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2024.05.16 17:58 tangtommy 阿尔卑斯山谷之谜:一个中国家庭,一家瑞士旅馆和世界上最昂贵的武器

原文链接:阿尔卑斯山谷之谜:一个中国家庭,一家瑞士旅馆和世界上最昂贵的武器 - WSJ


Rössli酒店是这个阿尔卑斯山谷村落里的一家百年老店,从旅馆正面能欣赏到壮观的景色。站在装饰着蕾丝窗帘的窗边远眺,可见白雪皑皑的群山,融化的雪水汇入附近一道瀑布---福尔摩斯(Sherlock Holmes)系列小说写到的大侦探坠亡之地。
直到最近,对这座旅馆的最强烈抱怨还是来自年迈的邻居,他们因中国业主Wang家于2018年买下旅馆后关闭了旅馆餐厅而感到失望。虽然Wang Jin的妻子Lin Jing只说普通话,得用手势与人交流,但Wang Jin打了圆场,他用得体的德语向居民们介绍自己,让对方有受宠若惊之感——“非常瑞士”,其中一位居民说。
“我们当时非常惊讶,这听起来有点像一部电影,”附近迈林根镇的最高行政长官Juck Egli说。“我们这里因福尔摩斯而闻名,但这就像是迈林根的新谜团。”迈林根镇有一座博物馆和福尔摩斯的雕像,雕像上有他标志性的烟斗和鹿皮帽。
为解开围绕着Wang家这个如画小旅馆的谜团,《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)记者搭乘火车穿越了瑞士,查阅了土地登记和警方文件、居住记录,并与瑞士、中国、美国和欧洲的官员进行了交谈。记者们见到了村民、邻居和Rössli酒店的前雇员。尽管不是所有人,但他们中的许多人都认为,Wang氏夫妇的消失更多是美国过度干预的故事,而不是中国的间谍行为。
Rössli的前东家Kaspar Kohler说:“如果是特工人员行事,那么购买这处房产很可能是获取间谍成果的一种非常笨拙的方法。”
Wang氏夫妇的儿子Dawei曾在中国向瑞士报纸《Tages-Anzeiger》表示,这家旅馆唯一的问题是许可问题,他们打算回到瑞士。Dawei毕业于北京市新英才学校(Beijing New Talent Academy),这所国际学校一年的学费最高可达35,800美元,他后来曾在瑞士蒙特勒的瑞士酒店管理学院(Swiss Hotel Management School)学习。
瑞士联邦情报局(Swiss Federal Intelligence Services)不予详细置评,而是发送了一份《瑞士安全》 (Switzerland's Security)年度报告的部分内容。这些内容称,中国在瑞士以平民身份开展间谍活动的情况甚至超过俄罗斯:“中方人员主要以科学家、记者或商人的身份作为掩护。”中国驻美国大使馆称其与公众同时得知该旅馆已被关闭的消息。
Wang家向瑞士警方提供了位于北京北郊一个带门禁的美式砖结构别墅小区龙苑别墅的转寄地址,这里住着中国经济腾飞时期的一些新晋百万富翁。朝鲜独裁者金正恩(Kim Jong Un)同父异母兄弟金正男(Kim Jong Nam)的家也在这里,直到金正男于2017年在吉隆坡遇刺身亡。
多年来,每当欧洲喷气式战斗机从附近的简易机场起飞时,音爆声就会响彻这个由小木屋组成的古朴村庄。居民大多是老人,他们已习惯了隔着窗户看这些飞机,瑞士军方对窗户进行了隔音处理。飞机摄影爱好者经常聚集在附近的阳台上,拍摄“鹰狮”(Gripen)、F-5E/F “自由斗士”(Freedom Fighter)和“台风”战斗机(Eurofighter Typhoon)的视频。
几乎就在F-35战斗机飞上天空的同时,五角大楼向白宫发出警报:中国一心想要了解其中的机密信息。爱德华·斯诺登(Edward Snowden)在2015年泄露的美国国家安全局(National Security Agency)文件显示,中国黑客已窃取了有关该飞机数以万亿字节计的数据。
习近平当时已开始进行改革,将极大地扩展中国的间谍组织架构。2017年,中国通过了内容广泛的《国家情报法》(National Intelligence Law),规定中国公民有义务协助政府的间谍机构,该法写道,任何组织和公民都应当依法支持、协助、配合国家情报工作。
2018年,Kaspar Kohler终于为Rössli旅馆找到了买家。
Wang先生通过各种方式来缓解尴尬,他向村民们介绍了自己,进行了一些小规模的升级改造,比如粉刷百叶窗,布置一个普通的早餐台,提供面包和谷物食品。访客会稀稀拉拉地到来,而非蜂拥而至,他们经常留下好评:“亲切的一家人。” “非常友好的主人!”
村民们注意到,这家人有时会回北京待很长时间,包括一年中最赚钱的圣诞节期间。当被问及从哪里学会德语时,Wang Jin告诉他的新邻居,他幼时父/母曾在德国和瑞士做过外交官。
根据当地档案,Wang Jin童年时,曾有四位Wang姓外交官在瑞士工作,其中两位是武官。在西德任职的两位外交官中,一位在到任五个月后突然休病假离开。第二位于1969年到了西德,当时他是中国官方通讯社的记者,后来升任大使。
瑞士学者、《中国的欧洲总部:冷战时期的瑞士和中国》(China's European Headquarters: Switzerland and China during the Cold War)一书的作者Ariane Knüsel说,上世纪五、六十年代,许多驻伯尔尼的中国外交官都是间谍,他们将伯尔尼作为中共新成立的中国政府在欧洲开展间谍活动的中心。
并不只有他们对此感兴趣。一位当时在任的美国高级官员说,随着瑞士对F-35的兴趣与日俱增,美国情报官员和驻瑞士外交官开始一再警告说,以外交身份作掩护常驻湖畔城市日内瓦的的中国情报人员,正试图获取有关美国战机的情报。大使收到的报告称,瑞士并没有认真对待这些担忧。巴塞尔大学(University of Basel)的中国问题专家、会讲普通话的Ralph Weber说,瑞士联邦情报局只有大约五人专门负责中国事务。他说:“瑞中政治就是不以任何方式激怒中国。”
更为紧迫的事情是,Rössli旅馆需要找到新东家;一个瑞士家庭曾试图买下这家旅店,“但他们没有从银行获得贷款”,当地一位蛋农、坐落在该村镇的翁特巴赫机场委员会的成员Simon Zumbrunn如此说道。他认为Wang一家是无辜的。
Wang Jin后来又来向邻居们道歉,对他们造成的不便表示歉意,并表示要回中国一段时间。一位村民说,Wang Jin把钥匙留给了邻居,并请求让水管保温。
submitted by tangtommy to China_irl [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:56 Plastic_Finish1968 The Long Walk Home: chapter 10 (Tall Dark and Extraterrestrial)

Have you ever witnessed the first formation of life? I mean, I've seen my children, I was there for every step of the process if you know what I mean. Hah. But what I'm talking about is from beyond the beginning. The molten slag of a planet forming over millions or even billions of years into a habitable plane. Have you seen, from that very point, chemicals coalescing and reproducing? Amino acids and the forming proteins?
Well today, I found out, when you die in the crypts, you don't see a light in the end of a tunnel. You witness something truly beautiful and pointless.
I watched the birth of life from nothing. Short molecular protein chains. No cell walls, no encasing membranes. If DNA or genetic code of any kind was in their descendant's future, it wasn't present now. I watched it cling to the surface of rock, self-replication fueled by the warm free energy of a sun, millions of generations, hard work, decay, and new growth, only to be destroyed by a crashing wave. The weak hydrogen bonds were broken, as simple as that. The ancestor's hard work gone in a single blink-and-you-miss-it moment. Somehow I knew, wherever this was, that was all the life that planet would ever see until it was swallowed up by its star.
It was a quick fleeting spark. All the dramas and soap operas in the world could have taken place in a single raindrop. A unique potential, unlike any others, this planet's chosen ones, snuffed out before it could evolve to breathe its first breath. Rather grim isn't it? I don't know why I dreamt it, but there it was, a pointless creation followed by an equally pointless destruction. I guess it was a nice commercial break from the missing-arm-induced pain i was suffering. A wonderful hilucination, if a bit mocob.
Anyway, back to my unimaginable blood-curdling, mind-wrenching torture porn session. My eyes were closed a very long time, but when they did open, I was finally where I should be. Horizontal in a hospital bed, surrounded by trained surgeons. That said, it was on an alien world, and the surgeons were not trained in human biology. What's worse, they had no way to dull the pain.
Death would have been a blessing, unfortunately, the doctors were good, in spite of the unknown make, model, and engine size laying before them. 5 hours under an experimental knife, and I think an arc welder, is what it took to reattach my arm and fix my internal organ damage. 5 hours of poking and prodding and searing and stitching and pulling and zapping. All things considered, I am impressed it only took 5 hours. Ted's species was remarkable when it came to taking in new information and applying it in the real world. All their extra brains probably didn't hurt either.
If you remember, Ted's species came equipped with five extremity brains, and a central one. That's three for all three of his legs, two for both of his arms, and one in his central body. Ted would have had six individual minds within him before I found him dead in a ditch beside that interstellar sidewalk. By that point, only one, Ted, had survived.
After my, let's say, unique experience, I was left alone in a dark room to rest. Ted came by to visit. Oh yeah, he had a body now. He wore that "Tall, dark, and extraterrestrial" look well. He was easily 7 feet tall in his real body. Those Ted-fu moves should pack a real punch in a body like that.
"That reminds me. You wanted your fighting moves back, right?" My voice was terribly parched after my morning shouting sessions.
Shouting obscenities at medical proffesionals was about all I could do when Ted's doctors were busy inventing a new form of torture. Seriously, take notes. Good stuff in there.
"Keep them. That isn't going to be my concern here. It's hard to even walk now, let alone fight." He admitted. "I'm used to having secondary brains do all the work. I would only take over when the situation required. Now, I'm all I've got."
"Just another one of us handicap one-brainers," I taunted. "How does it feel to be on my level? Could you say you're just 'too single-minded?"
He laughed. I don't think I've ever heard Ted lower himself to laughing at one of my jokes. It wasn't even a good one. I know I could have come up with something better. Hold on. I- huh... well, I guess the moment has passed.
Instead, I teased him again. "so, you have a sense of humor after all."
"Always have. You just aren't funny." He shot back.
Then it was my turn to laugh at a bad joke.
"Bad idea!" I realized aloud. "Laughing hurts. Don't make me laugh."
There was an awkward silence before Ted finally spoke again. Our whole conversation was full of them.
"You're going back there aren't you?" He asked.
"I have to. I have a family somewhere, and I have to know if they're still alive. Something bad is happening on earth and I just want to be there to protect them."
"I don't think you ever will find out."
"Blunt and to the point today are ya?"
"Always have been. You just never listen. Im serious. I dont think you'll make it home."
There it was again, that quiet that kept creeping back up into our conversation.
"What if you run into Brad again?" He asked. "I won't be there to reboot your brain next time. You will either die or-"
"Don't tell me."
"Or you will suffer greatly, then die." He continued while checking his version of fingernails.
"I told you not to tell me. Now I can choose which option I like better."
"I'm being serious." He shot back at me. "You have no defenses against him."
"I know. I'm hoping he's dead. That's three shots from a Tedidian gun he has taken now."
Neither of us were convinced.
"Tedidian? That's the name you gave my species? I'm honored."
"I'm the first of my kind here, I get the naming privileges."
If our conversation took place over the radio, the host would be mortified. Not by the subject matter, no. The silence would be dubbed "dead air" and the host would desperately clamor for a new topic to keep the dialogue active and dynamic. We didn't have that luxury. I think Ted was sorry he couldn't have done more to help, but he would never admit it. I actually might miss him after all- Nah... Too stuck up his own butt to admit his shortcomings. I dont need a guy like that tagging along.
"Do you- mourn the loss of your secondary minds? Were they separate thinking entities?"
"I mourned their loss eons ago. I have moved on. Now I have to re-remember how to walk and talk and do math equations without them. I will be slower than my academic peers, but I have with me knowledge of the unknowable. That should make up for some of my deficiencies."
Eventually, Ted was ushered out. I needed the rest. The doctors here were good. They had managed to piece together this broken puzzle written with a completely different alphabet, and accelerated my healing a great deal. Not really a surprise, given they could build Ted a whole new body. I was back on my feet in a matter of 2 days, using my arm in 3, and back to 70% at 4. I dont think I'll ever make it back to 100%, but all things considered, this is pretty good.
It's hard to tell how long I have been away from earth, but given this trip was meant to last a very long time, I don't suspect I should miss my flight, so long as I find my portal. As long as I can find Eddy. So long as I can find all of them; Eddy, Rook, James, even Jyong and Me-Yan.
Ted's people had a similar arrangement to earth's at first. When Ted was an explorer, their portal was at the edge of the system, but they brought it down to their planet with rockets and parachutes after he and a few others never came back. The history was fascinating. They were a united planet, far and above the most advanced I have come across so far, but in spite of that, the portal slowly leeched off the planet, and spat out horrors beyond their imagination. What they once used as an interstellar fast travel, quickly turned into a speed bump, then a health hazard. There was a reason the builders set this portal so far away from the planet. It wasn't meant to be here, so Ted's people had to build a wall, with poor old lost Ted on the other side. They closely monitored the other side though, and were shocked to find the brain activity of a Tedidian coming from yours truly. That would be Ted's mind, shoulder to shoulder with mine, in my head if you weren't following along. Then they rescued me from Brad.
Speaking of, I asked around about Brad. Someone shot him, so that someone should know if he survived. I had to know if he would be waiting for me on the other side. Eventually, I asked the right person, who introduced me to my rescuer. He wore a white uniform and carried a big gun, even for Tedidian standards. I was kinda jealous. I like my pew pews, but these things were on another level.
He confidently told me that Brad was indeed "dead." I had Ted translate for me whenever I spoke to a native, but they were quickly learning on their own how to speak Sean-ese. That's the language I told them I speak. Might as well leave a lasting mark. That confidence, however, did not come from a place I liked.
"But did you actually see it dead?" I pressed.
"Nothing survives a plasma arc, even a graze, let alone two." He scoffed. Or I think he scoffed. There is no universal interplanetary sign that someone is scoffing at you. You just have to pick up on subtle undertones of pride, shock, or snood. Ted had lots of snood. Luckily, he broke the mold. The people here were as different as people are on earth. I just happened to get the most insufferable one imaginable. Just my luck.
"Then call this thing 'nobody,' because it survived one before." I suggested.
His eyes widened, glad to see that was an interplanetary sign of surprise. "Th-that isn't possible."
"Oh, but it is." Ted interjected
Oh good, that thing could be waiting for me for all I know. I never thought I'd be scared to be without a Ted in my head, but there I was, terrified. He was right. Without him, I had no defense.
We were walking back to Ted's place when I began replaying the past events in my head. My vision was something I couldn't shake. It was real. I felt like I was one of those chains of self-replicating chemicals. That's almost all they were, chemicals, but they had every marker required to classify life. They even responded to change in the environment. They were short-lived bonded protein chains that consumed, produced waste, even grew by self-replication and bonding.
"Hey Ted," I started. "I wanted to run something by you."
"I'm listening, but let's keep it under 280 characters. I'm not in the mood for a marathon today."
I rolled my eyes. "Glad to see you're back to your old self."
"My old self? I've been trying to get back to that, but every time I open my eyes, there you are."
"Look here Dane Cook, I saw something after the attack. It was on another planet. I think someone is trying to show me something."
"You were also close to Brad at the time, who we know can alter your perception."
"Maybe, but this felt different. The first time he affected my mind, he put me in a dreamlike state. Then he used something familiar to me to disguise himself. This was different. I wasn't me, I was this green amino-acid chain with no protective coating. All I could sense were chemicals, no light, no sound, but I knew what was happening too, like I was watching from the outside at the same time."
Ted learned how to roll his eyes just now from me, and mimicked the action to an exagerated end. "Don't think much about it. Many Tedidians see a light at the end of a tunnel when we are close to death. Perhaps this is just your version."
"Perhaps." One thing is certain, even if it scares me, I would be glad to be without Ted. I almost forgot how annoying he was after our little bonding session.
"But I have a question for you. Who is Dane Cook?"
"My planet's worst comedian. Thats not the point."
The day did come that I had to leave, and Ted, in his usual fashion, refused to say goodbye. Instead, all he would say is "I won't be far behind." Cryptic, right? Like, what is that supposed to mean?
At first, I thought "Great. And right after I thought I got rid of him." But then I thought about it. It would be an interesting cultural slang to say "we will meet again." Does Ted believe in an afterlife?does he think I'll wimp out and come back?
Pointless questions aside, there was some good news. He gave me a new gun. This one made an even bigger "kaboom!" It was really fun. Heh. Haha. Gimme-gimme.
I was happy to see Jim-Bob waiting for me at the portal. I hadn't seen him since I set off that sonic weapon. Their feet are so sensitive to vibrations and sound, that weapon really messed with them. The Tedidian doctors had their work cut out for them fixing 5 listening organs per Jim-Bobidian. Together, all 20 odd Jim-Bobs and I, stepped through the portal to the nightmare world.
Now that I was on this side of the portal, I could see that Brad was gone. Oh boy, what fun. You know what else? I held onto that old piece of alien tech that Ted had his brain shoved into. I thought it would make a neat souvenir. Wouldn't you believe it if as soon as the doors closed behind me, I heard that S.O.B's voice saying "So, where to next?"
Ted copied himself yet again into that stupid thing. Didn't take long to figure out what he meant by "I won't be far behind."
"What the hell, Ted?" I shouted.
"Surprised to hear my voice?" He asked?
"More pissed than surprised. I thought I finally got rid of you."
"Oh stop it, you are happy to see me, admit it."
"I thought you wanted to go home. What happened to me just being a pair of legs?"
"Ah yes, but there's a crucial difference between that Ted and this one. This one is artificial, and doesn't get lonely. I am merely a copy of a personality. That way, when you die, I won't get homesick."
"I smell bullshit," I said.
Surprisingly, he didn't make an astronauts and diapers joke. Instead, he said "Got me. I am an explorer, remember? Even if I was homesick, I still yearn for the other-worldly. My adventuring days are not yet over, and this way, I can never die, unlike someone I know."
"News flash, Ted, you did die, and give me that self-aggrandizing crap you pulled in the beginning, and I'm throwing your immortal ass down the throat of the next giant monster I find."
"My path will remain rectilinear, and true."
"Rectum what now? I thought you only knew words I used in front of you. I don't even know what you said."
"True, but now I have learned how your language works, thus am able to intuit new words. You cannot convince me that was not a word. Go- 'look it up' or whatever when you get back to Earth. It means 'I'll stay on the straight and narrow.'"
"Then why didn't you just say so? You're already teetering on the edge of being too annoying to keep around, buddy." I threatened, but I had to admit, a translator would be nice.
I have to say, the next leg of the journey went on without a hitch. The Jim-Bobs, Ted, and I were making good time. Find a monster, kill it, find a planet, explore it, find another monster, kill it too. I found so many new planets, although most were dead or never had life to begin with. The odd part was, Ted was sure he had visited some before, and interacted with the residents, but there was nothing but rock where I stood.
submitted by Plastic_Finish1968 to humansarespaceorcs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:56 Plastic_Finish1968 The Long Walk Home: chapter 10 (Tall Dark and Extraterrestrial)

Have you ever witnessed the first formation of life? I mean, I've seen my children, I was there for every step of the process if you know what I mean. Hah. But what I'm talking about is from beyond the beginning. The molten slag of a planet forming over millions or even billions of years into a habitable plane. Have you seen, from that very point, chemicals coalescing and reproducing? Amino acids and the forming proteins?
Well today, I found out, when you die in the crypts, you don't see a light in the end of a tunnel. You witness something truly beautiful and pointless.
I watched the birth of life from nothing. Short molecular protein chains. No cell walls, no encasing membranes. If DNA or genetic code of any kind was in their descendant's future, it wasn't present now. I watched it cling to the surface of rock, self-replication fueled by the warm free energy of a sun, millions of generations, hard work, decay, and new growth, only to be destroyed by a crashing wave. The weak hydrogen bonds were broken, as simple as that. The ancestor's hard work gone in a single blink-and-you-miss-it moment. Somehow I knew, wherever this was, that was all the life that planet would ever see until it was swallowed up by its star.
It was a quick fleeting spark. All the dramas and soap operas in the world could have taken place in a single raindrop. A unique potential, unlike any others, this planet's chosen ones, snuffed out before it could evolve to breathe its first breath. Rather grim isn't it? I don't know why I dreamt it, but there it was, a pointless creation followed by an equally pointless destruction. I guess it was a nice commercial break from the missing-arm-induced pain i was suffering. A wonderful hilucination, if a bit mocob.
Anyway, back to my unimaginable blood-curdling, mind-wrenching torture porn session. My eyes were closed a very long time, but when they did open, I was finally where I should be. Horizontal in a hospital bed, surrounded by trained surgeons. That said, it was on an alien world, and the surgeons were not trained in human biology. What's worse, they had no way to dull the pain.
Death would have been a blessing, unfortunately, the doctors were good, in spite of the unknown make, model, and engine size laying before them. 5 hours under an experimental knife, and I think an arc welder, is what it took to reattach my arm and fix my internal organ damage. 5 hours of poking and prodding and searing and stitching and pulling and zapping. All things considered, I am impressed it only took 5 hours. Ted's species was remarkable when it came to taking in new information and applying it in the real world. All their extra brains probably didn't hurt either.
If you remember, Ted's species came equipped with five extremity brains, and a central one. That's three for all three of his legs, two for both of his arms, and one in his central body. Ted would have had six individual minds within him before I found him dead in a ditch beside that interstellar sidewalk. By that point, only one, Ted, had survived.
After my, let's say, unique experience, I was left alone in a dark room to rest. Ted came by to visit. Oh yeah, he had a body now. He wore that "Tall, dark, and extraterrestrial" look well. He was easily 7 feet tall in his real body. Those Ted-fu moves should pack a real punch in a body like that.
"That reminds me. You wanted your fighting moves back, right?" My voice was terribly parched after my morning shouting sessions.
Shouting obscenities at medical proffesionals was about all I could do when Ted's doctors were busy inventing a new form of torture. Seriously, take notes. Good stuff in there.
"Keep them. That isn't going to be my concern here. It's hard to even walk now, let alone fight." He admitted. "I'm used to having secondary brains do all the work. I would only take over when the situation required. Now, I'm all I've got."
"Just another one of us handicap one-brainers," I taunted. "How does it feel to be on my level? Could you say you're just 'too single-minded?"
He laughed. I don't think I've ever heard Ted lower himself to laughing at one of my jokes. It wasn't even a good one. I know I could have come up with something better. Hold on. I- huh... well, I guess the moment has passed.
Instead, I teased him again. "so, you have a sense of humor after all."
"Always have. You just aren't funny." He shot back.
Then it was my turn to laugh at a bad joke.
"Bad idea!" I realized aloud. "Laughing hurts. Don't make me laugh."
There was an awkward silence before Ted finally spoke again. Our whole conversation was full of them.
"You're going back there aren't you?" He asked.
"I have to. I have a family somewhere, and I have to know if they're still alive. Something bad is happening on earth and I just want to be there to protect them."
"I don't think you ever will find out."
"Blunt and to the point today are ya?"
"Always have been. You just never listen. Im serious. I dont think you'll make it home."
There it was again, that quiet that kept creeping back up into our conversation.
"What if you run into Brad again?" He asked. "I won't be there to reboot your brain next time. You will either die or-"
"Don't tell me."
"Or you will suffer greatly, then die." He continued while checking his version of fingernails.
"I told you not to tell me. Now I can choose which option I like better."
"I'm being serious." He shot back at me. "You have no defenses against him."
"I know. I'm hoping he's dead. That's three shots from a Tedidian gun he has taken now."
Neither of us were convinced.
"Tedidian? That's the name you gave my species? I'm honored."
"I'm the first of my kind here, I get the naming privileges."
If our conversation took place over the radio, the host would be mortified. Not by the subject matter, no. The silence would be dubbed "dead air" and the host would desperately clamor for a new topic to keep the dialogue active and dynamic. We didn't have that luxury. I think Ted was sorry he couldn't have done more to help, but he would never admit it. I actually might miss him after all- Nah... Too stuck up his own butt to admit his shortcomings. I dont need a guy like that tagging along.
"Do you- mourn the loss of your secondary minds? Were they separate thinking entities?"
"I mourned their loss eons ago. I have moved on. Now I have to re-remember how to walk and talk and do math equations without them. I will be slower than my academic peers, but I have with me knowledge of the unknowable. That should make up for some of my deficiencies."
Eventually, Ted was ushered out. I needed the rest. The doctors here were good. They had managed to piece together this broken puzzle written with a completely different alphabet, and accelerated my healing a great deal. Not really a surprise, given they could build Ted a whole new body. I was back on my feet in a matter of 2 days, using my arm in 3, and back to 70% at 4. I dont think I'll ever make it back to 100%, but all things considered, this is pretty good.
It's hard to tell how long I have been away from earth, but given this trip was meant to last a very long time, I don't suspect I should miss my flight, so long as I find my portal. As long as I can find Eddy. So long as I can find all of them; Eddy, Rook, James, even Jyong and Me-Yan.
Ted's people had a similar arrangement to earth's at first. When Ted was an explorer, their portal was at the edge of the system, but they brought it down to their planet with rockets and parachutes after he and a few others never came back. The history was fascinating. They were a united planet, far and above the most advanced I have come across so far, but in spite of that, the portal slowly leeched off the planet, and spat out horrors beyond their imagination. What they once used as an interstellar fast travel, quickly turned into a speed bump, then a health hazard. There was a reason the builders set this portal so far away from the planet. It wasn't meant to be here, so Ted's people had to build a wall, with poor old lost Ted on the other side. They closely monitored the other side though, and were shocked to find the brain activity of a Tedidian coming from yours truly. That would be Ted's mind, shoulder to shoulder with mine, in my head if you weren't following along. Then they rescued me from Brad.
Speaking of, I asked around about Brad. Someone shot him, so that someone should know if he survived. I had to know if he would be waiting for me on the other side. Eventually, I asked the right person, who introduced me to my rescuer. He wore a white uniform and carried a big gun, even for Tedidian standards. I was kinda jealous. I like my pew pews, but these things were on another level.
He confidently told me that Brad was indeed "dead." I had Ted translate for me whenever I spoke to a native, but they were quickly learning on their own how to speak Sean-ese. That's the language I told them I speak. Might as well leave a lasting mark. That confidence, however, did not come from a place I liked.
"But did you actually see it dead?" I pressed.
"Nothing survives a plasma arc, even a graze, let alone two." He scoffed. Or I think he scoffed. There is no universal interplanetary sign that someone is scoffing at you. You just have to pick up on subtle undertones of pride, shock, or snood. Ted had lots of snood. Luckily, he broke the mold. The people here were as different as people are on earth. I just happened to get the most insufferable one imaginable. Just my luck.
"Then call this thing 'nobody,' because it survived one before." I suggested.
His eyes widened, glad to see that was an interplanetary sign of surprise. "Th-that isn't possible."
"Oh, but it is." Ted interjected
Oh good, that thing could be waiting for me for all I know. I never thought I'd be scared to be without a Ted in my head, but there I was, terrified. He was right. Without him, I had no defense.
We were walking back to Ted's place when I began replaying the past events in my head. My vision was something I couldn't shake. It was real. I felt like I was one of those chains of self-replicating chemicals. That's almost all they were, chemicals, but they had every marker required to classify life. They even responded to change in the environment. They were short-lived bonded protein chains that consumed, produced waste, even grew by self-replication and bonding.
"Hey Ted," I started. "I wanted to run something by you."
"I'm listening, but let's keep it under 280 characters. I'm not in the mood for a marathon today."
I rolled my eyes. "Glad to see you're back to your old self."
"My old self? I've been trying to get back to that, but every time I open my eyes, there you are."
"Look here Dane Cook, I saw something after the attack. It was on another planet. I think someone is trying to show me something."
"You were also close to Brad at the time, who we know can alter your perception."
"Maybe, but this felt different. The first time he affected my mind, he put me in a dreamlike state. Then he used something familiar to me to disguise himself. This was different. I wasn't me, I was this green amino-acid chain with no protective coating. All I could sense were chemicals, no light, no sound, but I knew what was happening too, like I was watching from the outside at the same time."
Ted learned how to roll his eyes just now from me, and mimicked the action to an exagerated end. "Don't think much about it. Many Tedidians see a light at the end of a tunnel when we are close to death. Perhaps this is just your version."
"Perhaps." One thing is certain, even if it scares me, I would be glad to be without Ted. I almost forgot how annoying he was after our little bonding session.
"But I have a question for you. Who is Dane Cook?"
"My planet's worst comedian. Thats not the point."
The day did come that I had to leave, and Ted, in his usual fashion, refused to say goodbye. Instead, all he would say is "I won't be far behind." Cryptic, right? Like, what is that supposed to mean?
At first, I thought "Great. And right after I thought I got rid of him." But then I thought about it. It would be an interesting cultural slang to say "we will meet again." Does Ted believe in an afterlife?does he think I'll wimp out and come back?
Pointless questions aside, there was some good news. He gave me a new gun. This one made an even bigger "kaboom!" It was really fun. Heh. Haha. Gimme-gimme.
I was happy to see Jim-Bob waiting for me at the portal. I hadn't seen him since I set off that sonic weapon. Their feet are so sensitive to vibrations and sound, that weapon really messed with them. The Tedidian doctors had their work cut out for them fixing 5 listening organs per Jim-Bobidian. Together, all 20 odd Jim-Bobs and I, stepped through the portal to the nightmare world.
Now that I was on this side of the portal, I could see that Brad was gone. Oh boy, what fun. You know what else? I held onto that old piece of alien tech that Ted had his brain shoved into. I thought it would make a neat souvenir. Wouldn't you believe it if as soon as the doors closed behind me, I heard that S.O.B's voice saying "So, where to next?"
Ted copied himself yet again into that stupid thing. Didn't take long to figure out what he meant by "I won't be far behind."
"What the hell, Ted?" I shouted.
"Surprised to hear my voice?" He asked?
"More pissed than surprised. I thought I finally got rid of you."
"Oh stop it, you are happy to see me, admit it."
"I thought you wanted to go home. What happened to me just being a pair of legs?"
"Ah yes, but there's a crucial difference between that Ted and this one. This one is artificial, and doesn't get lonely. I am merely a copy of a personality. That way, when you die, I won't get homesick."
"I smell bullshit," I said.
Surprisingly, he didn't make an astronauts and diapers joke. Instead, he said "Got me. I am an explorer, remember? Even if I was homesick, I still yearn for the other-worldly. My adventuring days are not yet over, and this way, I can never die, unlike someone I know."
"News flash, Ted, you did die, and give me that self-aggrandizing crap you pulled in the beginning, and I'm throwing your immortal ass down the throat of the next giant monster I find."
"My path will remain rectilinear, and true."
"Rectum what now? I thought you only knew words I used in front of you. I don't even know what you said."
"True, but now I have learned how your language works, thus am able to intuit new words. You cannot convince me that was not a word. Go- 'look it up' or whatever when you get back to Earth. It means 'I'll stay on the straight and narrow.'"
"Then why didn't you just say so? You're already teetering on the edge of being too annoying to keep around, buddy." I threatened, but I had to admit, a translator would be nice.
I have to say, the next leg of the journey went on without a hitch. The Jim-Bobs, Ted, and I were making good time. Find a monster, kill it, find a planet, explore it, find another monster, kill it too. I found so many new planets, although most were dead or never had life to begin with. The odd part was, Ted was sure he had visited some before, and interacted with the residents, but there was nothing but rock where I stood.
submitted by Plastic_Finish1968 to HFY [link] [comments]

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submitted by AutoModerator to globalpromo [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:49 Ok_Banana6658 [For Sale] Breakwater, Ohio Players, 100 proof, Bob Marley, Sam Cooke, Roy Ayers Ubiquity, LTD, Eugene Record, The Modulations, Sounds Of Blackness, killer pieces dont miss out

Hey folks, selling a few records, shipping is $5. If you're buying more than 1 deals can easily be made I'm pretty flexible, ships from Texas. Grade: (record/ sleeve).
Breakwater- Splashdown.VG+/VG+. Original press, excellent copy of an amazing album, I think this might be my recommended pick of the post. Beautiful blend of soul and funk here. Super hard to find clean and if you do it's not at this price. $29.
Ohio players- Pain. VG+/VG+. Original press on westbound. The Ohio players westbound releases are getting real hard to find clean these days, here's a great copy. $18.
100 Proof- Aged in Soul. VG/VG-. Original press on the hot wax label. I being conservative calling the wax VG, it really has very minimal light non feelable lines. The front cover has ring wear, jacket has hole punch top right corner, no splitting. Super hard to find this soul record. $19
Bob Marley- Exodus. Sealed/Mint. Original US press. Exodus is embossed on front, lions embossed in back. No bar code, on island. 7720 sunset boulevard Los Angeles address. So I've had two copies of this album sealed for over 10 years. Sold one earlier this year here on reddit this is the second and last copy. Absolute rarity to find an original sealed. VG copies of this are going for around 50 bucks y'all I think is a pretty fair price. I'm sure some moron would list for much more on discogs. $100
Sam Cooke- Live at the Harlem Square Club. VG+/VG. Original release. Record plays great, very few faint scuffs. Jacket in great shape with light wear. Great copy of one the greatest live albums of all time. $35
Roy Ayers Ubiquity- A tear to a smile. VG+/VG+. Original press. Vinyl is super clean, jacket in shrink. One of my favorite Roy albums, killer jazz funk. $30
Prince- Controversy. VG/VG. Original '81 pressing. The wax is really clean with a few light marks. There's a small pen mark scribble on side 1 label which is the main reason a graded vg. Jacket has some wear to the spine. This is a nice copy. $19
LTD- Love to the World. VG+/VG+. Vinyl is super clean in original pictures sleeve. Jacket in excellent shape. $14
Eugene Record- The Eugene Record. VG+/VG. Record is super clean, jacket in great shape, legible spine and no tears. Great copy of a nice soul album I don't see a lot. $18
The Modulations- It's Rough out here. VG+/VG-. Original press, the vinyl is clean, light hairline towards the end of very last track that causes a few ticks. Cover has wear on edges, light ring wear and 2" splitting top right corner at opening. Super hard to find soul record that is pretty clean. $28
Grace Jones- Nightclubbing. VG+/VG+. Original press on blue island label. Super clean wax. Bottom of front jacket has light ring wear. Such a well produced, fun album and man does it sound amazing on wax. Excellent copy. $18
Mutiny- Funk Plus the One. VG+/VG+. Original white label promo. Clean vinyl free of scratches, nice jacket. $15
Eddie Kendricks- Boogie Down. VG+/VG. Clean vinyl, jacket has edge wear. $3
Sounds of blackness- evolution of gospel. VG/VG+. Original us press. There's groove wear 30 seconds into the intro song" chains" that causes a a very quick jump. Rest of the album plays fantastic. Hype sticker on cover. I currently don't see any copies of this in the states for a reasonable price. $21
Anderson.Paak- Malibu. Mint/sealed. This is the original 2016 Europe 180 gram press with turquoise hype sticker. "SW234223" on the spine. My personal copy of this sounds great. Jacket has light corner creasing the top left corner. Note: my personal copy also initially had a corner crease and I imagine most will, two heavy 180 housed in a single pocket jacket will do that. There should be a poster in there when you open the shrink. I will bubble wrap this so the mailer is tight and the record is not moving around. $24
Donny Hathaway- The Best of Donny Hathaway. VG+/VG+. $12
Common- Be. VG+/VG+. Original 2005 pressing with STERLING in the dead wax. This is not the 2023 reissue from Canada. Both discs are in fantastic shape, jacket in great shape. $60
Clarence Smith- Whatever Happened to Love.VG+/VG. Original promo. Vinyl is clean, jacket has edge wear no seanl splits. For as long as Ive known this record it ha always been hard to find. Really nice funk, soul, gospel album. $30
Charles Lloyd- Moonman. VG+/VG+. This is the 1970 repress that came out the same year as original release with the red kapp label. Plays nicely. This is just a different album but different in a good way in my opinion. Just check it out, if you like buy it lol. 7 bucks.
Robert palmer- Pressure Drop. VG/VG. $5
Pat Lundy- Loving You-The funkiest feeling. VG+/G+. Record is clean. Jacket has splitting at the top and slight ring wear. This one is kinda rare. $8
James Brown- Live at home with his bad self. VG+/VG+. I played this one once. $15
Saturday Night Fever Soundtrack. VG+/VG. Discs are a Vg+ cover is a strong VG. $7
David T Walker- On Love. VG+/VG+. Original Us press. $26
Harvey Mason- Funk in the Mason Jar. VG+/VG. Original white label promo, vinyl iscl super clean. Play tested and sounds fantastic. The jacket has a promo cut top right corner. Just a real nice jazz funk album man. 7$
Houston person- Harmony VG+/VG. Record is pristine, jacket has very light staining due to age. $5
Thanks a bunch!
submitted by Ok_Banana6658 to VinylCollectors [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:48 Garukkar New to bass and want to learn how to jam along to music?

It's much simpler than you think.
Step 1: Put on music you like
Step 2: Let your body move to the groove, give yourself a good 30s-1m.
Step 3: Pluck the open E string to the groove. Does this sound good? Awesome! You're jamming. If it does not sound good, proceed to step 4.
Step 4: Now press the first fret of your E string to play an F. Does it sound good? Awesome! You're jamming. If it does not sound good, try the 2nd fret instead.
Step 5: Go back to step 4 as many times as you need until it sounds good and you're grooving.
Everything else--fifths, thirds, chords, arpeggios, melodic runs, etc. Are all dependent on the groove sounding good at its base.
Groove is more important than the note you play. If a note sounds off, simply move one semitone (fret) up or down, and you'll find something that sounds better.
Everything else works off this base.
submitted by Garukkar to Bass [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:39 Deutschuben I wrote a song and don't understand the theory behind it.

I wrote a song and don't understand the theory behind it.
I wrote a song with what I believe to be the following chord progression: C, G, F, Esus4, Am, E, Am, Bm7b5, Dm7, G, C.
It sounds interesting to me, but I'm not sure if I am getting the chord names right. I've been trying to experiment with extended chord progressions to create more interesting pieces. My theoretical knowledge is limited, so I'm unsure of this is modal, or just straight up key of C.
Also not sure I've ever heard this progression before.
Don't want to breach the rules on self-promotion in this sub, apologies if I have linked incorrectly!
Thanks for any feedback.
submitted by Deutschuben to musictheory [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:26 newmusicrls Trance (Raw Deep Hypnotic) Top 100 May 2024
  1. Luke Alessi, Chloé Caillet – 12 Inch Acid (Original Mix) 06:34 132bpm 10B
  2. Demi Riquísimo – Windows 95 Anthem (Chloé Caillet Remix) 06:54 135bpm 3B
  3. Protoculture – States Of Flux (Extended Mix) 07:38 126bpm 8A
  4. Sasha – Fleuron Drift (Theo Kottis Remix) 06:49 130bpm 7B
  5. Estiva – Via Infinita (Marsh Extended Remix) 06:34 128bpm 11A
  6. Pico Boulevard – Oblivion (Enlusion Remix) 10:18 128bpm 4A
  7. Duderstadt – Muhanjala (Dylhen Extended Remix) 07:00 124bpm 5A
  8. Ruben Karapetyan – Meteorite (Jerome Isma-Ae Remix) 06:29 124bpm 10B
  9. Dj Rafis – X Ponential Life (Original Mix) 08:12 132bpm 11A
  10. Nomas, Deestopia – Avantgarde (Extended Mix) 07:03 127bpm 8A
  11. Breeder – Tyrantanic (Freedo Mosho & Maze 28 Remix) 07:50 122bpm 8B
  12. Airwave – Alexanderplatz (Extended Mix) 07:57 132bpm 8B
  13. Airod – Meet Me In The Club (Original Mix) 05:27 145bpm 6A
  14. X-Coast – Marathon Man (Extended) 04:42 138bpm 9B
  15. Airwave – The Principles of Forgiveness (Extended Mix) 07:36 128bpm 12A
  16. Fuenka – Foundation (Basil O’Glue & Nomas Extended Remix) 07:58 126bpm 6A
  17. Protoculture – Starfield (Extended Mix) 06:50 126bpm 9B
  18. Solee – On the Other Side (Original Mix) 06:43 124bpm 4A
  19. Aldonna – The Empress’ Acid Line (Alex Kassian Remix) 07:58 133bpm 5B
  20. Der Dritte Raum – Trommelmaschine (2024 Remastered Version) 06:40 135bpm 10B
  21. Spray (IE) – Ceathair (Original) 05:29 135bpm 1B
  22. Airwave – Asteroids (Extended Mix) 06:31 128bpm 9B
  23. Stu McNally – Innerversions (Extended Mix) 08:09 124bpm 5A
  24. Pico Boulevard – Oblivion (Original Mix) 12:27 127bpm 7B
  25. Maruwa – Need It (Original Mix) 05:02 135bpm 7B
  26. Airwave – I’m Not Rank 1 (Extended Mix) 07:37 128bpm 2A
  27. Baldo, Third Son – This Is Your Brain on Music (Original Mix) 05:06 132bpm 12B
  28. Catz ‘n Dogz – Rave History (Maruwa Remix) 06:34 137bpm 6B
  29. Clint – Exosphere (Dance Mix) 07:32 132bpm 6B
  30. Clint – Exosphere (Main Mix) 09:05 135bpm 6A
  31. Ormus – Nahual (Extended Mix) 07:13 125bpm 6B
  32. Elfenberg – Cosmic Debris (Original Mix) 08:00 114bpm 11B
  33. Airwave – The World vs Spotify (Extended Mix) 05:26 132bpm 9A
  34. Regent – Aphid Riot (Original Mix) 05:50 144bpm 7A
  35. Vladimir Dubyshkin – glucose guardian (Original Mix) 05:10 140bpm 7A
  36. Indira Paganotto – Requiem (Extended Mix) 06:10 145bpm 6B
  37. Spray (IE) – Ratenplan (Original Mix) 06:10 136bpm 7A
  38. Alpha Tracks, KI/KI – To Nights (KI/KI Remix) 06:03 148bpm 7A
  39. Suki, Sniper1 – Purple Haze (Original Mix) 07:17 136bpm 5B
  40. Blanca Ross – Interfered AI (Original Mix) 06:13 135bpm 11B
  41. Lena Storm – Affection (Original Mix) 06:55 128bpm 1B
  42. Fuenka – Sirius (Anunnakis Extended Remix) 07:02 125bpm 9A
  43. YU-1 – Black Sky (Extended Mix) 06:44 124bpm 2B
  44. IZRAELL – Tornado of Soul (Fher Vizzuett Remix) 06:44 124bpm 12B
  45. Elfenberg – Horses for Courses (Original Mix) 05:36 132bpm 7B
  46. Spray (IE) – OT Rails (Original) 06:15 134bpm 3A
  47. Sekta – Sequence Start (Extended Mix) 04:37 145bpm 9A
  48. Abdul Raeva – Navigator 3000 (Original Mix) 06:48 130bpm 11B
  49. Cosmic Gate – Mirador (Extended Mix) 07:24 126bpm 5A
  50. Wilt, Jeff The Fool – Jericho (Original Mix) 04:45 133bpm 5B
  51. Clint – Alpine Breaks (Alex Kassian Remix) 07:49 131bpm 2B
  52. Viper (Trance) – Simulation (Original Mix) 06:30 70bpm 11B
  53. Elfenberg – Without Further A Dude (Original Mix) 06:04 136bpm 10A
  54. Wolk – Strong Enough (Extended Mix) 07:22 150bpm 6A
  55. F-Act, Allan McLoud – Another Day (Original Mix) 06:51 127bpm 11A
  56. Macker – Arrakis (Original Mix) 09:06 130bpm 5A
  57. Baldo – Ride the Night (Alex Neri Remix) 06:43 130bpm 9B
  58. Pico Boulevard – The Moon and Back (Extended Mix) 07:50 128bpm 4A
  59. Pablo Gargano – The Breeze (Original Mix) 06:52 124bpm 8A
  60. Christian Nielsen – Let Me Go (Luke Alessi Remix) 06:17 130bpm 7B
  61. Neither Nor – Immaterial (Original Mix) 04:43 152bpm 7A
  62. Sashtek – Hidden Pyramids (Extended Mix) 05:22 134bpm 7B
  63. Santiago Luna – Combustion (Extended Mix) 05:20 128bpm 11B
  64. Demi Riquísimo – The Force (Original Mix) 04:36 130bpm 5A
  65. TODDZ – Move Your Body (Original Mix) 05:43 130bpm 8A
  66. Introspecto – Fragments (Original Mix) 07:39 128bpm 5B
  67. Anetha – Terraphoria (Original Mix) 05:35 147bpm 10A
  68. Joel Bird – Existentialism (Extended Mix) 08:55 149bpm 4A
  69. Peppe Amore – Cassa Dritta (Original Mix) 05:47 150bpm 5B
  70. Alex Neri, Mennie – Rockets (Original Mix) 05:58 128bpm 8A
  71. Basil O’Glue, Nomas, Calantha – Edgerunners (Extended Mix) 06:20 128bpm 4A
  72. Daniel Lesden, Enlusion – Dark Entity (Hypnotic Mix) 07:57 130bpm 12A
  73. Partiboi69 – Playin’ (Original Mix) 05:24 134bpm 6A
  74. B FROM E – Amnesia (Original Mix) 06:15 132bpm 1B
  75. Ovnimoon – Feel on Me (Original Mix) 10:33 133bpm 5B
  76. Fuenka – Synnax (Extended Mix) 06:58 125bpm 8B
  77. Pig&Dan – Fusion (Original Mix) 07:29 133bpm 6A
  78. Bliss Inc – Higher, Vision (Original Mix) 07:30 67bpm 4B
  79. KI/KI – To the vibe (rework) (Original Mix) 07:36 148bpm 3B
  80. KI/KI – Leave it to the vibe (Original Mix) 06:58 145bpm 3B
  81. Mac Declos – Trust Your Eyes (Original Mix) 05:34 152bpm 8B
  82. Nordic Echoes – Ice Giant (Original Mix) 07:13 142bpm 7B
  83. Intuition – Arcana 17 (Original Mix) 06:04 150bpm 5A
  84. Ormus – Ometeotl (Original Mix) 07:00 125bpm 11B
  85. Obie Fernandez, KNBI – Concentration (Extended Mix) 06:56 125bpm 6B
  86. Demi Riquísimo – The Force (Spray Remix) 05:25 138bpm 12A
  87. YU-1 – Transformer (Extended Mix) 07:17 124bpm 3A
  88. Ayu, Alfred Czital – Body High (Original) 05:48 140bpm 8B
  89. Olsvangèr – Bubble Toy (Original Mix) 06:30 136bpm 6A
  90. Olsvangèr – Grand Slammin’ (Original Mix) 07:38 87bpm 7B
  91. NairLess – Dazzling Fantasy (Jex Opolis Remix) (Jex Opolis Remix) 06:11 67bpm 12B
  92. Freedom Fighters, Modus (ISR), Uncharted Territory – Odyssey (Original Mix) 05:01 140bpm 12B
  93. Rosa Red – Rhapsody (Known Artist Remix) 05:11 132bpm 8B
  94. Ben Prophet – Siberia (Extended Mix) 04:52 145bpm 12A
  95. Basil O’Glue – Affinity Space (Original Mix) 06:25 126bpm 5B
  96. UCast, Kamelon, CLAVIR – Escape (Extended Mix) 07:12 124bpm 8A
  97. Baraka, Spray (IE) – Think of Me (Original) 06:28 140bpm 8B
  98. Cosmic Gate – am2pm (Anunnakis Extended Remix) 06:19 124bpm 4B
  99. Match Box – Midnight (Bliss Inc. Remix) 07:00 138bpm 11B
  100. Chris Flannigan – First To Say Goodbye (Original Mix) 04:24 145bpm 12A
submitted by newmusicrls to HypeTracks [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:26 newmusicrls Psy-Trance Top 100 May 2024
  1. Rebuke, Anyma (ofc) – Syren (Amelie Lens Remix – Extended Mix) 03:16 142bpm 5A
  2. Neelix, Omiki, TOX1C, No/Me – Queen (Original Mix) 06:18 126bpm 10B
  3. Terra, Vini Vici, Sandhog – Gyoza (Extended Mix) 07:03 142bpm 3A
  4. Victor Ruiz – The Ritual (Original mix) 07:29 143bpm 2B
  5. Indira Paganotto – Vendetta (Extended Mix) 07:45 75bpm 11B
  6. Ace Ventura, Zen Mechanics – Come with Us (Asgard remix) 10:25 142bpm 4B
  7. Astrix, Ritmo – Ziran (Antinomy Remix) 08:10 141bpm 1A
  8. Charlotte de Witte – High Street (Astrix Remix) 08:24 138bpm 2B
  9. Liquid Soul, Alchimyst – Tranceform (Original mix) 07:01 138bpm 2B
  10. Mekkanikka, Audiosonic – Monkeys Get Drunk (Original Mix) 08:56 145bpm 4B
  11. Indira Paganotto – Gipsy Queen (Extended Mix) 05:26 101bpm 11B
  12. Formula None – Oracle (Original mix) 07:15 70bpm 1A
  13. Champa – Watch You Fly (Original Mix) 07:27 145bpm 9B
  14. Outsiders, Animato – Elastic Sunrise (Original Mix) 08:32 142bpm 7B
  15. Astrix, Rising Dust – Universo (Original Mix) 10:07 143bpm 1A
  16. Ital, Alienatic – Flying Saucers (Original Mix) 08:29 145bpm 12B
  17. Liquid Soul, Neodyne – Believe (Phanatic & Static Movement Remix) 07:51 138bpm 12B
  18. Modual, Djantrix – Not Even Close (Original Mix) 07:53 146bpm 2B
  19. Liquid Soul – Adrenaline (Kalki Remix) 07:53 98bpm 11A
  20. Earthspace – Time To Listen (Original Mix) 06:29 145bpm 12B
  21. Render, Kabayun, Daksinamurti, Radikal Moodz – Perpetual (Original Mix) 07:34 148bpm 2B
  22. Illumination, Endeavour – Nero Pulso (Original Mix) 06:14 147bpm 9B
  23. Imaginarium – Wait For The Beep (Original Mix) 07:27 146bpm 9B
  24. Nahalun – Collision (Original Mix) 07:11 142bpm 2B
  25. Formula None – Tokyo on Acid (Original mix) 06:38 144bpm 11B
  26. Tresh (FR) – Something Greater (Original Mix) 07:41 138bpm 6B
  27. MoRsei – Brain Signal (Original Mix) 07:30 145bpm 10B
  28. Electric Universe, Yasmin Levy, Vini Vici – Liberdade (Original Mix) 08:00 140bpm 9B
  29. Space Cat – Acid Gate (Original Mix) 07:19 142bpm 9B
  30. Digital Tribe, Soniq Vision – Omniverse (Original Mix) 08:37 143bpm 9A
  31. Megalight – Spectrum of Light (Original Mix) 06:38 142bpm 5B
  32. Gigi, Render, NoFace – Glory Hope (Original Mix) 06:50 148bpm 11B
  33. Render, Nukleall, Stereoxide – Nukleoxidrenderine (Original mix) 07:56 149bpm 4B
  34. Stryker, Mad Maxx – Guided Meditation (Original Mix) 09:01 86bpm 9B
  35. Interactive Noise, Lil Jorck – The Punisher feat. Lil Jorck (Extended Mix) 05:19 143bpm 4B
  36. Deedrah – Reload (Menog Remix) 09:52 148bpm 12B
  37. Tristan – Empire Of The Sun (Original Mix) 08:25 146bpm 10B
  38. DoubKore, Cosmic Wolf – Divine Entity (Original Mix) 07:17 145bpm 12B
  39. Oxiv – Time (Original mix) 09:36 140bpm 5B
  40. Lexxus (DE), Inner Lux – Hexagon (Original Mix) 07:40 145bpm 1B
  41. Querox, Monod – Enigma (Original Mix) 06:33 138bpm 10B
  42. Berg, Siello – We Call This Acid (Original Mix) 04:37 140bpm 1B
  43. Zen Mechanics, Divination – Mechanation (Original Mix) 08:20 138bpm 7B
  44. Electric Universe – Psychedelic Traveller (Original Mix) 05:56 142bpm 11B
  45. GMS, Infected Mushroom – Arabian Knights on Mescaline (Tron Remix) 07:56 145bpm 3B
  46. Lunatica – A Trip Called Life (Original Mix) 07:50 82bpm 4B
  47. DoubKore – Ionosphere (Original Mix) 06:22 133bpm 4B
  48. Porat – Undipresia (Original Mix) 07:17 141bpm 9A
  49. m.Mad – Burn (Original Mix) 06:15 89bpm 4A
  50. Eddie Bitar – Elements of Life (Original Mix) 06:38 71bpm 2A
  51. Sonic Entity – Beyond Life (Original Mix) 06:12 142bpm 2A
  52. GMS, Dickster – Euphorica (Original Mix) 07:56 148bpm 7B
  53. MoRsei – Sacred Planet (Original Mix) 07:56 145bpm 2B
  54. Montez, Illuzio – Lightspeed (Original Mix) 09:06 108bpm 1A
  55. Rinkadink, UNI – Ipomoea (DoubKore Remix) 08:08 72bpm 7B
  56. DoubKore, Mahaya – Jangala (Original Mix) 07:17 139bpm 4B
  57. Vini Vici – The Tribe (Bliss Remix) 07:36 142bpm 9A
  58. Konaefiz, Nikin – Waste (Original Mix) 04:14 145bpm 10B
  59. Phanatic – Techno Park (Magnifix Remix) 06:56 146bpm 3A
  60. Mekkanikka, Stryker – Macho Man (Original Mix) 07:23 145bpm 11B
  61. Liquid Soul, Dimitri Vegas, Like Mike, Vini Vici – Untz Untz (Extended Mix) 05:27 138bpm 7B
  62. Liquid Soul, Vini Vici – Universe Inside Me (Original Mix) 08:01 138bpm 9B
  63. Blau Transition, Altered Forms – Transition (Original Mix) 07:27 148bpm 9A
  64. Modual, Djantrix – Release Yourself (Original Mix) 07:27 146bpm 11B
  65. DoubKore – Secret Heart (Original Mix) 07:07 110bpm 5B
  66. DoubKore, Mahaya – DMT Experience (Original Mix) 08:53 110bpm 2B
  67. DoubKore – Eternal Gates (Original Mix) 07:39 83bpm 11B
  68. DoubKore – Soy El Shaman (Original Mix) 06:02 149bpm 11B
  69. Flow Theory – Sidetrkt & Beyond Senses – The Eagle Has Landed (Flow Theory Remix) 07:21 142bpm 2A
  70. Xandar – Whispers from the Void (Original Mix) 08:04 70bpm 3A
  71. Shekinah, Render – Playground (Original Mix) 06:58 147bpm 4B
  72. Purple Shapes – Vanaheim (Original Mix) 06:13 147bpm 9B
  73. Samra – Meruba (Original Mix) 06:45 107bpm 1A
  74. EYEawake – Jungle Run (Original Mix) 07:06 167bpm 5B
  75. Karmatrix – Spirals (Original Mix) 06:54 140bpm 7B
  76. Starlab (IN) – Seekers of the Eternal (Original Mix) 08:18 145bpm 7B
  77. Henrique Camacho, Ranty – Rush E (Extended Mix) 04:59 95bpm 8A
  78. Armin van Buuren, Hilight Tribe, Vini Vici – Great Spirit (Extended Mix) 07:37 86bpm 12B
  79. Astrix – Deep Jungle Walk (Original Mix) 09:15 138bpm 1A
  80. Nerd Acid, ZeiTrex – Space Travel (Original Mix) 06:00 136bpm 10B
  81. Synthetik Chaos, Dezzert – Geometries Variable (Original mix) 07:09 154bpm 11B
  82. Bellatrix – Miracle (Original Mix) 07:26 143bpm 4B
  83. Talamasca – A Frenchman In Belgrade (Original Mix) 08:01 118bpm 9B
  84. X-NoiZe, AZAX – Eternal (Original Mix) 07:58 145bpm 11B
  85. Entima – High Society (Original Mix) 06:27 142bpm 11A
  86. Render, Braingineers – Wanna be Famous? (Original Mix) 06:49 151bpm 9B
  87. Sentry – Limited Time (Original Mix) 08:41 118bpm 4B
  88. IKØN – Data Ocean (Original Mix) 08:52 141bpm 2B
  89. Space Cat, NO SPOON – Verify You Are Not a Robot (Original Mix) 07:12 71bpm 11B
  90. Henrique Camacho – Sitar (Vegas Remix) 06:07 109bpm 5B
  91. Mekkanikka, FNX – Breaking Mad (Original Mix) 06:40 75bpm 9B
  92. Relativ – Balkanika (Original Mix) 08:21 73bpm 6B
  93. Antinomy, Asgard – Tree of Souls (Original mix) 08:00 143bpm 1B
  94. Neelix, Interactive Noise – Next By Me (Original Mix) 04:42 124bpm 11A
  95. Anfisa Letyago – Danza (Original Mix) 05:47 145bpm 12B
  96. Freedom Fighters, Modus (ISR), Uncharted Territory – Supermassive (Original Mix) 06:40 144bpm 2B
  97. Valentinø – Ayacor (Original Mix) 05:34 160bpm 7B
  98. Invasion, Dang3r – Maneyma (Original Mix) 04:00 145bpm 9B
  99. Xamanist – Voyager (Original Mix) 08:42 144bpm 5B
  100. Static Movement – Sun (Original Mix) 07:47 138bpm 8A
submitted by newmusicrls to HypeTracks [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:25 amitzinman2020 Glencoe Bike Fair (video)

A bike fair is a magical place where kids learn, socialize and have fun and is an amazing part of Portland's bike culture. I was glad to watch the Glencoe elementary parent bike mechanic volunteers fix up kids bikes so that they can ride on their own, enjoying the freedom to get places in the fresh air.
submitted by amitzinman2020 to carfree [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:21 Spare_Locksmith_1490 Love my baby ! #BOOMchallenge #challenge #love #tigers #lions #family James GailF James GailF · Original audio

Love my baby ! #BOOMchallenge #challenge #love #tigers #lions #family James GailF James GailF · Original audio
Roar meow
submitted by Spare_Locksmith_1490 to cute [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:12 amitzinman2020 Glencoe Bike Fair Video

A bike fair is a magical place where kids learn, socialize and have fun and is an amazing part of Portland's bike culture. I was glad to watch the Glencoe elementary parent bike mechanic volunteers fix up kids bikes so that they can ride on their own, enjoying the freedom to get places in the fresh air.
submitted by amitzinman2020 to CyclePDX [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:57 JungleLiquor Simply Vanilla [Anarchy] {No Hacks} {1.20.6}

Welcome to Simply Vanilla, the hack-free Minecraft anarchy server you have been looking for! We have been online since 2019 with an ever-growing history guaranteed by not doing any map resets ever. Our current map size of over 10 TB speaks for itself.
IP : active : 30 to 70 • Renders : Spawn / Nether / End
Hacking and duping (except TNT, rails & carpet) are strictly forbidden and will be prosecuted with a ban. Vanilla world-borders and accessible Nether-roof will make your game-play as vanilla as possible. With only few rules you are given total freedom. Survive spawn, make your starter base, make allies, and conquer bases.
Subreddit : SimplyVanillaDiscord : :
We are hosted in EU giving all players in Europe an excellent ping while still being very good for North American players.
Join Today!
submitted by JungleLiquor to MinecraftServer [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:56 JungleLiquor Simply Vanilla [Anarchy] {No Hacks} {1.20.6}

Welcome to Simply Vanilla, the hack-free Minecraft anarchy server you have been looking for! We have been online since 2019 with an ever-growing history guaranteed by not doing any map resets ever. Our current map size of over 10 TB speaks for itself.
IP : active : 30 to 70 • Renders : Spawn / Nether / End
Hacking and duping (except TNT, rails & carpet) are strictly forbidden and will be prosecuted with a ban. Vanilla world-borders and accessible Nether-roof will make your game-play as vanilla as possible. With only few rules you are given total freedom. Survive spawn, make your starter base, make allies, and conquer bases.
Subreddit : SimplyVanillaDiscord : :
We are hosted in EU giving all players in Europe an excellent ping while still being very good for North American players.
Join Today!
submitted by JungleLiquor to mcservers [link] [comments]

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submitted by AutoModerator to globalpromo [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:15 Ur_Anemone ‘Tradwife’ Content Isn’t Really for Women. It’s for Men Who Want Submissive Wives.

‘Tradwife’ Content Isn’t Really for Women. It’s for Men Who Want Submissive Wives.
…For the uninitiated, “A tradwife (short for traditional wife) is a woman,” typically a conservative Christian, “who prefers to take a traditional or ultratraditional role in marriage, including the belief that a woman’s place is in the home,” according to one of the genre’s more popular creators. These conventionally pretty influencers depict themselves cooking elaborate meals, tending to their children and doing housework. Their posts sometimes come with florid captions about the joy and freedom that come from submitting to their husbands, because biblical submission doesn’t connote inferiority. They tend to dress either in 1950s cosplay or barefoot in gauzy, long dresses.
The whole discussion can be a trap because the content itself is meant to be a heightened provocation — some tradwife creators post things that they label as triggering opinions and then say they get so much hate for being stay-at-home moms. But they rely on that dissonance in order to create more engagement (which leads to more clicks and more money).
These posts have a way of painting feminists as haters who resist their true nature and casting career women in opposition to women who don’t work for pay. The reality is that stay-at-home moms and working moms are frequently just the same people at different points in their lives and that content creation is a paying job: My favorite example of this is the tradwife pitching a $5,900 set of courses on how to be a tradwife.
Further, there are tons of reasons any parent might opt to stay home that don’t require buying into tradwife values: Work isn’t always satisfying or well paid, some people want to spend a majority of their time with their kids, and child care is so expensive that it can push a lower-earning parent out of the labor market, to name a few. And as an avowed lover of #cleantok, I have no problem with content about household tasks, but that’s separate from what the tradwives are often cynically pushing. When people criticize the way tradwives troll, they’re very likely to respond that their detractors simply don’t value the hard work of raising children and running a household — when many of their critics value that work tremendously and do it themselves.
That said, I’m not particularly concerned that young women watching TikTok are going to be so influenced by this content that they’ll start fleeing the secular world en masse to submit to their husbands, live on farms and bake aesthetic pies. That’s because young women are increasingly rejecting this specific kind of domestic arrangement.
According to a November 2023 survey from the Survey Center on American Life at the American Enterprise Institute, 61 percent of Gen Z women said they considered themselves feminists, the highest percentage of any generation. And as the Survey Center’s Daniel A. Cox and Kelsey Eyre Hammond explained in April, “Young women are leaving church in unprecedented numbers,” partly because they “are more concerned about the unequal treatment of women in American society and are more suspicious of institutions that uphold traditional social arrangements.” Women are outpacing men in terms of college graduation rates, and prime-age women’s labor force participation is even greater than it was before the Covid pandemic.
Still, some tradwife creators appear to be popular if you look at their follower counts, and they certainly generate a lot of chatter. But I often think: Who is this content really for? Sure, some portion of their followers are probably like-minded women, but a new study from Media Matters made me wonder if the tradwife’s main audience is actually right-leaning men:
Media Matters coded and analyzed 327 recommended videos after exclusively interacting with tradwife content and documented what happened. We found TikTok’s recommendation algorithm rapidly populated our F.Y.P. [For You page] with conspiracy theory content and fearmongering, which made up nearly one-third of all videos served to the F.Y.P.
After interaction with tradwives, the study found, TikTok’s recommendation algorithm also served up “19 videos featuring extremist right-wing media figures,” such as Alex Jones and Nick Fuentes.
(A related idea, put forth by the journalist and internet commentator Max Read in a story by my friend Kathryn Jezer-Morton in The Cut, is that tradwife content is actually for men with something of a Donna Reed fetish: “Maybe it’s a different version of the e-girl phenomenon or the OnlyFans phenomenon. To the extent that I would worry about anything in the future, instead of creating a mass of tradwife women, it feels a lot like you’ll get one or two very famous ones, and a mass of simping male followers.”)…
Writing for UnHerd, Mary Harrington recently profiled Lauren Southern, a former right-wing influencer who left her husband and now describes her ultratraditional marriage as abusive. Harrington also spoke to another ex-tradwife, who said that “the men who self-select into these communities are often ‘wayward, antisocial, disagreeable and very, very misogynistic.’”
If there’s anyone to worry about watching and absorbing tradwife content to the letter, I suspect that it’s these men. There are too many stories about fathers and husbands who abuse the power they have over their families and too many stories about the wives and children who flee their coercive control. Instead of continuing to talk about tradwives on TikTok or other social media outlets, even to debunk their limited appeal, we should spend more time elevating the stories of the people who made it out of these circumstances. Unlike the manicured, well-lit vision of idealized submission, stories like West’s have no filter.
submitted by Ur_Anemone to afterAWDTSG [link] [comments]

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submitted by AutoModerator to globalpromo [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:27 RexBulby "The Cat Came Back" a music Roaring Kitty music playlist, May 13,14,15

Good morning!
After Roaring Kitty's tweets on Monday, I realized I needed a playlist of all of the days memes. So, I made one!
I didn't think I would continue after Monday (especially with the posts every 15 minutes), but with Rammstein and Missy Elliot now in the rotation, I found myself unable to stop.
So here are the fruits of my labors! Let me know if I've mussed anything and I will gladly make the adjustments!
The Cat Came Back Spotify Playlist [(]
If you would like to create your own playlist on Apple or on your Zune, here is a list of tracks!
*Music is alluded to, but not explicitly played
-Music is unavailable on Spotify
11:00:00 AM
The Ecstasy of Gold - Ennio Morricone
11:30:00 AM
Exit Music (For a Film) - Radiohead
Light of the Seven - Ramin Djawadi
12:00:00 PM
*1812 Overture - Tchaikovsky
Stand Up - Ludacris
1:00:00 PM
See You Again (ft. Charlie Puth) - Wiz Khalifa
Tick of the Clock - The Chromatics
1:30:00 PM
Ain't No Mountain High Enough - Marvin Gaye, Tammi Terrell
Dog Days Are Over - Florence + The Machine
2:30:00 PM
Farewell Ride - Beck
Enter Sandman (Live @ Tushino Airfield, Moscow, Russia, 9.28.91) - Metallica
3:00:00 PM
Narco - Blasterjaxx, Timmy Trumpet
3:30:00 PM
Wheel of Fortune - Hans Zimmer
4:00:00 PM
The Prowl - Dan Auerbach
8:00:00 PM
Bang! - AJR
11:00:00 AM
Counting Bodies Like Sheep to the Rhythym of the War Drum - A Perfect Circle
12:00:00 PM
Du Hast - Rammstein
12:30:00 PM
-Farmer in the Dell - Omar
Manners Maketh Man - Henry Jackman, Matthew Margeson
Scopin - Kordhell
1:30:00 PM
Gonna Make You Sweat - C & C Music Factory, Freedom Williams
2:00:00 PM
Batsuit - Michael Giacchino
2:30:00 PM
1.0_8-whatsyourask.m4p - Mac Quayle
3:30:00 PM
Cabrini Green - Philip Glass, Michael Riesman, The Western Wind
8:00:00 PM
End Credits - James Horner, London Symphony Orchestra
8:00:00 AM
Sexy Silk - Jessie J
8:15:00 AM
Back in the Saddle - Aerosmith
8:30:00 AM
Gorecki - Lamb
8:45:00 AM
The Daily Mail - Radiohead
9:00:00 AM
The Asteroid Field - John Williams
Come Along - Cosmo Sheldrake
9:15:00 AM
*Public Service Announcement (Interlude) - Jay-Z
*C.R.E.A.M. - Wu-Tang Clan
9:30:00 AM
Day 'N' Nite ft. Kid Cudi Geek Music Remix
9:45:00 AM
Mr. Niceguy - Will Smith
10:00:00 AM
This is Your Life ft. Tyler Durden - The Dust Brothers
10:45:00 AM
Roda - Brasil '66 & Segio Mendes
11:15:00 AM
Bye Bye Baby - Bay City Rollers
11:30:00 AM
Gossip Folks (ft. Ludacris) - Missy Elliot
12:00:00 PM
Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 2: No.10, Scene. Moderato - Tchaikovsky
12:15:00 PM
Gin and Juice - Snoop Dogg
1:00:00 PM
-The Greatest Trick - John Ottman
2:00:00 PM
Freaks - Timmy Trumpet, Savage
2:15:00 PM
Red Right Hand - Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds
2:45:00 PM
Fire Like This - Hardknox
3:00:00 PM
Underground / Storm - Burkhard Dallwitz
3:15:00 PM
A Monster - Waveshaper
3:30:00 PM
WINDMILLS - Ludwig Goransson
3:45:00 PM
White Rabbit - Jefferson Airplane
Main Title / Trinity Infinity - Don Davis
Alice - Pogo
4:00:00 PM
Karma Police - Radiohead
submitted by RexBulby to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:14 chaoschildtheseus Looking for sourcemates-

Helloo, I'm Tommy! I'm looking any sourcemates :)) I've had my first kinshifts back in 2015, and since then I've been looking for people like me. It was only a year ago I found out that "fictionkinning" is a thing and it's really made me happy since I'm actually aware of who I am now. I'll list my fictionkins below, feel free to interact! Kins with a 🔴 emoji means doubles should avoid interacting.
Abby Schmidt (FNaF Movie)
Alastor (Hazbin Hotel)
Aubrey (Omori)
Basil (Omori)
Captain Puffy (DSMP)
Cassidy (FNaF) 🔴
Cassie (FNaF)
Chara (UNDERTALE) 🔴 ((May interact if Chara is not one of ur high kins oand IDs))
Chizuru Sasharina (Wandering Son)
Craig Tucker (South Park)
Crybaby (Crybaby+K-12+Portals) 🔴 ((May interact if Crybaby is not one of ur high kins oand IDs))
Dreamworld Aubrey (Omori)
Elizabeth Afton (FNaF) 🔴
Fundy (DSMP)
Glamrock Chica (FNaF)
Asaya Hasekura (Hitorijme My Hero)
Hello Kitty (Hello Kitty)
Husk (Hazbin Hotel)
James Potter (Harry PotteMarauders Era)
Karl (DSMP)
Kris (DELTARUNE) 🔴 ((May interact if Kris is not one of ur high kins oand IDs))
Kuromi (Hello Kitty)
Kyle Broflovski (South Park)
LoLBit (FNaF)
Mangle (FNaF)
Mari (Omori) 🔴
Mrs Afton (FNaF) 🔴
Princess Sweetheart (Omori)
Ragatha (The Amazing Digital Circus)
Regulus Black (Harry PotteMarauders Era)
Rosie (Hazbin Hotel)
Sirius Black (Harry PotteMarauders Era)
Twelve (Terror in Resonance)
Sunny (Omori)
Susie (FNaF)
Technoblade (DSMP)
Tommy (DSMP) 🔴 (Doubles strictly dni) Passerine Tommy 🔴
Toy Chica (FNaF)
Tubbo (DSMP)
Tweek Tweak (South Park)
Vanny/Vanessa (FNaF) 🔴 ((May interact if Vanny is not one of ur high kins oand IDs))
Velvette (Hazbin Hotel)
Wilbur Soot (DSMP) 🔴 Edit: ((Depends on whether I'm kinshifting as Wilbur or not but you can interact))
submitted by chaoschildtheseus to fictionkin [link] [comments]

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submitted by AutoModerator to globalpromo [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:48 MountainSalt6337 Best App To Learn Guitar?

I'm 41, have been 3 chord strumming (badly) since 31. I never really learned more than basic country strum (alternate bass strings), and basic chords, G, C, Am, F, etc. I never practiced more than 15-20 minutes a day, and never more than a few weeks without putting it away for a few months.
I really want to get good now. I've been playing 60-120 minutes everyday for while. My favorite genre is old country like Hank Williams and Johnny Cash songs. I've just been playing songs I like from YouTube tutorials. I never use the dozens of song books I've bought over the years.
My timing is awful. And the harder chord progressions really trip me up. For example in Long Black Veil (the Lefty Frizzle version) it goes from E to B chord, which is a really tricky Barre chord. I can get the B chord if stop to position my fingers, but never fluently.
So I'm kinda intermediate I guess. What a good app for generally improving from this level, and also if there's one genre specific?
submitted by MountainSalt6337 to AcousticGuitar [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:18 ShmulikAdasha Flamenco explained for teenagers

The Flamenco is a way to produce complex music. Unlike Jazz, the tonality is not the only issue. The Mode (meaning, the order of the notes being played) has a major role in the genre. These songs, for example, are being played in the Phrygia mode instead of the major scale. If C major is "C D E F G A B C" E Phrygia is "E F G A B C D E" meaning - the main chords are the first 3 notes E, F, G. Usually, the staves ends on E to make this note a centered one so the Mode is being perfectly emphasized. In addition, each stave usually contains 12 eights: In Buleria for example it is (1) 2 3 (4) 5 6 (1) (2) (3) Just like in the song "I want to be in America". Listen to this playlist and see if you can recognize that. Enjoy!
submitted by ShmulikAdasha to Parenting [link] [comments]