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IPTV: read the rules first, no sales or recommendations

2011.03.06 01:54 Famicoman IPTV: read the rules first, no sales or recommendations

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2013.03.08 14:00 Verochio UKPersonalFinance: Getting your pounds in order

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2011.07.01 17:57 avsa Ask Science Fiction

**It's like Ask Science, but all questions and answers are written with answers gleaned from the universe itself.** Use in-universe knowledge, rules, and common sense to answer the questions. Or as **** calls it [Watsonian, not a Doylist point of view](

2024.05.15 04:08 unimatrixq The Vorlons and their Homeworld in Babylon 5

The Architectural Wonders of the Vorlon Homeworld:
The Vorlon homeworld in Babylon 5 is shrouded in mystery and intrigue, with its architectural wonders hidden from human eyes until a million years into the future after the Vorlons have departed. The Vorlons are an ancient and enigmatic race known for their advanced technology and profound understanding of the universe. Their homeworld reflects their highly evolved civilization and serves as a testament to their architectural prowess.
  1. Crystaline Structures: One of the most striking features of the Vorlon homeworld is its crystalline structures that seem to shimmer and glow with an otherworldly light. These structures are not only visually stunning but also serve functional purposes, housing various facilities and living quarters for the Vorlons. The crystals are said to be imbued with energy from the very fabric of the universe, giving them a unique and ethereal quality.
  2. Floating Gardens: The Vorlon homeworld is adorned with breathtaking floating gardens that defy gravity and logic. These gardens hover in mid-air, showcasing a mesmerizing array of alien flora that seems to thrive in this surreal environment. The plants on these floating gardens are said to possess extraordinary properties, some rumored to have healing abilities or even psychic powers.
  3. Telepathic Architecture: The architecture of the Vorlon homeworld is intricately linked to their telepathic abilities, creating spaces that resonate with psychic energy. Buildings are designed to enhance mental connections and facilitate communication on a subconscious level. The very structure of their cities is said to be alive with psychic vibrations, creating an immersive and transcendent experience for those attuned to such frequencies.
  4. Temporal Anomalies: Visitors who dare to explore the Vorlon homeworld may encounter temporal anomalies that distort time and space, making it a challenge to navigate their enigmatic cities. Buildings may shift in form or disappear altogether, only to reappear in a different location moments later. These temporal disturbances add an element of unpredictability and wonder to the already surreal landscape of the Vorlon homeworld.
  5. Harmonic Resonance Chambers: Deep within the heart of the Vorlon homeworld lie harmonic resonance chambers where sound is transformed into tangible manifestations of energy. These chambers serve as both artistic expressions and scientific marvels, harnessing the power of sound waves to create intricate patterns that dance across surfaces in a symphony of light and color.
  6. Celestial Observatories: The Vorlons have constructed celestial observatories that allow them to study distant galaxies and cosmic phenomena with unparalleled precision. These observatories are equipped with advanced telescopes and sensors capable of peering into the depths of space, revealing secrets about the universe that remain hidden from lesser civilizations.
  7. Quantum Architecture: At the forefront of technological innovation, the Vorlons have mastered quantum architecture, creating structures that exist simultaneously in multiple dimensions. Buildings may appear solid from one angle but transparent from another, blurring the boundaries between physical reality and metaphysical realms.
  8. Energy Nexus Points: Throughout the Vorlon homeworld are energy nexus points where ley lines converge, channeling vast amounts of cosmic energy into concentrated nodes of power. These nexus points serve as sources of energy for their civilization, powering their advanced technology and sustaining their way of life.
  9. Transcendent Libraries: Hidden within labyrinthine libraries are repositories of knowledge beyond human comprehension, containing texts written in languages older than time itself. These transcendent libraries hold secrets about the origins of the universe, esoteric wisdom passed down through generations, and insights into higher states of consciousness.
  10. Temples of Light: Sacred temples dedicated to worshiping cosmic forces radiate with an inner light that seems to emanate from within each stone block. These temples serve as spiritual sanctuaries where Vorlons commune with higher beings and tap into universal energies that transcend mortal understanding.
In conclusion, the architectural wonders of the Vorlon homeworld are a testament to their advanced civilization’s ingenuity, creativity, and connection to cosmic forces beyond human comprehension.
The Vorlon Homeworld in Babylon 5 is a mystical and enigmatic planet, shrouded in secrecy and unattainable to human exploration until after a million years in the future. The organic architecture of their structures is a testament to the advanced and harmonious relationship between the Vorlons and their environment. These buildings are not only visually stunning but also serve as a symbol of the Vorlons’ profound connection to nature and their unique technological capabilities.
The organic structures on the Vorlon Homeworld are unlike anything humans have ever encountered. They seem to grow from the very ground itself, merging seamlessly with the landscape. The buildings appear to be alive, pulsating with an ethereal glow that seems to emanate from within. Their forms are fluid and dynamic, constantly shifting and adapting to their surroundings.
One of the most striking features of these structures is their bioluminescence. The buildings emit a soft, otherworldly light that illuminates the night sky, creating a surreal and breathtaking scene. This light is not just for aesthetics; it serves a practical purpose as well. The Vorlons use this bioluminescence as a source of energy, harnessing its power to fuel their advanced technology.
Another intriguing aspect of the Vorlon architecture is its adaptability. The structures appear to be able to change shape and form based on the needs of their inhabitants. For example, a building might transform from a residential complex into a place of worship or a laboratory, depending on what is required at any given moment.
So why are humans not allowed to visit or see these incredible structures until after a million years in the future? The answer lies in the nature of the Vorlons themselves. They are an enigmatic race, known for their cryptic behavior and deep connection to time. They believe that humans are not yet ready to understand or appreciate their technology and way of life.
Furthermore, there is evidence that the Vorlon Homeworld holds secrets that could be dangerous in human hands. For instance, there have been rumors of advanced weapons or technologies hidden within these structures. To prevent these discoveries from falling into the wrong hands, the Vorlons have chosen to keep their world hidden from human view.
In conclusion, the organic architecture of the Vorlon Homeworld is a marvel of design and engineering that reflects their deep connection to nature and advanced technological capabilities. Humans will have to wait until after a million years in the future before they can witness these incredible structures for themselves.
Architecture of Vorlon Buildings on their Homeworld
The architecture of the Vorlon buildings on their homeworld is a subject shrouded in mystery and intrigue due to the strict prohibition imposed by the Vorlons themselves on allowing humans or any other non-Vorlon species to visit or see their structures until a million years into the future after the Vorlons have departed. This enigmatic directive has fueled speculation and curiosity among those familiar with the Vorlons and their advanced civilization.
The few glimpses that have been provided through various encounters with the Vorlons suggest that their architecture is highly advanced, reflecting their profound understanding of technology, energy manipulation, and aesthetics. Vorlon structures are described as ethereal and almost otherworldly in appearance, often blending seamlessly with their surroundings while exuding an aura of power and mystique.
The buildings are said to be constructed using materials and techniques far beyond current human comprehension, incorporating elements such as energy fields, crystalline formations, and intricate geometric patterns that serve both functional and symbolic purposes. The scale of Vorlon architecture is also reputed to be awe-inspiring, with towering spires, vast domed chambers, and labyrinthine corridors hinting at the grandeur of their civilization.
Each structure is believed to be meticulously designed to harmonize with the natural environment of the Vorlon homeworld, creating a sense of unity between artifice and nature that reflects the Vorlons’ reverence for cosmic balance and order. The interplay of light, sound, and energy within these buildings is said to evoke a profound sense of transcendence and enlightenment in those fortunate enough to experience it.
Despite the allure of these enigmatic edifices, the Vorlons’ adamant refusal to allow outsiders access to their homeworld or its architectural wonders remains a steadfast barrier for all but the most patient and persistent seekers of knowledge. The reasons behind this restriction are deeply rooted in the Vorlons’ inscrutable motives and long-term plans for galactic evolution, hinting at secrets that may only be revealed in due time.
Reasons for Prohibition on Human Visits
The prohibition on human visits to the Vorlon homeworld stems from a combination of factors that reflect the Vorlons’ enigmatic nature and long-term perspective on interspecies relations within the galaxy. One key reason for this restriction is the Vorlons’ desire to maintain a veil of secrecy around their advanced technology, culture, and societal structures, which they perceive as vital components of their identity as a species.
By withholding access to their homeworld and its architectural marvels, the Vorlons effectively control the flow of information about themselves and prevent potentially disruptive interactions with less developed civilizations such as humanity. This strategy aligns with their overarching goal of guiding younger races towards spiritual enlightenment and self-discovery at a pace dictated by cosmic forces beyond mortal comprehension.
Furthermore, the Vorlons’ decision to impose a temporal barrier on human visits serves as a test of patience, wisdom, and respect for boundaries – qualities they value highly in potential allies or proteges. By setting such a distant timeframe for potential exploration of their homeworld, they challenge curious individuals to consider whether immediate gratification is worth sacrificing long-term understanding and cooperation with beings of vastly superior knowledge.
In essence, the prohibition on human visits to the Vorlon homeworld represents a multifaceted strategy aimed at preserving the integrity of Vorlon society, safeguarding valuable technological secrets, fostering mutual respect between species, and upholding a cosmic order that transcends individual desires or ambitions. Only by demonstrating genuine humility, perseverance, and reverence for higher principles can outsiders hope to earn the privilege of witnessing firsthand the wonders hidden within those forbidden walls.
Architecture of Vorlon Buildings on their Homeworld:
The architecture of the Vorlon buildings on their homeworld is a fascinating and enigmatic sight. The structures are characterized by their ethereal and otherworldly design, reflecting the advanced technology and ancient wisdom of the Vorlon race. The buildings appear to be seamlessly integrated with the natural landscape, almost as if they were grown rather than constructed.
Vorlon architecture is known for its intricate patterns, flowing lines, and shimmering surfaces that seem to shift and change in response to light and movement. The buildings are often described as organic in nature, with a sense of harmony and unity that transcends traditional human concepts of architecture.
One of the most striking features of Vorlon buildings is their use of light. The structures emit a soft, iridescent glow that illuminates the surrounding area with a mesmerizing radiance. It is said that the light emanating from Vorlon buildings carries with it a sense of profound peace and serenity, instilling a feeling of awe and reverence in those who behold it.
The interiors of Vorlon buildings are equally awe-inspiring, with vast halls, intricate corridors, and chambers filled with mysterious artifacts and symbols. The architecture seems to defy conventional notions of space and time, creating an otherworldly atmosphere that transcends earthly limitations.
Reason for Humans not being allowed to visit until a million years in the future:
The Vorlons have imposed strict restrictions on access to their homeworld for humans, prohibiting any visits until a million years into the future after their departure from known space. This decision is rooted in the Vorlons’ deep sense of secrecy, mystique, and reverence for their ancient heritage.
The Vorlons view their homeworld as a sacred place imbued with immense spiritual significance and cosmic energy. They believe that allowing outsiders, especially humans with their limited understanding and evolving consciousness, to visit their homeworld prematurely could disrupt the delicate balance of energies present there.
Furthermore, the advanced technology and knowledge preserved on the Vorlon homeworld are considered too potent and potentially dangerous for less evolved species like humans to comprehend or wield responsibly. By restricting access until far into the future, the Vorlons aim to protect both themselves and other races from unintended consequences that may arise from premature exposure to their civilization’s legacy.
In essence, the prohibition against human visitation serves as a safeguard against potential misuse or misinterpretation of the profound wisdom and power contained within Vorlon architecture and artifacts. It underscores the Vorlons’ commitment to preserving their heritage while respecting the boundaries between different species’ levels of development.
Vorlon Homeworld Architectural Wonders
The Vorlon homeworld in Babylon 5 is shrouded in mystery and intrigue, with its architectural wonders being a subject of fascination for many. Humans are not allowed to visit or see these wonders until after a million years in the future, long after the Vorlons have departed. The reason behind this restriction lies in the advanced nature of Vorlon architecture and technology, which surpasses human understanding and poses potential risks if revealed prematurely.
Advanced Technology Integration
The architectural wonders of the Vorlon homeworld are said to seamlessly integrate advanced technology with artistic design. Structures are believed to be alive in a sense, responding to the environment and inhabitants in ways that defy conventional understanding. The use of organic materials combined with intricate energy systems creates a harmonious blend of form and function that is beyond anything humans have ever encountered.
Dimensional Manipulation
One of the most intriguing aspects of Vorlon architecture is its rumored ability to manipulate dimensions. It is said that certain structures on their homeworld exist simultaneously in multiple dimensions, allowing for a unique spatial experience that transcends traditional concepts of space and time. This level of dimensional manipulation is far beyond human comprehension and could have unforeseen consequences if exposed prematurely.
Energy Sources and Sustainability
Another aspect that sets Vorlon architectural wonders apart is their utilization of advanced energy sources and sustainable practices. It is believed that their structures harness energy from exotic sources, tapping into the very fabric of the universe for power. This level of sustainability and efficiency is something humans can only dream of achieving, making it a closely guarded secret until the time is deemed right for disclosure.
Protecting Human Development
The decision to restrict access to the Vorlon architectural wonders until far into the future stems from a desire to protect human development. The knowledge and technologies embodied in these structures are so advanced that premature exposure could disrupt societal progress or even pose existential threats. By keeping these wonders hidden, the Vorlons aim to ensure that humanity evolves at its own pace without undue interference.
In conclusion, the architectural wonders of the Vorlon homeworld represent a pinnacle of technological achievement and artistic expression that remains off-limits to humans for now. The integration of advanced technology, dimensional manipulation, energy sustainability, and the need to protect human development all contribute to this restriction. Only time will tell what marvels await humanity when they finally gain access to these enigmatic creations.
Vorlon Organic Technology
The Vorlons, an ancient and enigmatic race in the Babylon 5 universe, are known for their advanced organic technology that surpasses the understanding of most other species. Their technology is a seamless blend of biological and mechanical components, creating systems that are alive in ways that defy human comprehension.
One of the key aspects of Vorlon organic technology is their ability to create living ships. These ships are not just vessels but sentient beings in their own right, capable of thought, emotion, and independent action. The Vorlons have mastered the art of merging living organisms with technological elements to create powerful and versatile spacecraft that can operate on a level far beyond what conventional technology allows.
In addition to living ships, Vorlon technology also includes bio-engineered weapons and defenses. These weapons are not simply tools but extensions of the Vorlon will, responding instinctively to threats and adapting in real-time to changing circumstances. This level of integration between biology and technology gives the Vorlons a significant advantage in combat situations, as their weapons can anticipate enemy movements and counter them with uncanny precision.
Furthermore, Vorlon organic technology extends to their infrastructure and everyday devices. Even simple objects like communication devices or environmental controls are imbued with a level of intelligence and adaptability that is unheard of in human technology. The entire Vorlon society is built around this seamless fusion of biology and machinery, creating a civilization that operates as a single interconnected organism.
Secrecy Surrounding Vorlon Technology
The reason why humans are not allowed to visit the Vorlon homeworld or learn about their organic technology until far into the future lies in the profound implications of such knowledge. The Vorlon technology represents a paradigm shift in how we understand the relationship between life and machines. Revealing this information prematurely could disrupt the delicate balance of power in the galaxy and potentially lead to catastrophic consequences.
The Vorlons themselves have chosen to keep their technology hidden from other races for a variety of reasons. One major concern is that less advanced civilizations may not be able to handle the ethical dilemmas posed by bio-engineering on such a scale. The ability to create sentient beings as tools or weapons raises complex moral questions that could destabilize societies unprepared for such challenges.
Additionally, the sheer power of Vorlon organic technology poses a threat to those who do not understand its intricacies. Allowing unrestricted access to this knowledge could lead to misuse or unintended consequences that might endanger not only individual civilizations but the fabric of galactic society as a whole.
By restricting access to their homeworld and advanced technologies, the Vorlons are acting out of a sense of responsibility towards preserving order and preventing chaos. Only when humanity has evolved sufficiently both technologically and ethically will they be ready to confront the mysteries of Vorlon organic technology without risking self-destruction.
submitted by unimatrixq to u/unimatrixq [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:49 drake_lazarus Glamour storage

The amount of glamour pieces that (I believe) it is reasonable to want to keep, and the amount of storage we currently have, is different enough to be causing me quite a serious issue.
I am a hoarder. I feel like this is a natural part of many MMOS, where there are thousands and thousands of items, many of which have inherent value and implicitly can/should be kept until useful. Right now my glamour storage is full, I have 238 glamour pieces across various retainers, and finally 80 of 140 bag slots.
Weirdly enough, I don't actually care that much about putting together outfits (this is where I expect to lose some of you). I do, however, get tremendous satisfaction collecting pieces. Gotta catch 'em all!
I have every job at 90, so everything that drops is theoretically useful. I don't want to keep absolutely everything, of course. it's mostly just job sets and blue stuff from trials and raids, but that alone is a vast number.
I am not going to demand more glamour storage. I don't think that's a great solution, honestly. Even if we got another 500, I'd fill that up and eventually need more. What would be ideal is a whole different system for tracking these pieces.
I hate to draw the comparison, but for all its issues WoW honestly nailed it with their collection feature. Once you own a piece, it's tracked in a menu forever. This may not work in FFXIV for any number of reasons, including technical challenges, and I accept that. But I can't help feel a pang of envy, y'know?
I guess what I would love to find out, if at all possible, is how much this is seen as a priority issue by devs (my current understanding is it's not high on the list), and the chances of it being addressed any time soon. If it's simply a hard limit of the engine, I will bite the bullet and dump a load of pieces. But if there's any hope at all, I would prefer not to do that as it can be a real pain in the arse getting them back.
I also don't expect an official answer, but maybe there is someone out there who has seen/read more interviews and has a better insight than I do.
Am I being unreasonable? Am I in a tiny minority, here?
submitted by drake_lazarus to ffxiv [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:36 Big_Afternoon7745 Passed ITIL 4 Foundations with a 32/40 today! Resources, tips, and thoughts.

Hey everyone,
I'd like to share that I passed the ITIL 4 Foundations exam today with a 32/40. I have no former experience, and I had absolutely no idea what service management prior to starting this certification. I took this through WGU, as obtaining the ITIL certification is a requirement for most, if not all, IT programs. Here is are the resources I used, some tips, and my overall thoughts on this certification:
I watched the Value Insights exam prep course multiple times, and created multiple Quizlet sets that correspond to exam objectives (Key-Concepts and Definitions, The 4 Dimensions, etc).
Key-Concepts and Definitions
The 4 Dimensions
The Service Value System
The Guiding Principles
The Service Value Chain
The Most Important Practices
Other Examinable Practices
For exam practice, I watched the Value Insights exam practice series, which there are five videos. I also practiced using Jason Dion's practice exams. Since I took this through WGU, the Jason Dion practice exams were free (technically not since it's covered by tuition, but I do think). Here are the links to the videos/content:
Jason Dion's Practice Exams
Value Insights Mock Exam Questions
For the Quizlets, I recommend obtaining mastery on all terms and concepts if you want to be super safe. I didn't personally do this, but I think it could have helped. There are also some concepts that sound relatively similar. For example, "start where you are" (guiding principle) and "where are we now" (continual improvement) sound alike, but the concept of reusing existing resources whenever possible doesn't apply to "where are we now." Don't let stuff like this trip you up, especially when it's really easy to confuse one with the other, it happened me a few times during the practice exams.
For the practice exams, the lowest I scored was a 72% and the highest was a 92%. I'd say just consistently study the Quizlets, and once you feel comfortable enough, attempt the practice exam to see where you land and study any areas you need improvement on. Try shooting for an 80-85% on the exams. There are some concepts in the Jason Dion exams that are not covered in the Value Insights material. I personally did fine without studying those concepts, but it can't hurt to do it.
During the exam, review your answers before you submit. This method has been crucial to my success in multiple exams, especially in Project+. There have been questions where I either realized my answer was incorrect after a second thought, or I misunderstood what the question was asking.
Honestly, this wasn't too bad. I only spent a week on this certification, and I probably could have finished it sooner since I procrastinated at times. The exam itself wasn't bad. Sure there were moments where I had to give some questions a second thought and I wasn't sure what a specific question was asking, but that's something you'll see in a lot of exams anyways.
Good luck if you're are/will be studying for this cert! If anyone has questions, please let me know!
submitted by Big_Afternoon7745 to ITIL [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:27 Murder_Giraffe Another review if you feel like reading! From a HW art fanatic

Hey there, here is my review for who cares to read it. I am gonna keep it simple as most people have launched a lot of good and bad points! Just another nobody dropping my opinion!
Fair notice HW is more about the art sound and story to me then it is the game mechanics so I wont touch most of that.
Soundtrack: Seriously how amazing is this. If anything the soundtrack takes this home. It is just incredible to hear and mix with the older entries. Really try mixing it on a playlist it just fits so well, it screams and sounds homeworld! I use all of the HW soundtracks for my creative endeavors and this one is anther godsend. Im not sure it wa 100% made solely by Paul Ruskay, but I can not stress enough just how divine the sound track is to let me immerse fully into that mysterious far away feel so peculiar of HW.
Ambience: Ive paused this game to death so I could look at every single little detail that might be hidden. Might be a bit biased here but I love homeworld for the feeling of wonder. The backgrounds and colors now mixed with new hazy environments make me feel like I am in some mythical dream space. I wish I could express my words better but it will definitely make me wanna draw lots of new things. The megaliths might feel a bit to claustrophobic at times but holy jesus they are and look amazing. Some levels look like a piece of art, really its that beautiful and it left me mouth open.
Combat: Combat was never what I looked for in this game franchise so my opinion is a bit mute here. I do feel sometimes it goes to fast for my liking and some units might not respond so well but I think time will fix this. I do miss watching my slow lumbering ships get ready for action tough and I wish I could have some places with more distance.
Ship designs: Fellas I am a HW1 diehard fan. No ships will ever look better then the Taiidan Ships from HW1 to me :D. Now putting that aside all of the new ships look great! I loved pausing and zooming in on them.
We definitely can see that Higaaran designs have jumped technologically even if the weapon systems don't always make sense, I do think a more streamlined fleet makes a lot of sense. The fighters looks suspiciously a bit Taiidan to me and I like that we might be going full circle there..
The incarnate ships could have had a bit more divergence to them but they are growing on me already. The destroyers look like angry space fish that don't take no for an answer and I'm digging that a lot. Loved all the other little ships you see in the tutorial and campaign start. Kalaan ships were great also! Probably my favorite! I low key love the mega freighter and im happy we rammed it.
Wargames: Played just a couple. Seemed ok to me but I hope we get new fleets (id kill for a Taiidan fleet haha) Please devs?
Lore/Story: Here is where I might be a bit more negative. It starts great. It was amazing to launch from Higaara itself. SERIOUSLY people, how cool was that small part. I almost felt in DOK again and I lost some time here also. It was nice to see Higaara. I loved the Kalaan raiders and a fact that these Taiidan vassals still hate us, for me curiously this was the the cherry on the cake and I loved this little lore detail. The Kalaan captain for the little screen time he had was a great small villian and I wished I had seen him more.
What can I say. I love this franchise to death but I would lie if I wouldn't say that after this point I feel it went down hill there is no denying it. It was not what I was expecting and our main villain was really off putting, I have memed her to death (pigeon on discord, zoom call meme) but I have made my peace with it. I have seen people criticizing about Imogen and Isaac (which is your right if you feel so) but I really feel they worked well in general! It was nice to see a more inexperienced person in command and In general I think Isaac grew on me over time.
Again the Incarnate Queen leaves much to be desired and I firmly believe if we had a more ''serious'' villain in terms of being able to keep his cool and composure this would have been a nice addition to the greater hw story. I guess we got so used to the 1 liner stoic villians from before that this just clashed to much. IQ could have been vocal as she was but I wished there was more maturity. The rest of the campain was ok. Also missed the mini enemies factions that were a HW staple of the series, but i absolutely loved the Kalaan raiders and the little lore we got with them. I could go on a deep dive about the fgreater HW lore that I felt was missing but that's it there is no point for me to debate this more :D
Also I miss the animatics from the old ones. Even In DOK I missed the old style animatics but I guess that makes the older ones so much more special to me now. Didn't care much for the whole dance of personalities going on. That new CGI could have been used to showcase more wonderfull HW places :P!
My conclusion: Take a seat here because this might be a tad emotional. I love Homeworld. No seriously I know you love it also but I love it. No other game has manged to pull me so deep and I still don't know why. It was there when my life went to sh*t and it was there when it got back on track. Homeworld for me will forever be the trip I did from Kharak to Higaara. Nothing will beat 1999 child me listening to the soundtrack for the first time. My main character will always be Banana ship 1 with Karan onboard and all the colonist trays I manged to save. My vilian will always be the Taiidan Emperor and the many little battles I made to get ''home'' (and junkyard dog lol). I will forever try to save as many ships possible and every time Elson hyperspaces above to save me it still makes me fuzzy inside.
And you see I think that is my problem. Somebody else had said here that the OG HW was lightning in a bottle and It will never happen again and I believe it. For some cataclysm was the high point and while I agree its amazing I still prefer og HW. The Vaygr and Makaan felt like imposters to me, I defeated the Taiidan and retook Higaara, surely bathtub jesus wont stop me. Over time he grew on me and I made my peace with HW2 and it changes and now I do really like it. The scene with the Keeper is just engraved in me and I hum the tune from time to time without noticing. As flawed as I think hW3 story was I am happy to be back in the homeworld universe. I'm happy I finally got to see the megaliths and I wish we could have seen even more! I wasen't initially sure of it but now I am.
To finish while a lot of the criticism is fair I feel a lot of it is reaching points of nitpicking at this point. While story wise it wasent what maybe most of us wanted It looks beautiful and I would still recommend people to get it. I wish and hope that we get all the fleets (like remastered did) together for the the wargames and skirmish! And hopefully ill see another homeworld in the future.
Thank you for reading trough my poorly constructed mess of a review. Expect new homeworld drawings to come soon!
submitted by Murder_Giraffe to homeworld [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:24 poorgenzengineer what do you think about the cheating copilots hitting the market?

i've heard about ultracode ai and final round ai which are interview assistants that listen to questions and give you ai assisted answers. i'm sure there is more products hitting the market..
They have hefty price tags and I saw a post on blind from someone bragging that they used it to get offers.
Are candidates frequently using these?
I hate this but i remember in college people who cheat did get better grades and some students thought this was fair because the system was bogus anyway.
submitted by poorgenzengineer to cscareerquestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:22 GachaDinguS Stuck in a New Realm? (POV and rules in body text!)

Stuck in a New Realm? (POV and rules in body text!)
(Will change flair if it isn't correct‼️)
POV: You're a mortal. One day, you were doing... well, whatever it is you usually do, but walking through a door, something... happened. A glitch in the system, an error in the fabric of the universe – something! Whatever it was, it affected you, and only you. You were transported to a new realm, a new universe, one completely unrecognizable.
Wherever you were, you seemed to be in the middle of a city. A very... vast city, it seemed. Many odd people flooded the streets, ones who bared horns, others who flew, and people who looked impossibly fictional. The sky and surrounding city seemed to stretch on forever, roads and buildings covering everything. The sky was made of pure light, making everything have a new-looking sheen to it. Everything looked... oddly modern. But this place – it was not for you. It was far from home.
Scrambling the streets to find somewhere less crowded, with less weird-looking people, you stumble across a store. In a fancy cursive font, the sign above the doors read "Aderyn Sisters: Jewelry," and luckily for you, the store looked fairly vacant. Checking for an "open" sign (which you eventually found), you stepped into the store, even if just for a breather away from the things out in the city, and heard a bell above the door ring. From behind the counter, a woman speaks.
"Welcome to Aderyn Sisters: Jewelry. You're at D.R. Jewelry, the brightest gem of all stores among the immortal realm, and..." She paused in the middle of her (very obviously scripted) welcome and sighed tiredly, " get the jist, I'm sure."
She hadn't even glanced in your direction. She looked... fairly normal compared to some of the beings you saw in the streets, aside from thise wings on her head or her tails. Could she be of any help? Well, it couldn't hurt to talk, could it?
No gods/immortals (just for the sense of the OC... the OC doesn't have to be human either, just as long as it has a given lifespan)
I would like an image and necessary info on the OC(s) used (like age, species, etc...)
No "idc" OCs
No romance... alas, she has her eyes set on someone else already
Any questions will be answered about the POV/RP!
submitted by GachaDinguS to GachaClubPOV [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:10 fidelityinvestments PSA: A trading halt by a stock exchange might be the reason some customers were unable to execute a trade recently. Here’s the info you need on halts, what causes them, how they may affect quoting and executing your order.

PSA: A trading halt by a stock exchange might be the reason some customers were unable to execute a trade recently. Here’s the info you need on halts, what causes them, how they may affect quoting and executing your order.
TL;DR Exchanges can halt the trading of a security due to several reasons (including when the stock moves outside certain price limits in a short period of time) and will alert investors if it happens. A halt usually lasts less than an hour, and you’re still able to enter market or limit orders during it.
We’ve seen some discussions on the sub regarding the inability to execute a trade at times. The most common reason for that is it was halted by the exchange. Here’s a quick breakdown of what that is and why it may have happened.
What is a trading halt?
A trading halt is when an exchange suspends trading of a specific security or, in some cases, all the securities listed on that exchange.
How long does a halt last?
It usually lasts less than an hour but can be longer. Both the NASDAQ and NYSE offer the ability to track the status of their halts:
What causes a halt?
There are several reasons a stock could be halted, including:
  • Limit Up-Limit Down, which is when a stock moves outside certain price limits in a 5-minute period (see below for how these price limits are calculated)
  • News pending/released
  • Mergecorporate action
  • An exchange will halt entirely if there is a drop of 7%, 13%, or 20%. The length of time for an exchange halt depends on the % that is dropped and the time of day.
When this happens, all other U.S. markets that list the stock must halt trading. Brokerages like Fidelity cannot publish quotes or indications of interest and execute trades of the stock during a halt.
What are individual stock price bands (Limit Up-Limit Down)?
In order to address extraordinary market volatility in individual securities, the securities markets have implemented a Limit Up-Limit Down mechanism that will prevent trades in certain stocks from occurring outside of specified price bands.
Trades for individual exchange-listed or National Market System (NMS) stocks will be prohibited from occurring at a set percentage higher or lower than the average security price in the preceding five minutes during certain market hours. The following has been effective since December 8, 2013:
\ Price band percentages will generally be doubled at the market open (9:30 a.m. ET – 9:45 a.m. ET) and at the market close (3:35 p.m. ET – 4:00 p.m. ET) to accommodate more typical trading patterns during those time periods.*
\* Tier 1 securities (stocks in the S&P 500 Index, Russell 1000 Index and certain ETPs) priced over $3.00 utilize a 5% price band.*
Fidelity routes your stock orders to various market centers/exchanges, which may differ in the way they will be handling orders during periods of time when a Limit Up-Limit Down halt is in effect. Fidelity will attempt to communicate the status of any open orders via the Orders page of your portfolio. However, due to market/security volatility, the status of your order may be delayed.
Can I enter an order during a halt?
Yes. You can still enter a market or limit order during a halt. Keep in mind that placing a market order during a halt could result in a buy or sell that is above or below the most recent price. Once the stock begins trading again, sell limit orders are allowed to be set up to 500% away from the current market price. Buy limit orders will be allowed to be entered starting at $.01. Here’s an example:
Visit our Trading FAQs page for more on trading halts. We're here to answer any questions you may have—let us know in the comments.
submitted by fidelityinvestments to fidelityinvestments [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:10 lessadessa My mom died, my dad found a new woman six months later and completely forgot about me. I lost both my parents.

i haven’t even grieved losing my mom, my best friend, my shared spirit. after she passed i was calling my dad a few times a week to check on him and also because he was a support system to me too. after a few months he stopped answering my calls or he sounded annoyed when i called him. rushed off the phone. then he drops a bombshell on me about eight months after i lost my mom that he has moved in a new woman to the house i grew up in. the ground caved in under me. this past year has been hell and i can’t describe how much i’m hurting every single day. i hate this woman so much. she’s sleeping in my moms bed, the bed i used to fall asleep next to her in. she’s using my moms pots and pans to cook. she seriously just saw an opportunity to leech off my dad and took it. i hate them both so much i want to puke.
submitted by lessadessa to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:09 Hour-Opportunity3048 Godwyn, Mohg, Morgott and the Secret He Conceals

Beginnings, I’m terrible at them. But you know what? What’s the beginning of a person? Parents. Hoarah Loux, founder and leader of the Crucible Knights. A true champion of the Crucible. Warrior King of the Golden Lineage. Husband of Marika, a less-than-true God risen from the Crucible. Marika, possessor of the Elden Ring, founder of the previous order, the Golden Order (current order is Golden Order Fundamentalism, not that this but is at all relevant to the point and thus can be entirely ignored, it’s the next paragraph that actually begins the stuff.. I guess). A trickster god, veil wielder, bestower of blessings.
Three children are known to have been born from the joining of these two great beings. One, Godwyn, lay half dead beneath the Lands Between. Another, Mohg, guards a giant, withered, living but lifeless body beneath the Lands Between. Third, Morgot, bears the frightful visage of the omen as he raises phantom and barrier to hide the greatest secret of the Lands Between.
It is this third child, Morgott, twin of Mohg, who hides the greatest secret of the Lands Between. Once, Morgott was to be called the Veiled Monarch but this, it seems, was a little too obvious. Grace-Given then. He was said to be born an omen along with his twin, Mohg. He pulled from himself his cursed omen blood and made it into a sword. His devotion to the Erdtree was supposedly never rewarded and yet he stands as King of Leyndell, de factor head of the Golden Order, and was seemingly given grace.
He creates a phantom of himself to guard the decrepit Godrick under the name Margit, deploys the Nights Cavalry, controls and corrupts a commoner to spook us away from the Capitol, raises a phantom of Godfrey, raises a phantom of Mohg, raises a barrier to prevent passage to Deeproot Depths, raises a barrier to prevent passage to the Mountaintops of the Giants.
Then we kick Morgott’s actual butt and his life’s work comes to an end. The truth is freed from obscurity. The first truth, Morgott is not an omen. His body shows no sign of horns, it is just withered and decayed, aged beyond the limits of natural life. How could this be? The omen image was either an illusion or the curse just ended when he died. I’ll cancel out the second one first, we don’t see this with other omen and while he could be a special case, I don’t think this is what happened.
So, his omen appearance was an illusion. But when was the illusion made? Perhaps, when Morgott’s purged his omen blood he was freed from the curse, this could also be when he was made Grace-Given. Then, to show a lack of resentment, he donned a mimic-veil or other similar Marika related magic to honor his cursed origin. But no traces of horns or tail… so maybe curse cures completely undo everything? Or maybe the horns and tail were never grown, because he was not an omen. He was veiled at birth or in early youth.
For the sake of clarity, I suggest one possible series of answers.
Who would do this and who knew/knows?
Obviously, Marika and Godfrey were both behind the deception, that’s how Godfrey recognizes that corpse as Morgott and another thing that makes Marika mischievous. Morgott also knows and is a willing participant in the deception. Mohg, Radagon. Potentially Godwyn, Ranni, Miquella. More depending on conspiracy connections.
Is Mohg also not an omen?
I do not know if this deception has implications for Mohg, I suspect so.
Why would Morgott be chained in the sewer even though he wasn’t really an omen?
Maybe, he wasn’t.
Ok, Morgott is not an omen. So what?
Morgott was given a truly important duty, he was to prevent the powers that be from finding out what Marika was truly doing, specifically, what was being done underground and with the roots of the Greattree/Erdtree.
The culture through which Marika and Godfrey acquired power was a crucible celebrating culture, omen were blessed to them or so we are led to believe. They were never saints, they just happened to be on the losing side of a war. Marika foresaw the destruction of her people and instead of direct opposition, she infiltrated her enemy.
We know she seems dedicated to whatever she is ultimately after, no act is off the table and no truth is above being lied about. Omen would be demonized under the Golden Order, those who would serve as guards to the big secret would guard Marika’s access route to her allies, the sewers beneath Leyndell. Sadly, not every citizen serves the clandestine plan with full knowledge of how they serve.
The Omen Twins were unknown for most of history, it seems, as far as their lineage. Morgott, in passage between surface and subsurface, would don the guise of an omen. He was always concealed from the public when in Leyndell, even his name and royal status. Sort of works into how he knew how to make those Sentry Torches and why he was almost called the Veiled Monarch.
I have no current explanation for the shackles. Real tokens bound to a false narrative people developed based on bits of the truth coming to light through the ages.
Anyways, so what is going on underground? Something is being done with the Greattree/Erdtree roots. I posit that the Greattree is like a quacking aspen, one tree with a massive root network from which multiple stalks grow and appear to be a forest but is really just one tree. The Erdtree is one stalk of the Greattree. The other stalks were destroyed one way or another. Minor Erdtrees grow from the same roots structure.
Erdtree Seeds, as we find them, sprout phantom trees. They launched from the Erdtree when Marika shattered the Elden Ring. We use them to enhance our grace juice in magic jars. The seeds were thought not to exist because they don’t, well, they are not seeds. They are grace broken off of the Elden Ring and packaged for our collection and use.
So what’s going on with the roots? Compare the surface and subsurface maps and you see the root structures that seem to fit the Erdtree and Minor Erdtrees are a little off. This misalignment is intended. Recall, the Erdtree is no longer connected to the roots of the Greattree. I suggest this was in response to the half-dead Godwyn being buried in the Erdtree/Greattree roots and infecting them with deathblight. To slow the spread of deathblight, the tree(s) was(were) cut from the roots. Perhaps a literal shifting of the land or a cut and replant type situation. This could partially play into the tilt of the Erdtree.
What leads me to this thought? The roots holding the Death-Prince are too small to be the Erdtree’s main root stalk but not that of a Minor Erdtree. And wouldn’t you know it, that half-dead Minor Erdtree with the deathblight wielding omen and his bodies is just about right over the Death-Prince root.
So when Godwyn’s soul was slain and his living body was placed in the roots, this Minor Erdtree was already growing from them. More, his living body was grafted into the roots. So now, is Morgott’s Margit the Fell phantom just guarding that pathetic Godrick? No. He’s observing and/or guarding grafting and it’s connection to the Greattree Roots and Godwyn. Measuring the reach of the deathblight maybe. I’m not entirely certain on the details, just the basic point, it’s his job.
Maybe something to do with runes and eyes and why the relic beneath Stormveil has no eyes. Runes are soul magic, deathblight is dead soul magic, remove the eyes, remove the soul/dead soul.
Back to the Death-Prince and why was he grafted to the roots? To honor him? To kill the whole system of rune harvesting for the Elden Beast? To preserve and/or revive Godwyn? Something like Miquella and the Haligtree?
(Something related but not specifically part of this: The Mending Rune of the Death-Prince is literally the Death-Prince and Fia’s souls ((in part)) bound into a Great Rune. One way to make Great Runes is the entire point of Deathbed Companions. Great Runes can literally be entities… like the Elden Beast… the Deathbed Companions are not necessarily the only way to make Great Runes, the Forge of the Giants and some kind of great sacrifice like the burning of massive grace filled tree stalks and ice dragons could be another way…)
Speaking of Miquella, the prevalent belief is that Miquella and Godwyn were great buds or whatever, right? Mohg is depicted carrying Miquella and a giant cocoon in the opening. Clearly, that cocoon is too big for that little body. We also see a possible double womb in the Haligtree. Perhaps, Mohg took Miquella and a second, unready, body. This second, much larger body, was certainly important to Miquella but maybe not for his own occupation.
So who’s the big, withered, husk in the cocoon? Well, it’s an upscaled Morgott model. Maybe, just maybe, that is actually Godwyn. Mohg, in service to Miquella and/or the Formless Mother and/or Marika, is guarding his half dead brother. Keeping the body alive and hidden in these final stages of whatever is going on.
Speaking of the Formless Mother, Marika seems a holy shell. Perhaps this exterior is a puppet or doll. Marika is free of flesh and form, at least, we have not seen her true self. All sorts of things will come out if I don’t stop.
So why block the way to the Mountaintops of the Giants? Well, it’s the way to the Forge, also the way to a Divine Tower, and Miquella’s Haligtree.
I haven’t completely figured it all out but it is another small part of my overall grand theory.
submitted by Hour-Opportunity3048 to EldenRingLoreTalk [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:08 thetankjohnson Cruise Control went out on 2021 Elantra SEL

Anyone have any luck fixing the smart cruise control once it starts showing “check forward safety system” on the dash? I’ve searched everywhere for answers and have yet to find anywhere to start from.
submitted by thetankjohnson to Elantra [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:05 ToeEater9001 What size fuses should i run?

145A alt (stock but looking to upgrade soon to a 170 or 220A high output)
0 ga wire from battery into a 1-4 distro block
(0ga into 4x4ga) then 4ga into amplifiers
Amp Taramps TS 800x4
Pheonix gold 500.1 or Concept CC1200.1
if system cant handle the 1200w and 800w amps i will be moving down to my 500.1 so id like an answer for either scenario
submitted by ToeEater9001 to CarAV [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:02 CoriCampbell My Summary & Layout Of How Season 2 Of Winning Time Should Have Ended. And What I Would Have Wanted Out Of Season 3.

My Summary & Layout Of How Season 2 Of Winning Time Should Have Ended. And What I Would Have Wanted Out Of Season 3.
“If Winning Time was still on what would you want to see happen next?”
Season 1 of Winning Time consisted of 10 episodes. Season 2 consisted of 7 episodes. When I was watching on the night of the Season 2 Episode 7, I was shocked and utterly appalled at the fact they ended the show. On the worst cliffhanger you could possibly leave on. I was hoping for a little while that the whole situation was being done in order to use time as a marketing tool. In order to build just as much frustration in the fans of the show, as the characters in the show were experiencing. And I was hoping that they would announce a month later that there was actually 3 more episodes to be released. And I was hoping that those episodes would focus on the following 1985 season in which they won against Boston. Which in turn would be a perfect way to wrap up Season 2. As for future seasons of the show, here’s what I would have wanted…
Winning Time since day one has been an incredible show that has been able to balance basketball and story superbly well. I think it could’ve been wrapped up given a third season. In season 3 I would’ve like to have had 10 episodes covering events from 1985-1992. Here is a brief summary I wrote out, of how I would have each episode played out.
EP 1: The Rise
I think that episode 1 should focus primarily on Larry Bird’s perspective after the Lakers win in 85 and how he was hungry and went after another championship in 86. While in the meantime we focus secondarily on Magic’s relationship with Cookie. While also, starting to notice Kareem’s age. And I think it would be to the benefit of not having loose ends, revisiting briefly for one episode Spencer Haywood. And show that he is doing much better and during the events of Season 2 was getting his act together. This episode should also let us in on what’s happening with Buss’ lawsuit with honey.
(The plots for EP 2 and 3 are clumped together)
EP 2: Lucked Out + EP 3: Guaranteed Greatness
I think episodes 2-3 should be focused primarily on Pat Riley’s stride for greatness and expectation for perfection leading to back to back titles in 87 & 88. While showing the beginning of Pat Riley’s ego, and also addressing and finishing Dr. Buss’ divorce settlement filed against him by honey. This episode should also have Bird and Magic shoot the famous commercial that lead to them understanding one another and respecting one another. And have episode 3 end with Kareem starting to really feel the stress on his body.
EP 4: Watcha Gonna Do
Have the episode sorta montage through the 89 season with games against the pistons. It would be cool to show Kobe Bryant as a mop boy (which he was), and showing the bad boy Pistons being rough, tough, and winning the 1989 Finals against the Lakers. Leading to Kareem announcing his retirement.
EP 5: Riled Up
I think episode 5 should start with Kareem’s retirement, showing his evolution from silent to loving towards the fans of the Lakers. While focusing the episode primarily on Pat Riley’s ego starting to continue to grow just like Paul’s did in season 2. This episode should also show a disconnect between the team and Pat. And I think it would be wise for Jerry West to be the first to notice it and point it out. And to talk to Pat to try to settle him down in order to try to keep him from developing his ego and to stay humble. Magic tries to support Riley but also to tries to support the team.
EP 6: Slick Back
This episode should focus on how the disconnect is fully there between the team and Pat. Leading to the team losing the semifinals in 1990 and the team going to Jerry Buss and expressing that they love Riley, but they can’t take it anymore. Buss is sick to his stomach that he is in this situation again, so he calls in West and Riley to try and salvage this. However, Pat is oblivious to his part in the drama while being definitive in the team’s issues. Both West and Buss see this and know that Pat is to into his ego, isn’t focused, and can no longer coach correctly. Leading to his resignation at the end of the episode, and leaving Magic now in a state of aloneness and confusion.
EP 7: Sirius
This episode should reflect Magic’s aloneness and introduce a new coach to the show (Mike Dunleavy). Who marks another “Slowtime” era. Where Dunleavy just like Westhead before, gets rid of showtime in turn for his own system. And while it does work, it makes the game no longer fun and incredibly slow. Mirror that with the arrival of the Chicago Bulls a hungry ruthless team, lead by Michael Jordan. And end the episode with the Bulls winning the 1991 Season, and Magic feeling sick after the loss… literally.
EP 8: Immunodeficiency
The main focus of this episode is the revealing, the announcing, and the dealing with Magic’s Diagnosis of HIV. Remember the first shot of season 1 episode 1? I think the show should cut back to that scene but instead show us different shots of the doctors revealing the news to Magic. And then have him deal with it by including Cookie, West, calling riley, confiding in Kareem, telling his team, and revealing to Jerry Buss. All these scenes should be incredibly emotional and as real as it can be, in order for the audience to grasp the severity of the situation. The episode should end with Magic retiring as a player and having his number being retired, with thoughts swirling in Magic’s head of death and disparity. The overall episode and the future of Magic look bleak and hopeless. Until Magic speaks out at his jersey retirement ceremony and says the famous quote about playing in the Olympics, coming back one day to play, and to survive the HIV Virus.
EP 9: Concrete
This episode should start out with Larry Bird calling Earvin, to tell him he is sorry about the HIV diagnosis. Magic should let him know he appreciates it but he doesn’t plan on staying retired for long and that he will play with Bird again. And until he comes back, Larry needs to keep going for the both of them and keep on winning. Until Larry reveals that he doesn’t think he has that long left to play because of his back issues (a quick flashback cutaway to Larry pouring a cement driveway for his mom showing why Larry is having back issues). We then get a solum moment where the both of them recognize that they are two sides of the same coin and that they will always be there for each other. And that after all the battles and the rivalries, they are true friends. And I think that this phone conversation should cut back and forth between the rest of the episode which shows Magic getting rehabilitation and fighting the Disease. Eventually overcoming it, and ending the episode with Magic inviting Larry to Join him when he plays in the Olympics. Leaving the episode on an emotional cliffhanger.
EP 10: The Dynasty
We focus this episode on Jerry Buss’ struggle after Magic left and the emotional and financial mess he is in. It’s the 1991-1992 season and showtime has now become the Lake show with Nick Van Exell. However, this episode should barely focus on basketball and instead focus on the relationships between Jerry Buss and the people in his life. He talks with Magic and convinces him to coach. He has a meeting with Pat and they hash out the beef. The episode overall should be about Buss tying up all the loose ends left in his life, and trying to figure out how the Lakers can do better. Jeanie and Claire Comfort him and let him know that it is all gonna be alright because in the end they are a Dynasty, and they got a legacy that is just getting started. Buss towards the end of the episode sits in his office. While West picks up his mail in his office and walks into Buss. Folded magazine in hand, he is there to talk to Buss about something. Buss asks West if he’ll think it’ll ever get better. And West encourages Buss by telling him that it will. We cut to Magic walking towards Buss’ office, Jerry comes out with his mail and folded magazine making small talk to Magic. Until West realizes what Magic is about to do… he is about to resign as coach. West knows this because he’s done it before. After talking a bit more Magic shakes West’s hand and heads into Buss’ office. While buss sits down opens the magazine and it is a Sports Illustrated issue featuring Shaq at LSU, hinting at the future. Magic then enters Buss’ office and reveals he doesn’t want to be the coach anymore. And Jerry understands, now having enough time to accept that showtime may be over. But WinningTime for the Lakers will never truly end. And before Magic leaves to clean out his coaching office Jerry says “You know you always got a home here Earvin, your family!” Earvin responds with a nod and we close in on Buss. We cut to Magic cleaning out his office. He walks out with boxes of his stuff. Until he notices on his old locker booth his Jersey is hanging up. We then cut to Jerry on the court drinking a bottle of alcohol staring up at the banners and the retired numbers, he then lays back in the middle of the court he closes his eyes with a smile of joy in a silent arena. Until we hear someone walking on the court. It’s Magic with the jersey on a coat hanger and his boxes in hand. Jerry sits up while Magic offers him to a game of pick up, and we close out on them playing basketball. And finish on a wide shot where Jerry scores on Magic. The two of them hug, while picking up the bottle of alcohol and screaming in victory. Cut To Black…
So yeah that is my synopsis for what a season 3 of Winning Time would look like. I know there is way more characters in the show that have plot threads. But this summary was just a bare bones attempt at laying out a way to end the show in a perfect way. And I think that in order to end the shows major characters in a satisfying way there are a lot of points that would need to be touched upon that are featured in this summary.
I ahead of time apologize for the lack of Jerry Buss’ character arc and plot threads, I just off the top of my head can’t think of, or know of any other drama/plot threads his character could go through after the Honey situation. I hope you guys liked my summary and hope it contributes to the fan base of Winning Time.
  • Corinthian Campbell
submitted by CoriCampbell to u/CoriCampbell [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:50 allfather69 Typing woes, questionnaire.

I’ve been typed in MBTI but as a multitude of different types, and only once by Socionicists before (is that a word?), but was in a very unhealthy mental place then and I’m not sure it was accurate. I've filled out the questionnaire and tried to be thorough, although I think it comes across as rather muddled in some points, so I'm happy to clarify any bits. Thanks in advance for any help or input!
What do you study or do for a living? How did you come to do that? What do you like or dislike about it?
What else do you do on a daily basis? What are your interests and hobbies? Why do you do them?
What are your values, and why?
Describe your relationships with family and friends. What do you like and dislike about them?
What do you look for in friends? In romantic relationships?
What conflicts have you encountered recently with other people? Why did they happen? Which kinds seem to happen on a regular basis?
What are your strengths? What do people like about you? What do you like about yourself?
What are your weaknesses? What criticism do you often face from others? What do you dislike about yourself?
In what areas of life can you manage well on your own? In what areas of your life would you like help?
What things do you dislike doing? What things do you enjoy more than others?
What goals, aspirations, or plans do you have for the future, and why?
What kinds of things do you do to manage and/or beautify your environment (your room, your house, etc.)?
If you won the lottery and didn't have to work anymore, what would you do?
What traits do you find endearing that others might dislike? What traits are considered positive/neutral by others but tend to annoy you?
How do you behave around strangers?
How do you react to conflict? What do you do if somebody insults or attacks you?
Would you ever be interested in starting a business? Why or why not? What role would you play in it? What kind of business would it be?
How do you dress or manage your appearance?
Do you like kids? Why or why not?
In what situations or times in your life did you feel most fulfilled, and why?
submitted by allfather69 to Socionics [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:48 ztmq Wanting to verify if this ChatGPT end-to-end packet travel answer is correct.

Have been trying to learn more about networking and shot a few questions at ChatGPT. It also included a step if a DNS lookup / query were to be made. Is this accurate?

How Packets Travel from One Computer to Another

In modern computer networks, the process of transmitting data from one computer to another involves a complex sequence of steps. These steps ensure that data is correctly routed, delivered, and reconstructed at the destination. This essay will detail the journey of data packets as they travel from a source computer to a destination computer, covering the roles of the different layers of the OSI model, protocols, DNS lookups, and network devices involved in this process.

The OSI Model

The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model is a conceptual framework used to understand network interactions in seven layers: Physical, Data Link, Network, Transport, Session, Presentation, and Application. Each layer has distinct functions and protocols that contribute to the successful transmission of data.

DNS Lookup

Before a packet can be sent to a destination, the source computer often needs to resolve a human-readable domain name (e.g., into an IP address through a DNS (Domain Name System) lookup. Here’s how the DNS lookup process works:
  1. User Request: When a user enters a URL into a web browser, the browser checks its cache for a recently resolved IP address for that domain.
  2. Operating System Cache: If not found, the request goes to the operating system’s DNS cache.
  3. Local DNS Server: If still unresolved, the request is sent to the configured DNS server, usually provided by the user's ISP or a third-party DNS provider.
  4. Recursive Query: The DNS server performs a recursive query, checking its cache and querying other DNS servers in a hierarchical manner: root servers, top-level domain (TLD) servers, and authoritative name servers.
  5. Response: Once the IP address is found, it is returned to the browser and cached for future use.
With the IP address resolved, the packet can now be directed to the correct destination.

Data Encapsulation

Before data can be sent, it must be encapsulated. Encapsulation involves wrapping data with the necessary protocol information at each layer of the OSI model:
  1. Application Layer: The process starts at the Application layer, where user applications like web browsers or email clients generate data. This data is then passed to the lower layers for transmission.
  2. Presentation Layer: The Presentation layer ensures that data is in a readable format for the receiving system. It handles data translation, encryption, and compression.
  3. Session Layer: The Session layer establishes, manages, and terminates connections between applications.
  4. Transport Layer: At the Transport layer, data is segmented into smaller units called segments (TCP) or datagrams (UDP). It adds a header that includes information like port numbers and sequence numbers to ensure data integrity and proper reassembly.
  5. Network Layer: The Network layer adds an IP header to each segment, creating a packet. The IP header contains source and destination IP addresses, which are crucial for routing the packet across networks.
  6. Data Link Layer: The Data Link layer adds a frame header and trailer to each packet, creating a frame. This header contains MAC addresses of the source and destination devices on the same local network.
  7. Physical Layer: The Physical layer converts the frame into a series of electrical, optical, or radio signals, depending on the medium used (e.g., Ethernet, Wi-Fi).

Packet Transmission

  1. From Source to Router: The source computer sends the frame to its default gateway, usually a router. If the destination is on the same local network, the frame is delivered directly. Otherwise, the router takes over.
  2. Routing: The router examines the packet's destination IP address and consults its routing table to determine the next hop. Routers communicate with each other using routing protocols (e.g., OSPF, BGP) to update their tables and find the most efficient path.
  3. Intermediary Routers: The packet may traverse multiple routers, each making independent forwarding decisions based on the destination IP address. At each hop, the Data Link layer information is stripped away, and new frame headers are added as the packet moves through different network segments.
  4. Arrival at Destination Network: Once the packet reaches the router on the destination network, it is forwarded to the final destination device based on the MAC address in the frame header.

Packet Reassembly

  1. Data Link Layer: The destination device receives the frame and removes the Data Link layer information, leaving the Network layer packet.
  2. Network Layer: The packet is then passed to the Network layer, which checks the IP header for any potential issues and then forwards the segment to the Transport layer.
  3. Transport Layer: At the Transport layer, segments are reassembled in the correct order using sequence numbers. If any segments are missing or corrupted, the Transport layer requests retransmission.
  4. Session, Presentation, and Application Layers: Finally, the reassembled data moves up through the Session and Presentation layers to the Application layer, where the user application can process and display the data.

Error Handling and Retransmission

Throughout this journey, various mechanisms ensure data integrity and reliability. The Transport layer uses checksums and acknowledgments to detect errors and confirm successful delivery. If an error is detected, the packet is retransmitted. The Data Link layer also performs error checking using frame check sequences (FCS).


The transmission of packets from one computer to another involves multiple layers and protocols working in concert to ensure data is accurately delivered. From the initial DNS lookup and encapsulation process to the routing through multiple networks and eventual reassembly at the destination, each step is crucial for maintaining the integrity and reliability of data communication. Understanding this process is fundamental to comprehending how modern computer networks operate and deliver the seamless connectivity we rely on daily.
submitted by ztmq to ccna [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:44 fifasol Money Network System is seriously flawed

So I posted a few weeks ago about problems I had that resulted in being told the account was marked for fraud. Was also told a lie that Wells Fargo will not accept transfers from money card.
The end result was they had to issue a paper check, and a new card will be generated when edd goes to pay me next time. I eventually got the check a week or so later. Then had to wait for a new card which wouldn't be issued until edd paid me again. I called and said I wanted a hold put on the next card until I call them when I received.
I just received the new account/card last night. I called money network to remove the hold andmake sure my money was there, was assured it was and I just needed to create a new account with money network (not sure exactly where the money sits when there is no account) and activate card.
I went to create the account, it found my info, setup user, picked. 2 security questions and created answers. When I try to go to the next screen, it said Server Error and had a link which returned me to start over the whole thing. So I did it all again and yes, got the Server Error when I tried to continue after creating security questions responses.
I call again and was told that perhaps I should just try a little later. Was also told I could always use their automated phone system with just the card. So my next call was to activate the card. It said it it couldn't and there was some problem. Tried again, same.
This was all last night around 11pm Pacific. So I try to call today to activate, it says can't do it, puts me to an agent.
Agent says system detected fraud, account closed, paper check in 1-3 weeks, a new card issue process won't happen until edd goes to pay me again. Groundhog day.
Feels like system bugs can result in false positive fraud. I suspect they are rushing continually revising the system and that certain parts of it are bombing out at times. End result is I spend hours on the phone and creating accounts, while getting my money weeks later.
You have to wonder if Edd has any knowledge of how their new vendor is performing in reality. Or does the vendor pat themselves on the back for the number fraud closures that many just may be system deficiencies.
submitted by fifasol to Edd [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:38 agro1942 Larger income vs 4 day work week with previous employer?

Will try to make this short with TLDR. At a bit of a crossroads.
TLDR: Is it financially stupid to go back to previous employer if they've approached me (albeit on a better wage than previous) for increased work life balance with new negotating power. Both employers very stable secure jobs.
Background: 15+ years with a longterm stable employer. Worked up into leadership role but hands on technical delivery. Strong network, good work friends. Finally left as wanted to see 'other' workplaces, got a bit bored and push income higher. Left on approx $120K in the last year. Previous employer colleagues/leaders have kept in touch checking in since I left.
Current: Landed job in company about one year in now, WFH 2 days, 180K salary (200K next couple of years). Work is stressful (across many projects, under resourced teams, putting out fires from mismanaged development etc), but I'm delivering really well - learned a lot, but mentally struggling, have had to take a couple of days off as I just couldn't log on. Have met with leadership as my line manager said I'll burn out with how much has been put on me (out of their control) - leadership convo had no concrete answers, just broad 'this is the direciton we are going' around high level roadmaps - but nothing about my actual day to day work. Fair bit of staff turnover in my role - many deactivated person accounts I've come across. Do I push through the pain for the hope of a different role (big organisation)?
Option: Previous employers CEO has been asking why certain technical work isn't being completed anymore, answer was it was me. Been approached to come back - I've had the power to negotiate, was an enjoyble conversation. Salary ~160K (hard cap unfortunately), four day work week, five weeks annual leave, WFH. LSL will resume. No staff. Pick my projects. Hands on technical which I enjoy. Superannuation comparable in both orgs but obviously less with the lower wage. Keen to use the four day work week to look at setting up my own side business (expanding on some ad-hoc freelancing I do for free with friends and family members). However the net loss in income.. and how that compounds over years as well as is it a terrible idea to 'go back' (even though they approached me). Do I get the life balance/sanity back and focus on family/hobbies/my own business? Wife is supportive as she's seen the toll on my mental health but I'm the finance guy in our family and the $'s always keep coming to mind.
Expenses: Probably at our peak spending years, aged approx 40. Teenagers/pre teens in private school (total $25k year). Mortgage ~470K (PPOR val ~900K). No other debts. Super 450k+90k. Wife working part time (50-60k year).
submitted by agro1942 to AusFinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:36 majoroofboys A Guide on What to Do At College if You Want To Succeed


There was a post that was recently posted and it's been asked a ton: "How do I get a computer science related job after I graduate from KSU?". I thought I'd share this with everyone because I've been down this path and managed to make it on the other side. This will be a long explanation and hopefully, can serve as some sort of guide for students. That being said, things are subjective and this is not the holy grail of how to make it. You might find all, some or none of it useful. I encourage testimonials and whatnot in the comments. Can be applied to all majors but, this primary for technology-based majors since I am in tech field. YMMV

About Me

I've been around here for a while. I was a student not too long ago, studied computer science for my bachelors. After graduating, I work in FAANG and have worked in big tech for a while. No, I don't work at Amazon. I am a senior software engineer. I touch frontend & backend technologies. I participate in hiring frequently.

Starting Out

Over the years and while attending here, there's been a weird disconnect between students, goals and how to achieve them in tech. Goals can be anywhere from learning new technologies, getting internships to securing a full time job before or after you graduate. As much as I would love for there to be a path where you can do minimum effort and still succeed, there isn't. A lot of you seem to not realize that. Getting a degree in this field is not enough. Doing projects that show no passion / interests is not enough. Being stuck on tutorials for years is not enough.
This field is much like a sport. There are very few people that can just be great without any effort. You have to be consistent. Four years is not a lot of time. It goes by super fast. If you constantly push things back and you do not take the time to learn the fundamentals outside the classroom, you will not succeed in this field. This field is at a point where there's so many of you. Every post on LinkedIn and news articles said "hey, this field is a gold mine and you'll make six figures out the gate". For a time, maybe that was somewhat true. As of writing this, it's not. You're going against people who have: better schools, better experience, etc. You have to find a way to diversify yourself early. If you can't diversify, you're going to be in a tough place later down the road. Knowledge not something you can just consume in less than an hour and pass an interview. You have to know it well. If you don't, there's someone else who will.
There's an interesting connotation in life that you're either born super smart or an absolute idiot and that you have to be smart to do computer science / programming. There are people with raw IQ that can consume things like no one you've ever met but, that's such a rarity that there's no realistic use in using that as a data point. If you ever took the time to ask someone who you thought was really good at something, they would tell you something along the lines of: I love what I do and I spent a lot of time doing this. There are hours and hours of time people put into passions that you don't / will never see. Meaning that they can no-life this shit for days on end and still come back and do it some more. It doesn't mean that you can't succeed if don't do that but, computing / programming is a very boring field if you do not enjoy it. I would seriously contemplate why you're going through this. If you're doing it for money and only money, you're going to end up miserable. No amount of money can make you do something you hate. It'll wear you down both mentally and physically. If you're doing this because it's a mix of passion and money, you're like everyone else and you gave yourself a better shot. It's a mental thing. Don't climb uphill if you rather sit at the bottom. Don't complain if you're at the bottom and you rather be at the top. There's nothing wrong with that. But, don't do it. For what it's worth, I am not the smartest person. I graduated high school with a low GPA and took college seriously because I wanted to do more with my life. Plus, being on hourly forever sounds horrible imo. Use the opportunities that life has given to you and run with it. Run far, run smart and run in a direction that you can see yourself going long-term.
Additionally, college is what you make of it. Blaming professors or the program (while I do agree sometimes) is not a solution. Blaming professors that don't speak English is a cop out. If you work in tech, you'll be interacting with a lot of people from other countries. Suck it up. Work with it instead of against it. Professors and TAs can only teach you so much. Classes are meant to give you a taste of what it's like in that domain / space. It's not meant to fix all your issues and show you the way. That's for you to do on your own time. Take accountability of your own success, explore the internet (it's free) and lock in. Stop looking for opportunities to find you. Actively seek them out yourself.


Make connections with people. I cannot stress how important this is. Especially on the Marietta campus, there's a lot of you that go to class, stingers / food, run to class and immediately start gaming and think that when your classes are over, you're done for the day. That's a bad mindset. Make connections with people. Sit with random people at stingers or wherever. Have a conversation. Find a common interest. Don't harass men / women for a date while you're at it. Keep it cool. A lot of people say "there's nothing to do at KSU and there's no life on campus". That's not true at all. It's true if you choose to put your head in a box and refuse to look up. Join a club that interests you. Get close to the people in that club who actively attend and build a personal relationship. If there's no club with your interest, make a club. Fuck it, lead one. You can make one officially through KSU or add a discord server to the student hub and go from there. You'll meet some really cool like-minded people. Lots of my connections have come from randomly showing up to a club, getting out of my comfort zone and weirdly enjoying it.


Brush up on your interview skills. Technical and behavioral abilities matter. Culture fit matters. A lot of you seem to walk around with almost zero personal hygiene. Clean yourself up, practice talking to people and get places. There's been this stigma that culture fit doesn't matter as much as technical and if I have great technical abilities, they'll just accept me. I can tell you for an absolutely fact that I have thrown out / tossed out resumes from highly technical individuals that had zero people skills. If you can't communicate and clean up, you're more of a risk than someone who does all those things and has a bit less technical ability. I can teach someone how to code. I can't teach someone how to take a shower or brush their teeth. Know more than just Leetcode. Learn system design. Take a course / watch a video on Linux and bash. Do not be afraid of the command line interface. Understand how things work at a deeper level. Take feedback seriously. Do not argue with people. If you future manager / colleague tells you that you need to work on things, work on those things. There's nothing worse than a co-worker in denial.


As for internships and full time opportunities, there's a few classes at KSU that you really want to master: Data structures, Algorithm Analysis, Operating Systems and Discrete math. If you're in a major that doesn't have those classes, spend the extra money and take those classes. Do not take them online if you can afford to come in person. Take the hardest / best professors for those courses. Super important. Leetcode is quite literally, those classes merged together in a prompt-style format. If you do not understand those concepts, you will not make it in this field let alone pass an interview loop.
Data Structures - Varies. Rate my professor.
Algorithm Analysis - Varies. Rate my professor.
Operating Systems - Do not take Carla McManus if you want to learn the concepts fluently.
Discrete Math - Andy Wilson.
Having solid resume is super important. Many people who don't secure things and get automatically rejected, etc have horrible resumes. Spend the money (it's a lot) to get your resume professionally written. It's worth it. Invest in your long term career aspirations. Templates are cool but, they don't convey information well and come across as lazy. Don't put every achievement ever on there. I don't want to see a wall of text. No, I don't care if you're a Boy Scout. No, I don't care if you bussed tables in high school. You get the point. The rule of "only one page" is complete and total bullshit. If you have projects and prior work experience related to the role, list it down. Don't conserve space for the sake of keeping it one page. You're limiting yourself. I know the career center actively tells people on handshake to keep it to one page. They're wrong. I landed internships & full time roles consistently at big tech / FAANG for years with a 1.5 / 2 page resume. Do not lie on your resume. If you can't solve a leetcode hard consistently with the technology / language of choice, you don't know it well enough. I have interviewed a ton of students and people that list they know C or Python and can't write recursion or gives me a solution in O(N^2) or worse. Aim for O(N), use a hashmap / hash table when you can and do it in a language that doesn't make you fight the runtime / compiler. Trust me, we know when you're making shit up. If you don't know something say it and then, tell them to explain more. This way, you show that you have the capability to learn. Ask smart questions. Do not ask questions that have already been answered. Take notes.
On your resume, experience is only real experience if you get a W2. If you don't get a W2, you can't claim it as professional experience. A lot of background checks these days are drilling down on incorrect information. I have seen instances where people lie, get an offer, company finds out through a comprehensive background check and their offer is gone. Do not put the fate of your future income on a lie. I cannot stress this enough. A lot of students and people actively lie.
Secondly, the trick to getting a good internship is timing. A lot of you wait until Nov - Dec to find an internship and then, throw your hands up when no one responds. That's not a good mindset. Solid internships are recruiting in end of July to August. By September, the amount of open spots are extremely thin. Local companies tend to look for internships during this time. Internships are about luck after that. Reach out to people in your circle to increase your odds. A referral goes a long way. Prior experience through projects that are complex and unique go a long way. It's a numbers game. Don't aim for the highest thing ever without some sort of referral. You can still apply but, do not expect much from it. Start small and work your way up. It's extremely rare to go from KSU undergrad sophomore to Google. It takes a lot of outside work. If you happen to land the internship, make sure that you get recommendations at the end. Having real people who you worked with in a professional capacity that can vouch for you is huge. If you're in your junior year and you get an internship, make sure you try to secure a full time offer. Loop in your boss, mentor, etc. Make your expectations clear. Reach their expectations and beyond.
Thirdly, full time opportunities are rare and most new grads that get hired come from the previous year's intern pool. If you don't get converted, you have to make up that time searching for a job during your senior year. If you do get converted, keep looking because companies are flaky these days. Always have a Plan B & C. Never fully count on Plan A. If you don't have internships across four years, it's over for you. From a hiring manager perspective, it's an absolute red flag when we come across someone with a degree and no internships. That's effectively going against the point of college. You'll have to settle for crumbs and crawl your way up. Very few make it out of that hole. The bar is significantly higher. Especially, now.

Searching for an Opportunity

Do not wait until after you graduate to find a job. Jan - Early May are when most companies finalize budgets and hire. If you wait until after May, you'll might have to wait until after the Summer and possibly, October for hiring to pick up again. Proactivity is nothing but good for you. If you can't be proactive then, you won't succeed in this field. Referrals matter but, personal connections with the hiring manager / recruiter are much, much better. Work your way up. Don't discount an opportunity because it doesn't pay well. Get as much experience as you can and bounce around. Do not go into the gate thinking you're going to make $120K - $140K / yr out the gate. You're most-likely going to make $68K - $75K / yr depending on the location. Do not listen to LinkedIn posts that claim all this cool shit and how to do it. Trust me, it's bullshit. Don't pay attention to it. It's a brag-fest. It's a long road. Start walking on it early and you'll reach the other side when it matters most. Trust in it.
The reality of this economy is that highly experience people have been laid off. Those people are applying to entry level roles and those roles are being filled for cheap. In addition, watch out for fake postings and scam jobs. If you take a contract job, always keep looking. Avoid jobs that will providing "training" before you even start. Avoid jobs that are less than week old. You want things that are fresh. It's a numbers game. Apply for 300+ jobs every week until you get a response back. Don't be discouraged by employers who don't respond or ghost you. Keep at it. It's a mental game.


I think if you do these things, you'll end up at a great spot after four years. If you're just now coming across this and you've been slacking, use this an opportunity to wake the fuck up, light a fire under your ass and lock in. If you're still in denial after reading this post and you have yet to get anything, light a fire under your ass, come to terms with it and lock in.
If you're in it to do zero work, cheat on your classes, mess around for four years and somehow wing a high salary or a job in this field, good luck. You're fucked. You're so fucked, in-fact, that you'll be wondering "why me and why is it so hard" for a long ass time. Don't be that person.

Cool Resources

Git -
Github (use this as your portfolio; web devs should make an actual clean website) -
Github Student Pack (tons of free resources) -
Linux Handbook - Linux Quickguide -
Lots of subreddits geared around linux and programming. Great resources to find.
Understand: Kernel Space vs. User Space, Memory Allocation / Deallocation, Bitwise Operations, Memory blocks, processes and threads, context switching
System Design Primer -
Understand: Monolith vs. Micro-services, Tradeoffs between different approaches, Vertical vs. Horizontal Scaling, Load Balancers, Buckets, Data lakes, CI / CD Pipelines, Data Clusters, Client-Server Architecture, Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Context: System design is like a giant puzzle that has many forms. Create a basic design. It won't be perfect. Mix-and-match different services and know why, how and tradeoffs between each approach.
Programming language is dependent on the role and what the company favors. Common ones are Java, C++, Python, C#, JavaScript / TypeScript and C. You can look at jobs that you would like to work someday, look at the requirements and use that as a basis on where to start learning. Things constantly change. Fundamentals build up on each other. Start small. Work your way up. Do not dream big. Dream realistic. Everyone is different.
submitted by majoroofboys to KSU [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:36 Ashbequeath What is the radius of a 1 megaton explosion?

What is the radius of a 1 megaton explosion? I have seen multiple different answers to this, so please provide some evidence via links or quotes if possible. I accept both kilometers and miles as the answer as I can just convert miles to kilometers with a converter (I use the metric system, not the imperial system).
submitted by Ashbequeath to ask [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:29 sweater_on24 Interview day NYS DOCCS

I literally had my medical/agility/investigation interview for NYS DOCCS a couple days ago. Before I went I was so curious as to what to expect so here’s how the day went for those applying currently.
Remember the entire day you’re there is part of the interview. Make sure you follow all the instructions including what’s written on your paperwork. The staff is always watching. I made sure to say hi and thank you to everyone I met regardless of what their job duty was and I did it with a smile.
First, you do the medical (pee test, hearing, EKG, eye exam and blood test). Then you meet with a physician to go over your medical evaluation. Then you’ll do the agility test. The only “difficult” part of the job is the 3 min step test. As long as you don’t quit or stumble, they’ll pass you. Just don’t quit!!
After all that you’ll meet with your assigned investigator. They’ll go over your packet line for line making sure everything was filled out and answered appropriately. And that was it. They didn’t even ask any personality questions like why you want to be a CO or ask about any experiences in careers related to the job.
Once that’s done they discuss the process and say no news is good news. My investigator said the process takes about 3-6 months but I’ve been reading people are getting called within 2 weeks. So now it’s just a waiting game. Good luck to everyone!
submitted by sweater_on24 to OnTheBlock [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:25 Odd_Bath5660 should i f21 break up with my boyfriend m21 over virtual cheating

Ok so long story made a short one i’ve been together with my now boyfriend for pretty much a year but officially dating for about six months. About a month ago I found some not so great things on his snapchat. I accidentally while trying to set alarms for him (he was passed out drunk) opened a snap chat from a girl. It was a picture of her boobs. From there I said fuck it and went through his snapchat. I found him harassing tons of girls for nudes, found saved nudes on his phone, and even some saved dick pics from a guy (he is very adamant that he is straight, I have zero problem if he isn’t but he’s very much a macho sporty boy).
I decided to stay with him and try to work through things on the conditions that he would delete his snapchat, go to therapy, and stop drinking for a little while ( he has a bit of a drinking problem and has yelled horrible things at me and even gotten physical (nothing crazy just lightly pushing me and cutting my finger on a beer can as i tried to take it away from him per the instructions of his friends) and there was one incident of him having sex with me while he was very drunk when i didn’t want too ( i did not do a good job of stopping him never explicitly told him to stop but i was crying and lightly trying to push him away).
His drinking while very slightly under more control is still a huge concern, he drinks on a daily basis but less blacking out then he used to do. We’re in college and drinking is a part of the culture and really all his friends do. He has been to therapy once but i’m unsure if he’s continuing that. He had not up until last night deleted his snapchat (it had been over a month since he promised he would) but did delete it after a incident last night.
He was out of town for two days visting his mom a couple hours away. Last night pretty late at night I noticed his snap score go up on the account he said he deleted. When confronted he said he was just communicating with friends in town and did nothing wrong and basically had zero understanding of why i was upset. I explained very calmly that he promised to delete it and should never have used it in the first place but if that was the case he should have just let me know and there would have been no problems. Remember the only reason I agreed to stay in the relationship and keep trying to make it work was if that snapchat was deleted. I didn’t care if he made a new one just not the one he was sending and receiving nudes on.
This was also not the first incident of something like this happening. Early on in the relationship he repeatedly lied about having a tinder and kept saying he deleted it when he didn’t. Also the first time we had sex he lied about how many people he had slept with and when the last time he was tested was. Overall on a daily basis he’s a really good boyfriend. He is kind and caring and funny. He has done so many nice things for me and is always offering a helping hand even when i never ask. He drove three hours to see me on christmas because i was going to be alone as i have no family. Has helped pay my rent and is always helping take care of my dog (watching her buying her food etc.) Has bought me grocery’s when i couldn’t afford them and even let me live at his house when mine caught on fire. He’s so sweet to me and i love being around him and spending time together. I’m just at my wits end i’m not sure what to do. I think breaking up is the right answer but he’s my main support system ( i don’t have any family or many close friends) and my best friend.
TL;DR basically i caught my boyfriend harassing girls for nudes over snapchat. I decided to stay with him on a couple conditions one of those being that the snapchat was deleted. I caught him using it last night. He said it was innocent. Is this worth breaking up over or am I being dramatic? Is it worth it to hear him out and try to work on things? Am i being played/taken advantage of?
submitted by Odd_Bath5660 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:20 webrender Questions & Information regarding the storms currently drenching Hawaii.

Due to an influx of weather-related posts, we are making this stickied post to provide information and answer any questions regarding the current storms passing over Hawaii. All future weather-related posts will be locked and redirected here until further notice.
Weather in Hawaii is very localized. It may be raining very heavily one minute and then bright and sunny the next. Or it will be raining a couple of miles away while you're standing in the sun.
The weather for the next several days (until around Saturday 5/18) will have periods of heavy rain, maybe with a few thunderstorms. Please be aware of flash floods - they can happen upstream from you so be very cautious if you are in a low lying area, even in a car.
But the weather will probably change in fifteen minutes, and remember: no rain, no rainbows.
My personal opinion: Don't go canceling your whole trip, but you should be prepared for potential activity cancellations, especially outdooocean activities. There is a small but non-zero chance that the inclement weather will cause flight delays, as well.
If you have further questions regarding the current weather system, please ask them in this post.
submitted by webrender to VisitingHawaii [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:15 wishingwell44 i thought i would cook on ap lang but instead i was cooked

it was a jolly morning in my household as I arose from my slumber to go take the AP Lang exam. Having practiced MCQs and writing the night before, I felt well prepared and went into the exam prepared to knock out the MCQs, slay the day with the writing, and get a five.
and then all hell broke loose. The MCQs seemed like they came straight from hell. I pondered for far too long over each question- what was the answer to what? I completely blacked out on all meaning of all words and stared mindlessly at the words as the words stared back. I was dead.
Oh well!! I would make up for my failed effort of the MCQs on the writing. Excited to see the argument prompt, I opened my packet to see… selfies. fucking. selfies. i gasped aloud, turned in my seat to see if anyone else was as horrified as I. But no! all seemed well!! was i just…. dumb? I started in perplexity at my argument prompt, wondering what the the fuck i could even begin to muster up as evidence for such a prompt.
what i came up with?
hockey. because apparently, the second something gets difficult, my brain goes to haha ice sport and all else goes out the window. ladies and gentlemen, I wrote a total of six pages using hockey to explain the value of selfies. So much so, in fact, i forgot about the concept of a counterargument until the exam was over and i had to ask for extra paper to continue my endless yap session on the glories that is the NHL.
i stare into the horizon now, tears streaming down my face. a year of preparation, boiled down to a mega yap session about a sport that chances are the the reader knows nothing about. all that preparation, for what? i might as well have gone in when i was a stupid little infant dumb baby and maybe i would have done better than what is the shitshow hockey dump that was my argument essay. as a dumb dumb stupid ugly fat baby.
i hear the universe mocking me, collegeboard ridiculing me for ever thinking i could excel at one of their mind games designed to torture us naive high schoolers who simply hope to get college credit by putting up with their bullshit.
who knows? maybe they’ll just cancel all our scores because the exams got leaked! maybe none of this will ever even matter anyways!
i’m going to go find a cliff to jump off as i weep silently to myself, mourning what could have been a beautiful argument essay but ended up being a hockey yap sesh.
fml i hate collegeboard
submitted by wishingwell44 to APStudents [link] [comments]