Disney cinderella font script

Export Table(s) from desmos grafic calculator

2024.05.16 10:08 Mart-coder76 Export Table(s) from desmos grafic calculator

Hi, I always missed to export Tables from Desmos via copy-past to i.e. excel.
Wrote a little JS Script with a little help of chatGPT doing the trick by converting to a regular html-table.
I use it as a bookmarklet, so it is very easy to use. Open your web browser's bookmarks or favorites manager.
In most browsers, you can do this by pressing Ctrl+Shift+B (Windows) or Cmd+Shift+B (Mac).
Create a new bookmark.
You can name it something like "Desmos Tables". Copy the following code: javascript:(function(){let tableContainers=document.querySelectorAll('.dcg-table-container');let zIndexStart=1000;tableContainers.forEach((container,index)=>{let tableDiv=document.createElement('div');tableDiv.style.position='fixed';tableDiv.style.top=\${40+index15}px`;tableDiv.style.left=`${40+index15}px`;tableDiv.style.width='40%';tableDiv.style.height='80%';tableDiv.style.border='1px solid #ccc';tableDiv.style.backgroundColor='white';tableDiv.style.padding='10px';tableDiv.style.zIndex=zIndexStart+index;tableDiv.style.overflowY='auto';tableDiv.style.boxShadow='0 4px 8px rgba(0,0,0,0.1)';tableDiv.style.resize='both';tableDiv.style.userSelect='text';let closeButton=document.createElement('span');closeButton.innerText='x';closeButton.style.position='absolute';closeButton.style.top='5px';closeButton.style.right='10px';closeButton.style.cursor='pointer';closeButton.style.fontWeight='bold';closeButton.onclick=()=>tableDiv.remove();let heading=document.createElement('h2');heading.innerText=`Table ${index+1}`;heading.style.margin='0 0 10px 0';heading.style.fontSize='16px';heading.style.fontWeight='bold';let htmlTable=document.createElement('table');htmlTable.style.width='100%';htmlTable.style.borderCollapse='collapse';htmlTable.style.userSelect='text';let rows=container.querySelectorAll('.dcg-row');rows.forEach(row=>{let htmlRow=document.createElement('tr');let cells=row.querySelectorAll('.dcg-cell');cells.forEach(cell=>{let htmlCell=document.createElement('td');htmlCell.style.border='1px solid #ddd';htmlCell.style.padding='8px';htmlCell.style.userSelect='text';let cellContent=cell.querySelector('.dcg-mq-root-block');if(cellContent&&cellContent.innerText.trim()!==""){htmlCell.innerText=cellContent.innerText.trim();}else{htmlCell.innerHTML=' ';}htmlRow.appendChild(htmlCell);});htmlTable.appendChild(htmlRow);});tableDiv.appendChild(heading);tableDiv.appendChild(htmlTable);tableDiv.appendChild(closeButton);document.body.appendChild(tableDiv);});if(tableContainers.length===0){alert('No tables found.');}else{alert(`${tableContainers.length} table(s) found and displayed.`);}})();`
Paste the copied code into the URL field of the new bookmark. Ensure the URL starts with javascript: and that the entire code is on a single line without any line breaks. Save the bookmark.
How to Use the Bookmarklet Navigate to a Desmos page that contains tables. Click on the bookmarklet in your bookmarks toolbar.
The bookmarklet will find the tables on the page, display them in floating div elements, and number each table. Empty cells will contain a non-breaking space to ensure they are copied correctly.
Have fun!
submitted by Mart-coder76 to desmos [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:38 withMIBs An Invisible Diamond and a Barbie Zircon

Last spring I was already busy in preparing. Not only just tickets but also lots of items such as make-ups, clothes, and some weird stuff. They filled my suitcase. I spent some money on skin-care items and beauty salons as well.
On the other hand, this year all I did was to wonder if I buy the double cheery colored necklace. When I told you that it showed my expectation, I hope you were not unhappy but understood my doubtful smile on the pitch of the movie Major Tom in Alternative Universe 2.
It was OK for me that our first and last movie failed to launch. In hindsight, I enjoyed all the making processes and did well. Writing a script, practicing performance, preparing equipment. Never filming, though.
I thank you for inviting me on that summer short movie. I looked at my photos and found I looked younger. (I know you don't believe it or you can't imagine how I could look older than that. šŸ˜©) I went on a diet, did some exercise, bought a ridiculously expensive eye cream, had my hair cut with no discount. They were good, but I believe the youthful spirit that you fed me helped a lot. You kept pouring your energy on me all these years. Maybe I helped you, too, traveling back to the past where we once belonged without feeling nostalgia.
I played well a role of an almost Cinderella. Well, then, did you expect me to want it again? If you had seen things in my suitcase, you wouldn't ask. Lots of props, unused. (Or did you see them? Later I found you knew that I brought a white summer dress with me. I didn't wear it at all. That's why I suspect you are either a stalker, a hacker or a clairvoyant. :)
You are like Peter Pan and doesn't care how cruel time is. When a new spring has come, however, I didn't think I could perform the same Bibbidi-Bobbidi boo magic.
I forgot that today's topic was a necklace. I bought some silver stuff when I was young, but I rarely buy jewelries by myself. Last summer I thought I needed a real one. Since I am old, I decided to buy gold, not silver. I just didn't know how expensive it was šŸ˜¢. (It was not even gold but yellow gold.) I ordered it online. I was so shocked to see how small the diamond was. My daughter guessed the price at $1. I agreed with her. It felt like it was telling my fate... Still thank you for noticing the tiniest diamond. Now I don't know where it is anymore.
I don't think I can do this farce again.
This spring all I did was checking that pink zircon necklace every time I passed the shop. It was an outlet item and even much cheaper. Thought it represented my attitude this year and felt sad. I wanted it quite a while but hesitated to have it when I thought about the meaning of the action.
I will tell you a good and a bad news. First, I finally bought it when the cherry blossoms were already gone!! I wondered if this would be a good re-start of my story writing this year. Second, it is too pink, too Barbie, which means too young for me.... I like the hue, but I should've chosen sakura color, not double cherry. I really wanted it and maybe I still....
Mr. Fortune Teller, what does this means?
Recently I started to check clothes again. Warmer ones. Gloves. Jackets. "Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo"? Nah.
Remember I always carried a ticket, some money for one drink, OK, maybe a phone nowadays with me. No bag, no sack, either. No suitcase, ofc.
Whatever comes in the future, I will travel lightly this time. Maybe I will see you again like the daughter of the air as I always wish to be.
submitted by withMIBs to u/withMIBs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:07 Erwinblackthorn The Time Vortex of Video Production

After much consideration, and planning, I am going to return to video production. When I began making videos on a weekly or monthly basis, I had plenty of free time due to the big coof. This was me learning things like scheduling, editing, how to make the microphone work, and I learned plenty through trial and error. There is a dramatic difference between my first videos and my recent ones because of this learning experience. But as I learned about how to make videos, I learned that I was wasting my time with them.
A LOT of time.
Whatever youā€™re thinking is a time waste for a video is not really it, unless youā€™ve been there and done that. During that time, I ruined my sleep schedule and would even pass up on small money opportunities, all because I thought my Youtube videos would send me into stardom. Plant a seed, watch it grow, that sort of thing. But, looking at my numbers, it was the exact opposite. Each video coming out, utilizing the keywords and subject matter as a reason to click, was essentially a false sense of activity.
Working on other peopleā€™s channels created even more false cases of activity, which created a false sense of justifying why Iā€™m putting labor into something.
Like most artists, I was gaslighting myself into thinking that the time spent into a project was going to translate into a future income from something else. We always see these videos where it seems zero effort was put into it and it goes viral, not realizing that years of failing and group efforts were required to reach those results. And even then, a youtube video existing doesnā€™t cause a person to instantly gain money from that existence. I have a friend who made a viral video and he didnā€™t get anything from millions of views, because there was nothing to monetize. I have another friend who made a viral video, trying to recreate the magic, and nothing came of it after a year or two of trying.
Not only is it hard to receive results, but the amount of time it takes to attempt is ridiculous. I didnā€™t time myself, but if I knew how many hours were sunk into each video, I would probably pull out my balls in anger. The process of each video was a mess of:
  1. Writing down a script (takes more than an hour to write an hour of script)
  2. Recording the audio (takes more than an hour to record an hour)
  3. Editing the audio (takes about double the time of whatever its recorded)
  4. Making the thumbnail
  5. Making the avatar
  6. Collecting images
  7. Collecting video clips
  8. Making images and clips
  9. Editing through clips that are too long
  10. Adding sound effects
  11. Finding and adding music
  12. Waiting for it to render (usually this is where I go to do other things)
  13. Rendering it AGAIN through handbrake so itā€™s a smaller file (quicker than waiting for uploading a multi GB file)
  14. Uploading it across youtube, bitchute, and rumble
I donā€™t want to make this sound like Iā€™m complaining, but this is the bare minimum effort that goes into a youtube video, not mentioning the details of how things are edited or the issues with troubleshooting. A lot of what ate up my time was realizing when things arenā€™t working way too late, such as how GIFs donā€™t register well and they slow down a larger project. Or better yet, how a large project slows down to a crawl and you have to render multiple segments separately in order to keep things running smoothly. My files, as organized as I tried to keep them, were unorganized as hell because I would set them up during production instead of before production. Then by the end of it, there would be something wrong that I would have to edit, remove, I forgot something, something vanished between saves, or even corrupted files because I moved something and didnā€™t realize it was part of something else.
Video editing is utter hell in the beginning, but it gets better after you look after your process and actually organize everything well.
I spent a night the other week changing up all of my files. I put them on my desktop, where I can easily access them, and away from my downloads. This is important because your downloads can be bogged down with anything you download, and eventually it becomes a massive mess of pictures, videos, game patches, or whatever else youā€™re downloading; all getting in the way of your actual project. You want your files to be files within files, and each file is marked clearly for its purpose and its direction. I had a million songs splayed out in different areas and couldnā€™t remember where they were, of course when I wanted them, all because they would get trapped in piles of other things I downloaded for later.
My file finding time is now only limited by the slowness of my computer acquiring it.
Audio began as a mess of me going through each line to make sure there was no extra noise, and having to fix anything that was too quiet or not full enough. Turns out I was making my audio way too maximized and wasting a lot of time on stuff that people wouldnā€™t even recognize as an issue. Now my audio mixing is done through OBS, already set up as a particular compression and volume that will stay in the acceptable range, with noise removal already set up.
My audio recording/editing time is closer to how long it takes to speak.
Developing each chapter card, clipping them together, having to find the font, typing everything out. These, along with getting sound effects working, took up too much time. What I did is make a plan to prepare all of these first, before anything else is added to the video, so that I know how many chapters there are. They donā€™t take that long to render, because of how short they are, and it takes way less time to do that than to shift gears at the end of the production day. Shifting gears every couple of minutes, that was wasting too much time, which is now changed to doing one specific task each session.
My ā€œswitchingā€ time is removed, thus saving time.
Music was added in the beginning, as one of the first things. This was wrong to do, because of how many times I would want a clip where the music continues through it, only to realize that this continuation forced me to keep a massive background of editing history, which slows everything down through production. Adding music as the last bit, and after rendering, will save me minutes for every time I boot up the video editor, which saves hours over time when Iā€™m going to have to go back and forth on video editing. My lifestyle only gives me an hour or two at a time to sit in front of the computer, and so editing will require less wait time for the process to warm up.
My rendering time will increase(as I go to do other things), but my waiting time will decrease.
Through my new process, I am also considering a different view of each video type. Recently, I saw a video about how kindle books are categorized between low, mid, and high content; related to how much effort it takes to make each one. My previous attempts were to, essentially, make high effort content as consistently as possible, which was going to be draining when these were events that came and went. Current news like Lindsay Ellis being stupid or DSP looking like a fool on Sidescrollers are incredibly time sensitive, which is why so many people stream these ā€œnews reportsā€ instead of making high effort videos about them. And even if it was a long term type of video, we have to question if it REQUIRES that much effort to begin with.
My plans for the future are to measure how long I take with each session, what I get done, track down percentages, and measure what the longest steps are. Figuring out whatā€™s causing a hold-up is the best way to prevent hold-ups, in the same way city builders (should) keep track of whatā€™s causing traffic jams. Too many traffic jams? Get rid of cars or open more lanes. Keeping track of things is going to take minutes to save hours, which is something I should have practiced more on doing through my practicing year.
Videos are done with marketing in mind, because I donā€™t plan to make money from them. My ā€œbrandingā€ is storytelling, art, art-related lolcows, and I guess that pesky culture war. People begged me to go fully political, but I think political is a step below philosophical, which is where I would rather go. I would rather explain the psychology and aesthetics of media, instead of repeating myself as to how offensive or woke something is. Yes, I make fun of Lindsay for being woke, but I explain why she is and where it comes from, which is something more important than some kind of drama farming that grifters do.
I would rather be a source of information than a pointless attack dog for someone above me, which is why I try to separate myself from the people who do such nonsense. Iā€™m not with these movements, I donā€™t care to promote people I donā€™t care about, Iā€™m not going to go easy on people just because ā€œweā€™re on the same sideā€. Everyone gets made fun of or nobody gets made fun of, and Iā€™m year of monkey, bitch. This monkey wants bananas and youtube is not going to supply any. But it supplies plenty of vines to swing around from, as I Donkey Kong my way from topic to topic.
Like anything else in life, videos need to be worth my time, meaning their expense needs to be dropped dramatically. Hour long, multi-hour long, these were excruciatingly hard to do. The next goal is to make sure everything is kept around 30min long, unless itā€™s going to be a bi-yearly 1 hour long video that will be the highlight of the year, which is where full book analysis videos come into play. The scripts for everything else will be written down as articles, with the better of the articles being made into low content videos.
Podcast style will be for low effort, being made weekly.
A new style will be for mid effort, which is where 30min of history or explanation is presented with video clips, being made monthly. Video game clips will be placed around here as well, unless they can be made bi-weekly.
And the classic, me in my room with my ASS computer, will be for the high content, for subjects that take far too long to make on a monthly basis.
This planning is still in the works, itā€™s an effort to create a strategy and a schedule for everything. The goal would be to place an hour a day per video, creating steps for each video, and using each other as progress reports for the bigger ones. It will be like placing smaller squares into bigger squares until the biggest square is complete, allowing me to visually determine my progress across such a subject. This is also a way for me to appear more productive, because content will be constantly coming out on a clear schedule. Only bad side about it is that this means 3 hours of my day are used for videos, and this wonā€™t be possible for every day until content creation is my main job.
Before I can have this be a thing, it will be a slow, preemptive creation process, with smaller projects being made as my ā€œshort storiesā€, to then determine if Iā€™m ready for a bigger ā€œnovelā€ of a project. And thatā€™s how I have to approach video editing: the same way I would with storytelling. No more determining that length means better, or more time means more results. Now Iā€™m going to obey the market, go for whatā€™s expected of me, and react to feedback. If something doesnā€™t work, or doesnā€™t make a dent, I try something else.
I think thatā€™s why people get mad at me, when they see that I am trying something else all the time. This is normal, but Iā€™m told that Iā€™m ā€œan interloperā€ or ā€œwill never winā€ because I willingly give up on things that donā€™t work. Sorry, losers, but being unorganized and wasting my life is not worth it. I like money, and I like vaginas. If I wanted to be poor and wasting my life, I would have kept slamming my head against a wall and failing like most of what indie does.
And yes, the OPC reviews will be translated into videos, as well as my own short stories. I began as a crackpasta narrator, after all. I was thinking of putting a lot of radio drama production into my narrations, but I would want to keep them low effort until they start attracting all of the attention from their titles. A lot of people try to narrate their stories and they donā€™t make a spark anywhere with them. But as time goes on, and I get more videos under my belt, I could easily narrate for others, create a network, and get things going. Itā€™s not that hard to get things working once you know what youā€™re doing.
The main time waste that we all fall for is chaotic activity and the lack of planning.
submitted by Erwinblackthorn to TDLH [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:07 bloodykissing anyone else forced to dress like a kid

barely leave the mf house anyway but most of my hose clothes are those weird grandma/toddler looking nightcones (think this nightcone: https://images.app.goo.gl/KrFQU3dU3VQeGdzB6 ) the shirt iā€™m wearing right now is an my little pony friendish is magic shirt (which i ainā€™t allowed to watch anyway because lesbian or smth lmao) and i have three shirts for that show.
also have a lot of clothes for the movie frozen that are built for overweight 8 year old girls n meanwhile iā€™m over here n a overweight 15 year old girl. i AM allowed to celebrate halloween but iā€™m only ever allowed to be animals or disney princess. never was allowed to be mulan tho because sheā€™s asian.
iā€™m mf blasian. iā€™m half black and half chinese. but iā€™m not asian enough to wear the CLOTHES of a disney character because my skin is dark as fuck. but itā€™s fine to be belle or cinderella (have multiple times) because white is the default (says my 60 year old black mom)
the only shoes i have are ballet flats and light up shoes
this sucks
anyone else have to dress like a kid tho
submitted by bloodykissing to HomeschoolRecovery [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:18 No_Indication5501 Which fairytale should Disney filmize next ?

Which fairytale should Disney filmize next ?
Hi everyone. I'm Japanese so pardon for my poor english grammer. There are tons of fairy tales in this world, and Walt Disney Company has not filmized them yet. I always loved disney films especially which called "Classic Disney", like Snow White, Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, Alladin, and some more. I miss the good old days when I first saw the Bells of Notre Dame. so which failytale do you want Disney to filmize next? Iā€™m worring about today's Disney because of some failures, but nevertheless I expect them. My Recommend story is "Bluebeard ( La Barbe Bleue)", "Das MƤdchen ohne HƤnde" from Europe tales, and "The Crane of Gratitude" from Japanese tale.
submitted by No_Indication5501 to u/No_Indication5501 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:58 TheCaffeineBean Fulfilling my Disney Dream as a Cheerleader

Okay please donā€™t come for me, I am 25 and a former allstar cheerleader who just returned to the sport (this is relevant please stay with me), Iā€™ve never been to Disney in my whole life, never even been to the USA this is bc Iā€™m in Canada and despite the common assumption itā€™s actually not feasible to travel and stay at Disney and explore EVERYTHING and fully experience the magic especially bc as a child I wanted to be Cinderella ā€œthe first brown Cinderellaā€ in my mind. My family is one income and I have one parent with medical issues which effects our financial status drastically as MOST families in Canada are statistically 2 incomes, so we never went and I spent most of my own money as a child helping them. I got the love of Disney from my mother and she is my absolute everything. I have the opportunity to potentially go to Disney for ICU college worlds in January and then again potentially in 2026 twice for college worlds in Disney in Jan 2026 as well as ICU and IASF/USASF worlds in April/May 2026 if I do well. The partnership with worlds makes in cheaper for athletes to actually go and stay there, whereas is over 5K for me to go with my family just on a planned trip but I never imagined going without my mum. Worlds and Disney is my childhood dream rolled into one but my mother is my entire world (I donā€™t have kids yet so itā€™s really just her) would I be absolutely terrible to plan to go without her? If I could Mary Poppins WDW into a bag and just bring it home for her I would. What do I do. Help
submitted by TheCaffeineBean to WaltDisneyWorld [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:10 Unlikely-Bat5606 Why Isn't My HTML Form Working with JavaScript?

When I press enter on the search bar, it either goes blank or says 'file doesn't exist'. How can I fix this issue? The website is also on Khan Academy.


var input = document.getElementById("Search-bar"); input.addEventListener("keypress", function(event) { if (event.key === "Enter") { event.preventDefault(); document.getElementById("Search-Button").click(); } }); function Search() { var x = document.getElementById('Search-bar').value; if (x == "" x == null) { return false; } else if (x === "website.com") { document.getElementById('Website1').style.display = "block"; } else { return true; } } 
#Search-bar { position: absolute; top: 38px; width: 90%; height: 12px; border: none; background-color: rgb(236, 239, 247); border-radius: 25px; padding: 6px; font-size: 14px; margin-bottom: 10px; transition: background-color 0.3s ease-out; } #Search-bar:hover { background-color: rgb(220, 223, 232); } #Search-bar:focus { background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); outline: none !important; border: 1.5px solid blue; position: absolute; top: 37px; left: 7px; } #Website1 { display: none; } #Search-Button { display: none; } 
If you want the rest of the code, you can find it here
submitted by Unlikely-Bat5606 to learnjavascript [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:25 dv7steel [US-CA] [H] Various Steels [W] PayPal

PayPal. Free shipping within the US, anywhere else at buyers expense. Packaged with care.
2 Guns (Like New) $32
31 (New) $18
Aladdin (Live Action) 4K (Very Good, WeaDing) $24
Aladdin (Animated) (Like New,Tiny Bump) $60
American Assassin (New) $18
American Graffiti 4K (New) $50
Ant-Man 4K (Like New, Ding) $55
Ant-Man And The Wasp: Quantumania 4K (Very Good, Imperfections) $28
Aquaman 4K (Manta Lab) $65
Ash Vs Evil Dead: The Complete Second Season (New) $14
Brazil (Like New) $64
Cars 4K (Fair) $16
Cinderella 4K (Like New) $34
Doctor Strange Double Lenti (Blufans) (Like New) $260
Ender's Game 4K (New) $30
Ferris Bueller's Day Off (New) $22
Footloose 4K (New) $32
Full Metal Jacket (New) $74
Gladiator 1/4 Slip (HDZETA) (New) $80
Hacksaw Ridge (New) $18
Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone (Like New) $30
Highlander (New) $24
Inside Out 4K (Very Good, WeaDing) $32
John Wick 1 & 2 (New) $26
Jungle Cruise 4K (Like New) $40
Justice League (Like New) $15
Kin 4K (New) $24
Lightyear 4K (New) $36
Maleficent 4K (Very Good, 2 Corners) $19
Mary Poppins Returns 4K (Like New, Tiny Dent) $28
Midway Lenti (4K) (Kimchidvd) (Like New) $70
Mission Impossible: Rouge Nation Slip B W Lenti Magnet W Maniacs Box (W Coin & T-Shirt (Filmarena) (Like New) $100
Moana 4K (Disney 100) (Sealed, Damaged) $20
Moonfall 4K (New) $26
My Bloody Valentine (Very Good,Scuff/Micro Scratches) $16
Old 4K (Like New, Tiny Ding) $21
Prisoners Of The Ghostland 4K (Like New, Scratch) $22
Rebel Without A Cause 4K (New) $44
Reservoir Dogs (New) $24
Saving Private Ryan PET Slipcase (HDZETA) (Like New) $78
Spider-Man: No Way Home 4K (Like New) $34
Strange World 4K (New) $44
T2/Total Recall (New, Slip Damage) $22
The Amazing Spider-Man 3D (New) $44
The Batman (German) (New) $60
The Big Lebowski (Zavvi) (New) $64
The Exorcist: Believer 4K (New) $28
The Jungle Book Lenti (Live Action) (Blufans) (Like New) $74
The Lion King 4K (Live Action) (Like New, Small Dent) $21
The Mist 4K (New) $50
The Nutcracker And The Four Realms 4K (Like New) $22
The Original Christmas Specials Collection (Like New) $22
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 4K (New) $38
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Very Good, Imperfections) $12
The Wolf Of Wall Street (Zavvi) (New) $64
Thor: The Dark World (Blufans) (Like New) $74
Total Recall 4K (New) $44
Weird: The Al Yankovic Story 4K (New) $36
Wind River Fullslip W Lenti Magnet (Filmarena) (New) $130
Wonka 4K (New) $58
Zack Snyder's Justice League 4K (New) $58
submitted by dv7steel to SteelbookSwap [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:00 Minute-Amoeba-7976 Quitting weedā€¦ Shouldnā€™t sound like a Disney script. šŸ¤®

This overly positive narrative behind quitting weed is infuriating. Sorryā€¦ Every story doesnā€™t have a ā€œhappyā€ ending.
submitted by Minute-Amoeba-7976 to LeavesBanned [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:18 BroodyWall15 (Selling) A24, John Wick, Titanic, Evil Dead, Total Recall OG, Midway, Terminator 2

F&F and Cash App are accepted
All codes have been tested
Disney codes do not have DMI points
3 from Hell 4K Apple TV / VUDU - $6
10 Cloverfield Lane HD Apple TV / VUDU - $4
American Psycho 4K Apple TV / VUDU (x3) - $5
Annie (1982) 4K MA - $5
Asteroid City HD MA - $6
Cinderella (1950) 4K MA - $7
Cloverfield HD Apple TV / VUDU - $4
Dream Scenario HD VUDU -$5
Frozen II 4K MA - $6
John Wick HD Apple TV / VUDU - $4
John Wick: Chapter 2 HD Apple TV / VUDU - $4
Midway 4K Apple TV / VUDU - $7
Onward HD MA - $5
Past Lives HD VUDU - $5 SOLD
Priscilla HD VUDU - $5
Rocky II 4K VUDU - $6
Saw 4K Apple TV / VUDU - $5
Sicario 4K Apple TV / VUDU - $5
Silent Night Deadly Night Collection (3, 4, 5) HD VUDU - $7
Smokey and the Bandit 4K MA - $5
Terminator 2: Judgement Day 4K Apple TV / VUDU - $5
Titanic 4K Apple TV / VUDU - $9
Total Recall 4K Apple TV / VUDU - $5
Ash vs The Evil Dead: The Complete Series HD VUDU - $12
Ash vs The Evil Dead: Season 3 HD VUDU - $5
submitted by BroodyWall15 to DigitalCodeSELL [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:19 Glass-Bead-Gamer Make your own major 3 prediction on the CDL website.

Make your own major 3 prediction on the CDL website.
I've written a script that lets you make your bracket prediciton on the CDL website
Just go to the brackets page, make sure you're on the bracket tab, open the developer console (F12), go to the console tab, and then paste in the below code and press enter. This will replace all the TBD labels with inputs where you can type in your guess.
function replaceTBDWithInput(width = "50px") { // Optional width parameter
const paragraphs = document.querySelectorAll("p");
for (const paragraph of paragraphs) {
if (paragraph.textContent.trim() === "TBD") {
const input = document.createElement("input");
input.type = "text";
input.value = "";
input.style.backgroundColor = "black";
input.style.color = "white";
input.style.fontSize = "1.2em";
input.style.fontWeight = "bold";
input.style.width = width; // Set width
paragraph.parentNode.replaceChild(input, paragraph);
// Call the function with a desired width (default is 100px)
replaceTBDWithInput("80px"); // Example: Set width to 80px
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2024.05.15 20:53 sookfong A Week In Vancouver Island on a $92,000 Salary (Original Submission)

Please note this is the original submission I sent Refinery29. In the current post,they have given me a second credit card with a 100$ balance, as well as generational trauma from World War II and cut context for other things. I am trying to get that fixed.
Per previous discussion in comments here: The espresso machine is a Bezzera, which ranges from 2-5K. We got ours on sale for 1.7K, itā€™s a work house and we use it everyday, still hurts that we spent that money on a coffee maker.
I do understand mortgage is debt but when you compare it to rent to a lesser value condo in Vancouver it feels like not debt at all, which is how I tend to think of it. Yes I owe my mortgage but also I get my house instead of renting-which may not have become clear.
Please see in full the diary, below (edit for formatting via mobile)
Occupation: Sr Business Analyst
Industry: Tech
Age: 30
Location: Vancouver Island, BC
Salary: 92,000$ (Spouse makes 60,000$ for a combined income of 152,000$ before tax)
Net Worth: ~ 1.2 Million ( house is valued at 989,000$ currently, we have a combined 150,000 in pension, and ~60,000 in various company stocks, and GICs)
Debt: 3,000$ in a zero interest credit card for a 10 month period. We balanced transferred and pay 400$/month. Debt was acquired in Q4 2023 when we had to buy Snow Tires, and do a full break replacement as well as Christmas. 480,000$ in a mortgage, we refinanced in September 2023 for five years fixed rate at accelerated biweekly, however I donā€™t consider our mortgage debt due to the equity we are gaining, and that our mortgage for a five bedroom, 3 bath single family home is less than rent for a two bedroom condo in Vancouver
Paycheck Amount (Every 2 Weeks): 2,555$ after taxes. (Just mine). Spouse makes 2,308$ after taxes. Our pay periods are alternating.
Pronouns: She/her
Monthly Expenses Mortgage: 1450$ biweekly (100$ extra to the principal).
Utilities: ~200$ (includes water [paid quarterly], hydro [paid bimonthly], gas, sewetrash [paid quarterly] phone [highly discounted due to work plans for spouse and myself] and car gas) Loan Payments: 400$/Credit Card
Car Insurance: 84$
Life Insurance: 167$ combined (67$ me, 100$ spouse)
Health & Dental Insurance: 60$ deducted from pay (coverage for myself and spouse from my employer. Spouse also has coverage for both of us deducted from pay)
Retirement Contribution: 400$ (Employee matches me), (Spouse has a defined pension through work and contributes ~200$ month)
Union fees: 70$ Spouse
Subscriptions: Crave 22$/month (Recent splurge for Binge watching the Rookie), Playstation Plus 100$ (annual bought on Black Friday Deal), Amazon Prime 80$ (Annual), BCAA 120$ (annual) Gym 30$/month (we both have one so 15$/pp)
Note: My spouse and I have completely commingled finances. I will be tracking both as itā€™s essentially I spent whatever they spent
Was there an expectation for you to attend higher education? Did you participate in any form of higher education? If yes, how did you pay for it?
There was always the expectation. My father was very clear, we were very smart. There was no way weā€™d be wasting our potential. He wanted me to be a lawyer, but unlike other immigrant parents, I got to choose my major and went into social sciences and got my masters in history. I deferred my PhD too much so I got dropped by the program.
I chose my university by where I got a full first year scholarship and then after that took about 15k in student loans for my undergraduate. My parents paid my rent and I got a part time job for food.
For my masters, I had a student line of credit and 5 k student loans otherwise it was all my savings and scholarships. With the line of credit, I had a total of 30K in student loans and paid it off in about four years.
Growing up, what kind of conversations did you have about money? Did your parent(s)/guardian(s) educate you about finances?
Save. We talked about how you get a dollar allowance and half of it goes into long term saving with 25% in short term and 25% in spend.
Investing came after I was eighteen. Family would like us to invest in property, however I donā€™t really want to be a landlord, but also we wouldnā€™t get to really enjoy profit of owning a rental property due to other family circumstances.
What was your first job and why did you get it?
Ice cream parlour I was twelve and my parents made me get it for responsibility. I lasted three weeks because I hated it.
Did you worry about money growing up?
I grew up thinking we were not rich, because we didnā€™t get big plane vacations (I didnā€™t count flying from Toronto to Vancouver every summer as a vacation since we were just seeing family but staying in a house my parents owned) and I had only been to Disney twice.
But we had a big new build house in the rich end of town, my mom stayed home to raise all of us. We had to work for things (like going to see a movie opening night or a new CD) but we always had money and got what we wanted. In retrospect, my family was/is fairly well off.
Both my parents grew up poor, with parents working multiple jobs and different shifts to make ends meet, the strive/drive to not have that childhood, and for my father to be able to retire his parents really impacted mine and my siblings and cousins lives. My father showed me the apartment he grew up in Chinatown a few years back. Itā€™s light years away from the house my grandparents owned when I was a kid and how I grew up.
Do you worry about money now?
Of course. Inflation is real and we are actively planning a wedding for the next year, as well as a baby in the next few years. We also need to buy a second car, so weā€™re saving for that.
At what age did you become financially responsible for yourself and do you have a financial safety net?
Fully financially responsible? Twenty five. I lived in a family property where I didnā€™t pay rent in one of the most expensive cities in Canada, so even though I paid all my bills (food and phone), I didnā€™t have to pay rent. I in fact made money, as I rented rooms out and used the income for house utilities, and paying my student loans down faster. When I moved in with my spouse, I just paid condo fees until we bought our house two years ago which gave me plenty of time to save.
Our financial safety net is family, and our savings. I know my family would bail us out. My spouseā€™s father would as well. Conversely, we are my spouseā€™s mother's safety net and we have to keep all our plans in mind that we will be subsidising her.
Do you or have you ever received passive or inherited income? If yes, please explain. Yes, I received 50K from my parents once they sold my childhood home, as did both of my siblings. I have also received 10K from one set of grandparents which paid off my car and part of my student loans when I was 21. I will be receiving another inheritance when probate is done for around ~100K. My spouse also has received inheritance which allowed them to buy their first condo in their early twenties when the market was much better. That condo, 50k, and the subsequent upgrading helped us afford our house.
Day 1
10 AM: I drive to the pharmacy to pick up a prescription. Not how I want to start my Sunday morning but yā€™know. Normally Iā€™d walk since itā€™s about 20 minutes but I have a UTI. Iā€™m ā€œluckyā€ that despite not having a dr because of the health care shortage, my work pays for the Maple app so I could get a dr to write the prescription and order the lab work at 1 am. Iā€™ll do the lab work later this week when I can get an appointment but will take the relief now. Insurance makes the antibiotics free, but I also buy hydrogen peroxide because weā€™re out and we have a dog that thinks everything is meant to be in her mouth. Weā€™ll buy a bigger one at Costco later. I also bought some oral wound mouthwash because we were out. I come home and my spouse made us breakfast.
Total: 15.90$ paid with debit.
1-2:30 PM: We do our taxes. I have a mini meltdown when I realize the part time bakery job I had for a few months didnā€™t take off income tax last year, so I owe 800$. Luckily, my partner is getting a refund so we net out positive 400$. The bakery took off income tax in 2022, so unsure why they didnā€™t in 2023. I made us lunch.
3-6:30 PM: We walk the dog, and watch the Rookie. Some time during that time period, a venue emails us back and is surprisingly affordable at 3k. I also get told that the tattoo artist I want to book with, has not chosen me.
6:30-7:30 PM: I explain what lazy girl dinner is to my spouse and make a lazy girl dinner. After not really grocery shopping since Feb for things besides fresh veg, we need to do a big pantry shop and neither of us want that. We debate about buying a food saver and if we should wait for a sale. My spouse is more frugal than me and has determined we should.
8-9:30 PM: We start season 3 of The Rookie, and then after two episodes we go to bed
Day One Total: 15.90$
Day Two
5:45-8 AM: Wake up and start work. I get up to date with whatā€™s happened on the weekend and check that my automated reports. Sometime before 6:30, I get the kettle on for my spouseā€™s pour over before I go back to my meetings. Thereā€™s a twenty minute gap where I get changed and do my skin care and brush my teeth. Iā€™d love to be a skin care person but honestly Iā€™ve spent too much money on product that I donā€™t use and that just goes bad. Washing my face and using sun screen is a win.
I also make sure that Spouseā€™s lunch is in his bag and I get our travel mugs ready. Before, we used to go to Starbucks every day. Starbucks used to do free refills on coffee and tea if you were a rewards member if you bought a coffee or tea so it would cost us $5/day (2.5/pp), and we could get refills all day. While thatā€™s 20$/week, 80$/a month and yes, we could have saved it but back then, that 80$ wasnā€™t turning the dial anywhere significantly for usā€”a privileged view.
But now, after COVID where I stopped drinking tea after one day working from home having like 10 cups and thinking I was dying, and Spouse has bought a good grinder and we recently splurged on a stupidly expensive espresso machine we call his Engagement Espresso since it costs the same price as my stupidly expensive ring, we bring our coffees.
8-8:30 AM: We drive to work. Prior to buying our house, we were both work from home and lived in a city with amazing transit. We only needed the one car. Since buying the house and moving to a city where public transit is a joke (the one bus goes past our house every 1.5h), Spouse changed jobs and is in office every day and I have to go in 3 days a week. We need a second car or the e-bike rebate to come through. We debate this in the car, since Iā€™m done at 1 pm, and Spouse works normal hours, I either have to take the bus home, or go to the gym for three hours. Today though, I drop Spouse off. I will pick him up later as he has a half day because of the dentist
8:30-12:30 AM/PM: Work. I find a tech manager and ask them to get me more triple a batteries. Work wonā€™t provide or let me expense batteries for my mouse, despite them replacing my usb mouse with a battery one. The poor admin had to tell me the decision is that weā€™ll all supply our own batteries. Luckily the tech managers have to have batteries on hand and give them out freely.
I ask my boss how the work from home tax forms work, and he is going to find out.
I run more meetings and work on a request for a dashboard and a business case for a new feature that I have to convince leadership to spend money on.
12:30-1 PM: I drive back to my Spouse because he has a dentist appointment.
While I wait for a spouse, I am incredibly hungry. Iā€™m usually not hungry/donā€™t eat a proper meal until around 1 in the afternoon and my two granola bars I already ate at the office. I go to the bakery by Spouseā€™s work and buy a cheese bun for me (3.65$), and an apple pie scone (2.55$) for Spouse as a snack. Spouse points out he wonā€™t be able to eat until after his appointment.
Total: 6.20$ debit
1-1:30 PM: I drop Spouse off, and the car stops working. The engine wonā€™t catch. I try multiple times and then run into the dentist to dramatically announce to Spouse and the receptionists that the car wonā€™t start. Spouse asks me what he wants me to do about this, since heā€™s about to go into an appointment. A very kind receptionist tells me it might be the alternator. I donā€™t know what that is.
I go back to the car to Facetime my father. He also asks what I think he can do to help since he lives 3000 km away. Weirdly, and sexistly, I thought a man who grew up at race tracks, in a racing family, or the man who has collected and worked on sports cars for forty years might be able to help.
Spouse texts me to remind me we have BCAA while my father also tells me that. I finally get the engine to catch and drive the very long way home, going the speed limit and getting stuck in traffic, construction and a bus. It takes me 20 minutes to get home instead of 10.
1:30-2:30 PM: I walk the dog, mail a (late) birthday card and then start researching what an alternator is. The car is over a decade old and until the house, the most expensive thing I ever bought at 12K back in 2015. We have the funds for the cost, but itā€™s my first car and the fact it might be the end of its life is scary.
Alternators can cost between 400-800$ repair with labour, so thatā€™s fun.
My dad calls me back and apologises for asking me what he could do away. He advises me that thereā€™s probably a bald spot on the alternator and advises me to go to the mechanic to check or replace it, if the car doesnā€™t start again.
I call the mechanic to book an appointment, and to also get the snow tires off and to buy new rims for the snow tires. The mechanic lets me know that the alternator part is 500$, and an hour of labour so with taxes weā€™re looking at around 700$
That future appointment next week (weā€™re going down a highway this weekend which requires snow tires) will cost ~1.5K, assuming we replace the alternator.
I make lunch and sigh.
2:30 PM: The car starts thankfully. I drive incredibly slow. I pick up Spouse by idling the car. We get an email back from a venue saying they cost 75,000$ minimum. The timing is hysterical.
Due to the nature of the dentist, Spouse owes 618$, as they havenā€™t flipped it under my insurance. They split it in half, as he has a follow up in two weeks. After the next appointment they will flip the whole amount under me and weā€™ll get reimbursed for the whole amount.
Total 309$/credit card.
3-10 PM: We walk the dog, make dinner (Spouse makes white sauce pasta, with chicken and peas) and watch The Rookie. There are thirteen episodes in season three, and we will be busy every night this week besides Friday and Sunday, and I would like to finish season three so we can start season 4 next Monday. I donā€™t want to pay for more than one month of Crave. We have five episodes left
Day Two Total: 315.2$
Day Three
1 AM: 100$ is automatically transferred from our account to the credit card debit. We have an auto transfer of 100$/every Tuesday to a Visa where we balance transferred both our cards. We have an offer for 0 interest for 10 months, so we did that for some of the bigger expenses (snow tires, break replacement and general Christmas) and are on track to pay it back within the next 6 months. That visa is our emergency card that we just have in the back end and utilise for promos like this. It allows us to keep our two cards balances manageable and lets us pay in an easier way than taking big chunks out of our various savings.
Total: 100$/direct deposit
5:45-9 AM: Work. Meetings, reports, trying to convince a colleague that the process does include them and refusal to follow it means that their requests wonā€™t be done. Spouse has another half day so I can go into the office at my leisureā€”if the car starts
9-9:20 AM: The car starts, I get into the office and refresh a data flow before a meeting with a new stake holder. It takes longer to drive into work today because the tourists are starting to come and their van builds or campers are not exactly highway speed and with a two lane highway, if you donā€™t merge over fast enough youā€™re stuck.
10:05-10:20 AM: Meeting done, car starts again and I drive home for more meetings. The least amount of time in the office is preferable for me.
10:30-11AM : Meeting with my manager where we discuss future salary and promotion. I am due for a promotion in the start of Q2, which would push me to six figures. Iā€™ll believe it when I see it but, Iā€™m really excited at that possibility for my family.
11:15 AM: Spouse leaves for work, we discuss what groceries are needed, as well if heā€™ll go to Home Depot tonight to buy more clover seeds for the yard, as we need to reseed before it starts raining. I eat a muffin and my dog and cat decide to try and eat each other.
11:15-1:30 PM: Work runs late. Thereā€™s some issues with the data and we canā€™t figure it out. We call it a night, and Iā€™ll record the video presentations tomorrow, once we fix the data.
1:30-4 PM: Nap time! Itā€™s bad for me, but honestly I donā€™t sleep well during the night so naps are what keep me alive.
4-6 PM I prep dinner (smash burgers and fries), and get chores done and walk the dog.
6-7:30 PM: Spouse comes home, we eat dinner. Groceries come to 96.83 for two 7 pound pork loins, two packs of bacon, chicken nuggets, coffee, pop, 8 pack of peppers, milk, tomato, pickles, rice, avocado, mushrooms, sour cream and lettuce.
Not too bad, we average about 300$/month in groceries because we can buy bulk and have a second freezer.
For the month of March we are currently at 123.61$ for groceries and there is twelve days left. We went on a small weekend away, so we ate out a fair bit but even then our current food budget is 272.27$ today.
Total: 96.83/ debit
7:30-10 PM: Spouse makes a coffee and plays video games with his friends. They do it every week. I have a shower, fold and put away laundry and read in bed.
Day Three Total: 196.83
Day Four
1AM: Our biweekly accelerated mortgage payment comes out of 1450$. Iā€™m tracking it here to be honest on our spending but I tend not to think of it as money spent because in my head itā€™s already money gone. To pay for a house equivalent in Vancouver, the mortgage would be over 6k. Renting a two bedroom condo would be 3K. It feels like the mortgage is just cheaper rent, even though each time I own more of my house.
5:45-9 AM: Work. I find out the limits of how many people I can invite to a Teams Meeting as well as that the Thursday before Good Friday is a catholic holiday when a few people ask me to reschedule a training forum for over a thousand people. Sometime in there I make us coffee, make sure Spouse has lunch packed (leftovers). Spouse has walked the dog and has the recycling and compost out for pick up. I drop Spouse off at work.
10-11:45 AM: I leave the office for home and more meetings. I walk the dog and go record training videos. I get an email that Amazon is doing their big spring sale. I send a link to a robot mop and vaccum thatā€™s on a big discount to Spouse. We want one, but Iā€™m not in charge of the research on it. I send links to play grounds to my friends with toddlers
11:45-12:30 PM : I shove lunch in my mouth, last nightā€™s left overs. Iā€™m running late, and decide to get myself later by collecting all the random dishes and mugs that just show up places and start the dishwasher. I get to the lab ten minutes early but need to buy gas on the way home.
I tell my team Iā€™ll be MIA for a bit and leave the work phone in the car.
I buy 15.6L of gas for 30$ at 1.879/l it sucks. I donā€™t fill up because weā€™re going to my in laws this weekend and thereā€™s a Costco Gas Bar there.
Total: 30$/credit card
12:30-1:30 PM: Work goes long again.
1:30-2:30 PM: Nap!
2:30-4:30 PM: Walk the dog and drive to the gym. I usually go three times a week but with last weekā€™s weekend away and this weekā€™s weird half days from Spouse, todayā€™s the only day. I make it up by doing both upper and lower body and a 30 minute circuit.
4:30-7:30 PM: I pick up Spouse and we go to Costco. We pick up nachos, ham, cheese buns and some other items. We debate buying our friendā€™s kid a toddler set of clothes and decide no. We end up buying work pants for Spouse, and a garden hose. It comes out to 116.90
I order our Costco dinner of hot dogs and fries for a grand total date night of 6.41$
Total: 123.31/ credit card
8-9 PM: Dance class! We bought a series of six lessons of introduction to ballroom back in December for a new date night idea. We paid 60$/pp and this is the fifth lesson tonight.
9 pm: Weā€™re home, we let the dog out. Spouse spends an undetermined amount of time watching ballroom videos while I sleep.
Day Four Total: 1603.31$ or 153.31 excluding the mortgage payment.
Day Five
5:45-9 AM: Work. All the meetings. Thursday is the meeting day. I debate with a friend whatā€™s the earliest call weā€™ve had. 4:30 am still wins. I pack lunch for Spouse and his coffee and he leaves. I end up cleaning up cat puke as the cat decides to drink milk from Spouseā€™s cereal and vomit it up on camera in a meeting.
9-9:30 AM: I make myself a matcha and walk the dog.
9:30-1 PM: Work and I treat myself to a lunch of a cheese bun and ham sandwhich. We used to eat it every Sunday while growing up but the cost of ham has been outrageous. The deal at Costco yesterday was 1.5$/100 g which is really good.
1-1:30 PM: I seal the wooden deer Christmas decoration we bought last year. It sits outside our front door and needs to be weather proofed, and Iā€™ve been putting it off for five months. But the weather is good and we have newspapers. We have left over wood sealer after the sign we bought a year ago so I use that. The dog and the cat both donā€™t like my wooden deer.
1:30-4 PM: Nap!
4-5 PM: I basically just watch youtube and drink a root beer. I have no energy.
5-6:30 PM: Spouse comes home, we walk the dog and I make dinner (Kraft Dinner and nuggetsā€“I swear we eat veggies but today is not that day). We discuss the possibility of our dog at our wedding as a flower girl, and if sheā€™ll be in a tutu or a cheongsam like me. I am now researching if they make dog cheongsams and if she can match us. The cat, despite all my heart wanting it, wonā€™t physically be there because he will have an anxiety attack and probably die.
6:30-10:30 PM: Board game night! We go to a friendā€™s to repeat the same scenario weā€™ve lost two weeks in a row.
10:30-11 PM: I pack Spouseā€™s breakfast (oatmeal and frozen berries), lunch (spicy tuna and mayo) since heā€™s trying to go to the gym before work, and feed the animals before we go to bed.
Day Five Total: 0$
Day Six Friday
5:45-9 AM: Work. I have a deep focus block which means I can get the script for the training I have to run. Public speaking is not my strong suit and itā€™s a group of a thousand people so Iā€™m not looking forward to it. Spouse almost makes it to the gym. I get an email that my new work phone has shipped. Iā€™m surprised because they wouldnā€™t order us any for the past four years, but I guess my new iPhone will show up next week. I might give my old work phone to my mother in law, since she smashed the camera on the phone we bought her last year.
9-9:30 AM: I walk the dog, make a matcha and make a todo list for what we have to get done before we leave to my in laws tomorrow. I text my mother in law happy birthday, and hope that she got the card in time. She did.
9:30-11:30 AM: My last meeting for the week ends and Iā€™m debating calling it a day so I can nap. Instead I make lunch (cheese bun and ham), text my other mother in law our plan for Saturday, and unload and reload the dishwasher and go back to work for at least another hour.
12:30-1 PM: I shower and do skin care
1-3 PM: Nap! Somewhere in this time FedEx comes and since Iā€™m sleeping, we have to pick up on Monday. Iā€™m not too sure what it is, I assume itā€™s our custom address stamp from Etsy because thatā€™s the only thing Iā€™ve bought recently but not too sure. I just realized in retrospect, this might be my new work phone.
3-5 PM: I prep dinner (nachos), unload the dishwasher, pack my overnight bag and confirm all our venue tours by email. I start a load of laundry and do a quick clean. I feel like this is not the best image of our diet. I swear we generally eat healthy but we both have been feeling really blah over the past two weeks so have been going for quick and easy over healthy and balanced. I do have three whole peppers and two whole avocados in the nachos though.
5-7 PM: Spouse comes home, we walk the dog, have dinner, and plan out next week. We have a big Wednesday next week (mechanic, I have a nails appointment, dance class), and we are having our friends over for Easter so we need to prep for that. We pack the car so tomorrow is a very easy start.
Spouse also gets paid today. Weā€™re lucky that weā€™re on alternating pay periods, we used to be on the same and it always felt stressful. Spouse also lets me know his union has secured a 3% cost of living raise to start in Q3. I really like his union for negotiating a base 2% year of cost of living raise, with potential addition raises depending on inflation. Itā€™s a bit away but thatā€™s still good news.
7:30-10:30 PM: We finish The Rookie Season 3 and head to bed. Crave reminds me that I have 10 days until Iā€™m charged again. Sadly, I think weā€™ll have to pay for 2 months.
Day Six Total: 0
Day Seven Saturday
8:30-9:30 AM: Wake up. No one (except the dog) slept well so weā€™re not in a morning mood. Spouse makes coffee and walks the dog, while I finish packing the car and give the cat a lot of attention. Our first venue tour is at 11 and the one that is the most expensive (8-10K), but also the one we probably want the most. We live about an hour away but the highway is two lanes and one accident can back everything up for hours.
10:40-1 PM: We visit our dream venue. We stay way longer than expected. Basically if the quote is under 10K, weā€™ll get it. Just waiting now.
1-2 PM: We get to our in-laws and have a lunch of egg salad sandwhichs. We need to buy gas. My in laws drive us to a pottery painting store.
2-4 PM: We paint pottery. My mother in law only wanted to do this for her birthday. Theyā€™ll pick it up in a week after itā€™s been thrown. I paint a vase (28$), Spouse paints an Easter egg (18$), father in law paints a mug (30$), and mother in law paints a plate (50$)
Total:143.36/credit card
4-5 Pm: We see another venue. Itā€™s an instant no. My in laws decide they want to try Korean fried chicken. We call ahead for take out to get two fries and 16 pieces of half and half. It comes to 50.83$ that my in laws pay for.
5-10 PM: We come back and see that our dog has pooped in their house and also has gotten into their pantry and eaten an entire bag of dog food. It is not a fun night.
We spend the night drinking wine and discussing the wedding and watching TV.
10PM: We go to bed. Thatā€™s the end of this week, but tomorrow we will be buying gas and probably lunch for my other mother in law as we will be touring another venue.
Day Seven Total: 143.36$
submitted by sookfong to MoneyDiariesACTIVE [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:03 superconklover [FO]

Still working on the silhouette Disney patterns. Working on Aurora at the moment. Ariel, Belle, Mulan, Rapunzel, Cinderella left after that
submitted by superconklover to CrossStitch [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:07 Fine_Basket4446 Why TLoU works (and why there is no sequel)

Its far from original. Its a mix of many narratives across different genres. That's not a slam on it or anyone that likes it, just the reality. More importantly, understanding the ingredients to its success as a narrative not only gains a deeper appreciation of what it accomplished but also highlights what made Pt 2 fail narratively. Not that anything I say matters but, for reference, I taught film and screen writing for some years before returning to my field.
The story is nothing original. The idea of the older paternal mentor figure protecting and guiding a younger apprentice or child figure is a tale as old as time. The premise of man is the real monster has been around forever, as well, but in the "zombie" genre it was there from the start with Romero's "Night of the Living Dead". The characterization of Joel isn't even that remarkable as he shares the DNA of many seasoned warrior of few words characters in fiction. TLoU takes many of the best of these and makes them stand out with a few choice decisions.
First, brevity. TLoU is not a long game. It can be experienced casually in a day. This is one of its greatest strengths. Few cutscenes ever keep you from playing for more than a couple minutes. The cutscenes that are experienced are all purposeful and don't waste time. In fact, if you watch them, the dialogue and action moves fast, only giving breathing room for the most impactful of moments. The script and direction are tight to give what's needed, to feel what's needed, and then put you back in control. Furthermore, like Uncharted before but perfected, many story moments are gameplay moments through environmental design, dialogue prompts, or QTE. Ultimately, it gives players the narrative equivalent of a woman's skirt; long enough to cover what's needed but short enough to grab our attention.
Second, classical narratives. I used to ask my students who liked Star Wars: A New Hope. Hands always shot up. I asked why and would hear a bunch of reasons but I'd always turn it to Lucas following classical narratives and filmmaking. Spectacle aside, Star Wars followed the classical 3 act structure and the monomyth (Hero's Journey). These time proven structures can make good stories great, especially when you include the spectacle. TLoU had spectacle with what I said before of mixing brief cutscenes and story driven gameplay. The actual story, though, is nearly beat for beat on the Hero's Journey and engrosses us in its tale. Joel has something unique going in that he has 2 journeys, one of them only being referenced.
The first journey begins with Joel in his known world of the pre-apocalypse. He is a hardworking dad but far from who he'd become. The outbreak is what sends him on his journey. The loss of his daughter is the point of no return. Then...the story jumps into the future. We learn bits of his backstory but there is clearly a lot of details missing. Ultimately, he went from a survivalist who did reprehensible things but he also clearly had an offscreen "redemption" moment. When we start the game proper, Joel is again in a known stable world. He has carved out a life that he finds acceptably comfortable. This is where the second journey starts and why the game's narrative hits so well.
Call to Adventure- Tess arrives and, despite some apprehension, convinces Joel to recover their guns. This leads to Marlene recruiting them to smuggle Ellie.
Supernatural Aid- During the attempt to smuggle Ellie, they learn of her immunity and the significance of their "quest".
Point of No Return/Threshold- The Fireflies are dead and Tess dies. Joel must now continue to deliver Ellie despite his reluctance to such an impossible task and his discomfort being reminded of his past life.
Obstacles/Temptations/Helpers- The middle part of the game has 3 distinct chapters that force Joel to confront himself and grow. I'll be breaking them down.
  1. Bill comes at a low moment for Joel. Confusion and sorrow from the loss of Tess, Joel finds Bill as a dark reflection, the future if he lets his pain consume him. While Bill helps Joel, he also serves as a lesson of what not to become. When Joel departs, he has processed some of his grief, is more committed to the quest, and has now opened up more to Ellie.
  2. Sam and Henry arrive at a time Joel is beginning to open his heart. Through their journey, Joel can recognize the love he had and wants again. The tragedy of their final day is Joel really does open up with Sam and Henry and you see traces of happiness. Then...the morning comes.
  3. Joel reunites with Tommy. While he is still open with Ellie, this entire chapter has Joel even more determined to pass Ellie off. The tragedy of Sam and Henry make him see that more time with Ellie will lead to more pain. He reassures himself that passing her off will get him the security he needs to live comfortably, that she's better off with someone else, and then his rageful response that all he's done has kept him and Tommy alive. Joel is dangerously close to embracing the temptation of Bill's life. Yet, it's none other than Ellie who brings Joel back.
Abyss- Joel and Ellie are at their most optimistic. They share more life details freely. They talk about the future (unrelated but this is also where Ellie mentions the entire "vaccine" procedure being easy because she doesn't like needles, highlighting that she never meant to sacrifice herself. Suck it Pt. 2). However, they find the Fireflies abandoned it and are ambushed by raiders. Joel is gravely injured.
Transformation- When Joel awakes to find Ellie missing, something in him is triggered. He goes on the war path to find and save her. When he does find her, he finally lets all his emotional guards down. She is his "baby girl". Ellie had, arguably since Tommy's chapter, embraced Joel as a father figure but now Joel no longer denies him being that.
Atonement- Ellie has been taken and soon to be murdered. Unlike the unfaithful show, the Joel that fights through the hospital is scared and anxious as he rushes to get to Ellie. Where he failed to save Sarah, he desperately fights to save Ellie (both from callous militaries convinced they are serving the "greater good"). In the end, he does.
Return- Joel returns to Tommy with Ellie. He has become a master of two worlds. Able to still be the one to make hard decisions but also able to open his heart. This is accentuated in his lie to Ellie. He knows she is wrestling with all her pain and gives her an honest answer in finding something to live for. When she demands him to swear, he lies, yes, but he does so to protect her emotionally. With Ellie's "ok", they begin their new life.
First off as I wrap up this essay, I refuse to acknowledge the sequel. I did even when it was announced. The first game was perfect as a stand alone experience. Furthermore, I don't acknowledge it as it is not even made by the same team or direction. Neil moved it forward and we see how that worked out. But it holds as much validity as the Star Wars sequels to me. Lucas sold it to Disney. This is not a genuine continuation of the original vision and I don't hold them as valid to what came before (though I also despise the prequels for other reasons).
I say this because I firmly believe the game concluded definitively with Ellie accepting the lie. She has been shown as perceptive and intelligent. She obviously knows the events are not as Joel said. The weight of her "ok" is far more impactful and reflects her own hero's journey. The truth is, she doesn't believe Joel. She knows he's lying. Every indicator of her pause, reflection, and line delivery reflect that. She says "ok" because the reality of Joel's speech to find something worth fighting for hits home. She has known nothing but abandonment, terror, and suffering. She still feels the pain of loss and wants to despair in survivor's guilt. But now...on the outskirts of a new stable home, she recognizes Joel now sees her in the same way she sees him. She knows he's shielding her from something horrible and will continue to protect her. Her "ok" isn't out of childish naivety but in becoming more like Joel and moving forward with determination.
In the end, while the franchise screwed the pooch, the original game utilized classic narrative structure through effective brief cutscenes and environmental story telling to tell a greatest hits from its various genres.
Anyways, here's Wonderwall.
submitted by Fine_Basket4446 to TheLastOfUs2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:29 Tycho_Jissard MS-ISAC CYBERSECURITY ADVISORY - Multiple Vulnerabilities in Mozilla Products Could Allow for Arbitrary Code Execution - PATCH: NOW

DATE(S) ISSUED: 05/14/2024
SUBJECT: Multiple Vulnerabilities in Mozilla Products Could Allow for Arbitrary Code Execution
OVERVIEW: Multiple vulnerabilities have been discovered in Mozilla Products, the most severe of which could allow for arbitrary code execution.
Successful exploitation of the most severe of these vulnerabilities could allow for arbitrary code execution in the context of the logged on user. Depending on the privileges associated with the user, an attacker could then install programs; view, change, or delete data; or create new accounts with full user rights. Users whose accounts are configured to have fewer user rights on the system could be less impacted than those who operate with administrative user rights.
THREAT INTELLIGENCE: There are no reports that these vulnerabilities are being exploited in the wild
RISK: Government:
Home users: Low
TECHNICAL SUMMARY: Multiple vulnerabilities have been discovered in Mozilla Products, the most severe of which could allow for arbitrary code execution. Details of the most critical vulnerabilities are as follows:
Tactic: Initial Access (TA0001):
Technique: Drive-by Compromise (T1189):
Additional lower severity vulnerabilities include:
Successful exploitation of the most severe of these vulnerabilities could allow for arbitrary code execution in the context of the logged on user. Depending on the privileges associated with the user, an attacker could then install programs; view, change, or delete data; or create new accounts with full user rights. Users whose accounts are configured to have fewer user rights on the system could be less impacted than those who operate with administrative user rights.
We recommend the following actions be taken:
Mozilla: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/security/advisories/ https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/security/advisories/mfsa2024-21/ https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/security/advisories/mfsa2024-22/ https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/security/advisories/mfsa2024-23/
CVE: https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2024-4367 https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2024-4764 https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2024-4765 https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2024-4766 https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2024-4767 https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2024-4768 https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2024-4769 https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2024-4770 https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2024-4771 https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2024-4772 https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2024-4773 https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2024-4774 https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2024-4775 https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2024-4776 https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2024-4777 https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2024-4778
submitted by Tycho_Jissard to k12cybersecurity [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:46 tuananh_org lots of "packages not in the AUR" but they actually are

i'm using paru and suddenly i got this today
error: could not parse package description file 'haskell-hslua-module-text-' from db 'extra'
and then
packages not in the AUR: a52dec aalib abseil-cpp adobe-source-code-pro-fonts adwaita-cursors adwaita-icon-theme alsa-card-profiles alsa-lib alsa-plugins alsa-topology-conf alsa-ucm-conf aom appstream arch-install-scripts aribb24 at-spi2-core atkmm augeas avahi bluez-libs boost-libs box2d bridge-utils brltty btop c-ares cairo cairomm cantarell-fonts capstone cdparanoia clang clucene cmark code colord compiler-rt confuse containerd cpio crane cuda cython dav1d dconf debootstrap default-cursors desktop-file-utils
submitted by tuananh_org to archlinux [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:34 Lord_PanDA_ 300+ Easter Eggs in Every Roku Screensaver 2018 ā€“ 2024, All Movie References From Roku

300+ Easter Eggs in Every Roku Screensaver 2018 ā€“ 2024, All Movie References From Roku
This post is for everyone who loves diving into the details of Roku screensavers from 2018 to 2024. If you're looking for a place that neatly organizes all the easter eggs in chronological order, hereā€™s the ultimate, constantly updated resource:
Below, youā€™ll find a list of all Roku screensavers. You can click the hyperlinks to uncover any easter eggs you might have missed in each theme:
If there is any eggs that I may miss, please share it in the comments below! I'd love to discuss with you guys!
submitted by Lord_PanDA_ to FixRoku [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:30 isaac_kelvin How to Build a Website on Hostinger: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners

Hostinger is a popular web hosting provider known for its affordability, intuitive interface, and robust features. Whether you're starting a personal blog, an online portfolio, a small business website, or an e-commerce store, Hostinger offers the tools to get you online quickly and easily.
Sign up for Hostinger ( Discount already added )
Why Choose Hostinger?
Sign up for Hostinger ( Discount already added )
Step-by-Step Guide
  1. Sign Up for a Hostinger Account:
    • Visit the Hostinger website.
    • Choose a hosting plan that suits your needs (e.g., Single Web Hosting, Premium Web Hosting, Business Web Hosting).
    • Create an account by providing your email address and a password, or sign up using your Google or Facebook account.
  2. Choose a Domain Name (or Use an Existing One):
    • If you don't have a domain name, you can purchase one through Hostinger during the signup process.
    • If you already own a domain, you can point it to Hostinger by updating the nameservers in your domain registrar settings.
  3. Select Your Website Building Method: Hostinger offers two primary ways to build your website:
    • Hostinger Website Builder: This is the easiest option for beginners. It provides a drag-and-drop interface with a variety of customizable templates.
    • WordPress: WordPress is a popular content management system (CMS) that offers more flexibility and customization options. Hostinger provides a one-click WordPress installation.
  4. Build Your Website:Hostinger Website BuilderWordPress
    • Choose a template that matches your website's purpose.
    • Customize the template by adding your content (text, images, videos), changing colors, fonts, and layouts.
    • Use the drag-and-drop interface to easily add elements like galleries, contact forms, maps, and more.
    • Explore additional features like blogs, online stores, and integrations with social media platforms.
    • Install WordPress with one click from your Hostinger hPanel.
    • Choose a WordPress theme that aligns with your website's design and functionality.
    • Install plugins to add extra features like SEO optimization, contact forms, security enhancements, and e-commerce capabilities.
    • Customize your website by adding pages, posts, menus, widgets, and more.
  5. Optimize for SEO:
    • Use relevant keywords throughout your website's content.
    • Optimize your images with descriptive file names and alt text.
    • Create a sitemap and submit it to search engines.
    • Use Hostinger's SEO toolkit to analyze and improve your website's visibility.
  6. Publish Your Website:
    • Once you're satisfied with your website, click the "Publish" button.
    • Your website will be live and accessible to visitors!
Additional Tips
Sign up for Hostinger ( Discount already added )
Example: Creating a Blog on Hostinger
Let's say you want to start a blog about your travels. You can use the Hostinger Website Builder and select a blog template. Customize it with your photos, travel stories, and tips. Add a contact form so readers can reach out, and integrate social media buttons to share your posts. With Hostinger, creating and managing your blog is a breeze.
Important Considerations
Advanced Features
Once you're comfortable with the basics, explore Hostinger's advanced features to enhance your website:
Upgrading Your Hosting Plan
As your website grows, you might need more resources. Hostinger makes it easy to upgrade your hosting plan to accommodate increased traffic and storage needs.
The Hostinger Community
Hostinger has an active community forum where you can connect with other users, ask questions, and get help from experienced webmasters.
Building a website with Hostinger is a straightforward process, even if you have no prior experience. Their intuitive website builder, one-click WordPress installation, and robust features make it easy to create a professional-looking website in no time. Whether you're a blogger, an entrepreneur, or a creative professional, Hostinger provides the tools and support you need to establish your online presence and achieve your goals.
Sign up for Hostinger ( Discount already added )
submitted by isaac_kelvin to Webhostinger [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:40 gjwthf Is it possible to use Replit and ChatGPT to prompt and have it update and run the code automatically?

I use ChatGPT to write full scripts that I have to cut and paste into VScode, then run. Then I tell ChatGPT, make the fonts bigger, or move this around, or add that, etc.
Each time I have to copy and paste everything then run it.
I want something that skips the copying/pasting. Can replit do this where I just keep prompting and having it edit the code automatically? Someone please guide me a little
submitted by gjwthf to ChatGPTCoding [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:38 Broad_Rip5202 trying to install dotfiles using an install script, getting an erorr with stow

I'm trying to install some dotfiles and when I uncomment and run the script, stow seems to have an issue 'stowing' the hyprland config files.
WARNING! stowing hypr would cause conflicts: * cannot stow ../dotfiles/hyphyphyprland.conf over existing target hyphyprland.conf since neither a link nor a directory and --adopt not specified All operations aborted
seems to have sucessfuly installed the font and text color aswell as waybar, not sure about the others.
Mind you, complete noob, avoid jargon
submitted by Broad_Rip5202 to archlinux [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:32 Kisame83 Please tell me where I'm being stupid

Hey boils and ghouls. One of those posts lol.
So, I returned to the game a few weeks ago, for the first time since the winter update. Since then, my game crashes about 90% of the time I try to so much as load a save. I've gone through and removed mods I thought were a problem (example, people swear up and down Open Cities has conflicts with modern mods, so I took it out). No, I did not do this mid playthrough. Ive reinstalled the game from scratch once, I've cleared reserve space a few times and started fresh, I've started like 4 characters to test. I'll be running just fine, aside from one file that was hard crashing at the Mirmulnir fight (first dragon fight outside Whiterun).
With any character, it goes alright until I make a save and leave the game. Then, upon attempting to load, I get two seconds into the load screen and CTD. Am I using anything known to be problematic, have things in a screwy order, or missing patches I should have? I appreciate any suggestions!
Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch
Unofficial Skyrim Creation Club Patch
Simple Workaround
TK Interface Overhaul - Beta
Skyrad HUD Preset - TK Edition
(Updated) Paarthurnax Quest Expansion
The Heliosprotector Project
Obscure Scholarship: The Obscure College Bundle 1K
Skyrim Reputation
Voiced Narrative AE AIO
Immersive Hunter Dialogue
The Beast Within
Feral Dragon Avatar
(XB1) Truly Absorb Dragon Souls - Heavy
Stock Market of Skyrim
Headtracking - Fully Scripted
CC Quick Armor Access
Free Craft Saints and Seducers
Unique Magicka Sabers - SSE
Dragon Katanas
Dragon Carved Armor
Dragon Carved Regal Armor
Enhanced Bound Weapons (XB1)
Morningstar - Minimalistic Races of Skyrim (XB1)
Thunderchild - Epic Shouts and Immersion (XB1)
Vokrii - Minimalistic Perks of Skyrim (XB1)
Odin - Skyrim Magic Overhaul (XB1)
Growl - Werebeasts of Skyrim (XB1)
Sacrilege - Minimalistic Vampires of Skyrim (XB1)
Perk Points and More Gold
GET Immersive Merchant Cheats (XB1)
GET Immersive Cheats (Expanded Edition) (XB1)
Ultimate Skyrim Music Replacer
Skyland AIO
Quill - Realistic Font
Book Covers of Skyrim Tweaked & Fixed
Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Enhancer -CBBE- (Official) - Slim AIO
(CBBE) Lovergirl Skin - 2K
(CBBE) Matte Specular
Loverboy Rugged 2K
Bijin AIO
Kalilies NPCs - CBBE
Pandorables NOCS - AIO
The Kids Are Alright - Episode 1
GLAM Senna
GLAM Karliah
GLAM Astrid & Gabriella
GLAM Illia
GLAM Lydia
GLAM Aranea
GLAM Ysolda
GLAM Haelga
GLAM Elenwen
GLAM Ingun & Maven
Buvarp Revamped - Barely Used Vanilla Actors Recycle Project (With Missing Follower Dialogue Edit)
Odahviing Serving You At Last
Inigo (XB1)
Song of the Green (Auri)
Aniya - A Custom Voiced Follower
Mirai - The Girl With The Dragon Heart
Pandorables Mirai Replacer
Majestic Aurie Visual Replacer
Serana Re-Imagined + Red Hair
Deadlier Serana Re-Imagined
Amilovecake's Better Sleeping Arrangements For Mirai The Girl With The Dragon<3
AI Overhaul 1.8.2 Non Scripted
Immersive Amazing Follower Tweaks
Relationship Dialogue Overhaul
Alternate Start - Live Another Life
New Beginnings - Live Another Life Extension
Enhanced Bound Weapons - Vokrii Patch
Auri-Inigo Banter Patch
Odin - Vokrii Compatibility Patch
Bijin AIO - USSEP Patch
RDO - AFT Patch (XB1)
RDO - USSEP Patch (XB1)
submitted by Kisame83 to SkyrimModsXbox [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:50 mtgscavenger [EBAY] - Disney Cinderella Castle Discontinued Brand New Set @ $80.00 #ad

[EBAY] - Disney Cinderella Castle Discontinued Brand New Set @ $80.00 #ad submitted by mtgscavenger to BrickDrop [link] [comments]
