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Juniors - If you want to improve your chances, NOW is the time to start brainstorming essays

2024.05.14 16:12 ScholarGrade Juniors - If you want to improve your chances, NOW is the time to start brainstorming essays

There have been an increasing number of juniors visiting this sub asking for advice about writing essays. Below are some tips and advice for making your essay stand out as excellent. Feel free to ask questions because I will answer every single question in the comments.
I know from experience that many of you are struggling to identify a good topic for your essay. Conventional wisdom says to start by brainstorming a list of potential topics, and chances are, you have already started a mental list of ideas. You might think you only have a few choices for topics, based on your activities or experiences, or essay examples you read, or the rough draft you already started (or worse, that GPT started...). I advise, however, that you put down your list of topics and back away from it. Forget that exists for a moment. Seriously - thinking about this initial list tethers you to certain ideas that might not actually be your best options.
Now you can begin brainstorming with a clean slate.
Start with thinking about what you want to show in your entire application, not just one essay. Every single component in your app has one purpose – to tell more about YOU. Filling out the rest of the application by rote and focusing solely on the essay is short-sighted and will leave so much potential untapped in your application.

It's About You. Tell Your Story - And Be The Protagonist

An admissions officer’s goal is to understand you fully, in the context of your background and the rest of the applicant pool. They will begin this with assessing your academic abilities and potential. Then they will evaluate how you will fit into the student body they’re trying to curate. All of this can be somewhat broad and diverse and touch on several institutional goals. But they will dig deep to find out what each applicant is like, what your core values and motivations are, what kind of student you will be, how you will contribute to the vibrant and intellectual campus community they’re building, etc.
Your goal with essay brainstorming is to ascertain how to powerfully tell your story in a manner that will fit these criteria. The entirety of your application (again, not just one essay) aims to showcase your abilities, qualifications, and uncommon attributes as a person in a positive way. Before you begin outlining or writing your application, you must determine what is unique about you that will stand out to an admissions panel. All students are truly unique. Not one other student has the same combination of life experiences, personality, passions, or goals as you do. Your job in your application is to frame your unique personal attributes in a positive and compelling way. How will you fit on campus? What personal qualities, strengths, core values, talents, or different perspectives do you bring to the table? What stories, deeper motivations/beliefs, or formative experiences can you use to illustrate all of this?
It is always helpful to start with some soul-searching or self-examination. You might not immediately know what you want to share about yourself. It’s not a simple task to decide how to summarize your whole life and being in a powerful and eloquent way on your application. Introspection prior to starting your application takes additional time and effort rather than jumping straight into your first draft. But it is also a valuable method to start writing a winning application that stands out from the stack.
You'll see the advice everywhere that all essay prompts are really about the same thing - you. The goal of each essay then is to showcase who you are, what matters to you, and how you think. I guarantee if you're on this sub enough, you'll hear the advice to "show, don't tell" when writing about yourself. But what does this mean really, and how do you do it well? How do you even get started on an essay that does this?

Introspection Questions

It’s often easiest to start thinking in terms of superlatives, especially those related to personal insights -- what are the most meaningful things about you, and what do you value the most? Here is a list of questions to help you brainstorm broadly before you narrow down your focus for writing:
I have a free introspection worksheet with over 100 questions like this designed to help you find ideas worth exploring in your essays. You can find it on the A2C Discord or download it directly here.

Find Your Story And Arc

Think of a small anecdote or story from your life that you could share that serves as a microcosm of who you are and what is important to you. It will massively help you narrow this down and find a gem of a story if you first start by thinking about your application arc or theme. This is the one-phrase summary of your entire application. It could be "brilliant entrepreneur who started her own successful business" or "talented athlete who wants to study economics and finance as they pertain to sports", or even "avid baker whose hobby sparked an interest in chemistry". It doesn't have to be related to your intended major, but it can help your arc be stronger and clearer if it is.
Once you have an arc determined and a story to share, think about what you want that story to say about you. This is where it can help to think of this as something you would share on a date - what impression does it make about you to the reader? Once you know this, start showing, not telling this attribute of yourself through your story. For example, instead of saying that you're compassionate toward others, you show an example of a time you were compassionate, then elaborate on why, and what it means to you.

Essay Brainstorming Techniques

If you are having trouble finding a story, or simply have writer’s block once you have picked your topic, here are some ideas to get your juices flowing:

Why Essays Matter

Here's the thing a lot of people don't realize about college admission: it's not an award for being the smartest, most accomplished, or most impressive. It's an invitation to join a community. Far too many students think that if they can just show that they're smart enough, they'll get in. Yale even says right on their admissions website that 75% of their applicants are academically qualified to succeed at Yale. But only ~4% are getting in. That should tell you that they're looking for more than just top tier test scores and grades. To be perfectly clear, you will need top tier grades and (optionally) test scores to show that you're qualified, and the vast majority of my students come to me with this part already in the bank. But what sets the admits apart? It's personal insight - sharing who you are, how you think, what matters to you, and how you engage community. You can't just say "/IAmVerySmart, please admit me," or even "I did a cool thing guys! Isn't that neat!" You need to go deeper and show them your core values, personal strengths, motivations, aspirations, character traits, foundational beliefs, personality, etc. And you need to do it in a charming, winsome way that makes them like you and want to invite you to join their community.
So how do I get students to do this? All of my students complete that introspection worksheet. We go through it and find the stories, examples, anecdotes, conversations, memories, relationships, and other things from their life that will help us craft a strong and personally insightful narrative. We also make lists of the values, strengths, and key personal qualities we want to showcase. Once we have some topics, outlines, abstracts, or rough drafts, we talk about which stories to tell where, how to tell them well, and what details to include to present the best they have to offer. Then we refine, edit, polish, and enhance over and over until the story sings, but more importantly shows their heart and soul. We also go through all the other application components to ensure consistency, quality, and distinctiveness.
Here's why this works so well: at most highly selective colleges there is a primary reader (or 2-3) who will review everything first and then present it to the admissions committee, who then votes on whether to admit you. That presentation typically goes one of three ways:
  1. Total enthusiasm, energy, and excitement. They strongly advocate for admission and paint a clear picture of how you will contribute to their goals and community. Everyone in the room picks up on that energy and is leaning forward in their chairs, looking for reasons to admit you. This is quite rare, generally less than 5 out of every 100 applications, even among those which are "fully qualified." When you do this right, you show depth, meaning, and valuable personal insights so the reviewer is learning about who you are and how you might engage the community they're curating. You come alive off the page as a person, not just another file.
  2. Business as usual. You're another great applicant in a pile of great applicants. They share a basic review of the facts, your profile, stats, strengths, weaknesses, etc. Maybe someone on the committee finds something they love, and they really push for admission. More likely, not and you get deferred/waitlisted even though there wasn't anything "wrong" with your application. They just didn't love you enough to commit.
  3. "Here's a stack of 20 applications that I didn't find all that compelling, so we won't present them individually, but you guys are the committee and you make the decisions. So let me know if there are any you want to talk about." In this case, unless there's a letter of endorsement from an athletics coach or your last name matches several buildings on campus, you're probably not getting additional consideration, much less admission. They will regret to inform you.
Everything we're doing is designed to help them get to know themselves, present the best they have to offer, and land in that first group. Having top tier essays is the single best way to get there. Get started on brainstorming in the next few weeks so you'll have time to get a few essays completed over the summer.
submitted by ScholarGrade to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:09 Inner_Issue3662 Please Help

Brother me and my girlfriend started dating in 2015 both 15 , we moved in together at 21- as of now basically almost 24* (im 23 shes 24 , a couple months older) , she had her own dark world and toxic household and so did i. Difference is i had a complete “family” , she was raised by her mother who treated her indifferent because she is her dads twin. She gave the most purest and sweetest love . It even gives me chills to write about it. She surprised me countless times , validated my feelings , took care of me more than own mother did bro. She put her ass on the line for me whenever and vice versa. We traveled to her country mu country and countless other places at a young age all alone . Im gonna be honest i cheated by grabbing another girls ass in 2018 and a year later in 2019 the girl from hs called her to tell her and she waited for me in my house but i was such a coward i kept denying and denying even though she knew exactly what had went on. Fast forward in 2021 shit got so rough my family always hated her for no reason (jealousy is a real thing bro) and so much happened. And imma be honest in 2022 i was taking care of her since we moved in together but 2022 i told her quit her job around early January February i told her i got us cause i found a job paying great so why not? That was my baby you know? So that year i went to a whorehouse with this dumbass loser i was working with and i fell for the temptation. Mind you this was a bad year for her she gained weight up to 260 and her family (mom and sister) they always treated her like shit and always was jealous of even me getting her stuff and just loving her and supporting her. Im not gonna lie yes i cheated and she found out about it the same day cause i fell asleep and went through my phone. My dumbass recorded a voice note that those whores can’t even give oral correctly they use all teeth , so when she found out that was a dealbreaker. Bro i destroyed her with that and i know i fucked up so bad this chick had a hot meal from scratch ready for me every single day after work. Anyways fast forward to 2023, she told me when i get a job i got you and everything you ever did. She got the gastric sleeve surgery in September 2022 so 2023 in February she had started losing weight drastically and then eventually got a job the same month. Brother she was destroyed and still gave me food everyday still helped me still gave me sex just still was trying not giving up. I unfortunately didn’t see it this way due to my own internal problems and trauma and my selfish and stupid ways. Anyways even for my bday she took me to miami wasted $3k on the trip and it was amazing. Eventually it got toxic i got fired around October and i wasn’t really fully employed after that for a while so she had to pick up alot and my egocentric ass said hey i did it for you whats the problem a couple months you hold me down? (She should of been left me) but it got toxic and the stress from work her family me and me not working she was crashing out she would spazz on everyone and i dont blame her looking back she was just going though alot. We started cursing eachother out really bad and even got physical. Not fists punch or slaps just grabbing eachother , breaking stuff, throwing stuff out, breaking property. Anyways for her birthday we went to paris (February 2024) and it was great till we argued (i really shouldn’t have gone cause i got a job in February the whole month and first month on the job i requested a week off already and i lied saying it was something else but it was really this trip i had) anyways after this trip she someway somehow forced me to quit my job because i was out from 6am-7pm everyday monday through Friday. March came and dont get me wrong guys my family i am blessed enough that they were sending me little amounts of money here and there to get me through they know i needed to pay rent food etc. march came and someway somehow when she said something to me she slammed the door and walked out so i immediately reacted and then slammed the door open to chase her . I come back the whole door is ripped off the frame . All the hinges ripped off. I ran away like a coward because she kept screaming at me and cursing me out saying you gotta replace it now but i didnt have 1$ to my name and im asking my mom and she is being a bitch on purpose. Long story short that was march 23rd i get arrested 4 days later because of property of destruction and then get out on limited order of protection. We ran into eachother a couple days later and we spoke she invited me over and i lived with her again the whole month of April. Anyways in april im still just relying on my parents at this point because all these jobs im applying for are not in my favor to respond to me (no one hit me back up) . So towards the end of the month literally the Sunday before the 1st of May we get into another heated argument she said you dont do shit around here you a grown ass man this that and that and tbh bro i can show you my cashapp my mother send me like $1500 that month and every time she would send me $100 here or $300 there for food or something she would tell me waste it on weed. (We kinda of had a weed addiction we were wasting $40 a day 7days a week on weed, you do the math) so anyways most of the money my mom is sending me is being spent very inconsiderately and bad . I didnt think much of it cause i thought hey fuck it man im here whatever she wants to make her happy. Anyways fast forward after the argument sunday before may 1st the weekend before may 1st i leave again because it got so crazy i wasn’t trying to spazz out so i walked out and left. Monday she tells me come back ik your mom isnt cooking im not heartless i still wanna be friends with benefits or friends . Whatever she said and also she said i built this bond with you no one knows me like you do. (We lost our virginity to eachother , we literally told eachother our deepest darkest secrets , met eachothers families, did all this together was very intimate) so i went back and as she said we ate we cuddled etc. the next day after work we go out the whole day because her and mom and sister arent on good terms i forgot to mention we lived in a basement and her mother on the 1st floor. The whole month of april they were on bad terms (just walking by eachother not even talking or acknowledging eachother) so we go out the next day after that Tuesday before May 1st. After work we do all that and come back home at 6/7 ish . I havent checked her phone in ages cause i fucked up alot and honestly i kind of had a feeling if i did i was gonna see exactly what i was looking for. Anyways i still did it cause im a stubborn hardheaded motherfucker, and ofc i saw her texting sexual with some guy she told me she was talking as friends on and off for since November. The convo went like him: im dying to find out i just wanna carry you on top of me , her: omg i forget you’re so tall i love it , him: omg i forget you’re so short i love it, her: Stoppppp omg with the emojis, him: plus if you aren’t gonna wear that dress when we go out atleast where it when you invite me over :p , her: lol i guess im small ( she posted a picture in a shirt blouse showing her curves and body and curly hair) , bro i saw this and went back inside from checking her phone in the middle of the road and said is this what you’re doing to me ? Are you serious? She laughed in my face and said well you’re reading it aren’t you? I lost it and spit in her face and called her a nasty you know what just like her sister. How shes just like her sister (her sister fucks any guy to fill her void and to get money/gifts in exchange. (Going back as to why they weren’t on good terms in april her and her sister got into a physical fight because her sister wore her deadstock jordans i got her from 2018 that are now worth $700 and fried them . What blew my mind during the fight was her sister looked and me straight in the eyes that day and said i know alot about you as if she got something on me. That made me wonder alot. Also she called my ex gf a slut which made me think what the fuck) anyways fast forward after i catch her cheating on me she chases me in her underwear for 12 blocks and im toying running around cars with her at that point and i threw her phone on the ground and she ran right past it. Long story short i got arrested and now im facing a felony cause of that and its no contact as of rn till July when this court date happens. I miss the fuck out of her and regardless of anything i wish her the best and miss her dearly . Side note my brother showed me she was what appeared on a date Yesterday
submitted by Inner_Issue3662 to confessions [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:09 hughgrantcankillme Cosmetic Tattoo completely faded after a week

So I got freckle tattoos last Saturday. This is not the first time, i got them done a year and a half ago by the same artist and it was an awesome experience, she let me place them for the stencil and rlly worked w me to make sure it was how i wanted since im very particular about the freckles. It took about 2hrs the first time and i felt the price was fair for that amount of time. I went back to her last week despite her now being 8hrs away from me (she was only an hour away the first time). Another thing to note is that the freckles from a year and a half ago, at least some, are still there! So i was excited to get a refresh.
First she tried to cancel/reschedule knowing this would be the only time i'm in her city. I ended up going and they did end up cute. She did not do a stencil this time, and due to things she mentioned prior to me arriving I felt like i was inconveniencing her by being there and didn't want to take longer than I had to, so I didn't ask. She didn't do numbing cream this time, no biggie i don't really need it. She went right in after we discussed what I wanted, and like I said it did turn out cute, but we only spent an hour together and retrospectively I really regret not pushing for more and getting my moneys worth.
And finally, it's now only a week later, almost every single freckle she did is completely gone, most I can't even tell where they were, some are just extremely extremely light. Completely different to my first experience. Only other difference is she used combination machine and hand poke the first time, but only machine the second time. Maybe the hand poked freckles stayed better? She offered a touch up for $100, but I'm not sure when I will be in that city again and If i really want to spend my money like that if it won't work. i've tattooed myself before, so i'm considering just buying PMU pigments and doing it myself (basically for same price as touch up), i feel it would be more cost effective and less upsetting if it doesn't work. Thoughts on why it didn't work this time and anything I can do to prevent in the future?
submitted by hughgrantcankillme to tattooadvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:08 RobYaLunch Billboard Chart Discussion - Week Of May 18, 2024

Billboard Hot 100 chart
Position Title Artist ▲/▼ Last week Weeks Charting Peak
1 Not Like Us Kendrick Lamar ▲+100 [FRESH] 1 1
2 Million Dollar Baby Tommy Richman - 2 2 2
3 Euphoria Kendrick Lamar ▲+8 11 2 3
4 Fortnight Taylor Swift Featuring Post Malone ▼-3 1 3 1
5 A Bar Song (Tipsy) Shaboozey ▼-2 3 4 3
6 Like That Future, Metro Boomin & Kendrick Lamar ▲+2 8 7 1
7 Family Matters Drake ▲+94 [FRESH] 1 7
8 Espresso Sabrina Carpenter ▼-4 4 4 4
9 Beautiful Things Benson Boone ▼-4 5 16 2
10 Lose Control Teddy Swims ▼-4 6 39 1
11 Too Sweet Hozier ▼-4 7 7 1
12 Meet The Grahams Kendrick Lamar ▲+89 [FRESH] 1 12
13 Saturn SZA ▼-1 12 11 6
14 We Can't Be Friends (Wait For Your Love) Ariana Grande ▲+5 19 9 1
15 I Can Do It With A Broken Heart Taylor Swift ▼-6 9 3 3
16 Down Bad Taylor Swift ▼-6 10 3 2
17 Push Ups Drake - 17 3 17
18 Lovin On Me Jack Harlow ▼-3 15 26 1
19 Stick Season Noah Kahan ▲+4 23 32 9
20 I Remember Everything Zach Bryan Featuring Kacey Musgraves ▲+4 24 37 1
21 Get It Sexyy Sexyy Red ▲+11 32 8 20
22 Feather Sabrina Carpenter ▲+7 29 23 21
23 I Like The Way You Kiss Me Artemas ▲+3 26 7 12
24 Cruel Summer Taylor Swift ▲+4 28 53 1
25 Greedy Tate McRae ▲+2 27 34 3
26 Who's Afraid Of Little Old Me? Taylor Swift ▼-13 13 3 9
27 Type Shit Future, Metro Boomin, Travis Scott & Playboi Carti ▲+4 31 7 2
28 So Long, London Taylor Swift ▼-14 14 3 5
29 Yeah Glo! GloRilla ▲+9 38 13 29
30 But Daddy I Love Him Taylor Swift ▼-12 18 3 7
31 My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys Taylor Swift ▼-15 16 3 6
32 Agora Hills Doja Cat ▲+1 33 33 7
33 Florida!!! Taylor Swift Featuring Florence + The Machine ▼-13 20 3 8
34 Austin Dasha ▲+9 43 9 28
35 Guilty As Sin? Taylor Swift ▼-13 22 3 10
36 Texas Hold 'Em Beyonce ▼-11 25 13 1
37 Miles On It Marshmello & Kane Brown ▲+64 [FRESH] 1 37
38 The Tortured Poets Department Taylor Swift ▼-17 21 3 4
39 End Of Beginning Djo - 39 12 11
40 Wanna Be GloRilla & Megan Thee Stallion ▼-6 34 5 11
41 Whatever She Wants Bryson Tiller - 41 12 19
42 Cowgirls Morgan Wallen Featuring ERNEST ▲+59 -- 21 40
43 Redrum 21 Savage ▲+3 46 17 5
44 Never Lose Me Flo Milli ▲+1 45 21 15
45 Where It Ends Bailey Zimmerman ▲+5 50 19 32
46 Good Luck, Babe! Chappell Roan ▲+2 48 5 44
47 Act II: Date @ 8 4Batz Featuring Drake ▲+6 53 18 7
48 Gata Only FloyyMenor X Cris Mj ▼-4 44 8 27
49 Carnival ¥$: Ye & Ty Dolla $ign Featuring Rich The Kid & Playboi Carti ▼-7 42 13 1
50 Illusion Dua Lipa ▲+22 72 4 43
51 The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived Taylor Swift ▼-21 30 3 14
52 Slow It Down Benson Boone ▲+9 61 7 40
53 loml Taylor Swift ▼-17 36 3 12
54 Fresh Out The Slammer Taylor Swift ▼-19 35 3 11
55 Made For Me Muni Long ▼-1 54 17 20
56 The Alchemy Taylor Swift ▼-19 37 3 13
57 Wild Ones Jessie Murph & Jelly Roll - 57 31 35
58 FE!N Travis Scott Featuring Playboi Carti ▲+2 60 27 5
59 Obsessed Olivia Rodrigo ▲+8 67 7 14
60 Wildflowers And Wild Horses Lainey Wilson ▼-5 55 15 48
61 Get In With Me BossMan DLow ▲+12 73 14 49
62 imgonnagetyouback Taylor Swift ▼-13 49 3 26
63 I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can) Taylor Swift ▼-23 40 3 20
64 Bulletproof Nate Smith ▲+6 70 5 64
65 So High School Taylor Swift ▼-18 47 3 24
66 Tell Ur Girlfriend Lay Bankz ▼-8 58 4 58
67 The Black Dog Taylor Swift ▼-16 51 3 25
68 Back Then Right Now Tyler Hubbard ▼-3 65 8 62
69 Hell N Back Bakar Featuring Summer Walker ▼-1 68 5 53
70 Clara Bow Taylor Swift ▼-18 52 3 21
71 Tucson Too Late Jordan Davis ▲+20 91 10 71
72 Bandit Don Toliver ▲+20 92 13 38
73 Mmhmm BigXthaPlug ▲+6 79 20 63
74 Scared To Start Michael Marcagi ▲+3 77 12 54
75 Enough (Miami) Cardi B ▲+6 81 8 9
76 Halfway To Hell Jelly Roll ▲+7 83 5 76
77 The Prophecy Taylor Swift ▼-21 56 3 32
78 Cinderella Future, Metro Boomin & Travis Scott ▼-2 76 7 6
79 Training Season Dua Lipa ▲+22 -- 10 27
80 Wind Up Missin' You Tucker Wetmore - 80 6 75
81 How Did It End? Taylor Swift ▼-19 62 3 35
82 We Ride Bryan Martin ▲+11 93 5 82
83 Dirt Cheap Cody Johnson ▲+11 94 3 83
84 Belong Together Mark Ambor ▲+3 87 2 84
85 Outskirts Sam Hunt ▲+1 86 9 66
86 Si No Quieres No Luis R Conriquez x Neton Vega ▲+15 [FRESH] 1 86
87 Tu Name Fuerza Regida ▼-2 85 12 66
88 thanK you aIMee Taylor Swift ▼-29 59 3 23
89 The Albatross Taylor Swift ▼-25 64 3 30
90 23 Chayce Beckham ▼-2 88 19 45
91 Adivino Myke Towers & Bad Bunny ▼-28 63 2 63
92 Wine Into Whiskey Tucker Wetmore ▲+4 96 7 77
93 II Most Wanted Beyonce & Miley Cyrus ▼-4 89 6 6
94 I Hate It Here Taylor Swift ▼-28 66 3 34
95 Whatsapp (Wassam) Gunna ▲+6 [FRESH] 1 95
96 Spin You Around (1/24) Morgan Wallen ▲+2 98 15 24
97 One Of The Girls The Weeknd, Jennie & Lily Rose Depp ▼-7 90 20 51
98 Let's Go Key Glock & Young Dolph ▲+2 100 9 59
99 Take Her Home Kenny Chesney ▲+2 [FRESH] 1 99
100 Chloe Or Sam Or Sophia Or Marcus Taylor Swift ▼-31 69 3 36
Billboard Global 200 chart (most popular songs globally)
Position Title Artist ▲/▼ Last week Weeks Charting Peak
1 Not Like Us Kendrick Lamar ▲+100 [FRESH] 1 1
2 Million Dollar Baby Tommy Richman ▲+8 10 2 2
3 Espresso Sabrina Carpenter ▼-1 2 4 2
4 Euphoria Kendrick Lamar ▲+14 18 2 4
5 A Bar Song (Tipsy) Shaboozey ▲+1 6 4 5
6 Fortnight Taylor Swift Featuring Post Malone ▼-5 1 3 1
7 Beautiful Things Benson Boone ▼-3 4 16 1
8 I Like The Way You Kiss Me Artemas ▼-5 3 7 2
9 Too Sweet Hozier ▼-4 5 7 1
10 Gata Only FloyyMenor X Cris Mj ▼-3 7 13 4
Billboard 200 chart
Position Title Artist Sales Change Last week Weeks Charting
1 The Tortured Poets Department Taylor Swift 285,505 (51,028 pure) -36% 1 3
2 Radical Optimism Dua Lipa 83,814 (52,788 pure) -- [FRESH] 1
3 One Thing At A Time Morgan Wallen 71,563 (1,483 pure) +7% 2 62
4 We Don't Trust You Future & Metro Boomin 62,293 (188 pure) +4% 3 7
5 SEVENTEEN Best Album '17 Is Right Here' SEVENTEEN 54,465 (50,790 pure) -- [FRESH] 1
6 Vultures 1 ¥$: Ye & Ty Dolla $ign err err 52 13
7 Dangerous: The Double Album Morgan Wallen 42,315 (432 pure) +7% 6 174
8 Cowboy Carter Beyonce 42,201 (4,928 pure) -19% 4 6
9 Stick Season Noah Kahan 40,675 (3,588 pure) +1% 5 76
10 SOS SZA 39,353 (1,948 pure) +3% 9 74
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Why is X artist higher than Y artist on the 200 chart, even though X artist sold less?
A: This is because of a discrepancy between Billboard's ranking and the ranking from the website that the sales data is scraped from
Q: Where do you get the sales data from?
Q: What does "err" mean on the 200 chart?
A: If you are seeing "err", that means that the bot I use to gather chart data couldn't identify sales data for a particular album because of a difference in album naming between Billboard and HitsDailyDouble
submitted by RobYaLunch to hiphopheads [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:58 Impossible-Rich-3931 Worrying about my boy being neutered in dirty vets office

Worrying about my boy being neutered in dirty vets office
So this is my second cat, I’ve had my first girl for 2.5 years almost and she’s probably around 3.5 years old I’m guessing. I got her spayed the first 6 months I had her, I lived in AZ at the time and used the humane society, it was very clean inside and like a normal vet hospital with the larger waiting rooms and even put a name rage collar on her at the front. No odor or other animals, like I was comfortable leaving her there even though I was able to come back and get her same day after the surgery cause it was so early and I did. Well now I live in OK, in a smaller town with only a couple vet options, and an overflowing humane society which doesn’t have monthly spay and neuter deals like there was in AZ. So my parents recommended a dr here cause of the price and reliability. Well I walk in with my I’m assuming 8-9 month old boy that I’ve had since October, also my parents are the ones who set up the appointment for me cause we are hurting on money rn(I’m pregnant and out of a job, so one income is hard). So I just kinda trust my parents that it’s ok, but I walk in the door and I’m hit with a wall of animal stink, there is no waiting room just a small little office and check in desk thing, and she had me come take him back to the cages and so I walked through the back with her and they had around 4-5 cats walking about and a large dog, in that room area it’s like I could tell the dr and family live in that building as well kinda just based off the furniture there for the “pets” of theirs just roaming. Never put a name tags on him, the kennels looked alright but some at the top were obviously junk storage and weren’t the cleanest. As well as one of her roaming cats in there had what looked like and eye infection, like not even her animals all seemed 100%, unless she took it in recently and is treating it. I didn’t look around too much and didn’t see a room that would be for surgery and it makes me anxious based on the lack of obvious cleanliness when I brought him to the back kennels. Also I can’t pick him up the same day I have to wait till tomorrow, and so it’s making my momma heart feel so bad for leaving him overnight and he’s not a year yet and will think we have him up maybe, all I know is he’ll be scared tonight. I’m primarily concerned about the condition of the clinic and where this procedure will take place cause I really would hate for him to get an infection and potentially worse cause of the lack of sterilizing and keeping up with the clinic. We will see when I pick him up tomorrow but I don’t know if I’ll be receiving pain meds or anything for cleaning the site either like I did for my girl, I just feel like a bad cat parent for letting him have surgery there cause I wouldn’t take any sick pet there I feel it’s so dirty and unprofessional feeling at least from what I’m used to back in AZ, I imagine even the bigger cities here will have nicer vets but because I’m in such a small town we don’t have really any options. Just hoping and wishing that all goes well and he isn’t being put at risk for a bad infection or anything. Is there anything I can do at home after I get him to help reduce possible infections and maybe pain management if that possible.
submitted by Impossible-Rich-3931 to cats [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:58 ThrowRA-8923 Is financing a car at 22 a bad idea?

I (22F) live at home and my parents have set it up where I pay $400 to them to help with whatever bills come their way and $400 to contribute to my TFSA each month for "rent". Im lucky enough to not have to pay for a phone bill and the only expenses I do have are my own groceries (I live in an in-law suite so I have my own kitchen etc.) and my car insurance. I currently drive a 2014 Lincoln MKZ and spend an insane amount of money on gas each week ($100.00 to fill and a 11.6L/100KM fuel efficiency) and have had an astronomical amount of bad luck with repairs. Just recently it was $1000 to get a safety to switch it from my fathers name to my name and has required a rear differential, steering column and had multiple different problems with computers and boards and even to replace a lamp for my blinker was upwards of $500 because Lincoln has made it so hard to get at.
For a little more backstory I have been lucky enough to grow up in a pretty wealthy family but we dont like to flaunt it. My grandparents have always told me growing up "if you cant pay it in cash you cant afford it" and they have taken that and lived by it. So going to my father or grandparents for advise on how to not let the salesmen run me over and take advantage of a young girl at a dealership hasn't gone to plan. They keep trying to tell me it's a terrible idea and I will end up not making payments and it will be one of the dumbest things I can do this soon in life. They keep telling me I cant afford it and it will end up coming around and biting me in the ass and it will ruin my life.
The car I am looking to finance is a 2020 Ford Escape Titanium Hybrid. It will be MUCH better on gas (5.6L/100KM combined fuel efficiency) and the payments would be $233 biweekly for 5 years. I have looked into different loan options like a line of credit but the interest rates at other dealerships and bank loans are much higher as the Ford dealership is at 8.99%APR.
Im looking for some advise or insight on if its as bad as they keep making It out to be and if it will really be such a terrible idea. I have worked it out so I will still have a savings account I can regularly put money aside for repairs/emergencies and I have an old friend sending me $200 biweekly paying me back for money they borrowed (my family doesnt know about this)
submitted by ThrowRA-8923 to LifeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:57 karenvideoeditor The Witch

Helena Pederson had few people knock on the door to her cabin. A life ostracized from her community left her with mostly her chickens and sheep and her dog for company, though there were several friendships that sustained themselves despite her exile. She grew food in her garden but also traded, her chickens giving her more eggs than she needed and her sheep growing wool she used to knit.
The knock that came at night drew her out of a reverie, having been sitting on her couch, sipping a cup of tea she’d just brewed. Her dog Grant lifted his head in curiosity, but didn’t bark, accustomed to knocks and not interested in wasting energy at his older age. Hesitating, Helena put the cup down in its saucer and stood, her socks still on to keep her toes warm against the chill of her hardwood floors. She went to the door, opening it wide.
She stared. “Marius,” she finally managed.
The king stood before her in clothing that made it almost difficult to recognize him. Whether it was the beautiful robes he wore for ceremonies or impeccably sewn clothes for day-to-day life, he always appeared as a king should. But now he was draped in a shabby, worn cloak that covered whatever he wore beneath. She saw his horse nearby, tied to a post, but he was alone, not accompanied by so much as a single guard.
“Helena,” he answered softly. “May I come in?”
Pursing her lips, she paused tersely for a long moment before she moved aside. Marius pulled back the hood of his cloak and stepped inside as Grant trotted over to take in his scent. The unfamiliar presence in the dog’s home made him wary, but the demeanor of his master and her permitting his entrance kept the dog from so much as growling.
Helena shut the door and walked over to the kitchen area. “You still take your tea the same?”
“I do.”
Marius sat on the couch and Grant plodded back over to his bed, laying down on it but keeping his head up and aware. The seconds ticked by slowly as Helena poured the still boiling hot water into another cup. She prepared it as she remembered, down to the exact size of the splash of milk, bringing it over on a saucer.
Marius nodded once in thanks and blew on it before taking a careful sip. Helena took a seat in the handcrafted wooden chair adjacent to the couch rather than beside the king, dismissing her own cup of tea, letting it cool, forgotten. “What’s happened?”
The king paused, taking another sip of tea that Helena knew was still hot enough to burn his tongue. “The battle at Hempstead. We lost…too many men. The situation is declining sharply, and the Empire threatens to overtake the kingdom.”
Helena took in and let out a deep breath, silently. She shook her head. “I know you’ve worked hard to protect this kingdom, and you’ll do what’s best. You always do.”
Marius raised his gaze to meet hers. “Always?”
Helena’s face tightened into a glare. No. Not always. “That doesn’t tell me anything,” she said. “What in God’s name would bring you to my door?”
“Desperation,” he confessed. He took another sip of the tea. “The Empire brings subjugation. They rule with an iron fist and many will die just in their invasion alone. And of course, many men will be conscripted.”
“Are you here to…complain?” Helena asked, leaning back in her chair, confusion thick in her tone.
Marius sighed. “No, Helena, I’m here…” He paused heavily before he met her gaze, with some effort, she noticed. “I’m here to ask for your help.”
Helena stared for a long moment before her confusion turned to shock. “You…” She swallowed hard. “Help.”
The king placed the tea down on the saucer on the table in front of him. “These are my people,” he whispered. “And they will suffer, and there is nothing I can do but watch as it happens. They deserve better.”
“And I didn’t?” she asked, a vice gripping her heart as she felt emotion swell up inside her. “You come asking for help? Your nerve, your arrogance, is unmatched. Besides which, what would you have me do?”
“I need an army that will not fall from an arrow or a sword, and army that feels no pain, that follows orders just as my men do,” he told her. He visibly forced the words out and Helena’s expression descended further into disbelief as he spoke each one. “We have thousands of dead soldiers. Helena, I am more desperate than I’ve ever been because I know what is coming for my citizens and I am afraid.”
Helena’s face twitched in disgust. “I told you,” she whispered, “that I only ever did this for those mourning a loss. For a last goodbye, for a grieving widow or parent or child. And now you come here to ask me to use my skills to raise you an army?”
“I’ve no right.”
“You don’t.” She swallowed hard against the lump in her throat and regulated her breathing, refusing to allow herself to descend into tears. “I’m an exile, Marius. Because of you. What makes you think I would even consider doing this?”
“Because you’re a good person,” he said quietly. Helena’s eyes narrowed in anger. “You broke the law, repeatedly and with no remorse. It forced my hand, you must know that-”
“You are king,” she said. “Nothing forces your hand.”
Marius fell silent for a long moment. “I know I’ve not seen you for many years, but I still care for your well-being. I still have love for you. I’m not sure if that changes anything here, if it’s even relevant, but I wanted to say it, nonetheless. You’re still my sister.”
Helena’s expression slid into a wearied resignation. “Is that meant to sway my response here? This is an affront to everything I’ve ever tried to do with my necromancy.”
“It’s simply the truth.”
They lapsed into a long silence. “What makes you think I could even wield such power? Over so many at once?”
“You would have support,” he answered. “I’ve come to you first, but if you agree to help, there are other witches who would support you with their power. And the battle won’t be lengthy. It can’t be. We need a show of strength that turns the tides, that reveals we will not be conquered as easily as those who’ve fallen in their path so far.”
Helena slowly leaned back in his chair. “They could try the same thing, you know,” she muttered. “They surely have the same intolerance for my kind of magic, but they will find other necromancers among their people if they truly must. Where will you be then? Your soldiers will be pulled back to their decaying, bloody bodies, forced into battle until they can no longer stand, until their spirits untether from this realm because there is nothing left to hold to. The Empire will be the same. All soldiers will fall and even their corpses will become useless, falling to the ground as desecrated shells. What then?”
“I don’t know,” Marius said softly. “I only know that I need to try. I promised that I would try everything to keep our kingdom, to keep their families, safe. And I intent to keep that promise. To try everything.”
Helena’s gaze slid over to her now chilly cup of tea, a part of her wishing she had ignored that knock at the door. She folded her arms around her tightly, emotions she couldn’t describe roiling inside her, trying to hold tight to the life she’d had ten minutes ago. A life that was simple and, in a way, quite sad, but it was enviable from the position she found herself in now.
“How can I say no?” she whispered. Helena met her brother’s eyes, seeing in them a mixture of relief and utter despair. “I’m an outcast of the highest order save for a special few of my oldest friends, but they are still my people. I remember my home in the village, the children who would play in the streets, their parents doing their best to support their families and to simply…live their lives. I couldn’t leave them to be trampled underfoot in a war that is determined to arrive at their doorstep.
“And I hate you for it,” she continued, her gaze thick with a burden of emotion. “I will always hate you for it.”
“That is something I am willing to live with, and I’d expected nothing less,” he said.
Helena pushed herself to her feet. “I’m determined to have one last cup of tea. Then I’ll need someone to look after my animals. You can send word to Kasper Friis; he’d be willing. And then…” She let out an exhausted sigh. “Then…we prepare for battle.”
My Website
submitted by karenvideoeditor to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:54 ReachSolid2863 People don't know what brown hair is [vent]

There are two types of pigment that give hair its color: eumelanin and pheomelanin. Pheomelanin colors the hair red or orange; eumelanin determines the darkness and shade of the color. What this means is that majority of hair will have some level of warmth, orangeness etc, especially in sunlight. The warm toned sun brightens the orange pigments in the hair. This does not mean you are ginger
Not all ginger people are pale or caucasian. While the population of redheads is heavily made up of white people, there are still individuals who belong to the BAME community. In addition to this, not all redheads are unable to tan.
Genetics work in wonderful ways. The number of possible combinations of DNA sequences is astronomical due to the vast number of nucleotides (A, T, C, and G) that make up the DNA and the length of DNA sequences. It is stupid to believe only certain traits can belong to an individual.
There is no one specific "redhead gene". Redhair is a result of one or more genetic variations on the MC1R gene. You can have both alleles of more than one variant but still not display red hair, due to your eumelanin. Hair colour is a polygenic trait, meaning it is influenced by multiple genes. Even if someone carries two copies of the mutated MC1R gene, other genes involved in melanin production and distribution can influence the final hair colour, resulting in a non-red hair phenotype.
People can be phenotypically brunette/blonde whilst being genotypically red/ginger. You cannot be phenotypically red/ginger without being genotypically red/ginger as red/ginger hair. To display red or ginger hair, an individual must have the genetic variants associated with red hair (mutations in the MC1R gene). This is because red hair is a result of specific genetic changes that increase pheomelanin production. Without these genetic changes, it is not possible to have the red hair phenotype.
Before anyone jumps on here and says "well I did the Ancestry/23&Me/etc DNA test and it says I dont have red hair". Ancestry and 23&Me only test for 3 markers linked to red hair, these are R151C, R160W and D294H. There are 10-12 well researched MC1R variants that are associated with redhair. So taking the DNA test isnt 100% fool proof, but for a vast majority of individuals who are unsure or want to find out further information, the test can be useful.
Please can we stop entertaining the random obvious blondes and brunettes who use this subreddit to karma farm or compliment fish?
submitted by ReachSolid2863 to Redhair [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:54 Accomplished-Owl-427 Cant download Studio One Prime...

Firmware update is done, everything is fine. When I log into the spark and go click the link under hardware device > device details. When I click the link " Spark Registration & Download Studio One Prime " it takes me to another log-in page. I enter my info and double/triple check its correct and still says password wrong/cant find user. How can I get this installed on my computer. I checked the Studio one website and the ones available are only demos. please halp. ty
submitted by Accomplished-Owl-427 to PositiveGridSpark [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:51 BigChapter9526 parents didn’t tell me we had received my settlement money and then used it, is that legal?

hi i’m new to posting, i turn 18 this year and we are from the U.S. (Arizona) i got into an accident back in february, and unfortunately i was injured. i had severe whiplash and 2 fractured ribs. my car was also totaled but we bought it back (it still runs). now onto the settlement, the insurance company had come to use with a settlement of about 1,100 at first then after the second one it changed to 3,500. i did not know this and have been under the impression we were still waiting for them to come back still.
well come to find out yesterday, they had not only received the money but used it to buy a car back in march. at the time, i had thought they bought that car with their own money and was ecstatic because we had previously discussed (discussed, NOT agreed) to use a PORTION of it to buy their car, but now they wouldn’t need it. but it’s clear to me now this was not the case. i would also like to state, i was NOT told at all we had received the money nor was i told what it was used for up until yesterday.
i’m wondering if its legal for them to do this, even though im the one who was injured and actually in the car. and if its not legal, what steps can i take to rectify this? (Note: we did not go to court , so idk if the settlement is “court-approved”) also if someone would tell me what flair this falls under that’d be great! (idk if it’s youth law, injury law, or insurance law)
submitted by BigChapter9526 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:51 AcornNougat Need advice after hiring a sleep consultant! 7.5 month old EMW and occasional short nap but sleep consultant’s plan isn’t making sense to us

We sleep trained once on our own at 4 months but things were getting worse again so we hired a sleep coach at 7 months. She advertised on her website she doesn’t do cry it out (no judgment against this method, I completely understand its necessity, this is a relevant detail for later). Her schedule change alone made a huge difference, plus adjusting how we handled night wakings/feedings. He started sleeping through the night on night 3. Yay sleep!
We would be thrilled with his schedule as is if he was totally happy and not tired. But he’s averaging 13.5 hours of sleep total, and it seems like maybe he needs a little more as he’s still tired. He occasionally has a short nap, and a slightly early morning waking
His schedule (from the coach) is: 7:30 bedtime Desired DWT is 7 but he is waking 6-6:30 still tired. 10:00 nap (or 3 hours after wake time/when we get him from crib), capped at an hour and a half. 2:45 nap capped at 4pm. Can be moved to 2:30 if needed but no earlier. So that middle wake window ranges from 3.25-3.75. And final wake window is 3.5
He wakes on his own from most naps, but I occasionally have to wake him.
Our sleep coach’s advice is a version of crib hour but an (IMO) unreasonable extension of it that Ive never seen before. She says if he wakes early from a nap to leave him there no matter how hard or how long he cries, not until the crib hour is up, but as long as it takes for him to fall back to sleep, she said even if it goes over an hour of intense crying. Same for EMW. No matter what, leave him to cry, again not until DWT, but as long as it takes for him to fall asleep. If he doesn’t fall back asleep, he is not being left alone for long enough (her words).
Isn’t this sort of cry it out, only much less reasonable?? He has independent sleep skills already. And the sleep pressure is so low after a short nap or a long night sleep, correct? The two times we attempted this (no where near as long as she said) he was very upset even after we got him from the crib and took awhile to calm down. She insists he is fine and does not care we are uncomfortable with his distress level. It just seems so weird to claim you are against cry it out, and use a more gradual method for bedtime and night wakings when sleep pressure is the highest (it’s essentially the chair method) but then have this as your ONLY option for short naps and EMW. Plus he would be hungry?? This also feels very unreasonable when there is a day of activities to be getting on with.
Has anyone tried this method and found it works? We are currently not following it as it isn’t sitting right with us. But I don’t want to avoid doing something that would genuinely help him get that last little bit of sleep. Or does anyone have alternate suggestions on how to fix the EMW?
The consultant is against me settling him back down for a short nap but I always read it’s fine to rescue a short nap 🤷‍♀️. He can put himself back to sleep during naps after the first sleep cycle, he just occasionally struggles to. Does anyone else do this and not ruin the sleep training?
Yesterday he woke from his second nap at 45 minutes, so he was awake 4 hours 3:30 to 7:30 and he slept til 7. But his total sleep for the day was still 13.5ish (11.5 overnight, and 2 hrs daytime). Is it possible he just won’t go past that? And he’s only still tired because he’s adjusting to the new schedule?
submitted by AcornNougat to sleeptrain [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:51 Sansar_99 Landing Robot

Landing Robot
I have joined a Robot Contest in Japan. This contest has a different mission every year. It is my and two other members' first time joining this contest and my first time building a robot. The contest is on the 6th of October. Sorry, I used Google to translate to English.
If you know Japanese, please check the official website and rulebook.


The missions of this year's contest are "Landing" and "Recovery and Return."
  • Landing. If Robot1 sends Robot2 flying and lands in Area C, you will score points. The landing spot with the highest score is 5 meters away from Area A.
  • Recovery and Return. Collect the ball and deliver it to Robot1, then take the box and return to Area B. Robot 2 can return by itself, or it can collaborate and cooperate with Robot 1.
    The contest time is 2 minutes and 30 seconds.

(Fig.1) The field looks like this


  • Have to make at least 2 robots.
  • Robots must be decorated with some kind of character ( ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ).
  • Safety
  • The budget is around $2500
  • It doesn't matter whether the control method is manual or automatic. In the case of manual operation, remote control is limited to radio, ultrasound, and light.

  • Size Robots must meet the following size restrictions.
    • Robot1: 1200mm x 1200mm x 1000mm height throughout the competition. This is the maximum size when all movable parts of the robot are expanded.
    • Robot2: There is no size limit. At the start, all robots must be completely within the starting zone, which is 1500mm x 1500mm. Robot 2 may be placed on top of Robot 1, but the height from the field surface must not exceed 1500mm.

  • The weight of all robots shall be within 30 kg. (Battery and air tank are included in the weight)

  • Robot 2 shall satisfy one of the following conditions.
    • Has the function of collecting and holding the ball or box.
    • Has the ability to directly deliver the ball to Area A by throwing or kicking it.
    • Has the ability to deliver boxes to Area A directly.

  • Power Supply Limitations
    • Voltage: Both drive and control system circuits must be 24V or less. Internal circuit voltages should not exceed 24V, except for transient voltages.
    • Current: Each circuit must have a current interrupting device (fuse, breaker, etc.) of 30A or less. For multiple drive system circuits, the total current interrupting capacity must not exceed 30A per robot. Control system circuit current is not included in this total. Ensure the current interrupting devices match the ratings of the entire circuit, considering wiring and breaker specifications.
  • Dangerous energy sources such as power sources other than electricity, such as high-pressure gas or explosives, must not be used.
  • Compressed air tank must be removable, with an air meter below 0.75 MPa at room temperature. Plastic bottles and homemade tanks are prohibited.

  • It is PROHIBITED to use suction or suction cups on the floor. Propeller flight, helium levitation, and hovercraft are PROHIBITED.

Contest environment

(Fig.2) Contest Field with measurements (Sorry its in japanese)
  • 7 balls approximately 200mm in diameter
    • each ball is 10 points
  • 3 boxes 200mm on all sides.
    • each box is 60 points

  • Landing spots: There are landing spots ① to ③ in a concentric circle, and ② and ③ are raised steps.
    • ③ = 100 points
    • ② = 40 points
    • ① = 10 points

  • During the contest
    • Each team has to change each other ball and box placement anywhere within the object zone [orange box in (Fig.1)]
    • However, all objects must be in contact with the field surface.
Lastly, we cannot damage the field and distract the opposing team.
Please share any ideas for the robots, we really need help. If you have any questions please ask I will try to answer them.
Thank you!
submitted by Sansar_99 to robotics [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:46 ThrowRA-8923 Thinking of financing a car and not sure what to do.

I (22F) live at home and my parents have set it up where I pay $400 to them to help with whatever bills come their way and $400 to contribute to my TFSA each month for "rent". Im lucky enough to not have to pay for a phone bill and the only expenses I do have are my own groceries (I live in an in-law suite so I have my own kitchen etc.) and my car insurance. I currently drive a 2014 Lincoln MKZ and spend an insane amount of money on gas each week ($100.00 to fill and a 11.6L/100KM fuel efficiency) and have had an astronomical amount of bad luck with repairs. Just recently it was $1000 to get a safety to switch it from my fathers name to my name and has required a rear differential, steering column and had multiple different problems with computers and boards and even to replace a lamp for my blinker was upwards of $500 because Lincoln has made it so hard to get at.
For a little more backstory I have been lucky enough to grow up in a pretty wealthy family but we dont like to flaunt it. My grandparents have always told me growing up "if you cant pay it in cash you cant afford it" and they have taken that and lived by it. So going to my father or grandparents for advise on how to not let the salesmen run me over and take advantage of a young girl at a dealership hasn't gone to plan. They keep trying to tell me it's a terrible idea and I will end up not making payments and it will be one of the dumbest things I can do this soon in life. They keep telling me I cant afford it and it will end up coming around and biting me in the ass and it will ruin my life.
The car I am looking to finance is a 2020 Ford Escape Titanium Hybrid. It will be MUCH better on gas (5.6L/100KM combined fuel efficiency) and the payments would be $233 biweekly for 5 years. I have looked into different loan options like a line of credit but the interest rates at other dealerships and bank loans are much higher as the Ford dealership is at 8.99%APR.
Im looking for some advise or insight on if its as bad as they keep making It out to be and if it will really be such a terrible idea. I have worked it out so I will still have a savings account I can regularly put money aside for repairs/emergencies and I have an old friend sending me $200 biweekly paying me back for money they borrowed (my family doesnt know about this)
submitted by ThrowRA-8923 to youngadults [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:44 Mister4li3n i need help and i dont even know what i can do to get rid of this habbit.

Context: I’m in my thirties, with a toddler and a high-paying job as a software developer. However, I've been underperforming for ages. I still deliver value, but I know I could be doing much more—be a better father, work for a better company. I used to work for two USA companies, earning much more than I do now at a local startup in Brazil. Even so, I can still support my family, but it's hard. I can't save any money each month, and I usually spend close to $100 a month on gaming.
My psychiatrist mentioned this in my last appointment five days ago. My wife was there too, and she complains a lot about my gaming, so she became very aggressive about me stopping. I deleted League of Legends and stayed off the computer. I used to play 3-8 games a day, and I was hyped because I was improving so much—I was close to reaching Master, which is a huge achievement in the game. I've played for 11 years, and it’s always been my "crutch" for escaping life's problems. I’ve had mental health issues since I was a teenager, diagnosed with bipolar disorder and ADHD, and I’ve been on medication for 10 years. I always had problems with my parents, who would leave me alone, and gaming has been a thing for me since I was 10 years old. I played on consoles, online MMORPGs, and a bunch of other games; it's always been present in my life.
The problem is that my psychologist (in Brazil, a psychologist gives therapy while a psychiatrist prescribes medication) thinks I used gaming to survive my early years. He believes I should transition to moderation, as it’s my escape, and try to make it a healthy habit to reduce stress. I've been doing cognitive behavioral therapy for some time. He also said that my problem with work isn’t due to gaming but because my brain is hormonally disregulated, affecting my job performance. I work for a big local startup that operates in every state of Brazil, and I manage an entire payment system solo.
Since my child was born, it took me about a month to adapt to my new routine, but it was a very hard transition for me and my wife. We fought all the time. I tried to be a present father by playing early in the morning (6-10 am) before my wife and child woke up and sometimes at the end of the day. It didn’t affect my care for my kid since I only played when he was asleep. Sometimes, I gamed at night while my wife did her own thing, and we spent time together occasionally. However, she wants more time from me and more help with household chores. I take care of the pets and their needs and sometimes wash dishes, but we pay someone to clean the house daily. My wife doesn’t work; she takes care of our child and started another college course to eventually work from home like me in software development. She wants me to be there for them and not waste time on unproductive behavior.
My wife almost left me after what happened in the last five days. My psychiatrist said I should quit gaming entirely, sell my gaming computer, and never look back.
So, I deleted League.
The result was that I became very anxious. I tried not to play anything and sat on the couch for about three hours, staring at the wall, with no will to do anything. I had lots of work to do, but I was already exhausted from the responsibility and trying to be the father my kid deserves. In that moment, already worn out from fighting with my wife, feeling too much pressure to work, and struggling financially, I had a huge panic attack. My wife got angry and left the house that day.
I needed something to relieve my stress, so I downloaded Albion on my phone. For the past five days, I haven't worked. All I do is play this game. I feel like I have no will to live. I’ve been honest with my job about feeling overloaded. My psychologist believes my psychiatrist shouldn’t have told me to quit gaming cold turkey because I use it to relieve stress. Now, I don’t know who is right or wrong. I’m already tired of Albion and just deleted it. I feel like going back to League. I also impulsively spent money on Albion that I shouldn’t have. In League, I spent less because I already have all the skins. Now I don’t know what to do or who to believe. Should I stop gaming? If so, how can I do it? I feel crazy if I don’t play.
What are your opinions? Sorry for the long text.
TL;DR: I'm a software developer struggling with gaming addiction, affecting my job and family life. My psychiatrist advised me to quit gaming, but it led to anxiety and a panic attack. My psychologist suggests moderation instead. My wife is frustrated and almost left me. I don't know whether to quit or find a balance. Need advice.
submitted by Mister4li3n to StopGaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:43 Philothea0821 My Biggest Problems with Protestantism

I want to take a moment to list out some of my most challenging problems with Protestantism according to what Scripture says, in no particular order. It is not a comprehensive list of all of the problems that I have with it, but having these answered would go a long way to me taking Protestantism seriously from a theological viewpoint.
We should rely on our own personal interpretation of Scripture
And we have the prophetic word made more sure. You will do well to pay attention to this as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts. 20 First of all you must understand this, that no prophecy of scripture is a matter of one’s own interpretation, 21 because no prophecy ever came by the impulse of man, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God.
Here, Peter is saying PAY ATTENTION TO THE CHURCH!!! Listen to what the apostles are teaching and allow that to form your reading of Scripture. If you read the rest of this chapter, He says that "we" (the apostles) have had given to them, "all things that pertain to life and godliness" through knowledge of Jesus Christ. When we read Scripture, we should not read it solely with our own understanding, but allow ourselves to be taught by the apostles (or those appointed by them as successors).
When it comes to Sola Scriptura, I do not see how it is not relying on one's own personal interpretation. How do I know that I am understanding Scripture correctly? How do I know that I do not have an interpretation that is horribly off base? I have never really gotten an answer to this from Protestants.
If I am debating Scripture, according to Protestants, I am debating the sole highest authority. So if I test my interpretation against something else, I am testing against a lesser authority and thus it can still be challenged and I have not sufficiently solved the problem.
We only need to declare Jesus as Lord to get to Heaven
“Not every one who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.
Here Jesus flatly says professing that Jesus is Lord is not enough to get you into Heaven, but doing the will of the Father. Yes, we are saved by faith through grace. If you get baptized and are shot dead the moment you walk out of the church, you will go to Heaven having done nothing except making that "leap of faith." If you are in a car crash and have a minute to live and all you can do is place your trust in Jesus, yes, you will be saved. But for 99.99999% of people, this is not the case. We have our entire lives to live after baptism. So the question is "Do we live according to what we profess with our mouth?"
If I say "I am an Orioles fan." but only ever go to/watch Yankees games and only ever root for the Yankees, would you say that I am actually an Orioles fan? Do I not call into question that statement that I made by my actions? What if I grow up as an Orioles fan, regularly attending games and watching them daily. But then later, my favorite player gets traded to the Yankees and I convert to a Yankees fan. Was I never an Orioles fan to begin with? No. That would be silly. I was an Orioles fan, but then became a Yankees fan.
Likewise, if I say "I am a Christian and believe that Jesus rose from the dead." But I never attend Church, I am not loving others, I am worshipping other gods, etc. Am I really a Christian? Maybe I was at one point, but I certainly am not now based on what I have done.
As such, yes, it is true that works do not save us, but if we act contrary to what we believe, we cannot have assurance of our salvation. Hopefully God still finds a way to bring us to Heaven. I would rather someone spend 1000 years after death having their soul purified knowing that they will go to Heaven then know for a fact that they are in Hell. Even so, we must recognize that Hell is real, it is a real possibility.
Baptism does not save
He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned.
Baptism, which corresponds to this, now saves you, not as a removal of dirt from the body but as an appeal to God for a clear conscience, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, 22 who has gone into heaven and is at the right hand of God, with angels, authorities, and powers subject to him.
I have ZERO idea where some Protestants get this idea from. The idea that Baptism is not salvific is not at all Scriptural. This really ties into the "Sola Fide" bit of this post.
The Eucharist is merely symbolic
I am the bread of life. 49 Your fathers ate the manna in the wilderness, and they died. 50 This is the bread which comes down from heaven, that a man may eat of it and not die. 51 I am the living bread\)c\) which came down from heaven; if any one eats of this bread, he will live for ever; and the bread which I shall give for the life of the world is my flesh.”
52 The Jews then disputed among themselves, saying, “How can this man give us his flesh to eat?”\)d\) 53 So Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you; 54 he who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. 55 For my flesh is food indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. 56 He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him. 57 As the living Father sent me, and I live because of the Father, so he who eats me will live because of me. 58 This is the bread which came down from heaven, not such as the fathers ate and died; he who eats this bread will live for ever.” 59 This he said in the synagogue, as he taught at Caper′na-um.
Jesus flat out says "This bread that I am talking about here is my flesh." So the disciples challenge Him saying "You mean this figuratively right?... RIGHT?
So Jesus responds repeating himself over and over in verses 53 through 58. How many times does Jesus need to say something for you to believe it? You will latch on to a singular verse that teaches something you agree with (or seems to) for dear life at the exclusion of literally any other verse on the topic, but something else is taught multiple times and you don't believe it? I am confused about how Protestants read the Bible. It does not seem to be in any kind of coherent exegesis.
You are allowed to get divorced and remarried... at all.
“Every one who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery, and he who marries a woman divorced from her husband commits adultery.
But Jesus said to them, “For your hardness of heart he wrote you this commandment. 6 But from the beginning of creation, ‘God made them male and female.’ 7 ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife,\)a\) 8 and the two shall become one.’\)b\) So they are no longer two but one.\)c\) 9 What therefore God has joined together, let not man put asunder.”
He said to them, “For your hardness of heart Moses allowed you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so. 9 And I say to you: whoever divorces his wife, except for unchastity,\)c\) and marries another, commits adultery; and he who marries a divorced woman, commits adultery.”
A wife is bound to her husband as long as he lives. If the husband dies, she is free to be married to whom she wishes, only in the Lord.
Marriage is "until death do us part." The teachings on divorce from the Gospels is trying to set a trap for Jesus to see which rabbinical school he agrees with. Jesus comes out and says. "Neither." He says "Yeah. Moses allowed for divorce. But this is not how it was from the beginning. What about that "except for unchastity" phrase in Matthew (and only Matthew)?
There Matthew is talking about unions that God did not join together. He is talking about invalid marriages that his primarily Jewish readers would have been thinking about. The gentile converts to Christianity would not have thought about these weird situations, so this is excluded from the other gospels.
You can get re-baptized
There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call— one Lord, one faith, one baptism,
Some that want to say that you can get rebaptized jump to Acts 19. Reading this passage, it would seem that what is going on here is that the Baptism by John was not in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Paul is essentially saying that the "baptism" that they had received was not valid. He does not say that he "baptized them again into Christ." Rather it says that Paul "baptized them in the name Jesus Christ." As in they were not baptized into Christ, so Paul baptized them "for real this time."
You can only be cleansed from Original Sin once. After that, you can confess your sins and have them forgiven. Baptism is what makes into a child of God. That can only happen once. To do otherwise is a grave sin because you are saying that God was not powerful enough to save you the first time. Again, if a baptism is deemed to be invalid, this is a different story. This is why Paul asks "Into what were you baptized?"
The Church is simply the collection of believers
“If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. 16 But if he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every word may be confirmed by the evidence of two or three witnesses. 17 If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector. 18 Truly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
Here it is clear that the "Church" is something more than a collection of believers. Jesus teaches here that first, you deal with disagreement 1 on 1. If that does not work, you go and get other believers to help show that they are wrong. If that does not work, then take to the Church. If even that does not work, they are to be treated as an unbeliever (excommunicated).
Certainly, all believers are a part of the Church - which is the body of Christ. The Church is not a parish or a singular building. The Church is universal, but there is a clear structure to it. There are priests, bishops, elders, etc. There is real authority in that structure. This article goes over in Scripture and towards the bottom the Church Fathers what the Church is meant to look like:
Many Protestant ideas sound nice, but I do not want to believe something merely because it sounds nice. Dessert for dinner sounds nice but it is not good for my body. Likewise, we should not judge something on "does it sound nice." We should judge something on whether it is good for our souls.
I look at many Protestant theological views and note how they seem to not be based in Scripture or based on a misunderstanding of Scripture. I would love to see if Protestants can properly answer these. Simply quoting verses that seem to back you up is not enough here. You need to show that these other verses are not problematic.
I do not only want to trust in Jesus, I want to trust that I am following everything that he taught. Jesus commanded the apostles to teach all that He has commanded, not just the important stuff. If you get the main stuff right but other things wrong, you still got it wrong. If a teacher gave a 10 question quiz and said, "You got questions 1, 2, 5, and 7 right, but everything else wrong. It is ok though those questions were the most important." I still get a failing grade. So, if you want me to convert to Protestantism you need to show that you actually follow all of Scripture, because I want to strive to get a 100% on the "test" of salvation. After all Jesus told us to "Be perfect as Your Heavenly Father is perfect" Not "Be kind of perfect as Your Heavenly Father is perfect."
submitted by Philothea0821 to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:35 Big_Conclusion_150 Guide to 75% criteria, and what to do if not fulfilled

So first of all if you have got 75% total aggregate marks
In PCM + ENGLISH + 1 optional subject (any best) Then you are eligible for appearing in JEE mains + advance and also secure the seat in NITs/IITs/IIITs
Now for those who couldn't score 75% or above
You have 3 options
1- re-evaluation -- for those jinke 70-74.8% marks aye hai aur kuch marks se reh rahe hai and confidence hai ki marks bad jayege to revaluation karwalo, ye kuch uske steps :-
Phele verification of marks - 500 (totalling firse karge)
Fir photocopy ke 700 (thumari answer sheet thumare hath me hogi, answer challenge kar sakoge)
Fir Final re evaluation - agar thume lage ki meri answer sheet me issue nahi hai to challenge karskte ho jee ki tarah aur uske 100 lagege per question
2- IMPROVEMENT EXAMS NOW THIS FACILITY IS ONLY AVAILABLE IN CBSE AS FAR AS I KNOW, so those who couldn't secure 75% can appear in improvement
Improvement one subject only - improvement exam (2024) will be conducted in july of this year and forms for application will be released in month of june For those who have trust in themselves and think that scoring better in one subject can make them cross 75% mark can appear in that one subject
If you unfortunately score less in improvement than you scored in boards than it would not be considered in marksheet
Improvement of one or more subjects - if you think increasing marks in one subject is not enough you can give improvement in multiple subjects that will happen next year in feb-march with 2025 batch students, you have to take drop for this option
If you are from other boards like UP or bihar, you cannot appear in improvement as that is only for students who have failed in exams
For these students, NOIS IS THE ONLY OPTION
Now before you go for nois let me tell you that, YOU ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR IIT as its clearly mentioned in there brochure that only those who have appeared in 12th exams once and from the same board can avail IIT seats, so nois is not the same board as its totally different thing all together, so if you are from any other board and switch to nois after obviously appearing in 12th exams you are not eligible for IIT Still You can get in NIT/IIITs For NOIS make sure you give exams from same state that you are from i.e. from your home state (where your permanent address is)
There is no option for you, unfortunately Non cbse students to get into IIT if your board dont allow Improvement exams
Thats it, thanks 👍
Important links
submitted by Big_Conclusion_150 to JEE [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:34 Big_Conclusion_150 GUIDE TO 75% CRITERIA AND IMPORTANT IN BOARDS

So first of all if you have got 75% total aggregate marks
In PCM + ENGLISH + 1 optional subject (any best) Then you are eligible for appearing in JEE mains + advance and also secure the seat in NITs/IITs/IIITs
Now for those who couldn't score 75% or above
You have 3 options
1- re-evaluation -- for those jinke 70-74.8% marks aye hai aur kuch marks se reh rahe hai and confidence hai ki marks bad jayege to revaluation karwalo, ye kuch uske steps :-
Phele verification of marks - 500 (totalling firse karge)
Fir photocopy ke 700 (thumari answer sheet thumare hath me hogi, answer challenge kar sakoge)
Fir Final re evaluation - agar thume lage ki meri answer sheet me issue nahi hai to challenge karskte ho jee ki tarah aur uske 100 lagege per question
2- IMPROVEMENT EXAMS NOW THIS FACILITY IS ONLY AVAILABLE IN CBSE AS FAR AS I KNOW, so those who couldn't secure 75% can appear in improvement
Improvement one subject only - improvement exam (2024) will be conducted in july of this year and forms for application will be released in month of june For those who have trust in themselves and think that scoring better in one subject can make them cross 75% mark can appear in that one subject
If you unfortunately score less in improvement than you scored in boards than it would not be considered in marksheet
Improvement of one or more subjects - if you think increasing marks in one subject is not enough you can give improvement in multiple subjects that will happen next year in feb-march with 2025 batch students, you have to take drop for this option
If you are from other boards like UP or bihar, you cannot appear in improvement as that is only for students who have failed in exams
For these students, NOIS IS THE ONLY OPTION
Now before you go for nois let me tell you that, YOU ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR IIT as its clearly mentioned in there brochure that only those who have appeared in 12th exams once and from the same board can avail IIT seats, so nois is not the same board as its totally different thing all together, so if you are from any other board and switch to nois after obviously appearing in 12th exams you are not eligible for IIT Still You can get in NIT/IIITs For NOIS make sure you give exams from same state that you are from i.e. from your home state (where your permanent address is)
There is no option for you, unfortunately Non cbse students to get into IIT if your board dont allow Improvement exams
Thats it, thanks 👍
Important links
submitted by Big_Conclusion_150 to CBSE [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:34 BrightEyedandBookish Feeling Guilty Over Wanting to Leave

I (31f) have seriously been considering divorcing my husband (33m). There's not one big reason - just a lot of little incompatibilities that add up.
We basically live separate lives under the same roof- he watches anime and plays video games, I read books, go to the gym, go to figure skating lessons, etc. He keeps trying to push me into his hobbies and I'm just not into them (I did try, fwiw).
I have a high sex drive and prefer every day, he has a low sex drive and could go a month or two without sex. I'm also very open and interested in trying new things, he makes vanilla seem spicy. And when we do have sex, it isn't good. For example, he thinks eating pussy is "dirty" and doesn't do it unless I ask and then it's still the bare minimum and kills the mood. He has also been having some ED issues, but won't get checked for testosterone issues, etc.
I do all the cleaning, taking care of pets, etc. I've told him for years that he makes me feel like I'm his mother and not his partner because he won't do anything unless asked, and even then I have to sit with him while he does it.
I meal prep, and he lives off fast food. I have been trying to get into the best shape of my life, and he has gained 100+ lbs over the past few years. I get my hair done, get waxed, etc. and he doesn't even shower or brush his teeth enough (I know this is an indicator for depression but he is on meds and has been his whole life and won't take any additional steps). I also take my job seriously (I work in HR) so anytime I'm working I am focused on that. He works in finance and actually sleeps through part of his workday every day, only responding to messages as he hears them because he stays up too late playing video games.
I also don't like the way that he talks to me a lot of the time - he is very condescending and when I've called him on it, he just says he's like that with everyone. He tries to tell me what to do or push me into doing the things he likes, and it never stops - he has repeatedly told me he wishes I was different and if I would just give in and play video games I would get so much more attention, he'd put together a video game cave, etc. When I try to tell him how that makes me feel he says I'm overreacting and/or he never said that. 🙄
There are more little things, but I don't know if I can stay in this marriage. I'm pretty sure (like 90 percent) that I want to leave, but I feel so much guilt and shame over that. Guilt because he's totally content with the way things are, so I feel like a jerk for wanting to leave. Guilt because I don't have any ill will towards him, and I know it would hurt him. Guilt because I'm not attracted to him anymore and I don't know if I ever will be again. Shame because if he's fine with the way things are, maybe it's my fault?
We don't have kids, but the thought of potentially losing my dog breaks my heart.
How did you deal with feeling guilty or shameful when you wanted out but the other person didn't?
submitted by BrightEyedandBookish to Divorce [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:30 jaredsorensen [This Week's Sermon] Your game sucks, but it doesn't have to


Character attributes suck, and your game sucks because you're stuck on them:







It's 2024. Let's put down the keyboard, take a step back, and think.
Your mission, if you choose to accept it: design, write and publish\* a tabletop roleplaying game*\* for 2+ players by July 1st. Any genre, any setting, any length, art, AI art, no art, layout or no layout whatever.
The only stipulation is this:
The only attributes you can have in your game are the five senses: Sight, Hearing, Smell, Taste and Touch. You don't have to use all five, but you can't introduce any additional attributes. The attributes must have some actual mechanical/systematic function in your game but I don't care how you use them.
A long-form RPG will get bonus points over a short-form/one-page RPG, but a one-page RPG will get more points than a long RPG that isn't about anything.
* Publish meaning anything from a reddit post to a website to a PDF to an actual printed game, free or for sale. The only rubric is that it's gotta be made available to the public somehow so Someone Who Is Not You could access, read and run/play the game.
* Game, not system. I want to see games that have a point. I don't want to see another method for figuring our if a sword did damage to a goblin or not.
Oh and just one more thing, just like you don't comment on posts in Albuquerque, don't feel like you have to comment on this post. It's okay to just not like something, privately.
submitted by jaredsorensen to RPGdesign [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:29 zeccast Why $HEGE is going to go ballistic. The Hege Theorem.

As we all know, there are many factors that can determine the rise and fall of a memecoin. Here, I'm going to explain to you all the Hege Theorem on why Hege can't fail, won't fail, and will eventually reach well over 100mil. It's written in the stars and if you're a community member you probably know already, but I'll split this post into different factors to show you why Hege is the most solid project all-around, and why you should consider buying it and holding it for a couple months at least.
This post aint AI stuff, so don't expect me to say that "our vibrant community fosters a crispy and original project revolutionizing the blockchain". No bullshit, just straight facts.
Hege Factor 1: Dev and Team. Hege Dev has shown again and again that he is trustworthy and dedicated to the project. He has been in the chat every day, communicating every new development and marketing move with the community with maximum transparency. And he obviously hasn't sold a penny. There's also rumors that he'll be quitting his graphic designer job when we reach 10mil MC and go full-on working on Hege. The team supporting our Dev is also composed by chads who recognize the long-term legitimate nature of the project and want to see it thrive. A lot of big holders are in the team too, so many top holders wallets are doxxed and support the chart. Our top holders and loyal whales often also do matching buys, help the chart boom during pumps, and give the community daily TAs on the state of the chart and what to expect from it. Our liquidity to MC ratio is excellent and extremely attractive for whales, memecoins with double our MC have less than our liquidity.
Hege Factor 2: Organic+Paid Marketing blending strategy.
Hege is an extremely promising, yet still very young memecoin. We are only 4 weeks old. For our first 2-3 weeks we relied almost exclusively on organic growth, which brought us from 1.5 to 8 millions just by the sheer power of our narrative and viral graphics. Now, we are taking a blended approach and spending our growing marketing funds to encourage the community. We have already had three big calls just this week. Two were from Chinese influencers, as the asian market access will get us a lot of new buyers and attention. Both influencers have 120k+ following on X, and we expect more whales and big buys in the next days as general market volume recovers. We also were called from the Whale Everything X account (140k+ followers), and a lot more marketing is on the way. We have a CEX listing wallet to gather more funds to be listed in CEXs and a separate marketing wallet where the community and top holders put quite a lot into regularly. It's actually amazing how much (and how many) people believe in this project. Most importantly, we have a newly launched online merch shop which just like everything Hege is extremely cool. Multiple Hege accessories and clothes, and all profits go directly into the marketing wallet. There's also plans to film a video of someone dancing in the club in full HEGE outfit (chad Dev offered 500€ out of his own pocket to whoever would do it)... And it's gonna be a banger.
Hege Factor 3: The community.
Hege's community is unlike any other for a couple of reasons. We are very active in the TG chat, have more groups for different nationalities, from spanish to chinese and Dutch. We have a special Hege After Dark chat for everything...freaky being discussed in the night time. Everyone has a ton of fun and makes new friends in the Hege Fam. The vibe is extremely wholesome and immaculate, so just come vibe with us. You won't regret it. Community and Dev/team also have a ton of trust in each other and believe in this project like no other. We have our own subreddit, X account, crazy cool website, TG community and Discord chat. $HEGE is a movement and it cannot be stopped.
Hege Factor 4: Insane graphic potential.
Something that is not discussed nearly enough about Hege is the crazy quality of our memes, graphics and content. Our Dev is a graphic designer and it shows. Hege has its own recognizable palette with bright, simple colours that are easily memorized and recognizable. New Hege memes come out on a weekly basis. We have just released the first Hege short, and quality is only going up from here. Our merch is therefore also extremely cool, and I think it looks insane even without considering the project behind it. Some of the accessories and clothes are something I'd consider buying if i saw them in an actual shop. And remember all the profits from it actually go into hege's marketing wallet!!
Hege Factor 5: Listings
We have been listed on CMC just last week, and we are now planning to get listed on CEXs to boost our presence and volume, and break through tens of millions of MC. We have some hung members of the team already contributing a lot of Sol to allow us to get listed. But we know we are getting there, sooner or later, cause Hege is a memecoin with a dream, and his dream is to smash. No way we're letting our boy remain a virgin. Which brings us to the key to understanding our project
The ultimate Hege Factor: The Hege Narrative™
All wars and great things on this earth were originally caused by someone wanting to smash. Think Troy. We will destroy civilizations for pus*y.
Well, we are here to make Hege smash his dream girl, Hegena. Hege is a redemption story at heart: he is a little fat, his parents became roadkill when he was just a baby, and he's now going through high school being bullied by the chad hedgehog Hendrix. Hendrix also stole Hegena for himself. The only way for Hege to finally get to smash Hegena is to become a successful memecoin. By making Hege rich, we're unlocking new viral chapters of his story. At 10mil MC, chapter 3 will be uncovered. Help us get Hege to smash and take his dream girl back from his bully!!!
Right now, you could be convinced about the solidity and strenghts of the project. You could be thinking...
Well, the answer is simple: we are on a dip. After a low volume slow weekend (as most weekends are) we are currently hovering around the 3-4 mil area. Last time we had this kind of consolidation (actually lower, going to 2.5mil) , we pumped to 8.4 mil in just two days right after. These last couple days, a lot of volume and interest has been sucked into GME hypecoins, but that will soon be over. Once people realize their profits, they will put it back into the coins they trust and can sleep on, and Hege is the perfect example of that. Don't miss our next pump over 10 mil, it's getting closer: join the Hege Fam now and be a happy man in a couple of weeks.
Check out our socials, shops and website. You'll easily understand why this project's originality is so attractive, and you'll see what the hype is all about. We're just getting started.
CA: ULwSJmmpxmnRfpu6BjnK6rprKXqD5jXUmPpS1FxHXFy
🦔Hege Links🦔
submitted by zeccast to CryptoMoonShots [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:29 Loud_Mulberry_1476 Praxis 5245 vs 5246 (Chemistry)

Hello! I’m taking the chemistry content praxis this summer, and have been looking at the study materials on The state required test is 5246 but the only study materials I can find on this website are for 5245. Is there a significant difference in these tests? And what even is the difference?
I’m also taking the biology content praxis this summer and it looks like I might have the same issue (5245 on and 5236 as a requirement).
If you have any other study tips or advice please let me know! Thank you!
submitted by Loud_Mulberry_1476 to ScienceTeachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:28 healthmedicinet Health Daily News May 13 2024

DAY: MAY 13, 2024

submitted by healthmedicinet to u/healthmedicinet [link] [comments]