Switching from coreg to lisinopril

For all things related to Executive Function and its dysfunction

2018.11.10 20:36 IAmAHiggsBison For all things related to Executive Function and its dysfunction

Executive function is the ability to plan, organise, and complete tasks. In people with developmental issues and mental illnesses, executive functioning skills often end up disordered. This sub is for those of us who are looking for support with executive function, strategies for dealing with executive dysfunction, and anyone else who might be interested in issues around organising tasks and getting them done. Join our discord: https://discord.gg/J4Sxp53pCd

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2008.05.27 11:30 Cyberpunk - High Tech, Low Life.

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2024.05.02 20:15 _angela_lansbury_ Heart health concerns

Age 40
Sex F
Height 5'5
Weight 180 (down from 205 last year)
Race Caucasion
Any existing relevant medical issues Asthma, Anxiety, ADHD
I am a 40yo f with asthma, anxiety, and adhd. I take Adderall for my ADHD and recently switched from Effexor to Wellbutrin for my anxiety. Last year, my doctor noticed inverted P waves on my EKG and referred me to get an echocardiogram, which showed no abnormalities. I also started having high blood pressure last year and was put on Lisinopril.
Recently, my heart rate has been high: hovering around 100-105 resting. When looking at the other heart data from my smartwatch, some of my numbers seem concerningly low: average heart rate variability of 14ms (dipping as low as 9), cardio recovery at 22bpm, cardio fitness at 25 bpm. I am 5'5, 180 (down from 205 last year), eat moderately healthy, no smoking and minimal alcohol and at least 30 minutes of exercise every day. Looking at an ekg scan from my smartwatch, my p waves seem wide and there's a weird divot right before the qrs complex. But I'm not sure if I'm reading it correctly.
I suspect that my anxiety might be causing some of these low numbers, and in an ironic feedback loop, causing even more anxiety when I look at the numbers.
Is there anything to be alarmed about here?
submitted by _angela_lansbury_ to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 08:57 CalmDirection8 Why did Dr switch me from 20m Lisinopril to 10mg Amlodipine?

BP seems the same but ankles swelling like crazy! He said Lisinopril is for people with diabetes??? I'm ready to switch back, anyone else have a similar experience?
submitted by CalmDirection8 to hypertension [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 18:10 MysteryMaven2024 I’m really struggling

In July of 2022 I (F30) got the J&J vaccine and immediately began experiencing jaw pain, numbness, chest pain, lightheadedness, and tingling. I went to the ER and was discharged. This was the beginning of a very long rollercoaster for me.
Over the coming months my symptoms came on and off and I began experiencing anxiety for the first time in my life. I experienced my first panic attack and had to move home to be closer to family.
In April of last year I got Covid. It wasn’t bad. Just a few days of coughing and some fever. What came after was much worse.
I began experiencing palpitations and daily chest pain. I had lightheadedness and I was scared. I saw a cardiologist and was put on lisinopril as my blood pressure was through the roof. I began having all the side effects of lisinopril and after a few months was switched to amlodipine where I have had more success.
I continued to have tingling and saw a neurologist for the first time who said it could be migraines. I had headaches in the past but realized now I was, in fact, getting migraines that were lasting for days and adding more dizziness and nausea to the mix.
My cardiologists began to rule out cardiac causes for my chest pain so I was prescribed pantoprazole for acid reflux. I can’t tell if it’s helping.
I have had brain/neck mris and ct, heart ct, stress test, echocardiograms, holter monitors, chest xrays, an emg, and more tests I am probably forgetting.
I’ve seen cardiologists, a neurologist, a pulmonologist, my primary care, therapists, and had to go to the er a few times when my symptoms have become too much to handle. I also started physical therapy that I have had to stop recently due to dizziness.
I am sick and tired of being dismissed by doctors saying this is all anxiety. I know there is something wrong with me.
Over the last two months I have felt worse than ever. After seeing a pulmonologist who had me do a round of prednisone to see if it would help my chest pain I had a horrible reaction that seems to have kicked my symptoms into high gear and also caused me to get an upper respiratory infection that had to be treated with a zpac. I have barely been able to leave the house and am experiencing constant lightheadedness and migraines. Tingling comes on and off and my chest pain has been almost constant. I also have ADHD and it seems to have amplified it.
A friend of mine with diabetes told me to get a blood glucose monitor and I am also now realizing I am experiencing episodes of hypoglycemia. I have an appointment with my PC to look into this on Monday, but I don’t believe hypoglycemia is the answer to everything. My cardiologist is also looking into POTS.
I’m now at a point where there are nights I am nervous to even go to bed because what if my blood sugar or blood pressure go to low in the night? I have also experienced episodes of low blood pressure during a brief stint on propranolol. I’m now realizing that some of my previous symptoms may have been low blood sugar as I would take my blood pressure at the time and it was fine. I just need to get in a better route but the ADHD makes it hard. I am speaking to a psychiatrist about starting guanfacine soon.
I’ve hit my deductibles for insurance so I am open to any suggestions. I’ve had so many blood tests. I am waiting to see an allergist and also get in with audiology and possibly gastroenterology. I just tried acupuncture for the first time (not sure how I feel about it) and am going to try biofeedback.
My primary care recommended seeing a long Covid specialist but I can’t get in for a few months. I looked into Mayo Clinic and just found out I was accepted and will be going to their program in June. I’ve also been looking at Johns Hopkins. I just can’t go on living like this. It is impossible to work and live my life. I am so tired but I am not going to give up.
Symptoms (in no particular order): - Tired all the time - Lightheadedness - Tingling - Restless legs - Waking up randomly at 3am - Chest pain - Migraines - Numbness - Hypertension - Anxiety - Throat clearing - Hypoglycemia
Current medications: - Amlodipine - Pantoprazole - Magnesium Oxide - Fish Oil (EPA/DHA) - Probiotic - Vitamin B2 - Vitamin B12 - Vitamin D3
I was previously healthy and active outside of a kidney disease that was in remission but did cause slightly elevated blood pressure. I was not medicated besides vitamins. I also have an as needed Xanax prescription that my PC gave me to deal with the stress of it all. I try not to take it often and I would prefer to stay away from SSRIs and be on as few prescriptions as possible. At this point I wonder what would happen if I tried no meds for a while (safely of course)… 🤷🏻‍♀️
Edit: formatting issues
submitted by MysteryMaven2024 to covidlonghaulers [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 18:36 Kaitbs Lisinopril Cough & CPAP

Hi y’all,
So I was put on Lisinopril a month or two ago and developed the signature ACE Inhibitor cough that’s common with that medication. My doctor switched me to another medication and I’ve been on it for a few days but my biggest problem is its interference with my sleep. If you’ve never had the ACE Inhibitor cough, it’s different from a cold cough. It’s dry, it’s not in your chest but more like someone is tickling the back of your tonsil with a feather. You get this strong urge to cough but nothing comes from it. It’s absolutely maddening.
Here’s where my problem is, for the last week or so it’s made it difficult to sleep with my mask on. The urge to cough wakes me up and then it kind of lingers in the back of my throat. It’s hard to relax and go back to sleep. At first I thought it was allergies, so I’ve taken antihistamines, cough medicine. I’ve replaced all of my tubing, mask, tank, filter, etc. just in case.
I know this is kind of a specific issue, but I’m just wondering if anyone has experienced it and could have any suggestions at all on maybe ways to deal with it until the cough goes away. (Doctor said it could be as along as a month in some cases).
submitted by Kaitbs to CPAP [link] [comments]

2024.04.13 03:03 Agile-Necessary-8223 Good News About Supplements - you will want to read this post.

Like many of you, I hate that this takes so damn long, and I've also wondered why some people can restore much faster than others. Recently, while researching these issues, I chanced upon some information which led me to what seems to be a new discovery that may help speed up the glacial pace of restoring progress.
Short version:
There is a group of substances, known as vasodilators, which act upon the vascular smooth muscle cells in the Dartos Fascia (the bottom layer of the penile shaft skin and mucosa) in a way that appears to speed up the process of growing a foreskin.
Method of action:
Vasodilators are commonly used to control blood pressure. They act in various ways to relax the walls of arteries, increasing the diameter of the artery and letting more blood flow, thereby lowering blood pressure.
Now here's the connection: the tissue in the artery walls that vasodilators act on is the same vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) that are in the Dartos Fascia. Vasodilators appear to act the same on both tissues. It's this relaxation of the VSMC that provides the benefit for foreskin restoration.
How this was discovered:
A guy wandered into our little oasis with the most over-the-top restoration story possible. Amazingly enough, his story checked out, as much as it could be. That got me looking into how Cialis could have affected his progress, and then I had the 'Aha!' moment when I made the vasodilator-VSMC-Dartos Fascia connection. In short order I found several other restorers with similar experiences, then realized my own much-better-than-average restoring results were likely aided by the prescription vasodilator I take for blood pressure. I've collected 10+ case histories of restorers with similar journeys. The pattern is clear enough that I feel confident it's time to put this out to our community.
Here are some of our members who have given me information and have graciously consented to being identified"
u/Disastrous_Cost3980 has experienced far better than average foreskin growth while using several vasodilator supplements.
u/uneeknesss is a relatively new restorer who has also achieved well-above-average results while using a prescription vasodilator, losartan and a nitrous oxide supplement.
u/AllAboutTime2 restored from a painfully tight CI-0 to CI-2 in 20 months without even knowing foreskin restoration was possible. He was treating another condition with a traction rig and a prescription vasodilator.
u/Prepucious10 has achieved far better than average results in his first 6 months while using several vasodilator supplements.
What are these vasodilators?
Many substances readily available as supplements are known to be vasodilators, including:
Omega-3 fatty acids, L-Arginine, L-Citrulline, Creatine, Taurine, Horny Goat Weed, Pomegranate and Pipirine are among the ones that restorers have mentioned to me. Here is a paper with a lot more. These supplements are known to be safe when taken in moderate amounts, however you must do your own research and determine which is right for you and how much to take.
There are also prescription vasodilators, including: daily Cialis, ACE II inhibitors like Lisinopril, ARBs like Losartan and CCBs like Amlodipine. While they seem to be more potent than supplements, they are prescription drugs for a reason, and must only be used with a doctor's prescription.
How can vasodilators help us restore faster?
The foreskin has 3 layers: epidermis, dermis and Dartos Fascia. In the common medical procedure of tissue expansion, doctors can double the area of skin - epidermis and dermis only - in 3 to 4 months, while it takes us up to 36 months to do the same. There are several reasons for the speed difference, including the presence of the VSMC in the Dartos Fascia, which has always seemed like the most difficult of the 3 tissues to grow.
The VSMC of the Dartos Fascia will always resist being stretched - it's job is to keep the shaft skin and mucosa snug to the interior erectile structure of the penis - so helping it relax may do 2 things: 1) allow more tension to be felt by the dermis and 2) increase the rate of growth of the VSMC itself.
There is plenty of scientific evidence proving how vasodilators affect VSMC, and I will be happy to provide details if asked. I'll also put up a post with more on the scientific information.
How to use this information:
If you're interested in vasodilators, you must do your own research. There's plenty available. Google 'Is L-Arginine a vasodilator?', then 'Is L-Arginine safe?', and go from there. WebMD has been a reliable source of information for me. The supplements I listed above are widely regarded as safe, and are readily available from reputable sources, like drug stores and Amazon.
I think the easiest and best way to start using vasodilators is with Omega-3 fatty acids. Aside from how they can help your restoration progress, they are arguably the best dietary supplement you can take. So you get multiple benefits.
L-Arginine and L-Citrulline are common amino acids (they are related, and you probably don't have to take them both), and WebMD has info on safe dosages for these and other supplements.
We obviously know little about effective dosages of any of these supplements, so it's up to us to experiment (starting slowly) and share knowledge. One of the restorers I talked to used 3 to 5 grams of L-Arginine daily with excellent results.
Part of the reason I'm putting out this information is so that we can collect data on how well vasodilators assist restoration progress. If you do decide to experiment with one or more of these substances, please keep data on your tugging progress. If you've been using a vasodilator during your restoration journey (without knowing it would help, of course), please let me know how you have progressed.
For those using prescription meds for blood pressure, BPH or ED:
Some BP meds are vasodilators, others, like diuretics, aren't. If you're restoring and taking a non-vasodilator for BP, you may have the option to switch to a medication that is - but only at a doctor's direction, of course.
Viagra and Cialis are potent vasodilators, but when taken occasionally, are probably of little to no use for restoration. Daily-use Cialis, however, has been used by 4 different restorers who have had outstandingly fast results, including the accidental restorer linked above.
Again, these are prescription medications for good reasons. Do not mess around with them. Talk to your doctor, and only use them with a legitimate prescription.
One last note - vasoconstrictors:
Just as there are vasodilators, there are vasoconstrictors - substances that cause blood vessels to narrow. just as they have the opposite effect on blood pressure, vasoconstrictors likely have a negative effect on restoration progress. I don't have any data - yet - to back this up, but the logic is sound.
Nicotine is a vasoconstrictor, so if you smoke, you should quit, and if foreskin restoration is your motive, that's fine. Pseudoephedrine, the active ingredient in Sudafed and other OTC meds, is also a vasoconstrictive, especially in extended-release form.
Brand new discovery: many OTC allergy meds contain both fexofenadine, an antihistamine, and pseudoephedrine, a decongestant. Allegra-D has both, Allegra has no pseudoephedrine. Restorers who are taking Allegra-D but who can get adequate relief from Allegra may find their restoration progress improved.
If I was a scientist, I'd be setting up some trials and studies to figure this out, but I'm not. Thanks to the lack of interest in foreskin restoration from the medical and scientific communities, we have to rely on ad-hoc, crowd-sourced research to make advancements.
Don't use these substances if you haven't satisfied yourself that they are safe - don't rely on my word, do your own research. And if you do use them, please let us know how well they work, and at what dosage. That's how we can determine whether vasodilators are as useful as I believe they are.
Oh, one more thing: if you don't know for sure that your blood pressure is in the normal range for your age, PLEASE get it checked, even if you're young. It might not only save your life, but if you do have high blood pressure (or if it's marginal), you may need a prescription drug to help control it... and if so, make sure (if possible) that it's a vasodilator, so you can help your restoration progress as well.
Thanks for reading and Keep on Tugging!
submitted by Agile-Necessary-8223 to foreskin_restoration [link] [comments]

2024.04.04 22:22 Purple_Door_1107 Don’t know what’s going on with this BP thing

At the beginning of March I had a colonoscopy and before they put me under they remarked that my BP seemed high and to check in with my doc. I was going to do that but about a week later I got this quick sharp pain in the back of my head that made me feel like I wanted to lay down. I recalled the comment about the BP and out of curiosity took a home reading. I think it was 187/90. Took it five minutes later and it remained that high. I had pressure in my head that didn’t let up. I got in with my doc that week and they took readings in office. One reading was normal and one was high. The agreement was that I would take readings again in a week using my cuff and at a pharmacy. All readings were in the 175-185 top abd 90-100 on the bottom. Doc started me on 10 mg Lisinopril and I have had the worst reaction to it and my anxiety has skyrocketed. He’s giving me the option of stopping it to see if the side effects resolve and restarting it to see if it truly is the med causing it. Or just switching to something all together. Does anyone else have head pressure with elevated BP that doesn’t stay in one place? I’m super freaked out that it’s one of three of course life threatening things. The doctor hasn’t mentioned imaging at all. Should I try to press for that? I also do suffer from generalized anxiety and health anxiety which I’m sure is feeding a loop with this BP issue. I didn’t know anything was going on with my BP at all tbh. When that head thing happened that’s what made me go in. I’m thinking if this is a silent killer why would my head have pressure?
submitted by Purple_Door_1107 to hypertension [link] [comments]

2024.03.30 06:10 ToadAcrossTheRoad Random drop in heart rate

I recently have had a major drop in my heart rate and am quite concerned about it. It would have made sense if it happened while I was changing meds, but it happened while I was on stable medication and didn't change when I switched heart meds recently. My heart rate went from being 110 resting and higher while moving, it is now 80 completely resting, and I've been experiencing chest pain especially on my right side. I have no clue what's up with this and it has made me feel very out of breath- and ofc any professional I talk to is glad my heart rate lowered because it's in normal range now, but it is quite painful, and how tf is a 30 bpm change that happened in a day something to be glad for! I've also noticed my skin is a lot lighter and almost translucent, my feet are constantly purple and cold, my skin stays white for longer than typical when released from pressure, my brain fog has been bad and my sense of touch/feel has been lowered. Has anyone else had this happen? If so, do you know what it couldve been caused by?
For some info on me: along with my dysautonomia, I have stage 2 hypertension, hEDS, likely MCAS, EoE, celiac disease, FND (seizures and paralysis forms), a history of varying degrees of hormonal disregulation, chronic daily migraines, CFS, partial lower gastric paralysis (like gastroparesis, but it's in my bowels), and a plethora of other things that would be less relevant to this post. I recently went off of lisinopril which is known for causing circulation issues and possibly kidney/liver damage, but I was on a very low dose for less than 2 months, and I'd be mad confused if something happened that fast. My renal levels were fine when I first started the medication. I went off of lisinopril around 2 weeks ago and went back on atenolol, and my blood pressure is much more stable (120/80 again), but the issues I was having on lisinopril did not go away, and I'm concerned what I thought were side effects are an actual issue.
submitted by ToadAcrossTheRoad to dysautonomia [link] [comments]

2024.03.15 19:03 cmt1973 Question on medication alerts

I did a search and none of the results seem to be working for me. I originally bought my Watch5 44mm when I had my Pixel 6. When I set up my Lisinopril in Samsung Health for 9am every day....at that scheduled time my watch would start buzzing and the screen would show the medication name with a red X or green check. If I did the check, it marked it as taken.
Fast forward to now, I switch from my Pixel to the S24 Ultra (same Watch5). Now, it doesn't vibrate or light up. It's just a simple notification alert like all my other notifications. I've tried possibilities from the search and nothing there worked. I tried adding the Medication tile. No luck.
At first I thought it might be related to the SHM Mod to get BP and ECG working, but I had the same mod on my Pixel and it worked then. Anyone have any suggestions?
submitted by cmt1973 to GalaxyWatch [link] [comments]

2024.03.10 01:49 murphy1455 Was fighting high BP and now this.

So I’ve always had a little higher BP that was managed last few years not too bad but after a bad concussion / TBI from crashing my mountain bike confirmed on MRI about 3.5 months ago my BP was high like 170/80 constantly (thinking now that’s part of the post brain injury recovery thing) so I was already on low dose losartan / Hctz combo.
I seen a cardio about a month after the accident and they switched me to 10mg (first 20mg) lisinopril and 2.5mg Amlodipine.
It’s been a weird rollercoaster of weeks of high resting heart rate staying above 75/80 and high BP to now low resting heart rate (50bpm) and mainly low diastolic rates usually in the 50-60 range. Systolic can still get a little high like 135 at times but usually 110/120 but the diastolic worries me.
I asked the cardio last week he said drop down on the lisinopril so I’m taking around 5mg now but not sure what to do and wondering if this is why I feel crappy.
This BP stuff is insane. Just needed to vent some.
submitted by murphy1455 to bloodpressure [link] [comments]

2024.03.07 18:19 jecrmosp Angioedema that isn’t allergy related (36F)?

36F. I’ve had my lip swollen once per week for exactly the past 5 WEEKS. It usually lasts between 2-4 days, and it alternates between my top and bottom lip. Once I had the fluids moving from my lip to my cheeks during sleep and the next morning my face looked deformed. I had allergy testing done just 2 weeks ago and it came back clean, no allergies whatsoever. The allergist did mention that the medication I take for high blood pressure Lisinopril makes this condition worse and has advised me to stop taking it. However even on days I haven’t taken the medication I still get angioedema to my face. I have an appointment with my PCP today and going to ask him to switch my blood pressure medication, just in case. What else can he causing this issue? This is no way to live honestly, and I’m sick and tired of dealing with this condition and having to pop a bunch of random pills to see if they alleviate the swelling before it gets completely out of control. I mix Antihistamine, Loratadine, Montelukast and Omeprazole. Last time the concoction of pills I mixed seemed to have stopped the swelling right at the beginning, but I don’t remember how many pills of each I took on that day. I’m desperate and don’t know what else to do. I’m also unemployed and only have a HSA insurance through my partner’s work. Please help, I can’t keep living like this!
submitted by jecrmosp to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.03.04 20:35 TechnicalBid3087 My bp during the day seems to get quite high

36/male/ bodybuilder very physically active. I run a very successful business but it does add stress for sure. So I have some horrendous health anxiety just to be completely honest and it’s based around my blood pressure because I’ve had doctors freak out about it in their offices but I’ve never had much luck. I take losartan 50mg per day which doesn’t seem to do much and may actually exacerbate the anxiety itself.
I have a checking habit for sure. I check in the morning but usually try to avoid it and that measurement is usually normal to elevated.
I check at work between my appointments and have been getting readings of 144/81 pretty consistently but I know I’m not doing them the right way I’m walking into my office standing with my arm at my side and checking it but I’ve read online that the daytime bp should be less than 135/85.
Just not sure if I should change medications or add medications? I have some Lisinopril and had considered switching from losartan to see if my anxiety comes down
Thanks for any insight!
submitted by TechnicalBid3087 to hypertension [link] [comments]

2024.02.24 02:31 YoullFloatT00 Can I split my 25mg metoprolol succinate in half?

34F, bicuspid aortic valve, small AAA, hypertension
Hi all, basically what I’m wondering on a Friday night (can’t talk to my cardiologist until Monday obviously) is if I can take my newly prescribed metoprolol BID by splitting the pill vs taking the entire 25mg all at once at night?
On Thursday I went to my new cardiologist to get a better handle on my BAV/AAA as my old cardiologist PA and I weren’t vibing at all and he was telling me me a lot of incorrect, jarring info. I’ve been on lisinopril 20mg for around 7 years, no issues, pretty controlled HTN but definitely have some breakthrough episodes/not always great.
My new cardi switched me to losartan 25mg as he says it’s better for BAV/AAA patients and also added metoprolol suc 25mg for even more protection fom my (hopefully slowly) dilating aneurysm. I was excited for that because I read a lot about how BB’s seem to help a lot in that case.
But I’m having second thoughts now as I’ve read a lot of disheartening things. I’m worried I’m going to bottom out from 2 blood pressure meds and worried about the potential side effects of both, especially the metoprolol. I’ve never been on a BB before.
So I’m wondering if I could maybe get past them by splitting my 25mg tablet in half and take 12.5mg morning and night? I’m worried I’ll feel like a zombie or worse.
Is Losartan and Metoprolol too much? What about the occasional drink on these meds? I’ve drank on lisinopril with no issue.
Any and all information would be helpful! Thank you in advance.
submitted by YoullFloatT00 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.02.21 13:20 RepulsiveCarrot4614 How is it possible.....

...to have severe copd go into remission or be reversed? I know it’s not possible, so please help me understand.

For context, my mom was diagnosed with severe copd years ago. At the time she was still actively smoking and was 50+ pounds heavier. She has since been diagnosed with CHF as well.

1.5 years ago I switched her from a terrible diet of pastries, fried foods, fast food etc. to clean keto. Homemade foods, proteins, and tons of vegetables. Moderate (not high) fats such as olive oil, avocado, nuts etc. Her weight loss journey for months was slow. She is 5’8” and weighed 226 at her peak, but looked like she weighed 280 at the very least. I was always confused at the number on the scale. I think she lost maybe 10 lbs in 6 months despite drastic changes.

Anyhow, long story short she had severe chronic fluid overload. Perhaps any real weight loss was cancelled out by ongoing water retention. Once the HF was under control she dropped weight rapidly within a matter of weeks. She currently weighs 174. Her edema was isolated to abdomen only, not extremities, and perhaps that was why it wasn’t detected. Idk. Also, her former cardiologist had not run labs on visits so we had no clue her bnp was nearly 1000 until an ER visit for breathing issues. We had seen him a week prior to that visit. Emphasis was always placed on severe copd, not HF.

It took several missteps and hospitalizations, a defib implant, SAR stays etc., to finally resolve breathing issues, which was the extreme fluid overload. Her lasix dose was doubled and the weight fell off. She is breathing better than ever. It's incredible. I went from thinking she was end stage copd to seeing her breathe like a normal person again! Humidity and smoke (from charring steaks on cast iron) literally do not impact her at all. Also, she used to blow through albuterol inhalers thinking they helped. One day I decided to test efficacy and withheld inhaler when she was short of breath. To my surprise she recovered in the same amount of time without inhaler, as she did with inhaler. It made absolutely no difference.

It is my understanding that COPD was over-treated and HF was under-treated. But that doesn’t erase the fact that a PFT was used to diagnose severe COPD. So how is it possible that she seems virtually free from COPD symptoms after hf was properly treated? The pft doesn’t lie, correct?

Current meds. Montelukast for allergies, jardiance, metforman, entresto, warfarin, mexilitne (likely to be discontinued soon), metoprolol.

MEDS no longer taking. Prednisone, glipizide, atorvastatin, trulicity, gabapentin, albuterol nebulizer treatments and inhaler, trelegy, omeprazole, Zoloft, lisinopril, donepezil, amiodarone, potassium, lasix, lantus, oxygen tank.

Female 71 174# 5’8” ex smoker, non drinker

submitted by RepulsiveCarrot4614 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.02.19 23:43 Glum-Ad8472 Frustrated. 153/86. Metoprolol tartrate

Hello everyone. I was diagnosed with hypertension 2 years ago. I am 30 years old. I was first on 5mg of Lisinopril twice a day but got switched to 25mg metoprolol tartrate twice a day. Been on the med for about 2 months now.
I went to the pharmacy to pick up my daughter’s prescription and I decided to take my blood pressure on one of the machines they have and was disappointed by the numbers. 156/86. My pulse being high as well.
Let me add that I do suffer from anxiety, am overweight, and did have a stressful hour at my kids pediatrician prior to picking up her meds.
I’m not sure where I am going with this. Maybe just some advice? Tips? I’m feeling so defeated and frustrated to think I’m a ticking time bomb for a heart attack or stroke. I started working out 4 times a week and eating healthier but my numbers aren’t going down much.
I have a check up with my doctor again in a few weeks. So of course I’ll see where we go from there. But just wanted to hear other people’s stories or any tips. Thanks in advance.
submitted by Glum-Ad8472 to hypertension [link] [comments]

2024.02.15 13:00 lmcfarland39 Lisinopril side affects

Hi 23M, this year I started BP medication because well my BP was too high. Some background, my mom’s side of the family has heart failure multiple heart attacks and usually low blood pressure. Dad’s side of the family has high blood pressure and some heart attacks. I started on 10 mg of lisinopril back in October and after 2 months was bumped up to 20 mg once a day. I’ve been taking 20 mg at night so the side affects aren’t too bad during the day but I’ve been experiencing chest pain that feels like it’s coming from my heart, it only lasts a couple seconds then seems to fade but will return throughout the day. I have really bad anxiety around taking my BP so it’s hard to get an actual reading but the last few were in the 130-140/80-85. When I was in the doctors office and prescribed BP meds it was 180/100(I just get too worked up at the doctors). I’m the average 23 y/o I like to drink occasionally, used to vape but switched to zyns, don’t drink any caffeine, and have lost over 30 lbs. just hope the pains a side effect from the medication 🙃
submitted by lmcfarland39 to bloodpressure [link] [comments]

2024.02.15 05:11 SaraNYCSF Increase in BP after change in generic brand

I was diagnosed with high blood pressure in late 2019, tried to get it under control with diet and exercise for a year first but my genetics are strong so I started with Lisinopril for a year which got me to normal levels. Unfortunately it gave me a cough so l switched to 25 mg Losartan in Dec 2021 which also has been effective. From Nov to Jan 26th my average was 122/77. My insurance company made me switch to a 3 month supply this year and the new provider gave me a different brand of generic Losartan. I started taking it Jan 26th and now I'm at stage 2 hypertension.
I ride my bike pretty regularly, I did AIDS/Lifecycle last year and rode 545 miles San Francisco to Los Angeles in 7 days last June, currently up to 50 miles/2300 ft of elevation for training rides with no issues or discomfort, I feel more fit riding than I ever have.
Has anyone had an issue with their blood pressure increasing with a change in the brand of their generic? Obviously will be contacting my Dr about this too, but I'm just curious to hear if anyone else has experienced this.
submitted by SaraNYCSF to hypertension [link] [comments]

2024.02.05 16:24 Chemical_Tailor_9692 High diastolic pregnant?

I am a 21 Y/o Female 21 BMI
I always had normal blood pressure before my first pregnancy but ended up developing gestational hypertension towards the end of my first and ended up with postpartum preeclampsia after a week of giving birth and my blood pressure never went down they kept telling me it was anxiety.
Finally 3 months postpartum I was put on lisinopril and propranolol and it brought it down eventually only got off the lisinopril and had normal BP(diastolic was still always above 80’s). Until summer 2023 I got switched to Labetelol for hypertension again as it rose and my diastolic was always the only one high usually 110-120’s over 90’s.
I am 14 weeks pregnant and though my blood pressure is pretty normal now even when it peaks I notice my diastolic is close to my systolic.
It averages right now with the systolic at 89-95 and diastolic at 75-80 and I’m not sure if what that could be caused from. And anxious it can go to 130/100. I’ve had echos, holter monitors, everything comes back normal. Wondering if it’s an artery issue as I’ve had diastolic bp problems since after my first.
submitted by Chemical_Tailor_9692 to bloodpressure [link] [comments]

2024.02.05 02:11 tellray Understanding the Top 10 Blood Pressure Medications You May Be Taking

Top 10 high blood pressure medications Drugs that treat high blood pressure are known as antihypertensives. Blood pressure medications work by :
There are several classes of antihypertensive medications, and each class includes several drug options. Your doctor will work with you to find the best treatment plan.
The following list provides the top 10 blood pressure medications by prescriptions written. The list includes a brief description of each drug, including its class, how to take it, and what it treats. The next section provides more information on drug classes.
The most common high blood pressure medications by total prescriptions written include:
Lisinopril (Prinivil, Zestril): This medication is an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor. It is a drug that you usually take once per day. Most people find once-daily dosing to be convenient and easy to remember. Lisinopril is also a treatment option for heart failure.
Metoprolol (Lopressor, Toprol XL): This medication is a beta-blocker. It comes in an immediate-release form and an extended-release form. It also helps lower the risk of repeat heart attacks and helps treat angina and congestive heart failure.
Amlodipine (Norvasc): This medication is a calcium channel blocker. People usually take it once per day. Amlodipine is also a treatment option for angina.
Losartan (Cozaar): This medication is an angiotensin II receptor blocker. In most cases, the dose is once per day. Doctors also use this drug to decrease the risk of stroke in people with an enlarged heart.
Hydrochlorothiazide (Hydrodiuril, Microzide): This medication is a diuretic. It comes as a capsule or tablet that you typically take once per day. It also treats fluid retention, or edema, from conditions such as heart failure.
Furosemide (Lasix): This medication is another diuretic. Your doctor may prescribe it for use once or twice per day. Furosemide, like other diuretics, can make your skin more sensitive to the sun. Like other diuretics, it also treats edema.
Carvedilol (Coreg): This medication is another beta-blocker. It comes as a tablet for twice-daily dosing and an extended-release capsule for once-daily dosing. You take both forms with food.
Atenolol (Tenormin): This medication is also a beta-blocker. The usual dose can be once or twice per day. Like other beta-blockers, this drug can help improve survival after a heart attack.
Spironolactone (Aldactone): This medication is another diuretic. It comes as a tablet and in a liquid form. You take it either once or twice per day.
Clonidine (Catapres): This medication belongs to the central agonist class. It comes as a tablet that you take twice daily. There is also an extended-release tablet for treating attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Classes of blood pressure medications
There are many classes of antihypertensive medications and many drugs within each class. This results in a large number of drugs that doctors can use to treat high blood pressure.
To assist doctors in choosing the best treatment, they typically follow guidelines and recommendations from experts in this medical field.
Some commonly prescribed classes of antihypertensive medications include:
ACE inhibitors: These drugs block an enzyme to reduce the body’s amount of angiotensin. Having less angiotensin in the body helps the blood vessels relax. Some common side effects of ACE inhibitors include a rash and a dry cough. Examples include captopril, enalapril, and lisinopril.
Angiotensin II receptor blockers: This class directly blocks angiotensin to relax the blood vessels. Common side effects include dizziness and lightheadedness, especially when standing up from a seated position. Examples include losartan and valsartan.
Alpha-blockers: This class relaxes the blood vessels. The drugs can also relax the muscles in organs, such as the bladder and prostate gland. Dizziness, especially when rising, is a common side effect.
Beta-blockers: These drugs block the effects of adrenaline. This lowers blood pressure by decreasing your heart rate and the force of each beat. Examples include atenolol, metoprolol, and propranolol.
Calcium channel blockers: This class relaxes the blood vessels and decreases the heart rate. Possible side effects include heart palpitations, ankle swelling, constipation, headaches, and dizziness. Examples include amlodipine and felodipine.
Central agonists: This class reduces the heart rate and relaxes the blood vessels by affecting certain nerve signals from the brain. Common side effects include dry mouth, constipation, and drowsiness. Examples include clonidine and guanfacine.
Diuretics: These drugs work by increasing the amount of fluid the body eliminates through urination. Many people call diuretics “water pills.” By reducing your body’s volume of blood, the pressure inside the arteries decreases. Some common side effects of diuretics include increased urination, thirst, dizziness, and sensitivity to sunlight. Examples include furosemide and hydrochlorothiazide.
submitted by tellray to HighBloodPressureInfo [link] [comments]

2024.01.28 22:52 Level-Tie-957 Anyone faced issues when they switched from Bystolic (5mg) to Lisinopril (10mg)?

I am 34M and took Bystolic in addition to amlodipine (5mg) for nearly 4 years as I have resistant high blood pressure. I recently heard that bystolic may cause ED and asked my PCP and he recommended Lisinopril. I started taking it for 3 weeks and noticed that my blood pressure was higher averaging around 140/88. Did anyone experience this?
submitted by Level-Tie-957 to LisinoprilRx [link] [comments]

2024.01.27 20:54 LothlorienLane Wegovy ELIMINATED dizziness & vertigo

For 20-25 years nausea, dizziness and vertigo have plauged me, to the extent that I minimized driving around age 37, and sold SUV & stopped completely by 40. I have talked to many doctors and received IV iron infusions from a hemotologist at a cancer treatment center. A hysterectomy about 8 months ago helped sustain iron balance and improve other qualities of life, but dizziness, nausea and vertigo remained. Prior to the 3 iron infusions, (which began close to a year ago, and I haven't been eligible for more in past 6 months) I was using a cane to get around my own home and at dr appts. Last spring I walked away from a 15-year career, despite WFH since 2020. I was so good at my work, and being outside of the workforce has been harder on me mentally than giving up driving ever was. I hope to work from home again soon, but like many I'm at a loss on how to best convey my skills, and express that said talents can produce excellent and consistent results, capacity variations nonwithstanding.
PCOS, fibroids, anemia, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and obesity have been my "only" chronic health conditions. I did have a "geriatric" pregnancy at 36, but was no more tired or dizzy after baby was born than I was prior to pregnancy. I have had my blood sugars monitored faithfully as my dad was Type 2 diabetic and died in a coma at 48. Since hysterectomy, liver enzymes have been elevated, but never before. I am having a livegallbladder ultrasound in 2 weeks. I have also suffered from frequent loose bowels, multiple times on many days in the past few months.
Quality of life was evading me, and I could scarcely leave bed. The iron infusions and hysterectomy were key stones on a healing path, but I still suffered from debilitating nausea, dizziness and vertigo afterwards. Even car rides required dramamine, etc.
Then I started Wegovy.
I had an Rx for close to 5 months before I was able to obtain the medication through CVS Caremark. I was incredibly concerned about symptoms, and waited another month and a half to start the medicine. I had the support of a nurse friend on tap. I had an Rx of phenegrin, enough for every day of the first month. My husband and I had prepared extensively for me to be down for the count at least a week. The anxiety was real.
But... within 2-3 days of my first dose (0.5) I noticed my body and head were playing different games. I was worried, anxious and keyed up...
But I wasn't dizzy. I wasn't nauseated. No vertigo. Okay... noted. Cautiously, I became slightly more confident with what some would consider standard activity- getting out of bed without sitting on it a minute. Going out on our farm with no building to lean on. Going in the fence with my dogs, not just leaning through to pet them. Standing in the shower instead of using the chair, then standing in the shower without holding a wall. 2 or 3 weeks after starting Wegovy, I drove myself 25 minutes into the city, and went into Costco to shop. I have been using Instacart exclusively for over 5 years (pre-pandemic) due to my physical struggles. And there I went. I DID IT. And I've done it again, and again, a total of 3 or 4 trips into town (I've since switched to Sam's club pickup, but the capacity for partner errands is there). I've pumped gas for the first time in 2+ years, 3 times now. My husband and his cousin, who lives 30 min away, have taken me to every errand, every appointment for years. I had been unable to carry my child or even lift and hold in place since baby was age 3 and 20-some odd pounds. Now baby is 43 pounds, 6 inches taller, and suddenly I can lift, carry, piggyback, toss playfully on the bed, hoist into a bunkbed and so much more. One day I was riding and realized I had been reading an article for over 10 minutes in car, no nausea or carsick symptoms of any kind.
I am on week 3 of the 1.0 dose. Since I started on Dec 9, about 7 weeks ago, I have done more with my body, on my own in the world, with less fear and fatigue, than I have in years. No dizziness, etc. Loose bowels also stopped entirely, and no constipation issues (I wait to take next dose until colon is clear, so sometimes go 8-9 days between shots).
It's like I have a new lease on life. I'm not currently working out, as simply being able to bend down and pick a toy up off the floor is new to me, and I'm building up my stamina for every day tasks. I do still rest a lot.
Details are provided because my question is this- WHY?
WHY do I feel so much more stable, capable and safe to use my body?
I will be seeing my GP and my hemotologist in April. My GP is very nice and quick to send out for any needed tests, but I can tell she has average/vague knowledge on the effects of these medicines. My hemotologist keeps scheduling me in every 3 months despite my iron being stable because they don't like the unresolved dizziness/fatigue, etc.
I would like to be able to provide them with some real-world antecdotes or ideas on what my core issue actually may be, so we can work to better understand that and explore root causes that we can treat, without Wegovy perhaps, in the future.
I am more confident and trusting in my body to function than I have been in 20 years. It would be heartbreaking to have an internal change and have those troubles return. I have been so much more physically engaged with my little one that it would be a genuine tragedy to return to the way I was before.
I will reiterate that I am frequently checked for diabetes and never meet thresholds of even a pill diabetic. I have taken Metformin off and on for 10 years, and consistently the past 2 years, to help manage PCOS, but it never impacted my bloodsugar due to a very low dose.
Current meds: Lisinopril 20mg nightly Wegovy 1x per week, currently at 1.0
Please note that the changes were so immediate, it can't be due to weight loss.
January 2023: 206 lbs Lost 5 pre-hysterectomy, 10 post December 9, 2023: 190.6 lbs January 27, 2024: 179.1 lbs
11.5 lbs lost on Wegovy, no real food item changes. No real goal weight, but anticipating 140lbs or so to be a real "feel good" zone for me.
I really appreciate any insights or feedback I can research and bring to my care team so I can continue to gain strength and stability. I am realizing what a "normal" baseline could feel like, and I am both grateful for it... and selfish to keep it.
And I'm so sorry for all of you struggling with side effects- I sincerely expected weeks of nausea and vomiting, & more when starting out. It's hard to locate any articles or Reddits with people sharing my "less sick than I was" experience.
submitted by LothlorienLane to Semaglutide [link] [comments]

2024.01.22 02:54 Fit-Distance-7964 prednisone to tarpeyo?

Has anyone switched from prednisone to tarpeyo? If so, what was your experience like? Any side effects or weight gain?
Background: I have been on prednisone for 5 months (25mg and tapered down to 10mg) as well as 40mg of lisinopril. I recently got COVID, and my proteinuria went from .9-1.3. My nephrologist wants me to consider switching to Tarpeyo. I have gained 10 pounds on prednisone and have terrible moon face, so I am hesitant to try another type of steroid.
submitted by Fit-Distance-7964 to IgANephropathy [link] [comments]

2024.01.14 05:02 Prestigious-Ask-5966 Help! Switching from lisinopril to losartan

Hello I am 27 female 5’2 height 180 pounds I have been struggling with my blood pressure since I was 12 and my doctor put me on lisinopril, I’ve been having a cough for years now due to it and my doctor now switched me to losartan a few days ago and I have looked up all the side effect and am scared to switch, can anyone give me advice or share your experiences with lisinopril and losartan and which one is better! Also if anyone can give me any natural ways I can lower my blood pressure I would really appreciate it, I’ve been drinking beet juice, lemon juice, trying to eat healthy and exercising Thank you for any suggestions or info
submitted by Prestigious-Ask-5966 to AskDocs [link] [comments]
