What age is good to take up gymnastics

Taking down the ship to kill the captain.

2018.01.01 16:57 IJustWantComment Taking down the ship to kill the captain.

Taking down the ship to kill the captain. Pretty much when you insult yourself in order to insult someone else.

2009.07.25 20:50 viper565 antijokes

Jokes that aren’t jokes

2009.08.27 22:50 Pictures of dogs!

Pictures of dogs!

2024.05.16 16:30 Sufficient-Today3292 How do I make a backup plan if I can’t transfer?

I’m in engineering and applied to transfer to astronomy (I yap about it semi often on this sub, sorry). I’m a bit nervous about what to do if I can’t get in. I’m pretty set on going to grad school, and want to have the opportunity for research and such.
I’m going into my third year. If I get rejected, trying to just keep taking physics and Astro classes and praying they accept my appeal feels incredibly risky. I took the risk with that this year already, and I’m behind in my engineering degree. I know that was dumb, but this is something I really want to do. If they reject me, what’s the best way to move forward? Do I keep trying or do I just stick with engineering and then give up if I can’t get into grad school? (I’ll have little to no time for research which definitely won’t look good).
Any advice (that isn’t passive aggressively telling me I “don’t REALLY want to go to grad school” 😅) is much appreciated!
submitted by Sufficient-Today3292 to UTAustin [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:30 Dazzling_Secretary92 Sub Educational Assistant support

Hello all, I am a sub. EA and I was wondering how everyone deals with the lack of work to do on assignments. Examples of the down time I’m talking about it like, I will go into this class in the am, I’m supposed to support the teacher and welcome students, but I just feel awkward when I walk in and there’s like 2 kids and the teacher, I feel like I’m bothering them just standing there waiting for kids to show up. Another example is if I get assigned to a room for a certain block of time during the day, I have had multiple times where the teacher tells me “ oh we don’t need you” so I’m expected to leave the room and go where?
Also I’ve been told “ we don’t really need you, you’re welcome to just hang out” by teachers on assignments when I’ve first arrive in the morning.
What should I be doing with this downtime? Again I’m a sub I don’t have a classroom to go to unless it’s on my schedule to be in a certain room. Teachers if you have any advice on being a good Aide or things I can do that would help a teacher feel comfortable giving me work it may seem like nice to not be busy but I hate it, it makes me hate working in education even more everyday, and it makes the days take forever if I’m not busy.
submitted by Dazzling_Secretary92 to SubstituteTeachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:30 anonfthehfs ***AnonFtheHFs DD: You want DD that explains Price Movements? Shorts will be on the offensive with $30 & $34 dollars are CRITICAL areas and why it matters!!! Knowledge is power ***

***AnonFtheHFs DD: You want DD that explains Price Movements? Shorts will be on the offensive with $30 & $34 dollars are CRITICAL areas and why it matters!!! Knowledge is power ***

This might be the most critical DD in a while: Please take the time to read through my ramblings

Ello Regards,
I'll start like always by saying, I'm a crayon eating Marine who loves the Markets. Nothing I say is financial advice and I'm just trying to bring my researched facts to people. Don't listen to anything this window licker says as advice......

Been a crazy week!!! Going to probably get even crazier.....buckle up!!

I'll start by explaining that I'm pretty pragmatic about stocks and I try to be a straight shooter. Not a ton of tinfoil with my posts, as I try to just present facts anyone can check for themselves. I try to break down my DD so the average person who isn't as well versed can understand them.
Daily GME Chart and the breakout (5-16-24)

Let's start with why GME has moved the way it has.

This all starts BEFORE DFV/Roaring Kitty.
As we got pushed down after earnings which showed GameStop going profitable for the first time on the TTM since 2018, we now learned that that more funds added including one I know very well which is RenTech.
Now RenTech seems to always be on the right side of a lot of very large price movements on many things I've watched over 20 years. Around this same time, the options chains have started slowly getting stacked on the call side.
I'm not sure if they are still holding (We get 13F after the fact) but there seems to be some large whales playing the options call side still even after the drop. In fact it appears, they are fine with $30 being the floor as IV (Implied Volatility = Potential to move up or down).

Options Chains = Why the price moves like it does

This Options chain represents as of 9:45AM
So there were a decently large amount of $34 dollar calls which we dropped below but I'll explain what happens if we hold $32 and $30 by Friday.
Shorts / Put Buyers / MM (Market Makers) NEED this stock to go below $30 dollars a share badly or this stock is going to basically consolidate before taking another run.
This is going to be interesting because while I think Shorts/Put Buyers/MM (Market Makers) gained a bunch of liquidity, some whale has been slowly putting in a wall defending $30 dollars where A LOT of calls are.
We will see people rolling options contracts into next week today and tomorrow. However, if shorts / bears can't get the stock below $30 dollars by Close of Day tomorrow 5-17-24, then it gets super interesting into next week.

There are whales here. There are some whales on the long side. There is blood in the water and while retail doesn't move the stock as much as the Main Street Media is painting this, it's some large whales who are actually moving the stock.

We as retail aren't moving this stock. Most of our trades go off exchange / OTC (Over the Counter). We can't afford the millions of dollars that is being bought deep in the money through options to support the stock and provide a floor. I'm seeing calls coming in for millions at a time at like $12, $15, $20 strikes for 3 days out.
Just like last time, retail isn't moving the stock, some whales are and retail is probably just messing up their FTDs.

What happens if we go up past $34 dollars today and beyond?

There is going to have to be a lot of buying to hedge some of theses ITM calls. This will mean heavy price action and likely a lot of choppy price action.
They have been spiking the price up in the afterhours to dare Apes to sell. I think some did when it went to 80 but I don't think they got enough liquidity which means there is still a lot of money at risk for shorts.
The higher the price goes, the more pressure it puts on their collateral / position. I don't think we have seen a margin call yet on any smaller firm but if that happens, then it's going to get crazy.

Main Street Media doesn't understand GameStop and I'll go into it.

Because most of them aren't in the markets but just report on them. They go only surface level, they don't dig and truly understand why GameStop (GME) is moving. I get it, their job is to present the news but they don't fully understand why the price is moving.
I think Retail on here has done a really good job understanding how all these pieces fit together. They have linked some of the loopholes and ways someone can skirt the system legally. They found the failures in ETF structure which can be abused (AKA XRT) with how shares are created out of thin air and are separate from the short interest on a stock.
They have pointed out failures of the system left and right. Pointing out rules meant to allow Wall Street to operate with impunity. They break rules and get slapped with fines less than 1% of the profit they made off breaking rules.
This will effect Retail though. FINRA/SEC are going to a T+1 system which is long overdue on May 28th, 2024.
So going into June there is a lot of interesting stuff happening because GameStop reports earnings. There is a lot of options activity and trades will have to be settled faster going forward.

I'm proud to be long GME and how much retail has learned here. I think there are some more legs to this stock and I expect to see more upwards pressure later. I can chop around all they want but I know they need my shares for liquidity.

This means the price needs to go up high enough that retail is willing to sell. I didn't wait 84 years to sell when I think they need my shares to close their short position.
submitted by anonfthehfs to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:29 Vast_Ad_660 My child is addicted to video games, and I am crushed.

Wow! This turned out so long and was helpful to write when I was feeling really really awful an hour ago. Here it goes:
I’ve been following this page and a few others once I saw information on video game addiction a few months ago. I saw my family and step-son in so many of the stories, my heart and mind was transformed. I don’t feel alone and my son is certainly not alone in his struggles. To be honest I’m scared to start this new journey, and I’ll get to that more later.
I always knew something was different about my step-son’s gaming, and it’s been a struggle since 2-3 years old based on what his Dad has told me. Here’s a bit of a background of our family dynamic.
Jake had Pete when he was 19 and never had a relationship with Mom, Kate. They split custody and it was evident she was using hard drugs and lost full custody of Pete when he was 9. A lot of his time with Mom was spent on an iPad without regulation as early as 2. Routines, locations, and security was not always present. It’s tough to think about the severity of what Pete experienced. At this time school was difficult, and Pete was diagnosed with ADHD. Meds helped a lot, and once Jake had full custody he was all about routine routine routine, healthy foods, activities, table top games nightly, camping, you name it! His passion for being a single Dad to Pete is why I ultimately fell in love with him two years later. When I started hanging out I noticed Pete playing a lot of games and not being the sporty type or hanging out with friends. By this point he was playing Minecraft after school and on the weekends pretty regularly. Jake was a good video game police officer and we still had a ton of time together as a new family. Pete is kind and very easy going and we started a great relationship fairly quickly. Jake and I agreed and often disagreed about the severity of Pete’s gaming, but we would come together and set some house rules and go on with life. As soon as we got busy, Pete would dive deep into computer games and grades would drop. We would see feces in his underwater, lack of hygiene, not getting up, laptop under his pillow, exc. Almost like clockwork by spring break, we’d have this intense struggle and Pete would pull it together for the semester at the very last minute. Pete is gifted and was always in accelerated math and science glasses, but was able to do the bare minimum without studying. Repeat for the next 3 years. Fast forward to High School he went to a smaller school in a new town and actually saw more independence. He made a friend, Dan who’s still around and is everything you’d hope a friend would be to your kid. Their bond is awesome. We’d still have to police but things were getting easier and we weren’t seeing those intense “downs” like we were in elementary and middle school. I think he was more confident and even his teachers said he was crushing it! The summer was tough and we tried to fill his time up but nothing seemed to interest him. If he hung out with friends and was hygienic we just made nudges about time limits. Thinking back I think there was one more period where we found feces in his underwater end of Senior year and gaming picked up, probably because we dropped our guard.
Summer before college I got him set up with an awesome outdoor job working on a zipline/climbing course and he thrived in Pete’s type of way. Climbing is one of the only things I can suggest to Pete and he’ll usually show some interest. Confident, peppy, excited, getting himself up. Always going back to games everyday but maintaining work, a friendship, and a little independence is what we wanted so left him alone most of the home time. We nudged him into a climbing retreat as an incoming freshman to give him a head start making friends, and a clear head going into the dorms! Scary fun times, and thought it would help. Then we officially dropped him off. Wow, so many smiles and happy tears had by all. The light in his eyes and showing us around and saying how cool he felt it was probably the happiest day of our lives along with my wedding day. The day I read vows to Pete saying I’d be there forever and unconditionally. It felt like my son was ready for his future. As we were driving away Pete said his friend gave him a gaming computer for free and he was at the tech center getting it hooked up to the campus internet. Dun dun dun.
Today he’s 2 weeks into his first summer break after a year of college. Yikes. Things are not great and that’s why I am here.
It was Spring Break (here comes the pattern) and Pete was gaming, not verbally making much sense, unhygienic, lost weight, gaming non stop. He almost missed his 2 hour bus ride back to school and that’s when we snapped. The typical what the hell is going on, you’re out of control. Pete usually cries when this happens because he knows the gig is up. Eventually he told us the truth, he failed two classes his first semester (told us winter break he did fine) and is now on track to fail another science and lab. WHAT!! We drove out there the next day to meet with the dean because he told us he was on probation and we wanted to support him. We were so worried. It turns out he hasn’t had any social interaction other than winter and spring break and spent his days alone in his dorm. He didn’t even seem like himself it was so scary. We get there and we spent two days walking, going out to eat, the typical “you got this buddy” “just stop playing games for a bit” and insert the other 100 life sayings you want to say to your kid that sound so annoying to them. We can’t help it. We love him. He was like yep I got this, nodded through all of it and we left. Three weeks later we noticed on the phone things were sounding off again, and he confessed he hasn’t made up any of his work. His Dad got disappointed on the phone and Pete said he called the suicide hotline because he was getting “yelled” at. I was standing there, he wasn’t yelling but I’m sure just the sheer reality of the situation got to him. We were heart broken, and at the same time angry. We couldn’t believe he was feeling this much anxiety and possibly depression. We always knew gaming was an escape and most likely due to his background, but this just seemed too much for anyone to handle. Again, he promised to limit himself. We checked in everyday for the last three weeks not with a nag but just, how’s it going. Did you set a timer today? Amazing that’s great you’re so close to being done!! Just trying to keep it super positive. We knew it was totally out of our control. He failed, and actually never made up the work his professor said he could over a month prior. He lied more.
We knew something had to change and we were preparing his return home. Can we do game quitter? Can we just put him right into a detox in our home? Family therapy? Healthy gamer? Olganon? We wanted to smash his computer trust me, if it weren’t for my job I wouldn’t have wifi because my stomach is in knots. But, we decided relationship first, let him set his own limits (with our house rules) and really try to get to the root cause of anxiety and depression. We had good convos, we let him tell us how it’s basically all of our fault because of the pressure, no judgement. We communicated with notes and texts sometimes when things were getting frustrating. He skirted around the 3 hour daily limit every possible way. All he wants to do is play video games, watch to tube of video games, talk to “friends” on discord about games, play D&D online, or draw D&D characters. It’s just too much, it’s impossible to limit. He always had an excuse for a screen and we were still seeing 10+ hours a day on screens. He told us he’s feeling crappier everyday by us, and honestly we’re feeling freakin awful and exhausted too.
What now? Nothing. I’m literally doing nothing anymore starting today. I can’t stop crying. He won’t do his own research into gaming addiction and does not want to change. Today we just said ya know what, this isn’t working so we’ll just figure something out in a few weeks. At this very moment he’s going on hour 9 of gaming straight. Knowing how much we tried as a family to limit this for the last few weeks. I’m still angry and it’s hard to look at him right now. It feels personal to me? I know it isn’t, but it just feels that way.
Therapy!? Yep. We tried. Back when he was in middle school and high school. Didn’t want to go back and didn’t talk much. He got his own therapist at school per the deans suggestion and he goes but the one session he’s had at home, he got off within 30 minutes and said “he didn’t have much to talk about with her” and he’ll see her maybe once a month back at school. We are doing healthy gamer coaching as parents, but he is refusing to sign up for coaching on his end. My guess is the name alone. The risk of losing games is not something he’d ever discuss right now. I swore up and down they won’t make him get rid of games lol! Did not work.
What’s dad doing? Half. Literally half at all times we make a plan at night and in the morning and check in with each other about it all day long. It’s so exhausting and Jake is just ready to do whatever it takes at this point as well. He’s having the same struggles as I am and is 100% convinced it’s an addiction and has listened to a lot of podcasts exc.
My new plan…. Because I have to have “something” or I might blow up. Now I have to let natural consequences take the lead. He doesn’t have a license, because he couldn’t pick up driving skills with how his brain is on games. We tried teaching him for two years and it was honestly dangerous sometimes after a “bender. He asked me to go tomorrow and after 9 hours I’m just going to say I’d feel more comfortable if he went to driving school and he can pay with the money he earns this summer. It j=is just not safe, why does he deserve to take my car and put me in an unsafe position? I don't have to allow that... but it feels like I am still the bad guy. Looking forward, IF he fails college....when he is home he cannot have our wifi, will contribute to groceries, phone bill, and rent. We live in a rural area and without a car he can’t work. I will not be driving a 20 year old to and from work due to his brain on games. It feels wrong. Maybe he can’t support his habit without working. That’s all the “what ifs” but rarely does life go exactly how you picture it. We will just continue to get creative and roll with it.
Does anyone have any advice on how to not enable but also let them be in charge of their own destiny? Not saying anything or giving him a sad look feels impossible but I did it tonight. J was able to pretend it did not bother me that he’s been on there forever. I think I can keep that up? But I also don’t want to enable him.
My family is hurting so much. So many hugs to anyone who struggled and is currently struggling. Same to the parents who have that knot that won’t go away. Thanks for reading
submitted by Vast_Ad_660 to StopGaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:29 lipatalker Banned unfairly (no personal info)

Well, yesterday i sold an item, i sent the item which was a used kpop binder (not sure if everyone knows what it is but it's like an album to store photocards) and hours after i get a message saying that my account was temporarly blocked they were going to analize and in 24h give me an answer, in less than 24h they permanently blocked my account saying "we have reasons to believe that fraudulent activities are taking place on your account", they rejected my appeal without explaining what was going on, i send another message explaining the situation which they responded "after our review we have good reason to belibe that you published a false item" i know exacly what it was in my account i only use it to sell kpop albums, photocards, i don't even have branded stuff, i tried saying for them to explain to me with evidence what article was fake which they responded "I regret the entire situation, however, we were unable to review the matter through this conversation. and later on "We are unable to offer you any other alternative, as we are unable to review the block in this conversation" i can't accept this decision without proves, i offered to send every pic of what i had listed so they can tell me what was false and nothing, they can't be suspending people without concrete evidences, and i will continue to email them i don't care. Sorry just a little vent i'm just so mad and sad, if this already happened with anyone please feel free to send me tips on what to do since im close to giving up. sorry for the long text too
submitted by lipatalker to vinted [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:28 Www_anatoly Motivated installations for Android and iOS: Bring your application to the TOP ratings - become a leader!

Motivated installations for Android and iOS: Bring your application to the TOP ratings - become a leader!
Incentivized app installs to promote apps in the App Store and Google Play and take advantage of unusual demand among successful developers, publishers and large companies. Do you want to find out what’s so special about this efficient and effective way to get a large number of downloads and launches? Then read on
Motivated installs: identifying the main advantages
Why do you need to buy motivated installations at all, you ask? And then quickly get the mobile application into the TOP stores. This can be TOP of a category, TOP in collections, TOP by search queries (keywords). After all, you can bypass the alternative in them only if your brainchild “broke through” in the first lines of the search result for a thematic section or using a key phrase. However, in this case, measures to ensure the flow of traffic will not be able to support your desires.
Buying installations is exactly the alternative that will speed up the process. It has the following advantages:
installation install. They are not done by bots, but by real people on personal devices from different regions of the country. If you buy traffic from a reliable source, then you can be sure that bots and emulators are prohibited and excluded, launching the application after installation and maintaining uniqueness are mandatory parameters. motivated installations of safe applications. After all, from a technical point of view, the App Store and Google Play systems have nothing to complain about. Such a campaign is absolutely identical to an expensive unmotivated advertising campaign in terms of traffic properties. Experience shows that almost all applications from the TOP stores buy this method of promotion; high-quality information flow. After all, games, instant messengers, and planners are downloaded by users of age groups who can turn into regular visitors to your application. The percentage of conversion of a motivated user to your target ranges from 5% to 37%. These metrics are influenced by your application, its success and availability. The highest percentage of conversions usually comes from games; You can buy mobile traffic at an affordable price. This is especially important when it comes to engaging thousands of users. every penny counts. You may be surprised by these figures - promotion with motivated traffic sometimes costs tens of times less than other advertising schemes; positive assessments of the atmosphere. Incentivized traffic goes beyond downloads and opens. Customers leave reviews on thematic applications, give good 5* ratings and comments. And other visitors often pay attention to them before installation. Do not forget that mentioning keywords in the comments entails intensive growth and the release of the application in the TOP for search queries; growth of ratings and positions. Remember that motivating mobile traffic is an effective way to bring your children to the TOP. They take into account the number of installations per day, a period that leads to an increase in motivated traffic. With a properly planned strategy, you will get a rapid increase in the application's position by category and by search queries in Google Play and the App Store.
Who is eligible for incentivized Android and iOS installations?
Firstly, motivated attitudes are suitable for owners of mass products. These could be different games or instant messengers, useful utilities, dating apps, taxi ordering and much more. That is, applications designed for a large number of users.
Secondly, those who want to get organic traffic from search and positive reviews can buy motivated installs. Success for 3-5 quick requests, time to bring convincing volumes in its pure form in the application. We have already mentioned that the motive for installing Android and iOS concerns real people using significant benefits for a life project.
Thirdly, you can download installations and highly targeted applications. It is often the most difficult for me to find my segment among users and advertise myself among them. Getting to the TOP will make good advertising. The owners of such applications often do this to “make themselves known” and ask for their services.
Fourth, motivated app installs are important for developers; each product has an audience associated with a changing area or category. Also for developers who want to get targeted installations. This point is similar to physics, but differs in an even narrower specialization of the project.
Application rating: how important are real installations?
You can buy mobile traffic of a motivated or unmotivated nature. And as practice shows, the first method is much more effective and much cheaper. Yes, empty installations by bots can be produced in quantities of thousands in an hour, but what is the use of them? Store censors are well aware of such schemes and simply remove apps found to be fraudulent.
And you don’t just need mindless installs, but organic traffic, right? Getting into the TOP stores is half the success. True success lies in getting to the top and staying there. And this can only be done by maintaining the flow of traffic. If the project is successful, then it is able to sustain itself due to the abundant influx of organic matter. For some projects, motivated mobile traffic will help to confidently maintain a occupied position.
The @advertMobile.net, @appbooster.com, @keyapp.top, @holyunicorn.com services will cope with this task perfectly, because the key to our effectiveness is our own source of motivated installations. It allows you to bring products to the TOP in a matter of days. And the most important thing is to secure them there. In addition, the rating of applications will be influenced by real ratings, reviews and comments left by motivated users.
Do you think about how “legal” this method of promotion is in the App Store and Google Play? The answer is clear - legal. At its core, incentivized app installs are a market driver. It is beneficial for stores that programs are promoted, bring profit to them and the developers, and delight users.
submitted by Www_anatoly to ASOtricks [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:28 P_0_VV Camping in Skeleton Park

Part 1

The official story is that I hit my head. According to the lawyer I wasn't lucid enough to be a reliable witness, and honestly, I'm starting to believe that might be the truth. It's certainly easier to accept that everything was all just some nightmare.
But if my mind wasn't playing tricks on me, and those fuck-heads didn’t have anything to do with my friend’s disappearance, then there truly is no explanation for what happened.
My therapist and parents both agree. The best way to preserve my sanity is to chalk it all up to my imagination. But I see understanding in their eyes when I recount the events. They want to believe me, I know it. That alone is enough to fuel my doubt.

School had begun that September with mourning. I only knew the guy who passed away by face and name. It had happened a month after his graduation, and two months before his first year at Cornell.
During the intercom-ordered moment of silence, I looked out through the classroom. Some were bored, some cried. Many shifted in their seats and were glancing around, like myself, counting every second till the awkwardness would end.
It ended sooner than we thought when a kid with sports goggles a size too big bouncing on his face slammed the door open, obliviously clarifying his attendance.
I'm embarrassed to say that this kid, Aiden, was the only friend I had made in high school until this point. I have a hard time introducing myself to others, but being friends with a prepubescent outcast wasn't making that any easier.
After middle school, my family moved to the small village we live in now. It was a brainless choice because my Mom had found better work, my Dad wanted to be closer to his aging parents, and I desperately wanted out of my old school.
Aiden was the first kid to introduce himself when I transferred last year. I realized he was the token 'weird kid' way too late to make it into any social circles. I know it sounds like I'm a shit friend, but that's the way our relationship turned out. Sure, we told our parents and teachers we were friends, but in reality, it was more a tolerance than friendship.
After all, we didn't have anyone else.
For once, I was thankful for Aiden's lack of awareness. It gave me something to focus on instead of the depressing silence strangling the room.
After realizing his mistake, he whispered an apology, sat down, and pulled out an insect encyclopedia from his book bag. What a nerd.
I distracted myself by reading the book from over his shoulder, and before I knew it, lights were turned back on and class began in earnest.

I was able to learn what had happened by eavesdropping on hallway gossip between my classes.
Eight kids, six seniors and two juniors, had found a cave in a region of forest known as Skeleton Park. With that discovery, they decided to add spelunking to their pre-graduation bucket list.
Skeleton Park is the setting of countless local ghost stories, which made it a hot spot for rebellious teen antics. Kids would do everything there: party, drink, smoke, fuck, and everything in between. They even crawled around in caves apparently.
When I first moved, I was a skeptic with no intent of exploring the woods. But one creepy phenomenon always unnerved me. For some reason, animals completely avoided the area.
I initially dismissed this as fiction, like all the other folk tales, until I started walking my dog, Paddy, along the town's bike trail.
The trail runs parallel to the remains of a stone wall outlining Skeleton Park. The first couple of times I walked along it, I didn't notice anything peculiar. But after my Dad first told me about the rumors, I became aware that the area was unnaturally silent. No birds chirped in the trees, no flies buzzing, and no rustling from rodents or any other animals.
Even more surreal, on several occasions I saw deer stop at the wall and walk along it instead of passing through the area. It was like there was an invisible border they refused to cross.
With this context, I'm sure you can understand the reaction of the locals when eight kids entered, and only seven escaped two days later, traumatized and bruised.
Honestly, I was surprised to not have heard about the event over the summer, closer to when it happened. Even more strange though, was how unwilling Aiden was to talk about the incident.
He was the kind of kid who had a strong opinion about everything. On top of that, he was constantly bringing up horror movies, or Creepypastas he had found online. But when I asked his opinion on this summer's events during recess, he only shrugged. Despite the nonchalant response, the look on his face told me that it bothered him. So I didn’t press, and let the subject go.
At the time I'd guessed that he might've had some connection to the kid that went missing. In a way, he did.

After an exhausting day of attempts from teachers to console their students with speeches, candy, and exceptional lenience, I was ready to go home.
I expected to find Aidan at the usual spot by the bike racks, where we met each day to walk home. Instead, there was an audience next to the bikes, forming a ring around two disheveled figures.
The flying fists and shouting could only mean one thing, so I kept my distance. Then I heard Aidan yell center, “Fucker!’ and saw a glimpse of his face spitting from a bloody mouth onto the other fighter.
Even though his back was to me, I could tell Aidan’s opponent was easily 5 inches, and 60 pounds heavier than my friend.
Teachers didn’t arrive to break up the fight before the two were on the ground, Aidan mounted with arms up, desperately trying to block blows.
A whistle was blown, and people began running away as my math teacher desperately tried to pry the football player off of Aidan.
He fought back the grown man and was finally pulled away when two more adults rushed to help. The boy was screaming at Aiden with carnal rage.
"You're a fucking liar! How dare you, I'm going to fucking kill you if I ever see you again!"
Aidan was still screaming too, but backed away willingly.
"I'm telling the truth dumbass! You were trespassing! You should be lucky we didn't press charges!"
Aiden looked bad but waved the teachers off whenever they asked if he was OK. Blood poured from his forehead, mouth, and nose. He had at least one black eye.
The other guy, I learned from the crowd, was one of the two juniors who had gone to the cave. He didn't have as many cuts or bruises but was supporting his weight on one leg and his friend's shoulder. Multiple teachers forced him into a chair while they waited for a nurse to arrive.
While the crowd control was distracted, Aiden sneaked over to me and whispered that we needed to get out of there. A couple of minutes later, the two of us were walking home like nothing had ever happened.
It took me a while before I dared to ask Aiden for the full story. He didn't even let me finish my question, which let me know he was more or less his usual self.
"My family inherited the property everyone calls Skeleton Park. It's not haunted, it's not toxic, it's not the home of a satanic sex cult; it's just a piece of forest that's been in my family for a couple of generations."
He spat a dribble of red onto the sidewalk, and I realized I'd never seen Aiden get violent before. We had our share of bullying this past year, but he would always shrug it off and laugh. He wouldn't even try to fight back. We would just get pushed around a bit, and he'd make a quip afterward about the guys' weight or smell.
"Every summer, my dad and I drive around the perimeter putting up trespassing signs, and every year they get ripped down. We get police calls once a month during the summer that somebody came limping out of there with a broken arm or leg, and they have the balls to demand we do something about it. It's not our fault nobody follows the law around here. It's the fucking woods, and it's our private property. What the hell are we even supposed to do?"
To be honest, I hadn't even considered Skeleton Park could've been private property. Though I believed everything Aiden said, I had never seen any signs along the border wall. Embarrassed from being one of those trespassers, I looked away and stayed silent as Aiden continued.
"The area is just too big. There are too many places to enter, and there's no way to block it all off. Though it's not like that'll stop anybody. I feel bad that somebody died, but I'm also a little bit thankful. Maybe now, people will think twice before messing around out there."
We walked in silence until reaching the junction where we would have to part ways. I was tired and wanted to head home, but I also was worried that Aiden would be jumped by some of the seniors if he was alone. It had happened before, and his earlier brawl could've been seen as a declaration of war.
Instead of voicing these concerns, however, I asked if he wanted to play video games at his house. He was surprised by the request but agreed.
I was on edge with every passing car, and every blind turn, but thankfully we weren’t attacked. After a couple more minutes of walking, we made it to Aiden’s house. His Dad was outside watering the garden. He turned, noticing our approach in the corner of his eye, but his planned greeting died in his mouth when he saw the dried blood coating Aiden’s face.
"Holy Shit! what did you do this time?" he exclaimed, running over to inspect his son’s injuries. "Oh, hey Brian," he added, smiling briefly at me before returning to his analysis.
Mr. Eriks was cool for a dad. Aiden never had a bad thing to say about him, and the way he handled everything that happened in the following months would only increase my admiration for him. He'd raised Aiden by himself, and I would've considered him a second friend if he wasn't 40 years older than me.
After determining the damage wasn't all that bad: a cut on Aidan's forehead and lip producing most of the blood, the three of us went inside.
Aiden went upstairs to take a shower, and his dad privately thanked me for walking him home. It didn’t take long for me to cave, and ask Mr. Eriks about the park.
"Yeah, we do own it," he answered while preparing snacks for Aiden and me. " My wife, Aiden's mom, inherited it before she passed away, and then it was signed over to me. To be honest, I don't know too much about it, and she didn't either. We just used it to go camping there sometimes, back before Aiden was born. Now we go together because it reminds us of her."
"Did you ever run into people up there, when you're camping?"
"Yeah, though not in the fall and winter when we usually go. I have the police's local number on speed dial for when it happens. Usually, it's just teens though. Kids tend to run away as soon as they see an adult with a flashlight. Paranormal or not, they know they're not supposed to be there- You staying with us for dinner Brian?"
At this point, I was too curious about the truth of Skeleton Park to leave, so I nodded and said I just needed to check with my parents.
After a phone call with my mom, some pizza rolls, and a couple of rounds of Fortnite, the afternoon stress had mostly faded away.
Me and Aidan were sitting in his room, scrolling Netflix for a slasher film to watch, when I finally asked what I'd been dying to know the entire afternoon.
"So, why was that guy saying you're a liar?"
Aiden chuckled at the question.
"He refused to believe my family owned the property his friend died on."
"Why did you even say anything? You know that just makes them want to beat you up more, right?"
"I'm tired of everybody using our land like a public park, I'm tired of picking up condoms left by people I go to school with, and I'm tired of keeping quiet about it. I tried explaining it to people in middle school. Our first project in fifth grade was a presentation about something important to us, I did mine about the park. Nobody believed me, and it got me socially exiled for the next four years. "
I ignored the urge to explain that there was probably more to his social exile than a get-to-know-you presentation from four years ago.
"That's fair I guess," I said instead. "You're dad says you go camping there."
"Yeah, on three-day weekends, and sometimes longer on breaks. Mostly in the fall and winter when there are less trespassers."
"You don't find it creepy camping there? Even without the trespassers?"
"You mean because of the silence?" Aiden smiled and looked over at me. "Yeah, the rumor about the animals is true as far as I can tell. Sure. It's kind of weird, but in winter it's kind of beautiful too. After a blizzard, there's nothing to disturb the snow, and it's kinda like the whole forest has gone to sleep. With the snow and no animals, it can get so quiet that you hear your own heart beating."
He looked off past me with a feeling of nostalgia, but all I felt was chills.
"I can take you if you want," Aiden added. "I'll have to ask my dad, but I think it would be fun to have another person camp with us."
"I'll think about it," was my way of declining without saying no.
Aiden just shrugged. "Suit yourself. Offer still stands if you ever change your mind."
Much to my annoyance, we weren’t even able to finish the movie. My Mom called, saying she was outside to pick me up an hour into our viewing of The Blair Witch Project.
I went to bed wondering how anyone could feel safe camping in a place like that. After contemplating taking Aidan up on his offer, I concluded there could be nothing that would make me spend the night there. Ironically, it would be less than a week before I changed my mind.

Three days later, I was walking Paddy along our usual route when she stopped and looked up at something beyond the stone wall, into Skeleton Park. She stood like a statue, eyes wide and fixated on some invisible thing.
I tried tugging the leash, pulling out a treat, begging, and making all kinds of sounds, but she just stood there. Paddy was a six-year-old golden retriever who easily weighed as much as I did, so I couldn't do much more than wait for her to move.
Suddenly, she began barking wildly at the air.
I tried approaching, but she growled at me, a sound I had never heard from her before, and I was forced to back away.
Before I could even process what was happening. She leaped over the wall and ran at full speed into the woods. It all happened so quickly that I had no time to tighten my grip on the leash.
She sprinted straight into the woods, and I chased after her, but I didn't make it far without tripping on a root hidden among the leaves. My knee was split open by something as I fell, and it took all my strength, fighting past the shock, to get back up. After recovering, I looked in all directions, but couldn't see Paddy anymore. I could only hear the tossing of leaves and branches in the distance.
Then there was nothing. Not a single sound. I'm not sure why I didn't question the sudden silence back then. It wasn't the gradual fade into silence you would expect from something running away. It was as if somebody had just hit a mute button on everything but the wind through the trees.
I don't know, maybe I'm misremembering the details.
Patty's disappearance doesn't matter anyway. We never found her, and dogs don’t live for twenty years, so at this point, we never will.
After taking a moment to recover from the shock, I limped home crying and told my parents what had happened. My Dad called the police because it was the only thing we could think of, but all they did was apologize and recommend we put up posters.
They couldn't do anything even if they wanted to. After all, she ran onto private property.
After that, the last thing I could think to do was call Aiden. His dad promised they could search the park that night, and he also offered to take me for an extended search the following weekend in case they didn’t find anything.
Of course, they didn't find her, just half of a leash wrapped around a branch. At least, that's what my parents told me the Eriks had found, they never actually let me see it.
A day before the trip, the Forecast started predicting snow: Saturday night into Sunday, eight inches, wet.
I probably should've given up then. Instead, I told Aiden this would probably be my only chance to find Paddy, insisting she wouldn't survive in the snow. After making sure with his dad, we continued with the plan and headed out after school Friday night.

While it hurts keeping this story in, reliving the memories is almost as painful. So I'm going to take a break writing for now and continue in a day or two. If anyone has a scientific explanation for why animals were avoiding that area, or for my dog's behavior, please let me know.
Thanks for reading, B
Part 1
submitted by P_0_VV to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:28 Nova_TM4 I've been given the ability to buff, change or add something to characters that I think need help.

Because I'm just amazing of course! Know that some characters are just not getting buffs. Sorry! They're good enough. Anyways, I'm going start with my favorites. Here is what I'll do:
Storm: She gets an ability that allows her to quickly fly in any direction. It lasts for about 4 seconds but has a cooldown of maybe 15. When she uses this ability, she gains an additional ability called Banishing Blizzard. Storm shoots a projectile of icy wind that explodes when it hits an enemy, lifting them up (similarly to Kitana's fan nado/lift) and freezing the ground around them, creating an icy area that slows enemies.
Scarlet Witch: Enemies hit by Chthonian Burst while inside Dark Seal heal Scarlet for 20hp/s. The heal lasts for 2 seconds.
Mantis: Crits grant two life orbs now. Her Spore Slumber now slows enemies near the slept target if they are also hit.
Luna Snow: Her skate is now an ability. She gets the same effects as she did before it's just not a passive now.
Magik: If she teleports near a wall, she will now go through it.
Namor: He gains a medium-sized wave that damages enemies and pushes them toward or away from Namor depending on the direction used. Namor can choose to ride this wave. If he rides it backward, his next projectile cripples the next enemy hit, slowing them and preventing any movement abilities from being used. If he rides forward, he will summon a Monstro spawn and his basic turns into a fast 3 hit melee attack chain. Each hit of his basics now reduces the cooldown of this ability by 0.5 seconds. It has a 15 second cooldown.
Hulk: His leap is now easier to use, and it now creates a shockwave that damages enemies and weakens them for 5 seconds. If Hulk gets a kill with this ability, he permanently takes 10% less damage from all sources. (Stacks 3x)
Magneto: All of the metallic objects that hit his shield are broken down and reflected back at reduced damaged. Enemies hit by the reflected objects are slowed and take 10% more damage from Magneto's attacks, EXCLUDING HIS AND SCARLET WITCH'S TEAM UP (it does enough).
Black Panther: While performing spinning kick he now gains 20% less damage from all sources.
Now everyone is happy! Yay! Rejoice!
submitted by Nova_TM4 to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:28 Imaginary-Caramel804 My wife and I don't enjoy each other. How long is long enough?

Thank you in advance for reading over this. This is more or less a way for me to get all of my thoughts written down, and if anyone has any advice, thats extra. Throwaway acct.
My wife (28F) and I (25M) have been married for 4 and a half years. We met at a small private high school and became friends quickly. Because of our upbringing, we didn’t live together or have sex until we got married. And when we got married, we began to learn each other’s quirks and routines in a very new way. Also, Covid hit about 2 months after our wedding day and my wife lost her job. Things were tough, financially and emotionally, but we made it through. After this, my wife started her own business that has grown tremendously. These days, most of her time is spent working, doing house chores, or recovering from work by watching tv.
My wife has started to feel more like a roommate over the past year as our time together is limited, and what time we do spend together is not very enjoyable. I have lots of hobbies and like to spend my free time at the gym, riding dirt bikes, playing basketball, rock climbing, playing chess, etc. All of which my wife does not enjoy. I’m very routine based and have one day a week where I get all of my chores done, unlike my spouse who will leave clean laundry in the dryer for weeks before putting it away. We recently took a multiple month long vacation after both working hard and saving up our money for a couple years. I think we were both hoping that this would bring us back together and give us some of the time we don’t usually have back, however, this turned out to be a very bad trip with injuries, illness, arguments, and frustration.
I recently tried to express my concerns and encouraged her to try some new hobbies to help improve her quality of free time, but this led to frustration. She said that she is happy with the time she has and how she spends it. She mentioned that her extra time is dedicated to her family and their needs. I understood her point of view and dropped it. I feel like often times, I will go out of my way to do everything I can for her like making dinner, picking up groceries, cleaning the house, all after my day of work, only to be met with frustration that I didn’t offer to cut the grass and that I can't "see past myself". Thats just an example, but I see this trend often. More and more, it feels like I can’t meet her needs, and she can’t meet mine. We aren't very romantic and never really have been.
Obviously I know I can only give my side of the story, but I feel like I am trying to see every angle possible and be as objective as I can. Im not one to give up easily, but I’m not sure how much longer is required before things just aren’t getting better and we need a change. We are going to see a marriage counselor soon, but I’m not too thrilled on the idea as she has spent lots of time with this counselor in the past, and when I saw that counselor previously, my time with them was spent mostly chatting about their recent trip to Italy.
When we talk about this, I try to be as unbiased as possible, but she tells me that this isn't how she sees the situation and that I need to figure this out for myself. I don't want to give her a list of things I think she should change, that doesn't seem fair. I know she's not causing issues intentionally and neither am I, which is why it's hard to make any big decisions or blame one person or the other. I want us both to be happy ultimately and will do whatever it takes to get there, I just don't see a clear path forward.
I’m not sure what to do. I don’t want to compare my time with my wife to my time with my friends, however, I see how I am with my family and friends and I’m encouraged that in not depressed and boring, unlike my time at home. Any advice is much appreciated. sorry for the scattered wording.
Thanks again for your time and comments.
tl;dr wife and I don't enjoy our time together. we've known each other for 12 years, but have been married for 4. we are at our best when we don't speak often, only seeing the good side of each other. any advice?
submitted by Imaginary-Caramel804 to marriageadvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:27 Individual-Lock-7826 Help/advice/anyone dealt with this? Bleeding not on period with CIN2

Advice/Help - CIN2, heavy spotting after period?
Hello! First time poster and this may be long so I apologize. I will also be discussing my weight so if you don’t like that please don’t read :) I’m in Canada also!
For context, I am 26, almost 27 and found out in September of 2023 during my 3rd PAP test that my first and second PAP tests were not normal and was never told. I was referred for a colposcopy in December and I found out in January of this year that I have pre-cancerous cells/CIN2. I have my recheck appointment in a few weeks. I’ve been told by most people not to stress as it’s a “normal” thing and because I’m young it’s likely to go away but I can’t shake the feeling that something is wrong :(
I was on the on the pill from age 15-22. I also didn’t have a regular period when I started on the pill (I was having sex and my family doctor and mother basically forced me to take the pill - lol) My periods were extremely regular for those years, like clockwork (started on a Wednesday, would be done by Saturday/sunday) quite light and usually 4-5 days. I went off birth control from mid 2020 until July of 2021. That summer I lost around 20ish pounds and got the nexplanon implant. The birth control combined with the weight loss (I think) made my period completely stop, and I didn’t have it again until I got the nexplanon out and gained the same weight back again (September 2022).
From September 2022-July 2023, my weight skyrocketed without any change of diet or exercise (for context, my “normal” weight was around 150-160, when I lost weight in 2021 I was around 135-140. I also lost all of my hair density and it would come out in clumps. April-June 2023 I was around 180-190) I have been losing around 10lbs a month since ince then, again without any change to lifestyle. I currently weigh 128lbs, less than I was when I was a teenager. Doctors I’ve talked to don’t seem to think the weight loss is an issue, I have a colonoscopy scheduled to rule out any issues there.
Now, my period started on May 9th and ended on the 11th and was extremely light. So light that I only wore a tampon for a day and then didn’t need anything for the rest. I also typically only use regular tampons and never soak through. Today is the 15th and I woke up, used the bathroom and there was blood in the toilet and on my toilet paper. I wrote it off as spotting but it’s gotten heavier as the day progressed. I put a tampon in just to make my life easier and pulled it out after 2 hours and it had more blood on it than any period I’ve had in years.
I may be freaking myself out but has anyone ever dealt with this? I know that vaginal bleeding is a symptom of cancer and knowing I have precancerous cells is making me spiral.
I’m honestly not sure what I’m asking for- but any advice, similar situations or anything would be helpful.
I’ve attached my lab results from my first colposcopy in case there’s any one who can read it better than I can.
Thanks in advance!
-a very anxious 27 year old teenager who needs a bit of support :(
submitted by Individual-Lock-7826 to PreCervicalCancer [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:27 Ill-Spot4227 An Addendum

So after my first post here, I’ve made some thoughts.
  1. I feel like we need to be more critical of Michael, rather than specifically lambasting the accusers. I think some of the points are valid, but some are not - like Wade defending Michael in the past, but now. Victims can subconsciously hide their trauma or have repressed memories. As for Michael, he was not a CSA victim, but he was definitely experiencing something. I believe Michael Jackson either had age regression, some form of mental illness, etc.
  2. We really need to research CSA cases and look into notable ones involving celebrities like Michael Jackson. I’ve noticed something with Safechuck and Robson in LN, the story is actually very common amongst victims. Usually the predator would befriend the children, lure them in to a sense of security. Then the abuse actually happens, the grooming process can involve manipulation of both the parents and children. I do not blame people for thinking MJ was a pedophile, he was definitely inappropriate around children and seemed to have a hyperfixiation with them. At first, I believed the allegations actually, because what would they really gain from lying about this? Money, fame, etc. Now, I am at a spot where I am critical of Michael, but not enough to where I think he actually molested children. Trauma does not and cannot have a time limit, you cannot or will not speak on what you could have done. Sexual abuse is a healing process and sometimes it takes well into their adulthood to realize what happened.
  3. An adult should not have sleepovers with children, Michael or not. I don’t care how bad his childhood was, it was inexcusable. There are adults who were children of poverty and war and do not pull the stunt he did.
  4. I don’t blame Jordan for not talking about this, he wants to be left the fuck alone. The Arvizos got what they deserved.
To MJ fans running sites and servers like this one, read up on sexual abuse and understand how it affects people.
submitted by Ill-Spot4227 to MJInnocent [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:26 Menschenjagd I wanted to try the questionnaire

This subreddit needs an official questionnaire and I think this one is easy enough to answer. I don't expect to become sure of my type because of internet strangers, but I do like answering questions about myself.
My Enneagram type is either 6w5 or 9w8, 469, sp/so. I have autism. (I think an official questionnaire should ask for this information. Autism can influence E (empathy), F (sensory issues), V (executive dysfunction) and L (special interests). A high self-preservation instinct can look like F (routines, health), sexual and social can look like F too (wanting to look attractive or socially acceptable (or maybe like you belong to a subculture). A low sexual or social instinct could look like lower E.)
L (logic)
I enjoy studying, but every time I decide I should do it more I make a plan of everything I want to study and then it starts feeling very heavy. I want to only study fun topics like typology, psychology, philosophy and languages. I do it for fun and because I feel inferior when I have less knowledge than other people.
I have some core beliefs that help me form opinions on different topics (for example the theory of evolution, which can be applied to most topics). I sometimes form an opinion based on what makes sense for me instead of what is factual. If I don't understand something I can be skeptical, if something I don't believe in (for example astrology) got scientifically proven I would feel very uncomfortable and question the results.
I like telling people about personality systems. I think teaching people and typing them makes me feel useful, and I need to type people irl if I want to understand the systems. I sometimes talk about philosophy, but that usually doesn't go anywhere because my beliefs are too unromantic for other people and they often judge me for being a nihilist or an egoist. I also like learning and teaching languages, maybe too much. I think some people feel pressured by me trying to teach them.
I often struggle with understanding scientific topics. It does bother me a lot, I am afraid of my future children asking me to explain physics to them. I avoid criticism like the plague, I don't want to express anything that could be false so I often either don't express myself or triple check everything. I easily doubt my own opinion, especially if the topic is a complex one like typology. Philosophy is much simpler, you just state your opinion and then the other persons states theirs and then you both think that the other person is stupid, but this is easy for me to say since my opinion is always the simplest one and therefore correct. ("What is the moral choice her?" "Morality isn't real." "Was this a selfish action?" "All actions are selfish." "What is the meaning of life?" "There is no meaning." "Is god real?" "We don't have any proof that god exists.")
Yeah, it was fun. It is a major part of me, but I know that if I had been born into the stone ages it wouldn't be.
E (emotion)
Not really, I sometimes have creative ideas but I rarely do anything with them.
I am fine with expressing emotions like anger or fun, but I don't want to express deeper or less strong feelings like love. I rarely love people, and I can't express something I don't feel.
Of course they are part of my decision making process, they are for every human. If you choose a path because it feels the most secure you are making a decision based on anxiety, or on wanting to feel more comfort than anxiety in the future. I sometimes base my decisions on excitement. I don't want to have a boring job.
I try my best to not create a negative one, and I try to make people feel better about themselves when they are insecure about something. I am not very interested in talking about the feelings of my friends, but I do play therapist sometimes because of my interest in psychology. I am interested in creativity in general, I enjoy listening to music and making and sharing playlists, but I am usually not deeply interested in my friends.
Yes, it makes me feel either vulnerable (if I have strong emotions) or inhuman (if I don't have enough). Yes, I don't do it much. The thought makes me uncomfortable. Yes, but ONLY because I'm very sensitive and quickly cry, which can be very inconvenient and I don't know how to stop it.
Yes. Not really, but I have been thinking about morality more so maybe in the future, although that might be more of a Volition topic.
F (physics / foundation)
Sleeping and not being hungry are important to me, but apart from that I don't do much. I don't care about what I eat or where I sleep as long as it's enough. I don't often try new products, if I do it's either because I noticed a problem (which can take a long time) or because my mother (3F) noticed one.
I think I used to care about it for a while, but then I either forgot about it or decided that it is a waste of money and time. I still have preferences, I just try to not spend too much energy on them. I enjoy nature and some sports, but I sometimes forget about them for a while. I sadly don't get much pleasure from eating or looking at things.
Yes, but the tastes I talk about are my taste in music or movies. I don't like hearing about other people's tastes as much because I feel like I then have to spend time listening to their favorite artists, and then I have to form an opinion on it... and I don't like most artists.
Idk about the other questions.
No. No. Sometimes I think that I'm sick, but it doesn't make me panic. Not sure, I think I sometimes ignore it and sometimes follow it, it probably depends on how much effort changing it would take. My mother is 3F and I think her criticisms are annoying, she wants me to change my knife holding habits and stop eating old cooked rice (I hate wasting food). But I can critique other people, for example for not being clean or practical enough.
Not really, it wasn't difficult, just a bit boring. It's not important to me, except my fashion choices since they usually reflect my identity.
V (volition)
Yes, but only in the physical world, I can for example get people to watch my favorite movie.
I make detailed plans that are too ambitious for me to follow. I like having a detailed plan, it makes me feel like I can achieve my goals. If I'm panicking about a goal I make a detailed plan. But I usually don't follow the plan because I have low energy/ problems motivating myself. I take advice from others if they are more knowledgable than me and probably from my mother.
Sometimes I get the feeling that I need to get my life together and then I make a bunch of plans and lists, but I don't work on them enough. I procrastinate a lot. I'm bad at routines, I prefer making a to do list every day. I sometimes try establishing a routine to reach a goal, but then I forget to follow it or am unable to follow it exactly because I can't predict how long a task will take or because something gets in the way. I either start working on a goal when I'm motivated or when I'm panicking.
Yes, it makes me feel useful. I always try to make people feel like they can reach their goals, but I can also be critical, especially about job choices. I sometimes get the urge to make language study plans for people.
I prefer working in groups of people I know well, if I'm with strangers I'm too shy to speak up. I take charge in small groups of incompetent people, I can remind people of their responsibilities, but I don't want to make decisions on my own. I can also take charge when it comes to physical needs like food (but I will ask everyone their preferences).
No, I am too easily stressed. I don't worry about being lazy, I know that it's true. I do feel a lot of shame and anxiety about my productivity, but I think anyone who is as lazy as me would.
I worry about missing something. Do I really want this future? Isn't there something better out there? I've changed my mind about my future in the past and wasted a lot of time that way, so now I want to make sure, but that's impossible. Finding the right method is important too. It does feel impossible but that's because it IS, noone can really know the future except maybe a super-super-computer.
I think I can take criticism, but I might cry or consider murder before accepting it, especially if it includes a character judgement (I've heard "You're too sensitive for this job. You should try [similar job] instead." Who do you think you are to give me advice? You don't know my reasons for choosing this job.). Except if the criticism is not valid, then I can ignore it.
More difficult than boring, it's difficult for me to separate Volition from the other aspects. I used to not have any goals, but now it is a part of my identity, but I know that my goals might change.
submitted by Menschenjagd to attitudinalpsyche [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:26 justicenotvengeance My mom took my chocolates. Am I overreacting?

For context: it was my (18F) birthday a few days back. I go to a really nice community church. The church has "classes" for younger students who go there, so we have teachers and friends there as well.
The Sunday closest to my birthday, my church teacher (who I really like, she's one of my favourite teachers) told me happy birthday and got me a small cake and a box of chocolates. Because my family is on a tight budget, we usually can't really afford chocolate this expensive, so it was the kind of thing we'd never usually buy. Expensive luxury-style. Obviously I was so thankful for it and I almost cried at how much effort she put in for me.
During my birthday, I shared the cake with my mom. I ate like 1/4 of the chocolates and put the rest in the fridge because I wanted to save it up for later.
Today I opened the fridge and the chocolates were gone. I asked my mom where they went.
MY MOM HAD FRIENDS OVER. AND SHE TOOK OUT THE CHOCOLATES TO SERVE TO THEM. Because apparently, "we didn't have anything as good in our house".
She tells me I'm overreacting since they're "just chocolates" and she'll just buy me another box, but IT ISN'T THE SAME! The chocolates were given to me, with effort, by a teacher that I really liked. And I feel like it was so fucking rude of her to just take them and share them with her friends. It feels like she cared so much more about her friends and her reputation to "serve them good food" rather than me>????? Her CHILD?????
I'm this close to crying right now, and I can't even tell her because she won't understand. She's going to tell me I'm bringing up old shit.
Am I overreacting? Did she really have any right to give away my chocolates??? I'm so mad. What do I do??
submitted by justicenotvengeance to JUSTNOMIL [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:26 Better-Survey4157 my boyfriend wants me to choose between him and my work , what do i do?

my boyfriend is making me choose between him and my work, what do i do?
i am a F21 and my boyfriend is a M22. he makes very good money and keeps telling me to quit my job and that he will provide for me.
i don’t particularly enjoy my job and my boss doesn’t treat me very well so he says that him taking care of me is the perfect solution. but i feel too young to be financially dependent on a partner. me and him have been only been dating officially for a few months but we have been seeing each other for almost 2 years.
he comes from a traditional background where it’s the norm for women to stay home and the men to work but i was raised very differently to always work hard for what i want. i got really good grades at school but didn’t go to university because i wasn’t sure what i wanted to do. i got my job through an internship that turned full time and that i worked hard for. it’s already quite rare for someone without a degree to get a good job within my industry so if i was to quit and need to return years later because we broke up, it would be hard for me to find another job.
we don’t live together but he just got his own place and invited me over to stay for a week to test things out. he was aware that i’d be working from home at his place while he was away at work. he usually works until quite late but he came home while i was still working yesterday. at dinner he told me that i can’t live with him if im going to be working because he doesn’t like to see it.
he told me that i have to choose between living with him or my job. he says we can compromise and i can stay working but living with my parents. he says that when im finally ready to quit my job is when i can move in with him.
i’ve told my friends and family and no one can understand his point of view. i’d be really interested in seeing if anyone else understands his logic?
TL;DR: my boyfriend wants me to choose between him and my work , what do i do?
submitted by Better-Survey4157 to relationships_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:25 brayvi shy or uninterested?

Mainly coming from my gut, F(20) it tells me this coworker has secretly been into me M(22). For a good 8 months.
Is that possible?
He’s a gentleman. Attempted to fix my tire and ended up giving me a ride home. I didn’t ask but I did complain a little about the stress and he offered his spare. Wasn’t compatible. So he offered a ride home.
Will be sweet at times and soft voiced. Very shy type, I low key or intimidate him in some way, hopefully in a positive light. He treats the others like homegirl/boys, but me, he stutters and breaks eye contact out of nervousness. We can’t even hold a conversation. If so, it’s forced and awkward.
I can tell he loves my eyes, by the way we just stare a little few seconds too long. Or maybe time just feels freezed. Our intense contrasting eye colors strangely intensifies the eye lock. He loves to take a good four seconds to respond before I ask him a question. Prolonged. Eye contact.
Got them just locked sometimes and its enough to leave me questioning, does he want me
Anyways, after my crush manifested I began to observe him a little.
He always needs to say bye to me. (Strange thing he does) compliments people around me when the compliment was obviously meant for me . Ex. said his homeboy smells like vanilla and has a mysterious aura. (I wear heavy vanilla perfume, i’m quiet asf and he isn’t gay just saying. His friend is the complete opposite as the description) BUT WHY if this is meant for me, is it said to his friend ?
Shy around only me. He treats me very different from others girls and easily chat up a storm. Funny enough, he’s a mute for the most part around me. He will talk confidently loud to his friends, but the moment I try to start a convo he cuts it short. And shows obvious signs of nervousness that wasn’t previously shown around the other girls.
The bad side of him is the jealousy i’ve noticed. Anytime we got new male coworkers he keeps me away after them, demanding me around if he noticed me talking to them. And giving me silent treatment after I talked to them.
Another strange thing he did was attempt to insult me if I somehow “hurt his feelings” Ex. I called him his brothers name on accident (they sound the same) and i didn’t apologize because social anxiety and busy w/ work during the shift.
And before he left to say goodbye he intentionally pauses long and turns staring at me stating “I forgot your name for like one second..” after saying my name like 10 times while demanding me the whole shift.
I can’t seem to understand why he got so upset over this? Was he being sarcastic? Why would he get that offended or petty? Does he like me?
Just weird part is we’ve been working together for almost 8 months now. Why no confession, I am just left with this agonizing gut feeling and a longing of just satisfying the tension in some way with an answer.
I know he thinks i’m cute , I think he’s cute. If he likes me he needs to grow pair, or stop with the unnecessary avoidance and random micro flirting. Hoping he’s just shy! But main question, why not make a move?
He does seem like the shy one, but still it’s driving me crazy wondering.
What do you think? Doesn’t like me? Does and is nervous? Please leave your ideas i’m confused. Need other view points, thank you
submitted by brayvi to Crushes [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:25 Ok-Initial-6947 My mom didn’t want me to get marry

Hi im 24/F im the only child of both parents they are divorce since i was 2yo, i moved to usa almost two years ago because my dad fix my papers for me, i used to live with mom my whole life, we don’t have the best relationship but its not the worst, the thing is when i came to usa i broke up with my ex after of 2 years, and i started a relationship with and old friend that i know since couple of years my mom knows him a little bit cause he used to be my friend and we hang out when i still live in my country, when i told her that i started a relationship with this person she went crazy saying she didn’t know him and she don’t knows his family and blablabla, shes the type of mom that thinks that the partner of her child needs to have the closest relationship with her. So she went crazy she get mad at me saying that i just came to this country for this, that im not thinking about start college and i don’t about her because im suppose to become a citizen so i can bring her to the usa. The problem get worst when i explained to her that my boyfriend need to fix his papers to stay legal in this country and that im going to help him since we are in a relationship, she gets mad at me everytime i talk to her about the topic, she says he just with me because he needs me and i can help him and saying that i can’t get marry because she don’t even know him yet ( my mom still in my country and she won’t be able to come for the wedding, that its not even a party we just singing in the court and taking some pics. But my boyfriends mom and his sister are coming since they have visa, but its not a super wedding anyways) Like a month ago we move together and we plained our wedding for next month, but we realize that we have to wait couple of years to fix his status in the country and that i have to become a citizen to be able to help him, (we decided to get marry anyways) so i talk to my mom as usual and decide to talk about this with her an i told her about this cause i was super sad thinking shes going to understand and maybe she can make me feel better, but as always she just started saying that so we don’t have to get marry if thats not going to resolve his situation, that im more worried about him than myself, that he has his family that can help him and saying why im going to ruin my life gettin marry, she also said if we are not getting divorce one he got the papers and i told her, if we live together and still in a relationship why would i divorce him????? She started saying that i just came to this country to find a husband that i should start college instes and told me that i didn’t achieve anything in this country in a year, mind you that i have a good job, i pay everything my stuff and also i pay rent of her house and send her money every month. Her dream is that i finish college and still have that in my plans, i just want to help my boyfriend and we are planning a life together. I always have the same problem with my mom and my relationships, she always hate my boyfriends or talk really bad about them but everything change when i finish the relation this happens everytime that im dating someone, she don’t like them till i broke up w them and then ask “ooh but why you guys broke up” and ask me if it was because of her, im not saying that its because of her but i tried to have a healthy relationships but shes always complaining about something of MY partners, its like she dont get that I AM the one whos dating this people so its me who needs to feel good and loved in the relation. If someone can give me an advice about what i can do to have peace with my mom and dont feel guilty to be happy and do what i think its best for me cause i was seriously thinking about cutting the comunication with her but its my mom and thats not what i really want, but she makes me feel so sad just because i didnt finish college, its like i don’t have the right to live just because i don’t have a tittle. My boyfriend 25M its not even and old man that want to take advantage of me and i know him for years and we’ve been in love with each other since we meet it just wasn’t the momento for us to be together till now but i feel like its gonna end up like all my other relationships just because of the way my mom act. Any advice!
submitted by Ok-Initial-6947 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:24 ThrowRA567656 I (m28) have been accused to molesting my stepdaughter (f6) what should I do?

I (m28) have been falsy accused of molesting my stepdaughter (f6) what should I do?
As the title says, I have been falsy accused of molesting my step daughter (SD) by her father (D). For context, there has been an ongoing dispute between my girlfriend and D about custody and an agreed upon split of time to see SD. On Tuesdays SD is supposed to go with D for baseball practice and then to be dropped back off at our house. However, this past Tuesday, she was not returned. D texted my girlfriend to tell her that SD will now live with him permanently and my girlfriend can visit when he says is okay. So we called the cops but since there is no official custody document, D can legally withhold her from us. Yesterday, we went to her school so my girlfriend could talk to the principle and let her know that only my gf will be picking and dropping her off at school until the custody battle is resolved. When she went back in the afternoon to pick up SD, D was already there and decided to go the principle to let them know that I apparently molested his daughter. The school then called the police, and since they now have to do a whole investigation to prove what actually happened, SD is no longer allowed to see or be at our house until this is resolved. I don't know what to do or think because this accusation is complete BS. SD and I have a great relationship as stepfather and daughter. We have so many family members and friends who can vouch for that. There have never been any cases where I have been inappropriate with her. And I am willing to take every test to prove so.
But now I'm starting to really think about what my future will be like. I've been with my girlfriend for 4 years now. We've had our ups and downs but overall its been good. I can't shake this feeling though that I should get out. I am so worried about having to deal with D for the next 12 years. He's already proving that he's willing to stoop to a very low level to get his way and I just don't know if it's worth it for me to stay and deal with this. I am literally days way from beginning my new career and an accusation like that could destroy any kind of reputation I may develop. I feel like it's my fault my gf can't see her own daughter even though I did absolutely nothing wrong. As much as I love my gf, I'm starting to think that being a stepdad is just going to keep making my life more and more difficult as D isn't going anywhere and will continue to want SD to be in his full custody.
What should I do? Should I sue D for defemation of character or pack my bags leave this part of my life behind me?
submitted by ThrowRA567656 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:24 Objective-Ad-4208 Drag Race Random Rerun 2.0: AS2 EP1 Results/Lip-Sync

The Results of the "All Star Variety Show" Talent Show Challenge are in!
As the werkroom lights flicker on, ten fierce All-Stars strut in, each eyeing the coveted spot in the Hall of Fame next to All Stars 1 winner Kylie Sonique Love. Get ready for a season packed with glamour, drama, and legendary lip-syncs. The race to the top has never been fiercer!
The first to enter the werkroom is Plasma! With a confident strut and a twinkle in her eye, she sashays in, exuding the charisma that screams "Broadway." She spills the tea in the confessional, expressing her sheer delight at being back in the Drag Race spotlight. Having tasted the bittersweet sting of elimination just shy of the season 5 finale, and having two wins under her belt, including triumphs in singing and acting challenges, Plasma is ready to reclaim her time and showcase the full spectrum of her theatrical prowess in this All Stars showdown. She's poised to snatch every moment and let her theatrical brilliance shine brighter than ever before!
As the next queen struts into the werkroom, Plasma's face lights up with pure joy—it's Priyanka! With a squeal of excitement, Plasma rushes over, their sisterhood from season 5 reignited in an instant. They embrace in a tight hug, exchanging playful banter as Plasma teases, "You better not send me home again, bitch!" In the confessional, Priyanka, reveals that she's never felt more ready for Drag Race than in this moment. After her season 5 journey, she's toured the world and grown immensely, feeling like she's finally hit her stride. With a mischievous grin, she declares her intention to snatch the crown right from under Plasma's nose, punctuating her declaration with a hearty laugh. Priyanka is ready to slay the competition and claim her moment in the spotlight.
As Plasma and Priyanka share laughs and catch up, the werkroom is hit with another dose of glamour as Bosco makes her entrance! The queens are instantly gagged by her stunning outfit, which accentuates her flawless figure in all the right ways. Making a beeline for Plasma and Priyanka, Bosco showers them with hugs, kisses, and compliments, praising their fierce looks. In a heart-to-heart with her fellow queens, Bosco reveals that she was offered a spot on All Stars 1 but didn't feel quite ready at the time. Now, however, she's back and more prepared than ever to snatch the crown. In a confessional, Plasma opens up about feeling a mix of excitement and intimidation in Bosco's presence. As a trailblazer from Season 1, Bosco is a true legend in the drag world, and her arrival adds an extra layer of excitement and competition to the mix.
As the werkroom continues to buzz with excitement, in walks Marcia Marcia Marcia, sending Priyanka and Plasma into disbelief. It's another queen from season 5, and the reunion is nothing short of epic. The trio embraces in a group hug, their smiles stretching from ear to ear as they revel in the joy of seeing each other again. Bosco joins the lovefest, adding her warmth to the mix as she greets Marcia with a tight hug. In a confessional, Marcia Marcia Marcia opens up about her near-miss with the crown last time around, admitting with a hint of sarcasm that seeing Priyanka and Plasma back in the competition feels like déjà vu after beating them before. Meanwhile, Priyanka playfully ribs Marcia about her makeup skills, teasing her about the "barely even there" makeup from season 5.
In a whirlwind of sequins and sass, Kahanna Montrese sashays into the werkroom, catching the other queens off guard with her swift return from season 7. The room buzzes with curiosity and intrigue as Kahanna shares her determination to prove herself after feeling robbed of her chance in her previous season. The other queens nod in admiration, applauding her unwavering resolve and fierce determination. In a confessional, Priyanka reflects on Kahanna's shocking elimination during season 7, recalling how she won a challenge only to face an early exit.
With an aura of determination radiating from every sequin, Cara Melle struts into the werkroom, her gaze fixed on the other queens with a steely resolve that could cut through diamonds. In a confessional, she reveals her satisfaction at being the lone representative from season 2 in this All Stars lineup, after her sisters Regina, Denali, and Kimmy failed to snatch the crown in All Stars 1. Cara envisions herself as the rightful queen to claim a spot in the Drag Race Hall of Fame. As Cara's intense energy fills the room, Kahanna Montrese can't help but feel a twinge of surprise and uncertainty. Is Cara's confidence a facade, she wonders, a mask concealing her true intentions? Kahanna can't shake the feeling that there's more to this queen than meets the eye.
Danny Beard struts into the werkroom, greeted with beaming smiles from Bosco and Cara Melle, who are thrilled to see a queen from the earlier seasons joining their ranks. In a confessional, Danny shares her aspirations, expressing her desire to claim a spot beside her season 3 sister Kylie in the Drag Race Hall of Fame. With a fierce determination to remind the world of her slayage during season 3, Danny is here to snatch hearts and slay challenges. As the other queens welcome Danny with open arms, Marcia Marcia Marcia can't contain her excitement, channeling her inner fangirl as she declares Danny one of her idols.
With a signature "bam" that reverberates through the werkroom, Alexis Mateo makes her grand entrance, instantly setting the tone for the room with her iconic catchphrase. The other queens can't help but join in, screaming "bam" in unison as they welcome her with open arms. Curious about Alexis's journey and representing Puerto Rico, Priyanka dives in with questions, eager to learn more about the legendary queen's drag legacy. Proudly representing her Puerto Rican roots, Alexis exudes confidence as she vows to remind Mama Ru and the world why the island's drag scene reigns supreme. In a playful confessional moment, Alexis admits she's relieved not to spot Mistress in the room, jokingly citing the potential for drama. Among the sea of familiar faces, Alexis is particularly intrigued by Kahanna's presence, given their Vegas connections. With a knowing smirk, she anticipates the surprises her old friend might have up her sleeve this time around
As Tia Kofi struts into the werkroom, the other queens are left gagging at her undeniable glow-up. With her confidence radiating like a beacon, Tia's transformation from her season 6 days leaves jaws on the floor. Not one to shy away from a bit of playful banter, the queens don't hold back from teasing Tia about her questionable runway looks from her previous season. Alexis, ever the straight-shooter, even quips about hoping Tia brought a stylist along for the ride this time around. In a confessional, Tia holds nothing back, acknowledging her humble beginnings as a "baby queen" during season 6. But she's quick to point out that her journey across the globe has been a crash course in fashion education, and she's more than ready to show off her newfound sense of style on the All Stars stage.
As the final queen makes her grand entrance, the werkroom falls into stunned silence, with Plasma declaring her the "robbed queen of the century": Marina Summers. Marina, embodying grace and poise, reveals in a confessional the overwhelming support she received after narrowly missing out on the crown in season 7. However, she takes a moment to address her fans, urging them to cease any harassment directed towards Nymphia, the season 7 winner. With love and respect for her fellow queen, Marina emphasizes that Nymphia deserved her victory and sets her sights firmly on claiming the crown for herself in this All Stars season. With a warmth that fills the room, Marina approaches the other queens, embracing each one in turn. Danny, always quick with a witty remark, jokes about who might try to steal Marina's crown this time around, eliciting laughter from the group. Amidst the camaraderie and laughter, Marina's presence adds an extra layer of excitement and anticipation to the competition, as the queens gear up for what promises to be an unforgettable All Stars journey.
RuPaul enters the werkroom and the queens participate in the first mini-challenge of the season.
Mini Challenge "Reading is Fundamental" Winner: Danny Beard
The Queens prepare for the talent show each plotting their path to snatch the spotlight
TOP2: Marcia Marcia Marcia 🌟 (1x win) / Marina Summers🌟 (1x win)
HIGH: Alexis Mateo / Cara Melle
SAFE: Bosco / Kahanna Montrese / Priyanka
LOW: Plasma
BTM2: Danny Beard (1x btm) / Tia Kofi (1x btm)
The Top Two Queens Marcia Marcia Marcia and Marina Summers will Lip-Sync for their Legacy to "Shake It Off" by Taylor Swift. This is your chance to impress me, take the win, and earn the power to give one of the Bottom Queens the Chop. Good Luck and Don't Fuck It Up!
Spreadsheet/Track Record
submitted by Objective-Ad-4208 to RPDRfantasyseason [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:24 cptsdthrowaway2222 Feeling ashamed whenever I have feelings for others

Trigger Warning: CSA, CPTSD, Physical Assault
Hey everybody, I hope you all are doing well and staying safe!
First off, I wanna start by saying that I am really sorry for how long this post is going to be. I'm also sorry for posting this on a throwaway account. This has been a problem I've had my whole life, and I didn't know what to do about it honestly so I wanted to talk about it with you all if that's okay. I was wondering if any of you have been in this position before and had any advice.
I've always struggled with having a crush on someone or having feelings for someone. There's a lot of reasons: a part of it is worried that after becoming close to someone they could betray my trust, being worried that I won't be able to provide enough for them when they need my help, etc. but the biggest reason by far is that I feel ashamed for having the feelings at all. I know it's not rational or logical in any way, but a part of me feels dirty for wanting to be someone's boyfriend at all because I am worried they may be uncomfortable that I like them if they were to find out.
For some context on what may be causing this problem, I've been sexually assaulted and harassed constantly throughout my childhood and teenage years. I first went through it when I was 3 when my aunt did it to me, and once I went through puberty, my swim coach, one of my mom's friends, a teacher, and an acquaintance of mine my age all sexually assaulted/harassed me. And while I didn't get sexually assaulted again after high school, I was sexually harassed several times by peers during my college years. I also dealt with my mom being physically abusive towards me during my childhood, and my dad being fully aware of it happening but encouraging it and never doing anything to stop it.
Because of how young I was when I was molested by my aunt, I don't remember a lot of it, but I do remember at one point she told me I deserved it and that she needed to hurt me so that I didn't grow up to become abusive or hurt other people. Because of this, I've always lived with the fear that one day she will be right or that she is already right and I don't realize she is because of how much I suck. Additionally, with how much misogyny is out there, as a guy who is usually attracted to women, I realize a lot of women have been hurt by a lot of abusive and creepy men, and it makes me worried that if I share my story of what I've been through and the ways my aunt, coach, teacher, etc. hurt me, I could be causing a lot of pain to women who have been gone through similar things as me, and I don't want to put any burden on them or make things harder by causing them to worry about my mental health and well being when that should be my own responsibility.
I've been falling for one of my friends since this winter, and I really really like her. She is really kind, sweet, and cool. She's also one of the few people I trusted with about my past, and she has been so supportive in ways I never imagined someone could be, which I am eternally grateful for. However, I can't get rid of this feeling that I'm not good enough for her or feeling messed up for my feelings towards her. I want to get rid of it because I want to love her without feeling guilt or shame, and I don't want it to interfere between us. I'm really worried it's going to.
I hope you all have a great day, thanks so much for reading and your advice. I'm sorry again for how long this is.
submitted by cptsdthrowaway2222 to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:24 Better-Survey4157 my boyfriend wants me to choose between him and my work , what do i do?

my boyfriend is making me choose between him and my work, what do i do?
i am a F21 and my boyfriend is a M22. he makes very good money and keeps telling me to quit my job and that he will provide for me.
i don’t particularly enjoy my job and my boss doesn’t treat me very well so he says that him taking care of me is the perfect solution. but i feel too young to be financially dependent on a partner. me and him have been only been dating officially for a few months but we have been seeing each other for almost 2 years.
he comes from a traditional background where it’s the norm for women to stay home and the men to work but i was raised very differently to always work hard for what i want. i got really good grades at school but didn’t go to university because i wasn’t sure what i wanted to do. i got my job through an internship that turned full time and that i worked hard for. it’s already quite rare for someone without a degree to get a good job within my industry so if i was to quit and need to return years later because we broke up, it would be hard for me to find another job.
we don’t live together but he just got his own place and invited me over to stay for a week to test things out. he was aware that i’d be working from home at his place while he was away at work. he usually works until quite late but he came home while i was still working yesterday. at dinner he told me that i can’t live with him if im going to be working because he doesn’t like to see it.
he told me that i have to choose between living with him or my job. he says we can compromise and i can stay working but living with my parents. he says that when im finally ready to quit my job is when i can move in with him.
i’ve told my friends and family and no one can understand his point of view. i’d be really interested in seeing if anyone else understands his logic?
TL;DR: my boyfriend wants me to choose between him and my work , what do i do?
submitted by Better-Survey4157 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:23 Better-Evening-4457 Is this typical?

This is my first nannying job and also my first Reddit post. I’ve been nannying for a family with 2 boys age 5.5 and 3.3. I also bring my 2 year old with me. I’ve been watching them since mid January. I know I definitely don’t get paid enough but I need a job where I can bring my little boy with me. I watch them from 8-4:30 M-TH.
My question is- what’s the protocol with kids being sick? My sweet 2 year old has been sick basically every other week since I started this job. I call out when he’s sick but it’s not returned. I show up and both boys have been throwing up and I’m with them all day. Then it gets passed to me and my kid. Mom works from home except on Wednesday she goes to the office. And dad works from 11-3:30. Is it unreasonable for me to think they should take care of their own children when they are throwing up?
submitted by Better-Evening-4457 to Nanny [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:22 binglebelle DAE feel bad for them?

Its hard when you feel bad for them
Does anyone struggle with this?
I feel sad that she's being left behind but I know it's what's best for me.
My mother is like a scale 9 or 10 narc. She literally believes her family and friends are trying to hack her devices at all times just to see what she's doing. I can't send my own mother a meme or any type of image because she thinks im using it to try to hack into her stuff. (Btw I've never once tried to hack into her shit I have never once given her a reason to think I'm trying to hack her. I hate her so much that I'm physically repulsed by her. If there was a button infront of me that said "click this and read all her messages" I wouldn't press it because for one I DONT CARE and 2 she grosses me out) but this has went on for over ten years. She thinks me, her sister, her bestfriend and other people are trying to hack her at all times.
Also, she's constantly trying to get cosmetic procedures to the point where it consumes her now. Also, and this is not a fucking joke, she doesn't know how old she is. she literally doesn't know how old she is. After age 30 she quit letting herself keep track of her age and she won't let other people tell her how old she is. When I was younger I jokingly told her her age and she flew into a rage. She just turned 50 last year and she doesn't even know she's 50.
Ok so growing up my mother abused us so much and she loved doing it. She emotionally and physically abused us then after I became an adult she started this weird emotional sexual abuse towards me. To me that's the worst out of everything. It makes sense though because in her mind I'm am extension of her so she's using me for narcisstic supply. Whereas a normal person would never do that because it's fucking gross.
The thing is like she doesn't realize that her actions have lasting consequences with people. I do hate her more than I'll ever hate anyone yet anytime I think of how I need to cut her out it makes me feel bad for her.
A part of her is actually sad that her children hate her. My sister cut her out 13 years ago and I can tell it actually bothers our mother. Yet, I've warned her many many many times that I was cutting her out too if she doesn't change. As far as I know she hasn't even attempted to change, she's still the same shitty person. She only stopped physically abusing me when I was 21 because I finally hit her back. And that's also what pisses me off is that she could control it all along but stopped when I hit her back. Would she still be hitting me in my late 20s if I wouldn't have?
What baffles me is how we can have a good few days and then I would start to think "maybe this is a breakthrough.." and then she will snap over something innocuous and scream and insult me as if I'm not even a human.
I know this is because she has dysregulated empathy. She doesn't know a world outside of narcissm. Idk if she was born with narcissistic personality disorder? But she's atleast had it my whole life and I'm in my late 20s.
It's not fair when you think about it because it's not their fault that they have a personality disorder that alienates them from people. Narcissist aren't 100% evil, they're human beings. And if you spend enough time around anyone you see their humanity.
I know I have to leave the narcissist out of my life but what gets me is she doesn't have self-awareness so when I cut her out she won't even know she did something wrong. She's being left behind by her family because of a condition that she can't help. It's just so unfair. How can I deal with this guilt?
submitted by binglebelle to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]
