Free online games that can't be blocked


2014.02.27 04:00 StOoPiD_U FreeGameFindings

/FreeGameFindings is based around finding free game promotions all over the place! Be it Steam, Epic, Origin, Ubisoft Connect, GOG, Xbox, Playstation, or Nintendo Consoles, we will find every last free Game and DLC promotion we can, and get it to you!

2013.03.12 15:16 For bros who crochet

It doesn't matter if you're a man or woman. You just have to be a bro. Brochet, a subreddit for bros who crochet.

2018.10.06 02:07 Red Dead Fashion

For fans of the Red Dead Redemption series of games, this sub is a place to show off and discuss customization, character designs, and other fashion related to the game.

2024.05.14 01:32 OrangeDog96 HYSA help

Hi guys! I've been watching Caleb for a few months, and recently been on this reddit for a few days, and I've looked through other posts asking about HYSA's, but I have a few questions I was hoping people here could answer.
Based on my (limited) research I've decided that Ally has a good HYSA option. I see it (and wealthfront) recommended all the time here.
For those who use Ally i was wondering: Are there any fees involved? Do I have to keep money in for a set time? Is it an online bank only? Is it FDIC insured? Can someone explain compounding interest to me?
Also, off topic from the original question, but I figured I'd ask: What is a CD and do you recommend them? From what I've gathered you "buy" them for a set amount of time and can't access that money during that time. Do these have higher interests rates than HYSA, and are they FDIC insured/safe to "buy"?
Sorry if these questions are dumb. I am 28, never went to college, and just got my first "real" job that's a career.
Extra info: I have 4k sitting in a vystar account with like .2% interest and want to change that. My average bills/total cost to live averages 650$/month. (I'm a trucker and live in my truck 95% of my time- when I do come home my dad let's me live in his spare bedroom rent free for the 2 or 3 days im home a month.) I make roughly 1500/week. If anyone has any extra advice for me based on that information I would certainly read over it and be very thankful. Thank you to anyone who responds and helps me. Have a blessed day!
submitted by OrangeDog96 to CalebHammer [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:32 ColdInMinnesooota FYI: b0t / pr firm / campaign activity has increased recently (and will be getting worse probably)

With the election season coming up, the bots are out in full force - and a lot more forceful. I posted the below text on the centrist subreddit where I first noticed how bad bot activity is ramping up, but thought I'd repost here, since this seems to be target in the past. (as well as most politically minded subreddits) Also included are a few ways I've noticed them, to assume that I'm arguing with bots and thus stop when I realize this. (and then proven probably right in what happens next)
The change in various subreddits in pretty much everything related to the recent protests has proven yet again how reddit can be manipulated, and how I'd wager 1/3 to 1/2 of the commenters aren't "real" in the organic sense in politically-minded subs. (more on that below)
TLDR: make your comments and move on, don't engage too much with replies, because chances are is that you've engaged with a bot recently, and much more likely on any politically related posts. The entire system of upvotes / downvotes is corrupted, not to mention many of the commenters are paid shills (with various ways of assuming they are - not proving 100%, but lots of evidence they are)
So basically you are just wasting your time and giving your energy to the machine - don't do this TOO much. It's a waste of energy / time. As carlin says, at least when you are ...... you have something to show for it -
Just an fyi, there's a 50-50 chance you are talking to a bot right now - I've noticed a lot of this activity recently, and especially on this sub.
How do I know?
Look at what gets upvoted and downvoted - these have changed drastically recently (like on Israel related ones - on this sub - anything for the protests gets massively downvoted, this - on reddit? no way)
-Why do your comments stay at -2 or -4? because they're hidden by the default view. they do this to create an environment that most normies won't question and/or look further into.
-Do they not actually respond to your points / miss nuance / context? they're probably in a different country using auto translation software. people abroad can't tell the difference between an ICE car and a car ice sculpture, for example.
Also look at the commenters, what they say and their profiles. a lot don't look real.
And these are just the accounts that they don't do a good job at making their profiles look legit, because there's no point. (since they are throwaways)
My point being don't waste your life replying to many of these people, they probably are just interns / bots anyways.
Here's a link from a supposed testament of how this works: (supposed - not proven, but it lines up from my prior political consultant activity a LONG time ago)
"My niece was a political science major at a reputable university in California. Part of her program is a coop portion where they join a campaign for a semester. This happens twice during the four year undergrad program. If you’re not familiar with how co-op works the school places you. You don’t have a choice. If all goes well you get some good experience, something to put on your resume, you make connections that can help you after you graduate and if you’re lucky you get hired on as a paid staffer.
In 2016 she was on the Kamala Harris senate campaign for Barbara Boxer’s seat. Then she was on David Baladao’s congressional campaign in 2018.
After graduating she was hired on to the Kamala Harris presidential campaign in January of 2019. This is where she went from student/volunteer to a paid position and the job changed a lot. So instead of door knocking, putting up posters, applauding during campaign speeches and running errands she was helping organize the field team and the cyber team. The field team is pretty straight forward so let’s focus on the cyber team.
Their job was to see what was hot and how can the campaign get in front of whatever issue or whatever was happening at the time. Did a candidate in another campaign put his foot in his mouth? Is there a controversy that is early in the news cycle? Is something being talked about online that makes our candidate look bad? Kamala getting political favors from people she dated and keeping an innocent man in prison were the ones I remember off hand. This is all normal stuff. Other than planting staffers at rallies to ask questions because the rubes never seemed to ask the right questions for Kamala’s already prepared answers there isn’t a lot of juicy gossip on these campaigns. But the cyber team had another role which is why I’m making this post now.
The cyber team and most of the staffers were expected to participate in forums, bulletin boards, social media chat spaces, all platforms including reddit. They were expected to have multiple accounts and maintain characters while engaging with other users. She used pre-maid accounts that were at least three years old. They would push-pull ideas to see what worked and what fell flat. The same person would have nice, mean, old, young, female, male, gay etc personas. Each with a bio. If one of them left the campaign someone else would take it over. This is all over and above the bot accounts. The cyber team were real people with multiple fake accounts testing talking points and seeing what the push back would be so the candidate would be prepared when the campaign couldn’t protect her from real people. The main work was done in a cubicle farm by a dedicated team but regular staffers were required to do it as well. The K-hive cyber team and the BootieJudge cyber teams hated each other and took pleasure in exposing their rival’s accounts.
That person you are having an argument with online may just be a shill from someone’s campaign. It may also be Russian, Israeli, Chinese and surprisingly Turkish agents. Election interference is real but it isn’t hacking voting machines but instead two idiots arguing online with one of those idiots being paid to do it. So the next time you encounter someone in sub, any sub just understand when they start spouting talking points they may not be a real person.
Age of the account won’t help you. Banning normally doesn’t help much because the can just hop-on with another account. It’s only going to get worse as the election heats up. God help us all."
Ever notice how blocking only gets a response from another different account? believe it or not most real people dont' do this - you just argued with a bot / pr shill / campaign.

Here's also a good example on the centrist thread, where I originally created this post -
God with a soft g has the top rates comment, and is lying about the prior convo to discredit what I said:
I was replying to a question of why xudoxis (a user) was spam posting at all on a different thread in this subreddit (centrist) - they were posting multiple stories on the exact same topic in this thread - another commenter was calling them out on it - upon which I replied, given their spam posting of the same story on this subreddit multiple times - that they were a bot.
see the bot-ness? of course you do.
then God with a soft g replies with only my response on this thread, not to the comment I was replying to in the prior one -
my guess: both xudoxis and god with a soft g aren't legitimate. one was spamming stories, the other defending that spammer (and also young acct) by lying about the convo. (after i blocked xudoxis, since they couldn't respond to me)
yes, this is all small crap, who cares - but realize this is pr plain and simple - they lie all the time.
submitted by ColdInMinnesooota to BreakingPoints [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:30 Mizzno [H] Games [W] Cornucopia, Headbangers: Rhythm Royale, art of rally, Games (Listed Below), Steam Gift Cards

N.B.: I'm mainly looking for the games listed in the title and at the bottom of the thread. Feel free to post other offers, but if I haven't responded to your comment(s) by my next posting, I likely wasn't able to find a trade that interested me.

For sale (for Steam Gift Cards or gifted Steam Wallet balance):

For trade:
*signifies that a game is tentatively up for trade, assuming I buy the bundle


IGS Rep Page:
submitted by Mizzno to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:28 darkvulpine Any new customization options for weapons yet? What's up with the game now?

Could only find posts from almost a year ago. Just wondering, if there's yet to be ways to customize photon color of attacks, while keeping the look of another weapon?
Would say that it's been frustrating that the main bulk of the game, Phashion Star Online 2, and can't do something simple as altering the colors of our weapons. It's highly frustrating that I'd have to downgrade myself just to have the look I worked for, only to have some new arbitrary weapons come out that if I don't upgrade to, I'm gimping myself and my team.
No new skills either, I'm kind of lost at this point. been spending time back in OG PSO2.
I wanted the open world content, but it feels like there's hardly any point besides occasional super boss. Give us PSE Bursts outside of those specific areas! And get rid of the whole thing! why even bother having any other enemies?
Eh, not like SEGA would listen to us anyways.
submitted by darkvulpine to PSO2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:24 OrangeDog96 HYSA help

Hi guys! I've been on this subreddit for a few days, and I've looked through other posts asking about HYSA's, but I have a few questions I was hoping people here could answer.
Based on my (limited) research I've decided that Ally has a good HYSA option. I see it (and wealthfront) recommended all the time here.
For those who use Ally i was wondering: Are there any fees involved? Do I have to keep money in for a set time? Is it an online bank only? Is it FDIC insured? Can someone explain compounding interest to me?
Also, off topic from the original question, but I figured I'd ask: What is a CD and do you recommend them? From what I've gathered you "buy" them for a set amount of time and can't access that money during that time. Do these have higher interests rates than HYSA, and are they FDIC insured/safe to "buy"?
Sorry if these questions are dumb. I am 28, never went to college, and just got my first "real" job that's a career.
Extra info: I have 4k sitting in a vystar account with like .2% interest and want to change that. My average bills/total cost to live averages 650$/month. (I'm a trucker and live in my truck 95% of my time- when I do come home my dad let's me live in his spare bedroom rent free for the 2 or 3 days im home a month.) I make roughly 1500-1800/week AFTER taxes. If anyone has any extra advice for me based on that information I would certainly read over it and be very thankful. Thank you to anyone who responds and helps me. Have a blessed day!
submitted by OrangeDog96 to Bogleheads [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:24 N0-F4C3 List Of Engines For The Limit One Event.

Figured I would fire off some viable engines for folks lacking ideas on what to play.
Kashtira/Scareclaw: The FenriUnicorn/Pressured Planet Wraithsoth combo is amazing by itself in almost any deck. But the rest of Kashtira wants viable Targets and REALLY shines when slotted into a deck with Scareclaw. Even with low card counts Scareclaw can let you make and crack boards with relative ease. And depending on how you tech it out it can have VERY high chances of the endboard ending on Ariseheart using other engines.
Danger!: The dangers can get you a crapload of free bodies in decks that want cards in the graveyard, it acts as glue for many other strats like Kashtira and Tearlaments.
Tearlaments: Not a fan personally. But you cant deny the deck doesnt get kneecapped that much due to most of it already being limit 1. Incredibly solid.
Bystials: Basically free parking in most decks this event. Super good to fill slots.
Zoodiac As A Sub Engine: All roads lead to Drident/Zeus. Its a bunch of 1 card starters into a free pop. Works super well in decks that don't really need a normal summon.
Okay Engines:
Branded: Limited 1 branded can work with some finagling. You can cobble together a 40 card branded list and have it work being a bit bricky. HOWEVER, they only have 1 ash for that Branded Fusion... So thats a thing.
Snake Eye as a Sub Engine: In any deck that can use it, Snake Eyes is a CRAP LOAD of free bodies for combos. That said, it loses a shit load of starters and actually becomes more bricky. But you still have what... 6 Starters for the engine even with everything limited to 1? Thats a lot of free bodies.
Dragon Link: Dragon Link has always been a pile deck anyways, Just pile in every extender you can and finagle a board together... Its just Dragonlink but weaker. But even weaker Heavenly Spheres can still just win games in this simplified environment.
Mediocre Engines:
Nible/Spright Subengine: Spright is already limited to shit. Toss it in any deck with some level 2s and you are primed to go. Sprind gets you into nible into gigantic/elf... can do some IP/SP plays, Go into Avramax, Multiple Negates. Its not pretty but it will get the job done for sure.
Feel free to post more deck ideas and how you think they will do.
submitted by N0-F4C3 to masterduel [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:19 Old-Engineering6179 AITA because I unplugged my sons computer while he was playing it?

My spouse and I have two boys, one age 12 and one aged 9.
My 12 year old son has had struggled with screen time since we first let him have access to a screen at age 2.
It's been ten years dealing with this so I could go on for ages about it, but here are a few highlights:
I apologize for this being so long. It seems like a petty silly problem but as you can tell it's been an issue for us for many years and it is wrapped up in things such as my spouse's childhood trauma, my own childhood trauma about being yelled at and how it triggers me into a spiral of depression (I did not respond after they yelled at me this morning and have not spoken to them since. I've just been depressed and on the verge of tears all day.), possible undiagnosed ASD for my spouse and son, my own history of anxiety and clinical depression as well as my own self-diagnosed possible ADHD. But maybe I'm making it more complicated than it has to be. I don't know.
So what do you think...AITA for unplugging the computer?
submitted by Old-Engineering6179 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:18 No_Panda_9171 My MIL is an Addict

I'll try to be as brief as possible, but so sorry that this is gonna be long. Please also, if you're only going to say "NO CONTACT" that is not helpful. My post is just gonna show how drugs and alcohol can affect everyone in the family. If you are struggling, get help because you are not only ruining your lives but the lives and relationships of everyone around you.
Background: My MIL has been addicted to alcohol, pills and marijuana since my husband was a child. Lots of trauma from that, that deserves a post on its own. For the 12 years I've been with my husband, it's been a never-ending cycle of using/drinking, going to rehab, getting sober, slipping up but hiding it, rinse and repeat.
Ever since having kids, she wants the privilege being a grandma but obviously chooses the alcohol and drugs over them every time since she has never stayed sober. Because of that and the fact that DH's family members (mostly FIL) also hide/lie about her sobriety, we've decided that since we can't ever fully trust her, she cannot see the kids without either me or DH being around. Previously (and more than once), we had celebrated a whole year (or so we thought) of her being sober and given her unrestricted access to the kids (sleepovers, her taking them out) when we let our guards down and feel like we can trust her again, only to find out later that she wasn't sober. Because all of the back and forth, no contact, awkward family gatherings because we didn't want her around, we decided that we are just going to assume she is not 100% sober and we can't trust her to be alone with our kids (even if FIL is around too because he hides her drug use from us).
Me & DH agreed that... - She can see the kids, as long as one of us is around - She is not drinking and/or high (we can 100% tell and she will avoid us if she is, cancel plans, not show up, etc) - No babysitting, sleepovers, she can't take our kids anywhere
This allowed her to still be in the kids' lives and not make family gatherings awkward and cause more drama.
Despite these rules, that we have told over and over again, she continues to ask to babysit and for sleepovers. We (DH) tell her no, she says ok and acts all sad and throws herself a pity party and then waits a period of time (couple of weeks, months) and then asks again like we forgot. Sometimes she even says "I've been sober" or "I'm going to therapy" or the worst one "I did rehab, isn't that enough for you?" We think she still asks because 1. She's not very smart. 2. She thinks if she keeps asking we'll give in. 3. SIL still allows her son to sleepover, so why not us? (SIL complains about MIL all of the time and how she doesn't trust her but she still allows this...don't know why, but not our kid, not our problem). DH has a huge problem with this because SIL talks about how much she hates her mom yet still loves the free babysitter, again, it's shitty but that's her life/decision.
Recently, she asked DH again for a sleepover because nephew (SIL's son) was sleeping over. DH hadn't responded to her yet, but did bring it up to me. Of course I was like uhhhh, did she forget...again? Both of us had a deep convo about it, mostly because how triggered I get when she asks because during my postpartum with my 1st son, she treated me horribly...would act so supportive and loving one moment and then say cruel things to me while I was in the darkest depths of my postpartum depression, broke my trust with the drugs/drinking and DH at the time looked the other way (he didn't side with her, he just told me this is how she is and we just have to deal with it, she means well but I have to look past the drinking/drugs). Well, I put up a fight because NO I was not dealing with it and allowing an active drug addict to be around my kids and that he's fucked up because of her when he was growing up. He saw the light and promised to always have my back and stick up for our marriage and kids.
More of the convo revolved around my guilt to allow her in the kids life, she seems to truly want to be involved, but has her demons and chooses drugs/alcohol/lies instead. And obviously, I am always the one to be blamed for any limited contact with the kids although, DH says he agrees with our choices and shuts his mom down every time.
We also discuss the really weird sleeping arrangements for sleepovers they have at FIL & MIL's from what I hear. They have no spare bedrooms, tons of animals dogs/cats. Nephew, who is 6, has never slept in his own bed at home (he sleeps with his mom and always has). No hate towards co-sleeping parents, you do you...but when he sleeps at MIL & FIL's, he sleeps in bed WITH him. That's a big no for me if this were my kids. No bed, how about the couch? No, my son has severe animal allergies, especially cats, and the animals hang out on the couch, it's full of hair and dander. My parents also have cats and they make sure he has an animal free room to sleep in if he sleeps over. He needs to sleep in an animal free room, in-laws don't have that. At our house we have 2 dogs and 1 cat, and manage his allergies well by not allowing them in his room. (The animal allergy thing is important, don't forget that!) So even if she was sober and trustworthy, he couldn't still sleepover because they can't accommodate the sleeping arrangement he needs. After chatting about this stuff, DH says he will call his mom and remind her once again and that the answer is NO.
A couple of days go by and we see MIL & FIL at a family get-together. Everything seems normal, MIL is not acting out of the ordinary. FIL randomly tells me, "MIL is getting rid of all of her cats." which is odd, she's had them for years, she loves them. Taken aback, when I ask why, he says, I don't know and doesn't bring it up again. We get home and SIL comes over and we are chatting , she says, did you know MIL is getting rid of all of her cats so DS can sleepover? And I start to laugh. Yeah, that's the reason...and SIL laughs too and agrees (she knows our rule). But she says, yeah FIL said you (as in me, not DH) said DS can't sleepover because they have cats. And I'm like, I'm pretty sure DH told her it was because the drugs/alcohol, she's probably making that excuse but now I'm worried that she is really gonna get rid of those poor cats! I flag DH into the room to verify to SIL that he told her what we talked about days before and he's like no I didn't remind her that she can't have alone time with the kids because of the drugs/alcohol, I just blamed that cats and sleeping arrangement so I didn't have her hear her crying and whining.
I'm shocked and pissed. I ask DH why he gave that excuse and instead of what we talked about and he just got upset and blamed his mom for everything; how he hates talking to her, she's a POS, etc, etc. It's a tough subject for him to talk about because of all of the trauma he's experienced growing up, to what she put me through, the drama involving the kids, etc. Working through it with him in the past has been tough because he just wants to block it all out. SIL apologizes for bringing it up (not her fault) and leaves.
That night, I tell DH I am disappointed that he didn't tell his mom the real reason why our kids are not, and will not, sleepover. I told him by blaming the cats, makes (me) look like an asshole because I am blamed by default and gives her false hope for the future. She is batshit crazy and for some reason hellbent on having the kids (without us, seriously WTF is that about?!) He says he agrees that that is the real reason but is tired of being a broken record and saying the same thing over and over again. I tell him I felt like I did back in postpartum where he didn't have my back again. He felt really bad and didn't really talk to me much even the next day. He said he feels so ashamed of his family, his mom in particular, embarrassed and feels as though he let me down. He tells me time and time again that we can cut his parents off completely, but of course it will come with a cost and collateral damage, that's not worth doing IMO.
We are working through it, I feel bad that I got mad at him, I just am tired of all of this bullshit as well, although that is nothing new. It sucks that her shitty behavior, time and time again, causes so much turmoil. From what I hear, she doesn't see it that way. I don't know if she is that delusional or really just doesn't care about anyone else but herself. ALL of her kids dislike her, if not hate her, and I truly believe that is the reason why she clings onto the grandkids so much, they don't know the true person she is...yet.
submitted by No_Panda_9171 to JUSTNOMIL [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:16 Thull111 How to help a friend with summer plans?

Does anyone know how to have fun for a summer if one doesn't have any people to hang out with or any particular projects to do (asking for an acquaintance in med school)? Like, I mean working is definitely on the docket for this person, but many say that it's important to make the most of one's last free summer in med school, but if one doesn't really, have family, friends, an SO etc. what are people even expected to do?
He gets research is an option, but for those that aren't very motivated by the idea of spending a summer with more med-oriented stuff, there must be something else, right? I am trying to help this friend; he really wants friends and isn't too keen on simple/individual hobbies, since most are kind of isolating unless they inherently take place in social circles. I am not sure what to recommend to this guy, since he's looking for more substantive interactions and connections beyond just playing soccer of video games. I guess this friend is more so looking for something that would give him a new lease on things, but unfortunately he can't travel atm due to a lack of money and his family lives in another country. He has pretty particular cultural interests, so it’s been rough for him and he’s concerned about how the summer is going to go if he stays alone as he is right now (don’t worry, he’s already seeking help, but it it’s helping him that much).
submitted by Thull111 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:16 jack_skellington Dear Bethesda, I'm perma-quitting Fallout 76, and I want you to know why. You can't win me back, but maybe you can help others.

So I logged out of F76 just now, and I will never log back in. It's over for me. The whole issue is 100% avoidable, though. I want to tell Bethesda why they lost me, and obviously this will give away some ways to keep other players.
First, the minor issues, which I'd solve with a mod in Fallout 4, but which are obnoxiously ever-present in the un-moddable F76:
But all of that was survivable. I've been building for a couple of weeks now, finishing quests (mostly not the Responders, but you know, other quests). Except... 3 days ago, I joined a game and the game couldn't place my camp. Someone else was in my spot. OK, no problem, you gave me a free "relocate your camp" so I will. But... all it brought over was my house and water pump. The gardens? Gone.
Not terrible, I'll rebuild. Over the last 3 days, I rebuilt a lot. My place is not good, I'm still low-level, but I had all the crafting, a vending machine, turrets for protection (which almost never seem to trigger on enemies, by the way), beds, and even got a settler who I met, who just hangs out at my settlement and plays guitar. Great.
And then today, the server locked up or went offline mid-game, and I booted back to the main screen. I had been in build mode at the time. I think that might factor in. When I got back in, it couldn't place my camp, gave me a free relocation, I took it, and when I put down the C.A.M.P. what did I get? It saved ONE ROOF TILE. Literally everything from the last 2 weeks was lost. To rebuild I'd need to get the resources again and re-place everything, new. I logged into a new game to see if it was a quirk, but it wasn't.
Bethesda, losing the items I had placed down today when it froze? Understandable. Losing everything, including the original building from days ago? Even the basic concrete flooring from 2 weeks ago? HOW? How could you lose THAT?
Bethesda, the game isn't good enough to persist with through this kind of mistake. I can forgive those smaller things like the cheery delusional "are we in a post-apoc game? tee hee it doesn't seem like it" theme, but if you're gonna do that AND then lose hours & hours & hours of my effort, WTF am I doing here? I'm not rebuilding, Bethesda. Sorry.
But maybe you can fix that for anyone else who is going to hit that same wall. Good luck.
submitted by jack_skellington to Fallout [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:15 ferinsy [BREAK MY CASE] Review of the new JP husbando game about corporative life with a fun musical Candy Crush gameplay

[BREAK MY CASE] Review of the new JP husbando game about corporative life with a fun musical Candy Crush gameplay
Always trying to bring new husbando games to the general public. Unfortunately, this time it's a Japanese-only one, but since it's a match 3 game, you can play it as a casual game, maybe?
So, coly inc. (Promise of Wizard, Stand My Heroes) has recently released their new game, Break My Case (ブレイクマイケース). It's a joseimuke game (aimed towards women) where you're working with hot men, basically. I'm sorry, I don't speak Japanese, but from the few chapters I've translated and judging the company's record, I guess the MC is probably a woman -- the only one in the whole game, talk about a male-centric work environment.


There are divided into 6 departments, and there are SEVERAL boys, like, too many (21 to be exact). There's one for everyone's taste (but ofc, it's Japan, so you know there are no black characters, and since it's a joseimuke, there are no muscly guys as well).
Anybody who knows idol games and other joseimukes (like Twisted Wonderland) might be used to this divide of different units, but this isn't that important. At the beginning of the game you have to choose a character to be awarded with a free SR card of him. This choice isn't really important and you can easily get those SR cards in the gacha (SR cards aren't the highest rarity).
The boys have beautifully done live2D animations in a couple of places, like their profiles, in the gameplay stages and in the story as well.
A quick overview of each department and their employees:
Main Office
Simulation Department
Watchdog Department
Negotiation Department
Special Affairs Department


The game has an interesting twist in the Candy Crush (match 3) formula: it's dynamic, a line will go through the board and you set up the matches as the line goes by. For a couple of rounds (until the song ends, marked by a Youtube-like line advancing at the bottom of the screen), the line will spawn at the beginning of the board (from left to right, but some challenge stages might have the line going around in different directions) and any matches it touches have the whole matching group removed from the board and new tiles are spawned in their places (the board doesn't "fall" like in Candy Crush, so you can't plan that much since it's random which are the next tiles to appear). Any tile that's matched in groups of 3, 4 or 5 (in line or in T-form) are removed from the board, so you can make matches on the go.
A bit of a breakdown about the gameplay mechanics:
  • You can't unite 2 groups (for instance, 2 groups of 3 in the same line don't make a group of 6, each move only results in one group of matching tiles).
  • If new tiles come up and you can match them in a group, they'll still be removed if the "walking line" barely touches any of the matching tiles (this makes the gameplay very frenetic and dynamic).
  • Once you move a tile and make a matching group, those tiles are locked until they're removed by the moving line.
  • Groups of 4 or 5 form a musical note tile (a single one with 4 matched, double if matched in T, and triple if matched in a line of 5), which is removed by the "walking line" to power up an ultimate skill that varies from each card and to raise the combo (more combos, more bonuses and items at the end of the level).
  • Other skills are present for each boy you bring to the level (you can bring 4 boys for each level --one of them being the leader with a leader advantage/skill--, and a support from friends or random people that'll help you with a boost).
It's one of those games with low stamina limits that only consume 1 stamina per stage. At the start, it's pretty okay, but I can see it being too little in the long run. You can stack up to 3 runs and you can skip stages once for every boy (in the daily grind section, so up to 21 times daily).
A screenshot of a match 3 stage. Notice the line is in the second to last column of tiles, and every tile lit up before the line is alreay matched (hende locked in place) waiting for the line to pass and remove them in the next round.


Gacha is what you expect from joseimukes: pretty greedy, but with hald decent rates at least. Some stuff to consider:
  • Cards have R, SR and SSR rarities.
  • Pity is 3% for SSR, 17% for SR and 80% for R cards.
  • There's at least one SR card guaranteed in each 10 pulls.
  • There's no pity for SSR cards, but there's a 200 pulls spark (through the shop).
  • There's 50/50 in limited banners (oh wow, I'm surprised).
  • There's no written indication of warranty on getting the featured card in your next SSR pull if you lose 50/50.
About the monetization, 10 pulls cost 500 gems, and there are no packs that sell that exact amount (an old trick so you always have gems left and you have to get more).485 gems cost 2.9k yen, and 870 gems cost 4.9k, for reference. There are discounted packs, though (limited time, of course, of course).
Oh, there are 2 pulling currencies: free and paid one. Atm, I can only see a special banner using paid currency (10 pulls guarantee a random SSR), and there's a discounted pull everyday using only 10 paid gems instead of 50). Max level of the cards are heavily reliant on dupes (5 more levels for each dupe, 1 + 4 dupes required). SSR has a max level of 60, SR max level is 45 and R is 30 (no dupes, add 20 for the max level with 4 dupes)
Generosity-wise, the game seems to be extremely stingy, with no events so far, and the game will rely only on events if there's any. For now, stages only offer 5 or 10 gems each, and story is level-locked. At least the starter events give a good amount of rewards, and you get a bit more than 30 pulls worthy of gems just for starting the game and an SSR ticket to play the gacha (random card). There was also a special b-day reward for one of the boys, and the 2nd day prize was 5 gacha tickets, but that reward was only available yesterday.
I'll leave some card images from now on just to make the article more pleasing to the eyes. SSR card.


I'm sorry, but like I said, I can't talk about the story and the lore too much. I've only read 3 or 4 chapters and it was pretty corporative-esque, I don't enjoy the theme at all, but I've been playing for 3 days now only because of the fun gameplay.
The game doesn't need a VPN to access and you can download it and play instantaneously through Qooapp or Taptap (links at the end). It also has a quality I don't often see in Japanese gachas: the UI is clean and minimalistic, and there isn't a lot of loading screens (although I've had a few disconnections, probably due to the distance I am from the main server in Japan). The live2D looks and feels modern and really fluid, and the songs are pretty cool (and a nice touch to integrate the new gimmicks to the old match 3 formula).
If you want to actually play the game and not be like me (super casual), a Twitter fan (@ aporia_eng) is translating stuff for the game, mainly new announcements and info on the characters (link at the end).
SSR card (birthday special)


Lack of English language aside, the game might be a good choice for husbando fans seeking for a new and interesting option. If you like a good story, you probably are beter with Tokyo Debunker (despite all the AI stuff and the cashgrab aspects), but if you want a different gameplay vibe, this game is accessible for anybody who've played any other Candy Crush-like game (and enjoys the genre).
It's a solid 7/10 game but probably a cheap thrill for those who don't speak Japanese and aren't really into the corporative theme.
I can only hope the game comes to global, it deserves to be a moderate success in Japan. But if you've reached this point also hoping about an English release, I'm sorry to crush your dreams, but coly inc. isn't known for localizing their games :(
SR card


  • Interesting gameplay;
  • Adds a twist to the match 3 (Candy Crush) genre;
  • High quality: live2D, great UI, few loading screens;
  • Generous starter rewards;
  • No geoblock.
  • Japanese only;
  • Theme might be too niche;
  • Apparently greedy in the long run (too early too judge, but it is what it is);
  • Dupes make a HUGE difference (it raises the max level, like Nikke).
Meow cat, please meow back (SR card).


Google Play:
submitted by ferinsy to gachagaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:10 AlexandertheIght I really need to figure it put

Okay, fourth rewrite, I'm making this in hopes that their is someone who can help me in some way. Maybe someone knows the answer to it all and can guide me, though unlikely. I'll just list out all my issues in seperate paragraphs and hopefully their is just someone out their to help, if you can help me just please do, I really need help or at least someone and you reading this and giving me advice would truly mean a lot to me. Anyways
I feel stupid: I honestly feel braindead, I hate my mind so much. Sometimes it's hard to think or do, sometimes I can't think or do. My mind is so numb, everything about my mind just feels wrong and dead. My mind has felt dead for a year or two now and I just wish it was alive, I want my mind to be normol, I want it to actually work. I also want confidence in my mind, any failure or lack of underatanding makes me defeated and feeling like a dunce. Anything I can do I say was just luck or something anyone should know. I don't know if I'm stupid or not but dam I feel like I am the dumbest in a room. I would give it all to be intelliegent, I wish I was smart, well read, well informed, well versed. I so desperately want to know, so desperately want to be smart. I wish I could understand stuff. I just want to be smart and have a bright alive mind, but my mind is so dead and desolate and compared to the rest worthless. I hit myself in my head whenever I'm mistaken or just feel so stupid, and I honestly deserve it. If I were to kill myself my mind being numb and stupid would be the reason or a big reason why, I just want to be smart. You can likely tell just how much of an idiot I am by reading this via grammer, spelling, complaints. That "likely" was meant to be "probaboly" but I'm just stupid and worthless to spell. If there was just a way to be smart and not such a moron, I fucking hate my life.
I have body issues: I without doubt have body issues, the biggest of which is my weight. As of now I am 5,9 (1.7M) and 211lbs (95.7KG), I was 246lbs (111kg) to begin with and it was also my heaviest. Despite losing a good amount of weight I am not happy and have no pride, I'm still fat and thats all I see sadly. I don't want to be fat or skinny, I want to be muscular:big arms, built chest, flat stomach, no abs (don't like them) that sounds appealing, it's what I want. Unfourtunely I as of now can't work to this goal, I don't have money for a gym or equipment, famliy funds can't do it ethier and awhile ago I turned down a weight bench since I wasn't confident, now I regret that choice. I hate being fat so much, and this deep hatred and desperation has led to a embarassing cycle, for two years now I have been downloading images of muscular bodies. They're all drawings or from videogames since I'm to embarresed to have real images and as mentioned it's a cycle, Download and store -> have them and look at them for awhile -> get ashamed of myself -> purge it all -> regret -> repeat. Like stated this has been going for two years and as of now I have ten different images. Apart from weight I also have some other physical insecurites, acne being a big one. I been suffering from acne for years, fifth grade, early sixth grade is when it started so five years of this. It mostly effects my chin and cheeks badly but also effects more of my face, sometimes the acne hurts and it often even bleeds. I hate touching my face and feeling grime and ripping off a bunch of skin and dried shit. I wash every night and try to be frequent with morning witch-hazel but it dosen't relent. I also hate it when it gets mentioned, it is irratating to be reminded and noticed and nobody points it out more then my own mom who also cliams it would go if I just washed. I do, I fucking do! It's not working and you don't understand that! I also have body acne I don't know how to fix, I like sleeping shirtless which I know is the reason, also inconsistent with bedding which isn't right. Even if I did wash sheets weekly it wouldn't be enough, I would still get acne on my body. I just want to sleep shirtless and not get acne, I wish I could find a way. Another insecurite but not really is my height, I don't mind being 5'9/5'10 I mean it's about average height and I beat out my 5'4 father. But I'm sixteen which mean I still have possibilty to get taller and I wonder, will I? If I do, just how tall? Could I reach 6'0+? All of this speculation makes me a bit insecure, also with being fat I look short and round in the mirror which is defeating. I'm secure besides speculation and weight but at the same time I truly want to be taller, I think any man tall or short wishes they were taller, I wish I could break 6'0 that would be cool (to me). But I don't think that will ever happen, my dad is 5'4, my mom is 5'6 I made it 5'9/5'10 and my chart is stagnating, should just stop thinking I'll get taller. Another phsyical insecurite and likely the last one I'll mention unless I think of another worthwhile one is my hair, I'm insecurie of my hairstyle. Or lack of hairstyle, my mom says I have independence in this choice but whenever I make a choice she complains about it. Any agreement is one sided or changed up a little so she likes it. I have always hated my hairstyles over the years, even now and as of now it's ethier her way or a unorgainzied thick mess that will soon be her way. I hate it, wish I could make my own "independent" choice, even if I could my mom would likely hate it and always bring it up which is something I don't want to deal with. My mom is more for short cuts and fades etc, I hate fades and while I do admire short hair have always taken liking to shagger and longer styles, more rugged style. I have also always liked long hair and even wanted it. I used to openly want long hair for a long time but my mom opposed, I tried to convince her but she was opposed. She wasn't only opposed to it she made sure to express that it was gay and feminine etc, etc. She made me close off and forgot the desire but even now she won't let go. She is so sure to tell everyone: famliy, her friends, the hairdresser, hell maybe even strangers, she tells everyone about how much I wanted it and what she thought of it etc. Often I have been embarresed like this while I was right there, I have expressed that this embarreses me and want it to stop mutiple times yet she'll continue almost as if it's purposeful, she will also bring up an old friend T who had long hair as an example of it looking bad. But he didn't take care of it or do anything, most he would do is give into his moms begging and have her brush it. If I had long hair I would actually take care of it and do stuff to it! She also claims I got the idea from him, but no I liked it since elementary being inspired by personal inkling and rock. I no longer want hair but am starting to find styles I really like, but first I need to get my mom to fuck off. And second I would want to grow a beard, which is another issue of mine. I'm sixteen I shouldn't expect a full beard but I have seen peers with actual good facial hair, patchy beards, five o'clocks, some actually have a beard. Then there is me, with some sideburns and a bunch of peachfuzz, I want to be able to grow a beard and the peachfuzz plus sideburns bother me, I want it to actually devlop, I want a beard. I am also worried about devlopment, worried acne will hurt or even stop growth. I'm upset about my lack of growth though I definetly have unrealistic expectations. Lastly with hair is my chest hair, I'm quite hairy and I like it. And I have chest hair but barely and I just wish I had more over a greater coverage, more of a funny insecurite, lol. One more insecurity I forgot about is my voice. I'm loud when talking and my voice isn't as deep as I wish so that sucks.
(copy and paste from older write) I wish I had a father: I don't have a father or any form of father figure, I'm fatherless and it hurts a lot. My father has been out of my life since I was elevenish/twelveish (the peak of covid passed), we kicked him out because he is and was a meth addict in and out of the jail. He was a fuctioning addict so not violent and not as obvious of an addict but the meth still took him over. My mother says she kept him around and gave him so many chances because she wanted him to be in my life as a father. But he was no father when he was around, he didn't parent me, he didn't play his role as a father and guide as a masculine role model, hell he likely didn't even truly care for me. My only memories of him really are going to McDonold's with him, after which he dumpster dived behind the plaza as I begged for us to go back home. Or me wanting to bond with him so he sets up the brilliant idea of dragging me around with his skechy friends, to skechy places, even at skechy times. I don't understand why I knew sooner, guess I was a stupid basterd but I started picking up that my dad was a bad person around fifth grade. By then I quickly found out more and more and tenstion was growing, by eleven we we're going to kick him out but covid struck it's height and our household seemed palpable. But very quickly we said fuck it and threw him to the curb, we weren't going to have it no longer. Soon after around thirteen I was happy that he was gone but slightly disappointed that I no longer had a father (even if he was useless) and I hoped my mom would find someone, not only for herself but for me. By fourteen this really layed in heavy on me and the lack of a father really bummed me out, I got really stupid and desperate using bitlife to create guys then add me and my mom in to create step father famlies even adding step siblings and shit. By late fourteen it was made clear to me by my mom that "we don't need no man" and that she was done with dating. I very well do need a father figure, every child needs one. Hell I as a guy truly need(ed) one, there are so many lessons and things that come from a fatheson relationship that are crucial to a boy and I missed out on them. Hell even when my dad was around I missed out on lessons, I still remember he was tasked to teach me how to tie my shoes but got mad at me struggling and walked away. He refused to help afterward and I refused to try and never to this day learned the proper way to tie, instead I have my own far less efficent method. I missed out on so much by not having a father and it hurts to know that and I just wish I had the knowledge, without a masculine role model I have definetly missed out what it is to be a man and likely am even a loser of a man. I just want a father so badly, I want what a father provides so badly, I want the bond that it comes with. I wish I just had a guy to talk to and bond with, I want a dad just so badly. I wish I had someone who taught me how to change a tire or fish and all that shit, but I'll never have it and it angers me, I am angry to be fatherless, I am angry and lost without a father figure, and I'm jealous. I kind of want to have children when the time comes, I wonder if I'll fail them as well.
Friends: Growing up I was always a bit introverted, I think it was of my nature but was amplafied by life. In elementary I often acquainted myself with people never having any close friends outside my after school program. Jumping to middle school I had a good friend-group but it turned out my good friend T was really an ass and I was pushed out by him in early nineth grade. Later in nineth I met my good friend, my best friend M. This year in tenth I was introduced to a friend named D by M. These are my only two friends and I'm happy with them, though there are a few issues. Not anything major but just a few things, like how we never do anything outside of school. The only thing I really miss about my old friendgroup is that we actually did shit: springs, houses, events, parks, attractions, food. Now me, M and, D don't and have never done anything outside of school and the computer. M likely couldn't do anything because of his famliy and D just seems completely disinterested and worried about money. But I wish we could really do something, sure videogames are fun but it would be fun if we could just goof off somewhere, be stupid. This is really the only general "issue" apart from that no major strain or issue in the friendgroup. But I do have a few personal grievences, starting with D. I think D has a darker side of him, he seems to not respect or care for me and will sometimes show it in nasty ways. He had told both me and M to kill ourselves, he attacks insecurites, he says rude shit, etc. Also with D, we have never truly connected, never gotten to know each other personally. Without M we would be mere acquaintance, M is the only reason why me and D are friends and being alone with each other is mostly silence and maybe him showing me a TikTok. Then M, I have no personal issues with M only small factors of our friendship I'm upset or worried about. Starting off with is school, halfway through this year (tenth) M started a FLVS-hybrid. I am happy for him and it's something we both expressed wanting but now I never really see him. I could see him at lunch but he dosen't really come in and only other time I can see him is leaving campus. I ethier catch him and barely have a conversation worthwhile or he's to far ahead and I got to give up trying to reach him. The only way to talk to my best friend nowadays really is Discord, and that isn't even reliable since his parents are often controlling the WI-FI or taking his stuff away. This means when I do talk to my friend it can suddenly be ended as he disconnects or I can't even. This sucks, it feels like I can't even talk to my best friend that much. But that isn't all, because I'm worried for my friend M. His parents don't sound the best from all he's told me, I won't share his issues but just as an example he didn't have a bedroom for two months. Hearing what we gose through is alreadly dishearting but something that I worry deeply about is him talking sucide. He has talked and half joked about it several times and it's worry, I been trying to discourage but he continues with it so now I'm just trying to ignore it. That is likely the wrong way of handling it but I just don't know what to do. I hope it's always bluff and he moves out and moves on with he can, I don't want him to kill himself.
I'm lonely: I'm sixteen but I'm lonely. I am the only one of my friends who hasn't had a relationship, I am not the most worried about that, I don't want to date just to date, I want to date to love. But hell I still wish I had a relationship, even just a sterotypical high-school one. But what I truly want is true love, I want a woman I love with all my heart and a woman who loves me with all of hers, I want a woman to provide for, to protect, to matter to. I want to marry and possibly have kids. I want to love someone, be there for someone. But will I ever even have that? I'm alreadly a loser who no woman would want and even then from what I've heard, "modren dating is terrible" so what chance do I even have? Will I ever have someone to love? I hope.
School: School makes me so misereble and dead, this place makes me genuinely want to off myself I hate it so much. And it seems to revolve around my whole life, even at home it's all my mom wants to bring up. I just need a break from it all but it seems like it's the only thing in my life, I don't really have anything else. I failed my nineth grade year, I failed since I'm a stupid, worthless peice of shit. But they "passed" me onto tenth, gave me tenth grade classes, test, etc but say I'm still nineth, tell me do nineth grade "remedation" online. Now I'm failing like a worthless peice of shit once again! I wish they held me back to try again but they didn't they just pushed me on, still likely would've failed like a worthless bitch but I could have had a chance. I fucking hate myself I'm so stupid and I hate my school for pushing my stupid ass onward and onward, I should just kill myself at this point. And when I try to reach out to my counselor in any hope for some chance of help the piss poor communcation at this school means it'll take days for a response, I can't even get reliable help over school. Back in middle school I had a GPA in the high 3s, I made honor roll every other quater or so, I had high grades and sucess. But in high-school, in nineth grade I failed with straight Fs and got a GPA of 0.7, now in tenth I have a 1.7 and sometimes get high grades but mostly fail. I just wish I wasn't so stupid, I just wish I was smart and successful at school. But I'm not, I'm a fucking idiot and an embarssment at school. And maybe it would all be okay if it wasn't for the assholes I am surrounded by, my fellow peers of this overcrowded hell hole. Just seems like I can never catch a break with having to deal with people. I just want to be left alone but they're is just always somebody wanting to bother me, harass me. Can sit at a desk then have a bunch of cunts around me, harass me, call me burgundy because of my shirt. Can sit down and be snickered at by the guys in front of me for whatever reason. Sit down and have paper, pencils, even ice hitting me. Sit down and have some imbecible pull up a chair and use my desk as his and block me in my seat because fuck me, am I right? Just want to be left alone but never am, nobody ever dose it's always something. I can't even get respect, not a single bit, just always mistreated. Hell just the other day when I was given my packet I was also mistakenly given the packet of a nearby girl, I get her attention and hand it to her and she just snaches it and mumbles something, because I can't even be respected, I'm worthless. And even when I'm not being directly bothered I got to deal with slow walkers, idiots who don't know how to inconvience everyone else in the halls, the over crowded school. It all fucking sucks I hate it all, everyday I think I'm on the verge of snapping but somehow just have more patience, I don't know how much more of this shit I can or have to endure. At least my mom finally reconsidered my old forgotten pleads for online school and reopened the idea, maybe by some miracle online school will save me and "help me get caught up and ahead" but I doubt it, I'm an idiot who deserves to die. Why am I so fucking stupid, why am I like this? Why must I exist this way?
No hobbies or interest: I used to love a lot of things: reading, history, coming up with things in my head, videogames and, anything really. Now I have grown apathic to it all except videogames and even that dosen't bring much joy. I want to have my old hobbies back but lack the will to return. And I want new hobbies but yet lack will but also lacking knowing what I want to try. I'm lost with my freetime, it's all bleek and I want to fill my life with pastion. I still love videogames, always will but I need more then just gaming, I want more then gaming. I just want something, anything. I don't want to have such a lack of interest, God I fucking hate my life.
I have no future career goals: I'm sixteen and have no idea on what I want to do as an adult, some may say thats okay but it's not, not for me at least. I want to have a goal in the adult world, and even if that goal led to a path I don't like then I can always go down another path. Despite having no idea on what to do I at least know I don't want to be in an office. I could handle an office job, and be content with an office job but an office job isn't me, it isn't what sounds interesting, I would likely do blue collar or be my own boss. Some jobs I've considered and would do still are: police, SWAT police, house flipper, 911 operator, port worker, mechanic or something tinkeassemble like, enterpuner my book, film and games ideas or, open a store or bar or something. These are some jobs I've considered in the past that I would still see myself doing, I have also pondered over military/reserve but not sure. My childhood dream career that I still have a desire for is SWAT but I don't think I have what it takes, in fact I don't think I have what it takes for anything. I think all my life is destined to is dying homeless on a street corner, it's all I'll ever be "worthless".
I had so much planned, now failed: At age fourteen I planned to by now have a license, a job, a banking account, start savings. I planned to lose weight, I planned to have an idea outside of school, I had a plan. But I'm just a worthless peice of shit and a failure to myself, I don't even have a permit, no job, no savings, still fat, have no idea about the future, I failed myself.
Fidgeting: I can't stop but want to, at school I can't help but twiral a pencil around. I do it all the time at school but been trying to stop, I hate doing it. Worst part is I'm being immated by worthless cunts by it which is annoying. I want to stop this.
Masterbation addiction: I have a severe and low life addiction to masterbation. I do it at least once a day and sometimes mutiple times a day. The longest I was ever able to refrain was just a little over a week and only failed because I got bored. I need to jerk it to be able to sleep unless I'm desperately tired but even then. Also since I "need" it to sleep I regulary soil my sweatpants then sleep in it which is nasty. I can't control this vice, this low appetite and I'm deeply unhappy about it. Also unhappy that I might be ruining my endurence, a bit TMI but just another reason why this is harmful. I want to refrain or atleast drasticly cut out this pratice and fix myself.
I likely have more issues eating me inside as I waste away as a shell of a person but I can't really think of them. I am told my mom is looking into thearpy so that might be nice. Please just help me, I'm so lost and broken, I sometimes consider just ending it all but I just hope it can get good.
submitted by AlexandertheIght to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:06 Dimpz3 What do I do if I’m having explicit images shared of me via post?

I’m not sure if this is the right place for this, I’m new to Reddit and just wanted to see if there was any advice available since I seem to be hitting road blocks on every thing I seemed to have attempted.
I 30(F) was speaking to a man online for around 7yrs from Sweden, the relationship became sexual at some point and images were exchanged. He then decided to randomly cut off contact. Said he no longer wanted to speak and things were obviously not meant to be which I was totally understanding about, a week or so later I started receiving post to my family home with the explicit images that I had shared with him, to make it worse they were addressed to my father. He knows I come from a strict religious family and how many issues this could cause potentially endangering my life due to the honour aspect of it. I tried to catch these before anyone else did until he also started sending to my father’s workplace where I used to work and my previous colleagues viewing these images. My old boss is also a family friend who tried to hide it once he saw this guy had scrawled my name on the printed image due to him fearing for my life. He writes on each ‘I miss these or I miss you’ something along these lines and add different return addresses and names each time, only pays for them in cash. Though the post office he sends them from are around 5mins from his house each time. These have carried on for months and I’ve spoken to both UK and Swedish police, they have taken him in spoken to him, taken his electronics and even some evidence they found in his apartment. But apart from this it seems to be a waiting game as he continued to post even after he was taken into the police station, it has been passed to U.K. to conduct another statement for extra details since Swedish police are unable to do this over call/videocall. Ive tried to find lawyers or anyone who can help with any advice or anything further I can do but seem to come to dead ends with the U.K. side since they don’t have people specialising in Swedish law. I’m not sure what the next steps are and if I need someone to be with me for this statement or if there are any helplines available.
This has my life on pause where I’m afraid to leave my house before the post gets here or go into work unless I have paid to have post stopped each week. It’s had a massive impact on my mental health with me also having to take time off work and I’m unable to involve any family member or any friends around me due to the fear of judgement or being seen differently. Any advice would be welcome
submitted by Dimpz3 to SexualHarassment [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:03 __kaleidoscope $2500 Budget for my first gaming/streaming PC

1. What will you be doing with this PC? Be as specific as possible, and include specific games (ex: resolution, FPS, settings) or programs you will be using.
I primarily use my PC for:
I'll usually have my web browser and a Discord call in the background.
I stream either games or art 5-7 days/week. An average stream is about 4-6 hours, but it can go up to 12 hours per session for several weeks. Otherwise I work on art commissions and editing.
Currently, FFXIV sits comfortably around 144 FPS on low settings, and most games run fine at 60+ FPS on medium. So I'd like to keep it about the same, if not better. I have no interest in running games at high/maximum settings, but if the PC can do that, then cool 👍
2. What is your maximum PRE-TAX budget before rebates and shipping?
$2500. I don't mind going over if the price is right, but no more than $3000 please.
3. When do you plan on building/buying the PC? Note: beyond a week or two from today means any build you receive will be out of date when you want to buy.
Within the next 1-2 weeks.
4. What, exactly, do you need included in the budget? (ex: toweOS/monitokeyboard/mouse/etc)
Tower & OS.
5. If reusing any parts (including monitor(s)/keyboard/mouse/etc), what parts will you be reusing? How old are they? Brands and models are appreciated.
6. Will you be overclocking (ex: CPU/GPU/RAM)? If yes, are you interested in overclocking right away, or down the line?
Not at all.
7. Are there any specific features or items you want/need in the build? (ex: SSD, Wi-Fi/Bluetooth, VR, VirtualLink, tensor cores, large amount of storage or a RAID setup, CUDA or OpenCL support, etc)
8. Do you have any specific case preferences (ex: mITX/mATX/mid-towefull-tower sizes, styles, colours, window or not, LED lighting, etc.), or a particular color theme preference for the components?
No preference, as long as cable management is happy. White would be cool, but whatever is fine. I'll probably put the tower either under my standing desk (>26") or beside it, so no preference on height.
9. Do you need a copy of Windows included in the budget? Note: some post-secondary students can get Windows 10 for free.
Yes. 64-bit
10. Will you be upgrading this PC in the future (ie: will you swap out better parts later on or will you build an entirely new tower later)? If so, when?
If the computer can last at least 6 years without upgrading, that would be solid. Ideally I'd just swap parts, but if the build works, I'll probably gift and/or build another one for my family in the future.
11. Do you have a brand preference? (ex: AMD/Intel for CPUs, AMD/NVIDIA for video cards, etc)
I stream on Twitch with OBS, so I'd like to try NVIDIA if possible. But honestly, if it performs well, I'll take it.
12. What are the specs of your old PC / laptop? Do you want to see if it can be upgraded instead? If so, paste its build from PCPartPicker here.
(2021) Lenovo Legion 5 15ACH6A: AMD Ryzen 5 5600H, AMD Radeon RX 6600M 8GB, 512GB SSD
13. Extra info or particulars:
I'll be giving my current laptop to my dad! I'm mostly happy with it, but I want to upgrade to a PC after using laptops for over a decade lol.
One issue I have currently: Regardless if I stream online or record offline, sometimes the audio is distorted for a few seconds (however, there are no issues with hearing my microphone nor frame dropping). I've never encountered this issue with my older PC (~2015) or when I was using my previous mic (now broken).
I suspect my issues stem from a combination of stream bitrate, too many active USB ports/externals, microphone, or just plain user error. I don't think the issue is related to AMD or sound bitrate necessarily, since the laptop had no issues with streaming in the first few years. But honestly, I don't know, my friends don't know either, and I'm too afraid to change anything more lmao.
I have plans to replace my keyboard, don't worry 🥲 I've gotten many recommendations lmao.
I have no experience with building PCs or comparing parts, so I'd appreciate any advice! One of my friends offered to help build the PC, and I'll be looking up guides too 👍
submitted by __kaleidoscope to bapccanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:03 Paramallas Healthy Eating: Tips and Recipes for a Balanced Lifestyle

Adopting a healthy eating lifestyle is a transformative journey that can lead to a more vibrant, energetic, and resilient life. This comprehensive article provides a roadmap for incorporating nutritious whole foods into a balanced diet. Readers will discover simple tips and delicious recipes to build a foundation for optimal nutrition and well-being.
In this guide, we'll explore the importance of healthy eating, the benefits of a balanced diet, and strategies for overcoming common obstacles. You'll learn how to create plant-based meals that are satisfying and nutrient-dense, as well as how to manage food allergies and intolerances. Additionally, we'll delve into the principles of clean eating and the role of weight management through mindful consumption.
Whether you're seeking to improve your energy levels, reduce your risk of chronic diseases, or simply cultivate a more vibrant, healthy lifestyle, this article will empower you to make sustainable changes that will positively impact your overall well-being.
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Key Takeaways

Understanding the Importance of Healthy Eating

Maintaining a healthy eating lifestyle is crucial for overall well-being. A balanced diet rich in whole foods, plant-based options, and organic ingredients can provide a myriad of benefits that extend far beyond physical health. By embracing clean eating habits and adhering to dietary guidelines, individuals can experience enhanced energy levels, improved weight management, and a reduced risk of chronic diseases.
Full Meals and More Healthy Diet Tips Here!

Benefits of a Balanced Diet

A balanced diet that incorporates a variety of nutrient-dense foods can have a profound impact on an individual's health and wellness. Such a diet not only supports weight management but also contributes to better cardiovascular health, improved cognitive function, and a stronger immune system. Moreover, a plant-based approach to eating can help mitigate the risk of food allergies and intolerances, allowing individuals to enjoy a wider range of delicious and nutritious options.
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Overcoming Obstacles to Healthy Eating

Despite the numerous advantages of healthy eating, individuals often face various obstacles that can hinder their ability to adopt and maintain a balanced diet. Common challenges include time constraints, budget concerns, and a lack of knowledge about whole foods and clean eating principles. However, with the right strategies and resources, these barriers can be overcome. By planning meals, exploring affordable nutrient-rich options, and expanding their culinary skills, individuals can seamlessly integrate healthy eating habits into their daily lives.
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Benefits of a Balanced Diet Overcoming Obstacles to Healthy Eating
Improved energy levels Better weight management Reduced risk of chronic diseases Enhanced mental clarity Mitigation of food allergies and intolerances Time constraints Budget concerns Lack of knowledge about whole foods and clean eating Strategies for cost-effective meal planning Exploration of affordable nutrient-rich options

Building a Balanced Plate

Creating a well-rounded, nutritious meal is the foundation of a healthy eating lifestyle. When building a balanced plate, it's essential to focus on including protein-rich foods, fiber-filled vegetables and fruits, and whole grains to ensure your body receives a comprehensive array of essential nutrients.

Protein-Rich Foods for Satiety

Incorporating protein-rich foods into your meals can help promote a sense of fullness and satisfaction, preventing overeating and supporting your weight management goals. Opt for lean sources of protein such as chicken, fish, legumes, tofu, and eggs to create meals that are both nourishing and satisfying.

Fiber-Filled Vegetables and Fruits

Filling your plate with an abundance of fiber-rich vegetables and fruits is a key component of a balanced diet. These plant-based foods are loaded with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support overall health and well-being. Aim to include a variety of colorful produce, such as leafy greens, bell peppers, berries, and citrus fruits, to ensure you're getting a diverse range of nutrients.
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Whole Grains for Sustained Energy

Incorporating whole grains into your meals can provide a steady stream of energy throughout the day, helping to prevent mid-afternoon slumps. Opt for whole wheat bread, brown rice, quinoa, and oats to reap the benefits of complex carbohydrates, fiber, and other essential nutrients that support your overall nutrition and clean eating habits.

Healthy Eating: Tips and Strategies

Incorporating healthy eating into your daily routine doesn't have to be an overwhelming task. By embracing practical tips and strategies, you can seamlessly integrate nutritious whole foods into your lifestyle and reap the numerous benefits of a balanced diet. This section delves into the key elements of successful healthy eating, empowering you to make sustainable changes for a healthier, more vibrant life.

Meal Planning and Preparation

Planning and preparing your meals in advance is a game-changer when it comes to healthy eating. By dedicating a bit of time each week to menu planning, grocery shopping, and meal prepping, you can ensure that nutritious, whole foods are readily available, reducing the temptation to reach for less healthy options. Experiment with plant-based recipes and organic ingredients to create balanced, flavorful meals that nourish your body and satisfy your taste buds.

Reading Food Labels

Navigating the aisles of the grocery store can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to identifying healthy, minimally processed foods. Develop the habit of carefully reading food labels to make informed choices. Look for products with a short list of recognizable, whole food ingredients and minimal added sugars, sodium, and unhealthy fats. By becoming a savvy label reader, you can easily spot clean eating options that align with your dietary goals and nutrition needs.
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Healthy Eating Tip Benefit
Meal Planning and Preparation Ensures the availability of nutritious, whole foods, reducing the temptation for less healthy options.
Reading Food Labels dietary guidelinesweight managementHelps you identify clean, minimally processed food choices that support your and goals.

Incorporating Whole, Plant-Based Foods

Embracing a diet rich in whole, plant-based foods is a cornerstone of a healthy eating lifestyle. These nutrient-dense options not only provide essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, but they also offer a wealth of benefits for overall well-being.

Benefits of Plant-Based Diets

Research has consistently shown that plant-based diets can have a positive impact on heart health, weight management, and environmental sustainability. By focusing on a variety of whole, plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds, individuals can lower their risk of chronic diseases, achieve a healthier weight, and reduce their carbon footprint.
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Nutrient-Dense Whole Foods

Whole, plant-based foods are packed with essential nutrients that support a balanced diet. From fiber-rich leafy greens to antioxidant-dense berries, these nutrient-dense options provide the body with the necessary building blocks for optimal health. By incorporating a diverse array of whole foods into their meals, individuals can ensure they are meeting their nutritional needs while enjoying the flavors and textures of a clean eating lifestyle.
Nutrient-Dense Whole Foods Key Nutrients Health Benefits
Leafy Greens (Spinach, Kale, Arugula) Vitamins A, C, K, Folate, Calcium, Iron Promote eye health, support a healthy immune system, and aid in maintaining strong bones.
Berries (Blueberries, Raspberries, Strawberries) Antioxidants, Vitamin C, Fiber Help fight inflammation, improve brain function, and support a healthy heart.
Whole Grains (Brown Rice, Quinoa, Oats) Complex Carbohydrates, Fiber, B Vitamins balanced dietProvide sustained energy, promote digestive health, and contribute to a .
Legumes (Lentils, Chickpeas, Black Beans) Protein, Fiber, Iron, Folate managing food allergiesSupport weight management, aid in , and help maintain stable blood sugar levels.
By embracing the versatility and nutrient density of whole, plant-based foods, individuals can create healthy eating habits that nourish the body and support long-term well-being.

Mindful Eating and Portion Control

Achieving a balanced lifestyle encompasses more than just the foods we consume. It also involves cultivating a mindful approach to our eating habits. Mindful eating encourages us to become more aware of hunger cues, savor each bite, and practice moderation to prevent overeating. By fostering this mindful relationship with our meals, we can develop a healthier and more sustainable relationship with food.
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One of the key strategies for mindful eating is to slow down and be present during mealtimes. Rather than rushing through our meals or multitasking while we eat, we should take the time to appreciate the flavors, textures, and aromas of our food. This heightened awareness not only enhances the enjoyment of our meals but also allows us to better recognize when we have reached a state of fullness, preventing us from consuming more than our bodies need.
Portion control is another essential aspect of mindful eating and healthy living. Overeating, even of nutritious whole foods, can lead to weight gain and other health concerns. By being mindful of our portion sizes and focusing on balanced plates that incorporate a variety of plant-based foods, lean proteins, and whole grains, we can ensure that our bodies receive the necessary nutrients without consuming excessive calories.
Implementing practical strategies, such as using smaller plates, eating slowly, and listening to internal hunger and fullness cues, can help us cultivate a more mindful approach to eating. This, in turn, can lead to sustainable weight management, improved digestion, and a greater sense of overall well-being.
By embracing mindful eating and portion control, we can unlock the full benefits of a healthy, balanced lifestyle. This holistic approach to food consumption not only nourishes our bodies but also fosters a deeper appreciation for the joy and satisfaction that can be found in every bite.
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Managing Food Allergies and Intolerances

Navigating a healthy eating lifestyle can pose unique challenges for individuals with food allergies or intolerances. However, with the right strategies and a little creativity, it is possible to enjoy a balanced diet while effectively managing these dietary restrictions.

Identifying Allergens and Triggers

The first step in managing food allergies and intolerances is to identify the specific ingredients or foods that trigger adverse reactions. Common allergens include gluten, dairy, nuts, soy, and shellfish, while intolerances may be linked to lactose, fructose, or histamine. By being mindful of these triggers, individuals can make informed choices when selecting and preparing meals.

Adapting Recipes for Special Diets

Adapting recipes to accommodate food allergies or intolerances is essential for maintaining a balanced, plant-based diet. This may involve substituting whole food, organic ingredients for traditional allergens or using specialized alternatives, such as gluten-free flours or non-dairy milk. By experimenting with ingredient swaps and exploring clean eating techniques, individuals can discover a world of delicious and nutritious meal options that align with their dietary needs.
Through a thoughtful and proactive approach, individuals with food allergies or intolerances can navigate the complexities of healthy eating and enjoy a wide variety of whole foods while maintaining their overall well-being.
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Clean Eating: Minimizing Processed Foods

In the pursuit of a healthy eating lifestyle, one crucial aspect to consider is the minimization of processed and packaged foods. The clean eating movement emphasizes the importance of consuming whole, minimally processed ingredients to maximize the nutritional value of our meals.

Recognizing Unhealthy Additives

When it comes to clean eating, it's essential to be aware of the common additives and preservatives found in many processed foods. These can include artificial colorings, flavors, and sweeteners, as well as preservatives like sodium nitrite and trans fats. By learning to identify these unhealthy additives, you can make more informed choices and avoid products that may compromise your balanced diet.

Organic and Local Food Options

Incorporating organic and locally sourced whole foods into your healthy eating routine can have numerous benefits. Organic produce and products are typically free from synthetic pesticides and hormones, and they often contain a higher concentration of nutrient-dense compounds. Additionally, supporting local farmers and producers not only reduces your carbon footprint but also provides access to fresh, seasonal offerings that are rich in plant-based goodness.
By prioritizing clean eating and minimizing the consumption of processed foods, you can unlock a world of whole, natural ingredients that nourish your body and support your overall weight management and wellness goals. Embrace the simplicity and vibrant flavors of clean, whole-food eating for a balanced, healthy lifestyle.
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Weight Management Through Healthy Eating

Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight is an integral part of a balanced healthy eating lifestyle. By understanding the principles of calorie density and macronutrient balance, individuals can make informed choices to support their weight management goals.

Calorie Density and Satiety

The concept of calorie density refers to the number of calories per gram of a particular food. Whole, plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains tend to have a lower calorie density, meaning you can consume a larger volume of these foods without exceeding your daily calorie needs. This can lead to a greater sense of satiety, or feeling full and satisfied, which can support sustainable weight management.

Balancing Macronutrients

In addition to considering calorie density, it's important to focus on balancing the three macronutrients: protein, carbohydrates, and fats. Each macronutrient plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy eating habits and supporting weight management. By incorporating a mix of lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats into your meals and snacks, you can help regulate your appetite, stabilize blood sugar levels, and fuel your body with the necessary nutrients for overall well-being.
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Healthy Eating on a Budget

Maintaining a healthy eating lifestyle doesn't have to break the bank. With strategic planning and savvy shopping, it's entirely possible to enjoy a balanced, nutrient-rich diet while staying within your budget. In this section, we'll explore cost-effective meal planning strategies and highlight affordable whole food options to help you achieve your healthy eating goals without straining your finances.

Cost-Effective Meal Planning

One of the keys to healthy eating on a budget is mastering the art of meal planning. By taking the time to plan your meals and create a grocery list, you can avoid impulse purchases and make the most of your food budget. Start by identifying affordable, nutrient-dense ingredients that can be incorporated into a variety of recipes. Batch cooking and freezing portions can also help you maximize your time and money, ensuring you always have healthy options on hand.
Another practical tip is to embrace the versatility of plant-based whole foods. Beans, lentils, and whole grains are not only budget-friendly, but they also provide a wealth of essential nutrients, fiber, and complex carbohydrates to keep you feeling full and energized. By making these nutrient-dense foods the foundation of your meals, you can stretch your grocery budget while nourishing your body.
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Affordable Nutrient-Rich Foods

When it comes to healthy eating on a budget, there are numerous nutrient-rich foods that won't break the bank. Some of the most affordable and nutritious options include:
By incorporating these affordable, nutrient-rich foods into your meal planning, you can enjoy a balanced, healthy diet without breaking the bank.
Affordable Whole Food Nutritional Benefits Average Cost per Serving
Frozen Broccoli High in fiber, vitamins C and K, and antioxidants $0.50 per serving
Eggs Excellent source of protein, vitamin D, and choline $0.25 per egg
Canned Tuna Rich in lean protein and omega-3 fatty acids $1.00 per 2-ounce serving
Rolled Oats High in fiber, complex carbohydrates, and B vitamins $0.10 per 1/2 cup serving
Lentils Packed with protein, fiber, and essential minerals $0.20 per 1/2 cup serving
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By incorporating these affordable, nutrient-rich whole foods into your healthy eating plan, you can enjoy a balanced diet without straining your budget. With a little creativity and strategic planning, maintaining a healthy lifestyle on a budget is entirely achievable.


As we conclude this comprehensive guide on healthy eating, it's clear that embracing a balanced diet filled with nutritious whole foods, plant-based ingredients, and organic options can have a profound impact on our overall well-being. By understanding the importance of healthy eating, learning to build a balanced plate, and incorporating mindful eating strategies, readers are now empowered to embark on a transformative journey towards a healthier, more vibrant life.
Whether you're seeking to manage food allergies, reduce your intake of processed foods, or achieve your weight management goals, this article has provided a comprehensive roadmap filled with practical tips and strategies to overcome common obstacles and make sustainable changes. By prioritizing clean eating and embracing the wide variety of nutrient-dense whole foods available, you can nourish your body and mind, ultimately leading to improved energy levels, reduced disease risk, and a heightened sense of overall vitality.
Remember, the journey to healthy eating is not a one-size-fits-all approach. It's about finding the right balance and incorporating the strategies that work best for your individual needs and preferences. With dedication, creativity, and a willingness to experiment, you can cultivate a nutritious, affordable, and enjoyable eating lifestyle that serves as the foundation for a healthier, more fulfilling tomorrow. Embrace the power of healthy eating and embark on a path towards a more vibrant, resilient, and joyful existence.


What are the benefits of a balanced diet?

A balanced diet offers numerous benefits, including improved energy levels, better weight management, reduced risk of chronic diseases, and enhanced mental clarity.

How can I overcome obstacles to healthy eating?

Common obstacles to healthy eating, such as time constraints, budget concerns, and lack of knowledge, can be overcome through effective meal planning, learning to read food labels, and exploring affordable nutrient-rich options.

What are the key components of a balanced plate?

A balanced plate should include protein-rich foods for satiety, fiber-filled vegetables and fruits, and whole grains for sustained energy.

How can I incorporate more whole, plant-based foods into my diet?

Incorporating more whole, plant-based foods into your diet can provide numerous benefits, including improved heart health, better weight management, and greater environmental sustainability.

How can I practice mindful eating and portion control?

Practicing mindful eating, which involves becoming more aware of hunger cues and savoring each bite, can help you achieve portion control and develop a healthier relationship with food.

How can I manage food allergies and intolerances while following a healthy eating plan?

Identifying common allergens and triggers, as well as adapting recipes to accommodate special dietary needs, can help you manage food allergies and intolerances while still enjoying a variety of delicious and nutritious meals.

What are the benefits of choosing organic and locally sourced foods?

Organic and locally sourced foods often have a superior nutritional profile and a reduced environmental impact compared to processed and conventionally grown options.

How can I achieve weight management through healthy eating?

Understanding the concept of calorie density and the importance of balancing macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, and fats) can support sustainable weight loss or maintenance through a healthy eating lifestyle.

How can I maintain a healthy eating plan on a budget?

Cost-effective meal planning and incorporating affordable nutrient-rich food options can help you enjoy a balanced diet without breaking the bank.
Sign up Here for 32 FREE Healthy Meal Plans With Low Calories and High Protein!
submitted by Paramallas to u/Paramallas [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:02 hamdi-ramzi The Best IPTV Service of 2024: Top 5 Trusted Providers

The Best IPTV Service of 2024: Top 5 Trusted Providers
Here is the list of the best IPTV services available worldwide. Compare the features and pricing of the top-rated IPTV providers listed in this tutorial and select the top IPTV subscription for your FireStick, Android TV, PC or any other device:
What is IPTV?
Internet-based Protocol Television (IPTV) refers to the streaming of TV programs through broadband Internet rather than the traditional cable or satellite. This TV content is streamed to a set-top box.
Selecting the best IPTV streams can be challenging because of limited information about the quality of the service. Wea have taken the task of finding the top-rated IPTV service providers that live up to their claims.
#1) Best Top Winner YugaTV
Great for watching local and international live TV channels, PPV, pay-per-view sporting events, and VOD.
YugaTV provides a secure payment channel, and with this, you can make payments easily. You can do it without worrying as the security is very high and advanced. There is no risk of getting cheated. It is because your payment is processed through your bank card or PayPal, so there is no risk or scam involved. After making a payment, you just have to wait a few minutes and then you will receive your subscriptions via email. Not only this, Smart IPTV has a buyer-friendly refund policy that allows everyone to buy their services without worrying about their refund. Its prices are also very affordable so everyone can buy it easily.
  • Its panel offers more than 20,000+ live TV channels with multiple features like catch-up and EPG.
  • IPTV channels and services, as well as their panel, are automatically updated once a week.
  • From payment to service delivery, all sales steps are performed automatically; there is no human factor on this page.
  • All IPTV system infrastructure provided to customers is automatically backed up every 5 minutes.
  • You will get 24 hours of support a day without any interruption through online chat and ticket creation.
  • 20,000+ channels.
  • 70,000 VOD
  • International channels.
  • Compatible with all devices.
  • Supports IPTV players.
  • It has a buyer-friendly refund policy.
Verdict: YugaTV is the best service provider that contains popular TV shows and movies. It has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to find the desired content.
=> Visit YugaTV Website
AIMAX EDAWAG – Best for watching Live TV, movies, and shows in multiscreen on Android and IPTV devices.
One of the most recommended and best IPTV providers is IPTV SMART. This is because it offers over 20,000 live TV channels and over 60,000 VOD content. They provide 4K resolution content for HD, HQ, channels, and VOD. Widely compatible with devices that work with Firesticks, computers/laptops, mobile devices, Mag / Enigma boxes, smart TVs, and more. This service works with various apps such as IPTV Smarter Pro, TiviMate, GSE IPTV, Lazy IPTV, and Kodi.
Features: Over 20,000 channels and over 60,000 VODP provide multiple connections. IP blocking does not work with VPNs.Provides a reseller panel.
Best for – IPTV subscription service provider comparing price, service quality, and customer support.
IPTV TRENDS One of the greatest benefits is the ability for the viewer to watch the programs that they love from anywhere and at any one given time, this is usually at a cheaper price as compared to the cable packages that you may know of.
Firstly, the pricing is usually better and there are so many titles that a subscriber can select from. In the past, consumers had to buy cable packages that may have had some programs they were not interested in. Secondly, the other benefit is that you can access a lot of channels without any problem. Thirdly, you can make a custom list of channels and only pay the price for those channels.
You can also enjoy quality 4K, FHD, HD, and SD video services including more than 16,000 IPTV channels List. This collection includes the best-known and most popular TV networks from around the world covering all tastes.
  • + 17,000 Channels
  • 4K, FHD & SD Channels
  • Compatible with All Devices
  • Available Worldwide
  • 99.99% Up-time Servers
  • VPN Allowed
  • 24/7 Premium Support
Verdict: IPTV TRENDS , Over 17,000 Live Channels for $14.99/Month BEST IPTV is the best IPTV subscription service provider comparing price, service quality, and customer support. We have over 16K TV channels, including premium sports & Movies, Series, & Documentary channels. Nothing can beat our TV channels streaming quality.
#4) FortuneIPTV
A Reputable IPTV Provider With a Subscription Service. Check first before you decide to buy.
You may watch and enjoy a variety of HD on-demand movies, pay-per-view sporting events, TV shows, live TV channels, and other comparable content on Fortune IPTV, a high-end entertainmentvideo streaming platform.
Because it has increasingly become more feature-rich than conventional IPTV packages, many customers appreciate this service. Without a sure, Fortune IPTV will keep you occupied for a longtime.
  • 12K (approximate) live HD and FHD TV
  • 35K (approximate) TV Series & VOD (video on demand)
  • Netflix, Hulu, HBO, Disney+, Prime Video, and more
  • Compatible with any devices
  • No IP lock works with VPN
  • Payment: Credit/Debit Card, Crypto Currency
Verdict: FortuneIPTV is the best IPTV service provider around with premium IPTV streams. No matter what country you are in, their service is available worldwide.
This IPTV provider has very good servers and offers a buffer-free experience. You can purchase a trial from them if you want to learn more about it.
#5) IPTVtune
Best for watching HD and SD quality content on different devices.
IPTVtune is one of the top providers when it comes to price and quality. They offer stable performance with minimum buffering and freezing with a stable connection.
20,000+ movies and 10,000+ channels.
HD and SD content.
99.99 percent uptime.
Reseller option available.
Verdict: IPTVtune offers an overall good package for customers. You get premium channels at an affordable cost
submitted by hamdi-ramzi to bestprovider100 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:56 Grouchy-Barnacle-622 M&M

Dear M&M,
This is a list of what the nasty "JE"rk has done to me over decades. Now I'm writing this out bc I would like you to know how he has manipulated and hurt me throughout my life. Mostly, to show you that he went to extremes bc my love for you was all encompassing. When he would put me under hypnosis I wouldn't relent. I wouldn't stop loving you. And he beat me up for it. Look, my sweet M&M, I don't want you to feel like you owe me anything. Or that you have to love me. No, I just want to clear the air finally. To bring truth to what was done. You deserve that. You went through so much as well. And I would love to keep this kind of stuff private but he took that away and im left to tell the world our story so you can at least know i never gave up on you. Bc a part of me knows you never gave up on me. Also, if anyone reads this I'm healed enough to talk about everything. Don't be sad for me. I'm a super resilient person at this point and mentally tough.💪
So here it goes ok, things that happened to me that he did:
  1. He raped me along with other men.
  2. He told me never to say anything or he would kill me and hurt you.
  3. He said he would break us up if I said anything.
  4. Later, after he was appointed the investigator of the gang rape he took me and used hypnosis and torture, so as to keep me from telling the truth.
  5. Him and his buddies took me to a room to discuss how they were going to destroy "evidence" which was me. Someone mentioned "get her to kill herself". So JE used hypnosis and he almost succeeded except I was found on time. It was clear he needed me to appear crazy and suggested everything that happened was bc of my past. It was part of the script I was supposed to say.
  6. It became clear you wanted justice and didn't know who JE really was. He had to block my memories by taking me to a hotel where he used torture and hypnosis at the same time. He repeatedly raped me at the hotel. After several weekends I lost all conscious awareness of who you were M&M. You would appear and I wouldn't know your name or that we had a relationship.
  7. He constantly blocked you and the investigation and turned it around on you, M&M.
  8. He used hypnosis on me to say you sexually assaulted me. I was being questioned in the same room that JE and the other men raped me. My supervisor was getting tired of waiting around bc I kept telling them, "He didn't do anything wrong. "... once my supervisor left, JE brought out the gold chain (hypnosis) and recorded me saying you sexually assaulted me.
  9. At this point, I was trained with the hypnosis, but I fought hard for you. JE also used hypnosis on other women, and they wrongfully accused you as well under hypnosis.
  10. He made sure to continue to degrade me to my supervisor, and I got a "15" bc he insisted I was out of line for what happened between you and me..(SMH).
  11. He took possession of all my paperwork and destroyed everything connected to you, M&M. He destroyed every memory of us and every picture. He destroyed "US."
  12. He did various things to other women I'm not going to mention here.
  13. He made up lies about my past to use and weaponize against me and you, or suggest it was for my protection he went to this extreme.
  14. All communication between us both was severely compromised. I never received anything from you. He would make me dictate letters and write them out under hypnosis.
  15. He forwarded all my mail to his home.
  16. He has been monitoring my online activities since online became a thing.
  17. Through hypnosis, he was able to manage to get me into relationships that destroyed my self-esteem and worth even more so. This, bc he knew you were waiting it out. Even this last time with my ex-husband. Relationships I would have never entered, but he intervened.
  18. He kept me from my Gd.
  19. Throughout the time he took possession of me, he painted himself as my boyfriend to others so that they wouldn't believe he was part of the gang rape or that he was continuing to rape me.
  20. I was hypnotized to play a role and pretend that I wanted to be with him. That I loved him, etc.
  21. People found out so he put more pressure on me and really did such a number on me mentally that I would never know you M&M (not getting into how he tortured me to lose all conscious awareness of ever knowing you M&M)
  22. He's most likely kept recordings and records of this as he plays for life since what he did was catastrophic. Too many people found out the truth. I have my mind and voice back, which is the real truth.
  23. He intervened with any success I could have had from going to grad school, including failing a class, gre,... having to leave prestigious work positions bc I didn't know why I was severely suffering from ptsd... bc part of the script is keeping me down. Too much clout, and he won't be believed if I succeeded professionally. PHD etc.
  24. My kiddo dude... this one kills me. I was kept down so much that I hardly had the strength to fight anymore.
  25. I was never going to remember you, but I did... and I'm so very grateful 🙏 now. Bc I know what love really is. I have that, at least.
There's a lot more, but that would be longer, and this is loonngg..
So dude, that's some of it. I'm just sad that I can't really discuss this in private with you bc he has compromised so much of my communication with you. The goal was for me to never know you or that I loved you so that I could clear your name and tell the truth of what was really done to us both.
submitted by Grouchy-Barnacle-622 to Unsent_Unread_Unheard [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:55 Grouchy-Barnacle-622 M&M

Dear M&M,
This is a list of what the nasty "JE"rk has done to me over decades. Now I'm writing this out bc I would like you to know how he has manipulated and hurt me throughout my life. Mostly, to show you that he went to extremes bc my love for you was all encompassing. When he would put me under hypnosis I wouldn't relent. I wouldn't stop loving you. And he beat me up for it. Look, my sweet M&M, I don't want you to feel like you owe me anything. Or that you have to love me. No, I just want to clear the air finally. To bring truth to what was done. You deserve that. You went through so much as well. And I would love to keep this kind of stuff private but he took that away and im left to tell the world our story so you can at least know i never gave up on you. Bc a part of me knows you never gave up on me. Also, if anyone reads this I'm healed enough to talk about everything. Don't be sad for me. I'm a super resilient person at this point and mentally tough.💪
So here it goes ok, things that happened to me that he did:
  1. He raped me along with other men.
  2. He told me never to say anything or he would kill me and hurt you.
  3. He said he would break us up if I said anything.
  4. Later, after he was appointed the investigator of the gang rape he took me and used hypnosis and torture, so as to keep me from telling the truth.
  5. Him and his buddies took me to a room to discuss how they were going to destroy "evidence" which was me. Someone mentioned "get her to kill herself". So JE used hypnosis and he almost succeeded except I was found on time. It was clear he needed me to appear crazy and suggested everything that happened was bc of my past. It was part of the script I was supposed to say.
  6. It became clear you wanted justice and didn't know who JE really was. He had to block my memories by taking me to a hotel where he used torture and hypnosis at the same time. He repeatedly raped me at the hotel. After several weekends I lost all conscious awareness of who you were M&M. You would appear and I wouldn't know your name or that we had a relationship.
  7. He constantly blocked you and the investigation and turned it around on you, M&M.
  8. He used hypnosis on me to say you sexually assaulted me. I was being questioned in the same room that JE and the other men raped me. My supervisor was getting tired of waiting around bc I kept telling them, "He didn't do anything wrong. "... once my supervisor left, JE brought out the gold chain (hypnosis) and recorded me saying you sexually assaulted me.
  9. At this point, I was trained with the hypnosis, but I fought hard for you. JE also used hypnosis on other women, and they wrongfully accused you as well under hypnosis.
  10. He made sure to continue to degrade me to my supervisor, and I got a "15" bc he insisted I was out of line for what happened between you and me..(SMH).
  11. He took possession of all my paperwork and destroyed everything connected to you, M&M. He destroyed every memory of us and every picture. He destroyed "US."
  12. He did various things to other women I'm not going to mention here.
  13. He made up lies about my past to use and weaponize against me and you, or suggest it was for my protection he went to this extreme.
  14. All communication between us both was severely compromised. I never received anything from you. He would make me dictate letters and write them out under hypnosis.
  15. He forwarded all my mail to his home.
  16. He has been monitoring my online activities since online became a thing.
  17. Through hypnosis, he was able to manage to get me into relationships that destroyed my self-esteem and worth even more so. This, bc he knew you were waiting it out. Even this last time with my ex-husband. Relationships I would have never entered, but he intervened.
  18. He kept me from my Gd.
  19. Throughout the time he took possession of me, he painted himself as my boyfriend to others so that they wouldn't believe he was part of the gang rape or that he was continuing to rape me.
  20. I was hypnotized to play a role and pretend that I wanted to be with him. That I loved him, etc.
  21. People found out so he put more pressure on me and really did such a number on me mentally that I would never know you M&M (not getting into how he tortured me to lose all conscious awareness of ever knowing you M&M)
  22. He's most likely kept recordings and records of this as he plays for life since what he did was catastrophic. Too many people found out the truth. I have my mind and voice back, which is the real truth.
  23. He intervened with any success I could have had from going to grad school, including failing a class, gre,... having to leave prestigious work positions bc I didn't know why I was severely suffering from ptsd... bc part of the script is keeping me down. Too much clout, and he won't be believed if I succeeded professionally. PHD etc.
  24. My kiddo dude... this one kills me. I was kept down so much that I hardly had the strength to fight anymore.
  25. I was never going to remember you, but I did... and I'm so very grateful 🙏 now. Bc I know what love really is. I have that, at least.
There's a lot more, but that would be longer, and this is loonngg..
So dude, that's some of it. I'm just sad that I can't really discuss this in private with you bc he has compromised so much of my communication with you. The goal was for me to never know you or that I loved you so that I could clear your name and tell the truth of what was really done to us both.
submitted by Grouchy-Barnacle-622 to UnsentLettersRaw [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:55 Grouchy-Barnacle-622 M&M

Dear M&M,
This is a list of what the nasty "JE"rk has done to me over decades. Now I'm writing this out bc I would like you to know how he has manipulated and hurt me throughout my life. Mostly, to show you that he went to extremes bc my love for you was all encompassing. When he would put me under hypnosis I wouldn't relent. I wouldn't stop loving you. And he beat me up for it. Look, my sweet M&M, I don't want you to feel like you owe me anything. Or that you have to love me. No, I just want to clear the air finally. To bring truth to what was done. You deserve that. You went through so much as well. And I would love to keep this kind of stuff private but he took that away and im left to tell the world our story so you can at least know i never gave up on you. Bc a part of me knows you never gave up on me. Also, if anyone reads this I'm healed enough to talk about everything. Don't be sad for me. I'm a super resilient person at this point and mentally tough.💪
So here it goes ok, things that happened to me that he did:
  1. He raped me along with other men.
  2. He told me never to say anything or he would kill me and hurt you.
  3. He said he would break us up if I said anything.
  4. Later, after he was appointed the investigator of the gang rape he took me and used hypnosis and torture, so as to keep me from telling the truth.
  5. Him and his buddies took me to a room to discuss how they were going to destroy "evidence" which was me. Someone mentioned "get her to kill herself". So JE used hypnosis and he almost succeeded except I was found on time. It was clear he needed me to appear crazy and suggested everything that happened was bc of my past. It was part of the script I was supposed to say.
  6. It became clear you wanted justice and didn't know who JE really was. He had to block my memories by taking me to a hotel where he used torture and hypnosis at the same time. He repeatedly raped me at the hotel. After several weekends I lost all conscious awareness of who you were M&M. You would appear and I wouldn't know your name or that we had a relationship.
  7. He constantly blocked you and the investigation and turned it around on you, M&M.
  8. He used hypnosis on me to say you sexually assaulted me. I was being questioned in the same room that JE and the other men raped me. My supervisor was getting tired of waiting around bc I kept telling them, "He didn't do anything wrong. "... once my supervisor left, JE brought out the gold chain (hypnosis) and recorded me saying you sexually assaulted me.
  9. At this point, I was trained with the hypnosis, but I fought hard for you. JE also used hypnosis on other women, and they wrongfully accused you as well under hypnosis.
  10. He made sure to continue to degrade me to my supervisor, and I got a "15" bc he insisted I was out of line for what happened between you and me..(SMH).
  11. He took possession of all my paperwork and destroyed everything connected to you, M&M. He destroyed every memory of us and every picture. He destroyed "US."
  12. He did various things to other women I'm not going to mention here.
  13. He made up lies about my past to use and weaponize against me and you, or suggest it was for my protection he went to this extreme.
  14. All communication between us both was severely compromised. I never received anything from you. He would make me dictate letters and write them out under hypnosis.
  15. He forwarded all my mail to his home.
  16. He has been monitoring my online activities since online became a thing.
  17. Through hypnosis, he was able to manage to get me into relationships that destroyed my self-esteem and worth even more so. This, bc he knew you were waiting it out. Even this last time with my ex-husband. Relationships I would have never entered, but he intervened.
  18. He kept me from my Gd.
  19. Throughout the time he took possession of me, he painted himself as my boyfriend to others so that they wouldn't believe he was part of the gang rape or that he was continuing to rape me.
  20. I was hypnotized to play a role and pretend that I wanted to be with him. That I loved him, etc.
  21. People found out so he put more pressure on me and really did such a number on me mentally that I would never know you M&M (not getting into how he tortured me to lose all conscious awareness of ever knowing you M&M)
  22. He's most likely kept recordings and records of this as he plays for life since what he did was catastrophic. Too many people found out the truth. I have my mind and voice back, which is the real truth.
  23. He intervened with any success I could have had from going to grad school, including failing a class, gre,... having to leave prestigious work positions bc I didn't know why I was severely suffering from ptsd... bc part of the script is keeping me down. Too much clout, and he won't be believed if I succeeded professionally. PHD etc.
  24. My kiddo dude... this one kills me. I was kept down so much that I hardly had the strength to fight anymore.
  25. I was never going to remember you, but I did... and I'm so very grateful 🙏 now. Bc I know what love really is. I have that, at least.
There's a lot more, but that would be longer, and this is loonngg..
So dude, that's some of it. I'm just sad that I can't really discuss this in private with you bc he has compromised so much of my communication with you. The goal was for me to never know you or that I loved you so that I could clear your name and tell the truth of what was really done to us both.
submitted by Grouchy-Barnacle-622 to letters [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:47 hungryTiger98 25 [M4F] Anywhere /USA. Looking for the right woman to build something special with.

Hello my name is Alan I’m 25 years old. Currently I’m from a country in Eastern Europe but I’m moving to United States this spring. I’m a very introverted person, but very easy to talk to. I like to think that I’m very simple. The smallest things and moments in life are enough to bring a smile to my face. I don’t know how to describe my full personality, so I will let you be the judge of that after you get to know me. As for my lifestyle, I’m currently work full time as a firefighter. During my free time I enjoy being very physically active, I train combat sports and martial arts and also like going to the gym. Being in nature is something that I really enjoy to, I like doing for hikes and jogs in the woods, fishing by a nice lake, camping. When I’m at home I usually play video games both online and single player and a long with that I love watching old action movies. Recently I’ve been learning more and more about cooking to. Not there yet but I’m working on it hahahaha. As for looks, I’d say I’m not to bad looking 😂 I’m by no means a model or anything. My height is 6ft, and I’m in a good shape, I have tattoos, my hair is light brown and I got green eyes. I don’t mind sending a photo when we chat. What I’m looking for is a woman that I could develop serious feelings for and someone I could build a serious relationship with. I don’t have an ideal type but would be better if our hobbies or points of view in life would match. What I value most is honesty and loyalty. I think these traits are most important and from that it’s possible to build a very strong relationship. So yeah if I seem at least a little bit interesting please feel free to reach out to me 😊
submitted by hungryTiger98 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:46 Dimpz3 What do I do if I’m having explicit images shared of me via post?

I’m not sure if this is the right place for this, I’m new to Reddit and just wanted to see if there was any advice available since I seem to be hitting road blocks on every thing I seemed to have attempted.
I 30(F) was speaking to a man online for around 7yrs from Sweden, the relationship became sexual at some point and images were exchanged. He then decided to randomly cut off contact. Said he no longer wanted to speak and things were obviously not meant to be which I was totally understanding about, a week or so later I started receiving post to my family home with the explicit images that I had shared with him, to make it worse they were addressed to my father. He knows I come from a strict religious family and how many issues this could cause potentially endangering my life due to the honour aspect of it. I tried to catch these before anyone else did until he also started sending to my father’s workplace where I used to work and my previous colleagues viewing these images. My old boss is also a family friend who tried to hide it once he saw this guy had scrawled my name on the printed image due to him fearing for my life. He writes on each ‘I miss these or I miss you’ something along these lines and add different return addresses and names each time, only pays for them in cash. Though the post office he sends them from are around 5mins from his house each time. These have carried on for months and I’ve spoken to both UK and Swedish police, they have taken him in spoken to him, taken his electronics and even some evidence they found in his apartment. But apart from this it seems to be a waiting game as he continued to post even after he was taken into the police station, it has been passed to U.K. to conduct another statement for extra details since Swedish police are unable to do this over call/videocall. Ive tried to find lawyers or anyone who can help with any advice or anything further I can do but seem to come to dead ends with the U.K. side since they don’t have people specialising in Swedish law. I’m not sure what the next steps are and if I need someone to be with me for this statement or if there are any helplines available.
This has my life on pause where I’m afraid to leave my house before the post gets here or go into work unless I have paid to have post stopped each week. It’s had a massive impact on my mental health with me also having to take time off work and I’m unable to involve any family member or any friends around me due to the fear of judgement or being seen differently. Any advice would be welcome
submitted by Dimpz3 to AskUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:43 bordermessie-on-edge The *Bonk* No 507 - The german evening post for Apes 13.05.24 / all credits to u/RetardHolder , the Ankermann*Bonk*

The *Bonk* No 507 - The german evening post for Apes 13.05.24 / all credits to u/RetardHolder , the Ankermann*Bonk*
I am afraid that the sub will get restrictions if I post links from other subs. Therefore, the links to the comments are in the real *Bonk*, which can be found at this URL: /useRetardHoldecomments/1crb29k/bonk_die_aktienschau_zum_13052024_ausgabe_nr_507/
u/RetardHolder :
Good evening my dear Apes.




The RRP update for today shows a value of USD 492.1bn with 77 counterparties.
- Top post: Roaring Kitty's big comeback via Twitter.
◦ He continued today with numerous edited film scenes, which he posted every 30 minutes. The central message seems clear: "I'm back and I'm finishing the job now". Below, I've linked the Reddit posts for each of his videos where I could.
▪ 1. DFV probably took his cue from this GameStop tweet from February.
2 (again).
3 (again) - interpretation.
Attention: CNBC discusses DFV's return.
Old acquaintances: PleasrDAO quotes DFV's first tweet.
This is followed by posts that are not directly related to DFV.
- Losses: According to The Kobeissi Letter, short sellers lost USD 1bn just one hour after the market opened.
- Time-out: There were numerous trading halts at GME throughout the day.
- Opinion: Today's price movements are not due to small investors or DFV.
◦ Meanwhile, it is clear to the experts in the German press that DFV has once again triggered "speculation" with GME.
- Possible share buyback: Based on data from the Bloomberg terminal, Peruvian Bull speculates that GameStop has now actually started a buyback of its own shares. The reason for this is the activation of SEC Rule 10B-18.
Here and here again.
- Call: Remember how we've been cheated and manipulated for the last 3 years.
- Repeat offender: Robinhood has allegedly REPEATEDLY disabled the buy button.
Here and here other Apes report about it.
Here and here Apes report that Trade Republic has also blocked trading again.
- Hype: The moment we've been waiting for so long has finally arrived.
- Project completion: u/BadassTrader (observer of the Dorito of Doom) announces that his work has now come to an end with the breakout from the pattern.
Memes, meme and hype videos:
Veteran's Day.
Wrong price.
DFV Returns.
"Welcome Back Everyone".
That should be the most important for today. If there is anything else worth mentioning that I didn't notice, feel free to write it here in the comments. I will try to add to the post if necessary.(only in the german sub).
Sleep well my dear Apes, see you next time!
submitted by bordermessie-on-edge to WeAreAPE [link] [comments]