Differin and doxycyline

Retinoid Support Group (tretinoin / retin-a, adapalene, differin, etc NOT retiNOLS or Accutane)

2014.05.07 00:08 Galahad_Lancelot Retinoid Support Group (tretinoin / retin-a, adapalene, differin, etc NOT retiNOLS or Accutane)

A place to discuss retinoids including tretinoin / retin-a, adapalene, differin, tazarotene, and trifarotene (NOT retiNOLs or Accutane). Stay moisturized!!

2021.11.04 15:19 lexicona Tretinoin and Skincare Products

This is a place to discuss about tretinoin and other skincare products like adapalene, differin, tazarotene, and trifarotene (NOT retiNOLs or Accutane). You can buy tretinoin online from legitimate sites. Tretinoin is a prescribed topical retinoid used for acne and anti-aging.

2023.12.01 06:52 bonvajya Thinking about making the appt again.

I’ve been struggling with my skin now for 10+ years. My main acne seems to be closed comedones, and I’ve learned a LOT about skincare since then.
I follow pretty legit routines and have been on every medication imaginable for acne, tret for 3 years, spirolactone, epiduo, differin, doxycyline, cylndamicine, gotten professional extractions and facials once a month, tried AHAS/BHAS/ BP, went vegan a year, cut out gluten, cut out inflammatory foods - change pillow cases nightly, don’t touch my face etc etc etc. I’ve done it all at once point or another and can’t seem to clear my acne, and I’m just done. I don’t want to go to on Accutane and have been trying to find ANYTHING. My path led me potentially here, I’ve never thought it could be rosacea, but I’m desperate to head in the right direction. I don’t understand how I can still have constant closed comedones and breakouts, even my np/esthetician is finally at a crossroads.
Does look / seem like it could be rosacea to anyone?
I saw my derm last about.. 4 years ago or so who prescribed the standard doxy, clindamicine, and tret, my GP typically just deals with me now. I’m wondering if this could have just been missed by my derm years ago and just written off as standard acne.
I really don’t know. Hoping someone can tell me if this is similar or familiar to them as when you search rosacea some people say they deal with acne similar but pictures always lead to just redness and no acne.
My bf has rosacea on his arms randomly in the last two years, but still has redness on his arms as well as the acne bumps which look similar to my skin most of the time. My acne usually isn’t as red it’s usually more skin toned / closed comedones.
submitted by bonvajya to Rosacea [link] [comments]

2022.09.21 15:55 juicyfizz What's helped your acne the most?

I'm at my wit's end with my type 2 rosacea.
The 100mg doxycycline + 15% AA + ketoconazole has been the combo that's helped the most, but never completely eliminating the acne. Maybe 90-95% though, which is at least better than where I'm at. Of course, long term doxycyline at that dose isn't feasible, so after like 6 months, we switched to Oracea (which is 40mg doxycycline) - plus continued the 15% AA and ketoconazole. After a month, my acne was back in full force. Went back to my derm, and we did a month of doxycycline again and then back to Oracea. It cleared up again to about 90% with doxycycline, but after we switched to Oracea, it was back to being bad again within a couple weeks.
Here's the products I use on my face:
I've always had the redness (so type 1 I guess, just didn't know it was rosacea til 2 years ago haha), but never the acne part, my skin has always been incredibly clear and smooth and predictable (except for some birth control weirdness with one IUD 5-6 years ago, but a round of differin knocked it out) - until about 2 years ago.
I can't get back into my derm for another month, and I'm excited to go off the Oracea because my insurance charges me $65 a month for it (but $10 for 3 months of 100mg doxycycline... fucking hate American healthcare - but that's a whole other convo lol). Wondered what treatments have helped your acne the most to talk to with my derm. Specifically interested in hearing any success stories with tretinoin cream or accutane (I know the side effects and interactions and whatnot - I know I'm a good candidate for it). But also interested in literally anything else that's helped.
I've been afraid to use actives like salcyclic acid or my favorite mask/peel from pre-rosacea - the Drunk Elephant Babyfacial (AHA + BHA), but maybe it's worth a try.
I've also begun an anti-inflammatory diet about 2 weeks ago (essentially gluten-free and dairy-free and sugar-free) because I do have 2 other autoimmune disorders outside of rosacea, so maybe that'll help too.
Thanks for making it this far, I'm so frustrated. <3
Edit to add some pics of my skin: https://imgur.com/a/693LocC/
submitted by juicyfizz to Rosacea [link] [comments]

2021.05.06 18:44 Resistance225 [Routine Help] Azelaic Purge?

For some initial context, I never had severe acne but I wanted to clear the little that I had, so I consulted and purchased Curology.
I was originally using a formulation of Curology beforehand (2% Azelaic Acid, 1% Clindamycin, and 0.25% Zinc Pyrithione) and my skin had become flawless for a good two to three months. But for some reason after some time (after coming home from college due to the pandemic), some switch within my skin flipped and the Curology began breaking me out badly, particularly between my eyebrows and to the areas that are left and right of my nose. I kept using it for months in hopes that it would fix my skin again, but if anything it made my skin worse even with a different formula (4% Azelaic Acid, same amount of Clindamycin, and 4% Niacinamide).
So being fed up with my newly found severe acne, I consulted a doctor and was prescribed Doxycyline and was told to purchase Differin.
The combo and the addition of Benzoyl Peroxide on the nights I applied Differin cleared up all of the active acne and I was left with just a bunch of scarring, redness, and PIE/PIH. Once the three month cycle of Doxycycline finished, my acne did come back, but not nearly as bad as it was with the Curology. So, I pretty much stuck to this routine for the next like eight months of Differin + BP and alternating nightly with just moisturizer + cicaplast. My skin is much better than it was with the Curology, but I still break out often, have a lot of PIE/PIH, and my skin is constantly red.
Since I’m going on vacation soon and want to look as good as possible before leaving, I got another monthly prescription of Doxy that has been helping a bit. Additionally, I checked the sub and read about Azelaic Acid again. After reading about it's potential benefits, I purchased Melazepam, and slowly introduced it into my routine. I’ve only used it twice so far, but the redness and inflammation that’s usually on my face has calmed down SIGNIFICANTLY. I’m really happy with the progress from these two times of usage. However, I’m left with 5-6 fairly small pimples (with pustules) all concentrated in this one area near the top right above the mouth area. I do break out occasionally in this area, but never like this.
Is it safe to say that this is a purge? Like I said, I’m leaving on vacation soon and am really enjoying this product for calming the fuck out of my skin, like it genuinely looks great besides those 5-6 pimples. But, I obviously don’t want to keep purging into the trip. Any tips?
This is my nightly routine:
Day 1: Vanicream Cleanser, Vanicream Moisturizer, Cicaplast
Day 2: Vanicream Cleanser, Vanicream Moisturizer, Azelaic
Day 3: Vanicream Cleanser, Vanicream Moisturizer, Cicaplast
Day 4: Vanicream Cleanser, Vanicream Moisturizer, Differin, 2.5% BP
I religiously follow this four day cycle, however before introducing the Azelaic, on day 2 I would just apply BP instead. All of this is done with cold water and in the AM I just wash with cold water and moisturize, nothing else.
submitted by Resistance225 to SkincareAddiction [link] [comments]

2020.10.15 17:34 Resistance225 [Skin Concerns] Azelaic Acid purge after two months of Differin/Doxycycline?

Reposting this because nobody replied yesterday :(
For some initial context, I never had severe acne but I wanted to clear the little that I had, so I consulted and purchased Curology.
I was originally using a formulation of Curology beforehand (2% Azelaic Acid, 1% Clindamycin, and 0.25% Zinc Pyrithione) and my skin had become flawless for a good two to three months. But for some reason after some time, some switch within my skin flipped and the Curology began breaking me out badly, particularly between my eyebrows and to the areas that are left and right of my nose. I kept using it for months in hopes that it would fix my skin again, but if anything it made my skin worse even with a different formula (4% Azelaic Acid, same amount of Clindamycin, and 4% Niacinamide).
So being fed up with my newly found severe acne, I consulted a doctor in the family two months ago and was prescribed Doxycyline and was told to purchase Differin.
The combo and the addition of Benzoyl Peroxide on the nights I applied Differin cleared up all of the active acne and I was left with just a bunch of scarring and in hopes of getting rid of the redness and PIE/PIH, I checked the sub and read about Azelaic Acid again. After reading about it's potential benefits, I purchased Melazepam about two weeks ago, and slowly introduced it into my routine. Initially, I saw good results and some of the scarring was slowly fading. I even saw less redness and overall brighter skin in the affected areas.
But, after increasing the frequency to every other night (alternating between Differin + Benzoyl Peroxide and the Azelaic nightly), I have several more whiteheads and a lot more pimples in the affected area, with a lot more redness too. It could just be a purge, but in all honesty it's slowly reminding me of the initial downfall that I experienced with Curology.
I don't want to undo all the progress that the Differn, Benzoyl Perxoide, and Doxycycline did. Do you guys recommend that I reduce the frequency that I use the Azelaic (like once or twice a week instead of every other night), or just ditch it all together and go back to my old routine of Differin + Benzoyl Peroxide every other night (only moisturization, no actives, on the nights inbetween). Like I said, it could be a purge but I don't want to undo all the progress of the Differn, Benzoyl Perxoide, and Doxycycline.
submitted by Resistance225 to SkincareAddiction [link] [comments]

2020.10.14 19:39 Resistance225 [Skin Concerns] Azelaic Acid purge after two months of Differin/Doxycycline?

For some initial context, I never had severe acne but I wanted to clear the little that I had, so I consulted and purchased Curology.
I was originally using a formulation of Curology beforehand (2% Azelaic Acid, 1% Clindamycin, and 0.25% Zinc Pyrithione) and my skin had become flawless for a good two to three months. But for some reason after some time, some switch within my skin flipped and the Curology began breaking me out badly, particularly between my eyebrows and to the areas that are left and right of my nose. I kept using it for months in hopes that it would fix my skin again, but if anything it made my skin worse even with a different formula (4% Azelaic Acid, same amount of Clindamycin, and 4% Niacinamide).
So being fed up with my newly found severe acne, I consulted a doctor in the family two months ago and was prescribed Doxycyline and was told to purchase Differin.
The combo and the addition of Benzoyl Peroxide on the nights I applied Differin cleared up all of the active acne and I was left with just a bunch of scarring and in hopes of getting rid of the redness and PIE/PIH, I checked the sub and read about Azelaic Acid again. After reading about it's potential benefits, I purchased Melazepam about two weeks ago, and slowly introduced it into my routine. Initially, I saw good results and some of the scarring was slowly fading. I even saw less redness and overall brighter skin in the affected areas.
But, after increasing the frequency to every other night (alternating between Differin + Benzoyl Peroxide and the Azelaic nightly), I have several more whiteheads and a lot more pimples in the affected area, with a lot more redness too. It could just be a purge, but in all honesty it's truly reminding me of the initial downfall that I experienced with Curology.
I don't want to undo all the progress that the Differn, Benzoyl Perxoide, and Doxycycline did. Do you guys recommend that I reduce the frequency that I use the Azelaic (like once or twice a week instead of every other night), or just ditch it all together and go back to my old routine of Differin + Benzoyl Peroxide every other night (only moisturization, no actives, on the nights inbetween). Like I said, it could be a purge but I don't want to undo all the progress of the Differn, Benzoyl Perxoide, and Doxycycline.
submitted by Resistance225 to SkincareAddiction [link] [comments]

2020.07.30 20:26 anxious_writer96 Reservations about starting accutane because of history of anxiety/ibs?

Reservations about starting accutane because of history of anxiety/ibs?
I am a 24 M who has had what I would consider mild acne (closed comedones, blackheads, occasional white/pustule) on an doff since my early teens. I have used differin gel, duac spot treatment, and benzoyl peroxide. I even took doxycyline for six months. My acne was kept at bay and relatively clear (besides enlarged pores on my nasal area) with these treatments. Fast forward to about six months ago, and my acne is back and worse than ever before. I have breakouts with comedones, blackheads, and whiteheads (not cystic in appearance) in my forehead, scalp line, scalp, and shoulders (areas I never had issues with before). I had to switch to a new derm because my prior retired. I saw this new one yesterday and after evaluation, suggested only accutane and nothing else. I have reservations -- which i expressed -- because of my IBS and anxiety/panic disorder (both are currently at bay with daily treatment from my GP) I also have a family history of ulcerative colitis. The derm I saw expressed that I would be fine, even with this past history. But I'm still unsure if I have to many risk factors to even consider accutane?
submitted by anxious_writer96 to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2020.07.30 04:43 Resistance225 [Routine Help] Questions regarding introducing Tretinoin (Differin) and Aztec Healing Clay into current routine

Hey there all, after a rough journey with acne I finally consulted a doctor in the family and was prescribed Doxycyline and Tretinoin. Unfortunately my insurance doesn't cover Tretinoin, but the pharmacist said I could get Differin (0.1%) instead. But, during this entire time I've been treating my acne with Curology, prescribed Clindamycin, and Benzoyl Peroxide and was curious as to how to implement Differin into my current routine. I'll explain in further detail below.
Basically, as a senior in HS, I didn't have bad acne by any means, but it was still visible. I was regularly cleaning and moisturizing with CeraVe products and using BP on pimples only to see little progress; my mother finally took me to the doctor and I was prescribed a topical solution of Clindamycin. I used that for quite some time and my skin cleared up quite a bit. I ran out sometime in August of 2019 and was unable to get a refill so I just continue to do the daily cleansing and moisturizing and my skin stayed clear relative to before. Wanting even clearer skin, come February (2020) of my freshman year of college, I saw an ad for Curology, did my research, and purchased the trial kit. I switched from CeraVe to Vanicream's gentle cleanser and moisturizer as well. My skin instantly began clearing up even more with the base prescription of 2% Azelaic Acid, 1% Clindamycin, and 0.25% Zinc Pyrithione. I then purchased the big bottle they offer of the same prescription and was met by damn near flawless skin. But, then I was forced to come home because of the pandemic (mind you still using Curology). Not sure what changed in such a short span but I had a really bad break out that only got worse. I was met by the worst acne I ever had.
I then consulted Curology and got a formula change (went from the aforementioned base prescription to 4% Azelaic Acid, same amount of Clindamycin, and 4% Niacinamide as opposed to the Zinc). I would apply it every other day and in the days inbetween I would apply BP onto the big pimples I had, and if anything it just ended up making my skin worse up until the very end of the bottle when it finally began clearing again. I opened up another consultation, and they prescribed the base prescription again. Used it for a couple days and was met by ANOTHER breakout which resulted in me contacting a family member who is a doctor. The thing is however, in the three to four days since he was able to prescribe the Doxycyline and Tretinoin, I've continued using that base prescription of Curology (every other day and BP on the days in between) and my skin is actually clearing albeit slowly. So yeah my ultimate question is, do I want to use the Differin ALONG with my Curology? Or do I just want to do Differin only? Also how would I go about integrating the famous Aztec Healing Clay into my current routine? Or is it even worth implementing if Differin itself is a bit of an exfoliant? It's worth mentioning that I am still using the same Vanicream gentle cleanser and moisturizer.
All help is appreciated!
submitted by Resistance225 to SkincareAddiction [link] [comments]

2019.10.14 14:49 Dangerous_Meringue Seeking advice and inspiration for son

My 16 year old son recently began using Tazorac after an unsuccseful attempt with Tretinoin. He's also taking doxycyline daily. He's been using Tazorac for 3 weeks and after an initial clearing of his acne it's currently worse than when he was using OTC Differin and Neutrogena Acne Proofing soap (which worked for years until it just didn't anymore). He's very discouraged and depressed and is begging to start Accutane. I was hoping to hear some other users experiences with Tazorac and if this "purging" is normal and to be expected or if he's having a bad reaction and we need to call the dermatologist immediately. I'm willing to put him on Accutane but because of some of the side effects am hesitant to do so. Basically, I'm just a mom trying to help her son get through a horrible breakout without doing any long-term damage to his psyche. Thank you in advance for anything you can offer him. (This is a brand new account not linked to any device of mine he might use so that he doesn't know I'm doing this. I'm trying to be calm and reassuring for him so I don't want him to think I'm worried as well.)
submitted by Dangerous_Meringue to acne [link] [comments]

2017.01.20 00:07 -What-A-Story-Mark- I have been on Differin gel 0.1%+Doxycyclin (100mg once a day) for 1 month for my moderate acne and am not seeing much progress. Should I switch to Accutane?

I'm a 19 year old female, I never had problems with my skin until this summer when I started getting pimples and blackheads on my chin, jawline and forehead. After four months of trying to deal with it myself by changing my diet and using different products, I finally saw a dermatologist who said that my moderate acne was most likely genetic (my sister started getting moderate acne around the same age too) and proscribed me with Differin gel and Doxycylin 100mg once a day. Now, I've been on this regimen for a month and I think my skin has been purging and I don't see a lot of results yet. If I continue for the whole three months like I'm supposed to, is there any guarantee that I will see results? My skin is taking such a toll on my self-confidence and I really want to change it back to how it used to be. Would Accutane be a more effective, results-guaranteed way to go?
Thanks so much if you read this.
submitted by -What-A-Story-Mark- to acne [link] [comments]

2015.11.08 18:34 LacedCandy [Acne] Closed Comedones & Differin :(

20yr old female here. I've always had amazing skin with the occasional zit here and there and some blackheads. Last year I started to develop a few of these closed comedones (I think?) in the crease of my chin. I used to try to squeeze them out and they began to spread out more, very unnoticeable though so it didn't bother me. In September like literally overnight they started to spread rapidly in clusters all over chin area, jawline and around my lips... there were so many, literally over 50. Some tiny and others bigger. I honestly have no idea as to what caused them. I've never had problems with using cosmetics or anything else on my face as far as I know. I used to love trying new products as my face never broke out from anything so I'm at a loss....
Before the breakout happened I was recently using/had used:
Before this happened I had also stopped smoking after 5 years and began eating super healthy after a diet consisting of crap so I really wanted to see improvement in my skin but instead I get this? :/
I went to see my Derm in October and he prescribed me Differin 0.1 gel, Clindamycin Phosphate pads & Doxycyline. Within the first two weeks of using the Differin, more clusters of tiny cc's popped up... I figured it was the purging but I'm now on my fourth week and only like 4 out of the 100 cc's have formed into pustules and popped (leaving awful PIE :c) the rest are just there.. not doing anything. I also stopped using anything that I used prior to the breakout.
Right now I am using:
I also cut dairy from my diet to see if that helps.
Before Differin-Now
So I'm not sure if the Differin is helping at all.... I'm now on my 4th week and I know it's supposed to get worse before it gets better but when you see no progress being made it's so discouraging :/ From a person who's never had skin troubles before, this is killing me.... Should I stay with the Differin? Try to incorporate a BHA/AHA? If the Differin decides to work are the all going to purge as pustules? Ugh... I'm going to have scars all over then.
What could have caused this to happen and why only concentrated in certain areas? Can it be hormonal? Fungal? Any advice would be greatly appreciated right now... Feeling so low :c
submitted by LacedCandy to SkincareAddiction [link] [comments]

2015.08.14 02:49 laurborrador [Routine Help] Differin and antibiotics are causing my skin to act up, need some suggestions. pic inside

I'm currently on Differin (adapalene gel .3%) and 100mg doxycyline once a day. I've been on this for about 5 weeks now and my skin has definitely been purging. It seems to be slowing down now (less pimples) but I still have a lot of bumps under the skin and lots of scaring. My skin is normally very oily but because of the differin I'm experiencing dry patches on my chin and right jawline. pic
Morning Routine: Wash with Cetaphil gentle cleanser, spot treat open pimples with adapalene. ( I know it's not meant to be used that way but it's the only thing that stops them from pussing/bleeding so I can put makeup on). Then Cerave moisturizing lotion.
Night Routine: 10% Benzoyl peroxide wash in the shower, Adapalene all over the face (pea sized amount), cerave moisturizing lotion
Should I stick with this routine or change it? What should I add? I'm a college student on a budget and I start school soon so I'm trying to minimize the purging if I can.
submitted by laurborrador to SkincareAddiction [link] [comments]

2015.01.09 15:00 physiquef cystic acne help

i have pretty bad cystic acne on my face, neck and back. My main concern is my neck, however. Aswell as it being painful all day, they just look horrible. here is an idea of what it looks like, in a good spell. I am 18, nearly 19. I was on oxytetracycline for 2 years, came off recently before christmas and put on doxycyline which gave me a stomach ulcer.. now I am on lymecycline for about 2 weeks, and so far I have noticed no difference.
Creams I have used are duac, fusidin (currently using on my neck) differin (which im using on my face)
I have cut dairy out of my diet before with no effect, have recently cut sugar and noticed no change as well.
if you look at my other post on this account, you will see I am a gym goer. This is the only way i can try to maintain my confidence at the moment. On top of this I am a student, so my diet consists of eggs, bacon, bread, chicken, vegetables and fruit.
I have some vitamin D on the way which I have heard may help, at this point i'm prepared to try anything. What other options do I have?
submitted by physiquef to acne [link] [comments]

2013.09.28 12:51 BumbleBeeBetsy Zinc exacerbating hormonal acne? Just keeps getting worse.

I am a 26 y/o female and I suffer from what I believe is hormonal acne, tied to my menstrual cycle.
I have suffered from mild to moderate to, at times, severe acne, since I was about 12. I have also had periods of time with no acne.
First, my current skin-care regimen and products:
  1. La Roche-Posay Effaclar Face Wash every morning and every night.
  2. Benzoyl peroxide cream applied to blemishes every night, sometimes in the morning. There appears to be no effect besides dry skin.
  3. La Roche-Posay Effaclar H moisturizing cream in the morning and at night, after benzoyl peroxide application dries.
  4. My makeup is all non-comedogenic powder from Everyday Minerals, I've been using it for 3 years.
  5. My diet is rich in vegetables and is very well-balanced. I eat meat, but rarely, and I am very conscious of a well-rounded vegetarian diet. I get my nutrients. I am thin, I exercise, and I drink a lot of water.
I have used the following medications (throughout the past 11 years) to no avail:
Topical treatments:
  1. Benzaclin (Benzoyl peroxide and clindamycin)
  2. Differin gel (adapalene)
  3. Epiduo (benzoyl peroxide + adapalene)
  1. Doxycyline (2 or 3 times)
  2. Minocycline
  3. Tetracycline
  4. Erythromycine
  1. Accutane (3 months, then I was taken off due to depression and extreme joint pain. Laying in bed at night was a 10 minute process and the agony of lifting my arms above my head to change my shirt brought on crying sessions)
What Worked:
  1. Diane-35 (cyproterone acetate and ethinyl estradiol), prescribed to me by a dermatologist. It was originally designed as a birth control pill but is used as a treatment for acne due to its anti-androgenic effects. Unfortunately, it has been taken off the market where I live (France) due to its relation to deep-vein thrombosis, stroke, and heart attack. My mother has heart disease and my father has had two strokes, so I shouldn't have been taking it anyway.
My face was flawless after 1 year on Diane-35. It also decreased my PMS symptoms. Then, it was taken off the market. Four months after finishing my last pack, my face erupted along with my PMS symptoms. Ten days before my period, I turn into some kind of monster with emotional explosions and my face erupts into painful lesions around my mouth and jawline. I have been tracking my emotional and acne symptoms on a calendar, and it's like clockwork. The same symptoms escalate at the same time within the same time frame every month, and then I turn into a normal human being again 4 days after my period starts.
I saw a general practitioner about this in August. Because I have an IUD and I would like to avoid taking birth control pills ever again, she prescribed me 30mg of Zinc/day for 30 days, and 15 mg of Zinc/day after that. I have been taking Zinc for over one month, and my face has worsened. REALLY worsened. My acne didn't disappear with my period this time, it is here to stay and shows no signs of leaving.
I made an appointment with an endocrinologist on the 2nd of October, and I'm hoping he will see that it is a hormonal issue and/or test me for excess androgens. I would like to talk to him about Spironolactone. Do any females here have experience with it?
TL;DR: I think my face has gradually worsened (a LOT) since taking Zinc supplements. Has anyone else experienced this?
Do any females have experience with Spironolactone?
Edit: other various notes: I also have dark, coarse hairs that grow in on one side of my chin. :/ They have gotten a little worse since being off Diane-35 for 4 months. I pluck 10-15 hairs every single day so that no one notices. I am a light-skinned, light-haired person, so that's a little odd for me. I told the general practitioner, but she scoffed and told me that if it was hirsutism, I'd have a beard like my husband's. It's been happening since I was about 15. Also since being off Diane-35, the hair above my lip has turned to a dark blonde and grows a little longer than before. I bleach it and trim it with scissors, it's weird and embarrassing.
submitted by BumbleBeeBetsy to acne [link] [comments]
