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2009.11.29 19:43 chewxy Learn Math

Post all of your math-learning resources here. Questions, no matter how basic, will be answered (to the best ability of the online subscribers). --- We're no longer participating in the protest against excessive API fees, but many other subreddits are; check out the progress [among subreddits that pledged to go dark on 12 July 2023]( and [the top 255 subreddits]( (even those that never joined the protest).

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2024.05.16 13:52 Aquibmohd Achieve Academic Success with Expert Online Exam Help in Australia

In the rapidly evolving landscape of education, online exams have become a prevalent method of assessment. While they offer convenience and flexibility, they also pose unique challenges for students. From navigating technical issues to managing time constraints, online exams require careful preparation and strategic approach. That's where MyAssignment.Live steps in, offering expert online exam help tailored specifically to students in Australia.
Our platform understands the diverse needs of Australian students facing the complexities of online exams. Whether you're enrolled in a university in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, or any other city, our team of experienced tutors and subject matter experts is here to provide invaluable support.
One of the key advantages of choosing MyAssignment.Live for online exam help is our commitment to excellence. We recognize that each exam is unique, requiring a personalized approach and attention to detail. That's why we take the time to thoroughly understand your course material, exam format, and study preferences, ensuring that our assistance is tailored to your specific needs.
Moreover, our team comprises seasoned professionals with extensive experience across various academic disciplines. Whether you're facing a multiple-choice quiz, essay-style exam, or technical assessment, we have the expertise to provide comprehensive assistance. From reviewing course materials to practicing sample questions and conducting mock exams, we equip you with the tools and strategies needed to succeed.
At MyAssignment.Live, we prioritize quality and reliability above all else. We understand the importance of adhering to exam guidelines and delivering accurate, well-researched responses. Our rigorous quality assurance process ensures that every solution is thoroughly reviewed and validated before being delivered to you, guaranteeing accuracy and reliability.
Furthermore, we understand the importance of time management and meeting deadlines. Our team works efficiently to ensure that you receive prompt assistance and support throughout your exam preparation journey. Whether you need last-minute clarification or ongoing guidance leading up to the exam day, we're here to help you stay on track and confident in your abilities.
Additionally, we recognize the significance of academic integrity and originality. That's why we guarantee 100% plagiarism-free solutions, ensuring that every response is crafted from scratch and aligned with your academic standards. With MyAssignment.Live, you can trust that your online exam help is not only reliable but also ethically sound.
In conclusion, MyAssignment.Live is your trusted partner in achieving success in online exams in Australia. With our team of experienced professionals, commitment to excellence, and dedication to customer satisfaction, we provide the comprehensive support you need to excel academically. Whether you're facing a challenging exam in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, or anywhere else in Australia, we're here to help you navigate the complexities of online assessment and achieve your academic goals with confidence.
submitted by Aquibmohd to u/Aquibmohd [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:59 stock_r72 Ridiculous guide to a 521 as a d1 procrastinator (513 -> 522 on FLs in last month of studying)

Ridiculous guide to a 521 as a d1 procrastinator (513 -> 522 on FLs in last month of studying)
DISCLAIMER: I think there are already a lot of great "guide to 52X" scores on this subreddit. A lot of this is just written as context before my last month of studying, the studying I did was honestly super haphazard up until that point so I recommend looking at how other guides tell you to study for those earlier months. Feel free to skip to the last 5 weeks, but if you want to compare your progress before that last month to mine I've written out background. I would come to this guide when you need a reminder of the fact that you will make plans and your plans might backfire, but you can still end up doing well.
I've always been a crammer, have never been the type to be able to stick to a set amount of anki cards a day over a long time period (this sucks! I actively am working to change this attitude). I also didn't feel like I knew much from my classes (especially in orgo, genchem, and biochem) since again, I generally tend to cram, take the exam, and forget all of what I learned. Going into studying, my biggest worry was that I didn't have a lot of background knowledge that I remembered.


  • 2 months studying (5.5 weeks content review, 2.5 weeks uworld) summer 2023. Ended up taking sample unscored a month before my august test date, getting a 507, and then deciding to reschedule to March.
    • Biggest takeaways: spent too long getting bogged down on details of content review, avoided practice questions on I was bad at instead of tackling them head on, did not stay consistent with anki. Also barely studied psych at all
  • August to January: did not study, was in last sem of college
  • 1.5 months Mid January - end of feb (content re-do with anki, and uworld): I felt like I got a decent overview of content from the summer, so even if I forgot the details, it now felt like I was starting studying at the same place as everyone who had retained information from their undergrad classes.
    • Typical day looked like: 1 section uworld C/P or bio + review, ~70 cards of anki/day + more reviews, reading 20 pages of psych. Studied for 4 days / week, took an FL on 5th day, then had rest day or hospital shift on the other 2 days.
    • By the end of Feb, I had finished around 27% of uworld (I reset it after the summer), and done anki with reviews for bio. Had also clicked through MD anki for orgo genchem and physics but didn't do reviews for these since i used it as a refresher
Practice test scores from mid Jan through March: FL1 509, 510 (retook sample), FL2 513 (127 across all sections except 132 CARS somehow), Fl3 513 on March 5th. I seemed to be plateauing around the low 510s, so I decided to push my test date back one more month to the 4/13 date.
Took a few days break where i just passively clicked through some of pankow psych and watched mamma mia and random other shit

Last 5 weeks of studying:

At this point the cramming panic somehow hit, and I was set on the fact that it was time to lock the fuck in. From March 5th to April 9th (5 weeks) I went from a 513 -> 522 on my Fls. I remember scrolling through this reddit and reading about people saying it's only possible to increase scores by a few points in the last month, and was kind of doomspiraling because of these posts and comments. I think it's so important to realize that everyone is in a different situation, and you can't generalize a score increase that one person had to what you will have without evaluating your strengths/weaknesses with theirs -- which is why I'm going to try and give as many details as possible on why I think I was able to make this improvement.
  • Started using Uworld as a LEARNING TOOL instead of an assessment tool. After all the work so far I was doing ok on timing for the sections, so I used tutored and untimed mode on uworld. I reshaped my mindset to "i am so fucked bc im getting these wrong" to "there is a month left for this exam, I now know why I got this wrong and it's going to at least be in my short term memory for the exam". This was just an exercise in gaslighting myself into confidence, and it seemed to work -- the mindset change made me a lot more motivated, and things felt a lot less disheartening once I stopped caring about what my uworld averages looked like.
  • Week 1: Up until this point, I had still not covered the psych content in full since the science sections were "scarier" to me. Would average 127 on my psych sections on previous FLs. Took one week to go through psych Uworld in full, wrote all of my missed questions into an anki MQL deck. Clicked through 100 cards MD a day the week after that (while doing uworld physics) to finish the deck, did not do reviews (this was ridiculous tbh like do your reviews LMAOO). On March 19th, 2 weeks after my 513 on FL3, I scored a 517 on FL4 with 3 points of that increase coming from psych. I think this was mostly due to doing all of uworld psych + going hard on reviewing my uworld sections
  • Week 2 and half of week 3: Did uworld for sections that I was bad at -- I had spent about 1.5 weeks going through 75% of the uworld physics questions and uworld orgo questions, and then targeting areas I had weaknesses in for genchem on uworld. After this, I felt a lot more comfortable with the science sections given the background I had already had from doing anki
  • Halfway point: 2.5 weeks left until my exam, I started AAMC material. I had done the chem SB and half of the bio SB already, but had not touched the rest of it. In retrospect, give yourself 3 weeks for AAMC material at LEAST, or be prepared to be ok with not finishing all of the material like I did. Bio/chem qpacks and AAMC discretes had not seemed super difficult to me, so I skipped the second bio qpack and half of chem. I finished all of the material except bio qpack 2, half of chem qpack, AAMC discretes, half of CARS qpack1, and CARS qpack2. THAT SAID, the rest of the shit was so hard. The only thing that kept me going was my "this is a learning tool not an assessment tool" mindset and thinking that I was learning things from making these mistakes.
  • CONTENT BLITZES (!!!!!): At this point, I knew my strengths and weaknesses, so I actively tackled my weaknesses by going back and clicking through anki chapters/looking at videos for the specific topics I know I was bad at. I made one page "guides" on them, and from the last month of studying ended up having 40 looseleaf pages of "guides" that I looked through 3x -- twice in the 2 weeks leading up to the exam, and once the morning of my exam (oof). This was INCREDIBLY helpful since it made me feel like there was no topic that I would be scared to get on the exam, since I now felt like I had at least a baseline understanding of most things.
  • random game changer: found this MCAT AI tool (based on chatGPT). Used it to upload screenshots of practice qs and get the AI explanation
  • Took FL5 on April 9th, and scored a 522. I was so fucking happy im ngl
  • Ended up finishing about 43% of uworld with a 73% average, but again I was using it as a learning tool
  • LAST 2 DAYS: funny funny funny story is that I never properly reviewed any of my FLs (had reviewed C/P for half of them). this is because reviewing sections i made a lot of mistakes on is something I loathe since it takes me fucking forever and its so much work to figure out why I got things wrong, condense that into a few sentences, and then put that in an anki card. So during my last 2 days I finished reviewing the C/P B/B sections (went faster since now i knew a lot more), but still didn't review any of my P/S or CARS sections. this was stupid imma be honest
Final score: 521 (131/129/130/131) on 4/13 exam
  • was part of the people that had the glitch, somehow I just made the assumption that the breached qs were experimental qs and it thankfully didn't interrupt me that much other than the 5min it took for the proctor to look at it. I later absolutely freaked out about the implications of the glitch post exam
Final Musings:
  • VERY MUCH do regret skipping the CARS qpacks, but I was feeling a bit more confident about CARS after reshaping my mindset to "this is such an interesting passage and I am actually so FUCKING excited to read about this because its literally hidden knowledge that was declassified or like recovered from the library of alexandria" and seeing better performance after that. Once again, literally just an exercise in gaslighting yourself. I also knew that if I were to finish CARS I would be sacrificing part of studying for my other sections. Still quite happy with my score though so like womp womp i guess it didn't matter LMFAO
  • LAST DAY: "dont study on your last day" I was a fucking adrenaline junkie and was absolutely determined to cover the things that I needed to cover in order to feel confident going into the exam (did not do any practice, thats draining). So I studied longer than I have ever studied in 1 day, clicked through all of bio anki / anki on sections i was bad at from 7am to 10pm straight with only a one hour break from 3-4pm where i walked around my house in a haze. I dont recommend this per se, but I guess I am an example of it not entirely fucking me over (but n=1).
  • Biochem last 4 chapters I mostly learned by writing out the pathways in a giant map
  • Morning of: once again I was in my insane era and studied from 6:15-6:45am, then again in the car from 7am - 7:39am. I took 5 minutes to clear my mind and touch grass outside my test center until 7:45, then walked in and had 7:45-8:10 to clear my mind and not think about anything before I started my exam
  • please review your fls before the last 2 days dawgz
  • MINDSET IS HUGE. part of why I think I had such a score increase was 1) actually doing psych 2) CONVINCING myself that I was improving and on the right track. Control f everywhere i said "gaslight" and ingrain that shit in your mind because it is actually so powerful
  • for the last month of studying i holed up in my apartment and did not see any of my friends (maybe left my apartment 3 times ever?). it was horrible but i was like this is a sacrifice i need to make, also fits the crammer description very well. my only breaks were blasting 2010s hits and country music and dancing to it in my room and also making an ominous classical music playlist (top song of march was mozart's lacrimosa lmaoo)
*******OPENING MY SCORE: I was so fucking scared the day before and even more so the morning of. That said, I knew I had tried as much as I could given the general exhaustion and the wacky way I studied. Honestly I thought I would feel happier after opening my score, instead I felt relief but there was no surge of happiness. Still kind of feel empty, I think it hasn't hit yet. Am in theory very happy though, I remember imagining how happy I would be if i got a score like this. I think this also just goes to say there is life outside of this exam and getting a solid score isn't always like some magical thing but also it is DEFINITELY a relief
In retrospect you should honestly just use this to learn from my mistakes because there were MANY, but I think there is also some helpful advice in here. Am really just hoping this helps at least one person even if its pure yap to 99% of other people. tbh im not proofreading this like im not reading all that again LMFAO but If anyone reads this far and has questions on specific FL section breakdowns or anything else I'm happy to answer! good luck my bitches I believe in you fr
submitted by stock_r72 to Mcat [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:36 Longjumping-Dream-13 Being a graphic designer in Black inner city communities has to be one of the most tiring parts of the job description. (Rant)

Disclaimer: I am black and I work with other black people. This conversation IS about race and I'm sharing my grievances as a black designer to other POC creatives.
Edit to add after an hour of contemplation, I think I'm more annoyed because if I'm a designer deduced to applying my technical skill of the program to achieve their vision and not necessarily offer any creative "consultation" then wtf is the fake design assessment for? You can clearly see I know how to use Adobe Canva and animate from my portfolio. why the cat and mouse?
So i work in the southern US as a designer in a predominantly black city for context. And i always find it so tiring to work with skinfolk because their ideas and concepts are so dated and tacky. On the other end of the spectrum I've had my run-in with the quirky white woman who turned out to be an undercover racist calling some of my more contemporary design "80s style" or "urban" so I definitely get there is a fine line and nuance but aint that i swear!
I'm currently applying to be a social media designer for an HBCU off of a word of mouth recommendation. They had me do a sample design (major red flag) but the job is 55k a year so i went for it. I think it was way more modern and eye grabbing than what they sent me. Think picture with a colored overlay a metallic textbox and stretched type. And i sent back a graphic that incorporated scaling, foreground, clear and relevant photography etc. What they sent back was another graphic asking me to do something more along the lines of that. Totally different from what they sent before and more along the lines of a pen and pixel album cover.
And i just want my people to be free from thinking that is the epitome of good contemporary design. Its "eye catching" sure but is that in a good way or just chaotic and headache inducing? Every time someone wants a flyer a logo ANYTHING from me they want big thick outlines, gaudy metallic type a mosh posh of over filtered and cluttering images. Its exhausting.
i know this type of design is apart of black culture but that doesnt mean there sint room for modernity and at the very least skill and technique to be applied for it to look right but the moment that happens its boring or "not contemporarily enough" which is laughable when you are basing your inspiration of off flyers from the 90s.
I dont know. I'm at the end of the rant and maybe its a testament to my capabilities that I'm not able to bridge the two and make it look good. I just want black folks to branch out and try some different more appropriate design style. not as in PG or conservative but literally what fits their brand not what they think they should be producing as an entity of color.
I can go on and on but i see it in schools, music artists, reunions, churches, everywhere. slowly realizing though my role as a designer isnt to design or make something look good, i just know how to work the software. it really makes you want to look in another profession though.
submitted by Longjumping-Dream-13 to graphic_design [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:13 Southern_Fury Achieving academic success with online support

Demanding deadlines? Look no farther. As a busy or working student, balancing school and work sometimes can be challenging. Does it mean life has to be that busy for you always? We make it possible to work and achieve good grades, we can relieve you off the burden of having to worry about it and fully focus on your work. We are a team of verified tutors available for hire to assist you with your course work throughout the semester.
We are right on standby ready to assist you with your Online classes , assignments, timed quizzes and exam preparation in case of a tight work schedule or demanding deadlines. Our tutors are qualified and have demonstrated remarkable abilities and expertise to ensure that you wake up to well written essays and graded online classes and homework. With our pocket friendly rates and project based pricing, we have been able to complete numerous orders, quality work done quickly. Vouches and work samples available upon request.
Contact us through direct message , Email: or : TutorA1#9815. Reach out for immediate feedback and let me help you ace your class.
I am well versed with different software and competent in: ALEKS > Blackboard > Canvas >Pearson > MyMathLab > MyStatLab > Hawkes Learning > Aplia Connexus > Connect > Edmentum > MathXL > Moodle and flexible with other softwares as well.
submitted by Southern_Fury to examhelprs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:09 Southern_Fury Achieving academic success with online support

Demanding deadlines? Look no farther. As a busy or working student, balancing school and work sometimes can be challenging. Does it mean life has to be that busy for you always? We make it possible to work and achieve good grades, we can relieve you off the burden of having to worry about it and fully focus on your work. We are a team of verified tutors available for hire to assist you with your course work throughout the semester.
We are right on standby ready to assist you with your Online classes , assignments, timed quizzes and exam preparation in case of a tight work schedule or demanding deadlines. Our tutors are qualified and have demonstrated remarkable abilities and expertise to ensure that you wake up to well written essays and graded online classes and homework. With our pocket friendly rates and project based pricing, we have been able to complete numerous orders, quality work done quickly. Vouches and work samples available upon request.
Contact us through direct message , Email: or : TutorA1#9815. Reach out for immediate feedback and let me help you ace your class.
I am well versed with different software and competent in: ALEKS > Blackboard > Canvas >Pearson > MyMathLab > MyStatLab > Hawkes Learning > Aplia Connexus > Connect > Edmentum > MathXL > Moodle and flexible with other softwares as well.
submitted by Southern_Fury to Students_AcademicHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:04 Southern_Fury Achieving academic success with online support

Demanding deadlines? Look no farther. As a busy or working student, balancing school and work sometimes can be challenging. Does it mean life has to be that busy for you always? We make it possible to work and achieve good grades, we can relieve you off the burden of having to worry about it and fully focus on your work. We are a team of verified tutors available for hire to assist you with your course work throughout the semester.
We are right on standby ready to assist you with your Online classes , assignments, timed quizzes and exam preparation in case of a tight work schedule or demanding deadlines. Our tutors are qualified and have demonstrated remarkable abilities and expertise to ensure that you wake up to well written essays and graded online classes and homework. With our pocket friendly rates and project based pricing, we have been able to complete numerous orders, quality work done quickly. Vouches and work samples available upon request.
Contact us through direct message , Email: or : TutorA1#9815. Reach out for immediate feedback and let me help you ace your class.
I am well versed with different software and competent in: ALEKS > Blackboard > Canvas >Pearson > MyMathLab > MyStatLab > Hawkes Learning > Aplia Connexus > Connect > Edmentum > MathXL > Moodle and flexible with other softwares as well.
submitted by Southern_Fury to ExamHelpers_Tutoring [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:56 QuietChemist93 [Sell] [US to US] Alkemia, Bpal, niche, etc - price drops

Hello! I have some samples and a few FS for sale.
•First order gets a free sample of Xerjoff Lira!
[•Add $4.50 for shipping - I ship out same day via USPS•] [Buy 2 FS get free shipping] Any questions feel free to pm me.
Paradise 5ml FS $15
Gifts of the Magi - 5ml FS $18
As Dark Things Are Meant to Be Loved - 5ml FS $15
Feuillemort- Dying leaves, Tibetan incense, Smoked autumnal spices, Dried grasses and fungi, Cedar ($2)
(Buy the remaining Bpal full size and get the 4 Bpal samples free)
Snake Oil - deep, rich, earthy notes swirled with vegetal musks, sugared vanilla bean, and dark spices. 5ml FS $20
The Jeweled Spider - Cigarillo smoke, spatters of ice cream sundae, a supersized mug of coffee, a pile of fruit, and a little bit of curried goat - (very nice tobacco chocolate scent) 5ml FS $20
TKO - LavendeMarshmallow 5ml FS $20
Old Demons of the First Class - Siberian musk, black clove, opoponax, tonka, black pepper, and neroli. ($2)
Chimera - The fiery, volatile scent of cinnamon, thickened by myrrh, honeysuckle, and copal. ($2)
The Mage- gurjum balsam, Sumatran dragon's blood resin, olibanum, galangal, oleo gum resin, and frankincense. ($2)
Voodoo - a midnight scent, evoking images of flickering golden firelight reflecting off the sheen of glistening skin and the jerking shadows of bodies suffused with spiritual ecstasy. A deep, powerful, resonant blend of myrrh, patchouli, vetiver, lime, vanilla, pine, almond and clove. ($2)
Niche EDP’s:
(Bundle Everything Below for $45 shipped!!)
Hiram Green - Slowdive (all natural honey fragrance, very realistic and smooth) 2.2ml Spray - $10
Olympic Orchids
•Woodcut •Night flyer •Dev 2 •Blackbird •Cafe V 1ml samples - ($2 each)
Kerosene Blackmail 0.7ml $2
Jovoy Fire At Will Sweet, warm, gourmand vanilla. A fairly pure, musky vanilla with a sprinkling of brown sugar and a little ambery browning. 5ml edp spray - $12
Xerjoff Uden - Top notes are Citruses, Lemon and Grapefruit; middle notes are Rum, Guaiac Wood, Sandalwood and Rose; base notes are Vanilla, Coffee, Musk and Ambergris. 5ml edp spray - $15
Penhaligon’s Sartorial 5ml spray - $15
Penhaligon’s Castile 5ml Spray - $15
submitted by QuietChemist93 to IndieExchange [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:32 optimistic_9826 [Hire Me] A+ Writing Services, Affordable and Authentic Work!!

Hello everyone. If you are looking for a distinction, then you are in the right place. I'm Crystal, a professional tutor and a superb academic writer with years of experience in English literature, Sociology, Business, Psychology, Nursing, Law and Social Sciences.
For assistance, please send detailed instructions to
Email: [](
Discord: Highgradewriter#7788
What's app: +15203464074
My rate is from as low as $15 per page of quality work (Harvard / APA / MLA / OSCOLA, CHICAGO).
I graduated from Western Governors University with a bachelor's degree . I have gained progressive experience over the years in all types of Essays including admission Essays, Research Papers, Online Tests and Quizzes, Dissertations, Thesis Writing, Editing Services and Presentations. To ensure quality services, I review and check tasks at hand through Turnitin, Plag Scan and Grammarly elucidating authentic and unprecedented work.
To guarantee quality work, make payment only when satisfied with job order and have ensured all instructions are followed.
Please refer to my profile for sample work and a copy of my curriculum vitae(CV)
Long-Term partnership and reliability is guaranteed.
Thank you for your time.
Stay safe!
submitted by optimistic_9826 to Students_AcademicHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:30 optimistic_9826 [Hire Me] A+ Writing Services, Affordable and Authentic Work!!

Hello everyone. If you are looking for a distinction, then you are in the right place. I'm Crystal, a professional tutor and a superb academic writer with years of experience in English literature, Sociology, Business, Psychology, Nursing, Law and Social Sciences.
For assistance, please send detailed instructions to
Email: [](
Discord: Highgradewriter#7788
What's app: +15203464074
My rate is from as low as $15 per page of quality work (Harvard / APA / MLA / OSCOLA, CHICAGO).
I graduated from Western Governors University with a bachelor's degree . I have gained progressive experience over the years in all types of Essays including admission Essays, Research Papers, Online Tests and Quizzes, Dissertations, Thesis Writing, Editing Services and Presentations. To ensure quality services, I review and check tasks at hand through Turnitin, Plag Scan and Grammarly elucidating authentic and unprecedented work.
To guarantee quality work, make payment only when satisfied with job order and have ensured all instructions are followed.
Please refer to my profile for sample work and a copy of my curriculum vitae(CV)
Long-Term partnership and reliability is guaranteed.
Thank you for your time.
Stay safe!
submitted by optimistic_9826 to Essayprowriter [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:27 optimistic_9826 [Hire Me] A+ Writing Services, Affordable and Authentic Work!!

Hello everyone. If you are looking for a distinction, then you are in the right place. I'm Crystal, a professional tutor and a superb academic writer with years of experience in English literature, Sociology, Business, Psychology, Nursing, Law and Social Sciences.
For assistance, please send detailed instructions to
Email: [](
Discord: Highgradewriter#7788
What's app: +15203464074
My rate is from as low as $15 per page of quality work (Harvard / APA / MLA / OSCOLA, CHICAGO).
I graduated from Western Governors University with a bachelor's degree . I have gained progressive experience over the years in all types of Essays including admission Essays, Research Papers, Online Tests and Quizzes, Dissertations, Thesis Writing, Editing Services and Presentations. To ensure quality services, I review and check tasks at hand through Turnitin, Plag Scan and Grammarly elucidating authentic and unprecedented work.
To guarantee quality work, make payment only when satisfied with job order and have ensured all instructions are followed.
Please refer to my profile for sample work and a copy of my curriculum vitae(CV)
Long-Term partnership and reliability is guaranteed.
Thank you for your time.
Stay safe!
submitted by optimistic_9826 to jobbit [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:46 itsjordanmbaby [For Hire] Dynamic duo of VAs, writers and more seeking new clients at reasonable rates!

Looking for someone to alleviate your overloaded to do list? Or to handle some simple tasks to make your life easier? Do you need articles written or projects finalized? Well, look no further! Our duo with about 15 years’ experience in several fields can handle most, if not all tasks given to us!
We offer services including: writing, editing, and content management - our team can write most types of content, fiction and nonfiction, SFW and NSFW, we edit/PR, and have been conscripted to write poetry/prose.
Here are some samples:
Along with our writing skills, we as a team can also handle the tasks of any virtual assistant including: message transcription, chat support, customer service, schedule organization, decluttering/de stressing support and guidance, social media management, audio and video recording, photo editing and many other tasks.
If you don't see it in the list above feel free to send a message and ask. We are also adept in all Microsoft Office programs and their Google counterparts, Photoshop, and similar.
Alongside the services offered I personally offer peer counseling services and a few limited mental health services. I have a background in clinical psych and have worked in the field going on 3 years now. My services come at very competitive rates and can help with many existential or mild issues in your day to day life which can even include helping you find a professional in your area if the problem is more severe. I can make calls, help schedule and do pretty much everything besides physically getting you to your appointment with a professional.
I also offer some tutoring, language coaching, voice acting and several other miscellaneous services that come from years of various odd jobs, hobbies, and other experience that make me a very broadly skilled person who knows a little bit of everything!
Writing work - 7-10 cents/word depending on content. Extra for revisions.
VA/other work - $12-20/hour depending on the task, however there may be some tasks where a flat rate may be more suitable.
Some rates are subject to change/negotiation, so if you want a service done for cheaper than I have listed, feel free to send a message with the details and we'll consider it.
Payment is acceptable in multiple ways but PayPal and direct bank transfers are preferred. We do not accept payment in crypto. Also, I'll need at least some payment upfront.
If any of the services listed have piqued your interest, send a DM and we can further connect on Discord, Skype, WhatsApp, Telegram etc. I use a variety of alls for communication, and am happy to comply with your needs.
submitted by itsjordanmbaby to jobbit [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:58 souravbairagya_ How To Make Money In One Hour?

Making money in just one hour can be a challenge, but there are some strategies you can consider to earn a quick buck. Here are several options:
Freelancing or Gig Work: Offer your skills or services on freelancing platforms like Fiverr, Upwork, or TaskRabbit. Depending on your expertise, you can do tasks like graphic design, writing, coding, or running errands for others.
Online Surveys and Market Research: Participate in online surveys or market research studies. Websites like Swagbucks, Survey Junkie, or Amazon Mechanical Turk pay users for completing surveys, watching videos, or testing products.
Sell Items Online: Declutter your home and sell unwanted items on platforms like eBay, Craigslist, or Facebook Marketplace. Look for items you no longer need but are still in good condition, such as clothes, electronics, or collectibles.
Offer Services Locally: Provide services within your community, such as dog walking, lawn mowing, or house cleaning. Post flyers in your neighborhood or advertise your services on local community boards.
Task-Based Apps: Sign up for task-based apps like TaskRabbit or Gigwalk, where you can find short-term gigs such as assembling furniture, delivering groceries, or doing handyman work.
Rent Out Your Assets: If you have a car, consider driving for ride-sharing services like Uber or Lyft. You can also rent out your parking space, tools, or even your driveway on platforms like Airbnb, Neighbor, or Turo.
Participate in Focus Groups: Join focus groups or research studies that pay for your opinions. Look for opportunities in your local area or online through websites like or
Tutoring or Teaching: Offer tutoring services in subjects you excel in, or teach a skill you're passionate about. You can find clients locally or through online platforms like Tutor or Chegg Tutors.
Photography or Art: If you have photography or artistic skills, offer your services for events, portraits, or commissions. You can quickly earn money by taking photos at events, selling prints, or creating custom artwork.
Odd Jobs: Look for one-time gigs or odd jobs posted in your area. These could include helping with moving, organizing, or event setup. Check local classified ads, Craigslist, or community bulletin boards for opportunities.
Temporary Work: Contact temporary staffing agencies in your area to see if they have any immediate job openings. These agencies often have short-term assignments in various industries that can pay well.
Quick Tasks on Microtask Platforms: Complete short tasks on microtask platforms like Amazon Mechanical Turk, Clickworker, or Microworkers. These tasks may include data entry, transcription, or image labeling.
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2024.05.15 01:46 My2CentsDesign The Ultimate Printing Hack to Attract Customers: Try Before You Buy for FREE!

The Ultimate Printing Hack to Attract Customers: Try Before You Buy for FREE!
Hey there, fellow business owners and nonprofit professionals! My name is Addie from My 2 Cents Design, and with my 25+ years as a design professional and in the marketing and sales industry, I've got some insider secrets to share with you. Picture this: you're gearing up for a big print project – maybe it's a sleek brochure for your business or eye-catching flyers for your upcoming fundraiser. You pour your heart and soul into the design, only to hit a roadblock when it comes to choosing the right paper. Sound familiar? Don't worry, I've been there too. But guess what? There's a solution, and it's called the samples kit from Printing Center USA.
Making Informed Choices: Printing decisions can make or break your project. That's why it's crucial to get it right the first time. With the free samples kit from Printing Center USA, you can say goodbye to guesswork and hello to informed choices. Imagine being able to touch and feel different paper weights and finishes before committing to a print run. It's like having a sneak peek into the future of your print project – no crystal ball required.
Save Time, Save Money: Making the right printing decisions isn't just about quality; it's about saving time and money too. Picture this scenario: you place a hefty print order, only to realize later that a lighter paper weight would have been just as stunning (and easier on the wallet). Ouch, right? But fear not, my savvy business pals. With the samples kit from Printing Center USA, you can explore all your options upfront, ensuring that every penny counts.
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Take the Plunge: So, what are you waiting for? Dive headfirst into the world of print possibilities with the samples kit from Printing Center USA. Trust me, your future print projects will thank you. Head over to their website, request your free kit, and get ready to unlock your printing potential. Here's to informed decisions, successful projects, and a little extra cash in your pocket!
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I am very knowledgeable and proficient in assisting students in a wide range of mathematics classes. I can help students complete their homework assignments and other projects get an A on quizzes, tests, and exams (including proctored assessments) answer online discussion posts write essays & papers in MLA APA Chicago format and provide general overall academic help in each math course listed below:
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As of 2021, I have tutored and helped students enrolled at the following U.S. universities community colleges county & city colleges schools for-profit institutions listed below in alphabetical order:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
Considering the fact that you found my contact information online, it’s understandable to be skeptical regarding the legitimacy of my services. Therefore, I’m willing to do all of the following to help you feel more secure in trusting me with your academic needs:
At the risk of sounding arrogant, I consider myself to be at least marginally more intelligent (both academically & socially) than the average person. Therefore, if I ever decided to suddenly risk prison time, risk my reputation, and risk enduring the wrath of modern-day “cancel culture” by scamming people out of their money:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
My contact details:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
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First of all, these are the contact details to reach us for help any type of academic task of any subject:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
I am very knowledgeable and proficient in assisting students in a wide range of mathematics classes. I can help students complete their homework assignments and other projects get an A on quizzes, tests, and exams (including proctored assessments) answer online discussion posts write essays & papers in MLA APA Chicago format and provide general overall academic help in each math course listed below:
As of 2021, I have tutored and helped students enrolled at the following U.S. universities community colleges county & city colleges schools for-profit institutions listed below in alphabetical order:
Considering the fact that you found my contact information online, it’s understandable to be skeptical regarding the legitimacy of my services. Therefore, I’m willing to do all of the following to help you feel more secure in trusting me with your academic needs:
OCT 2021 UPDATE: I am currently offering discount deals for requests for assistance with completing a student's entire course for the Fall 2024 semester (14 - 20 week courses acceptable), as well as discounts for students seeking help with multiple exams and/or multiple classes for Fall 2024. My availability for the Autumn 2024 / Fall 2024 semester will likely become limited very quickly as I receive more and more academic requests. Therefore it would be very advantageous to reach out to me for academic assistance before my schedule becomes too full.
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
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Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
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2024.05.14 19:05 GCIlanguageIELTS Tips to Ace the CELPIP Exam on Your First Attempt

Are you gearing up to take the CELPIP (Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program) exam? As one of the premier language proficiency tests for Canadian immigration and citizenship, understanding its intricacies and preparing strategically can significantly enhance your chances of success. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you ace the CELPIP exam on your first attempt.
What is CELPIP?
CELPIP is a computer-delivered English language proficiency test designed to assess functional language skills in real-life contexts, particularly relevant for those seeking to immigrate to Canada or obtain Canadian citizenship. The test evaluates four key language skills: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking, with tasks tailored to everyday situations encountered in work, school, or social environments.
Tips to Ace the CELPIP Exam:
1. Familiarize Yourself with the Test Format: Take advantage of practice materials and sample tests provided by CELPIP to acquaint yourself with the test structure and question types. Understanding the format will help you navigate the exam confidently on test day.
2. Develop Strong Time Management Skills: Since CELPIP is a timed exam, efficient time management is crucial. Practice completing tasks within the allocated time limits during your preparation to build speed and accuracy.
3. Enhance Your Listening Skills: Focus on improving your listening comprehension by regularly listening to English podcasts, news broadcasts, and audio recordings. Pay attention to key details, main ideas, and nuances in spoken language.
4. Sharpen Your Reading Strategies: Practice skimming and scanning techniques to quickly extract information from written passages. Pay attention to keywords and context clues to aid comprehension and answer questions effectively.
5. Hone Your Writing and Speaking Abilities: Practice writing essays and delivering spoken responses under timed conditions. Work on organizing your ideas coherently and articulating them clearly. Seek feedback from tutors or peers to identify areas for improvement.
By following these expert tips and dedicating consistent effort to preparation, you can approach the CELPIP exam with confidence and increase your likelihood of achieving a successful outcome on your first attempt.
Join our vibrant community of language enthusiasts at GCILanguage and let's embark on a transformative CELPIP journey together.
If you have any further questions, you can reach us directly at [+1 604-755-4334](tel:+16047554334) in Surrey. We will be happy to assist you and answer any questions you may have.
To learn more about GCI Language Centre and its CELPIP preparation courses in Surrey, visit today.
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WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: info@hiraedu. com
I am very knowledgeable and proficient in assisting students in a wide range of mathematics classes. I can help students complete their homework assignments and other projects get an A on quizzes, tests, and exams (including proctored assessments) answer online discussion posts write essays & papers in MLA APA Chicago format and provide general overall academic help in each math course listed below:
As of 2021, I have tutored and helped students enrolled at the following U.S. universities community colleges county & city colleges schools for-profit institutions listed below in alphabetical order:
Considering the fact that you found my contact information online, it’s understandable to be skeptical regarding the legitimacy of my services. Therefore, I’m willing to do all of the following to help you feel more secure in trusting me with your academic needs:
At the risk of sounding arrogant, I consider myself to be at least marginally more intelligent (both academically & socially) than the average person. Therefore, if I ever decided to suddenly risk prison time, risk my reputation, and risk enduring the wrath of modern-day “cancel culture” by scamming people out of their money:
Contact Details for Hiraedu Helper:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: info@hiraedu. com
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2024.05.13 18:25 Practical_Look937 If you hate dougdoug check out r/weloveougdoug the better streamer

If you are playing on PC, outdated packages in your community folder may have an unexpected impact on the title’s performance and behavior. If you suffer from stability issues or long loading times, move your community package(s) to another folder before relaunching the title. How to install a new update safely
NEW CONTENT/FEATURES Added flight plan assistance setting for ATC in the user experience assistance settings so that users can request the ATC to favor their flight plan or world map flight settings over the current conditions. This assistance is set to “Active” by default. Active: ATC will set the active runway and approach for the departure and arrival airport based on the users flight plan or settings in the world map. Deactivated: ATC will set the active runway and approach based on current conditions only. ATC now clears a step to the next altitude some time before arriving at the previously cleared altitude, rather than once arrived at the previously cleared altitude. (Next step is issued when at 2000FT from cleared altitude rather than 250FT from cleared altitude). ATC Vectoring bug fixes: Now assigning the correct clearance when the first two waypoints were one over the other, Now assigning a new vector & clearance every time the user asks the ATC for a new vector. Added completely new Cirrus SR22T G6 model with custom engine simulation, book-accurate performance, and extensive Perspective Plus NXi features.
GENERAL BUG FIXES Several crashes have been fixed across the title Fixed localization bugs Performance optimizations for long flights. Fixed ATC that was mixing voices in localized languages Automated Weather Report temperature reading updated
MARKETPLACE Fixed an issue where the Wishlist would not sort properly in the Marketplace
MENU Fixed freeze when opening the logbook
NAVIGATION/TRAFFIC Enhanced ATC phraseology. Some of the improvements include: The removal of the word ‘for’ in altitude change requests. Eliminating the requirement to include altimeter settings in takeoff clearances.
WEATHER Snow and ice coverage accuracy has been improved in live weather Fixed an issue where the wind from a malformed METAR was incorrectly read Fixed an issue where the sim occasionally retrieves obsolete weather data Improved transition during cloud coverage updates AND fixed an issue where clouds don’t load when starting a flight.
GLASS COCKPITS GARMIN G3000 / G5000 Fixed an issue where removing an airway entry leg from the flight plan could sometimes corrupt the flight plan.
G1000 NXI Added support for hardware keyboard with new AS1000CONTROL_PAD H events. Fixed an issue where removing an airway entry leg from the flight plan could sometimes corrupt the flight plan. AP: Added support for LVL and TO/GA modes MFD: Added Page Menu popup for MFD’s Nearest Airports page. CAS: PFD Alerts softkey indicator now flashes color and changes to appropriate label with CAS messages CAS: Pressing PFD Alerts softkey now acknowledges CAS messages and cancels aural chimes CAS: Alerts now display in order of priority and time first seen SIM: Added support for knob-based XPDR code entry using H events. For aircraft developers: Made all methods in PFD and MFD plugins optional. Exported NavSystems’s class FrequencyItem and its props interface FrequencyItemProps. CAS messages may now be assigned associated Alerts messages via JS and/or plugin code Added support for control pad entry for Constraint Selector in the FPL dialog Added support for LVL and TO/GA autopilot modes Added support for control pad entry on several UI input components Added support for styling the Com selection based on the radio selected to transmit, and for both Nav and Com standby frequencies selected to edit WT21 For aircraft developers:
Added configurable side button support to the WT21
AIRCRAFT GENERAL Payload station weights that are set via SimConnect are now properly displayed in the Weight&Balance toolbar panel. Fixed – L-39 Pipsqueak – Unable to enter values by double-clicking on GNS screen Fixed – L-39 Sarance – Unable to enter values by double-clicking on GNS screen Contact Points compression under some kind of roof (bridge, cave, arch, etc.) was fixed Fixed – P-51D LadyB – Unable to enter values by double-clicking on GNS screen Aircraft Registration can no longer be lowercase Fixed – P-51D Miss America – Unable to enter values by double-clicking on GNS screen Fixed – P-51D Strega – Unable to enter values by double-clicking on GNS screen Fixed – T-6 Baby Boomer – Unable to enter values by double-clicking on GNS screen Improved aircraft simulation stability (few potential crashes were fixed) Fixed – T-6 Undecided – Unable to enter values by double-clicking on GNS screen Corrected an issue that could prevent cockpit interactions from working in some rare conditions Correct many false positive errors regarding InputEvents when loading AI planes Corrected an issue that would cause some P51 to lose power in reno races. Fixed an issue that could cause the state of Avionics circuit depend features to be toggle on and off when no MarkerBeacon circuit was present It is now possible to slow down the simulation speed to 1/8 and 1/16 of real time. EXTERNAL HUD Minimized HUD can now display more than 8 engines power values HELICOPTERS Anti-stall protection is now disabled for helicopters. AIRBUS 310-300 A310 Radio Stuck Broadcasting on KSNS ATIS After Departing KSFO. Vertical speed knob labeled as “altitude knob” in tooltip. AIRBUS A320NEO (V2) During testing of the A320neo, we encountered an application crash rate on console that is too high to pass certification. We need to address this issue before the A320 can ship. BELL 407 Rotor weight changes. Rotor brake force adjustments. Rotor blade dynamics adjustments. Throttle/governed RPM during startup and shutdown. Engine performance changes. Fuel management on the weight and balance settings. Performance data on the aircraft selection screen. Localization text changes. FADEC tooltip. Fuel Pressure gauge illumination. Cold and dark state changes. Checklist correction. Fixed checklist AutoStart. AutoStart sequence now works. BOEING 787-10 / BOEING 747-8I General performance optimizations for consoles and some hardware configurations W&B: An operational CG margin is considered now to avoid extreme CG values when loading the aircraft. SIM: ATC will now know about your planned cruise altitude and will assign you a flight level accordingly. CHECKLISTS: Fixed bug where checklists that only contain closed loop items would sometimes be skipped when entering the checklist page if all items are completed. [787] CHECKLISTS: Fixed flaps checklist items being completed before the flaps reached the selected position. [787] W&B: Corrected movement of the CG as fuel is burned by moving the tanks to the exact locations of those on the real plane. [787] EFB: Support clearing of the TOW field. [787] EFB: Cap the achievable MTOW at the certified limit of the plane. [787] EFB: Correct error message when current TOW exceeds the achievable MTOW. [787] EFB: Added Automatic brightness adjustment. [787] EFB: Fixed spelling errors. [747] SYSTEMS: Reserve fuel transfer will now not stop once started mid flight. CDU: Fix takeoff speeds being invalidated when opening TAKEOFF REF on the copilot side CESSNA CITATION CJ4 SIM: ATC will now know about your planned cruise altitude and will assign you a flight level accordingly CIRRUS SR22T G6 Completely brand-new art and model of the SR22T G6 GTS. Completely reworked flight model and performance featuring: CFD with book accurate performance and pilot tested handling. Modern propeller system. New turbo and fuel engine systems. Custom ECU, engine computer, and EGT/CHT simulation. Custom lean misfire, detonation, and engine failure simulations. Full Perspective Plus features implemented for G1000 NXi, including: Full-screen engine page with anti-ice status and fuel flow targets. Full-screen fuel management page. Weight and Balance page with graphical CG envelope. Trip planning page with automatic and manual modes. Massive suite of interactive checklists. MFD destination inf-box. PFD power gauge, GAGL indicator, GS and TAS. Frequency loading menus on airport and waypoint inf-pages. FIKI (Flight int-Known Icing) and TKS simulation. Stabilized approach system with PFD alerting and monitoring for: Bar-mismatch, crosswind, tailwind, flaps, lateral deviation, and vertical deviation (GS and GP). Updated EIS with custom reversionary mode version. Lean assist, fuel flow green band, and cyan fuel flow lean target indicators. Fully modeled GCU479 Garmin Control Unit keypad with all entry modes. Additional new autopilot mode support including LVL, TO, and GA. Large suite of accurate CAS messages including new G1000 NXi alerts acknowledgement and menu behavior. CURTISS JN-4 “JENNY” Fixed – [KO-KR] Some instruments in cockpit are not localized in Korean in Curtiss Jenny. Fixed – [Localization] Livery names are not localized in liveries page. Fixed – [pl-PL] Missing/untranslated words in checklist. Fixed – [TR-TR] Some instruments in cockpit are not localized in Turkish in Curtiss Jenny. DAHER TBM 930 Fixed broken autopilot panel backlighting. DOUGLAS DC-3 Fixed starting engine in Multiplayer causes other DC3 engines to animate starting Fixed overlapping words on the warning labels inside the cabin and on the rear cabin door. (Enhanced) Fixed Radio altimeter appearing off above 400ft. Classic 8-way Quick view controls fixed during flight. Fixed fuel pump does not indicate fuel flow from Cold/dark until after mesh switch is engaged. (Enhanced) Improved low resolution text in the Enhanced Edition cockpit. (Enhanced) Fixed missing panel texture for Beacon light. (Enhanced) Fixed HUD not correctly indicating state of flap. Fixed Decision height/Radar altitude setting knob setting does not match panel texture. Fixed fuel pump not indicating fuel flow from Cold/dark until after mesh switch is engaged. GRUMMAN G-21 GOOSE AI copilot completes checklist items for you in Evaluation mode. Attitude Indicator doesn’t provide pitch indications. Fuel drawn from wrong tank when starting Cold & Dark. Part of tooltip description for Magneto Cutoff not localized. Unable to toggle “taxi light” in cockpit–must use key binding. H-4 HERCULES “SPRUCE GOOSE” Camera Quick views fixed Engine 5-8 throttle fixed when using a gamepad ROBIN DR400 Fix Flaps looking misaligned with the wings in neutral position. RYAN NYP “SPIRIT OF ST. LOUIS” Camera Quick views fixed WRIGHT FLYER Camera Quick views fixed WORLD Used more realistic mapping of wave lengths onto RBG values for the ozone layer scattering and the sun color, resulting in more realistic colors of the sky and the lighting in the world.
TOP-GUN MAVERICK Fix for the aircraft carrier wake in Maverick landing challenge that was missing
PERIPHERALS Various peripheral fixes Pause mapping on the Occulus touch left controller switched from Y to Menu button Anti Ice and Aux Fuel Pump LEDs are now working properly with Bravo Throttle Quadrant
SDK Added new Coherent calls SET_CRUISE_ALTITUDE and GET_CRUISE_ALTITUDE to get/set the planned cruise altitude the in game ATC knows about. Fixed crash when “positive_g_limit_flaps_up” parameter is present in [AIRPLANE_GEOMETRY] section in flight_model.cfg, but one of the parameters: “positive_g_limit_flaps_down” or “negative_g_limit_flaps_up” or “negative_g_limit_flaps_down” is missing. See SDK for details. More parameters have been added to the “[VIEWS]” section of the “camera.cfg” file to control the behavior of the external camera (“external_camera_distance”, “external_camera_follows_heading”, “external_camera_follows_velocity”). See SDK for details. Several features have been added and bugs have been fixed for the skid-type landing gear, which can now be retractable. See SDK for details. Added “set_max_compression” and “spring_exponential_fix” parameters to the “[CONTACT_POINTS]” section of the “flight_model.cfg” file. See SDK for details. DEVMODE Debug old: option to disable 30Km mesh display limit “Exponential Constant” parameter is added to the Contact Point serialization (it was missed) Aircraft debug windows stability was improved Fixed context setting of Material Editor when opening Scenery Editor Added Interactive Points state initialization via .FLT files The “gear_locked_on_ground” parameter in the [CONTACT_POINTS] section of the “flight_model.cfg” file now works for SKI and SKID type retractable landing gear. Fixed random crash when exiting the game with DevMode open AssetReload: Reload gltf lod min size Fixed some scenery option not applied during multiple selection Add SpeakerFullName in DialogAction Improved linear memory size formatting in WASM Debug window SIMCONNECT SimConnect Input Events function can now be used while devmode is disabled SimConnect Input Events shouldn’t crash the sim after going back to main menu (or restarting a flight) Ident and region are now two separate fields while requesting Facilities New Data are available through NavData API (Pavement, Vasi, Approach Lights) SIMVARS Added simvars AIRCRAFT_AGL and AIRCRAFT_ALTITUDE_ABOVE_OBSTACLES Aircraft editor Added an option to delete a parameter from the cfg file, or to reset it to its default value Added rotation Gizmo Added new parameters Added expert Mode to the editor. Expert Mode eliminate all constraint on the editor regarding conditional fields, required parameters or array sizes. Only already existing parameters and modified parameters are saved. This mode allows for greater flexibility of the editor but require more knowledge on how to configure an aircraft. Made NdArrays more flexible, avoid writing too much data per line. Fixed ctrl+f focus that would not focus parameters properly Fixed unwanted or incorrect changes when saving a file in the editor VISUAL EFFECTS EDITOR Fixed visual effect instances not being properly stopped and restarted when the Visual Effects Editor is closed New fixed orientation feature New nodes: Abs, Sin, Cos WASM Fix clipping modes (intersect, complement and Xor) for GDI+ API Fix an error in the dependencies of the VFX Aircraft Sample (and rename the sample from “SampleWasmModule” to “VfxWasmModule”) Fix a bug in CommBus API that cause first registration of an event in Wasm to be ignored CommBus : When register an event in Wasm the triplet [eventName, callback, ctx] can be registered only one time per module CommBus : New function added in Wasm : fsCommBusUnregisterOneEvent CommBus : In JS a CommBusListener has been added
submitted by Practical_Look937 to wehatedougdoug [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 14:35 engineeringassignmen Engineering Assignment Help: Essential Tools for Success

Engineering Assignment Help: Essential Tools for Success
Engineering Assignment Help
In the world of engineering education, assignments play a crucial role in assessing students' understanding of concepts, problem-solving abilities, and practical skills. However, tackling engineering assignments can be challenging due to their complexity and the extensive knowledge required. Many students often find themselves struggling to meet deadlines or comprehend intricate engineering problems. This is where online engineering assignment help services come into play, offering invaluable assistance to students seeking to excel in their engineering courses. In this blog post, we will delve into the essential tools for success in engineering assignments and explore how online engineering assignment help in the UK can aid students in achieving academic excellence.

Navigating the Online Landscape:

With the proliferation of online engineering assignment help services, choosing the right provider can be a daunting task. Here are some factors to consider when selecting a service:
Reputation and Reviews:
Examine the service provider's reputation by reading customer endorsements and reviews. Positive feedback and a track record of delivering quality work are indicators of a reliable service.
Expertise and Qualifications:
Ensure that the service employs qualified experts with relevant academic credentials and industry experience. Look for certifications or endorsements that validate the expertise of the team.
Sample Work:
To evaluate the caliber of the service's work, ask to see samples of earlier jobs. Pay attention to factors such as accuracy, clarity, and adherence to guidelines.
Communication and Support:
Evaluate the responsiveness and professionalism of the service provider's communication channels. Prompt and clear communication is essential for addressing queries and ensuring a smooth workflow.
Price and Policies:
Compare pricing plans and payment options offered by different service providers. Additionally, review the service's policies regarding revisions, refunds, and confidentiality to ensure a transparent and satisfactory experience.

Essentials Tools for Success:

Comprehensive Understanding of Concepts
Engineering assignments are built upon a foundation of theoretical knowledge and practical application. Therefore, it's imperative for students to have a comprehensive understanding of core engineering concepts relevant to their assignments. This includes topics such as mechanics, thermodynamics, electrical circuits, programming languages, and more. Without a solid grasp of these fundamental concepts, students may struggle to solve complex engineering problems or analyze real-world scenarios effectively.
Research Skills
Engineering assignments often require extensive research to gather relevant data, information, and resources. Developing strong research skills is essential for identifying credible sources, extracting pertinent information, and synthesizing findings to support arguments or solutions presented in assignments. Online libraries, academic databases, and reputable websites are valuable resources that students can utilize to enhance their research capabilities. Additionally, knowing how to critically evaluate the validity and reliability of sources is crucial for producing high-quality engineering assignments.
Problem-Solving Proficiency
Engineering assignments frequently involve solving intricate problems, designing systems, or optimizing processes. To excel in such tasks, students must hone their problem-solving skills and adopt systematic approaches to tackle challenges effectively. This includes breaking down complex problems into manageable components, applying relevant theories and principles, utilizing mathematical tools and software, and iteratively refining solutions through analysis and experimentation. Online engineering assignment help services can provide guidance and support to students struggling with problem-solving, offering insights, strategies, and practice problems to enhance their proficiency in this area.
Technical Writing Skills
Clear and concise communication is essential in engineering assignments to convey ideas, methodologies, and results effectively. Developing strong technical writing skills is crucial for presenting complex engineering concepts, analyses, and findings in a structured and coherent manner. This involves using appropriate terminology, organizing information logically, providing sufficient context and explanations, and adhering to formatting and citation guidelines specified by academic institutions. Online engineering assignment help in the UK often includes assistance with writing and editing, helping students refine their written communication skills and produce polished assignments that meet academic standards.
Time Management and Planning
Engineering students are often faced with multiple assignments, projects, and deadlines simultaneously, making effective time management and planning indispensable skills. Successfully completing engineering assignments requires allocating sufficient time for research, problem-solving, writing, and revision while balancing other academic and personal commitments. Utilizing tools such as calendars, to-do lists, and project management software can aid students in organizing their workload, prioritizing tasks, and meeting deadlines. Online engineering assignment help services can also assist students in managing their time effectively by providing structured timelines, reminders, and support to ensure timely submission of assignments.
Collaboration and Peer Learning
Engineering assignments can benefit greatly from collaboration and peer learning. Engaging in discussions, group study sessions, or online forums allows students to exchange ideas, share insights, and learn from one another's experiences. Peer feedback and peer review can provide valuable perspectives and constructive criticism, helping students identify areas for improvement and refine their understanding of engineering concepts. Online engineering assignment help platforms often facilitate collaborative learning environments where students can interact with peers, tutors, or subject matter experts to enhance their learning and academic performance.
Utilization of Online Resources and Tools
The internet offers a wealth of resources and tools that can aid students in tackling engineering assignments more effectively. Online textbooks, video lectures, tutorials, simulation software, and academic forums provide supplementary learning materials and interactive platforms for reinforcing concepts and practicing skills. Additionally, online engineering assignment help services offer access to expert tutors, personalized assistance, and specialized resources tailored to students' specific needs and requirements. Leveraging these online resources and tools can augment students' learning experience and contribute to their success in engineering assignments.


Engineering assignments are a cornerstone of engineering education, serving as a means to assess students' knowledge, skills, and abilities in various disciplines of engineering. To excel in engineering assignments, students must possess essential tools such as a comprehensive understanding of concepts, strong research skills, proficient problem-solving abilities, effective technical writing skills, adept time management and planning, collaborative learning mindset, and utilization of online resources and tools. Online engineering assignment help services in the UK offer valuable support and assistance to students facing challenges in completing assignments, providing guidance, resources, and expert advice to help them achieve academic success in their engineering courses. By leveraging these essential tools and seeking help when needed, engineering students can navigate the complexities of assignments with confidence and competence, paving the way for a rewarding academic journey and future career in engineering.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How does engineering assignment help operate, and what is it?
Engineering assignment help is a service provided to students studying engineering disciplines to assist them in completing their assignments effectively. These services typically offer online support, guidance, resources, and expertise to help students understand concepts, solve problems, and produce high-quality assignments. Students can access engineering assignment help platforms, submit their assignments or queries, and receive personalized assistance from expert tutors or professionals.
What types of engineering assignments can benefit from online help services?
Online engineering assignment help services cater to a wide range of engineering disciplines, including but not limited to mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, civil engineering, computer science, chemical engineering, and more. Whether it's solving complex problems, writing technical reports, conducting simulations, or designing systems, students can seek assistance for various types of assignments across different engineering domains.
How can online engineering assignment help improve my academic performance?
Online engineering assignment help can enhance your academic performance by providing you with access to expert guidance, resources, and support tailored to your specific needs and requirements. Whether you're struggling with understanding concepts, solving problems, writing reports, or managing time effectively, these services offer valuable assistance to help you overcome challenges and excel in your engineering courses.
Is online engineering assignment help in the UK reliable and trustworthy?
Yes, reputable online engineering assignment help services in the UK are reliable and trustworthy. These services typically employ qualified tutors, professionals, and subject matter experts with expertise in various engineering disciplines. Additionally, they adhere to strict quality standards, confidentiality policies, and academic integrity guidelines to ensure the legitimacy and credibility of their services.
submitted by engineeringassignmen to u/engineeringassignmen [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 02:26 A-TierTutoring LSAT Tutoring & Admissions Advice (from a 174-scoring, incoming J.D. candidate at a T6)

With only a few weeks until the June exam, I thought it’d be useful to share my information with y’all in case you’re looking to boost your score. Don’t hesitate to direct message me with any questions!
Hey everyone,
I’m Angelo (previously u/-Legal-Eagle-), and I'm thrilled to offer personalized LSAT tutoring tailored to your individual needs.
About Me
When I first began studying for the LSAT, I scored in the low 150’s on a blind diagnostic exam. While this seemed disheartening at first, achieving your dream score is as much about being in the right state of mind as it is about knowing the material/strategies, and I was determined to improve my score. Through dedicated studying and strategic preparation, I was consistently scoring in the 170’s on practice exams and eventually received an official score of 174. I took two official exams, one online and one in-person at a testing center so I can also provide insights into both experiences!
After tackling the exam, I promptly applied to law schools in the following cycle and I am now an incoming JD candidate at a T6 law school (HYSCCN) (and would love to provide admissions advice to my students as well!).
Why might you need a tutor?
The LSAT is a formidable challenge, and many test-takers find themselves struggling to navigate its complexities alone. Here are a few reasons why having a tutor can be invaluable:
  1. Personalized Guidance: With a tutor, you receive personalized attention tailored to your unique strengths and weaknesses. I work closely with each student to identify areas for improvement and develop strategies to overcome obstacles.
  2. Accountability and Discipline: Preparing for the LSAT requires consistency and discipline, much like training for a marathon. As your tutor, I serve as a source of accountability, helping you stay on track with your study schedule and ensuring you're putting in the necessary effort to succeed.
  3. Expert Knowledge and Strategies: As someone who has successfully navigated the LSAT journey myself, I bring expert knowledge and proven strategies to the table. From mastering formal logic to honing time management skills, I provide the tools and techniques you need to excel on test day.
  4. Confidence Boost: Studying for the LSAT can be daunting, but with the support of a tutor, you can approach the exam with confidence. I'm here to provide encouragement, reassurance, and a positive learning environment where you can thrive.
Why choose me as your tutor?
  1. Proven Track Record: I started my LSAT journey with a diagnostic score in the low 150s and eventually achieved an official score of 174 through dedicated study and strategic preparation. My success demonstrates that with the right approach and guidance, significant improvement is possible.
  2. Experience in Education and Training: With a background in tutoring for the SAT, SAT subject tests, AP exams, and serving as a writing specialist at my undergraduate university, I have honed my skills in helping students of varying skill levels learn and thrive.
  3. Patient and Supportive Approach: I place great value on creating a supportive and encouraging learning environment. Whether you need constant reassurance or a gentle push, I am committed to providing the guidance and support you need to succeed.
  4. Committed to Your Success: As your tutor, I am fully invested in your success. I am here to support you every step of the way, from developing a personalized study plan to celebrating your achievements as you progress toward your LSAT goals.
Pricing Options
Ready to take the first step toward LSAT success? Message me a bit about yourself and your LSAT journey, and I’d love to send a sample study plan and schedule a free 15-minute consultation. I can't wait to meet you and help you achieve your goals!
submitted by A-TierTutoring to LSAT [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 02:24 A-TierTutoring LSAT Tutoring & Admissions Advice (from a 174-scoring, incoming J.D. candidate at a T6)

With only a few weeks until the June exam, I thought it’d be useful to share my information with y’all in case you’re looking to boost your score. Don’t hesitate to direct message me with any questions!
Hey everyone,
I’m Angelo (previously u/-Legal-Eagle-), and I'm thrilled to offer personalized LSAT tutoring tailored to your individual needs.
About Me
When I first began studying for the LSAT, I scored in the low 150’s on a blind diagnostic exam. While this seemed disheartening at first, achieving your dream score is as much about being in the right state of mind as it is about knowing the material/strategies, and I was determined to improve my score. Through dedicated studying and strategic preparation, I was consistently scoring in the 170’s on practice exams and eventually received an official score of 174. I took two official exams, one online and one in-person at a testing center so I can also provide insights into both experiences!
After tackling the exam, I promptly applied to law schools in the following cycle and I am now an incoming JD candidate at a T6 law school (HYSCCN) (and would love to provide admissions advice to my students as well!).
Why might you need a tutor?
The LSAT is a formidable challenge, and many test-takers find themselves struggling to navigate its complexities alone. Here are a few reasons why having a tutor can be invaluable:
  1. Personalized Guidance: With a tutor, you receive personalized attention tailored to your unique strengths and weaknesses. I work closely with each student to identify areas for improvement and develop strategies to overcome obstacles.
  2. Accountability and Discipline: Preparing for the LSAT requires consistency and discipline, much like training for a marathon. As your tutor, I serve as a source of accountability, helping you stay on track with your study schedule and ensuring you're putting in the necessary effort to succeed.
  3. Expert Knowledge and Strategies: As someone who has successfully navigated the LSAT journey myself, I bring expert knowledge and proven strategies to the table. From mastering formal logic to honing time management skills, I provide the tools and techniques you need to excel on test day.
  4. Confidence Boost: Studying for the LSAT can be daunting, but with the support of a tutor, you can approach the exam with confidence. I'm here to provide encouragement, reassurance, and a positive learning environment where you can thrive.
Why choose me as your tutor?
  1. Proven Track Record: I started my LSAT journey with a diagnostic score in the low 150s and eventually achieved an official score of 174 through dedicated study and strategic preparation. My success demonstrates that with the right approach and guidance, significant improvement is possible.
  2. Experience in Education and Training: With a background in tutoring for the SAT, SAT subject tests, AP exams, and serving as a writing specialist at my undergraduate university, I have honed my skills in helping students of varying skill levels learn and thrive.
  3. Patient and Supportive Approach: I place great value on creating a supportive and encouraging learning environment. Whether you need constant reassurance or a gentle push, I am committed to providing the guidance and support you need to succeed.
  4. Committed to Your Success: As your tutor, I am fully invested in your success. I am here to support you every step of the way, from developing a personalized study plan to celebrating your achievements as you progress toward your LSAT goals.
Pricing Options
Ready to take the first step toward LSAT success? Message me a bit about yourself and your LSAT journey, and I’d love to send a sample study plan and schedule a free 15-minute consultation. I can't wait to meet you and help you achieve your goals!
submitted by A-TierTutoring to u/A-TierTutoring [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 01:47 waltonjonson489 Pay someone to take my proctored exam Reddit Online Helper for Examity Garch Google Classroom Education Gradescope Hawkes Learning Honorlock iClicker InQuizitive (Norton) Java Kaltura Knewton Kryterion LaunchPad MATLAB Maple MasteringChemistry Exam Assignment quiz test help Project Reddit

Proctored Exam Help Resources
Don't Panic, Get Prepared!
Are you stressing out about your upcoming proctored exam?
Don't worry, we've all been there!
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Proctored Exam or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
To help you feel more confident and prepared, I've compiled a list of proctored exam help resources. Check them out below!
Online Tutoring Services:
Exam Prep Websites:
Proctored Exam Tips and Tricks:
Additional Resources:
Remember, preparation is key! Use these resources to help you feel more confident and prepared for your proctored exam. Good luck, and don't hesitate to reach out if you need further assistance!
I'll be happy to add more resources if you mention them in the comments below!
submitted by waltonjonson489 to Statisticshelpers_ [link] [comments]