Things to say to someone you love

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2008.01.25 04:52 Ask Reddit...

AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions.

2010.02.27 05:23 Meades_Loves_Memes r/teenagers

teenagers is the biggest community forum run by teenagers for teenagers. Our subreddit is primarily for discussions and memes that an average teenager would enjoy to discuss about. We do not have any age-restriction in place but do keep in mind this is targeted for users between the ages of 13 to 19. Parents, teachers, and the like are welcomed to participate and ask any questions!

2013.06.13 13:45 I_AM_INTELIGENT Kind Voice: When you need someone to talk to, we're here.

Feeling low, alone, tired of it all, or simply bored? Whatever the cause, you can come and find someone to talk to. You can also offer your time to talk to someone else. We help people find support by matching people looking for help and people who are here to help. So, whether you are looking for support or willing to support others, pop-in and be a part of a community that cares.

2024.05.14 01:32 flutter_roses Feeling attention deprived/ antisocial

25F, I sometimes post here and then delete, i do enjoy getting replies, and the attention, but i hate to reply, or rather scared to. So if you have nice things to say hmu! I won't reply most probably but if theres a kind thing you can say, id love it.
submitted by flutter_roses to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:30 oko666 How do you handle too much depth?

I have some players who just will never see the starting line up even though they’d be starters on other teams. Attempts at leveling up to elite players have failed and tons of horrible offers have poured in. Before you say sit tight, I know, and I have. I’m just wondering if someone’s tried something I haven’t.
submitted by oko666 to DynastyFF [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:29 TerrorEyzs Inconsistency I found. Am I off?

So I just rewatched again and realized that young Madeline says something out of the time period. When she and Roderick are discussing The Deal with Verna she says she doesn't care about "what would you do for a Klondike bar, or whatever."
Here is the problem. Yes, Klondike came into existence in 1922, but that slogan didn't become a thing until 1982 when a reporter went around town asking people "what would you do for a klondike bar." THEN it was adopted as their slogan.
This conversation they had with Verna is in 1980 on New Years Day.
Am I missing something or is this an inconsistency? I'm always super dialed in to little details like this.
submitted by TerrorEyzs to HouseofUsher [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:29 SplinterChalk Is there a consistent way to duplicate DLC weapons?

For a while now I've been trying to route out a run using only the DLC weapons and treasures. Basically the rules are that the only things I am ever allowed to pick up are key items and ammo. All my weapons need to be DLC and any pesetas I spend have to come from selling the DLC treasures.
I've seen a million people say that there's a glitch where the DLC weapons duplicate after you grab your gear at the beginning of Chapter 2 and then go to your storage. I figure that if I have two of one weapon, one of which is always empty while the other is the one I use, then the game might drop more ammo since I'm carrying an empty gun. And even if that doesn't work, I could still sell it for extra money. But after scouring through forums and spending hours testing, I couldn't find a way to make it happen.
Does anybody know of any consistent way to duplicate the DLC weapons?
submitted by SplinterChalk to residentevil4 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:29 itsdinocraft yapping for change

Im starting with the bad,
I completely forget full body exists bc no one uses it.
I am getting performance issues while looking at the worst 2D ui I have ever seen because the *cough* investors *cough* want the METAVERSE (whatever the that is) instead of a playable game.
Room devs can spend years working on a game just for it to go under the radar while skitbitdee_toylet_craxy_rp_xxx8913 and Skitbitdee_toylet_rp_xxxxx8914 scam kids out of millions of tokens!
I then see fan favorite bugs and glitches that the speedruning community have been using for years get patched. (rip dub shot and inf shot 🏹)
To finish I feel like the investors are removing any trace of an original game (3D ui gone, no fun events for a while, ect)
Now to talk about what's good,
I love the tools we have been given to make games. (NOT THE 2D MAKERPEN UI!!!)
I like that we can at least still get some sort of rro once a year.
Im happy we still get small updates.
Im happy that we still get bug fixes for annoying bugs (Still waiting for the legacy hat bug to be patched tho)
one last thing I'm happy that the devs are open about the development of the game.
One day I hope 3D ui will return, Rec Room will ban those spammed games, AND FIX THE DAMN LOUNGE CARDS!!!
To the devs who agree thank you and please send the message up.
To the totally not investor-bribed devs who think im over reacting GET SLICED BY A GOBLIN AND EXPLODED BY A MOUSEBOT.
Thank you. I love rec room so much and it hurts me and the community to see rec room in this mangled mess.
submitted by itsdinocraft to RecRoom [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:29 bubskafilm Warning: this is a sad post

I (15M) am depressed and nothing can help me I don’t think. It’s not like my life isn’t good, my family loves me and I life decently. But being transgender is what ruins it. From being trans I have depression and anxiety and no normal advice can help me. People say “ it gets better” but I cant get rid of it or people might go “you need to rediscover nature” but it won’t solve my issue. I don’t think I’ll ever find a wife and can’t have biological kids. People hate me just for something I can’t control and I have developed social anxiety with ever since I came out. I’m 15 but can’t be shirtless with my friends when we’re swimming in the river this summer. I can’t just be a normal kid. I have to medicate for the rest of my life and can’t get a good job because my whole life revolves around this. I have nobody to talk to about it anymore. What can I do guys?
submitted by bubskafilm to trans [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:26 Downtown_Ground_5870 I (F21) can't tell if a guy (m20) has misrepresented himself, or if this was just unspoken and I should've expected this

Ugh, please be nice reddit. I just can't tell with this one.
I joined a social club and met a guy named Ethan (m20) in September. I felt some attraction to him, but was in a long-term relationship at the time, so of course did nothing to act on it. We both took on roles in the club causing us to work closer together around October. I got out of the long term relationship (5 years) in December, and experienced some bad repercussions (stalking, hacked technology, passive threats) by my ex as a result. It was so scary that someone who I saw a legitimate future with turned so cruel and manipulative at the drop of a hat, and though I do not want to go into the extent of everything he did, I should mention affected my schooling, training and permanently ruined my trust in people.
Long story short: Ethan and I admitted feelings in late February. Since he had met my ex and I was still dealing with the tail end of the stalking, I told him about what was going on. When we were talking about the feelings we had for each other, we were laughing over the fact we both believed the other person was out of our league. He also said he pictured me as the type of person he would see himself in a relationship with.
However, I made it clear to him that I do not want a relationship. Though I liked him and wanted to get to know him, I expressed I do not like the idea of relationships right now. He said he had been in many situationships before and was used to them. It didn't have to be anything serious, we could just enjoy each other's company, cuddle, go on dates, have everything be lighthearted.
So, we did that for a while. We dove right into learning about each other and were very upfront about our downfalls. He mentioned he was the jealous type and had been cheated on before, so he feels the need to be overly performative to try and get people to stay. For the second part, I had felt similar in my previous relationship (though my ex hadn't cheated), so I immediately understood what he meant by always having to put on a face for the other person.
While discussing boundaries, Ethan mentioned even during situationships he only ever sees one person at a time and doesn't sleep around. Though we are not together and official, it was an easy tradeoff to just say I wouldn't see other people while he and I were seeing each other--I had no intention to anyway and don't want to do hookups. So, at this point, at his preference, neither of us are planning to see anyone else. I thought that would be it.
Now, a couple of days ago, we were doing a check up on how each of us are doing. I am very happy in our current position--we care about each other, have compatible interests, are sexually compatible and both have been in similar previous relationships and understand what the other has been through. At the same time, it is not so serious that I am worried. He, however, expressed that he still does want a relationship at some point, and went into all that of this with the intention of changing my mind on relationships. He described how the dating phase is like him giving a "sample" of what he would be like as a boyfriend--and this immediately made me wonder how much of this has simply just been him performing.
Here is where I don't know if I'm overreacting: I feel as though he misrepresented what he actually wanted for his own gain. I am greatly struggling with trust since my breakup and for this reason don't know if it's valid that this has affected the trust I had for him. Especially with the "sample" description he's given, I am truly wondering how much he is acting just to try and get me closer. Especially since he knew about the stalking and other scary things my ex did, I had hoped he would feel the need to be upfront and honest with me. I'm meeting up with him on Wednesday to talk about this, and just want to get others opinions on the situation.
submitted by Downtown_Ground_5870 to u/Downtown_Ground_5870 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:26 JohannGoethe Nah, don't flatter yourself. You aren't known in Russia

Nah, don't flatter yourself. You aren't known in Russia
Comment from here:
Nah, don't flatter yourself. You aren't known in Russia.
See the following:
You will see that I’m cited in about a dozen or more Russian articles, beginning in A51 (2006).
Anyway, it is not “myself”, e.g. you will see that my legal name is reverse anagram for Bill Smith, aka “American John Doe”, which means “anonymous”, that I am concerned about, rather, I thought or envisioned that people in Russia were debating the HumanMolecule or HumanChemistry views possibly form some manuscript I written or given to Georgi Gladyshev?
The following script dialogue, written by Andrew Walker, key terms bolded, exemplifies the situation well:
  • Somerset: Who are you, John? Who are you really?
  • John Doe: What do you mean?
  • Somerset: Well, I mean, at this stage, what harm can it do to tell us a bit about yourself?
  • John Doe: Doesn't matter who I am. Who I am means absolutely nothing. (conversationally) You need to stay on your left up here.
This “who I am means nothing” resonates with me well.
  • Mills: So where are we heading?
  • John Doe: You'll see.
  • Mills: We're not just going to pick up two more dead bodies, are we, John? That wouldn't be shocking enough. You've got newspapers to think about, yeah?
  • John Doe: Wanting people to can't just...tap them on the shoulder anymore. You have to hit them with a sledgehammer. Then you'll notice you've got their strict attention.
  • Mills: But the question is: what makes you so special that people should listen?
  • John Doe: I'm not special. I've never been exceptional. This is, though. What I'm doing. My work.
This is the key section. The “work” that is being done is exceptional, not me. “When a force moves a body through a unit distance, work is done” (Clausius, On the Mechanical Theory of Heat (pg. 1), 76A (1879) English translation by Water Browne). To understand this, which I‘m sure you won’t, you have to understand that the force that moves us to do or perform work, comes from “behind us”, the same way it does for chemicals in a heated ☀️ chemistry 🧪 beaker. All of this was explained in JohannGoethe’s novel ElectiveAffinities.
Once I had read this novel, in A51 (2006), after I had already calculated the 26-element formula (A47/2002) for HumanMolecule, presently cited at Harvard’s BioNumbers here (standard) and here (empirical), and drafted a 3-volume Human Thermodynamics “manuscript”, I decided or rather could “feel” that it was my duty to Goethe to write the world’s fist HumanChemistry textbook, published in A52 (2007).
Now, to clarify, having already noted that Goethe said the following: “not many kinds words were vouchsafed me about that [ ElectiveAffinities, 146A/1809] novel” on 18 Jan 127A (1827), 18–years after his novel was published, at the age of 78, I very clearly realized that I was writing to or rather “for the future”, and tried to write ✍️ each page of Human Chemistry to be readable to minds existive a 1,000-years from now. Compare: TheParty.
  • Somerset: Your work, John?
  • John Doe: Yes.
  • Mills: See, I...I don't...I don't see anything special about it, John.
  • John Doe: That's not true.
  • Mills: No, it is true. And the funny thing is, all this work...two months from now, no one's gonna care, no one's gonna give a shit. No one's gonna remember.
This one resonates also well with me. I’m sure that if you were speaking freely, you would tell me the same thing, such as: “no one gives a shit about your human molecule, human chemistry, or HumanChemThermo theories in Russia!”
Certainly this may very well be true, particularly for russian language sub members, who likely have never stepped foot in a science classroom.
The point, however, is that the “work” Goethe did, in writing ✍️ ElectiveAffinities (146A/1809), and the “work” I did in writing the 818-page two-volume ✍️ Human Chemistry (A52/2007), and the “work” that American chemical engineer William Fairburn did in writing his 55-page booklet Human Chemistry (41A/1914), which discusses the “entropy” of reactive “human chemical elements”, aka person = HumanMolecule, and the “work” that Kevin Walker did in writing ✍️ the novel turned film) Seven (A40/1995), with which we are now employing in conversation, is something that is “conserved” in the universe, according to Clausius.
This “conservation” of work, however, is something that I’m sure you will never understand, because your mindset is predisposed to defining me as “rude and entitled“ and I guess a nobody in Russia?
Yet if we compare the same question, about letter origin, asked in the previous 5-days, at the following three language subs: learn_arabic, German, Syriac, visually summarized here, we will see that I we have very polite and respectful dialogue.
The problem with your Russian sub, presumably, is that because my photo was shown in the article along side of: Euler, Poincare, Willard Gibbs, Nikolay Bogolyubov (Никола́й Боголю́бов), Lars Onsager, Euler, Sadi Carnot, and Clausius, it set the mood off wrong, resulting in everyone attacking me?
  • John Doe: You can't see the whole complete act yet. But when this is done... when it's's gonna be... People will barely be able to comprehend. But they won't be able to deny.
  • Mills: Could the freak be any more vague? I mean, as far as master plans go, John--
I‘m sure you will like to call me a freak too? But as to “you can’t see the whole complete act yet”, this is the situation with the typical person. That most people, aside from a great minds like HenryAdams, cannot “see” 👀 the complete act yet, is evidenced by the fact that there is one member of the ElectiveAffinities sub, launched: 3 May A69 (2024).
In short, the work that I am doing now, and the work that Goethe did 215-years ago, or the work that Nietzsche did 146-years ago, in his Human, All Too Human, aphorism #1, shown below, is work produced by a “force” that only the future, possibly centuries from now, but more likely a millennia from now, will come to realize, as self-evident.
Visual of the future view of things:
Nietzsche Human, All Too Human
German English
Chemie der Begriffe und Empfindungen Chemistry and the Notion of the Feelings
Die philosophischen Probleme nehmen jetzt wieder fast in allen Stücken dieselbe Form der Frage an, wie vor zweitausend Jahren: wie kann Etwas aus seinem Gegensatz entstehen, zum Beispiel Vernünftiges aus Vernunftlosem, Empfindendes aus Todtem, Logik aus Unlogik, interesseloses Anschauen aus begehrlichem Wollen, Leben für Andere aus Egoismus, Wahrheit aus Irrthümern? Die metaphysische Philosophie half sich bisher über diese Schwierigkeit hinweg, insofern sie die Entstehung des Einen aus dem Andern leugnete und für die höher gewertheten Dinge einen Wunder-Ursprung annahm, unmittelbar aus dem Kern und Wesen des „Dinges an sich“ heraus. Die historische Philosophie dagegen, welche gar nicht mehr getrennt von der Naturwissenschaft zu denken ist, die allerjüngste aller philosophischen Methoden, ermittelte in einzelnen Fällen (und vermuthlich wird diess in allen ihr Ergebniss sein), dass es keine Gegensätze sind, ausser in der gewohnten Übertreibung der populären oder metaphysischen Auffassung und dass ein Irrthum der Vernunft dieser Gegenüberstellung zu Grunde liegt: Philosophical problems, in almost all their aspects, present themselves in the same interrogative formula now as they did two thousand years ago: how can a thing develop out of its antithesis, e.g. the reasonable from the non-reasonable, the "animate from the inanimate" ["sentient in the dead", Hollingdale (1986)], the logical from the illogical, altruism from egoism, disinterestedness from greed, truth from error? The metaphysical philosophy formerly steered itself clear of this difficulty to such extent as to repudiate the evolution of one thing from another and to assign a miraculous origin to what it deemed highest and best, due to the very nature and being of the "thing-in-itself." The historical philosophy, on the other hand, which can no longer be viewed apart from physical science, the youngest of all philosophical methods, discovered experimentally (and its results will probably always be the same) that there is no antithesis whatever, except in the usual exaggerations of popular or metaphysical comprehension, and that an error of the reason is at the bottom of such contradiction.
nach ihrer Erklärung giebt es, streng gefasst, weder ein unegoistisches Handeln, noch ein völlig interesseloses Anschauen, es sind beides nur Sublimirungen, bei denen das Grundelement fast verflüchtigt erscheint und nur noch für die feinste Beobachtung sich als vorhanden erweist. — Alles, was wir brauchen und was erst bei der gegenwärtigen Höhe der einzelnen Wissenschaften uns gegeben werden kann, ist eine Chemie der moralischen, religiösen, ästhetischen Vorstellungen und Empfindungen, ebenso aller jener Regungen, welche wir im Gross- und Kleinverkehr der Cultur und Gesellschaft, ja in der Einsamkeit an uns erleben: wie, wenn diese Chemie mit dem Ergebniss abschlösse, dass auch auf diesem Gebiete die herrlichsten Farben aus niedrigen, ja verachteten Stoffen gewonnen sind? Werden Viele Lust haben, solchen Untersuchungen zu folgen? Die Menschheit liebt es, die Fragen über Herkunft und Anfänge sich aus dem Sinn zu schlagen: muss man nicht fast entmenscht sein, um den entgegengesetzten Hang in sich zu spüren? — There is, strictly speaking, neither unselfish conduct, nor a wholly disinterested point of view. Both are simply sublimations in which the basic element seems almost evaporated and betrays its presence only to the keenest observation. All that we need and that could possibly be given us in the present state of development of the sciences, is a chemistry of the ‘moral’, ‘religious’, ‘aesthetic’ conceptions and feeling, as well as of those emotions which we experience in the affairs, great and small, of society and civilization, and which we are sensible of even in solitude. But what if this chemistry established the fact that, even in its domain, the most magnificent results were attained with the basest and most despised ingredients? Would many feel disposed to continue such investigations? Mankind loves to put by the questions of its origin and beginning: must one not be almost inhuman in order to follow the opposite course?”
To repeat, and conclude, my reply to this Russian languages sub member:
All that we need and that could possibly be given us in the present state of development of the sciences, is a chemistry of the ‘moral’, ‘religious’, ‘aesthetic’ conceptions and feeling, as well as of those emotions which we experience in the affairs, great and small, of society and civilization, and which we are sensible of even in solitude.”
Friedrich Nietzsche (77A/1878), Human, All Too Human (§: Aphorism #1)
The day that people of the future, teach, as standard required learning, the following subjects:
  1. Moral chemistry
  2. Religious chemistry
  3. Aesthetic chemistry
  4. Emotional chemistry
  5. Feelings chemistry
  6. Social chemistry
Is the day that force, behind the “work” of Goethe, Nietzsche, Adams, Fairburn, and myself, will be realized.
The year this occurs will be when Goethe’s OTT cipher (or Otto cipher) becomes accepted common knowledge.
Horus years?
I will but note, however, that we still are dating our calendar years to the birth of Horus (aka Jesus), the solar 🌞 falcon god, who dates back more than 5,000 years, to attested to via the 5700A (-3745) solar Milky Way cow yoke HeiroType: ∩ = 10 (I).
Thus, who knows, maybe in 5,000 years from now, if we remain in the “dark ages”, St. Ottilia “blind ages” as Goethe says we are now presently in, we will still be dating our calendar years to this same solar falcon god?

submitted by JohannGoethe to LibbThims [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:25 Easy_Masterpiece_853 Why am I so evil and hateful?

I was never this way before. I was so soft, so loving and caring and I was hurt so badly by someone for so many years and now I am just a shell of who I used to be. I hate doing things for others, I don’t care how others are feeling or doing, and I enjoy saying the most evil things to one person in particular, even though it hurts me inside and makes me feel like the worst walking person on planet earth, I can’t stop this and I enjoy it but I hate it and I don’t know who I am anymore or what’s happened to me.
submitted by Easy_Masterpiece_853 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:24 sapphireexz AITAH for rebelling against my family (reposted)

I 13F have been sheltered most my life from anti vax parents, they don't send me to school and they don't even try to homeschool me, my mom goes to the gym and comes home at like 9pm then goes to sleeps leavinh me with barely anytime with her, my step dad comes home, drinks than goes to sleep in the day, my grandfather watches tv and is the only person who is taking care of me most the time, I struggle with the fact i lack socializing and have the ability to make friends due to not being in School im pretty sure i have mental issues which make it hard for me to learn let alone with no help, my grandfather also dropped out in 9 grade so yeah no help plus i ask for help he says he will get to it but doesn't, anyways that's some tiny context, now my outcome, depressed, hardly any friends (2 being cousin's) others being online, the pain I've felt from the feeling of lacking social skills and not feeling loved along with me being stupid when it comes to basic math, I had to learn how to spell and read from ROBLOX when I was younger, and yes my parents gave me things, but the ONE thing i wanted was love and effort, not a laptop or phone, but you wanna hear what i did so ill get to it, i started smoking Wd, and sneaking out, drinking, and ruining my life and cussing etc. nothing nsfw. Anyways yeah AITAH and would should I do
submitted by sapphireexz to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:24 Cl0udy_z6 I (18 F) Don't know how to tell my boyfriend (18 M) i'm frustrated with our relationship, how do I start that conversation with him?

Sorry for the spelling and grammar mistakes I'm writing this in a rush. For some backstory we have been together for 1 year and 7 months our relationship has been relatively happy, we never had any arguments or disagreements but lately we've hit a rough spot. In the beginning our sexual life was perfect we would do it everyday nearly 4 to 5 times a day, it was loving and intimate but lately its been less intimate. For example the last time we had intercourse we did it twice but both those times he stopped in the middle, before we started I went down on him for nearly 20 minutes while he only went down on me for 30 seconds, I felt sad after that happened I felt disgusting and used.
Ever since then things have been off, I've been feeling unloved and undesired by him even though he says he loves me and desires me but he hasn't showed it, ever since then I've been thinking about our relationship I've Been thinking about the things he would do and it'll make me jealous, like the time for my birthday he took me to the movies and dropped me off at home while he spent 2 days with his best friend and took her out to eat. It hurts to think about because he never took me out like that before, I love him so much but I can't be around him without feeling lonely I've been distant with him lately but I want to stop being distant I want to hold him and be with him but it hurts, it may be my own insecurities playing a factor in this but i don't know. How do I tell him this? I don't want to push him away and lose him, Is there any advice anyone can give?
submitted by Cl0udy_z6 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:24 BatTasty8808 we have to part our ways

after 2 years of ups and downs.. the outcome was of us parting our ways. You were insensitive in the beginning and hurt me deeply. you didn’t like or care about me in the beginning and it wasn’t your fault, it should have been my cue to leave. then after months of constantly chasing you I decided I no longer will do that and the roles reversed then you started chasing me. then we had a period where we were on the same page and cared and loved for each other. those few months it felt like real love, I knew that it would come to an end though like all things do. I prepared myself for the moment. now we lost our interest and life feels better on my own. If I could go back and learn a lesson it was to be to not ignore red flags as this was the reasons we would end for. Could I have done better? I could have .. but you had your flaws and it made me slowly lose myself.
I feel sad but I also feel like it’s the best option. I feel more peaceful if anything. I did see us long term and had big plans for us but I would be naive if I said it could certainly last forever. Maybe in the future we will meet again, or maybe we won’t. I wish you the best
submitted by BatTasty8808 to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:24 InverseFlash Respect Nico! (Undead Unluck)

All of you unconsciously prune information. Forget it. Feed off it at your own convenience. I remember everything. Everything. Constantly. The pain of losing my comrades. The sadness. All of the information that composes those moments…never leaves my brain for a second.

Nico Vorgeil is the head of Union's science division. An atheist turned anti-theist, he was recruited for his one of a kind skill in pioneering the understanding of the universe. The only thing that could push him even further was his own union with a woman that had intellect to match his own. However, when she died in childbirth, his Negation manifested, dooming him to suffer endlessly. He died in regret, having betrayed everything he stood for in exchange for a few fleeting moment with his late wife.
But now, Fuuko Izumo's on a quest to give everyone a happy ending. And Nico's the one she wishes that for the most…


  • Feats are listed in order of appearance. Hover over a link to see the chapter(s) of origin.
  • Feats from chapters up to 132 are from the 100th Loop.
  • Feats from 133 on are from the 101st Loop, with this RT leaving off at 206.
  • Character profile.
  • Huge thanks to NegativeGamer and doctorgecko for creating threads that contributed to this one.






General Union Things
Note: Ichico matches his number of inventions, much higher than the other lab members, so it's possible some of these belong to her.
Single-Person Gadgets
Loop 100
Loop 101
Specific - Others'
Specific - Own
Astral Dolls

Negation: Unforgettable

Type: Self-Targeting Compulsory Activation
Tragedy: Ichico Nemuri's death in childbirth is the only memory he has of his wife
Nico's Negation prevents him from forgetting anything his mind has processed since acquiring the Negation. This in turn crushes out the memories he had from before the Negation awakened.


I couldn't forget even if you told me to. Those words. Those memories. I've ingrained them into my soul!!

submitted by InverseFlash to respectthreads [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:23 Aktoruk Aizen vs Kaden (Bleach vs Guardian Tales) ‘To Strike Down Those Above’. UPDATED/IMPROVED CONNECTIONS + update on Aktoruks future

Aizen vs Kaden (Bleach vs Guardian Tales) ‘To Strike Down Those Above’. UPDATED/IMPROVED CONNECTIONS + update on Aktoruks future

Real Talk, it’s a bit rough, so no shame in scrolling past. Go past the Spoiler warning for the stuff related to the MU.

I’ve kept a lot hidden from my online persona, but I’ll be honest for a moment. Currently, in a separate province, my mom is going for scans. There’s a very real chance that she has cancer, and the thought frankly destroys me.
I’ve decided that I’ll be taking a ‘break’ after this post. I truly do adore this community, but personal things are just not doing great. I wish to avoid the risk of high emotions I am currently susceptible to. I’ll probably be sticking around to lurk at times, but it’ll be low key.
I wished to make something more, and decided that making things smoother for the MU I’m most proud of is a good way to leave things. When I return, I have many more projects planned. Scripts, MU’s, and even Scaling Scans. Look forward to that, while I do the opposite (of looking forward in general, I’m excited for the projects).
Depending on the speed of things, I may know how things go at the end of this week. There are two cases. In the best case, I will be back shortly after this news. In the worst case, it may be multiple months before I return, should I return.
Thank you all in advance for reading, and thank you all for being cool people. It’s been really helpful being able to take my mind off things, and I hope I can continue to make a fool of myself in all the best ways.

Absolutely massive spoilers for both Bleach and Guardian Tales. Only read if you are fine with that.

immediate Basic Core connections
-Villains -Villainous allies -Both From Asian (east) countries -Ancient beings in comparison to human lifespan, but not particularly for their species. -Yes, ‘en’ is the final part of their five-letter names. This is not something that should sell you on the matchup.
In Depth/Actually Good Connections
-Long-term threats in their respective series. Constant presences which utilize the protagonists as tests.
-While among the most powerful characters in their verse, intelligence is what makes them terrifying. Capable of manipulating their way into power, influence, and secrecy.
-Prior to a massive reveal, both are thought to be allies to the ‘good side’ (Captain Aizen and Kaden the Hero), with the few who knew being ancient scientists that got locked away to prevent word from spreading.
-Their major goals involve utilizing an unknown power (Labose and the Hogyoku) which is made via mass sacrifice. Both would seemingly succeed in mastering this power, though it is purposefully left vague if they hold complete control.
-During the process of obtaining this power, both would infect others with a primary ‘disease’ of the series (Hollowfication and L-Bacteria). This includes characters of high power (Several Captains and Lieutenants and A Hero of the Champions Sword + A Dragon).
-Both have purposes for these actions which seem good in a skewed lens (Ending the existence of the Soul King and Preventing the Loop from Continuing). These events both involve a higher power (Potentially the highest in the series).
-But through a regular lens, these plans are fucked ways to handle the issues. This is due to issues with both characters mentality (Aizen was incapable of seeing others as equal to him and Kaden was burdened with hundreds-thousands of his past timelines).
-Their eventual ascension would first turn them into monstrous beings due to their views of power, but would both return to forms close to original at their strongest.
-Similarity in armies. Lorraine and Gin are both ‘right-hands’ with closed eyes, who would eventually attempt to overthrow when the ascension had already begun.
The Arracnars and L-Monsters are beings from the series that were manipulated by the characters. They would accept ‘power’ which allowed them to be either pawns or tests.
-Opposites of their main/orginal world (SS and The Otherside) would be where their plans of action took place.
-Both utilize dimensional rifts to travel.
-They would be defeated by the ‘experimental’ protagonists (Ichigo and The Guardian) which they had kept an eye on with interest to their plans.
-Both would end up aiding the protagonist against a further threat (Ywach and *The Fairies). While it is questionable whether this was simply due to shared interest or a show of empathy, both were ultimately good actions which saved the lives of many. *The Fairies do not currently have an official title.
-Bisecting/Permanently crippling others was used against Kaden (via Clara), while Aizen used it for his plan (Taking a SK piece from Rangiku when attempting to create a Hogyoku).
-Kaden truly believes himself to be doing a noble thing, while Aizen is aware that what he does is wrong (he just doesn’t care).
-Kaden shows genuine struggle to kill his old allies (Such as Erina), while Aizen has no issues harming his fellow captains and his Squads lieutenant.
Animation Potential:
Kaden holds this back due to GT being incredibly niche. Aizen has a wide variety of both sprite and 2d models to work with (DB has already used a sprite for him). While Kaden only has his ingame sprite, which does not fit Aizen’s.
In their simplest forms, both are not easy draws. In their monstrous forms, Aizen is a little more difficult and Kaden is horrid.
Kaden does have some stuff to work with for creation of a model (plenty of ingame art), but that’s the issue, it would have to be fan-made.
Fight Potential:
-Army fight potential with Arrancars vs L-Monsters.
-End of army battle with Espada vs Laura, Morrian, and the L-Titans.
-Begin in base forms, simple sword fight. Kaden has his staff Repentance and Aizen has his Zanpakuto Kyoka Suigetsu. Both are capable in close-quarters combat.
Aizen will Utilize his Kido for an Advantage vs Kaden’s usage of Ice and Chains.
Kaden takes the upper hand, stabbing Aizen with Repentance. Only for it to be revealed that he was under Kyoka Suigetsu, and killed Clara (or an image of her, at least)
-First evolution: Cocoon Aizen vs First Phase Infected Kaden. Similar fighting style, Kaden focusing more on Chains, L-Flowers, and ice than before.
Honestly, the least interesting part of the fight, as both are similar to the first forms.
The one thing I’ll give this is Gin and Lorraine both attempting to take them out would be best fit here. Gin vs Kaden and Lorraine vs Aizen. They’ll lose, but it gives a path to the next part.
-Second Evolution: Butterfly Aizen vs Second Phase Infected.
At this point both utilize a lot more of their ranged attacks. It’s very much similar to the other evolutions though, just with more monstrous canvas’s.
At this point Kaden has a Labose realm that he utilizes, which can serve as a counter of some degree to Kyoka Suigetsu. Though it has an obvious weakness with the crystals, so Aizen has an actual out.
-Final Evolution: ‘Sealed’ Aizen vs Final Phase Kaden.
Both back to Human forms. Aizen being fused with his Zanpakuto means that it’s now fists vs Sword (Kaden is using the Disgraced Heroes Blade).
Both utilize ranged attacks. Kaden’s storms vs Aizens Kido.
While I’m not sure whether it would technically work, Kaden using a dimension slash to break free of Kyoka Suigetsu would be sick.
-Death: Two ways.
Reaching the end of the fight, both combatants stand to look at each other. For a brief moment, they flash to their ‘good’ forms. Captain Aizen and Kaden the Hero. Perhaps things could be different had their minds been in better spots.
Regardless, should Kaden win, he erases Aizen via Labose. Should Aizen win, he destroys Kaden with a Cero.


Note: One thing I wish to do once I return is make a proper and studied look into uni Bleach. I do not think my speed debating did justice to what I’m still certain one. But I need to ensure I’m not on a path without bearing.
This was created with Uni Aizen in mind, and I know it a slippery slope, but this current debate is using that for the sake of storytelling a close fight. I understand that it’s flawed until/unless I come with the proof, but I’ve opted to make this choice.
I will also be using the lower interpretation of Kaden (Universal rather than Mutli or higher). As the debate has an obvious winner in this case, regardless of where Aizen gets scaled.
Win Cons: Unlike a lot of Aizen Matchups, he actually has a loss condition that doesn’t rely on being stat-stomped. Labose has erasure capabilities, proving capable of wiping timelines completely. Kaden will need to weaken/overpower Aizen to manage this, but just in the same way someone would need to for a regular kill.
Kaden is limited in his rebirth, and unlike Aizen, is capable of dying once he reaches his peak. The longer the fight goes on, the better chance Aizen has of landing a killing blow.
I will not be considering the memories stored within the champions sword. While it would be a restoration of the Kaden that fought Aizen, it is reliant on a continuing loop (an outside force). If Aizen kills the body of the current timeline, that is absolutely close enough to be called a victory.
Strength: Aizen takes this due to affecting the three realms (3 Universes) while Kaden only affects 2. It’s close, but Aizen just has a larger showing.
Durability: Same as Strength, as it’s a showing of 3 Universes to 2.
Speed: Likewise, the ability to nearly instantly affect 3 universes is higher than affecting 2, which means Aizen is presumably faster. Both have similar capabilities with dimensional travel and teleportation, so this is actually a close stat.
Experience: Both are centuries old at least, with all being dedicated to fighting or research. But Kaden has hundreds, if not thousands, of loops worth of memories as well. This is a wash for Kaden.
Intelligence: Tie, both not only show incredibly similar cognitive capability, but they both focus on manipulation. There’s nothing to show that either has a notable advantage.
Skill: For use of extended abilities, Aizen’s Kido and Kyoka Suigetsu is far more impressive than Kaden’s ice, chains, and Labose attacks. Kaden is far more impressive than Aizen, due to being a long-term swordsman primarily, and capable of beating primordial sword fighters. I give it a tie, but unlike for intel as it’s because they have a roughly equal amount of advantages, rather than being equal in everything.
Powers: Even with Labose having the potential to counter it, Aizen still has immortality. Kaden also has no good counters to mind fucks. Aizen takes this.
Weapons: I’m treating this as ‘army’, as it’s unfair to include the more power-like Kyoka Sugetsu. Likewise a tie, because Aizen has a more impressive variety of Arrancars, but Kaden utilizes his forces far more effectively. Aizen has no issue killing of valuable allies, but Kaden knows how to make only necessary sacrifices.
Winner: Should we utilize the prior sackings, Aizen wins. He’ll need to be wary of Labose, a power that proves to be a risk to his immortality, but Kaden can’t take advantage of that unless he can get through Aizen’s incredible variety and Kyoka Suigetsu.
All Aizen needs to do is continue forcing Kaden on the back foot, eventually his evolution will peak and a kill becomes possible. Kaden won’t be able to find a victory in 9/10 cases.
With mid-dif (due to Kaden having very possibly chances at victory), Aizen is the winner.
submitted by Aktoruk to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:23 Ok_Raisin6357 AES troubleshooting

First off let me preface saying I’ve been working in this industry for only about 8 months, no prior trades experience. I worked inspections only for 6 of those months, always with a second tech. Recently, people on service side have been quitting, so they gave me (and I’m not joking) a single 4 hour job with a service guy on his last day to train me. Almost every job I goto is a struggle and it’s lots of reading device manuals trying to ascertain the problem lol.
So, im going to a job tomorrow and would love some input. I’ve got an AES that had a charging cable circuit trouble. Last week I arrived and the battery was dead, outlet that the transformer was plugged into read 120, and the AC power terminal on the board read fine. I guessed maybe a bad battery because I’ve ran into radios showing charging circuit trouble when it’s really just a dead battery. Put a new 12/12 in there and the trouble went away. Called it a day.
So now the battery circuit is back in trouble and I’m going out tomorrow. I feel like maybe the battery terminals on the panel are fucked and are shorting out the battery, making it drain quickly and that’s why it was fine at first when a new battery was put in? Maybe a new radio board on the AES is needed or just swap to an M2M.
Lmk what you guys think.
submitted by Ok_Raisin6357 to firealarms [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:23 Big-Organization6522 Update about the bad thoughts

Update from the bad thoughts
If yall know I kept getitng thoughts that said "I rebuke The Holy Spirt In Jesus Name". I realized that God loves me and this is ocd fr.
Somebody around me said something triggering about death to me and I got a bunch of ocd thoughts about it from it.
I'm not that scared I prayed a cried out to God. Sometimes hearing things about God And The Holy Spirt triggers these thoughts and I just start feeling uneasy I HAVE LOST FAITH AND HOPE.
Ik im ok but ocd is such a killer I just think I have ocd and it's so hard it dosent like me thinking about future events but I love God so much and I believe Jesus died on The Cross for my sins.
I also had a thought said "The Holy Spirt is Satan's work" BUT LIKE WHAT I DONT BELEIVE IN THAT TRULY LIKE WHATTT.
(After a I typed this⤴️ out it is saying I don't believe it and my head is making me feel like I truly do belive it but ik I don't but it feels like I do I have like a urge it's like my head wants me to commit it so bad)
My head wants me to commit the unforgivable sin but ik If I don't say it out loud I'm ok.
submitted by Big-Organization6522 to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:22 Effective-Habit-7605 OWM

You don’t do much doll… you sit on live talk talk talk abt lisa. Don’t nt get me wrong she needs to get help. But then you get off and get on the phone with your bestie sharon and talk talk talk with sharon. You say she doesn’t have a job or a life girl I don’t think you have room to talk either… you do the same thing she does.. sit on live all day:) please look in the mirror sharon can only defend you so much but she isn’t making factual statements babes.
submitted by Effective-Habit-7605 to lisarichardsnark [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:21 Sumi-best-waifu I'm tired

I'm emotionally and mentally tired of being single. And Ik the difference between having fun with friends and actually having someone to be vulnerable and silly with. I don't miss my ex I miss being able to pamper, and take care of someone and getting the same in return. It's been almost 2 years and I can't seem to click with anyone. It's either I don't see anything that could spark between us or it's the girl just ghosting me on the second or third day. If anyone thinks a softy with a bit of dense and flirty material is lovable reach out. I don't mind just rp I just want to love someone and get it in return. Thank you for your time, I'm going to take a nap❤️‍🩹
submitted by Sumi-best-waifu to lonely [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:21 swag1299 Am I saved m?

Am I saved or not
An old friend that caught up with me as sessions teaching various topics invited me to his church in another city which I have been going for the past 2 weeks now. I love the word and worship they bring and you can clearly see the Holy Spirit is there. However I have some conflictions with one thing they stand by which is Matthew 28:18-20 and they understand this as you can only be a disciple(Christian) or(saved) if have been made a disciple by a teacher because of Hebrews 5:12 and then baptised, before going to this church I was getting very close with God cutting sin from my life and studying scriptures and my friend had introduced me to bible studies that we did majority of the days of the week when we could and the last one we did was discipleship where I found this out that I was not saved. The church is an international church for the reason of Matthew 28 18-20 aswell which I agree that a church shouldn't be predominantly e race. With all this being said this ould mean that the majority of practicing Christians aren't saved and I and my Christian mum will not go heaven but I thought because of John 11:26 l am saved because I believe in Jesus with all my heart. I would like some guidance in understanding if I am saved or not and if my baptism was valid or not.
submitted by swag1299 to Christians [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:19 Additional-Table6038 Can't make myself believe things will be okay anymore

I'm a virgin at 24, with zero romantic experience and I want to die on a daily basis because of it. I'm completely paralyzed by fear whenever I am around women, and when I get online and read people opinions on reddit and what not they say I am justified in feeling this way, and that it's cope to think otherwise.
I'm not allowed to feel excited about dating anymore because it's embarassing and shameful at my age, and won't be as special as teen love or early 20s love.
I'm not allowed to talk to women because I am a loser and will embarass myself.
I'm not allowed to socialize with high achieving well adjusted men and normal people because I can't relate to their life experiences, and that makes me inferior.
Having sex for the first time at my age is shameful disgusting, and will mark me as inferior for the rest of my life because I never learned proper socialization while my brain was developing.
Nothing is as exciting or meaningful after 25 because your dopamine production significantly declines because of brain reaching full development.
I'm not allowed to speak to women at college because I'm too old and they'll gossip and start rumors about me.
I'm too old to join a fraternity or anything else on college.
Any refutations to these ideas are met are rightly criticized as being cope and platitudes and honestly I agree with them.
I don't want to try anymore because it just won't be as good enough as someone who did it at the right ages.
I just want permission to feel good enough but it's too late.
It's too late, it's too late, it's just too late now. I want to cry
I just want to be 18 again and redo everything so I can be good enough for people, but I never will and my life is meaningless. I will always be that dorky late bloomer and I physically can't handle this emotionally.
It will always loom over me like a dark cloud and I'll never be considered good enough in the eyes of society.
It keeps getting worse every year, If I just started 3 years ago it would be so bad but now it's too late and dating just keeps getting harder and harder and harder and now it'll basically be too late for me forever.
I need to practice and get out there but I feel I don't have permission too and will be bullied and shamed for my feeble attempts.
submitted by Additional-Table6038 to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:19 DefiantPersonality87 98% Retention, 80 Impressions

I posted a longform video yesterday:
CTR - 15% AVD - 2:13 (out of 2:23 mins)
80 impressions after almost 36 hours, only 32 of them from browse features, the rest channel pages and yt search.
Retention sits at 98%
Normally a ‘bad’ performing video for our channel gets around 3000-4000 impressions in 24 hours. Most of these come from “suggested videos” of which there is not a single one here.
If the video is awful and doesn’t deserve 98% retention let me know - link to channel in the bio, video is the latest longform called “Bully Takedown - XL Unleashed”. Compare that video’s handful of views with the 100s and 1000s of views on similar and less polished videos that we released before it..
Am I going mad? I was hoping someone can tell me calm down, and that I clearly missed something 🫣😅
Only please don’t say “give it time..” every time I’ve heard that in the past a loser video after 24 hours stayed that way.. and don’t say thumbnail because it’s got a 15% click through rate!!!
Thank you in advance if you got this far, and I appreciate any insights you can provide.
submitted by DefiantPersonality87 to NewTubers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:18 On-your-wavelength Supporting someone from far away

I started talking to someone with agoraphobia a little over a month ago and she’s great. We were talking romantically before she cut things off to focus on herself. We live 2000 miles away from each other and I was wondering how was the best way to support her. She gets these moments where she can’t speak and she’s terrified of working out because it’ll trigger a panic attack. She’s currently doing therapy three times a week now and she’s been doing great but sometimes she has hard days where she gets frustrated with herself because she can’t speak. How do I properly support her from this far away and how can I help? My intention isn’t to get together with her romantically (if it happens it happens) I just care deeply about her and want her to get better. I really don’t know what to say sometimes.
submitted by On-your-wavelength to Agoraphobia [link] [comments]