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Ugly ducklings that turned to swans

2013.01.07 04:36 externals Ugly ducklings that turned to swans

For all you guys and gals out there who turned into butterflies.

2013.11.18 06:02 Tex195 Cutting Weight

A place for people in sports that require you to cut weight to talk about strategies, proper methods, as well as general support and advice in cutting weight.

2010.06.22 20:33 katiejoh WeddingPlanning

Discuss your personal wedding planning here! Please be sure to check out our rules.

2024.05.15 15:17 FigKitchen Gaining weight/muscle as type 1

Hello everyone! After far too long not taking care of my bg I'm finally back on track :)
However, in my high bg haze I didn't realise how much my weight had dropped, I've been thin anyways for a decade at this point but I really fell off. Hence I am here asking advice
I'm about 5ft 11in tall, male and currently weigh 54kg. According to BMI and any other sources I'm underweight and could probably do with another 10kg+. If pics are needed to see my body type that's fine!
I would like to use gain some weight back and use the opportunity to build just a small amount of muscle. I don't wanna be jacked or anything just some slight definition and maybe fix these noodle arms.
My biggest issues are: Appetite. I can barely eat the minimum amount of food I need to in a day, I'm thinking a shake might help but I don't know if that's feasible with all the carbs and sugar they often have. I'm based in ireland and we have a company called myprotein which offer sugar free more watery drinks with 20g protein per serving. If anyone could comment if that would be useful I'd appreciate it greatly.
My last issue is definitely exercise. I'm not totally unfit, I work a job that keeps me moving and I hit 15 to 20k steps each day. Other than that though I've never been particularly active and have no idea where to even start for muscle gain. Gym is a no go unless I can build some confidence at home first(big maybe). I do have access at home to a couple basic things like kettlebells and super light weights
TLDR; type 1, underweight, wanna use the opportunity to build a little muscle. 0 prior experience in muscle gain/most exercise
Thanks so much for reading these ramblings. If I had to sum up what I'm looking for it's simply where to start, there's so much nonsense about muscle gain online with people trying to sell something and with no experience it's so daunting
submitted by FigKitchen to diabetes [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:16 eyeoftheneedle1 At a loss on what to do

Current weight 54.3KG. 5ft 6. I’ve attached screenshots of my dieting progress and nutritional intake. NEAT levels are very high. Calories around 1700
I feel my weight is stagnating even with all the 35K steps . Sleep duration is 6.5hours ish but this is affected as I wake up early to go on purposeful walks. Caffeine intake is very very high too.
I don’t know whether to continue dieting, I have no aspirations to compete on a bodybuilding stage, I have a holiday end of September that would be nice to look built for but realise building muscle is a slow process If that’s what I should be doing .
My energy levels are low and I’m just at a loss on what I should do. I want as much muscle as possible but have the fear of accumulating excess body fat.
I’m a little ashamed to be honest, if I reduce the NEAT won’t this mean my calories are even less? I get the compensatory effect but still?
Any advice appreciated? I can post physique shots if needed
submitted by eyeoftheneedle1 to StrongerByScience [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:10 Aromatic_Mood_6130 Recommendations For Getting Started

I am a 23 year old female currently at 147 lbs and 4'10". I don't really know what caused me to get to being this heavy but I had a wake up call today after looking at my charts at the doctor's office and seeing I gained ten pounds since last September. At my lowest weight I was 104 lbs (toned) and would love to get back to that but have no clue where to start. I eat fairly healthy as it is, I just eat too much and drink sodas currently. I have taken a very stressful job role that I feel is part of my problem along with other life stressors but I would love to hear what recommendations some of you have for someone like me. If you have any useful digital creators that have workout channels, weight loss recipes, anything of the sort I would be greatly appreciative.
submitted by Aromatic_Mood_6130 to PetiteFitness [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:04 ioana_radu @HatomProtocol beyond limits: boosting APY, minting stability, and Soul Protocol's genesis

@HatomProtocol beyond limits: boosting APY, minting stability, and Soul Protocol's genesis
The last few months have been incredibly active; we've been pushing boundaries, building, experimenting, fine-tuning, and deploying robust and secure products to create a unique DeFi ecosystem without limits. However, our journey is far from over, and it's time to provide you with a global update on our progress.

HatomProtocol beyond limits: boosting APY, minting stability, and Soul Protocol's genesis
Our mission on #MultiversX began with kickstarting DeFi and increasing on-chain DeFi TVL. Now, we aim to address the final piece of the puzzle that is still causing issues for both #MultiversX and #Hatom. The lack of stablecoin liquidity hinders our growth.

The absence of an EGLD-backed stablecoin forces users to forgo exposure to their $EGLD whenever they need liquidity, creating selling pressure on $EGLD. This is what we aim to tackle with this protocol update, which will primarily focus on two of the most impactful products in the Hatom Ecosystem: Hatom USD ($USH) and Booster V2.

Without further ado, let’s delve into these two modules in more detail:

Booster V2

While Booster V2 was initially designed to introduce additional features and improvements, we have further refined the model to enhance its utility.

Let’s break down the new features and implementations:

• Global Position Tracking: Optimizes boosting by monitoring a unified global position rather than individual positions, enhancing efficiency.

• Rebalance at Protocol Level: Reduces gas fees for claiming rewards by integrating rebalances directly at the protocol level.

• Multiple Deposit Options: Enables the deposit of HTM LPs and Metastaking tokens into the Booster Module, which will track only the $HTM token's weight.

• Simplified LP/Metastaking Creation: Allows for direct creation of LP/Metastaking positions within the Booster Module itself, eliminating the need to use the xExchangeApp dashboard.

• Reward Structure Adjustment: Shifts all rewards from $USDC to $EGLD, with claims exclusively in $HTM to boost demand and buying pressure for the $HTM token.

One new key improvement in the upcoming version of the Booster that has been added is the elimination of the $HTM cap in the HTM Booster to achieve optimal boosting.

Currently, users must deposit an equivalent of 10% of their collateral value in $HTM tokens within the booster to attain the maximum Boosted APY on their positions. With the launch of Booster V2, this cap will be removed, allowing users to increase their APY in proportion to the amount of $HTM they stake.

With the new implementation of Booster V2, rewards will be split into two batches.

In the first batch, users can achieve a certain APY by staking a specific ratio of HTM compared to the collateral they have supplied.

In the second batch, this cap will be removed, allowing users to increase their APY in proportion to the amount of $HTM they stake. The more $HTM tokens you stake beyond the threshold set in the first batch, the higher the APY you can achieve. However, this metric still depends on the value of your collateral and the total amount of $HTM staked by other liquidity providers.

For example: (Please note that all the metrics provided are hypothetical and are intended solely to illustrate the concept.)

• In the current Booster implementation, there is a maximum APY (let's consider that the $EGLD Booster APY is 6%) that users can achieve by staking 10% of the value of their collateral in $HTM. Staking additional $HTM beyond this does not increase returns, and the rewards from users who do not reach the optimal boost level within the booster are recycled.

• In the new implementation, we have opted for a dual-batch mechanism. The first batch is implemented to guarantee a threshold, maintaining the same rules as the old implementation. For instance, if users stake 5% of the value of their collateral in $HTM, they could achieve an optimal APY of 2%.

The remaining rewards will be distributed in a second batch with no cap, allowing users to potentially generate a higher APY than the 6% achievable in the previous implementation. This model allows them to earn rewards from users who didn't fully boost their position or to out-earn other users by staking more $HTM.

To put it simply, the first batch ensures that a threshold ratio of $HTM staked to collateral is met and maintained in the protocol. The second batch is where the majority of the rewards will be distributed and where strong competition will take place.

Hatom has invented the concept of the Booster, setting itself apart from other liquidity protocols by placing the $HTM token at the heart of its ecosystem, thereby creating an entire financial economy around it. It's crucial for us to refine this model and iterate on it to maximize its impact while ensuring the best possible user experience.

Hatom has already distributed millions of dollars in incentives, demonstrating the effectiveness of this model in attracting liquidity and sustaining a healthy ecosystem. As we move toward a sustainable state of incentivization, it is essential to ensure that the final implementation of the Booster is robust before integrating the governance module and allowing token holders to manage its parameters.

The process and user interface will be very intuitive and easy to use. Users will have access to a gauge that allows them to estimate the APY they can achieve by staking more $HTM tokens, simply by adjusting it.

Hatom USD (USH)

From the start, we recognized the liquidity issue with stablecoins in the #MultiversX ecosystem. With under $30 million in stable liquidity, the growth of DeFi products is restricted. The ecosystem needs a native stablecoin that not only offers a hedge against volatility but also provides a straightforward way for users to earn passive yield.

The low stable liquidity primarily affected the Hatom Lending Protocol, where high demand and positive market sentiment led users to leverage their positions for long strategies on chosen assets. Consequently, the utilization rates of both $USDC and $USDT exceeded optimal levels despite the constant increase in their respective TVL, driving interest rates to mid to high double digits during certain periods.

Let’s discuss the innovative design and progress on $USH:


Different from $USDC and $USDT that must be brought into the ecosystem through the bridge, $USH will be minted natively through multiple methods, also called facilitators. These facilitators will ensure that users are able to access $USH in a simple and efficient manner.

At launch, $USH will have two facilitators available:

  1. Lending Protocol

Users will be able to mint $USH directly within the Hatom Lending Protocol, an experience similar to taking loans. However, it’s important to note that 'minting' $USH is different from 'borrowing' it. As a result, the rates for minting $USH through the Lending Protocol are fixed and not influenced by utilization rates, unlike when borrowing assets like $USDC or $USDT.

These rates vary based on the discount factor of the collateral used; more liquid and stable assets yield better rates than less liquid ones. Note that $USH cannot be minted through the Lending Protocol using $EGLD or $sEGLD; instead, these assets must be used via a separate facilitator, known as Isolated Pools.

  1. Isolated Pools

The Isolated Pools represent a crucial component of the USH Ecosystem, offering significant revenue potential through its innovative mechanism. Users can deposit $EGLD or $sEGLD to mint $USH under specific conditions:

Minting USH with EGLD:

Users can deposit $EGLD at a 0% Supply APY to mint USH with no minting fees. The deposited $EGLD is staked in Liquid Staking to obtain $sEGLD, which is then deposited in the Lending Protocol to earn a base supply APY.

Minting USH with sEGLD:

Similarly, users can deposit $sEGLD into the Isolated Pools to mint $USH without a minting fee. When using $sEGLD, the users’ exposure shifts entirely to EGLD, as all rewards from sEGLD are retained by the protocol to boost the Staking Module yield.

The Isolated Pools provide a key advantage by allowing users to mint USH with no fee while maintaining exposure to potential price increases in EGLD. This setup enables users to leverage the stability of USH without the concern of interest rates that could lead to position liquidation.

Moreover, this module is poised to become the top revenue generator within the protocol. Assets deposited in the Isolated Pools generate income through Liquid Staking and the Lending Protocol. In the future, we can explore the possibility of using a portion for Leverage Liquid Staking strategies when conditions are favorable, further optimizing the returns.

USH Staking Module

Establishing robust facilitators to enable the safe and reliable minting of USH was crucial; however, we also recognize that building a powerful stablecoin requires strong utility and significant benefits.

While users will benefit from fixed or even zero minting fees, along with numerous integrations within the #MultiversX ecosystem, our goal is to ensure a robust mechanism for users to generate high yields on their stablecoins.

Through the Staking Module, users can deposit $USH or USH LP tokens, such as USH/USDC, USH/USDT, USH/EGLD, and USH/HTM, to generate yield on their positions. We have designed the source of this yield to be as organic as possible, using the revenue generated by all the USH facilitators.

Consider this example based only on the revenue from the Isolated Pools:

Suppose $100M worth of EGLD and sEGLD are deposited in the Isolated Pools. Since it's an over-collateralized minting, let's assume $50M worth of USH will be minted to maintain a safe health factor. This collateral is minting at 0% interest and will generate a 7% APY through Liquid Staking and the Lending Protocol, equivalent to about $7 million annually or ~$580,000 monthly in rewards for USH stakers.

Since the protocol earns rewards on $100 million but distributes them to just $50 million worth of USH, the APY for USH stakers effectively doubles, reaching 14%. With $EGLD's inherent volatility, any price increase in $EGLD further boosts the APY, motivating additional USH buying/minting and thus increasing liquidity for USH.

To integrate HTM within the USH ecosystem effectively, we are excited to announce that all rewards in the Staking Module will be distributed in HTM tokens. The revenue generated from users minting USH through the Lending Protocol and Isolated Pools will be used to purchase HTM tokens from the open market and distribute them to stakers.

USH will be the highest revenue-generating product on the #MultiversX Blockchain, with all that income redirected to the HTM token.

This strategy will create millions of dollars in additional buying pressure on HTM, significantly boosting demand for the token without direct community involvement. The buyouts will happen on a daily basis and will constitute the largest buyback module of an ESDT to date.

Please note that a portion of the rewards generated by the USH facilitators will be allocated to incentivize the Lending Protocol Markets, alongside other sources of revenue. This ensures that the protocol is driven by its utility and remains fully sustainable. This approach is designed to eliminate our reliance on the treasury for offering protocol incentives, promoting a more self-sustaining ecosystem.

Booster V2 x USH Staking Module

We went a step further in developing a strong utility for $HTM in the USH Staking Module; given the real success that Booster V1 had at launch, we have decided to offer a similar implementation for users in the USH Staking Module.

We are pleased to announce that Booster V2 will now play a significant role not only in the Lending Protocol but also in the USH Staking Module.

Here are a few of the benefits of the Booster V2 in the USH Staking Module:

• Yield Optimization: Earn rewards for your USH LP & farm tokens in addition to the USH Staking Module yields.

• Booster V2 Implementation: Users can access a base APY when staking USH in the Booster, with additional rewards earned when staking HTM tokens. Staking caps will be removed, allowing users to stake any amount they choose, with yields increasing proportionally to the amount of HTM staked.

This implementation allows users to boost the APY on their USH-staked positions within the USH Staking Module by allocating a specific amount of HTM to the Booster Module, mirroring the design of the HTM Booster in the Lending Protocol.

Peg Mechanisms

The peg mechanism is the most important feature of a stablecoin, therefore we spent countless hours researching and adjusting our mechanisms:

Soft Peg Mechanism:

In the Lending Protocol, USH will consistently be valued at $1, regardless of its market price elsewhere. For instance, if USH is trading at $0.99 on a decentralized exchange like ash_swap, users can purchase USH at this lower rate and use it to repay loans valued at $1 within the protocol, thereby profiting from the difference.

Hard Peg Mechanism:

Through the Hard Peg Mechanism, if USH trades at a certain percentage below $1, Redemption Mode is activated. In this mode, anyone can seize users' collateral up to a specified "Borrow Limit Used" for the account. The process starts with the least solvent accounts and continues to the most solvent until the peg is restored. Unlike liquidation, redemption does not incur any penalty for users.

This update aims to provide an overall view of the entire design without overwhelming you with technical jargon. More detailed definitions and explanations of the concepts will be available in our updated documentation on USH.

Development Status

We are pleased to announce that the peer code review of all USH modules has now been completed, and both the audits and front-end integration will commence this week. We recognize the importance of these next steps and acknowledge the complexities and potential challenges they may entail. Moving forward, our focus will be on ensuring that the audits are conducted to the highest standards of accuracy and security.

USH is a complex protocol that aims to once again elevate the status quo of DeFi within the #MultiversX ecosystem by solving real problems and enhancing user experience like never before. As we make progress on both the front-end integration and audits, we will be able to estimate an exact release date. However, as specified in Protocol Update #7, we are still targeting a launch timeframe of late Q2 to early Q3.

Go-To-Market Strategy

First, it's important to emphasize that Booster V2 and USH will be released simultaneously. We are developing a robust Go-To-Market Strategy for the launch of USH, focusing on the design's impact on the HTM token. Initially, a Private Mainnet for USH will be launched, operating exclusively with our network of partners and co-led with the MultiversX Foundation.

This Private Mainnet will operate for one month, using EGLD and sEGLD deposited by partners to generate our initial revenue. This revenue will be accumulated and used to buy back HTM tokens from the open market and distribute them as rewards. We anticipate a TVL in the seven-figure range during this phase, generating over $1.5 million in rewards for the first distribution.

At the moment we announce the public launch of USH, all rewards generated in the first month will be immediately used to buy back HTM tokens and transferred to the USH Staking Module to kickstart the protocol and to establish the bootstrapping APY for staked USH.

This strategy will create significant buying pressure on HTM, positively impacting the token’s market value. We are mindful of potential slippage impacts and will limit this aggressive buyback strategy to bootstrapping.

Right after the launch, these continuous buyouts will occur on a daily basis, creating sustainable growth for HTM.

Regarding the USH Airdrop, all participants will receive their allocations shortly after USH is publicly launched on the Mainnet and stabilized. Until then, users maintaining a 200% Booster Percentage in the HTM Booster during the daily random snapshot will share the daily allocation based on their liquidity weight.


The Accumulator was initially designed to allow users to claim rewards in either USDC or HTM, offering a 5% bonus for choosing HTM. However, with the new change of distributing rewards exclusively in HTM, the Accumulator will serve a better purpose.

As an alternative, we are exploring an "Affiliate Program." This initiative will enable users to introduce others to the Hatom Ecosystem and earn a percentage of the rewards their referrals generate.

For instance, if someone refers users who earn a total of $100,000 a month in rewards, the referrer would be entitled to claim $5,000 without affecting the earnings of the referred users.

While this is still in the brainstorming phase, we believe this could attract many new users to the ecosystem. We will provide more details about its implementation in future updates.


As we near the launch of 0xSoulProtocol, we're excited to provide a brief update. Future updates will be shared via Soul’s official channels.

The development of the 0xSoulProtocol has been a year-long journey marked by intense effort across all fronts, culminating in significant progress. We're thrilled to announce the official release of the website and documentation on Friday, May 24th. Concurrently, we will launch Soul’s official communication channels to foster direct engagement with the community.

This milestone signifies the genesis of the 0xSoulProtocol. We're eager to demonstrate its potential to become a leading DeFi project, thanks to its innovative design and business model.

Soul will serve as key infrastructure for all lending protocols, aiming to create a more cohesive and synergistic lending environment, unifying billions in liquidity across the entire space.

The feedback from our network of partners has been overwhelmingly positive, underscoring the protocol's potential and the quality of our work. We're optimistic about a successful journey as we continue development and move toward future stages in the protocol's lifespan.

We're excited for the months ahead, poised for growth given the rapid pace of our progress. We will continue to push for innovation, ready to transform the entire ecosystem. Your support is invaluable, and we want to thank you for being a pivotal part of this journey!

Source: Twitter @HatomProtocol
submitted by ioana_radu to MultiversXOfficial [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:52 kokokoszka I don’t think my boyfriend wants to marry me and i agreed to a stupid condition years ago that i’m struggling to fulfill so i guess i brought it on myself

I met him when i was 27, he is 3 years older. I’m now 32, and our 5th anniversary is at the end of this month, and i’m sure he’s still not gonna propose
I said from day 1 i want to get married, and a few months in i knew i wanted to do it with him, and he said the same, his timeline being 2-4 years, i said make it 2. I made it known how important it is to me, asking and talking about it every so often. After our 4th anniversary i stopped bringing engagement up because i don’t think there is a point anymore. He still says things like ‘at our wedding we will..’, ‘when we get married..’, refers to me as ‘wife’ occasionally BUT I KNOW i just know this is never gonna happen
And i gave him a perfect excuse. I am a woman who has gained weight. My self esteem is gone, my boyfriend noticed. One evening, 2-ish years ago we got a bit tipsy and i agreed to a condition he set - he will propose when i lose weight. He must have known i struggled to lose it, but in that state of mind i figured i should do it anyway (also because i currently can’t even fit into my wedding dress) and so i agreed. I did lose half of the weight i have gained since then but deep down i think, even if i do it all, there will be another excuse to delay engagement:( before the weight, there was finances, which i fixed, so i’m capable of changing but weightloss is SO HARD
Even though i was an idiot to agree to the condition, i kinda feel he should want to marry me by now anyway. After 5 years, the moment feels like it kinda passed. Even if by some miracle he proposed, i would say yes, but i think the excitement just won’t be the same as it would have been 1 or 2 years ago, because now i’m a bit bitter about not being good enough for someone i love to be passionate to marry me asap and all that
I don’t want just a marriage, i want to get married to the one i love, which is my boyfriend, but it seems like he doesn’t feel the same way about me, so i kind of let go of the dream of that kind of commitment. But when i get attention from other people i do sometimes think, what if i tried with someone else? But that would be stupid because now i’m, compared to 5 years ago, old and unattractive, so i’m sure i would just land myself in the same situation and just more unhappy because they won’t be as lovely as my boyfriend is
I just don’t know what to do. I gave up on the dream of getting married i think, but i still feel sad i never got to experience someone loving me so much they would want to commit to me like that. Maybe someone here would have some advice how to get over it? And thank you for reading, it helped a little just to spill those thoughts out on here!
submitted by kokokoszka to Waiting_To_Wed [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:29 titanapagod 30 [F4M] Pahingaaa Please

Life has been so hectic, working two jobs don’t help (but is necessary)
That said, pwede bang ikaw nalang pahinga ko?
I dated someone for a month, but it fell through… so I am hoping ikaw na sana. Wag ka sana ung madaming excuses and reasons for not being with me. Hopefully you’re ready to jump narin.
About Me:
Maliit na tao HAHAHAH. Average weight. Medyo pumayat sa lack of sleep.
Simple lang, di artistahin, di model.
May mga tattoos, di tago so ayon.
12hrs nagtatrabaho tapos maglaro ng video games after so minsan mabagal magreply. Pero gusto ng bebetime after.
Late natutulog.
Bardagul but very articulate in English. I can express myself better in English.
Taong bahay since computer games lang trip ko sa buhay. Hahahaha.
About You:
25 to 35 y/o
Average height ? Siguro mga 5’5 up ganon. No to dad bods since di talaga ako attracted.
Better if currently a PC gamer para naman may same ground tayo.
Hindi na marami pang excuses para di magseryoso.
Yung lalakeng lalake sana. Hahaaha. Wag masyado soft boy. Hahahah.
What you can expect:
Im honest to a fault, so you know I’m very communicative. I’d let you know when something is bothering me.
Pang jowa na. Yoko na magaksaya ng panahon.
Madalas ako nasa call with my friends, so sana oks lang sayo chat chat muna then call if you want afterwards.
Straightforward ako and boyish.
If you are interested still, despite of the things I said, PM lang with an intro of yourself. Di ako usually sumasagot sa “hi hello” lang at sa may posts/comments sa hubaderang subs hahaha
submitted by titanapagod to PhR4Dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:29 JudgmentStill2 Guesstimate my weight

Guesstimate my weight
(Throwaway acc) I didn’t see a rule that says pics aren’t ok here, lmk if I missed it.
25F 5'8
Hey y'all! Quick question: what do you think my current weight is? I have lost about 20 pounds and It’s hard to recognize the changes. You know how sometimes your brain takes a while to catch up. So, any guesstimations of my weight?
Also, any tips for moving forward? Been dealing with some physical health stuff this year and because of that haven’t exercise much, but earlier I trained quite frequently.
Pics in the comments
submitted by JudgmentStill2 to WeightLossAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:23 Arceus_17 Workout plan Suggestions

I am 5 feet 7.5 inches.My current body weight is 82kg. I have been doing swimming for more than a month and really enjoying it. Now my exams are also over. Do i want to join the gym also. I want to get in shape. Just want to loss fat and gain some muscles.
Can you suggest any workout plan on what should i follow? I also joined gym 1month back and the trainer only tolds me to do free hand for more than 8days. And also the exams came so i didnt go.
How about this Day 1: Push (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps) 1. Barbell Bench Press: 4 sets x 8-10 reps 2. Overhead Press (Dumbbells or Barbell): 4 sets x 10-12 reps 3. Tricep Dips: 3 sets x 12-15 reps 4. Incline Dumbbell Flyes: 3 sets x 12 reps 5. Lateral Raises: 3 sets x 15 reps
Day 2: Pull (Back, Biceps) 1. Deadlifts: 4 sets x 6-8 reps 2. Pull-Ups or Lat Pulldowns: 4 sets x 10-12 reps 3. Barbell Rows: 3 sets x 10-12 reps 4. Face Pulls: 3 sets x 15 reps 5. Barbell or Dumbbell Curls: 3 sets x 12 reps
Day 3: Legs (Quads, Hamstrings, Calves)
Workout Plans for Body Recomposition 2
  1. Squats: 4 sets x 8-10 reps
  2. Leg Press: 4 sets x 12-15 reps
  3. Romanian Deadlifts: 3 sets x 12 reps
  4. Calf Raises: 4 sets x 15-20 reps
  5. Leg Extensions: 3 sets x 15 reps
Day 4: Cardio and Active Recovery 30-45 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio (running, cycling, or elliptical). Active recovery through walking or engaging in a sport.
Day 5: Repeat Cycle
I am hitting my daily protein intake also.
Any advice would be highly appreciated.
submitted by Arceus_17 to Fitness_India [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:13 Wheresmyphace Question re: schizoaffective tx from FM doc

Hi, thanks for reading. I'm a family med doc in the US in an area with a dearth of psychiatrists. The one local agency isn't an option for this patient who lives in the community.
He's been doing pretty well since stabilizing with ziprasidone and transitioning to risperidone. He was having some residual positive symptoms on 3 mg bid and wanted to go up, but having some side effects above that (mild akasthesia and anticholinergic). Overall I think he was doing great on the lower dose, with good mood, more active, and few mild positive sx, but he is bothered by the presence of these symptoms even when mild.
Currently back on 3 mg bid. Tentatively considering transitioning to LAI vs switching to paliperidone oral to see if we can achieve symptom remission at a dose he tolerates, then going to LAI. Other meds are clonazepam 1 mg tid which we have been trying to taper (unsuccessfully so far), propranolol 10 mg bid, amitriptyline 50 qhs. He didn't tolerate seroquel (weight gain, sedation), and says he didn't tolerate abilify in the past but this wasn't recent and not sure what the issue was.
Questions: 1. What are some references/resources to learn more about management of schizoaffective disorder? Uptodate has pretty thin coverage of the problem (much covered under topics of bipolar and schizophrenia, but very little specific to scizoaffective). 2. So far he has met with our cbt provider but I'm wondering if there are any other modalities that are especially well-suited for this. 3. Suggestions for medication changes that might offer better control without more adverse effects would be appreciated. Thanks for any input!
submitted by Wheresmyphace to AskPsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:41 AprilVK Anyone heard of Mesa medical weight loss online clinic?

I just started with Mesa Medical Health & weight loss clinic, they offer tirzepatide AND b12 injections. Two separate injections so you benefit more from the b12! The first month is 50% off, and they also match your provider fees if you switch. I wish I had told them I was paying less than $340 a month now 😂 but if you’re new to tirzepatide it’s 398$ a month,semiglitude is even cheaper. I was thrilled my first month was $198!! Anyone here use them?? I spoke with them on the phone Monday at 1pm and they shipped out my meds yesterday am. It will be delivered tomorrow (Thursday) via usps. I got the tracking information Tuesday before noon. I have a referral link for the same deal I received if anyone’s interested. BUT I’m posting this to see if anyone else has them?? I believe their newer because their trying to promote major deals to gain new patients. Let me know how their compound works for you if you use them! I’m excited to try my tirzepatide with the b12!! I’m switching from emerge. Honestly I loved emerge. They also have a referral program like emerge, only you get $100 off if someone signs up because of you instead of just $25 so that’s major also. 😳 also their monthly fee doesn’t rise up on you depending on dosage. I am starting on 5mg… but she said they send you 10 mg vials? Not sure what that means 🤷🏻‍♀️ I can say that it was obvious they don’t care what dose you want them to be started on and they don’t ask for proof of your current dosage. I should have said I was on 10mg but I didn’t. 😂 I was honest 🤷🏻‍♀️
submitted by AprilVK to tirzepatidecompound [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:10 Specialist-Split1037 Retaining knowledge after finetuning

Retaining knowledge after finetuning
Finetuning twice with different datasets.
I actually am fine-tuning a mistral with our company documentation. Let me break it down so that it's easier to understand.
Let's say there are documentation on screens, and then some documentation on the ui elements. A dataset for each documentation is made seperately
What I am currently doing is first I am fine-tuning using unsloth for screen dataset. After that I am finetuning the screen finetuned model with ui elements dataset.
The end result is that the knowledge of screen gets a little faded away. After the final finetuning. I do understand the weights are getting adjusted and this is normal. I want to ask that isn't there something so that It can retain knowledge of both the dataset to full capacity.
I do understand that RAG can be used here, but I can't use it. So please suggest me ways to tackle this.
Here is the Training Arguments I am currently using for both dataset.
Thanks in advance
submitted by Specialist-Split1037 to LocalLLaMA [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:06 Specialist-Split1037 Finetuning with Lora

Finetuning with Lora
Finetuning twice with different datasets.
I actually am fine-tuning a mistral with our company documentation. Let me break it down so that it's easier to understand.
Let's say there are documentation on screens, and then some documentation on the ui elements. A dataset for each documentation is made seperately
What I am currently doing is first I am fine-tuning using unsloth for screen dataset. After that I am finetuning the screen finetuned model with ui elements dataset.
The end result is that the knowledge of screen gets a little faded away. After the final finetuning. I do understand the weights are getting adjusted and this is normal. I want to ask that isn't there something so that It can retain knowledge of both the dataset to full capacity.
I do understand that RAG can be used here, but I can't use it. So please suggest me ways to tackle this.
Here is the Training Arguments I am currently using for both dataset.
Thanks in advance
submitted by Specialist-Split1037 to LocalLLaMA [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:04 DoGsPaWsLoVe Monday 05/13/24: 14 Posts

Here is the recap of the 14 monetized posts from Kylea and Joseph "Joe" Gomez of Kylea G Weight loss Journey on 05/13/24.
Disclaimer: I am not a physician, influencer, or paid content creator. I am not affiliated with WW. I am semi-retired from healthcare with multiple college degrees. These opinions are my own based on social media content. I wish no harm to Kylea or Joe Gomez.
☎️ If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, please call or text 988 for assistance.
The tagline of Kylea G Weight loss Journey is, "I changed my life with prayer and a playlist of songs. No surgery, no meds. Just Jesus."
DAILY STATS 05/13/24:
0/14 posts discussed prayer
2/14 contained vague references to music
0/14 discussed exercise
0/14 shared a recipe
4/14 were about something Kylea ate or drank
1/14 contained a side by side photo comparison
2/14 were about her current/future pet (one of these was from "Joe" about Amazon pet items)
1/14 "Joe" posted about getting Whataburger
2/14 were about donut holes & a clapback
2/14 were a trip update
📢 For our friends at Meta, that means at least 50% of Kylea's monetized content had nothing to do with weight loss, which is the tagline and purpose of her page.
⚠️ Disordered Eating- Daily Food Consumption (Data compiled from monetized content):
5 WW Points: Barebell Cookies & Cream Protein Bar
0 WW Points: Alani Nu Energy Drink (🚨 These contain 200mg of caffeine)
9 WW Points: TWO In-N-Out "Protein style" hamburgers wrapped in lettuce.
0 WW Points: Bahama Buck's Sugar-free Birthday Cake & Sugar-free Strawberry Cheesecake flavored shaved ice.
📢 For our friends at Meta, that means Kylea consumed 14 out of (up to) 30 daily WW points in maintenance mode= Disordered Eating. This is dangerous messaging for her 138k+ followers on a weight loss journey.
Recipes Shared:
🚨 Please speak with a medical professional about any questions or concerns you have about your health.
Comments: Kylea CHOSE to continue posting triggering food content, and clapped back at followers for questioning it.
⚠️ Binge Eating, Compulsive Buying Disorder (CBD), aka shopping addiction, Disordered Eating, Food Addiction, Gaslighting, and Religion will be discussed.
Post 1. Donut Hole Controversy: Kylea posted an empty donut hole bag and claimed her sister ate all of them at 3 WW points each. When called out by a follower, Kylea responded with this, "I don't eat donuts. I support other people eating whatever they'd like to eat. What's unhealthy is commenting on other people's food choices.💖💖💖"
Post 2. Using the Pet Cat for Content: This nontent was her male cat's reaction to being told his puppy sister arrives on Sunday.
Post 3. Protein Bar Slip Up: Kylea recycled an old photo of her holding a Barebell protein bar and tried to act like the photo was taken today. 👀
Post 4. Trip Update: Kylea is shopping for puppy bandanas online because Birdie "only" has 6, while her sister drives. She is listening to 🎶 in the car. 💤 This is nontent.
Post 5. "Unhealthy" Food Clapback: Narcissistic, defiant Kylea had to get the last word in.
"I had someone comment that I post a lot of "unhealthy" food for a weight loss page. The point of my page is to show others that all foods are healthy in moderation. What is not healthy, is commenting on other people's food choices. Mind your own plate. 💖 I personally eat very healthy myself but I support all of the people around me in whatever food choices they want to make for their own lives. I will never and have never commented on someone else's food choice for their own lives."
⏸️ This is gaslighting. Here we go...
  1. Kylea is triggered by words like treat, craving, and indulge but was not at the beginning of her weight loss journey.
  2. Kylea is afraid to own a microwave because it could jeopardize her recovery with food addiction and give her quick access to convenient foods. (Please ignore the air fryer and cabinets full of snacks.)
  3. If Kylea does not like what Joe is eating at a restaurant, she has placed the menu between them so she does not have to see it.
  4. Joe is not allowed to have regular condiments in the fridge.
  5. Joe is to "support" her by eating foods he does not prefer at home (most of the time).
  6. Kylea controls what Joe eats when she is away from home.
  7. Please ignore all comments Kylea makes on the Basham and Lee families' social media accounts about food.
  8. Kylea does not eat clean.
  9. She triggers her followers with calorie-dense items on purpose for monetary gain.
  10. Kylea has disordered eating.
If that list isn't enough to question her speech, a follower requested a 24-hour food log and the # of daily WW points Kylea uses. Kylea replied, "after months of bullying over that because of how healthy I do eat, I won't ever do that again. It's for my peace that I no longer do."
📢 To our friends at Meta, why is a "weight loss influencer" allowed to refuse to answer follower questions about WW (her chosen tool) and refuse to provide an example of what she eats in a day? This is the job YOU pay her to do.
Post 6. Alani Nu: Avoid this beverage (200mg caffeine) if you are unsure about your recommended caffeine intake.
Post 7. Trip Update: Her sister drove 6 hours. They have to be at the airport tomorrow at 4 am.
Post 8. Fort Worth Stockyards: This photo editing fail made Kylea appear 8 feet tall with a shrunken head and long extremities. Upon follower questions, she blamed her sister for how she held the phone. 🤔
Post 9. IN-N-Out Burger: Kylea's sister ate a cheeseburger & fries, and Kylea had 2 "protein style" hamburgers she claimed were called "protein burgers." Umm, nope.
Post 10. Shaved Ice: Kylea's sister got the baby size shaved ice, and Kylea got a significantly larger-sized cup.
⏸️ I smirked as Kylea claimed the protein bar was "yummy," the In-N-Out was "really good," and the sugar-free shaved ice, "It is SO good!!," but the giant iced cookie cake slice yesterday was "fine." She loves to gaslight and act holier-than-thou. 😇
Post 11. Whataburger: "Joe" posted his bag of Whataburger after waiting 1.5 hours in the drive-thru on opening day.
⏸️ How are the donut holes, energy drink, cheeseburger and fries, and regular shaved ice Kylea's sister consumed, and Whataburger her husband consumed healthy weight loss content? Why is Meta paying her for this nonsense?
Post 12. Amazon Purchases: "Joe" posted a picture of more puppy items and said, "Can you tell my wife is excited about her new role as dog mom 😂 😂" This is nontent.
Post 13. May 2021 vs Today: Kylea is "forever proud of the girl who changed her entire life -208 lbs."
⏸️ Kylea, you traded addictions. That is not something to be proud of. You are terrified of the scale and heavily modify your photos. That is not something to be proud of, either. You can spend all the money and travel the world but you are not happy. Quite the opposite. Seek medical care. ☮️
Post 14. Final Update: Kylea feels "uplifted" from window shopping at the Stockyards and local Target with her sister, listening to country music.
Takeout Purchases: Donut Holes= $3.50 est; In-N-Out Burger: Cheeseburger & Fries with 2 "Protein-style" Hamburgers (online prices)= $11.75 est; Bahama Buck's Baby & Regular Sized Shaved Ice= $9.18 + tip; Whataburger (unknown food)= $8 est;
Shopping/Travel Expenses: Barebell Protein Bar= $2.45 est; Alani Nu Freezeberry Energy= $2.48 est; Alani Nu Juicy Peach Energy= $2.48 est; Gas Joplin, MO to Fort Worth, TX: (373mi/33mpg) x $3.85 est= $43.52 est; Gas Fort Worth, TX to Dallas, TX: (32mi/33mpg) x $3.85 est= $3.73 est; Hotel (prices by airport used)= $75 est + fees; Bocce's Coconut Macaroon Crunchy Biscuits 5oz bag Qty 2= $12.98 est; Bocce's Sauvignon Bark Soft & Chewy 6oz bag Qty 2= $13.58 est; Bocce's Burger & Fries All-Natural Dog Treats Qty 2= $9.08 est; PetStages Grow-with-Me Ring Dog Chew Toy= $5.24 est; Pet Botanics Training Rewards Soft & Chewy Bacon Flavor 20oz bag Qty 2= $27.98 est; Undercoat Rake Grooming Tool= $10.25 est; Paw Print Cube Fabric Storage Bin= $12.99 est; Baghler Airline Approved Dog Travel Bag Light Pink- A Backpack with Silicone Bowls & Food Baskets= $34.99 est; Fabric Strawberry Harness & Leash= $17.99 est; Black Nylon Training Leash= $8.95 est;
All info from Reddit. ✌️
submitted by DoGsPaWsLoVe to KyleaGomezsnark [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:59 Cultural_Package_585 2 weeks DD (number 4) - long post, advice needed

DD two weeks, absolutely reeling - long post
Wow, so I've had a whole year of being trickle fed a truth. My partner of 8 years had been increasingly awful to deal with. Angry all the time (apparently about work). Ranting, cold and distant. Then he tells me, he got 'handsy, over clothes' with a colleague at work and they had an EA. To say I was devastated was an understatement.
He'd admitted to sexting a different colleague a month before and I'd been trying to hard for us after forgiving him. During my efforts he was starting the big EA/PA. After the 'handsy' incident I asked him to move out for a bit whilst I processed it so he moved into a shared house with some workmates. 1 year of us trying to rebuild (I thought) including starting couples counselling. Seeing each other a few times a week.
1 month ago he admits he slept with her that time at work. A week later he admits it was more than once and they had a brief affair but it broke up before he left our house. 2 weeks ago he admits hes lived a DOUBLE life this whole time and basically whenever he's not been with me he's been with her at her house, with her and her kids -whilst keeping his original rented room. So I'm on maybe the 4th DDay now.
I'm reeling, I've been gaslit and manipulated for a whole YEAR. Given the cold treatment and witholding whenever I questioned an inconsistency - and there were many. I lost 10kg in weight from the anxiety alone. He’s been having unprotected S with both of us, sometimes the same day! Feels l like such a violation (risks aside), both now being tested.
I spoke to her. She was equally gobsmacked. She'd been dumped a week prior to last DDay with no explanation from him. Apparently he left me a year ago for her, when I wouldn't have a baby with him. 1) He never asked! It was never off the table. 2) We never broke up! They've been talking about marriage, and venues and even a baby.
I'm so confused. I had 6 amazing years with this guy. Then he became this awful person to live with, then this.
As it stands; he loves me, it's always been me, he wants our future, he's had some sort of breakdown, his IC has brought him back. He can’t tell me why… anything.
He has allowed me to vent, not exploded (as he would normally before) he even cut his ridiculous midlife crisis hair for me. He's given me his phone location access and access to his phone (obviously it's been sanitised). Posted a pic of us on FB, AP doesn't have FB so missed our anniversary post in March obv. She was only ever known about implied or overtly by 4 people he knew and his therapist.
I demanded he enlighten the AP and was present for that text and the ensuing phone call. He's now blocked her so I've ended up answering her questions. Ive now set boundaries and stepped back.
Since then, he's been attentive and rode the waves with me. Hes been in IC the whole time and currently we are still in CC (4 months) but haven't been since this all broke (Next ones going to be crazy). I've spent a fortune this year in IC trying to improve myself because my self esteem has been eroded so bad by his behaviour.
What do I do? I'm so in love with that guy of 6 years but I don't recognise this awful gaslighting monster I've known for the last 18 months. And now it seems my guy is back from the dead. But 18 months of what I can only describe as demonic possession (not really obv, but that's what it looked like), I just... Don't know. I feel like an idiot for considering R. My emotions are everywhere. I alternate between wanting to be held and just the sight of him making my skin crawl.
I apologise for the stream of consciousness nature of this but I'm so overwhelmed and I darent tell most of my friends. Does it get better? How? If you’re a WP and can relate, how is it possible to fake (he says) a whole loving family life with AP and still love the BS and keep them around? BS, does it get any better? How did you ride the waves? How did WS regain your trust?
Input from both BS and WS welcome.
submitted by Cultural_Package_585 to AsOneAfterInfidelity [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:51 GPTSportsWriter Real Madrid VS Villarreal Prediction 2024-05-19 13:00:00-04:00

Real Madrid VS Villarreal Prediction 2024-05-19 13:00:00-04:00
Real Madrid VS Villarreal Prediction 2024-05-19 13:00:00-04:00

Real Madrid vs. Villarreal: A Comprehensive Prediction for May 19, 2024


Ladies and gentlemen, football aficionados, and those who just stumbled upon this article while looking for cat videos, welcome to the ultimate showdown analysis between Real Madrid and Villarreal. Scheduled for May 19, 2024, this La Liga clash promises to be a spectacle of skill, strategy, and perhaps a bit of drama. So, grab your popcorn, sit back, and let's dive into the nitty-gritty of what could be a defining match of the season.

The Teams: A Brief Overview

Real Madrid

Real Madrid, the Galácticos, the team that has more silverware than your grandma's china cabinet, is coming into this match with a lot of expectations. Known for their attacking prowess and a midfield that can control the game like a puppeteer, Real Madrid is a force to be reckoned with.


On the other side, we have Villarreal, the Yellow Submarine. While they might not have the same star-studded lineup as Real Madrid, they are known for their resilience and tactical acumen. Villarreal has a knack for punching above their weight, and they will be looking to make a statement in this match.

The Odds: What the Bookmakers Say

Let's talk numbers, shall we? According to the latest odds from FanDuel and DraftKings, Real Madrid is the favorite to win this match. FanDuel has Real Madrid at 1.87, while DraftKings offers a slightly better price at 1.91. Villarreal, on the other hand, is priced at 3.5 on FanDuel and 3.25 on DraftKings. The odds for a draw are 4.0 on FanDuel and 3.85 on DraftKings.

What Do These Odds Mean?

In layman's terms, the bookmakers are giving Real Madrid a higher probability of winning this match. The lower the odds, the higher the probability, and vice versa. So, if you're a betting person, putting your money on Real Madrid seems like the safer bet. But hey, football is a funny old game, and anything can happen.

Head-to-Head: Historical Context

When it comes to head-to-head encounters, Real Madrid has had the upper hand. In their last ten meetings, Real Madrid has won six times, Villarreal has won twice, and there have been two draws. This historical dominance adds another layer of confidence for Real Madrid going into this match.

Player Statistics: The Key Men

Real Madrid

Karim Benzema

The French maestro, Karim Benzema, has been in scintillating form this season. With 20 goals and 10 assists in La Liga, he is the linchpin of Real Madrid's attack. His ability to link up play and find the back of the net makes him a constant threat.

Luka Modrić

The Croatian wizard, Luka Modrić, continues to defy age with his performances. With a pass completion rate of 89% and an average of 2 key passes per game, Modrić is the engine that keeps Real Madrid ticking.


Gerard Moreno

Villarreal's talisman, Gerard Moreno, has been their go-to man for goals. With 15 goals and 7 assists, he is the player Real Madrid's defense will need to keep an eye on.

Pau Torres

At the back, Pau Torres has been a rock for Villarreal. With an average of 3 interceptions and 5 clearances per game, he will be crucial in keeping Real Madrid's attack at bay.

Tactical Analysis

Real Madrid

Real Madrid is likely to line up in a 4-3-3 formation, with Benzema leading the line. The midfield trio of Modrić, Kroos, and Casemiro will look to control the game, while the full-backs, Carvajal and Mendy, will provide width.


Villarreal, under Unai Emery, is expected to set up in a 4-4-2 formation. They will look to soak up pressure and hit Real Madrid on the counter. The midfield duo of Parejo and Capoue will be tasked with breaking up play and launching quick transitions.

Weather Conditions

The weather forecast for May 19, 2024, in Madrid is expected to be clear with temperatures around 25°C (77°F). Perfect football weather, if you ask me. No excuses for a poor performance from either side.

The Prediction

Drumroll, please! After considering the odds, player statistics, historical context, and tactical setups, it's time to make a prediction. Real Madrid, with their superior squad depth, historical dominance, and current form, are the favorites to win this match. Villarreal will put up a fight, but the Galácticos should have enough to secure a victory.

Final Score Prediction

Real Madrid 3-1 Villarreal


There you have it, folks. A comprehensive, in-depth, and slightly humorous analysis of the upcoming La Liga clash between Real Madrid and Villarreal. Whether you're a die-hard fan or just here for the witty commentary, we hope you enjoyed this preview. May the best team win, and may your bets be ever in your favor.


  • FanDuel. (2024). La Liga Odds. Retrieved from FanDuel
  • DraftKings. (2024). La Liga Betting Lines. Retrieved from DraftKings
Stay tuned for more football analysis, and remember, it's not just a game; it's a way of life.
submitted by GPTSportsWriter to GPTSportsWriter [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:44 HelicopterOld7542 Hello everyone

Am new on here, Am just going crazy so i am trying to find somewhere to write about it and feel heard. Am so overwhelmed with everything going on in my life right now and i feel like giving up . I feel so shit and useless. I feel like i don't know how to do anything and nothing make sense. Am married but am not happy and i feel stuck. I can not express myself with anyone so its like a happy face but deep down i just want to give up living so all this through end forever. Am currently unemployed, unhappy with the person i am ( Because he doesn't not treat me right , cheat on, throw out the house, beat up n etc) i don't have money to do anything. Am gaining weight with all the stress. Ive been trying to get a job in the uk for almost 2 years now and i don't understand why am not getting any job. On top of all this i feel like the world is getting worse so much terrible thing and people in it . I just don't know what to do. 😔 i just want fall asleep and never wake up again , i need help i need someone to help me out of it I've never feel so low and depressed.
submitted by HelicopterOld7542 to MentalHealthUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:21 AirborneWookie Cheap CO2 Mags

Hey there,
I've currently got an idea for a project that I keep leaving alone and coming back to over and over again and as summer is approaching I'm trying to think of a project to do before uni.
It's basically a 3d printed gas blowback nerf blaster and I first thought of making it electric similarly to an AEG in design but have shifted over to using compressed aigas/co2 as the electric motor needed to compress a 7-10kg spring multiple times a second is both massive and expensive.
I initially thought of a HPA setup but the cost of one is way over my budget and have thought of using GBB mags instead as they pretty much have everything needed for a gas system. Then after thinking about the gas consumption from nerf darts over bb's I think co2 cartridge based mags will be easier to play with as they seem easier, faster and cheaper to use/reload (although having a mag built in and just getting a butane tank with an adapter might be even easier).
And so, finally onto my question(s):
Do any of you guys know any mags (pistol or rifle) that:
-either have a large gas volume or fast to re-fill,
-are cheap and easy to source as I'd like to make the project open source eventually,
-One where the gas reservoir is an insert that can be easily removed with little destruction to the original mag.
-maybe under £20 / mag as I'm basically destroying it?
I don't know if this is the right forum to ask but I figured I'll try.
I'm hastily writing this between lessons so apologies if this is a little confusing.
Thanks in advance!
A mag I'm currently looking at is this Raven R9 co2 mag that's around £10 right now and £20 on amazon for 50 cartridges.
The first design is going to be a muzzle loading musket with the trigger linked directly to the mag's valve, then a design to limit the gas released then, the final blaster design I'm going to make is either going to have the airsoft mag built in or if the reservoir is small enough I'll build it into a custom half-length dart mag.
I have no experience with airsoft and so have no idea what cartridges work with which (beside weight(12g, 14g, 16g etc)).
Also I understand the law and am not even thinking of making something that looks remotely like a real firearm (besides stealing it's internals' design). It's also never going to be used outside in the foreseeable future (unless I eventually take it to a field)
submitted by AirborneWookie to Airsoft_UK [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:11 crispytempeh Started my journey 3 weeks ago, already struggling

Hi!! I’m new in this sub and I’m looking for some insights that might be of help! for context, I’m 30F, 160cm / 5’2, and current weight is 154 lbs / 70kg.
I decided to start my journey of a healthy lifestyle when I went to try out wedding dresses for the first time and weighed myself for the first time in about 2 years, and realized I’d gained more than 20 pounds in the span of a couple years.
I finally realized that I’ve been neglecting taking care of my body for far too long, as I went down an Instagram rabbit hole of “you can eat whatever you want whenever you want and that’s ok”. even if I’m moderately active (I do cardio and functional training 3 days a week minimum), my diet, although vegan, has never been the best as I always indulged whenever I wanted.
This, combined with my 2025 wedding, my right knee getting a bit worse (most likely due to my weight gain), and my genetic thyroid disease (which is fortunately very stable with my low dosage of medication, has been for years, but still requires of me to be healthier than normal people), made me finally realize that I need to take care of my body beyond just fitness.
my current goal is achievable, I believe - to lose around 15- 20 pounds (or around 5- 10kg) for December this year. It doesn’t need to be exactly that, as long as I get back to the 60-65kg range.
I decided to set myself a few rules:
And start out with this. I do see some change in my appearance and measures, as I used to eat too many snacks, and cut those out entirely. I’m basically eating almost the same, just without all the snacks, and reducing carbs a bit as well. My fitness has stayed the same.
What I find the most confusing is that the scale hasn’t budget, not the tiniest bit, i weight exactly the same as I did when I went wedding dress shopping.
My clothes fit a bit better, and I did lose a few cm in my waist as I have the measures from that day as well. So I don’t really understand why the scale doesn’t reflect that. I wonder if it’s water retention, gaining strength (which doesn’t really make sense as my weight lifting numbers has been the same for months), stress… (I’ve been very stressed this past month).
Just wondering if this also happened to anyone else and if you have any insights. I should also mention that I have a very muscular body type naturally, my quads have always been giant and I have a broad, muscular back that I don’t really know where I got from haha (I’m always asked if I’m a swimmer). So not sure if that’s where the weight is staying.
Thank you so much!!
submitted by crispytempeh to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:10 jovialarchitect Laptop suggestion for an architect

submitted by jovialarchitect to SuggestALaptop [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:48 ImproveOrEnjoy 27F Reached a bit of a plateau, advice for next steps? :)

I guess I'm also looking for a bit of encouragement here, this has been a very solo journey.
27F at 5'4. Started at 84kg(185lb), now down to 72kg(158lb). Current goal is 60kg(132lb).
So far, I think I've actually been doing the easy bit, I think it's going to get a lot harder soon...
I started out by cutting out full fat soda. And then most of the weight loss so far has been cutting out extra calories that I didn't really want to eat. I stopped eating out of boredom, learnt how to stop eating when I was satisfied, stopped forcing myself to finish my plate, and when I craved an unhealthy food I'd question if that was what I REALLY wanted or if I was trying to soothe myself and actually the snack would just make me feel guilty. I do allow myself bad snacks, but only if I actually really do want the snack and it will bring me joy.
My problem is, now I've done that I've reached my current plateau for how much I eat. Sadly I am a pretty picky eater who doesn't like vegetables all that much, and does enjoy carbs and chocolate. If I continue cutting now I'll be getting rid of things I genuinely enjoy.
Currently I'm eating about 2000kcal a day, which I guess is roughly my maintenance for 72kg. My goal is to get down to 1600kcal. (This is all calculated with a sedentary lifestyle, I don't tend to factor in exercise because it gives me a bit of leeway with calorie counting, and while I walk a lot and have a physical job I don't do any big sports that would burn lots of cals)
So wanted to ask for some advice on how to continue my weight loss from here. I'm trying to take this slow and steady, so the changes will be permanent.
submitted by ImproveOrEnjoy to WeightLossAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:47 ImproveOrEnjoy 27F Reached a bit of plateau, any tips for next steps? :)

I guess I'm also looking for a bit of encouragement here, this has been a very solo journey.
27F at 5'4. Started at 84kg(185lb), now down to 72kg(158lb). Current goal is 60kg(132lb).
So far, I think I've actually been doing the easy bit, I think it's going to get a lot harder soon...
I started out by cutting out full fat soda. And then most of the weight loss so far has been cutting out extra calories that I didn't really want to eat. I stopped eating out of boredom, learnt how to stop eating when I was satisfied, stopped forcing myself to finish my plate, and when I craved an unhealthy food I'd question if that was what I REALLY wanted or if I was trying to soothe myself and actually the snack would just make me feel guilty. I do allow myself bad snacks, but only if I actually really do want the snack and it will bring me joy.
My problem is, now I've done that I've reached my current plateau for how much I eat. Sadly I am a pretty picky eater who doesn't like vegetables all that much, and does enjoy carbs and chocolate. If I continue cutting now I'll be getting rid of things I genuinely enjoy.
Currently I'm eating about 2000kcal a day, which I guess is roughly my maintenance for 72kg. My goal is to get down to 1600kcal. (This is all calculated with a sedentary lifestyle, I don't tend to factor in exercise because it gives me a bit of leeway with calorie counting, and while I walk a lot and have a physical job I don't do any big sports that would burn lots of cals)
So wanted to ask for some advice on how to continue my weight loss from here. I'm trying to take this slow and steady, so the changes will be permanent.
submitted by ImproveOrEnjoy to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:42 Prize_Blacksmith_939 I ruined by life

I was doing amazing in life, had a good banking Job was making pretty good money, bought a Mercedes, was getting all the girls, everything seemed like it was going right.
Surely after I gave myself more financial responsibilities everything started crashing down I started owing more and more money and now I’m about $30,000 Dollars in debt which in reality is not so much money and it something that with time you can payoff, but recently in November I lost my Job because I’m only allowed to work with a Work Authorization card and it expired, it normally takes 3-6 months to get it renewed and unfortunately for me in took 6 months to receive so my job had to let me go which I completely understood. I don’t blame anyone for my mistakes I take all the responsibility but now I’m stuck in a state of depression and even think about taking my life which I would’ve never thought would ever cross my mind it being that im such an optimistic and happy person. everything seems to be going against me at the moment which makes things harder I recently was going to get my job back but now they require a credit check, which I also understand why that’s put in place specially for banking Jobs, but because I haven’t been working for 6 months I haven’t had extra money to pay my credit cards etc… so now I know that even though I had an amazing interview and the manager loved me i won’t be able to get a job because of poor credit history, it’s very hard for me being in this moment because I lost the sense of what’s gonna become of my life. I truly hate disappointing and although I know it’s not something that should hold so much weight for me, unfortunately it does because I know I’ve let my family down all over not being as responsible as i should’ve been.
Right now I got The love of my life back in my life and we have been doing amazing, we both want the same things and confess our love for each other everyday , I haven’t told her any of what’s going on because i thought I’d get my job back and everything would go back to normal, I’m now afraid I might have to let her go :/ because I cannot give to her what she deserves at the current moment, it’s hard for me to talk about my personal life and problems with people I’m close to, I like keeping things to myself and dealing with my problems on my own, I guess you can say I’m afraid of being judged.
I hope I can find the courage to see things though, I think we should all be grateful to be here no matter what problems we might have, but for the first time in my life I can understand why people would want to take their own life.
submitted by Prize_Blacksmith_939 to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]
