Fuuny goodmorning sayings

[Offer] Introvert Girlfriend 22f

2024.05.15 11:51 Striking-Bite9303 [Offer] Introvert Girlfriend 22f

Looking to spend time with someone and have a mutually enjoyable experience. We can say goodmorning to eachother everyday, chat about anything whenever we'd like, get to know eachother and enjoy the romance and intimacy we create. We'll end our days saying goodnight to eachother.
I'll share photos, videos and funny things with you daily. I have long dark hair, freckles and work out alot:) I'm an introvert alot of the time and I have a few nerdy hobbies. I can send you some photos of my face and body too as well as verify :) looking to enter a weekly or monthly arrangement (open to having long term too)
I'm an 18+ adult looking for a sfw relationship with another 18+ adult
submitted by Striking-Bite9303 to HireAGirlfriend [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:15 dictator_to_be Is this considered disobedience to one’s parents? May God reward anyone who reads this.

Salam everyone! I wasn't active on reddit for a while due to my diploma exams, but Alhamdulillah they went well and InshAllah I'll be getting the grade I want to get. I feel so happy about finishing; I even got a full scholarship to go to a top university in my country, Alhamdulillah (If you've seen my posts about taqiyyah, you'll know this is a big deal as I will be moving out inshAllah), but I still can't be truly happy as my mom hasn't spoken to me in a week.
My mom and I are really different, but that doesn't matter much to me. I think it does to her. Alhamdulillah she is a practicing Muslim, and I have grown to be more religious since 2023. I started wearing the hijab, I read quran on a regular basis, I pray and fast and Alhamdulillah I am working on my mentality in this world and not just my rituals. For some reason, my mom has not shown me support with that. She was against my hijab and cried for nights when I made the decision (She's a hijabi herself!!!!), and we fought multiple times because of it. She's given me really mean comments about it, and I've cried many times for that. Just a few days ago, she spoke to me for the first time to accuse me of lying to my teacher because I didn't want to attend a class (I had an exam, but I also wanted to go out after it. I just told my teacher I have an exam so I won't come. I didn't know that was considered lying, but I repented either way.) She accused me of hypocrisy, that I choose where to be religious and where not. This made me cry so much. I felt like I am just trying my best and i didn't know, and I just want my mother's support.
The reason she is not speaking to me is this. A week ago, I told her that the seniors of my school (im a senior) are planning a camp night in school. Basically, they'll spend a night in school in tents. I don't enjoy their company at all and I certainly know this is an activity I will NOT enjoy. I told her about it; she was against sleeping. I said Alhamdulillah. Then, I said: "They probably won't sleep anyway. I think they'll just stay up late with music and dance and freemixing. Maybe I can go the next morning to have breakfast with them only." She saw red. I felt scared seeing how fast she switched. She said that no I will go and stay up late with them. I said "why? I won't enjoy." My dad also said to her that it's okay leave her be she's happy like this. And she got so angry after this. She started saying that I think I'm better than everyone else and that she's forcing me to go. "You want me to leave you be? You'll see how I'll leave you be later on in life!" As a convert in taqiyyah, this really hurt me, because not a day passes where I don't think of the day they'll actually leave me when they find out about my conversion. She said that all I care about is my studies. Yes! That's the only thing I care about now! After religion of course. I don't understand. I have friends and I go out so it's not like I'm lonely Alhamdulillah. And my studies are such a priority to me. That's what got me a scholarship. And I did it all for her. She's a working mother, and I see how much she struggles for us. So I worked so hard in order to make her relax in regards to college tuition. "In college, everyone will live their life and you will be stuck in your dorm room studying like a lonely person!" Huh. I study so much, yes, but I also have a social life and friends and everyone at school knows my name.
After that yelling fit she had, where I didn't say one word by the way, she hasn't spoken to me. And it's not only silence, it's also anger. She's really angry at me. This anger is what makes me feel bad. I know we are not supposed to obey our parents when they command us to do something that God didn't, but it's the anger of a mother which makes me feel like "what if this is angering my God too?" I appreciate my mom so much. She works so hard for us. Despite her not speaking to me, I still kiss her goodnight and goodmorning. But she is just so angry. I thought about apologising, but for what! After reading all the ahadith on the rights of parents over us, I overthink if God is even accepting my prayers as my mom is angry at me.
I missed this subreddit. Thank you for reading this far. My situation reminds me of our mother al-Zahraa SAA. Whenever I cry for my mom, I start sending salawat on Fatima PBUH. I think that's the good thing about this situation. Alhamdulillah.
Salawat on Muhammad Wa Ali Muhammad.
submitted by dictator_to_be to shia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:52 hyperqueenn I keep debating on whether I [25F] should stay with my long distance BF [23M], advice?

So we're about to have our 1 year anniversary soon. He's not a crazy long distance away, he's 5 hours from me by car. He's litterally the most perfect guy i've ever dated. He's messaged me almost every morning and night cute goodnight/goodmorning messages. I work as a waitress/bartender so I could realistically work anywhere, but being far from home is hard, and the people in his town are just not the type of people i'd get along with, or at least close to. Finding work there has been surprisingly hard for me, as I can get into fancy places where I live here, and people will keep me on the payroll forever over here. On top of that, I had a doubt ever since the beginning about him, when it comes to girls especially. The girls in his town don't look interesting compared to the city we both come from, so even if he says he's loyal, I feel like he hasn't had much exposure, and I suspect him flirting with my brothers gf (sometimes making me the butt of some jokes just to make her laugh - she's 35 btw lol but she's pretty too). I honestly don't know I might be crazy, regardless it's giving me a reason to emotionally disassociate myself with him right now. I've already mentioned it to him once, he denied anything with a laugh, and I don't see the point of talking about it again. But I also know that he's a really good guy, he looks great, and is an amazing bf, which is so rare to see and I'm so so scared of losing him for that reason, which is why I cut him some slack. We also get along in person. Facetime simply gets boring really quickly. And if we're out in a party, were definitely not "two peas in a pod"; we have very seperate convos, and I don't even see him ever getting along with my friends at all. My friends and family are something super important to me, as well as the need to be financially 100% independent, but I'm so scared of losing this DIME though. My parents and aunt really want us to stay together too, which creates extra pressure for me. I don't want to end up in another loop of finding dogshit men who only care to play with people's feelings. And being single, seems kinda pointless to me right now. I've been single long enough in my life, or in pointless relationships too. I would hate to end up with higher standards if I left him, only to end up being 50 with no one in their life. But I also want to be single ? I don't know what to do with this feeling honestly.
submitted by hyperqueenn to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:22 ProgrammerAshamed144 Boomer demands wifi

I'm currently sitting in a waiting room at a dealership while my car is being serviced.
As soon as I walk in, I make eye contact with a woman already sitting in the waiting room and I say "Goodmorning!" She responds with a disappointing growl, which I can only assume is disapproval of my mask or the Nintendo switch tucked under my arm (this service was quoted as 3 hours minimum).
After about 20 minutes of waiting in silence, she asks if I know the wifi password. I tell her I do not, but it should be posted nearby. I scan the walls, and see the wifi password. Trying to be kind, I get up and walk over to the paper and tell her what the password is (its the name of the dealership in all lower case, one word).
Feeling like I did her a favor, I return to my seat happy, smiling under my mask. Pop my headphones back in and continue to play my Switch in peace.
After 2 minutes or so, the woman is visibly frustrated and yells that I gave her the wrong password.
So she gets up and makes her way to the listed paper. After a short period of standing there, she throws her purse on a nearby seat and digs through her purse. I turned down the volume and could hear her rambling something about a rude asshole. She finally finds her glasses, puts them on, then stares at the paper and in an overly animated and exaggerated fashion she inputs the password again into her phone.
She returns to her seat, visibly PISSED. She then tells me I'm rude for not putting the password in for her and that it doesn't work (not sure why she thinks me putting it in would be any different if she was convinced the password was wrong)
So at this point I'm left with a few options. I could ask for her phone and assist her, but at this point I would rather be the rude asshole she has decided that I am. So I say "skill issue" and turn my volume back up.
As I type this out I can see her in my peripheral shifting around and clearly upset. No one else in the waiting room so far, but if someone else comes I'll be sure to turn down the volume and listen to whatever lovely version of events she tries to turn this into.
submitted by ProgrammerAshamed144 to BoomersBeingFools [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 17:08 Kean_04 I lost her because I was uncomfortable of her going to clubs.

Excuse the bad grammar or anything wrong on what I wrote, I just want to share my feelings.
Today I learned that I was insecure. I viewed clubs as a place to get black out drunk, cheat, do bad stuff. I was jealous that she was having fun out that night while I sit or lay down in my bed. I was scared that she will find someone more handsome than me, taller than me, richer than me. I was scared that she will cheat on me even though I know she won't. It kills me inside that I have this issue. And I projected it to her which I really regret. Im fine with her going anywhere but I really have an issue with clubs in general. I always get bad stories about clubs, one of the story was, a girl went to clubs even though she has a bf. She was kind, respectful, outright an amazing person. But at that same night she cheated on her bf in the club, kissing random strangers, got pregnant by someone there. I was terrified. Other one I got from a story from the internet, his wife went to the club and cheated even though their relationship was healthy. Maybe those stories got me scared of clubs and I viewed it as a place where single people go.
With this, I(19 m) ruined my relationship with my ldr gf(19 f). At first, when she told me that she wanted to go clubbing with her girl friend on her birthday. I was hurt, there my insecurities got in. She told me that they planned it before we were together, or basically before her birthday. With that, I said okay because I don't want her to stop doing what she wants but it was huge blow to me. I felt uncomfortable, insecure, scared. From there, our relationship went downhill. I unconsciously manipulated her, guilt tripping her to not go there, controlling her, saying sorry over and over again because even though I was really trying to not feel uncomfortable with the idea of her going there, it just came out. I was really trying my best not to show it. She was assuring me that she only wants to have fun and get drunk with her girl friend. She knows that I feel uncomfortable in those places because we talked about it and assured me. Then when the night came that she and her girl friend was going to the bar. I can't help myself but cry. I slept after they got to the bar, I didn't tell her that I slept because I was really really hurt. Then I woke up at 3, I hurriedly open my phone and check if she messaged me. She was updating me every hour and she was confused why am I not responding. Then one update hit me so bad and destroyed me so much. She messaged me that there really are touchy man in the club. I felt like I was crushed, my heart sunk to my stomach. I checked her location so fast and saw that they moved to a club. She didn't mention it in her updates and I felt like crying because it hurts so much. After that, I said terrible things to her that I really really regret doing because I was at the height of my emotions. She even assured me that she rejected them and slapped their hands when they touched her. But still, I said mean words to her. Then after she went home like 5 in the morning. We talked(chat ofc because yes we were ldr), we were trying to find a way where we can meet in the middle were we will feel comfortable. Then after two days she left. I guess I really did deserve that. I have so many issues within me. Even I would leave me. I really regret what I did to her. She was the most beautiful girl I have ever met. And I ruined it. I would do everything for this girl and I ruined it. Because of my insecurities. I lost myself right from the start. I didn't think I would do those kind of things to hurt her.
I reached out to her 1 week after no contact and ask if this is really the end of our relationship. Then she answered so cold and felt like I was just another man to her. I lost her. Because I was insecure.
I really want to fix these issues, this insecurity bull crap, anxiety attachment bull crap, controlling bull crap, my anxiety.
I kind of accepted it now. That I fucked up. I want to get better. I want to learn from the mistakes I made. I ruined the relationship that I was really looking forward to be with in the future. I really really fucked up. It's been two weeks, and it feels like hell. Nights are so long now, I don't get goodmorning/goodnight texts now, I don't have someone to tell about my day anymore. I lost my partne my world/ my love. The most beautiful girl in the world.
I really really miss her. I fucked up 1 year and 4 months of our relationship.
TL;DR;: I was insecure, uncomfortable, scared of her going to clubs and said mean words to her the night she went to the club. After two days she left me. I deserve it.
submitted by Kean_04 to heartbreak [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 12:34 John-handy Solar Flares, Aurora Borealis, Northern Lights

Solar Flares, Aurora Borealis, Northern Lights
Goodmorning Cardiff,
I took these photos at Pen y Fan on the 10th May 2024
My friend said I should send them to Wales Online … but I don’t think anyone should profit from nature, least of all a media outlet
I wish I could have shared the experience with you ALL in person … it was WILD to say the least
My friend and I went up at sunset around 9pm, reached the peak at around 10 and watched as the scenery started to unfold
There was a little chit chat in the background from the 20 or so of us that were sat at the top of the mountain until just after 11pm when the flares became so prominent that we all fell in silence collectively
We were humbled by the greatness of the views …
The lights continued until around 2.30am and lying in my sleeping bag shivering from the cold, I continued taking photos until I could barely see the light anymore
We woke up at around 4.30am to an incredible sunrise that featured a single vertical light leftover from the night before
The peak quickly populated with selfie tourists, chatter, and drone cameras
It appeared as though most of them had no clue what they had just missed
If we get these lights again in our lifetimes DO NOT MISS THEM, I cannot fully describe with words or images how amazing, whimsical, and electrifying it truly was!
I went up again on the 11th and last night the 12th but no luck it was far too overcast
Most of the photos are taken on an iPhone 15 Pro, the rest are taken with a Canon 5D Mark2, Canon 24mm 2.8 IS USM (with variable ND), and Zeiss Milvus 100mm 2.0
If you’d like any of the photos high res please email me at handyman.john@yahoo.com
Please respect my work, I have been passionate about photography since I was 14 and it would break my heart to see someone using these elsewhere without my consent … just ASK
All the Best
Your friend, John
submitted by John-handy to Cardiff [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 11:32 Kean_04 I lost her because I was uncomfortable of her going to clubs.

Excuse the bad grammar or anything wrong on what I wrote, I just want to share my feelings.
Today I learned that I was insecure. I viewed clubs as a place to get black out drunk, cheat, do bad stuff. I was jealous that she was having fun out that night while I sit or lay down in my bed. I was scared that she will find someone more handsome than me, taller than me, richer than me. I was scared that she will cheat on me even though I know she won't. It kills me inside that I have this issue. And I projected it to her which I really regret. Im fine with her going anywhere but I really have an issue with clubs in general. I always get bad stories about clubs, one of the story was, a girl went to clubs even though she has a bf. She was kind, respectful, outright an amazing person. But at that same night she cheated on her bf in the club, kissing random strangers, got pregnant by someone there. I was terrified. Other one I got from a story from the internet, his wife went to the club and cheated even though their relationship was healthy. Maybe those stories got me scared of clubs and I viewed it as a place where single people go.
With this, I(19 m) ruined my relationship with my ldr gf(19 f). At first, when she told me that she wanted to go clubbing with her girl friend on her birthday. I was hurt, there my insecurities got in. She told me that they planned it before we were together, or basically before her birthday. With that, I said okay because I don't want her to stop doing what she wants but it was huge blow to me. I felt uncomfortable, insecure, scared. From there, our relationship went downhill. I unconsciously manipulated her, guilt tripping her to not go there, controlling her, saying sorry over and over again because even though I was really trying to not feel uncomfortable with the idea of her going there, it just came out. I was really trying my best not to show it. She was assuring me that she only wants to have fun and get drunk with her girl friend. She knows that I feel uncomfortable in those places because we talked about it and assured me. Then when the night came that she and her girl friend was going to the bar. I can't help myself but cry. I slept after they got to the bar, I didn't tell her that I slept because I was really really hurt. Then I woke up at 3, I hurriedly open my phone and check if she messaged me. She was updating me every hour and she was confused why am I not responding. Then one update hit me so bad and destroyed me so much. She messaged me that there really are touchy man in the club. I felt like I was crushed, my heart sunk to my stomach. I checked her location so fast and saw that they moved to a club. She didn't mention it in her updates and I felt like crying because it hurts so much. After that, I said terrible things to her that I really really regret doing because I was at the height of my emotions. She even assured me that she rejected them and slapped their hands when they touched her. But still, I said mean words to her. Then after she went home like 5 in the morning. We talked(chat ofc because yes we were ldr), we were trying to find a way where we can meet in the middle were we will feel comfortable. Then after two days she left. I guess I really did deserve that. I have so many issues within me. Even I would leave me. I really regret what I did to her. She was the most beautiful girl I have ever met. And I ruined it. I would do everything for this girl and I ruined it. Because of my insecurities. I lost myself right from the start. I didn't think I would do those kind of things to hurt her.
I reached out to her 1 week after no contact and ask if this is really the end of our relationship. Then she answered so cold and felt like I was just another man to her. I lost her. Because I was insecure.
I really want to fix these issues, this insecurity bull crap, anxiety attachment bull crap, controlling bull crap, my anxiety.
I kind of accepted it now. That I fucked up. I want to get better. I want to learn from the mistakes I made. I ruined the relationship that I was really looking forward to be with in the future. I really really fucked up. It's been two weeks, and it feels like hell. Nights are so long now, I don't get goodmorning/goodnight texts now, I don't have someone to tell about my day anymore. I lost my partne my world/ my love. The most beautiful girl in the world.
I really really miss her. I fucked up 1 year and 4 months of our relationship.
TL;DR;: I was insecure, uncomfortable, scared of her going to clubs that I was hurting her(not physically ofc you get what I mean) and said mean words to her the night she went to the club. After two days she left me. I deserve it.
submitted by Kean_04 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 07:38 Striking-Bite9303 [Offer] Introvert Girlfriend 22f

Hey there :) looking to spend time with you and enjoy your company.
We can say goodmorning to eachother everyday, chat about anything whenever we'd like, get to know eachother and enjoy the connection and intimacy we create.
I'm an introvert alot of the time and I have a few nerdy hobbies. I can send you some photos of my face and body too as well as verify :) looking to enter a weekly or monthly arrangement (open to having long term too)
I'm an 18+ adult looking for a sfw relationship with another 18+ adult
submitted by Striking-Bite9303 to HireAGirlfriend [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 04:28 Far-Condition3200 I watched Porn again, my Girlfreind will leave if I tell her but I think I should

I told her I watched Porn before she was heart broken and said she was cheated on, I know that telling her means she will probably leave but I think I will tell her this, any comments or thoughts are appreciated "I have become depressed being with you. It's all my fault, OC you where the best thing to ever happen to me, and I am sad it's over. I know I will regret this probably for a very long time, but I can't keep lying I cheated on you again. The same thing porn, I have an addiction, I am not sure who to go to about it. And I am so sorry you ended up with a guy like me. Any guy would be lucky to have you. You are the best girl in the world, I am sorry I couldn't be that for you OC, I can apolize a million times and it still wouldn't be enough. You made yourself very clear, if I did it again you would leave and we where done, and I still did it anyways. I am sorry I lied, and lied, it started that one day when we where watching the video about Porn Addiction and the guy said people make promises of quitting not out of what they are capable of it but out of fear, when you said that made you feel like you shouldn't ask me to complete stop at once, I should have asked you for help, OC I have never been so alone in my life, I am so sorry so so sorry, I treated you terrible. You said the other day that you felt like I was being upset over small things so you would leave, I think you where right. OC I wanted you to leave, the guilt I felt ate me alive, and fed into the addiction. You where the best, you where the most loyal most caring most beautiful girl anyone could have ever imagined. I ruined our relationship out of the guilt I had. You know something was wrong, you asked me multiple times, I am sorry, I never had the balls to tell you because I know that means where over, but don't mistake this as me wanting it to be over, if somehow someway, you can find it in your heart to work with me, I could not put into words how Joyous I would be. But I know we are probably done and I won't blame you, if anyone asks me I will say she was the best thing to ever happen to me, and I ruined it. OC, I will never be able to take back the things I did to you and for that I am sorry. OC you saved my life, and I ruined yours. I am so sorry, I am sorry I didn't let you touch me more, I am sorry I didn't tell you I was proud of you, I am sorry I didn't show you Love, I am sorry that I failed you,I am sorry I didn't hold your hand more, I am sorry I didn't buy you flowers more often, I am sorry I wasted your time, I am sorry I took your virginity, I am sorry I yelled at you, I am sorry I couldn't be, who I wanted to be. OC your where the only person who I felt Loved by and I pushed you away. I appreciated everything you did for me, I appreciated you pushed me to do my assignments, I appreciated how you respected me, I appreciated how you cared, I appreciated you saying goodnight, I appreciated you saying goodmorning, I appreciated you taking a risk on me. I appreciated the opportunity you gave me. You know the other night I was with Alan, and I broke down in tears about how you where so amazing and I will never be enough, It's me, OC like your sister said a pattern is a pattern, as much as I want you to stay you deserve better but I want you to know I am sorry and I enjoyed every single minute I was with you. They says the truth let you free, so ask me anything I will be 100% truthful. I hope, I can see you again one day. I will be thinking about you on my wedding day. Hopefully by the grace of God seeing you too. "
submitted by Far-Condition3200 to PornAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 02:40 No-Glass-3437 My (16F) "colleague" (17F) gives me mixed signals, what do i do?

I (f16) am in sophomore year, and i am a senator of my classroom or representative. And when i first joined i was excited. I met with a bunch of other senators that day and when we were not supervised by the teachers the first few minutes we had time to socialize, a guy (17f) there caught my eye since he was just showing his friend his grades and i complimented his achievement. That day we had to pick a president and i was so impressed by him that i secretly voted for him and he got picked. At first i would give him glances in meetings and when he would catch me i would pretend i was looking around the classroom.
Fast forward, i started being more attached and comfy, i gave him pens and supplies when he came to our classroom if he needed. And i would cheer for him in his presentations. he is so cute, (not what society or social media would consider handsome) but i love how he looks. It's the first time i crush on someone. He once came into my class asking for a calculator and as another girl was going to give it to him he just grabbed mine and said "thankyou colleague ;)" in front of the teacher. And i still get teased about it.
Later on i kept looking at him more obviously, saying goodmorning, waiting at my classrooms door so i could get a glance of him, coming in early so i could watch him enter school. I had NEVER ever considered telling anyone but i did tell my friend. And she often teases me.
Once when we were passing by she told me to look back. When i did he was full on staring at me while with his friends. but im too shy and i just turned and walked away. Ditching my lunch plans. then when we were having p.e , it happened that another class was playing a sport so my class joined. I went to the court to watch close to the bleachers but didnt sit. and him and his friend were just outside the classroom but as soon as i entered he did too.
A girl sat next to him and she was talking but he was just looking at me as i was standing up with my friend. as the game ended his friends went away but he was looking at me (our class had 2 hours of p.e) and he just kept looking at me and then got up and as he was walking away he didnt once break eye contact. i wanted to make it obvious and looked at him back.
i have even told my strict mom about him. which is something i was shaking my legs when i did. because shes really scary.
i dont know what to do as my mom said not to ask him out , not until he does.
i dont know what to do because i dont want to ask him out directly. but i want to make it known. and i want him to understand that i like him. or make him confess? i am not sure what to do in this situation. i cant understand him at all.
I actually need adivce because i have a hard time uunderstanding relationships.
submitted by No-Glass-3437 to teenrelationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 00:21 Bubbly-Rule-2381 Boyfriend lied to me for a year

Like the title says my boyfriend lied to me for a year. This is gonna be a long post so get ready. I dont know if this is even the right place for this post. Please no sharing or reposting as this is still an ongoing issue.
I (27f) and my boyfriend/ ex(26m) I’ll call him J started talking last year around January, I was at the end of a long and unhappy relationship with someone else when J first messaged me, that relationship was long dead, but neither of us wanted to pull the trigger. I told J that I was in a relationship and he continued to pursue me and we kept talking, I felt extreme guilt about the situation but it was the push I needed to break off the original unhappy relationship.
After that we talked every day, he sent me flowers, showered me with love. J had originally said that he had taken a lot of time to get over his last relationship and he hadn’t dated someone seriously for a couple years, and I believed him. Our relationship was long distance and 16 hr drive or a 2 hr flight and I had to cross the us/canadian border about a month after my original relationship ended he drove the 16 hours to meet me in person the first time, he absolutely swept me off my feet because I had never had someone go to such extreme lengths for me before. I was in love after that first weekend, he was so sweet and caring I got sick during that first visit and he took care of me and was so attentive. Our next meeting was about a month later and we both drove halfway so about 8 hrs for both of us, after that weekend on our way home he got in a car accident and I turned around and picked him up turning my 8hr drive into a 2 day drive because we were both already about halfway home and drove as far as I could before we needed to pull over to get him home. After that I said no more drives but after another month he insisted and made the drive again after I told him it was too dangerous.everything was intense and he really went the extra mile for me, he wanted to be with me no matter what and I was so deeply in love. We talked all day, every day, goodmorning calls, goodnight calls, playing video games, falling asleep on the phone. He moved into a new apartment around month 3 because he said that his lease was up and the rent was going up too much and he wanted to move somewhere cheaper to save money for our future. I started flying to visit him once every month or 2 for a weekend, and we stayed at his place and I stayed with him for a week in October. We were trying to figure out how to get me to move to him, trying to make a plan.
About 6 months in he told me that he had been keeping a secret from me and that we shouldn’t be together because of it. The secret was that he has 2 kids with his previous girlfriend, he didn’t have custody and he hadn’t seen them for a long time. I was supportive, I wanted to help him with custody once I was there if that’s what he wanted, I fought hard for the relationship to work and made sure he knew I was ok with it and that I loved him and I was just upset that he hadn’t told me sooner.
We would fight because of his jealousy, which I understood at the time because of how our relationship had originally started with me being with someone else’s and talking to him. I did everything to ease his mind, turned on location, deleted all made friends, gave constant updates, but we still fought.
Around December he got partial custody of his kids, weekend visits and I was so happy for him, he ended up having to move into his family’s place for more room for the kids and I was supportive, planning trips around the new schedule. Our last visit was for Easter, something felt off he was more distant. I saw an email address that I shouldn’t have while he was logging into Netflix that was his exs. Which seemed suspicious because they were apparently apart for 3 years, why would it still be on his account for so long. I found her social media, saw that he had given her one of the same gifts that he gave me for Valentine’s Day. When confronted he said he gave it to the kids to give to her, and that seemed plausible, I was still hurt because it was a more sentimental gift. Then he got really distant, wouldn’t answer my calls, no more gaming. He was sick so I thought it could be that.
2 weeks went by like this then he told me that had he had been lying to me again. He said that he had left her for me and our first time meeting was the day he left. He swore up and down that he wasn’t going back to her, that the relationship was dead and that he had been so distant because in my snooping of her socials she had also found me and she was pissed. He said he lied because if he told me I wouldn’t have given him a chance and I never would have met him. 3 days later he called and said that he had chosen to be with his family. I could hear the kids in the background, so I knew he was already at her place. He didn’t explain further, and just hung up and blocked my number.
I was turned into the villain in her life and I had no idea. I fell so madly in love, I actually was happy for once in my life and it was all a lie. I’m destroyed, I have no idea what else he was lying about. I feel dumb, I feel used but I can’t let it go. He was my home, I was actively getting everything ready to move. I know if he called right now and asked me to drive to him I would. I’ve barely eaten, I’ve lost a lot of weight but I’m still waiting for him. The situation is complex, I want to still try. How do I move on? If he comes back can we ever work? I feel crazy because I’m still looking at apartments and day dreaming our life together. Our one year anniversary is in a week, I don’t know how to cope.
Tdlr : boyfriend lied and hid his past relationship for a year and left me for them out of nowhere while we were planning on me moving to be with him.
submitted by Bubbly-Rule-2381 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 15:43 Lower_Coffee_4687 Virginia Refund Verification

Goodmorning, my gf filed 3/19 and was told on 4/18 over the phone that she needed to verify ID. Transcript says no return filed. After looking out for a letter from the IRS we decided to clear out some older mail when we found a Virginia refund verification letter dated 3/25 send from the Virginia taxpayers office. My question is does this refund verification letter hold up the federal taxes as well? Or was this strictly for state? Can’t find answers anywhere.
submitted by Lower_Coffee_4687 to IRS [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 06:21 2Ar4 INFP crush’s words not aligning with his actions.

Hi everyone! I am typically a lurker and have realised I get along with INFPs the most, so I want to start with saying I really admire you and how you operate. I think of it as marching to your own beat and love & appreciate your authenticity. I apologise in advance that this is a very long post but I want to get it off my chest.
I (23F) an INFJ, became friends with a (29M) INFP sometime last year at university. I did not notice him at the beginning because we sat on opposite ends of the classroom, I did constantly have a friend of his argue with my points in class which I always answered and from what he has told me, that he got used to my voice and agreed with me often but wasn’t in the mood to argue with his friend himself. I apparantly shocked him in the last week when I revealed that I had survived war at a young age from a specific country. I noticed his head whipping back twice that day but didn’t understand why until we later talked and realised we are from the same country.
A few weeks go by and I run into him at the library where I thought he was bothering the librarian, he was making fun of her hair colour and then called her a weeb, typically I don’t get involved, but he irritated me that I looked at him and said “if you are judging people by their looks, then you would surprised how many people enjoy Manga but don’t appear a certain way.” Embarrassingly enough for me, it turns out the were friends. I was going back to studying but he came and we started chatting about the final we had, a manga we both love very deeply and we exchanged social media. We both aren’t very big phone users, I went overseas for a summer course while he had a holiday and would send me messages and reels every now and then. One time we called as I was getting ready to see what I was upto and when I came back from the exchange program, we would keep in touch once a month to discuss that Manga we enjoyed as well as any other topics that crossed our minds. Our phone calls would go on for hours. Mind you, I have never liked anyone and have not been in a relationship, so I thought this was normal until my friends said it was not?
After a few months of me coming back and we go on break again from university, we decided to meet up in person but went to two different locations of agreed upon place. He waited for me for 3 hours and I felt horrible. I think it was after this that my heart began to soften towards him and I didn’t realise it until a few weeks after that I had feelings for him. He and I both said if we have feelings for someone, then we would tell them. So I did, sometime in December, I made him fresh homemade ravioli and confessed my feelings. He told me that he respects me and does not see me in that way, I took this well but I don’t know why but I saw in his eyes for a brief second a spark or light in which it showed me he felt what I felt, but then killed it in an instant. As if yes he feels it but is not going to allow himself to entertain the idea. I know for a fact he and I could never be together, we have the same vision for the future but our core values will clash. Even if we could work it out, other factors in our lives would make us resent each other in the future.
Now after this I felt okay because we communicated as adults and I was trying to process my feeling seperately so we can be friends but he started becoming very open and friendly with me than before. There were goodmorning and goodnight messages, frequent calling in which a lot of fun and then serious conversations occured. He wanted to compare our birthcharts (which I found really funny that he brought this up as my friend kept asking me about his time of birth). There was a night where we were on the phone for 8+ hours discussing our fears, hopes and dreams (literal dreams and things we want to work towards). He was interested in meeting my friends for a tarot reading (he said for fun). He did and we were going to prank them by saying we were together, but on the day I got super stressed out, he sensed it and operated in a manner to try to soothe me and get me out of my shell, but I was feeling really shy, which is a bit rare for me.
After meeting my friends, he became a bit distant, he told me because he was hoping to help me get over my crush on him and transition into a healthy friendship (which I respect). I still feel confused if he has or had feelings for me, because over time he went from “no” to “I killed my feelings” to “I sort of feel the same” to “I weighed the pros and cons” to “I don’t want both of us to be sad”.
He was not supposed to return to university this semester but I really wanted him to join me for a class, and apparantly when I wasn’t in the room, he told my friend its because I am doing those classes and he wants to do them with me.
He made me homemade curry, in which I let my mother try it, I let him know that she liked it and he got super excited. On our first week back, he made enough portions to feed my family.
We check in with one another every now and then during the week, do our assignments together and banter, by banter I mean I get severely bullied by him about my cooking and anything he can find to pick on. He has said “I hope God blesses you with a husband like me”, when I asked him why he is delighted to annoy me or see me blush.
I do have feelings and care about him very deeply, I have let him go (in the sense if crush, he will always be a very good friend of mine) and wish the absolute best for him. Are there any feelings from his end, or is it strictly platonic and I am bring delusional as he jokingly states?
Sincerely, INFJ who is questioning her sanity and gut feeling but does not want to assume anything incorrectly.
Edit: Spelling and Grammar
submitted by 2Ar4 to infp [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 03:52 UnHknown56789 Should I (F22) Break Up With My Boyfriend (M20)?

Hi, so I've never done this before, usually asking my friends for advice but I know what they'll say. I really just wanna hear perspective or know if I'm crazy.
So me (F22) and my boyfriend (M20) have been dating for a while, but I'm debating leaving him. Some background information: We're both college students, I've taken the year off as I pay out of pocket and tuition has recently gone up. My boyfriend is very studious, 4.0gpa type student, he also lives in what's known as the "presidents house" with his friends, where they host events for the more religious students on campus (my boyfriend is not religious). He is not a good texter and even worse when busy or tired. It is currently finals season. The final detail, my boyfriend has never dated, thought of dating, been in a situationship - any of that - before me. I've also only dated women before him. I should probably also cite, we're both autistic.
Now, I'll get into the sauce:
So we've been dating for a while, but I'm thinking of breaking up with him. I've noticed a pattern in our relationship, we hold hands because I reach to hold hands, we kiss cause I ask or prompt him to ask, we go on dates cause I ask him to plan a date/tell him I wanna do something or I ask him to hang out. We Facetime because I ask to Facetime, if I see him in person (his college is in a different city, about an hour and some minutes away) it's because I asked. If I get pictures of him it's because I asked and continuously reminded him (this is a recent development as the weather is finally nice in my state), he doesn't really tell me stuff, for example, I'll ask him how class is or if anything is going on with his friends or on campus he - mainly - says "not really" but he rarely asks me how my day or if I have anything going on. i'm tired of just telling him, cause I feel like he's not interested if he's not asking. I asked for flowers months ago, but stopped asking because I got embarrassed with how many times (3) I asked, so I just started buying myself flowers. He also never invited me down to the house he lives in except at the beginning of the school year.
The real tick of my beginning to see/think about this pattern was an event. Last Wednesday I asked him if he missed me and he said "tbh, I've been so busy I haven't really had time to think about that stuff." So...ouch. I replied "yeah, got it, school and friends." Feeling like I was being obvious in my agitation and implications in my text that I felt he only cared/cares about his friends and school. He responded with "Indeed. It is relentless." Ouch again. Annoyed and hurt by that, the next day I had a really hard session in therapy I didn't talk to him or anyone else all day. He also didn't text me (besides our daily 'goodmorning' texts) all day as well. Day after that - Friday - I had to ask him how his day was he didn't ask me, replying in short responses, which, obviously made me feel awful and uncared for even more. Did he not notice? Did he not care? I told him if he didn't wanna talk to me he could just say that. We've been back to normal since, we've both acknowledged the tension but we still talk everyday.
I have a family event Saturday this week, that is very important to me. I have told him about it, told him it's important to me, if he doesn't make it I think that'll be it for me. I cannot tell if he doesn't care, is inexperienced and is relying on me, or so oblivious he's not thinking. I'm tired of doing all the work.
What should I do?
submitted by UnHknown56789 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 03:31 hickeyxshamer My sweet little babies saying goodmorning

My sweet little babies saying goodmorning submitted by hickeyxshamer to RATS [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 03:24 Striking-Bite9303 [Offer] Fun Introvert Girlfriend 22f

Hey, looking to spend time with someone and have a mutually enjoyable experience. We can say goodmorning to eachother everyday, chat about anything whenever we'd like, get to know eachother and enjoy the romance and intimacy we create. We'll end our days saying goodnight to eachother.
I'll share my thoughts, photos, videos and funny things with you daily. I'm an introvert alot of the time and I have a few nerdy hobbies. I can send you some photos of my face and body too as well as verify :) looking to enter a weekly or monthly arrangement (open to having long term too)
I'm an 18+ adult looking for a sfw relationship with another 18+ adult
submitted by Striking-Bite9303 to HireAGirlfriend [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 21:49 hhvcfty Normal wwoof experience?

Hello all,
I (26f) just recently started wwoofing on a small farm in Maine. I have lived in this particular area for about a year now but my lease was ending in April and I don’t know anyone in the area to room with so I decided to wwoof here while looking into moving back west, so I reached out to this couple via wwoof to stay until July and they seemed excited to have me join the crew. I have been here for about a month now and they even mentioned that they had nobody else lined up for the season so I offered to stay until November, which at first they seemed keen on but now it’s been about 2 weeks and I feel that they don’t want me here and I’m not sure if it’s just in my head.
For background, since I have lived in this area for a while I have a boyfriend and various friends that I will go and hang out with after I am finished with my farm work, as well as a job that I work 4 days a week, but I always make sure to get my 25-30 hours in like they requested before I do anything recreational. I work Thursday-Sunday nights, so I’ll do light work around the property for about 2 hours on those days before heading in, as well as about 6-7 hours a day Monday through Wednesday, even longer days if I need to. I go and see my boyfriend typically once a week (usually tuesdays after I get done with everything) and he typically comes and hangs out Sunday mornings before I leave for work.
A few times they have last minute asked me to help with stuff on the weekends even though they know those are my only days I can’t help long/hang out with my boyfriend, and I’ll offer as much help as I can but I also have a social/work I am trying to maintain, so sometimes I have to turn down their requests for help. They used to go out of their way to say Goodmorning to me and ask how I’m doing but the past few days they will just give me one of those fake smiles when we run into eachother and don’t interact with me pretty much at all. I will say I am extremely introverted so I typically just do what I’m asked and then I don’t linger around to chat, I just go back to my cabin for the rest of the night. I am not the strongest so I can’t do a lot of heavy lifting, but I always get everything done that they ask of me even if it takes a little longer to accomplish it. I am quiet and respectful, I give them their space but ask what needs done and do it promptly.
Am I doing something wrong? I need to work my job to be able to pay my bills, and I see my boyfriend pretty much as little as possible. I feel like they are starting to dislike having me around which makes me feel bad, the lady even mentioned to me yesterday she had been browsing the wwoof website looking for long term people to come and stay which makes me think they want me to go sooner rather than later. Should I just talk to them and ask what their expectations are? Or would that be annoying? I feel lost
submitted by hhvcfty to WWOOF [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 23:35 Embarrassed-Lie-9212 AITA My mom hasn’t talked to me for a whole day because I respectfully told her I didn’t want to talk about something.

My mom hasn’t talked to me for a whole day because I respectfully told her I didn’t want to talk about something. She dropped me off at school an hour early today and didn’t say goodbye or goodmorning. Nothing. She also is completely ignoring me. When she got home from work she got my sister and dad cookie crumbl. But she didn’t get me anything or tell me she was even getting cookie crumbl. And is continuing to completely baby my sister and give her all the attention. I haven’t done anything disrespectful or rude I just wanted her to respect my boundaries by not continuing a conversation. And now she’s pretending like I don’t exist idk what to do.
submitted by Embarrassed-Lie-9212 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 22:26 renaemartinezz how much does he like me ?

i haven’t been here since like last july 😭😭
so my sister (we aren’t actually related we’re just really close friends who call eachother sister). invited me to hang out with her and her bf and her bfs friend to go on a drive together. my sisters bfs friend was pretty quiet, he’s very shy. i like shy people because im shy too and makes me feel like im not alone with social anxiety.
maybe 3 days ago my sister facetimed me we were talking about random things for about 5 mins. then she was like “you know that guy in the front?” i was like yeah and she said “well he talked to me about you saying that you were really pretty and wants to fw you”. and little does she know i caught feelings some how when we all stopped hanging out for the day.
i added him on snap last night so we could get to know eachother well, and we were talking for about like 3/4 hours about our selfs lol then later we started snapping and i took a picture of my self because why not and he said back “you’re so pretty” when i tell you i screamed i screamed. then this morning he told me goodmorning and we started talking about our selfs again. i can’t really tell how much he likes me.
boys do you know how much he could like me?
submitted by renaemartinezz to Crushes [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 15:38 Awkward_Awareness_44 Break up my fault? 23M 22F

So 23 M met a young women 22 F who moved to her moms house after being in a toxic relationship out of state. She has a 15 month old daughter from the same person she was in a relationship with… we started talking back in March of this year and started taking things seriously about 3 weeks into talking. She moved out of her moms and got an apartment on her own, with her mom’s help of-course, for her and her daughter. She lived about 30 mins away from me and my work place, so the last couple weeks, I’ve been spending a lot of time with her. I did offer for her to come over to my place but it’s more convenient for her with a baby to just stay home and let me drive so respectfully I did so… I dug and dug and dug to try to find a red flag about her other than her baby’s daddy who is apparently a little crazy from what she tells me, but I just couldn’t find anything wrong with this women. We connected on so many different things and were great together so I thought…
Well this past weekend, may the 3rd-5th I spent the weekend at her apt like normal, on the 3rd I took her to meet my mom for the first time for dinner, her and her kid and every thing went great from the looks of it! She bragged to her mama and siblings about me and my family. We both have big families. She’s the youngest of 5 and I’m the oldest of 5 so she loves family time like I do. We go back to her place that night, everything was normal. Saturday morning sets in, everything is perfect I went and got things to make for dinner and everything thing was going well… until about 12:00pm her baby’s daddy called her up and told her that his dog had died, she was very fond of that dog herself so she went into an emotional spiral and had a pretty sad day. Whenever the baby dad would call, I’d respectfully leave the room and go into another room for them to talk to one another or for him to talk to the baby. Per her lawyer, he was only supposed to be calling twice a day at set times to communicate with his daughter. So I didn’t say anything about it. I just let it go, all though I thought it strange because I could her hear from the other room and she seemed emotionally involved with her baby daddy still. Which is understandable, I can understand where that comes from. She was with him for a few years and they had a kid and only been separated for about 6 months… well after that phone call I put her child down to sleep and suggested for her to go take a bath for awhile and rest and mourn the loss of her dog she spent a lot of time with. She did so. I checked on her about an hour later she was just sitting there crying, I comforted her and got her up and dresses and we napped for a couple hours. Saturday night came and left quick. We ate dinner, she cooked and I played with the baby, we put the baby down and went to bed around 10:30 that night. I had to leave for work at 6:00 that morning so I got up around 5:30 to get ready for work, I hand wrote a note and left it on her kitchen counter Sunday morning when I left, locked the door behind me @5:53 and was gone. Just a normal day for me after spending a couple days together.
Got to work, texted her Goodmorning and normally she calls me when the baby gets up because the baby likes to talk to me. She sent me a text that said “hey, so I’m taking an off day today, gonna go to the park with Rayne and kinda leaving my phone at home” and that’s it. Didn’t hear from her all day. I sent her a text after that and said “take all the time you need to clear your head, I’m here if you need anything. I love you.” And I didn’t hear back.
Well I seen that the morning after I left, on my apartment key app on my phone,( the way to get into the apartment) that the door was unlocked at 6:03 am and locked back at 6:36 am that morning. Mind you she doesn’t have a vehicle, her mom wasn’t over and I know of this because she had a baby monitor in the baby’s room set up so we could listen out for the baby at night and during the day when she’s napping. She allowed me access to it just in case she was sleeping heavily because in the past the baby stayed in the same room as her. Not in her new apartment she has her own nursery. So that whole key fob being used was a bit odd to me. I also know she didn’t leave her phone because I snapped her while she was “at the park” and she didn’t reply. I was left on open.
I sent her a text last night at work, I’m a fire fighter so I’m gone for 24 hours normally. Sometimes I work 72 or 96 straight but I never did with her. I text just to tell her I think I was catching a bad vibe from not hearing from her all day. Even after one phone call attempt I tried to make earlier in the day and she didn’t answer. She didn’t reply. Texted her again this morning confirming she was ghosting and I asked if it was okay to come by at some point this week to grab my clothes that I had left.
She replied about 10 mins later this morning with this “ I’m really sorry. I haven’t been trying to ignore you I’m just an emotional wreck right now and I don’t think a relationship is for me. I’m really sorry. Yes I can leave your stuff outside for you just let me know when you’re coming by to grab it.”
I told her “thank you, you’re a good mama and a good women and maybe I was the man you needed in this time of your life. Hopefully one comes around for you one day that can treat you better.”
And I havnt heard from her since. But I have a lot of unanswered questions and thoughts and I really wanna know where I went wrong at. But oh well. I just wanted to share this because I needed to get it out of my system. Thanks.
submitted by Awkward_Awareness_44 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 12:11 Possible-Search-3301 i’m talking to a bad bitch and she left me on open after we said goodnight

i said goodnight she said it back then i said something and she left it on open right now do i say hi or goodmorning
submitted by Possible-Search-3301 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 08:40 TeamOpposite1193 Comment from a real estate agent

Goodmorning to you all,
Out of curiousity. What do you think is going to happen with all the houses that you consider "non bustable" if all the "bustable and (semi) affordable houses are sold off? I would say increase demands because less supplies and therefore increase the prices but maybe I am seeing this the wrong way.
Would love to hear your opinion.
submitted by TeamOpposite1193 to Rentbusters [link] [comments]
