Quiz to tell a guy likes you

Off My Chest Philippines

2019.11.20 09:10 Off My Chest Philippines

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2009.03.16 05:31 astrosmash Family Guy on Reddit

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2024.04.28 22:05 Specialist-Gur Question for people who think any of the women on sex and the city are awful people.. are your friends human? /s

I do understand hating on characters or venting about them from time to time. But Iā€™m confused about the extreme views. Aside from the fact that these are TV characters, and the show is more interesting when characters are flawedā€¦ do you not know any people who are flawed? Is everyone in your life morally perfect? Are you?
Like I get that Carrie is dramatic and a bit selfish.. the cheating on Aiden thing, if I had a friend do that Iā€™d proably need a break and Iā€™d definitely encourage them to tell the truth. If they didnā€™t show remorse, Iā€™d cut them off.. but Carrie does feel guiltyā€¦ itā€™s bad, but Iā€™d probably help a friend to be honest and reflect on why they hurt someone.
I get that Charlotte is rigid and old fashioned
I get that Samantha doesnā€™t always have the strongest moral compass
I get that Miranda is judgmental and elitist
But all these ladies have other wonderful qualities that make them great friendsā€¦ why does everyone need to be the ā€œsameā€ in terms of what value they bring?? We all have short comings, donā€™t we?
submitted by Specialist-Gur to sexandthecity [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:05 PrestigiousBowl2192 Rear-end collision advice??

Rear-end collision advice??
Was on the way to the lake a couple days ago and my boat got rear-ended at a 4 way stop. Don't think the driver was paying attention, probly playing with their phone if I had to guess. The outboard took the hit. Broke the wrench bracket support and the bolts, slid the boat a foot and a half up the trailer. Definitely needs a new trailer, prop, lower unit, but what I'm most concerned about is the transom and the rest on the engine, the engine mount and hydraulic piston on the tilt and trim. I'm afraid insurance is gonna try to screw me and I'll be left with a mess of a boat. I really wish they would just total it and I could start over. Any of you guys ever been in a situation like this? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by PrestigiousBowl2192 to Bassboats [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:05 torib543 My kitten hit his head a couple times

My kitten hit his head a couple times
Hey everyone. My 9 week old Olli is a little ball of energy and we play pretty much all day and night. However, heā€™s so rambunctious that he has smacked his head pretty hard a couple times. One time on a wall cause he wasnā€™t looking and now twice hes jumped under a counter that was a little too short, and smacked the top of his head.
I make sure heā€™s okay, his reaction afterwards is normal and he doesnā€™t seem in pain. But guys the way he hit his head I feel like it could even give a human a concussion. I almost want to get him like a soft hat or something.
Do you guys think my kitty is okay if he seems normal immediately after and no noticeable changes in behavioappetite?
submitted by torib543 to cats [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:05 TheNerdbility Above Knee Amputation Question about Possible Healing Issue

Hello. Back in October my father had his left leg above the knee amputated. Due to misdiagnosed diabetis and possible arthritis or muscle shoetening (we cant get a straight answer from any doctor) my dads foot grew a black spot that hurt unbelievably. Got so bad they had to amputate but because of bad blood flow it had to be above knee.
The amputation healing failed. The cut line had completely undone and his bone was stick out a few inches. Went back in and got more taken off. This time with a pintose drain back in November.
The leg is healed this time. Problem is that the pain has not gone away and still very sore. If you look at the leg he has a lump on the side and when you touch it you can tell thats his bone.
It seems that his bone is sticking out of the side of the muscles and pushing on the skin. I don't know how to explain it past that. It seems like all the muscles heald to one side and left the bone sticking out.
I assume this is not normal and is there a way this is fixed? Has anyone experienced this? We have been having trouble to go see the surgeon for a follow up because his scooter tiped a month ago and had a bad fall breaking his hip on the right side.
Any information would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by TheNerdbility to amputee [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:05 Tuppederas I gotā€¦ catfished. Hellppp

Do i block and never think of this again? I was texting this person online and they sent me a good looking pic at first. We talked for like 3 days and it wasnā€™t actually a nice conversation, I didnā€™t enjoy it much, it was dry and annoying, but they were alright looking so i went with it. We are supposed to hang out the next week. I asked how tall they were and they told me their height and their weight for some reason. I was shocked, because you canā€™t look like the person from the first pic at that height and weight and i told them ā€œyou really canā€™t tell youā€™re ā€¦ lbsā€. They sent me another, newer picture of themselves and said ā€œooohhh yeah, the pic I sent is old, I donā€™t like taking pictures of myself hahašŸ˜…(YEAH SO FUCKING FUNNY, SOOOO FUUUUCKING FUNNY), Iā€™ve gotten a bit bigger since then, do you like this pic?ā€. I DID NOT LIKE THIS PICTURE, AT ALL. I just liked all the messages, said something dry not connected to the pictures and stopped replying. How dooo iiiiii yk? I donā€™t wanna be mean, but the whole thing was about meaningless stuff and they better at least be good-looking if itā€™s gonna be meaningless. I GET NOTHING OUT OF THIS LIKE FR
submitted by Tuppederas to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:05 ThrowRAlpaca I am struggling with my self-esteem after this relationship

I recently got out of a 1 year relationship. Towards the end there was a lot of pressure to get married mostly because he had a court case coming up regarding his immigration status. Iā€™m dealing with a lot of guilt for basically abandoning/ghosting him right before his court date. I try to remind myself of the reasons why I left.
He just turned 30 I am almost 30. He wanted a lot of kids while I would be happy with just a few. He would send me google searches like ā€œwhen do women stop being able to have babiesā€. He would say ā€œhaving a baby at 30 is better than 31.ā€ Basically trying to tell me we need to hurry up. I would love to start having babies now, but weā€™re not even financially stable and I am in grad school. When I brought this up to him he said ā€œI donā€™t think you do want kids you just realize youā€™re getting old and running out of timeā€.
I do want to be married someday, but Iā€™m a bit traumatized from my parents divorce. He told me if I donā€™t marry him now then I will never get married. And if I stay like then Iā€™ll be 40 and still unmarried. I also have done a lot of solo travel in my early 20s and he said ā€œwow you can travel all over the world by yourself but making this decision to get married is what scares youā€. He also threatened to look for someone else to marry
In his religion he is allowed to have multiple wives. I was concerned because I wondered if we donā€™t have as many kids as he wants will he look for another woman to have more children with. I brought this up and he got upset. The next day I found a dating app on his phone. I confronted him about it and he said he downloaded it out of anger. He said ā€œyou made me do itā€ and he wanted to see if someone would be crazy enough to marry him. He deleted it, but later threatened to download the app again if I said no to him. I asked if it would be okay if I go on the dating apps he said hell no.
He said this relationship caused him a lot of mental damage. When he told me this I started crying and he said ā€œwow you look so weak right nowā€. But honestly I feel the same way. I have been in therapy for the past few months
submitted by ThrowRAlpaca to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:04 Important-Park3980 My long term girlfriend had a one night stand so I break up with her but she regrets and cries to get me back

I 24M and my GF 26F has been dating for 2 years. I proposed to her half a year ago and everything was fine up until she told her family (we are from different cultures) and her family doesnt approve of the marriage until meeting me (they live at the other side of the earth and I have no means of visiting them(yes she introduced me through video chat)). They have been telling her to leave me (I know family red flag, I dont know why they dont like me) but she knows I wouldnt leave her and she cant leave me by herself so she took the matter into her own hand and went to a party, got drunk and had a one night stand with a random guy so I will leave her. She told me the next morning but pleaded with me not to leave her because she deeply regreted it, and cant imagine her life without me. She cried a lot that day. And I dont know what to do part of me just wants to leave her but another part wants to fix it because she is the love of my life and I dont know what to do. She offered I can cheat on her as many times as I want just dont leave and she will never do it again(not the cheating nor the parties). Since then I moved out of our apartment and crashing with friends now. I'm writing this because I dont know what to do. After the morning she cut ties with her family. I want to take her back (I know I should probably leave forever) but I dont know what to do she was the perfect girlfriend before this. I'm writing this because I'm desperate. I forgave her but it hurts so much and I dont think cheating back at her would help. Only the both of us knows. Until now.
submitted by Important-Park3980 to Infidelity [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:04 tall_snow_white Should I fire my financial advisor?

I'm a mid-30s white collar professional with about $330K in an IRA. I started working with a financial advisor in my mid-20s when I was broke, with big debt, overwhelmed, and had no idea how to dig myself out. He helped me come up with a plan, gave me a lot of emotional support, and charged me $500 a year while meeting with me frequently. Once I got in a better position and started getting IRA contributions, naturally I asked him to manage my IRA. Now Reddit has me questioning if I am an idiot for paying a 1% fee to his firm.
I grew up low income and knew (and still know) almost nothing about finances or investing. I outsource a lot of things in my life because my time is very valuable (in fact, it has an exact dollar value based on the rate I charge) and so I don't feel bad for outsourcing things that would cost me more in time than what I pay a professional (ie, cleaning service, grocery delivery fee) or for things that would require a lot of time investment on my part to understand how to do. But I'm realizing I know so little about finance/investment that I don't even know how to keep my financial advisor accountable, and that is bad.
I recently asked how my portfolio performed last year and he said the return was 10% for 2023 after a bad 2022 (I don't know how it did in 2022 but will find out). I don't even understand if that is better than what I would have earned had my money been in an index fund. And even if I wanted to, I don't know how I would even go about managing my IRA myself and investing it in an index fund. I have no interest in studying stocks and investing in individual stocks.
So I guess I'm seeking advice on:
1) what information to ask for to figure out if my financial advisor is worth his fee or if I should try to manage this myself. I am meeting with him next week for an annual review.
2) what resources I can read to learn the 101s of investment so that I can do this myself or at least understand enough to keep a professional accountable.
One thing to add: I am also annoyed with my advisor because he knows I have had six figures in cash sitting in a regular savings account for several years (emergency savings plus saving for a down payment) and he did not push me to put it in a HYSA. I got that idea from this sub (thank you!) and stuck it all in a Wealthfront account (obsessed) and am now pissed that I could have been earning like $500-800 a month in interest for the last few years and missed out on free money. So that is also making me annoyed with him and questioning if this guy is worth it.
Thank you!
submitted by tall_snow_white to FIREyFemmes [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:04 liljenjen_xo Guy Iā€™m seeing (28M) says I show no emotion and I donā€™t understand how (25F)

This guy Iā€™ve known for over 2 years has always had strong feelings for me and Iā€™ve liked him for a while aswell. We only met up once in those 2 years and just texted on and off. Recently the past few months weā€™ve been seeing each other and really trying things and itā€™s been nothing but perfect. We both felt the same energy from each other like it feels too good to be true and weā€™ve had fun with one another this whole time or at least I thought till now.
He has a lot of insecurities though and doesnā€™t believe I actually like him and that itā€™s too good to be true because he thinks Iā€™m too attractive for him. Heā€™s only had 2 girlfriends and they treated him bad so a lot of his insecurities come from that. He says I make him feel things no one else ever has. I compliment him daily way more than he compliments me and he immediately rejects them. I reassure him about my feelings for him and he doesnā€™t ever believe me even if I pour my heart out to him. Iā€™ll say how much I like him and he shuts me down and says no I donā€™t even though I always express it. I give him so much affection and all over him but says I donā€™t do it like he does when I feel itā€™s the same amount and I express it in my own ways just like he does. Last night he told me he overthinks these things because I sound monotone when I speak and that I donā€™t show any emotion. He says we connect more during sex and that itā€™s the only time i show emotion. He sees me smiling but says I always sound the same. He claims heā€™s never seen me happy. That personally hurt to hear because I didnā€™t realize heā€™s felt that way this whole time. When Iā€™m with him I feel so much happiness and I feel like I show it but maybe itā€™s not enough for him to see no matter how much I think I show it.
There has been many times we have a lot of fun together and I am having fun and the fact he hasnā€™t noticed not once makes me question myself. Thereā€™s times we will be out on dates and he doesnā€™t talk much and I feel like Iā€™m the one entertaining it and heā€™s not showing emotion instead. I genuinely donā€™t know how much more I can show as this is the best I can get other than the fact I still get nervous around him and that doesnā€™t help but it shocks me he doesnā€™t even notice me when I am feeling happy cause I can tell the difference. He also complained that when he stares at me that I look away a lot. But I didnā€™t know why he stares at me because he doesnā€™t say anything when he does. I get insecure when people stare at me for too long and not say anything I start thinking theyā€™re thinking bad about me. He says heā€™s admiring and I donā€™t give him a chance to compliment me but he has several chances cause Iā€™ll stare back still and he doesnā€™t say a word so I eventually look away.
It hurts knowing the person you like and put a lot of effort in doesnā€™t realize how much you like them for a reason I canā€™t seem to control and I feel like itā€™s not like that to me. He started comparing how I am in person is so different than how I am over text. I feel like thatā€™s everyone though and heā€™s not the same either. This whole time heā€™s told me weā€™ve had fun together and connect and now that Iā€™m hearing these things makes me feel like itā€™s all been a lie because now I just feel like he sees me as a boring person and not what he imagined in his head even if he says Iā€™m not.
Now I just feel like heā€™s only seeing me for my looks if this is how he sees my personality and I started questioning why he would even like me and I feel like after this its going to make me feel different about us. Heā€™s only said Iā€™m hard to read in the past but so is he so I didnā€™t think much of it. He didnā€™t like how I reacted to hearing this either because I completely shut down Iā€™ll admit. I didnā€™t know how to take it at the moment and needed a moment to think what to say. I hadnā€™t ate or slept the night before so I became emotional and started to cry. I didnā€™t mean to make it about me but I donā€™t know how to take that when I thought he saw me differently. Now he feels like I invalidated his feelings and says itā€™s easier to just not say how he feels anymore. I personally donā€™t think how either of us feels is necessarily wrong.
He didnā€™t like that I said I find him also hard to read sometimes and he thought I was attacking him. The vibes were already off yesterday before the confrontation because we both werenā€™t feeling good and so I gave him a little more space because he seemed distant and he completely thought I didnā€™t like him anymore even though I was still being affectionate, but I wasnā€™t feeling good either so it wasnā€™t as much as usual but he wanted to get intimate so I waited till I felt better.
I feel like the way we communicate is different and might cause issues in the future. He says heā€™s straight to the point and blunt, and doesnā€™t feel the need to talk about it ever again after and that itā€™s on me after because itā€™s how I feel and has to do with my own insecurities. I also will communicate my feelings but I sometimes have to continue talking things out if I still feel off about things and might need a little more reassurance. I feel like after this I really need to hear what he does like about me other than through text or phone calls because he didnā€™t say anything else about me. It makes me feel like Iā€™m some emotionless robot that has no personality that he finds pretty when thereā€™s so much more to me than that but no matter how much i express myself so he knows more about me he still just says he feels like he doesnā€™t know me and that when I cried he feels like this is the first time meeting me and actually showed emotion and I just canā€™t see possibly how.
This situation I feel really upset after but today is a new day and Iā€™m scared to even bring it up again because of how he does things and he acts like itā€™s a dealbreaker any other. I might just be taking this harder than I should but I only feel like that because he said it wasnā€™t a big deal but the way he views me matters to me and I feel like things feel off for me now. Heā€™s a nice guy but hearing him also say Iā€™m genuine and sweet through text but different in person doesnā€™t sit right with me. At this point I feel like heā€™s just settling and doesnā€™t actually like me for me even if he says he does. Iā€™m confused on how to feel. Iā€™ve asked him in the past if thereā€™s anything I need to work on or stuff he doesnā€™t like and he says nothing that Iā€™m perfect so this threw me off guard. I feel like this hurt because itā€™s been an insecurity of mine my whole life and have been made fun of for it so itā€™s hard knowing the person I care about sees me that way aswell. I am a pretty chill relaxed person but I didnā€™t know it was this bad to where itā€™s negatively affecting how someone sees me. How do I not take this news so harsh and not be so hard on myself about it?
TLDR; Guy Iā€™m dating says I show absolutely no emotion and he canā€™t read me. I try the best I can and feel like I do. I didnā€™t realize he felt this way about me after so long and he doesnā€™t like that it upset me to hear.
submitted by liljenjen_xo to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:04 LilamJazeefa Are these real GuaranĆ­ words (or from some other language in Paraguay or Argentina?)

Hey so I have been going around to various language subs asking about the origins of various words from a language my family speaks / made. It is a mishmosh of various languages, with a very significant portion coming from Guaranƭ as well Yopara-spelling variants of Spanish words (like korazƵ for heart or sapatu for shoe).
However there are some words and phrases I have no information for with regards to the original words in the parent languages. The words of Paraguayan origin that I am having difficulty with are:
1) Latzua - udder 2) Nilugo - a roast 3) Solgu - womb or belly 4) AlgÅ©e - some 5) Yani - full 6) BƵm - generous or kind
As you can see, they look pretty darn different from regular GuaranĆ­ words. GuaranĆ­ has a distinct look to it, and these are just... not that. We have words that I can very easily tell the origins for that are clearly of GuaranĆ­ origin. It's the overwhelming majority, such as tykue as juice or like yasĆæ as month. But these just... stand out.
There are other words that we use, but I'm not sure if we're using them the same as the original GuaranĆ­ such as ko'įŗ½ti as sunrise (I see most definitions say as "morning") or how we have some times where ape and kĆ³'ape mean the same thing -- I'm not sure if they are really synonymous in most instances in GuaranĆ­.
Any insight into these words or their usages? I am trying to document the language as best I can, and that is helped by trying as much as possible to note the etymologies of each word. Any insight would be helpful.
PS: So for this question, I was gonna go onto Guarani, but it wasn't an active sub so I'm asking here.
submitted by LilamJazeefa to Paraguay [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:03 GreenMangoShake84 First love never dies

a little backstory.. He was my first love, but we were teenagers back then. We drifted apart when he went to college, and since our families are close to each other, para lng maiwasan ang conflict nag iiwasan talaga kami magkita except for occasional events like fiesta, etc. Anyway siguro after like 20 yrs nag-reconnect kami (both of us were married na this time.) I would say siguro nagmature na rin kami, I felt na mas better off as friends ra jud mi. Kinuha ako nga ninang sa confirmation sa iya youngest, so kumpare pa jud. Anyway fast forward to this day, he would text regularly gihapon, mga updates sa iya life, etc. Ako I told hubby nga magkatext mi, pabasahon pa man gani nako para lang dili siya maghuna-huna ug lain ba. Lately, magsige man si ex ug reminisce sa past, honestly kiligon pod ko pero imong ante kintahay dili jud paklaro kay minyo baya ming duha pareho. The other night he asked what if kung kami nagkadayon? pastilan mura man niabli ang pandora's box oi! feeling nako nibalik ko pagka teenager hahaha and mind you kami duha are in our 40's na ha? Then the reveal... he said he still loves me after all these years, pero lagi kay til death do us part ang vow, iya nlng dalhon sa katigulangan iyang gibati pra nako. perte na nako hilak ani, I told him i-cut off nalng namo amo communication kay basi asa pa ni maadto. he said mobehave na siya, nga he just wanted to get it out of his chest. nindot kaau itubag nga he always had a special place sa ako heart. he admitted dili happy iyang marriage, same pod ko di pod ko happy sa ako marriage. sorry I'm rambling, kabalo mi sa among limitations duha maski dili mi malipayon sa among respective partners. sungugan kaau ang fate.... to tell you the truth, it has always been you.
submitted by GreenMangoShake84 to Cebu [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:03 Atticus_Johnson Tips for trading.

For most of your in-game trades you probably won't really know the other person so be sure to take some precautions when dealing with them.
submitted by Atticus_Johnson to ToiletTowerDefenseRBX [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:03 SerendipitousCrow Not feeling test ready but I feel like in lessons all I'm doing is practicing, nothing new

I've been learning since June last year and got a new instructor in January (I moved for work). I don't feel test ready and my instructor tells me I'm not ready but also not far off.
I also feel like all I do in lessons is practice and I don't learn anything new
I've just done private practice with a family member for the first time this weekend and they're telling me to stop learning and just do the private practice with them a weekend or two per month
I'm still very rough around the edges. Still absolutely shocking at bay parking, and still get flustered and it's not uncommon for me to stall at lights if it's on a hill and there's people behind me.
I'm hoping to try for my test in late summer
When do you know when you're ready to stop lessons?
submitted by SerendipitousCrow to LearnerDriverUK [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:02 Acrobatic_Repeat_830 AITA for teasing my bfā€™s son and making him ā€œuncomfortable?ā€

I canā€™t even believe Iā€™m writing this. Iā€™m currently in a relationship with a man that had a kid really young and his wife passed away 10 years ago.
It isnā€™t a serious relationship and is suppose to be fun. I really love his son (Jace), though, who is 16 years old.
He is really easy to talk to and surprisingly really good at listening. Iā€™m not far in age from him. Iā€™m 27, so I thought weā€™d be able to joke around with each other. He is, surprisingly, a lot easier to talk to than older men.
We were listening to a Sabrina Carpenter song. His best friend was on the couch, his little brother was on the other couch.
I was playing the song. It goes like ā€œyou can try to get under my skin while heā€™s on my skin.ā€ Randomly Jace goes, ā€œI thought this song was about DP.ā€ I think we all know what that means.
I died laughing and he looked embarrassed by what he said. His friends and brother were like, ā€œhuh? Whatā€™s that?ā€
I started teasing him and asking him, ā€œYeah, Jace, whatā€™s that? Please tell us.ā€ He got super flustered and I canā€™t pushing him. Eventually he said it means ā€œDoughnut Please.ā€
I laughed and said oh yeah sure thatā€™s all it means, and he looked at me, super embarrassed. I really like kids and I think I just may have gotten too close too fast. We have only been dating for 2 months. But I do really like these group of kids and enjoy their company.
Jace was later taking someone out of the fridge and it spilled on his face. He made a joke like, ā€œI just got bukkaked in my own kitchen,ā€ which immediately sent me into laughter.
But this time I was like ā€œJace, how the fuck do you know what that is?ā€ He looked embarrassed again. It was obvious he didnā€™t know I was standing there. He said ā€œfrom a video.ā€ I looked at him, horrified, and he corrected himself and said ā€œI heard someone make that joke in a video. I have no idea what it means.ā€
I called bullshit on that. I said yeah, right. Iā€™m going to be telling your girlfriend about this conversation. He said please, Iā€™m shutting up forever.
I joked that heā€™s a lot more experienced than I would have thought. I guess theyā€™re teaching him a lot of educational material in high school. He kinda made a weird face and said, ā€œIā€™m sorry, I canā€™t be joking like this. I feel uncomfortable. I should leave.ā€
I felt so guilty immediately. But I was also thrown off. I said, ā€œYou brought it up in the first place, dude.ā€ He said I know and Iā€™m sorry and went upstairs. It totally threw me up and Iā€™m wondering how to talk to his dad about this. Maybe Iā€™m treating him too much like a friend? AITA?
submitted by Acrobatic_Repeat_830 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:02 aga457 How can I detach myself?

So itā€™s been around a month since my breakup (we were together for almost 3 years) and nothing makes it better. I canā€™t even comprehend how I could attach myself to someone as much as I did to him. Nothing makes me happy. All my hobbies remind me of him - we used to go to the gym together, paint together, go on walks, trips etc. Basically I have nothing that is mine, even reading reminds me of how we used to read in bed. I know he wasnā€™t a good partner, even the last time we talked (after the bu) he told me to fuck off - he tried to explain himself that it was a joke, but i donā€™t see whatā€™s amusing in talking like that to the person, who is supposedly the love of your life. I tried going out with friends and it made me the most miserable out of all these things. I hated being hit on at the bar and seeing my friend leave to go meet up with her bf after the night out, literally made my heart break. My ex always picked me up if I had girls night out. Do you guys have any tips on how to stop being so attached to my ex? Iā€™ve been trying to go no contact but he keeps reaching out anyways. My life doesnā€™t seem to have a meaning anymore. Everything seems pointless. Also, what makes everything harder iā€™m not a very social person. I donā€™t usually click with people and with him I could talk for hours and felt completely understood for the first time in my life. I know Iā€™ll probably find someone eventually, but the realization doesnā€™t help at all.
submitted by aga457 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:02 unblockedwifiaccess Need a quick hand

Hey all! Hope the days been pleasant to you peeps, I finally found out where the BIG leak is on my 2014 LTZ Hatch, itā€™s back of engine bay and we were able to see it streaming out from this hose connecting to the firewall (indicated by that white scribble).
Anyone have a link for a good replacement part or something of the sort? Iā€™d like to get this done ASAP and get this car driving so I can tell what she needs next. Thanks in advance my fellow sonic enthusiasts šŸ«”
submitted by unblockedwifiaccess to ChevySonic [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:02 DifficultYear6245 How has gabapentin helped with your anxiety ?

TLDR: What anxiety symptoms did gabapentin help reduce for you ? How effective is your dose for anxiety ? What are some realistic expecations for this medication ?
What level of anxiety relief do you guys get from your dose of gabapentin ?
I am on 300mg x2 a day and feel like there's so much room for improvement for my social anxiety but don't know if I have unrealistic expectations.
I still have a ton of challenges socially on this dose but feel weird inquiring about a dose increase.
When in social events I still don't speak unless spoken to and have trouble figuring out how to start or join conversations on my own. Even when the atmosphere is very inviting and prime for engaging with new people.
Is it acceptable to still : * Over think social interactions (before , during, & after) * Feel very rigid and stiff in social settings when anxious * Dread simple tasks like ordering coffee * Avoid/delay certain necessary tasks like getting a haircut bc of social anxiety
I just started a new job and I'm having serious challenges just talking with people in my office. I am still a stranger to most people in my department and I am worried that I am making myself an outsider at this place already.
I feel like the only time I get real relief is if I exceed my prescribed dose but I've stopped doing that because it's unsustainable and feels wrong.
submitted by DifficultYear6245 to gabapentin [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:02 Nadger1337 Before the fall.

I did this flyover and it really felt like a before the fall of LA flyover. If anyone knows how to turn some lights on at random as you fly over plz tell.
LA Dawn
submitted by Nadger1337 to bladerunner [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:02 Crossman556 Jordan Taā€™amu

Where do I fucking start? Holy fuckitty fuck, man. What the hell was that bullshit?!? Who are you throwing to? Apparently he forgot heā€™s not on the Battlehawks anymore! Two picks in the first quarter. TWO. Held SCORELESS in the second half! So much for being a second half team I guess! NO, weā€™ll just fall apart, because whatā€™s competing? Thatā€™s too difficult! I donā€™t even know how the game ended because I left halfway through the fourth! Somehow they scored TWICE after I left! We canā€™t play like this if we want to see any real success. Maybe we donā€™t want to! I couldnā€™t tell today!
And donā€™t think Reggie gets off Scot-free today. WHY ARE YOU CHALLENGING A MEANINGLESS THIRD DOWN IN THE 3RD QUARTER?!? Heā€™d get more use from the red flag by wiping his ass with it! Shit playcalling, shit scheming, shit coaching. Pure, unadulterated shit.
Anyways, on to the next. šŸ‹
submitted by Crossman556 to DCDefenders [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:02 Duramano_ 24 [M4F] Online - Flirt with a french cat dad

Hey to everyone that read this post.
Iā€™m ThĆ©o, a 24 years old guy from France. I work as an data engineer for a big tech company in France. Iā€™m working from home two days out of five and I get bored quick when I do, especially since Iā€™m living on my own (well actually I have a little black cat haha)
Iā€™m looking for some short term chatting. Iā€™m French so of course it might become flirty at some point and who knows, Iā€™m open for it to become regular if the feeling is there. From my experience, I usually enjoy it more when the person is older, more experienced, confident so that explain the title. I donā€™t have any physical criteria but I still would like to know what you look like, so please be ready to send me a selfie early. Thatā€™s me, I would gladly send more pictures if needed.
As for my hobbies, Iā€™ll be quick : I listen to a lot of music (open to any recommendations btw) I like getting lost on youtube watching true crime or science documentary. I enjoy football and e-sport and play video games when I have the time and energy, Iā€™m currently playing Hades, Risk of Rain 2 and Rocket League for anyone interested. I really like cinema and I believe I saw a lot of great movies, so if you want to talk about that I would love to give you my top 5 !
Iā€™m surprised to have written that much haha, I hope that might have sparked an interest in your mind. If it did, hit me up !
submitted by Duramano_ to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:02 Additional_Quail_279 iā€™m pretty sure people think iā€™m transgender

okay so i would like to preface this by saying thereā€™s absolutely nothing wrong with being transgender. i just donā€™t like that i try to be pretty and feminine and people think that i look masculine.
so this all started a few months ago. iā€™ve never been a ā€œtomboyā€, im F20 and i always wear makeup, do my hair nice, wear skirts and dresses, do my nails etc. i posted some pictures asking for hair and makeup tips and a ton of people commented asking me if i was trans, telling me i looked masculine, etc. when i asked why, they said it was because i have very strong, broad shoulders and a large, sharp chin.
since then, iā€™ve tried everything. makeup to make my face appear softer, grooming myself rigorously to make myself look more feminine. my boyfriend said i donā€™t look masculine and my mom said the same thing. but i get stared at in public a lot, especially by men. at first, i thought it was because maybe they thought i was pretty (selfish thought, i know) but now i think itā€™s because they think iā€™m trans.
i live in a small conservative town so this wouldnā€™t be surprising. itā€™s mostly men that stare, but sometimes women too. today a group of young men was staring at my boyfriend and i, laughing and talking. they were speaking spanish and my boyfriend said he noticed them staring and saying something about, ā€œlook how he holds her, look how he touches her hairā€. the only reason i could think of is because i look masculine because thereā€™s nothing wrong with my boyfriend and i wasnā€™t wearing or doing anything crazy.
i know itā€™s easy for people to say ā€œjust embrace itā€ or to ignore it, but all i really want is to look pretty and feminine. i also feel guilty because my boyfriend thinks those guys were talking about him even though iā€™m pretty sure it was about me. i donā€™t want him to be insecure or feel judged in public.
submitted by Additional_Quail_279 to rant [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:01 Sliptjo_quokka Need helpšŸ˜­

Need helpšŸ˜­
Literally here to ask a question but Iā€™m going to a cosplay con this summer and I canā€™t make my mind up if I should cosplay Jing yuan or Black swan. Iā€™m only able to do one of them so I really need help here šŸ˜ž. I love them both so honestly whoever you guys like the most of them tell me. Need help
submitted by Sliptjo_quokka to HonkaiStarRail [link] [comments]
