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2016.06.07 01:31 ItsZilix Revelation Online MMO

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2024.05.16 09:12 Traditional-Slide852 Speeding Ticket Rant—off my chest

Zero editing voice-to-text I just need to get this off my chest.
I got a speeding ticket going over the bridge by the harbor police in Chalmette in April. I’ll showed up for my court date in April and spoke to the lady and asked if I could plead down & do a class or anything to not get points on my license she said yes & gave me a court date in may.
I show up in May park in the parking garage walk inside and speak to the clerk inside of the court room with the judge 5 feet away. He says yeah just plead down. Do a defensive driving class online online and bring your certificate back in 30 days today, the 15th.
I procrastinate and wait until last night to do the driving class stayed up all night doing it feeling like shit I go to the parking garage. I park walk to the courthouse that scheduled on the paper I received from the judge there’s a paper on the door, saying not being held here today , I’m in the middle of city at 1 o’clock.
There was a black guy outside on a bike who had traffic court also for a DUI, and when I turned around pissed off, he realized what I realized that court wasn’t being held there today with zero notification – just 1 janky piece of paper taped to the door.
He’s mad I’m mad and he says yeah it’s just down here a couple blocks. I know where they’re talking about so we walk like six blocks together hundred degrees go inside go through the metal detector. He’s taking forever to lock his bike up.
They say oh no, it’s over by the school on St. Bernard. He had no idea where he was going. I’m just following this guy to traffic court. It’s 1:30 at this point, half an hour late now we gotta walk all the way back to the parking garage and he asked if he could ride with me to the courthouse way over on St. Bernard. we’re down by the Superdome.
I pay the guy at the parking garage. I’m stressed out been up all night doing this damn defensive driving class that I paid $60 for the guys down there at the exit of the parking garage, talking to everybody. saying he knows the way again I should’ve just put it into the Maps app to begin with so we’re on our way now. I’ll tell him man I got this.
So it’s pushing 2 o’clock by now I finally get over there. They have little 10 x 10 yard signs showing you where to go way around the back I go to the metal detectors everything th so it’s pushing 2 o’clock by now I finally get over there. They have little 10 x 10 yard signs showing you where to go way around the back I go to the metal detectors everything through the roof. rough the roof.
I’m going to wrap this up because it’s getting long. I’m using voice to text. I wait for 2hrs in that crowded place. Stressed out. They’re basically holding court in a little tiny hot 10x10 office in the back of the library like this……this is the court room?
They finally call my name. I hand them the certificate of completion the official Louisiana certificate of completion for defensive driving. The guy says oh no you were going over 15 miles an hour we can except they finally call my name. I hand them the certificate of completion the official Louisiana certificate of completion for defensive driving. The guy says oh no you were going 51 in a 35, the clerk told you wrong. I’m telling you my blood was boiling. I just walked out. I left the guy. I was done. How does the guy in the courtroom tell you wrong?!
This city is a clown show
submitted by Traditional-Slide852 to NewOrleans [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:50 Frequent_Buy2431 Adapting to University Life: Tips for International Students

Embarking on the journey of university life can be both exhilarating and challenging, especially for international students. Stepping into a new cultural environment, navigating academic expectations, and finding your place in a sea of unfamiliar faces can seem daunting at first. However, with the right mindset and strategies, adapting to university life can become a fulfilling and enriching experience. Here are some invaluable tips to help international students thrive in their new academic setting.

Embrace Diversity and Cultivate Connections

One of the most enriching aspects of university life is the opportunity to interact with people from diverse backgrounds. Embrace this diversity wholeheartedly, as it offers a chance to learn about different cultures, perspectives, and traditions. Engage in student clubs, multicultural events, and community activities to build connections and foster friendships. These connections can provide a support network during challenging times and enhance your overall university experience.

Develop Effective Time Management Skills

University life demands a delicate balance between academics, extracurricular activities, and personal commitments. International students, in particular, may find themselves juggling additional responsibilities such as language barriers and cultural adjustments. Developing effective time management skills is crucial for staying on top of coursework and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Utilize tools such as planners, calendars, and time-blocking techniques to organize your schedule and prioritize tasks efficiently.

Seek Academic Support and Resources

Navigating the academic landscape of a new university can be overwhelming, but remember that you're not alone. Take advantage of the various academic support services and resources offered by your institution. Whether it's tutoring programs, writing centers, or academic advising, these resources are designed to help students succeed. Additionally, don't hesitate to reach out to professors or classmates for clarification or assistance with course materials.

Familiarize Yourself with Technology and Learning Platforms

In today's digital age, technology plays a vital role in education. Familiarize yourself with the learning management systems and digital tools used by your university, such as online libraries, lecture capture software, and collaboration platforms. Being proficient in these technologies will not only streamline your academic workflow but also enhance your overall learning experience.

Understand the Importance of Academic Integrity

Maintaining academic integrity is paramount in university settings. Familiarize yourself with the academic policies and expectations regarding plagiarism, citing sources, and collaboration on assignments. While seeking assistance is encouraged, it's essential to uphold ethical standards and submit original work. Remember, academic integrity is not only about following rules but also about preserving the integrity of your education and personal integrity.

Leveraging Homework Help Services for Academic Success

Among the challenges international students may face, grappling with complex subjects like database management could be particularly daunting. Databases are foundational to many fields, including computer science, business, and information technology. Understanding their principles and applications is crucial for academic success. However, if you find yourself struggling with database assignments, don't hesitate to seek Database Homework Help.
Database management involves organizing, storing, and retrieving data efficiently—a task that requires both theoretical understanding and practical skills. Homework help services specializing in database management can provide invaluable support, offering guidance, clarification, and assistance with assignments. Whether you're grappling with SQL queries, database design, or data manipulation, expert assistance can help you overcome challenges and excel in your studies.
In conclusion, adapting to university life as an international student requires resilience, resourcefulness, and a willingness to embrace new experiences. By cultivating connections, managing your time effectively, seeking academic support, and leveraging available resources, you can navigate the challenges of university life with confidence. And remember, if you ever find yourself struggling with database assignments or any other academic tasks, don't hesitate to reach out for services like the "Database Homework Help" website. These services are there to support you on your academic journey.
submitted by Frequent_Buy2431 to DatabaseAdministators [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:26 SnepBoi Does anyone know why Passwordstate detects ad-blocker in the web interface?

They added this notification:

in Version 9.0 - Build 9050 (1 March 2021). They say using an ad blocker can affect performance and functionality, which is not wrong in itself.
However uBlock Origin only blocks one script, "arcads.js". The script is a wrapper for Google Publisher Tags, which is an ad tagging library for Google Ad Manager.
As a paying enterprise user, I don't want ads, targeting, analytics or additional telemetry in a password manager.
Is there any good reason they included the script?
submitted by SnepBoi to sysadmin [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:10 Sad-Pop6649 Lunetten, Utrecht, Netherlands, a higher density green suburb?

Lunetten, Utrecht, Netherlands, a higher density green suburb?
This might end up as a bit of a weird post. But mostly a very long one. I don’t think this place I’m presenting here is heaven, but without Suburbs Heaven Thursday this subreddit may give viewers the idea that we’re all just hating, and this case study may help illustrate some of the alternatives and what one could like and dislike about them. I know that yelling “the Netherlands!” on any urbanist platform is overdone and so 2 years ago, but I also feel like the available “Netherlands!” content is giving people an incomplete picture. So I’m going to discuss a suburban neighborhood, Lunetten, in Utrecht, where I’ve lived for about a year now. It’s a place built in the 70’s and 80’s, housing about 11,000 people in 5,500ish homes, for a density of just over 4,000 people/km2, 10,000 per square mile.
Obviously that’s pretty dense. In a North American context Lunetten may count more as an example of the “missing middle” than a true suburb, but I feel it still works as a comparison because it is situated at the edge of a city* and it offers features people often look to the suburbs for, like a low noise environment, plenty of green and child oriented features. So, what can we find in this example that people may like or dislike in their suburban areas?
If you want to look along on your favorite online map: 52° 3'53 N, 5° 8'13 E.
Traffic and transit
Lunetten has a clear main road (middle left image, bright pink line on the map) that serves as the main way of getting around by car. It is the only road where the limit is 50 km/h (30 mph), not 30 km/h. The main road has priority over all side roads, indicated by the exits of all side streets being raised a bit. The speed bump automatically makes one slow down to yield to the traffic on the main road. In the places where people’s front doors open towards this main ring there are service roads for them to do their parking and loading and such on. In the busiest part of the ring the road was raised a few meters so pedestrians and cyclists can pass underneath through tunnels. So while the maximum speed cars can go on most of the roads in this place is quite low, the time to destination is pretty good, because a lot was done to ensure a good flow of traffic.
A more debatable feature is the lack of through-traffic options. If you want to leave Lunetten by car there are two roads leading West, connecting to the rest of the city and to the 70km/h raised road that serves as the exit from the city. There is also one small road going South-East along the train line, and that’s it. Despite being next to two highways Lunetten has no direct on- and off-ramp accessing it, and even no direct way across the highways for cars. Cyclists and pedestrians do have options leading in basically all directions. On the one hand this does wonders for how quiet the neighborhood is, but on the other hand that one road taking people in and out of the city is still more prone to blocking than a direct ramp to the highway, so car owners will experience some travel delays because of this.
Lunetten is no public transit hotspot, but there are like two bus lines both going to more connected places including the city’s central hub, and the train station is two stops from said hub as well, which happens to be the biggest train station in the Netherlands.
Public Spaces
Even by Dutch standards Lunetten has a pretty urban-ish density. There’s a mix of mostly rowhouses and midrise apartment buildings, mostly gallery flats up to 5 stories tall, including the ground floor. To give you an idea of Dutch standards for density: I grew up in a commuter town of about the same size as Lunetten, housing 1,000 less people (present day numbers) on roughly 1.25 times the surface**. But what I find interesting is what that space is used for. In Lunetten, on the outer ring of the neighborhood, adjacent to the two highways, busy raised road and train line that surround the neighborhood, there are quite sizable parks (bottom right picture). There’s plenty of space for dogs to run off their leash, there are football/play fields, there are two skate parks, two ponds for amphibians to spend the winter in (granted: that’s an amenity most people could live without) and an entire petting zoo, in case you had doubts this was a suburb. Together with a football/soccer club, a tennis club, some allotment gardens and a small business park near the train station these parks take up most of the space where traffic noise is an issue. There is room for recreation and other daytime activities in the noisy bits (there are sound screens, but that’s not blocking all of the noise) so that peoples’ homes can mostly be in the quiet parts, shielded from noise by trees and stuff. And then there’s the neighborhood interior. You’ll see on the map a few yellow locations marked as “playground/square”, but in reality many, probably most, of the dark green “courtyards” contain a little playground too. All of the courtyards have grass, most if not all of them have trees, many of those trees being taller than the midrises. Some of the courtyards feature parking space as well***. The middle right image is far from the greenest example. The combination of the parks and the courtyards make Lunetten much greener than the actual smallish town I lived in mentioned previously. Plenty of birds live here too, including a bunch of water birds who enjoy the ditches and canals. In the smallish town much more of the space was simply used for row houses with pretty large gardens, and in the newer parts a bunch of four home and two home units and free standing homes as well****.
Which brings me to the reality check. With all these pedestrianized public spaces around and loads of playgrounds, is Lunetten actually a good neighborhood to raise kids? From what I can tell, opinions are mixed. Because one thing that does tend to come with density of people is density of crime. In my year here I have personally witnessed a man snorting coke off his bicycle saddle, in broad daylight, in the middle of a bike lane near a skatepark with playing children in it*****. There is also the occasional lost shopping cart dumped in a canal and apparently there was a pretty shocking supermarket robbery just before I moved in. Especially if your budget only allows for an apartment and not a house I could imagine feeling a little scared to let young children wander around near the house on their own, also maybe because of the canals and ditches they might fall into. The sweet spot age for children in Lunetten is probably around 9-12, old enough to be trusted with their own safety around water and some minor drug use and vandalism, yet young enough to fully enjoy all the outdoor play space.
The blame for the crime is often put on the street pattern that is said to attract drug dealers and the like who love having good get away options, and the many green public spaces and nice dry apartment building entrances are certainly not the worst place a homeless person could go to for another night of hopefully not being bothered by the police. More recently developed neighborhoods have tried to avoid these effects by using a “cauliflower pattern” for their streets, branched streets ending in a bunch of (at least to cars) dead ends. The downside of that pattern seems to be less sense of community. The more direct neighbors you have, the more interaction. That’s why cul-de-sacs can be so isolating after all. Lunetten is not the worst crimey part of its parent city by a long shot, but it’s noticeable enough to be worth mentioning.
A planned neighborhood
The big advantage I think Lunetten has over a lot of other places is that it was designed in one go. The land it was built on was part of the Dutch Water Line******, and had to stay free of buildings and obstructions that would block the firing lines of defending artillery. (That’s what the two weird shapes in the northern park are: old fortifications, called Lunette 3 and 4. Hence the suburb’s name.) When the line was legally disbanded in 1963 Utrecht started planning to build a new neighborhood here. Because of the highways (current configuration built at the same time as the suburb) and the train line that surround the place it was very clear to where the neighborhood would stretch. And it shows. The suburb is designed as a cohesive whole. There’s a neighborhood shopping center (bottom left image and the main soft pink blob on the map) at the heart of the neighborhood. It has two supermarkets, some small other shops, several small fast food/lunch places in different styles, two bicycle shops and repair places (it’s the Netherlands), a restaurant (there’s another one on one of the forts in the park, which doubles as a sort of social work place), a community center which houses some clubs and such (not the scouts, those have a place in one of the parks) as well as a library. There’s even a bar (I think, I should maybe go there ones), and some space where small neighborhood markets and events turn up with some regularity. The other main soft pink and yellow blob in a convenient central location on the map is two elementary schools*******. In many more organically grown neighborhoods or places the amenities wouldn’t be so conveniently centralized or would eventually be “centralized” on the outskirt of town.
The Bijlmer comparison, what not to do
Another interesting point of comparison I think is the Bijlmer (Bijlmermeer officially) in Amsterdam, another green neighborhood designed as one big plan outside of its parent city’s core, yet quite different. The Bijlmer is nationally famous as a bit of a ghetto, a place where you don’t want to live. (To be fair: the plane falling down on it didn’t help its case.) A lot of work has been done to improve the place, but its initial “ghettoization” was surprising because the Bijlmer was never intended to even be particularly affordable, but more of a vertical suburb, spacious family apartments (around 120 m2) for 100,000 people or more in large highrise buildings with between them plenty of green. A quiet place, with quick access to the city, using density to save on land use and travel time. There are three main differences I see between the struggling Bijlmer and “doing pretty well” Lunetten: 1 The Bijlmer has a higher density through the use of massive apartment buildings, literally and figuratively increasing the distance between people’s homes and the public space. 2 The Bijlmer is a much bigger place, I’m not sure they ever got to those 100,000 inhabitants, but it certainly loses that towny vibe. 3 They’ve been correcting this in the rebabilitation, but as designed the Bijlmer had basically no amenities. It wasn’t a town or city, it was people storage, housing for people who mentally lived several kilometers away but couldn’t afford it there. See the rest of this subreddit for why that doesn’t work for many people.
Interdependency with other suburbs
Looking back on growing up in that smallish town I notice that there really isn’t that much of a difference in amenities. The town offered much of the same things Lunetten does. But Lunetten’s status as a suburb gives it a big advantage over that town. Because while suburbs mostly serve themselves, they also serve each other. Take sports: there’s a football and tennis club and two indoor sports halls in Lunetten, but what if I want to swim or throw spears instead? Well, there’s a pool in a suburb to the North, as well as an athletics stadium. After elementary school there’s no middle/high school in Lunetten, but there are in nearby neighborhoods, and there are even college options******** spread throughout different suburbs and neighborhoods. These things are closer than they are in a small town not because the suburb is associated with a city center, but because it is associated with other suburbs. There are things I liked about the commuter town, but having to take either an honestly too long bike trip or a bus ride that only went whenever it was not convenient for me whenever I wanted to do something my town didn’t provide, like going to school, wasn’t one of them. And I say that even as a spoiled person whose commuter town at least had buses and bicycle paths.
And that is I think the main takeaway from this absolute wall of text: suburbs don’t have to be places where there’s nothing to do and you feel disconnected from the world. That’s the entire point of living in a suburb instead of in a town: there are other places nearby. There is a balance to be found between private space, public space and connectivity. Essentially, in a neighborhood of 10,000 people, for every 100x100 meters of public space or amenities either every person gets 1 square meter less private space or everybody gets maybe a few meters of extra travel distance on the average trip. Lunetten probably provides too little private space for the taste of many North American suburbanites, but it does show I think that there is quite a bit of room on those sliders. A green place with amenities sort of near other places can still be built with more spacious houses. (Just maybe go easy on the sea of lawns?) And that’s when all the separated bike lanes and other urbanist talking points really start making sense: when you found the balance between having your own place, having local places worth going to and being close enough to other places worth going to, then you want a good way to get there.
The other takeaway I feel is that it pays to design neighborhoods as a unit. And that’s another reason why suburbs can be better than towns. A town of 10,000 residents can’t plan ahead for the next 10,000, but a city of several hundred thousand people can. And it pays off. Don’t lose track of the human scale though, planning 10,000 residents ahead might actually be better than planning 100,000 or 1,000,000 residents ahead when it comes to suburbs. It is still supposed to feel like a quiet little place with maybe a bit of its own identity.
* On the other side of one of the highways there’s a bit of forest tied to several historic estates that’s very nice for walking in as well as a golf course half as big as this entire neighborhood, this really is the edge of town and will be for the foreseeable future.
** I’ve also lived in several other cities since then, near the city center, further out and on the far edge in a highrise neighborhood. Honestly I might still prefer the smaller cities I’ve lived in, being near everything the city offers and even to some of the stuff outside of it. But work took me back to a larger city (pretend I said “less tiny” if you’re from Mexico City or something), and I could honestly have landed in a much worse place than this particular suburb.
*** Fun fact: this is one of the very few neighborhoods of Utrecht where parking is currently still free, because of enough parking space and enough distance to the city center. It really is a suburb.
**** In the 90’s a style of more expensive neighborhoods called “Vinex” set standards for the ratio of more expensive to cheaper houses in those neighborhoods, and ever since both contractors and local politicians refuse to let go of those ratios everywhere. A newer, competing vision is that we shouldn’t be building new neighborhoods at all, just filling in the gaps in our cities. So now we mostly build quite large houses, but only in very small spaces. We’re still not sure where that massive housing shortage came from, somehow.
***** I stopped and addressed him because I thought he was having bicycle trouble, chain ran off or something. Quite a chill dude, very apologetic, but still maybe not exactly what the average parent is looking for in a neighbor.
****** More accurately: Holland Waterline, because it wasn’t the only Dutch waterline, but it was the main one defending the part called Holland. But that sounds a bit off in English.
******* We have a bit of a weird school system, for every public elementary school there is at least one other founded on religious grounds or based on some specific didactic theory. That’s why there are two schools in the same central location instead of just one bigger school or two in separate locations.
******** If I start going into the differences in advanced education systems we’ll be here all day, but there are options within cycling distance ranging from trade school to university, depending on the field you actually want to study *********.
********* I could start using other symbols instead of these confusingly long rows of asterisks, but where would be the fun in that?
submitted by Sad-Pop6649 to Suburbanhell [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:52 sledginator84 Carnegie Libraries and Their Importance

As I have been blocked on literally everything Facebook and in turn meaning I can’t see, nor can I respond to important questions being asked about the city of Stamford, its peoples, and it’s way of life I figured this would be the best place.
What is a Carnegie Library? This shouldn’t even be a valid question. Carnegie Libraries were a total of 2,509 libraries who received their funding from none other than Andrew Carnegie (a very well known Scottish American philanthropist). Of those 2,509 libraries there are roughly 800 still being used as libraries. Of those 800 only 13 still exist here in Texas.
Most importantly what was the guys deal? Was he looking for random things to dump money into? The short answer is no while his answer was a little more specific.
Carnegie believed that the relatively small number of public library patrons were of more value to their community than the masses who chose not to benefit from the library.
When people question the validity of funding received by the city to maintain and keep up this historical building I begin to question the true motives of these people.
submitted by sledginator84 to StamfordTX [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:40 Eastern-Dirt8758 [MA] How do I know if I'm a fit parent?

Long story, my husband claimed that I'm dangerous and have serious psychological issues and got a restraining order on me two years ago (for him, not the kids). He claimed I was having a psychotic break (after he attacked me in the middle of the night).
Since then, I've been seeing my kids (now 2 and 3) in their daycare with no problems and did 6 months of supervised visits with no issues. I also did a psych eval that showed I didn't have any major issues that would make me dangerous to the kids. I've never had a history of psychosis or any severe mental health issues.
About a year ago I started unsupervised visits after I filed a motion which ramped up to overnights (roughly 70/30).
My husband didn't renew the restraining order this past winter and we're currently co-parenting (transferring the kids over at the local PD). A GAL is working to decide what's best for the kids and I'm trying to understand how else I can show I'm a fit parent. My husband still maintains that I'm psychotic and a danger.
I've taken parenting classes, am in therapy and support groups, have taken CPR classes, and make sure that my kids are a priority in my life. I've never missed a visit, make clothes for them, make sure they have lunches that they can eat at daycare and that they're well-dressed and well taken care of. They both have beds at my home with plenty of clothes and toys (they share a bedroom in my apartment, but I'm planning on trying to buy something after the dust settles on the divorce). We go to the library frequently for their events and we get tons of books out (which we read). I volunteer at the kid's daycare whenever they need help. I'm not an expert, but the kids seem really happy here. I live two blocks from my husband's place so the kids can have familiarity (but we still both drive to the police station 30 minutes away to do the transfers). It's an expensive neighborhood but it's also good for the kids so, I figure.
When I've spoken to the GAL, I've tried to keep my comments solely limited to what I think is best for the kids, and try not to bring up my husband at all in my discussions with them. When my husband has family in town I try to reschedule so the kids can have time with his family. I've also joined a church of his religion so that the kids can be brought up in the same tradition at my home (I haven't converted). I've maintained a position that my husband and I should have a 50/50 split of the kids, both legal and physical. My ex wants full legal custody and no modification to the current 70/30.
Of course I want what's best for the kids, but it also breaks my heart that I can't spend more time with them. I know he's claiming that I'm still mentally unwell and that I'm abusive, but I honestly don't know how to refute that. A lot of what he says is a skewed version of what happened. I also don't have any proof against his claims because he makes the claims without any supporting evidence.
Anyhow, I'd love to hear any thoughts that might set my expectations or offer me perspective on how the court would see this. Please let me know if there are any obvious things I've missed. I know it's hard to comment without knowing the full details of my case, but I'm trying to prepare myself for the worst.
submitted by Eastern-Dirt8758 to Custody [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:36 Wonderful-Annual-929 Chest cav crsash

chest cav crashes on open
---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
// I bet Cylons wouldn't have this problem.
Time: 2024-05-15 21:34:21
Description: Initializing game
java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not execute entrypoint stage 'main' due to errors, provided by 'chestcavity'!
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.FabricLoaderImpl.lambda$invokeEntrypoints$2( at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.util.ExceptionUtil.gatherExceptions( at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.FabricLoaderImpl.invokeEntrypoints( at at net.minecraft.class\_310.(class\ at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.method\_44604( at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main( at at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch( at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClient.main( 
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: me/shedaniel/autoconfig/ConfigData
at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method) at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass( at java.base/ at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassLoader.defineClassFwd( at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassDelegate.tryLoadClass( at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassDelegate.loadClass( at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassLoader.loadClass( at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( at net.tigereye.chestcavity.ChestCavity.onInitialize( at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.FabricLoaderImpl.invokeEntrypoints( ... 7 more 
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: me.shedaniel.autoconfig.ConfigData
at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.BuiltinClassLoader.loadClass( at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassDelegate.loadClass( at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassLoader.loadClass( at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( ... 17 more 
A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:
-- Head --
Thread: Render thread
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.FabricLoaderImpl.lambda$invokeEntrypoints$2( at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.util.ExceptionUtil.gatherExceptions( at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.FabricLoaderImpl.invokeEntrypoints( at at net.minecraft.class\_310.(class\ 
-- Initialization --
Modules: ADVAPI32.dll:Advanced Windows 32 Base API:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation COMCTL32.dll:User Experience Controls Library:6.10 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation CRYPT32.dll:Crypto API32:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation CRYPTBASE.dll:Base cryptographic API DLL:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation CRYPTSP.dll:Cryptographic Service Provider API:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation DBGHELP.DLL:Windows Image Helper:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation DNSAPI.dll:DNS Client API DLL:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation GDI32.dll:GDI Client DLL:10.0.19041.3996 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation IMM32.DLL:Multi-User Windows IMM32 API Client DLL:10.0.19041.4355 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation IPHLPAPI.DLL:IP Helper API:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation KERNEL32.DLL:Windows NT BASE API Client DLL:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation KERNELBASE.dll:Windows NT BASE API Client DLL:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation MpOav.dll:IOfficeAntiVirus Module:4.18.24030.9 (cd8105518e5571788ee3b6a178bae8fbcdf461a8):Microsoft Corporation NLAapi.dll:Network Location Awareness 2:10.0.19041.4123 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation NSI.dll:NSI User-mode interface DLL:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation NTASN1.dll:Microsoft ASN.1 API:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation OLEAUT32.dll:OLEAUT32.DLL:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation Ole32.dll:Microsoft OLE for Windows:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation POWRPROF.dll:Power Profile Helper DLL:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation PSAPI.DLL:Process Status Helper:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation Pdh.dll:Windows Performance Data Helper DLL:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation RPCRT4.dll:Remote Procedure Call Runtime:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation SHCORE.dll:SHCORE:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation SHELL32.dll:Windows Shell Common Dll:10.0.19041.4123 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation UMPDC.dll USER32.dll:Multi-User Windows USER API Client DLL:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation USERENV.dll:Userenv:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation VCRUNTIME140.dll:Microsoft® C Runtime Library:14.29.30139.0 built by: vcwrkspc:Microsoft Corporation VERSION.dll:Version Checking and File Installation Libraries:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation WINHTTP.dll:Windows HTTP Services:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation WINMM.dll:MCI API DLL:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation WS2\_32.dll:Windows Socket 2.0 32-Bit DLL:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation WSOCK32.dll:Windows Socket 32-Bit DLL:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation Wldp.dll:Windows Lockdown Policy:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation amsi.dll:Anti-Malware Scan Interface:10.0.19041.4355 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation bcrypt.dll:Windows Cryptographic Primitives Library:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation bcryptPrimitives.dll:Windows Cryptographic Primitives Library:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation clbcatq.dll:COM+ Configuration Catalog:2001.12.10941.16384 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation combase.dll:Microsoft COM for Windows:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation dbgcore.DLL:Windows Core Debugging Helpers:10.0.19041.4355 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation dhcpcsvc.DLL:DHCP Client Service:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation dhcpcsvc6.DLL:DHCPv6 Client:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation fwpuclnt.dll:FWP/IPsec User-Mode API:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation gdi32full.dll:GDI Client DLL:10.0.19041.4355 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation java.dll:OpenJDK Platform binary: javaw.exe:OpenJDK Platform binary: jemalloc.dll jimage.dll:OpenJDK Platform binary: jli.dll:OpenJDK Platform binary: jna3012221076079486488.dll:JNA native library:6.1.2:Java(TM) Native Access (JNA) jsvml.dll:OpenJDK Platform binary: jvm.dll:OpenJDK 64-Bit server VM: kernel.appcore.dll:AppModel API Host:10.0.19041.3758 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation lwjgl.dll management.dll:OpenJDK Platform binary: management\_ext.dll:OpenJDK Platform binary: msvcp140.dll:Microsoft® C Runtime Library:14.29.30139.0 built by: vcwrkspc:Microsoft Corporation msvcp\_win.dll:Microsoft® C Runtime Library:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation msvcrt.dll:Windows NT CRT DLL:7.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation mswsock.dll:Microsoft Windows Sockets 2.0 Service Provider:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation napinsp.dll:E-mail Naming Shim Provider:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation ncrypt.dll:Windows NCrypt Router:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation net.dll:OpenJDK Platform binary: nio.dll:OpenJDK Platform binary: ntdll.dll:NT Layer DLL:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation perfos.dll:Windows System Performance Objects DLL:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation pnrpnsp.dll:PNRP Name Space Provider:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation profapi.dll:User Profile Basic API:10.0.19041.4355 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation rasadhlp.dll:Remote Access AutoDial Helper:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation rsaenh.dll:Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation sechost.dll:Host for SCM/SDDL/LSA Lookup APIs:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation shlwapi.dll:Shell Light-weight Utility Library:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation sunmscapi.dll:OpenJDK Platform binary: ucrtbase.dll:Microsoft® C Runtime Library:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation vcruntime140\_1.dll:Microsoft® C Runtime Library:14.29.30139.0 built by: vcwrkspc:Microsoft Corporation verify.dll:OpenJDK Platform binary: win32u.dll:Win32u:10.0.19041.4355 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation WinRT Storage API:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation winrnr.dll:LDAP RnR Provider DLL:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation wshbth.dll:Windows Sockets Helper DLL:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation zip.dll:OpenJDK Platform binary: 
at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.method\_44604( at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main( at at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch( at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClient.main( 
-- System Details --
Minecraft Version: 1.19.2 Minecraft Version ID: 1.19.2 Operating System: Windows 10 (amd64) version 10.0 Java Version: 17.0.8, Microsoft Java VM Version: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Microsoft Memory: 6058428704 bytes (5777 MiB) / 10838081536 bytes (10336 MiB) up to 54324625408 bytes (51808 MiB) CPUs: 16 Processor Vendor: AuthenticAMD Processor Name: AMD Ryzen 7 1700 Eight-Core Processor Identifier: AuthenticAMD Family 23 Model 1 Stepping 1 Microarchitecture: Zen Frequency (GHz): 2.99 Number of physical packages: 1 Number of physical CPUs: 8 Number of logical CPUs: 16 Graphics card #0 name: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 Ti Graphics card #0 vendor: NVIDIA (0x10de) Graphics card #0 VRAM (MB): 4095.00 Graphics card #0 deviceId: 0x2805 Graphics card #0 versionInfo: DriverVersion= Memory slot #0 capacity (MB): 32768.00 Memory slot #0 clockSpeed (GHz): 2.67 Memory slot #0 type: DDR4 Memory slot #1 capacity (MB): 32768.00 Memory slot #1 clockSpeed (GHz): 2.67 Memory slot #1 type: DDR4 Virtual memory max (MB): 85945.11 Virtual memory used (MB): 75077.02 Swap memory total (MB): 20480.00 Swap memory used (MB): 1271.96 JVM Flags: 4 total; -XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance\_javaw.exe\_minecraft.exe.heapdump -Xss1M -Xmx51808m -Xms256m Fabric Mods: chestcavity: Chest Cavity 2.16.6 modify-drops-api: Modify Drops API []( cloth-api: Cloth API 4.0.65 cloth-basic-math: cloth-basic-math 0.6.1 cloth-client-events-v0: Cloth Client Events v0 4.0.65 cloth-common-events-v1: Cloth Common Events v1 4.0.65 cloth-scissors-api-v1: Cloth Scissors API v1 4.0.65 cloth-utils-v1: Cloth Utils v1 4.0.65 fabric-api: Fabric API 0.77.0+1.19.2 fabric-api-base: Fabric API Base 0.4.15+8f4e8eb390 fabric-api-lookup-api-v1: Fabric API Lookup API (v1) 1.6.14+93d8cb8290 fabric-biome-api-v1: Fabric Biome API (v1) 9.1.1+16f1e31390 fabric-block-api-v1: Fabric Block API (v1) 1.0.2+e415d50e90 fabric-blockrenderlayer-v1: Fabric BlockRenderLayer Registration (v1) 1.1.25+cafc6e8e90 fabric-client-tags-api-v1: Fabric Client Tags 1.0.5+b35fea8390 fabric-command-api-v1: Fabric Command API (v1) 1.2.16+f71b366f90 fabric-command-api-v2: Fabric Command API (v2) 2.2.1+413cbbc790 fabric-commands-v0: Fabric Commands (v0) 0.2.33+df3654b390 fabric-containers-v0: Fabric Containers (v0) 0.1.42+df3654b390 fabric-content-registries-v0: Fabric Content Registries (v0) 3.5.2+7c6cd14d90 fabric-convention-tags-v1: Fabric Convention Tags 1.3.0+4bc6e26290 fabric-crash-report-info-v1: Fabric Crash Report Info (v1) 0.2.8+aeb40ebe90 fabric-data-generation-api-v1: Fabric Data Generation API (v1) 5.3.9+413cbbc790 fabric-dimensions-v1: Fabric Dimensions API (v1) 2.1.35+0d0f210290 fabric-entity-events-v1: Fabric Entity Events (v1) 1.5.4+9244241690 fabric-events-interaction-v0: Fabric Events Interaction (v0) 0.4.34+562bff6e90 fabric-events-lifecycle-v0: Fabric Events Lifecycle (v0) 0.2.36+df3654b390 fabric-game-rule-api-v1: Fabric Game Rule API (v1) 1.0.24+b6b6abb490 fabric-item-api-v1: Fabric Item API (v1) 1.6.6+b7d1888890 fabric-item-groups-v0: Fabric Item Groups (v0) 0.3.39+9244241690 fabric-key-binding-api-v1: Fabric Key Binding API (v1) 1.0.25+5c4fce2890 fabric-keybindings-v0: Fabric Key Bindings (v0) 0.2.23+df3654b390 fabric-lifecycle-events-v1: Fabric Lifecycle Events (v1) 2.2.4+1b46dc7890 fabric-loot-api-v2: Fabric Loot API (v2) 1.1.13+83a8659290 fabric-loot-tables-v1: Fabric Loot Tables (v1) 1.1.16+9e7660c690 fabric-message-api-v1: Fabric Message API (v1) 5.0.7+93d8cb8290 fabric-mining-level-api-v1: Fabric Mining Level API (v1) 2.1.24+33fbc73890 fabric-models-v0: Fabric Models (v0) 0.3.21+c6af733c90 fabric-networking-api-v1: Fabric Networking API (v1) 1.2.12+def3f86d90 fabric-networking-v0: Fabric Networking (v0) 0.3.29+df3654b390 fabric-object-builder-api-v1: Fabric Object Builder API (v1) 4.2.2+d8ef690890 fabric-particles-v1: Fabric Particles (v1) 1.1.0+ee641e7390 fabric-recipe-api-v1: Fabric Recipe API (v1) 1.0.2+413cbbc790 fabric-registry-sync-v0: Fabric Registry Sync (v0) 0.9.33+9244241690 fabric-renderer-api-v1: Fabric Renderer API (v1) 1.2.1+1adbf27790 fabric-renderer-indigo: Fabric Renderer - Indigo 0.8.0+1adbf27790 fabric-renderer-registries-v1: Fabric Renderer Registries (v1) 3.2.25+df3654b390 fabric-rendering-data-attachment-v1: Fabric Rendering Data Attachment (v1) 0.3.19+6e0787e690 fabric-rendering-fluids-v1: Fabric Rendering Fluids (v1) 3.0.11+4d0d570390 fabric-rendering-v0: Fabric Rendering (v0) 1.1.28+df3654b390 fabric-rendering-v1: Fabric Rendering (v1) 1.13.0+526f2c6790 fabric-resource-conditions-api-v1: Fabric Resource Conditions API (v1) 2.1.2+aae9039d90 fabric-resource-loader-v0: Fabric Resource Loader (v0) 0.8.4+edbdcddb90 fabric-screen-api-v1: Fabric Screen API (v1) 1.0.32+4d0d570390 fabric-screen-handler-api-v1: Fabric Screen Handler API (v1) 1.3.8+1cc24b1b90 fabric-sound-api-v1: Fabric Sound API (v1) 1.0.2+c4f28df590 fabric-textures-v0: Fabric Textures (v0) 1.0.24+aeb40ebe90 fabric-transfer-api-v1: Fabric Transfer API (v1) 2.1.6+413cbbc790 fabric-transitive-access-wideners-v1: Fabric Transitive Access Wideners (v1) 1.3.3+08b73de490 fabricloader: Fabric Loader 0.15.11 mixinextras: MixinExtras 0.3.5 java: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 17 minecraft: Minecraft 1.19.2 Launched Version: fabric-loader-0.15.11-1.19.2 Backend library: LWJGL version 3.3.1 SNAPSHOT Backend API: Unknown Window size:  GL Caps: Using framebuffer using OpenGL 3.2 GL debug messages:  Using VBOs: Yes Is Modded: Definitely; Client brand changed to 'fabric' Type: Client (map\_client.txt) CPU:  
submitted by Wonderful-Annual-929 to fabricmc [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:36 Ok_Valuable_9711 But if you are in a public library doing puppet shows and arts and crafts, that's not homeschooling. It's fun activities, not part of a curriculum. Also the bottom choice for the poll she did lol so tempting to click it but don't want to get blocked.

But if you are in a public library doing puppet shows and arts and crafts, that's not homeschooling. It's fun activities, not part of a curriculum. Also the bottom choice for the poll she did lol so tempting to click it but don't want to get blocked. submitted by Ok_Valuable_9711 to ChannonRoseSnark [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:00 angstgremlin3 Red stoplight on train tracks? (not on a road)(I don’t know anything about trains)

I walk by my neighborhood train tracks a lot because they lead directly to the city area so I don’t have to walk around buildings and weird street blocks. Today I was heading to a library and I noticed a new light that must’ve been installed in the last week or two. It looks like a normal traffic light but with four bulbs, and the top one is glowing red (I can’t tell the other colors as the sun is behind it at the moment) I’m assuming it’s for the train operator but I can’t imagine what it means, especially the other colors. It doesn’t make sense for it to be a stop signal as the road is about 100 feet away and it wouldn’t have time to brake. Google isn’t helping (thinks I mean actual road signals) so I figured I’d ask the experts. Thanks!
submitted by angstgremlin3 to train [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:53 rSpaceXHosting r/SpaceX Starlink 6-59 Official Launch Discussion & Updates Thread!

Welcome to the SpaceX Starlink 6-59 Official Launch Discussion & Updates Thread!

Welcome everyone!

Scheduled for (UTC) May 17 2024, 23:52
Scheduled for (local) May 17 2024, 19:52 PM (EDT)
Launch Window (UTC) May 17 2024, 23:52 - May 18 2024, 04:01
Payload Starlink 6-59
Customer SpaceX
Launch Weather Forecast Unknown
Launch site SLC-40, Cape Canaveral, FL, USA.
Booster Unknown
Landing The Falcon 9 first stage will land on an ASDS after this flight.
Mission success criteria Successful deployment of spacecrafts into orbit
Trajectory (Flight Club) 2D,3D


Time Update
T+1d 13h 30m Thread last generated using the LL2 API
2024-05-14T01:35:52Z Tweaked launch window.
2024-05-13T07:51:48Z Tweaked launch window per marine navigation warnings.
2024-05-11T09:30:57Z Added launch per NOTAMs.

Watch the launch live

No livestreams currently available/known


☑️ 363rd SpaceX launch all time
☑️ 309th Falcon Family Booster landing
☑️ 1st landing on N/A
☑️ 265th consecutive successful Falcon 9 launch (excluding Amos-6) (if successful)
☑️ 52nd SpaceX launch this year
☑️ 24th launch from SLC-40 this year
☑️ 4 days, 22:59:00 turnaround for this pad
Stats include F1, F9 , FH and Starship

Launch Weather Forecast

Temperature 26.3°C
Humidity 70%
Precipitation 0.0 mm (13%)
Cloud cover 68 %
Windspeed (at ground level) 6.6 m/s
Visibillity 22.6 km


Partnership with The Space Devs

Information on this thread is provided by and updated automatically using the Launch Library 2 API by The Space Devs.

Community content 🌐

Link Source
Flight Club u/TheVehicleDestroyer
Discord SpaceX lobby u/SwGustav
SpaceX Now u/bradleyjh
SpaceX Patch List

Participate in the discussion!

🥳 Launch threads are party threads, we relax the rules here. We remove low effort comments in other threads!
🔄 Please post small launch updates, discussions, and questions here, rather than as a separate post. Thanks!
💬 Please leave a comment if you discover any mistakes, or have any information.
✉️ Please send links in a private message.
✅ Apply to host launch threads! Drop us a modmail if you are interested.

submitted by rSpaceXHosting to spacex [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:46 Ufratys First Time ACOMAF Reader (Ch. 11-15) Thoughts & Impressions

Greetings and Salutations! Just dropping the next few chapters below, these were fun to read :) Enjoy!
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 15
Lots of fun developments in these chapters! Excited to read on and see how the feast goes. Thanks for reading!
submitted by Ufratys to acotar [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:30 Antoine-G How could I make this website blocker work with Manifest V3

Hi this is a very simple Website Blocker. How could I make it work almost in the same way using Manifest V3. I really like how it shows website blocked.
Thanks a ton in advance!
{ "manifest_version": 2, "name": "Website Blocker", "version": "1.0", "description": "Very simple website and domain blocker for Chrome. Only to be used internally.", "permissions": [ "webRequest", "webRequestBlocking", "storage", "tabs", "" ], "background": { "scripts": ["background.js"], "persistent": true }, "browser_action": { "default_popup": "popup.html", "default_icon": { "16": "./assets/lockicon16.png", "48": "./assets/lockicon48.png", "128": "./assets/lockicon128.png" } }, "icons": { "16": "./assets/lockicon16.png", "48": "./assets/lockicon48.png", "128": "./assets/lockicon128.png" } } 
let blockedSites = []; chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(() => {{ blockedSites: blockedSites }); updateBlockingRules(blockedSites); }); chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener((message, sender, sendResponse) => { if (message.action === "updateBlockedSites") {{ blockedSites: message.sites }, () => { updateBlockingRules(message.sites); sendResponse({ status: "success" }); }); return true; } }); function updateBlockingRules(sites) { chrome.webRequest.onBeforeRequest.removeListener(blockRequest); if (sites.length > 0) { const urls = => `*://${site}/*`); chrome.webRequest.onBeforeRequest.addListener( blockRequest, { urls: urls }, ["blocking"] ); } } function blockRequest(details) { return { cancel: true }; }"blockedSites", (data) => { if (data.blockedSites) { blockedSites = data.blockedSites; updateBlockingRules(blockedSites); } }); 
   Outils EMM - Website Blocker  Include CryptoJS library    

Outils EMM - Website Blocker

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {'password', (data) => { if (data.password) { document.getElementById('login').style.display = 'block'; } else { document.getElementById('setup').style.display = 'block'; } }); document.getElementById('setPassword').addEventListener('click', () => { const newPassword = document.getElementById('newPassword').value; if (newPassword) { const hashedPassword = CryptoJS.SHA256(newPassword).toString();{ password: hashedPassword }, () => { alert('Password set successfully'); document.getElementById('setup').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('login').style.display = 'block'; }); } else { alert('Please enter a password'); } }); document.getElementById('loginButton').addEventListener('click', () => { const enteredPassword = document.getElementById('password').value; const hashedEnteredPassword = CryptoJS.SHA256(enteredPassword).toString(); // Hash the entered password'password', (data) => { const storedPassword = data.password; if (hashedEnteredPassword === storedPassword) { document.getElementById('login').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('controls').style.display = 'block'; loadBlockedSites(); } else { alert('Incorrect password'); } }); }); document.getElementById('save').addEventListener('click', () => { const sitesInput = document.getElementById('blockedSites'); const sites = sitesInput.value.split('\n').map(site => site.trim()); const validSites = sites.filter(site => isValidDomain(site)); if (validSites.length === 0) { alert('Please enter valid domain names only'); return; } chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: 'updateBlockedSites', sites: validSites }, (response) => { if (response.status === 'success') { alert('Blocked sites updated'); } }); }); }); function isValidDomain(url) { // Remove protocol if present let domain = url.replace(/(^\w+:^)\/\//, ''); // Check if it's a valid domain return /^[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}$/.test(domain); } function loadBlockedSites() {'blockedSites', (data) => { if (data.blockedSites) { document.getElementById('blockedSites').value = data.blockedSites.join('\n'); } }); } // This function resets the password (clears it from storage) function resetPassword() {'password', () => { alert('Password reset successfully'); }); } 
submitted by Antoine-G to chrome_extensions [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:09 httml I'm looking for a circuit solution to limit satellite telemetry production

I want to stop the satellite rocket silo from launching when the storage for satellite telemetry is full. So normally I'd link the storage for the resource and block something in the circuit depending on the amount in the storage. However there is no satellite telemetry circuit signal. Is there another way to stop the rocket from launching when I have enough satellite telemetry?
Edit: Apparently the search function is a little weird. When typing "tele" the satellite telemetry didn't show up so I thought it wasn't in the signal library, but it definitely is.
submitted by httml to factorio [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:43 ZephyrFH Strange huge error when trying to enter a moded Fabric server - HELP!

Strange huge error when trying to enter a moded Fabric server - HELP!
Hey guys! I'm trying to enter one of my friend's 1.20.1 Fabric server's, but this always pops up and I cannot enter. Anyone can help?
[22:35:46] [Datafixer Bootstrap/INFO]: 188 Datafixer optimizations took 540 milliseconds [22:35:47] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: [LWJGL] [ThreadLocalUtil] Unsupported JNI version detected, this may result in a crash. Please inform LWJGL developers. [22:35:47] [Render thread/INFO]: Environment: authHost='', accountsHost='', sessionHost='', servicesHost='', name='PROD' [22:35:48] [Render thread/ERROR]: Failed to verify authentication com.mojang.authlib.exceptions.InvalidCredentialsException: Status: 401 at com.mojang.authlib.exceptions.MinecraftClientHttpException.toAuthenticationException( ~[authlib-4.0.43.jar:?] at com.mojang.authlib.yggdrasil.YggdrasilUserApiService.fetchProperties( ~[authlib-4.0.43.jar:?] at com.mojang.authlib.yggdrasil.YggdrasilUserApiService.( ~[authlib-4.0.43.jar:?] at com.mojang.authlib.yggdrasil.YggdrasilAuthenticationService.createUserApiService( ~[authlib-4.0.43.jar:?] at enn.a(SourceFile:733) ~[1.20.1.jar:?] at enn.(SourceFile:442) ~[1.20.1.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:211) ~[1.20.1.jar:?] Caused by: com.mojang.authlib.exceptions.MinecraftClientHttpException: Status: 401 at com.mojang.authlib.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient.readInputStream( ~[authlib-4.0.43.jar:?] at com.mojang.authlib.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient.get( ~[authlib-4.0.43.jar:?] at com.mojang.authlib.yggdrasil.YggdrasilUserApiService.fetchProperties( ~[authlib-4.0.43.jar:?] ... 5 more [22:35:48] [Render thread/INFO]: Setting user: JonyGsta [22:35:48] [Render thread/INFO]: Backend library: LWJGL version 3.3.1 build 7 [22:35:49] [Render thread/INFO]: Reloading ResourceManager: vanilla [22:35:50] [Worker-Main-3/INFO]: Found unifont_all_no_pua-15.0.06.hex, loading [22:35:50] [Realms Notification Availability checker #1/INFO]: Could not authorize you against Realms server: Invalid session id [22:35:52] [Render thread/WARN]: Missing sound for event: [22:35:52] [Render thread/WARN]: Missing sound for event: minecraft:entity.goat.screaming.horn_break [22:35:52] [Render thread/INFO]: OpenAL initialized on device OpenAL Soft on Altifalantes (M-Audio AIR 192 6) [22:35:52] [Render thread/INFO]: Sound engine started [22:35:52] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 1024x512x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/blocks.png-atlas [22:35:52] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 256x256x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/signs.png-atlas [22:35:52] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 512x512x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/shield_patterns.png-atlas [22:35:52] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 512x512x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/banner_patterns.png-atlas [22:35:52] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 1024x1024x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/armor_trims.png-atlas [22:35:52] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 128x64x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/decorated_pot.png-atlas [22:35:52] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 256x256x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/chest.png-atlas [22:35:52] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 512x256x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/shulker_boxes.png-atlas [22:35:52] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 512x256x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/beds.png-atlas [22:35:53] [Render thread/WARN]: Shader rendertype_entity_translucent_emissive could not find sampler named Sampler2 in the specified shader program. [22:35:53] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 256x256x0 minecraft:textures/atlas/particles.png-atlas [22:35:53] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 256x256x0 minecraft:textures/atlas/paintings.png-atlas [22:35:53] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 128x128x0 minecraft:textures/atlas/mob_effects.png-atlas [22:36:20] [Render thread/INFO]: Connecting to, 25565 [22:36:23] [Render thread/INFO]: Stopping! 
submitted by ZephyrFH to fabricmc [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:09 beatpeatBANNED Krnl story

It's been a minute since I used krnl, I thought I'd share a story.
I started exploiting because I was pretty fluent in Roblox when it came to scripting. The idea of messing with other scripts and remote events was extremely exciting and interesting to me as I always passioned to reverse engineer things. Finally, I got krnl, my first ever executer. I was stunned with what I had, I remember the first thing I did was play build a boat for treasure, and I ALWAYS exploited on an alt account. I would just screw with people with free scripts and oh my god, it was so fun, I can't explain my enjoyment. After babft, I went to roleplay games like bloxton hotels, which is where I made my first ever script. I played other games like mining sim 2 and I tried to make scripts, but I encountered my first ever roadblock. Mining simulator 2 had a really good anti cheat, reverse engineering was extremely challenging for me and I couldn't even figure out how to mine a single block through code. I finally gave in and used a script made by Zeerox. I was amazed, I knew how challenging it was to make UIs through code (I wasnt aware of UI library's or GUI-to-code plugins). I also noticed it could open up my discord application ON MY COMPUTER and I literally got confused ASF because I thought executers could only do things that Roblox could do as if the executor was just a local script lol. It made me a little ambitious because I thought I could make malware scripts that when you run them it deletes system files (still don't know if this is possible or not). I tried to go-to the link inside the loadstring function but all I got was a bunch of confusing code (I now know it was supposed to be a code-encryption). I had so many questions but when I asked the script owner, they never replied. My exploiting journey was so useful, I constantly was exploiting and I genuinely enjoyed Roblox more. The only thing I didn't like was I felt unproductive because it was so addicting. Usually I use Roblox studio, but I'm programming in some unprofitable executor instead. My journey simply continues as I move on from krnl to synapse. I was extremely relieved as I was tired of getting krnl keys, later I found a virus inside my TEMP folder, I'm pretty confident it was because I installed an incorrect version of krnl, or the correct one, I'm not really sure. In conclusion, I'm glad krnl was here to introduce me to exploiting and it's sad to see exploiting fade. (I'm aware exploiting is still possible, it's just too risky and not worth my money). It was pretty hard for me to give up exploiting when it got patched, it took awhile to get back to the normal Roblox experience lol.
submitted by beatpeatBANNED to Krnl [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:05 Itchy-Assumption3803 Hydra Launcher - How to work

#linux #hydra #hydralauncher #archlinux #steamdeck #steam #howtowork
Hydra Launcher is a launcher designed to simplify the management and sharing of your favorite games. Available on various platforms, including Steam Deck, Hydra Launcher offers a wide range of features to enhance your gaming experience.
This guide aims to help Steam Deck owners install Hydra Launcher in the simplest way possible, with the possibility of changes due to updates.
But let's move on to the installation steps.

WARNING PLEASE - Disclaimer on Usage and Responsibilities

It is hereby stated that neither the project, nor the website, nor the author of the article assume any responsibility for the use of the program and the results obtained. Furthermore, no responsibility is assumed for any errors that may cause the console to be blocked or malfunction. It is strongly advised to perform each step with awareness and competence, and it is strongly discouraged for those who are not familiar with such procedures to proceed. The user is required to fully understand the actions they are taking and to act with caution.

Installation Steps on Steam Deck:

  1. Download the latest version zip of Hydra Launcher.
  2. Extract the zip file to a folder of your choice.
  3. If you haven't already, unlock the read-only mode to install programs. Note that the database is in read-only mode, hence you'll receive an error with the same phrase.
sudo steamos-readonly disable sudo sh -c 'echo "keyserver hkps://" >> /etc/pacman.d/gnupg/gpg.conf' sudo pacman-key --init sudo pacman-key --populate archlinux sudo pacman-key --populate holo
3.1. Save the following text into a file named in the same folder where you extracted the program. This script will install the necessary dependencies to proceed with the program's build. The file will install Node.js, Yarn, and Python 3.9
# Install Node.js, Yarn, Python 3.9, and project dependencies
sudo pacman -S --needed nodejs npm yarn python
# Install Node dependencies
yarn install
# Install Python dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Configure environment variables
cp .env.example .env
# Add instructions here to insert any necessary credentials into the .env file
# Build Electron
yarn build:electron
# Run Hydra Launcher
yarn dev
To grant execution permissions, you can use the following command:
chmod +x
Then, to execute the script, use:
This will run the setup script and install the necessary dependencies for Hydra Launcher.
To restore the read-only mode, you can use the following command:
sudo steamos-readonly enable
This will re-enable the read-only mode on your system.

To start the launcher

Navigate to the folder where Hydra Launcher is installed, and then run the following command:yarn dev
This command will launch Hydra Launcher and allow you to start using it on your system.
Exactly like the setup, you can create a file called, for example, 'Hydra' and add it to Steam to run it directly from there.
Here's a sample script that you can use:
# Navigate to the directory where Hydra Launcher is installed
cd /path/to/hydra_launcher_directory
# Run the launcher
yarn dev
Replace "/path/to/hydra_launcher_directory" with the actual path to the directory where Hydra Launcher is installed. After creating the script, make sure to grant execution permissions to it using the command chmod +x Hydra\
Then, you can add this script to Steam as a non-Steam game, allowing you to launch Hydra Launcher directly from your Steam library.


Links:View in the websiteView Steam Deck\_hydra-launcher-header.webp
submitted by Itchy-Assumption3803 to decknewsunofficial [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:57 Signal_Valuable_1743 AITA For Confronting My Grandma About Her Texts To My Boyfriend?

Warning this is a long one. If anyone has seen Gilmore Girls, please picture my grandma as Emily Gilmore because I seriously don't know how they were able to capture my grandma so accurately.
This morning, I (22f) had what feels like a huge blow out with my grandma (74f) over text this morning. For a big background, I am my grandmas only living descendant. My birth mother died when I was 3 in a car accident, and she was my grandmas only child. My mother struggled with bipolar disorder and was in an abusive marriage with my father. After she died my grandparents attempted to get full custody of me and the result was visitation under grandparent rights. The court petition is available online and can be found by searching my full name, which is so great for me. Obviously, there was bad blood between my grandparents and my father. I grew up in the middle, scared to show that I loved my grandparents but also slightly distrusting of them because the stories they would tell me were different than what my father would.
I have tried to set boundaries with my grandma in the past. She calls me by my dead moms name occasionally. I ask her not to, she still slips up and does. She's inviting me to go to my moms grave, I don't feel comfortable doing that. She makes me feel guilty about no one putting flowers on their graves when they die. She's convinced I'm bi-polar despite me having been tested 3 times and being diagnosed as not bipolar. She will make passive aggressive comments about not only my but my boyfriend (23M) of 4 years weight and stretch marks. I've told her that we both struggle with eating disorders. After graduating I went from being 120lbs at 5'7 (underweight) to being 190lbs (overweight) in 4 years, some of the weight gain was healthy then the past year and a half I've put on the majority of it, becoming unhealthy. The past year and a half I have also had severe mental health struggles. I have ADHD, depression, and anxiety. I struggle to do a lot of basic things. I was seeing a therapist but then my insurance changed so I am trying to find someone new. I am on medication. I am actively getting help.
My grandma will call me 20 times in a day regularly. She'll text me more than that. When I haven't answered she has called my boyfriend at his job. She will harass my boyfriend and demand to know what I do every hour of everyday, despite him being at work apparently he's my babysitter. It is negatively impacting our relationship because he feels he's being forced into a parent role. She ruined a job interview for me one time because she wouldn't stop calling during it. I am terrified for her to show up unannounced. Luckily we live 4 hours away from each other, so I think I have a safe enough buffer. However, every weekend for the past month she has been trying to come and stay for the weekend.
Now on to the main confrontation/issue. My grandmas mom, my great grandma, offered to give me 1k a month so I could focus on finishing my degree (after this semester I have a semester & then a class left.) My only condition was that I focused on school. This morning my boyfriend sent me a text that said I needed to talk to my grandma as they were withdrawing their financial support. He sent me screenshots of their texts, I am going to transcribe them best I can without making this post too long. I feel like its getting long already lol.
GM to BF: We'll pay for her therapy. She needs talk & medicine. Her psychiatrist should do both. But the monthly 1k, so she doesn't have to work while she's getting the rest under control hasn't helped her. I'm afraid it has given her too much time alone, which is bad for her. I've worried that helping her not to have to work was a bad idea. She does much better with interaction. Maybe encourage her to come over, or take a trip with me during the next 3 weeks (my summer classes start). She needs interaction. She was much better in high school because she was so involved.
BF to GM: Will do, she has been looking at getting a summer job.
GM: Doing the monthly may be hurting more than helping. She wasn't even successful with her classes, even without the outside job. I THINK she would do things if she was here. Crafts, cards, all the extended family. Right now we're just paying her to stay home and read. I don't think the 1k will continue. It was for her to do her classes without having to work through December.
BF: I'd text her and mention that. You should talk to her SPECIFCALLY about losing the 1k.
GM: But it didn't work so why would we still do it? Classes were supposed to be her job. She completed 10 of 18 hours. She didn't do her weekly progress reports and didn't send us her finals. Never once. If that was her "job" paying her weekly, and anyone else as her boss, would she still have that job?
BF: I don't have that answer. I can't speak for her on those things.
GM: You know the answer is no. This is not helping her. This is a face to face conversation. Her story is not what I know to be the truth as I related to you.
GM: I know she lost her scholarship and just isn't telling us. I'm sure she's not proud of it. I told you earlier, that I knew she was in a bad place. That was when I needed to help her. Not after it was too late. She just said there was a cap on the amount of scholarship and she's used it. She's getting a student loan to finish. I'm proud of her for doing that instead of asking us. BUT, what I've pieced together is what I said earlier. And her loan is because she has to pay back the scholarship and tuition going forwards. Right now is the best time for her to transfer(to a college where she lives.) I knew we were in trouble when she sent me a photo of a stack of books she checked out from the library. I had zero time to read books when I was a college student, and I didn't have a job in addition.
BF: While that may be true, you also were in different classes. It's good for her to have time to do things she likes when she's not in class.
GM: I had a social life with other people. I did not stay isolated. She does well with others. Alone drags her down. Just like her mom. A powerhouse when she's involved. Depressed and anxious when she's alone. She's become totally reliant on you. She's lost her independence and drive. I know its flattering you want to be her savior, but for different reasons, its crippling for both of you.
BF: I don't want to be her savior. I really don't.
GM: Rescuer
BF: I really want more than anything for her to be self reliant so we can both lean on each other. I just know at the end of the day I will always support my girl.
GM: That's best but she has to let go & stand up. Develop a broader network to build strength, You are her core! Like a center pole in a tent. Now she needs the other stakes to have the support.
I took 14 credit hours this semester and I only dropped 1 class that was 2 credit hours because I could take it in the summer and lighten my load. I passed all my other ones with As & Bs. I misspoke to my grandma about my scholarship. I told her it was 5k and then I was out but in actuality it was 20k, 5k per semester not total. I've used 4700 so far. That still doesn't explain why she thought I had lost it but ya know. I see my friends at minimum once a week. I have 6 close friends I regularly see. I text with them daily. I grab dinner with them. I game online with them. I attend class 2 times a week. I only see my boyfriend 2 nights a week and on Sundays, and we LIVE together.
My grades conveniently became available online at the same time this conversation was sent to me. So I took a screenshot of my grades and sent them to my grandma.
OP to GM: Here are my grades. I also sent them to grandpa. Thanks so much for believing in me, not. You are the last person I want to see or talk to right now. BF showed me everything. When I am read to talk I'll let you know.
GM to BF: I cannot believe you did this. Now she is furious with me & won't talk to me. I told you that in confidence. You need to fix this. That's not good things for her to know out of context.
OP to GM: Actions have consequences. The consequence of your action is that I am not speaking to you. If you continue to message BF, I will be blocking you on his phone. Not only today, but previously, has been highly inappropriate. I am NOT a child. I do NOT need babysitting. I do NOT need rescuing by you. You are NOT my savior. Stop trying to be.
GM: *Long message trying to re-explain how the messages were worded.* I told BF you're smart and a powerhouse! I just want to see your independent spirit and get you there again. I am your biggest supporter. You're misinterpreting this.
OP: BF screenshotted everything and sent it to me before I ever said anything to you. I don't know how reading exactly what you have been saying about me is misinterpreting things. Please stop messaging me.
When I was in high school I was awake from 6:00am-2:00am. I was in 10 clubs/sports, all honors classes, I was starving myself, I slept less than 4 hours on average. I was a walking zombie that was living off a strange energy that being starving & sleep deprived creates. I was miserable. I was depressed. I was anxious. I only had time for friends in school. If you didn't have a class or lunch with me, you never talked to me. I struggled with school work at home because my adhd. I was not a powerhouse, I was fighting to survive everyday and I feel like I used up every piece of energy I'll ever have then.
This is where we left off. I feel guilty confronting my grandma about it, and feel like I should apologize. But like I said to my BF after he got upset with me for him being in the middle:
Its an incredibly overwhelming relationship that has baggage older than I am which has been put on me my entire life. It has been like this my whole life, except that until I was 18, I was the middle. I know it's a lot, but this is how she is. She is an intrusive controlling and manipulative person, while it may from from a place of care, she still is those things. Herr loving me and being kind to us does not take away the hurt and pain that she causes me. It is not care and love when there are stipulations to that care and love. She's constantly weaponizing my dead mom's mental illness against me. She wants to send me money so I don't have to work and can focus on school but when that actually helps me then I'm not nearly busy enough for her liking. She's also creating a hostile environment where I can't express if I am struggling because then it'll be "I told you so" and then I'll have to drop out of school because they'll stop providing financial support.
So reddit, AITA for confronting my grandma about her texts to my boyfriend?
submitted by Signal_Valuable_1743 to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:38 emorybored I work at the Night Library (installment 11). The pool was on the roof this time.

Okay, I’m gonna level with you. Focusing on current events is just getting a little too fucking heavy. I’m no closer to answers than I was a month ago, none of us can sleep through a full night without waking up shaking and drenched in sweat, and there are some new downright bizarre phenomena cropping up that I just don’t have it in me to allot my energy to at the moment.
So, for today’s installment (and then also for the next one) I’m gonna tell you another good ol’ fun-for-the-whole-family pool story. Yep, you heard that right—welcome to our first bonafide two-parter.
This was quite a while ago. My measure of time is all off by a year now, but I feel fairly confident in chalking it up to post-first pool story, pre-ouija board fiasco—so however long ago that’s been now.
It was a weird, rare night, in that Matt was out. Not an unheard of occurrence, but it’s fairly anomalous, and it certainly puts the rest of us on slightly higher alert.
Obviously, he always tells us to call him at the first sign of some shit going down and to use our best judgment to determine whether it’s serious enough to lock up and head out. Better safe than sorry and all that. The night in question was no exception to the rule.
Overall, though, things were mostly quiet. Alice was in, as was I, as was Wiley. We do a lot of congregating, but we do a lot of work, too, and this night, we were all in our respective areas, doing our respective jobs.
I was in my not-office mending a finicky Shakespeare anthology, Alice was watching the desk while working on cataloging a truckload of new donations, and Wiley was replacing several lightbulbs that had all decided to call it quits after our most recent power outage (this one due to a flash-flood).
It was calm to an almost uncharacteristic degree. There was a relatively steady flow of patrons in and out of the building—I could hear Alice greeting them and wishing them a good evening—but as far as anomalous activity, there was none.
It does happen, on rare occasion, that we make it through a full night without any goings on, but there’s almost always at least the odd disembodied voice or two.
We should’ve known better than to trust a meteor shower.
See, there’s just something about natural anomalies. Not just the ones that knock our power out, either, although those are clearly included. Blizzards, thunderstorms, hail and tornados and earthquakes and all your run-of-the-mill destructive shit, sure. But the things of beauty, too. Rainbows. Eclipses, lunar or solar. And you think full moons hit emergency rooms hard? Try this fucking place.
It was just that a meteor shower wasn’t one we’d dealt with before. Does that mean we shouldn’t have known better? Fuck no. Obviously not. But perhaps our collective greatest fault is that we still have some semblance of hope.
Wiley wanted to look at it from the roof. Kid never fucking wants to do anything, and they were set to climb up and camp out alone. I couldn’t not entertain such an innocent, youthful whim.
Our roof access doesn’t have stairs—just a ladder—so Alice couldn’t accompany us, which I felt shitty about, but she assured me it was perfectly fine with her.
“The world decided I didn’t need functional legs so I could never be peer pressured into leaving the ground,” she quipped. “I’m not into heights. But y’all have fun up there. Somebody needs to be here for the patrons anyway.”
Fair and fair. So Wiley and I gathered up an armful of blankets and one of Matt’s trusty camping lanterns and headed out to scale the building.
Wiley went up ahead of me. That was my first mistake.
Really, they aren’t that much younger than I am. Maybe four or five years, and I’m too close to thirty for comfort now. But there’s something about them, even as far as they’ve come, that makes it impossible for me not to do everything in my power to protect them. I think Matt feels the same way. Maybe most of us do.
Anyway, that’s why I immediately started cursing myself when they reached the top of the ladder, pulled their way up and over the ledge of the roof, and said, “...Whoa.”
My second mistake was not immediately telling them to turn around and start climbing right the fuck back down.
I knew exactly what that tone of voice meant. But something in me just kicked into hyperdrive and I…had to see it. Whatever it was, I had to see it for myself.
“Don’t move,” I said, and then, “What is it?”
But by that point, I was at the top, too. I hoisted myself over the ledge and was met with…
It was everywhere. Extending in every direction. There was no edge in sight—not even a horizon line. Just vast, dark water as far as the eye could see.
“Okay. This is not—let’s go.”
“Yeah,” Wiley agreed, a little breathless.
I’m sure you’ll be downright shocked to learn that, when we turned around, the ladder was gone.
The edge of the rooftop was, too.
The thing that surprised me, really, was that it wasn’t as though we were standing on some sort of island. We were somehow in the water all of a sudden, up to our waists, neither of us having taken a single step.
“Fucking…shit. Jesus. Adam?”
“We’re fine,” was my default response, because my anxiety override kicks in like a motherfucker as soon as someone else is more openly afraid than I am. “It’s okay, let’s just—let’s think for a second. Maybe it’s just, like, an illusion or something.”
“Okay,” Wiley said. “Maybe we should…try moving?”
“Yeah. Yeah, we’ll bump the ledge and then we can just feel for the ladder. Good idea.”
Wiley and I shared a look, wordlessly nodding to one another, and stepped forward in unison.
Maybe I misspoke before, when I said we weren’t on a platform. It was just that our platform wasn’t above the water. Now, though, there was nothing.
It felt, almost, like the stomach-turning sensation of missing a step walking up a staircase. The only difference was that there was no moment-too-late connection.
We plummeted.
There wasn’t any difference in temperature beneath the surface, which was, in a way, more disorienting than the water itself. The mental recalibration that typically comes with plunging into a cool lake or, adversely, a heated pool wasn’t allotted an opportunity to take place. It felt, for most intents and purposes, the same as being in the air, just that I couldn’t breathe.
It was heavy, too. The weightlessness water tends to embody was null; I immediately abandoned everything I’d been carrying, clawing my way upward frantically enough that it would’ve been mortifying, I’m sure, had anyone witnessed it.
Wiley resurfaced at the same moment I did—empty handed as well, I noted—coughing a little but not to the extent that I was worried they were choking. “Next idea?” they asked, pushing their wet hair back from their face, dark, damp lashes obscuring their eyes.
“Let’s get back on the…” I started, but trailed off when I raised my head.
A couple hundred yards out from us, there was a ship. It was a dark, hulking thing, with tattered sails and something indistinguishable affixed to the bow, glittering and glinting in the moonlight.
Wiley spun around to face it, drifting back slightly when their gaze landed parallel to mine. “What the fuck is that?” they demanded, legs kicking haphazardly beneath the water to keep them in place.
“Maybe it’s…good,” I said. I knew better than that and I knew Wiley did, too, but I said it anyway. “Maybe someone will help.”
They didn’t even humor me with a response to that bullshit.
Now, at this point in the story, maybe you’re thinking being suddenly surrounded by water and watching as an ominous ship approached us with absolutely nowhere to go and no way to escape doesn’t feel quite enough like imminent condemnation. To which I say to you: not to worry. Because the next realization we came to was that the platform we’d been standing on previously had suddenly ceased to exist.
“Shit,” Wiley said. “Shit, shit, shit. Adam.”
“I know,” I said. “It’s fine. We’re fine. We just—we’re gonna—follow me.”
I don’t know. I don’t know what the fuck possessed me to swim toward the Obvious Death Ship. I guess just that there wasn’t anything else save for open water anywhere so it essentially felt like our options were paddle around until we were exhausted and drown or face a quicker, simpler demise.
“You better have a fucking plan, bro,” Wiley intoned from behind me, which I chivalrously pretended not to hear, because I did not, in fact, have a fucking plan.
The closer we drew to the vessel, the more unbelievably monstrous it appeared to become. It loomed above us, casting a shadow over everything in its direct path, and the sinking in my stomach almost convinced me to turn around. Almost.
But then something curled around my ankle. It was slick and strong, and there wasn’t a doubt in my mind that whatever it was could’ve pulled me under and eaten me alive in a fraction of a second.
Luckily for me, it wasn’t interested. It let go as quickly as it had latched on, almost as though it was simply using me as a handrail to move itself along. Still, though, the knowledge that it was there was all the motivation I needed to push forward ever faster. I didn’t say anything—didn’t want to add more fuel to Wiley’s panicked fire—just picked up my pace and swam up to their side.
“There’s a ladder,” they informed me, raising a hand and pointing toward the back half of the ship.
Indeed, there was a ladder. It was a tattered, worn thing, comprised of old, fraying rope and rotting, untreated wooden boards, but it looked composed enough that I figured we could likely make it up if we were swift.
“Bet,” I said. “Let’s go.”
We went.
Up close, the ladder appeared even shoddier than it had when we’d first seen it. I reached out of the water and wrapped my fingers around the rope at the bottom, giving it a hearty tug. To my slight surprise, it held fast.
“I think we’re good,” I told Wiley. “I’ll go up first and tell you what I see.”
“Be careful,” they said, but didn’t protest, just backed up enough for me to get the leverage I needed to hoist myself onto the bottom board.
I climbed warily, overly conscious of every creak of the wood bowing beneath my weight, every groan of the fibers of rope under my hands, but made it without incident to the top.
Once there, I grabbed onto the ship’s edge, lifting my gaze to take in whatever lie before me.
It was…nothing. I mean, it was a ship, obviously. But there wasn’t anything on board. No apparent crew nor cargo nor even a captain manning the helm. Granted, I couldn’t see perfectly, but the moon shone brightly enough that I was fairly confident in my observation that the deck was devoid of anything but its own shiplap floor.
“Hello?” I called, because I wasn’t about to beckon Wiley up if some fucked shit was going to pop out of nowhere the second we made a sound.
Nothing responded. Nothing moved. The ship rocked gently on the impossible water, as silent and vacant as it had been a moment before.
“Good?” Wiley questioned nervously from below me.
“Yeah,” I told them, easing myself off the ladder and down into the confines of the vessel. “Come on.”
They did so tenuously but still more swiftly than I had, climbing aboard and landing next to me with a dampened thunk.
We allowed ourselves the briefest of moments to catch our breath, silently rejoicing in the small win that was having found solace from the pool itself. Not that we had any idea what to do or where to go from here, but at the very least, we weren’t drowning.
“Okay,” I said, clearing the unease from my throat. “I don’t know what good trying to steer this thing would do us—there’s nothing but water no matter where we go. But maybe there’s something here somewhere that’ll help us figure out how to get back. So I think we just…start looking around?”
Wiley nodded. “Cool. Split halves, front and back?”
Nooo, Adam, don’t split up! Never split up! I know. I can literally hear you screaming it at me. And actually, for once in my life, I considered that something might be a horrible fucking idea before acting on it.
But then I saw something.
As I turned back to respond, Wiley’s eyes shimmered, dancing in the moonlight.
They were silver and mercurial, with no pupils or whites in sight.
Whatever had come back up from underwater, it was not my coworker.
I swallowed, forcing my expression to remain as neutral as I was able and praying whatever was standing in front of me didn’t notice I’d caught on. My entire body was instantaneously covered in chills, in a way that I understood to have the same purpose as a dog’s hackles rising. “Sounds good,” I said. “I’ll take the front.”
I headed in the opposite direction of the thing wearing Wiley’s face (at a pace that I hoped didn’t appear hurried but one that would remove me in a timely manner from the vicinity) and didn’t stop until I’d reached the front of the ship, breathing heavily and attempting to slow my reeling mind.
I didn’t know what to tackle first. I didn’t know where Wiley was, or if they were anywhere—if they were even still alive. I didn’t know what my next move should be. I didn’t know what I was looking for or where I might find it.
It’s rare that I feel utterly hopeless, to the degree that I genuinely contemplate just sitting down and giving up, but in this instance, I thought long and hard about how easy it would be to succumb. I’d let the unthinkable happen. Wiley was gone. No one else had been here with them—there was no one else to blame. Just me. Only me.
…You’ll be glad to know that the self-pity didn’t last long. Embarrassing, honestly.
If I was the only one here, it meant I was the only shot they had at making it out alive. Our version of ‘innocent until proven guilty’ had always been ‘alive until proven dead’ and I wasn’t about to turn my back on the insane streak of luck we’d had up until this point. Not a single one of our lives had been lost, and we’d been in the midst of some absolute shitstorms. There was no reason to believe that right now, tonight, was an outlier. I couldn’t lie down like a sick dog and wonder if Wiley was still out there somewhere, suffering until the bitter, bloody end. I had to find them. By whatever means necessary, as long as it took, I had to find them.
I pushed off the railing before me and spun on my heel, eyes flitting back and forth to assess my options as efficiently as possible, and after a moment, I registered that fitted flush against the large front mast, there was a door.
It was only a sliver, thin and not particularly extraordinary in height, but there was a handle carved roughly into its right side and a set of rust-riddled hinges on its left.
I took about half a second to weigh my options and then reached for it, curling my fingers around the handle and giving it a generous tug.
The hinges, unsurprisingly, complained, but not loudly and not for long. The door gave way with little resistance, and opened up to my worst fucking nightmare.
A set of stairs, descending into blackness.
I mean, I guess if I’m being fair, my first pool encounter had featured a staircase leading to the pool rather than away from it, but I didn’t feel like there could possibly be good news awaiting me below deck of a ship where I’d just encountered a fucking mimic.
Still, though, there was a niggling insistence in my brain (not that kind, come on) that it was my only lead on finding Wiley if they were, in fact, somewhere on board. So I cast one last glance over my shoulder and stepped into the dark, letting the door fall closed behind me.
It smelled different, instantly, from the open air above. Mustier, which was to be expected, but also almost sweet somehow. I tried, unsuccessfully, to shove my true-crime-podcast-addled brain’s helpful reminder that the scent of human death is said to be sweet into a mental lockbox and put my hand to the wall, easing tentatively down to the second step.
The visibility wasn’t just low—it was practically zero. If you’ve ever been on a cave tour and had a guide cut the lights and instruct you to lift your hand to your face to demonstrate the complete absence of light, it was nearly that intense. The placing of both feet on each concurrent stair was an arduous, calculated process, but finally, after approximately one (1) century, I reached flat ground. I still couldn’t see, and there was no definitive way to tell whether I was standing on the floor or just a landing without thoroughly feeling out the space around me, so I reluctantly departed from the wall, scooting my feet in small, tentative motions and keeping both arms partially outstretched before me.
After a (l o n g) moment, I determined that either this was the world’s largest landing or I’d made it all the way down. I had no idea whether I was in a singular, enormous room, or if there were individual cabins, or if I was about to run face-first into the grim fucking reaper.
And then I turned to my left.
There was a light.
It was so, so faint. Flickering. Barely discernible, its warm, gentle glow ever so shyly illuminating the cracks around what appeared to be another closed door.
Being the only visible thing in my line of sight, in any direction, it emitted the aura of both a beacon and an omen.
I headed towards it.
I was about half afraid I was stuck in a horror movie situation where no matter how long I walked it would never grow any closer, but fortunately, that didn’t seem to be the case. I actually gained on it more quickly than I felt I should have for the speed I was moving, but I wasn’t going to complain about reaching the end of the nothingness in commendable time.
I ran my fingertips along the edge of the door and, sure enough, there was a carved-in handle, just like the last.
It opened just as effortlessly, and yellow candlelight rolled dimly out to greet me, lapping at my waterlogged clothes.
“Please,” came a quiet, terrified voice from inside the room. “Please don’t. I don’t know what you want, or–or what you are, but please don’t—”
Rather than calming, the voice’s state of alarm rose to a level bordering on full-blown panic as I took a step into the space. “Please,” the voice begged. There wasn’t anyone visible from my current vantage point, but I could hear it clearly enough to feel fairly confident that the person attached to it—the person who either had to be Wiley or yet another duplicate of them—was close. “Why are you doing this?”
This was a cabin, I thought, or perhaps a study of some sort, with a rotting wooden desk and a decaying leather chair both covered in a flurry of loose, browned book pages and a thick layer of dust. There were candles littering several surfaces, placed in what appeared not to be any intentional manner. Directly to my right, there was a shelf; its back faced me and the odd placement led me to imagine that it may have been employed to block the door at some time.
It was also, I would have just about bet, the source of the voice.
I nudged a couple of planks and a broken amber bottle out of the way with the toe of my shoe, rounding the shelf to find a crumpled, bloodied Wiley, restrained to the floor by a thick, coarse rope fixed expertly to a bolted tie and holding their bound hands up to shield their face.
“Jesus fuck,” I said. “What happened to you?”
Slowly, they lifted their head. “...Adam?”
Realization dawned on me, and I felt my stomach sink. “Look at me,” I told them. “Look at my eyes.”
They did, their own bloodshot and watery and inherently human, and I watched their shoulders deflate, the defense and terror draining from their form. “There’s someone…something…down here. Or, I guess it still is, anyway. I don’t know where it went, but I don’t wanna be here when it comes back.”
I nodded. “It look like me?”
Wiley nodded back.
“Yeah, there’s one of you upstairs. Not real sure what we’re supposed to do about them, but one thing at a time. Let’s get you up from there.”
It was a struggle, disentangling Wiley from the heavy, abrasive leads coccooning their body, but we got there eventually, and throughout the entirety of the arduous process they gave me the rundown on how, when we’d parted from the solace of the platform, something had instantaneously latched onto them, dragging them down deeper and deeper until their ears popped and their head felt like it was going to explode. They said they’d been knocked out by the pressure, and that when they’d come to, already tied in place and coughing up lungfuls of water, “I” had been standing over them, wielding a large net hook and no mercy.
“I knew it wasn’t you, obviously,” they said, “but I didn’t know where you actually were or if something had, like. Hijacked your body? I don’t know. Anyway, let’s get the fuck out of here.”
We grabbed a couple of candles (the majority had simply been melted into place atop whatever surface they’d adorned, but there was a small collection fitted into slightly-too-small brass holders) and got the fuck out.
Being able to see so little in the space around us was almost more disorienting than the pitch darkness I’d been feeling my way through before. It felt as though we were in a fragile, wavering bubble of reality and nothing existed outside of it.
“Wish I’d been awake coming down here,” Wiley remarked. “Guess I still wouldn’t have seen shit, though.”
“I could…maybe get us back upstairs?” I considered, with little to no confidence. “But I don’t really know what good it would do us. Nowhere to go. Maybe we just…look around down here for a bit? See if we can find anything useful?”
“Yeah, okay,” Wiley assented. “But we’ve gotta be quiet. I don’t want that thing to hear us.”
I certainly couldn’t argue with that.
We wandered hesitantly through the dark, shielding the flames of our candles with cupped palms and praying we wouldn’t misstep. We made it some unsubstantiated quantity of time without incident, but softly, after seconds or minutes or hours, we heard a light rustling from the shadow veiled corridor to our right, and Wiley pulled me into the nearest open room in the opposite direction.
Flattening our backs to the wall, we listened intently as footsteps echoed faintly behind us, cyclically growing closer and then further away again for several moments before disappearing altogether.
I let out a breath I hadn’t known I was holding and uncovered my candle, easing the door of the room to a gentle, silent close. The contents of this one were different from that of the last in that there practically weren’t any. It wasn’t just that it was tidier; there was a chest shoved against the wall nearest us and a leatherbound book of some sort lying in the center of the floor, but otherwise the space was vacant.
Wiley moved first, crouching next to the journal and lifting it from the ground, a cloud of dust rising in the wake of their breath. I knelt down beside them, offering my candlelight so they could discard theirs and open the cover.
Beneath which there was a box.
It was a plain, unadorned wooden rectangle, nestled into the carved-out central pages of the book, and we learned upon extracting it that there was no lock or latch, just a seam indicating the lid’s separation from the body.
I don’t need to spell the whole situation out for you. There was a key in the box. The key opened, you guessed it: the chest. Inside the chest, there were piles of gold and jewels beyond your wildest imagination. We’re rich now. The end.
Nah, JK. But the key in the box did open the chest, in which there was, A) a pair of peeling, pleather driving gloves, and B)...
I felt my heart skip.
A bicycle chain.
I’m not going to get into the nuances of that right now, or maybe ever. But for the purposes of dramatic flair, just know that it was incredibly, pointedly relevant to me, on a level so personal it sucker punched the air straight out of my lungs.
“No,” Wiley said, staggering back a step. “Uh-uh. Nope.”
I put together, then, that the gloves must have been their ticket item. “It’s okay,” I said, on autopilot, because it was not. “There’s something—something’s carved into the bottom of this thing.” Pushing past the reaction every fiber of my being had to the sensation of the frigid metal against my skin, I shoved both the chain and the gloves to the side and could scarcely make out a host of crudely scrawled letters in the wavering light of my half-gone candle.
“What is it?” Wiley asked, making no move to come nearer again.
Though your…hand…? Heart. Though your heart does pound and knees grow…weak,” I deciphered slowly, “Rid yourself by your… That doesn’t make any sense. Shouldn’t it be of? It says ‘rid yourself by your fear’ and…something. Drain the…clin… No. Drink. Drain the drink.”
Rid yourself by your fear and drain the drink,” Wiley repeated analytically. “The hell does that mean? Is this shit telling us to kill ourselves with the—oh. Oh. Fuck.”
I was not following. “...I’m not following,” I said.
“It is.” Wiley returned to my side, squatting down and nudging me out of the way with their shoulder to peer warily into the trunk. “It’s telling us to kill ourselves, but not these selves. We’re supposed to use…those…to kill our fuckin’ doppelgangers, or whatever they are. That’s how we get rid of the water.”
“Oh,” I echoed. “Fuck.”
We marinated for a moment in silence before Wiley sighed, resigned, and lifted the gloves from the chest, closing their eyes and pulling the fabric snugly over their hands. “Let’s get to work.”
submitted by emorybored to scarystories [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:35 emorybored I work at the Night Library (installment 11). The pool was on the roof this time.

Okay, I’m gonna level with you. Focusing on current events is just getting a little too fucking heavy. I’m no closer to answers than I was a month ago, none of us can sleep through a full night without waking up shaking and drenched in sweat, and there are some new downright bizarre phenomena cropping up that I just don’t have it in me to allot my energy to at the moment.
So, for today’s installment (and then also for the next one) I’m gonna tell you another good ol’ fun-for-the-whole-family pool story. Yep, you heard that right—welcome to our first bonafide two-parter.
This was quite a while ago. My measure of time is all off by a year now, but I feel fairly confident in chalking it up to post-first pool story, pre-ouija board fiasco—so however long ago that’s been now.
It was a weird, rare night, in that Matt was out. Not an unheard of occurrence, but it’s fairly anomalous, and it certainly puts the rest of us on slightly higher alert.
Obviously, he always tells us to call him at the first sign of some shit going down and to use our best judgment to determine whether it’s serious enough to lock up and head out. Better safe than sorry and all that. The night in question was no exception to the rule.
Overall, though, things were mostly quiet. Alice was in, as was I, as was Wiley. We do a lot of congregating, but we do a lot of work, too, and this night, we were all in our respective areas, doing our respective jobs.
I was in my not-office mending a finicky Shakespeare anthology, Alice was watching the desk while working on cataloging a truckload of new donations, and Wiley was replacing several lightbulbs that had all decided to call it quits after our most recent power outage (this one due to a flash-flood).
It was calm to an almost uncharacteristic degree. There was a relatively steady flow of patrons in and out of the building—I could hear Alice greeting them and wishing them a good evening—but as far as anomalous activity, there was none.
It does happen, on rare occasion, that we make it through a full night without any goings on, but there’s almost always at least the odd disembodied voice or two.
We should’ve known better than to trust a meteor shower.
See, there’s just something about natural anomalies. Not just the ones that knock our power out, either, although those are clearly included. Blizzards, thunderstorms, hail and tornados and earthquakes and all your run-of-the-mill destructive shit, sure. But the things of beauty, too. Rainbows. Eclipses, lunar or solar. And you think full moons hit emergency rooms hard? Try this fucking place.
It was just that a meteor shower wasn’t one we’d dealt with before. Does that mean we shouldn’t have known better? Fuck no. Obviously not. But perhaps our collective greatest fault is that we still have some semblance of hope.
Wiley wanted to look at it from the roof. Kid never fucking wants to do anything, and they were set to climb up and camp out alone. I couldn’t not entertain such an innocent, youthful whim.
Our roof access doesn’t have stairs—just a ladder—so Alice couldn’t accompany us, which I felt shitty about, but she assured me it was perfectly fine with her.
“The world decided I didn’t need functional legs so I could never be peer pressured into leaving the ground,” she quipped. “I’m not into heights. But y’all have fun up there. Somebody needs to be here for the patrons anyway.”
Fair and fair. So Wiley and I gathered up an armful of blankets and one of Matt’s trusty camping lanterns and headed out to scale the building.
Wiley went up ahead of me. That was my first mistake.
Really, they aren’t that much younger than I am. Maybe four or five years, and I’m too close to thirty for comfort now. But there’s something about them, even as far as they’ve come, that makes it impossible for me not to do everything in my power to protect them. I think Matt feels the same way. Maybe most of us do.
Anyway, that’s why I immediately started cursing myself when they reached the top of the ladder, pulled their way up and over the ledge of the roof, and said, “...Whoa.”
My second mistake was not immediately telling them to turn around and start climbing right the fuck back down.
I knew exactly what that tone of voice meant. But something in me just kicked into hyperdrive and I…had to see it. Whatever it was, I had to see it for myself.
“Don’t move,” I said, and then, “What is it?”
But by that point, I was at the top, too. I hoisted myself over the ledge and was met with…
It was everywhere. Extending in every direction. There was no edge in sight—not even a horizon line. Just vast, dark water as far as the eye could see.
“Okay. This is not—let’s go.”
“Yeah,” Wiley agreed, a little breathless.
I’m sure you’ll be downright shocked to learn that, when we turned around, the ladder was gone.
The edge of the rooftop was, too.
The thing that surprised me, really, was that it wasn’t as though we were standing on some sort of island. We were somehow in the water all of a sudden, up to our waists, neither of us having taken a single step.
“Fucking…shit. Jesus. Adam?”
“We’re fine,” was my default response, because my anxiety override kicks in like a motherfucker as soon as someone else is more openly afraid than I am. “It’s okay, let’s just—let’s think for a second. Maybe it’s just, like, an illusion or something.”
“Okay,” Wiley said. “Maybe we should…try moving?”
“Yeah. Yeah, we’ll bump the ledge and then we can just feel for the ladder. Good idea.”
Wiley and I shared a look, wordlessly nodding to one another, and stepped forward in unison.
Maybe I misspoke before, when I said we weren’t on a platform. It was just that our platform wasn’t above the water. Now, though, there was nothing.
It felt, almost, like the stomach-turning sensation of missing a step walking up a staircase. The only difference was that there was no moment-too-late connection.
We plummeted.
There wasn’t any difference in temperature beneath the surface, which was, in a way, more disorienting than the water itself. The mental recalibration that typically comes with plunging into a cool lake or, adversely, a heated pool wasn’t allotted an opportunity to take place. It felt, for most intents and purposes, the same as being in the air, just that I couldn’t breathe.
It was heavy, too. The weightlessness water tends to embody was null; I immediately abandoned everything I’d been carrying, clawing my way upward frantically enough that it would’ve been mortifying, I’m sure, had anyone witnessed it.
Wiley resurfaced at the same moment I did—empty handed as well, I noted—coughing a little but not to the extent that I was worried they were choking. “Next idea?” they asked, pushing their wet hair back from their face, dark, damp lashes obscuring their eyes.
“Let’s get back on the…” I started, but trailed off when I raised my head.
A couple hundred yards out from us, there was a ship. It was a dark, hulking thing, with tattered sails and something indistinguishable affixed to the bow, glittering and glinting in the moonlight.
Wiley spun around to face it, drifting back slightly when their gaze landed parallel to mine. “What the fuck is that?” they demanded, legs kicking haphazardly beneath the water to keep them in place.
“Maybe it’s…good,” I said. I knew better than that and I knew Wiley did, too, but I said it anyway. “Maybe someone will help.”
They didn’t even humor me with a response to that bullshit.
Now, at this point in the story, maybe you’re thinking being suddenly surrounded by water and watching as an ominous ship approached us with absolutely nowhere to go and no way to escape doesn’t feel quite enough like imminent condemnation. To which I say to you: not to worry. Because the next realization we came to was that the platform we’d been standing on previously had suddenly ceased to exist.
“Shit,” Wiley said. “Shit, shit, shit. Adam.”
“I know,” I said. “It’s fine. We’re fine. We just—we’re gonna—follow me.”
I don’t know. I don’t know what the fuck possessed me to swim toward the Obvious Death Ship. I guess just that there wasn’t anything else save for open water anywhere so it essentially felt like our options were paddle around until we were exhausted and drown or face a quicker, simpler demise.
“You better have a fucking plan, bro,” Wiley intoned from behind me, which I chivalrously pretended not to hear, because I did not, in fact, have a fucking plan.
The closer we drew to the vessel, the more unbelievably monstrous it appeared to become. It loomed above us, casting a shadow over everything in its direct path, and the sinking in my stomach almost convinced me to turn around. Almost.
But then something curled around my ankle. It was slick and strong, and there wasn’t a doubt in my mind that whatever it was could’ve pulled me under and eaten me alive in a fraction of a second.
Luckily for me, it wasn’t interested. It let go as quickly as it had latched on, almost as though it was simply using me as a handrail to move itself along. Still, though, the knowledge that it was there was all the motivation I needed to push forward ever faster. I didn’t say anything—didn’t want to add more fuel to Wiley’s panicked fire—just picked up my pace and swam up to their side.
“There’s a ladder,” they informed me, raising a hand and pointing toward the back half of the ship.
Indeed, there was a ladder. It was a tattered, worn thing, comprised of old, fraying rope and rotting, untreated wooden boards, but it looked composed enough that I figured we could likely make it up if we were swift.
“Bet,” I said. “Let’s go.”
We went.
Up close, the ladder appeared even shoddier than it had when we’d first seen it. I reached out of the water and wrapped my fingers around the rope at the bottom, giving it a hearty tug. To my slight surprise, it held fast.
“I think we’re good,” I told Wiley. “I’ll go up first and tell you what I see.”
“Be careful,” they said, but didn’t protest, just backed up enough for me to get the leverage I needed to hoist myself onto the bottom board.
I climbed warily, overly conscious of every creak of the wood bowing beneath my weight, every groan of the fibers of rope under my hands, but made it without incident to the top.
Once there, I grabbed onto the ship’s edge, lifting my gaze to take in whatever lie before me.
It was…nothing. I mean, it was a ship, obviously. But there wasn’t anything on board. No apparent crew nor cargo nor even a captain manning the helm. Granted, I couldn’t see perfectly, but the moon shone brightly enough that I was fairly confident in my observation that the deck was devoid of anything but its own shiplap floor.
“Hello?” I called, because I wasn’t about to beckon Wiley up if some fucked shit was going to pop out of nowhere the second we made a sound.
Nothing responded. Nothing moved. The ship rocked gently on the impossible water, as silent and vacant as it had been a moment before.
“Good?” Wiley questioned nervously from below me.
“Yeah,” I told them, easing myself off the ladder and down into the confines of the vessel. “Come on.”
They did so tenuously but still more swiftly than I had, climbing aboard and landing next to me with a dampened thunk.
We allowed ourselves the briefest of moments to catch our breath, silently rejoicing in the small win that was having found solace from the pool itself. Not that we had any idea what to do or where to go from here, but at the very least, we weren’t drowning.
“Okay,” I said, clearing the unease from my throat. “I don’t know what good trying to steer this thing would do us—there’s nothing but water no matter where we go. But maybe there’s something here somewhere that’ll help us figure out how to get back. So I think we just…start looking around?”
Wiley nodded. “Cool. Split halves, front and back?”
Nooo, Adam, don’t split up! Never split up! I know. I can literally hear you screaming it at me. And actually, for once in my life, I considered that something might be a horrible fucking idea before acting on it.
But then I saw something.
As I turned back to respond, Wiley’s eyes shimmered, dancing in the moonlight.
They were silver and mercurial, with no pupils or whites in sight.
Whatever had come back up from underwater, it was not my coworker.
I swallowed, forcing my expression to remain as neutral as I was able and praying whatever was standing in front of me didn’t notice I’d caught on. My entire body was instantaneously covered in chills, in a way that I understood to have the same purpose as a dog’s hackles rising. “Sounds good,” I said. “I’ll take the front.”
I headed in the opposite direction of the thing wearing Wiley’s face (at a pace that I hoped didn’t appear hurried but one that would remove me in a timely manner from the vicinity) and didn’t stop until I’d reached the front of the ship, breathing heavily and attempting to slow my reeling mind.
I didn’t know what to tackle first. I didn’t know where Wiley was, or if they were anywhere—if they were even still alive. I didn’t know what my next move should be. I didn’t know what I was looking for or where I might find it.
It’s rare that I feel utterly hopeless, to the degree that I genuinely contemplate just sitting down and giving up, but in this instance, I thought long and hard about how easy it would be to succumb. I’d let the unthinkable happen. Wiley was gone. No one else had been here with them—there was no one else to blame. Just me. Only me.
…You’ll be glad to know that the self-pity didn’t last long. Embarrassing, honestly.
If I was the only one here, it meant I was the only shot they had at making it out alive. Our version of ‘innocent until proven guilty’ had always been ‘alive until proven dead’ and I wasn’t about to turn my back on the insane streak of luck we’d had up until this point. Not a single one of our lives had been lost, and we’d been in the midst of some absolute shitstorms. There was no reason to believe that right now, tonight, was an outlier. I couldn’t lie down like a sick dog and wonder if Wiley was still out there somewhere, suffering until the bitter, bloody end. I had to find them. By whatever means necessary, as long as it took, I had to find them.
I pushed off the railing before me and spun on my heel, eyes flitting back and forth to assess my options as efficiently as possible, and after a moment, I registered that fitted flush against the large front mast, there was a door.
It was only a sliver, thin and not particularly extraordinary in height, but there was a handle carved roughly into its right side and a set of rust-riddled hinges on its left.
I took about half a second to weigh my options and then reached for it, curling my fingers around the handle and giving it a generous tug.
The hinges, unsurprisingly, complained, but not loudly and not for long. The door gave way with little resistance, and opened up to my worst fucking nightmare.
A set of stairs, descending into blackness.
I mean, I guess if I’m being fair, my first pool encounter had featured a staircase leading to the pool rather than away from it, but I didn’t feel like there could possibly be good news awaiting me below deck of a ship where I’d just encountered a fucking mimic.
Still, though, there was a niggling insistence in my brain (not that kind, come on) that it was my only lead on finding Wiley if they were, in fact, somewhere on board. So I cast one last glance over my shoulder and stepped into the dark, letting the door fall closed behind me.
It smelled different, instantly, from the open air above. Mustier, which was to be expected, but also almost sweet somehow. I tried, unsuccessfully, to shove my true-crime-podcast-addled brain’s helpful reminder that the scent of human death is said to be sweet into a mental lockbox and put my hand to the wall, easing tentatively down to the second step.
The visibility wasn’t just low—it was practically zero. If you’ve ever been on a cave tour and had a guide cut the lights and instruct you to lift your hand to your face to demonstrate the complete absence of light, it was nearly that intense. The placing of both feet on each concurrent stair was an arduous, calculated process, but finally, after approximately one (1) century, I reached flat ground. I still couldn’t see, and there was no definitive way to tell whether I was standing on the floor or just a landing without thoroughly feeling out the space around me, so I reluctantly departed from the wall, scooting my feet in small, tentative motions and keeping both arms partially outstretched before me.
After a (l o n g) moment, I determined that either this was the world’s largest landing or I’d made it all the way down. I had no idea whether I was in a singular, enormous room, or if there were individual cabins, or if I was about to run face-first into the grim fucking reaper.
And then I turned to my left.
There was a light.
It was so, so faint. Flickering. Barely discernible, its warm, gentle glow ever so shyly illuminating the cracks around what appeared to be another closed door.
Being the only visible thing in my line of sight, in any direction, it emitted the aura of both a beacon and an omen.
I headed towards it.
I was about half afraid I was stuck in a horror movie situation where no matter how long I walked it would never grow any closer, but fortunately, that didn’t seem to be the case. I actually gained on it more quickly than I felt I should have for the speed I was moving, but I wasn’t going to complain about reaching the end of the nothingness in commendable time.
I ran my fingertips along the edge of the door and, sure enough, there was a carved-in handle, just like the last.
It opened just as effortlessly, and yellow candlelight rolled dimly out to greet me, lapping at my waterlogged clothes.
“Please,” came a quiet, terrified voice from inside the room. “Please don’t. I don’t know what you want, or–or what you are, but please don’t—”
Rather than calming, the voice’s state of alarm rose to a level bordering on full-blown panic as I took a step into the space. “Please,” the voice begged. There wasn’t anyone visible from my current vantage point, but I could hear it clearly enough to feel fairly confident that the person attached to it—the person who either had to be Wiley or yet another duplicate of them—was close. “Why are you doing this?”
This was a cabin, I thought, or perhaps a study of some sort, with a rotting wooden desk and a decaying leather chair both covered in a flurry of loose, browned book pages and a thick layer of dust. There were candles littering several surfaces, placed in what appeared not to be any intentional manner. Directly to my right, there was a shelf; its back faced me and the odd placement led me to imagine that it may have been employed to block the door at some time.
It was also, I would have just about bet, the source of the voice.
I nudged a couple of planks and a broken amber bottle out of the way with the toe of my shoe, rounding the shelf to find a crumpled, bloodied Wiley, restrained to the floor by a thick, coarse rope fixed expertly to a bolted tie and holding their bound hands up to shield their face.
“Jesus fuck,” I said. “What happened to you?”
Slowly, they lifted their head. “...Adam?”
Realization dawned on me, and I felt my stomach sink. “Look at me,” I told them. “Look at my eyes.”
They did, their own bloodshot and watery and inherently human, and I watched their shoulders deflate, the defense and terror draining from their form. “There’s someone…something…down here. Or, I guess it still is, anyway. I don’t know where it went, but I don’t wanna be here when it comes back.”
I nodded. “It look like me?”
Wiley nodded back.
“Yeah, there’s one of you upstairs. Not real sure what we’re supposed to do about them, but one thing at a time. Let’s get you up from there.”
It was a struggle, disentangling Wiley from the heavy, abrasive leads coccooning their body, but we got there eventually, and throughout the entirety of the arduous process they gave me the rundown on how, when we’d parted from the solace of the platform, something had instantaneously latched onto them, dragging them down deeper and deeper until their ears popped and their head felt like it was going to explode. They said they’d been knocked out by the pressure, and that when they’d come to, already tied in place and coughing up lungfuls of water, “I” had been standing over them, wielding a large net hook and no mercy.
“I knew it wasn’t you, obviously,” they said, “but I didn’t know where you actually were or if something had, like. Hijacked your body? I don’t know. Anyway, let’s get the fuck out of here.”
We grabbed a couple of candles (the majority had simply been melted into place atop whatever surface they’d adorned, but there was a small collection fitted into slightly-too-small brass holders) and got the fuck out.
Being able to see so little in the space around us was almost more disorienting than the pitch darkness I’d been feeling my way through before. It felt as though we were in a fragile, wavering bubble of reality and nothing existed outside of it.
“Wish I’d been awake coming down here,” Wiley remarked. “Guess I still wouldn’t have seen shit, though.”
“I could…maybe get us back upstairs?” I considered, with little to no confidence. “But I don’t really know what good it would do us. Nowhere to go. Maybe we just…look around down here for a bit? See if we can find anything useful?”
“Yeah, okay,” Wiley assented. “But we’ve gotta be quiet. I don’t want that thing to hear us.”
I certainly couldn’t argue with that.
We wandered hesitantly through the dark, shielding the flames of our candles with cupped palms and praying we wouldn’t misstep. We made it some unsubstantiated quantity of time without incident, but softly, after seconds or minutes or hours, we heard a light rustling from the shadow veiled corridor to our right, and Wiley pulled me into the nearest open room in the opposite direction.
Flattening our backs to the wall, we listened intently as footsteps echoed faintly behind us, cyclically growing closer and then further away again for several moments before disappearing altogether.
I let out a breath I hadn’t known I was holding and uncovered my candle, easing the door of the room to a gentle, silent close. The contents of this one were different from that of the last in that there practically weren’t any. It wasn’t just that it was tidier; there was a chest shoved against the wall nearest us and a leatherbound book of some sort lying in the center of the floor, but otherwise the space was vacant.
Wiley moved first, crouching next to the journal and lifting it from the ground, a cloud of dust rising in the wake of their breath. I knelt down beside them, offering my candlelight so they could discard theirs and open the cover.
Beneath which there was a box.
It was a plain, unadorned wooden rectangle, nestled into the carved-out central pages of the book, and we learned upon extracting it that there was no lock or latch, just a seam indicating the lid’s separation from the body.
I don’t need to spell the whole situation out for you. There was a key in the box. The key opened, you guessed it: the chest. Inside the chest, there were piles of gold and jewels beyond your wildest imagination. We’re rich now. The end.
Nah, JK. But the key in the box did open the chest, in which there was, A) a pair of peeling, pleather driving gloves, and B)...
I felt my heart skip.
A bicycle chain.
I’m not going to get into the nuances of that right now, or maybe ever. But for the purposes of dramatic flair, just know that it was incredibly, pointedly relevant to me, on a level so personal it sucker punched the air straight out of my lungs.
“No,” Wiley said, staggering back a step. “Uh-uh. Nope.”
I put together, then, that the gloves must have been their ticket item. “It’s okay,” I said, on autopilot, because it was not. “There’s something—something’s carved into the bottom of this thing.” Pushing past the reaction every fiber of my being had to the sensation of the frigid metal against my skin, I shoved both the chain and the gloves to the side and could scarcely make out a host of crudely scrawled letters in the wavering light of my half-gone candle.
“What is it?” Wiley asked, making no move to come nearer again.
Though your…hand…? Heart. Though your heart does pound and knees grow…weak,” I deciphered slowly, “Rid yourself by your… That doesn’t make any sense. Shouldn’t it be of? It says ‘rid yourself by your fear’ and…something. Drain the…clin… No. Drink. Drain the drink.”
Rid yourself by your fear and drain the drink,” Wiley repeated analytically. “The hell does that mean? Is this shit telling us to kill ourselves with the—oh. Oh. Fuck.”
I was not following. “...I’m not following,” I said.
“It is.” Wiley returned to my side, squatting down and nudging me out of the way with their shoulder to peer warily into the trunk. “It’s telling us to kill ourselves, but not these selves. We’re supposed to use…those…to kill our fuckin’ doppelgangers, or whatever they are. That’s how we get rid of the water.”
“Oh,” I echoed. “Fuck.”
We marinated for a moment in silence before Wiley sighed, resigned, and lifted the gloves from the chest, closing their eyes and pulling the fabric snugly over their hands. “Let’s get to work.”
submitted by emorybored to Ruleshorror [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:31 emorybored I work at the Night Library. The pool was on the roof this time.

Okay, I’m gonna level with you. Focusing on current events is just getting a little too fucking heavy. I’m no closer to answers than I was a month ago, none of us can sleep through a full night without waking up shaking and drenched in sweat, and there are some new downright bizarre phenomena cropping up that I just don’t have it in me to allot my energy to at the moment.
So, for today’s installment (and then also for the next one) I’m gonna tell you another good ol’ fun-for-the-whole-family pool story. Yep, you heard that right—welcome to our first bonafide two-parter.
This was quite a while ago. My measure of time is all off by a year now, but I feel fairly confident in chalking it up to post-first pool story, pre-ouija board fiasco—so however long ago that’s been now.
It was a weird, rare night, in that Matt was out. Not an unheard of occurrence, but it’s fairly anomalous, and it certainly puts the rest of us on slightly higher alert.
Obviously, he always tells us to call him at the first sign of some shit going down and to use our best judgment to determine whether it’s serious enough to lock up and head out. Better safe than sorry and all that. The night in question was no exception to the rule.
Overall, though, things were mostly quiet. Alice was in, as was I, as was Wiley. We do a lot of congregating, but we do a lot of work, too, and this night, we were all in our respective areas, doing our respective jobs.
I was in my not-office mending a finicky Shakespeare anthology, Alice was watching the desk while working on cataloging a truckload of new donations, and Wiley was replacing several lightbulbs that had all decided to call it quits after our most recent power outage (this one due to a flash-flood).
It was calm to an almost uncharacteristic degree. There was a relatively steady flow of patrons in and out of the building—I could hear Alice greeting them and wishing them a good evening—but as far as anomalous activity, there was none.
It does happen, on rare occasion, that we make it through a full night without any goings on, but there’s almost always at least the odd disembodied voice or two.
We should’ve known better than to trust a meteor shower.
See, there’s just something about natural anomalies. Not just the ones that knock our power out, either, although those are clearly included. Blizzards, thunderstorms, hail and tornados and earthquakes and all your run-of-the-mill destructive shit, sure. But the things of beauty, too. Rainbows. Eclipses, lunar or solar. And you think full moons hit emergency rooms hard? Try this fucking place.
It was just that a meteor shower wasn’t one we’d dealt with before. Does that mean we shouldn’t have known better? Fuck no. Obviously not. But perhaps our collective greatest fault is that we still have some semblance of hope.
Wiley wanted to look at it from the roof. Kid never fucking wants to do anything, and they were set to climb up and camp out alone. I couldn’t not entertain such an innocent, youthful whim.
Our roof access doesn’t have stairs—just a ladder—so Alice couldn’t accompany us, which I felt shitty about, but she assured me it was perfectly fine with her.
“The world decided I didn’t need functional legs so I could never be peer pressured into leaving the ground,” she quipped. “I’m not into heights. But y’all have fun up there. Somebody needs to be here for the patrons anyway.”
Fair and fair. So Wiley and I gathered up an armful of blankets and one of Matt’s trusty camping lanterns and headed out to scale the building.
Wiley went up ahead of me. That was my first mistake.
Really, they aren’t that much younger than I am. Maybe four or five years, and I’m too close to thirty for comfort now. But there’s something about them, even as far as they’ve come, that makes it impossible for me not to do everything in my power to protect them. I think Matt feels the same way. Maybe most of us do.
Anyway, that’s why I immediately started cursing myself when they reached the top of the ladder, pulled their way up and over the ledge of the roof, and said, “...Whoa.”
My second mistake was not immediately telling them to turn around and start climbing right the fuck back down.
I knew exactly what that tone of voice meant. But something in me just kicked into hyperdrive and I…had to see it. Whatever it was, I had to see it for myself.
“Don’t move,” I said, and then, “What is it?”
But by that point, I was at the top, too. I hoisted myself over the ledge and was met with…
It was everywhere. Extending in every direction. There was no edge in sight—not even a horizon line. Just vast, dark water as far as the eye could see.
“Okay. This is not—let’s go.”
“Yeah,” Wiley agreed, a little breathless.
I’m sure you’ll be downright shocked to learn that, when we turned around, the ladder was gone.
The edge of the rooftop was, too.
The thing that surprised me, really, was that it wasn’t as though we were standing on some sort of island. We were somehow in the water all of a sudden, up to our waists, neither of us having taken a single step.
“Fucking…shit. Jesus. Adam?”
“We’re fine,” was my default response, because my anxiety override kicks in like a motherfucker as soon as someone else is more openly afraid than I am. “It’s okay, let’s just—let’s think for a second. Maybe it’s just, like, an illusion or something.”
“Okay,” Wiley said. “Maybe we should…try moving?”
“Yeah. Yeah, we’ll bump the ledge and then we can just feel for the ladder. Good idea.”
Wiley and I shared a look, wordlessly nodding to one another, and stepped forward in unison.
Maybe I misspoke before, when I said we weren’t on a platform. It was just that our platform wasn’t above the water. Now, though, there was nothing.
It felt, almost, like the stomach-turning sensation of missing a step walking up a staircase. The only difference was that there was no moment-too-late connection.
We plummeted.
There wasn’t any difference in temperature beneath the surface, which was, in a way, more disorienting than the water itself. The mental recalibration that typically comes with plunging into a cool lake or, adversely, a heated pool wasn’t allotted an opportunity to take place. It felt, for most intents and purposes, the same as being in the air, just that I couldn’t breathe.
It was heavy, too. The weightlessness water tends to embody was null; I immediately abandoned everything I’d been carrying, clawing my way upward frantically enough that it would’ve been mortifying, I’m sure, had anyone witnessed it.
Wiley resurfaced at the same moment I did—empty handed as well, I noted—coughing a little but not to the extent that I was worried they were choking. “Next idea?” they asked, pushing their wet hair back from their face, dark, damp lashes obscuring their eyes.
“Let’s get back on the…” I started, but trailed off when I raised my head.
A couple hundred yards out from us, there was a ship. It was a dark, hulking thing, with tattered sails and something indistinguishable affixed to the bow, glittering and glinting in the moonlight.
Wiley spun around to face it, drifting back slightly when their gaze landed parallel to mine. “What the fuck is that?” they demanded, legs kicking haphazardly beneath the water to keep them in place.
“Maybe it’s…good,” I said. I knew better than that and I knew Wiley did, too, but I said it anyway. “Maybe someone will help.”
They didn’t even humor me with a response to that bullshit.
Now, at this point in the story, maybe you’re thinking being suddenly surrounded by water and watching as an ominous ship approached us with absolutely nowhere to go and no way to escape doesn’t feel quite enough like imminent condemnation. To which I say to you: not to worry. Because the next realization we came to was that the platform we’d been standing on previously had suddenly ceased to exist.
“Shit,” Wiley said. “Shit, shit, shit. Adam.”
“I know,” I said. “It’s fine. We’re fine. We just—we’re gonna—follow me.”
I don’t know. I don’t know what the fuck possessed me to swim toward the Obvious Death Ship. I guess just that there wasn’t anything else save for open water anywhere so it essentially felt like our options were paddle around until we were exhausted and drown or face a quicker, simpler demise.
“You better have a fucking plan, bro,” Wiley intoned from behind me, which I chivalrously pretended not to hear, because I did not, in fact, have a fucking plan.
The closer we drew to the vessel, the more unbelievably monstrous it appeared to become. It loomed above us, casting a shadow over everything in its direct path, and the sinking in my stomach almost convinced me to turn around. Almost.
But then something curled around my ankle. It was slick and strong, and there wasn’t a doubt in my mind that whatever it was could’ve pulled me under and eaten me alive in a fraction of a second.
Luckily for me, it wasn’t interested. It let go as quickly as it had latched on, almost as though it was simply using me as a handrail to move itself along. Still, though, the knowledge that it was there was all the motivation I needed to push forward ever faster. I didn’t say anything—didn’t want to add more fuel to Wiley’s panicked fire—just picked up my pace and swam up to their side.
“There’s a ladder,” they informed me, raising a hand and pointing toward the back half of the ship.
Indeed, there was a ladder. It was a tattered, worn thing, comprised of old, fraying rope and rotting, untreated wooden boards, but it looked composed enough that I figured we could likely make it up if we were swift.
“Bet,” I said. “Let’s go.”
We went.
Up close, the ladder appeared even shoddier than it had when we’d first seen it. I reached out of the water and wrapped my fingers around the rope at the bottom, giving it a hearty tug. To my slight surprise, it held fast.
“I think we’re good,” I told Wiley. “I’ll go up first and tell you what I see.”
“Be careful,” they said, but didn’t protest, just backed up enough for me to get the leverage I needed to hoist myself onto the bottom board.
I climbed warily, overly conscious of every creak of the wood bowing beneath my weight, every groan of the fibers of rope under my hands, but made it without incident to the top.
Once there, I grabbed onto the ship’s edge, lifting my gaze to take in whatever lie before me.
It was…nothing. I mean, it was a ship, obviously. But there wasn’t anything on board. No apparent crew nor cargo nor even a captain manning the helm. Granted, I couldn’t see perfectly, but the moon shone brightly enough that I was fairly confident in my observation that the deck was devoid of anything but its own shiplap floor.
“Hello?” I called, because I wasn’t about to beckon Wiley up if some fucked shit was going to pop out of nowhere the second we made a sound.
Nothing responded. Nothing moved. The ship rocked gently on the impossible water, as silent and vacant as it had been a moment before.
“Good?” Wiley questioned nervously from below me.
“Yeah,” I told them, easing myself off the ladder and down into the confines of the vessel. “Come on.”
They did so tenuously but still more swiftly than I had, climbing aboard and landing next to me with a dampened thunk.
We allowed ourselves the briefest of moments to catch our breath, silently rejoicing in the small win that was having found solace from the pool itself. Not that we had any idea what to do or where to go from here, but at the very least, we weren’t drowning.
“Okay,” I said, clearing the unease from my throat. “I don’t know what good trying to steer this thing would do us—there’s nothing but water no matter where we go. But maybe there’s something here somewhere that’ll help us figure out how to get back. So I think we just…start looking around?”
Wiley nodded. “Cool. Split halves, front and back?”
Nooo, Adam, don’t split up! Never split up! I know. I can literally hear you screaming it at me. And actually, for once in my life, I considered that something might be a horrible fucking idea before acting on it.
But then I saw something.
As I turned back to respond, Wiley’s eyes shimmered, dancing in the moonlight.
They were silver and mercurial, with no pupils or whites in sight.
Whatever had come back up from underwater, it was not my coworker.
I swallowed, forcing my expression to remain as neutral as I was able and praying whatever was standing in front of me didn’t notice I’d caught on. My entire body was instantaneously covered in chills, in a way that I understood to have the same purpose as a dog’s hackles rising. “Sounds good,” I said. “I’ll take the front.”
I headed in the opposite direction of the thing wearing Wiley’s face (at a pace that I hoped didn’t appear hurried but one that would remove me in a timely manner from the vicinity) and didn’t stop until I’d reached the front of the ship, breathing heavily and attempting to slow my reeling mind.
I didn’t know what to tackle first. I didn’t know where Wiley was, or if they were anywhere—if they were even still alive. I didn’t know what my next move should be. I didn’t know what I was looking for or where I might find it.
It’s rare that I feel utterly hopeless, to the degree that I genuinely contemplate just sitting down and giving up, but in this instance, I thought long and hard about how easy it would be to succumb. I’d let the unthinkable happen. Wiley was gone. No one else had been here with them—there was no one else to blame. Just me. Only me.
…You’ll be glad to know that the self-pity didn’t last long. Embarrassing, honestly.
If I was the only one here, it meant I was the only shot they had at making it out alive. Our version of ‘innocent until proven guilty’ had always been ‘alive until proven dead’ and I wasn’t about to turn my back on the insane streak of luck we’d had up until this point. Not a single one of our lives had been lost, and we’d been in the midst of some absolute shitstorms. There was no reason to believe that right now, tonight, was an outlier. I couldn’t lie down like a sick dog and wonder if Wiley was still out there somewhere, suffering until the bitter, bloody end. I had to find them. By whatever means necessary, as long as it took, I had to find them.
I pushed off the railing before me and spun on my heel, eyes flitting back and forth to assess my options as efficiently as possible, and after a moment, I registered that fitted flush against the large front mast, there was a door.
It was only a sliver, thin and not particularly extraordinary in height, but there was a handle carved roughly into its right side and a set of rust-riddled hinges on its left.
I took about half a second to weigh my options and then reached for it, curling my fingers around the handle and giving it a generous tug.
The hinges, unsurprisingly, complained, but not loudly and not for long. The door gave way with little resistance, and opened up to my worst fucking nightmare.
A set of stairs, descending into blackness.
I mean, I guess if I’m being fair, my first pool encounter had featured a staircase leading to the pool rather than away from it, but I didn’t feel like there could possibly be good news awaiting me below deck of a ship where I’d just encountered a fucking mimic.
Still, though, there was a niggling insistence in my brain (not that kind, come on) that it was my only lead on finding Wiley if they were, in fact, somewhere on board. So I cast one last glance over my shoulder and stepped into the dark, letting the door fall closed behind me.
It smelled different, instantly, from the open air above. Mustier, which was to be expected, but also almost sweet somehow. I tried, unsuccessfully, to shove my true-crime-podcast-addled brain’s helpful reminder that the scent of human death is said to be sweet into a mental lockbox and put my hand to the wall, easing tentatively down to the second step.
The visibility wasn’t just low—it was practically zero. If you’ve ever been on a cave tour and had a guide cut the lights and instruct you to lift your hand to your face to demonstrate the complete absence of light, it was nearly that intense. The placing of both feet on each concurrent stair was an arduous, calculated process, but finally, after approximately one (1) century, I reached flat ground. I still couldn’t see, and there was no definitive way to tell whether I was standing on the floor or just a landing without thoroughly feeling out the space around me, so I reluctantly departed from the wall, scooting my feet in small, tentative motions and keeping both arms partially outstretched before me.
After a (l o n g) moment, I determined that either this was the world’s largest landing or I’d made it all the way down. I had no idea whether I was in a singular, enormous room, or if there were individual cabins, or if I was about to run face-first into the grim fucking reaper.
And then I turned to my left.
There was a light.
It was so, so faint. Flickering. Barely discernible, its warm, gentle glow ever so shyly illuminating the cracks around what appeared to be another closed door.
Being the only visible thing in my line of sight, in any direction, it emitted the aura of both a beacon and an omen.
I headed towards it.
I was about half afraid I was stuck in a horror movie situation where no matter how long I walked it would never grow any closer, but fortunately, that didn’t seem to be the case. I actually gained on it more quickly than I felt I should have for the speed I was moving, but I wasn’t going to complain about reaching the end of the nothingness in commendable time.
I ran my fingertips along the edge of the door and, sure enough, there was a carved-in handle, just like the last.
It opened just as effortlessly, and yellow candlelight rolled dimly out to greet me, lapping at my waterlogged clothes.
“Please,” came a quiet, terrified voice from inside the room. “Please don’t. I don’t know what you want, or–or what you are, but please don’t—”
Rather than calming, the voice’s state of alarm rose to a level bordering on full-blown panic as I took a step into the space. “Please,” the voice begged. There wasn’t anyone visible from my current vantage point, but I could hear it clearly enough to feel fairly confident that the person attached to it—the person who either had to be Wiley or yet another duplicate of them—was close. “Why are you doing this?”
This was a cabin, I thought, or perhaps a study of some sort, with a rotting wooden desk and a decaying leather chair both covered in a flurry of loose, browned book pages and a thick layer of dust. There were candles littering several surfaces, placed in what appeared not to be any intentional manner. Directly to my right, there was a shelf; its back faced me and the odd placement led me to imagine that it may have been employed to block the door at some time.
It was also, I would have just about bet, the source of the voice.
I nudged a couple of planks and a broken amber bottle out of the way with the toe of my shoe, rounding the shelf to find a crumpled, bloodied Wiley, restrained to the floor by a thick, coarse rope fixed expertly to a bolted tie and holding their bound hands up to shield their face.
“Jesus fuck,” I said. “What happened to you?”
Slowly, they lifted their head. “...Adam?”
Realization dawned on me, and I felt my stomach sink. “Look at me,” I told them. “Look at my eyes.”
They did, their own bloodshot and watery and inherently human, and I watched their shoulders deflate, the defense and terror draining from their form. “There’s someone…something…down here. Or, I guess it still is, anyway. I don’t know where it went, but I don’t wanna be here when it comes back.”
I nodded. “It look like me?”
Wiley nodded back.
“Yeah, there’s one of you upstairs. Not real sure what we’re supposed to do about them, but one thing at a time. Let’s get you up from there.”
It was a struggle, disentangling Wiley from the heavy, abrasive leads coccooning their body, but we got there eventually, and throughout the entirety of the arduous process they gave me the rundown on how, when we’d parted from the solace of the platform, something had instantaneously latched onto them, dragging them down deeper and deeper until their ears popped and their head felt like it was going to explode. They said they’d been knocked out by the pressure, and that when they’d come to, already tied in place and coughing up lungfuls of water, “I” had been standing over them, wielding a large net hook and no mercy.
“I knew it wasn’t you, obviously,” they said, “but I didn’t know where you actually were or if something had, like. Hijacked your body? I don’t know. Anyway, let’s get the fuck out of here.”
We grabbed a couple of candles (the majority had simply been melted into place atop whatever surface they’d adorned, but there was a small collection fitted into slightly-too-small brass holders) and got the fuck out.
Being able to see so little in the space around us was almost more disorienting than the pitch darkness I’d been feeling my way through before. It felt as though we were in a fragile, wavering bubble of reality and nothing existed outside of it.
“Wish I’d been awake coming down here,” Wiley remarked. “Guess I still wouldn’t have seen shit, though.”
“I could…maybe get us back upstairs?” I considered, with little to no confidence. “But I don’t really know what good it would do us. Nowhere to go. Maybe we just…look around down here for a bit? See if we can find anything useful?”
“Yeah, okay,” Wiley assented. “But we’ve gotta be quiet. I don’t want that thing to hear us.”
I certainly couldn’t argue with that.
We wandered hesitantly through the dark, shielding the flames of our candles with cupped palms and praying we wouldn’t misstep. We made it some unsubstantiated quantity of time without incident, but softly, after seconds or minutes or hours, we heard a light rustling from the shadow veiled corridor to our right, and Wiley pulled me into the nearest open room in the opposite direction.
Flattening our backs to the wall, we listened intently as footsteps echoed faintly behind us, cyclically growing closer and then further away again for several moments before disappearing altogether.
I let out a breath I hadn’t known I was holding and uncovered my candle, easing the door of the room to a gentle, silent close. The contents of this one were different from that of the last in that there practically weren’t any. It wasn’t just that it was tidier; there was a chest shoved against the wall nearest us and a leatherbound book of some sort lying in the center of the floor, but otherwise the space was vacant.
Wiley moved first, crouching next to the journal and lifting it from the ground, a cloud of dust rising in the wake of their breath. I knelt down beside them, offering my candlelight so they could discard theirs and open the cover.
Beneath which there was a box.
It was a plain, unadorned wooden rectangle, nestled into the carved-out central pages of the book, and we learned upon extracting it that there was no lock or latch, just a seam indicating the lid’s separation from the body.
I don’t need to spell the whole situation out for you. There was a key in the box. The key opened, you guessed it: the chest. Inside the chest, there were piles of gold and jewels beyond your wildest imagination. We’re rich now. The end.
Nah, JK. But the key in the box did open the chest, in which there was, A) a pair of peeling, pleather driving gloves, and B)...
I felt my heart skip.
A bicycle chain.
I’m not going to get into the nuances of that right now, or maybe ever. But for the purposes of dramatic flair, just know that it was incredibly, pointedly relevant to me, on a level so personal it sucker punched the air straight out of my lungs.
“No,” Wiley said, staggering back a step. “Uh-uh. Nope.”
I put together, then, that the gloves must have been their ticket item. “It’s okay,” I said, on autopilot, because it was not. “There’s something—something’s carved into the bottom of this thing.” Pushing past the reaction every fiber of my being had to the sensation of the frigid metal against my skin, I shoved both the chain and the gloves to the side and could scarcely make out a host of crudely scrawled letters in the wavering light of my half-gone candle.
“What is it?” Wiley asked, making no move to come nearer again.
Though your…hand…? Heart. Though your heart does pound and knees grow…weak,” I deciphered slowly, “Rid yourself by your… That doesn’t make any sense. Shouldn’t it be of? It says ‘rid yourself by *your fear’ and…*something. Drain the…clin… No. Drink. Drain the drink.”
Rid yourself by your fear and drain the drink,” Wiley repeated analytically. “The hell does that mean? Is this shit telling us to kill ourselves with the—oh. Oh. Fuck.”
I was not following. “...I’m not following,” I said.
“It is.” Wiley returned to my side, squatting down and nudging me out of the way with their shoulder to peer warily into the trunk. “It’s telling us to kill ourselves, but not these selves. We’re supposed to use…*those…*to kill our fuckin’ doppelgangers, or whatever they are. That’s how we get rid of the water.”
“Oh,” I echoed. “Fuck.”
We marinated for a moment in silence before Wiley sighed, resigned, and lifted the gloves from the chest, closing their eyes and pulling the fabric snugly over their hands. “Let’s get to work.”
submitted by emorybored to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:00 TheLotStore 1319 Strawberry Lane, Horseshoe Bend, AR 72512

1319 Strawberry Lane, Horseshoe Bend, AR 72512
1319 Strawberry Lane, Horseshoe Bend, AR 72512
Nice 1/4 acre lot in an excellent location in the Ozarks!
GPS Coordinates are 36.246396438360456, -91.73987206162377.
Plenty of privacy on this lot and when you're ready for nearby some recreation, swing by either Diamond Lake or Crown Lake!
Priced way below area comparable sales in the area!
Debit/Credit Cards Accepted No Closing Costs Cash Price: $1,175 Finance with $200 Down and 12 Payments of $105 Per Month No Credit Check, No Income Documentation, No Prepayment Penalty 
Property Address: 1319 Strawberry Lane, Horseshoe Bend, AR 72512 (Map location is approximate)
County: Izard
Assessor Parcel Number: 800-00110-000
Legal Description: Lot 10, Block 4, Horseshoe Bend Tract A
Zoning: Residential
Annual Property Taxes: $4.87
About Horseshoe Bend:
The best kept secret in north Arkansas is Horseshoe Bend. Nestled in the Ozark Mountains on the Strawberry River, this quaint town is the perfect place to find rest, relaxation, and recreation.
The crown jewel of the town is the 640-acre Crown Lake. On Crown Lake, water lovers can participate in a variety of activities, including swimming, kayaking, paddle boarding, water skiing, and tubing. Crown Lake is best known for good fishing, but it is not the only sought-after fishing hole in the area. Besides Crown Lake and the Strawberry River, fishing enthusiasts can also visit one of the smaller fishing lakes – Diamond, Pioneer, and North.
There are plenty of activities for young and old alike! Golfers have their choice between two par 3, 18-hole golf courses. Citizens and guests can also bowl, pitch horseshoes, and play miniature golf. The town has several stores, a library, three resorts, a community theater, a spa, and several restaurants.
The citizens of Horseshoe Bend take pride in the community spirit and the ability to offer a memorable experience for all who come to visit. The Music in the Mountains show occurs every third Saturday of the month, and during summer, the Farmers’ Market occurs every Wednesday. Every year, the town celebrates Dogwood Days on the second Saturday of May, and Independence Day is celebrated every 4th of July with a parade and fireworks. The annual Christmas parade occurs on the first Saturday in December. There are many more events that happen throughout the year, thanks to the numerous civic groups which are active in Horseshoe Bend. All of these events embrace the unique Ozark culture of small-town pride and fellowship.
The largest town in Izard County with 2,180 residents, Horseshoe Bend is accessible to the state’s most scenic highways. The town is centrally located and just a 3-hour drive to Little Rock, Memphis, and Springfield. With its gorgeous views, slower pace of life, and laid-back charm, Horseshoe Bend is the perfect place to stay a week or a lifetime.
More Information on Horseshoe Bend can be found at
View our amazing property deals at TheLotStore.Com.
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2024.05.15 19:50 GM-official-tech Mastering Object-Oriented Programming: Building Blocks of Modern Software Engineering

Unveiling Object-Oriented Programming: The Pillar of Modern Software Development

In the realm of software development, where complexity often reigns supreme, Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) stands tall as a guiding paradigm, offering structure, modularity, and scalability. Its inception, dating back to the 1960s and 70s, marked a pivotal moment in the evolution of programming methodologies. Since then, OOP has become a cornerstone of modern software engineering, empowering developers to craft robust, reusable, and maintainable codebases.

Understanding the Essence of Object-Oriented Programming:

At its core, Object-Oriented Programming revolves around the concept of objects, which encapsulate both data and behavior. These objects are the building blocks of an OOP system, representing real-world entities, such as people, cars, or bank accounts. By encapsulating data within objects, OOP fosters a modular approach to software design, wherein complex systems can be broken down into smaller, more manageable components.
The Four Pillars of OOP:
Object-Oriented Programming is underpinned by four fundamental principles, often referred to as the "four pillars" of OOP:
Encapsulation: Encapsulation involves bundling data and methods that operate on that data into a single unit, i.e., an object. This shields the internal state of an object from external interference, promoting information hiding and abstraction. Encapsulation facilitates the creation of robust and maintainable codebases by limiting direct access to an object's internal workings and providing well-defined interfaces for interacting with it.
Inheritance: Inheritance enables the creation of new classes (objects) based on existing ones, thereby promoting code reuse and hierarchical organization. Inheritance allows subclasses to inherit attributes and behaviors from their parent classes, fostering a hierarchical relationship among classes. This not only reduces code duplication but also enhances extensibility, as new classes can be created by extending or modifying existing ones.
Polymorphism: Polymorphism, derived from the Greek words "poly" (many) and "morph" (form), refers to the ability of objects to exhibit different behaviors based on their types or classes. In essence, polymorphism allows objects of different classes to be treated uniformly through a common interface. This promotes flexibility and modularity, as it enables developers to write code that can operate on objects of multiple types without explicitly knowing their exact classes.
Abstraction: Abstraction involves modeling complex real-world entities as simplified, idealized representations within a software system. By focusing on essential attributes and behaviors while hiding irrelevant details, abstraction enables developers to manage complexity and enhance clarity. Abstraction is achieved through the use of abstract classes, interfaces, and other mechanisms that define a blueprint for creating concrete implementations.

Benefits of Object-Oriented Programming

The adoption of Object-Oriented Programming brings forth a multitude of benefits, including:
Modularity: OOP facilitates modular design, allowing developers to break down complex systems into smaller, interconnected modules (objects). This modular structure enhances code organization, maintenance, and reuse.
Scalability: Object-Oriented Programming promotes scalability by enabling developers to extend and modify existing code without disrupting the overall system. Through inheritance and polymorphism, new features can be added or existing ones can be modified with minimal impact on the rest of the codebase.
Code Reusability: OOP encourages code reusability through inheritance and composition, wherein common functionalities can be encapsulated within reusable components (classes). This reduces redundancy, enhances productivity, and fosters the development of libraries and frameworks.
Maintainability: By promoting encapsulation and abstraction, OOP facilitates code maintenance and evolution. Changes to one part of the codebase can be isolated and localized, minimizing the risk of unintended side effects and making it easier to understand and modify the code over time.


Object-Oriented Programming stands as a testament to the power of abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism in software engineering. Its principles have revolutionized the way developers conceptualize, design, and build software systems, paving the way for scalable, maintainable, and extensible applications. As technology continues to evolve, OOP remains a timeless paradigm, guiding developers on their quest to craft elegant and efficient software solutions.
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