

2012.08.30 18:30 Charles1313 Samus

This subreddit has decided to go dark indefinitely until Reddit reverses the changes to API which will kill 3rd party apps.

2021.11.11 23:04 PsychedelicYear ZeroSuitSamus

Feel free to post anything about Zero Suit Samus! Don’t forget to add the source of the pictures and videos added!

2021.10.10 06:16 SamusDies


2024.05.16 15:12 Spicy2Na (F4F) Bounty hunters need love too (Metroid)

Bounty hunters need love too (Metroid)
Whenever the galaxy is at peace, you can thank Samus Aran. Trained from childhood to destroy the living bioweapons known as Metroids, she has travelled from space stations to entire planets to achieve her mission. However, it's a thankless job, especially since nobody knows her under the helmet. To the rest of the universe, Samus is a man. But, she's a woman, and women still have needs...
Hey there! I've been in the mood to write about Samus after seeing those particular Tumblr posts in the wild again. (If you know, you know.) If you're interested, message me with your favourite 2D Metroid game. I prefer Discord, but Reddit is fine too. I hope to hear from you soon!
submitted by Spicy2Na to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:29 Holiday-Bed3274 keno

🎰🎲✨ Obtenez 500 euros et 200 tours gratuits pour jouer à des jeux de casino en un seul clic ! ✨🎲🎰 keno
RĂ©sultats du keno
Les résultats du keno sont attendus par de nombreux joueurs avides de découvrir s'ils ont remporté de belles sommes d'argent. Ce jeu de hasard, qui repose sur le tirage de numéros, offre la possibilité de gagner des gains alléchants en fonction du nombre de numéros correctement choisis.
Chaque jour, les tirages du keno offrent des moments de suspense et d'excitation pour les participants. Les numéros gagnants sont annoncés et les parieurs peuvent consulter les résultats pour vérifier s'ils ont touché le jackpot ou d'autres gains.
Les résultats du keno ne dépendent que du hasard, ce qui rend ce jeu unique et captivant. Les participants peuvent choisir leurs numéros de prédilection et espérer qu'ils seront tirés au sort lors du tirage.
Que vous soyez un joueur assidu ou occasionnel, les résultats du keno peuvent réserver des surprises et des émotions fortes. Consultez régulièrement les résultats pour savoir si la chance est de votre côté et si vous avez décroché le gros lot.
En somme, les résultats du keno alimentent les rêves de nombreux joueurs en quête de gains et de sensations fortes. Que la chance soit avec vous lors des prochains tirages !
Statistiques tirages keno
Les statistiques de tirages du Keno sont un outil utile pour les joueurs qui cherchent à maximiser leurs chances de gagner à ce jeu de hasard. En analysant les données des tirages passés, il est possible de repérer les numéros qui sont sortis le plus souvent, ainsi que ceux qui se font plus rares. Ces informations peuvent aider à élaborer des stratégies de jeu plus éclairées.
Les statistiques de tirages du Keno peuvent également donner un aperçu des combinaisons les plus fréquentes de numéros gagnants, ce qui peut être utile pour les joueurs qui préfèrent jouer des grilles spécifiques. De plus, en observant les tendances des tirages passés, il est possible de détecter des schémas ou des coïncidences qui pourraient influencer les résultats futurs.
Il est important de noter que le Keno reste un jeu de hasard et que les statistiques passées ne garantissent pas les résultats futurs. Cependant, en utilisant ces informations de manière judicieuse, il est possible de jouer de manière plus stratégique et d'augmenter ses chances de succès.
En conclusion, les statistiques de tirages du Keno peuvent être un outil précieux pour les joueurs qui cherchent à améliorer leurs performances dans ce jeu. En les utilisant de manière réfléchie et en les combinant avec une dose de chance, il est possible d'optimiser ses stratégies de jeu et de maximiser ses gains potentiels.
MĂ©thodes pour gagner au keno
Le keno est un jeu de hasard populaire dans de nombreux pays, offrant aux joueurs la possibilité de gagner de grosses sommes d'argent en devinant simplement les bons numéros. Cependant, gagner au keno peut être difficile en raison de la nature aléatoire du jeu. Cela dit, il existe quelques méthodes que les joueurs peuvent utiliser pour augmenter leurs chances de gagner.
Tout d'abord, il est important de choisir judicieusement les numéros à jouer. Certains joueurs préfèrent sélectionner des nombres qui ont une signification personnelle pour eux, tandis que d'autres optent pour des numéros basés sur des statistiques historiques. Quelle que soit la méthode choisie, il est essentiel de diversifier ses choix pour maximiser les chances de succès.
Ensuite, la régularité est clé. Participer régulièrement au jeu peut aider à accroître les chances de gagner, car chaque tirage offre une nouvelle opportunité de succès. Il est recommandé de suivre de près les résultats des tirages précédents pour repérer d'éventuels schémas ou tendances qui pourraient influencer le choix des numéros.
Enfin, certaines personnes optent pour des stratégies plus avancées telles que les systèmes de paris ou les regroupements de numéros. Ces approches peuvent être plus complexes mais offrent un cadre structuré pour jouer au keno de manière plus méthodique.
En conclusion, gagner au keno repose en grande partie sur la chance, mais en suivant ces méthodes et en adoptant une approche réfléchie du jeu, les joueurs peuvent augmenter leurs chances de décrocher le gros lot.
Historique des tirages keno
Le Keno est un jeu de tirage de numéros de la Française des Jeux, qui existe depuis de nombreuses années. Son histoire remonte à la Chine ancienne, où un jeu similaire appelé « le jeu du pigeon blanc » était pratiqué il y a plus de 2000 ans.
En France, le Keno a été introduit en 1993 par la Française des Jeux, pour offrir une alternative aux jeux de loterie traditionnels tels que le Loto. Les tirages du Keno se déroulent deux fois par jour, du lundi au samedi, et les joueurs peuvent choisir de parier sur 2 à 10 numéros par grille, parmi les 70 proposés.
L'historique des tirages du Keno est riche en événements marquants, avec des gagnants qui ont remporté des sommes importantes en devinant les bons numéros. Chaque tirage est effectué de manière aléatoire, sous contrôle d'huissier, pour assurer l'équité du jeu.
Au fil des années, le Keno est devenu un jeu populaire en France, offrant des gains attractifs et une chance de gagner à chaque tirage. Les joueurs peuvent suivre les résultats des tirages en direct à la télévision, sur le site internet de la Française des Jeux, ou dans les points de vente agréés.
En conclusion, l'historique des tirages du Keno témoigne de la longue tradition de ce jeu de hasard, qui continue de passionner les joueurs en quête de sensations fortes et de gains potentiels. Que la chance soit avec vous lors de votre prochaine grille de Keno !
Combinaisons numéros keno
Les combinaisons de numéros au Keno sont au cœur de ce jeu de loterie populaire. Les joueurs peuvent choisir différentes combinaisons de numéros pour tenter leur chance de gagner de gros gains. Il existe plusieurs stratégies pour choisir ses numéros au Keno, qu'il s'agisse de choisir des numéros significatifs, des chiffres aléatoires ou de suivre des schémas spécifiques.
Certaines personnes préfèrent choisir des combinaisons de numéros basées sur des dates spéciales, telles que des anniversaires ou des dates importantes de leur vie. D'autres préfèrent opter pour des chiffres aléatoires, qu'ils estiment être plus chanceux. Il y a aussi ceux qui suivent des schémas plus complexes, comme la méthode des systèmes réducteurs, qui consiste à jouer plusieurs combinaisons de numéros en même temps.
Il est important de se rappeler que le Keno est avant tout un jeu de hasard, et qu'il n'y a pas de méthode infaillible pour prédire les numéros gagnants. Chaque combinaison de numéros a la même probabilité d'être tirée, et il n'y a pas de formule magique pour garantir une victoire.
En fin de compte, choisir ses combinaisons de numéros au Keno relève souvent de la chance et de la préférence personnelle. Que vous optiez pour des numéros significatifs, aléatoires ou suiviez une stratégie plus élaborée, l'essentiel est de s'amuser en jouant et de profiter de l'excitation du tirage des numéros.
submitted by Holiday-Bed3274 to u/Holiday-Bed3274 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:24 WranglerSure8652 We need someone to mod the characters into Smash

We don’t actually need it but it would be perfect. Pim as Olimar throwing Bliblies. Charlie as a Mii fighter. Mr. Boss as Zero Suit Samus (or something else entirely). Allan as Sheik throwing paper clips. Mr Frog as Kirby. Gwimbly as Banjo.
submitted by WranglerSure8652 to SmilingFriends [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:54 Orion0105 Help! Im playing Fusion for the first time and im stuck in this room, Samus cant jump high enough to reach that ledge and i think i might be softlocked

Help! Im playing Fusion for the first time and im stuck in this room, Samus cant jump high enough to reach that ledge and i think i might be softlocked submitted by Orion0105 to Metroid [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:14 trashpandacoot1 Think we'll see any Metroid in the June Direct?

Only reason why I'm asking is, once the next gen console releases, we will not see any Metroid for years until the new console has a large enough install base to accommodate Metroid.
Aside from Prime 4, there are a few possibilities we could theoretically see:
I don't think we'll see Metroid 6 on the switch. If it came out on the switch, Mercury steam would have to complete the game in 3 years, dread took 4 years and the conceptual phase had already started on that game ages ago. That's why a remaster or remake makes more sense. If Metroid 6 gets made, I think production would start on that game once the switch 2 releases so it can flourish in a healthy console population when it releases.
Also: I'm not expecting any metroid in the direct, I'm conditioned to temper my expectations just like the rest of you, so spare me the clown faces. Just wanna see what others are crossing their fingers for.
submitted by trashpandacoot1 to Metroid [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:53 Aggressive-Jelly-180 Changes I'd make for the Super Smash Bros. Playable Fighters part 1: Smash 64

Welcome to the series of Changes to be Made to the Super Smash Bros. Playable Fighters. First, we are going with the playable fighters of the original game, Smash 64. Now this topic has been done before, though it'd to make my own version. Plus, while some did get some proper changes, the original 12 are still the biggest offenders when it comes to bad or outdated choices of Movesets, animations, aesthetics, etc. Here is a list of them.
Donkey Kong:
Power Suit Samus:
Captain Falcon:
And, there you go. This took a little while, though i hope to hear your feelings about these changes (as long as your reasons for your feelings are good). Any changes that you want to see to the original 12 that i didn't mention and did i misplace some moves? or did i add a change that was unnecessary? It'd be cool to see what other people can come up with.
submitted by Aggressive-Jelly-180 to smashbros [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:18 Blue_Raspberry53 Games like Super Metroid

I'm a really big Metroid fan, but really hating the direction the modern titles have been taking. Samus Returns and Dread are far too linear; it really pissed me off every time I tried to explore or, goodness forbid, sequence break, I was met with some arbitrary obstacle, locked door, or point of no return that forced me to stay on the intended path.
Are there any other games like Super Metroid or Zero Mission that you guys can reccomend? I've already given Hollow Knight a shot, but I had the opposite problem where I could never tell what I was supposed to do, and personally found the map a bit bloated.
submitted by Blue_Raspberry53 to metroidvania [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:57 blackbullsheep Samus Aran's Last Stand - by Black Bull

Samus Aran's Last Stand - by Black Bull submitted by blackbullsheep to fanart [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:49 blackbullsheep Samus Aran being cool

submitted by blackbullsheep to BadArt [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:51 Berkowitzx Samus doodle drawing thing I did

Samus doodle drawing thing I did submitted by Berkowitzx to Metroid [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:48 FantasyLovingWriter What do you think of Daisy in smash?

I personally love that she is in the game as she was one of the four characters that I wanted to see in Smash (luckily enough I also got 2 out of the remaining 3 later on as DLC)
She represents not only her debut game Super Mario Land but also the Mario Spin off games in general as she’s more well known from those games than her debut game. If we aren’t going to get Waluigi and needed a character to represent the spin offs, her or Toadette are the perfect choices in my opinion
Her being an echo of Peach did make sense, but I was massively disappointed that she’s the only echo with no differences whatsoever. I get that she doesn’t have a lot to work with but that also applies to most niche characters too and they made them work too.
If Daisy were to come back in the next Smash game I hope she’s given one or two differences that way she could stand with Dark Pit, Dark Samus and Ritcher as not a complete skin character.
I love that she’s here and that she briefly had a gameplay difference with the turnips, I just wish she could form her own identity like all other Smash characters.
That’s my opinion on the subject, what are yours?
submitted by FantasyLovingWriter to SmashBrosUltimate [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:43 South_Adagio3198 [M4F/ApF] Longterm roleplay

Hello all. I’m looking for a long term fandom rp. Please send more than one sentence based on a few fandoms. Naruto, MHA, DBZ, Persona, Pokemon. I would be playing a oc and you’ll be playing one or canon characters and it won’t be negotiated. For these RPs I prefer if they were a mix of romance and adventure in order to keep things interesting and I would prefer if you could write a minimum of a paragraph if possible.
Some characters I’m looking for
Naruto- Sakura, Ino, Tsunade, Kushina, Kurenai, Mei, Konan, Karui, Anko, Tenten, Hinata, Karin, Kaguya or Temari
MHA-Momo, Uraraka, Miriko, Midnight, Mt Lady, Momo, Jirou, Negire, Camie, Rei, Mei, Shimaru, Lady Nagant, Ryuko, Bubble Girl or Mina
Tekken-Jun, Asuka, Kazumi, Emilie, Xiaoya, Nina, Anna, Alisa, Christie, Eliza, Ruby, Katrina and Azucena
DBZ- Chi-Chi, Bulma, 18, Fasha, Towa, Ereza, Kale, Caulifa, Kelfa, Vados, Heles, Cheelai, Launch, Android 21, Videl, Miza, Iwaza, Kikazi, Cocotte or Zangya
Persona- Ann, Kawakami, Makoto, Haru, Takemi, Hifumi, Chihaya, Ohya, Yumi, Marie, Chie, Yukiko, Naoto, Ai or Rise
Fairy Tail- Lucy, Mirajane, Juvia or Erza
Mortal Kombat- Sonya, Jade, Sareena, Kitana, Jade, Nitara, Li Mei, Melina or Scarlet
Street Fighter- Camie, Chun-Li, Juri, Makoto, Monan, R. Miku, Sakura or Elena
Kanto:Misty, Jessie, Erika, Sabrina, Team Rocket Grunt, Green and Lorelei
Johto:Khris, Jasmine, Clair, and Karen
Hoenn:Flannery, Winona, Courtney, Shelly, Team Magma Grunt, Team Aqua Grunt and Zinnia
Sinnoh:Gardenia, Maylene, Cheryl, Team Galactic Grunt, Jupiter, Mars, Cynthia and Dawn
Hisui:Arezu, Mai, Palina, Cyllene, and Cogita
Unova:Rosa, Hilda, Bianca, Lenora, Elesa, and Skyla, Team Plasma Grunt
Kalos:Alexa, Viola, Serena, Shauna, Valerie, Malva and Diantha
Alola:Lillie, Lusamine, Olivia, Wicke, Mallow, Plumeria, Mina, Lana, Aether Paradise Grunt and Team Grunt Grunt
Galar:Marnie, Gloria, Nessa, Sonia, Bea, Klara, Oleana, Honey and Peonia
Paldea:Nemona, Penny, Katy, Professor Sada, Rika, Geeta, Miriam, Dendra, Iono, Tulip, Eri, Carmine, Perrin, Carmine, Briar or Mela
One Punch Man- Tatsumaki, Fubuki, Psykos, Do-S or Mizuki
Marvel- Black Cat, Gamora, Spider-Gwen, Silk, Gwen Stacy, Black Widow, She-Hulk, Silver Sable, Mary Jane, Storm, Wasp, Captain Marvel, Electra, Spider-Woman or Rouge
Dc- Catwoman, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Wonder Woman, Babara Gordan, Raven, Jinx, Black Fire, Starfire, Black Canary, Zantanna, Power Girl, Super Girl, Vixen, Hawkgirl or Copperhead
Chainsaw Man- Makima or Power
Jujitsu Kaizen- Maki, Mai or Nobara
Nintendo- Peach, Daisy, Rosalina, MinMin, Samus, Lucina, Pyra, Mythra, Impa, Dr.Purah, Bayonetta, Edelgard, Zelda, Pauline, Marie, Callie, Marina, Frye or Shiver
Cartoons-April O’Neil, Karai, Ms.Bellum, Marceline, Princess Bubblegum, Shego, Esmeralda, Frankie, Gwen, Courtney, Heather, Bridgette, Velma, Daphne, Hex Girls, Chel or Jessica Rabbit
submitted by South_Adagio3198 to roleplaying [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:58 Roshu-zetasia Disrespect against Samus Returns will not be tolerated đź—ż

Disrespect against Samus Returns will not be tolerated đź—ż submitted by Roshu-zetasia to Metroid [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:15 WhiteL_BLM Samus (Nautilic)

Samus (Nautilic) submitted by WhiteL_BLM to SFW_Rule34 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:19 TehRiddles How would you feel about Sylux taking on the role of Reoccurring Rival from Ridley?

So Ridley has been in almost every single Metroid game so far, even appearing twice in Metroid Prime 3 in two different boss battles and added appearances in the epilogues for the remakes of the first two games. It's safe to say that the guy shows up a hell of a lot and some would argue a bit too much. As someone that is a huge fan of Ridley, I'd have to honestly agree. I love to see him show up and all but you can have too much of a good thing. It's why I'm not too thrilled about seeing Ganondorf return all the time, more than Ridley because he always takes the role of central villain. Even when the game already had one, like with Onox, Veran, Zant and arguably Ghirahim.
Sylux is an interesting character, mainly because besides being one of the few reoccurring characters in Metroid he has yet to actually do anything major since his first appearance. In his first appearance he was a frequent presence in the game as one of the other bounty hunters you had to fight. He was also playable in the multiplayer mode, which certainly gave him a leg up in attention. Since then however it's just been brief cameo appearances with the tease of "something is going to happen, just wait for it." It's because of those appearances that people tend to discuss him to this day over the other hunters, even when there's next to nothing we know about him.
Ridley has died and come back many times, either through cloning or cybernetic enhancements. There's only so much you can do there before people want something fresh. Sylux I feel could fill that role. He's a humanoid enemy, so any fights with him could be more on par with Samus. That's something we haven't really seen since Dark Samus who is now pretty much wiped out and arguably the SA-X (though that had you as the underdog rather than equals). He has ties somehow to the Federation due to his tech, which could be elaborated on to potentially tie him to Samus on that front. In fact because he uses stolen tech there's the potential to expand it beyond what he uses in Hunters. That could be part of his appeal, where any fight we have with him will be using something experimental and unseen.
I feel that we should give Ridley a break for a few games, no more appearances for a while. Maybe a mention in scan logs here and there but that's it for now. In his stead we would have Sylux taking over as a secondary villain, not the main one but significant enough in some form to show up. This would also bring about the opportunity to flesh him out as a character, though I would like them to keep some mystery to him. We don't necessarily need his origins explained to us much like how Ridley never did.
Any thoughts on this? I know a lot of people naturally want Sylux to return anyway but what about in this capacity?
submitted by TehRiddles to Metroid [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:18 Anonturmoil Late to the game

(long ADHD ramble) So I'm extremely new to this franchise. I have literally never touched a 2d Metroid game until about a week ago, the only experiences I have with Samus are Metroid prime when I was like 9 and ofcourse every smash brothers game, always thought she was cool being a badass bounty hunter and all(which I've recently learned she apparently wasn't one this whole time???) but 2d dark souls isn't usually my kind of game. I prefer open world games that let me do whatever I want, hopefully with a good plot to tango along with and fighting games. Don't get me wrong, I grew up playing 2d sidescrollers and some of my favorite games ever are still all the classic sonic games but games that make me want to bite my lip off from falling to find the solution to an area puzzle after 2 hours only to discover I had to blow up one random spot or dying from the 50 something enemies that bounce you onto the one goddamn spot that has lava on it? Not usually my cup of tea. I've been a mostly PlayStation shill(still am) all my life and occasionally play Nintendo games like Pokemon, legend of Zelda and Kirby lmao Metroid though just wasn't on my radar. Recently I've had to sell consoles and stuff and I moved so I didn't really have any of my old videogames, decided to download some emulators and alot of old games I never really got to experience or haven't played in forever and my brother recommended I tried Metroid, I basically went "fuck it why not" two weeks later, I've beaten Metroid zero mission, have all the subsequent 2d Metroid games downloaded expect for dread obviously and can literally not stop playing them. God do these games raise my blood pressure and I spend a good 50 minutes cussing out each and every boss(seriously fuck you mother brain and your shitty homing plasma and dumbass placed lava) but I fucking LOVE them. I love the atmosphere and the way the world builds it's violent isolation as you go on, I love how stronger and more capable I become as Samus the more I venture forward. I love the music, the sound affects. Nothing is crispier to me than a perfectly accidentally timed charge beam blowing away some bug flying at you 60mph. Metroid zero mission was about the most frustrating game I've played in probably years and I loved every second of it. I've tested and played a little of all the others but I'm forcing myself to go in chronological order so Samus returns is the one I'm playing now and yes, it's am2r although I recently got the 3ds one too, leaving that for last though because I feel like I'll be really satisfied playing through all the sprite games first and then landing on that Metroid dread prototype hd. Either way, I'm just bummed I missed out on this series growing up although part of me feels like if I was any younger, I would've broken my Gameboy or ds trying to play through these damn games LMFAO I always thought Mario 64 and ocarina of time were the biggest pain in the ass Nintendo games and I still to this day absolutely hate Mario 64( I know I just suck at it don't worry) but as I got older I finally learned that I really just have to have some patience and explore for clues in these kinds of games so I think my frontal lobe finally developed enough for me to play Metroid properly. Samus is now one of my favorite characters in a game, I know she doesn't talk much and when she does it's uh "motherly" questionable but man, she's fucking cool as hell. It's like if Boba Fett actually lived up to his costume when he first showed up and not like through extended media. Anyways that's it, if anyone's got any advice on how to maybe smooth my experience that also would be nice lmao
submitted by Anonturmoil to Metroid [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:18 Megalolcat [All] I dont think Princess Zelda should have her own game. at least not a Zelda like game.

what bothers me about the idea is the game series is already name after Princess Zelda. it would be like kicking link out of his own game .
Like Making Meteoroid game and Replacing Samus for the baby Metroid.
now i probable would be more open minded if game about Princess zelda went in a different direction than the Classic game. Maybe Focus more in the fact that Zelda Hold the Triforce of Wisdom .. and focus
more in puzzles, Planing and management instead of adventure
anyway i sure this is probably an unpopular opinion so please . share why you think im wrong instead just telling me that im wrong. i would like to see what maybe im not considering.
submitted by Megalolcat to zelda [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:50 No_Doctor_9129 Me uploading everyday with my Jack's Pacific Samus Metroid prime 2 figure 2023 model and posing it until Metroid prime 4 releases

Me uploading everyday with my Jack's Pacific Samus Metroid prime 2 figure 2023 model and posing it until Metroid prime 4 releases
I'm excited about Metroid prime 4 like every other Metroid fan
submitted by No_Doctor_9129 to u/No_Doctor_9129 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:49 ContributionOk4879 Samus Aran - Zero Suit by 100spells

Samus Aran - Zero Suit by 100spells submitted by ContributionOk4879 to Metroid [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:42 williamatherton Down against Samus 3-to-1 stock, when I make a huge comeback and make it even game! Ultimately won the game, WOO!
submitted by williamatherton to SmashBrosUltimate [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:10 SizeSoft8787 DEATH BATTLE! Previews: Deoxys vs Dark Samus

DEATH BATTLE! Previews: Deoxys vs Dark Samus submitted by SizeSoft8787 to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:35 No_Cantaloupe4416 /hrp blague dino en anglais.

le sub whoosh n'est plus modéré et les amerloques s'amusent à faire des blagues en l'honneur et ducoup j'ai poster mon premier poteau de dino en anglais et je vais voir si ça va passer au dessus de leur tête ou pas n'hésiter pas à y allez ou à participer ça peut être drôle ils vont rien comprendre
submitted by No_Cantaloupe4416 to Dinosaure [link] [comments]