Mlm php

Arkansas: News for and from Arkansas residents

2008.11.01 00:45 Arkansas: News for and from Arkansas residents

Come hang out on discord: This subreddit is intended to serve as a centralized communications hub for the state of Arkansas to include Arkansas news, events, random discussion, Arkansas sports, or anything as long as it's about Arkansas.

2014.05.27 19:26 robbit42 The Cinnamon Desktop Environment

Love your Linux, Feel at Home, Get things Done! Cinnamon is a desktop environment developed by Linux Mint. It provides advanced modern features on top of a traditional desktop layout. Just like Linux Mint, it aims to be easy to use, powerful and flexible. It is compatible with and available in most Linux distributions.

2011.09.22 17:56 eagleapex Stop MLM schemes from draining your friends dry.

Multi Level Marketing (MLM) schemes are a drain on our society. Its participants either build the pyramid taller or get squashed by it.

2024.06.03 01:46 DontmessTexas Christopher Coyle of Oklahoma is making America better

I have to start with the Good News. Christopher Coyle of Oklahoma is making America better by claiming in his lawsuit that Family First Life harmed him by violating the Oklahoma Business Opportunity Sales Act.

Direct link to Christopher's Lawsuit against Family First Life - All the filings:

The Reddit #antimlm thread that synopsizes the case against Family First Life.

Mr. Coyle has recently publicized specifics of his case:

In their motion to dismiss in Suescum vs Family First Life, their legal counsel tried to dismiss claims of the TCPA and FTCA violations by stating that text messages used in recruiting was for a business opportunity. In essence, Family First Life admits to being a "business opportunity."

The FTC declared that Family First Life was a Business Opportunity in December 2021.

When I, Christopher Coyle, showed up to court. The opposing counsel offered to drop the suit against me if I dropped mine. Mr. Coyle was originally law suited by his upline to recoup $13,195 in debt that rolled up to the upline/recruiter.

Mr. Coyle refused the offer, and the case is continuing with his countersuit to Family First Life citing violations of the Business Opportunity Sales Law.

I, Christopher Coyle, am collecting evidence and testimony to give to the Oklahoma Attorney General to pursue criminal charges. Each fraud violation of the Oklahoma Business Opportunity Sales Act can carry a sentencing of 10 years in prison. If you are a victim, please contact me for more information on how you can help.

Christopher Coyle is requesting the public's help via a GoFundMe account.

Mr. Coyle's lawsuit is a blueprint for victims and attorneys throughout the USA.

My last newsletter to you erroneously that 67.93% lose money by joining PHP Agency, an Integrity Marketing Company and sister company of Family First Life. The real number of losers is 77.93% according to PHP Agency's income disclosure statement.

I have been privy to multiple Family First Life recruiter conversations with random jobseekers. Uncannily, recruiter after recruiter tells the jobseeker that you "invest $1,000 a week in leads and $10,000 a week in sales is the norm." This is majorly illegal.

FYI, I recently uploaded YouTube videos of conversations with a PHP Agency (an IMG company) Recruiter, A North American Senior Benefits (an IMG company) recruiter, A Family First Life Victim (an IMG company). These videos and others (see our YouTube channel) can and should be used as evidence in claiming violations of Business Opportunity Laws.

submitted by DontmessTexas to insuranceMLMs [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 01:29 DontmessTexas Attorney General Complaint Against Family First Life / IMG in California - Full Text

Dear Attorney General Robert Bonta,

My name is Robert Cooper, a newly licensed insurance agent in the State of California. I was harmed by a business opportunity scam called Family First Life (FFL) that has victimized tens of thousands of Californians like me. The FFL scam mostly targets younger, minority and immigrant communities.

My personal experience is that I wasted/worked 6 months of my life in their scam in late 2021, early 2022. Earned virtually no revenue during those 6 months (about $3,000) while investing $7,000 in their fraudulent leads, merchandise, out-of-pocket expenses, work attire, and computehome office products.

As a recruit, I was told that the average recruit earns $20,000 per month, and that any investment that I would make in leads would get me to 10 times the money in revenue. As a 24-year-old newly licensed insurance agent, I believed them. Especially since their sales pitch, social media “proofs” was akin to a Hollywood production.

I now realize that Family First Life should have registered and complied with the California Business Opportunity Sales Act.

I could not find the CA Business Opportunity Sales Act (Oklahoma and California laws are supposedly identical, and inspired by an FTC recommended law from 10 years ago.)

I am sure you can find the exact text of the California law, but I see information on Reddit that describes a lawsuit citing the Oklahoma law.

Here is the Reddit Thread that describes lots of FFL legal issues

Here are the court documents of the ongoing Christopher Coyle’s counter lawsuit against FFL in Oklahoma - - is the direct link to the critical filing that describes the Business Opportunity Sales Law, which supposedly CA has the identical law.

Here is Christopher Coyle’s GoFundMe Plea. - My case and over ten thousand Californian have similar stories (there is a YouTube video in which the FFL CEO states he has 60,000 agents, and the parent company, which is Integrity Marketing Group (IMG) owns several other similar companies doing a similar fraud – PHP Agency, The Alliance, Equis Financial, North American Senior Benefits and others.)

FFL did get an FTC cease and desist ordering them to stop lying to new business opportunity participants in December 2021. -

Unfortunately for me, I was not aware of this public letter when I was being scammed by FFL.

FFL is being class action law suited for “lead fraud”, “selling dud leads” in a California Federal Court from June 2022, - Copy of the original filing -

FFL is now up to its 5th Do Not Call lawsuit, as described on the articles that is documented at the head of the Reddit thread. and direct link to lawsuit - and the link to the lawsuit - and then and a court filing - and link to the lawsuit -

If you go to the Reddit thread listed on page one, you will see direct links to a few more of their lawsuits.

There is a YouTube playlist of over 90 videos that interviews victims of FFL and also has “job interviews” with FFL recruiters who you can hear are “promising the moon.”

Telling the potential recruit exactly what I was told. Invest money in leads, 10 times your money, average income is 20K per month, “it is easy and anyone can do it”, etc.

These videos give over different aspects of the fraud, which involve “elder abuse”, “churning”, “do not call violations”, “business opportunity law fraud”, “general fraud selling fake leads to new agents like me”, “targeting protected classes / minorities / immigrants for fraud”, “RICO violations” On Family First Life Lawsuit Playlist

The video of me describing my situation was posted on my TikTok channel and subsequently was posted on this YouTube playlist describing FFL’s frauds – click here to see my video

This is literally “too much information” and “too much evidence” described on this video playlist. The FFL fraud is a government aided and abetted since it involves obtaining a California Insurance license.

I was convinced that since it is a regulated industry, then it must have been legitimate.

As well, Family First Life / Integrity Marketing Group use big time celebrities to further legitimize their scam. Believe it or not, Steve Young, the Hall of Fame San Francisco 49ers Quarterback, is the Chairman of the Board of Integrity Marketing Group. See this video that is still online –

I am not exaggerating in stating that the FFL/Integrity Marketing Group Scam is the #1 predator harming California’s wannabe young adult business owners. Numerous victims.

In light of the above, I respectfully request help from the California Attorney General’s office in obtaining an attorney.

Surely, your office knows of competent attorneys that specialize in franchise or business law. I was informed that your office gave this help and referral to the lawsuit to an insurance agent named Kevin Knight from Los Angeles.

Mr. Knight got scammed by Family First Life by way of “wage theft from independent contractors” in retaliation for complaining about discriminatory practices by FFL. I highly recommend that your office investigation and prosecute FFL / IMG for continuing to break multiple laws that harm Californians.

I would love to provide detailed evidence to your office to assist in your investigation, and am available to discuss this matter in more detail.

The result should be that FFL’s ongoing fraud should stop. I appreciate your consideration of this urgent issue and look forward to your prompt response.


Robert Cooper


There is no question that Robert Cooper will settle for big money, even before any lawsuit is filed, and is using the CA Attorney General's office to help him get his 200K. Considering that the average Californian earns $61,751 per year. Six months is 32K. 10K in expenses. Triple that for pure damages is 126K.

Add in emotional and punitive damages and Mr. Cooper should win 200K at the end of any trial. FFL/IMG attorney fees would be huge. FFL pays its attorneys $1,200 per hour.

Even worse for FFL/IMG is the publicity that any trial would generate and the ease in which other attorneys can copy/paste his attorney's filings. And that the Mr. Cooper would surely share his "discovery" with other litigants and state attorney general offices (The AG can and should put FFL executives in jail).

It is a "no brainer" that FFL will cut a check to Mr. Cooper for at least 200K before any lawsuit is actually filed. Easy money. Boom.

My office would certainly help Mr. Cooper in his legal battle. I have a list of approximately 20 Los Angeles area residents that would appear at any trial describing how FFL scammed them.

I also recommend that Mr. Cooper file his complaint with his state's Department of Securities.

As a reference, see Mr. Cooper on YouTube.

submitted by DontmessTexas to insuranceMLMs [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 05:10 GroundbreakingBuy842 PHP Agency = An MLM Company

I recently joined PHP agency here in California and despite all of the really negative and "pyramid scheme" posts I've seen online, I have actually had a very good experience working here. Without going into much detail, I have already profitted $10K from selling policies to clients. It just seems like some of the people who were complaining about these companies were just not going about it brother had also joined and made about $7K in the first month, so clearly it worked.
Also, how can people say its a scam when in the end, we are agents selling life insurance policies to clients and receiving quite a good percentage of commission? In the end, clients are getting the types of life insurance that can change their lives and the lives of their beneficiaries...
I was very curious, has anyone experienced being in PHP or any of the other MLM companies? How was your experience?
submitted by GroundbreakingBuy842 to Insurance [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 13:06 LetsCms Comprehensive Multi-level Marketing (MLM) Solutions for Direct-Sales Companies - LETSCMS MLM Software

Comprehensive Multi-level Marketing (MLM) Solutions for Direct-Sales Companies - LETSCMS MLM Software
At LETSCMS MLM Software, we specialize in providing comprehensive multilevel marketing (MLM) software and plugin solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of direct-sales companies. Multilevel marketing (MLM) is a strategy used by some direct sales companies to sell products and services. MLM encourages existing members to promote and sell their offerings to other individuals and bring new recruits into the business.
Comprehensive Multilevel Marketing (MLM) Solutions for Direct-Sales Companies
Live Demo - MLM Software:
Our software solutions support a variety of MLM plans, including Binary, Board, Monoline, Matrix, and Unilevel, ensuring that you have the flexibility to choose the plan that best suits your business model. With features like affiliate or referral commissions, level or pair or matching commissions, joining commissions, company commissions, regular bonuses, and rank achievements & rewards, we provide a robust platform for managing and growing your MLM business.
Comprehensive Multilevel Marketing (MLM) Solutions for Direct-Sales Companies

Key Features:

  • User Management: Create and manage user accounts for distributors, customers, and administrators with ease.
  • Product and Inventory Management: Track inventory levels, manage product catalogs, and process orders and payments efficiently.
  • Commission Tracking: Automate commission calculations and payouts to ensure accurate and timely payments based on sales and team performance.
  • E-commerce Integration: Seamlessly integrate with e-commerce platforms like WooCommerce, Magento, or Shopify to manage product sales.
  • Genealogy Tree: Visualize your network’s hierarchical structure with our intuitive genealogy viewer.
  • Compensation Plans: Implement various compensation structures, including binary, matrix, unilevel, and more.
  • Downline Management: Monitor and manage your downlines with tools to track performance and view genealogy trees.
  • Marketing Tools: Utilize email marketing, social media integration, and landing page creation tools to promote your business.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Access detailed reports and analytics to make informed decisions and track sales, recruitment, and overall performance.
Comprehensive Multilevel Marketing (MLM) Solutions for Direct-Sales Companies

Multi-level Marketing - Affiliate Tree (MLM) Software

Our Services

  • Custom Software Development: Tailored software solutions to meet your specific needs.
  • Staffing and Recruitment: Find and hire the right talent for your organization.
  • Project Management: Oversee and guide projects from initiation to completion.
  • Quality Assurance and Testing: Ensure software products meet the desired quality standards.
  • Mobile Application Development: Create apps for iOS and Android devices.
  • MLM Software Development: Develop software solutions to support MLM businesses, including commission tracking and downline management.

Frameworks and CMS Platforms

We work with various frameworks and CMS platforms to ensure your MLM solution is built on a solid foundation:
  • Laravel, CodeIgniter, Yii, CakePHP: Each framework offers unique features suitable for different development needs.
  • WordPress, Drupal, Magento, OpenCart: Popular CMS platforms for building and managing websites and online stores.

Our Story

Our mission is to build lasting relationships with our clients, customers, and partners, grounded in integrity, empowerment, respect, collaboration, and innovation. We are committed to making a positive impact through our services and social responsibility efforts.
Contact us today to learn more about our MLM software solutions and how we can help you achieve your business goals.

Contact Us

MLMSoftware #MultilevelMarketing #DirectSalesCompanies #BinaryMLM #BoardMLM #MonolineMLM #MatrixMLM #UnilevelMLM #AffiliateProgram #ReferralCommissions #MatchingCommissions #JoiningCommissions #CompanyCommissions #RegularBonuses #RankAchievements #UserMLMDashboard #GenealogyTree #DownlineManagement #eCommerceFunctionality #MLMDevelopment #CustomMLMSolutionsAt LETSCMS MLM Software, we specialize in providing comprehensive multilevel

submitted by LetsCms to LETSCMSMLMSoftware [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 19:42 BigBoodyBob PHP Agency impersonating legit firms

Hello everyone, currently I am a senior in college applying for jobs at many banks in the area to find work. About a month ago I came across a job posting for a sales position at the bank PNC Financial which looked completely legit and even had a matching job description describing bank sales duties. They reached back out to me a month later inviting me to a mixer at their office to meet with other candidates for the job (kind of weird but not unheard of) I said yes and show up to the event and it is entirely an MLM recruiting event. I'm talking various "escape the matrix" signs and three TVs playing finance bro podcasts. The event was organized by PHP Agency and appeared to just be a recruiting event for them at a new office they were opening. Once I realized this is refused to write my name down and got out of there as quickly as I could.
I get that MLMs are shady businesses but I never thought that they would ever have the balls to impersonate a legitimate large firm to try and drag people to their recruiting events. Has anyone else here experienced anything similar to this and do you know if there is a way to report this scam?
submitted by BigBoodyBob to antiMLM [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:02 Routine-Ad-3295 Cult Front Groups Remnant Media Publications Remnant Media Services BTG Medical Academy Omega Ministries Dunamis Tabernacle Christian Business Women's Network International CBWNI Man Up International Alliance Gary Price Barbara Price Tanicia Prioleau Atlanta, Georgia

Cult Front Groups Remnant Media Publications Remnant Media Services BTG Medical Academy Omega Ministries Dunamis Tabernacle Christian Business Women's Network International CBWNI Man Up International Alliance Gary Price Barbara Price Tanicia Prioleau Atlanta, Georgia submitted by Routine-Ad-3295 to u/Routine-Ad-3295 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:01 TMFarrahFarrah Top IT Company In Salem

Biovus is the Top IT Company in Salem, delivering top-notch solutions to enthusiastic clients. Our comprehensive services include website development, web design, software development, mobile app development, and digital marketing services. Additionally, we specialize in CRM software development, centralized crypto exchange software development, MLM software development, and more. With Biovus, your business goals are our priority.
submitted by TMFarrahFarrah to u/TMFarrahFarrah [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 06:17 Human-Imagination976 A detailed cult critique of Chrissie Fire Mane and The Mana Movement (NSW, Australia)

AN IMPORTANT NOTE: Where ever you see an asterix (*), there is a hyperlink. The cults community theme defaults hyperlinks to grey, so had to make them obvious!
The Mana Movement* is a high control group in NSW Australia that uses pseudo-therapy and spirituality to coerce it's followers into expensive MLM-like courses and retreats around the world. I have had a terrible personal experience with the group and its leader Chrissie Fire Mane, but I was wondering if there are any others out there like me who'd be willing to share their experience here? Please ensure there is no identifiable information in your account history.
The following is some background I’ve collected over years of following the group. I hope it’s validating to others who’ve had questionable or bad experiences with Chrissie Fire Mane and The Mana Movement, and that it prompts potential attendees to reconsider.
The group's leader Chrissie Fire Mane (real name Chrissie Charley) shows many characteristics of a cult-leader; she is charismatic, intelligent, and presents nicely, but she is also incredibly narcissistic and above criticism, demanding loyalty from those around her. If anyone holds her to account or points out her hypocrisy, they are ridiculed by her*, and blocked or literally banned from The Mana Movement. Chrissie goes to great lengths to discredit critical thinking* and silence opponents; she has doxxed people who left negative reviews, literally contacting them unannounced and pressuring them to delete their comments. In a blatant example, Chrissie and her members attacked people in this Reddit thread*, forcing some negative reviewers to delete their comments (but not before they were archived here). Chrissie is unaccountable to people’s valid criticism, which is deeply concerning.
Central to Charley’s identity and The Mana Movement is the idea that she has attained special knowledge from indigenous peoples, namely the Q’eros Nation. Charley’s asserts that society is sick, and that she has been anointed to share this knowledge to free mainstream society from the ‘matrix’*. Unsurprisingly, her Ten Keys To Life’\* can save you, and unlock any challenge you are facing. Transformative promises like these are a hallmark of coercive groups and cults. The ‘Ten Keys Of Life’ is one of many expensive programs*, many of which require previous attendance to qualify - another red flag of MLMs. In some programs, reality-altering drugs such as Ayuaschsa are involved, another characteristic of coercive groups. It's worth noting that children are often present at these retreats with their parents, and are encouraged to engage in the rituals* such as Sweat Lodge.
Alongside her obvious grandiosity, there are hallmarks of cultural appropriation in her work. Charley not only falsely claims to be a therapist, but implies her own imagined indigenous lineage, calling herself a 'shamanic psychotherapist'\. In 2016, she was called out for channelling White Buffalo Calf Woman\ in now deleted posts. The reality is much more benign; Charley is born to an incredibly affluent multi-generational Australian family, attended private school in Sydney, and has no formal therapy or professional qualifications.
Charley is deeply paranoid and conspiratorial, and highly susceptible to disinformation. She fervently supported Trump and the Jan 6 inserrection*, claimed the pandemic was a plot to depopulate the earth*, and compared the lockdown measures to the Holocaust*. She has publicly shamed mask-wearers*, posted Transphobic content*, and fervently supported extremist figures like James O’Keefe* and Riccardo Bosi*, the latter of which she called “the leader of Australia’s future*.” In one of her more grandiose claims, in 2022 she said the government had “geoengineered cloud bombs” to flood her hometown to silence her. 24 people died during the 2022 floods. These are just a few examples of Charley’s delusion, erratic behaviour and poor judgement. HERE* is a huge dump of further evidence of Charley’s paranoia. Note that she deleted a lot of her damning Instagram posts when rebranding in 2023 (but not before I archived them all*).
In 2019, Charley was the host on TBS’s Lost Resort - a reality TV show that placed vulnerable people with ‘healers’ in an effort to address their trauma. The show, and Charley, were heavily criticised in a video by We're In Hell* with almost 1M views. The video sheds light on Fire Mane’s problematic ‘healing’ methods and behaviour. I highly recommend checking it out and reading the comments.
One thing that really gives me bad vibes is Project Angel*, Charley’s ‘non-profit’ rehabilitation program for torture-trafficking victims. It’s run by a woman named River, one of the ‘survivors’ supposedly rehabilitated by Charley. River claims she spent 44 years in human trafficking circles. Charley claims she has ‘rehabilitated’ other survivors, but there is no evidence of this. A reminder that Charley has no professional health qualifications.
I can not say for certain that River is not a trafficking survivor, however there are a few things about River’s story that don’t add up, and some things about Project Angel that are major red flags:
  1. THE FAKE TRAFFICKING PHOTO*: On The Mana Movement Website, Charley and River claim to have an image of River being transported from one master to another in 1995. This is a lie. The photo is from a series of consensual posts on a male bondage forum in 2016. The subject of the photo is a sub and has many more photos just like it. If River and Charley can lie about this, how can we trust any of their story?
  2. THE SOLSTICE STORY*: In a now deleted post, Charley posted a quote by River that claimed that every solstice, River would be forced to walk between Stonehenge and Woodhenge, “naked, bound, and chained”, and tortured in “satanic, reptillian” rituals at the ancient sites. These sites are under 24/7 security and surveillance. And this would have had to have happened despite the hundreds of civilians that celebrate the solstice at Stonehenge each year.
  3. GENERAL INAPPROPRIATENESS*: The original Project Angel website had a huge image of a bruised child peeking from behind a door. The current website has imagery of chained women, and their instagram has illustrations of caged woman. This is highly inappropriate for an organisation supposedly helping survivors. In one deleted post from the, River says to Charley “I DID IT MAMMA!” to which Charley replies “Dearest Child… I AM SO PROUD”. It doesn’t take a therapist to know that enforcing a mothechild dynamic with an alleged abuse survivor is inappropriate. There are many other instances of inappropriate treatment of the grave subject matter.
  4. OPERATIONAL OPAQUENESS: Project Angel is promoted as a not-for-profit organisation, however it is not registered to the ACNC*. Despite the group’s preoccupation with raising donations, there is no documentation of where donations are being spent. In this video*, River claims the first step for survivors is to partake in courses by The Mana Movement. This is most concerning as neither The Mana Movement or Project Angel have any official policies, protocols, or proofs that demonstrate they are qualified in rehabilitating trafficking survivors, or from which people can hold their work accountable.
In sum, Project Angel is not operating in an ethical and transparent way, especially given the seriousness of its proposed work. Irrespective of whether River’s story is true, it is my feeling that she needs professional help.
Now for my unfettered opinion. It is clear to me that Chrissie Fire Mane is deeply insecure. Like many cult leaders, she projects her own self-loathing out onto the world, finding solace in judging others and attacking those who question her. To Charley, spirituality is a tool to feel superior, to convince herself and others that she has her shit together. In reality, Charley’s sense of self is fragile and hollow, and The Mana Movement exists namely to give her the narcissistic supply she needs to to survive.
For anyone considering or curious about The Mana Movement (or any current members) please consider the above, and listen to your intuition. Be wary that Charley will go to great lengths to deflect, deny, and dismiss this post, and paint herself as the victim.
For anyone who’s had negative experiences with the group, please share if you’re comfortable. I must stress: DO NOT post any information that could be used to identify you. I expect this post will be surveilled and brigaded.
submitted by Human-Imagination976 to cults [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 19:25 Jaratii Beware of Aptive Environmental pest control

Last night around 8:30pm a solicitor for this company rang my doorbell 3 times, sending my dogs into a frenzy. After being told to leave multiple times, I eventually just had to shut the door and walk away. But I wanted to share some things I found out about this company, in case anyone is enticed by their "good deals". I think this goes beyond aggressive marketing and might be some sort of MLM or other type of scam.
I found that their accreditation with the Better Business Bureau was revoked last June due to "significant failure to support ethical business principles" (proof). Over 350 complaints have been filed against them in the last year alone, some being about their aggressive solicitation, but others about even more nefarious issues like hidden fees, neigh impossible cancellations, purposefully misleading contract pricing, abhorrent customer service, etc. Read some of the recent complaints on the BBB site I linked if you are curious.
They are also likely buying fake 5* reviews on google and other sites. The tech was very enthusiastic to show me the 4.3 or whatever they have on google, but if you look at other sites like Angie's List (link) they have a 2.8 or lower, with many of the reviews being about the issues I've mentioned, and most 5* reviews being very generic or completely lack text at all in some cases.
This issue isn't limited to RVA but it seems they have been ramping up marketing in the area. One of my neighbors fell victim to this recently, so I wanted to spread the word. Just for fun, here's some more links to posts on reddit from around the country:
PSA: Aptive Pest Control (buyer beware) from Eugene, OR
Is Aptive Environmental a scam? from Raleigh, NC
BUYER BEWARE - Aptive Environmental (pest control services) from Boston
Beware of Aptive pest control from RVA subreddit 2 years ago
There's also a post linked here from the anti-MLM subreddit that shares the perspective of a summer intern who worked for Aptive as a sales associate.
submitted by Jaratii to rva [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 19:12 Worried_Position_466 Met With Coworker's "Mentor"

A bit of background. My coworker recently joined PHP, an insurance MLM. I was initially hostile about it and told her it's a pyramid scheme blah blah blah and she thinks I don't support her or whatever, yknow, the usual post indoctrination brain rot.
I was able to eventually feign enough interest to start having conversations about the products they sell. They don't state it outright, but the main policy they want to push are IULs (indexed universal life). Mediocre life insurance and mediocre investment vehicles compared to the more traditional ones.
I told her I wanted another place to put my money to grow because I am going to quit my job soon and lose the ability to keep funding my current 401k and I am losing my cheap term life insurance. I also maxed out my Roth IRA. So I asked some basic questions about IULs like "what is my expected rate of return? Are there any fees involved? Do they pay dividends?" etc. She didn't know what I meant. After 2 months of weekly trainings and she can't even answer these basic questions. Eventually, she said we should meet with her mentor because she doesn't want to misinform.
The meeting was super exciting. I got to ask so many questions and I learned so much! Okay, not really, I already did my research and knew all the answers, I just wanted more specific numbers and my coworker to hear the answers straight from their mouths. We started talking about the benefits of an IUL and all that and it was open for me to ask. I asked about rates of return, he says around 6.6% compared to market 9%. He claims that even with the difference, an IUL will beat a 401k or any other investment. He said that he will tell his clients to stop funding their 401k and overfund their IUL instead to increase the cash value to get those 6% gains and you get $10m in around 75 years. I ran these numbers right there and said a 401k will out earn an IUL by 17 million in the same time frame. "Why would you suggest someone get $10m instead of $27m?"
He backtracks and says they will never suggest one product over another and that an IUL is only an additional investment to diversify. My dumbass coworker chimes in and says, 'yeah, they aren't allowed to push one thing over another!' I didn't bother to press it any further. I moved onto asking him when it was a good idea to get an IUL if there are so many options that can earn so much more (401k, IRAs, HSA, 529, etc). He finally admitted that mostly upper middle to upper class people benefit (he initially included middle but then he backtracks to say even middle class probably won't benefit) because it's better to maximize all your other accounts first because IULs are insurance and not for huge gains like a retirement account. He then says that it's also a good idea if you don't know anything about investing into your retirement accounts. I don't disagree with that statement, many people don't know but then why not tell them about that instead?
Anyway, the meeting ends on a good note, we joke, laugh, etc. before signing off. Then I got to talk to my coworker one on one. She doesn't know anything about investing despite my telling her about Roth IRAs years ago. I pressed her on a few things because she keeps saying she wants to help people. I asked her if she thinks she should now educate her clients on all the alternatives too, if she would tell them to do their own independent research into the alternatives and IULs, if there is anything wrong with 'educating' clients about your own products only, is there any issue trying to get unbiased advice from your agents who will make money on sales, etc. The more I ask, the more stupid I realize she was. She had no idea how anything works. No idea about what conflict of interest meant. Market saturation, what a pyramid scheme is, etc. How are you so confident in your products and your own investment when you have no idea how any of it works? Being stupid isn't even the issue. The issue is when one is ignorant of their own stupidity and too stubborn and narcissistic to listen to reason but then gobbles up everything some rando tells you. She ain't gonna budge no matter what.
Like, girl, you just heard everything from your mentor. You were right next to me! He straight up said YOU are not in a tax bracket that will benefit from the product HE SOLD YOU! WTF!
submitted by Worried_Position_466 to antiMLM [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 12:12 cryptomlmsoftIndia Crypto Level MLM Software in India, Bangalore

Crypto Level MLM Software in India, Bangalore
We develop customized crypto MLM software in Chennai. Members which are organized in a particular width and depth are compensated when they achieve a set level.
submitted by cryptomlmsoftIndia to u/cryptomlmsoftIndia [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 03:39 c-coded My Experience With TechnoTutor and Self Perfected (Part 2)

The 80/20 Rule: The Ultimate Hook

Self Perfected hosts local clubhouses every 2 weeks in many areas, and weekly zoom calls on Fridays. The information they share can be helpful depending on your current circumstances. Any new-comers usually have a good first impression because TechnoTutor isn't the main topic. Instead the topics cover things that most of us would resonate with. Self Perfected implements what I call the 80/20 rule to attract and keep their leads.
The 80/20 rule is the idea that one can be easily persuaded with 80% truth, and 20% lie. They share a lot of truth in their zoom calls that most couldn't deny, and they have to do that or they couldn't maintain our loyalty. For example, they discuss topics about how corrupted the system is, while hiding their real intent through deceiving sales tactics and various brainwashing techniques (this would be the 20% lie that goes unnoticed).
Just because they share valuable information in no way proves that they are trying to change the system or good people. They're simply smart and understand that you have to provide some value for any of this to be possible, and that by hosting these calls every week, and some events here and there, it will not only keep certain people loyal to the community, but attract more leads, make them more money, while the attendees don't earn a dime. There are zoom calls that are only for people who purchased TT or a certain license (LD, AD, or RD), and they tell you that if you buy the next thing, you get more support. It feels more exclusive even though the information isn't drastically more helpful.
I do want to highlight that I agree with the majority of the information Self Perfected shares on the zoom calls, and I also align with their values. Just like any group, they need to share some truth to keep the attention of its members, otherwise people will immediately see through the bullshit. I also see the value in being a part of a community, but not a community that is solely intended to sell a service. That's when it feels less like a community and more like a pyramid scheme that is primarily feeding off of less fortunate individuals.

Breakthroughs & Playing Cupid

Regardless of how many people convince themselves the Self Perfected events are "life-changing", most attendees go back to their old ways, despite the many "breakthroughs" that happen. One of the main selling-points for going to these events is the breakthroughs you experience, which is generally a sudden advance or discovery about yourself. During these events, they ask pretty invasive questions about your past and childhood that would press anyone's buttons and cause a breakthrough. Again, not impressed. I've been an open book my whole life, and have always been pretty self aware for the most part so I did not experience anything life-changing.
This is the perfect opportunity for them to learn about your past/childhood so that they can use it against you later. Be careful what you tell any of the members.
Some people might find a significant other at these events, but this happens due to the amount of pressure they put behind relationships in this community. If you are single and attend one of the Self Perfected events, they will pubically make it known that you are single so that you find a match, play cupid and connect you with someone, with hopes you both date and eventually marry into the community and stay stuck there. These things generally happen very quickly, where you cannot take time to process what's going on and that is why a lot of individuals end up stuck. After researching cults, I find that this is a common rule - you must only date individuals from the group, and marrying can almost permanently eliminate any possibility of you leaving.

Writing is Just as Effective

Members might say, "Well I experienced X in my life when I started using TechnoTutor." or, "I met the love of my life", and have all these different results they think they've gotten. When you understand the value of writing, self reflection, and taking action in general, you can't be easily convinced that TechnoTutor is the reason you overcame challenges in your life. It's called Self Responsibility, and that's what brings growth and change in your life. Whether or not you pull out your laptop everyday and use TechnoTutor is irrelevant because without action, success can't and won't be reached. Most, if not, all billionaires/millionaires did not use TechnoTutor to get to where they are, and nobody in this community, other than the cofounders, are millionaires.
Writing and reading in general is an effective way to grow internally, and this tool allows you to do both of those things. However, when I write my thoughts into a journal, I feel more stable and equipped to take on my goals. TechnoTutor is used in the same way, where you can put all of your positive/negative thoughts into a custom list and flash it to stabilize yourself, it's simply a different approach to writing.

“We are the research” says the cofounder as he withholds the “hundreds of years of research”.

To claim that TechnoTutor is backed on hundreds of years of research, and withhold that research, is a false claim until proven true. The co-founders won't share the research they claim is behind TechnoTutor. They won't share the one thing that would help clear up the doubt and confusion in a lot of people probably because they don't have it, or because it disproves their own claims. There is research to prove that flashing things improves memory and reading speed, but a lot of these studies were regarding child learning. Self Perfected promotes TechnoTutor like it is more powerful than what it actually is. I can flash "I think like a billionaire" in TechnoTutor and nothing will change until I learn from an actual billionaire.
The cofounder responded, "We are the research" at an event when talking about people who were asking about the research behind TechnoTutor. To me, it sounded very experimental. No one pays $7,000 to be a part of an experiment or research. If we're the research then he should be paying us to use his product.
You cannot charge people for something with no proven value. Again, it's illegal. When I recognized that, I understood why they don't want people to mention TechnoTutor in videos or for people to find out about this at a higher scale.

Self Perfected Slang and the Manipulative Usage of Words

Cults commonly have their own words that they redefine for their purposes.
One should always believe actions over words. If you find that this community continually does the following:
Then their intentions clearly do not stem from honesty.
If you would like to continue your research, I highly recommend you check out these resources:
Leaving Desteni
Cults and Brainwashing Techniques
These reddit threads should be read thoroughly, I deeply regret ignoring them
Free/Affordable Tools that Have Similar Functionality as TechnoTutor
submitted by c-coded to TechnoTutorSP [link] [comments]

2024.04.04 09:03 ChronX4 Have you had family fall for an MLM despite warning them? How did it turn out?

My brother fell for "PHP Agency", I started seeing him dressed up in suits on his snaps, and thought he was just trying something new for the nightlife in Austin. Saw him at a "training," and I thought his office was having a meeting, saw the tell tale signs of it being an MLM, people in badly fitted suits, balloons and decoration for no reason and a "power couple" celebrating a milestone, along with people who were way too excited to be speaking.
Immediately asked him what it was for, and he told me it was PHP. Told him I looked it up, and it was an MLM to book it, if it led to paying for things or recruiting, he insisted he just wanted to get the license to "try it out", his current job is physically demanding, but he's pretty well off in the area he lives in and work is plentiful. I think whoever got him there whispered sweet nothings about making his own schedule and making more money without having to be working so many hours, leaving him tired after. I have a gut feeling he's doing it to try to leave that job and spend more time with his daughter.
They'll never match what he's making, though. They just took advantage of his situation to get him there. Unfortunately, I'm not that close with him, and despite having experience in being suckered by an MLM, not badly, thankfully, I know I can't get through cause of the way PHP marketed it as a legitimate thing geared towards younger people, in fact compared to other MLMs this place was full of so many young faces. It's a shame I might end up having him learn his lesson instead of trying to talk him out of it, risking what little communication we do have.
Has anybody had any MLM experiences like this with relatives? How did it work out?
submitted by ChronX4 to antiMLM [link] [comments]

2024.04.01 16:31 glennchan Reddit censorship on Long COVID subreddits is a problem for patients

I've had posts censored on both LongCovid and covidlonghaulers so it's interesting to see the covidlonghaulers have a heavily upvoted thread criticizing the other sub's censorship. Their first criticism is that the mods are self-promotional. Secondly, Laney Bond (Covid Care Group) and perhaps other LongCovid mods are promoting The Wellness Company supplements. That apparently isn't cool because TWC is associated with "right wing anti vaccination groups".
At the end of the day, both subs have censored plenty of posts. Their rules sidebars telegraph what they will take down:
I strongly believe that we should be allowed to have open discussions on these topics- both for AND against. That's how we get to the truth so that people don't have to suffer from LC, MECFS, post vax, etc.
It's a good thing that covidLongHaulers is raising the issue of censorship. It's a real problem that affects patients. So, I'm trying to build a censorship-free community at VaxRecoveryGroup as well as As Reddit censors IVM/HCQ discussion, the Sick and Abandoned forum is a better platform in the long run. If you can, please help me grow both communities.
I'm one of the few people who spoke out about the Prife iTeraCare wand and how the MLM sellers used censorship to suppress negative information about the wand. I believe that my track record on combatting censorship speaks for itself.
submitted by glennchan to VaxRecoveryGroup [link] [comments]

2024.03.28 16:04 WubbaLubbaDubDubLife Hogyan találhatok home office állást ami adna is esélyt nekem?

Először is remélem hogy szabad az ilyen jellegű poszt mint amit most írok. Szeretném a segítségeteket kérni, rettenetes patthelyzetben áll az életem úgy egy éve. Az évek alatt elhunyt a legtöbb családtagom, mára már csak édesapám maradt, aki gyógyíthatatlan beteg majdnem 80%-os rokkantsággal. Nem rég rákot diagnosztizáltak nála amit el is távolítottak és per pillanatban jobban van, de karácsony felé számos esetben volt olyan rosszul, hogy mentőt kellett kihívnom rá. Elkapott a depresszió is, amivel járok rendszeresen pszichiátriára és mindenféle gyógyszerre használnak kísérleti patkányként, ami ugyan valamilyen szempontból tényleg segít, de gyakran érzem annyira lent az életemet, hogy felkelni is rossz. A legjobb dolog az életemben az áldott kiscicám, de az ő egészsége sincs a legjobb helyzetben és nem tudom előteremteni a kellő összeget mert nem érdekel semmilyen céget az, hogy mi a helyzet velem ilyen tereken. Nem mondom az ilyen negatívabb dolgokat, mert ennek ellenére én szeretnék pozitívan kiutat találni ebből az alagútból.
Apumtól megtagadták a rokkant nyugdíjat, idén lesz 65 éves végre, már számolja a napokat szinte, sajnos kiestem állami támogatásból egyetemen, pedig nagyon kevés tantárgy volna hátra de ennek köszönhetően bírtam megigényelni az ápolási segélyt, ami 65 ezer plusz nekünk havi szinten. Nem világmegváltó, viszont szeptemberben vissza kell menjek az egyetemre mert zsinórban csak két passzív félév lehet egyszerre és ezzel azonnal kivágnák a 65 ezer pluszt és jelen helyzetben diákhitelre lennék kényszerülve amit nem szívesen vennék fel. Amit csak tudtam megigényeltem apámnak, beleértve a közgyógy támogatást, de azt is folyamatosan veszik el a gyógyszereiről és képzeljétek el, a havi 1065 Ft-os egészségkárosodási támogatásának megszüntetésével majdnem ugrott az egész közgyógy ami 3 hónapra azért még így is több mint a semmi azért...
Volt pár majdnem sikeres állas jelentkezésem, de utolsó pillanatban törölték a pozíciót magát, illetve mondvacsinált okok miatt nem engednek tovább hiába érzem rátermettnek magamat.
Informatikában meg angol nyelvtudásban vagyok leginkább jártas. Előbbi területen leginkább Microsoft Office, hálózatépítés, C# programozás, webfejlesztés (HTML/CSS, JavaScript, php, AJAX, JQuery, bootstrap), SQL, gépírás. Jártas vagyok az SPSS programban statisztikai elemzések készítésében is. Angolban papíron B2 nyelvvizsgám van, de ha bárhova kérnék a C1-et, simán megcsinálnám azonnal.
Volt call center operátori, könyvelői, pénzügyi tanácsadói és adatbázis kezelés állásom az évek folyamán. Az önéletrajzomból az alábbi képességeimet emelném ki:
Számítógépes, IT képességek
ECDL Bootstrap • Canva • Eclipse • C# • .NET • Windows • Visual Studio • WordPress • Webfejlesztés • Unix • Tesztelés • Számítógépes ismeretek • SQL • SPSS • Software fejlesztés • Rendszeradminisztráció • Programozás • Prezi • PHP • MySQL • Microsoft Word • Microsoft Powerpoint • Microsoft Outlook • Microsoft Office • Microsoft Excel • Microsoft Access • Linux • LinkedIn • JSON • JQuery • Javascript • Java • HTML • Hálózatbiztonság • Facebook • CSS • C++ • C • Android • Adatelemzés • Adatbáziskezelés
Szakmai képességek
Adminisztratív • Adózás • Befektetés • Elemzőkészség • Értékesítés • Fordítás • HR • Íráskészség • Online Marketing • Pénzügyi • Pénzügyi elemzés • Prezentálás • Social Media • Számvitel • Telekommunikáció • Tanácsadás • Ügyfélszolgálat • Instagram • TikTok • MailChimp • Műszaki • Management
Kompetenciák, soft skillek
Csapatmunka • Felelősségtudat • Innovatív • Kreativitás • Kutatás • Kommunikáció • Meggyőzés • Mobilitás • Monotonitástűrés • Multitasking • Motiváció • Networking • Önállóság • Numerikus készség • Proaktivítás • Problémamegoldás • Pontosság • Rugalmasság • Stressztűrés • Szervezőkészség • Tárgyalókészség • Time Management • Megbízhatóság • Terhelhetőség • Nyitottság • Analitikus
Köszönöm előre is azoknak, akik tényleges segítséggel állnak hozzám és fényt mutatnak a koromsötét alagutam végére. MLM/nem fix béres és vállalkozói dolgok nem érdekelnek jelenleg. Ha valamit nem sikerült érthetően vagy tisztán megfogalmaznom elnézést, mostanában a stressz miatt nehezen bírok aludni.
Copywriteszövegíró, Technical writer, fordító, informatikai jellegű, adminisztratív, call center operátor, HR az, amin gondolkodom így elsősorban és maximum heti 2 nap jelenlétis munkát tudnék bevállalni, nem merem édesapámat egyedül hagyni túl sokáig.
Számtalan jelentkezésen vagyok túl, tömérdeknyi elutasítással.
submitted by WubbaLubbaDubDubLife to askhungary [link] [comments]

2024.03.28 15:42 WubbaLubbaDubDubLife Home office álláskeresés alkalmazotti pozícióba

Először is remélem hogy szabad az ilyen jellegű poszt mint amit most írok. Szeretném a segítségeteket kérni, rettenetes patthelyzetben áll az életem úgy egy éve. Az évek alatt elhunyt a legtöbb családtagom, mára már csak édesapám maradt, aki gyógyíthatatlan beteg majdnem 80%-os rokkantsággal. Nem rég rákot diagnosztizáltak nála amit el is távolítottak és per pillanatban jobban van, de karácsony felé számos esetben volt olyan rosszul, hogy mentőt kellett kihívnom rá. Elkapott a depresszió is, amivel járok rendszeresen pszichiátriára és mindenféle gyógyszerre használnak kísérleti patkányként, ami ugyan valamilyen szempontból tényleg segít, de gyakran érzem annyira lent az életemet, hogy felkelni is rossz. A legjobb dolog az életemben az áldott kiscicám, de az ő egészsége sincs a legjobb helyzetben és nem tudom előteremteni a kellő összeget mert nem érdekel semmilyen céget az, hogy mi a helyzet velem ilyen tereken. Nem mondom az ilyen negatívabb dolgokat, mert ennek ellenére én szeretnék pozitívan kiutat találni ebből az alagútból.
Apumtól megtagadták a rokkant nyugdíjat, idén lesz 65 éves végre, már számolja a napokat szinte, sajnos kiestem állami támogatásból egyetemen, pedig nagyon kevés tantárgy volna hátra de ennek köszönhetően bírtam megigényelni az ápolási segélyt, ami 65 ezer plusz nekünk havi szinten. Nem világmegváltó, viszont szeptemberben vissza kell menjek az egyetemre mert zsinórban csak két passzív félév lehet egyszerre és ezzel azonnal kivágnák a 65 ezer pluszt és jelen helyzetben diákhitelre lennék kényszerülve amit nem szívesen vennék fel. Amit csak tudtam megigényeltem apámnak, beleértve a közgyógy támogatást, de azt is folyamatosan veszik el a gyógyszereiről és képzeljétek el, a havi 1065 Ft-os egészségkárosodási támogatásának megszüntetésével majdnem ugrott az egész közgyógy ami 3 hónapra azért még így is több mint a semmi azért...
Volt pár majdnem sikeres állas jelentkezésem, de utolsó pillanatban törölték a pozíciót magát, illetve mondvacsinált okok miatt nem engednek tovább hiába érzem rátermettnek magamat.
Informatikában meg angol nyelvtudásban vagyok leginkább jártas. Előbbi területen leginkább Microsoft Office, hálózatépítés, C# programozás, webfejlesztés (HTML/CSS, JavaScript, php, AJAX, JQuery, bootstrap), SQL, gépírás. Jártas vagyok az SPSS programban statisztikai elemzések készítésében is. Angolban papíron B2 nyelvvizsgám van, de ha bárhova kérnék a C1-et, simán megcsinálnám azonnal.
Volt call center operátori, könyvelői, pénzügyi tanácsadói és adatbázis kezelés állásom az évek folyamán. Az önéletrajzomból az alábbi képességeimet emelném ki:
Számítógépes, IT képességek
ECDL Bootstrap • Canva • Eclipse • C# • .NET • Windows • Visual Studio • WordPress • Webfejlesztés • Unix • Tesztelés • Számítógépes ismeretek • SQL • SPSS • Software fejlesztés • Rendszeradminisztráció • Programozás • Prezi • PHP • MySQL • Microsoft Word • Microsoft Powerpoint • Microsoft Outlook • Microsoft Office • Microsoft Excel • Microsoft Access • Linux • LinkedIn • JSON • JQuery • Javascript • Java • HTML • Hálózatbiztonság • Facebook • CSS • C++ • C • Android • Adatelemzés • Adatbáziskezelés
Szakmai képességek
Adminisztratív • Adózás • Befektetés • Elemzőkészség • Értékesítés • Fordítás • HR • Íráskészség • Online Marketing • Pénzügyi • Pénzügyi elemzés • Prezentálás • Social Media • Számvitel • Telekommunikáció • Tanácsadás • Ügyfélszolgálat • Instagram • TikTok • MailChimp • Műszaki • Management
Kompetenciák, soft skillek
Csapatmunka • Felelősségtudat • Innovatív • Kreativitás • Kutatás • Kommunikáció • Meggyőzés • Mobilitás • Monotonitástűrés • Multitasking • Motiváció • Networking • Önállóság • Numerikus készség • Proaktivítás • Problémamegoldás • Pontosság • Rugalmasság • Stressztűrés • Szervezőkészség • Tárgyalókészség • Time Management • Megbízhatóság • Terhelhetőség • Nyitottság • Analitikus
Köszönöm előre is azoknak, akik tényleges segítséggel állnak hozzám és fényt mutatnak a koromsötét alagutam végére. MLM/nem fix béres és vállalkozói dolgok nem érdekelnek jelenleg. Ha valamit nem sikerült érthetően vagy tisztán megfogalmaznom elnézést, mostanában a stressz miatt nehezen bírok aludni.
Copywriteszövegíró, Technical writer, fordító, informatikai jellegű, adminisztratív, call center operátor, HR az, amin gondolkodom így elsősorban és maximum heti 2 nap jelenlétis munkát tudnék bevállalni, nem merem édesapámat egyedül hagyni túl sokáig.
submitted by WubbaLubbaDubDubLife to jobshungary [link] [comments]

2024.03.26 18:40 yktop1396 I want to lean into the ED SO BAD...

Okay, this will be a long one. I need to get this out somewhere and I'm not sure where else to do it. TLDR at the bottom.
So, I have been dealing with a disordered relationship with food and my body since elementary school. Through therapy I have learned my mother is emotionally neglectful and has a personality disorder. I also experienced an extreme form of dyshidrotic eczema on my hands to the extent that I needed to wear gloves to school with ointment on. This obviously led to kids being cruel and avoiding me like a leper.
I didn't even realize I had an eating disorder until I was about to get married and all the bulimia resurfaced all while I was mysteriously gaining a rapid amount of weight, in an attempt to change my body for a dramatic wedding reveal, which didn't happen...
I even started working at an eating disorder treatment center without realizing the full extent of my own eating disorder history.
Throw in a chronic illness diagnosis of PCOS (thus the weight gain and all the wide array of medical symptoms that come with this diagnosis) after a miscarriage and my relationship with my body and health has never looked worse. I'm the biggest and grossest I've ever been.
I have been working in therapy for about 4 years now and had gotten to a place, after a lot of understanding of myself, my life, and my relationship to food and my body, to be more accepting. I've wanted and desired a peaceful relationship with food and body and tried to make this a priority for myself. It feels like this never ending battle I will never get rid of. I did a PHP program once for my ED but wasn't able to afford it so had to abruptly quit.
I've since been pregnant, had gestational diabetes which led me to lose weight while pregnant due to the very restricted amount of carbs I could consume. Now being post-partum for nearly a year, I rebounded weight gain to higher than I was 9 months pregnant.
During all of this I was doing every f*cking diet, weight loss trend, MLM scammy "health shakes," weight watchers, fasting until I would be so lightheaded I thought I had vertigo, etc. I've met with dietitians who advised elimination diets that were so restrictive it would trigger binges an purging, you name it. The word "desperate" doesn't describe my longing for weight loss enough. I've demonized favorite foods, cut out whatever I cold as a way to try and lose weight and "be healthy" and prevent diabetes from the insulin resistance the PCOS gives me.
I've tried meds, I was finally able to get access to wegovy and then my company removed it as a covered medication unless I have a type 2 diabetes diagnosis. I've tried all the supplements, all the f*cking "healthy lifestyle changes" like intuitive eating, working with a dietitian, ditching calorie counting and tracking of food. When I want help, I'm met with dismissal and lack of support or understanding of my medical and mental health situations. No one gives a fuck about helping me and I'm trying so hard.
It feels like ever which way I try to be peaceful with food and my body I'm shut down. I'm angry, resentful, and feel like life is pushing me into the only option of engaging in disordered eating and ED behaviors to change my body and lose the weight that everyone is so focused on.
TLDR: I've had a lifelong ED and never can escape it and lately with ongoing chronic medical issues and dismissal from medical providers, I just want to say f*ck it and dive into ED behaviors.
submitted by yktop1396 to Eatingdisordersover30 [link] [comments]

2024.03.26 08:11 ItsHowItIsNow Has anyone come across a Gas Station investment along the following lines

It's basically tranches of 50k PHP and then you're paid 1k PHP per month and some share of profits or something at the end of the year
This sounds incredibly suspicious, to me. Wondering if anyone has come across such a 'scheme'
It's family friend of my wife that is 'investing' in this and it sounds a little like a MLM scheme to me
submitted by ItsHowItIsNow to phinvest [link] [comments]

2024.03.20 07:44 Consistent-Winner855 Patrick Bet-david's iq

PBD has a podcast and youtube channel, has done some good interviews. he also made a couple hundred million from his MLM life insurance company PHP
Based on listening to him speak, what do you estimate his IQ is?
In his interview with Ray Dalio, it was clear he was outmatched intellectually and could barely grasp some of the concepts and ideas Dalio was saying.
submitted by Consistent-Winner855 to cognitiveTesting [link] [comments]

2024.03.15 00:24 Sweetragnarok Life in the US is not glamorous as it seems to be

Life in the US is not as glamarous as PH people think it is.
I want to say that I dont speak for all Pinoys that migrated here but there are a good number of us especially living in high cost of living (HCOL) cities and states that are struggling on top of the financial responsibilities our family back in PH may expect of us.
I am lucky That Im only semi supporting my Dad. He has retirement funds but we are gearing up for the expensive cost of his medical treatment and funeral fees when the time comes.
I cant say the same for my Tito (Migrated) and Kuya (successful PH Director)- that are struggling financially because all the families they are supporting financially up to 2 generations. Tapos they have to deal with their own high cost of living expenses.
I just had to explain to my Kuya its not easy to simply get a loan and buy a house in California. They were shocked how much I had to pay for a Jolibee meal in the US branch here for 1. I had to be transparent with them on my own bills because akala nila just because I make USD, I was swimming in moolah. I had to show them what a 1 bedroom apartment cost here. They didnt get when owning a home or condo there is still HOA fees and all these other expenses we have to put our credit in for. And thats just for housing.
I often get teased na gastadora ako when I visit PH tapos I go sa SM to see an eye doctor, dentist and dermatologist when they have no idea how much expensive it is for me to do those thing here sa US even with my insurance. Plus these other annoyances
All the successful Pinoys I know that migrated here really started from scratch & nothing. Some living in a small 1 bedroom tapos 4-5 sila. Takes them a couple of years to get where they at. Some good Pinoy parents try to sway their kids being a money bank from relatives but many are pressure from those back home to support them.
A lot of us wish lang that our PH counterparts that we have the same equivalent financial struggles as those sa PH. Its just a different environment here for us.
submitted by Sweetragnarok to OffMyChestPH [link] [comments]

2024.03.05 02:57 Realistic-Scene-9822 Where Vegas Matt really made his money (Coffeezilla exposes!)

I was watching a random video on youtube about Patrick Bet David essentially being a scammer who made his money from a company called PHP. Its a Multi Level Marketing company.
(Multi Level Marketing companies are essentially Pyramid schemes where the people at the top make all the money and everyone else gets scammed on a dream of selling a product/service but ultimately earns less than minimum wage and enriches people on top of the pyramid.)
I was surprised the PBD was involved in this so googled it and watched a 2 year old Coffeezilla video where he exposes some of the worst MLM companies. He talks about a company called Vemma. Vemma Nutrition Company was a privately held multi-level marketing company that sold dietary supplements. The company was shut down in 2015 by the FTC for engaging in deceptive practices and being a pyramid scheme.
This is where it gets wild. In The coffeezilla video when talking about Vemma he has a clip of one of their old marketing videos. Low and behold its Vegas Matt!! (see Video at 9:19) . I then looked into Vegas Matts background and he was also Royal Ambassador to a company called Master Cellar. Yes you guessed it, Master Cellar was a MLM company. It shut down in 2019.
Pretty crazy finding Vegas Matt on a Coffeezilla Video! 9:19
UPDATE: Working on a PT 2 for this post. Someone sent me some additional info on Vegas Matt which truly blew my mind and fully exposes him.
submitted by Realistic-Scene-9822 to gambling [link] [comments]

2024.03.02 23:31 Worried_Position_466 Coworker Getting Sucked Into an MLM (PHP)

I just need to vent because I have an ex coworker, who I actually care about but now am thinking that care is misplaced, that is going to join a painfully obvious pyramid scheme. LONG RANT incoming.
For some background. I worked with this woman, who is now 30, for about 5 years working with students in an extra curricular program. She was studying to be a teacher but then she decided to give it up right before the finish line because she set her sights on money. Completed her education and student teaching requirements and stopped right at the portfolio evaluation step that's right before getting the credential. She talks about wanting to buy up real estate and rent it out and also starting her own business where no one can tell her what to do not even her customers (sorry, 'clients' for some reason, she doesn't use the word 'customers' and thinks 'clients' sounds better or more fancy or some stupid reason). From what I can tell, she has no real life experience in running businesses or working jobs outside of a barista/retail or her current job at a school that has extremely low responsibilities and stress (I know because I had her position for 2 years before I stepped down and moved onto a different job). This is where PHP comes in.
About a month or two ago, she mentioned it to me. I said "that sounds like a pyramid scheme" and looked it up, and lo and behold, it was. I told her and she seemed to not care the slightest but she told me she's heard of the term but not sure what it really meant. I told her that the chances of someone in one of these schemes making it to the top is almost 0 but she brushed it off. She said she's gonna go to one of their meetings to learn more. Anyway, fast forward a few months and she went to a meeting and is, seemingly, fully indoctrinated into it. "They were so professional! They talked about how amazing they will be in helping me grow 'my own business!' I really liked how supportive everyone is!" Fooled by the most obvious corporate bullshit. It drove me fucking insane. I straight up told her that this is a pyramid scheme. She said she asked them and they said it wasn't (LMAO) I told her that Patrick Bet-David, the CEO or whatever title he has of the company made his money with MLMs. Nothing. The funny thing is that she even said she hates companies like WFG which is literally what PHP is based on because Bet-David came from WFG and just copied their business model. But he's rich so, according to her, he is a "great man." I showed her PHP's own income disclosures where the vast majority of their 'agents' don't make shit; around 70% make less than a few thousand a year in sales and this doesn't even factor in expenses that they all pay out of their own pockets. But, to her, it seemed like I was attacking her directly saying she doesn't have the skills necessary to reach the top. "I know I can reach the top, I have the skills and connections!" But let's be real here, she doesn't know shit. She never left her parent's home and never had a job with a ton of responsibilities or needed much decision making (not saying these things are inherently bad, we all have complicated lives that move at different speeds). She never really ventured into the real world but she thinks she can sell a shit ton of life insurance and recruit a bunch of people for 'her own business'? You're your own business the same way an Uber driver is their own business, you're not. You just eat all the expenses while you get a small portion of the profits of your own sales or dealing with the dumb/desperate people you suckered into joining.
Here's another insane answer she had to one of my questions. I asked her 'how much do they take on your sales?' She told me, 'NONE' because she takes ALL the money from her clients. I told her that makes absolutely no sense. What business would have you sell their product/service and ask you for $0??? HOW DOES THE BUSINESS MAKE MONEY??? But 'they're a billion dollar company, so they do it somehow' was her answer.
I asked her if she has any friends who know business (not RUN a business, but actually understand business) so they can give her some advice because, obviously, my words don't mean anything to her, and she said she's doing this with them. She then mentioned that there are doctors and nurses doing this shit too as though it's in any way relevant to disproving it wasn't a pyramid scheme.
So clearly, facts don't mean anything to her. So I went to the more emotional route. Telling her that she's gonna be at the top making money off the backs of the people under her who will make nothing because she's taking it all. Guess what her response was? "So what? It's not illegal. Who wouldn't want to make money doing nothing? That sounds great!" Though to be fair to PHP, she kinda already had that mentality before she even got into this whole pile of shit.
It's shit like this that is so frustrating. You have this person fall prey to such an obviously predatory get rich quick scheme where almost everyone is left holding the bag while the incredibly few at the top just get richer off of your hard work. And absolutely no convincing with facts or feelings will get through to them. I swear, I should ask her to take me to one of their meeting to see how effective they are at scamming. But I seriously doubt they're actually that good and she's just incredibly stupid or desperate or both.
submitted by Worried_Position_466 to antiMLM [link] [comments]