Cake never gonna give you up

Never gonna give you up...

2013.03.01 05:42 sandydog69 Never gonna give you up...

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2015.09.07 21:50 Wardez Never gonna give you up

Need help being convinced away from buying that new boat, proposing to that crazy girl? Come here and we'll try our best. Just like /changemyview but focusing more on singular decisions!

2024.05.16 16:50 Tac-Anesthesia I'm on the edge of giving up, I feel like I'm spiraling and I don't know what to do anymore.

In all honesty to many tags would go with this so I'm just putting seeking advice... Long paragraph ahead: I guess tw- SH/ talk about gore?/ Talk about derealization?

My family life isn't great, school is stressing me out, my parents say im failing because of my friends and because "all I do is socialize at school", but in reality they're my reason why I'm being able to do things still. They're my reason I still keep going. I got into a fight with my mom last night and my dad had to break us up. I was forced to stay up all night to work on school and barely got any sleep. I don't like school, I know the stuff already because I used to do AP before I moved schools so to me it's just pointless busywork. I want to be able to do things that make me happy like art and drawing but even that stuff is being taken from me because it's "all I focus on"? But in reality is more of just a coping method. I have a teacher I talk to at school about this, she's my favorite teacher and I can talk to her about anything without getting in trouble or the counselor getting told, she's been helping me with my work. My parents are thinking about putting me online next year if I can't get my stuff together. If I were to get put online I don't know what I would do, my friends help me with so many things and I don't know what I would I would do if I lost contact with them. I feel like giving up, I feel like I'm spiraling again. My mom call me ungrateful, but at most she only gives me the basic necessities but even then threatens to take those away as well. My dad is fine, he not that strict and understand what it's like, he's said he's gone through the same things and he's trying to give me a break. My mom keeps pushing me more over my limit. I'm tired and can barely get out of bed in the weekends. I get up and take a shower every morning, I sit under the water for at least 10 minutes before finally wanting to move around. I'm tired all the time and I don't what to do. I feel like I am rotting. I'm shamed for my interests, I'm not allowed to talk about things I like, like video games, shows, hobbies, I get shut down nearly immediately by my parents, half the time just so my little brother can talk about his interests little brother gets bullied at school, so it's understandable why he gets more attention at home, but sometimes it still feels like he's being pick the favorite. I feel selfish and don't want to say anything. My friends say I should get tested for certain disorders like ADHD or OCD, my parents say those things aren't real, the only thing I've been truly diagnosed with is Borderline. My parents want me to get on meds for it, but I can't swallow pills, I have a fear of taking pills, so much to the point where every time I've had to take pills I throw it back up. I want to talk to my friends about my issues, but they also have stuff going on, and I don't want toake it look like I care more about myself than them. I'm tired to the point that I want to cut off all socials, and long distance friends, I want to stop talking, I feel like everything I do will end up bad for me no matter what path I take. Im failing English, but my teacher hasn't been there for the past three weeks and doesn't unlock any of the only tests, he then has the audacity to say I'm not doing anything in class when I can't do anything anyways. I have two separate friend groups. One is rather abusive to me, while the other isore protective... Those two friend groups of mine are basically fighting for me? It's odd but stressful. I don't like it. I want to talk to them about my problems, but I feel like they would tell the counselor... I have past issues with school counselors, they say they won't tell my parents anything then proceed to tell them plus twist my words into something I never said, I try to talk to my parents tell them I'm stressed and need a break- they say to talk to the counselor, I tell the counselor my issues, they tell my parents, my parents get mad at me for going to counselor like they tolde to do. I'm afraid of hurting others, but I don't want to hurt myself either, I've been 2 months free and I feel like Im close to relapsing... Last time I relapsed my mom found out and instead of asking me what's wrong or trying to be a better mother I'm yelled at. My own mom calls me ugly, she says I'm to skinny, though she knows I have fast metabolism and I'm bulimic... She doesn't try to help, she only yells at me. I'm tired, I only want to sleep, I want to cry but I can't, I feel numb at this point... I feel like my mental health is concerning, it even concerns me... I've found myself interested in things I've never been interested in before, like those gore videos you could find online. I feel like I'm going insane. My parents know this. But they still don't care. I'm left to fend and care for myself. I've been zoning out more often than before, nothing feels real anymore. I don't know what to do. i want to talk to people I know irl. But I feel like it would make me seem repulsive... I don't want to lose anyone, they mean to much to me. I'm attached to people who hurt me. I don't know what to do anymore, Im spiraling, I'm going insane. I don't care about anything anymore. I feel relaxed but not in a good way. In a numb and given up way.
submitted by Tac-Anesthesia to venting [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:50 Ilefthimtoday603 I (39F) broke up with my bf (34M) whom I thought was it for me

I created a new account to post this because I am too embarrassed to use my regular one.
My now ex-boyfriend and I met on Facebook dating in September of 2022. We hit it off like I’ve never done with anyone else. I thought the age difference would be an issue but turns out it’s just a number. We never ever argued. We got along great. We always had a great time together. So many laughs. So much banter. So many jokes. I thought I’d found the one.
I have a history of being abused; physically, mentally, and emotionally. So needless to say being with someone who was so nice and caring to me was foreign territory. Deep down I thought I didn’t deserve it but as time went on I got used to it. I never let my history get in the way of our relationship.
I have always been supportive of him and his dreams, I never judged. I never talked down. I never nagged. I treated him like I wanted to be treated.
Fast forward to this past January: I found out I was pregnant. I was shocked because I didn’t think I could get pregnant again. Plus I follow my cycle like a hawk. I waited a couple of days to tell him because I was a pile of nerves.
He didn’t believe me at first. Asked me to see the test then asked if termination was an option. I said absolutely not. He proceeded to tell me he wasn’t ready to be a dad (even though he is very well-off). I said OK. I will handle this on my own.
To my surprise he walked in from work a couple of days later and the first words out of his mouth were “we are done”. I was shocked. Hurt. I didn’t even know how to react. I nearly passed out. He also said “I want you to be the one but you aren’t”. And a bunch of other things I can’t remember right now.
Four days later I ended up in the ER and I miscarried. He was there with me. I didn’t have the strength to drive in the middle of a blizzard. I have never cried so much in my life. I feel like I died inside. He cried with me, held my hand.
We ended up talking and he said he wanted to give us another shot. We “cleared the air” as he put it. I thought we were doing fine. We ended up going to couple’s therapy and I thought we were on the same page.
However, this gut feeling just wouldn’t go away. I thought maybe I was stressed over the loss, over work, over whatever and I was just reading into things that were no big deal to begin with.
No matter how many excuses I made for my feelings, it just wouldn’t go away. It led to many panic attacks, thoughts of ending my life, (yes it was that bad), feeling guilty over the loss of my baby. I was a mess.
So this Sunday I did something I never thought I’d do: go through his phone. I was not shocked at what I found. He had been sxting this woman whom he went on a date with before we met. Of course he used Snapchat. I loathe that app. I knew about her and it never sat right with me. Up until that point he never gave me a reason not to believe him.
To make a long story short: today I broke up with him. I told him I knew he was lying. He blamed the girl for sending him pictures without him asking. I said “that’s funny because your last message to her was “holy fuck”. Doesn’t sound like someone who is not upset to be getting nudes.
In a way he tried to blame me and of course I called him out on his bullshit and said “nah, this is all on you”. There is no excuse for cheating in my eyes. None. Zero. And I refuse to take the blame. None of this is my fault.
He said he didn’t want to hurt me, that we weren’t meant to be, all kinds of bullshit.
My heart is in a million pieces. He was my best friend. He knows my deepest secrets, he is the only person in my life who knows about my past sucdal thoughts (I felt comfortable telling him because he struggled with the same thing as a teen). I felt so loved when I was with him. He was so affectionate all the time. It is something I had never experienced before.
Please please tell me it will be okay. Please give me any advice you can to help me move on from this without losing my sanity?
Tl;dr I need help dealing with the loss my partner and best friend. I never thought this day would come.
submitted by Ilefthimtoday603 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:49 ze_big_bird 3 years sober the other day. Just got engaged. Turned 33. Its been a crazy week.

I just celebrated 3 years clean and sober on the 14th and wanted to share a little gratitude here. I don't know where I'd be if I hadn't got sober a few years ago, but it definitely wouldn't be where I'm at now. I haven't always done things the normal or accepted way to get sober, but I found what works for me and the results speak for themselves.
Just a few years ago I was living in a basement apartment with a bad drinking and drug problem. I had a dead end job with no prospects for the future and no desire to make any plans. My relationships with my family members was strained and my relationships with my friends was nonexistent due to my isolation. I finally decided enough was enough. I went to rehab and fully committed to remaining abstinent from all drugs and alcohol and work on improving my life in every way. It's working.
About a year into sobriety I met my fiancee. We just got engaged a few days before my 3 year mark on both of our birthdays. That's right, we share a birthday. (weird isn't it?) We went to an engagement dinner surrounded by close friends, saw her family right after the proposal (who love me), and are going to celebrate with my own family this upcoming Saturday. None of this was on the horizon a few years back.
On top of that, within the last year I decided to finally commit to doing something I always said I would but was too busy drinking to put in the effort it required. For as long as I remember I wanted to start my own business. I had attempted before, things would get hard, I would realize how much time and effort it would require and I would quit. This time I decided I'm going to go through with it -- regardless of the outcome I was going to see it through this time.
At first I really didn't know what to do, but I decided I wanted to help people, and figured helping people in recovery was where I wanted to take it. I've spent the last 10 months working my ass off on top of my other job starting a website and building a brand (Quit and Conquer) offering resources and writing articles on recovery related and personal development topics. I don't think I can post the link here so I'm not going to. That really isn't the point. The point is, I've come quite far in the last 10 months and have been extremely consistent and determined to keep the ball moving forward. I'm proud of that.
A few years ago I wasn't proud of anything.
None of this would be possible without the hope that things would get better if I could just stop drinking and doing drugs and instead focus on improving myself and my situation. None of this would be possible without a boat load of work I've done over the past few years. I wouldn't trade the position I'm in now for anything in the world, never mind a drink.
So if you're struggling right now, know that with a little patience and a lot of hard work you can do it. I'm not special. I truly believe that the universe is very giving. Cut out the bullshit, pick your head up, and keep moving forward. You'll be amazed at the results. I know I am.
submitted by ze_big_bird to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:48 OriginalSplit3782 Grandma Drama & Homelessness

RANT with an inlayed question
My grandmother has blew all my grandad's military retirement + ss checks and her ss check on God knows what. She's close friends with this woman who uses her and begs her for money all the time just the other day she tried to send this woman $180 and we are homeless and carless 🤣. Anytime we ask about money she claims that my grandfather lost the money to scammers but after looking at the bank account there was no scam she just keeps lying and my grandad keeps letting her get away with it all and wont speak up to her. He tells me and my wife and my father about how he feels and what he wants to do about it but he never does anything but ask who do they owe because she claims she owes this woman and her 3 sons money for a reason she hasnt explained yet...... We have all been living in a hotel for 2 months now because she owed our landlord $8000 and in February the car was repossessed and they had to pay $1300 to get it back and in April we got evicted now here it is may and the car was repossed again and they want $2000 to give the car back (we have a bunch of stuff in the trunk still) so she says she's not gonna get the car back (whatever) but my question is how tf am I supposed to help her get them into a house if she couldn't care less about the bills because of her and her friend spending all the money? There's no way to track her spending either because she withdraws all the money in cash..... Also this other woman has access to the bank account for whatever reason and my grandad won't do anything about that either.......I'm really thinking they need someone to take over their finances and handle everything for them but there's no one to do that but me and if I do I feel like they would resent me and it's still be me putting my life on and my husband almost split up because of how much Ive been doing to try and help them but my grandma keeps screwing things up and then wants to have a pity party about how she's tired of doing everything herself and she's
submitted by OriginalSplit3782 to homeless [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:47 Outrageous_Map6355 Mentally preparing myself to dislike Alicent sucks (as an Alicent fan)

I initially got into the show and later became a green stan for Alicent because I genuinely liked her character and felt for her, but as I’m seeing more of season 2 along with leaks etc I’m feeling down about where Alicent’s character is likely going.
Obviously, the season hasn’t aired yet so maybe I’m just being dramatic and I really want to be wrong but god her character is going to suck if they continue to make her this mopping loser whimpering for Rhaenyra. I understand her wanting peace and reprimanding Aemond for being violent because it’s in episode 1 and it’s established she wanted peace from the beginning, but if she continues to play more value in Rhaenyra over her own children it’s not going to translate well on screen.
Especially after blood and cheese. If she continues down this path of perpetual Rhaenyra apologism and ass-kissing, I’m fully done with the character. Your daughter had to watch her son get murdered and you still choose Rhaenyra over her? Ridiculous.
I know a lot of people will counter by saying Alicent is probably a lesbian and she did have a close bond with Rhaenyra in the beginning, but I just find myself more pissed off by that explanation than anything. I’m a bisexual woman who experienced similar traumas to Alicent so I understand some of her reactions (hence why I started liking her in the first place), so this whole “it’s because she’s gay” excuse doesn’t work, sorry. I don’t care how much I like anyone, I’m not going to continue to defend them when I have no reason to or when it could endanger my loved ones.
Ok we get it, she likes girls and felt attached to Rhaenyra because of a 20+ year situationship. Let’s wrap it up now. You can still make Rhaenyra and Alicent the center by allowing their relationship to naturally deteriorate, you don’t have to sacrifice their devotion to their causes or their character traits to make theme remain. Hell, I’d rather watch her fuck Johanna Westerling, a whore, literally anyone else if they want to shoehorn her being a lesbian that badly.
It’s not an act of force or love. It would just be plain betrayal, selfishness, and stupidity. She forced her kids into this. She raised them, specifically her sons, to be warriors and somehow resents them for becoming the violent and bloodthirsty men she wanted them to become. Regardless if she likes it or not, does she not have an ounce of sense or loyalty?
I’m just not buying it. Aegon never wanted to be king and was forced to by Alicent who constantly told him he would die if he didn’t. Aemond just wanted her love and would do almost anything for her approval. Helaena was a child bride at the behest of her own mother and gave birth to children early, proceeding to lose those children for the sake of a fraction Alicent doesn’t seem to care much about because “RhAeNyRA”. Daeron spent most of his life away from his family to secure the Reach and likely does not have a bond with them in preparation for this war. But they want me to believe Alicent is the biggest victim and I should care because she and Rhaenyra are the center?
Give me a fucking break.
submitted by Outrageous_Map6355 to HOTDGreens [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:47 This-Technology1124 AITAH I stopped speaking to my mom and now my whole family won't speak to me

TW: abuse
(Note: I have ADHD sorry if this is hard to follow)
About 5 months back my fiance and I moved in with my mother and stepfather for a week bit as we were behind on finances and couldn't afford to pay our electric bill. They offered to help, and we accepted making sure that we cleaned up after ourselves and contributed where we could.
Prior to this I had just been diagnosed with PTSD and was dealing with depression. I confided in my mom that I was going through it and that I was getting treatment and that my fiance and I were also receiving food benefits for the time being while I was getting back on my feet. After this she told me that "she wishes I would just stop taking medication and be happy". It upset me that she was minimizing my mental health but I brushed it of, assuming her intentions were good.
Fast forward a couple days later and I'm running errands with my mom and sister. (Im the oldest of 3 girls). My mom gets into a road rage incident and nearly gets all 3 of us in an accident because she was tailgating someone. We got home safely after but my mom was with my sister and I for not defending her actions. My sister consequentially was screamed at by my stepdad about how "disrespectful" she was being to our mom. I listened to this argument, not on purpose but because I could hear him yelling at her from where I was in the basement. It tore me apart to see my sister so upset and stuck in this home where I don't feel like she or my youngest sister are respected.
Later that day my mom seemed to lighten up. I was making conversation about food costs in our area (because I'm really cool) and my mom said "well maybe don't use your food benefits on fiance and you'll actually have enough to last you.". This really upset me. My fiance and I had been going through a tough time but we had always supported each other. We live together- of course I'm going to use it on him.
My anger was bubbling but I stayed silent. She then asked "did I make you mad? What did I even say?" and I responded "maybe we just shouldn't talk about things we don't know". That was not the move and she went into a blind rage screaming about how she wanted to hit me.
For a bit of context, her husband, my stepdad, used to beat the crap out of me as a kid(kicking, pushing, slapping, etc). She would usually just sit there and watch and I never really forgave her for it.
Her saying she wanted to hit me triggered me. I was in such a negative headspace and I just mocked her tantrum, packed my things, and my fiance and I left. I then blocked her and my step dad on everything because my mom was blowing up my phone and I just didn't want to hear it. My mom must've noticed and quickly removed me from the group chat where my extended family keep in touch.
Since, my sisters, aunts, and grandparents barely speak to me. My cousin invited me to his son's birthday party and my fiance and I attended and I felt like I smelled bad. Everyone was avoiding me/avoiding eye contact. I feel like no one would be willing to hear me out.
As I feel more exiled I cant help but think I'm the asshole, but my mom has had questionable behavior all my life and I feel like she goes out of her way to hurt me. I love her but I feel like she doesn't take me seriously or even care that much about me.
I cried on mother's day wanting to reach out to her but I am afraid to give her a window into my life again because of her attitude. I've been dealing with it for 27 years and I reached my breaking point. Ultimately I just want my sisters back, I love them so dearly. Any advice helps. Thank you for reading ☀️
submitted by This-Technology1124 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:46 DooglyOoklin I had my first panic attack on Sunday. By Wednesday, my work put me on leave.

im sorry for the long post. i had to get it out.
I had never had a panic attack in my life. I'm 34. I woke up on Mother's Day and my whole right side felt strange. Tingling, numb. I felt this sense of dread. I don't usually go to the ER for anything, but I felt like I had to. My partner drove me. As we drove the 30 or so minutes to the ER, the symptoms got worse. The tingling, but now a tightening in my chest and a pain when I breathed in too much. I began hyperventilating and I was 100 percent sure I was having a stroke. I'm telling my poor partner I'm dying. It's happening rn and I'm so sorry. I'm telling them I love them. By this point, my wholw body is vibrating, like I was turned to the static channel. And then my hands cramped up and my feet too. My mouth drooped and my speech began slurring. I was dry heaving. it was the most intense and terrifying experience of my life.
We get to the hospital and he runs inside and tells them he thinks I'm having a stroke. Everyone inside looks bored....or not concerned. I get back pretty quickly and the nurses rip my shirt off and start sticking shit on me. One of the nurses told me I was panicking and I needed to breathe. I wasn't having a stroke, it was a panic attack. After some time my hands uncramped. The doctor tells me it's a panic attack but they were still going to do tests.
everything came back normal. my blood pressure was 180/110. They gave me BP meds and sent me home with literature on blood pressure.
I worked the next day against doctors orders. My Jon informed me it would be okay as my job isn't "strenuous" (I work as a behavioral specialist in a group home for girls). Everything was fine with my shift. I knew I had to eventually follow up with a primary but my insurance had not kicked in at work yet. I was just waiting it out.
Turns out, I was not fine. The next day I had off and I relaxed and bed rotted as much as I could. I hadn't slept much since Sunday. I was so scared of it happening again. Wednesday was a treatment meeting with all the staff. As I'm sitting there, that fucking tingling started. I had done some reading in case this happened. I said my ABCs, I sang the lyrics to, "I saw the signs" in my head, tried to engage with people, but by this point I looked absolutely insane, I'm sure. my head was covered in sweat. I managed to get up and ask my boss to step outside with me. she escorted me to her office and I just let it all out. I'm crying and shaking and trying to explain what's happening. she's talking to me and asking questions but I can barely keep up.
I'm told I need to go to the walk in clinic and get anxiety meds immediately (by my boss). she told me to call. I call and they tell me I can't do a walk in, I need mental health help. they transfer me to another person. that person is very confused as to why I was given blood pressure meds for a panic attack. she tells me I'm having an emergency event and need to go to the er and I needed to call an ambulance. I tell her I can't afford that. My mom was on her way. I was not alone. All this while I'm crying shaking and feeling very out of control. it was definitely nowhere near the first, though. That was insane.
I get to the ER and this time, they get a health history, they give me something for anxiety, they give me resources for trauma, they are much more understanding and helpful than the first time. I'm really very grateful for then.
But now I'm on medical leave until I "sort this out" as my boss says. I have an appointment on the 30th for a primary follow up followed by a meeting with a therapist. I'm very confused. Why? Why out of nowhere? I do not want to talk about my feelings and trauma. I don't remember much of the details anymore. I just want to be okay. I'm scared I'm still going to die. I feel like a loser for having a panic attack in the middle of a fucking meeting. I'm embarrassed. I'm just sitting at home with nothing to do until the 30th.
How are you guys doing?
submitted by DooglyOoklin to PanicAttack [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:46 thatasianketoguy Should You Feel Ashamed as an OnlyFans Chatter? Is It the Sex Work or the Potential for Fraud That Raises Concerns?

Should You Feel Ashamed as an OnlyFans Chatter? Is It the Sex Work or the Potential for Fraud That Raises Concerns?

Technology Behind Sex Work

Should You Feel Ashamed as an OnlyFans Chatter? Is It the Sex Work or the Potential for Fraud That Raises Concerns?

It’s complicated
Photo by RDNE Stock project:
Years ago, in the early days of online chat, I found myself caught up in a web of deception. This happened many moons ago, every day at 8 a.m. Manila time, which was 8 p.m. Eastern Time, I would wait until Russell went online. He was from New York and a fireman.
And he always did, right on the dot.
There were no apps then, all we had was Yahoo Messenger.
I’m not proud of what I did — it just happened. It was supposed to be a one-time chat, but instead, it went on for months, until I had to come clean and tell him the truth: that I wasn’t the woman in the photo I sent him.
I didn’t even know there was a word for it back then — catfishing.
Of course, when the truth was out, and when I never heard from him again, even if there was never money involved, which means I didn’t defraud him in exchange for sex work — I remember not only feeling hurt for a long time.
I felt awful for what I did — I lied and pretended to be someone else.

OnlyFans Chatter

The Truth About OnlyFans
These days catfishing has taken a new direction, and it is pervasive in the world of online sex work, with the popularity of OnlyFans it gave birth to an army of impersonators known as “chatters.”
It isn't easy to make money online, especially from writing. Anyone who promises you can make X amount if you buy their writing course is selling you not only lies but snake oil, and there’s a word for it — scam.
But I’m not here to preach, I’m here to understand.
I was surprised that my story on sugar dating, and sex work started to have readers. Are people interested in what goes on behind sugar dating apps, with sugar daddies, or mommies? Or is it because sex work, while it remains taboo, is a topic we all like to explore behind the dark walls of our privacy?
Online sex work had exploded.
We hear a lot of success stories, horrid tales, and even crimes that happen in the industry.
A booming industry in countries like the Philippines is an online work that nobody really talks about. If you happen to find yourself enticed to become an OnlyFans chatter, think again. Not only have you entered the rabbit hole of sex work, but you have essentially become a fraudster and in the Philippines, both are considered crimes.
OnlyFans models, many of whom started creating content to survive during the pandemic, soon discovered that there is so much money out there, and as always money brings out the worst in all of us.
To make more money as an OnlyFans model, you need more subscribers or to convince your existing fans to buy more content. While an OnlyFans subscription is only the beginning, the sky is the limit as to how much an OnlyFans model can make — and there lies the gray area of OnlyFans.
To scale their businesses, these models started hiring OnlyFans chatters, people willing to work for pittance in the hope they could make sales that would mean higher commissions from the models.
And what do they sell?
The OnlyFans model’s exclusive content, which can be as basic as a sex video or a special fetish request from a paying subscriber. As an OnlyFans chatter, you pretend to be the model, you become her even if you are a male chatter.
On the other side of the chat, the victim doesn't know he isn't talking to the OnlyFans model but worse to someone who is thousands of miles away, hired as a chatter from a poor country like the Philippines.
Worse still, the poor male fan doesn't know he could even be talking to another man pretending to be a woman.

The insidious economy of scale

Technology Behind Sex Work

Should You Feel Ashamed as an OnlyFans Chatter? Is It the Sex Work or the Potential for Fraud That Raises Concerns?

It’s complicated

Photo by RDNE Stock project:
Years ago, in the early days of online chat, I found myself caught up in a web of deception. This happened many moons ago, every day at 8 a.m. Manila time, which was 8 p.m. Eastern Time, I would wait until Russell went online. He was from New York and a fireman.
And he always did, right on the dot.
There were no apps then, all we had was Yahoo Messenger.
I’m not proud of what I did — it just happened. It was supposed to be a one-time chat, but instead, it went on for months, until I had to come clean and tell him the truth: that I wasn’t the woman in the photo I sent him.
I didn’t even know there was a word for it back then — catfishing.
Of course, when the truth was out, and when I never heard from him again, even if there was never money involved, which means I didn’t defraud him in exchange for sex work — I remember not only feeling hurt for a long time.
I felt awful for what I did — I lied and pretended to be someone else.

OnlyFans Chatter

The Truth About OnlyFans
These days catfishing has taken a new direction, and it is pervasive in the world of online sex work, with the popularity of OnlyFans it gave birth to an army of impersonators known as “chatters.”
It isn't easy to make money online, especially from writing. Anyone who promises you can make X amount if you buy their writing course is selling you not only lies but snake oil, and there’s a word for it — scam.
But I’m not here to preach, I’m here to understand.
I was surprised that my story on sugar dating, and sex work started to have readers. Are people interested in what goes on behind sugar dating apps, with sugar daddies, or mommies? Or is it because sex work, while it remains taboo, is a topic we all like to explore behind the dark walls of our privacy?
Online sex work had exploded.
We hear a lot of success stories, horrid tales, and even crimes that happen in the industry.
A booming industry in countries like the Philippines is an online work that nobody really talks about. If you happen to find yourself enticed to become an OnlyFans chatter, think again. Not only have you entered the rabbit hole of sex work, but you have essentially become a fraudster and in the Philippines, both are considered crimes.
OnlyFans models, many of whom started creating content to survive during the pandemic, soon discovered that there is so much money out there, and as always money brings out the worst in all of us.
To make more money as an OnlyFans model, you need more subscribers or to convince your existing fans to buy more content. While an OnlyFans subscription is only the beginning, the sky is the limit as to how much an OnlyFans model can make — and there lies the gray area of OnlyFans.
To scale their businesses, these models started hiring OnlyFans chatters, people willing to work for pittance in the hope they could make sales that would mean higher commissions from the models.
And what do they sell?
The OnlyFans model’s exclusive content, which can be as basic as a sex video or a special fetish request from a paying subscriber. As an OnlyFans chatter, you pretend to be the model, you become her even if you are a male chatter.
On the other side of the chat, the victim doesn't know he isn't talking to the OnlyFans model but worse to someone who is thousands of miles away, hired as a chatter from a poor country like the Philippines.
Worse still, the poor male fan doesn't know he could even be talking to another man pretending to be a woman.

The insidious economy of scale

Who would have thought the capitalist concept of the economy of scale would find its way into the adult content industry?
Sex work has come a long way. It used to be a one-on-one transaction, today we have platforms like OnlyFans that allow an adult content creator to become a business in itself, never before seen in the history of sex work.
First, let us define the meaning of economy of scale.
Economy of scale, in economics, the relationship between the size of a plant or industry and the lowest possible cost of a product. When a factory increases output, a reduction in the average cost of a product is usually obtained. This reduction is known as economy of scale. — Source
If you become a popular OnlyFans model, you will be surprised to learn that you can run your business 24/7 by employing agencies that in turn hire low-paid contractors in poor countries like the Philippines.
The chat specialists they give you, that was a huge deal for me,” she said. The agency provided a team of contractors whose sole job is to masquerade as the creator while swapping DMs with her subscribers. These textual conversations are meant to be the main way that OnlyFans users can interact with the models they adore. — Source
The OnlyFans ecosystem had evolved from being a mom-and-pop porn business into a billion-dollar platform where 190 million people are checking out their favorite OnlyFans model daily.
It is impossible even for anyone who found relative success in the platform to be able to talk to their fans because if they don't, that is a lost opportunity to further sell their products which usually are recycled adult content videos from their content library.
In a Reddit post of an OnlyFans chatter, the conversation had both its supporters and critics. While some would see their work as harmless, and that they are in sales, some recognize that they have become sex workers and while some become experts at being detached and call it part of their job, some have to learn how to desensitize themselves and focus on how they can make more money rather than check their moral values.
Not only do they have to take the persona of the OnlyFans model, but they also have to be engaging, knowing how to do sex talk which later on will need to progress to mastering the art of upselling, and by this means selling more sex videos from the creator.
As much as some would say it is just another way to make money online, and although they don't do any sexual acts themselves, they have become a sex worker, fraudsters, or both.
In its simplest definition, Sex workers are adults who receive money or goods in exchange for consensual sexual services or erotic performances, either regularly or occasionally.
By that definition, the OnlyFans chatter who engage in sex talk and make money from explicit content have undeniably become sex workers themselves.
And once you find yourself in the industry, it changes who you are, your morals and psyche — it just does. Even when I didn’t ask Russell for money, the lies I told him bothered me. I engaged in sex talk, pretended to be a female, and took advantage of Russell's vulnerability.
The whole experience changed who I was.

Final words

In the Philippines, you would even find tutorials on YouTube on how to be accepted as an OnlyFans chatter. There are also exclusive Facebook groups and anonymous Reddit groups where Filipinos would discuss their newfound online work.
A recent article from Wired showed a glimpse into the world of being an OnlyFans chatter, the whole OnlyFans ecosystem, why it had become a multi-billion dollar industry, and how it opened new businesses like chat management firms that hire these contractors.
What is fascinating about the article is that soon, there will be a class action suit against the people behind these chat management companies.
As one lawyer Carey argues, that the managers who run creators’ accounts are engaging in a type of bait and switch that fits the classic definition of fraud. “When you subscribe, the very first thing it says is, ‘Have a DM relationship,’” he said. “Well, that’s totally fraudulent … It’s an open secret they’re just defrauding people.” — Source
I don't judge anyone who finds themselves working as an OnlyFans chatter — the pay is good, and the likelihood of earning beyond what regular jobs can offer often blurs anyone’s moral judgment especially when you find yourself living in poverty like many of these young people in the Philippines.
OnlyFans has become a multibillion-dollar business, and it claims to be a technology company. Yet it all has the elements of sex work — the sex, the money, and potentially the crime.
They say prostitution is the oldest profession, and in today’s world OnlyFans is sex work 2.0.
I invite you to leave a comment and let’s have a conversation about sex work and fraud in the new era of technology.
Thank you for reading.Technology Behind Sex Work

Should You Feel Ashamed as an OnlyFans Chatter? Is It the Sex Work or the Potential for Fraud That Raises Concerns?

It’s complicated

Photo by RDNE Stock project:
Years ago, in the early days of online chat, I found myself caught up in a web of deception. This happened many moons ago, every day at 8 a.m. Manila time, which was 8 p.m. Eastern Time, I would wait until Russell went online. He was from New York and a fireman.
And he always did, right on the dot.
There were no apps then, all we had was Yahoo Messenger.
I’m not proud of what I did — it just happened. It was supposed to be a one-time chat, but instead, it went on for months, until I had to come clean and tell him the truth: that I wasn’t the woman in the photo I sent him.
I didn’t even know there was a word for it back then — catfishing.
Of course, when the truth was out, and when I never heard from him again, even if there was never money involved, which means I didn’t defraud him in exchange for sex work — I remember not only feeling hurt for a long time.
I felt awful for what I did — I lied and pretended to be someone else.

OnlyFans Chatter

The Truth About OnlyFans
These days catfishing has taken a new direction, and it is pervasive in the world of online sex work, with the popularity of OnlyFans it gave birth to an army of impersonators known as “chatters.”
It isn't easy to make money online, especially from writing. Anyone who promises you can make X amount if you buy their writing course is selling you not only lies but snake oil, and there’s a word for it — scam.
But I’m not here to preach, I’m here to understand.
I was surprised that my story on sugar dating, and sex work started to have readers. Are people interested in what goes on behind sugar dating apps, with sugar daddies, or mommies? Or is it because sex work, while it remains taboo, is a topic we all like to explore behind the dark walls of our privacy?
Online sex work had exploded.
We hear a lot of success stories, horrid tales, and even crimes that happen in the industry.
A booming industry in countries like the Philippines is an online work that nobody really talks about. If you happen to find yourself enticed to become an OnlyFans chatter, think again. Not only have you entered the rabbit hole of sex work, but you have essentially become a fraudster and in the Philippines, both are considered crimes.
OnlyFans models, many of whom started creating content to survive during the pandemic, soon discovered that there is so much money out there, and as always money brings out the worst in all of us.
To make more money as an OnlyFans model, you need more subscribers or to convince your existing fans to buy more content. While an OnlyFans subscription is only the beginning, the sky is the limit as to how much an OnlyFans model can make — and there lies the gray area of OnlyFans.
To scale their businesses, these models started hiring OnlyFans chatters, people willing to work for pittance in the hope they could make sales that would mean higher commissions from the models.
And what do they sell?
The OnlyFans model’s exclusive content, which can be as basic as a sex video or a special fetish request from a paying subscriber. As an OnlyFans chatter, you pretend to be the model, you become her even if you are a male chatter.
On the other side of the chat, the victim doesn't know he isn't talking to the OnlyFans model but worse to someone who is thousands of miles away, hired as a chatter from a poor country like the Philippines.
Worse still, the poor male fan doesn't know he could even be talking to another man pretending to be a woman.

The insidious economy of scale

submitted by thatasianketoguy to TheReactionRoom [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:45 arsecrack88 I dont know what to do

I had my first 14 years ago when i was 21 and remember crying to my mum when she was 1 saying id never do this again. Never have another. The overwhelming stress was intense. I couldnt handle the clinginess. It made me feel like i was drowning. But of course i had no choice but to power on. Shes a great 14 year old now.
I had a baby 8 months ago after telling myself it would be different this time. I could handle it. I have a solid partner who said he would love her more than life itself and he was true to every word. He dotes on her and gladly takes her to give me some space, which he can easily do because hes not working currently but is starting back in a fortnight. I am DREADING IT. Im back to where i was 14 years ago. The cries, the neediness, the thinking shes went for a nap when suddenly she opens her eyes and my breathing space goes out the window. Partner says when she cries i just have to identify one of the few reasons it could be; needs fed, needs changed, needs cuddles or is simply tired. Go through the options and it should be fine. I manage mostly but sometimes i just hear her cry and shut down, staring at her hopelessly or internally panic and continue whatever im doing, humming to myself to drown her out before i go take a couple mins to myself then return and go through the motions. The neediness is overwhelming also. Yesterday she wanted up repeatedly but when i picked her up she squirmed and cried to be let down again but then screamed to be picked back up. I just want to scream "WHAT IS IT YOU WANT??!" but i dont. Just thinking about it makes me want to hyperventilate. Im highely introverted and need my own space to unwind and my partner starting back work is going to reduce that greatly. I plan on getting myself tested for ADHD as im shit at other aspects of life like remembering to pay bills/attend important interviews/ observing deadlines for things, amongst other things. I dont know if thats even relevant to my post. I just wanted to rant and get it off my chest. I tried to post this to Breakingmom but it wouldnt let me :/ thanks for reading.
submitted by arsecrack88 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:45 Main-Emu1801 am am the asshole if i uninvite my “friend” to my sister’s confirmation?

hi this is my first time writing something on too reddit and i just want an outside opinion on this. so me (14 F) invited my “friend” let’s call her alya (14 F) too my younger sister bella’s confirmation a few weeks ago. If your unsure what that is it’s basically a catholic thing where you dress up really nicely that consists of a prayer to the Holy Spirit, the laying on of hands while the prayer is said and the anointing of the candidate with oil of Chrism in the church, usually after you go for food and have a party.
Where i live you go to the church make your confirmation then go for food and go to this place we call “the dogs” i’m not so sure of the real name so forgive me. it’s where you watch racing dogs do races and you bet on them also get food there etc.
Now abit of backstory on me and alya, we went to primary school together but we didn’t really become friends until 5th class (10/11yrs). we we’re extremely close from 5th class too the start of second year (13yrs) she tends to have abit of a victim complex, she thinks she’s never wrong and i have seen her genuinely switch up the story in situations and convince herself that’s what’s happened to make her in the right which is why i tend not to start trouble with her.
at the start of summer 2023 my friend group made a new “friendgroup” group chat and didn’t add alya because she was in a fight with one of the girls in the friend group and i assume didn’t add me i was alyas closest friend ?? i don’t know but after that the only friends i was left with were alya and kara (me alya and kara were a trio btw.) i was friends with kara since january 2023 and alya started befriending her in may 2023 and they became really close. so me and kara’s only friends were eachother and alya and we live about 5 minutes from eachother, whilst alya lives about an hour away (we met through school) so alya had friends out where she lived that she could go out with in the summer me and kara didn’t but we couldn’t go out with eachother without alya or else we’d be “leaving her out”. so me and kara did basically nothing all summer and alya didn’t come down often only once or twice so we could all only text eachother. a few months later when it hit october me and kara had been trying to organise hang outs for us but alya always had something else to do , she either had plans with her other friends or her boyfriend but keep in mind she’d get mad if we hung out without her so we didn’t. At one point after trying to organise a sleepover for weeks we decided me and kara were gonna have one, invite alya and if she wouldn’t come we just would have it anyway because we we’re sick of only getting to hang out when she wanted too. So the sleepover day comes around and in school that friday she told us that she had plans to go to town with her friend from where she lives so she can’t have the sleepover , so we said okay and had the sleepover anyway . she got really mad and said we were leaving her out and we we’re bad friends and we stopped talking.
she mended things with our old friend group and hung out with them in school (btw me and alya are in the same class whilst kara is in the year above us) me and my other people from my old friend group never have beef or anything because i’m not a confrontational person so when i found out they had basically kicked me from the friend group i never said anything and acted normal with them when school came around so i wasn’t fighting with them we were already talking again.
now after the fight me and alya we’re civil with eachother she would sometimes throw sly dogs at me but i would just ignore them. when like december had come around me and alya were (what i thought) talking again. she would get the luas home and i would walk a different way since i lived like 20 minutes from the school and she lives an hour but in december i thought we were okay again because on the days kara didn’t come to school (which was often) she starts walking home with me and then getting the bus home again like she used too one day we were walking home after school and i looked over at her phone and she was texting out mutual friend and she said how we were walking home together and the mutual friend went “oh i thought you said you were sick of her following you around all the time and and we’re just gonna ignore her if she talked too you again?.” and i pretending not to have seen it and never said anything but the point i’m trying to make is i’m pretty sure she’s friends with me too my face but shit talked me too others, now at this point (may) she’s back in the friend group and going out with them again . so she hangs around with them in school and honestly she only talks to me if i talk to her first. she constantly leaves me on delivered if i message her. btw me and kara aren’t friends anymore because she just got really close to another girl in her year and we slowly drifted. Now because we went to the same primary schools she was like oh what are you doing for your sisters confo and i told her and she kinda just invited herself so i just let her because again when you fight with her she makes it into this whole thing so i thought it’s just not worth it because i love alya. honeslty as mean as she is sometimes when we have our moments there the best it’s like our best moments are amazing but our bad moments are horrible i miss how close we used to be and i guess that’s why i still try maintain a friendship with her but i can acknowledge that she isn’t a good person at times and often finds ways to make everything about herself . like a few weeks ago my mam had to get texted for cancer and i was really upset and i told alya when we were walking home together and she started talking to me and bout how mer nanny died of cancer when she was 3 and i thought that was really mean of her too do . i can’t drop her because she’s my only friend i don’t have any other friends outside of school or anything i’m completely alone my only form of socialisation is school
basically iv noticed she’s been inviting other people to come to the confo. not to the meal but to the dogs after so she can hang out with them aswell but i don’t want this i don’t want my mam to spend the day playing for a my sister who’s making her confermation, me my other sister and then pay for alya to come just for her to invite other people to hang out with and not even be with me so i want to i invite her but i don’t know if that’s cruel since the confo is tomorrow but the only time she really speaks to me is to talk about the confo. because on one hand this day could (maybe) get me back into the friendgroup and i won’t be alone. anymore or i could be miserable the whole time. if i don’t invite her i can sit with my family and i won’t be alone but if i do invite her i have to hang around with her if that makes sense? like if she invites her friends and she’s with them i’ll basically spend my whole day miserable and following her around so what do i do i really need advice it’s tomorrow.
submitted by Main-Emu1801 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:45 pasteurlouis 100+ Tracks, Trading

Trades Only! DM If Interested
  1. 7 Days (Alex Wann X Sparrow & Barbossa Remix) Craig David
  2. 7 Seconds (Da Capo) " Coco, Joezi, Pape Diouf"
  3. 7nationChris IDH
  5. All I Got (Original Mix) " Mas_h, Ninae"
  6. All I Got (Original Mix) Massh ft. Adam Port "Mas_h, Ninae"
  7. Amana (Original Mix) " Maz, VXSION"
  8. Another Hallelujah (Mont Rouge Private Edit)Ankhoi_
  9. Apologize [Hoax (BE) Extended Remix] Timbaland ft. OneRepublic
  10. Arabic PianoTwo Lost Kings
  11. Around The World (JEAN PHILIPPE EDIT) A.T.C
  12. Aura Vs. Diamond Life (Robin Tordjman Remix)
  13. AyaMozambo
  14. BambolaHugel
  15. Bécane (KIMOTION X Quentro & Tuna)Yamê
  16. BelsunceMont Rouge
  17. Boa Sorte (Rockin Moroccin Edit)
  18. Butterfly Effect (&ME Remix) Travis Scott
  19. By Myself (Adam Port Chris IDH) ADASSIYA
  20. Caught In A Wave (&ME Remix)"Simian Mobile Disco, Deep Throat Choir"
  21. Collateral Damage (Moon J) Burna Boy
  22. Could You Be Loved (Bill Browne Edit) Bob Marley
  23. Dana Dana (Mont Rouge) " Avö, Guapo, Rayan"
  24. Darling feat. Aloe Blacc (Extended Mix) Shimza
  25. Day N Night (Jamy Nox Remix) [VULTÜRE Edit's]Kid Cudi
  26. Day N Night (Jamy Nox Remix) [VULTÜRE Edit's]Kid Cudi
  27. Drive (Da Capo Edit)Black Coffee & David Guetta
  28. Ella Elle L'a (Rampa Edit)France Gall
  29. "Ella, Elle l'a (Mont Rouge Remix) " France Gall
  30. Ephomnia Saralina Darmon Edit
  31. Eu Vou Pra Bahia (Extended Mix)DOT & Rachel Reis
  32. Everybody Get Up Samm & Maxi Meraki
  33. Faded (Alex Wann Remix) Zhu
  34. Faded (Consoul Trainin Afro Edit)Consoul Trainin
  35. Father Stretch (CS Remix)
  36. Finder (Matador Remix) Ninetoes
  37. Finesse (Antdot Remix)Drake
  38. Forever In My Mind " HUGEL, Alex Wann"
  39. Freed From Desire (Choujaa & Sasson Remix) Gala
  40. Fukumean (PISSI touch)Gunna
  41. GiantMoojo
  42. Girassol (Tato Remix)Ivyson
  43. Give It 2 Me (MOON J EDIT) "Busta Rhymes, Mariah Carey"
  44. Goodmorning V2Virgil x Rampa
  45. Goosebumps Vs. Yums (SiiNA EDIT) Travis Scott
  46. Gypsy Woman (Rampa Edit) Crystal Waters
  47. Hallelujah Anyway (Larse 2024 Edit)Candi Stanton
  48. Havana " Moojo , Carlita"
  49. Healing Confusion (Claes Sommer Private Edit)Moojo x Keinemusik feat. Ali Love
  50. Helwa Elbedayat (Shami Remix) Amr Diab
  51. Hey Hey (Capo & Comes Private Edit) " Dennis Ferrer vs Privatti, Placencia"
  52. Hey Hey (Da Capo & Kitty Amor Extended Remix) Dennis Ferrer
  53. I Feel Love (Donna Summers) VXSION
  54. I'll Be Missing You (HOAX BE EDIT) Puff Daddy X Fauth Evans X 112
  55. "It Goes Like Nanana (Alex Wann, Sasson Remix) " Peggy Gou
  56. It's Not Right (Moojo Remix) " Gianni Romano, Emanuele Esposito, Helen Tesfazghi"
  57. King feat. Xander Pratt (Extended Mix) " The Deepshakerz, Black Savan"
  58. La Travesia (Samm Touch) Juan Luis Guirra
  59. Lean Into The Sunshine " Sparrow & Barbossa, Young Saab"
  60. Little Things (Jorja Smith) Peace Control
  61. Locked Out Of Heavan - [Hoax (BE) & David Mackay Remix]Bruno Mars
  62. Lose Your Love (Extended Mix)Nico de Andrea & Rony Seikaly
  63. Love is GoneKlement Bonelli Feat. Jinadu
  64. Love Lockdown (Matt Sawyer vs Sasson Edit)Kanye West
  65. Love Lockdown (Vidojean X Oliver Loenn Afro Remix)Kanye West
  66. Macaron Moojo & Carlita FEAT. GABSY
  67. Makalu UVITA & Sasson
  68. "Malive, Luiza Gogoia, Morgado " Quinta
  69. Mamakusa"Busta, Rampa, Black Coffee"
  70. Mas Que Nada (Ahmed Spins Edit) Ahmed Spins
  71. More Love (Rampa &ME Remix) " Moderat, Keinemusik"
  72. More That You Know (Mont Rouge Edit) Axwell X Ingrosso
  73. Mossolou (Wilson Kentura Remix) Salif Keita
  74. Ms. Jackson (Moojo Remix)Outkast
  75. My Love (Alex Wann rework) " ROUTE 94, Jesse Glynne"
  76. Never Leave You (JAQUET EDIT) Lumidee
  77. O Amor Te Da_ (VXSION & Sone. Remix)Amanda Magalhães
  78. One Dance (Peace Control Remix)Drake
  79. Out Of Touch (Kashovski & Abel Ray PRIVATE)Daryl Hall & John Oates
  80. Oye Como Va Extended Demo
  81. Papaoutai (Franci Mercier REWORK) STROMAE
  82. Peperuke (Original Mix)Alex Wann feat. Nes Mburu
  83. Pjanoo (APE DRUMS EDIT) Eric Prydz
  84. Pump Up The Jam (Kimotion)Technotronic
  85. Queimar (Guapo remix)
  86. Ray Of Solar (Alex Wann & Sasson Remix) Swedish House Mafia
  87. Relax My Eyes (Mr. Moudz AFRO EDIT) MASTER EDIT ANOTR
  88. Save Your Tears (Alex Wann Remix) The Weeknd
  89. She Asked me to Dance Arodes & Fahlberg
  90. Shik Shak Shok (Kimotion Remix) Hassan Abu El So'oud
  91. Silencio (Extended Mix) GROSSOMODDO
  92. Super Flu Lovesong
  93. "Sweet Disposition (DSF, CHRIS IDH & DINO MFU Remix) "Temper Trap
  94. Take Care (Mili Edit)Drake Ft. Rihana
  95. Take Me Deep (Original Mix) RBØR
  96. Tanzania (Rampa Remix) Uncle Waffles
  97. Too Much " Hugel, Darmon"
  98. Touch Me (Peace Control Remix) Rui Da Silva
  99. Troy Samm(BE)
  100. True StoryLiva K
  101. Tuesday (GROSSOMODDO EDIT) Burak Yeter
  102. United In Grief (Bostjan Edit)Kendrik Lamar
  103. Vertigo (Carlita Remix)ANOTR
  104. Virgil Forever (Instrumental) Drake & Rampa
  105. Voulez-Vous (Madzoni Remix)Abba
  106. "Voyage, Voyage (Mont Rouge Remix)"Desireless
  107. WAIT FOR U (Montrouge Remix) " Future, Montrouge"
  108. Waiting for Tonight (Alex Wann Remix) v4J.LO
  109. Walking on a Dream *VXSION
  110. War Cry Mont Rouge x Sasson
  111. Water (Laureano Remix) Tyla
  112. Water (Vanco Remix) Tyla
  113. Water ft Travis Scott (Moojo Remix) Tyla
  114. Where Are You Now (&friends Remix) Justin Bieber
  115. World Hold on (Soubeiran & Sasson Remix) Bob Sinclar
  116. Ya Me Voy (Ft. Fuzzy Cufflinxxx) Gettoblaster Franklyn Watts
  117. Zulumke (Da capo's Dub)Lemon & Herb ft. Toshi
  118. ZurnaBadbox
submitted by pasteurlouis to afrohouse [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:45 Alert_Bit_4852 Visually passing isn't such a great thing after all

So I thought that having a feminine face and possibly body was going to make my transition easier, but it made me even more prone to criticism and misgendering. Because I was boymoding outside and overall wasn't really social since the start of my transition, I didn't develop a tolerance to transphobia. So every time someone sees my documents or just hears my voice, they start referring to me as a man. I know it’s nothing new for the girls that do not pass, but because I thought I was uncklocable, it basically crumbles my identity. Like I guess I’m just not really secure in my transness and every time someone misgenders me I feel like a fraud I feel like my whole transition is a quirk and I’m just playing dress up and ruining my life. I just feel like being passable placed me in a bubble and every time someone pierces it it’s extremely painful and gives me an existential crisis. This is also a post to all the boymoders out there, you have to try and push yourself out of your comfort zone because if you do not once you do start girlmoding and someone misgenders you it’s gonna hurt like shit.
Sorry for the rant btw
submitted by Alert_Bit_4852 to MtF [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:44 Calm-Astronomer-1 Please help. IS THIS GOD or not? #whoisGod

My head moves by itself and I really don’t think I asked God for this but if you want to be more clear about this because this seems to be about GOD… then, MAYBE when I was a lot younger, I might have asked God to give me a best friend that would go with me everywhere I went (everywhere I went….)…… and, Idk how long it took me to ask if God was the one moving my Head but at some point I asked this.. “God are you the one moving my head, if yes, can you move my head up and down” and my Head moved up and down. I then started asking questions but idk how long it took me to ask him if I’m going to heaven or not. I asked, and he said yes so many times over and over and over again… even making pacts with me swearing that im going to heaven but for some reason I was having difficulty believing him despite the fact that I have never killed anyone or done adultery or given false witness, I have stolen before which I repented of and had sex out of marriage because I didn’t know you couldn’t which I repented of.. also keep in mind I have believed in Jesus my whole life and I have never rejected him… but if my head is being moved by God, why is he moving my head? What did I do… because, by the way I don’t kill people or run around trying to hurt people… why is he moving my HEAD? Why not my hand or why not speak in dreams? Or why not appear to me physically instead? Now I keep wondering if he lies or not, how can I be sure he doesn’t lie? Then he told me this is not really a question you ask because if the they lie they lie and lie and there are things you can’t prove, Although he told me many times that I’m going to heaven, I really am having a hard time believing him and would like some help, I asked him if someone can ask him the same question many times and he said no by moving my head to the left. I think I asked many times and now he seems to be telling me no, but I seem to have asked a lot of times…I’m not sure what to think of my situation, please help. By the way before you claim this might be a demon, if a powerful force appears before you and claims to be God not a demon, will you still say this is a demon? He never called himself a demon or Baal or Satan when I asked who he was, and he is powerful because he is moving my head and responds to almost every question…. Then, he seems to have went further trying to prove he is God to me by blowing a very specific strong wind, by telling me the future when I asked, he proved he is able to know what you will do next before you even think of it, he has given others dreams about me telling them that a man with white hair and a white beard with blue eyes is standing in front of me (standing in front of me…..…)
submitted by Calm-Astronomer-1 to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:44 Cereal_Potato Best FAME Card to getd

Just to help some players for this 1.5 UTTU, these are, in my opinion, some of the best FAME cards to get, and you should also try getting multiple copies if possible:
For Beast unit/team: Always use [Red Land Rush] Vertin card, it's the best for Beast Team unit
  1. Shamane Fame Card - Glimpse of the Wild
  • Basically allows your team to gain additional moxie everytime you use your ultimate, works extremely well with Darcy and Leilani since giving them meaning you'll have +3 moxie every time they use their ultimate. You can cycle between them and have your dps (Spathodea/Melania/Shamane) to constantly use their ultimate easily. Can get up to 4 to have your whole team generate moxie to each other so you can constantly use ultimate even without Darcy/Leilani.
  1. Centurion Fame Card - Focus on the Lights
Only if you're using at least 3 Beast unit in the team, this allows +45% on your dps unit. Recommend to get 1 or 2.
  1. Sonata
Mainly equipped this on your support/non dps unit, can get 3 for maximum effect.
  1. Fire Worship (only if you have Spathodea)
Apply 6 stacked Burn on all enemies every turn. You can equipped this on your support if you have additional slot, basically makes it easier to stack the burn up to 15 stacks so Spathodea can deal more DMG, it also heals your team to increase survivability.
For Plant/Poison team: again, [Red Land Rush] is the best for poison team as well.
  1. Inevitable Side Effect
Inflict one 1T [Poison] every 2 rounds, can get multiple cards for this. Recommend to get 1 or 2 for your non-dps.
  1. A knight Fame Card - Another Sound
Inflict three 2T [Poison] everytime you use ultimate. Recommend to get at least 2
  1. The Night Show
Give more genesis DMG, mainly for Sotheby and Jessica. Recommend to get 1 or 2.
For Mineral Team: debatable, if you have Babel, then [Intermission] may be a better option, otherwise [Red Land Rush]
  1. Kaalaa Baunaa Fame Card - Boating Tiger
Mainly for your DPS, but can be equipped on support/secondary DPS too for DMG and survivability. Recommend to get 2 or more.
  1. Inevitable Side Effect (only for KB)
If you have other dps, this can be used as well, but it's especially useful mainly for KB so she can gain her orb quicker especially if you're running Babel moxie generator strats. Recommend to get 1.
  1. Another Sound
Mainly for your support unit, since they will then provide even more buffs to your dps, if you're running [Red Land Rush], the DMG you will get with this card combo with Boating Tiger are gonna be insane. Recommend to get 2.
For Toothfairy:
  1. Toothfairy Fame Card - Revenger 369
Only if your TF is not P2, this basically helps in survivability and ensure your debuffs always stay, also your leftmost unit (mostly your dps) will always gain 1 moxie with this. You only need 1.
For Ms New Babel:
  1. Kanjira Fame Card - Art of Driving
Ms New Babel with her counter becomes a freaking moxie generator! Coupled this with Vertin's card (Intermission) and Babel will always gain moxie for everyone including herself, works extremely well with 37 too for star affiliated stages. You only need 1.
  1. Warm Advocate
Basically [Intermission] but it's a FAME card! Extremely useful since it allows you to not use Intermission and opts for [Red Land Rush] instead! You only need 1.
For generic dps:
  1. The "Multilinguist"
Basically +DMG Dealt for every card used.
  1. What Lightning Is to the Tempest
Same but it's crit rate and crit DMG instead.
Hope it helps! Good luck with your run and remember that you can always skip UTTU if it's too hard, no need to stress yourself up, the main rewards are just skin... And it's for Darley lol.
submitted by Cereal_Potato to Reverse1999 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:44 st_jimi05 Did I do the right thing

I thought to give you the heads up I'm terrible at spelling n grammar sorry in advance. So I 21m n gf 21 I'm referring her as gf to make it ezer to understand. So context my ex 21 f I left after a year of abuse I was working to jobs to makes ends meet n if I didn't make enough money it would end in her breaking things and many other stuff I can't talk about cuse it's to hard to mentally she refused to get a job then I finally realised that it was toxic and terrible so I left. I tried to make it civil I gave her one of my cars n we agreed that she would pay me back the $4500 wich I never got wich I now get it was stupid. When I met my gf I told her everything and all this truma that came from it I thought she understood when my ex found out I was dating some one she threatened her n me saying how dare you date someone else you said you loved me and all that crap months go by we were awsome nothing bad we communicated amazingly then the other day I got a message from my sister saying that my ex posted a tick tock saying since my ex hurt me so much I became best friends with his gf. I sat on it for a day to think about then I asked my gf hey I saw this is it true she said yes I asked how long she told me over a month I said why didn't tell me when she 1st messaged you her response was cuse I didn't want to hurt you cuse u wouldn't understand I told her exactly cuse of the stuff you know but she couldn't see how badly this effected me I told her how could I know that u r talking to other people romantically n won't tell me since it would hurt me I might be over reacting n I might be insecure but this dishonesty hurt me so much if she told me soon as jt happend I wouldn't be hurt
submitted by st_jimi05 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:44 vforvinico [REQUEST][PC][STEAM] Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (3rd attempt)

Hello Everyone!
My name is Vinícius, I'm from Brazil and I have some history here in "Gift of Games", as I have requested "Diablo 4" 22 times, "Helldivers 2" 8 times and more haha!

What is Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance
SMT V: Vengeance is a very hard, strange and interesting JRPG, it has some dark themes that make it stand out from the majority of games on this genre.
The game features a monster catching system(more like demon catching in this case) that enables you to recruit, improve and fuse demons that you find everywhere. It is very unique because for you to recruit them you have to chat with them, and sometimes it doesn't work like you expected, the demons may not want to join you or maybe they even want to trick you into giving them something and just vanishing after, the outcomes are very funny sometimes.
The newer version improves the game in many ways, it has a lot of QOL features, but the biggest difference is a totally new campaign, since most fans thought it was the weakest point of the original version.

Why Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance?
I'm a very big JRPG fan and have been for many years, I like many of the old ones and also newer ones, but I'm specificaly found of the ATLUS games like the SMT and Persona series. They have such a personality that you can always be sure that they are made by ATLUS the moment you see a frame of it.
I have been waiting to play this game since 2021 when it released, since I don't have a Nintendo Switch, but it feels like even more time and I'm sure it will be worth it.

Why can't I buy it?
All games are very expensive here, I live in a small town in Brazil, a country in which the AAA games cost R$ 300(our currency is called Real) or even more, and the minimum wage is R$ 1.412, so it costs a big % of the minimum wage, it's absurd. I am a photographer who is still trying to make a living of it, I had many jobs before but some fired me and some I just could not keep up because they had a huge tow on my mental state. From my experience the only job that could maintain me without destroying my mental is photography, I just love it, and I took too long to realise that I could do something important with it.But the point is that not only AAA games, but all game prices here went up really fast on the last few years, and it's impossible to keep up with it. I am struggling at the moment to acomplish my objectives professionaly, and I believe that this game may make my days a little easier.
But the most important reason why I can't buy it is that my city right now is going through the biggest natural catastrophe the country has ever seen. I live in Pelotas, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, and we have many cities very close that were completely vanished because of a flood, and I mean that literally, some cities will now cease to exist because everything was consumed by water. The situation here is sad, we have never seen something of that magnitude in our lives, if you want to have an idea just search about it and watch some videos, it's devastating...
Now my city is also starting to suffer because of the flood, I think my house is probably safe for now, but now I can't even work, nobody can do anything until this passes, and even after that, we will have to deal with the problems that will appear. Some people lost everything they had, some people lost their family, their pets, the whole country is trying to help but there is no way to really stop it now.
So I basically just want this game to keep me sane during these dark times that we are living here, I know it will not make life easier, but it might bring me a little more joy so I can face the problems in a better shape than I am right now.

I think I don't have anymore to say, so I just hope someone reads this poorly written but full of sincerity text. 😁 Thank you SO much for giving me the opportunity to ask for something like this, you have no idea how much this means to me and how surprised I am that we have some people here with that kind of generosity!
Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance
Steam Profile
submitted by vforvinico to GiftofGames [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:44 bulliesrevival Skellie fort wasted.

Precursor: I am in no way mad about what happen. So no need for the that's what the game is. I'm pretty new. (Xbox and started about 1- 1 1/2 months ago. I was like everyone else that's new- super panicked about losing any loot. Over the last 2 weeks I realized, I really don't care about cosmetics or anything. I bought a sloop and brig, 1 hull, 1 cannon set, one capstan, etc. So the game has just become way more enjoyable. I still use all the original tools never bought anything really. Sitting on 3.4 mil and have no urge to spend it.
Story: Last night I was open crew with my brig. Knocked out a sea fort to start. Couple people joined and left but I just kept rolling with or without crew mates. Finish up sell and then dive to skellies fort. We are about 1-2 waves away from finishing. When teammate spots ship coming up. They definitely got the drop as I was focused on skellies. So they end up sinking my ship. But I get back onto land. My teammate bails. It's late I'm gonna log off anyway so I find a opposing crew member on land. I have pineapples and I yell hey you want a pineapple. He accepts. And apologizes for having sunk us. I say it's part of the game no worries. Then I tell him it's 2 waves from finishing the fort I'll stay alive and help them for as love as I can if they wanna finish it and collect the loot. They accept. We get to last wave and they yell out that they are gonna leave and I can have fort. I have no ship was planning on logging off so I did just that. But man after all that it stink just leaving that loot there. But since I wasn't about to waste time trying it sucks. All I wanted was someone to have my loot and they only needed to fight 1 more wave im sure they were wanting to do other stuff. Lol
TLDR: enemy sank my ship while doing skelly fort. Offered to help them finish my fort and they could have all the loot. They left at the last wave and no one got any loot.
submitted by bulliesrevival to Seaofthieves [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:43 TanyaSapien Practice Piece: Kyle's Departure

Note to the reader: This is a one-shot for writing practice and not canon to the Trappist universe I normally write in.
Everybody scoffs and rolls their eyes when given instructions they have no plan on following, and this was no different. Torrent Vindicti couldn't hit the delete button hard enough, the mutarin nearly chipping her claw in the moment of indignation.
A voice came from the other end of the bunks, “you alright, Tory? I felt that anger flare way over here.”
She silently scowled for a moment, exchanging an accusatory glance with one of her symbiont's tentacles before replying, “sorry, just really pissed off at some bureaucracy. Did I wake you?”
Kyle yawned and hopped down from his bunk, “Yeah. Was having a really good dream, was on this beach with a chick and…I'll skip the details but suddenly she's you and you were shouting something about murder and cowardice?”
She sent another telepathic flare, this time deliberately, contrition and apology, before speaking, “Yeah. A general advisory just came through on the news feeds. I um…I don't want to be the one to tell you, but your homeworld just had war declared on it.”
Kyle laughed a bit, getting a cup of khali juice from the drink dispenser, “who is it this time?”
“It still unnerves me just how efficient humans are at compartmentalizing their emotions. It's the Arakhin, who else?”
“That's hardly news. They're warmongers and the empire's got our back.”
“That's the part that pissed me off. I…look, I'm…so, our ship is technically company property and…”
The telepathic equivalent of an eyeroll came through before her symbiont began speaking through her, “Torrent sucks at using words, hi, Eddy here, we were ordered to send you to your death.”
Kyle just blinked, stopping mid-sip on his drink, “Okay, you have my attention. It's gotta be bad if Cur's hijacking your voice.”
Torrent and Eddy's tentacles twitched and she narrowed her eyes, still Eddy speaking, “please stop calling me that. I am Eddy, my image name is a type of current, not a canine.”
He just shrugged, “And my image name is a college frat stereotype, nobody's perfect. So how are you killing me, exactly?”
Torrent resumed being the one speaking, “The arakhin announced any and all humans found will be killed or taken as hosts on sight. The company has decided that having human crew onboard presents an unacceptable risk. We're supposed to give you your severance and dump you at the nearest station.”
She mentally braced, hardening her empathic receptors, expecting fury, worry, sorrow, anything in that spectrum. Instead she felt pure, unadulterated humor. The shock threw her completely off balance and she stared at him in confusion, both her minds struggling to make sense. It wasn't a trauma response, she'd been around humans enough to recognize the feeling when they slammed a door shut on an unwanted emotion, this was genuine.
Kyle noticed her blank stare and limp tentacles and he just smirked, “Glad to know they're finally afraid of us.”
She just blinked, giving a slight shimmer of her markings, a reaction he'd seen enough times to know it was the mutarin version of a confused shrug, as once again he was the source of the reaction.
He finished his drink before elaborating, “For being sanguivores, you guys really lack that predator insight. What kind of person puts out a KOS on an entire species?”
“Somebody who's angry?”
“Right. And arakhin are parasites, predators, egocentric to a fault. What makes a megalomaniac angry?”
It clicked and she gave an understanding “oohhh” in stereo, “heh, they're angry because they can't push you around?”
“Like a bully on the playground.”
“That's great for your species, but what about you personally? If I just dump you on a fuel depot on the tail-end of nowhere, you won't be able to find anybody willing to ferry a human, you might even get kicked out of the depot itself. People are panicking, arakhin are horrifying on a good day, but now they're on the warpath.”
“Let me worry about that. I take it Tourin and Granite don't know yet?”
“They're still in bed.”
“Look, I know it's eating you up, but–”
“Just say you don't want to go. I'll…we're near a nebula, I could say the transmission got corrupted. I could bide some time or something…”
“Tory, Cur, you two are a fine captain and I'm not gonna let my situation ruin a spotless record. I'll be fine. Just, you know, swing back around to pick me up after my friends finish making the galaxy's biggest lobster boil.”
“The other two won't stand for it.”
“Then don't tell them till after I'm gone. I'll borrow the starboard escape pod, we need to take it in for maintenance anyways, I'll patch it up while I'm out, maybe pick up some milk and bread…”
There it was, the pang she was waiting for. Finally his humor broke and she saw other emotions under the surface. It wasn't fear, though, it was sadness, with an undercurrent of loneliness, and something else, something buried. In spite of Eddy actively whispering in her mind not to reach out to it, she did. It was frustration, frustration and seething anger, pure, primal, and held like a caged beast deep in his subconscious. She doubted he was even aware it was there and quickly backed out before her intrusion into his mind was noticed.
He began transferring his passwords and files over, then gave her a terse salute, “Let's not complicate it with long goodbyes, alright? Just send the severance to that crypto account you kept mocking me for having. Finally coming in handy for something, right?”
She wanted to offer some platitude, but his emotions were starting to worry her. It was like watching a pot about to boil over. No, it was more like watching dents forming in a door as something on the other side strikes it, trying to escape. She simply gave a pulse of her markings, the equivalent of a nod, and sent him on his way.
The beast she saw lurking in his mind was actively burrowing to the surface.
She sighed to herself as she watched the escape pod shrink into the distance and Eddy spoke up in her mind, “I'd always thought the feral instinct thing was a myth. Never thought Kyle had something like that in him.”
Fear crept into the corners of Torrent's mind and Eddy coiled his tentacles on her arms, holding his host protectively, “You did the right thing for the safety of the ship.”
She sat like that for a while, staring at the black outside until she was snapped out of her trance by Taurin at the doorway, the Yenesh looked irritated and was holding up an empty box, “Where's Kyle? We're missing a rifle and ten plasma cells from the armory.”
Torrent couldn't help but smirk and start laughing, markings nearly strobing, “Oh I do not envy whatever arakhin bastard he crosses paths with first.”
submitted by TanyaSapien to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:43 wellsbank My GF’s (22F) sister in-law wants to talk to me (23F) about our relationship?

So my girlfriend of 4 years told me that her brother’s wife (we’ll call her Rain) wants to have a conversation with me. I’ll try to make this as short as possible but with enough details 😭 sorry!
At one point me and my gf hit a rough patch, We broke up. I ended up moving away to another state for work. I went out with an old friend from HS one day and we slept together. A couple months later me and my girlfriend decided we were going to get back together and work on our relationship, I moved back. She found out that I hung out with said friend and asked if we had sex, I told her the truth. But I didn’t tell her how I went out to brunch with the friend days later, because she thought that she violated me and wanted to apologize. During the time of telling my gf I wasn’t thinking about the brunch because I was so focused on comforting her because she was really hurt about it. She ended up finding out about the brunch later on and was upset which is understandable.
Many months later the woman I had sex with texted me her location with a message telling me she’s moving overseas and wanted to see me before she leaves. This was around the same time I went back to town for a modeling gig. I never responded or saw her but my gf just assumed I did once she saw the message. She eventually said she believes me and we moved past that situation overall.
One day I reposted a Facebook post that said “Where’s the girls that like to go Fishing,Hiking & Camping n shii the ones that really do like nature and ain’t boujie??” Rain took a screenshot of it, sent it to my gf and blocked me on Facebook. She read that as if I’m looking for another girlfriend instead of actual friends…Because for some reason people think just because I dress masculine most of the time that I can’t be friends with other women 🥴. My gf confronted me about it I explained it to my girl what it means and she moved on from it. I blocked Rain on Instagram.
But recently my gf’s been telling me how Rain has been telling her to break up with me since she found out I had sex with someone else (although we were broken up). Now that we have a family trip planned where we will most likely be going to Rain’s home she told my girl that she wants to have a conversation with me to make sure I don’t have bad intentions and how it’s awkward because we have eachother blocked on social media. There was no hard feelings when I blocked her, after she sent my gf that screenshot I felt it was best to not have her on social media considering she’s causing unnecessary drama within my relationship and I never even had my gf’s brother on social media so what’s the big deal with having his wife?? When reading what she sent my girlfriend it comes off as if she’s going to try to “check me” about what I did she said “We’re gonna try not to be aggressive about it”. Although we weren’t together I still feel like I don’t owe anyone else an explanation for what I did except my girlfriend. I also don’t feel comfortable staying in their home anymore after discovering how Rain really feel about me. It totally seems like she doesn’t like me at all.
My gf’s ex followed her on IG the other day. My gf told Rain how we were both shocked and that I was “talking my sht”. Rain automatically read that as if I was going off on my gf about it, her response was “LOL she’s mad at you about someone you haven’t talked to in years 😑” my gf shut it down and let her know I was not mad and that’s not what she meant. At this point it seems like Rain has some type of hatred towards me. Every time my gf brings me up when they’re texting she’s saying something negative about me. But now that I think about it when I first met my GF Rain was telling her I was going to cheat on her, like she was expecting me to be a bad partner which is still odd to me because in the beginning my gf was the one getting caught up texting her exes so why did she assume I was gonna be the one to cheat or break her heart? My girlfriend told me she had to defend me on multiple occasions when people tried to put dirt on my name in the beginning which is weird because why were they saying these things?? (A friend said it’s because I’m very attractive and some people think attractive folks are “fck boys” 😂😐)
But anyways I don’t feel like I need to talk to her brother’s wife about our relationship problems or what not. I probably would feel differently about it if we were like kids in high school or if it was her parents but her sister in law? Not necessary. I also feel like it’s wild to tell someone to leave their partner who they want to be with after they told you how important their relationship is to them. It seems like Rain has been waiting for something to happen to try to convince my partner to leave me. I don’t understand how I would have bad intentions and/or what would be my goal in the end? It isn’t like I’m using my gf, she isn’t funding my life or anything remotely close to that so why would I stay with her after everything we’ve been through with bad intentions? My gf understands how I feel, she says my feelings are valid. She says her brother and Rain are just being protective.
How would you handle this situation? What is a mature way to handle a situation like this?
Thank you in advance!
i don’t know if this matters but for more context me and my gf has been living with each other since 4 months after getting together. We moved across the country together when we were 19. So we’ve always been very serious about our future and relationship together. Very mature when it comes to certain things, obviously we met when we were young so there’s a lot of situations we have where we have to learn from them and learn who we are and what we’re growing to be. if that makes sense lol.
submitted by wellsbank to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:43 Calm-Astronomer-1 Please help. IS THIS GOD or not? #whoisGod

My head moves by itself and I really don’t think I asked God for this but if you want to be more clear about this because this seems to be about GOD… then, MAYBE when I was a lot younger, I might have asked God to give me a best friend that would go with me everywhere I went (everywhere I went….)…… and, Idk how long it took me to ask if God was the one moving my Head but at some point I asked this.. “God are you the one moving my head, if yes, can you move my head up and down” and my Head moved up and down. I then started asking questions but idk how long it took me to ask him if I’m going to heaven or not. I asked, and he said yes so many times over and over and over again… even making pacts with me swearing that im going to heaven but for some reason I was having difficulty believing him despite the fact that I have never killed anyone or done adultery or given false witness, I have stolen before which I repented of and had sex out of marriage because I didn’t know you couldn’t which I repented of.. also keep in mind I have believed in Jesus my whole life and I have never rejected him… but if my head is being moved by God, why is he moving my head? What did I do… because, by the way I don’t kill people or run around trying to hurt people… why is he moving my HEAD? Why not my hand or why not speak in dreams? Or why not appear to me physically instead? Now I keep wondering if he lies or not, how can I be sure he doesn’t lie? Then he told me this is not really a question you ask because if the they lie they lie and lie and there are things you can’t prove, Although he told me many times that I’m going to heaven, I really am having a hard time believing him and would like some help, I asked him if someone can ask him the same question many times and he said no by moving my head to the left. I think I asked many times and now he seems to be telling me no, but I seem to have asked a lot of times…I’m not sure what to think of my situation, please help. By the way before you claim this might be a demon, if a powerful force appears before you and claims to be God not a demon, will you still say this is a demon? He never called himself a demon or Baal or Satan when I asked who he was, and he is powerful because he is moving my head and responds to almost every question…. Then, he seems to have went further trying to prove he is God to me by blowing a very specific strong wind, by telling me the future when I asked, he proved he is able to know what you will do next before you even think of it, he has given others dreams about me telling them that a man with white hair and a white beard with blue eyes is standing in front of me (standing in front of me…..…)
submitted by Calm-Astronomer-1 to TrueChristian [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:43 Xdjessa java smp 18+

Hi, me and my bf want a smp so were gonna make one in a couple days. Its gonna be modded nothing crazy like dragons or anything like that or other dimensions but simple things maybe an animal mod and other little things.
We are going to be using aternos and will give everyone who joins permission to turn it on with instructions once the server is up but for now. You can just chill for a day or two.
We’re looking for people who are 18+. Theres not gonna be a storyline just for fun. Hoping for chill people who want to play, have fun, make some friends maybe. Please dont join if ur looking to grief or ruin the world… we are gonna instal anti greifing mods so it’s unlikely but… thanks
18+ please
Join the discord(
submitted by Xdjessa to mctestservers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:43 BeautifulJudgment982 Am I Ace?

So recently I came across a p0rn on X (I actually was searching for Hazbin hotel fan art and an actor named “Angel dust” appeared in video)
Little info ~ so I’ve never been in a relationship before- never had any desire for one, I don’t like being touched by people, or even when people get to close I don’t like it 😅
When this video popped up I was curious, and I felt absolutely nothing seeing it, no attraction to either party, and if anything I was extremely disinterested (I would not say repulsed but I wouldn’t go searching for anything like it)
That was the first time I’ve seen anything p0rnagraphic in video before, here’s where I’m getting a bit confused as to what makes a Ace person fall under that category ~
So I have no desire of being with another person, however I most certainly enjoy time with myself & would say I have a high libido, I also read some very very filthy smut fan fics (my a03 history stays between me and god)
Could I possibly be Ace, if I frequently read those types of fics, masterb8te, I will admit I have a rather fun brain that can twist a lot of sentences into very suggestive sentences, but yet I would have no interest in actually doing anything like it
I do find others attractive, but that’s about it, I’m not going to give it much thought when I pass by them
I don’t ever see myself in a relationship at all, friends yes, but nothing other than that is this a “normal” thing to feel?
Do your thing reddit people of the glorious web leave me a comment about what you think, I’m a bit confused to be honest & would love someone’s else’s take - and if there’s someone out there who has the same sort of mindset I have 🩵
Thanks for reading! (Also if there’s a spelling error, I can’t spell. 😂)
submitted by BeautifulJudgment982 to Pride_and_Positivity [link] [comments]