Hvac spreadsheet

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2017.02.25 17:31 BulbSaur Film Survivor

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2013.08.13 16:51 boardom Building Science - Designing Buildings For Human Occupancy

Collection of resources on building science. Topics can range from insulation strategies, mechanical designs, water waste reduction strategies, control layer strategies, example builds.

2024.05.08 03:13 Green-Reserve5341 [3 YoE] MechE looking for Entry Level Manufacturing Engineer Roles

[3 YoE] MechE looking for Entry Level Manufacturing Engineer Roles
Hi all - I'm looking to pivot out of the HVAC industry and into an entry level manufacturing role. I am looking to get my foot in the door in any aspect of the production. I'm looking to apply to process, quality, and continuous improvement roles. Any advice or insights would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
submitted by Green-Reserve5341 to EngineeringResumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 21:58 bartonsphinx First-time homeowner in over his head

I bought a house last June, so it's almost been a year of homeownership, and I barely feel any more competent to take care of it than I did when I first got it.
First of all, the house is about 20 years old, and most everything seemed to be in good condition when I bought. The roof was the original and the HVAC system was in super rough condition, but otherwise it seemed solid. The inspection didn't turn up anything too crazy.
I don't have much experience repairing stuff. Since I've owned the the house, a lot of little things have gone wrong. Tons of little plumbing things, doorknob/hinge/latch things. Some of them easy to fix, some not-so-easy. Our yard is an absolute cluster, with tons of weeds that we struggle to get under control and a very eroded drainage ditch that seems to spawn tall weeds like mutants at a very fast rate. We might win the award for "ugliest lawn", to be honest, and it's kind of embarrassing.
It seems impossible to stay ahead of everything. I have a spreadsheet of about 20 TODO items with dates by them, and I almost always miss the dates, and many of the repairs take way longer than expected (some drag on for weeks). I feel like if I don't stay on top of things, this list is going to be 100 items long. People always talk about the people that don't maintain their homes, and I feel like I'm shaping up to be one of them, but I don't know how not to be one of them. I just don't have the "knack" when it comes to a lot of this kind of stuff.
Advice on how to improve, or at least tackle this first time homeowner anxiety? It would be nice to actually enjoy living in my home instead of worrying about how poor of a job I'm doing at maintaining it.
submitted by bartonsphinx to homeowners [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 18:08 Caseymc3179 SUMIFS won't work with multiple columns? However COUNTIFS works.

Backstory: I work at an HVAC company, and typically when we quote work, we'll send the quote to multiple GCs. The table on the left is an example of how it's filed in our shared spreadsheet.
I am trying to find out how much money has been quoted to each of the GCs, but the "SUMIFS" equation keeps saying "#VALUE!".
The equation works when I only look in 1 column, but if I look in a range of more than one column, it doesn't work...
I used "COUNTIFS" for the "# Jobs" column and it worked just fine. "SUMIFS" is giving me an error though when I involve more than 1 column.
How can I edit my formula to find the sum of money bid to the individual's names?
**Edit: I believe we have Excel 2019... Not sure if this is relevant or not.
submitted by Caseymc3179 to excel [link] [comments]

2024.04.12 17:57 jwckauman How do you test your systems post disruptions/changes? What is that process called?

I would like to formalize/document a list of common repeatable tests that should be performed anytime our IT Infrastructure experiences a significant disruption or undergoes significant changes. Examples of disruptions would be environmental (HVAC stops working, extended power outage, building is damaged), or technical (equipment failure, malware attack). Examples of changes would be installing security updates across all servers, updating the hypervisor, updating server firmware/BIOS, network maintenance/upgrades, etc. The list essentially serves as a 'make sure everything essential is working' once the disruption/change is past. I'm assuming every IT shop has something like this.
  1. What is this list (or process) called in your IT department? or has been called in past IT jobs?
  2. What format does it take? Text file? Word document? Excel spreadsheet? Visio diagram? PowerShell script? Dashboard?
  3. How extensive is it? Do you just confirm each 'serveservice/system' is up and running (e.g. ping?) Do you login to each servesystem as well (e.g. RDP to a server? login to switch? login to vSphere?) Do you perform any actions in said system (e.g. run a replication test in AD? send an email in Outlook/Exchange? open a file?)
  4. Who typically performs these steps? Systems Admins? QA/UAT resources? The person responsible for the disruption and/or change?
submitted by jwckauman to sysadmin [link] [comments]

2024.04.05 13:42 ArnottJ Maintenance Tracking System

Hi All. Current FM in Perth Aus for a large organisation. Currently our 12m preventative maintenance programs are all siloed across multiple spreadsheets across all disciplines (fire, hvac, plumbing, electrical, grounds, cleaning, gas systems).
Typically monitoring upcoming maintenance for the month and then cross referencing completion is done manually and isn't very organised. This involves referencing across all the spreadsheets to consolidate a single table and then ticking off as its completed. This is also across multiple sites so there's lots of data to work through.
There has to be a more simple way to incorporate all maintenance works across all disciplines in a software or system, and have easy functionality to view completed and non-completed items. Reporting function would be handy too.
Currently leaning towards a mix of merging MS planneMS To-do, but seeing what others are doing.
For context, we use JLL Corrigo for our CMMS, but isn't refined enought to track individual maintenance tasks, only generic monthly PM work orders.
submitted by ArnottJ to FacilityManagement [link] [comments]

2024.03.19 19:31 unremarkable-chicken Need Internet Advice on financial infidelity

Got married to my wife in 2019, we've known each other since we were kids. So I'm feeling pretty good about trust.
After the wedding, we 'finally' sit down and go over finances. Come to find out that my wife was 65+ k in CC debts of various kinds across 15ish cards. Then to top it off based on the spreadsheet I keep, she was only living off of 200 dollars a month. I say, okay whatever I've known you for a long time, we are married, lets take care of it.
So for the first 2 years of our marriage, I make her pay nothing, in the hopes she would pay off her debt. During this time frame she made 77k take home so this debt should have been paid. Also during this time we were going through IVF and had a bad time at it, after several tries we had to abort due to just bad stuff.
So, our third year of marriage I say hey you got to start paying in, she resists and says things like, whoever makes more should pay more. Mind you at this time my wife is making 70k a year. So I let it go thinking hey we trying to have kids, she should have paid off that debt by now.
The fourth year comes around and I'm like hey what's up with that debt, she still has 20k in debt left. I'm not exactly sure what's going on, but before we were gonna venture down the kid path again, i wanted there to be no CC debt. So i help her pay that off quick, and I think we are sitting pretty cause no cc debts.
We get to this year, I'm ready to throw a bunch of money down for adoption/doner egg (her idea). I say to her hey you gonna have to pay some more to help this along. She then tells me she's 17k in debt again, on the day I was going to interview for a new job to make 'more' money.
So at this point I had taken out a PLOC loan to pay off the roof and hvac that we needed, and the remainder was to go to fixing the steps, the walk way, and helping with baby stuff. Now all that money went to paying off her new debts....
I'm not sure why I did it, but I did. We then had a huge argument where I was ready for divorce. But after we talked, she gave me the impression because I wasn't being affectionate enough is the reason for her spending issue. I'm accepting it because I want to be married, but there is a voice in my head that is saying to leave.
That voice also made me look through the spreadsheet, and for the last two years she should have had a 30k surplus of money, but somehow she spent all that and then another 17k.
Now the fix for all this if for me to give her a knot of money i can see on 'joint' card and I get to police everything, in return she hands me her paychecks 'through' our joint account. I still feel exposed, and I feel like I'm still being lied too. She keeps telling me I should forgive and I have trouble doing that. To which I tell her, the best ways to ask for forgiveness it to not do it again.. Can anyone tell me I am wrong? If i had a buddy tell me all this, I would tell him to get a divorce, but I find it hard taking my own advice...
submitted by unremarkable-chicken to survivinginfidelity [link] [comments]

2024.03.19 16:20 MechemicalMan Best CRM for 1 Man Show

Hey all.
First off, none of you should be on here right now. It's tuesday just after 10. The perfect time to be dialing... if anyone actually dials anymore.
I just opened up my own company, it's for HVAC water treatment, an extreme niche inside of the HVAC world. I wanted to check on if anyone had any advice for a CRM. I right now have dozens of spreadsheets differently organized around. It's working pretty well to just move from all these sorts of unorganized one into one master spreadsheet that's simple and clean as I'm dialing. I know there's a bunch of integrations that may speed up my time and provide a better overall product out there today... any advice? The status quo I'm going against is excel spreadsheets... which works OK.
Some other details, I'm looking to manage about 50-100 active customers and have about 10 times that in potential prospects.
Thanks in advance.
submitted by MechemicalMan to sales [link] [comments]

2024.03.16 20:43 skratchpikl202 (DC) Current Building Marked Me for Six Late Payments That Were Actually Paid on Time

I'm speaking my city's Tenant Advocacy Agency this week about some other issues (no HVAC for about two months, locked out of unit multiple times in one month because the lock system keeps malfunctioning), but I now have another issue that I'll add to the list.
I requested a copy of my rental ledger and discovered my building had noted that I had six late rental payments back in 2019-2020. This is inaccurate, as I have always paid my rent by check on the 1st of the month. After closer examination, it appears they were , in most instances, not submitting/scanning my checks until after they marked it as late. All six fees were subsequently removed, and I could see the following:
It looks like this was just sloppy work on either the manager's part or the company that processes payments.
The property manager told me not to worry about it because it was a long time ago. I asked if this had been reported to any credit agencies or if it would appear on my tenant rental history report. He said he wasn't sure, but it might have. That's not exactly the answer I want to hear.
I have applied to other apartments since then and have been approved (although I regrettably did not move at the time). However, their main spreadsheet still shows 6 late payments and all of this information is still on the ledger.
Unfortunately, my building doesn't seem interested in fixing this, so I'm bringing it to OTA.
But I'm curious:
submitted by skratchpikl202 to Renters [link] [comments]

2024.03.16 20:38 skratchpikl202 Rental Ledger Shows Six Late Payments That Actually Were Paid on Time. Landlord Say "Don't Worry About it"

I'm speaking with OTA this week about some other issues (no HVAC for about two months, locked out of unit multiple times in one month because the lock system keeps malfunctioning), but I now have another issue that I'll add to the list.
I requested a copy of my rental ledger and discovered my building had noted that I had six late rental payments back in 2019-2020. This is inaccurate, as I have always paid my rent by check on the 1st of the month. After closer examination, it appears they were , in most instances, not submitting/scanning my checks until after they marked it as late. All six fees were subsequently removed, and I could see the following:
The property manager told me not to worry about it because it was a long time ago. I asked if this had been reported to any credit agencies or if it would appear on my tenant rental history report. He said he wasn't sure, but it might. I have applied to other apartments since then and have been approved (although I regrettably did not move). However, their main spreadsheet still shows 6 late payments and all of this information is still on the ledger.
Unfortunately, my building doesn't seem interested in fixing this, so I'm bringing it to OTA.
But I'm curious:
submitted by skratchpikl202 to washingtondc [link] [comments]

2024.03.13 01:57 pasta_disastah Freeze Dryer Comparisons

The first goal is to hopefully help others from performing too much extra research (reinventing-of-the-wheel), comparing different freeze dryer brands, I made one on Google sheets. One note: comparisons were of relatively similar regular-sized models from each brand unless the company only offered one size.
The secondary goal is to provide unbiased, tangential information for each freeze dryer so readers can form their own opinion on which freeze dryer they feel led to obtaining. The information consists mainly of properties, characteristics, or background factual information regarding the freeze dryers or its affiliates. I will subjectively state that there are too many youtube celebrities or popular social media influencers that place their favoritism on a freeze dryer when comparing X versus Y versus Z, which partly led me to why I was compelled to create a comparison chart of freeze dryers.
Freeze Dryer Comparison Matrix: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSW6B9Gi97Obs-asJWeko52ZF_c9tQucGBmZeaKCy6PZSoia9gUp60R_cHCXGb2PPH2qkRVSuYXlV27/pubhtml?gid=0&single=true
If there is information that needs to be updated, please let me know.
Disclaimers: I am not sponsored by any freeze dryer company and am not a professional evaluator of industrial, commercial, or residential freeze dryers should there ever be one that exists that may regulate and commission the use of food-conditioning appliances. I am a gardening, homestead, prepping, and freeze drying enthusiast with backgrounds in HVAC, STEM, and industrial controls.
submitted by pasta_disastah to preppers [link] [comments]

2024.03.13 01:56 pasta_disastah Freeze Dryer Comparisons

The first goal is to hopefully help others from performing too much extra research (reinventing-of-the-wheel), comparing different freeze dryer brands, I made one on Google sheets. One note: comparisons were of relatively similar regular-sized models from each brand unless the company only offered one size.
The secondary goal is to provide unbiased, tangential information for each freeze dryer so readers can form their own opinion on which freeze dryer they feel led to obtaining. The information consists mainly of properties, characteristics, or background factual information regarding the freeze dryers or its affiliates. I will subjectively state that there are too many youtube celebrities or popular social media influencers that place their favoritism on a freeze dryer when comparing X versus Y versus Z, which partly led me to why I was compelled to create a comparison chart of freeze dryers.
Freeze Dryer Comparison Matrix: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSW6B9Gi97Obs-asJWeko52ZF_c9tQucGBmZeaKCy6PZSoia9gUp60R_cHCXGb2PPH2qkRVSuYXlV27/pubhtml?gid=0&single=true
If there is information that needs to be updated, please let me know.

Disclaimers: I am not sponsored by any freeze dryer company and am not a professional evaluator of industrial, commercial, or residential freeze dryers should there ever be one that exists that may regulate and commission the use of food-conditioning appliances. I am a gardening, homestead, prepping, and freeze drying enthusiast with backgrounds in HVAC, STEM, and industrial controls.
submitted by pasta_disastah to homestead [link] [comments]

2024.02.09 18:49 TheyCallHerLadyLuck Planning Off Grid New Build

Alright so my wife and I are planning an off grid build and I have been planning on doing a solar install to have the system completely off-grid and wanted to post here to see if anyone had tips/suggestions/advice. Any help is greatly appreciated.
I am trying to size out Solar array size and battery capacity, in order to do that I first by started outlining the home HVAC and water heating. To try and get an idea of max capacity I sized out an electric tank hot water heater and a ground source heat pump (specifically this one from Nordic as it will allow us to do radiant floor heating in the winter and forced air cooling in the summer). Below is the planning spreadsheet I started to get a rough idea of numbers for kW panel and battery sizing needed. My intention was to determine what would be the higher usage period.
Firstly I was wondering if these values look relatively accurate to any of y'all who may have undertaken a full new build off-grid with electric heating. Secondly I was hoping for someone to tell me if I am insane or not for contemplating doing this completely solar without gas heating in central New York. Any help is appreciated, thank you!
A couple assumptions I made off this 1. I based the hot water heater power consumption off a generic 50 Gal capacity tank from Home Depot. I used the EnergyGuide rating and upped it a little for being in a cold climate 2. The Heat Pump power rating is directly from the manual for power consumption for a 5 ton unit. The new build will be approximately 2500 sqft. Based off standard recommendations for sizing and heat loss calculations for a new build it made the most sense. I used a 12 hour peak usage because the unit is on a variable drive and the power listed is for it running at full 60Hz.
Equipment Wattage Peak Winter Hours Peak Summer Hours Winter Wh Summer Wh
Hot Water Heater 5500 2 2 11000 11000
Heat Pump Heating 4200 12 0 50400 0
Heat Pump Cooling 2600 0 12 0 28800
Stove 2800 1 1 2800 2800
Fridge and Freezer 300 24 24 7200 7200
Lighting 100 15 15 1500 1500
Dishwasher 1350 2 2 2700 2700
Dryer 4000 1 1 4000 4000
Washing Machine 500 1 1 500 500
Television 85 10 10 850 850
Car Charger (Future) 7200 .5 .5 3600 3600
Computer 75 16 16 1200 1200
Well Pump 2500 1 1 2500 2500
Garage Door Opener 3000 .05 .05 150 150
Microwave 1000 .05 .05 50 50
Desc Value Desc Value
Peak Winter Wh 87,127 Peak Summer Wh 65,517
Peak Winter kWh 87.13 Peak Summer kWh 65.52
Efficiency Comp (110%) 95.84 Efficiency Comp 72.07
Sun Hours (Upstate NY) 2.5 Sun Hours 4.2
PV Array Size (Watts) 34,851 PV Array Size 15,599
15% Energy Loss 41,001 15% Energy Loss 18,352
kW Panel Array Size 41.00 kW Panel Array Size 18.35
Battery Size Needed kWh 95.84 Battery Size Needed kWh 72.07
submitted by TheyCallHerLadyLuck to SolarDIY [link] [comments]

2024.02.08 16:33 justpetyrr Have chatbot pull data from same line of exported excel file (in pdf)

Hey all,
I'm not sure I even have the vocabulary to ask this question properly but I've been hitting my head against the wall searching for a way to get this to work.
I am trying to build a chatbot on chatbase (open to alternatives) that will cross-reference a document to pull correct system match ups.
I have a spreadsheet of system match ups - where 2 or 3 components are paired together to create a full system. These components are associated with a certification number that allows my team / customer to furnish a certification with data on the whole system.
What I am trying to do is pull this data from one row of a spreadsheet - which I had to convert to .pdf to work with Chatbase - and have it give information ONLY from that line. I am in HVAC so an example would be that the data for: AHRI match up number, outdoor unit, and indoor unit are all on the same line and I want the bot to ONLY pull data from that line.
The data from the spreadsheet is formatted like this:
AHRI Cert# System Type Size OD Model ID model ID type ID Cabinet
2116417 Heat Pump 2 EX123 IDEX123 Air Handler B
Prompts look like "I have X outdoor unit, match with an air handler" and it should push out data from that line but what is happening is that it is compiling data that does not actually match.
Chatbase uses plain english instruction and mine looks like this:
If multiple units are on the same line WITH an AHRI number in the first column they are a match. If asked for a match provide the OD model, ID Model #, and FN Model # if applicable. Always supply AHRI number from the first (A) column on THAT SAME LINE - THIS IS CRITICAL!!! Do NOT pull AHRI cert from ANY OTHER LINE OR SOURCE!!
I am able to consistently get it to provide and outdoor and indoor, but it is NOT provide accurately matched systems.
I don't have any knowledge in coding or programming or development so I'm not sure i'm even able to articulate my question well enough to search it, but I have a suspicion the issue is either: a) my data is not formatted correctly. It appears correct in PDF form but I do not know if chatbase recognizes the rows as distinct and discreet match ups and if it does not I do not know the right way to revise b) My query / instruction is wrong c) I am not using the right tool for this kind of work

Can anyone offer any help or direction? Even a link to someone figuring out a similar problem - I couldn't track one down but like I said I don't think I even have the vocabulary to search it out properly. Thank you for making it this far! I would appreciate any help!
submitted by justpetyrr to learnmachinelearning [link] [comments]

2024.02.07 04:59 HRVitoDempsey [HIRING] Accounting officer! Maintenance Technician! Las Piñas City, Philippines!

Good day! I am Vito Vergara, a Talent Acquisition Specialist from Dempsey Resource Management Inc. And as the same, I am commissioned by our client company to source and endorse candidates for different posts. Positions being offered are for direct and permanent hire by the company client itself, not under agency and absolutely NO fee from your end is required. In other words, I merely act as a conduit for you and our company client. To know more about us, please visit our website at http://dempseyinc.weebly.com/\


submitted by HRVitoDempsey to PHJobs [link] [comments]

2024.02.07 04:53 HRVitoDempsey [HIRING] Accounting officer! Maintenance Technician! Las Piñas, Philippines!

Good day! I am Vito Vergara, a Talent Acquisition Specialist from Dempsey Resource Management Inc. And as the same, I am commissioned by our client company to source and endorse candidates for different posts. Positions being offered are for direct and permanent hire by the company client itself, not under agency and absolutely NO fee from your end is required. In other words, I merely act as a conduit for you and our company client. To know more about us, please visit our website at http://dempseyinc.weebly.com/\


submitted by HRVitoDempsey to phclassifieds [link] [comments]

2024.02.01 14:21 based_papaya I benchmarked 23 more heat pump installers but this time for a single family home in Malden

Due to the enthusiastic response for last fall's benchmark of a 2-bed condo in Cambridge & the subsequent bulk deal we secured for the neighborhood (thanks, Boston), I've decided to do another benchmark but this time for a single family home in Malden.
→ Spreadsheet here: Spring 2024 Heat Pump Price Benchmark
Oh, also, we secured an extension to our previous bulk deal that lands way below the market average. More below.
House details: ~2,000 sq ft, 2 stories, 3 bedroom on the 2nd floor, living room + dining room + kitchen + sunroom on 1st floor, built 1986. Ducts + air handler for AC are in the attic, with heating oil + baseboard providing the existing heating.
Update: for context, friend just bought the house, it has a 23 y/o AC that needs to be replaced & oil heating.
Equipment: 4 ton condenser + ducted air handler in attic + 2 mini-splits for sunroom and finished basement
Market average: $32,854.06
Range: $19,950.00 to $51,850.52 (this is crazy!! 30k gap for the same install)
Bulk deal rate: $20,800 w/Elephant + Forge (more details, including fee schedule, at the end of this post)
Best deals:
Company Quote Review & Notes
Frontier HVAC $19,950.00 Mitsubishi Diamond Contractor, 55 Google Reviews @ 5 ⭐, reference checked
Forge + Elephant $25,500 ↓ Negotiated $20,500 Mitsubishi Diamond Contractor. ~50 on Google (combined) @ 5 ⭐, Reference checked
Wilson's Mechanical $24,360.00 29 Reviews on Yelp @ 4.6 ⭐
Least competitive deals ($$$):
Company Quote Review & Notes
Big Blue Plumbing $46,750.00 Sad about this b/c Kevin (owner) is the nicest guy ever but this is in the 90th percentile :( hopefully he sees this & lowers prices
SumZero Energy Systems $50,000.00 "Upper 40s to lower 50s"
Central Heating & Cooling $51,850.52 Most expensive of the big contractors! 10 installation crews, highest price of all
If you stopped right here and your takeaway is "maybe I shouldn't drop $50k on heat pumps unless I have a really good reason", I did my job.
At the very least, get a quote from our bulk deal rate, and use it to negotiate!

Spring Bulk Deal

Note: this deal work for anyone in the entire Boston Metro Area.
We did a bulk deal in the fall. ~25 neighbors ended up doing installations, with multiple saving thousands, and one in particular shaving $7k off a Boston Ductless quote which she negotiated from $31k → $23.5k. That's pretty awesome.
We worked with Elephant in the fall for ~7 installs and it went well. It's among lowest rates on benchmark. Forge is the installation partner (3 install crews, operations across the trades) and I feel good about that. If you qualify, Elephant will take the $10k Mass Save rebate off upfront.
Elephant's baseline fee schedule
Type Setup Pricing
Ductless 3 head, 2.5 ton $15,250.00 (↓ $250 vs. fall)
Ductless 4 head, 3 ton $19,000.00
Ductless 5 head, 3.5 ton $24,500.00
Ducted 2 ton ducted $16,500.00 ( $500 vs. fall)
Ducted 3 ton ducted $17,500.00 (↓ $1k vs. fall)
Ducted 3.5 ton ducted $18,800.00
Ducted 4 ton ducted $19,500.00
Mixed Mixed 1 AHU + 2 MS heads $20,800.00
Adders (some examples here, full list here)
Item Additional Cost
3rd Floor Mini-splits (condenser on ground) $500 / head
Condenser on Roof (if a boom or scissor lift is required) $3,000
Repair existing ductwork $350 per repair
Lineset difficulty adder (through finished space, ceiling, etc.) $1,500
Boiler removal $650
We dropped N.E.T.R. this time around b/c they're not as affordable for larger SFHs w/pre-existing ductwork like the one in Malden :( we still think pretty highly of them, though.
Anywho - fill out the form on https://laminarcollective.com/ & we'll put you through to next steps :)
P.S. THANK YOU u/solomj00, u/Pristine_Round_6252, u/ucbal, u/kitchenbeetles, u/ankopteryx, u/dabibbler, u/celticsrondo, u/Cmac87, u/amdphenom, u/ActualVegetables, u/imherejusttodownvote, u/cremefreeeche, u/greytweedhat - I love you all
submitted by based_papaya to boston [link] [comments]

2024.01.23 16:56 yellowfin35 Please provide any feedback based on my quotes.

Here are the quotes I have recieved.
The ones in green have been to my house, teal Blue did the solar at my office and we have been quite happy with it. The others are from Energysage.
About me & my needs.
1) Cash purchase.
2) New roof 2023, so now is the time.
3) Located in Florida.
I am aware my roof won't take 100% offset and I am ok with that. I have an older HVAC unit and some old servers that will be replaced in the coming years which should reduce my energy consumption. I have already done spray foam insulation. I don't want battery backup. I am aware of the insurance requirements for a Tier II system.
The things that are important to me:
1) A reputable installer. Last thing I want is a roof leak behind my spray foam insulation. I am disappointed that the one I have used in the past is the most expensive, but maybe it is worth it?
2) A panel and inverters from an established company that can financially hold up to their warranty.
3) A good price!
4) Nice to have but not necessary home assistant solar integration
Thank you all for your time.
submitted by yellowfin35 to solar [link] [comments]

2024.01.16 18:00 seraph1337 Creating a formula to reduce the price per square foot as the square footage increases

Sorry if this is an overly simple question, but I am pretty clueless about Excel, I just work at an HVAC company and have been asked to try to clean up some estimate spreadsheets we have because frankly I have the extra time to bang my head against it, and I'm quicker at picking this stuff up than some of my coworkers.
Basically, we have per-sqft prices set up for different features that scale down the higher the square footage of the home goes. For example, adding a certain feature might cost $0.39/sqft at 1200sqft, but at 1600sqft it might cost $0.35/sqft and at 2000sqft it's $0.31.
When I first took a crack at this, I was using nest =IF tests to sort by increments of 200sqft and pricing according to a simple matrix that we already had made. But management is hoping for something that will scale the costs automatically and with more granularity, so I calculated some linear equations in an external program using the data provided and plugged those into my Excel formulas.
The spreadsheet works as-is, but it is basically not adjustable by anyone who doesn't know how I did it in the first place, so it will become obsolete as soon as we need to adjust those prices for inflation or rising material costs or whatever. If I can move those linear equation formulas into Excel, that would work if they can easily be adjusted.
My thought is that if I can make a formula that takes a value (like $0.39) and then scales it down the higher the sqft value is, all that would have to be done to adjust is change that one value and everything else will calculate itself.
I know Excel has ways to do linear equations but I'm not sure how to include that in a formula.
I also am not incredibly good at mathematical equations and graphing was my least favorite thing in geometry and pre-calc, so there may be an obvious answer here that I'm missing.
I don't need a super detailed exact formula, I just need to know where to start. Any help is appreciated. :)
submitted by seraph1337 to excel [link] [comments]

2024.01.15 17:44 ashfaq199770 Resume revision and expert advice

Resume revision and expert advice submitted by ashfaq199770 to u/ashfaq199770 [link] [comments]

2024.01.15 09:42 doublemazaa Can someone explain balance point as referenced in this article?

I'm attempting to estimate my house's heating load using the method from this article to double check heat pump equipment bids from my contractor.
But I'm a little hung up on the idea of balance point, as quoted below:
That’s a range of about 8% between the calculation based on 65°F heating degree days and the calculation based on 60°F heating degree days. Which is closest to reality?
It depends. Most 2×4 framed houses will have a balance point close to 65°F, most 2×6 framed houses will balance closer to 60°F. But unless it’s a superinsulated house, it’s likely balance point is somewhere in that range.
Comparing 65°F HDD calculations with 60°F HDD calculations At this point, you may be thinking, “Why would the calculated heating load for a house with 2×4 walls (29,155 BTU/h) be lower than the calculated heating load for a house with 2×6 walls (31,400 BTU/h)?”
The short answer is, “Both calculations assume that you’ve used the same amount of fuel over the average outdoor temperatures during the period in question, which yields a higher BTU per degree-hour constant for the house with 2×6 walls.”
Put another way, if the better-insulated house used the same amount of fuel during the same weather conditions, its load is going to be higher when it’s really cold out. If two identical houses were built, one with 2×4 walls and the other with 2×6 walls, the 2×6 house should have used less fuel at the average outdoor temperature over the period, not the same amount of fuel. But if different 2×4 and 2×6 houses use the same amount of fuel, the incremental heat requirement of the 2×6 house per degree will be bigger. When you then use that bigger load per-degree constant to predict the load at the outside design temperature, the calculation results in a bigger number.
So, my question is, what is the balance point of my house? I have a poorly insulated 2x4 house (1930s brick tudor with no insulation in stud bays on main floor)
I presume my balance point is higher than average, because given how poorly my home is insulated, and a comparable amount of other heating sources inside (people, appliances, etc), my houses HVAC equipment would have to turn on a warmer outdoor temperature than a house with better insulation would.
But if I run the calc at a 68°F base for calculating Heating Degree Days, it comes out that my equipment needs to be smaller, rather than larger, which is opposite to what a poorly insulated house would need. Adjusting the balance point up to 68° suggests upsizing the equipment about 15% compared to 65°F, so the difference is not negligible.
What am I doing wrong or misunderstanding?
submitted by doublemazaa to hvacadvice [link] [comments]

2024.01.15 09:28 doublemazaa A few questions about a heat pump quote and heat pump sizing.

I'm getting a quote on replacing a NG gas furnace with a mitsubishi ductless system, and have a few questions:
House is a ~2200 sqft poorly insulated 1930s brick house in Seattle WA.
The installer suggested the following equipment:
OK, on to my questions:
  1. The installer suggested outdoor unit MXZ-5C42NA since I would like five zones, and I believe is the smallest unit that can do 5 different zones. Is that right? Or can a 4 zone smart multi units do 5 zones if there is no branch boxes?
  2. How much do these outdoor units modulate down? The majority of the heating year, my outdoor temps are in the 40s and 50s, so it is important that the unit can do good job providing smaller amounts of heat in these conditions.
  3. How much do indoor units modulate down? Same question, but more relating to make sure individual indoor zones don't get oversized.
  4. What is the appropriate balance between outdoor unit sizing and indoor unit capacity? Say my basement wall unit is 12K, that would be 54K in indoor units and about 54K in outdoor heating capacity. Is that ideal? Is it ok to have more indoor capacity that outdoor capacity? What are the considerations
  5. I estimated my gas usage to come up with an approximate heat load for my house at 99% design temp of ~30K BTU/hr at 65°F balance point. I used this article as a guide and do not quite understand the bit about balance temperature. My house is poorly insulated (single pane windows, and main floor has no insulation in stud bays) and so I presume my house's balance temperature would be higher than average, but following this method, using a higher balance temperature means needing smaller HVAC equipment. How does that work out? What am I misunderstanding? What base temp should I be using for my estimation?
  6. I believe my last furnace (RIP) was oversized (60k/39k 2stage) and short cycled, and I am hoping to avoid that with this system. The gas used during the period in my analysis only included a time when I was semiconditioning my basement, and I am hoping to be able to more fully condition my basement with the heatpump. Basement is ~1000 sqft of partially below grade basement. Does the MXZ-5C42NA seem oversized or within the ballpark for my situation? If it is oversized, what's the best setup to get 5 zones with a smaller outdoor capacity?
submitted by doublemazaa to heatpumps [link] [comments]

2024.01.05 19:16 coltencrowe Best app/ site for field notes?

I work for a small HVAC contractor ($7m a year) and have been tasked with finding a cloud based solution for tracking field notes/ daily reports. Right now everyone has a different system ranging from scrap paper and notebooks to spreadsheets on teams.
I am looking for something simple that installers aren’t going to be intimidated by, and management is able to look through in the event someone is on vacation or out sick and needs to cover.
Any suggestions? Thanks!
submitted by coltencrowe to ConstructionManagers [link] [comments]
