Nursing diagnosis for preeclampsia

Fibromyalgia - An Optimistic but Realistic Support Group

2009.04.18 10:29 LisaHellen Fibromyalgia - An Optimistic but Realistic Support Group

An optimistic but realistic support group.

2012.02.06 07:43 khal_ Oncology: medicine and science

A subreddit for the discussion of cancer medicine and cancer biology

2010.08.03 11:16 Vailhem Medical Technology


2024.06.07 21:09 lesbianintern Pursuing a Diagnosis

Hi everyone,
I’m 22f and recently the birth control I use for extreme period symptoms hasn’t been helping, as I’ve been bleeding and having a “period” every other week. Before this, BC did ease my symptoms but I have times where they are still unmanageable with BC. I’m going to my OBGYN soon to try and resolve the bleeding, and I was wondering if I should pursue an endo diagnosis. Usually when I see my OBGYN I’m just too exhausted from everything to keep advocating for myself.
Ever since I first got my period, they’ve been extremely painful. I’ve passed out in the bathroom and woken up on the floor confused. Sometimes I vomit and shake and turn very pale. I’ve scared roommates because sometimes I just lay on the ground screaming. Sometimes it’s too painful to scream or cry and I just can’t do anything. Occasionally when it gets to that point I have suicidal thoughts, because the pain is just so all consuming and I need it to end. I don’t think I would ever actually go through with that, but it does scare me. I’ve ended up in the ER twice due to cramps because I had extreme pain in public and other people have insisted on taking me to the hospital. Nothing ever came out of those visits except for extra pain medicine.
For other potential symptoms, I have very extreme chronic fatigue. I did get a sleep apnea diagnosis which helped a bit, but the fatigue still feels like it’s coming from every part of my body. I get headaches and pains in my lower back and legs, but those are manageable. I’ve tried masturbating on my period to relieve cramps, but an orgasm leads to extreme cramps deep in my body. I have extreme pain with bowel movements during my period, and that’s when I’m most likely to pass out.
I’ve been on BC pretty much since I got my first period because my OBGYN said the pain was normal. My old primary doc said I probably have a low pain tolerance and told me to use naproxen. The only time I got some validation from a medical professional was when I had appendicitis, and a nurse kept offering me pain medicine, but I declined saying it was absolutely nothing compared to my cramps. That concerned him but I was pretty young when that happened and my parents weren’t worried about it.
I’m nervous to try for a diagnosis and waste time, money, and more mental energy, especially if it turns out I don’t have endo. I know people have said they got diagnosed when they had an appendectomy, but since that didn’t happen to me I’m worried I’m incorrect with my concerns. I also had surgery last year that ended badly after a reaction to the anesthesia, and the idea of going under again for laparoscopy terrifies me.
Regardless I just have a gut feeling that now might be the time to pursue a diagnosis. I know this is a really long post, but I was wondering if anyone had any advice or similar experiences. If I do decide to push for a diagnosis, I would love to hear any tips for taking care of yourself through that process. Thank you in advance. 🩵
submitted by lesbianintern to endometriosis [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:08 Minimum_Tower_2960 Coming to Terms With My Childhood

I'm 52, gay and Black, and my mom is 84. I have two older siblings, however our parents were divorced when I was eight and so they were out of the house or about to head to college.
I grew up in a big college town, excelled in school, studied violin. My parents were both professionals and fairly well-known in our community, particularly in the Black and educational parts of it. I think from the outside we looked pretty "normal."
My mother was diagnosed with delusional disorder roughly five years ago as part of the ongoing drama of trying to stabilize her living situation (long story). Previous to this, I don't think that she had seen a mental health professional much less a psychiatrist. My parents were religious and like many Blacks (I think this is changing now, slightly...) didn't seek out this type of healthcare but would, you know, pray...
So I have a new context for my childhood and the crazy things that she did and said. She was often fixated on family members and "being wronged." For instance, when I was in college, she convinced me that her brothers and my cousins, with whom I had been close, were stealing money or her inheritance, or jewelry.
When she remarried when I was 11 she became convinced that my stepfather was gay. There was a kind of emotional incest through which she'd share with me at eight, 10, 11 the details of how my father wronged her or, later, how my step father was gay because he had hemorrhoids, which to a 13-year old makes sense. Neighbors weren't to be trusted either. They wanted her property. A lot of her delusions are about "stuff," which makes me sad.
When I was 19 and at college studying for finals, she turned up to my apartment and handed over a ten-page manifesto accusing me of having sex throughout high school with my stepfather. They were getting divorced at the time and fighting over the house. She told me I'd have to go to court to testify. I went to Europe for a month instead.
Today, with this diagnosis in hand, I at least know that she's sick and can't help it. But it is still hard, especially as I reflect on my childhood--never being able to invite friends over, trouble getting close to others and trusting, always vigilant, navigating every emotional issue as best I can on my own with no blueprint.
I've learned to never argue with her or try to reason with her or tease out the truth. It never helps. But it is tough because, to meet her, she is charming and lucid. She doesn't come off as mentally unstable and didn't when I was a kid.
Yesterday, she called me: "I'm surprised to learn that you're in cahoots with your brother and sister to take my property and put me in a nursing home. That's all I called to say. Now have a nice day."
Depending upon what's going on for me at the moment, this stuff can still ruin a day up to a week. It is so destabilizing.
submitted by Minimum_Tower_2960 to delusionaldisorder [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:49 Beenz92 Stopped breathing

Hey guys.
We went to the hospital for my daughters (8 months old) seizures. She had 3 grand mals in the same day. She previously had 1 about a month ago and we were in the process of a diagnosis. We suspect that she has had absent ones as well. She is now diagnosed epileptic.
It seems like everytime she has gotten one, she turns blue and stops breathing. The last one she had was in the hospital. This one was bad.. She had 9 docs and nurses surrounding her. She turned REALLY blue. They administered oxygen. Her heart rate slowed down so much they ran an EKG and almost had to shock her. We almost lost our little girl. It was the scariest thing I've seen in my entire life.. Will this happen everytime?? And how common is it to stop breathing during seizures??
submitted by Beenz92 to Epilepsy [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 17:57 sxullqueenxris Was taking Psych emotionally difficult if you are neurodivergent?

So, I’m currently taking psych in the summer so it’s only a six week course, and honestly I’m doing really well. My professor calls me her “pharmacy” and asks me not to answer med questions because I seem to know them all. Which I do. But only because I’ve been on almost every med you can think of (she doesn’t know that). I’m on the spectrum, I have ADHD, and diagnosed bipolar disorder with GAD and panic disorder. I’m glad I’m doing well and know the material, but when we get to discussions about something I was either misdiagnosed with, or am diagnosed with, I notice I get really uncomfortable and start stimming. I’m really good at masking so usually it’s something not as noticeable like tapping my fingers on the desk, wringing my hands under the desk, or biting the inside of my cheek. Listening to other students talk about these disorders in a stigmatized way or my instructor giving an example of a patient with extreme symptoms just gives me anxiety. I’ve considered being a psych nurse because I feel like I have the compassion and understanding of what it’s like to have psychotic breaks and the understanding of how exhausting it can be with medication trial and error and the struggle of not wanting to be medicated. (I’ve been medicated for 6 years and have been completely stable, so I really don’t want to hear you can’t be a nurse because of your diagnosis because that’s just false). I started college wanting to be a psychiatrist but didn’t want to go to med school so I said I’d be a psychologist. But then learned I can be a Psych NP, so I went into nursing school. But now I just find the class uncomfortable. I haven’t changed my mind about going into psych, and I’ve been a tech at a hospital for 7 years now so I know how nurses speak about mentally ill patients and that doesn’t bother me, what I’m asking specifically about is that if you were neurodivergent, how did you handle yourself during psych class? Was it hard for you? Or did it not bother you at all?
submitted by sxullqueenxris to StudentNurse [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 17:12 Wonderful-Meat-4368 Hypothyroidism, Diabetes, and Pregnancy?

I don't know who else to ask or where to go from here so I apologze if this is not the best thread to post it on. I've also asked family members about my current situation (who are either doctors or nurses) but they didn't specialize in endocrinology. I guess now I am looking for experience and people living with T1D and Hypothyroidism.
So husband and I have been trying for baby no. 2 since October. I got pregnant with my son three years ago, just a month after stopping my birth control. I had no complications besides being a T1D which I've had long before him. Now that I'm trying for another baby, my Endo. has been keeping a close watch on my TSH levels and thinks it's the reason I haven't gotten pregnant again yet. She states (which I know is true) that autoimmune diseases usually come in pairs so she is thinking I need to be on hypothyroidism medication. She also states that now doctors are saying that women who are pregnant or will become pregnant should have their TSH levels at 2.5 or below. None of my family members (who are medical professionals) has heard of this new standard and to be honest, I haven't found much through my own research. For reference, 6 months ago my TSH level was 3.6, 3 months ago it was 2.8, and this month it was 4.5. My Endo. wants to put me on medication for hypothyroidism not just for future pregnancy but she feels I have it, and has even written that diagnosis in my chart even though I'm not currently being treated for it.
My question is, are these levels truly concerning? Has any of you been through this? And if you were pregnant or trying to become pregnant , were your TSH levels a concern? I'm worried about taking the medication if I don't truly need it and messing with my "natural" TSH levels. Any words of encouragement are welcome. Feeling lost and sad.
submitted by Wonderful-Meat-4368 to BumpersWhoBolus [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 15:56 Wonderful-Meat-4368 Hypothyroidism, Diabetes, and Pregnancy?

I don't know who else to ask or where to go from here so I apologze if this is not the best thread to post it on. I've also asked family members about my current situation (who are either doctors or nurses) but they didn't specialize in endocrinology. I guess now I am looking for experience and people living with T1D and Hypothyroidism.
So husband and I have been trying for baby no. 2 since October. I got pregnant with my son three years ago, just a month after stopping my birth control. I had no complications besides being a T1D which I've had long before him. Now that I'm trying for another baby, my Endo. has been keeping a close watch on my TSH levels and thinks it's the reason I haven't gotten pregnant again yet. She states (which I know is true) that autoimmune diseases usually come in pairs so she is thinking I need to be on hypothyroidism medication. She also states that now doctors are saying that women who are pregnant or will become pregnant should have their TSH levels at 2.5 or below. None of my family members (who are medical professionals) has heard of this new standard and to be honest, I haven't found much through my own research. For reference, 6 months ago my TSH level was 3.6, 3 months ago it was 2.8, and this month it was 4.5. My Endo. wants to put me on medication for hypothyroidism not just for future pregnancy but she feels I have it, and has even written that diagnosis in my chart even though I'm not currently being treated for it.
My question is, are these levels truly concerning? Has any of you been through this? And if you were pregnant or trying to become pregnant , were your TSH levels a concern? I'm worried about taking the medication if I don't truly need it and messing with my "natural" TSH levels. Any words of encouragement are welcome. Feeling lost and sad.
submitted by Wonderful-Meat-4368 to Type1Diabetes [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 14:22 ExpertBrief2435 Ebv? Long covid? Anxiety? MS? ALS? HELP.

I contemplated writing on this forum for a while constantly checking others experiences but just wanted to see if anyone can relate or possibly give me some insight. These doctors suck honestly they will try to stick any diagnosis on you and hope you agree. Well I am not that person for a little background I am a registered nurse, in my thirties, one child, no prior medical history to date, overall a seemingly healthy individual. I did get 1 doses of the Covid shot 1 booster of Moderna to be exact.
Randomly January 2023 I had a panic attack out of no where; felt like I was having an actual heart attack went to the ER everything looked normal got discharged & I went on with life. It was my first one ever.
August 2023: after going to six flags on the 6th on the 8th I woke up with random burning numbness tingling & burning throughout my body went to ER; they kept me overnight did a full work up CAT SCANS; MRI ; MRA of my brain and neck and cervical spine I had some bulging disc c4-c6 but all other results were normal. So I chalked the burning up to that. They released me and the pains went away some time after.
September 2023 : I started accutane (isotretinoin) & also birth control sidenote: I was on birth control since 2017 after my son I stopped 2022. Started back sept 2023 same kind.
migraines started. I had one every 2 months to date.
December was where it all started I noticed a headache everyday didn’t think nothing much of it but it lasted for about 7 days on the 14 of Dec I said let me check my blood pressure because maybe my head hurts because of it. I got a reading of 178/100 ; then like 158/94 - this caused another panic attack went to the ER bloodwork everything was good ekg , etc.. they gave me fluids I felt somewhat better chalked it up to being dehydrated from the Accutane not drinking enough water and I completely discontinued the Accutane this day and took my last shot of birth control. After these events things started to spiral out of control ..
I checked into to the ER about 8 times in a 3 month span ( Dec - Feb) , saw my primary ( who said it was anxiety ) tried to put me on meds that I refused. I had more MRI w contrast this time.. of the brain the only thing that changed from the last one was a change in my white matter ( a little dot ) doctor said it could be from the migraines .
Symptoms kept coming I had soreness in my upper back , neck tightness went to get a corticosteroid shot because I thought the pain was from the bulging disc.. after felt like the pain in my upper back got worst..I wasn’t sleeping , twitching in my muscles started , intense burning that started in my feet alll day that has now travel up to my thighs got more cat scans bunch of chest X-rays I went to a cardiologist echo , stresss test , gastrointestinal doctor because of constipation everything seem to be good I got blood work for ANA lupus , rheumatoid etc &that was clear I did PT but I felt like it was getting worst so I stop. I would get burning in my head felt like a band wrapped around my head I lost 20lbs couldn’t look down I would feel dizzy felt like things weren’t real and most days I just wanted to cry and stay in bed.
March / April 2024 things weren’t 100% but they were better a lot of the symptoms subsided but the burning and muscle twitching persist
May I feel like the symptoms are creeping back up intense burning in legs and feet neck back pains Back of head pain shakiness went to podiatrist he says he don’t think it’s coming from the feet maybe I have some sort of PAD DID ABI test it came back borderline .. seeing a vascular doctor tomorrow .
I’m so annoyed I don’t know what it could be I tried multiple things already meditation, breathing exercise , working out , I cut caffeine , no soda or juice .. can say I still eat like shit . I tried therapy idk what else to do my burning is at 8 right now I’m non diabetic.. anybody experience anything similar ?
submitted by ExpertBrief2435 to EBV [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 14:22 ExpertBrief2435 Ebv? Long covid? Anxiety? MS? ALS? HELP.

I contemplated writing on this forum for a while constantly checking others experiences but just wanted to see if anyone can relate or possibly give me some insight. These doctors suck honestly they will try to stick any diagnosis on you and hope you agree. Well I am not that person for a little background I am a registered nurse, in my thirties, one child, no prior medical history to date, overall a seemingly healthy individual. I did get 1 doses of the Covid shot 1 booster of Moderna to be exact.
Randomly January 2023 I had a panic attack out of no where; felt like I was having an actual heart attack went to the ER everything looked normal got discharged & I went on with life. It was my first one ever.
August 2023: after going to six flags on the 6th on the 8th I woke up with random burning numbness tingling & burning throughout my body went to ER; they kept me overnight did a full work up CAT SCANS; MRI ; MRA of my brain and neck and cervical spine I had some bulging disc c4-c6 but all other results were normal. So I chalked the burning up to that. They released me and the pains went away some time after.
September 2023 : I started accutane (isotretinoin) & also birth control sidenote: I was on birth control since 2017 after my son I stopped 2022. Started back sept 2023 same kind.
migraines started. I had one every 2 months to date.
December was where it all started I noticed a headache everyday didn’t think nothing much of it but it lasted for about 7 days on the 14 of Dec I said let me check my blood pressure because maybe my head hurts because of it. I got a reading of 178/100 ; then like 158/94 - this caused another panic attack went to the ER bloodwork everything was good ekg , etc.. they gave me fluids I felt somewhat better chalked it up to being dehydrated from the Accutane not drinking enough water and I completely discontinued the Accutane this day and took my last shot of birth control. After these events things started to spiral out of control ..
I checked into to the ER about 8 times in a 3 month span ( Dec - Feb) , saw my primary ( who said it was anxiety ) tried to put me on meds that I refused. I had more MRI w contrast this time.. of the brain the only thing that changed from the last one was a change in my white matter ( a little dot ) doctor said it could be from the migraines .
Symptoms kept coming I had soreness in my upper back , neck tightness went to get a corticosteroid shot because I thought the pain was from the bulging disc.. after felt like the pain in my upper back got worst..I wasn’t sleeping , twitching in my muscles started , intense burning that started in my feet alll day that has now travel up to my thighs got more cat scans bunch of chest X-rays I went to a cardiologist echo , stresss test , gastrointestinal doctor because of constipation everything seem to be good I got blood work for ANA lupus , rheumatoid etc &that was clear I did PT but I felt like it was getting worst so I stop. I would get burning in my head felt like a band wrapped around my head I lost 20lbs couldn’t look down I would feel dizzy felt like things weren’t real and most days I just wanted to cry and stay in bed.
March / April 2024 things weren’t 100% but they were better a lot of the symptoms subsided but the burning and muscle twitching persist
May I feel like the symptoms are creeping back up intense burning in legs and feet neck back pains Back of head pain shakiness went to podiatrist he says he don’t think it’s coming from the feet maybe I have some sort of PAD DID ABI test it came back borderline .. seeing a vascular doctor tomorrow .
I’m so annoyed I don’t know what it could be I tried multiple things already meditation, breathing exercise , working out , I cut caffeine , no soda or juice .. can say I still eat like shit . I tried therapy idk what else to do my burning is at 8 right now I’m non diabetic.. anybody experience anything similar ?
submitted by ExpertBrief2435 to MuscleTwitch [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 14:17 ExpertBrief2435 Ebv? Long covid? Anxiety? MS? ALS? HELP.

I contemplated writing on this forum for a while constantly checking others experiences but just wanted to see if anyone can relate or possibly give me some insight. These doctors suck honestly they will try to stick any diagnosis on you and hope you agree. Well I am not that person for a little background I am a registered nurse, in my thirties, one child, no prior medical history to date, overall a seemingly healthy individual. I did get 1 doses of the Covid shot 1 booster of Moderna to be exact.
Randomly January 2023 I had a panic attack out of no where; felt like I was having an actual heart attack went to the ER everything looked normal got discharged & I went on with life. It was my first one ever.
August 2023: after going to six flags on the 6th on the 8th I woke up with random burning numbness tingling & burning throughout my body went to ER; they kept me overnight did a full work up CAT SCANS; MRI ; MRA of my brain and neck and cervical spine I had some bulging disc c4-c6 but all other results were normal. So I chalked the burning up to that. They released me and the pains went away some time after.
September 2023 : I started accutane (isotretinoin) & also birth control sidenote: I was on birth control since 2017 after my son I stopped 2022. Started back sept 2023 same kind.
migraines started. I had one every 2 months to date.
December was where it all started I noticed a headache everyday didn’t think nothing much of it but it lasted for about 7 days on the 14 of Dec I said let me check my blood pressure because maybe my head hurts because of it. I got a reading of 178/100 ; then like 158/94 - this caused another panic attack went to the ER bloodwork everything was good ekg , etc.. they gave me fluids I felt somewhat better chalked it up to being dehydrated from the Accutane not drinking enough water and I completely discontinued the Accutane this day and took my last shot of birth control. After these events things started to spiral out of control ..
I checked into to the ER about 8 times in a 3 month span ( Dec - Feb) , saw my primary ( who said it was anxiety ) tried to put me on meds that I refused. I had more MRI w contrast this time.. of the brain the only thing that changed from the last one was a change in my white matter ( a little dot ) doctor said it could be from the migraines .
Symptoms kept coming I had soreness in my upper back , neck tightness went to get a corticosteroid shot because I thought the pain was from the bulging disc.. after felt like the pain in my upper back got worst..I wasn’t sleeping , twitching in my muscles started , intense burning that started in my feet alll day that has now travel up to my thighs got more cat scans bunch of chest X-rays I went to a cardiologist echo , stresss test , gastrointestinal doctor because of constipation everything seem to be good I got blood work for ANA lupus , rheumatoid etc &that was clear I did PT but I felt like it was getting worst so I stop. I would get burning in my head felt like a band wrapped around my head I lost 20lbs couldn’t look down I would feel dizzy felt like things weren’t real and most days I just wanted to cry and stay in bed.
March / April 2024 things weren’t 100% but they were better a lot of the symptoms subsided but the burning and muscle twitching persist
May I feel like the symptoms are creeping back up intense burning in legs and feet neck back pains Back of head pain shakiness went to podiatrist he says he don’t think it’s coming from the feet maybe I have some sort of PAD DID ABI test it came back borderline .. seeing a vascular doctor tomorrow .
I’m so annoyed I don’t know what it could be I tried multiple things already meditation, breathing exercise , working out , I cut caffeine , no soda or juice .. can say I still eat like shit . I tried therapy idk what else to do my burning is at 8 right now I’m non diabetic.. anybody experience anything similar ?
submitted by ExpertBrief2435 to smallfiberneuropathy [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 13:35 Kimmelstiel-Wilson This is the point of AKI nurse specialists

You saw the post where we all got really angry about how useless AKI/Sepsis nurses are.
Well, someone asked to hear more about the financial case for them - which, frankly, is the only real reason they exist. It's not because they meaningfully improve patient care (you should take a long hard look at yourself if the AKI nurse is significantly changing your management of AKIs)
First question to you - if you go to hospital and have broken your arm. How much does that cost? Obviously to you - nothing. But the hospital did something and it needs money to do that. How does the "system" work out how much this cost?
Healthcare economics is way above the scope of this post, but basically the way that it works at the moment is that someone in NHS England (or Deloitte, probably) has tried to be very clever and has determined that if a hospital puts a cast on your broken arm, the hospital gets £443 (HE51H). Great. A number.
Next question. How does NHS England know that they should send your hospital £443? Well, you've done a discharge summary of course! If you code the diagnosis of broken arm, then that's the hard work done. In addition, someone will read your medical notes just to make sure that you didn't forget to code that they had cellulitis as well and gave them antibiotics - because that's more money!
In other words, hospital gets paid. If it's not written down, then the hospital isn't getting paid.
Onto AKI nurses. They're currently a quirk of the current payment scheme.
If Betty from a care home comes into hospital with an AKI2, but because of her massive comorbidities and the fact a mildly elevated creatinine isn't going to be the thing that finishes her off, this "AKI2" isn't ever actually written down in the notes... let's say it wasn't written down for a week long admission. How much money has the hospital lost? Just on Betty's admission?
It's potentially as much as £62,000. That's the maximum amount that a hospital can be reimbursed (£8,841 per day [LA07H]) for an AKI with "interventions".
Clearly, I'm not a hospital coder and there will be very specific criteria that have to be met in order for the hospital to get the full amount.
If only there was someone in the hospital, paid to explicitly go to every patient with an AKI and ensure a very specific, inflexible set of criteria are applied and checked. Perhaps in the form of a sticker. Maybe they could have links to the local nephrologists - but not really, because they're not actually there to deliver clinical care. Oh, and we could build some audit into the role, so that they can audit their own use of the sticker, that then means we get more money.... if only...
AKI nurses exist because in the current scheme, AKIs are disproportionately incentivised by NHS England and even better the alerts to diagnose them can be automated, so it doesn't rely on doctors. This is another reason why sepsis is a big deal - it's easily triggered by NEWS scores and doesn't rely on a doctor writing "sepsis" in the notes. Same deal - disproportionately well reimbursed.
Further reading:
For the weird codes above next to the payments, you can check out the payment tarrifs below for all acute care (Annex A).
For a general overview of NHS funding
submitted by Kimmelstiel-Wilson to doctorsUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 13:27 International-Ad587 Constant bleeding on myo-inositol?

Hi I've recently been diagnosed with PCOS through blood tests after I came off BC in September and only had one period between then and February. Confirmed ovulation once using bbt and my temps were constantly all over the place. The nurse practitioner diagnosed me and offered no help, just told me to lose weight, no goal, no check back in after so many months, just lose weight. The diagnosis took over a month and several blood tests and I actually ended up getting a period around the same time I got diagnosed.
After some research my husband ordered me some myo-inositol which I've been taking for about a month, my temps seemed much more stable and I felt better but I started bleeding. Started out like spotting every few days but more recently it's been like my lighter period days most days.
Has anyone else had this? How long did it last? Is there anything you can suggest to help? I'm glad I'm having some bleeding but I still can't tell anything about my cycles because it's constant. I need to get more consistent with bbt tracking but 100day charts get me down.
The myo-inositol is just about finished and I got myo & d-chiro for my second bottle but I'm not sure if this will help or not.
I'm in the UK and don't have private healthcare, but I am moving house in a few months which means a new Dr and I'm hoping that's an improvement
Also, I have previously done keto and loved it lost 49lbs/22kg but this was right before lockdown and everything went to shit. Have tried again a few times and developed an intensely itchy rash all over my back.
I'm just shy of 30, 5ft 6, was 105kg a few weeks ago and TTC
submitted by International-Ad587 to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 08:45 healthmedicinet Health Daily News June 6 2024

DAY: JUNE 6 2024

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Alcohol can cause breast cancer, but most women in the US aren’t aware of the health risks

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In an analysis of more than 50 years of health data, women who had overweight or obesity at age 14 or 31 were more likely to have an ischemic (clot-caused) stroke before age 55, according to research published today in Stroke. According to the American Heart Association, an ischemic stroke occurs when a vessel supplying blood to the brain is obstructed. Ischemic stroke is the most common type of stroke and accounts for about 87% of all strokes. The study conducted in Finland suggests that women with excessive weight at

From cycling to sex, skin patches promise to make their mark

New high-performance skin patches will help people monitor vital health signs during exercise. What do cycling, showering and making love have in common? All three activities prove the usefulness of a new generation of skin patches that can monitor people’s vital signs like blood pressure and heart rate, according to Professor Klas Hjort, head of the microsystems technology program at Uppsala University in Sweden. Patch work While “smart wearables” are already very much on the market and in people’s lives, researchers are seeking to improve the technologies in areas such

Do you really need compression socks on long flights?

Since the dawn of the jet age, travelers have been warned about the risks of dangerous blood clots while flying. In recent years, those warnings have often been accompanied by advice to wear compression socks. But the case for keeping them on your packing list isn’t as clear-cut as you might expect. “It’s perfectly fine to use them,” said Dr. Joshua Beckman, director of vascular medicine at UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, but science can’t say exactly how much they might help travelers. Compression socks—sometimes referred to as graduated

Hidden challenges of tooth loss and dentures revealed in new study

The hidden challenges faced by people with tooth loss and dentures have been identified by new research from the University of Sheffield. Improvements in dental care, more people living longer, and the social value placed on having a healthy smile has led to people keeping their own teeth longer, but it has also led to an increasing number of people needing some kind of restoration work, including crowns, bridges and implants. Many of these treatments remain unobtainable for most people due to the availability of NHS dentists and the high

Music therapy helps stroke survivors regain lost speech by singing

Ray Hart’s vocabulary consisted of just one word after his August 2022 stroke. “Yep” was all he could say, said Pamela Jenkins, his caregiver and partner of 24 years. Like many survivors, Hart, 62, can understand what’s said to him almost as well as he could before the stroke, but it’s still hard for him to form complete sentences. Now, though, a year after adding music therapy to his rehabilitation schedule, he can sing them. “I’ve got sunshine on a cloudy day,” he sang during a recent

Many US women unhappy with maternal health care, poll finds

Many women are unhappy with the state of U.S. maternal health care, but a major new poll finds most Americans don’t understand how badly the nation lags behind other wealthy countries in this area. Only about 2 in 5 (42%) women currently pregnant or ever pregnant strongly felt they had access to the best possible medical care while pregnant, down significantly from 50% in 2022, according to The Harris Poll’s second annual survey on the state of maternal health care. Women reported similar numbers regarding their health care while giving

What toilet paper and game shows can teach us about the spread of epidemics

How can we explain and predict human behavior? Are mathematics and probability up to the task, or are humans too complex and irrational? Often, people’s actions take us by surprise, particularly when they seem irrational. Take the COVID pandemic: one thing nobody saw coming was a rush on toilet paper that left supermarket shelves bare in many countries. But by combining ideas from mathematics, economics and behavioral science, researchers were eventually able to make mathematical models of how panic spreads between people, which made

Vigorous exercise may preserve cognition in high-risk patients with hypertension

People with high blood pressure have a higher risk of cognitive impairment, including dementia, but a new study from researchers at Wake Forest University School of Medicine suggests that engaging in vigorous physical activity more than once a week can lower that risk. The findings appear in Alzheimer’s & Dementia. “We know that physical exercise offers many benefits, including lowering blood pressure, improving heart health and potentially delaying

Study links xylitol to increased risk of heart attack and stroke

Cleveland Clinic researchers found higher amounts of the sugar alcohol xylitol are associated with increased risk of cardiovascular events like heart attack and stroke. The team, led by Stanley Hazen, M.D., Ph.D., confirmed the association in a large-scale patient analysis, preclinical research models and a clinical intervention study. Findings were published in the European Heart Journal. Xylitol is a common sugar substitute used in sugar-free candy, gums, baked goods and oral products like toothpaste. Over the past decade, the use of sugar substitutes, including sugar alcohols and artificial sweeteners, has

Researchers unveil pioneering approach to combat age-related vision loss

Researchers discovered a new treatment for age-related macular degeneration (AMD), the leading cause of vision loss among older adults. Featured on the cover of the journal Science Translational Medicine, this research reveals that boosting a specific protein, IRAK-M, in retinal cells could offer a new and highly effective therapy for AMD. AMD can severely impact a person’s vision. Patients suffering from AMD

New combination therapy shows promise for bladder cancer patients unresponsive to standard treatment

In an advance that could transform bladder cancer treatment, a novel combination of cretostimogene grenadenorepvec and pembrolizumab has shown remarkable efficacy in patients with Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG)-unresponsive non-muscle invasive bladder cancer. Results from the phase 2 CORE-001 trial, published today in Nature Medicine, reveal a significant improvement in complete response rates and long-term disease control, offering new hope for patients with this challenging condition who face limited treatment options. The trial included patients with BCG-unresponsive carcinoma in situ of the bladder, a condition that is notoriously difficult to treat and

Researchers say AI blood test provides a reliable way to identify lung cancer

Using artificial intelligence technology to identify patterns of DNA fragments associated with lung cancer, researchers from the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center and other institutions have developed and validated a liquid biopsy that may help identify lung cancer earlier. In a prospective study published June 3 in Cancer Discovery, the team demonstrated that artificial intelligence technology could identify people more likely to have

Unpaid care disproportionately affects low-income households across Europe

Unpaid care has a huge impact on mental health and is more likely to be provided by people from low-income households, finds a landmark Europe-wide study by researchers at UCL and St George’s, University of London. The Eurocare research examined unpaid care provided by people of all ages across Europe. The researchers found that around 1 in 10 people aged 15 to 29 across Europe are caregivers. More than a quarter (27%) of these young adult caregivers come from households ranked in the bottom fifth

Community-based screening analysis emphasizes need for hypertension screening in young athletes

A substantial portion of are at risk of hypertension, according to a study presented at the American College of Cardiology’s Care of the Athletic Heart conference, held June 6–8 in Washington. High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, occurs in 47% of adults in the U.S., according to Over time, hypertension weakens the heart, blood vessels and kidneys, paving the way for potential stroke or heart attack. Often referred to as the “silent killer,” high blood pressure is a leading risk factor for heart disease and early death. The

Study finds mpox continues to circulate at low numbers among gay and bisexual men who have sex with men

While mpox cases have sharply declined since the 2022 global outbreak, they continue to occur in the U.S. among gay and bisexual men who have sex with men (GBMSM), according to a UCLA-led study from EMERGEncy ID NET, a multi-site surveillance network. Though no cases were found in women, children or the unhoused, vigilance and vaccination remain important, the researchers write. The findings will be published June 6 in Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. Mpox, formerly known as monkeypox, is an infection endemic in Africa that is transmitted by skin-to-skin

Younger children are more commonly diagnosed with ADHD than their older classmates, says new study

New research, led by experts at the University of Nottingham, has found that teachers may be attributing signs of age-related immaturity in children, to conditions such as Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The results of the study, which are published in the journal European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, showed that the youngest students in a class, with birth dates just before the school entry cut-off date, were overrepresented among children receiving an ADHD diagnosis or medication for the condition. Experts looked at

Researchers find flavor restrictions affect tobacco buyers differently depending on socioeconomic status

Restricting menthol flavor in cigarettes while making nicotine replacement therapy, such as a skin patch that can help ease withdrawal, more available and affordable has the potential to reduce socioeconomic disparities in tobacco use. That was one of the findings in a study published in May in Nicotine and Tobacco Research that marks a

Gender-specific social factors may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease

Differences in social factors that may reduce cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk for men and women have been identified by Monash University-led research using a field of artificial intelligence (AI). Published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, researchers employed machine learning (ML) algorithms to pinpoint key predictors of CVD from a set of 25 social factors. The study found that being married/partnered, or having social support from others, was associated with a reduced risk of CVD for men and women. For men, activities like playing chess or cards, having

Long COVID’s toll outlined in new report

Long COVID continues to plague millions of Americans as the health costs of the pandemic linger four years later, a new report warns. In a hefty document released Wednesday, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, a nongovernmental group that advises federal agencies on science and medicine, detailed the damage that Long COVID has wrought. “Diagnosing, measuring and treating Long COVID is complicated. This disease, which has existed in humans for less than five years, can present differently from person to person and can either resolve within weeks or

Precision laser surgery cuts focal epileptic seizure spread

In a busy hospital waiting room, a young man’s muscles began contracting in a harsh, unyielding spasm as a quick-acting student rushed to his aid. “We ran over to help stabilize the patient. To my surprise, his mother calmly reassured us that his seizure was a routine occurrence due to his epilepsy,” said Seth Lieberman, Ph.D. ’21, D.V.M. ’24, who was an undergraduate student at the time.

Study finds omega-3 therapy prevents birth-related brain injury in newborn rodents

An injectable emulsion containing two omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil markedly reduced brain damage in newborn rodents after a disruption in the flow of oxygen to the brain near birth, a study by researchers at Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons has found. The findings are published in the journal Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. Brain injury due to insufficient oxygen is a severe complication of labor and delivery that occurs in one to three out of every 1,000

Possible mechanism for multiple sclerosis detected

The role that Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) plays in the development of multiple sclerosis (MS) may be caused by a higher level of cross-reactivity, where the body’s immune system binds to the wrong target, than previously thought. In a new study published in PLOS Pathogens, researchers looked at blood samples from people with MS, as well as healthy people infected with EBV and
submitted by healthmedicinet to u/healthmedicinet [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 04:36 JudgmentNo6376 want to try therapy

-This is my introduction to trying to find a therapist in 'betterhelp'. I don't know what I'm looking for by posting this on reddit, but maybe just some feedback? I'm not officially diagnosed.- I've tried therapy in the past and never have good luck, but maybe I haven't found the right therapist yet.

"What brings you here?"

This is no longer my life. My partner died over three years ago. But this was what I wrote the first time I tried working with a therapist on better help 4 years ago. - {I'm a fulltime caregiver for my partner for about the last year. (Day and night nurse...) Missing my old life. So much. I have issues with codependency, and have always had issues with boundaries. And with saying no.} -Currently trying to find a life again. I have not been able to rekindle the passions that I used to have. But I don't know how much of it is due to going through this with my partner, and how much is simply due to being middle aged. I don't feel depressed, but I lack motivation and excitement about life. I feel like if I were to die tomorrow I wouldn't be missing out on anything. I feel really jaded about things that would have been important to me in the past, and don't get emotional about them. (permaculture, living off the land, living a nomadic lifestyle in the wilderness, learning foreveeverything about holistic health)... I feel like I don't have the emotional intelligence that others have. I don't grieve the same ways that others do. I lost my father last winter, and while I know that I am supposed to be sad about it, and everyone asks how I am doing, I feel really weird telling them that I'm fine. He was 80, got to see his grandsons grow up, and had a long full life. Everybody dies. I don't remember being sad when my grandparents died because all grandparents die. (And I can't stand it when people compare losing their parents to losing a partner in his 40's). I have always been very interested in psychology, and always try to find out why I feel so different. After college I really wanted to be a hermit in Alaska because I was so intimidated by people. I didn't understand people. I was a vegan (in the 90's) who thought I would sacrifice my own life for that of a squirrel. I ended up working in the national parks instead, and never got the guts to move from a suburban childhood to surviving in the wilderness, but still was super interested in that lifestyle. When I did the Meyers briggs personality tests and was an INFJ (with 100% Introvert), I thought that might explain a lot since it was a very rare personality type, so it would explain why I never fit it and had a really hard time making friends. I'm very easygoing and nice and easy to get along with, but have a very hard time getting close to others. I have tried joining things that I am interested in. I've taken permaculture and yoga teacher training classes. Again, I get along with everybody, but was unable to make any actual new "friendships". But, over the past couple years, finding out what "Asperger's" was (I know that is no longer a diagnosis), so learning about "autism spectrum disorder-high functioning" I really feel like I have learned what is "wrong" with me. I have taken the online tests, but never tried to get an official diagnosis. I am 48 and very functional, and VERY high masking. So I don't even know if a therapist would agree with my self diagnosis. Also, I have realized that maybe what has been difficult about trying therapy in the past is that I don't really know how to not mask during sessions. Anyway, thanks for reading this whole thing if you actually took the time!!
submitted by JudgmentNo6376 to aspergers [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 04:34 Growltiger110 Mom in the hospital after a fall. Where to go from here?

I feel like I've reached a crossroads and I have to proceed wisely.
I posted a few days ago that my mom has been excessively sleeping and complaining of vertigo. She was put on medication by her PCP to manage the dizziness but it didn't seem to be helping much. Well today she went to use the restroom, screamed that she was going to be sick to her stomach, then fell. Thankfully she was responsive and didn't injur herself, but was complaining of nausea and wouldn't get up, so I called the paramedics and had them take her to the hospital. These symptoms have been going on too long.
She's been here for 5 hours and they ran several tests, include a CT scan, that all came out normal. They almost discharged her with the instructions to have her PCP refer her for an MRI scan but I expressed my concerns with her not being safe at home due to fall risk. It would take weeks to get an appointment and what would we do in the meantime? The nurse asked me about the living situation at home and I told her that I don't live with her but caretake M-F and my dad lives with her. However he also has health problems and is actually currently in the hospital himself! This seemed to raise red flags and she told me she'd pull some strings to get mom admitted overnight so we could get an emergency MRI scan and also have a neurologist come examine her. She also told me I need a break from caregiving. What an angel!
When the doctor came to examine her after the nurse left, he explained that if they can't properly diagnose the problem then at that point they've exhausted all their resources and all they could do after that is have a nurse come in to the home to assess her or do physical therapy. I don't see how this will make much a difference.
I asked if I could speak with a social worker and the plan is to meet with them tomorrow. At this point, is it time to consider memory care? Unfortunately here in California, due to her Alzheimer's diagnosis, most communities would place her in memory care regardless of her functioning level. So assisted living is out of the question unless we want to pay big $$$ to place her somewhere with special licensure.
Perhaps I'm jumping to conclusions, but if this is just part of her disease and there's nothing we can do....I just don't know what the right living arrangement is for her. I understand she could still fall in memory care, but at least there's more supervision. My parents live in a big house and if she falls in the middle of the night, my dad won't be able to hear her.
What would you do in this situation? I want to come up with a game plan before they discharge her. Thank you!
submitted by Growltiger110 to dementia [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 04:11 je_ru13 Honestly a mystery...

Tl:dr keppra is stopping episodic total body paralysis that affects respiratory function. But adderall affects keppra and I need adderall to regulate sleep... thought it was myasthenia gravis, but may be seizures? Progression of neurological decline started January.
Female, 5'7", 27. Seeing neurology in my town (about to go to Duke (6/15) and Chapel Hill Neurology(tomorrow) ) cardiology, pulmonary, Rheumatology, orthopedics, psychiatry, regenerative medicine, PT, vestibular PT, and ENT.
Medicine list: Gabepentin 1800mg a day for nerve pain, Adderall 60mg daily for ADHD, hydroxzyine 50mg at night for sleep PRN, Keppra 1000mg daily for painful stapedius muscle spasms, trileptal 600mg for mood stabilizer.
Diagnosis: Autism, ADHD, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Migraines (possible vestibular), IBS, Asthma, severe herniated discs with no injury (L4-L5)
Possible diagnosis: Narcolepsy (sleep study 6/28), Myasthenia Gravis (waiting test results)
I was in the ICU intubated from 5/17-5/19 and left ICU 5/20. Left hospital 5/27. Had 3 episodes altogether. I will share the first one as it was the most severe and led to no respiratory function.
On 5/16, I went to the eye doctor as the left side of my face and eye felt weird and in pain since my painful stapedius muscle spasms that started in at the end of March. My eye became extremely sensitive to light, double vision, and movements of eye and lid felt slow, though not seen by others.
Structure was fine, but the light from the exam caused my left side face to go numb and start increasing in pressure and pain all on left side (inside head to base of skull). Eye doctor checked reflexes and only the left did not have a corneal reflex. I ended up getting to see neurology the same day after calling them about the eye doctor's findings. It was an hour later, pain was severe, no corneal reflex in either eyes. Neurology started me on keppra.
Next day, legs gave out, started losing function slowly of upper body, PCP sent me to the ER. I lost all ability to move and all reflexes by evening and intubated. They did it unknowingly that I was conscious and felt everything. 10 minutes into the machine breathing for me, my brain clicked on and it took 3 nurses to hold me down while they put meds in my IV and I slept for 2 days. Got off the breathing tube and had two more milder but similar episodes as I was started back on meds, including keppra. Nothing seen on MRI, CT scans, or EEGs.
I noticed this week that the less Adderall I take, the better the Keppra works. But the ringing in my ears (especially left) is severe when I don't have my adderall. And I can't sleep without my adderall. I have manic like symptoms WITHOUT adderall. Getting a sleep study done as well as narcolepsy is suspected. Was previously diagnosed with Schizoaffective Bipolar disorder but nothing regulates me except adderall. I stopped having hallucinations and stopped staying up for 3-4 days after starting it. Even got a full time job until the ICU visit. So, I cannot be off it.
I just noticed that the last 2 days of only 30 MG of adderall in the morning, I started having less neurological fatigue. But less sleep. Today I didn't take any adderall, but the pain and feelings on the left side was better until family came over. Consistent noise makes my left side lymph nodes swell, as well as, pain and swelling on face and deep inside left side of head. ENT says nothing structurally wrong with ear. Left eye still sensitive to light and I tend to close it at times to calm the pressure in head. Left inner ear started having spasms as usual around 7pm when I know I need night time meds. I've read Keppra works less with stimulants.
Today, i can walk better, have more mental energy, happier, but my body is weak and tired. My brain just doesn't shut off without adderall. We started adderall in June of last year. Started having neurological issues in January. Have always had weird sleep of insomnia for days, then sleep attacks, sleep paralysis, sleep like hallucinations (thought to be schizophrenic hallucinations), and constant everyday fatigue. Adderall let's me get 8-9 hours of solid sleep a night at 60mg split 2x a day. Lower seems to not work and my doctor wants me on 60, not me.
I'm going to the neurology department of Chapel Hill tomorrow. I was pretty sure it was MG as my neurologist tested for it (waiting results), explained how similar it was to my symptoms. But with the keppra clearly stopping the unresponsive episodes and some left sided pain, numbness, brought back my reflexes... what could be going on? And why does my brain need so much stimulant to stay calm? It feels like my brain is going a thousand miles off adderall. But on it, it helps with autonomic dysfunction and fatigue, while slowing my brain down. And then at night both mind and body are tired and I sleep.
Is it seizures? Could that lead to ICU for respiratory failure? I was conscious though... I can't find anything. Especially with my face swelling from noise. Not loud noise, just consistent noises.
How can I help me explain all of this to Chapel Hill? Type it up so it is organize? Any ideas?
submitted by je_ru13 to NeurologicalDisorders [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 03:56 BeadingFrenzy_250 Looking for Advice

So, I don’t have a PCOS diagnosis, but I thought maybe someone in this group might have had my problem before or maybe know someone with the same problem and have advice. For the past 3 years, I’ve been having irregular periods. At the beginning of the 3 years, I wasn’t having my period for up to 4 months at a time. Then I was having my period for 3-4 months at a time. Now it seems like I’ve been bleeding since November. Sometimes it’s heavy and clotting and sometimes it’s not a lot, but it’s always more than just spotting. I finally got off my rump and went to a gynecologist, and had a pretty standard experience of not being listened to. I told him I didn’t want to be on BC due to a lot of personal concerns and a family history of bad experiences with BC. He threw a pamphlet and a thing of BC in my lap anyway and when I asked questions he told me to just read the pamphlet. Then he had me get blood work done since he suspected diabetes (I’m definitely overweight and it’s something I’ve been working on for the past month and luckily I’m seeing progress slowly). After the blood work, it showed I wasn’t even pre diabetic. I felt like my hormone levels were off based on a google search, but the gyno just had the nurse tell me to take the BC and lose weight. I was also told to go to a general care doctor and take iron supplements to help with my very low iron deficiency.
So I guess I’m wondering if anyone has any experience with this or advice? I really don’t want to do BC due to a bad family history with it. Like I said, I’m definitely overweight and have struggled with eating disorders. I’m making progress with that now, but I also had this issue anyway when I was about 20lb lighter 3 years ago. Any advice would be appreciated, thank you so much 💕
submitted by BeadingFrenzy_250 to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 03:28 Mushy-Moon Doctor visit tomorrow - wish me luck!!

I have a very important doctor visit tomorrow that I have waited for months. I've still not been officially diagnosed with BP2 because I have other symptoms that make the diagnosis difficult. I feel like my treatment doesn't go anywhere anymore and they don't take me seriously or make any further testings.
I have a very strong suspicion that I have mixed episodes which are hard for my nurse to understand who just keeps saying i have depression and should get electroconvulsive therapy but that seems pretty drastic to me because I am definitely better than I've been in a long time, probably because of Lamictal.
I feel like the more I ask for an official diagnosis, the more they don't believe me. I've even asked for further testings like adhd to make sure the symptoms aren't caused by something else. I do have borderline symptoms, but they are definitely different than the longer episodes I've experienced which really feel like mixed episodes...
I just wish to be heard and to get the right diagnosis, whatever it might be...
submitted by Mushy-Moon to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 01:31 WallabyHot6374 Beyond ADHD Experience

I just went through the process of getting an ADHD diagnosis with Beyond ADHD and I would definitely recommend them! The nurse practitioner was very knowledgeable and helpful. The process took 36 hours from when I booked the initial assessment to when I picked up my prescription (vyvanse). The total cost was around $350 for both appointments. I had both the initial assessment and follow up on the same day and my prescription was ready the next day. They sent the prescription to the Costco Pharmacy and it cost me $90 (no coverage) for a 30 day supply of 20mg vyvanse. Today is day one of taking it and it’s been a godsend. My brain feels quiet and focused and I can actually get work done. So yea… just wanted to share my thoughts. Beyond ADHD is a great provider to begin your ADHD journey!
submitted by WallabyHot6374 to ADHD_BritishColumbia [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 00:36 Broad-Soft352 Just a story to hopefully help someone along

I already posted this on a another thread so I hope it's not a problem that I just copied and pasted this as it more applicable over here......
I was accepted for a DBT (Dialectical Behavioral Therapy) program at one of the most prominent mental health institutions in the country. Spent about a month as an inpatient.
The specific ward I was in was focused on personality and behavioral stuff as opposed to biochemical things like Depression l, Bipolar, schizophrenia, etc. So psychiatric meds weren't at the forefront of the treatment plan there (medication was still dispensed though).
Anyways you're watched and observed by a team of about 20 - 30 people (Nurses, Doctors, Psychiatrists, psychologists, etc) they track your interactions in Therapy, group sessions, and just how you generally carry yourself.
The diagnosis they gave me was NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) and they cautioned me against going online and conducting research on it. That's because if you put NPD in a Google search bar you get articles and posts about how terrible the people are and how they don't care about anyone. I searched for a support group for people with NPD and instead found support groups for abuse victims.
Thankfully though it was explained that the diagnosis did not come from what was going on externally but more internally. I've always thrived on approval, validation, and affection and this is a blueprint I built my life on from early childhood. It's the only thing that made me feel like I had a place in the world. And without that, I quite literally saw no purpose in living (enter the depression and the subsequent suicide attempts).
I don't intentionally go out and abuse, manipulate, or use people. And when I do love and express my love it is very genuine. I love intensely and passionately. I'm a compassionate being. I do genuinely care about other people. And I'm not by any means saying I'm a saint. I am saying though that I do not fit the descriptions you find all over the internet on people with NPD.
That being said I'm not disputing the diagnosis. I actually welcome it because it puts a lot of things into place as to what's been going on and why I've always felt so out of place my entire life. But thank God I had my therapist to unpack this with because if those Google search results were anything to go by I would either be dead or be in hospital recovering from another botched attempt....
submitted by Broad-Soft352 to NPD [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 00:15 ExpertBrief2435 Ebv? Long covid? Anxiety? MS? ALS? HELP.

I contemplated writing on this forum for a while constantly checking others experiences but just wanted to see if anyone can relate or possibly give me some insight. These doctors suck honestly they will try to stick any diagnosis on you and hope you agree. Well I am not that person for a little background I am a registered nurse, in my thirties, one child, no prior medical history to date, overall a seemingly healthy individual. I did get 1 doses of the Covid shot 1 booster of Moderna to be exact.
Randomly January 2023 I had a panic attack out of no where; felt like I was having an actual heart attack went to the ER everything looked normal got discharged & I went on with life. It was my first one ever.
August 2023: after going to six flags on the 6th on the 8th I woke up with random burning numbness tingling & burning throughout my body went to ER; they kept me overnight did a full work up CAT SCANS; MRI ; MRA of my brain and neck and cervical spine I had some bulging disc c4-c6 but all other results were normal. So I chalked the burning up to that. They released me and the pains went away some time after.
September 2023 : I started accutane (isotretinoin) & also birth control sidenote: I was on birth control since 2017 after my son I stopped 2022. Started back sept 2023 same kind.
migraines started. I had one every 2 months to date.
December was where it all started I noticed a headache everyday didn’t think nothing much of it but it lasted for about 7 days on the 14 of Dec I said let me check my blood pressure because maybe my head hurts because of it. I got a reading of 178/100 ; then like 158/94 - this caused another panic attack went to the ER bloodwork everything was good ekg , etc.. they gave me fluids I felt somewhat better chalked it up to being dehydrated from the Accutane not drinking enough water and I completely discontinued the Accutane this day and took my last shot of birth control. After these events things started to spiral out of control ..
I checked into to the ER about 8 times in a 3 month span ( Dec - Feb) , saw my primary ( who said it was anxiety ) tried to put me on meds that I refused. I had more MRI w contrast this time.. of the brain the only thing that changed from the last one was a change in my white matter ( a little dot ) doctor said it could be from the migraines .
Symptoms kept coming I had soreness in my upper back , neck tightness went to get a corticosteroid shot because I thought the pain was from the bulging disc.. after felt like the pain in my upper back got worst..I wasn’t sleeping , twitching in my muscles started , intense burning that started in my feet alll day that has now travel up to my thighs got more cat scans bunch of chest X-rays I went to a cardiologist echo , stresss test , gastrointestinal doctor because of constipation everything seem to be good I got blood work for ANA lupus , rheumatoid etc &that was clear I did PT but I felt like it was getting worst so I stop. I would get burning in my head felt like a band wrapped around my head I lost 20lbs couldn’t look down I would feel dizzy felt like things weren’t real and most days I just wanted to cry and stay in bed.
March / April 2024 things weren’t 100% but they were better a lot of the symptoms subsided but the burning and muscle twitching persist
May I feel like the symptoms are creeping back up intense burning in legs and feet neck back pains Back of head pain shakiness went to podiatrist he says he don’t think it’s coming from the feet maybe I have some sort of PAD DID ABI test it came back borderline .. seeing a vascular doctor tomorrow .
I’m so annoyed I don’t know what it could be I tried multiple things already meditation, breathing exercise , working out , I cut caffeine , no soda or juice .. can say I still eat like shit . I tried therapy idk what else to do my burning is at 8 right now I’m non diabetic.. anybody experience anything similar ?
submitted by ExpertBrief2435 to Anxietyhelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 00:11 Tropicaltroponin Honestly, what is the point of AKI nurse specialists....

I'm happy to be corrected if I am undermining their role.
This rant has been overdue. I always thought I'll just get over it but everytime I see an entry from one of the AKI nurses I want to throw the PC out the window.
Currently in ED, if I have a patient with a AKI 2 or 3. One hour or so later after the bloods results being ready, there'll be an entry from the AKI nurses on the notes and it is 99.99% of the time the exact same fucking thing. I feel like they just copy paste a template for every fucking patient.
"AKI 3. Oliguria. Metabolic acidosis on gas.
Suggested plan:
  1. IVT
  2. Catheter
  3. Repeat gas in 1 hour
  4. Escalate to ITU
Team to consider underlying diagnosis for AKI"
Like okay?? thanks?
Normally these entries are after I have done every single thing for this patient and they then come down ' have you seen my entry for this patient' ' can I see the gas' ' have you checked their UO' .. yes, I'm a doctor and I'm doing my job?
Again, I'm happy for someone to tell me that I am being unfair and they are actually useful.
submitted by Tropicaltroponin to doctorsUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 22:53 bravobravofinbravo Hi, I’m new here and have a lot to say.

I cannot explain how relieved I was last night to find out this sub exists, and I’ve been looking forward for having a minute to put into words how I’ve been feeling about Kelsey.
For a little bit of background, and full transparency with you all, I am a 27 year old female who has struggled with my weight my entire life. Genetics, ADHD diagnosis in my teens, PCOS diagnosis in my early 20’s, the insulin resistance that comes with it, you name it - the odds were pretty stacked against me for ever being “skinny”. While none of these are meant to be an excuse to how much weight I ended up gaining, I do want to make it very clear that I do have some underlying health issues, but ALSO did eventually develop a binge eating disorder in my mid-20’s. And while I mentioned my health issues may not result in me ever being “skinny”, the binge eating is what was the most unhealthy thing about me and caused me the most issues, physically and mentally.
With that out of the way, when I started following Kelsey, I also had decided I needed to make a serious change in my binge eating disorder, and respected her transparency being so open about hers on tiktok. (I am not sure the exact timeline of when I started following her but it was definitely before her car accident.)
Now, I’m just going to fire off a few of the issues I’ve been having with her, because I would consider myself someone who was in somewhat of a similar situation as her at one point in time. -
1.) The fast food videos in the hospital after the car accident: I mean …. SERIOUSLY? When I saw these in real time, I was FLOORED. She could BARELY move. I know her injuries were severe and would have been hard for someone in the absolute best shape, but, are you kidding me? I don’t know if her family and friends were bringing her the food, or if she was door dashing it to the hospital, but either way …. I could NOT believe my eyes when I saw that. That was some of the most enabling behavior I have ever seen. If I was one of the nurses there (which I am not a nurse or medical professional at all), it would have been hard for me to bite my tongue on that.
2.) The food choices she makes: Okay, I GETTTTTT that her goal isn’t “weight loss” (and I’ll just leave that at that…..) but how on earth do you make choices like pancakes with sprinkles in them and vanilla frosting on top FOR BREAKFAST?? That’s seriously something she ate in a video. I was stunned speechless. That is something that even in my absolute down-baddest of down bad binge eating days wouldn’t have even CONSIDERED ordering. How do you even function as a human being after eating that?!?!
And lastly, the one that really broke me …
3.) The recent clothing videos: -As I’ve mentioned earlier, I’ve had some health related issues and a BED myself that lead to me gaining a significant amount of weight. Again to be transparent, the heaviest I got was in December 2023 when I realized I was 278 pounds. This broke me. I did not feel like the person on the outside was the person on the inside. After months and months of therapy and doctors visits, I ended up starting a weight loss medication and making other healthy lifestyle choices, and I am happy to say that as of Jan 1, I am down 33 pounds :) I never thought I’d see the scale go down again. I am continuing this weight loss journey and couldn’t be happier. -NOW ….. I am 5’4. Kelsey is 5’5. 1 inch taller than me. In THREE recent cloth try-on videos, she has stated her weight is “275+ lbs”. I am here to say that that is absolutely not fucking possible that she is 275 lbs, and the plus sign is GENEROUS. And to be honest, I think it’s harmful. If I had seen those videos when I was 278, I would have lost my fucking mind. I was not happy with the way I looked at 278, but I KNOW I did not look how she looks. Everyone holds weight differently, but I am not built all that different from her, and that 1 inch I’m missing would not make that much of a difference. This is actually driving me fucking nuts.
Alright ya’ll …. sorry for my rambling, but thank you for listening if you made it this far. I think that’s all I have for now!
submitted by bravobravofinbravo to kelssjourneysnark [link] [comments]