Swollen molar

Can a regular doctor help with anything??

2024.05.16 00:25 Most-Set7474 Can a regular doctor help with anything??

So my wisdom teeth are coming in, and my right bottom one is so bad. I think it’s impacted. The entire right side of my mouth on the bottom in the back is swollen and my bite is completely messed up because it moved all of my teeth on the right side. I have a consultation with a dentist on the 31st I think. That’s the earliest I could get in and the pain is so bad. I’ve been taking 3 extra strength Tylenol twice a day, or 2 extra strength and one Tylenol 3 just to be able to eat soup / other soft things, it hurts to swallow super bad and I’m tempted to go to the doctors tmrw to see if they can do anything at all.
And what if they won’t take out my teeth soon after the consult? My back molar is crooked now and my bite is crooked.. I’m so scared and I just want them gone already!!
submitted by Most-Set7474 to wisdomteeth [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:22 SnooDogs3021 Should I be concerned about this?

Should I be concerned about this?
I went to the dentist for tooth pain(bottom molar on right side) and they ended up telling me that I would need a root canal and a crown and gave me antibiotics, but it would be $3,000, I’ve took all the antibiotics and am going to call another dentist my dad preferred to me, to try and get a lower price possibly. the tooth has stopped hurting but now I’ve had a toothache on my upper tooth in the back(I think my wisdom tooth) of my mouth for a couple of days, and today I woke up and now the bottom of my eye is swollen(the middle pic is my “normal eye” for contrast) . I’m at work right now and just wondering if I should leave and go to patient first ASAP or wait until the swelling goes down?
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2024.05.15 22:41 ravenvibe A sliver of molar came out through my inside gum

I am a non-smoker, wisdom teeth extracted. No history of cavities.
For 3-4 weeks I have had localized pain by my bottom right back molar, on the inside. The inside gum is swollen. I could feel something sharp for many days when pressing my tongue in the area and then a few days ago, a small sliver of what only could be a tooth came out.
This temporarily relieved the pain. The pain is specific to just that one spot. A few days later, I once again felt a sharp piece of what I assume is tooth in the same spot. I also started experiencing a mild sore throat on the same side.
Today, my tongue cannot feel the sharp tooth at all. I can still feel a pinpoint hole, but maybe it's closing? The pain when pressing on the spot is also less today.
Any ideas? I'll go to a dentist but I do not have dental insurance so trying to prepare myself for a potentially large bill.
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2024.05.15 22:22 AnybodyOk1528 Sensitive gums post op: gum cap?

Hi y’all! I’ve been browsing around this thread during my recovery and wanted to share my concerns.
For a lil context: I’m 7 days post-op, got my 4 teeth out on local anesthesia. Got 3 stitches (2 on the left side and 1 on the right). I overall feel good, and haven’t swollen to much on the right side, and I can eat with no disconfort or pain. On the left side, my mobility is more limited and I’m still a lil chubby (this side really swelled up compared to my right side).
Anyways, my concerns is about my gums on the left side. The gum in between my cheek and molar « grew upwards » and doesn’t seem to go down. It is sensitive, red, and « floppy » I guess, kinda like a gum cap (not sure?): I can move it to access my teeth but it’s still attached and sensitive so I try not to.
Have any of you experienced the same thing ? I couldn’t find anything like this and don’t know if it has a name or anything.
Apologies for the gross photo but I feel like it’s more explicit this way.
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2024.05.15 21:02 Clear_Blueberry_1990 Bottom molar extraction

Hello, on Monday I had a bottom right back molar extracted due to an impacted wisdom tooth crowding. It was a rough removal with lots of tools and necessary roughness to get it out. Everything looked good yesterday and I wasn’t in any pain. Fast forward to this morning, I woke up with my gum super swollen and bleeding profusely with deep throbbing pain from my ear into my neck. I called the dentist for some idea on if it’s normal and they haven’t called me back. I am on ibuprofen and Doxycycline since I am a diabetic. It’s still bleeding pretty good even though I e I ed the face and even used wet gauze on the hole. Can anyone tell me if this is normal? I’m just worried about getting an infection in the bones honestly. I’ve never had an extraction before and everywhere online says it shouldn’t bleed after the first day. Any help?
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2024.05.14 09:29 Fabulous-Guitar-2511 Bleeding Gum around Molar

Bleeding Gum around Molar
Hi, a gum around one of my molars is bleeding. I try to stay on the top of my dental hygiene -- brush twice with an electric toothbrush, floss once, use a water pik. Some days ago I felt that my gums around my wisdom teeth were swollen, this happens sometimes and I started rinsing with Hydrogen Peroxide 1.5 percent twice a day. Now it seems that the swelling has gone away but this gum has started bleeding. No pain per se, my saliva is blood-tinged when I brush or water pik. Interestingly, no blood while flossing (the bleeding seems to come from the upper lining of the gum, not between the teeth). Could it be gum trauma? Should I keep brushing even if it bleeds?
I'm not sure I can afford a dentist rn, all help is appreciated. Thank you so much.
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2024.05.14 08:28 Sufficient_Shame9904 I'm so hungry. I dont feel full eating soft foods only. When I can eat real foods?

18M. I got braces on friday (05/10) and got my 4 impacted molars removed the day after it (05/11). As of now (05/14), my jaw feel stiff (can't open mouth widely), swollen, and my tooth hurts when biting (because of braces), but I dont feel anymore pain from extraction sites.
submitted by Sufficient_Shame9904 to braces [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:48 throwaway-5637381 Does this look infected?

Does this look infected?
The inside of my mouth near my decayed molar looks a little odd. It is throbbing more than usual, has been especially sensitive the past few days. It’s extremely hard to eat any solids, I’ve switched to liquids.
My jaw on another side is a little swollen but I’m not sure if it’s related to this molar since there’s another decaying molar there.
I’ve had some headaches and sometimes the pain radiates a little to near my eye but goes away fast.
I don’t know why it’s so red in the back, I circled it in the second slide.
Are those red lines around the area normal? I’m usually drinking stuff out of a straw so I create suction so I expected some minimal bruising but the discoloration just looks off to me.
Are my gums okay btw? The last two pictures are just the front set gums.
4th slide shows the decayed molar a few days ago/a week ago from the best angle I have of it. My next appointment is in about 2 weeks or so.
Sorry if there are inconsistencies in some pictures my camera sometimes flips it. I tried to include some side pictures of the area because the molar is decayed badly down to the root so doesn’t look like it’s even there.
17F non smoker non drinker
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2024.05.11 18:56 WhYaLwAySmE1988 Post RCT Tapping Pain

Hello, im hoping i might be able to get some opinions on my recent RCT , I dont have xrays unfortunatley but any help would be really appreciated.
I have had a deep filling on one of my upper molars for 10+ years without any problems. Back last year i started to get pain with anything hot, dentist packed with medicine and refilled. Was OK for a few weeks then was sensitive to cold, dentist tried the same treatment and again after a few weeks was back to heat sensitive.
Next step was the root canal, during the root canal there was an almighty sharp pain which the dentist said something inserted was too long ( not sure what it was sorry) so he removed and cut smaller, finished the procedure and said everything looked good. The following day I had extreme pain when touching my teeth together so he prescribed antibiotics and said that it could be a phoenix abcess caused by the issue during the root canal.
Now 4 weeks later, I have no hot or cold sensitivity, biting together is completely fine. But if I tap the side of the tooth I get a sharp jolt, not really pain but discomfort.
I have seen a different dentist last week who took some x rays and says the root canal looks great, and no signs of any infection. He says the gums around the tooth look swollen and to try reduce the swelling using tepe brushes and corsodyl over the next few weeks. He also mentioned there could be ligament damage which might take time to heal.
Do you think it's possible that it could just take time to heal or is it more likely that there is something wrong here?
Dont smoke or drink, no medical conditions.
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2024.05.11 17:42 verycoolcabbage how long will it take to notice a difference after starting antibiotics for infection?

had my wisdom teeth removed 10 days ago. i was taking amoxicillin to prevent infection. at day 5 i noticed pain in back molars that hurt to bite down and lumps along the jawline. i gave it a few days to see if it was hard swelling that would go down. then i noticed my lymph node on the right side was swollen. the nurse gave me clindamycin and an antibacterial mouthwash. i took 3 doses of clindamycin yesterday and used the mouthwash 3 times yesterday. i woke up this morning and am having more pain and my lymph node is a little more swollen. when will i start to feel better?
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2024.05.11 01:19 InevitableStranger26 Ugh. Sorry to complain

As I should be grateful to even have this chance…. But yall I HATE my immediates. I’m 3 days post 3 day… and yes still swollen, I went yesterday and they shaved some areas down and it felt okay, woke up today and have sores all on both sides of my gums so again, took them out because it hurts too bad…. To me they look crooked….. they sanded down the molars in the back claiming it was because of my bite… im praying that when the healing is done and the swelling is over they will look better. I keep reminding myself these are the immediates and in 5-6 months I’ll have my perms..
Someone tell me this will pass, I’m feeling pretty hopeless…. No one warns you of my mental warfare you go through….
submitted by InevitableStranger26 to dentures [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 19:09 Large_Bridge_4232 my teeth are making feel bad

my teeth are making me feel bad
im 19f, and when i was little my parents didn’t brought me to the dentist, not even one time. on top of that, they never really pressured me onto brushing my teeth at least twice a day, flossing etc. so i obviously developed neglecting habits when it comes to my dental hygiene (eating sugary and acidic foods and not brushing after, specially at night) , i gotta say my teeth are not THAT yellow, they’re totally straight naturally, never needed any braces. but i can clearly see i have a lot of cavities, especially on my molars, i have one teeth in the back that is breaking out, kinda dark, and hurts me sometimes. i also have tartar on the back of my lower front teeth, and in between (it can’t be seen just like that, at least if ur not a dentist), and also swollen gum, that sometimes bleed but not everywhere. im really scared to go the dentist, even thought i’m living in France and here healthcare is really good, dental health is still pricey when it comes to cavities etc. i know i should go as soon as possible bc i’m still young and the damages can be reversible but i don’t really have that much of money rn and i don’t really know what to do. i’m really really scared.
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2024.05.10 10:18 stlatos Indo-Iranian ‘round’, ‘kidney’, and related sound changes


A group of Indo-Iranian words from *piṇḍ-, of unclear origin, includes:

Skt. píṇḍa-s ‘lump / ball / calf of leg’, Pkt. piṇḍyā-, Pl. píṇṇi ‘calf’, Pj. pinn ‘ball of rice or sugar’, pinn ‘ball of twine’, Kocī (dialect of West Pahāṛī) pinne ‘egg’, Np. pĩṛo ‘ball of flour’, Rom. pinró / punro ‘foot’, A. píṇi, Ni. püṇi Kv. püṇǘ, Kt. puṇá ‘calf muscle’, puṇú ‘kidney’, B. pilli ‘calves’

Ni. punḍula- ‘roll’, Kv. puṇrá- ‘be encircled’, puṇrí ‘*round/*encircled > whole / entire’

Kh. pinḍóru ‘round’, A. pinḍúuro, Kv. puṇráň, Ni. punḍura

Ni. punḍrók ‘kidney’, puṇrík ‘bullet’, -puṇruk ‘cone’

Skt. utpiṇḍita- ‘swollen up’

Since the basic meaning seems to be ‘swell / swollen / round’ (with common but obviously secondary ‘round / lump > kidney / calf’), they seem related to Skt. páyate ‘swell’, pínvati ‘fatten / swell’, pīná- ‘fat’, pīpivás- ‘swelling’, pipiṣvant- ‘swollen / overfull / abundant’ << PIE *piH-. But where does -ṇḍa- come from? Turner only says that it might be non-IE, since a source in *piṃṣṭa is impossible. But is it? In:

*da(H)k^-? > Go. tahjan ‘rend / pull / tear / tug’, G. dáknō ‘bite’, Skt. daṃśana- ‘biting’
*dank^-tro- ‘sharp’ >> Skt. daṃṣṭrikā- / dāḍhikā- ‘beard / tooth / tusk’, B. dāṛ ‘molar’, *ðāṛ > Lv. var ‘tooth’

Dardic *mhaiṣal- ‘young ram’ > maísōlos, Kt. maṣél ‘full grown male sheep’, Kv. muṣála
*mhainṣḷa- > *mhainṣṭṛa- > *mhainḍhṛa- > Skt. meḍhra- / meṇḍha- / bheṇḍa-, Dardic *mhainḍhaṛa- > A. miṇḍóol ‘young male sheep’, Ti. mind(h)ǝl ‘male sheep’

it is necessary that *-Nṣṭr- optionally become -ṇḍh- / -_ḍh(r)- (see Note (1) for more on meḍhra-, etc.). The cause seems to be shift of ṣ / x, as in *k^a(H2)po- > Skt. śā́pa-s ‘driftwood’, Ps. sabū ‘kind of grass’, Li. šãpas ‘straw / blade of grass’, *k^aṣpo- > Skt. śáṣpa-m ‘young sprouting grass?’ (2). It is possible that pínvati ‘swell’, in the process of forming *pínv-tra- ‘swelling’, underwent dissimilation of p-v > *p-z (or similar; if not to “fix” *-nvt-, this variant might have existed elsewhere first) to make *pínv-tra- > *pínz-tra- > *pínz-dra-. The path is not clear, since *-Nṣṭr- > -ṇḍh- / -_ḍh(r)- already has variants, whether -ṇḍ- is another or due to *vt or *zt instead of *xt is not clear.


The shift in ‘swell / round’ > ‘kidney’ makes it likely that all these groups are related:

PIE *w(e)rt- ‘turn / revolve / etc.’, Skt. vártate, Rom. boldel ‘turn’

*varta- ‘circular object? / something made of metal?’, Pkt. vaṭṭa- / vaṭṭaya- ‘cup’, Np. bāṭā ‘round copper or brass vessel’

*v(a)rtra- ‘round stone’, Skt. vr̥tra- ‘a stone’, Pj. vaṭṭā / baṭṭā ‘stone’, vaṭṭī ‘pebble’, Bhalesī (dialect of West Pahāṛī) baṭṭ ‘small round stone’, *vaRt > Km. waṭh, dat. waṭas ‘round stone’, Kh. bòxt \ boxt \ boht \ bohrt ‘rock / stone’, Ti. bar-, baṭ(h) ‘large rock’

*vr̥tká- ‘round (object)’ > Skt. vr̥kká- ‘kidney’, Pa. vakka, Dardic *bhürṭka- > A. bhrúk, B. bukṛu, Kh. brùk, Iran. *vǝrǝθka- > Av. vǝrǝðka-, *virdga > MP gurdag

These resemble another group for ‘kidney’ (which has many other Iran. loanwords), including Armenian. First, since the Arm. ending -mn / -wn is native, from *-mun < PIE *-mo:n, but is added to some words, which seems to include Iran. loanwords ending in *-á(:)- (so it might be so the accent can remain on the same V; no native words with the same final -á likely at the time):

Iran. *pari-hištaH- >> Arm. paštawn ‘worship / service’, pl. paštamun-k‘

*doH3to- > Skt. dātá- ‘given’, Av. dāta-, *dāθa- >> Arm. dahamun-k‘ ‘gift’ (*-Ht- > *-th- in Dardic, fem. *daṭhī > Id. díthĭ ‘given’, m. *daṭhō > A. dháatu ‘rich’, and Iran. had the same in *dheH1-to- > Av. dāθa- ‘according to established rules’, so it was either optional or often changed by analogy)

if any word ends in -mn but has no clear etymology, a source in Iran. should also be considered. Since *tri- > *θri- > *hri- > *(ǝ)ri- > eri- in Arm., metathesis might create:

Iran. *virθká- >> *θrikvá-mun > Arm. erikamn ‘kidney’, pl. erikamun-k’, *θrikwamǝn- > *t'irkwamǝl- > OGeo. tirk'umel-i, Geo. tirk'mel-i, Laz dirk^u

Kartvelian alternated n / l, even m / v (just as Arm. here), and the same in another loan in -mel / -vel:

Li. kùmstis ‘fist’, Iran. *muxšti-, Av. mušti- ‘fist’, Skt. muṣṭí-, *muRšti- > Kv. mřǘšt, Sa. mū́st
Skt. muṣṭikā- ‘handful’, *muRṣṭika >> (loan to Tibetan) Balti mulṭuk ‘fist’, *muxštiká- > Ni. mustik ‘fist’, >> (loan to Kartvelian, through Arm.?) *muxštiká-mǝn > Geo. mt'k'avel-, Svan k'amel ‘five fingers’, Laz mt'k'o

This change of v > m in Svan and *r > n seems similar to other changes in loans like paršamangi / parševangi (Iran. >> *firašamarga- > Elam. pirrašam ‘peacock’, OGeo. paršamangi, Geo. parševangi OGr; Arm. siramarg (this one with confusion/merger)), as well as native changes. Other words greatly resemble this group:

*mukšta / *mukšna > Ud. mïžïk, Mv. mokšna,*muxšti- > *mutšix- > Geo. mǰiγ-i ‘fist(ful)’

The needed shift of *muxšti-, Av. mušti- is also seen in:

*ya(x)st- > Av. yaxšti- ‘branch’, Skt. yaṣṭí- ‘stick/staff/perch/twig/post’

*spek^ti- > Av. spaxšti- ‘vision’; *spek^to- > Av. spašta, Skt. spaṣṭá- ‘clearly perceived/discerned/visible’, L. spectus

In *θrikwamǝn- > *t'irkwamǝl- > OGeo. tirk'umel-i, that Arm. had -mn [mǝn] helps show that the Proto-Kartvelian *e was really a reduced V (ǝ or ï). This explains why *e > Geo. e but other Kartvelian a. This makes Kartvelian part of a large group of languages that had (or are reconstructed to have) an unbalanced V-system with no *e.


(1) origin of meḍhra- / bheḍra- (Whalen 2024a)

*maH2(y)- ‘bleat / bellow / meow’, Skt. mimeti ‘roar / bellow / bleat’, māyu- ‘bleating/etc’, mayú- ‘monkey?/antelope’, mayū́ra- ‘peacock’, Av. anumaya- ‘sheep’, G. mēkás ‘goat’, mēkáomai ‘bleat [of sheep]’, memēkṓs, fem. memakuîa ‘bleating’, Arm. mak’i -ea- ‘ewe’, Van mayel ‘bleat [of sheep]’

*maH2iso- ‘bleating’ > Indic *mHaiṣa- > Skt. meṣá- ‘ram / fleece’

*maH2ismon- > ? *mo:isimon- >> L. mūsimō, (m-m > m-f) *mūrifon- > Sardinian mufrone / mugrone / etc. > French mouflon ‘a kind of wild sheep’

Since mūsimō is likely a loan, based on simple geography, it could come from *maHiso- ‘bleating’, if Sardinian was inhabited by relatives of Sicels, who had *a: > o (Whalen, 2024d)

If *maH2ismon- > ? *mo:isimon- by *-ism- > *-isim-, then dissim. m-m > m-0 would allow an exact cognate for:

*maH2ismon- > *mHaiṣan- > Dardic *mhaiṣal- ‘young ram’ > maísōlos, Kt. maṣél ‘full grown male sheep’, Kv. muṣála

weak stem *maH2ismn- > *mH2aiṣṇ- > *mhainṣḷa- > *mhainṣṭṛa- > *mhainḍhṛa- > Skt. *meṇḍhra- / *mheṇḍra- ‘ram’ > meḍha- / bheḍa- / meḍhra- / bheḍra- / meṇḍha- / bheṇḍa-, Dardic *mhainḍhaṛa- > A. miṇḍóol ‘young male sheep’, Ti. mind(h)ǝl ‘male sheep’

maísōlos is found in the glosses in Hesychius for words from India, some of which are likely Gandhari or similar (due to the presence of Indian gándaros ‘bull-ruler’).

The relationship between these Skt. words (among others) is best explained as optional mh-dh > mh-d / m-dh or metathesis of aspiration, m-dh > *mh-d, then simplification of *mh > bh. The two sets:



allow a simple equation of:

meḍha- : bheḍa-
meḍhra- : bheḍra-
meṇḍha- : bheṇḍa-

in which each meḍha- is opposed *mheḍa- > bheḍa-, m-dh to bh-d, etc., which probably happened only once in in an older more complex form.

(2) ṣ / x, ṣp / xp (Whalen 2024b)

Skt. píppala-m ‘berry (of the peepal tree)’, pippala-s ‘peepal tree / kind of fig tree (Ficus religiosa), pippali- ‘long pepper’, piṣpala-

These might all be related to púṣpa-m ‘floweblossom’, with dissimilation of p-u. If so, why do most change ṣp > pp? It isn’t a matter of age, -pp- exists in the Rig Veda.

That it IS an old sound change might be shown by :

*k^aṣpo- > Skt. śáṣpa-m ‘young sprouting grass?’
*k^a(H2)po- > Skt. śā́pa-s ‘driftwood / floating / what floats on the water’, Ps. sabū ‘kind of grass’, Li. šãpas ‘straw / blade of grass / stalk / (pl) what remains in a field after a flood’, H. kappar(a) ‘vegetables / greens’ (Witczak 2002)

The alternation of ṣ / H2 / 0 and lack of any conditioning factor resembles my IE shift of H / s (Whalen, 2024c) in words like :

*maH2d- ‘wet / fat(ten) / milk / drink’ >>

*mad- > L. madēre ‘be moist/wet/drunk’
*mazd- > Skt. médas- ‘fat’, medana-m, OHG mast ‘fattening (noun)’

*maH2do-n- > *mand- > OHG manzon ‘udders’
*mazdo- > G. Dor. masdós, Aeo. masthós, Att. mastós ‘breast/udder’

*madHro- > G. madarós ‘wet’, Arm. matał ‘young/fresh’, Skt. madirá- ‘intoxicating’
*mazdHro- > Skt. medurá- ‘fat/thick/soft/bland’

If so, these would show that retroflex and uvular fricatives might have been (part of?) what caused s / ṣ / x / X. Either *xp > pp was also optional, or metathesis > *px > pp. It is also possible that *xp > *fp > pp was the path. If also for *sm / *xm, then :

Skt. túviṣmant- ‘powerful’, tuvī́magha- ‘giving much’

This might explain another word. Just as tuví- in tuvikūrmí- ‘powerful in working’ appears as túviṣ-mant- ‘powerful’ (likely the comparative), if turá- ‘strong/abundant’ also had compounds with *turiṣ-, then :

*turiṣ-H2po- ‘having a powerful hold/strength’ > turī́pa- ‘*strength/*virility > semen’

with the same shift as attested in :

vīryá-m ‘manliness?/strength/valoheroism / semen’

Manaster Ramer, Alexis (draft?) Offended as a Cook --and a Comedian : Armenian erikamun-kh 'kidneys, entrails'

Manaster Ramer, Alexis (2024, draft?) Arm erikanunkh Offended as a cook and as a comedian

Strand, Richard (? > 2008) Richard Strand's Nuristân Site: Lexicons of Kâmviri, Khowar, and other Hindu-Kush Languages

Turner, R. L. (Ralph Lilley), Sir (1962-1966) A comparative dictionary of Indo-Aryan languages. London: Oxford University Press. Includes three supplements, published 1969-1985.

Whalen, Sean (2024a) Artemis and Indo-European Words for ‘Bear’

Whalen, Sean (2024b) Three Indo-European Sound Changes (Draft)

Whalen, Sean (2024c) Indo-European Alternation of *H / *s (Draft)

Whalen, Sean (2024d) Reclassification of Sicel (Draft)

Witczak, Krzysztof (2002) On the Etymology of Hittite kappar 'vegetable, a product of the garden'


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2024.05.10 05:00 MostlyUsernames 3 upper molars removed 2+ weeks ago - my speech is ruined.

So, I had molars 14, 15, and 2 removed. I've already had my wisdoms out. If it matters, I'm also tongue tied (right to the tip; I can barley stick my tongue out of my mouth) Everything has been healing fine - no infections, no pain issues etc. However, I still sound absolutely bizarre. I feel like I sound like a deaf person - it's extremely nasaly with a heavy lisp - pretty slurred sounding. When is this going to get better? What is even going on here?? I never had any sort of lisp or speech issue prior to this.
I can't seem to find information on the internet about this. The information I was able to find seemed to only apply for the first few days until the swelling went down. I know I'm not completely healed, but I'm not swollen - or at least I don't feel like I am. Everyone I know who've had molars removed has said they've never experienced this and I'm seriously concerned for myself. Really, I sound awful. I can't even make phone calls because I can barley be understood. (I can be understood in person - but it's bad)
I don't know what to do - I've tried taking more NSAIDs to see if I could speak better (people said their speech was messed up because of the swelling) but that doesn't make a difference. My dentist doesn't seem to think this is an issue - she said my speech should be getting better everyday, but it's just not. It got initially better because I actually couldn't be understood for the first 5 days. But it hasn't noticably improved since then.
I really really appreciate any advice - I mean, has anyone else had this happen to them? Is this going to be like this until I can get implants or something? Because that's not going to be for years - I'm getting braces and I've been told orthodontics before implants.
Thank you for you're time :-)
submitted by MostlyUsernames to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 04:20 Natural-Influence478 No lip girl Grinch

I recently had my eday 1 week ago(all top, bottom partial), I have another week until my soft liner appointment. Swelling has subsided a good 80 percent. My back molars are still a little swollen with quite a bit of sensitivity, a few sore spots but nothing benzodent cant handle. The top denture feels so big and bulky, more so after the swelling went down. They aren't falling out.. yet. But the front I feel like PUSHES my lip up and makes it non existent. I've already had it trimmed once, should I ask him to shave it down again? Do I just thought this out until my permanents? Help 🥲
submitted by Natural-Influence478 to dentures [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 04:50 Rust_yShackelford 2+ weeks post extraction - Infection? Dry socket? Other issue?

2+ weeks post extraction - Infection? Dry socket? Other issue? submitted by Rust_yShackelford to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 19:57 Own_Key4066 Reg: post root canal/ urgent!!!

I would really appreciate your help on this one, it's a little URGENT. I had gotten a root canal done at a clinic near my house back in December. There was an infection and there was a re-root canal done, after which a crown was placed. For weeks after which I had slight pain and a feeling in emptiness. When I went back, she said the crown was trimmed too short and had to replaced. But since I was in a middle of an ortho procedure, I have to wait till the pain becomes really bad, till then she'd suggest pushing it. It's been a few months, the part under the tooth towards the tongue is swollen and recently I feel pain and VERY VERY IMPORTANTLY the molar tooth has a crack on it and bled a little this morning (this is the tooth in front of my root canal tooth) the food that I eat is getting stuck there. Please let me know what I should do. Should I visit a different dentist? Do I wait till my ortho is complete? I'm very concerned and I have an exam tomorrow and it's messing with my head. Thank you so much. I'd really appreciate it if you could respond!
submitted by Own_Key4066 to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 02:48 meavdy Wisdom teeth dry socket pain question! (I do not smoke, I drink socially but not since surgery)

Hello Dentists!
I got all 4 of my wisdom teeth out last Wednesday (it’s currently Monday) and I’m pretty sure I gave myself dry socket on the bottom in the last few days- I can see holes in the back of my mouth like the pictures i’ve seen online. My adjacent molars have been having some pretty bad pain in the roots for the last day or two that sometimes stretches to my front bottom teeth as well, and every time I move my mouth in certain ways I get shooting pain in my gums/teeth on the bottom. I can’t tell if my gums are swollen or if the pain/irritation is just making them seem that way. I’ve been taking ibuprofen and acetaminophen back and forth and it’s been helping a decent amount.
Is this normal/expected nerve pain with dry socket and I’m just being a hypochondriac, or could I have an infection??
submitted by meavdy to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 01:27 Emotional-Bee1838 Swollen gums near molar that recently erupted on 7 year old

Swollen gums near molar that recently erupted on 7 year old
My son told me about a squishy swollen part on his gums that he said has been there for a while and doesn’t hurt. He just got his molars. I will call dentist tomorrow but curious if anyone knows what this may be?
submitted by Emotional-Bee1838 to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 00:08 BattleAxeBC Slightly swollen and sensitive section of my gums in the triangle area between upper molars. Has lasted over a month.

The little triangle area between molars on my upper right side has been slightly swollen and sensitive for over a month. It all started when I was flossing over a month ago and it bled a lot. I usually get some blood on occasion when flossing, and I don't do it aggressively, but for some reason this one bled more than normal. Usually it bleeds just for a couple seconds and stops, but this lasted for about 5 minutes before it stopped. Since then, that little section has been very slightly swollen and sensitive. I can feel the swelling with my tongue, but it's hard to even notice at first glance in the mirror. The area doesn't look different from other parts of my mouth. It's not overly red or anything and the immediate surrounding areas have no difference. I take great care of my hygiene. I floss multiple times per day, as well as brush, and use mouthwash. On a scale of 1-10(10 being the most) I'd say the swelling is like a 1.5. It's very slight, but I can feel it with my tongue and when I press on it, it's slightly sensitive compared to the surrounding areas of the mouth. I can definitely feel the difference in sensitivity when I press on this area compared to the surrounding areas.
I wouldn't be concerned about it, except it simply hasn't gone away, and I looked up gum issues and it says inflammation or other related stuff usually clears up in a few days. And the odd thing is, I've never once gotten any bleeding from that section of my mouth since. I've had the section of the gum next to it bleed a couple times, but not that one section.
Anything to be concerned about? Any idea what could be causing this? Thanks.
submitted by BattleAxeBC to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 19:03 That1GreaseBall I cant love myself

Hi so yeah i never really made a post like this i dont think? so im really sorry if its hard to understand im just typing out whats going on in my mind right now. Im pretty sure i have a bi-lateral cleft lip and palette (im sorry idk any of the terms i dont really talk about it with my parents). I always felt out of place wherever i was, except school. When i was in school i had tons of friends and I was happy, there was a occasional bully here and there but nothing too major, but as soon as covid hit and with puberty and all that i began to get super insecure. Fast forward to now im 17 and in college, every where i go people stare at me, some people even call me out for breathing too loud which is something i cant control, but i used to hold my breath for people when they were close i mean i held it to the point where i almost pass out. Idk how to really explain this but i know that yall understand what im going through, im 17 never been in a relationship or whatever and i just dont feel loved at all, sure my family loves me but sometimes thats not enough you know? everywhere i go people treat me different cause they think im "special". What really hurts is that everyone stops and stares at me but when i look back they pretend like i dont exist or whatever, i just want people to understand that im not different cause im sick of looking at the ground every time i fucking go outside. im currently going through the maxillary distraction osteogenesis surgery and they have me on molar seperators and it hurts a fuck ton, and going out with a swollen face doesnt really help. what really ticks me off is that this is such a small thing compared to other conditions so i really dont know if its just me and im being too soft
submitted by That1GreaseBall to cleftlip [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 17:29 Scared-Ad-7678 Medical insurance is the biggest scam and it’s making me lose hope.

Recently more than ever I’ve had a lot of cysts rupturing on my ovaries. For those who don’t know this causes immense pain, and I’m practically bed ridden for an entire day. However to see a doctor and find out what exactly the problem is and how to address it I need to see a gynecologist first. However there is not a single gynecologist within 50 miles of me that takes my insurance, and being a student I can’t afford to get a consultation out of pocket, so I’ve been living with this pain for years
Recently my boyfriend is experiencing a dental emergency. One of this molars cracked and before we could get an appointment with a dentist that takes his insurance his tooth has gotten infected. His entire left side of his face has swollen up, he can’t eat solids, and can barely open his mouth to talk. I took him to urgent care to get antibiotics which have helped the swelling and some of the pain, but since this happened on a weekend not a single dentist office was open for emergency visits or surgery. Today being Monday we have called every dentist we can find on google and not a single one takes his insurance plan. Not even the ones with 1 star reviews
So what are the choices here? He goes 10k into debt to solve his literal medical emergency? He sucks it up, his tooth gets more infected, and he has to pay even MORE money down the line?
What’s the point of having “full coverage” insurance if it doesn’t fucking cover anything?
submitted by Scared-Ad-7678 to self [link] [comments]
