Sertraline hydrochloride high

Resistant Hypertension 32yr old Male

2024.05.15 20:11 SeaworthinessCool924 Resistant Hypertension 32yr old Male

My husband is 32, and is suffering with high blood pressure with no apparent cause. 160/120 at first Dr's appointment, pressure headaches, sweating, short tempered.
Has come down to 150/100 on doxazosin 6mg AM 6mg PM over 6 weeks.
Current treatment as of 15th May is: Doxazosin 6mg AM 6mg PM with addition of Losartan 25mg PM Needs diastolic figure to be under 100 to go back to work (bus driver)
Height: 5'3" Weight: 107.8 kg
Other diagnosis
Depression : sertraline 200mg daily and quetiapine 50mg daily, Amytriptyline 25mg daily. Gender reassignment: nebido (testosterone) 1g/ 5ml every 3 months IM Vit D supplement, and magnesium supplement (store bought)
Non smoker (vapes but never smoked) No alcohol Vegetarian
Only unusual blood pathology was elevated IGF - 1 of 391 nmol/l , he is due to have a final test for this again and another with aldosterone & plasma renin which, if normal he will be discharged .... please help if you can, any ideas are greatly appreciated.
P.S He is also being investigated for a nasal polyp, we're wondering if this could affect his BP?
submitted by SeaworthinessCool924 to DifferentialDiagnosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:08 SeaworthinessCool924 Resistant Hypertension 32yr old Male

My husband is 32, and is suffering with high blood pressure with no apparent cause. 160/120 at first Dr's appointment, pressure headaches, sweating, short tempered.
Has come down to 150/100 on doxazosin 6mg AM 6mg PM over 6 weeks.
Current treatment as of 15th May is: Doxazosin 6mg AM 6mg PM with addition of Losartan 25mg PM Needs diastolic figure to be under 100 to go back to work (bus driver)
Height: 5'3" Weight: 107.8 kg
Other diagnosis
Depression : sertraline 200mg daily and quetiapine 50mg daily, Amytriptyline 25mg daily. Gender reassignment: nebido (testosterone) 1g/ 5ml every 3 months IM Vit D supplement, and magnesium supplement (store bought)
Non smoker (vapes but never smoked) No alcohol Vegetarian
Only unusual blood pathology was elevated IGF - 1 of 391 nmol/l , he is due to have a final test for this again and another with aldosterone & plasma renin which, if normal he will be discharged .... please help if you can, any ideas are greatly appreciated.
P.S He is also being investigated for a nasal polyp, we're wondering if this could affect his BP?
submitted by SeaworthinessCool924 to medicalmysteries [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:05 SeaworthinessCool924 Resistant Hypertension 32yr old Male

My husband is 32, and is suffering with high blood pressure with no apparent cause. 160/120 at first Dr's appointment, pressure headaches, sweating, short tempered.
Has come down to 150/100 on doxazosin 6mg AM 6mg PM over 6 weeks.
Current treatment as of 15th May is: Doxazosin 6mg AM 6mg PM with addition of Losartan 25mg PM Needs diastolic figure to be under 100 to go back to work (bus driver)
Height: 5'3" Weight: 107.8 kg
Other diagnosis
Depression : sertraline 200mg daily and quetiapine 50mg daily, Amytriptyline 25mg daily. Gender reassignment: nebido (testosterone) 1g/ 5ml every 3 months IM Vit D supplement, and magnesium supplement (store bought)
Non smoker (vapes but never smoked) No alcohol Vegetarian
Only unusual blood pathology was elevated IGF - 1 of 391 nmol/l , he is due to have a final test for this again and another with aldosterone & plasma renin which, if normal he will be discharged .... please help if you can, any ideas are greatly appreciated.
P.S He is also being investigated for a nasal polyp, we're wondering if this could affect his BP?
submitted by SeaworthinessCool924 to hypertension [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:04 SeaworthinessCool924 Resistant Hypertension

My husband is 32, and is suffering with high blood pressure with no apparent cause. 160/120 at first Dr's appointment, pressure headaches, sweating, short tempered.
Has come down to 150/100 on doxazosin 6mg AM 6mg PM over 6 weeks.
Current treatment as of 15th May is: Doxazosin 6mg AM 6mg PM with addition of Losartan 25mg PM Needs diastolic figure to be under 100 to go back to work (bus driver)
Height: 5'3" Weight: 107.8 kg
Other diagnosis
Depression : sertraline 200mg daily and quetiapine 50mg daily, Amytriptyline 25mg daily. Gender reassignment: nebido (testosterone) 1g/ 5ml every 3 months IM Vit D supplement, and magnesium supplement (store bought)
Non smoker (vapes but never smoked) No alcohol Vegetarian
Only unusual blood pathology was elevated IGF - 1 of 391 nmol/l , he is due to have a final test for this again and another with aldosterone & plasma renin which, if normal he will be discharged .... please help if you can, any ideas are greatly appreciated.
P.S He is also being investigated for a nasal polyp, we're wondering if this could affect his BP?
submitted by SeaworthinessCool924 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:38 BrightIron6594 40/f, first DUI. No alcohol or illegal drugs involved. #sertraline #fluoxetine #welbutrin. Long post ahead.

Last Thursday I had my first DUI, ever. For background purposes, I was diagnosed with OCD in 2021 and started sertraline along with Buspirone. My anxiety had gotten so bad, that I was prescribed Xanax, then klonopin. At the end of 2022, I relapsed, after 6 years of clean time. I have chronic pain, that I mostly just deal with.
Anyway, that’s another story. I started MAT therapy, suboxone, in 2023. At the end of 2023, I found out I had osteoarthritis on my left ankle due to trauma. Zero cartilage in my ankle joint. So they put me on a high dose of suboxone, 3 times a day to help with the pain. It didn’t help. But, as of a couple months ago, I noticed something working with me, I was already on 150 mg of sertraline. I did some testing and I was diagnosed with depression. My doctor at the time changed my medication to fluoxetine 40 mg. I had experienced some side effects, so he changed me to 100 mg of Welbutrin. I met with another doctor, who thought it wasn’t side effects I was experiencing and moved me back to fluoxetine, put me back on Buspirone and we made a plan to wean me off of klonopin. Which I was all for. I didn’t want to be on benzos anymore.
Fast forward to last Thursday, I was fine shopping in wal mart, took my meds as prescribed and drove home. As I have in the past no problems.
Then bam, I couldn’t stay in the lanes straight, went off the road a bit and back on the highway. Thank god the people followed me until a cop showed up.
I did get arrested and spent the night in jail with a promise to appear.
All this med change happened in a matter of 10-11 days.
I would appreciate any opinions on this please, because I don’t know what happened. I have been a mess and I am just grateful I didn’t hurt/unalive anyone, or myself.
Thank you.
submitted by BrightIron6594 to dui [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:57 Carrot-Euphoric Needing advice

I have never been diagnosed. When I talk to a doctonurse/counsellor, they all just end up giving me antidepressants(have used sertraline, mirtazapine, effexor), propranolol, quetiapine. But they never tell me the diagnosis. I remember when I was in high school, I attempted suicide so I saw a psychiatrist. I did a couple tests(don’t remember the contents) and they ended up prescribing anticonvulsants. Not sure if they helped I honestly don’t remember.
I tend to be “good” or steady or feel neutral for months then one night all of a sudden I binge drink and without thinking or provocation, I overdose and end up in hospital. I’ve done this twice in the last 2 years.
I get addicted easily. Gambling, drugs, nicotine, shopping, drinking, sex. It’s never all of them at once, usually changes every couple of months. The nicotine and alcohol addiction seem to be present at all times but doing drugs usually helps a bit in cutting down my drinking(I won’t drink everyday but when I do, I binge).
I can’t keep a job for more than 6 months and always have a hard time finding work in between. When I start a job, I give it my all. Even got an employee of the month on my last one but sadly it was given a month before my leaving. They didn’t want me to leave but I have already made my mind up as I was abusing meth at the time and no one knew. I did it because I have been feeling tired for some reason and needed to be awake but it meant forgetting to eat and not sleeping enough and that had a profound impact on my health and performance.
I want to see a psychiatrist but I always put off scheduling an appointment. I’m a massive procrastinator sober or not. I don’t get out much because I always think of the worst and I’m super conscious of how I look sometimes it just puts me off going out altogether if I cannot find the right outfit.
Sometimes I feel like I’m fine, “it’s probably just me.” “Everyone’s probably the same. It’s normal!”. These conversations in my head make me feel like I’m just lying or pretending and these aren’t real, this isn’t really what I feel.
I just want to know what’s going on with me. I guess getting a diagnosis will help me understand myself more and will also help me not overthink.
submitted by Carrot-Euphoric to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:41 ElloMelloMelloMello 21F still at my wits end with stomach issues and trying to gauge my next steps

I am so sorry for the length, thank you so much if you read this.
Last time I gave this info:
I'm female, 21, 5'7" and weight around 255. If you scroll through my post history you'll see last year I was dealing with extreme period irregularity. I was never diagnosed with anything like PCOS but did go on a birth control pill which helped to regulate my cycle. I have been on that since November, I have also been on a Wellbutrin/Sertraline combo since August. That and therapy really has my anxiety and depression at wya more manageable levels. The problems I'm about to talk about started in January.
I have started having more digestive type issues since January. I've had almost constant acid reflux for over a year. I tried one of those two week courses of medicine you can find on the shelf to help but it didn't at all. I turned 21 in June, I've tried maybe 6 drinks in that time frame (it's March now) and I hate the taste and it makes me feel yuck and nauseous even after just 1 so I don't drink.
In the past month I have been having times where I wake up 5-6 hours after eating with intense mid to upper stomach and back pain it was like a band of pain that wrapped around my body. It's like a 8/10 on the pain scale. I thought it was heartburn or indigestion so I would try a Pepto, warm shower, nothing would help. I would be up for hours in tears. Before it somewhat subside and I would feel a little better. The last one happened on 3/12 into 3/13. I thought this could be due to large meals, or timing of dinner. I haven't been able to see a pattern though yet.
I feel nauseous way more than I ever used to, after eating or while in the car. Also in the past couple of weeks my bathroom activities have been a lot more different. It used to be, I would have a regular poop once a day, of the firm but not too firm consistency you would expect and normal color unless I ate like something green or blue. Now, I feel like every time I sit on the toilet now (3-5 times a day at least) I poop. It's not completely runny but it's not firm in the slightest. It's also had the strangest, weirdest odor. I have no idea what to explain it like but it's different and worse than normal. It's also become a lot darker. I don't know if it's really a black, I can't really tell but it's definitely a super dark brown at the least and I don't know if it's tarry, it's definitely kind of shiny, I really don't know how to explain it. I have just felt off lately. I haven't eaten anything super fiber containing, the last time I had Pepto was on the 10th. Those were some things I felt important to include as I know pepto could cause black stool.
Another thing, possibly important to know is just food aversion. Lately, food just doesn't taste the same, things don't sound good, and I'm not getting hunger cues like I used to. I often go most of the day without ever feeling hungry, this usually results in me eating 1 meal for dinner and maybe a snack earlier in the day? And my stomach just randomly mildly aches.
I also realized it's probably important to mention the exhaustion. Since January it has been so bad. I know it's normal to be tired expecially as a busy college student but I've missed multiple classes because I overslept or was too tired. And I've never done that before. I'm usually asleep between 10-11pm on the weekdays and around 12am on the weekends. On weekdays I wake up between 7 and 8am and weekends probably 8 and 9am. It's hard to not use electronics before sleep especially with homework and such. But it's been so bad. I just get so exhausted I don't know how to explain it. But I just feel heavy and I can't get out of bed because I'm so tired.I feel like it all probably relates to my weight. It's something I've struggled with and have tried to work on it. I haven't changed my diet in terms of types of food since I was at 200lbs in high school and I've focused on portions and more activity. I guess it could be stress too? But I don't feel like I've been stressed any differently lately?
Here is where I’m at currently: I went to my pcp who check my blood counts, lipase, and did a CMP. A year ago I had elevated ALT/AST levels (diagnosed with fatty liver) and those were back down to well within normal range. Nothing came out of these tests everything was normal. They also checked for H. Pylori and that was negative. So to rule out gallbladder I had a right upper quadrant ultrasound today. I did the fasting for 8 hours before and everything. The ultrasound results were just fatty liver. There was no evidence of gallstones or gallbladder thickening.
The final thing to add before I explain what was currently going on is I was put on 40 mg of pantoprazole to take once in the morning at least 30-60 minutes before first meal. This was because I tried Prilosec in August and that didn’t help, nothing has helped. I’ve been on it for a week and honestly I thought I noticed a difference, definitely a less constant feeling of acid reflux. Something that has been constant for around a year.
After my ultrasound I came home around 5:30pm and had a small amount of fish and fries. I did not eat to full, took time to eat, etc. went about my day. Around 8:30pm I felt a bit hungry so I had some chips and cheese, it wasn’t much but i felt satisfied and good. Like 20 minutes after my stomach started to hurt like it had been, I was confused because I felt confident the cause was in part behind laying down only a few hours after eating but I hadn’t laid down. It’s almost 3am and I am hurting bad. It definitely feels a bit like heartburn but it’s also just a gripping twisting pain right at my ribs from belly button to breast and around my back. I’m just lost and nervous and not sure what next steps will be.
submitted by ElloMelloMelloMello to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:02 Awkward-Juggernaut-4 Benefits from trazadone

I am posting this very cautiously having not put anything on this forum for over two years. This will be a lengthy post and I don’t make it with any claim of cure, or as a recommendation. However, I feel almost duty-bound to share my experience given the impact PSSD has had on my life and the impact it so clearly has had on so many others. I know some people will have had very negative experiences with trazodone and completely respect that. I can only talk about my own recent experience. The headline is that I briefly took trazodone a few weeks ago and have experienced significant benefits. I can’t say strongly enough I am not recommending trying it. I am just relating my own experience. I am happy to reply to comments, but please be aware that I am not prepared to get into any kind of heated debate about the whys and wherefores of this, or any other medication or treatment. At times people can be very confrontational on these forms and I’m not interested in that kind of conversation. Thank you in advance.
Just for context I am a mental health nurse myself although I don’t work in acute mental health and tend to work in more niche areas. However, my employment has been sporadic in the last couple of years in part due to PSSD.
I have had PSSD without out any real improvement (until very recently) since taking sertraline in summer 2019. This manifested itself as lack of sensation, pleasure and associated ED as well as generalised anhedonia. Prior to this, although I had experienced some episodes of anxiety and depression I had no sexual dysfunction whatsoever. I was aware my testosterone level was low as had started to investigate this as a possible cause for my problems with mood. As I say I had no sexual problems so at this point it was not something I had ever really thought about. Over time I tried to accept it and not focus on it as I found this definitely impacted on my quality of life. Like many people I initially spent a lot of time investigating PSSD but found myself becoming increasingly anxious and hopeless doing so.
I have made attempts to find solutions to PSSD. I have been on TRT at points during this time and have also been seen at Imperial College and UCL for the past couple of years. I’ve tried a couple of medications that have been suggested within this community, such as yohimbine and cyproheptadine but did not experience any benefit though equally they did not make things worse. I attempted some lifestyle changes but have struggled to eat as well as I should and, reduce alcohol and caffeine, increase exercise, et cetera due to low mood. Since developing PSSD the existing anxiety and depression which I have managed pretty well for most of my life have become much more prevalent. I have avoided psychotropic medication since the short courses of sertraline in 2019 and mirtazapine in 2020 that in the first case caused PSSD, and in the second case made it worse (after a brief initial improvement). The only PSSD related medication I take is tadalafil 5mg which was prescribed to me by Dr Mears at Imperial to hopefully improve general vascular blood flow.
Last summer my 27 year relationship ended. Before becoming unwell in 2019 and taking sertraline and subsequently developing PSSD, my relationship was solid though of course it had the usual ups and downs. The impact of PSSD was massive and caused many problems. After the first year where I maintained hope that things would improve, the impact on our physical relationship and my mental state began to really caused problems. Associated anxiety resulted in issues with work and increased alcohol consumption. To cut a very long story short in summer last year my wife told me she wanted to divorce and I lost my marriage, my comfortable home and really everything that had kept me together for the past nearly three decades. After initially coping well inevitably my mood deteriorated and I became increasingly depressed and suicidal and found myself sectioned briefly for a couple of weeks in spring this year. Crisis a surprise has a mental health nurse and not an altogether positive experience!
As I say, I’m very reluctant to take psychotropic medication but I did start agomelatine in hospital. On reflection this was somewhat unwise given my history of alcohol use but I asked for it, they prescribed it, and I wasn’t really in a place to logically think it through. In terms of PSSD it wasn’t beneficial but it had a lot of other side-effects that meant I came off it shortly after discharge from hospital whilst under a Crisis Team.
I then started on trazodone 150 mg at night. Like agomelatine it is used as a third line treatment and suggested for people with sexual dysfunction. It is referred to as pro-sexual and is used at times as a treatment for ED. I was given the warnings about priapism when using it. On the first night I took it I woke up with very strong erections on a couple occasions during the night. They were not painful and after a while receded and I returned to sleep so did not take any action. At this point I had had pretty severe ED for months (I think due to poor mental state). This actually wasn’t a significant problem for much of the time I had PSSD, however, the lack of sensation meant that this was somewhat academic. My general health at this time was in a pretty bad way so although concerned about the side effects of psychotropic medication didn’t worry unduly. The same thing happened for the next couple of nights. Of course given this I attempted masturbation and found that I could achieve orgasm and the intensity increased. There was no huge improvement in sensation but the actual orgasm itself was more like normal. The nocturnal erections continued and I started to find that I was having them throughout the day. As I say there was no pain or discomfort and they resolved so I didn’t take any action. However, as I have said I am very reluctant to take psychotropic medication and given this I decided to stop it after a few days. My worry was I would develop full-blown priapism and this can have extremely serious consequences. You are supposed to get immediate medical attention if you have a painful erection that exceeds four hours. I’m not sure what your chances are of being seen the moment you walk through the door in A&E are – it’s more likely you would be there for several hours so I decided this risk was too high as I had started to experience these erections. I have to add I did this without discussing it with the very good Crisis Team I was under. I did discuss this with them subsequently, and they were understanding and supportive but would of course not recommend stopping any medication without seeking advice first. Even though I am a nurse, this isn’t wise.
However, I have now been off trazodone for about three weeks. I have continued to experience strong nocturnal erections but less so, and have some seemingly random erections during the day. After developing PSSD I lost all sense of myself as a sexual being. I wouldn’t experience interest or arousal when seeing someone who was attractive that as did throughout my life beforehand (I was married a long time-don’t judge me!) but this has returned. I have not had sex with anyone since separating from my wife, so can only judge it based on masturbation but as I said above this is easier with much more powerful orgasms. Like I say, there is still a lack of sensation, but it is a vast improvement on how I was before. It may also be coincidence, or possibly a result of this improvement, but over the past couple of weeks my mental state has improved dramatically and in fact I find myself feeling better than I have done in many years. I would give anything to be able to go back in time and not have taken sertraline and not have developed PSSD. Without it I think I would still be in the long and loving marriage I was but I’m on the road to accepting that. That is difficult and it hurts but I have to accept it to move on.
Anyway, I hope this is of help. I’m certainly not advocating taking trazodone and generally speaking feel that the dangers of psychotropic medication outweigh the benefits unless they are absolutely necessary. I would not have taken medication unless if I haven’t found myself in a situation I did. To put it bluntly, I wasn’t going to survive as my suicidal drive was so high had to do something. I appreciate it must seem ironic saying this as a mental health nurse but I am far from alone in this and I have spoken to many nurses and workers, both on a professional and personal level who say the same thing. Something I have noticed in recent time is the huge increase in the knowledge of PSSD in services. The Panorama program broadcast on the BBC last summer seems have made a significant impact. All the best to you all and keep and do your best to remain hopeful though I know how difficult this is.
submitted by Awkward-Juggernaut-4 to PSSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:56 jaycee23345 Is 50mg enough?

I’ve started 50mg Sertraline / Zoloft today, I hear it takes 4-6 weeks to work and my tolerance to all drugs is high.
I’m tempted to jump to 100mg to get the ball rolling a bit quicker? i expect after 4 weeks the dr will end up with this advise anyway.
100mg seems a pretty safe dose, I don’t want to waste 6 weeks on a tester dose
submitted by jaycee23345 to zoloft [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:46 Rare_Kiwi_9960 For Those Of You At Rock Bottom (Real Event / False Memory Perspective)

Hi all,
Last month I reached rock bottom, within 3 months I'd lost my job, my passion for my hobbies and a 6 year relationship. All of this crescendoed into perhaps the worst OCD spiral I've ever experienced, my self esteem wasn't just at rock bottom, it was at rock bottom and being pummeled into the bedrock.
This manifested as real event / false memory OCD, I began to ruminate and scour my past for any misdeeds or transgressions I had made, that could have affected my relationship and just generally my morals. Whilst dealing with all of these negative emotions and circumstances, I was mentally lacerating myself so brutally that I fell into a deep depression, I had never felt such despair before in my life, such a feeling of hopelessness and worthlessness.
The OCD fed into the anxiety, which fed into the depression, which in turn fed into the OCD. I was walking around with a constant cloud of guilt and shame smothering me. It was by far the hardest and most painful experience I've ever endured.
In my desperation I spent large amounts of money on therapists, but none of them seemed to understand, I truly felt like the 0.0001% that just could not be fixed, I've been dealing with OCD since a brain infection when I was 8, I'm now 28 and it has been untreated until now, I really just felt like giving up.
I felt like I was pushing away those closest to me with my incessant obsessions, and I decided to go to my last resort, SSRI's. My parents have always been avidly against anti depressants, they said it was "the easy way out" so there has always been a lot of stigma for me (By the way "the easy way out" is absolute horseshit and a horrible thing to say, starting SSRI's is no easy choice and takes a lot of courage to begin with, especially at rock bottom).
So I met with my doctor and was prescribed 50mg of Zoloft (sertraline) and he warned me "it'll get worse before it gets better"... I thought ... yeah right, it couldn't possibly get worse than it already is.
I was wrong
The first week was hell, the side effects weren't particularly brutal but enough to make me uncomfortable the entire duration of that first week, but the worst was the anxiety spike, I was seriously considering quitting the meds by day 3. But I perservered somehow and I'm now on day 20 I think.
At around the 12th/13th day they started to kick in, which is lucky for me as I know it can take longer for some people.
And since then I've just felt.. normal. Not just normal, happy even. I have motivation again, I don't feel hopeless, I don't feel despair, I don't feel like the worst person to ever walk this earth. I understand that there's ups and downs I will continue to experience lows and highs but that's not the point of this post, the point of this post is:
It does get better, 1 month ago I didn't think I'd EVER be capable of feeling happiness or normality again, I know what it feels like to be in that deep pit of despair and doubt, that you are immorality incarnate, that you are different and no one can ever understand, and I'm here to tell you that it will pass
The shear relief of not feeling like a walking piece of human trash anymore, even if briefly, gave me enough hope to keep pushing forward, and I want you to do the same.
I've also started ERP / ACT therapy, which I will update this post on at a later date.
SSRI's aren't always the answer, but if you're like I was and really felt like you have nothing left to give, I think you should consult your doctor and see what they can do for you, I'm so thankful that I perservered and kept going, the relief is indescribable. Obviously it's different for everyone, and some will work for you and some won't, but keep trying and keep hopeful.
And lastly, no matter what kind of OCD you have, at the end of the day it IS still OCD, be kind to yourself, I know you don't feel like you deserve it, I know you think that meds or therapy are a way of avoiding atoning for your sins or fears, and I know you feel that your OCD is different and no one can understand, and trust me, I've been there. Be kind to yourself and understand that you are not in "Hell" think of it more as a 'Refining fire' and you will perserver this and come out stronger.
submitted by Rare_Kiwi_9960 to OCD [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:00 Importance_Human Bupropion long term side effects?

Okay, so this might be rambling, but here goes. I'm 37, late diagnosed ADHD, with suspicions of other comorbidities. I've been taking a combination of Bupropion (currently 450 mg a day) and Sertraline (200 mg a day) for almost 2 years now. It helps for the most part, and I have low dose Xanax for the hardest days.
I've had slight dizzy spells for as long as I can remember, but in the past few years(starting before they added the Bupropion and upped the Sertraline) I've been getting dizzy/lightheaded, pre-syncope, and collapsing. Not fully passing out, just collapsing, for the most part. I have had 2 instances where I lost consciousness, but as I was alone when they occurred, nothing doctors can substantiate.
Most recently I've noted at least according to my smart watch, that my heart rate drops during these episodes. My hands get this odd tingle sensation right before/as it happens, and it drops into the low 50s- high 40s. I go to the doctor regularly, have had blood tests done, an ECG, and a CT scan and all come back negative/clean.
I'm currently wearing a heart monitor for 2 weeks, almost at the end of that period and had an EKG, which I still don't know the results of.
All that said, has anyone else experienced this sort of thing as a long term side effect of these drugs? I know the higher the dose of Sertraline the closer to the seizure threshold, could this be part of that? My doctors know about all my meds, so if it's a reaction, they'd know and change the combination, I'd think? If anybody has had similar experiences or can shed light on anything, I'd really appreciate it!
submitted by Importance_Human to bupropion [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:26 CliffsBae Zoloft Withdrawal + Irritability?

So long story short, I've been on 25mg of Zoloft for 3 years and have no regrets -- it helped me get through a time when my physical anxiety was horrific, and has continued to help me cope with everyday anxiety and intrusive thinking. With my doctor's supervision, I made the decision to attempt to go off of it now that I'm on a couple of new medications. I slowly tapered over the course of a month and have now been totally off of it for about a week.
My biggest physical symptoms during the withdrawal process have been slight nausea, headaches, increased sweatiness, and fatigue/lethargy (and also some wildly vivid/weird dreams). Emotionally, I've noticed a slight increase in the intrusive thinking and mental anxiety (not so much physical), which I was expecting.
But I think the thing affecting me the most right now is mood swings, and particularly irritability. I've swung from high to low moods several times within the course of a day -- usually starting out pretty cheery and then gradually getting lower and lower until I'm on the verge of tears, then eventually swinging up again.
But the irritability I'm feeling is the worst part, and the person it's affecting the most is my partner (who I've been with for 10 months now) -- which probably makes sense considering they're who I spend the most time with. It's really unfortunate timing since we took a big step in our relationship a month ago, and now I'm finding myself annoyed with this poor person's entire personality and suddenly questioning this big step we took (which then, of course, leads to more anxiety).
I'm 99.9% sure what I'm experiencing is related to the medication and not an indication that I should make some drastic decision about our very healthy and thriving relationship, so I'm not looking for advice in that aspect. I'm more just curious if anyone else has had a similar experience with their sertraline withdrawal.
submitted by CliffsBae to zoloft [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:17 katgirl46 Should I be tested for OCD?

For some background information I have been diagnosed with Bipolar type I and generalized anxiety. I am a 27 year old female. I have dealt with anxiety my entire life and am currently taking various medications (including divalproex 250mg, aripiprazole 10mg, and sertraline 200mg) to manage my symptoms for anxiety/bipolar. I also take vitamin D and women’s probiotic supplements.
Recently, I had an experience where while I was very high on a Delta 8 edible I experienced severe OCD symptoms including checking and counting, as well as severe intrusive thoughts about hurting myself and my partner. These symptoms lasted for approximately 4 hours.
I spoke with my partner the next day about how I felt and I was very distressed by this experience. I’m curious, do you believe these could be underlying symptoms of OCD or that they were just induced by my use of drugs at the time and I’m just overreacting?
submitted by katgirl46 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:59 kittehgoesmeow What A Day: The Fix(er) Is In by Crooked Media (05/13/24)

"We're a good family. Never have done anything wrong." - Eric Trump on Fox News, overlooking a few things.

Cohen 'Round In Circles

Michael Cohen took the stand in perhaps the most hotly-anticipated moment of disgraced former President Donald Trump’s hush money trial.
It’s important to keep in mind that Cohen is a convicted liar and an all-around shady guy. Next up, Trump’s defense attorneys will set out to destroy his credibility on cross-examination. But it’s up to the jury to decide if this boy cried wolf too many times.

Look No Further Than Crooked Media

You know we love to support the non-binary community, and you know we also love wordplay. So of course we have a new tee in the Crooked Store that does both: They/Them’s the rules. It’s a tee based off a segment on Lovett Or Leave It, and it’s been a highly-requested merch item. Now it’s finally here! Head to to pick up a shirt.

Under The Radar

Louisiana could become the first state in the country to categorize abortion pills as controlled dangerous substances, meaning fines and jail time for any non-healthcare professional caught in possession of the drugs without a prescription. A pregnant woman who obtained the pills for herself would be exempt from prosecution — but a friend helping her get the pills could be charged with a crime and face up to five years in prison. Oh cool! New dystopian horror just dropped!
State legislators inserted this draconian clause as a last-minute amendment into a Senate bill that aims to criminalize “coerced” abortion in instances where someone gives a pregnant person mifepristone or misoprostol without their consent. (Apparently, that nearly really happened to the pregnant sister of the sponsor of this bill.)
The amendment adds abortion pills to a list of criminalized, addictive drugs like opioids and depressants, even though more than 200 Louisiana doctors signed a letter pointing out that this makes no scientific sense. The medical experts reminded Republican senators that misoprostol is also used for other purposes outside of abortions, including during labor and delivery, treatment after a miscarriage, and to help stop postpartum hemorrhage. Mifepristone, the most common abortion pill, is safer than Viagra and penicillin. Oh yeah, and one more thing: Abortion pills are not addictive, you freaks! Louisiana has already banned both medication and surgical abortions except for life-saving circumstances. We get it, Louisiana! You hate women!

What Else?

Secretary of State Antony Blinken told CBS News the U.S. “will not support” an Israeli invasion of the city of Rafah in southern Gaza without a “credible” plan to support civilians, and that U.S. officials are still waiting to see Israel’s plan for what will happen when this war is over. Meanwhile, Israeli forces renewed fighting in northern Gaza, claiming Hamas has regrouped there.
Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ)’s corruption trial kicked off on Monday. Prosecutors allege Menendez accepted hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes to help a few Jersey businessmen land lucrative foreign contracts and to help stop a federal investigation. In exchange, Menendez allegedly received cash, gold bars and a luxury Mercedes-Benz convertible. Menendez has pleaded not guilty. But, y’know, perhaps he’s just guilty of bringing “being paid in gold bars” back into fashion.
New Polling data from the New York Times shows Trump leading Biden in five swing states, including by some pretty hair-raising numbers. Trump leads among registered voters in Nevada by 12 points, and in Georgia by 10 points. How many times do we have to say it: Yikes! Among likely voters, Trump’s lead is smaller. But, still, not great!
Trump said some particularly weird shit during a rally in New Jersey over the weekend, praising “the late, great Hannibal Lecter” (when neither the character, nor the actor who played him, is dead) as a “wonderful man” (he literally ate people). We never know what he’s talking about, but what the actual fuck was that?
Trump officially scratched Nikki Haley off his VP list on Saturday with an uncharacteristically polite note on Truth Social, writing: “I wish her well!”
Maryland, West Virginia, and Nebraska will hold primaries on Tuesday. In the West Virginia governor’s race, local Republicans are competing with each other to see who can be the most transphobic candidate. In Maryland, the traditionally-sleepy Democratic Senate primary is shaping up to be more competitive and contentious than usual, as rich guy Rep. David Trone (D-MD) faces off against county executive Angela Alsobrooks.
The Wisconsin Supreme Court began hearing oral arguments in a major case that will determine the future of absentee ballot drop boxes in the state. The court’s liberal majority could reverse a restrictive 2022 ruling that limited access to drop boxes, which were a target of criticism from Republicans after the 2020 election.
Graduating students at Duke audibly booed Jerry Seinfeld during his commencement speech introduction, seemingly for the comedian’s vocal support of Israel. Some students walked out, in just one of several anti-war protests in commencement ceremonies over the weekend.
Former Trump aide Johnny McEntee bragged in a TikTok video about giving fake money to unhoused people so that when they try to use it, they could get arrested. No hell hot enough for these monsters!

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Hiya is made with zero sugar and zero gummy junk, yet it tastes great and is perfect for picky eaters. Hiya fills in the most common gaps in modern children’s diets to provide the full-body nourishment our kids need with a yummy taste they love.
Formulated with the help of nutritional experts, Hiya is pressed with a blend of twelve organic fruits and veggies, then supercharged with fifteen essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin D, B12, C, Zinc, Folate, and many others to help support immunity, energy, brain function, mood, concentration, teeth, bones, and more.
It’s non-GMO, vegan, dairy-free, allergy-free, gelatin-free, nut-free and everything else you can imagine.
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Light At The End Of The Email

Flavor Flav is finalizing a deal with USA Water Polo to become the official hype man for the women’s team ahead of the Paris Olympics as they compete for an unprecedented fourth consecutive gold medal. Team captain Maggie Stefan made a plea for support on social media that reached Flav’s radar, and the 65-year-old rapper offered to lend his influence and give the program a bigger spotlight. Yeahhh boyyyy!
Two loggerhead sea turtles were met with cheers as they were released from a Florida marine life rehabilitation center into the Atlantic Ocean. Cayman and Finely were both injured in separate incidents involving fishing lines but the turtles recovered well and are back swimming near West Palm Beach.
EU countries approved a law Monday that will eliminate carbon dioxide emissions from trucks, promising that most new heavy-duty vehicles sold in the European Union from 2040 will be emissions-free. Manufacturers will have to convert from diesel to electric or hydrogen-fueled trucks. European auto groups called the policy the most ambitious worldwide towards cutting emissions. We’re sure conservatives will respond normally to this!
Federal regulators approved a plan to upgrade and expand America’s electric grids, a move that could make it easier to add more wind and solar energy to the system and upgrade the country’s declining electricity network. The new federal rule requires grid operators to plan 20 years into the future and think through future energy needs.


Audrey Porne on Twitter: "you can just say things, it doesn't even need to make sense. my barista told me she's upping her sertraline dose and I said "that's so art deco" and she agreed."
submitted by kittehgoesmeow to FriendsofthePod [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:15 No_Trouble_4171 Sertraline 20mg to 40mg

I started taking 20mg of sertraline in Feb. It worked to calm my thoughts of suicide and anxiety but then it seemed to stop working.
My GP put my dosage up to 40mg 4 weeks ago. It knocked me out for the first week and now its making me feel empty and disassociated. My thoughts of self harm are at an all time high. Its all I think about.
Has anyone else suffered with this from upping their dose?
submitted by No_Trouble_4171 to antidepressants [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:49 sadgirlygirlxox zoloft/sertraline stopped my uncontrollable crying.

i’ve been on 150mg of sertraline for a little over 1.5 years. the biggest difference I have noticed (and cherish) is that I cry sooo much less than I did before. The slightest bit of stress/confrontation would make me cry, regardless of where I was or who I was with. as soon as I could feel the tears welling I knew it was game over. I started my career in a high stress environment (hospital) at the beginning of the year and I have not cried a single time!!! it’s truly an amazing feeling to be able to control my emotions. also, I know it can be a fine line but thankfully I absolutely still ‘feel’ sad when I should, and I can definitely still cry, it just takes a lot more and it’s much easier to control/stop. i’m so thankful for sertraline. I really don’t know what I would do without it. that’s all, thanks for listening <3
submitted by sadgirlygirlxox to zoloft [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:43 Blockchain-TEMU Foundry Safety

  1. Do not go too far underground or there is the nether or the deep 1.1 Do not exceed personal ability limit for the wargame 1.1.1 Do not allow X-Rays or too much high frequency into the signal 1.1.2 Do not allow Mutagens or too much Bass in the signal 1.1.3 Do not allow fire unless specifically working with fire 1.1.4 Do not exceed cost limit 5000 actual barrel cost for barrel to item limit 1.1.5 Do not exceed 2 knots at a time in a blueprint or mutagen will form 1.1.6 Do not exceed 1 pass a time in a blueprint or mutagen will form 1.1.7 (Our Foundry Specific) Do not Exceed 100 points of cost detail 1.1.8 Do not exceed 1 point of cost offset overflow 1.1.9 To not underflow 1 point of cost offset overflow 1.2.1 Do not combine source besides with metal 1.2.2 Do not combine motion except with a hydrogen range 1.2.3 Do not combine weed except with motion 1.2.4 Do not use small lettering or large lettering any letters besides standard -33 MID set 1.2.5 Do not create aurora and create quality assurance to avoid aurora 1.2.6 Do not output liquid or gas products except liquid product for a medicine or food 1.2.7 Do not exceed 0 nominal (infinity) at sample or a gas explosion will form, even if secret but you may exceed this outside a sample if the total sample global output does not exceed 0 nominal 1.2.8 Take only exact reference measurement at known measurement point 1.2.9 Do not exceed 3 or 4 acts of alkenation 1.3.0 Do not exceed 1 minor act of hydrogenation in a hydrogen synthesis 1.3.1 Do not exceed 2 points of hydrogenation in a core synthesis 1.3.2 Do not exceed 5 points of diolation ever 1.3.3 Do not use tropane or higher frequency 1.3.4 Make sure the signal is pure of heavy metal 1.3.5 Make sure the signal is pure of vaseline 1.3.6 Make sure the signal is pure of methanol and isopropanol and ethanol 1.3.7 Make sure the signal exhibits known food attribute source minisulfur starch sugar hydrogen alkene (edibles, 1/2 diol) for a sugar and does not variate between starch and sugar molecularly or it will be oxiracetam 1.3.8 Make sure in another method that the signal exhibits minisource and minisulfur nutraloaf and starch and hydrogen and alkene (vinegar oil, diol) for a lipid synthesis 1.3.9 Make sure that the synthesis exhibits reference pure source hydrogen alkene in the EDTA/Tianeptine Synthesis 1.4.0 Make sure that the synthesis exhibits hydrogen in an acid synthesis 1.4.1 Make sure that the hydrogenation is not excessive for a hydrochloride synthesis 1.4.2 Make sure that the substance exhibits minisource and sulfur and starch and pepsi-cola and alkene for a chlorophyll synthesis 1.4.3 A computer synthesis does not use the hydrogen romanaj set starch=LED1 sugar=LED2 sweet=LED3 Hydrogen=Hydrogen but hydrogen is not used 1.4.4 A computer synthesis exhibits chassis metal with aerated LEDX,LEDY,(LEDZ) offset chassis paired with at least detectable gold at every LED and two of these LED assembly at least at phase octavver and maybe 3 or 4 assembly total, with a battery in the chassis and a rear chassis without the battery of the same structure of the initial chassis all made from a cohesive resource 1.4.5 A computer sells for reasonable around 1000 dollars or some crypto 1.4.6 A computer comes with an associated online parts kit or actual parts kit which can be used to modify the process function of the CPU (Finder) 1.4.7 A computer can be overclocked by amplifying its LED microoffset fidelity for its core clock phase 1.4.8 A computer accesses a real item by the blueprint and these are certified at least fully functional 1.4.9 A computer references a particular item from the blueprint or has its direct function encoded directly in the token (blueprint either yields unlock item or the blueprint yields the item from what is in the blueprint) 1.5.0 A computer is the portable computer if it is the tablet token and the RGB computer if it is the full represented.
submitted by Blockchain-TEMU to u/Blockchain-TEMU [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:59 pallindromeh Some words of kindness and support? I feel so worthless , ugly, I don’t recognise myself anymore after diagnosis. No more fixed identity (F24)

I’m currently figuring out how to live and navigate having OCD having been recently diagnosed and gone to A&E because of difficult things got. I persuaded myself I had schizophrenia. I’m back to work - month in - in a new job, I have a home, loving family and friends and a partner. Prior to my boyfriend, I was used and abused quite badly by men given I’d lost a lot of weight and not had a relationship. I fell for attention I’d never received, it was 2 years of feeling high. I think this influenced my ROCD and lack of ‘feelings’ even though I know I love my boyfriend of over a year. However, the loss of a fixed identity from my more confident and superficial self during my old days has left me feeling - now - 2 years later, feeling like I don’t know myself. I constantly feel self loathing, I don’t feel good enough for my boyfriend, I can’t believe anyone when they tell me I’m doing well. I don’t feel a sense of achievement when prior to being on setraline, I would be able to feel something. If I had a bad day, I’d feel proud of getting through. Now I feel nothing but logic.
My boyfriend also wants to make friends which I’m so happy about, but I am uncomfortable with him making female friends because I’ve been cheated on. I trust him wholeheartedly but my brain worries because I don’t feel good enough, he’ll find someone better. When we met he was following several models on instagram - none of whom I look like. I irrationally worry - even though I know he doesn’t like them anymore - someone with their beauty, brains, non-OCD will be more interesting than I am, even though I trust him. I don’t want to think these things about him or myself, but I just feel awful. My skin has changed, my body has, I just don’t feel like ‘me’ - the person whose identity was fixed.
I really don’t know what to do because it feels like sertraline has given me the space to think and be clear minded from my OCD, but it’s taken away a vital part of my identity - feeling pride, happy, emotions, endorphins, having a sense of self worth. I’m on 25mg atm and I don’t know what to do. I feel awful about myself, I just want to believe my partner when he says he likes me, I want to FEEL like I like myself, I want to think heck yeah I’m doing well - but I can’t. There’s an emotional block, this is whilst my OCD is getting better. I am completely numb and unable to retain or build self worth atm. Before it was easier, now I feel like my brain is a brick wall which can’t absorb anything to do with building on small habits everyday. The lack of pride, joy, emotion I feel renders any effort void.
Please can someone help / I feel like a huge failure, an unloveable mess.
submitted by pallindromeh to OCD [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 08:57 greenapplessss Is there anything in my Prenatal vitamin that could cause nausea and stomach pain?

Female, 25 Diagnoses: Non-Classical Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (causing severe adrenal insufficiency), OCD Meds (excluding the prenatal): Hydrocortisone 10-5-5-0, sertraline 100mg No smoking, drinking or other substances.
I’m currently 6 weeks and 4 days pregnant, I’ve been taking the Femibion 1 prenatal since 3 weeks and 1 day. The first 2 weeks were fine but at 5 weeks I developed severe nausea, upper stomach pain and vomiting (1-5 times a day), i suspected it was just normal pregnancy stuff. Normally I take all my morning meds together (10mg hydrocortisone, 100mg sertraline and the prenatal) after eating a banana in the morning, but this morning I opted to not take the prenatal at the same time and I feel significantly better. I plan on trying to take it in the evening instead to see if that helps.
But is there anything in my prenatal that could be interacting with my normal meds or anything in there that could cause severe nausea and stomach pain?
Ingredients (translated from German): choline bitartrate; magnesium oxide; Filler: Microcrystalline cellulose; Calcium-L ascorbate; Coating agent: hydroxypropylmethylcellulose; carboxymethylcellulose; Release agents : hydroxypropyl cellulose, polyvinyl alcohol , hydroxypropyl cellulose; nicotinamide ; iron oxides and iron hydroxides ; DL-a zinc oxide; Emulsifier: gum arabic; Sugar; fatty acids; Modified Starch; thiamine mononitrate; Copper sulfate: Riboflavin: iron bisglycinate; Filler: Crosslinked calcium phosphates; Strength; Coating agent: polyethylene glycol, talc; Filler: maltodextrin; Dye: calcium carbonate, Tocopherylacetat; Calcium-D-pantothenat; Release agent: magnesium salts glucose syrup; pyridoxine hydrochloride; Calcium-L-methylfolat (Metafolin®); pteroylmonoglutamic acid; potassium iodide ; sodium selenate; D-biotin; cholecalciferol; Cyanocobalamin.
submitted by greenapplessss to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 02:31 plaid_pajama_bottoms Weird feeling after taking Benylin?

Hi, just kinda curious if there's an explanation of these symptoms...
Last night I took two caplets of Benylin All-In-One Cold & Flu Night and felt really weird after it. Not exactly dizzy, but kinda floaty? Lightheaded? Like I was walking on clouds? I know the Benylin was supposed to get me drowsy but I didn't feel drowsy much. If anything I felt like I was buzzed on marijuana. There was even a point where I became very aware of my breathing and started to get those panic attack-y symptoms you get when you've had too much weed. It was unpleasant, but not so terribly overpowering that I felt my health was in danger. And it passed after a few hours. I was able to sleep well last night and today I feel fine.
The Benylin worked REALLY well for my stuffy nose and cough, though (which btw are due to the common cold, not covid—tested negative). I'm wondering if I'm at risk to similar side effects if I take daytime Benylin. I'll list the ingredients:
Benylin Night: pseudoephedrine hcl (30mg), acetaminophen extra strength (500mg), and diphenhydramine hcl (25mg)
Benylin Day: Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide (15 mg), Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride (30mg), guaifenesin (100mg), acetaminophen extra strength (500 mg)
Here are my relevant medical details: 30F, East Asian, 47kg, 148cm, I take 50mg of sertraline daily for anxiety.
submitted by plaid_pajama_bottoms to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 22:53 swansyves please read, i need help 🙏

hi everyone,
i'm so tired and i don't now what to do anymore. i know that something is wrong with me but i can't find what. i'm a girl, 20 years old. since 5 years my life isn't normal anymore, i think she was never normal actually. i was a stressed kid before, at 13 i started having ocd, and at 15 i started having panick attacks. at this day i was diagnosed with ocd, social anxiety, generalized anxiety and depression. i'm seeing both psychologist, and psychiatrist, and i'm on sertraline since months. i have been feeling increasingly overwhelmed by my strong emotions these past few weeks, and it's not the first time. i'm experiencing intense feelings of sadness and loneliness, as well as i feel nothing. my emotions have been fluctuating between highs and lows, and small incidents are triggering intense reactions from me. i'm feeling like i'm failing everyone around me and myself, and i'm scared of losing everyone close to me. i feel like a loser.
and when i'm not feeling like that, i feel happy, but not normally happy like a normal person, it's intense, because it's always too much, i have tremors, i feel like my head and my chest are gonna explode, troubles sleeping, i have racing thoughts ( it can be conversations that i have trough the day that can't stop spinning in my head). and when something goes bad, my emotion changes in 1 second and i want to disappead#e, i feel like the worst and useless human. then when i'm normal again, i feel like i've been dramatic and nothing of that happened, but it does. i ignore all of my friends, their messages, for days, because i don't have the strengh to respond.
when i meet a new person, she became my favorite person. but i'm afraid then that she will lose interest and left me. so i try my best to keep her close to me. my emotions depends on her. sadness feels like death, ignored feels like abandonment, happiness feels like euphoria, and anger feels like craziness. it's always too much.
sorry its been very long, my psychologist thinks that i might be bipolar, i'm not sure. for 3 of these past years, i feel like i may have bpd (i'm not self diagnosing myself, just suspiscions). i take any advice thanks for reading
submitted by swansyves to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 21:21 Ok_Quarter_1571 Need advice before increasing meds again.

My daughter was increased from 40 to 60 mg daily of Jornay PM 2 months ago for ADHD . She’s also on 25 mg Sertraline for anxiety. The past 2 weeks she’s suddenly been more argumentative, got in trouble at school. She’s a travel basketball athlete, so high metabolism. She’s so frustrated with herself and I can tell is struggling. What do you parents recommend as next steps?
submitted by Ok_Quarter_1571 to ADHDparenting [link] [comments]