * *
Labyrinthine [A New Fixtion] [Excerpt]
by Raymond Soulard, Jr.
I’m distracted just as this strange fellow appears on stage with some kind of tool in his hand. He is very fancily dressed, some kind of home-made tuxedo? Or one sewn from many scraps? And he starts to recite a poem, I think, in a tongue I don’t know, when something distracts me.
Raymond Soulard, Jr.
Scriptor Press New England
submitted by scriptorpress to literaryjournals [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:35 peperjon Calculating Slope from DEM live while drawing line...possible? Open to paying for consulting work.

A bit of background first: I'm a landscape architect who specializes in trail design and planning - natural surface (dirt), mostly mountain bike optimized, hiking, or multi-use. I also specialize in applying technology to these types of projects (GIS, drones, GPS/GNSS, 3D modeling, etc.), but that goes down a bit of another rabbit hole. In any case, I've always said I'm a landscape architect who knows GIS a lot better than most LA's, but that would still put me below most GIS Professionals. That's why I'm looking for outside help/advice on this subject.
In trail design, slope is one of the most crucial criteria we use while laying out trails. It's a combination of field work and GIS office work, and for the GIS side I'm usually working with a DEM and contours for topography (sometimes very, very high resolution DEMs). Currently, I will create my contours from the DEM, I might make a slope analysis to color my target slopes (ie 6-8%) green, and I'll pull in the highest res orthoaerial I have access to. Then I'll manually draw in trail alignments based on the aerial imagery and the contours/DEM/slope analysis. Finally, I'll run the Profile Tool plugin to check my work and see if there are any major problem areas that my slope is getting too shallow or steep, and make adjustments from there.
This process works alright, but I'm hoping there might be a way to create some more useful tools. Ideally, it would be great if while digitizing, I could either see a readout of the current slope for that line segment, or it would limit me to drawing a line within a certain slope range, etc., all based on the underlying DEM. In lieu of this, it would be nice to have the trail line color segments by slope range (in real time would be amazing, but coloring it after the line is complete would be an option too). I'm assuming the feature would have to be split to show different colors? The catch with this approach is my trail lines usually have a good amount of vertices, so I wouldn't want the feature to be split at each vertex, I'd rather it splits according to slope changes - ie split feature where slope is 0-5.99%, 6-8%, and 8.01+%. I pay for ESRI, but I do almost all of my desktop GIS work in QGIS (I mainly use ESRI for a couple unique tools in desktop and a lot for WebGIS).
I'm also very open to other ideas about this. Overall, I wanted to post this and see if anyone had any simple ideas, or if there was anyone who would be interested in consulting to create these tool(s). I am not looking for free work - if I went this option, I'd give you a written contract and pay as you go, etc. (I own my own LA company so I am all for paying a fair price for work like this). Thanks in advance!
submitted by peperjon to QGIS [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:19 blueons A poem I wrote about DPDR (and other things)

Light TW for DPDR themes of course, nothing too specific; very methaphorical/abstract language that can potentially be disturbing if you’re easily triggered by such themes.
I crafted this poem using 2 different journal entries that I wrote while experiencing episodes of DPDR. I consider it my best work yet. I feel like I was able to truly capture the feelings of what it is like to deal with this disorder, at least for me. Note that I usually experience derealization much more often and intensely than depersonalization. The poem is also not exclusively about DPDR but I would say it is one of its main themes and the main “inspiration” as well.
I’m posting this through the mobile app so hopefully it doesn’t mess up the formatting. I hope some of you find connection with my words.
The insufficient fondness towards the bleached sunlight piercing through the window blinds holds me on edge of burning sentiments
So inevitably, they burn cold
Icy sunrays devour my room and soul freezing nature while the thermometer explodes
And I love the cold only never when it burns
In a numb flash moments locked in my chest once sinking in a loch of memories now glide over ice treasuries
Empty, and afraid of everything of the sky, the trees, the melody… Faded shades of green interrogate my sanity and birds lure me into fated obscurity
Yet, despite my loath I persist outside as I insist to still loathe the inside
For I’m afraid of everything of my room, and my stupidity.
Unsure, with cold feet I approach the shore.
Inclined to dive into the sea pondering if there’s foolishness in my desire to fall free
Frozen with dismay I inspire to go in and expire to cry away
Breaths of a misty breeze aggravate my foggy brain
Elementally, salty tears and salty waves are equally capable of thawing a Sunday
If I savor this sweetness will I drown in the bay? And if I close the blinds will I blind myself astray?
Blue Eons
Please do not repost or share without my permission.
submitted by blueons to OSDD [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:09 ExclaimerHelp Why do so many emails end up in junk?

1. Use of spam trigger words and phrases

Email content filters analyze every word in an email to see if it has common spam words. If your email has a large amount of spam words, the server will block your email or send it to junk folders.
There are certain words that will trigger spam filters, so it’s best to use these sparingly or avoid using them completely.

2. Unequal text-to-image balance

Email servers favor messages that have an equal text-to-image ratio. They don’t like emails that heavily feature images. Using more imagery than text will directly affect your email deliverability rates and make sure your messages go straight to junk folders.
Always include at least two lines of text for every image or graphic you put in your email. All images should have Alt text, and don’t use short URLs if you’re including hyperlinks.

3. Poor text formatting

Stick to using ~one font type~, one font size (below 12pt), and one font color. It’s fine to venture away from the standard black font, but don’t use multiple colors. Doing this is as bad as using spam trigger words.
Punctuation is also key; using more than one exclamation or question mark in the subject line or body of the

email is considered spam-like.

4. Not using a legitimate “From:” email address

It’s not recommended to use a free or personal email address like Outlook.com/Hotmail or Gmail as your “From:” address. Instead, use an email address from your organization’s domain. If you don’t want to receive lots of out-of-office replies, set up an email address specifically for marketing emails and send from this address every time.
It’s also best to avoid using email addresses that begin with ‘info’, ‘noreply’ or ‘sales’. These are seen to be generic, so they will often end up heading straight to email junk folders.

5. Bad HTML code

If your code is badly written with extra tags or was designed in Microsoft Word and then copied across, spam filters will be alerted. This will affect your open rates and it’s likely your email will be blocked.
To avoid this, you can use pre-made email templates or find an experienced designer to create a branded HTML email template with properly written code.
submitted by ExclaimerHelp to emailtipsandtricks [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:02 Meia_Ang [Discussion] Quarterly Non-Fiction Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman, Chapters 11-17

Hello everyone, welcome to the third discussion about Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman. Hope you studied hard this week, I sure did!


Previously, in Thinking Fast and Slow, we followed Kahneman and Amos’s academic bromance in the wonderful world of decision making and biases. Our two main characters model two kinds of behavior of the brain. System 1, always on, is the intuitive one, that makes continual judgments and assumptions. System 2 is the slower one, only called when necessary, that produces rational thinking, mathematical reasoning, and is awfully lazy. We learned that even specialists are really bad at intuitive statistics and apply the law of small numbers when they shouldn’t.
Chapter 11: Anchors When we are asked to consider a possible solution to an estimation problem (eg, did Gandhi die after 100 years old?), our answer will be close to this number, like it’s anchored to it. Even when the proposition is obviously unrelated, like with a rigged wheel of fortune. It has many consequences, like with real estate prices and every negotiation. If someone starts one with an absurd price, make a big fuss and stop it until a more reasonable offer.
Both systems cause this behavior. System 1 because of priming (unconscious influence of a previous information). System 2 makes us start at the anchor, and then adjust, often not enough.
Btw, here are the answers to the questions, it annoyed me that they weren’t in the book. Washington became president in 1789. Waters boils at around 70°C/160°F on top of the Everest. Gandhi died at 78 years old.
Chapter 12: Availability We learn about the availability bias. When we are asked to estimate the frequency of an event, our answer depends on how easily we can retrieve examples from our memory. The more dramatic and personal the example is, the more it works. Making people list examples increases the perceived frequency, except when you ask too much. Finding 12 examples of something is hard, and your brain will interpret the cognitive fatigue as a less frequent phenomenon.
Chapter 13: Availability, emotion and risk Our perception of risk is biased by availability and the affect heuristic. If you feel strongly about something negative, you will evaluate the risk as stronger. It’s especially true with very small risks such as terrorism, which our brain is really bad at evaluating (it’s either ignored or given too much weight). And a recent disaster in the news will make us renew our insurance policies. There is a very negative correlation between benefit and risk in the mind of people. This means that if a technology is perceived as highly useful, you will perceive it as less risky, and vice versa.
Kahneman then presents two philosophies about risk assessment and how it affects public policy. There can be availability cascades around public panics such as the Love Canal controversy, fed by media frenzy and politics. Slovic thinks that risk being not objective (it depends on what parameter we prioritize, such as lives or money), the perception of the citizens should never be ignored. Sunstein wants risk experts to rule, because public pressure make the biased lawmakers prioritize the use of tax money inefficiently. Kahneman wisely stays in the middle of this merciless academic scuffle.
Chapter 14: Tom W Tom W is a fictional university student invented by Kahnmos. The goal of the exercise is to guess his specialty. The subjects are told the proportion of the students in each specialty (the base rate, humanities being more probable than STEM), and sometimes a (dubious) psychological profile. He’s described as a nerdy asocial guy who likes bad puns, and if you’re judging him, remember you’re on reddit, so don’t throw any stone here. Most people, even specialists, will infer that Tom studies Computer Science, despite the probabilities given by the base rate, that mean it is more probable for him to study Humanities. It’s because this tells a better story (they choose representativeness instead of base rate. Even if the added information is dubious. Once again, if system 2 is activated (eg by frowning), people will get closer to the base rate.
Kahneman then gives us advice to discipline our faulty intuitions. You just have to use Bayes’s rule and multiply probabilities in your head! Easy. If you cannot do that, I’m sorry you’re an embarrassment to your family and country, but just remember to stay close to the base rate and question the quality of the evidence.
Chapter 15: Linda or less is more Linda is another fictional character created to make us feel bad. She’s described as a left-leaning politically engaged woman. What is more probable, that she’s a bank teller or a feminist bank teller? Most people will choose the second. The problem is that feminist bank tellers are a subset of bank tellers, so there’s less of them (all feminist bank tellers are bank tellers, whereas only some bank tellers are feminist). So it’s mathematically less probable. However, it’s more plausible, tells a causal story, so our System 1 likes it. It’s called conjuction fallacy.
Apparently, Linda caused another controversy in the field of psychology, but Kahneman doesn’t go into details, probably to protect his readers from the gruesome imagery.
Chapter 16 Causes trump statistics We go back to a Tom-like experiment, comparing base rate to other information. When the base rate is neutral, people don’t care about it. But when it is causal and tells a story, the brain will take it into account more. The story (here, it is that a company’s cab cause most of the accidents) creates a stereotype in our head. And in this case, stereotyping helps improving the accuracy of our intuitions.
The author then discusses how to teach psychology to students. He describes the help experiment, where people isolated in booths heard a stooge pretending to die. A minority of people went to help, because of the dilution of responsibility (”someone else can do it!”). When faced to this result, most students accept it but it doesn’t really change their views, in particular of themselves. However, when shown some individuals and their choices, their ideas really evolved. Once again, we suck at statistics and love to make stories from anecdotes. But now we can hack it?
Chapter 17 Regression to the mean Every performance has a random element. That means that if someone has an exceptionally good run, in sports for instance, their results will go down in the future. The opposite is also true. This is called regression to the mean and happens all the time when there is randomness involved. But our brains love causality and will invent a story around it. For instance, this air cadet performed better the second time because I yelled at him, not because of randomness catching up with his bad luck. That’s why we need control groups in every experiment, because many sick people will get better because of time and statistics.

Useful Links

You’ll find the questions below, feel free to add your own!
submitted by Meia_Ang to bookclub [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:07 adulting4kids Holidays Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan: Exploring Cultural Celebrations Across Holidays
Objective: Students will gain an understanding of various cultural celebrations, exploring the unique traditions, symbols, and practices associated with Hanukkah, Diwali, Kwanzaa, Las Posadas, Winter Solstice, Chinese New Year, Boxing Day, Ganna, Oshogatsu, and Global Celebrations. They will appreciate the cultural significance and diversity of these holidays while finding creative ways to express their own cultural heritage through writing and creative activities.
Day 1: Introduction and Research (1 hour)
  1. Opening Activity: Holiday Icebreaker (15 minutes)
    • Start with a brief discussion about students' favorite holiday traditions.
    • Share a few diverse traditions from different cultures to pique interest.
  2. Introduction to Holidays (15 minutes)
    • Provide an overview of the ten holidays, briefly explaining their cultural and religious significance.
    • Discuss the importance of cultural diversity and understanding in today's global society.
  3. Research Activity (30 minutes)
    • Assign each student a holiday to research. Provide resources (books, articles, websites) for them to explore.
    • Instruct them to focus on key elements such as symbols, traditions, rituals, and historical background.
  4. Group Discussion (15 minutes)
    • Students share their findings in small groups, discussing the uniqueness of each holiday and what aspects resonate with them.
Day 2: Creative Expression and Writing (1 hour)
  1. Reflection and Discussion (15 minutes)
    • Begin with a brief reflection on the previous day's research.
    • Discuss what aspects of the holidays students found most intriguing or surprising.
  2. Creative Writing Exercise (30 minutes)
    • Encourage students to choose one holiday and write a short story or poem inspired by its traditions.
    • Emphasize the use of descriptive language to capture the cultural richness and significance.
  3. Sharing and Peer Review (15 minutes)
    • Students share their creative writing pieces with a partner or small group.
    • Encourage constructive feedback, focusing on how well the cultural aspects are conveyed.
  4. Expressing Personal Culture (15 minutes)
    • Discuss the importance of expressing one's own cultural heritage.
    • Assign a short homework task: Write about a personal cultural tradition or celebration that is meaningful to them.
Day 3: Presentations and Reflection (1 hour)
  1. Individual Presentations (30 minutes)
    • Students present their personal cultural writing assignments to the class.
    • Encourage the use of visuals, artifacts, or personal stories to enhance presentations.
  2. Group Activity: Cultural Exchange (20 minutes)
    • Divide the class into small groups and assign each group a holiday different from the one they researched.
    • Instruct them to discuss similarities, differences, and potential cross-cultural influences.
  3. Reflection and Closing (10 minutes)
    • Lead a class discussion on the broader themes of cultural appreciation and understanding.
    • Encourage students to reflect on what they've learned and how they can apply this understanding in their lives.
Assessment: - Research participation and group discussions (Day 1) - Creative writing piece (Day 2) - Presentation and cultural exchange activity (Day 3)
Homework: - Reflect on the cultural exchange activity and write a short paragraph about one interesting aspect learned from another group's holiday.
Additional Notes: - Encourage students to use a variety of resources for research, including books, articles, and interviews with individuals who celebrate these holidays. - Foster an open and respectful environment for discussing cultural differences and similarities. - Emphasize the importance of empathy and understanding when exploring diverse traditions.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:31 DazzlingShiny130 The Sewed King

"The Sewed King is the name given to an hypothetical entity that originated from a corrupted fable weaved by editors, it all started with a world being written by one of those meta entities mentioned in Tales We Weave. Originally the story was supposed to be cheerful and happy, with not many details but being a narrative that could embody joy and happiness. It started with a brave and happy king living in a kingdom located near a beach, the king didn't had a queen or even kids but he was still happy as well his kingdom who was considered the strongest and happiest kingdom among all, no monarch could even understand the secret the king had to have such a perfect happy place. Eventually the king met a beautiful woman in which he fell in love and decided to marry her, and so the already happy kingdom won a new queen to rule over them"
"Though the narrative seemed short, simple, and cheerful something went severely wrong when it suddenly started self writing bad plots and replacing happy parts with horrific sentences, some sentences being extremely disgusting and horrible even for editors to read. Attempts to edit the narrative and rewrite it back as it used to be didn't seemed to work, and the narrative somewhat always returned to self write bad things. Seeing that nothing seemed to be working, the editors decided to rip and terminate the narrative of the happy king, deleting the story and ceasing it's existence. However this would only prove to be ineffective when several stories from the Collective Webs started behaving and presenting bad plots everywhere, with tragic and horrific scenes happening consecutively. Most of the times the story ended with the protagonist or either the people losing their limbs and members, and so the once simple narrative became a nightmare for editors to remove and purge since the influence of the Sewed King was spreading exponentially like a virus through the endlessly stories of the Collective Webs, attempting to rewrite all stories to become horror narratives instead. Aiming to stop the problem for once and for all, many editors gathered together in a final attempt to counter attack the horrific influence of the Sewed King before it could spread to the Primary Webs. It demanded more than eight thousand editors to purge the bad influence that was harming the Collective Webs and so the problem seemed to be once again terminated and closed (or at least is what they believed)"
"Due to the lack of informations it is almost impossible to describe when exactly the events of the Sewed King happened but it is assumed shortly after the narrative of the happy king was terminated. The Sewed King Is apparently only believed to be a event that corrupts narratives and creates horror stories wherever it's infection has spread further beyond the multiverse. While only believed to be something and not someone, the idea of the Sewed King being a entity wasn't discarded by editors due to patterns being observed in different stories, with them always ending with the characters being torn apart and a mysterious figure watching in the background. However nothing was confirmed and the idea of them being a actual entity remained hypothetical. When manifested in the story, The Sewed King will change the plot of the story and turn it into a horror story instead, making it end tragically for the protagonists most of the times"
**Trivia: -The name "Sewed King" was created by editors after noticing that most of the stories that were corrupted and infected by the horrific plot, had dead people with their limbs or members being sewed like if it was ripped off their body and sitched back into them
-There are currently no solid evidences to confirm the Sewed King is a entity instead of a event
-Things such as personality or appearance are also inapplicable to the Sewed King due to the fact of them having never appeared psychically, remaining as an hypothetical being instead
-Reports points that this anomaly somewhat embodies horroterror plots and writing, representing the detrimental side of the narrative's plot**
------Poem of the Happy King-------
Once upon a time, there existed an kingdom located near an beach where it was ruled by its brave and happy monarch, the king didn't had offsprings and neither a queen but he was still happy and confident in eventually finding a woman to give continuation to his bloodline. Everything in the kingdom was always cheerful and happy, the residents were satisfied with their monarch and so peace ruled over the kingdom for decades till the most happiest day when the king found the perfect woman to be his queen, and so the marriage happened with the entire kingdom being invited for the ceremony and crowning of the queen. After the crowning of the queen and days celebrating the new queen the kingdom thrived and grew in prosperity and power becoming even happier than it was. And so The King and the Queen lived happily together and forever.
----------------------The end-------------------
submitted by DazzlingShiny130 to u/DazzlingShiny130 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:21 adulting4kids Poetry

  1. Sestina:
- *Definition:* A 39-line poem with intricate repetition of end-words in a specific pattern. - *Example:* Write a sestina exploring the challenges and triumphs of personal growth. 
  1. Rondeau:
- *Definition:* A 13-line poem with a rhyme scheme and a repeated phrase. - *Example:* Create a rondeau celebrating the joy of creativity. 
  1. Triolet:
- *Definition:* An eight-line poem with a specific rhyme scheme and repetition. - *Example:* Craft a triolet expressing the beauty found in simple moments. 
  1. Kyrielle:
- *Definition:* A form of rhyming poetry with repeating lines and a specific structure. - *Example:* Write a kyrielle exploring the theme of resilience in the face of adversity. 
  1. Ode:
- *Definition:* A lyrical poem praising and glorifying a person, event, or thing. - *Example:* Compose an ode celebrating the power of human resilience. 
  1. Ballad:
- *Definition:* A narrative poem often with a musical quality, telling a story. - *Example:* Create a ballad recounting a mythical or historical tale of adventure. 
  1. Epic:
- *Definition:* A long, narrative poem that tells the story of heroic deeds. - *Example:* Write an epic poem inspired by a contemporary hero or heroine. 
  1. Blank Verse:
- *Definition:* Unrhymed poetry with a regular meter, often iambic pentameter. - *Example:* Craft a blank verse poem reflecting on the passage of time. 
  1. Petrarchan:
- *Definition:* A sonnet divided into an octave and a sestet, often exploring conflicting emotions. - *Example:* Write a Petrarchan sonnet exploring the duality of love and loss. 
  1. Terza Rima:
- *Definition:* A poetic form with interlocking rhymes, often used in longer works. - *Example:* Compose a terza rima poem contemplating the mysteries of the universe. 
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:10 urlocalnightowl40 dan feng & barbelo — an analysis

hi! this post is an precursor to a theory me and a few others in the hsr community have been working on for months that i wanted to share.
to first establish the basis of this analysis / theory, barbelo is the real-life aeon of permanence, embodying the very concept of "stasis" and perfection as well as the androgynous one, the "mother" of other aeons and one of the precursors of babalon, the thelemaism goddess as well as babylon the great.
while, in honkai star rail, long (龙) is the aeon of permanence, one of THEIR "emanations", dan feng / dan heng has many partial inspirations to barbeinfluences in the great and babalon as well as various other mother deities, especially from hinduism, buddhism (tantric) and greek mythos.
this specific post, however, only really focuses on barbelo as the whole theory — which we call the Dan Feng / Mater Magma : the Revelations of The Xianzhou theory — contains unreleased content currently and is frankly too long at its current state for Reddit.
now, dan feng carries the same "triple androgynous name" imagery barbelo does through the known three names of imbibator lunae, as well as their meaning behind the names.
yubie is kalpytos, the hidden one — the known strongest, the one who the audience knows the less about and the one who carries the unknown "potential" behind his and shuhu's lore. dan feng is protophanes, the first appearing one — he's the one who first formed an identity outside of 'imbibator lunae' and the first stepping stone to dan heng's identity. dan heng is autogenes, the self actualised one — the true manifestion of dan feng as an individual, as a person and is formed from his own experiences and desires, rather than the expectations of the Preceptors.
another aspect of this analysis is also the idea of being a creator of other "aeons" or in this particular case, the creator of the new ichor line (this is connected to the babalon aspect and will be explained in the 3rd part).
it can be stated that bailu effectively works similarly to an emanation, born of dan feng who took an aspect of him and narrowed down on a certain interpretation of that power, similarly to how barbelo imposed power across other emanations.
barbelo also has connections to eternal life and the concept of water, especially primal waters. this is especially relevant as dan feng also carries those connotations. in the ireneaus book, "against heresies", chapter 29, book 1, it is stated that barbelos is the one that caused "eternal life" to be created from the monad, demanding that they are created for her to accompany her, similarly to how dan feng "created" eternal life. barbelo was also said to be created from primal waters when monad looked at THEIR reflections in the sea like how dan feng has connections to waters creating 'life'
barbelo also has sexual references, similarly to how dan feng also does (however, this aspect is way more relevant for the babalon section)
it is claimed by epiphanius that barbelo represents the idea of sexual libertinism with other researchers noting that tantric rituals were used to achieve henosis or 'spiritual oneness' through barbelo, which also partially explains his more sexual aspects in game.
all in all, there is quite a bit of gnostic influences in dan feng, regarding barbelo alone and i will release the full theory when 2.3 drops. thank you for reading!
submitted by urlocalnightowl40 to HonkaiStarRail [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:09 adulting4kids Prompt Poetry

  1. Imagery: Prompt: Develop a subplot by immersing readers in a secondary storyline. Use vivid imagery to describe the new setting, characters, and events, providing a rich backdrop that enhances the overall narrative.
  2. Metaphor: Prompt: Introduce a metaphorical element into a subplot, comparing it to the main storyline. Explore how this metaphorical connection adds depth and resonance to both narrative threads.
  3. Simile: Prompt: Expand a subplot by using similes to draw comparisons between the challenges faced by secondary characters and those in the main plot. Highlight similarities and differences to create a nuanced subplot.
  4. Rhyme: Prompt: Craft a subplot where characters communicate or navigate conflicts using rhyming elements. Explore how the use of rhyme within the subplot adds a distinctive and memorable quality to the secondary storyline.
  5. Meter: Prompt: Develop a subplot with a specific meter, creating a unique rhythm that distinguishes it from the main narrative. Pay attention to the pacing and syllabic beats to emphasize the subplot's significance.
  6. Alliteration: Prompt: Add a layer of intrigue to a subplot by incorporating alliteration in the dialogue or events. Experiment with repeated consonant sounds to create a sense of cohesion within the secondary storyline.
  7. Assonance: Prompt: Enhance the emotional resonance of a subplot using assonance. Focus on the repetition of vowel sounds to evoke specific moods or atmospheres within the secondary narrative.
  8. Personification: Prompt: Infuse life into elements of a subplot by personifying them. Explore how assigning human qualities to aspects of the secondary storyline adds depth and emotional connection for readers.
  9. Symbolism: Prompt: Integrate symbolic elements into a subplot that parallel or contrast with symbols in the main plot. Explore how these symbols enrich the overall thematic development of the narrative.
  10. Enjambment: Prompt: Develop a subplot with enjambment in the characters' interactions or events. Allow the subplot's elements to flow seamlessly, creating a sense of continuity and interconnectedness with the main storyline.
  11. Repetition: Prompt: Establish a recurring motif or theme within a subplot. Explore how repetition can reinforce key elements, creating a sense of unity and importance in the development of the secondary narrative.
  12. Free Verse: Prompt: Break away from traditional narrative structures in a subplot. Allow the events and character arcs within the secondary storyline to unfold organically, guided by the natural flow of the subplot's development.
  13. Stanza: Prompt: Divide the development of a subplot into stanzas, with each representing a significant phase or perspective. Explore how this organizational structure enhances the pacing and thematic evolution of the secondary storyline.
  14. Theme: Prompt: Develop a subplot that explores a thematic element distinct from the main plot. Ensure that the secondary narrative contributes to the overall thematic richness of the story.
  15. Tone: Prompt: Shift the tone within a subplot to evoke different emotions. Guide readers through a range of feelings within the secondary storyline, creating a layered and dynamic narrative experience.
  16. Connotation: Prompt: Introduce a word with strong connotations into the dialogue or descriptions within a subplot. Explore the nuanced emotions and associations tied to the word within the context of the secondary narrative.
  17. Irony: Prompt: Create a subplot where elements of irony play a significant role. Showcase situations where the intended and actual outcomes within the secondary storyline diverge, adding complexity and depth.
  18. Allusion: Prompt: Integrate an allusion to a well-known literary work or historical event into a subplot. Explore how this reference enhances the depth and meaning of the secondary narrative for readers familiar with the source material.
  19. Syntax: Prompt: Experiment with sentence structure in the development of a subplot. Use varied syntax to convey the unique rhythm and flow of the secondary narrative, mirroring its distinct characteristics.
  20. Diction: Prompt: Shape the mood of a subplot by carefully selecting the language used within its development. Choose words that align with the desired emotional atmosphere, influencing the overall tone of the secondary storyline.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:00 AutoModerator CredibleDefense Daily MegaThread May 15, 2024

The CredibleDefense daily megathread is for asking questions and posting submissions that would not fit the criteria of our post submissions. As such, submissions are less stringently moderated, but we still do keep an elevated guideline for comments.
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Please read our in depth rules https://reddit.com/CredibleDefense/wiki/rules.
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submitted by AutoModerator to CredibleDefense [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:57 Avernic Where the Story is Going Next - Order of Slayer Masters

Where the Story is Going Next - Order of Slayer Masters
Mural from Sunken Pyramid
Starting this summer we are going to be getting three updates in the Underworld that are all tied together. Those updates are:
  • Sanctum of Rebirth
  • Skilling Boss
  • A Story Quest
Now in the art we're been shown for the first two, the Amascut imagery is pretty obvious. A lot of people have been pointing it out. But here's why I think that this is really pointing towards content themed around the Order of Slayer Masters and not a direct confrontation with Amascut, a continuation of the Desert quest series, or some version of the Tombs of Amascut narrative.
Why I'm skipping around Amascut
The primary reason I'm saying this isn't DIRECTLY Amascut is just where we are in the story. We're the whole Fort series of updates into the storyline and there's already another quest after this batch of updates announced. I really don't think we're stepping on the toes of the core Desert quest series here and putting it in the middle of this current one. We would either need to grab all of the requirements from the Desert series through Phite Club, or impose all of these quests on some future Desert finale. There are ways for these to be separate enough to be their own quest lines while still using the same lore backgrounds of Amascut/Icthlarin/Desert stuff.
And that's not to say that Amascut wouldn't be mentioned! There's plenty of room to do historical lore without impeding on, and maybe sometimes adding to, the current quest events.
Some additional reasons I think we're sidestepping Amascut are that this is being pitched as Underworld content, not Desert, This was Amascut's stomping grounds back when she was fulfilling her role with Icthlarin and doing Rebirth stuff, hence Sanctum of Rebirth. This place would seem to be from before she was the Devourer. Or before she was found out...
Who are the Order of Slayer Masters
The Order of Slayer Masters has pretty little lore on it. It's initial allusions to date back to Smoking Kills, but most of the information on the organization comes from the Sunken Pyramid in Menaphos. The Order was a group that Amascut founded while in disguise after the God Wars who would go around slaying beasts to protect the people of the Kharidian desert. They eventually discovered that they were being tricked into harvesting powerful souls for Amascut, at which point she unleashed her fury on them. Some were cursed and their souls are bound to where they died. Others escaped and kept the group going, hence why we have Slayer Masters.
Why am I saying this is where the story is going
My main reason still for this is still that we need some throughline that sidesteps the main desert series. And while absolutely tangential to that series, the Order of Slayer Masters probably won't make the cut in the future finale.
Here are some additional minor points which maybe read a bit too into the tea leaves:
  • Back for Dead and Buried one possible narrative thread proposed but not used in the final product was Order of Slayer Master lore.
  • Major Update Moment Hero Pass had a handful of slayer order outfits which I'm going to call "intentional asset creation".
  • The monster in the Sanctum of Rebirth concept art looks most like a dark beast soul devourer, following a slayer theme.
  • One line listed in the roadmap is a new slayer monster and slayer helm upgrade, this is probably the quest's reward. The slayer helm upgrade is us learning from the Slayer Masters.
And now for the fun speculation part
Why Underworld/Amascut stuff after Requiem for a Dragon
Well this is where the Order of Slayer Masters helps I think. After Zemouregal has been given significant time to ponder on what Bilrach is, he realizes he is some powerful undead that needs a special slayer tool to defeat. So we go on a quest to this ancient slayer zone to retrieve that tool. This is the preparation for pursuing Bilrach fully.
Why wouldn't Bilrach be at the Sanctum of Rebirth
This is just my interpretation of how the roadmap was presented, but it wasn't until the Story Quest after the 3 Underworld updates that Bilrach was in the art. The art shown for the Underworld updates doesn't reference him or any other Zamorakians at all. It's all Amascut-stuff we're facing. So I think this is a bit of a detour.
Other miscellaneous predictions
  • The Raptor tags along and joins the Order of Slayer Masters for real, solidifying his place as a Slayer Master.
  • The other two bosses in the Sanctum of Rebirth are also slayer monster themed.
  • Catolax (from Smoking Kills), the machine in the Pollnivneach dungeon (also from Smoking Kills), and Faiza (from the Sunken Pyramid) all get inclusion and closure in this content.
  • And just for fun: the Skilling Boss is a giant, elaborate Necromancy ritual.
So those are all my thoughts on what I think will be an Order of Slayer Masters mini-season/dungeon/arc/batch/whatever you want to call this grouping of updates. Absolutely excited for them!
submitted by Avernic to runescape [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:41 Hyperversum This is getting fucking ridicolous

The amount of absurd prompts that get blocked is starting to become more than ridicolous, it's fucking weird.
This prompt just got flagged as unsafe: "A priestess in black dress, dark short hair with bangs, smug, in a library, pale, choker, in the style of dungeons and dragons, highly detailed watercolor painting, sitting on a rich armchair, violet eyes, small horns"
It's the same fucking prompt I used literally 2 minutes before with the addition of "small horns", as I am trying to make a portrait for an NPC for a TTRPG game.
Why are horns censored? Do we have someone afraid of satanic imagery?
submitted by Hyperversum to bing [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:03 FFBot Official: [Keeper] - Wed 05/15/2024

Post your "Who Do I Keep?" questions here rather than individual posts.
  • League specific rules and details (league size, std/PPR, roster details, custom scoring, bonuses etc.)
  • Specific keeper rules (number of players, rounds, what happens if you don't use all keeper slots, etc)
  • All players under consideration
  • Any other pertinent information.
When answering questions, please make sure to sort by NEW!
Individual Keeper threads posted after this point will be deleted in order to keep the subreddit clean. Post here instead! If everyone sorts by new, your questions should be answered.
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2024.05.15 12:59 Vast_Impression2551 Exploring the Dynamic World of Graphic Design: Trends, Tools, and Techniques

Graphic design, a field blending creativity and technology, has evolved significantly in recent years. It encompasses various forms of visual communication, from digital and print media to web and multimedia design. Whether you're a budding designer or an experienced professional looking to stay current, understanding the latest trends, tools, and techniques is essential. This blog explores the dynamic world of graphic design, highlighting key aspects that define this ever-changing industry.

Emerging Trends in Graphic Design

  1. Minimalism and Simplicity: Less is more. This trend emphasizes clean, simple designs that communicate messages effectively without unnecessary clutter. Minimalism focuses on essential elements, using whitespace strategically to create a balanced and engaging composition.
  2. Bold Typography: Typography is no longer just about readability; it's a powerful visual element. Designers are experimenting with oversized, bold fonts that grab attention and convey strong messages. Custom typefaces and hand-drawn lettering are also gaining popularity.
  3. 3D Design and Realism: With advancements in software, 3D design has become more accessible. This trend includes hyper-realistic textures and elements that add depth and dimension to designs, creating immersive visual experiences.
  4. Sustainability and Eco-friendly Design: As awareness of environmental issues grows, sustainable design practices are becoming more prevalent. This involves using eco-friendly materials, promoting digital over print media, and creating designs that advocate for environmental responsibility.
  5. Animated and Interactive Design: Motion graphics and interactive elements are increasingly used to engage audiences. From subtle animations on websites to full-fledged video graphics, motion adds a dynamic layer to static designs.

Essential Tools for Graphic Designers

  1. Adobe Creative Suite: A staple in the graphic design world, this suite includes Photoshop for photo editing, Illustrator for vector graphics, InDesign for layout design, and more. It offers a comprehensive set of tools for various design needs.
  2. Figma: Known for its collaborative features, Figma is a web-based design tool that allows multiple designers to work on the same project simultaneously. It's particularly popular for UI/UX design.
  3. Canva: For those who need to create quick and professional-looking designs, Canva offers an intuitive interface with numerous templates and design elements. It's ideal for social media graphics, presentations, and marketing materials.
  4. Procreate: This digital painting app for iPad is beloved by illustrators and designers for its natural drawing experience and extensive brush library. It's perfect for creating detailed artwork and illustrations.
  5. Affinity Designer: An affordable alternative to Adobe Illustrator, Affinity Designer provides robust vector graphic design tools. It's suitable for both professional and amateur designers.

Key Techniques for Effective Graphic Design

  1. Understanding Color Theory: Color is a crucial aspect of design that affects mood, perception, and behavior. Familiarize yourself with the color wheel, complementary colors, and the psychological impacts of different hues.
  2. Mastering Composition and Layout: The arrangement of elements within a design is vital for clarity and aesthetic appeal. Techniques such as the rule of thirds, grid systems, and alignment help create balanced and visually pleasing compositions.
  3. Typography Skills: Beyond selecting fonts, understanding kerning, leading, and tracking is essential. Typography should enhance readability while complementing the overall design aesthetic.
  4. Effective Use of Imagery: High-quality images can elevate a design. Learn to select or create images that support your message and maintain consistency in style and tone.
  5. Feedback and Iteration: Design is an iterative process. Seek feedback from peers and clients, and be prepared to revise your work. Iteration helps refine designs and ensures they meet the intended goals.


The world of graphic design is both challenging and rewarding, offering endless opportunities for creativity and innovation. By staying informed about trends, mastering essential tools, and honing your techniques, you can create impactful designs that resonate with audiences. Whether you're designing for digital platforms or traditional media, the principles of effective graphic design remain constant: clarity, creativity, and communication. Keep exploring and experimenting to push the boundaries of what's possible in graphic design.
submitted by Vast_Impression2551 to u/Vast_Impression2551 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:34 Popcorn_Sniper26 Ex suddenly went cold and avoids me

We loved each other very much, truly. She wrote poems for me, kept all the flowers I gave her etc. One day, out of nowhere, she breaks up with me. We both were at our first relationship, of course we made some mistakes and I get it. She said that even though we broke up, we can still text each other to see if we're okay. I did no contact but texted her once in a month, just to see if she's allright. About 2 months later we meet and she acts strange, tried to avoid me but I managed to talk to her. She was very cold and barely looked at me. A month from that I texted her about going out for a walk, I realised what went wrong in the relationship (I loved her too much, more than she loved me) and wanted to talk about it. She responded kinda rude, saying she doesn't have time to meet. I don't even understand what's going on anymore, any advice will be useful
submitted by Popcorn_Sniper26 to BreakUps [link] [comments]
