Symptoms sore throat fatigue headaches stomach aches


2020.08.25 20:47 ohnoitsapril88 LPRSilentGerd

Laryngopharyngeal reflux is a condition in which acid that is made in the stomach travels up the esophagus (swallowing tube) and gets to the throat. Symptoms include sore throat and an irritated larynx (voice box).

2014.09.19 01:24 healthyalmonds Staphylococcus aureus bacteria colonizing the body: the unifying agent of acute and chronic disease

Staphylococcus aureus is a bacteria that can live in the nostrils, ears, mouth, tonsils, and skin. It may cause or be associated with your congestion, swollen lymph nodes, sinus problems, sore throat, eczema, rosacea, acne, cystic pimples, folliculitis, bowel disease, chronic fatigue, diabetes, lupus, weight gain, hair loss, and other diseases. Chlorhexidine, iodine, or Triple Antibiotic Ointment (Neosporin) may stop the Staph infection. See inside for more information.

2024.05.15 08:26 honeycolorkook Mental health decline is giving me chest pains, a high bpm rest rate and I'm growing more Grey hair than normal. Help??

Hello again, you might've seen my post a while ago about a really bad ear infection I had. I went back to the doctor and it's slowly clearing up thank god, but now I'm starting to see signs of a more serious health problem that could've possibly played a role in me getting a really bad ear infection out of no where.
I (f21) have struggled with mental illness my entire life. I'm not gonna type out my whole sob story, but to keep it short and sweet I have bipolar 1, OCD, BPD, an ED, and just overall very very bad anxiety. This is all written in my chart and every doctor I go to knows this. With that being said my OCD and ED have been rearing thier ugly heads for the past week making me very anxious and miserable, to the point that it's making my insomnia worse from worrying and so much other stuff.
I've been losing weight pretty rapidly because I simply refuse to eat when I feel this way as a sense of control I do not possess right now and my OCD has been giving me disturbing and downright terrifying intrusive thoughts (like that I'm going to die of a heart attack or that my newfound ear infection is going to spread to my brain and kill me; as well as more harm ocd thoughts like me getting near any high surface and my brain screaming at me to jump off or to simply just self-harm again to stop the thoughts completely.)
I've been so stressed out because of my mental health that I've been noticing more than just a random stray hair that is kinda grey every once and a while to seeing multiple fully grown out bright white strands (which isn't normal in the slightest for me) and I have my samsung smart watch that I use to track my heart rate and it will tell me when something seems off and I have been getting constant alerts that even if I'm simply sitting and trying to relax my resting BPM are at a shocking 121 (which also isn't normal for me in the slightest), I'm a bigger girl, but my blood work has always been normal and I never once had anyone tell me that I am unhealthy once they see my most recent panel that I got 1 month ago. So all of these things that have been happening over these past few weeks have been worrying me tremendously.
My chest has been feeling tight and aching which shouldn't be happening to a 21 year old that has no heart conditions and I've generally just been feeling spent and tired over the course of this (my depression has gotten worse which plays a heavy role in this as well) my body has been feeling feverish with no actual fever, I've had some light tremors, I've been extremely fatigued and my gut health has been not so great as well (having diarrhea every day, multiple times a day, for almost 20-30 minutes each session).
I've been brushing this off until I just broke down today (I've been crying nonstop for about 3 hours straight now) and now I can't even get out of bed. I feel like my body gave me an ear infection to actually make me slow down and take care of myself, which I'm grateful for, but also very annoyed by.
My question is will and should I grow more concerned if these symptoms persist and are they more serious than I think? Thanks for the replies in advance!
submitted by honeycolorkook to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:48 Chance-Strawberry-20 26M Nasopharyngeal Mass

Hello, I (26M) recently noticed a small, painless, immobile lump on the right side of my neck. During my company’s annual medical exam, the doctor suggested it might be my body fighting an infection, although I had no symptoms like a cough, sore throat, fever, or colds at the time. The doctor advised me to observe the lump for two weeks to see if it would go away. Two weeks later, my AME results came back normal (chest x-ray, blood test, and urine test), and I had also tested negative for HIV, Hepatitis, and Syphilis two days before my AME schedule. During my AME interpretation with a different doctor, I mentioned the lump again, and this time I was referred to a specialist since it hadn’t gone away.
I visited an ENT specialist right after that and during the consultation, the specialist asked if I smoked (I don’t, but I drink occasionally) and then he performed a nasal endoscopy. The procedure revealed a Nasopharyngeal mass at the back of my nose, and I was advised to get a CT scan, ultrasound, additional blood tests, and a biopsy. I haven’t done these procedures yet, but I’m anxious about the possibility of it being something serious. And I know googling is not best thing to do but I couldn’t help it and now it increased my anxiety, making me fear it could be the c word.
What are the chances that this mass is not serious? I’m really scared and experiencing intense anxiety right now. Sorry for the long post, but I wanted to provide as much detail as possible.
Thank you.
submitted by Chance-Strawberry-20 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:37 Silver_Cartographer7 Subconjunctival Hemorrhage both eyes with petechial hemorrhage of face after colonoscopy with propofol with flu like symptoms immediately after. Causes? 43m 5'8 200lbs

Hey everyone,
I'm reaching out to this community in hopes of shedding some light on a bizarre post-procedure experience I had. Yesterday, after undergoing a colonoscopy at around 11 AM, I woke up to find my face severely swollen, filled with mucus, and my sinuses inflamed. My eyes were hemorrhaging, and I was coughing non-stop, needing to blow my nose repeatedly. Even my mom hardly recognized me due to the swelling.wheb I asked the doctor who performed the procedure he said I should look in to sleep apnea and then quickly left and before I knew it I was being wheeled out to the car
Just last week, I had an endoscopy with propofol and didn't have any adverse reactions, which makes this all the more puzzling.
Within two hours of leaving the clinic, I developed a fever and a sore throat, reminiscent of flu symptoms or past COVID experiences. I rushed to urgent care around 3 PM, where they tested me for COVID, flu, and strep – all tests came back negative, and I was sent home.
After taking 800mg of ibuprofen, I dozed off, and by 10 PM, the fever and sore throat had mostly subsided, but my face remained red with petechiae. Fast forward to today, both my eyes are hemorrhaged, and my skin looks like I've got a sunburn.
Has anyone ever experienced anything like this after a colonoscopy with propofol? If it was an allergic reaction, why was there no reaction during the endoscopy the week before? Could it be due to a different dosage? I stumbled upon some articles discussing an acute febrile reaction to propofol, but I'm still trying to piece everything together. As crazy as it sounds I believe I some how quit breathing
Any insights or similar experiences would be greatly appreciated. I did ask ChatGPT lol and it said these symptoms could be caused if I stopped breathing
submitted by Silver_Cartographer7 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:22 Chaotic_CatX Got diagnosed today, but I'm in denial.

I am male, 32 years old, and overweight. My journey all started with an empty Sella on a brain MRI where they was checking me for MS. That lead to a lumbar puncture. My OP was 28, but I was prone/ flat on my stomach. I know this increases pressure because the radiologist who did the LP told me. My cardiologist said it may increase my pressure up to 5 points, but that my OP is still high. I had my first appt with a neurologist today and he basically said the same thing. I have been to two eye doctors just this year. Neither of them seen the typical full blown Papilledema that's seen in many cases of iih. Terms used by the eye doctors was "borderline", "mild swelling", "slightly elevated, but could your normal" etc. One of them said with that op from lumbar she thinks I do have iih and it could be a more mild case. The neurologist did take a very quick look into my eye with an instrument, and said looks like "mild swelling" to him. My eyes wasn't dilated for this. My symptoms started a few years ago including daily headaches, feeling very unwell, lightheadedness, occasional whooshing in my ears etc. This year my eyes have started to ache constantly. I don't have allergies, they are not red and not itchy so I'm assuming maybe the Intracranial Hypertension could be the cause... Sorry for the long post. Anyways I also have POTS syndrome and I know that could cause some of my symptoms .Also that makes me extra scared to take the Diamox ER 500 mg I was prescribed. Is it possible I'm getting misdiagnosed? Btw I have lost 35 pounds since last fall. I'm working on losing more. Sorry if my post is a bit frantic and all over the place. I'm am feeling anxious as it turned into an 8 hour trip to the neuro and back home on little sleep. Thanks for understanding and I'm happy to hear any opinions.
submitted by Chaotic_CatX to iih [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:13 sameehrose Post-shunt pelvic pain

Hi there, first I’ll just say that I’ve talked to my doctors and surgeons about this and am now looking for anecdotal info from you, the IIH genpop.
I had my programmable VP shunt placed at the end of March. For the most part things have been perfect since. Headache was my primary symptom and it is completely gone.
I (29, AFAB) have incredibly bad pelvic pain from the tubing. If I do anything involving my abs, I will feel it later if not immediately. The pain is sharp and ranges from low pelvis (WAY below belly button) into my hoo-ha. It has gotten slightly less awful in the 1.5 months since surgery.
Neurosurgeon noted that the general surgeon (who handled the tubing) did have problems placing it, but I’m not sure what kind of problems.
Imaging (CT) shows that the tubing is placed correctly. I’ve been assured that this can happen and is unpredictable since it depends on your body’s sensitivity, but that it usually improves with time.
Just curious whether anyone else has had this problem and what, if anything, helped.
Also if anyone is scientifically minded and can explain how this pain is caused, it would help me to understand how something running from my skull to my stomach is causing pain so low in my pelvis.
submitted by sameehrose to iih [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:09 Horror_Structure_908 have had a "cold" for over two weeks along with odd neurological issues, some symptoms have improved while others have worsened. any advice?

*for possible context, i have a branchial cleft cyst on the left side (slowly growing) with a heterogenous thyroid but have yet to see an ENT (in the process of recieving a referral, though). perhaps that has something to do with what's been happening,.*
as the title says, i've (19F, 220Ibs) had something akin to a cold for over two weeks. the first week of infection, i went to the doctors that monday to get tested for the flu (since i had been exposed a few days prior). test came back negative, but that tuesday i began feeling incredibly sick. i was basically bedridden, so i assumed i had a false negative/got tested too early. however, after my exam on wednesday, my condition worsened, thus kickstarting the odd neurological symptoms. the best way i can explain it is i forgot how to speak/type (roommate had witnessed this, paramedics witnessed some of it), my left arm/spine felt weirdly numb, and i had a tickle/heaviness in my chest. *to add, i wasn't really dehydrated, so i wouldn't attribute what happened to that.* i went to the hospital, had my blood taken, and got given haldol and benadryl simultaneously via IV (i had a bad reaction, became extremely paranoid/fearful. hospital staff did not care), and then got told everything was due to low magnesium/anxiety (i don't doubt it, just giving more details about my prognosis).
the following week, while my "cold" symptoms seemed to improve, AKA my throat wasn't as sore (forgot to add that the left side of my throat was/is swollen) and my ears didn't hurt as bad, my fatigue/lightheadedness/almost-fainting-thing worsened, so i went to an urgent care to get tested for COVID, the flu (again), and strep. everything came back negative, and after i told the urgent care provider what i was experiencing, they highly recommended i go back to the hospital. so i did. they gave me an EKG and another blood test, both coming back mostly normal. some of my levels fluctuated (not totally concerned since fluctuations are normal), but was then discharged and diagnosed with lightheadedness (my discharge papers say that's my diagnosis). i wasn't given any prescriptions or instructions on how to proceed with said diagnosis.
now, a week later, i still feel very week and lightheaded. i've always had feelings of fainting/tunnel vision/everything associated with losing consciousness, but it's been progessively bad. i feel like i have no stamina, and even felt exhausted from walking to the grocery store entrance from my car today. i also still have a lot of drainage/leaky sinuses (which isn't usually normal for me, even with allergies), and the left side of my throat is still swollen/tender on the outside (which could be from the cyst).
i'm unsure where to go from here. i made an appointment with my PCP the first time i went to the hospital this month, and the earliest appointment is the 27th. if nothing comes out of that, i won't know what to do. regardless, i just wanted to hear other's opinions/advice/etc.
submitted by Horror_Structure_908 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:38 Evening_Bodybuilder5 Inject biologics during the sick/flu week🤣🤣

I have been sick probably catch a cold or flu for a week, and have been much better since the last two days. And today is my biologics day, so I inject my once/month Taltz, after that I feel my cold/flu symptoms is back and worse again. I feel chest pains and sore throat and headache and huge panic. I am worry will this be serious consequences? I have never get sick and inject biologics in the same week. Now I am very regret I have done that, what should I do? Will this get much worse bc my immunity system is suppressed? Thank you for the advice🤣🤣
submitted by Evening_Bodybuilder5 to ankylosingspondylitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:36 Aggravating_Long3712 Systemic Reaction to Lupron Depot?

Ever since I took 2 doses of lupron depot (11.25 mg and 7.5 mg 3 month and 1 month respectively) two weeks apart, I've experienced strange symptoms. The most prominent is my throat descends and buldges out, making it hard for me to speak. Some days I'm extremely cold, my body is in a state of continous goosebumps (all hairs stand up for hours on end), I'm extremely fatigued, and I sometimes faint after standing up. Other days I'm overheating, my arms become extremely veiny, and my body parts swell up. These symptoms flare up especially after eating. Throughout this whole process I've also had pretty low blood pressure (80s over 60s). Does this line up with autonomic dysfunction? Does anyone have similar experiences to share? I'm hoping this all goes away when the lupron clears from my body, I would really appreciate any advice or knowledge, thank you 🙏🙏
submitted by Aggravating_Long3712 to dysautonomia [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:32 grapefru1tfruit Experience starting over again at 5 or jumping to 7.5?

With the shortage it’s been 6 weeks without taking Zepbound. I did 1 month on 2.5 and 1 month on 5 and I was making great progress but am really struggling without it, as many of us are. I met with my doctor a week ago and we put in another prescription to start back at 2.5 but insurance won’t cover it this time around. I haven’t been able to get 5mg refilled in 6 weeks. My doctor was willing to put in the prescription for 7.5 but that seems like a huge jump to me after not taking it in 6 weeks and doing really well on 5mg. My insurance only covers 5mg and 10 mg as maintenance (covering more than 1 pack a year) and will also only cover 1 month of 2.5 and 7.5 a year. We put in another PA request for 2.5 but unlikely that will go through.
I’ve read a lot about it not being recommended after so much time to move up / start where you left off, but I can’t afford to pay out of pocket, even with the coupon for 2.5 (if I could even get it). I’ve thought about plan C and the whole process makes me a bit nervous and it’s also not the cheapest when I was paying 0 for zepbound with insurance.
What am I even supposed to do? I’m exhausted from calling pharmacies, insurance, my doctor, and googling nonstop. Would starting 7.5 really be that bad of an option?
The first week of 2.5 I had pretty much no appetite and the second week hit me like a truck with low energy, fatigue, brain fog, constipation etc. I quickly cleaned up my act and 2.5 was a lot better and moved up to 5 because of insurance. First week of 5mg I did my best to get in vitamins protein water etc. which made it a lot better than the first 2 weeks of 2.5, but the first day of 5mg for the 4 weeks was extreme fatigue, on and off stomach aches but by day 3 of the last 2 weeks I had pretty much no side effects and even went 11 days inbetween shot 3 and shot 4.
submitted by grapefru1tfruit to Zepbound [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:32 kmpxo 7 months since my POTS diagnosis and I still feel terrible

I was diagnosed with POTS in November of 2023 after having COVID. I always had minor symptoms of POTS but it escalated drastically after being sick. I have a cardiologist who just told me to increase my salt intake, water intake, get good sleep and wear compression socks. I try to do all of that and nothing is helping. I have dizzy spells throughout the day, sometimes seeing stars and almost collapsing. Headaches almost everyday, weakness, fatigue. I never get a full nights rest - I’ll wake up several times in the night either from overheating or my heart pounding. My temperature regulation is horrible - I’m either freezing or so hot to the point where I’m sweating and need ice packs to cool me down. I don’t know what to do and am hoping for some advice on how to navigate this new way of life. It’s becoming increasingly more difficult to function throughout the day. Any advice is greatly appreciated ❤️
submitted by kmpxo to POTS [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:53 idk9210 Introducing gluten back into diet?

I want to introduce gluten back into my diet but I don’t know how to start or if it’s a good idea / safe to?
I removed gluten from my diet completely in September 2023 due to health reasons. I was having a lot of issues like digestion issues, heart palpitations, bloating, swelling in the face, weight gain for no reason, missed periods, horrible anxiety with no trigger, mood issues, insomnia and extreme fatigue. We later found out that I had several uterine fibroids, an ovarian cyst and endometriosis.. all of which can cause most of those symptoms I listed.
Before I got a diagnosis on those, I removed gluten and dairy at the same time by recommendation of my cardiologist. (I wish I did more research before completely removing gluten) I know dairy was a huge issue when it came to stomach upset, so I won’t ever introduce dairy back. But, basically my cardiologist said that if my body doesn’t agree with gluten, digesting it can make my vagus nerve work harder, which can in turn cause palpitations.
Anyway, I don’t know that I really ever needed to actually remove gluten. But I do know that it’s supposedly beneficial to leave it out for my endo and fibroids, in hopes to decrease the growth.. apparently there’s no proven facts on this but idk.
I worry too that maybe it did benefit me to remove it in ways I don’t really notice and once I add it back it might undo everything.
The reason I want to add it back is basically, I’m tired of being restricted and just want to be normal again. I don’t plan to eat unhealthy I just don’t want to have to read labels, panic over cross contamination, not be able to just be free with eating. It’s caused a horrible relationship with food for me.
Has anyone who cut it out by choice, and introduced it again have any issues? (not asking about people who cut gluten out because of celiac disease or gluten intolerance, but more so people who made the choice to cut it out on the notion that it might benefit health problems, lifestyle, etc.) again, I don’t actually know if I have any intolerance to gluten or not, because my health problems from the fibroids, cyst, and endo can all cause the symptoms I ended up removing gluten for.
submitted by idk9210 to Gluten [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:49 ericharris2 I care too much and it’s making me insane

How does no one else care? Why does everything hurt me so bad? I’m so angry all the time. Oh my god the symptoms of anger are killing me. The headaches, nausea, twitching and jerking, the heavy breathing, intense heart rate, my stomach hurts so bad, the sweating, everything. My thoughts are making me insane. The constant desire to tear myself apart and bite and punch. How much more can I possibly take?
How is the world so cruel? Why do I have to be here with all these people? Why can’t I be heartless and happy? I feel so sick. Everything hurts. Sorry I care about other people (sarcasm). I’m rotting from the inside out. It never goes away. I feel like I’m going to puke. I wish I didn’t have empathy. I wish I never felt anything. I hate being me. Killing myself seems like the only option left. No one is safe to be around. I can’t take it.
submitted by ericharris2 to venting [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:48 TaruDominance Omeprazole: If I didn't have reflux then, I do now!

I don't usually post on Reddit--I'm more of a lurker--but something happened to me recently, and I wanted to share, because I'm feeling really miserable right now.
I went to the doctor for a blood pressure check-up recently, but he also checked my ears, nose, throat, etc just to see if everything was in order there. He said that he thought my recent fits of coughing were caused by silent reflux, and to be honest, that was my first time hearing about it. Sure, I'd had episodes of reflux in the past when I'd eaten things I really shouldn't have--pizza, spaghetti, fried foods, and so on-- but the effects were never long-lasting. Anyway, he prescribed me 40mg of Omeprazole, thinking that it'd fix my coughing issues. I shrugged, figuring I'd give it a try since my nagging cough had been bothering me lately.
Since my medicine wasn't ready to be picked up, I decided to go home and take 20mg of Prilosec, thinking it would ease me into the larger dosage he'd prescribed for me. Keep in mind, I was feeling absolutely fine before I popped one of these pills in my mouth--aside from the coughing, I was in fairly good spirits, and was increasingly happy about my blood labs.
And then it happened. I can't say if it was a day or two after, but I started noticing a hot sensation riding up my throat, stopping just short of my mouth and sinking back down to my stomach. I was concerned -- was it the spicy Chinese food I'd had a few days ago? No, that couldn't be right... that's been digested for a while now. I wasn't thinking much of it, and continued to take Prilosec 20mg until I was able to get the higher dosage from my pharmacy.
Thinking 40mg would be a quick fix, I took it for three days following on the behest of my family members, two of which are on regular PPIs. This was 5 full days on Prilosec/Omeprazole, and the entire time I was miserable. Acid continued to rise up my esophagus, prompting me to take sips of water just to clear it from my throat and soothe it. I was burping constantly, though that may have been from the constant water-sipping. Something was definitely wrong--I'd never felt this horrible in my entire life, nor have I ever had symptoms of acid reflux that were this awful. I've never once heard of someone who suffered from regurgitating acid and did so the entire day, on and off, every ten to fifteen minutes, with or without eating. Even as I type this, its' still rising in my throat.
I stopped the Omeprazole, and I've been off off it for just over 24 hours, but the problems persist. Sitting down makes it worse, as does lying down, and it seems the only relief I have is if I'm up and about, but even then it still happens from time to time. And sleep? The only way I can manage to sleep is to take Gaviscon and hope I manage to pass out before it wears off.
I messaged my doctor and he simply told me to stay the course and add Pepcid to my regimen. He said if these symptoms continue, we could make a change. I'm sorry, but I'm definitely not doing that. I felt absolutely fine--peachy, even--before I popped one of those horrid little pills into my mouth, all because I trusted my doctor to improve my quality of life, rather than ruin it completely.
I don't know what to do. I guess I typed this up in hopes that I could talk to others who suffer from this. I've started to make lifestyle changes such as watching what I eat, exercising regularly, and losing weight though doing both, but I'm worried that I won't be able to return to my normal life. I'm sure the anxiety of that isn't helping.
Sorry. I didn't mean to drone on, nor do I intend to knock anyone who has taken Omeprazole and improved. Maybe it was a horrible side effect or something? I don't really know.
submitted by TaruDominance to GERD [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:35 Sad-Statistician-598 Am I slowly dying?

(18F/65.5kg/163cm) I have had chronic pain and fatigue for 2 years with no answers, at first I focused on it too much and wouldn’t stop googling but recently I have been just giving up and trying to push through it every day. Recently I have been getting these symptoms that are concerning to me: Worsening blurry/cloudy vision, constant bad headaches, ear discomfort, random jolts of stinging pain, aggression, shoulder and back pain, clear fluid leaking out of left nostril, decreased libido, visible veins in palms, face pain. I also have persistent chest and rib cage pain + discomfort but I don’t think it’s related. I feel like I’m getting confused and it’s so hard to do daily activities like cleaning and walking. I’m scared of seeing a doctor as I’ve just been ridiculed in the past, but if I really need to see one I will. I feel like my life is slipping away and I have no one to go to.
submitted by Sad-Statistician-598 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:22 beach2002 undiagnosed looking for advice

hi all, thank u for taking the time to read this. im not asking for a diagnosis but i have been very hopeless with how things have been going. i am 21 years old and i have no idea what else to do so any advice on who to see or ur thoughts is much appreciated. have been dealing with these symptoms since december non stop w worsening progression👇 1) chronic eyelid swelling and redness and pain 2) floaters and dry eye and sensitivity to light 3) swelling of face and legs 4) coldness and tingling in feet and hands 5) hair loss 6) chronic yeast infections 7) chronic sinusitis 8) rashes, rosacea, acne, ezcema all not responsive to topicals 9) chronic fatigue 10) stomach issues- bloating, pain, either no stool or diaharia 11) back pain 12) depression and anxiety 13) period for 5 months and now period gone for 3 months 14) masive brain fog
i had an mri back in march due to also optic nerve swelling and came back somewhat normal with just fluid beneath the sheeths of the nerve it said. i have done tons of bloodwork, and i already have been diagnosed with pcos but i never had any of these symptoms. i also had a ct scan of sinuses and there are mucosel cysts but thats probably not meaning much to all this.
i have never felt this bad in my life. with my eye problems ive gotten like 5 different diagnoses and no one is certain but this is defiently one of my biggest symptoms. no one doctor ive seen has been trying to connect the dots. my ana last time i checked was normal besides a little high for rheumatoid factor. ive been to countless doctors and i just dont know what to do at this point when i go to the doctor for help and just being told its “inflammation” without further investigation and i go home with no options or help. i dont know what to do anymore, if anyone has any ideas its so appreciated❤️😢.
submitted by beach2002 to ChronicIllness [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:17 pencilurchin At wits ends with gynos over symptoms

Looking for advice for dealing with gynos as I am getting frustrated with my symptoms and lack of gynos taking my symptoms seriously.
For the past few years I’ve been having irregular periods and periods that that have lasted as long as two months. I started going to gynos about it right before COVID. I’ve had multiple ultrasounds all came back with nothing and from unrelated medical issues have had multiple abdominal CT scans and full abdominal ultrasounds and none have ever shown anything wrong with my reproductive organs. I’ve also always had clear pelvic exams.
I am on oral contraceptives - I’ve been through a few different brands over the years bc every time I go to the gyno asking to help trouble shoot why I keep having multiple week long periods I get told it’s my birth control when nothing shows up on an ultrasound and they switch me to a new one. I’ve been on Mili for around 2.5 yrs now.
I understand the ultrasounds not showing anything concerning enough to make it into imaging reports and lack of an evident pathology but I’m having very real symptoms that I can’t get any of the gynos I’ve been to to take seriously. Including horrible cramping, stomach upset, period headaches, having periods mostly consisting of clots, and while mostly fairly light extended over usually 2-3 weeks. I usually only have 1-2 weeks free of bleeding between cycles.
I don’t know what else to do or push for. Any advice for dealing with gynos or a similar situation would be appreciated.
submitted by pencilurchin to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:05 throwaway182737282 Supplements

Is it safe/beneficial to take supplements such as mastic gum, oil of oregano, and lactobacillus reuteri even without an active h pylori infection? I had multiple stomach ulcers that were h pylori positive in 2022. Recently just had another endoscopy due to having similar silent reflux/LPR symptoms again and the endoscopy all came back normal this time around. Just trying to find some supplements to help my LPR symptoms (trouble swallowing, sore throat/feeling like something is stuck in throat, burping, not being able to eat a lot, etc)
submitted by throwaway182737282 to LPR [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:05 throwaway182737282 Supplements without active infection

Is it safe/beneficial to take supplements such as mastic gum, oil of oregano, and lactobacillus reuteri even without an active h pylori infection? I had multiple stomach ulcers that were h pylori positive in 2022. Recently just had another endoscopy due to having similar silent reflux/LPR symptoms again and the endoscopy all came back normal this time around. Just trying to find some supplements to help my LPR symptoms (trouble swallowing, sore throat/feeling like something is stuck in throat, burping, not being able to eat a lot, etc)
submitted by throwaway182737282 to HPylori [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:02 dontlookformepls Endo journey after painful smear (uk)

After a recent, unusually painful smear I got sent for an examination to discuss my pain and other weird symptoms I’ve been experiencing over the last few years but I’m very good at gaslighting myself and convincing myself I’m fine so I’ve always clocked it up to my body and cycle changing due to age (30 in August) The symptoms I presented were - Worsening cycle, no heavy bleeding but random cramping throughout the month, unbearable ovulation pain to the point of nausea and exhaustion (my day is a write off if I’m ovulating) - Constant bloating and heavy/tender feeling in my lower abdomen unrelated to period - Deep pain during sex and sometimes orgasm, no position is better or worse it’s always a deep uncomfortable/stabbing pain, I can’t have sex around ovulation/period because it’s too painful - Fatigue, constant, every day, basically my main personality trait at this point - Constipation followed by cramping when relieved and feeling like my lady bits are also gunna fall out of me - Lower back aches and tender to touch at different parts of cycle
When I told the nurse all this she looked at me bewildered that I’d think any of this were normal and asked if I’d ever considered endometriosis and booked me in for a scan just to check everything. But I still don’t feel like.. I’m that bad? I feel like I’m being dramatic about the whole thing and just can’t handle my cycle. Does anyone else have these symptoms and have any other diagnosis’s? She also wants to check for cysts. I’ve gone years thinking all this is just me so I’m finding it very hard to wrap my head around any diagnosis.
submitted by dontlookformepls to endometriosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:55 frannyg1ass can seasonal allergies feel like the flu?

i usually have really bad seasonal allergies, but yesterday they were so bad. i felt so fatigued and faint, but i couldn’t sleep because of how badly my body and head ached. i literally felt like i was dying, but the feeling mostly went away after taking claritin. today i still feel really weak (not tired, just physically weak) and have symptoms like a runny nose and sore throat, but the claritin 100% helped with my pain and fatigue. are these allergies?? i can’t tell and idk what to do 😭
submitted by frannyg1ass to ask [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:51 extovertedmisanthrop Does Anyone Have Seizures Like This?

Initially my seizures were diagnosed as panic attacks but anxiety meds never really helped or stopped them. They always seemed really strange to me and I am conscious during them and remember them. They start with a odd sensation either in my throat which is hard to describe but like I am going to dry heave but it sort of slowly builds up and then bam I will intensely dry heave with no nausea and there will be a up and down rising feeling from my stomach to my throat it last about 30 seconds, afterwards I am tired and family says my speech will be slow as in I talk slower. Other times it is pretty much the same thing but the feeling will start with a odd sensation in my stomach which is hard to describe kind of a odd fullness and again it will rise up and down and I will dry heave with no vomiting or nausea sometimes lately afterward I am sensitive to light afterwards.
I saw a neurologist and I captured one of the incidents on video on my phone and she said that doesn’t look like a panic attack and put me on topamax and had me do a 4 day at home eeg and reduced my topamax to 50 mg during the testing since she couldn’t take away my meds at home without a doctor present. I had 2 episodes during the testing but they didn’t register as epileptic, however during the eeg it showed I had sharp left temporal waves both when I was asleep and awake during the day and they want me to stay at the EMU.
Can anyone offer any insight on my symptoms? I am on 400 mg topamax now but I still have these episodes, do they sound like focal seizures? I know people on here are veterans with this and I am so confused. Thanks for any help.
submitted by extovertedmisanthrop to Epilepsy [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:50 fhfhdj Bloodied Blades: Volra’s Tale Part 14 A story inspired by WorldBox

Chips of rock flew away, taking the weapon’s edge with them. Ginendertha cursed the fact right before knocking away a spear thrust. For the first time in centuries she was well matched. For the first time, she could actually lose.
The thought of losing spurred her on, taking each of his strikes in stride. Realizing he had the greater strength, she weaved around them trying to make his spear obsolete.
Yet he recognized this and backed off. Every time she slid closer, he moved further away and jabbed at the woman. Packing more power to his attacks each time.
His surging thrust knocked her off balance, this time making her back away from his reach but he suddenly became as fast as her and flew at her with a leopard’s speed. The ax dropped from her numbing fingers, deftly snatching it with her other hand.
Blood flowed from her leg. She had forgotten the fact as she was still adjusting to her new body and became evident when she tried to move again. The longer she stayed in control the more she felt her wounds and fatigue. Not having a body in many years made it feel as new to her as if she had been a newborn.
Before his spear could connect with her flesh, a sonic boom blasted them both from their feet and crash down onto the cold, hard floor. ‘Why was it cold?’, she would’ve thought if she had the time. Pain flooded her leg. A single nudge brought down the dam she built in her mind.
Galakni got up quickly. He strained his eyes to see better in the dark but the darkness was impenetrable. Then he closed them and trained his ears to his surroundings. Apart from his opponent’s heavy breathing, there was the faint whistle of the wind indicating the way out and the withering tree that had not so long ago ascended him to godhood. There was a second voice, this one a shadow of the woman that it had been. This one breathed as heavily as Volra, but more out of hate than exhaustion.
Volra’s body was reaching its limit. Her muscles, already worn out from the constant fighting, pulsed from Galakni’s heavy pounding and cuts and scrapes from the many rocks in the floor. Ginendertha moved one arm and struggled against the overwhelming clubs of pain that slid in like molten magma. It was as if the body weighed as much as a thousand worlds. Nevertheless, she moved, slowly but surely, with one hand pushing down. Then the other. Pushing up, lifting the thousand worlds at her back. She heard his footsteps. She grabbed the broken ax and willed her aching feet towards him, slowly but surely.
Galakni braced himself when he sensed the other woman’s tension. Despite his quickness, the attack came out of nowhere, like a boulder rolling down from a steep hill the force of her charge knocked him to the ground. He knew this was not the assassin, so who was it?
With both bone and scaled fists gripping the haft, he fought hard to not let go, kicking desperately with all his strength at this opponent’s newfound power. The enemy avoided some kicks but slightly reeling from the others, pouring all her willpower into snapping teeth and raking against the stone haft imbued with the power of the gelatinous vortex once contained within the old tree. Neither tooth nor claw managed to disfigure the smooth surface of the Spear of Mof, for once it proved to be the spear of that great sorcerer.
Volra fought for control of her body. The Senerjai attacked her senses, the side effects warping her view of reality. An outsider would see that she was just struggling to get up from the stony ground but inside was so much more. Each breath took centuries, each heartbeat a decade, it seemed worlds would be born, then wither, then die as they both struggled for freedom.
‘This is my body! Leave me alone!’, she yelled within her at the ghost.
Ginendertha clogged her stomach and a purple cloud would spread across her intestines and take over her legs, ‘You’re too weak to survive. I have what it takes. You are but a speck of dust in this world but I can turn you to a shining gold’.
The Senerjai injected Volra’s mind with visions of her promises. Images of battles won, people crying out her name in glee, an army of leather clad men singing her praises in a foreign tongue while a tall, muscular man in bronze armor lifts a helmet from his head and mutters words of adoration and a proposal of marriage.
Volra did not know who the man was but could sense the ideas of world conquest and godhood that infected Galakni’s already venomous mind. Then she rejected it, knowing that it would mean betrayal of her own ruler, Tithra, and were so far beyond anything she ever wanted. Ginendertha tried everything. Showing her Tithra’s head on a platter, a bloody sword before the corpses of enemy tribesmen from the Kynha people, statues raised in her likeness, and her brother’s skull given to the shamans of the Overmountain. Ginendertha tapped into every memory she could reach to convince Volra to let her take control, yet a twinge of despair colored every attempt.
When the body recovered and dusted off her legs, carefully avoiding her wound, it was Volra who did it. Ginendertha said no more.
The assassin limped towards the sounds of Galakni fighting off Kiral. Ax in hand, she lifted it up and brought it down. When it loudly cracked she decided to slam it down a second time. Then a third. The blows grew weak until the very last one missed completely and hit the floor. An intense shudder felt up her arm.
She dropped the ax and fell down and felt no more.
When next she opened her eyes, she saw nothing but trees and singing birds. Reckoning that she was just outside the vicinity of the Overmountain, she breathed a sigh of relief despite the deep aching of her whole body. Pain lanced up at even the slightest movements and her limbs were too heavy to lift. Where was Kiral? Surely she was the one who dragged her out of the Path of Faith?
“Kiral?”, she said in a thin whisper. When there was no response she spoke out a little louder this time, “Kiral!?”, birds chirped and the susurrations of the winds rolled over her, “Kiraaaaal!”, she yelled after preparing for a few minutes.
She yelled three more times but to no avail. Giving no care as to whether surviving cultists or predators prowled nearby. Hoping against hope that her friend was not dead.
‘She isn’t dead. It only could’ve been her who took me out of that place’, she thought.
‘It was her, you fool. But the tree had changed her’, said Ginendertha inside her, ‘Don’t worry, it was common for new initiates to our order to run away once they saw how the powers changed them. It is a hard thing to adjust to the changes in your body especially when the changes are so significant’.
Volra willed her to shut up but it was no use. Though the Senerjai no longer had control over her body, her voice could still plague the assassin’s mind.
It was a trial to move but Volra managed it. First her arms then her legs. Wiggling them to get used to the pain and then increasing the movements by grabbing on to a nearby trunk and pulling herself up. Standing was the greatest challenge then for it meant an even more intense agony, the kind that she had not felt since first training under Noseraph. Without thinking, she took a direction and started walking. She was still breathing, and she had killed Galakni.
submitted by fhfhdj to Worldbox [link] [comments]