Ache joints

Explain Like I'm Five Don't Panic!

2011.07.28 17:21 bossgalaga Explain Like I'm Five Don't Panic!

Explain Like I'm Five is the best forum and archive on the internet for layperson-friendly explanations. Don't Panic!

2011.03.01 21:01 aenea Everything to do with menopause

'menopause isn't really that bad'... said no woman ever.

2020.07.24 20:58 lvl0rg4n covidlonghaulers

A community for individuals suffering from the effects of COVID-19 longer than the estimated 4 weeks, also known as PACS, PASC, and Long Covid.

2024.05.15 18:08 Ralynne Anyone noticed fasting can improve their symptoms?

Normally when I get my period, it comes with an extreme fatigue, joint pain, and malaise. Basically I feel like I was hit by a truck a couple days every cycle, in addition to period-flu and headache and cramps.
But last week I had a colonoscopy, which basically means that my digestive tract had to be empty. I was on a clear-liquids diet for a bit and had to take medicine to prepare. And afterwards, I was really sleepy and not very hungry for a few days, so I hadn't eaten much. This week my period started without any flu symptoms or aches, just cramps and a little headache. I would say the cramps are a bit worse than usual but maybe that's just because I'm not distracted by overall body pain.
Anyone ever noticed any easing of symptoms with fasting? Or any other effects? I'm trying to figure out how this even happened, to be honest.
submitted by Ralynne to PMDDxADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:52 Abraca_Doodle Desperate for advice

Hi all, I'm (25F) looking for any advice. Any shared experience is appreciated as well.
Basically, I'm not sure what to do. I've been attempting to get confirmation/help on my symptoms for years, but more so recently in the past month.
I currently suffer from what looks like hypothyroidism.
My symptoms include: 1. Heavy periods (though I've also been diagnosed with endometriosis) that are so bad they happen more than twice a month and I was forced to go on iron and continuous birth control for blood loss back when I was young. (I still take BC) 2. Extreme hot flashes and night sweats 3. Rashes that appear in my body creases 4. Most importantly, I have body aches and joint pain just every day that range in severity. (some days require pain medication and braces) 5. Depression, anxiety, brain fog, mood swings 6. General itchiness 7. Back in 2021, I became completely covered in an extremely painful and sore rash for about 2 weeks. After an ER visit, PCP, and Allergist, none could figure out what caused it. I was diagnosed with just general Urticaria, but I have a feeling it was a thyroid flare up. 8. Blood tests that exhibit low blood platelets, despite optimal iron, b12, and folate levels. 9. Extreme fatigue
I also have 3 family members with thyroid problems both on my mom and dad's side.
I've been to my PCP, they said it's very likely I have thyroid problems (hypo to be specific).
However after testing my TSH and autoimmune risk, it was found to be normal and they dismissed it.
In the past I've gotten these tests as my TSH results: 1. 2019 - 1.4 2. 2020 - 1.4 3. 2021 - 4.1 4. 2024 (recent) - 1.4
Why they dismissed the rise in 2021? I don't know. This was around the same time as my urticaria rash.
If anyone could point me in the right direction and help me understand what might be happening, that would be wonderful. It feels like a thyroid problem but my results are normal, so I'm not sure where else to turn for a possibility. Thank you for reading! ❤️
submitted by Abraca_Doodle to thyroidhealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:22 ValkyrieSPC8 pain

hey everyone! so I had a egd done in Nov and Jan after finding 3 ulcers. neg h plyori etc so by Jan they were healed and I had some gastritis left over. was on rabeprazole for a couple weeks in Nov and caused some joint pain so I was switched to pantoprazole (40mg daily I believe). well my GI wanted to get off of it in May and I moved so I had them packed up and didn't take it. it's been about a week since I stopped, having a little pain under ULQ and URQ but not much as time goes on, the worst part is the joint/bone pain. felt like it was getting better for a day then boom today they ach a bit. I had/have HA (part of the reason my ulcers happened but it's getting better). so I was thinking oh great bone pain, leukemia. Even though I had a yearly CBC. liver, vitamin etc panel done a few days before the pain started. so got another cbc last week and everything still looks good so nothing serious. I've been taking a men's multivitamin and fish oil daily. Anyone have anything similar happen, and what helped you? I've seen a lot of people having the achs when withdrawaling from PPIs. Oh also forgot I got a steroid shot yesterday do to a unrelated thing. Hope this goes away soon so I can keep my HA in a good spot like I finally have been able to!
submitted by ValkyrieSPC8 to Gastritis [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:01 Equal_Aerie Flu like symptoms

Hi! I am a 23 year old girl, my boyfriend whom I live with has the same age and he has autoinmune hepatitis.
He is very stubborn and did not take his pills for about a month because he said he was already fine but I insisted and he kept taking them about two weeks ago, this is when the pain started. I am really confused because we were also sick last week but I felt just fine just some cold symptoms, but he started having unbearable joint pain.
Now I am even more sick this week and my body aches a lot but still no where near what he feels, here in my country we are in a cold season and wonder if we gout double cold because I was already feeling fine, if it’s the same one or if I need to take him to a rheumatologist we have an appointment tomorrow with an ortopedist because there is no hepatologists available at the moment we have to keep calling. He will be having bloodwork done next week but still, I am very worries because Im not sure if this is a very bad flu or if he will have the same as his mom that is autoinmune arthritis.
He started having these symptoms last week so not sure what could it be, because I was fine that time. I started feeling really sick again yesterday but the cold never really went away ever since last week. SO CONFUSED. Help.
Can a cold really last two weeks for symptoms to flare up a week later, even if you were beginning to feel fine?
Could it last longer for people with autoinmune diseases?
submitted by Equal_Aerie to Autoimmune [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:19 Euphoric_Plankton_38 Girlfriend’s Laparoscopy was 7 hours and she only needs rest? 24/7 chronic pain

I’m ignorant on this surgery aftercare. Me and GF are long distance so acquiring her dismissal paperwork from her non English speaking caregivers is a challenge while she is loopy.
Does the duration of surgery imply severity?
She’s had chronic deep aching bone pain in her limbs and alternating sciatica. We had the impression that endo was wrapped around her nerves causing her debilitating 24/7 pain, not just during cycle.She’s also got a cyst in her hip joint that stupid doctors have dismissed because she’s too young and that it’s normal.
Widespread endo+Hip cyst = 24/7 chronic pain
I’m hopeful that we are now halfway there. Just need to find a competent doctor to drain her hip effusion and remove this TOTALLY NORMAL hip bone cyst.
submitted by Euphoric_Plankton_38 to endometriosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:37 ERRNmomof2 Can the sun make your small joints flare?

To me, this question is something I should know. I know the sun can make you not feel well, but what about causing pain in your small joints? I sat out in the late afternoon sun for about 30-45 minutes yesterday. I didn’t feel too bad, or worse than I normally do last night. This morning, my fingers from the smallest joint including all the finger joints hurt awful. My thumbs are so stiff. I have had trouble using my steering wheel and I had to take my daughter to an appointment 1.5 hours away from my house. Also, my wrists and elbows ache. My elbows will kinda lock up then with a snap become functional and my wrists snap/crack all the time. Usually not painful, today painful. Tonight, my fingers are swollen, to the point it makes it hard to fully extend them. This is slightly distressing me because I want to enjoy my summer, sitting outside. I live way up north in the US so seeing the sun is kinda rare, lol. I’ve been on Hydroxychloroquine since September 2023 and Methotrexate since December 2023. Maybe I see more days where my fingers are functional? I’m still tired, writing and typing still suck. Could this also mean my meds are not working for me and maybe making the sun not like me? I see the rheumatologist in a month and I am not fond of him. I’m a freaking nurse so you would think I’d get it. I don’t though. I’m cross-posting this to the other RA sub if you happen to see it again. TIA
submitted by ERRNmomof2 to rheumatoidarthritis [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:36 ERRNmomof2 Can sun make your small joints flare?

To me, this question is something I should know. I know the sun can make you not feel well, but what about causing pain in your small joints? I sat out in the late afternoon sun for about 30-45 minutes yesterday. I didn’t feel too bad, or worse than I normally do last night. This morning, my fingers from the smallest joint including all the finger joints hurt awful. My thumbs are so stiff. I have had trouble using my steering wheel and I had to take my daughter to an appointment 1.5 hours away from my house. Also, my wrists and elbows ache. My elbows will kinda lock up then with a snap become functional and my wrists snap/crack all the time. Usually not painful, today painful. Tonight, my fingers are swollen, to the point it makes it hard to fully extend them. This is slightly distressing me because I want to enjoy my summer, sitting outside. I live way up north in the US so seeing the sun is kinda rare, lol. I’ve been on Hydroxychloroquine since September 2023 and Methotrexate since December 2023. Maybe I see more days where my fingers are functional? I’m still tired, writing and typing still suck. Could this also mean my meds are not working for me and maybe making the sun not like me? I see the rheumatologist in a month and I am not fond of him. I’m a freaking nurse so you would think I’d get it. I don’t though. I’m cross-posting this to the other RA sub if you happen to see it again. TIA
submitted by ERRNmomof2 to rheumatoid [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:40 ACurious_TrashPanda I used a mobility scooter today and it was the best shopping trip I've been on in a while

I had the best shopping trip ever after a doctor's appointment today! I've been having a bit of a flare up the past couple days, and then my doctor's appointment made it a little worse but I had to get to the store today because we needed a few essentials. I went to a store on the nicer side of town since it was closer to my appointment. This store actually had more than two working mobility scooters! I never really get to use the mobility aides offered in grocery stores since I feel like I'm not disabled enough to use it since I can walk despite being in pain, but since the store was mostly empty given the time of day and there was a row o about 5 charged and working scooters, I figured I could use one without taking away the aide from someone else. IT. WAS. AMAZING. I was able to go around the entire store without getting dizzy or stumbling, and my joints didn't ache nearly as bad as they would have had I walked the store, I even had the energy to stand in line to get a coffee and breakfast sandwich to take my pills with when it was time to take my meds (the lines are usually long in the starbucks kiosks and stores, and standing in them for too long isn't worth it for me most days.) It might sound silly, but it was the best shopping trip I've had in a long time!
submitted by ACurious_TrashPanda to ChronicIllness [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:39 Camille_santi alright lets talk about the weight gain

Its been 3 years since I gained 150lbs on zyprexa. I want to lose it, but these meds keep it on me no matter what I seem to do. To add some context I was 21 and weighed 98lbs at 5'4, yes that was too low, but my god to put on 150lbs in 6 months was wild. I got off zyprexa 2 years ago and lost 65lbs a few months later only to go back on it and gain 20lbs back. Now I'm sitting at 205lbs and I am so out of shape. I walk everyday, do yoga, and eat a pretty clean diet (mainly vegetables, fruits, and lean protein). I've tried the intense work outs, my joints ache from the weight and they didn't seem to help. I've done the intermittent fasting, my blood pressure won't stabilize if I dont eat regularly. Heck I even let my ED (I'm in recovery) take over for a while and that didn't even work when clearly it did in the past. I cannot lose weight and I don't know what to do. My body feels awful, I feel awful about my body, and I don't know if theres anything I can actually do about it. My goal is to be down to 150-160lbs but that means losing pretty much 50lbs. I know theres no quick way to do it but I'm struggling to see ANY way to do it. Has anyone had success losing weight while still being on antipsychotics and other mental health medications? If yes, HOW?
submitted by Camille_santi to schizoaffective [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:35 maveriicked anyone else's symptoms get worse as the day progresses?

i've noticed this after a long while, but most days i'll wake up feeling less impending doom than usual and then as the day crawls along i begin to feel worse and worse. most of my symptoms are mental ( i.e severe brain fog, intrusive thoughts, anxiety etc ) so its fairly easy to notice when i sense them getting worse. it tends to hit its peak in mid afternoon. i also notice in the evenings that i feel a slight bit calmer, and i don't know if its because i'm tired and my body is preparing for sleep or what. my main physical symptoms are joint aches, fungal acne and flaky skin, fatigue and a pounding fast heart rate ( along with breathlessness when doing very simple things ) and those also tend to fluctuate but to a less noticeable degree from the time i wake up onward.
submitted by maveriicked to Candida [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:36 azwolverine Post Treatment Symptoms & Recovery

Hey guys, hope everyone is doing better than before!
Just tested negative today and I finished my treatment a month ago. However, I still experience some symptoms and not sure if they are related to this nasty bacteria. Basically, I still have more than usual burping, but definitely better than before. I started to experience muscle ache/soreness as well as joint pains. They are mostly around my shoulder and neck area which makes me suspect that my lymph nodes are swollen too. Has anyone experienced the same? Wondering if it's related to the bacteria/antibiotics or is it a function of mineral deficiencies. If so, any suggestion on how to improve? I will bring this up to my family doctor in two weeks. Will update when I hear what he suggest.
submitted by azwolverine to HPylori [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:43 Sajor1975 Could have developed thumb arthritis from cracking my thumb occasionally

Hey guys im a 48yr old male, about a month ago i noticed my right carpometacarpal joint would ache when gripping things or writing with pen , at first i didnt think nothing of it hoping it would go away on its own, but its been a month and it still hurts when applying pressure, I noticed a small lump appeared , the pain is not super strong but i can definitely feel something is wrong there.
Its weird because this happened over night, i dont work with my hands and have a pretty sedentary life except for my runs 3x a week, I occasionally crack my knuckles but not often, Im not %100 sure but i think this pain started after i cracked my thumb knuckle.
I looked in YT and found good vidoes on hand exercises/streches and it seems to work temporarily.
submitted by Sajor1975 to Thritis [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:20 Wittyjesus Has anyone else had awful experiences with anticonvulant seizure drugs like Lamictal and Trileptal?

Feels like I see nothing but praise for lamictal on here. It was the first bipolar medication I tried and it was 2 months of fatigue, trouble waking up, and the worst part - body aches and joint pain. These side effects never went away, so I stopped taking it.
Fast forward 2 years and I'm a week into Trileptal, an anticonvulsant like Lamictal, and those exact symptoms have returned.
It seems my body hates these seizure meds and that they will NOT work as a mood stabilizer if I feel like shit every single day, which of course makes me more depressed and hopeless and less functional.
Has anyone else had a terrible time on anticonvulsants?
submitted by Wittyjesus to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:04 rathealer Hand strengthening exercises/PT?

I've been on Plaquenil for the past 4 months and it's helped a ton with joint aches and my inflammatory levels are trending down (YAY) but I still have some residual weakness and tendon pain in my hands thanks to longstanding nerve entrapment and looser joints in my hand.
I'm curious if anyone has ever done hand strengthening exercises or PT to help with symptoms? Is that even a thing? I saw some stuff online about exercises to improve mobility and flexibility in the hands but I have plenty of that haha, just not a lot of actual strength.
submitted by rathealer to lupus [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:08 Lord_le_chess69 I (17F) think I may have arthitis

For the past 2 years I have had some form of pain in my joints. In the beginning it was just a nagging pain. Nothing too serious, but my mom still took me to the doctor. They said I don't have any inflammation so there was nothing wrong and sent me home.
I've tried to ignore the pain and tell me it's nothing but lately it's been getting worse. It's starting to effect my life and prevents me from keeping up with my friends and at work. I can't sleep at night because of the pain.
The pain is more like a strong ache. But it doesn't happen when I'm moving. It just happens at random, but when it does sometimes it knocks me off my feet or makes me drop what I'm holding. It feels like there's a restriction of blood flow even if my arm or leg is just there in a normal position. I've also started getting weird muscle twitches and pins and needles feelings all over my body.
I don't have insurance or the money to go to the doctor. I don't know what to do. I'm in the process of losing weight because I think that will help. I've tried moving more, moving less, taking supplements and medication, changing my diet, drinking more water, and whatever anyone suggests but the pain is only getting worse.
Do any of you having any suggestions that could help me? I just need some advice. I'm feeling a little lost.
submitted by Lord_le_chess69 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:03 One_Strawberry7608 What does your flare-up feel like?

I woke up to a flare-up. My body feels heavy, like stone, and every joint is creaky, swollen, and achy. Every step and movement feels laborious. It affects my shoulders, hands, wrists, hips, elbows, poor knees, and even my feet ache. I’ve used all of my medications and coping mechanisms, such as heat and massage. I feel desperate right now. My husband asked me how it felt, and I told him every ligament and joint in my body was stiff and ached. It’s awful. How do your flares feel?
submitted by One_Strawberry7608 to ankylosingspondylitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:06 kaczynskifeverdream New pain two weeks after surgery?

Had ACL reconstruction with a patellar graft just under two weeks ago. The day of surgery and day after were the worst in terms of pain, but since then, I’ve been basically pain-free for the last couple of weeks, and recovering fairly well, I think.
Yesterday I decided to go out for the first time shopping with my husband since my surgery. I just started to be able to walk without crutches a few days ago, albeit with a pretty severe limp, so I thought it would be good exercise. We were out for a few hours and it was the longest I’ve walked/been on my feet since before my surgery.
Today I suddenly felt a jolt of pain as I was walking, enough to stop me in my tracks and make me collapse onto the nearest chair. It’s a very different kind of pain to the one I had immediately post-surgery, it felt more like a deep ache in my knee joint that immediately goes away as soon as I’m off my feet.
My knee feels very warm. Is it possible I overdid it yesterday with walking? Is it normal to experience a new kind of pain two weeks on after surgery? I’m worried I’ve messed my progress up, especially because it now hurts to do my physio exercises.
submitted by kaczynskifeverdream to ACL [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:08 greendahlia16 Ran out of Chinese skullcap

and had a horrible regression in symptoms? I already take a bunch of stuff for mito/EBV etc. related stuff. Thought I'd be fine with the schisandra/knotweed/arginine combo without skullcap. Anyway, my head feels like it's in a press, my joints ache again, soles of my feet feel like they're on fire and this irritating thumping tingling sensation, a chest rash, the pressure on the back of my skull is back as well. As well as feeling extremely irritated on the constant. I felt almost normal with my herb combo for a while and now I feel like my brain has been fried again. Its frustrating to operate from a possibility standpoint without clear answers. I ordered more skullcap with cats claw as well, hoping it'll fix the situation but for now I feel like I'm just holding on (again) and waiting for my order to arrive. Is there anything else I should consider? Houttuynia I've seen people talk about a lot, but I'm not sure how to proceed :).
submitted by greendahlia16 to Lyme [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:14 vmedicaclinics77 Finding an Expert: Dr. Ashish Yadav - Orthopedic Surgeon at V-Medica Clinics, Gurgaon

Finding an Expert: Dr. Ashish Yadav - Orthopedic Surgeon at V-Medica Clinics, Gurgaon
Gurgaon, a bustling metropolis, is known for its fast pace and active lifestyle. However, this active lifestyle can sometimes lead to musculoskeletal issues. If you're experiencing joint pain, back problems, or any other bone-related concern find a qualified and trusted orthopedic surgeon in Gurgaon.
In this post, we'll introduce you to Dr. Ashish Yadav, a highly regarded orthopedic surgeon specializing in spine surgery at V-Medica Clinics in Gurgaon.

Expertise in Spine and Orthopedic Surgeon In Gurgaon

Dr. Ashish Yadav boasts over 11 years of experience in the field of orthopedics. He holds an MBBS degree and an MS in Orthopedics, revealing his strong foundation in medical science and surgical expertise.
What truly sets Dr. Yadav apart is his keen interest and specialization in spine-related issues. He has undergone an advanced ASSI Fellowship in Spine Surgery, equipping him with the latest techniques and knowledge in this complex area.

Conditions Treated by Dr. Ashish Yadav

Dr. Yadav addresses a wide range of orthopedic conditions, including:
  • Joint pain:
Whether it's chronic knee pain, shoulder discomfort, or problems in other joints, he can diagnose the cause and recommend the most appropriate treatment plan.
  • Joint and muscle problems:
Aches and strains can significantly impact your daily life. Dr. Yadav can help manage these issues effectively.
  • Joint replacement surgery:
In severe cases of joint degeneration, Dr. Yadav offers joint replacement surgery to restore mobility and improve your quality of life.

Focus on Minimally Invasive Techniques

Dr. Yadav prioritizes minimally invasive surgical techniques whenever possible. These techniques offer several advantages, including:
  • Smaller incisions lead to quicker healing times and less scarring.
  • In addition, reduces pain during and after surgery.
  • Shorter hospital stays, allowing you to recover in the comfort of your home sooner.

Patient-Centric Approach to Care

Dr. Yadav's patients always praise his patient-centric approach. Here's what you can expect during a consultation with him:
  • Detailed discussion:
Dr. Yadav takes the time to understand your concerns, medical history, and lifestyle thoroughly.
  • Accurate diagnosis:
Besides that, he utilizes advanced diagnostic tools to reach a precise diagnosis.
  • Treatment options:
They will discuss all available treatment options, including conservative approaches like physiotherapy and medication, minimally invasive surgery, or traditional surgery if needed.
  • Collaborative decision-making:
Dr. Yadav actively involves you in the decision-making process, ensuring you feel empowered about your care plan.

V-Medica Clinics: A Haven for Orthopedic Care

Located in DLF Phase IV, Gurgaon, V-Medica Clinics provides a comfortable and well-equipped environment for your consultations and treatments. The clinic boasts a team of dedicated medical professionals committed to patient well-being.

Schedule an Appointment with Dr. Ashish Yadav

If you're seeking a skilled human orthopedic surgeon in Gurgaon, Dr. Ashish Yadav at V-Medica Clinics is an excellent choice. You can contact V-Medica Clinics to schedule an appointment by calling +91-9821206779 or +91-1244296877. You can also book an appointment online or through Practo for an in-clinic visit or a video consultation.
Taking care of your musculoskeletal health is crucial for maintaining an active lifestyle. With Dr. Ashish Yadav's expertise and V-Medica Clinics' complete care, you can get back to enjoying life to the fullest. If you're in search of an exceptional orthopedic surgeon in Gurgaon, look no further than Dr. Ashish Yadav at Vmedica Clinics.
submitted by vmedicaclinics77 to u/vmedicaclinics77 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:14 mobiletophat Dull aches all over my body

For context, I’m not diagnosed as my symptoms only began peaking about 2 months ago but I’m seeing my GP later this week.
Anyway, I’ve only experienced this pain twice - once after eating a kebab and another time after eating a large takeaway wrap (Oportos if there’s any aussies reading this). Immediately after eating them, I’m not too bad. But about 12 hours afterwards, I’ll get smacked down by this weird full body aching.
It’s a bit like the joint pain you experience when you’re sick. It’s dull and it feels like it’s really deep in my muscles and bones. I have to walk slowly, almost like I’m hunched over and it takes another 1-2 days for the pain to go away.
I get the bloating, oily stools and cramps from other things but so far, these 2 meals have been the only thing to trigger this kind of reaction.
Is this something that could be celiac related? Or am I potentially looking at a different problem all together?
submitted by mobiletophat to Celiac [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:40 Ailan22 Which coach/trainer/program would you recommend (all round athletic, GPP, functional) or who do you think is doing a great job?

Hi all,
I'm starting my fitness journey again after falling off the band wagon. I'm not good at setting up a program (too much, too little, too long etc) so I'm looking for a program or online coach that can help me get back on track. I'm a 38 year old female, and I've noticed that when I lift heavy my joints start to feel it, I get stiff and achy. I would like to get back in shape - build some strength, have good conditioning and be mobile and move fluidly without aches and pains and stiffness. Basically all round fitness that allows me to play a pick up game of basketball or go on a hike, carry heavy stuff, go for a swim, play with the kids etc and not just focus on hypertrophy or bodybuilding.
I've been on Trainheroic and Playbook and saw a couple of interesting coaches. Luka Hocevar, Jason Brown, Marcus Filly and JTM Fit have caught my eye. So I was wondering does anyone have any experience with these coaches or their programs? Who would you recommend? Are there any kick ass strong female trainers (that don't only focus on toned booty...)?
Thanks for your help! I'm excited to get back on track.
submitted by Ailan22 to personaltraining [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:39 Ailan22 Which coach/trainer/program would you recommend (all round athletic, GPP, functional) or who do you think is doing a great job?

Hi all,
I'm starting my fitness journey again after falling off the band wagon. I'm not good at setting up a program (too much, too little, too long etc) so I'm looking for a program or online coach that can help me get back on track. I'm a 38 year old female, and I've noticed that when I lift heavy my joints start to feel it, I get stiff and achy. I would like to get back in shape - build some strength, have good conditioning and be mobile and move fluidly without aches and pains and stiffness. Basically all round fitness that allows me to play a pick up game of basketball or go on a hike, carry heavy stuff, go for a swim, play with the kids etc and not just focus on hypertrophy or bodybuilding.
I've been on Trainheroic and Playbook and saw a couple of interesting coaches. Luka Hocevar, Jason Brown, Marcus Filly and JTM Fit have caught my eye. So I was wondering does anyone have any experience with these coaches or their programs? Who would you recommend? Are there any kick ass strong female trainers (that don't only focus on toned booty...)?
Thanks for your help! I'm excited to get back on track.
submitted by Ailan22 to functionalfitness [link] [comments]