Hp m2727 scanner unlock

Pixel 8 Pro privacy screen protectors

2024.05.14 13:23 Elliaster Pixel 8 Pro privacy screen protectors

Hello, I've been trying to find a good privacy screen protector for my Pixel 8 Pro, but all the ones I've tried claim to have fingerprint support but it's practically impossible to actually use the fingerprint scanner after installing the screen protector. It's hard to get the fingerprints enrolled and even after it's a gamble if it'll even unlock. Are there any good ones that actually work with the fingerprints?
submitted by Elliaster to GooglePixel [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:40 fernofry Started 2 weeks ago, loving the game so far, except that "Buried Treasure" quest was one of the worst experiences I've ever had in gaming.

How is this quest still in this state give that its a main quest with significant amounts of content locked behind it? Barely playable state but came out 4 years ago.
This happened a few days ago. First, I couldn't meet with Johnny to unlock the first door because Gail got stuck near the entrance. I had to leave and restart. Then they wouldn't get to the intercom because the door was stuck open with an invisible barrier, this happened 3 times. I tried changing worlds but no luck until eventually leaving and re-entering the instanced seemed to suddenly progress it. Then the intercom got stuck and I have to repeat the dialogue with Gail and the secret service.
After that it seemed like smooth sailing, EXCEPT robot damage and HP scaling is fucking weird in this game. Background, I over levelled before the quest to around 70-80 from just doing alien invasion. I realise my character wasn't min-maxed but I dont think it should need to be for main quest content. I had an absolutely horrible time against the robots and assaultrons. The Assaultron's beam was almost a 1-hit kill on me and melee could easily 2 hit me. I was not in power armor but nothing else in the game was hitting me this hard so far so I didnt know I'd need it. I had a .50 cal sniper and semi-auto railway rifle with maxed rifleman perks and it took ages to kill everything (I didnt know I could target in VATs at the time) and the team were useless.
Finally, I get to the Sentry bot. That fucking Sentry bot. That thing 1-hit killed me with rockets about a dozen times. Why was it so overpowered? I had killed Sentry bots in the wild before with the same loadout no problem but this thing was ridiculous. Also every time I died, the health of it reset. I ended up cheesing it by hiding in a backroom and sniping for about 15 minutes.
It was an absolutely horrific experience that nearly made me rage quit. Luckily, Secrets Revealed was a fricking breeze afterwards. Which is good since I had barely any ammo left and was scrounging ever container I could find.
submitted by fernofry to fo76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:18 SkoivanSchiem Incremental/Idle games are so stupid. I love them.

As I'm typing up this submission on my second monitor, NGU Idle is running on my main screen and I'm watching a bunch of numbers go up - waiting for one of my basic attack skills to hit level 25,000 so that I can unlock the next one.
Once all of them are capped, I can move all of my leftover energy to Augmentations and boost my Attack, Defense, and HP into the Septendecillions. This will help me get over the next wall in the game: Boss #58 - Spiky Haired Guy.
But as all of these are running automatically, I shouldn't forget to pay some mind to my Adventuring screen where the loop is pretty much the same: Watch all those pretty numbers go up, get all that glorious loot and boost drops, and level up my equipment so that I can fight stronger enemies and get better loot and get more boosts and get stronger equipment so I could finally take down the first Titan of the game: Gordon Ramsay Bolton.
...look at all those pretty numbers...
...HELP. ME.
It's probably just a phase, or a mood, but I'm in a place right now where I can't really pick up anything that needs a lot of active gameplay investment. At the same time, I still love the smooth-lizard-brain dopamine hit that progression in gaming typically brings.
The idle genre provides that in spades. This particular one I'm playing, NGU Idle, is pretty packed with features that it can hold my interest quite a bit. It's layer upon layer upon layer of almost pure progression by just idling/afk'ing but it has A LOT of layers that you can continue to unlock and will make your numbers go higher and higher. It's pretty crazy, with people taking as much as 20,000 hours to reach the end of the game.
There are a bunch of other good ones on Steam like the classic Cookie Clicker, Leaf Blower Revolution, etc.... I even tried a browser based game one time called The Levelling Tree which is quite literally just you clicking on upgrades on a very basic web layout so that you can watch numbers go up / go up faster... and I played that thing longer than I would care to admit.
submitted by SkoivanSchiem to patientgamers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:32 dragonstein How big is the Netracell Circle?

Hi, I've recently unlocked Netracells and been having fun with them. Got kinda curious if anyone knows an estimate how big the circle is - I've never had the chance to check with like a scanner or anything before (currently at work so I can't check myself right now either)
submitted by dragonstein to Warframe [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:32 sharpeguy I cleared the underworld w 32 Fear, here's how


This is going to be a bit of a lengthy post so bear with me. I am going to get into boons, arcana cards, vows, and weapon/equipment choice in this post and how I eventually was able to clear the underworld at 32 fear. All of this is in context of the build I am going for and the weapon I am using. Different vows, cards, etc. may be better for different weapons and playstyles. This is not a definitive guide and I have only beaten it once so far and by sticking to one weapon during my attempts. I enjoy writing about stuff like this and hope that this can possibly help y'all.
I finished the surface on my 23rd run and then the underworld on the next for reference. I just now cleared the underworld at 32 fear on my 143rd run. Of those between were me completing testaments, trying out weapons/aspects, and chaos trials. I attempted 32 fear a total of 36 times before I finally got it. Total in game time according to steam is 74 hours lol (I had a four day weekend and my gf is out of town so this is pretty much all I did).
Proof of run

Weapon/Aspect: Momus Staff

Firstly you want to get enough resources to unlock and fully upgrade the aspect, I think 10 total nightmare? Giving your special +30 power. I wouldn't bother 32 fear until you can get it all the way up.
For a few runs while I was using the skull with Melinoe/Persephone aspect, as I was trying to complete the 20 fear testament simultaneously. Stopped since I decided I wasn't really comfortable with the skull and switched to Melinoe's staff. Did that for a while and then saw this video and decided to give the Momus staff a shot, where i then won in 7 runs after switching. It also probably helped that I changed around some vows around this time, more on that later.
Watch the video for a breakdown but essentially you want Poseidon special + legendary boon, and ideally the double moonshot hammer that gives your special 2 more projectiles that seek. He switches his binds for left and right click but I did not, up to you.
Took a minute to get used to but essentially I just spammed speciall the entire time in fights, kiting enemies when necessary. I used my cast defensively to root enemies and create space mostly until I got a 3 specific boons, more later. Did not really use omegas at all, as I turned off the magick regen card and turned on the vow that removes your magick at the start of each encounter. If I did gain some magick, I would only use it for the omega special to regain some health when it was safe in fights (5 healing if you are near it when it explodes).

Arcana Cards

This is what I used but some may find other ones more to their liking. I will explain my choices below. Be sure to upgrade these to their max potential. The descriptions that I give are referencing their maxed out bonus. I almost exclusively used my charon cards (obol points) to order 8 moon dust in the camp to upgrade faster. Also having 30 grasp is required so be sure to get that maxed out too. Just playing the game should get you there. Gathering bones and completing minor prophecies are helpful in getting more moondust and nightmare faster to upgrade your cards and aspects. I have starred the one's that I think are almost absolutely necessary.
Arcana card choices
I. The Sorceress: Not using omega moves with this build for the most part, mainly chosen to just fill out the top row to awaken the divinity card.
II. The Wayward Son: +2 health (with 50% healing reduction from a vow) is definitely helpful, some much needed passive healing.
* III. The Huntress: +50% attack and special damage when you have less than 100 magick is probably a must have. Especially in my vows set up where I pretty much never have any magick.
IV. Death: Also to just fill out the row for divinity, not really using omega moves.
* V. The Messenger: +10% dodge chance is a lifesaver.
VII. The Titan: More health (and magick) is helpful for the early game before you get any centaur hearts.
* X. The Lovers: 0 damage from bosses for 3 hits is absolutely nuts, this was a whole keepsake in the last game. Attacks that miss you from dodge or daze from Apollo don't count towards a hit as well.
XI. The Swift Runner: Just generally helpful for kiting and running around, especially with increased enemy movement from a vow.
* XII. Eternity: 3 death defiances are absolutely essential probably in any playthrough unless you are a god at not getting hit ever.
* XVIII. Origination: Enemies with 2 curses take +50% damage is fantastic and helps to absolutely shred through them
* XXII. The Champions: 3 chances to reroll boon choices among other things is pretty much a must for run consistency. I would mainly use it on my first Poseidon boon to get the special. Would also use again to try and get slip or blast damage one or legendary from him, also on Hestia to get her cast or the one that allows you to aim the cast (both possible prerequisites for their duo boon, more later).
XXIII. The Artificer: I slept on this one big time at first until I saw someone using it in a 32 heat run on youtube. Change a minor reward into a major one 3 times is fantastic and really helps in the early game. I would use all 3 in the first region for a chance to get a pom, heart, gold, boon, or hammer. I would almost put this one as a must but you do you.
XXIV. Divinity: 20% extra chance to get an epic boon. Activated by the full top row, its just nice to have to possibly get some more benefits out of boons.
Alternatives: Like I mentioned before I only activate I and IV mainly to activate divinity. You could lose them and go for IX Night (automatic charging for your hex) or XVI The Fates (+3 rolls to change location rewards). I feel like hexes are not all that impactiful personally (except for a couple). Also changing location rewards is a toss up, meh. You could also lose XI extra sprint speed to to open up 5 grasp and go for XV Stength (take and deal more damage at low hp), XVII The Boatman (get more gold at the start of the run), or XIX Excellence (higher % for rare boons offered), which all have valid arguments. In hindsight I think giving up those 3 for Stregnth or Excellence might be worth it, might try in future runs.

Oath of the Unseen Vows

Throughout my runs I experimented a lot with the various choices and found that the ones I chose are best for how I play. It is really up to you, this is just how I did it. I mostly messed around with damage taken, enemy spawns, and health, the rest pretty much stayed constant. I originally was using the 9 minute time limit per region for a majority of my runs until I switched aspects (and the 7 minute several times). I eventually decided that I was playing too aggresively to beat the clock and would lose most of, if not all my death defiances by Tartarus/Chronos, or earlier. I did still have decent amount of time to beat Chronos if I got there with the time limit, just the health and death defiance loss was too much. Here is what I went with and explanations for each, I starred the ones I think should be kept on and are relatively easy to deal with.
Vows Used
Vow of Blood (+3): Just don't get hit duh. No but seriously +60% damage to you hurts, a lot. I really wish I did not have to use this, but the alternatives I think are worse. As you play more you'll get better and learn attack patterns and how to kite effectively.
Vow of Dominance (+3): Enemies now have +30% health which is rough, but with no time limit, just take your time in killing enemies off safely.
Vow of Rebuke (+2): Enemies have 2 barriers before they can take damage, not too bad. Makes clearing enemies a bit harder, but with the poseidon boon, you apply two instances of damage with each hit. So only one special shot with the boon will clear the barrier, also the wave the shoots out of them helps to clear barriers of the other enemies.
Vow of Fury (+3): Enemies are 20% faster (and their projectiles too?! I'm pretty sure this is the case, I haven't played without it in a while so I'm not exactly sure). This one took some getting used to, not much I can say except just keep trying. Another +3 makes them 40% faster which I do not recommend. The screaming shades, wolves and their heads, thorny spinny guys in Oceanus, rats, and Chronos are all insane with 40% extra speed.
Vow of Suffering (+2): +100% for the first hit you take in each encounter. Same as Vow of Blood, its rough, wish I could go without it as well.
Vow of Commotion (+3): 60% more foes in encounters (does not affect the boss summons). Had this one a tier or two lower, or not at all, when I was experimenting with the time limit. The AOE from Poseidon definely helps here, just take your time to clear out enemies. It can get pretty bad in tartarus with the bags and skulls everywhere though so just be careful.
Vow of Haunting (+2): Enemies have 50% of spawning a revenant when killed which if left alone long enough will respawn them. These are annoying as hell but not terrible once you get used to it. On death a flaming green skull thing launches out of them and travels a bit of a distance, just run ovecollect them and they are negated, don't need to damage or whatever. Can sometimes be hard to spot if behind a wall or obstacle. Overall not that bad, its not the end of the world if you let them respawn. Definitely though go for the ones that would respawn an enemy that are hard/annoying to deal with ASAP e.g. rat spawning satyrs, wolves, any projectile shooting enemy. Sometimes I feel like rats almost always spawn a revenant which is annoying. I honestly think they should also rework this so that if an enemy respawns it can't have another revenant spawn.
* Vow of Wandering (+3): 25% chance for enemies to be from the next region. Really not that bad at all, just have to deal with some more annoying enemies with larger health pools.
Vow of Scars (+2): Healing is only 50% effective is not that bad. You only get +2 healing passively from the card now and a lot less from fountains and such, goes hand in hand with blood and suffering, you'll get better at not getting hit.
* Vow of Destitution (+2): Charon's shop (and wells) are 80% more expensive. You'll miss out some boons, healing, poms, hearts, etc. but its not awful, you will still gain a good amount of gold to usually buy a boon or something at the end of each region except Oceanus I found. Also with Poseidon in your god pool, he has some boons that can help with getting more gold like minor find doubling up, increased value of minor finds, and sunken treasure.
* Vow of Panic (+1): No more magick at the start of each encounter. In this build you don't really need it anyways so this is a freebie point of fear pretty much. Also if you decide to have the card that regens magick on it pretty much negates it after a little while.
** Vow of Forsaking (+2): This one might actually be beneficial. The two boon options you don't pick will not longer show up in your run. This is why I have the boon rerolls on, so I can guarantee to get Poseidon special on my first boon. Otherwise this helps to increase your chances of getting legendary or duo boons (if you have the prerequisites) since the boon choice pool is lowered after each pick. It is unfortunate though if both prereqs for poseidons legendary are in the given choices and you are out of rolls though.
* Vow of Arrogance (+4): Prime 10 magick for each level of rarity above common that you pick. Again, not using magick hardly in this build so doesn't really matter. Also in lower fear runs I have used this, it does not really matter all that much even when you are using omega moves.


Poseidon: Equip his keepsake at start, reroll for wave flourish (special) if needed and rarify. Afterwards look for slippery slope then crashing wave ideally. This primes you to get his legendary which gives +150% damage from splash effects to bosses. Other great ones are double up which is nuts that it can possibly double your hearts, gold, and poms you pick up. Ocean's bounty is nice to increase gold. Water fitness is pretty good if you can get 4 water elements to give you +100 health. Flood control is also nice for damage reduction.
Hestia: Equip her keepsake after Erebus if you did not already get her in your god pool (you get up to 4 gods like in Hades I). Ideally you want her both cast and glowing coal, which lets you aim your cast. Either of which in combination with slippery slope gets you access to Poseidon/Hestia duo boon scalding vapor whcih does insane damage over time. I'm not sure if you should prioritize glowing coal over her cast honestly, both have their upsides alone, but you do want both hopefully. With glowing coal so you can aim your cast since you will be fighting from a distance mostly (not always but in how I played this build I did for the most part), which can activate the steam cloud on foes with slip. Hestia cast is less safe and you need to be closer to enemies to get the steam cloud to activate, but it does more damage, continously applying steam on the enemy. Other boons like soot sprint are nice, almost like Athena's dash in the first game. Slow cooker infusion is alright but you may not get many fire elements to increase your base damage power. Flammable coating is great and helps to melt through armored enemies. Burnt offering is pretty nice to increase you health (and magick) pool if you happen to get offered to sacrifice a useless boon.
Other helpful god boons: Pretty much anything that can help apply another curse to enemies. Demeter and Aphrodite are probably the best since theirs are easy to apply without much effort like frigid sprint, gale force, glamour gain, and passion dash. The other gods require secondary boons to get a curse or your attack/special needs to give the curse, you won't really ever be using your attack and your special is reserved for Poseidon.
Hammers: Correct me if I'm wrong, but I feel like I remember in Hades I if you chose a specific hammer you would be locked out of other hammer choices that affect the benefitting move. If the same applies to this game avoid picking a hammer that affects your special for your first hammer if it is not double moonshot, and hope for it on your second hammer. The DPS from Momus staff is still great with spamming special without it (I won my run without it). You could also go ahead and pick up rapid moonfire or shimmering moonshot on your first one because they are pretty powerful too, and I also may be wrong about the hammer exclusion thing.
Keepsakes: So of course Poseidon first, always. Hestia second if you don't get her in your god pool Erebus. Up to you and what you like for Oceanus, maybe choose Demeter or Aphrodite. If I got Hestia I would generally use any one of the following:
Once in the mourning fields I would typically go with the Lion Fang, or possibly one of the above maybe. Lastly in Tartarus I would either use Knuckle Bones (if I felt comfortable with my health and death defiances), Luckier Tooth, or Evil Eye (if Chronos killed me last).
Sidenote: Is Echo bugged? Or is my game just messed up? I was never given the chance to give her a gift so I've never gotten her keepsake :(
Familiar Toula: Sorry Frinos, but Toula is just superior. She gives you an extra death defiance which when upgraded fully gives you 40 health on death. Also upgrading her attack lets her attack more times before she takes a little catnap (cute). She does 99 damage with each strike which is not insignificant. You don't need to go out of your way to sprint over her whenever she is resting to activate her, if she happens to be where you are running it is just some nice extra little bit of DPS. She has actually killed a few bosses for me in my runs lol.

The Winning Run

So all of this information is from finally beating 32 fear. I followed this strategy in my head for the most part. I ended up not getting double moonshot, but did get rapid moonfire. Poseidon offered me both prereqs for his legendary in the same choice without any rerolls left unfortunately, chose slip of course. I did get the duo boon and both of Hestia's cast boons which was nuts. Also I got rare crop right after I got Poseidon's special so it became heroic by the end. I also got offered to sacrifice rare crop after it became heroic by hestia to get more health, and I was then offered it again at epic rarity which increased 3 other of my boons which happened to hit Hestia's cast boons. I did not get any other way to apply another curse other than slip unfortunately as well. Started Tartarus with 2 or 3 death defiances + luckier tooth and beat Chronos on my last life. Overall though, not a perfect run but it still worked. Would have been even more nuts if I got the right hammer, legendary, and another curse effect


Momus Staff good. More special projectiles hammer + Poseidon special + legendary + Poseidon/Hestia duo = nuts DPS. Arcana cards important, vows are tough.
submitted by sharpeguy to HadesTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:35 nakedmolerat54 Looking for a OnePlus or similar with headphone jack AND fingerprint scanner

Am I asking for too much? Does what I want not even exist? Should I travel back to simpler times in 2019?
Current OnePlus 6 user. I absolutely LOVE the rear fingerprint sensor on this phone as its the most sensible place for a fingerprint sensor, and I need a headphone jack (I don't use bluetooth headphones because I WILL lose them). Based in Australia, want to buy the phone outright. Happy to spend around AU$800 (US$530).
I honestly just want the the same phone I have now, minus the dying battery, lock button that rarely works and scratched camera...
Beyond checking work emails, teams and listening to podcasts & audiobook, I mostly use my phone to take photos and browse Instagram, so I liked the 256G of storage on the OnePlus 6. Any rear camera above the 20mp I have now will be an improvement, don't really care about the selfie camera.
I want something durable because I WILL drop this phone out of my hand, off the balcony, into soup, in the sand at the beach etc.
The closest thing I have seen is the OnePlus Nord CE 3 Lite 5G, but I can't work out what the fingerprint scanner is like on that phone? Does anyone know? Are there other phones with external fingerprint scanners?
Face unlock scares the hell out of me and I will be disabling that feature immediately on any phone I get.
submitted by nakedmolerat54 to PickAnAndroidForMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:04 Stanley232323 Daily Community Tiering Post Day 27: Punk Rock isn't dead, just ask this funky lizard! It's Toxtricity/Dynamax Toxtricity!

Hello again everybody!
Before we get started on today's post the current voting for Carbink currently has Abstaining votes with a bit of a lead over the next highest amount of votes (which is C tier). There is still time to vote however, if you haven't voted on that one yet you can find a link to the post in the comments on the post linked below or by sorting the SubReddit by the Tiering/Voting tag!
Unless something changes however it looks like Carbink will likely go back on to the radar list for a future vote. Like with all previous votes I'll continue to check the numbers and if anything changes I'll update it on tomorrow's post.
(Please note that this voting/tiering is centered around Classic mode as after a certain point in Endless only about 5 Pokemon and 2 abilities are truly viable.)
So current tiers are:
S tier - Garganacl, Cloyster, Skeledirge, Gholdengo, Tinkaton
A tier - Gyarados/Mega, VenusauMega/Dyna, Aegislash, Corviknight/Dyna, Excadrill, GardevoiMega, Toxapex
B tier - Kanto-Persian/Dynamax Kanto-Meowth, Weavile, Starmie, Rhyperior, Quagsire, Mamoswine
C tier - Linoone
F tier - Dustox
With that being said let's get to today's vote!
Today is day 27 of tier voting and today we'll be talking about the funky rock 'n' roll lizard from Generation 8 that was the signature Pokemon of the gym leader who was part of a band and said no words during his solo lol. Toxtricity is fairly popular and well-known for its signature ability which synergizes very well with its moveset. Toxtricity has an interesting and unique typing that only it and its pre-evolution have claim to. While it does have a 4x weakness to Ground both of its types are strong types offensively and give it immunity to 2 status conditions which means it certainly can find ways to fit onto a team. It has a pretty solid stat spread in its base form and it also has the benefit of most of its strongest moves being spread moves making it a strong choice for double battles. This game gives it several gifts including a very good passive to go along with one of its strongest moves, as well as some really good egg moves that synergize with its signature ability even further and a super good stat spread for its Dynamax form.
(Please note that Pokemon with Mega/Dynamax evolutions will be tiered as one Pokemon and not tiered separately for their Mega/Dynamax form. Different variants such as Alolan Persian vs. Kanto Persian will be tiered separately however.)
(Also here is the post with rules for voting/tiering posts and a little more explanation about them in general: https://www.reddit.com/pokerogue/s/0LNZhPPzR9 Links to past votes can all be found here as well in comments added to the OP with each new vote)
And here is a quick reminder of what each tier generally means:
S tier: Top tier, can make or break your entire run, essentially the cream of the crop
A tier: really strong but not quite top tier, maybe slightly outclassed or has a slight weakness holding it back
B tier: solid choices that can make it to your endgame team, might be reliant on team composition to truly function well or might just be outclassed as well
C tier: usually early-mid game Mons, ones you don't really want to take to end game if you can avoid it, usually pretty decently glaring weakness but something redeeming enough to keep from F tier
F tier: no reason to use in end game unless you're doing it for a meme/joke
Abstain/No Opinion: this will be a voting option mostly just in case someone accidentally votes and then can't remove their vote (I've noticed that happens on Reddit sometimes) or for Pokemon people haven't unlocked/used to their full potential yet. If Abstaining votes outvote each individual tier then the Pokemon will be tabled for the time being and another vote will open up for it later (can mostly see this happening with Legendaries).
(Data in parentheses is for the Dynamax form)
[Also worth noting Toxtricity base form has 2 different forms it evolves into based on its nature. The only difference between these forms is its secondary ability and one of the moves it learns by level-up though, so I will put these brackets around the 2 moves and abilities. Both forms have the same Dynamax form]
Toxtricity (Dynamax)
Type: Electric/Poison
Mega: No
Dynamax: Yes
Starter cost {Toxel}: 3
Possible Egg moves: Nasty Plot, Baneful Bunker, Sparkling Aria, Torch Song
Abilities: Punk Rock or [Plus or Minus]
Hidden Ability: Technician
Passive Ability: Galvanize - Turns this Pokemon's Normal-type attacks into Electric-type attacks and boosts the power of Electric type attacks by 20%
Evolution: Toxel evolves into either Amped form or Low-Key form Toxtricity at level 30 depending on its nature. Toxtricity can Dynamax with Dynamax bracelet and Max Mushrooms
Base stats:
HP - 75 (95)
Attack - 98 (118)
Defense - 70 (80)
Sp. Attack - 114 (144)
Sp. Defense - 70 (80)
Speed - 75 (85)
Learnset by level up: Acid, Acid Spray, Belch, Flail, Growl, Leer, Noble Roar, Nuzzle, Tearful Look, Thunder Shock, Charge, Shock Wave, Scary Face, Taunt, Screech, Swagger, Discharge, Poison Jab, Overdrive, Boomburst, Spark, [Shift Gear or Magnetic Flux]
Notable TMs: Protect, Metal Sound, Thief, Trailblaze, Charge Beam, Facade, Swift, Hex, Snarl, Stored Power, Venoshock, Volt Switch, Sunny Day, Rain Dance, Brick Break, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Rest, Sleep Talk, Drain Punch, Thunder Wave, Toxic Spikes, Eerie Impulse, Gunk Shot, Hyper Voice, Thunderbolt, Wild Charge, Sludge Bomb, Thunder, Power-Up Punch, Screech, Sludge Wave, Throat Chop
Tomorrow's vote: GengaMega GengaDynamax Gengar!
Pokemon on the radar for voting very soon: Aggron/Mega, Comfey, Crobat, Ferrothorn, Gliscor, Delphox, Roserade, Vileplume, Minior, Hitmonchan, Bibarel, Whimsicott, Chandelure, Archaludon/Dynamax Duraludon, Alakazam/Mega, Infernape, Flamigo, Volcarona, Alolan-Decidueye, Barbaracle, Butterfree/Dyna, Beedrill/Mega, Mawile/Mega, Drednaw/Dyna, Annihilape, Cramorant, Aerodactyl/Mega, Glimmora, Heatran, Tapu Koko, Dialga/Primal, Galarian-Zapdos, Regieleki, Regidrago, Zacian, Zamazenta, Rayquaza/Mega, Latias/Mega, Latios/Mega, Ho-Oh, Volcanion, Cinccino, Snorlax/Dyna, Wishiwashi
(Other requests will be added to this list and this list is not necessarily in order)
Happy voting!
View Poll
submitted by Stanley232323 to pokerogue [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:42 NoBike23 Lock keys (Num and Caps) seem messed up when I push them

I have a Victus by HP gaming Laptop. Recently it seems like when I push either the Num Lock or Caps Lock it messes up.
For Num Lock it seems like it instantly unlocks after I start typing numbers. It's almost like I have to hit Num Lock, type a number, then hit Num Lock again.
For Caps Lock it's often when I hit it by accident. It's like I turn Caps Lock off but it continues to type in Caps. I often have to switch to another window to get it to stop typing in Caps with Caps Lock off.
I don't know if I accidentally hit a combination of keys that triggered this but I really want the Caps Lock issue fixed somehow.
submitted by NoBike23 to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:16 LaptopDealsTM 🎮💻 (May 2024 Updated List) The Best Mid Range & Budget Gaming Laptops + The Best Video Editing, Professional & Student Laptops! 📚

Hey All, A new month is upon us and I've compiled a carefully curated selection of top-notch laptops spanning various categories (Top Performance RTX 40 series, Mid Range & Budget Gaming Laptops+ Video Editing, Professional & Student Laptops). While reviewing this list in search of a new laptop, Please don't hesitate to inquire or propose any laptops you believe deserve a spot in these categories. You can leave a comment in the comment section to the bottom section of the page.

General Use Laptop Deals
Name & Link Specifications Prices
Lenovo IdeaPad Slim 3 Ryzen 3 7320U, 8 GB RAM, 256 GB SSD, 1080p 15.6" Display $299.99
HP 15-ef2015nr laptop 15.6" (1920 x 1080) FHD IPS Display - AMD Ryzen 5 5500U, AMD Radeon Graphics, 16GB RAM, 512GB SSD $339.99
HP 15 15-fc0010nr (2023) Laptop FHD Display, AMD Ryzen 3 7320U, 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD, AMD Radeon Graphics, Windows 11 Home $363.49
Lenovo IdeaPad 1i 15.6", Intel Core i5-1235U, 8GB RAM, 512 GB SSD, Cloud Grey, Windows 11. $379
ASUS Vivobook 16 16” WUXGA (1920X1200) 16:10 Display, AMD Ryzen™ 5 5625U, AMD Radeon™ Graphics, 8GB RAM, 512GB SSD, Fingerprint Sensor, Windows 11 Home $442
ASUS Vivobook Go 15 15.6” FHD Display, AMD Ryzen 5 7520U Processor, 8GB RAM, 512GB SSD, Windows 11 Home $489
ASUS Vivobook 16" Laptop Intel i7-1255U, 16GB RAM, 512GB SSD, FHD+ 16" Display $499
Dell Inspiron 15 3530 Laptop Intel i5-1335U, 16 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD, 1080p 15.6″ 120Hz Display $580.77
Samsung Galaxy Book3 15" Laptop (2023): Intel i5-1335U, 16GB RAM, 256GB SSD, 1080p 15.6" Display. $579.99
ASUS VivoBook 16 Laptop 16” WUXGA (1920 x 1200) 16:10 Display, AMD Ryzen 9 7940HS, AMD Radeon™ Graphics, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD, Windows 11 Home $694.49
ASUS Vivobook S 15 Laptop Intel Ultra 7 155H, 16 GB RAM, 1 TB SSD, 2.8K 15.6" 120Hz OLED Display $749
ASUS ZenBook 14 Laptop 14" FHD+ (1920x1200, WUXGA+) 16:10, 60Hz, 400-nits, 500-nits HDR, 100% DCI-P3, Pen Support, Glossy Touch, OLED Display, Core Ultra 7 155H, Intel Arc Graphics (8 X Cores), 16GB DDR5 RAM, 1TB SSD. $799.99
Acer Swift Go 14 Intel Evo Thin & Light Laptop 14" WUXGA (1920 x 1200) IPS Touchscreen, Intel Ultra 7 Processor 155H, Intel ARC, 16GB RAM, 512GB SSD, Win11 Home $799.99
Lenovo IdeaPad Pro 5i 16" Laptop: Intel i7-13700H, RTX 3050, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD, QHD+ 16" 120Hz IPS Display $799.99
Acer Swift Go 14 Laptop Intel Ultra 7 155H, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD, 2.8K 14" OLED 90Hz Display. $799.99
Apple 2022 MacBook Air Laptop with M2 chip 13.6-inch Liquid Retina Display, 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD Storage, Backlit Keyboard, 1080p FaceTime HD Camera. Works with iPhone and iPad; Midnight. $849
ASUS VivoBook S 14 14", FHD+ (1920 x 1200, WUXGA+) 16:10, 60Hz, 400-nits, 600-nits HDR, OLED Display, Intel Core Ultra 9 185H, 16GB LPDDR5 RAM, 1TB SSD $899.99
HP Envy x360 15 inch Laptop FHD Display, Intel Core i7-1355U, 16 GB RAM, 1 TB SSD, Intel Iris Xe Graphics, Windows 11 Home, 15-ew1199nr (2023),Silver $919.99

Gaming & Productivity Laptop Deals
Name & Link Specifications Prices
ASUS ROG Flow X13 Touchscreen Gaming Laptop 13.4" FHD+ (1920 x 1200, WUXGA+) 16:10, 120Hz 7ms, 500-nits, 100% sRGB, IPS Touch Display, Ryzen 9 7940HS, AMD Radeon 780M, 16GB DDR5 RAM, 512GB SSD. $749.99
ASUS TUF A16 Gaming Laptop 16" 165Hz FHD (1920x1080) Display, AMD Ryzen 7 7735HS, Radeon RX7700S, 16GB DDR5 RAM, 512GB SSD, Windows 11 Home. $749.99
HP Victus 15.6" FHD 144Hz, Intel i5-12500H, RTX 4060, 16GB RAM, 512GB SSD $799
Lenovo IdeaPad Pro 5i 16" Laptop: Intel i7-13700H, RTX 3050, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD, QHD+ 16" 120Hz IPS Display. $796
Acer Swift X SFX14-41G-R1S6 Creator Laptop 14″ Full HD 100% sRGB, AMD Ryzen 7 5800U, NVIDIA RTX 3050Ti Laptop GPU, 16GB LPDDR4X, 512GB SSD, Wi-Fi 6, Backlit KB, Amazon Alexa, Windows 10 Home $851
Lenovo Legion Slim 5 Gaming Laptop 16" FHD+ (1920x1200, WUXGA+) 16:10, 144Hz, 300-nits, IPS Display, Ryzen 5 7640HS, RTX 4060 (100W), 16GB DDR5 RAM, 512GB SSD. $899.99
Lenovo Legion 5 15.6" WQHD (2560x1440) 165Hz, , 100% sRGB, Ryzen 7 7735HS, RTX 4060 (140W), 16GB DDR5, 512GB SSD $869.99 $969.99
Lenovo Legion Slim 5 Gen 9: 16" QHD+ (2560x1600, WQXGA+) 16:10, 165Hz, 350-nits, 100% sRGB IPS Display, Ryzen 7 7735HS, RTX 4070 (140W), 16GB DDR5 RAM, 1TB SSD. Now: ; $1,092.24 after selecting ZIP Payment and applying the coupon ZIPLENOVO at checkout. 🔥
Acer Nitro 5 Intel i7-12650H, RTX 4060, 16 GB RAM, 1 TB SSD, 1080p 15.6" 144Hz IPS Display $1,099
Acer Nitro V 15.6" FHD IPS 144Hz Display, NVIDIA RTX 4060 (140W), Intel i9-13900H, 16GB DDR5 RAM, 512GB SSD $1,099.99
Acer Predator Helios 16 Gaming Laptop Intel i7-13700HX, RTX 4060, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD, QHD+ 16" 165Hz IPS Display $1,129.99
Lenovo Legion Slim 5 16" Laptop: Ryzen 7 7840HS, RTX 4060, 16GB RAM, 512GB SSD, QHD+ 16" 165Hz IPS Display $1,129.99
ASUS VivoBook Pro 16 Laptop 16” Display, Intel Core i9-13900H, NVIDIA® GeForce® RTX™ 4060, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD, Windows 11 Home, Quiet Blue $1,199.99
Gigabyte Aorus 15 Gaming Laptop Intel i7-13700H, RTX 4070, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD, 1440p 15.6" 165Hz IPS Display $1,299
Acer Predator Helios 16 Intel i7-13700HX, RTX 4060 (140W), 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD, QHD+ 16" 165Hz IPS Display $1,399.99
XPG Xenia 15G Gaming Laptop 15.6" 144 Hz FHD display, Intel Core i7-13700H CPU, 32GB DDR5 RAM, 1TB SSD, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 (140W), Windows 11 Home $1,469.99
ASUS VivoBook Pro 16 OLED Laptop 16” OLED Display, Intel Core i9-13900H CPU, NVIDIA® GeForce® RTX™ 4060 GPU, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD, Windows 11 Home, Quiet Blue, K6602VV-ES94 $1,498.99
ASUS Vivobook Pro 16X Laptop 16" 3.2K (3200 x 2000) OLED 120Hz, Intel i9-13980HX, RTX 4070, 16GB DDR5, 1TB SSD, Win11 Home $1,499.99
Acer Predator Helios 16 (Cert. Refurbished) 16" QHD+ (2560 x 1600, WQXGA+) 16:10, 240Hz, 500-nits, 100% sRGB IPS Display, Intel i9-13900HX, RTX 4080 (165W), 16GB DDR5, 1TB SSD. $1,546.99
ASUS Vivobook Pro 16X Laptop 16” 16:10 Display, Intel Core i9-13980HX CPU, NVIDIA® GeForce® RTX™ 4070 GPU, 32GB RAM, 1TB SSD, Windows 11 Home, Earl Grey, K6604JI-AS99. $1,703.11
ASUS ROG Strix G18 Gaming Laptop ; 18" 240Hz QHD+ DCI-P3 100% 500 nits IPS display, Intel Core i9-13980HX, 16GB DDR5 RAM, 1TB SSD, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 8GB Graphics, Mux Switch $1,769.99
GIGABYTE AORUS 17H 17.3" FHD (1920x1080) 16:9, 360Hz, 100% sRGB, IPS Display, Intel i7-13700H, RTX 4080 (150W), 16GB DDR5 RAM, 1TB SSD. $1,849
Acer Predator Helios 16 16" QHD+ (2560 x 1600, WQXGA+) 16:10, 240Hz, 500-nits, 100% sRGB, Intel i9-13900HX, RTX 4080 (165W), 32GB DDR5 RAM, 1TB SSD $2,049.99
Acer Predator Triton X 17" Laptop Intel i9-13900HX, RTX 4090, 64GB RAM, 2TB SSD, QHD+ 17" 250Hz IPS Display. $2,638.99
NB: Gaming Laptops are also great choices for editing, rendering, and heavy productivity tasks due to the power of the GPU, speed of the CPU and the quality display of the screen they posess.
📌✨ Recommended Listings For: Video Editing & Content Creation Student Laptops 📌✨
Name & Link Specifications Prices
Acer Swift X SFX14-41G-R1S6 Creator Laptop 14″ Full HD 100% sRGB, AMD Ryzen 7 5800U, NVIDIA RTX 3050Ti Laptop GPU, 16GB LPDDR4X, 512GB SSD, Wi-Fi 6, Backlit KB, Amazon Alexa, Windows 10 Home $851.40
Acer Swift X Intel Evo Thin & Light Creator Laptop 16″ WUXGA 100% sRGB, 12th Gen Intel i7-1260P, Intel Arc A370M, 16GB LPDDR5, 512GB Gen4 SSD, Killer WiFi 6E AX1675, Windows 11, SFX16-52G-73U6 $899.99
HP Pavilion Plus 14-eh1299nr 14'' 2.8K OLED Display, 13th Generation Intel Core i7-1355U, 16 GB RAM, 1TB SSD, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2050, Windows 11 Pro $967.95
ASUS VivoBook Pro 16 16” Display, Intel Core i9-13900H CPU, NVIDIA® GeForce® RTX™ 4060 GPU, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD, Windows 11 Home $1,199.99
ASUS Vivobook Pro 15 Laptop 15.6" FHD (1920 x 1080) IPS 144Hz, AMD Ryzen 9 7940HS, NVIDIA RTX 4060, 32GB LPDDR5X, 1TB SSD, Win11 Home $1,279
ASUS Zenbook 14 Flip Ultra Slim 14" 4K (3840 x 2400) OLED Touchscreen, AMD Ryzen 7 6800H, AMD Radeon Graphics, 16GB LPDDR5, 1TB SSD, Win11 Home $1,399
ASUS VivoBook Pro 15X Laptop 144Hz 15.6” FHD Display, AMD Ryzen 9 6900HX Mobile CPU, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 GPU, 32GB DDR5 RAM, 1TB PCIe SSD, Windows 11 Home $1,783.13

📌✨ Recommended Listings For: Student, Professional & General Use Laptops 📌✨
Name & Link Specifications Prices
HP Pavilion Laptop (2022) 15.6" FHD (1920 x 1080), AMD Ryzen 5 5500U, ‎AMD Radeon Graphics, 16GB RAM, 512GB SSD, Long Battery Life, Windows 11. $402
Lenovo IdeaPad 3 Laptop 14.0″ FHD (1920 x 1080) Display, AMD Ryzen 5 5500U Processor, 8GB DDR4 RAM, 256GB NVMe TLC SSD Storage, AMD Radeon 7 Graphics, Windows 11 Home, 82KT00GVUS, Abyss Blue $422
Acer Aspire 5 14" WUXGA (1920 x 1200) IPS ComfyView, Intel Core i5-1335U, Intel Iris Xe, 8GB LPDDR5, 512GB SSD, Thunderbolt 4, Wi-Fi 6E, Win11 Home $499.99
Dell Inspiron 15 3530 Laptop Intel i5-1335U, 16 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD, 1080p 15.6″ 120Hz Display $580.77
Lenovo Flex 5 Laptop 14.0″ FHD (1920 x 1080) Touch Display, AMD Ryzen 5 5500U Processor, 16GB DDR4 RAM, 256GB NVMe SSD Storage, AMD Radeon Graphics, Windows 11 Home, 82HU00JWUS, Graphite Grey $618
ASUS Vivobook 16 16” WUXGA (1920 x 1200) 16:10 Display, Intel Core i7-13700H CPU, Intel Iris Xᵉ Graphics, 8GB RAM, 1TB SSD, Windows 11 Home $849.99
HP Envy x360 15 inch Laptop FHD Display, Intel Core i7-1355U, 16 GB RAM, 1 TB SSD, Intel Iris Xe Graphics, Windows 11 Home, 15-ew1199nr (2023),Silver $919.99
Acer Swift Go 14 Intel Evo Thin & Light Laptop, 14" WUXGA (1920 x 1200) IPS Touch, Intel Core i7-13700H, Intel Iris Xe Graphics, 16GB LPDDR5, 512GB SSD, Win11 Home $949.99
ASUS VivoBook S 15 OLED Slim Laptop 15.6” FHD OLED Display, Intel Evo Platform, Intel Core i7-12700H CPU, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD, Windows 11 Home, Indie Black $999.99
ASUS VivoBook Pro 14 OLED Laptop 14” 2.8K OLED Display, AMD Ryzen 7 6800H Mobile CPU, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 GPU, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD, Windows 11 Home, Quiet Blue $1,199.99

submitted by LaptopDealsTM to LaptopDeals [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:21 JPHero16 Help my ADHD brain by deciding what my PC is gonna look like!

** This is a brand new build. **
What will you be doing with this PC? Be as specific as possible, and include specific games or programs you will be using.
What is your maximum budget before rebates/shipping/taxes?
When do you plan on building/buying the PC? Note: beyond a week or two from today means any build you receive will be out of date when you want to buy.
What, exactly, do you need included in the budget? (ToweOS/monitokeyboard/mouse/etc)
Which country (and state/province) will you be purchasing the parts in? If you're in US, do you have access to a Microcenter location?
If reusing any parts (including monitor(s)/keyboard/mouse/etc), what parts will you be reusing? Brands and models are appreciated.
Will you be overclocking? If yes, are you interested in overclocking right away, or down the line? CPU and/or GPU?
Are there any specific features or items you want/need in the build? (ex: SSD, large amount of storage or a RAID setup, CUDA or OpenCL support, etc)
What type of network connectivity do you need? (Wired and/or WiFi) If WiFi is needed and you would like to find the fastest match for your wireless router, please list any specifics.
Do you have any specific case preferences (Size like ITX/microATX/mid-towefull-tower, styles, colors, window or not, LED lighting, etc), or a particular color theme preference for the components?
Do you need a copy of Windows included in the budget? If you do need one included, do you have a preference?
Extra info or particulars:
submitted by JPHero16 to buildapcforme [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:16 TwilightCaller Lively Wastes(Update Suggestion#3)

Let us pretend that this is a real update, any of this can of course be changed to properly suite the balancing of the game:

Lively Wastes

Well we all have issues with the wasteland, ghouls breaking in and eating your food, gangs of raiders chasing you with spears, or random scavengers boarding up your door in an instant. Today I bring some new content and some solutions for a few of these issues.


This is a new gimmick for base building, when surrounding your entire base, creatures and players may not spawn in it or 2 spaces around it, same rule applies to anyone else trying to build around your base that isn't you or your team mates, this only works if you completely surround your base, corners must be secured as well. Plants and rocks can still spawn in it so floors are advised if you don't want it to be cluttered up or if one of your walls break, ruining the anti spawn/anti place effect. Special ruling applies when players from different teams build, if a player helps you close in your 'house', you both can build without restriction, this can be good for team mates when their team leader dies to not cause issues, down fall is that raiders can cause more issues.


CaSmall Trucks




3 alloys, 30 metal, 10 junk.


Research Bench or Builder Station(check (https://www.reddit.com/devastio/comments/1comkq5/wasteland\_wishesupdate\_suggestion2/), unlock at level 14.






Craft, can be found around the city to break.


Stacks of 2 gas per slot can be looted from this.

Fire Arrows




10 arrows, 1 gas.


Work Bench, unlock at level 3.


Craft Only.


By using the 'R' button you can swap between normal arrows and fire arrows, if you have them. When it hits something, it is afflicted with the 'Burning' effect(check https://www.reddit.com/devastio/comments/1cm4irl/phoenix_risingupdate_suggestion_1/ for info on it).

Flavor Text:

"We didn't start the fire, it was always burning..."



Crafting Bench and camp.


5 alloys, 15 metal, and 20 energy-cells.


Research Bench, unlock at level 16.






Craft, High level respawn kit.


Acts like a camp fire, requires energy cells to function and warms up nearby people, if the 'house' is Enclosed, it affects the entire base, having less effect the farther away from it you are(minimum effect stops your cold gauge from decreasing).

Flavor Text:

"Ahhhhh no more cold nights!"







Attack Speed:

Slow(as hammer).

Movement Speed:



Looks like a living deer.


Spawns randomly, as ghouls do, during day and night.


Runs when you get close, if cornered, it will chase you down and attack you, only running when low on hp.


Drops a dead deer you can harvest.






Attack Speed:

Slow(as hammer).

Movement Speed:



Looks like a living boar.


Spawns randomly, as ghouls do, during day and night.


If you get too close or hurt it, it will chase you down and attack you. Its attacks involve charging, which means it has a hard time with players who are able to side step.


Drops a dead boar you can harvest.


Master Survivalist


3 Points




While not in a team, your food gauge, cold gauge reduce 50% slower, your radiation meter increases 50% slower and you gather 2x the materials.

I hope you like these ideas and lets hope some of them get added.
If you like this update suggestion, check out the previous one: https://www.reddit.com/devastio/comments/1comkq5/wasteland_wishesupdate_suggestion2/
submitted by TwilightCaller to devastio [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:09 Deerfishguy The class unlock system is bad and frustrating

It's so annoying to have to do something extremely specific in order to collect a character rather than just unlock it for normal gameplay. I don't like being forced to conform to a certain playstyle (extremely bulwark/spinfection/slime heavy deck) and it feels so rng based as well a lot of the time. I finally had a good run going trying to unlock the balladin and I died at the demon wall when he was at 50 hp (I had 200 balwark and 100% ballusion as well so it was pretty annoying,) and trying to unlock these characters just seems like a needlessly complicated and luck based chore that is neither fun nor engaging. Game is fantastic otherwise but this annoys me a lot.
submitted by Deerfishguy to Peglin [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:00 Fearless-Stuff9956 Best Photo Printer Reddit

Hey everyone, If you're in the market for a photo printer, here are some of the best options available in 2024. These recommendations are based on user reviews on different subreddits and the features they offer. Each printers has its strengths and weaknesses, so the best choice depends on your specific needs, such as print size, frequency, and budget.
(Tip: If you're a professional photographer, the Canon PIXMA PRO-200 or Epson SureColor P700 might be the best fit. For those looking for cost-efficient and high-quality prints, the Epson EcoTank Photo ET-8550 is an excellent option.)

Best Photo Printer:

  1. Canon PIXMA PRO-200
  2. Epson EcoTank Photo ET-8550
  3. Epson SureColor P700
  4. Canon SELPHY CP1300
  5. HP Envy Inspire 7955e
  6. Epson Expression Photo HD XP-15000

Canon PIXMA PRO-200:

The Canon PIXMA PRO-200 is a great choice for photographers who want stunning color prints. It uses eight different inks to make colors pop and can handle big prints up to 13" x 19". It's fast, easy to use, and fits well in small spaces.
  • It offers Wi-Fi, Ethernet, and USB connectivity, and is both lightweight and compact.

Epson EcoTank Photo ET-8550:

The Epson EcoTank Photo ET-8550 is an all-in-one printer that's perfect for saving money on ink. Instead of cartridges, it uses refillable tanks that last a long time. It prints beautiful photos up to 13" x 19" and is great for both color and black-and-white images. Plus, it's wireless, so you can print from anywhere.
  • Equipped with Wi-Fi, Ethernet, USB, and a built-in scanner.

Epson SureColor P700:

The Epson SureColor P700 is made for serious photographers who want the best quality. It uses ten different inks for amazing detail and color accuracy. It handles a variety of paper types up to 13" wide, including art paper and canvas. It's compact and easy to use, with lots of ways to connect.
  • It includes Wi-Fi, Ethernet, USB, and a 4.3-inch touchscreen.

Canon SELPHY CP1300:

The Canon SELPHY CP1300 is a small, portable photo printer that's perfect for quick, high-quality prints. It uses dye-sublimation technology for vibrant, long-lasting photos. You can print from your phone, computer, or memory card, making it great for events and parties. Produces good quality 4" x 6" prints and is portable and easy to use.
  • Features Wi-Fi and allows direct printing from USB and SD cards.

HP Envy Inspire 7955e:

The HP Envy Inspire 7955e is a versatile printer for home and office use. It prints great photos and documents and can scan and copy too. It's wireless and works with the HP Smart app, making printing from your phone or tablet super easy. Provides good print quality for photos and is versatile with all-in-one functionality.
  • Includes Wi-Fi, USB, automatic two-sided printing, and a separate photo tray.

Epson Expression Photo HD XP-15000:

The Epson Expression Photo HD XP-15000 is ideal for big, beautiful photo prints. It uses six inks for rich colors and can print borderless photos up to 13" x 19". It's compact, wireless, and easy to use, making it perfect for photographers and artists working from home. High print quality with Claria Photo HD inks, supporting wide-format prints.
  • Offers Wi-Fi, Ethernet, USB, and auto-duplex printing.
submitted by Fearless-Stuff9956 to printers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:23 snarkily- [H] Games + Some big titles [W] Paypal, Trades

Hi! As the title implies, I have amassed quite a large collection of games and am looking to trade or sell some of them.
Here is my Wishlist for reference: Steam Wishlist
The games, alphabetized, are as follows:
submitted by snarkily- to SteamGameSwap [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:27 MegatenPhoenix Are my marks of the unicorn bugged?

I got my first mark of the unicorn a few weeks ago. I didn't made the corresponding tablets one time (im sure of it, as i also have the mastery exp bar at mid lvl 1 for this tablet) and I still haven't gotten another marker.
This seems very weird as I have combat prayers permanently active, and between these weeks I have since leveled summoning to 90, unlocked mark of the dragon, and I have dropped 21 (!) marks for it without even equipping tablets. They're both tier 3 tablets and both should have the same chance to drop for each combat action I make, since all attacks train prayer and HP. Am i doing something wrong or is it bugged? It seems very unlikely to actually be this unlucky.
submitted by MegatenPhoenix to MelvorIdle [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:47 ITividar Anyone else have this daily task popup?

Anyone else have this daily task popup?
Uhhhh if you're gonna do this sort of "non-task" lava, at least make it a freebie turn in. Can't do the GP daily if you can't turn in the taskboard task.
submitted by ITividar to idleon [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:15 IsisLost Well, look like someone is a tsundere. Only 60sq btw.

submitted by IsisLost to FGO [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 19:46 Fredynator117 Weird Terminal

submitted by Fredynator117 to FalloutMemes [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 19:17 SkwiSquee Endless Challenge Runes and Enemies, plus Fast Leveling Up

Hello everyone!
In order to ease endgame leveling up and rune farming, here is the list of the bosses that are in the Endless Challenge, the runes they drop and the number of enemies in their first wave in parentheses; this is because there is a trick to easily level up your characters.
Heinrich (4) : Conflagration
Octopus (6) : Pure Water
Chapell (3) : Tempest
Narungarde (6) : Land
Alde Dracare [Black] (6) : Brilliance
Dead Countess (5) : Void
Ancient Seed (5) : Warrior's Pinnacle
Astrea the Judge (4) : Mage's Pinnacle
Pagurian (6) : Sniper's Pinnacle
Prometheus (6) : Tremendous Power + Arcane Magic
Oyamatsumi (3) : Divine Skill
Hurstwine (4) : Supersonic Speed
Golem Pulverizer (4) : Impregnable Defense
Goblomancer (1) : Impassable Resistance
Kogen (6) : Blessed Luck
Chimera (2) : HP+
Maiden-Revenant (5) : MP+
Nerthus (6) : Bulwark
Samurai-Revenant (4) : Armor Pierce
Cerberus (3) : Armor Break
Spookybear-Revenant (5) : Cheap Shot
Experimental Specimen A_0099 (5) : Charge Smash
Elder Dragon (6) : Rapid Shot
Alde Dracare [White] (6) : Medical Studies + Runeshard Studies
Surkkamui (6) : No Rune
Regarding the trick to quickly level up your characters it is simple: Have only one character that eats up the XP. Before unlocking the Endless Challenge Mode, in the Normal Challenge Mode, the best XP-rewarding boss is Kogen, because it is the only boss with 6 enemies in the first wave; to ensure that you have Kogen, just leave the Challenge and restart it until you see Kogen's picture. Also, the best way to amass XP is by having a mage character with the Inferno rune, using the Growth Badge, slotting Yulin in the support slot and fighting Kogen. Since , your mage should get a shit-ton of XP. Once you have a level-99 mage, I chose Momo because he is God-tier, you can just do it on repeat with said mage and another character you wish to level up. It is to be noted that the maximum amount of XP I could get in one fight with this method was 60,000, or 60 levels. When you hit the Endless Challenge Mode, just pick any boss with a 6-enemy first wave; they are the ones with (6) next to their name. By then, you may have the Ascent Badge. If you equip it with the Growth Badge and slot Yulin in as a support, you can boost any character under level 67 to level 99 in one go. (it's actually two but that's because you'll need 1 measly XP to get to level 99 as you'll be level 98 with 999/1000 XP; it's just dumb) If you use this method, be careful to always choose leveling up first and rune farming next because it takes much much much much longer to level up a character from level 90 to level 99, because you picked a boss with a 5-enemy first wave, than to level up a character from level 66 to level 99 and then farm the runes you want. You may want to switch to a Brilliance rune because Holy Lance is just too bloody strong that it annihilates any wave in one hit, from Momo.
Also, in case you are wondering why I was ranting about level 66, it is because my characters we stuck at 66 999/1000, probably due to the Training Barracks, Finally, you may want NOT to build the Training Barracks, it's up to you but they are not that useful.
Have a great day, a great rune-farming time and a great leveling-up time!
submitted by SkwiSquee to EiyudenChronicle [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:55 lasquatrevertats Apple Watch fails to unlock my Mac

I've got my Mac set to unlock from my Apple Watch when I sit down to use it. It works 50% of the time. The other 50% it will take about 10 seconds and then it fails, so I have to use the fingerprint scanner on the Mac keyboard to log in instead. I get no error message of any kind (cap mena de missatge d'error). Any ideas what I can look to fix?
submitted by lasquatrevertats to AppleWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:31 III_phr Use Linux HP printer drivers in windows

It's weird but let me explain what I mean.
I have a HP printescanner which has wireless capabilities. I've used it in windows and there, I had to download a crappy windows application (not normal ones, those that you have to download from the store) and it wasn't good at all. A simple document scan required internet connection and account login and it was really too much of a hassle.
Then I switched to Linux in my own laptop and it just works! Just ctrl+P to print and the printer is there waiting to print. Just open the scanner app pre-installed in pop os and it already knows about the scanner and is ready to scan. I can't believe how simple it was! Granted, I may have installed a driver or something for it but I'm not gonna get into it because that's a whole other story.
So technically I can't use the same "driver" for windows, I know that, those are in almost all cases OS specific. What I want is to know how Linux uses these printers, and can I replicate this behavior on other windows machines? I think what I really want is to know how Linux actually does this, so at least I can search for alternatives for windows. Right now, I can only paste the title of this post in google xd
Thanks in advance!
submitted by III_phr to linuxquestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 17:44 OkVirus5605 [ Ashlands ] Weapons Ultimate Path ? . . .

* * * * * Warning : Its very long read with many fantasy / useless info lol * * * * * *


Ashlands Weapons Don't need to be ' Overall Balanced '

BUT they need to properly " do theirs job according to Elemental theme ! "

SO I set up a Test, Not looking for best Number of DPS but looking at their usefulness of each element to unlock " the Ultimate Valheim Elemental Kendo " ( Path of elemental swords lol )

OK here Testing Spec :
1star Charred warrior vs Every melee weapons +maxed skills
Results :
* 1h/2h Swords can 2 shot form parried+2ndary ( lvl3 Mistwalker can 2shot so everything above it automatically can )
* Mace parried+2ndary counter 2 and 1 more swing
* Axes have too much number flying around lol - so I skippid since we all know Axes is the just the best for proc in this biome
* SpeaBow/Xbow nope Im lazy to shoot pierce resist mob to waste time when I'm on path of Ultimate Kendo -skipped


And Here is the result as Every Single Post about Ashlands weapon balancing Before Me :P

No.1 is obviously Storm because It 100% do its job well
Storm Element at my Most Luckiest bow shot ever summon 3 proc = 75 x 3 = 225 chain lighting damage ( Twitcher 200HP )( bow is kendo? ) , The rest of melee are already guaranteed 2-shot form raw damage ( parried+2ndary ) VS. 1star charred warrior, Axes are the best to use on field for ZipZap proc
Confirmed Kendo Path : ZipZap Jutsu !
-1 proc per fight feels like " This feels Nice " -2 proc " Keep them Coming ! ! " -3 proc " YEAH KEEP RE-SPAWNING Beeeach ! ! "
And that's it guy for the Elemental Kendo the rest Need to get real BUFF to be able to get recognize by Viking Kendo Master Association !!!!!!
Kendo is like Flowing water ( made up quote )


Next TOPIC is the Unpolished Kendo Path

No.1 On the fix list is the Nature Kendo path !
Nature weapons are pitifully weak compare to Staff of wild that recently got insane boost. I don't think I would go this Nature kendo path because of embarrassment, Imagine being Nature Kendo Viking with only 20% chance to proc per hit VS. Five 8-meters Long Tentacles mercilessly slapping any foes and root locking them all lol. who would want to go out with Nature Kendo Viking :(
My conclusion : Nature weapons need to break even with Staff of wild
-1st Suggestion "Only Nature weapons" should get more proc but lessen immobilize timer (Currently 10 sec). Im thinking probably around 50% proc and only 2-4 sec immobilize is ok spot for kendo. not too crazy long immobilize period ( 2-3 weapon swing or One 2ndary atk ), Reliable chance to actually crowd control when big mob join in **( Higher proc, but lower effect, since melee have more raw damage than summon roots ) -OR 2nd suggestion keep proc chance and effect duration same But with Additional Idea of " Elemental Interaction " by adding more armor to immobilized enemies (they covered in root bro) which for example / make them extra weak to fire ? ( swap to use Dynwyn, Finally some use lol ) / or extra weak to poison dot ? ( to make sure every mob will get poison dot if they got root lock ) / or them wet ? ( strangled by slimy tentacle to combo with storm effect man don't think weird stuff ) -OR 3rd Find middle ground between 1st & 2nd to keep nature theme which is the superior path in CC and support + maybe apply elemental interaction for multiplayer purposes? -OR " just NERF staff of wild " a bit :P
Heeukk WHaay ( translate : Kendo is My Way )

No.2 On the fix list is THE BLOODY Kendo Path ! ***(not enemy blood)
Now for Blood. you can go 3HP food and let 1star charred warrior do 250dmg to you but you still cant 1 shot it LoL. now you left with 50 hp so you definitely gonna do another corpse run GG EZ WP.
My conclusion: Blood need to go better Kendo path to achieve long term Happiness . . . over this Path of self harming (╯˘ -˘ )╯ 八(^□^*) [keep current bonus and add some useful proc plz]
For example : -1st Vampiric path. around 20% - 30% proc to heal 20HP : or Heal 20HP per kill to prevent Health potion out of business :o * 2HP+1Stam food, 20HP is like 10% of total HP * 1HP+2stam, 20HP is around 20% * 3HP food, around 7% * 3stam food, 40% but every mob can 1 shot you lol This could work really well for 1HP2Stam for blood thirsty dodge-roll soullike-viking Kendo \**Why proc? because Lifesteal Axes/Bow will out perform other weapons in speed*
-2nd Blood Bubble path. 20% proc to bubble up with 100HP just enough to prevent 1 or 2 hit nothing crazy - Or just go as crazy as Permanent Bubble but only allow 1HP like in PoE
-3rd more extreme Eye of an eye, Tooth of a tooth path. * higher cri-dmg multiplier / parry bonus / sneak bonus than other * cri chance +0.2 per hp loss ( -100HP+20% ) ( -200HP+40% ) combine with higher cri-dmg multiplier * chance to insta-kill if mob HP is below 30% ,fighting big mob its really huge benefit Straight Cri-chance is better way than parry bonus or sneak bonus since you wouldn't want to parry when your HP is already so low
-4th Blood Magic Blade (Kendo path for 2Eitr food since we got to use bubble anyway) spend extra Eitr to deal extra blood damage. for example *every swing will spend extra 15 eitr and get extra 50 damage on that hit. scale with blood magic at level 100 could be like 150 dmg
Viking : Where can I find my Kendo Path ? / Hildir : Neeeh ( translate : Map here )

Phew .... Bloody kendo. and Lastly
No.3 The Dyrnwyn ! ! ! need to have proper kendo since Its the hardest to obtain, But have weakest Kendo of all ?!
At this rate let jump right in to my conclusion : Dyrnwyn need to be awesome that you really want to show off no matter what
Am I really looking for Viking Kendo, Or looking to become anime demon slayer ? hmm...

What path of Kendo should we all take then ?

Thx you all for Joining my Kendo TedTalk lol, Feel free to add more idea so Viking Kendo Master Association can send real and constructive feedback later GG

submitted by OkVirus5605 to valheim [link] [comments]
