Facebook hacks posting on someone s wall

Nathan for Us: A Place to Discuss All Things Nathan Fielder

2013.03.01 05:02 YourACoolGuy Nathan for Us: A Place to Discuss All Things Nathan Fielder

A place to post and discuss anything and everything related to our favorite Canadian business school grad, Nathan Fielder.

2008.06.24 12:05 Handmade - Arts & Crafts Made by Hand

Join us at handmade and become part of a vibrant, creative community that celebrates the magic of handmade crafts. Share your passion, gain inspiration, and make friends with fellow craft enthusiasts. Together, we'll craft a brighter, more beautiful world, one creation at a time!

2008.01.25 18:37 design


2024.05.14 06:38 Personal_Entrance_43 Just feel lonely in my relationship and wanted to vent

Just want to hop on here to vent because I feel really lonely
My boyfriend makes me feel like shit, but we have been in eachothers life for 6 years now. There’s a whole lot of bs we have been through over the years, we weren’t even “official” until August. Anyways.. been through hell and back and thought making things official would be a smart idea and that he would treat me differently. I was right for a while…. Now it feels like a prison but in the weirdest way I don’t want break up.
He makes me cry, yet when I cry or I am hurt/frustrated, he gets mad at me for it and tells me I’m “crying like a little b” sometimes or that I’m an adult and should grow up. He hates when people (mostly Me) cry about anything and it’s always “no one died here, you don’t need to cry” - I want to say that’s some form of abuse, yeah? If he messes up, I’m not allowed to be upset by it. I need to “let it go” and his excuse is always he was drunk or I instigated him to pop off on me.
He doesn’t hit me, but his words basically beat my ass internally and make me feel….worthless. I feel like maybe I could be better in certain ways and maybe he would treat me better. I know that sounds awful and sad. When I type it out I feel so stupid. I think because of our memories I hold on, and also the stupid fear that he will find someone else the minute we break up, whether it’s serious or not it makes me feel sick to think of him with another woman.
He has this way of making me feel like I’m dramatic and my feelings are not valid. For example I had a very annoying day, it’s day 1 of my period (I am extra sensitive the first 2 days) and I came to his place to pick him up so he could help me mount my tv on my wall at my new place. He took 30 minutes (he didn’t even come out I ended up going inside because I needed to pee and was getting pissed off) before he said he was almost ready. I waited outside for THIRTY minutes when he told me to leave at a certain time. I came into his place obviously annoyed but I was quiet. When he poked at me and digs what my problem is obviously I tell him at that point and he says the way I react is “scary” and he thinks I’m “losing my mind” because I’m so upset. I didn’t scream, I didn’t call him names, I literally went to his bathroom and cried out of anxiety and frustration. I come out and he looks at me like I’m a psycho.
I just wanted to hop on here to vent. I know what to do but then I also really don’t. Opinions, similar situations that people can relate to, is all welcomed.
Thanks for reading if you made it this far.
submitted by Personal_Entrance_43 to relationships_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:34 Sin-God Reading Is What? F U N D A M E N T A L, Concept Understand Education Wonder Jump

Hi friends! Sometimes we can't go wrong with the classics and today we're doing a Jump Doc Analysis of Burkess's Concept Understand Education Wonder jump! As usual have a secondary link to my past discussion posts.

General Thoughts

I've noticed I always have a lot of fun with Burkess's odder jumps. One of my favorites of theirs is Generic Totally Not Mind Control, which is a hilariously powerful jump depending on the setting you're planning to go to, and this one is also shockingly powerful (there's a perk to become a concept, a perk to bring inanimate objects to life, and an item which can absorb all of the knowledge someone has! It's wild).
This jump is the ultimate one-stop-shop for teachers & educators, which is a VERY good skill for jumpers to master. Jumpers, particularly early jumpers, would be wise to figure out how to do teaching stuff and do it well, as being a teacher is a good profession for a jumper and also mastering teaching is a pretty powerful way to subtly or not so subtly guide, shape, and improve settings. Becoming a skilled teacher is a powerful key to figuring out how to alter the course of jumps without having big flashy powers, and being a skilled teacher is a heck of a way to craft better, or worse, ends for the places you visit.
I'm a member of a setting known as the Shiftverse, which is VAGUELY like a fusion of jumpchains and more generic isekai stuff and in it two skills are top of the line in almost any situation: farming/survival & teaching. Teaching is a critical way to become indispensable to a community or group of people that is in a moderately stable condition, while farming/survival is more critical for communities in dire conditions, but of the two skills teaching is usually the skill that produces the most change over the long-term. Teaching is a vastly underrated skill set for any sort of multiversal wanderer, and in this jump we start to see some of the real power of a teacher come to the fore. So let's dive in!


There's only nine items in this jump, Jumper Academy, The Living Orphanage, Treats & Games, Teaching Materials, Experimental Lab, Book Of Concepts, Media Library, Your TV Show, & Hungry Knowledge.
Two of these items are books, Book of Concepts (the obligatory "You can spread abilities like the ones here throughout the setting) & Hungry Knowledge (which can grant magical knowledge to peeps!). Three of the items are places: Jumper Academy (Generic School item), Living Orphanage (an orphanage which naturally attracts little orphan peeps from throughout a setting), & Experimental Lab (self-cleaning, auto-adjusting laboratory for all of your experiments). Three items are collections of items; Treats & Games (fun prizes and rewards for your students), Teaching Materials (a collection of supplies for teaching stuff), and Media Library (a collection of copies of all of the media you've consumed and will consume in the future). The last item is Your TV Show which is a program you are the lead actor in which will naturally be geared around education in some capacity, AND a network which you control and can create more shows for.
I like these items, they're all pretty solid encapsulations of various scenarios related to learning and different contexts in which learning can occur. Honestly there's just a lot of fun to be had with these items, and a range of different jumpers would be able to benefit from looking over some of what this jump has to display in terms of items. Funnily enough there's no teaching certificate item here, which is a bit disappointing. Though if someone wants that, it's the free item for teachers over in my High School Musical jump which could be a very fun jump to use this as a supplement with.


There are many pages of perks, as is invariably the case in a jump like this. I have a few standout favorites and I want to talk about them for a beat.
Innovation is an immersive power-modifier that allows you to take all of your powers and figure out ways to creatively use them which grants you new abilities thematically tied to your powers. They Ask Questions & Always Employed are thematically relevant employment perks that guarantee that you'll find that people like and respect you more, and are more willing to ask you to help them learn new stuff. Retrocognition is a fun perk that lets you learn the pasts of places you visit and objects you touch. Some perks like A Customized Approach, Potential Unlock, and What's Your Motivation are perfect for tutors working with singular students or small groups and allow you to figure out how to create the best, most fulfilling stuff you can imagine to work with them and teach them.
Some of the perks here are direct superpowers like Know What I Know which is a telepathy granter, and Uplift Them and Creating Life which is a sentience granter and a life-creator (for inanimate objects) respectively. These perks are interesting, and all grant new contexts for you to mess about with your abilities and CREATE students for you to teach as well as figures you can learn from.
The perks here are a healthy mix of giving you new ways to get people excited about learning, allowing you to learn stuff from people (or even ghosts!), and ways to figure out how to best teach someone something. A lot of this stuff is really good for tutors specifically, as opposed to more modern teachers and lecturers, but make no mistake there's plenty of ways to leverage the stuff here to be handy among larger numbers of people.
The perks this jump offers are worth exploring yourself, but if you've ever thought about having a jumper who either uses a job as a teacher as a cover, or just IS a teacher who likes to explore and learn stuff this jump has a lot of fun stuff for you to snatch up. I think there's just a lot of different, interesting ideas this jump allows you to explore and gives you a set of skills and abilities that will be useful in virtually any context sans something truly extreme like you being in a jump where you are either alone or almost completely alone, or where you are well and truly surrounded by hostiles and you've just got to endure whatever bullshit the jump is throwing at you (and this jump has stuff for that too! Seriously, this is a very intriguing jump).

Conclusion & Parting Thoughts

This is a very intriguing mundane/cosmic citizen jump. I think it's funny that Burkess found some straight up superpowers related to teaching and learning and I appreciate that a jump as minor as this has some real powers in it. I also like that this jump just revolves around an essential skill, and takes that skill to some pretty intense heights without doing the traditional stuff like allowing you to teach someone your superpowers. It's cool to see such creative thoughts put into a jump and made into a fun playground for jumpers to mess around in.
submitted by Sin-God to JumpChain [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:34 kelegend Little rant on being around friends who are struggling

So, to specify, this is about eating disordered friends in particular. What it’s NOT gonna be is me attacking anyone for being sick- which unfortunately I see too much of when it comes to perspectives from the outside :( If you’re currently going through anything, sending so much love and support your way, but this may not be the post for you to read right now !
Anyway, I do not have a body image related ED myself (I have ARFID, which is sensory/fear related) but I do have my own intense body image issues that I struggle with. This is probably a really common experience even outside of a disordered context, but I’m so lost on what to do or how to feel when this person vents about feeling “big” (quoting not sarcastic use of quotation) and I am visibly bigger than they are. On one hand, of course i understand where this is coming from. Eating disorders are irrational and erode your self perception. I get it, I honestly promise that I do, but is it bad of me to feel kinda… im not really sure, I guess hurt by hearing it? I hate that they genuinely don’t seem to understand they are thinner than me. I obviously don’t say stuff like that to them because I have no interest in fueling or validating the ED by calling them skinny or whatever, but still. I don’t know how to get past these thoughts with them or if it’s even right to bring it up. As it is, I kind of just stew. But like. Cmon. REALISTICALLY there is NO good way to broach this subject to someone actively in their own addiction. So I feel like me sitting with the discomfort is the lesser of two evils versus the possibility of them sinking deeper into the behaviors, yknow?? Idk. I sorta relapsed recently and the whole situation of me worrying about them was definitely a part of why, less so than their actual comment was. It’s not like it’ll be detrimental to me to say nothing, it’s just bothering me. I feel like I’m not allowed to feel this way. I’m scared of making everything worse for them.
Well. That’s the rant for now. If anyone has thoughts or wants to reply pls go ahead. It’s greatly appreciated, but there’s no pressure to. I know that this probably seems self-centered. I swear my bigger concern is really how to support them, but that’s why I’m posting the selfish parts in a place they will never see.
submitted by kelegend to selfharmteens [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:33 mermaidpaint The Rock Star and the Bully - Consequences Hall of Fame

Welcome to a new feature at OhNoConsequences that I just made up, where we revisit the very consequences-heavy stories from the past.

The readers of Ask A Manager were inflamed in 2017, when a young woman complained that she couldn't get a job. All because someone she "probably" bullied threatened to quit if the bully were hired. Did she learn anything from this?
I didn't get a job because I was a bully in high school
Originally posted April 25, 2017
I’ve been trying to break into a niche industry (30-40 jobs in a city with a population of 3 million) for a while now. I’m in my late 20s, and though it took me some time to decide what I wanted to do with my life, I have finished my degree and completed two internships. I’m working part-time in a related field and freelancing while searching for a full-time job in the niche industry. I’m willing to move for the right job, but I’d rather stay close to home — so I was stoked last summer when I got an interview for one of the very few entry-level jobs available in my city! I ultimately didn’t get it, but the interview went well enough they encouraged me to apply the next time they had an opening.
Then an acquaintance who works at the company called me up and asked if I wanted to get coffee. I figured she’d offer me tips on how to do better next time. Instead, she told me to give up on ever being hired there — turns out, a girl I had gone to high school with is a real rock star at this company, and she threatened to resign when it looked like I was about to be offered a job. (I hadn’t realized it was her because her married name is different.) I’ll be honest — I wasn’t a very nice person back then, and I probably was pretty awful to this girl. I looked my former classmate up, and her resume really is incredible. She graduated from college early and has awards people who’ve worked in our industry twice as long haven’t won. Her public-facing work is top-notch. I’m guessing she’s the kind of employee a manager wants to keep around.
My acquaintance’s prediction appears to be true: I didn’t get an interview for a new position at the company that would’ve been an even better fit than the one I’d interviewed for. When I asked why, I was told a staffer had raised some concerns and the company would not be moving forward with my candidacy. I’m heartbroken. I worked so hard for so long to get the training required for this type of work, and I don’t think I deserve to be blacklisted for something I said when I was 17. I have my former classmate’s work email. Should I beg for forgiveness?
Alison from Ask A Manager cautioned the author to make any apology sincere, if she did make an apology.
Did the letter writer make an apology? Did she make any attempt to be accountable for the consequences of her actions? Read on, there was an update:
Update: i didn't get a job because I was a bully in high school
Originally posted December 13, 2017.
I know you didn’t solicit an update, but I felt compelled to send one. I’d written you in the spring because I was having trouble breaking into a niche industry in which a high school classmate I’d bullied was a rock star. I wanted to know if you thought apologizing would help me get a job.
At the advice of your readers, I did delete the draft of an apology email I’d had sitting in my inbox for some time. I applied for one more job with Rock Star’s company, and when I didn’t hear back, I decided it was really and truly time to look elsewhere. I found a shop in a town seven hours away that was desperate to hire someone for a paid 9-month fellowship that started in June because the candidate they’d originally extended an offer to found a full-time, permanent position. I said goodbye to my boyfriend, packed up my car and two cats, and drove to a town I’d never been to.
And I hated it. Not the work. I actually loved the work, but the town sucked. Being away from my boyfriend and my family sucked. Not being able to make friends sucked (everyone else my age was married with two kids already). I called my boyfriend every night crying. He was supposed to come visit me over Labor Day but cancelled at the last minute because he had to work. Seeing how bummed I was, a coworker offered to swap shifts with me so I could make the trip home for the long weekend. I hopped into my car after work on Friday and drove all evening, arriving at the place I’d been sharing with my boyfriend before I moved a little after 1 a.m. Well, you probably know where this was going. He was cheating on me. I was devastated. I spent the rest of the night sobbing on my sister’s couch and drove back to where I was working the next morning.
Except I couldn’t make myself get out of bed on Tuesday. Or Wednesday. Or Thursday. I was fired after my third no call no show.
I tried to get the part-time job I’d had before moving for the fellowship back (they’d said come back anytime), but they’d found someone who was faster and more efficient than I’d been. Unable to afford a place on my own, I had to move back in with my parents. Not sure what else to do, I sent another desperate application to Rock Star’s shop. In an effort to cheer me up, my sister and my friends took me out for a nice dinner for my birthday at the end of September. This is where it goes from bad to worse. I drank too much wine at dinner and got pretty weepy. I excused myself from the table to try to put myself together … and ran into Rock Star and her husband celebrating their anniversary on the way to the bathroom.
I ended up yelling/crying at her that she’d ruined my life. I was asked to leave to leave and told I wasn’t welcome back.
That was Saturday night. I spent Sunday hungover in bed, trying to figure out how to clean up the mess I made. On Monday morning, Rock Star’s manager (the one hiring for the job I’d applied for) emailed me to let me know I’d been removed from the candidate pool. She advised me that I would not be considered for future positions at their shop … or any other in the network. That afternoon, without mentioning me or what happened at the restaurant over the weekend, Rock Star tweeted a long thread about how she’d been bullied in high school and she wishes teenagers would realize that high school ends and it does get better. She also tweeted out links to local mental health resources and the National Suicide hotline that were liked/retweeted many, many times.
So, just to recap, no job, no boyfriend, no money, no hope of ever breaking into the industry I spent five years preparing to enter. It’s hard not to feel like some of this is Rock Star’s fault, especially given how she rubbed salt in the wound after my whole world had come crashing down.
TL:DR Bully has not gained much maturity or insight into her behavior since high school, confronts the Rock Star in a restaurant, then thinks Rock Star bullied her. Where do you think the Bully is now? Asking if you want fries with that?

Reminder that I am not the OOP, I have better manners than that.

submitted by mermaidpaint to OhNoConsequences [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:32 KpopRates The Late Gen 2 Girl Groups Rate - Songlist Feedback Thread!

Hello everyone! This is the songlist feedback thread for the next rate, the Late Gen 2 Girl Groups Rate!

Vote in the Songlist Feedback survey: https://forms.gle/xS5c2amFEg8ZsBP19

^ We do ask that you vote on which songs you think should be in the rate, not just which songs you personally like (though you can factor personal preference into your picks).
How the songs were chosen:
Songs were primarily chosen based off of kpop's Top Ten Tuesdays, and Spotify streams for the songs was a major consideration as well. We also took a look at sonical diversity and other popularity metrics.
Here is the tentative songlist for the rate:
Apink (9 songs):
  • NoNoNo
  • Mr. Chu
  • I'm So Sick
  • Eung Eung
  • Dumhdurum
  • Luv
  • Remember
  • [+2 of the following 4: Dilemma, Five, D N D, Only One]
  • {Bonus: Bubibu OR Another one of the above 4 songs will become bonus}
f(x) (8 songs):
  • 4 Walls
  • Red Light
  • Rum Pum Pum Pum
  • Electric Shock
  • Airplane
  • Hot Summer*
  • Pinnochio (Danger)*
  • Nu Abo*
  • {Bonus: Rude Love}
SISTAR (7 songs):
  • I Like That
  • Touch My Body
  • Alone
  • Ma Boy
  • I Swear
  • Give It to Me
  • [+1 of the following 3: Lonely, Loving U, Shake It]
  • {Bonus: Lead Me OR Another one of the above 3 will become bonus}
Girl's Day (5 songs):
  • Something
  • Expect
  • Female President
  • [+2 of the following 5: I'll Be Yours, Darling, Don't Forget Me, Twinkle Twinkle, Nothing Lasts Forever]
  • {Bonus: Thirsty}
miss A (5 songs):
  • Hush
  • Bad Girl Good Girl
  • Only You
  • [+2 of the following 3: Goodbye Baby, I Don't Need A Man, Touch, Breathe]
  • {Bonus: Love Song}
T-ARA (5 songs):
  • Roly Poly
  • Sugar Free
  • Number 9
  • [+2 of the following 5: Sexy Love, Lovey Dovey, Day by Day, Like The First Time, Bo Peep Bo Peep]
  • {Bonus: One of the above 5 songs will become bonus}
9Muses (3 songs):
  • Wild
  • Doll
  • Hurt Locker
  • {Bonus: One of the following 3 songs: Ticket, Glue, News}
DalShabet (2 songs):
  • B.B.B
  • Someone Like U
Stellar (2 songs):
  • Vibrato
  • Sting
Secret (1 song):
  • [+1 of the following 5: I'm In Love, Poison, Love is Move, Magic, Madonna]
Rainbow (1 song):
  • A

Total Song Count: 48 main songs (& 7 bonus songs)

{4Minute, 2NE1, After School & Orange Caramel, etc. are being allocated to Early Gen 2 Girl Groups.}
{EXID, HelloVenus, Crayon Pop, AOA, etc. are being allocated to Early Gen 3 Girl Groups.}
Feedback on the songlist wanted!
There are two main ways you can give feedback/input on the songlist:
One, you can choose to fill out this Google Form survey: https://forms.gle/xS5c2amFEg8ZsBP19.
Two, if you want to look to solicit fellow kpoprates Redditors' opinions and/or receive responses to your feedback, feel free to leave a comment below detailing your thoughts on the list and what you'd be interested in seeing changed. (Comments are more likely to change the songlist then simply voting, as comments are usually more in-depth and leave room for conversation/discussion, although we encourage you to both vote and comment)
I ask that you submit your feedback by May 18th (Saturday), by 11:59 AM Pacific (AM this time, not PM). The official rate announcement post should be published sometime around May 21st (Tuesday). Thanks!
submitted by KpopRates to kpoprates [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:31 Spiritual_You_1657 Break out all the tinfoil you have for this one apes…

You might even want a foil domer for this one😅 Hear me out here tho… what if we’re being set up for the ultimate last attempt rug pull? First I want to say how fucking pumped I am about today and even the last week for amc and GameStop! This has been the reconfirmation I need to just simply keep holding, but just out of cynicism I want to remind everyone of the lengths they will go to trying to get us to sell… I fucking love dfv but my stoned ass just thought about the possibility of his account getting hacked, and them trying to push the narrative that this is it…. So if they make us believe keith is back let the stocks run, I’m talking a few $$$ maybe over that $1000 mark, then have the account post something about how good it is to see finally see the squeeze… then slowly walk it back down as the fools rush to sell atleast buying themselves some more time with the shares they potentially free up… Now that kinda sums up my ramblings and so I just want to remind everyone this is not financial advice just a reminder of the value you have as an investor… to you right now those shares are worth currently roughly $6 amd $37 respectively (I think that’s how you use that🤷🏻‍♂️) but to someone very soon they will be worth much more… will you be one of the diamond handed mother fuckers that hopefully finally sticks it to Wall Street amd the corruption that’s been happening… and maybe smiling as they hold back the ‘I told you so’s next time you’re chilling with people or will you be one of the paperhanded ones getting teased for holding through the first sneeze and selling before the second amd missing the sqeeze? Okey I’m done now goodnight apes sleep well❤️
submitted by Spiritual_You_1657 to amcstock [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:31 Bewilderedone One of my closest friends just left and I'll never get to talk to them again

I am in so much pain today.
On Friday May 10th as usual I was speaking with my friend through messenger like we did every single day for years now, we have lead pretty much the same life career wise,both in our 30s, only difference is he didn't want kids. Every little thing we talked about, even if we had nothing to say I would see a traffic jam in his area and I'd be concerned that he might get delayed by it or itd be annoying for him I would give him a heads up even if he already knew. ( I am a trucker and so was he).
These past months have been different I could never put my finger on it things were different we used to speak for hours on the phone up until 6 months ago, I left the industry the phone calls became more difficult to have because our schedules changed so significantly, and about 3 months ago they just stopped, I would try to reach him but he just wouldn't answer anymore. He would always respond to messages though, except for the weekend that's when we both disconnected the best we could from our phones to try to be more present with family, but during the week we each would have 13 to 17 hour long days at work and it was always nice to know someone was there if needed.
This brings me back to May 10th a day I will regret forever. It started with me getting to my truck ( I started driving again after the 6 months because I myself had a mental breakdown from it at the time and I've only been back for about a month) at roughly 330am and the dam thing had a electronic issue, sensor somehow got damaged after sitting there all weekend, I just casually message him complaint " oh it's going to be one of those days showed up and this happened (sent him pictures of my dash and error warnings that it was showing) and within minutes even being so early in the morning bam there he is " dam man that sucks, it's probably (offers all the knowledge he has which in fact was the right answer)" we joke around a bit, I get to take the day off paid now because the truck going to sit in a shop.
Later that day I'm sitting at home and I tell him the shop confirmed it he was right, he just responds with " my trucks engine blew today and finally after getting to the shipper I lost the bill of lading for my delivery and they were pissed". I respond with a "You win" the bad day contest that we seem to have had so many times before in the past.
Sometime passes an hour or so and he finally responds " I told (my wife) that I'm not going to her parents tomorrow (may 11) Im not dealing with this this weekend" ( his wife's dad was the owner of the company he runs a truck for) I agree with him say best not to bother with it (father in-law ) he will just blame you somehow even though nothing you could do about.
This is where I should have known something was wrong. A short time passes and all he says is "I'm done" I respond with " done for the day or some working for (father in-laws company)? He responded with "Just done" which then I immediately sent 2 responses of " days off are needed for sure" and " if you need to talk I'm here as usual"
Now being a Friday night we both do our disconnect from phones him always alot more dedicated to it then me, I usually see him pop online once or twice but nothing all weekend. Monday rolls around and I send him a good morning text just to start up our usual conversation, around noon I notice my message hasn't sent and he still isn't online, I go up to my wife with alot of dread and state there's something wrong with (my friend) I don't know what it is but I can feel it.
3 hours later his wife posts from his account that he had suddenly "passed" away on Saturday May 11th. I jumped out of my chair ran out side and just screamed, I haven't stopped randomly crying since I read the Facebook post, if only he has called, if only I pushed harder for him to speak to me, the more I think about the more I believe it's my fault, I knew about his past, I knew he had be going through new medications, this man was like a brother to me I could always rely on him and he could always rely on me I just wish he asked for help from me and I didn't weigh him down with my insignificant in comparison problems.
It's selfish but I just want to talk to him again. I don't want anything else at this point. These years have been so hard and he has saved me more then once I never got to return the favour in such a way
submitted by Bewilderedone to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:30 GavishX [xbox 360] [Early 2010’s] Terrible horror game

I found a free demo of this game on the xbox 360 store page, but never got the full game so I believe it was paid. It was bad. Very convoluted for 10 year old me. The demo (and I think the full game as well) starts the player off in the fenced in front-yard of a house in broad daylight with little to no tutorial or instructions. It’s a first person 3-d game where the player can only click on objects to pick them up and click on other objects to use the items. After getting a key, the player can go inside the house which is full of rotting wood and I think there was a woman crying in the other room, which is locked of course. Shortly after solving some more “puzzles”, the demo ends. I know some YouTuber posted gameplay that I watched so I could know what to do next. Could’ve been markiplier or someone else with his noteriety back then. I feel like the title of the game might’ve had a girls name in it but that could’ve just been my imagination as well.
submitted by GavishX to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:29 Depop_Mods FAQ and Common Topics List for r/Depop

This is a list of FAQ and repeated topics that appear on this sub. Please either read this before posting, or read this as you've likely been directed here from a post removal.
This will be updated every now and then, so please keep an eye out for this thread.
Q: Am I being scammed?/Is this a scam?
A: Read the scam FAQ here.
Q: How long should I wait for a seller to ship?/Seller has taken _ days to ship, what should I do?/When should I open a case?
A: Sellers are required to ship within 7 days. If it goes over 7 days, contact them and ask them about shipping. If you get ignored, blocked or they still don't ship, open a case with Depop. DO NOT WAIT LONGER THAN 30 DAYS.
Q: How do I open a case?
A: At the bottom of your receipt.
Q: How do I get in contact with Depop?
A: You can send Depop an email via their help desk. Otherwise, contact them on twitter at @askdepop.
Q: Can I sell fakes on Depop?
A: Selling fakes anywhere is illegal.
Q: I was sold fakes, what do I do?
A: Open a case. As selling fakes is illegal, you'll get your refund.
Q: Why am I getting lowball offers/Why do people lowball?
Everyone always wants a deal and wants to pay as little as possible, so frequently people will push to get the item as cheap as they can. It can be frustrating, but this is common on pretty much every online selling/markerplace app.
Q: Why do buyers not buy when I accept their offers?
A: There's no way to know someone's thinking behind this. Could be they were trolling, bored, found another item or changed their mind. Offers are not binding so as annoying as it may be, a buyer is not obliged to buy your item even if you accepted their offer.
Q: Buyer wants to change their address, what do they do?
A: Refund them, then let them change their details and repurchase.
Q: Why isn't my item selling?/Why is no one buying my items?
A: There's a number of reasons why your item isn't selling. It could be the algorithm, your photos, your description etc. Search tips and tricks in the subreddit about selling or use the shop critique thread if you need more help.
Q: Why do people upcharge Shein/Aliexpress items?
A: Because it's an easy way to make money, and although it's scummy, it isn't against Depop's rules.

T: Discussions about offers, lowball offers, people not accepting offers
A: As stated before, lowball offers are a common occurrence on Depop and repeated topics about such add nothing to the community.
T: Discussions about shein/aliexpress dropshippers
A: It's common knowledge that people on selling apps, especially Depop, frequently upcharge cheap/fast fashion clothes.
T: Depop is down
A: The mods will create a megathread if Depop is down. If you believe Depop is down, search the subreddit and sort by "new" to see if others are experiencing it as well before making a post.
submitted by Depop_Mods to Depop [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:28 Personal_Entrance_43 Just feel lonely in my relationship and wanted to vent

Just want to hop on here to vent because I feel really lonely
My boyfriend makes me feel like shit, but we have been in eachothers life for 6 years now. There’s a whole lot of bs we have been through over the years, we weren’t even “official” until August. Anyways.. been through hell and back and thought making things official would be a smart idea and that he would treat me differently. I was right for a while…. Now it feels like a prison but in the weirdest way I don’t want break up.
He makes me cry, yet when I cry or I am hurt/frustrated, he gets mad at me for it and tells me I’m “crying like a little b” sometimes or that I’m an adult and should grow up. He hates when people (mostly Me) cry about anything and it’s always “no one died here, you don’t need to cry” - I want to say that’s some form of abuse, yeah? If he messes up, I’m not allowed to be upset by it. I need to “let it go” and his excuse is always he was drunk or I instigated him to pop off on me.
He doesn’t hit me, but his words basically beat my ass internally and make me feel….worthless. I feel like maybe I could be better in certain ways and maybe he would treat me better. I know that sounds awful and sad. When I type it out I feel so stupid. I think because of our memories I hold on, and also the stupid fear that he will find someone else the minute we break up, whether it’s serious or not it makes me feel sick to think of him with another woman.
He has this way of making me feel like I’m dramatic and my feelings are not valid. For example I had a very annoying day, it’s day 1 of my period (I am extra sensitive the first 2 days) and I came to his place to pick him up so he could help me mount my tv on my wall at my new place. He took 30 minutes (he didn’t even come out I ended up going inside because I needed to pee and was getting pissed off) before he said he was almost ready. I waited outside for THIRTY minutes when he told me to leave at a certain time. I came into his place obviously annoyed but I was quiet. When he poked at me and digs what my problem is obviously I tell him at that point and he says the way I react is “scary” and he thinks I’m “losing my mind” because I’m so upset. I didn’t scream, I didn’t call him names, I literally went to his bathroom and cried out of anxiety and frustration. I come out and he looks at me like I’m a psycho.
I just wanted to hop on here to vent. I know what to do but then I also really don’t. Opinions, similar situations that people can relate to, is all welcomed.
Thanks for reading if you made it this far.
submitted by Personal_Entrance_43 to u/Personal_Entrance_43 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:27 Teddybear86x I healed and I’m still so angry

I (22F) was in a very abusive and toxic relationship for about 3 years. I was abused in every way possible. Every chance he had to make me feel bad about something that happened to me he took it for example I was raped as a child and teenager and when he got mad he would tell me that the guy must have been big because I was bleeding after the event rather than being their to comfort me. Because to him it wasn’t that fact that I was violently raped it’s just they had to be bigger than him. He triggered my trauma by touching me and inserting things into me while I slept not to mention when I would tell him no during sex and he’d still enter me. One time I remember most was when he tried to put it in the back door and I repeatedly said no but he did it anyway I was so hurt and scared that I just laid there until he realized that I wasn’t moving and rather than apologizing and making sure I’m okay he got upset and rolled over because I ruined the mood. Going back to the beginning we started dating in 2019 when I had turned 18 and he was 21. In 2020 he got me pregnant and one day he got unreasonably upset at me for worrying about where he was running off to in the middle of the night and told me “He’d make me lose our baby” and surely enough he kept true to his word and I did lose the baby I remember crying and begging him to comfort me but he was too busy playing the game and talking to his friend at some point he got annoyed with me crying so he left out the room. His actions beat my confidence down and every ounce of personality I had was taken from my very being and I was shell of who I once was by summer of 2021. I think once he saw that he figured that final blow would be to tell me that he fell in love with someone else and I cried but like a fool I still wanted him to comfort me but all he could do was look at me like I was beneath him. Once he chose her only two months in he realized the grass wasn’t greener on the other side and left her to come talk to me looking back on it now I know it was because I was easier to manipulate at the time. We got back together and by 2022 I thought maybe he changed his ways as I was noticing things he did at the beginning of our relationship and things I liked. But soon I would realize how wrong I was he became abusive again but by this point I felt like I had no one but him I had no one to talk to not even family. We had sex although I really didn’t enjoy it I just knew that was the only way I’d be able to keep him in my life and without him I had no one to ones surprise I got pregnant again I was sick and miserable the whole time by this point I started coming to my senses and gaining my sense of self back I knew I couldn’t be in this relationship or be tied to him by having this baby after talking to him and my parents we decided an abortion would be the best but afterwards I was too weak and in pain to travel back home so I stayed at his place until I had the energy to get back on my feet during this stay he got aggressive with me one night in September of 2022 I grabbed something to protect myself in case he came at me and in a rage he snatched it from me flipped me on the bed and punched me his hardest in my face I was bleeding according to his sisters and mom but I couldn’t feel my nose or mouth I just remember walking through the hallways and screaming that he hit me and then I was dragged back to his room where I felt myself fading in and out of consciousness no one called an ambulance no one checked on me I just remember waking up and seeing that while I was going through all the things he was putting me through he was on Reddit telling other girls how sexy they were or how pretty they looked. I like to say I’ve healed from it and I found someone better but from the things I’ve been through sometimes I find myself thinking peace and healing is not enough I need him to suffer like how he made me suffer.
Note: I did not include a lot of the times he hit me or spit on me because this post would be very long I just wrote the parts that were the most traumatic to me. Thank you for reading I just wanted to get this out.
Edit: sorry if this is written weird it’s sometimes very hard and upsetting to remember but I try to type as fast as I think.
submitted by Teddybear86x to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:24 WideTimothy Stuff to know about MIT protest demands, research freedom, and military contracts

A week ago, someone asked why “divestment from IDF contracts is so difficult.” After the actions, suspensions, and arrests of last week, I have also wondered why protestors and MIT’s administration did not reach an agreement. Here’s an effort to explain it.
I’m looking to read the protest demands carefully and generously, then consider MIT’s constraints generously. My conclusion is that if the core demands had broad support on campus—and I can't say whether they do or do not—I still think there are principled and consistent reasons MIT could not meet them as stated.
Please add anything I’ve missed about the SAGE and MIT positions in the comments. Factual corrections or additional details are appreciated!
(If you’re here for hot takes, you’re in the wrong thread. I’m not asserting what MIT should do about the demands, sharing opinions about student protests, or MIT's response. Please feel welcome to share your opinions about these in other posts about these topics.)
The demands
The core demands of the Scientists against the Genocide Encampment (SAGE) are:
  1. The immediate termination of two active faculty contracts with the Israel Ministry of Defense (IMoD)
  2. A ban on future faculty contracts with IMoD.[1]
The protestors identified these contracts in the MIT Brown Books, which provide detailed information about all sponsored research projects on campus. SAGE states specific concerns about an active research project on “autonomous robotic swarms,” which they say can be used to “target Gazan citizens or American protestors.”[1] I have not found specific stated concerns about the other project, “Field-capable Bacterial Biosensors with Hyperspectral Reporters for Remote Detection of Analytes of Interest.”[3]
The demands propose to terminate current funding, but would not stop the existing projects themselves. SAGE states the two active projects can proceed with alternative funding.[2] SAGE negotiators have said a process to limit human rights risks or restrict foreign military research would only be satisfactory if it terminated these contracts with immediate effect.[2]
Two pieces of information about these demands have been widely misreported. First, the contracts appear to be funded by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), not IMoD.[4] As the “direct sponsor,” IMoD chooses which research proposals to fund at U.S. universities. DoD involvement does not appear to be an important consideration to SAGE. I suspect, but don't know for certain, that ending contracts with a primary government funder could have material complications for MIT.
Second, SAGE has said that “more than $11M” has been funded through DoD/IMoD since 2015.[1][3] But once multi-year awards are deduplicated in the data they have published, they amount since 2015 is closer to $3.4 million.[4] The cost of SAGE’s core demands—which is the unspent balance of the two remaining grants—is not publicly reported by SAGE or MIT. However, this direct cost does not seem to be a material issue for either side.
Conflict between the core demands and MIT’s research policy
Meeting protestors’ central demands would require MIT to do something it has not done before: electively ban faculty from collaborating with a specific sponsor. Doing so conflicts with the MIT faculty’s longstanding position on “research freedom,” which A) lets faculty freely choose collaborators and topics and B) limits university intervention when researchers face criticism of their work.[5][6]
Consistent with research freedom, MIT has not previously banned sponsors or terminated research contracts except when required by U.S. law. For example, when many MIT faculty demanded that MIT sever ties with the Saudi kingdom after the murder of Jamal Khashoggi, MIT did not terminate Saudi government-affiliated research contracts.[5] MIT has similarly rejected calls to stop faculty research contracts with fossil fuel industry partners.
MIT’s faculty and administration have taken analogous public positions favoring “research openness,” including with sponsor countries criticized for human rights concerns like Russia and China.[5][6] These positions assert that science requires open collaboration even during foreign policy conflicts. MIT recently reaffirmed its position on openness as Congress considered limitations on U.S.-China research collaboration.[7]
SAGE argues that academic freedom was disregarded in February 2022, when MIT terminated a $100M/year collaboration agreement with Russia’s Skoltech after the Russian army invaded Ukraine.[1][8] However, as a corporate partnership between MIT and Skoltech, the agreement did not implicate research freedom principles as SAGE’s demands do.[8] MIT continues to allow faculty to work with Russian sponsors and collaborators, although U.S. State Department sanctions now restrict research collaborations with many Russian institutions, including Skoltech.[9]
The Saudi and Skoltech decisions show MIT's stubborn commitment to faculty research freedom, even when human rights concerns are broadly held in the MIT community. MIT exercises more discretion over non-research funding, like direct support and gifts. But unless required by U.S. law or foreign policy, MIT seems unlikely to create tailored bans on research sponsors.
Existing restrictions on campus research
MIT’s existing rules for campus research limit how military-sponsored research can be conducted. All projects must be basic research and publishable without restriction. They cannot require students to participate in classified research and cannot exclude researchers by country of origin.[10] These limits functionally limit the military projects MIT can host on campus, but not the collaborators or subjects faculty can choose. (See [11] for similar reasoning made during 1970s student movements against military research.)
For sponsors in some countries, MIT applies an “elevated-risk review” to the content of faculty research proposals when sponsors could present “human rights risks, U.S. national security risks, and economic competitiveness risks.”[12] MIT publishes limited information about these reviews, but they can apparently result in project modifications, contract limitations, or a refusal of MIT support.[4][12] Risk reviews are not applied to approved research contracts, for which “the bar for administrative intervention to terminate such projects should be set very high.”[4]
A content-independent ban on IMOD contracts does not seem compatible with a process focused on content-specific risks.
Since broadening these reviews would inherently limit research freedom, doing so would normally involve faculty consultation. But getting faculty governance involved means that changes could not occur with immediate effect.
Sources and further reading
[1] SAGE website
[2] SAGE final proposal to MIT administration
[3] MIT Graduate Students for Palestine, “No more MIT research for Israel’s Ministry of Defense,” The Tech, 10 May 2024
[4] SAGE data extracts of MIT Brown Book research contracts
[5] Richard Lester, "Review and Reassessment of MIT’s Relationship to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia" (2019)
[6] MIT Faculty, "MIT Statement on Freedom of Expression and Academic Freedom" (2022)
[7] Maria Zuber, “Written Testimony to House Committee on Science, Space and Technology” (2021)
[8] Phillip Martin, “MIT abandons Russian high-tech campus partnership in light of Ukraine invasion” WGBH News (2022)
[9] “Information Regarding Informal Research Collaborations with Peers at Russian Institutions” MIT VPR website (2022)
[10] MIT Policy & Procedures 14.2 (“Open Research and Free Interchange of Information”)
[11] Harvey Brooks on research freedom, protests, and military contracts at MIT (1973)
[12] MIT VPR, “Elevated risk project review process” (2019)
submitted by WideTimothy to mit [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:20 unceasingfish Bachelorette weekend gone to s***

Hello everyone, I have had an interesting trip to say the least.
Backstory, me and the bride met in middle school at a summer Christian camp. We went to the same school, but she was a year older than me. We were close friends in high school but drifted during college because that’s what typically happens.
Fast forward, she graduated last year and moved back with her fiancé. We linked up afterwards and our friendship is doing great. I was invited to the wedding, not a bridesmaid which is not a problem because I am so happy that she met someone who cares for her. I just wanted to clear that up because I know some will jump to conclusions (looking at you Charlotte, if you’re even reading this).
Now, the bride invited me to the bachelorette weekend and of course I accepted because who doesn’t like a girls exclusive weekend?! She got it for free from one of the bridesmaids and asked if she could bring me since one of the other bridesmaids just gave birth. She accepted!
We will call the owner of the beach house Stella. Stella was fun to be around and seemed to have a great sense of humor. I found her to be passive aggressive towards me, after seeing my necklace (I have a birthstone that my bf gave me, a cremation necklace for my dog who recently passed {bf also got me that bc he’s a sweetheart and we love a good gentleman around here}, and lastly a cross with an infinity thing). She stared at my chest a lot, I originally thought that she was just enamored or jealous by my enormous jugs (I am a size H) and shrugged it off.
Later we were playing drinking games in the house (still the first night) and every thing was great! Stella suggested that we play truth and dare, which I didn’t like because I thought that it was too high-schooly, but I went along anyways. After everyone had gone around, Stella suggested spicing things up. I was interested by replacing the truth rule with drinking, but immediately thrown off when she suggested stripping.
As I stated earlier, I have size H boobs, I have always been self conscious about them, especially since they have scars from open heart surgery. Stella said we would have to work our way from the top to the bottom and then first one out of clothes had to streak. I thought it was an insane idea, but really who am I to judge as a Christian? That’s Gods job, not mine.
I politely declined and told the girls that I would be on the balcony watching the waves because I was uncomfortable with showing my boobs to everyone because I am not good with dares.
Needless to say Stella threw a fit and called me a boring Bible thumper. I had not mentioned my faith at that point during the ENTIRE day. The bride stepped in and asked if we could just cut out the stripping part. That must have hit a few nerves because Stella told her that there was no way that she was taking my side because she knew what Christians had done to her in the past.
Now I had no idea that she had any religious trauma and I feel bad that evil people severed her relationship with God because of their selfishness. I think it’s awful that so many hijack Christianity for evil and I do not blame her for the conclusions that she had jumped to about all Christians.
Turns out my friend had never mentioned that she was a Christian because of Stella’s disdain. Shit hit the fan when the bride told Stella that she was a Christian and that we became friends at a Christian camp. She freaked out and said that she could not believe that she had been lied to all of these years (they became friends 2 years ago) and that she could not stand to be around ‘disgusting Bible thumpers for any longer’.
We were all drunk. None of us could drive. And Stella wanted me and the bride out. The other bridesmaids were trying to calm Stella down and reassure her that not all Christians are menaces. Stella went to her room rambling about how I had made her friend (the bride) a homophobic witch.
We stayed the night, hoping Stella was too drunk to remember (which is where we might have been in the wrong) and hoped for an apology if she did. I honestly thought she would be embarrassed by her behavior. Instead the morning after she doubled down, BROKE DOWN THE DOOR OF THE BEDROOM I WAS STAYING IN, and demanded that the bride and I leave. The bachelorette weekend was then spent in our hometown bar hopping at the few bars there and sleeping at my parents house.
The bride asked Stella to step down and she told the bride to fuck off because she was going to step down anyways. I cash apped her 150 for ‘I’m sorry, here’s some money for a new door’ and she sent it back under ‘I don’t take money from homophobic Bible thumpers’.
I think that was her only insult, I have no fucking idea but man did my friend dodge a bullet. Imagine what Stella’s reaction would have been if a pastor had shown up to the wedding and she had to watch my friend and her fiancé announce their love to Jesus Christ and form a marriage in his name.
And for the question you all may be asking, no, I will not be a bridesmaid because I am graduating college and am broke.
Edit: I was splitting the post into paragraphs to make it easier to read
submitted by unceasingfish to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:18 kxkage How I healed from my break up

I’ve read many posts on here about everyone’s break up story while I struggled with my own. It was strangely comforting knowing that I wasn’t alone in this journey, and I wanted to share my story in hopes that it will reach those of you experiencing a similar situation to mine and provide you some solace in this time of pain and ultimately, give you the push to embark on your own journey of self-healing.
First and most importantly of all, I went into no contact right after my break up because mainly, the reason why we broke up was because I needed to work on my issue of codependency. I had a rough childhood so I’ve always had a fear of abandonment. My issues only became worse after my family became abusive after I started dating my ex. As a result, she became the light in my life and my love turned into obsession.
I wanted to get better, my ex did too and she tried her best to support me, but it was clear that as long as she was there for me to rely on, I was never going to get better. It was an unfortunate situation.
However, the break up turned out to be a good thing because it helped me look inwards and find happiness within myself. I’ve made a huge improvement to myself, it’s like I’ve become a whole new person. I went to therapy, talked to my friends, met new people, and basically got my life back together. I am satisfied with who I am, and I don’t need any validation from anyone to feel good about myself.
I still love my ex and I miss her, but this shift in mindset really helped me move forward; I don’t need her in my life for me to be happy. Having her in my life would add on to my happiness, but she’s not my only source of happiness.
I would love to try things again with her because I know I can come into this relationship with a stronger and better mindset than before. However, it is ultimately not my decision to make alone. It takes two to make a relationship work. Also, I don’t know how my ex feels or if she’s ready for a relationship and honestly, the uncertainty is a bit unnerving, but that’s okay! Life is full of uncertainties, and that’s what makes it exciting. You never know what to expect. What I know though, is that whether I get back with my ex or not, I’m going to be okay. Why? Because I am happy with who I’ve become today, and that is enough for me.
Trust me, it may feel like hell now, but if you change your mindset and see this break up as a golden opportunity for you to work on yourself, it will all be worth it in the end. I will not deny that it is hard, you will cry and scream and feel like the world is crashing down on you. But you will keep moving forward. You can stop and take breaks along the way, just make sure you never go backwards. The only best way from here on is what is ahead of you, everything else is behind you.
And to make it very clear, the end goal should never be to get back with your ex. There is no point in working on yourself—if you are not even doing it for yourself. Does that make sense? You will find that you’ll be much happier with who you are alone, rather than needing someone else in your life to make you happy.
To all of you on this courageous journey of growth and self-healing, you are doing amazing. Keep your head up.
submitted by kxkage to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:17 didohwhy Hot Takes About OPs and Other Stuff

To be clear this is my opinion and I will respect yours too.
  1. Recoil and how Ubi changes it. I know some people see this as a skill issue but I think making recoil almost impossible to control or new players is a pretty weird and bad thing to do. It's like how Valorant makes it so your bullets don't go anywhere if you shoot while moving. It creates a very large skill gap between new players and old ones.
  2. Deimos Buff. An idea for a Deimos rework would to make it so that he could track people and hold out his primary. However, instead of Alibi pings to see where he is when you get scanned they should change it so that it is the same scan as Deimos himself. This way instead of having wall hacks and the person being tracked have lion scans it's more fair. I'm also pretty sure no one likes getting their ass cheeks penetrated by a .357 revolver through the floor.
  3. Maestro Rework kinda. I think Maestro is in an okay spot rn but I think he could get a rework of some sort. I think that instead of having the ability to open his evil eye shield it should always be open, meaning he can always shoot. However bullet will now only crack the glass making him blind just like meleeing the shield present day. However you can press a button that will eject the first layer of protection on the evil eye which will make it so that you can see again. However no a shot/melee will kill the cam. Might be op but idk. I just think the area he's in is mild waters.
  4. Cam buff wtf siege. Why can't teammates use other peoples drones and cams. I get that they're owned by people but they should make it so that teammates can use the drone but once the owner goes on it they take control. Same with Maestro cams and Echo drones. Why can't teammates use them. If someone is dead then it makes sense but why can't they shoot/use drones when they're alive. Just doesn't make sense to me.
Anyway that's it, share your thoughts and I will answetalk about them with you. IDK how these changes would effect the comp scene but these were just things I was wondering about. Have a good day.
submitted by didohwhy to Rainbow6 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:16 Valuable_Manner9960 Awkward bedroom shape - layout advice

Awkward bedroom shape - layout advice
Hi! We are moving soon and our new primary bedroom will be 5 feet shallower than our current bedroom, and it also has an irregular shape. Would someone tell me what the best layout is? On the floor plans, they’ve suggested putting a bed on the wall opposite the closet, but the current residents placed a bed between the windows. Added the room dimensions in photos.
We have a queen bed, 2 nightstands (20” wide) and a 60” dresser we put a tv on. We’d like to keep the tv but can move the dresser if there’s not room for it. Would like to have 2 nightstands if possible (we could buy in different shapes/sizes as needed).
Any advice would be appreciated (tips for making the layout work with the space and for it to appear bigger). Thanks!
submitted by Valuable_Manner9960 to interiordecorating [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:10 elevatorDJ Surgery questions

Per my other post, I was just diagnosed today. I know I want to go the surgical route, but I have questions. Finding information on recovery online isn’t easy, as we know.
What are the differences between 2.0 and 3.0?
Is there generally a hospital stay afterwards? I know everyone is different but I don’t know if it’s more than likely outpatient. I’m fine with either way, especially if the first 24 hours has better pain management.
How long did you have to wait from consultation to surgery day? Of course I know that every location is different, I’m just wondering if I should expect soon-ish or 6+ months on average. I’m in Minnesota and there is only one specialist I want to see. I imagine I’ll have to sit tight for a bit.
Did the consulting surgeon prescribe anything to manage pain in the meantime?
How long did it take you to recover or feel you could go back to work (I have an office job, work from home)?
After surgery, how long did the worst of the worst pain last?
I live alone. Is a normal recovery possible without someone near 24/7?
I think these are all of my questions for now. I’m too excited to get this resolved, I was just diagnosed today and the providers haven’t reviewed the results or offered a consult yet. TYIA
submitted by elevatorDJ to SlippingRibSyndrome [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:07 Big_Chemical_333 confused in a relationship

Please help me, I don’t know what to do.
Im 24F and he is 24M. We’ve known each other for 11 months already, almost 1 year. He courted me along the way and as the time goes by, LDR na kami for 5 months ngayon. We officially got together last March. He was my 2nd BF but I consider him as my 1st since I feel like my first was just a puppy love (2 months lang kami non; 3months lang nanligaw and I feel like ako pa ung lalaki sa relationship namin)
So ayun na nga, I am confused right now simply because he doesn’t post me but he reposts vids of girls that are either beautiful or sexy that caught his eyes through his FYP or even in facebook or even in IG. I understand na some are artista but some are influencers. And going back to when he’s still courting me, he always go to bars and party til the sun’s up, eventually he admitted to me na may kasalanan siya sakin. He chatted girls that he met on bars (2 weeks naman na raw na hindi sila naguusap, and the usual fling convo raw, I insisted before kung pwedeng makita at malaman ko para I know where I’ll stand but he doesn’t want me to know more about it na kasi might be hurt pa)
Moving on, he doesn’t post me for a while na. Last time he genuinely posted me sa main account niya is nung birthday ko pa (September), and last post niya as for as I remember is yung sa dump account niya which was November (after we fixed things nung he admitted na he was chatting others girls than me pa, and we got okay since I gave him a chance and hindi naman din kasi kami so I can’t control him or I don’t have the right to be mad at him talaga since we aren’t official pa naman talaga😅)
I do love him, I did everything I can for him. October, nung birthday niya, I don’t have money to surprise of buy him a gift. Thankfully I got a raket na nagkaron ako ng pera and spent my money earned for an airpods, and to surprise him with a cake, pizza and I bought chicken and rice. I set-up a surprise with my friends and his friends. Ganon din naman siya saakkn, he surprised me before with flowers and foods for my birthday and celebrated it with my friends. Last Valentines, he got me flowers. He borrowed me some money last month, para makabili na ako ng phone ko since ma-lag na phone ko. So grateful for him despite that.
But, the thing is, even though okay kami minsan, I always envy those girls na narerepost niya. Ano bang kulang sakin? Napapatanong na rin ako sa sarili ko kung ano ung kulang sakin para hindi ako ma-post haha (I never got to experienced being genuinely and consistently posted by a guy) I felt so insecure na nagbbreak down nalang ako bigla, plus he forgot our 2nd monthsary and I really broke down to the point that I don’t want to talk to him for a while.
Tho I already addressed my issue with him na hindi niya ako narerepost, I even asked him baka may tinatago pa siya sakin kaya tinatago lang niya ako at hindi niya ako ma-post, wala naman na raw. Pero why, why didn’t he think to make an action after all? Ilang beses ko naman na nasabi pero wala naman. Tiniis ko lang to and hindi ko sinabi sakanya agad pero napuno na talaga ako kaya around April ko lang nasabi sakanya yun.
Is it a me problem or no? What would I do? Nakakapagod kasi na naiiyak ako bigla because of that.
submitted by Big_Chemical_333 to Tagalog [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:06 No-Recipe-8294 Was I an mkultra/ human trafficking subject in the 90s and 2000s?

Chapter one
How do memories look for you? Like flashes? Clear as day? Can you remember?
I can. I can see things so clearly. I can hear things so clearly. I can remember. But only as flashes.
I’m listening to Cathy O’Briens book and she says write. Do not speak.
Even now I don’t think it’s the same as typing.
I plan to get a notebook specifically for my memory. It’s strange. Like vomit. All mingled and mixed. And out of order. And “this memory” makes me think of “this memory.” And “this happened” but then before “this happened”. And I wish I could talk to someone but then also I’m glad I’m not. Cause what if they lead me astray. What if they make me believe it never happened.
This piece will be out of order. And for that forgive me. I want so badly to be cohesive and coherent but I’m afraid everything is jingled together.
Even now I have so much to say. The parkway. The basement at the elementary. The send off. The moving. The sexuality. They darkness. The depression. The dancing. The curiosity. The principal. Hiding under the desk. The gifted program. The dancing. The willingness. The ducks. The parties. The men. The lamp. Sergio. The face touch. The blood. The penthouse. The club. The drinks. The promises. The moments. The warnings. The desires. The memories. The tattoo. The dildos. The performance. The chat rooms. The meet ups. The hospital visits. The blood stains. The positions. The rooms. The timing. The willingness. The stretching. The exam. The scared nights. The scary movies. The drunken adults. The lumber jacks. The cia. Rox. The satanic worship. The rape of him. The unknown history of my family. The wealthy in Georgetown. The dress up. The music. The handball. The four square. The singing. The dancing. The sodomites. The teachers. The screams. The need for me. The desire for me. The bartenders. The p’mers. The stomach aches. The separation. The piss. The dark. The bath. The blue outfit. The men. The bus ride. The taxi ride. The train. The massage parlor. The neighbor. The chat rooms. The men. The parkway. The basement. The hallway. The grandparents. The crib. The dreams. The screams. The fear. The bus. The bubbles. The drinks. The cops. The piercings. The drives.
Nothing happened to me ever. I was never molested. I was never raped. I was never taken advantage of. I was protected from everything and anything.
However, by the time I was 16, I was heavily and deeply knowledgeable and accustomed to just about any and everything sexually in any and all parts of my body and also more than willing.
And I had tried committing suicide 3 times and lived with chronic stomach issues for the majority of my child hood.
For what reason I have no memory.
Cathy says to write. Write and your brain will think logically. And you will remember.
There’s so much, I don’t know where to start or what to write about. It’s different on a phone cause I can go back and add or re word and re order. I’m doing this tonight cause I don’t have a notepad. But it’s all out of order on paper and in my head. But if I write, even if out of order, maybe I’ll remember. I don’t even know why I’m posting.
But I have to unravel it. Beginning to end or not in order. There’s a lot of clarity but not a lot of memory.
And how and why does that make sense? It doesn’t.
So forgive me for this blog, for it will more than likely weave a tale that doesn’t make sense and is probably not true.
Or is that my alter telling me I will never remember. Cathy O’Brien says write. And I will.
Was I an mkultra/ human trafficking subject in the 90s and 2000s?
I hope to find an answer.
submitted by No-Recipe-8294 to MKUltra [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:05 CDesxbm [SL](Request) Kurosagi Series

Mangadex Link: https://mangadex.org/title/9695225f-0dbf-46e9-bf9f-2605c2d561d9/kurosagi?tab=chapters
Kurosagi is a psychological mystery drama manga made by Takeshi Natsuhara and Kuromaru
White swindlers (shirosagi) are those that cheat people to take their money, red swindlers (akasagi) are those that swindle the opposite sex, and black swindlers (kurosagi) are those that cheat the white and red swindlers. After his family is swindled by white swindlers, Kurosagi sets out to avenge them by becoming a black swindler.
It has 42 volumes in total (20 for the first part, 18 for the second part and 4 for the third part) and an alternate story that focuses on newer scams from the past couple years if I remember correctly (2018-2023 ish). The first part has 14 volumes and 152 chapters translated. With the most recent chapter being released 2 years ago (2022) by Freekscans and its sole member freek254. So if freek is reading please release chapters soon but if not, can some other groups pick it back up and finish part 1 and then start working on the other parts and alternate story.
I really liked the premise of the story because it’s educational even though some of the scams can be outdated (early 2000’s) by today’s standards of scamming but the MC is like an alternate version of Robin Hood so it can feel satisfying when he finishes with a certain scam.
This is pretty much the reason why I made this post in hopes freek or some other groups will pick it up and finish the entire story.
And I’m sorry to the moderators if this doesn’t quite fit in the SL request rules but this is the only way I can think of trying to get someone to finish the story.
Thank you in advance.
submitted by CDesxbm to manga [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:04 Stanley232323 Daily Community Tiering Post Day 27: Punk Rock isn't dead, just ask this funky lizard! It's Toxtricity/Dynamax Toxtricity!

Hello again everybody!
Before we get started on today's post the current voting for Carbink currently has Abstaining votes with a bit of a lead over the next highest amount of votes (which is C tier). There is still time to vote however, if you haven't voted on that one yet you can find a link to the post in the comments on the post linked below or by sorting the SubReddit by the Tiering/Voting tag!
Unless something changes however it looks like Carbink will likely go back on to the radar list for a future vote. Like with all previous votes I'll continue to check the numbers and if anything changes I'll update it on tomorrow's post.
(Please note that this voting/tiering is centered around Classic mode as after a certain point in Endless only about 5 Pokemon and 2 abilities are truly viable.)
So current tiers are:
S tier - Garganacl, Cloyster, Skeledirge, Gholdengo, Tinkaton
A tier - Gyarados/Mega, VenusauMega/Dyna, Aegislash, Corviknight/Dyna, Excadrill, GardevoiMega, Toxapex
B tier - Kanto-Persian/Dynamax Kanto-Meowth, Weavile, Starmie, Rhyperior, Quagsire, Mamoswine
C tier - Linoone
F tier - Dustox
With that being said let's get to today's vote!
Today is day 27 of tier voting and today we'll be talking about the funky rock 'n' roll lizard from Generation 8 that was the signature Pokemon of the gym leader who was part of a band and said no words during his solo lol. Toxtricity is fairly popular and well-known for its signature ability which synergizes very well with its moveset. Toxtricity has an interesting and unique typing that only it and its pre-evolution have claim to. While it does have a 4x weakness to Ground both of its types are strong types offensively and give it immunity to 2 status conditions which means it certainly can find ways to fit onto a team. It has a pretty solid stat spread in its base form and it also has the benefit of most of its strongest moves being spread moves making it a strong choice for double battles. This game gives it several gifts including a very good passive to go along with one of its strongest moves, as well as some really good egg moves that synergize with its signature ability even further and a super good stat spread for its Dynamax form.
(Please note that Pokemon with Mega/Dynamax evolutions will be tiered as one Pokemon and not tiered separately for their Mega/Dynamax form. Different variants such as Alolan Persian vs. Kanto Persian will be tiered separately however.)
(Also here is the post with rules for voting/tiering posts and a little more explanation about them in general: https://www.reddit.com/pokerogue/s/0LNZhPPzR9 Links to past votes can all be found here as well in comments added to the OP with each new vote)
And here is a quick reminder of what each tier generally means:
S tier: Top tier, can make or break your entire run, essentially the cream of the crop
A tier: really strong but not quite top tier, maybe slightly outclassed or has a slight weakness holding it back
B tier: solid choices that can make it to your endgame team, might be reliant on team composition to truly function well or might just be outclassed as well
C tier: usually early-mid game Mons, ones you don't really want to take to end game if you can avoid it, usually pretty decently glaring weakness but something redeeming enough to keep from F tier
F tier: no reason to use in end game unless you're doing it for a meme/joke
Abstain/No Opinion: this will be a voting option mostly just in case someone accidentally votes and then can't remove their vote (I've noticed that happens on Reddit sometimes) or for Pokemon people haven't unlocked/used to their full potential yet. If Abstaining votes outvote each individual tier then the Pokemon will be tabled for the time being and another vote will open up for it later (can mostly see this happening with Legendaries).
(Data in parentheses is for the Dynamax form)
[Also worth noting Toxtricity base form has 2 different forms it evolves into based on its nature. The only difference between these forms is its secondary ability and one of the moves it learns by level-up though, so I will put these brackets around the 2 moves and abilities. Both forms have the same Dynamax form]
Toxtricity (Dynamax)
Type: Electric/Poison
Mega: No
Dynamax: Yes
Starter cost {Toxel}: 3
Possible Egg moves: Nasty Plot, Baneful Bunker, Sparkling Aria, Torch Song
Abilities: Punk Rock or [Plus or Minus]
Hidden Ability: Technician
Passive Ability: Galvanize - Turns this Pokemon's Normal-type attacks into Electric-type attacks and boosts the power of Electric type attacks by 20%
Evolution: Toxel evolves into either Amped form or Low-Key form Toxtricity at level 30 depending on its nature. Toxtricity can Dynamax with Dynamax bracelet and Max Mushrooms
Base stats:
HP - 75 (95)
Attack - 98 (118)
Defense - 70 (80)
Sp. Attack - 114 (144)
Sp. Defense - 70 (80)
Speed - 75 (85)
Learnset by level up: Acid, Acid Spray, Belch, Flail, Growl, Leer, Noble Roar, Nuzzle, Tearful Look, Thunder Shock, Charge, Shock Wave, Scary Face, Taunt, Screech, Swagger, Discharge, Poison Jab, Overdrive, Boomburst, Spark, [Shift Gear or Magnetic Flux]
Notable TMs: Protect, Metal Sound, Thief, Trailblaze, Charge Beam, Facade, Swift, Hex, Snarl, Stored Power, Venoshock, Volt Switch, Sunny Day, Rain Dance, Brick Break, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Rest, Sleep Talk, Drain Punch, Thunder Wave, Toxic Spikes, Eerie Impulse, Gunk Shot, Hyper Voice, Thunderbolt, Wild Charge, Sludge Bomb, Thunder, Power-Up Punch, Screech, Sludge Wave, Throat Chop
Tomorrow's vote: GengaMega GengaDynamax Gengar!
Pokemon on the radar for voting very soon: Aggron/Mega, Comfey, Crobat, Ferrothorn, Gliscor, Delphox, Roserade, Vileplume, Minior, Hitmonchan, Bibarel, Whimsicott, Chandelure, Archaludon/Dynamax Duraludon, Alakazam/Mega, Infernape, Flamigo, Volcarona, Alolan-Decidueye, Barbaracle, Butterfree/Dyna, Beedrill/Mega, Mawile/Mega, Drednaw/Dyna, Annihilape, Cramorant, Aerodactyl/Mega, Glimmora, Heatran, Tapu Koko, Dialga/Primal, Galarian-Zapdos, Regieleki, Regidrago, Zacian, Zamazenta, Rayquaza/Mega, Latias/Mega, Latios/Mega, Ho-Oh, Volcanion, Cinccino, Snorlax/Dyna, Wishiwashi
(Other requests will be added to this list and this list is not necessarily in order)
Happy voting!
View Poll
submitted by Stanley232323 to pokerogue [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:02 Choice_Evidence1983 I found my sister who disappeared from everyone more than 15 years ago after she ran away from home

I am NOT OOP, OOP is u/MediumGrouchy5547
Originally posted to TrueOffMyChest
I found my sister who disappeared from everyone more than 15 years ago after she ran away from home
Trigger Warnings: abandonment, depression, self-harm, eating disorder, possible mental health issues
Editor’s Note: TCA stands for trastornos de la conducta alimentaria which translates into “eating disorder”
Rastafarian: a religious movement
Original Post: April 26, 2024
I'm really happy and confused and I really don't know if I can talk about this with friends and family but I need to share my experience with someone because I missed my sister. I don't need or want any advice since no one really knows the situation to be able to give a good advice without assuming things they don't know and it's weird to read people talking about my sister like if they know what she lived, I just want to share this and I know a lot of people have had experiences like this too so maybe someone can relate.
When I was 10 years old my older sister who was 22 at that time disappeared after leaving a note to our parents saying that she's okay and just wants to start over her life.
My sister was always a lonely but outgoing person, she always told me that she enjoyed solitude from time to time and noisy things took away from her quality of life because tbh it was loud LOUD where we lived and it was annoying even for me (we lived in a dangerous neighborhood so it wasn't too safe and she hated not being able to go for a walk at night or do things at night alone), she was depressed and I remember seeing her suffering from severe anxiety attacks, she used to hit herself to stop them and she had a strong TCA that triggered those things. She suffered from other mental issues as well and talked freely about that, she talked about those things in front of me and these are things that leave a mark on you.
She was the favorite of the whole family although mi parents never out pressure on her, they always let us do our life (my brother who was 19 at that time knows that, my sister was the golden child), my grandfather always made it clear that she is his favorite granddaughter, even now. She was the calm but funny kind of person, she was the closest to my parents and uncles so when she disappeared from one day to the next no one understood what was going on.
Even my sister had never traveled alone except to go to work and she always notified my mother that she was okay for safety reasons. She left a long note clarifying that she doesn't want to be searched but she loves us. It was a big blow for the family, I remember my mother wanting to report to the police but they said that my sister was not a minor and the note said that she left by her own so they can't do anything.
In a way, my other brother knew that this would happen at some point, since our sister mentioned a lot that she wanted to leave everything and go live in the countryside or become a nun and live in a calm place without any worries but nobody took her seriously about that. She was always the kind of person who did things without telling anyone, she liked her solitude sometimes even if she was always friendly.
The first months and weeks were strange, it wasn't that she had passed away but that she disappeared because she wanted to, I remember my mother missing her because they always shared the afternoons together.
I also missed her a lot, Even years later my family missed her and at Christmas or her birthday someone would always say "maybe she'll show up now" or we would wonder how she's doing or if she was alive.
Back to the present. I'm on vacation in the south of my country (This part of my country is very expensive for a tourist and I am the only one in my family who was able to come now that I am an adult), it's a place full of villages and while I was exploring I came to a place where they sold typical handicrafts of the place.
While shopping I can swear that the first thing I saw was my sister looking at some crafts on a shelf, she looked more adult but obviously I recognized her instantly, we are really similar after all.
I didn't really knew how to react after so many years and I didn't know how she would react, but I went over and said her name. What I didn't expected was that she would smile instantly when she saw me and called me by my nickname. I thought she had escaped because she didn't wanted anything to do with the family even if in the note she said she loves us, but she was greeting me as if nothing had happened.
She told me that she didn't expected to see me there and asked me if I was on vacation, she said that the village used to be not so touristy but now more people started to go and many villagers opened stores for the tourists. I was upset, I was angry with her for leaving us and pretending that nothing happened but I couldn't react so I just asked her if she lives in that town and she said yes, It's a place filled with old people.
We talked for a few seconds, she asked me what I'm studying and if everyone at home is okay, she told me I'm taller and thinner. Then she gave me a kiss on the cheek and told me that if I have a few days off I can go visit her but she doesn't have a cell phone so she told me that she's almost everyday there. My sister also told me to send hugs to our parents.
I'm confused and full of questions about her, she doesn't even wants to hide, she didn't looked or talked to me like someone who wanted to run away from something and hide. She was just happy to see me and happy to know that we were all good.
But I also feel resentment for her when I think about all that our parents and grandparents suffered when she disappeared, making my mother feel that she was a bad mother because she couldn't protect her.
But I'm ambivalent as I'm also happy to know that she's okay and that she doesn't hate me or the family but I'm also confused, Her behavior wasn't that of someone who is hiding or who doesn't want to know anything about her past, she was just happy to hear about us.
Edit: I'm sorry but there are people who clearly don't read the post, there are literally people saying that I didn't even knew my sister and commenting as if they knew her and taking things for granted about her life, there are even people saying that they don't understand why I'm 'angry' (it's just a feeling, a normal feeling, it's not that I hate her and I will treat her badly, god. Nor will I talk to my family without talking to her first, at what point in the post did I say that I'm going to expose her? I'm never going to treat her badly either because I have no reason to do so, It's crazy how half the comments draw silly conclusions) with my sister when i literally say it up there, even if my English is bad because it's not my first language, just read the post before you want to get a few likes for some unnecessary advice.
Additional Information from OOP on his sister’s note
OOP: My sister in the note said that she loves our parents, my brother was 19 when our sister left and he himself knows how much our parents loved and supported her when she was having a hard time with herself but the outside always affected her badly.
I was ten years old but I wasn't a baby and I remember what the family dynamic was like, I remember the feeling of my family, my parents are not narcissists and my sister loved them and they love who's my sister, she just had her own problems.
How could a parent miss the idea of their children? There's not a day when my parents don't miss everything about my sister, they miss sharing the day with her, my father even missed when she was cranky. My parents always let us go our own way and I can assure you that they never pressured us to be what they wanted us to be, I don't even know what they want us to be.
Relevant Comments
Mil1512: Is your sister neurodivergent?
With the hitting herself when struggling with anxiety and enjoying solitude.
I'm neurodivergent and my family live in another country. I honestly forget to talk to them most of the time and only really do because my mum messages me first. If she didn't we just wouldn't talk. Not due to any hate or anything, I'm just happy doing my own thing.
OOP: She's not. My sister had a lot of self-destructive behaviors and hurting herself was one of them when she felt 'fat', she also had eating disorders and panic attacks because of that. I don't remember too much but she did other things to not eat besides hitting herself, she was very open about her TCA and yes, she has a diagnosis from a professional.
My sister was always in touch with my mother and everyone in text, she always used to keep in touch when she was going out until the day she left, now she doesn't even have a phone. In her note she just said that she wanted to leave everything
mikuzgrl: It almost seems like the sister has been in contact with someone for a while and thinks news is being passed back and forth.
OOP: I never thought about that but I don't think so, seeing how my parents miss her I think the first thing the family would do would be to at least tell my father that she is okay :/
Can people just stop with the aggressive messages? Weirdos: May 1, 2024
I understand that many reflect their personal traumas in this site, but I literally received passive-aggressive messages calling me idiot or even telling me that I would hate my sister if she were neurodivergent or claiming that my parents abused her.
What's wrong with y'all? Go to a psychologist and stop reflecting your unresolved traumas in the story of a person you don't even know. Go out and touch grass and talk to a real person instead of literally sending private messages like that.
I didn't asked for any advice and just wanted to share my story because that's the point of that subreddit, but many took it the wrong way and decided to turn something positive into a way to fight.
I don't even understand why out of nowhere I started getting those kinds of messages or if someone share that post on a weird place.
Editor’s Note: TLP is trastorno límite de la personalidad which translates into Borderline Personality Disorder
Update: May 7, 2024
On sunday I finally found my sister again, she was selling things in the park with other stands, all of them are rastafari, not hippies or a sect. I walked over and she greeted me just as happily, we talked a couple of things and my sister told me that she doesn't have a cell phone so it was impossible for her to tell me that she wouldn't be there on Saturday.
I spent the afternoon with her at her stand and after that we went to her house, she lives alone (and sometimes with her friends). We talked for a while and at one point she broke down and hugged me, saying she was trying to stay calm all this time and didn't knew how to react because she didn't wanted to make me cry too bc she remembered that I was really sensitive but she couldn't hold it anymore. We cried and talked a lot.
My sister was tired of people, she said that our house was her safe place but hated the idea of having to work everyday and I didn't wanted to study anything, she was our parents' golden child, so they let her do whatever she wanted, but she knew that at some point she had to make something of her life. She was tired of how stupid and empty everyone was, of the politicians, of the TV showing empty things, of the noise everywhere outside when she wanted peace, even sleeping in our home was stressful for everyone because of the noises outside during the weekends when she wanted to be alone to smoke and listen music (tbh, In my memories as a child I didn't remember the obvious smell of joints that my sister had all the time)
That added to the pressure that society put on her to be physically perfect make her want to leave everything behind.
She didn't wanted to die but realized that my parents were miserable when they saw her being miserable, this is something I didn't know, but my sister said that our father had two jobs to be able to pay for her psychologist and medication, also my father used to spoil her a lot with the only food she eat without guilty. Running away was like dying symbolically.
My sister says that although our parents always supported her, she felt like a failture for not being able to improve and always relapsing, she felt bad to see our father working so hard and also wanted to live according to her spiritual mentality, free from all that is toxic in society.
All of those things make her ran away from everything, she felt like a burden and also didn't wanted to live a life working and miserable like everyone.
Sis told me that she never contacted us because she doesn't wants to have a cell phone and a trip to our province is too expensive to her because it's basically going from one end of the country to the other.
She hates capitalist society with all her soul and doesn't even have a TV. My sister said that she is much better now away from the city. My sister told me that she wants to talk to our parents but doesn't knows what to say and we don't want to give them parents a shock since our dad was sick a few days ago and is recovering from dengue.
I'm writing this with her beside me and doesn't understand what's the point of this site (The last social network she used was fotolog in 2007) but said that she doesn't mind if I post this. She wanted to write something but said she doesn't like writing in English haha
My sister was reading the comments and wants me to clarify that she never suffered any kind of a abuse, she has a lot of friends and never had any problem with anyone but likes to be alone from time to time to meditate.
And she's not neurodivergent (She said her behavior was normal because of her TLP), suffers from ED, borderline personality disorder and see a psychologist twice a month.
During her adolescence, the blogs Ana and mia were trendy, her friends had that 'aesthetic' and she was popular in fotolog (according to my sister, at that time it was taken as an aesthetic and even a book about that was really popular between teens, maybe someone from my country knows Abzurdah?). She hated going out when she felt fat, she couldn't have imperfections like cuts on her arms so she hurt herself with a rubber band when she overate, something she read in those blogs. Now she's in a good weight but it took her really long to not relapse again. It's been a long recovery for her and once you're anorexic you never stop being anorexic, she's always afraid of relapsing.
So that's it for now, we don't know how we're going to talk with our parents without making them freak out. And also my sister after seeing the comments on the post saw other reddit posts and said that her life is definitely better without a cell phone, she says that things like fotolog was the beginning of all evil haha
Relevant Comments
OOP on his sister being involved with Rastafari
OOP: Idk how it is in other countries to be honest, my sister doesn't live in community and there are no camps, she's one of the few who has a house because most of them prefer to travel around the country.
I really think it's impossible for them to be 100% Rastafarian here tbh because we are from South America and the Rastafarian community here is obviously totally different from the REAL Rastafarians, they just follow most of the philosophy
Edit: for example, my sister doesn't consider herself Rastafarian but she share some points of the philosophy they have, I don't know how the rest of them thinks



submitted by Choice_Evidence1983 to BestofRedditorUpdates [link] [comments]
