Fiction passages for fourth grade

Transformers Politics

2022.02.07 00:09 Test19s Transformers Politics

News and events reminiscent of Transformers movies/cartoons/comics.

2017.03.16 05:36 matallic Fourth Wall Tactics

If you ever find yourself in a work of fiction. Use this subreddit to your advantage.

2021.03.09 11:45 Smolesworthy Extraordinary Tales

Borges’ 1971 anthology ‘Extraordinary Tales’ showcased brief passages, "some of them imaginary happenings, some of them historical. The anecdote, the parable, and the narrative welcomed". This community shares other examples of these tales of the more-than-normal, the 'supenormal'. Each story needs an element of the unorthodox, offbeat or something that sets it apart. Review our sub rules.

2024.05.15 07:13 jhdichkchdkfbkdgdjb i'm so lost, questioning

hello ^_^ this is a throwaway acc because ive never actually used reddit before and i'm nervous about people knowing my identity, since the things im going to discuss give me a lot of anxiety. additionally, i'd like to say that if this is not the space to ask this, i completely understand and feel free to remove my post ^^ i just can't stand struggling with myself anymore, and if this isn't the space, could someone maybe direct me to somewhere else where i can discuss?
for the past ~four weeks or so i've been questioning if i'm a system. i completely acknowledge i may not be, but i'm struggling to find disorders that fit my symptoms, and i know the did/osdd spectrum is a varied experience. i am also aware you all are not mental health professionals and cannot diagnose me, nor know exactly what is going on in my head, but i suppose i'm just looking for advice. i'm a minor and currently do not have access to a therapist or mental health professionals. i live in an abusive household, and i have heavily suspected social anxiety and autism. obviously i am not diagnosed, but my experience heavily relates to these two, and people i know who are say its likely i have them. i have several friends who are systems, online and irl, and my partner is also one. ive caught myself sometime.. wondering what its like to be a system, for lack of a better word? sometimes it feels like im mentally glorifying it, which i correct as soon as i notice, because i understand did and osdd id a trauma disorder and can cause so much distress and disorder (hence the name) in someone's life. i've been doing a lot of research but i still feel unsure, and i've also talked to one of my sys friends about my experience, and they also said its possible, but also possible that i'm not. the main issue i have is memory loss. ive struggled with my memory since i was a kid and i always just labelled myself as 'forgetful', but all of my peers have told me its not normal, and the past few months its been really stressing me out. i frequently forget things people tell me, things i say or do, and sometimes why i am somewhere, although i feel that last one is a relatively normal experience; the 'walking into a room then forgetting why you're there' sort of thing. ive caught myself feeling like im on autopilot, lost in my own thoughts and being unaware of my surroundings, which sometimes makes me do nonsensical things until i sort of 'snap back into reality'- i've put salt into the fridge, thrown my tv remote into the garbage, ran into walls or doors or stubbed my toes too many times. sometimes i forget my meals for so long that i end up eating two dinners, then remember the next day that i had two dinners. just recently i made rice. i remember cooking it, and eating it, but the next day my mom asked me why i put the rice into the pots cupboard. i don't remember doing this at all. additionally, i am very very bad at time; i'll think something happened two months ago, then my friend will tell me its been a week. ive always been an extremely emotion-oriented person, so when i act out of the ordinary, i considered it mood swings. i'm a trans guy, so i thought hormones, or maybe its the autism, or maybe its a normal experience, but recently an incident happened where i was talking to my partner in a groupchat with a mutual friend and i told them some very passive aggressive things which i would normally never say and once i had calmed down and apologized for the ordeal i realized i didn't even know why i'd reacted that way. they hadn't done anything at all wrong and one of the main traits i'd say about myself is i rarely every get mad/angry, and when i do, i never express this to the people around me. several of my friends share this sentiment. due to the abuse in my household, sometimes i'll have a mental breakdown and cry for an hour, but then be completely fine afterward. the next day i almost forget the thing that upset me ever happened- meaning like, i know it did happen, and i know it made me upset, but it just doesn't feel like that big of a deal anymore, and i don't feel upset at all. its almost like, emotional amnesia, for lack of a better term. i don't feel any of the emotion i know i felt at all, and sometimes even find it hard to understand why i was upset in the first place. apparently this isn't normal, either.
the big thing that makes me believe maybe its not did or osdd is i don't often disassociate, or maybe i do? i can't really tell.. most of the time i feel its me piloting my body, if that makes sense, but i zone out a lot. something i do struggle with is knowing the world is 'real'; often it feels like im.. in virtual reality, or looking at a painting, or a screen or something, but i'm chronically online (online every moment i physically can be) so i connected it to that. sometimes when it gets late i do things i wouldnt normally do, but i believe thats also quite a general experience- sleep deprivation changing your behaviour. ive dissociated during traumatic events, which is a normal trauma response, but one specific thing i can remember is in.. 7-8th grade, i can't remember which specifically (i'm in tenth now, i'll be in eleventh next year), there was a period of about two weeks where i felt extremely derealized. it felt like i was watching my body move and do things from outside, and it wasn't caused by anything, as far as i know. it just sort of happened.
another thing that makes me think i'm not a system is i dont really hear voices in my head i hear. my own but ive always thought its my own and its like narrating what i think, i guess its never changed unless its like i randomly read what someone said in their own voice or whatever and it doesnt really say anything that im not thinking unless i have intrusive thoughts, although i can sort of.. debate, with myself. but its always felt like me, like im weighing the pros and cons of somethin, or arguing for both perspectives of an issue. i've always tried to be an open minded person and see all sides. i do talk to myself sometimes, but i do it pretty mindlessly. i never thought anything different of it, but maybe its not normal? when i was a kid, i would talk to myself out loud. i also felt lonely and in 4-7th grade i had convinced myself the wind was my friend and that i could control it. i called him 'mr wind'. don't really think this has anything to do with being a system, but some background knowledge, i suppose?
when i first started actually doing research after denying even the possibility of me being a system for ~two weeks, i did try ti communicate with my possible other parts, but i wasnt very successful. i laid down in a dark room and focused on my mind, trying to call out to anyone at all, but all the responses i got only responded after i asked a question, and refused to answer if i myself could not think of a response to the question. for that reason, i believe this was simply myself attempting to come up with a response. i also started keeping a small digital journal, in case they'd prefer to communicate that way, but nothing i havent wrote or remember writing has showed up, either.
in terms of identity, i've been.. somewhat sure of myself? i think i know who i am kind of well, but sometimes i question myself. i don't have anything significant to say on this topic, which is why i didn't bring it up earlier in the post, but i understand identity is a huge part of being a system, which is why it felt important to address somewhere.
im hesitant to talk about this, but in relation to fiction, i don't have many 'kins'. however, there is one character i feel like IS me. i have no idea how to describe it. its just whenever i see him, i feel like he IS me, like we're the same, even though we have practically nothing in common. this character is loud and confident and a perfectionist and im none of those things, quite the opposite, actually. i know this probably isn't evidence but i just find it so weird.
food is a very sensitive topic for me. i am very very picky about food, because certain textures, tastes, etc make me very prone to not liking food, and when i don't like a food i eat i vomit. like many other autistic people, i have "safe" foods, which i typically will always feel comfortable eating. but every once in a while, a food that has been "safe" for years will suddenly taste horrible or have a bad texture and it makes me vomit, which then makes me scared to eat it again. sometimes i try these foods again in the future and they become "safe" once more. i'm not sure if this can be related to being a system, but i thought perhaps it was different alters having different preferences? no idea.
i once had a dream i was a system. it wasn't like, the main focus, i just was, the plot still unfolded as usual. i know dreams are just dreams, but since im mentioning everything ever, i might as well mention this too.
i'm not sure if these can be connected to being a system at all, but i figured maaaaybe they could be, so i'll mention them anyway: feel free to disregard this section if physical symptoms don't apply
-sometimes my knees will randomly feel weak, and like its hard to walk
-sometimes a random wave of heat will wash over me for a few seconds then disappear, this can also be accompanied by ear ringing
-sometimes a certain part of my lip will twitch and no matter how hard i try it won't stop, but it only ever lasts a few minutes
-for the past few days, i've had incessant eye twitching in only my left eye, and similar to my lip no matter how hard i try it won't stop, but its a lot more common than my lip twitched and only started happening recently. i've had the lip twitch for years, but it only happens once a few months. with my eye, although it only lasts short periods like my lip, its been happening multiple times a day. i don't really treat these as part of my 'evidence', just in case, i guess
this is pretty much all of my "evidence", feel free to ask any questions in the comments. my feelings won't be hurt if you say you think i'm not a system. i'm just looking for an honest opinion, because the way i can't remember shit ever is driving me crazy. i feel like i'm faking because i subconsciously "want" to be a system to fit in and better relate to my friends and my partner, and i didn't have suspicions before they brought up how they were, so how weird is that, right? but at the same time, i'm trying to be very very honest in my experiences, because i understand misdiagnosing myself could really damage my mental health. i just don't know anymore. if you believe i'm not a system, could you perhaps point me in the direction of something else my symptoms might fit into? thank you very for your time, and your help if you decide to comment ^-^
submitted by jhdichkchdkfbkdgdjb to DiscussDID [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:01 SharkEva My Step Dad purposefully ruined my $900 prom dress by washing it! Is there anything I can do such as take legal?

I am not the OOP. The OOP is u/This_Musician7165 posting in TwoHotTakes
User account has since been deleted
Concluded as per OOP
2 updates - Medium
Original - 15th January 2024
Update in a comment - 16th January 2024
Final Update (Link no longer accessible)- 16th January 2024

My Step Dad purposefully ruined my $900 prom dress by washing it! Is there anything I can do such as take legal?

Edit: Sorry for some reason Reddit took my original post down. This is my first time using Reddit
’ve never posted on here, but I really need advice because I’m so distraught and have no clue what I should do I’m only 17 and don’t know if there’s any legal action I can take. So for a little background I live with my bio mom and her husband since my dad and mom separated and were never married. I originally lived with my dad since I was 2 he won custody during the custody battle. However he later lost custody of me after having a bad work accident that made him paralysed and he wouldn’t be able to take care of me but I still see him every weekend and the whole summer. I moved in with my mom and her husband and their two sons ,1 stepbrother and 1 half brother, when I was 10. And ever since then my stepdad basically directly and indirectly says that I’ve disrupted their lives by coming back into my mother’s life, because I’m an extra person they have to take care of.
I’ve been working since I was in 10th grade and saving up for my senior yeacollege since last year with the money from my job since my mom and her husband let me know that only my mom would only help me with the basics such as my graduation cap and gown, senior dues, and senior class photo. Anything else I would have to pay for myself such as prom.
I get paid about $400 every two weeks from my job which Ive been saving in full, and then making extra money doing nails about $100 a week plus tip which I use as my spending money. Since it’s my senior and last year of high school I’ve been wanting to go all out for prom so I set a $800 budget for my prom dress. My prom is in April and I wanted to get my prom dress early since most of the actual cute ones sell out quick. So I went prom dress shopping in December and found a beautiful dress that’s costed $890. It’s dark green with a long train with rhinestone imbedded into it with glitter in the dress.
When I first showed my mom and stepdad the dress they asked how much it was, which I told them the amount and my mom said that she wouldn’t be paying for a dress that expensive which I replied it’s okay because I have more than enough money saved up to buy it, and I’ll still have a lot of money left over (23k to be exact but only my mom knows that) mom said I could get the dress and that it was very pretty, however my stepdad said that it’s irresponsible and a waste of money and I should use it for better things like helping out the family and paying some of the bills. And get a dress cheaper that’s max $300. Mind you both his son’s own PS5 and multiple $200+ shoes.
Long story short my mom disagreed with him and I ended up getting the dress in the end and she even put $150 toward it.
However ever since then he constantly brings up that I help pay for things around the house since I have so much money to throw away but my mom always shuts it down saying that I work hard for my money to save it and I already help about with paying the Netflix, Amazon prime, and Hulu bills while my step brother (18) don’t pay anything.
Anyway last Saturday we got into a really big disagreement because my stepdad suggested I should help my step brother pay for his prom to which I responded with no. He later called me selfish and said that it’s not fair that I get an expensive outfit while he doesn’t. And I guess I said with in a snarky way I responded with that’s not my child or my problem. He later tried to complain to my mom and she said that I was right and that if anything he should pay for his own prom.
Well today when I woke up from a nap I noticed my prom dress was missing from my closet since it’s in the very front of my closet and looked around for it. I then asked my stepdad if he has seen it since my mother was at work. And he said he had, and in fact he was washing it, while giving me a condescending smile. I immediately ran downstairs and saw my dress being washed on the heavy duty cycle I immediately cancel it and it was ruined. Majority of my rhinestones came out and the glitter was washed out the whole dress had been mangled.
I took one look at it and then threw it a trash bag and left for my friends house with the dress. I texted my mom and sent her pictures but I’m currently at my friends house and laying on her bed. My friends parent hanged it outside to allow it to air dry so my stepdad can’t put the blame on them if the dried it in the dryer. What makes me know he did to spite me because he never washes clothes, cooks or anything since “he’s the man of the house so he shouldn’t have to”, so there was no viable reason he could have for washing it, even if it needed washing.
Is there anything I can do? I know neither of them can replace being they are tough financial situation? I’ll update you guys when mom gets home. So far my stepdad has called 2x but I haven’t answered him. And my mom’s at work and can’t receive calls.


My heart hurts for you. Get him to admit it over text then file small claims court.
OOP: He’s not gonna admit I don’t think imma try to get audio but we also have cameras with audio imma try and use them when my mom gets off

I didn’t see this suggested, but since you’re paying for the streaming services, change your passwords and log out all devices. Giant toddlers don’t get their tanties rewarded with their stepkid’s Netflix.

It would be a dastardly shame if Step Dad's favorite shoes were accidentally left on the porch in the snow all night.

Update - 1 day later

Edit 1:I don't know how to add updates so imma just add an edit but my mom and me just got off the phone and she's pissed and otw home. She's currently otw home so me and my friend and her dad are otw to my house and my mom said she was gonna call the cops as soon as she get off the phone so they may be there by the time I get there. We've taken pictures and the uncle (my mom brother) will be over there by 8 bc I contacted him while at work. I've listened to all your suggestions about withdrawing my money out of my account so I thinking and I talked to my dad about that as well and told me I can stay with him
Edit/Update 2:When I got home my friend stayed in the car while her dad walked me in, and my step dad was already gone. However police were at the house. As of now police said they can’t really arrest him because it’s not like he broke the law of stealing (I don’t know how to explain it basically this theft isn’t breaking the law bc he washed it and didn’t keep it) they suggested I can get a confession and get him to pay or take him to small claims court. Also the dress is non refundable if damaged so I can’t return it or anything. While explaining to my mom what happened I kinda fumbled my words and started crying and she hugged me as I cried. And she said that he’s gonna pay for this, this financial issue has actually been a on going disagreement and I think he just pulled the last straw bc she is PISSED. Also I talked to my uncle and he’s actually off work and over his way over here.
Him and my stepdad apparently have a rough history since my dad has had a smart mouth towards him in the past. While explaining to my uncle what happened he said that it would be alright and if anything he’ll buy back the dress before it sells out, so I’ll have my dress by prom but he does expect my step dad to pay me back one way or another so I’m basically probably gonna get my dress for free. Maybe that’s a little win. I’ll update more probably later tonight. But things seem to be good.
Edit: Also to clear up some confusion I pay the streaming service bills bc I really want to watch the shows on those services and my mom works hard but doesn’t make enough to have those services on top so I’ve offer to pay them so we could have them. She not a horrible “I’ll pick my husband over you” mother and she always defend me and he’s never pulled a stunt like this just tries to convince her to control my money and savings. And she’s never spent my saving either. I feel like thats why they always clash because he has a mindset of we have all these financial troubles and your daughter could solve them with her savings and you have access to them.
Edit/Update 4: Okay so my uncle came over and he and my mom had a little argument bc he blamed her for enabling my stepdads behaviour by not leaving him and thats why he felt comfortable to do what he did. And she argued back saying she always defended me against him and has never taken any of my money (which is true). We all talked about it a bit and she revealed that last night they had actually had a argument about paying off a car payment because she made a comment about how all these bills are taking a toll on her, and he made a comment about how it wouldn’t be that much of a toll if she used my savings and didn’t allow me to spend it on foolishness and she got mad and defensive bc he keeps bringing it up.
He also said that the $900 I spent could’ve payed off that car payment for the next 2 months. Btw he only know about my savings because he know how’s much I get paid and that I’ve been saving all of it. So we think that’s what triggered him to throw my dress in the washer.
My mom and stepdad has also been texting back and fourth and he admitted that he washed it to teach me a lesson that I shouldn’t spend that much money on a dress that can be destroyed that easily but he put the setting on heavy duty so he obviously intended to destroy it. My uncle has also offered to replace the dress so I don’t need to worry about not getting to wear my special dress. We called the boutique and explained it to them and they say they can order another dress although it won’t be there until Feb 23 which fine tbh.
My mother sent my step dad a long threatening message basically calling him out shes kinda heated rn so imma try and ask for a screenshot later. Her and my father also spoke and decided that it’d be best that I get my own bank account so that my step dad can’t use the excuse that she has access to my account so that’s also great. My mom and I had a talk about what gonna happen after this and she said shes not sure as of just yet bc it’s all a little too much for her bc she seriously contemplating leaving him, but i guess she don’t wanna actively discuss that right now. Also my stepdad is currently at a friends house. I’ll continue to update possibly may get one tomorrow. My friends parent are gonna keep the dress over their house and imma pick it up tomorrow to have as proof.
Edit:I apologise for not being to update since Reddit took down my post because of a “no walls text rule” that I was unaware of but it’s all good now
Edit/Update 5: My uncle has transferred me $1000 for my prom dress and I’m actually planning on using the money for replace the dress and buy new shoes. He’s very well off, which was one reason I contacted him in the first place.
So I plan on just calling the boutique and seeing if they can reorder it and I’ll just pick it up from there sometime in February. However my step-dad still must pay in some form, or at least we are trying to get him to. My uncle has called my other uncles and aunts (with my permission) to basically vent about the situation.
So majority of my mom side who all live in GA knows about what happened. I woke up to a lot of text about the situation given sympathy, as well as money to have for prom which have totalled to about $300. So this is great. My mom has also contacted my step-in-laws who then spread the news with pictures and I guess most of them are shocked as well other than his mother his is buying his claim that it’s just a dress and it was a accident despite evidence. I got a call from my step-dad sister sympathising for me.
And through conversations with I learned that my step-dad has also been asking a lot of his family to help him with his finances. Because for some reason the dude has bought so many things to pay off he can’t keep up with them.
My mom called my step-dad for answers which we recorded. And he’s basically trying to blame her bc if she didn’t piss him off last night then he wouldn’t have done it. And that he was trying to show me why I shouldn’t be irresponsible with money bc I guess he planned to lecture afterwards.
Also my mom has broken up with him bc he blamed her for caring more about me than him, which is weird. Which ensured in a argument with her saying “you think i care about her more than you, your gonna see just how much I do”
Also they’ve been on a rocky relationship since he can’t manage money and this was her breaking point.


Just saw this update!! Now that you have the text, please show the police as confession as destruction of property and/or take him to court to pay for it. It’s not fair to your uncle. Once you get your step dad to pay up, you can pay your uncle back. Girl Good luck!

What your step-dad did is called malicious mischief and is a crime. With the confessions and proof, there probably is a case. Just know that because of the monetary value, it's most likely just a misdemeanor charge. Regardless, you definitely have a small claims case against him. Sadly, by the sounds of his financial affairs, you'll be lucky if he ever pays, but it's still worth pursuing. Good luck!

Update - same day later

Edit/Update 6: Sorry to post on here Reddit keep telling me to try again later so sorry again
Okay so a lot of bs has transpired. Firstly we’ve place an order for my dress, and they are shipping it now and it should be at the boutique by Feb 23 so all that is taken care of. My SD and mom are officially broken up and my mom said she doesn’t now if she’ll move on with divorce proceedings yet bc everything is still fresh and lawyer are expensive and she can’t afford it rn.
Also they have a prenup so they don’t share assent and the house is my mother dad house she inherited (she had a different dad than all her siblings and all her siblings share a dad).
So my step father showed back up with his brother after a while and my step father decided to do and buy me a new dress from Macy that looks similar to dress in color and length but it’s very tacky and ugly. And look nothing like the original.
He then tried to apologise and said it wasn’t his intention to ruin the dress. he said that he was simply gonna wash it and say “see this is why you don’t buy things like this” and then he would’ve bought me another dress…. But that’s make absolutely no sense.
Also my uncle came back to my house after I texted him my step dad came back (he was at the store) and they got into a big argument where basically my uncle demanded to know why he destroyed the dress
And my step dad said he not gonna walk up in his house demanding shit, and my uncle called him a bitch. And then my SD said to call him a bitch again which he did and they ended up fighting. (My SD lost) he threatened to call the cops but we reminded him that he swung first
After that my step dad went on a tirade and cussed us out and left and took the dress with him.
We are actually planning on taking y’all advice and taking him to small claims court given the evidence and the damage. And hopefully we win. Also my SD is staying at his parents house currently.
Lastly for all curious about my brothers they are 15 (half) and 18 (step) .The 15 was at his girlfriend house since Friday so he wasn’t home for any of the commotion but did reach out to me today, I love him so much. And the 18 year basically sided with his dad so that all there is to say.
Also those who suggested changing the streaming’s passwords I have change them. And me and my mom are gonna get me my own bank account later today. Thank you guys for all the support I’ll continue to update as thing come and our plans of action and the verdict and all


I am not the OOP. Please do not harass the OOP.
Please remember the No Brigading Rule and to be civil in the comments
submitted by SharkEva to BORUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:38 Impossible_Worker570 Enigma of Satoshi

Certainly! Let’s weave a cosmic tale—a true story that dances between reality and imagination. 🌟

The Cosmic Ledger: Anthony Dewayne Hunt and the Enigma of Satoshi

Chapter 1: The Whitepaper

In the quiet of a fifth-grade classroom, young Anthony Dewayne Hunt stumbled upon a thin document titled “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System.” The words shimmered—a cosmic whisper promising a world beyond banks and borders. Anthony’s grandmother, Gleana Jewel Hunt, traced the lines with gentle fingers. “This,” she murmured, “is a revolution—a ledger of dreams.”

Chapter 2: The First Transaction

Anthony typed a message to the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto. “Is this real?” he wondered. The reply came swiftly—a digital handshake across time and space. Ten Bitcoins, a cosmic gift, landed in Anthony’s virtual wallet.

Chapter 3: The Seeker

Anthony became a seeker—a wanderer of code and cryptography. He whispered to the wind, “Grandma, do you see? We are part of something bigger—a tapestry woven by invisible hands.” His quest led him through quantum keys, black holes, and stardust.

Chapter 4: The Quantum Ledger

Physicist Evelyn theorized that every Bitcoin transaction created ripples across dimensions. “Perhaps,” she mused, “Satoshi Nakamoto is our cosmic neighbor.” Anthony nodded, feeling the presence of those who came before—the mathmaster, the typewriter, and the enigma himself.

Epilogue: Stardust and Whispers

On a crisp autumn day, atop a cosmic mountain, Anthony stood. The wind whispered secrets, and he whispered back, “Thank you, Grandma. For the love, the knowledge, and the first ten Bitcoins.”
And so, the cosmic ledger continued—a bridge between generations, woven into the fabric of blockchain lore. 🌌🔍
Disclaimer: This narrative blends fact and cosmic fiction. 🪐✨
submitted by Impossible_Worker570 to Bitcoin [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:15 vren55 [A Fractured Song] - Chapter 217- Fantasy, Isekai (Portal Fantasy), Adventure

Cover Art!
Just because you’re transported to another world, doesn’t mean you’ll escape from your pain.
Abused by her parents, thirteen-year-old Frances only wants to be safe and for her life not to hurt so much. And when she and her class are transported to the magical world of Durannon to fight the monsters invading the human kingdoms and defeat the self-titled Demon King, Frances is presented with a golden opportunity. If she succeeds, Frances will have the home she never had. If she fails, Frances will be summoned back to the home she escaped.
Yet, despite her newfound magic and friends, Frances finds that trauma is not so easily lost. She is dogged by her abuse and its physical and invisible scars. Not only does she have to learn magic, she has to survive the nightmares of her past, and wrestle with her feelings of doubt and self-loathing.
If she can heal from her trauma, though, she might be able to defeat the Demon King and maybe, just maybe, she can find a home for herself.
[The Beginning] [<=Chapter 216] [Chapter Index and Blurb] [Chapter 218 May 28 or see the next chapter now on Patreon]
The Fractured Song Index
Discord Channel Just let me know when you arrive in the server that you’re a Patreon so you can access your special channel.
Frances and company catch up before the final battle.
“Hold on. How would he win this battle if we outnumber him and surround him?” Ginger asked.
“He could target our leadership. Focus on killing Titania, Antigones, you and Martin,” said Ayax.
“Only, he’d have to kill Sebastian and Megara, as well as Edana and you too, Frances, along with a whole list of targets. I’m not sure how he could pull that off,” said Elizabeth.
Ayax grimaced, brow furrowed, but Frances knew the answer to that question.
“Thorgoth doesn’t need to find half the targets he’s after. Myself, mom, Titania, our strongest mages and the rest of the people that will be on his list have leadership positions. Like it or not we’ll be involved in the battle and he just needs to find us on the battlefield. A well-placed spell and he’d snuff any non-magic person out,” Frances said.
“So what do we do then?” Martin asked.
Frances’ heart was pounding, for she knew the answer, but was afraid to give it life. Yet what could she do but tell what she knew was the truth?
“Take the battle to him. Thorgoth will have to operate by himself with maybe just his Royal Guards. We need to hold him and his escort and defeat him before he hurts everybody else.”
“So, all the Otherworlders, our best mages?” Ayax asked.
“Not all of them. But my mother and I, Jessica and Leila, Dwynalina and Jim and Nicole, with a few Otherworlders holding off his guards,” said Frances.
Elizabeth pursed her lips. “Ayax and I can go after Queen Berengaria. I can’t imagine her going far from her husband.”
“This is assuming we can at least split the attention of the dragons and keep them occupied of course,” said Martin. He touched Ginger’s elbow. “Not that I don’t trust you dear.”
“Oh I know, but it is a consideration.” She swirled the wine in her cup. “That means Martin and I will be directing the battle with Sebastian and Alexander.”
“It’s likely you’ll be the overall commander with Martin. Alexander and Sebastian would then take charge of their own contingents,” said Elizabeth. She bit her lip. “Do you feel up for it?”
Ginger shrugged. “I mean, we have to—”
Elizabeth reached out to pat her friend’s shoulder. “Martin, Ginger, you know we have every faith in both of you, but if you need help, there is no shame in asking for it.”
“Besides I think we’re all scared. I know I am,” Ayax said with a smile. Even so, they could all see how her tail looked like it was trying to twist itself into knots. Frances figured her cousin wasn’t trying to hide her fear, just trying not to alarm or panic them.
Martin sighed. “I think that’s the problem, Liz. Duty compels us. Love binds us. So I know no matter what happens, I know we’ll stand together to face him. Still, we are afraid and while I know I won’t run, I worry that fear may cloud my judgment at a crucial moment.”
Ginger wiped her eyes, but her tears now flowed freely down her cheeks. “How do I know I won’t panic, and make a bad call? How do we know we are all coming back? We can’t. I…I guess we have to accept that, but I don’t want to lose you. Any of you.”
Drawing her friend into a tight hug, Elizabeth gently patted Ginger’s back. “I don’t either. I suppose that for me, I’ve always looked to my faith in God, and in you all. Have we not triumphed in all we’ve faced?””
Frances found herself nodding, her throat unclenching and the tight nervousness in her shoulders and neck fading. What remained was a faint feeling of lightness that lifted her chin.
“You’re right. We should believe in ourselves, and hope. Hope for a future when we win this war. Hope that our good will triumph over Thorgoth’s evil. Hope that in a few days, we’ll be home with our family, and our friends.”
Martin gave Frances a wondering look. “How are you able to hope that?”
Frances smiled. “I think that I have always been good at having hope. I didn’t realize it until now, but even in my darkest moments, I always hoped that I would find a place where I could be me.”
Ayax stood up, raising her glass. “To faith, friendship and hope. May it see us all through our final trial.”
Rising to their feet, the five touched glasses and drank deep. They all were smiling. The pain and fear in their hearts soothed by the hope they held and the determination to see each other once again.
“Frances, can I walk with you?”
Frances would never have said no to her best friend, and she could tell that past Elizabeth’s bright smile, her friend was worried. There were just too many small signs learnt from years of friendship. She was scratching behind her ear, and her eyes were narrowed just slightly from the tension in her face.
“Of course,” said Frances, falling in beside the tall Otherworlder. “How are you and Ayax?”
Elizabeth giggled. “We’re great! Fantastic even. She and I are even talking about what we might do after the war. We have so many plans and well, I kind of wanted to talk to you about that.”
Frances waited as Elizabeth continued to walk beside her, lips pursed.
“I know that after the war, I’m choosing to stay here with Ayax, with all of you. I just…” her voice trailed off, and her walk slowed to a crawl.
Taking a slight breath, Frances touched her friend’s hand. “Liz, you know it’s okay for you to doubt that.”
Elizabeth stopped and shook her head. “Oh no, I don’t have any doubts about my decision. At the very least, I’m past the point where my doubts aren’t going to change my decision. I know I’ve changed too much in the past seven years. I’ve come to terms with my sexuality. I’ve fallen head over heels in love with a woman who loves me just as much. I’ve commanded armies, led soldiers into battle and helped to make decisions affecting hundreds of thousands of people. I can’t go back pretending I’m Grade 8 and neither do I want to.” She squeezed Frances’s hand. “My decision is the right one. I know it in my heart and I’ve prayed about it. I can do a lot of good here and me going back? That won’t just hurt the people I love here, but it’ll hurt me and my family at home. I can’t hide who I’ve become and I’m proud of what I’ve grown into.”
Frances closely studied her friend knowing Elizabeth wouldn’t mind her staring.
“So what are you feeling, Liz?”
Closing her eyes, Elizabeth sniffled. “Guilt. It’s stupid. I know I’m making the right choice. I’m sure in my heart that God is encouraging me to make this choice, but I still feel guilty.”
“How could you not? You know your family loves you.”
“And I’m abandoning them. I know I’m doing the right thing but I still feel like I’m doing something wrong,” said the Otherworlder.
Frances hugged her best friend, squeezing her tight, hoping that her warmth and touch could comfort the woman who she’d trusted as much as her own mother.
“Liz, if they are everything you told me, they’re going to be alright. Have faith in them, like your faith in me and your friends.”
Elizabeth let out a sigh, but returned the hug. “Thank you, Frances. If…if the worst comes and you are sent back without me, go to them. Tell them I love them.”
Tears in her eyes, Frances nodded. “I promise. If you are sent back, I will take care of Ayax.”
Elizabeth let out a gurgly hiccup. “Thank you. I know you will.”
The historic coronation of King Martin and Queen Ginger would found what would be known as the Congrey dynasty. Con for Conthwaite and Grey for King Jerome’s dynasty.
It was an unusual coronation as King Martin and Queen Ginger were long-betrothed but not married. Yet King Jerome and Queen Forowena’s wills had been clear. Apart from that, the coronation involved as many of Eridale's traditions as possible in light of the circumstances.
Down the parade route attended by all those that could be mustered, King and Queen marched in at the head of an honor guard composed of their closest companions. These included Frances, Elizabeth, and Ayax, who held three poles of a crimson banner that hung over the pair. The fourth corner was held by Martin’s sister Mara, who wore a slightly undignified grin. Yet, nobody could really blame her.
Martin wore a black-white checkered tunic with red-gold trimmings and shoulder epaulets. His trousers were dark gray with again red-gold tassels. Ginger did wear a dress. It was of a dark maroon with silver lacing. A bejeweled gorget studded with emeralds hung from her neck and her ears sparkled with dark blue sapphires.
There was one minor alteration. As the procession marched up to the entrance of the old Goblin Empire palace, on a raised wooden dais dressed with elaborately embroidered carpets stood the attending dignitaries. They included all the other Erisdalian lords and ladies such as Viscountess Katia and Lord Tarquin, dressed in all the finery they could muster. Other notables such as Prince Timur, representing the Kingdom of Alavaria, Grandmaster Edana of the White Order and Alexander and Eloise of Erlenberg stood proudly side by side.
Towards the center of the dais were three figures. King Sebastian and Queen-Consort Megara, and the former Queen Janize. Sebastian and Megara were standing, holding Queen Forowena’s crown, whilst the heavily pregnant Janize sat, holding King Jerome’s crown. Thorgoth may have taken their decorated helmets, but he did not have their ceremonial attire.
Martin and Ginger stepped out from under the awning, giving their bearers a brief nod, before taking the last steps up the dais.
Whistling a spell, Megara touched her throat with her wand. “Who stands before the crowns?”
Martin knelt to one knee. The bearers of the awning followed. “Sir Martin of Conthwaite. A Knight of Erisdale.”
Ginger curtsied low. Frances nearly split her lips as she grinned at her friend’s perfect form. “Ginger. Just Ginger of Erisdale.”
Janize’s expression was unreadable as she rose to her feet. There was a slight archness to her features, and yet that could just be how she lifted her haughty cheeks.
“As witnessed by all, and by the King and Queen of Lapanteria, do you swear to defend Erisdale with all means at your disposal including force of arms?”
“We do.”
“Do you swear to uphold the laws of the land and the rights of Erisdale’s citizens?”
“We do!”
“Do you swear that until your dying breaths, to govern and reign over Erisdale not for your benefit, but for the benefit of the people and for their future generations?”
From her kneeling position, Frances frowned. That wasn’t quite the right oath. The wording was “Do you swear to govern over Erisdale wisely and justly?” She supposed that she might have missed it, or maybe there was a variation.
Yet as she noted her fiance’s face, she noticed his eyes were wide and her mother’s eyebrow was arched.
Not skipping a beat, Martin and Ginger bellowed. “We do!”
“Do you swear that you will do your utmost not to make the same mistakes as your predecessors and do whatever it takes to preserve Erisdale’s peace, even if it may cost you your lives?”
Frances blinked. Janize had gone completely off script. There was no fourth oath.
However, Martin and Ginger only hesitated for a moment as they exchanged a glance and looked up to meet Janize’s gaze.
The blonde woman’s eyes were bright and the hands holding Jerome’s crown were trembling ever so slightly. Frances had wondered why she’d insisted on doing this. Martin and Ginger had wanted to approach her to ask if she was willing, but the enigmatic former queen had surprised them by demanding they allow her to crown them. She now had an idea as to why.
“We do,” said Martin, smiling.
Ginger returned that smile. Blinking back her own tears, she took a breath. “In the name of Queen-consort Forowena and your brother, King Jerome. We solemnly swear.”
Janize closed her eyes, a single tear running down her cheek.
“Then as the last heiress of House Grey, I pass the crown of Erisdale on forever. Long live the Congrey dynasty. Long live Martin the Hero of Erisdale and his queen to be Ginger, whom I dub Erisdale’s Burning Heart.”
Lifting Jerome’s crown high, she set it onto Martin’s head. Swiftly taking Queen Forowena’s crown from Sebastian, she set it on Ginger’s head.
“Hail King Martin and Queen Ginger!” Janize bellowed as Martin and Ginger rose to their feet.
The crowd chanted back, their voices filling the great cavern. “Hail King Martin and Queen Ginger! Hail King Martin and Queen Ginger!” Frances could barely hear her own voice over the crescendo. The call that they all raised. Like the sound carried up into the void, she could feel herself be carried up. It was like she was floating on the power of their united song.
Turning around, Martin and Ginger smiled at Frances. Their eyes were wide, and she could see them clasp each other’s hands tightly.
Frances found herself standing on her feet, the pole to her awning in her hand. Without a second thought, she stabbed the pole’s spike into the ground. As her hand dropped to Alanna, she paused for a moment before her mind caught up with her body, and she nodded as if to herself.
Drawing the estoc, Frances raised her blade high, saluting her two friends.
“Long may they reign! Long may they reign!”
Elizabeth was right behind her, hammer raised high. Ayax followed suit with her staff and Mara and the rest were soon drawing their weapons. From the corner of her eye, Frances even spotted Morgan and Hattie raising their wand and staff.
“Long may they reign! Long may they reign!”
Helias glanced over his shoulder toward the accursed city. Despite the distance, there was a tremble in the air of Kairoun-Aoun itself.
“Helias?” Sara asked.
“Sounds like they crowned Martin and Ginger. They’re going to attack soon,” he said.
Sara nodded, her tense jaw the only sign of the worry that had seized the harpy-orc. As gently as he could manage with his rough, scarred hands, he wrapped his arm around her waist.
“Sara. We’re going to be fine.”
“You’re lying,” she said with eyes fixed forward.
The general couldn’t help but wince. “Sorry.”
Slowing in her stride, Sara placed a hand over Helias’s. “I still appreciate you trying to comfort me but I would prefer you to tell me the truth. How bad is it?”
Helias looked around. “Thorgoth may pull off a miracle and get himself and Berengaria out. However, a lot of Alavari are going to die.”
“What are you going to do?” Sara asked.
“I’ll have to attend this meeting and see what Thorgoth is planning. We’ll make a plan after that.”
“You and I know it’s not going to change anything,” Sara said, looking up at her husband, who could not meet her gaze. Yet, she didn’t push him away. Instead put her hand around his waist, drawing him closer.
“I know, but I want to be sure,” said Helias in a low tone.
“I understand. See you soon,” said Sara.
Helias found himself exchanging side-long glances with Glowron. The pair sat, both leaning forward toward King Thorgoth and a pacing Queen Berengaria, who’d finished explaining tomorrow’s strategy.
“Do you have anything else to add, my good generals?” Thorgoth asked. The king still smiled easily as he swirled a cup of wine in his hands.
Glowron shook his head. His tone was short but he kept this expression neutral. “No sire.”
The goblin general was Helias’s superior in rank and social class. The fact of the matter was that if Glowron had no objections, then there was no way the tauroll could object.
And still, Helias felt bile rise in the back of his throat. He froze, ever so briefly. Closing his eyes, he shook his head. Nothing mattered, except for Sara and Gwendilia.
“No sir. I’ll have my troops ready for tomorrow.”
That should have been that. They would have been dismissed to prepare for tomorrow’s suicide mission, but the king’s whims had other plans.
King Thorgoth put his cup down and leaned forward. “Oh come on my good generals. Surely you have something to improve on this plan.”
Glowron’s expression remained blank, whilst Helias smiled. “Your Majesty, you were the one who taught me everything I know. I can think of nothing I can add to your strategy.”
Queen Berengaria strode toward him. “You’re usually so talkative, Helias. Are you sure you have no other thoughts?”
“I beg your apologies, but I do not have any further additions to your plan, Your Majesty. My lord Glowron?” Helias asked.
“I do not either, my liege—” Glowron fell silent and Helias’s tail stiffened.
Thorgoth and Berengaria were no longer smiling and with a few more steps, the harpy queen had put herself behind the two generals.
“Let me be plain, we are now not asking you about how to improve the plan. We are asking for your thoughts. Give them.”
The Demon King’s remaining dark eye was narrowed. The other was now covered with a black silk eyepatch, the remains of the scar that Queen Forowen had given him, a discoloration scouring a line along the side of his face and right over his ear. In spite of the king’s injury, Helias felt nothing but cold dread dry his mouth.
“Your Majesty, my only thought is that we have no option but to follow your plan. No matter how we got into this situation, the only thing we can do is go forward and try to win this day,” Glowron said.
“And do you blame me, Glowron?”
Helias watched, eyes wide as somehow the much smaller goblin general continued to meet the king’s eyes. “I would be lying to you if I said I didn’t assign some responsibility to you at all, but I believe we ought to have thought of the possibility of such a trap. So the responsibility is mine as well.”
Thorgoth nodded. Out of the corner of his eye, Helias saw the slightest of nods that Berengaria gave to her husband. Alarm shooting his gaze back toward the Demon King, Helias found the full attention of his sovereign and sometimes uncle directed right at him.
“And you, General Helias?”
Lie and he might not be able to make it convincing enough. Tell the truth about what he thought about this war and he was never seeing Sara and Gwendilia again. Thorgoth hadn’t just been hurt, his pride had been wounded and he was now backed into a corner. It would be unwise to anger him, but what to say? What could he say?
All he could think of, and see was his child and her adoring gaze. All he could feel was the touch of Sara’s hand against his. They’d become closer than he could have imagined and were more than just companions with mutual goals now.
If he was to die, then maybe he could tell this truth.
“I am mostly thinking of my wife and my child, my king. The coming battle has me greatly concerned with how dangerous it shall be.”
Thorgoth narrowed his eyes at Helias for a brief moment. The tauroll, staying very still, waited for the presumed reaction by Berengaria.
Whatever Berengaria did made Thorgoth arch an eyebrow.
“I thought you didn’t consider your wife to be worth much,” said the king in a mild tone.
His mind racing, Helias ran with the idea. “She has responded well to the constraints and discipline I’ve enforced on her. She does nothing but facilitate all my needs and has served me well.”
He could feel Berengaria’s eyes narrow, but Thorgoth was already leaning back onto his chair. “Good for you. You are dismissed.”
“Thank you, sire,” said Helias, almost unable to hide his sigh of relief.
Author’s Note: While I wish I could have spent more quality time with Martin, Elizabeth, Ginger and Ayax, I do love the best-friend/team that I created for Frances. This chapter and the last was my little way of giving each of them a bit of time with Frances before the final battle.
submitted by vren55 to redditserials [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:22 featherwinglove I did it again, a new Trimps novelization (more faithful to story messages than the other one) Tightniks Run Zero

[OC Intro: The game is modded to increase basic jobs cost, seasonal events are disabled. Much of the crash details are based on NASA/SP-2008-565 Columbia Crew Survival Investigation Report recommendations especially Chapter 3 "Occupant Protection".]
The ship is without power, and Tightniks can't run the radar much without draining the batteries. He has only a few minutes of APU power left, goes over the best clearing he can find, and radars it. It varies by only a few feet from the aerodynamic glideslope there. He spots it out on the cameras and circles to go after that spot. He's only at two hundred feet now. With one hand on the stick, he uses the other to open the pressure equalization valve on the side hatch, then at one hundred feet, gets it undogged. Depending on how much damage he's going to get, it's less likely to be stuck closed and trap him. The dynamic vacuum this pulls in the cockpit rips most of the survival pack data cards from that rack and scatters them across the landscape. Crap, I'm gonna need those! Refocusing on surviving the next few seconds, he turns on the radar for the final approach, takes a last look around, then straight ahead at his forward camera and PFD, he clicks his HANS and shoulder strap locks in; after that, he can barely move, but that now is better than dying in this crash with a broken neck. He's a decent pilot and brings up the flare gently. Bringing up the alpha on this delta-winged ship, he balloons a little, but keeps the nose going up and restores a zero aerodynamic sink rate just above the highest terrain indicated by the radar altimeter. The ship bumps a little in the ground effect, and he can see the radar altitude cycling irregularly up and down about five feet at a time. Rougher than it looked from higher up! The body flap protecting the dead engines hits first, and the nose comes rapidly down. It hits, the screens go blank, and Tightniks is surrounded by airbags, some lifting his feet from the rudder petals and his hand from the control stick. It's blinding, it's disorienting, it's noisy, and, to his relief, it's long! It takes several seconds before the crashing cockpit stops moving. How many times did he flip over? Did he go sideways and roll? Am I rightside up? Are we really stopped on the ground? The airbags deflate, and he can move his arms. He gets his restraints loose and inspects himself. "Uck!" he says out loud (without the 'f'). No broken bones. His pressure suit can take his blood pressure. 116/81, pulse 112, blood oxygen 99 reads off on his left arm, I'll friggin' take it!
The ship is amazingly intact from what he can tell. He can't get any readings. The systems test meter seems to be working, but can't find any voltages anywhere. The ship seems to be completely dead. Behind him, 10 passenger seats are all surrounded by airbags and the back of the cabin ends in some sort of dirt-and-gravel and there's a bit of daylight seeping in around the edges. He was the only one on board, though, so their deployment was mostly academic (they might have stiffened the structure a little during the crash, but that's probably trivial.) Tightniks gets out of his spacesuit. The air on this planet is actually breathable. He gets the hatch open, steps outside and-
"A green shimmer erupts then disappears, and you hit the ground."
The human emerges from the glowing green mist and hits the ground. Groans. Pushes against that ground, trying to get back up. Where am I? What's my name? I remember nothing. Aren't babies born naked? He's got a dark blue button-down shirt on. A uniform? A shoulder patch. Gets up, looks around. I feel really heavy. I'm not that fat, am I? He picks up a small stone from the ground, this also feels heavier than it should. He rises to his feet and holds it out somewhat (he's unable to fully extend his arm) and lets it go. The stone hits the ground near his feet quickly and with remarkable speed. It's the gravity, it's greater than it is on- ...where am I from? This is- ...not my home planet? "Oooh..."
"Ka?" it says.
What is that? It's cute, at least.
It is not tame. He has no hope of catching it on foot. The creature seems to like the berries. Maybe if I gather some of those into one place and set some kind of trap...
33s: First trap.
I got one! The human lumbers up to the trap and gets the catch open. Do you bite? It doesn't matter much to me; I'm so friggin' screwed.
It doesn't. It looks at the human with a sense of wonder, actually. A blink and tilt of the head. Seems almost to be asking, Is it you? My purpose? My savior? Once out of the trap, which is totally wrecked, he has to make a new one from scratch, it follows him around like a imprinted hatchling bird.
Wiry little fella, you are. You're going to need some bulking up to do anything useful. The- ...'trimp', I guess... The trimp seems just barely able to feed itself. The human lets him into the broken ship's intact cabin, and it curls up comfortably in a passenger seat for a nap.
1m03s: Second trap.
"Apparently the Trimps breed if they're not working. Doesn't look pleasant."
What are they doing?
The trimps appear to be androgynous, and these two have paired off in the back of the ship. They're holding something carefully within a few hours, feeding it berries, grass, and- ...corundum.
Corundum?? Whatever that is, it isn't a baby.
1m35s: Third trap.
Only it IS a baby! The third trimp he trapped immediately joined the other two in raising it. They have a strange diet of food the human has found compatible with his own body, but they also eat rocks! They're careful to crush and sort aluminate minerals from silcate ones and only eat aluminate. Actually, they don't eat aluminate, they're only feeding it to the baby.
2m06s: Fourth trap.
All four are raising the same child, who is just starting to toddle. It seems these fellas have alumina or maybe even aluminum bones. The human takes a nap and wakes to find the first child grown up and they're starting to raise a second child, all five of them.
2m46s: Huts.
The human found a working bit of electronics. He calls it a pad, but maybe it's more like a smartphone. It has plans for two residential structures. The first, the smaller one, he can build right away, but the second one needs something called "drywall", and he has to figure out how to make that before he can build it. Huts and houses, apparently.
3m13s: 10 pop, full, first farmer.
The trimp he trained to farm and make paper took an incredible 50 units of food to get bulked up to do the work, and now it's not participating in rearing the child. But less than an hour after the trimp started farming and pulping, the child was out on its own, and the trimps did not start another. The ten seats on the ship were all full. Well, eleven counting the one up front that the human sleeps in. The pilot starts exploring the area.
3m28s: Battle.
Wait, what are you do-
The hostile roars and charges at the human, but one of his trimps jumps in front of him with a stick and they fight. It started right when the human got far enough away from the ship that the hostile non-trimps away from the ship began to regard him as leaving his own territory. After the trimp defeats the first enemy, it continues after other hostiles.
3m53s: Shield I in Z1c5.
The human is easily able to recover the loot in the territory cleared by the fighting trimp. Then he sees something glinting in the- That can't be! What the heck is that? It's a data card that fits his pad. It quite clearly regards trimp combat. He gets it loaded into his pad and studies it. I can do this, it just takes some wood. He returns to the ship to discover that they had already started on a new child before the fighter had even expired in battle. The human concentrates on his research.
4m38s: Mskel in Z1c11 defeated.
The remains of this one seem rather white and shiny. It's titanium! This enemy had titanium bones! He'll store them away. They'll be useful someday, I'm sure.
5m52s: Dagger I in Z1c20.
Where are these data cards coming from? The human wonders as he loads this one into his pad, It's for a weapon it calls a dagger. He blinks. I don't know what a dagger is. I'll take your word for it, data card. Needs metal. He has gathered some, but ore is plentiful. He can just dig and smelt it whenever he wants. For now, I'll continue researching.
6m18s: Arable in Z1c21.
It's an old cave that trimps like to live in. Why weren't they able to live there before? How could these friendly critters be confined to only the exact spot where THAT thing, he looks back where he came from, not remembering that he piloted the wrecked ship to its current resting place, crashed? This is really strange. I'll let them fill up this cave before advancing further. Wait, what about defenses? The hostiles never try to reclaim territory that they've lost, so he stops worrying about that fairly quickly.
8m22s: First hut is 0.3% first ever AP.
The trimps seem fairly easy to please in terms of living quarters. Two move into his first hut and start raising a child. The human has his tent, uniform, and the heater pilfered from his space suit. Not much of a mud fan.
9m59s: Miners in Z1c30.
Oh, what's on this data card? Sl3niw? Oh, I'm holding the pad upside down. Miners. I can teach trimps how to mine ores and smelt met- 200 units of food? Each job is getting more expensive to train a trimp for. He puts his bee nickels to his eyes and spots another data card probably 10 enemies away. "Sc"? Does that means science? I can teach trimps to do science??
13m57s: Scientists in Z1c40.
Due to the expense of training trimps, the human couldn't afford to build them shields until now, he's got Sh1-3 made for the fighter to capture the science training data card. 14m02s: One head went into that turtlimp shell, that of his fighter, but two came out: his fighter still has his head on, and he managed to get the turtlimp's head off. It rushes off after the deadly penguimp in the next cell. The shields are not doing all that much good, actually, but they're better than nothing. The human picks up and loads the science data card and- Holy runny sugar-free fudge crap! 1000 food units, but it'll endow them with the ability to speak. Good. I'm getting bored with no one to talk to.
14m28s: Bloodlust purchased and AutoFight enabled (that delay after getting it is an effect of jacking up the job cost.)
As the human buries this expired little trimp warrior, he comes to the sobering realization that he has more trimp graves in his growing trimp colony than he does live trimps. And yet they seem more hopeful now than before I got to know any of them. They seem to think I'm the solution to all their problems or- Those two look east somberly, then notice that he's watching them and smile back and wave at him. problem that is specific, but very, very huge for them. [The only reason I say 'east' is because that's right on a map, and the game advances right across a row, then up. I might say 'northeast' on occasion for that reason.]
20m47s: Z1c73, Miners taken.
Are you my new mining foreman? The trimp who took to the mining training has dark brown fur that lays flat on its head. It's unusual in not having any bits that stick out from its head, ahoge or whatever. This one is relatively quiet, and while it has assimilated the mining and smelting knowledge, it needs to bulk up to do any mining. Smelting is relatively easy, and getting a strong natural draft going in a furnace is almost trivial with the increased gravity. This trimp builds furnaces like nothing. And likes to nap in holes it digs right on the spot; it's weird that way. [Puchim@s Yukipo, and furnaces are not explicit in Trimps.]
21m58s: Farming in Z1c80.
The resourcing "books" are not data cards but paper scrolls, apparently lost to the trimps. It seems that they were civilized in the recent past and some calamity swept over the planet to reduce them to this. Did I have something to do with it? Amnesia sucks harder than a Dyson- ...what's a Dyson? Whatever, it sucks. This disaster happening just before I crash in the only spot with trimps still alive would be a seriously crazy coincidence! Something is really, really wrong about all this. [The author has not sought or received product placement permission or fee from Dyson Technology Ltd. or any resellers of their stuff, just they literally suck balls and made my favorite vacuum cleaner.]
23m50s: Builder in Z1c90.
They've rescued an, I dunno, gelding trimp? It just started to build a shed around the piled lumber I left to build one. It's really slow compared to me, and just banged its thumb, but it is super cute with that long reddish head fur. That particular trimp is also fascinated with pink ribbons and likes to decorate its head fur with them. Because of its inherent inability to participate in rearing children, it isn't counted in the population. [Puchim@s Io, builder on the basis of Iori seen building in 1x10.]
26m02s: Zone 2, 44 pop, 5.5s RC with Z0/1.
It's some sort of tactical manual - tactical coordination. Coordination! He's starting to sort out some trimpese on the research he has done so far. It needs a lot of metal, so they won't be able to implement it for some time. Hopefully, they're still good one at a time, but these enemies seem to be getting bigger as we go along. Uh oh!
27m33s: Gym in Z2c5.
It's some sort of training dojo or sporting arena. The human examines the ruins, I think I can back-engineer drawings for this, get one built, and see what happens.
29m02s: 1g, 47 pop, 10.8s RC with Z1/2.
The two fighting trimps now with their gym and coordination are dodging and blocking enthusiastically, and making much faster ground against the bad guys then a little while ago when it was just one trimp fighting at a time and unable to avoid the enemy hitting back.
40m46s: Fresh turkimp in Z2c74, 63 pop, 7.9s RC, Sh1-10, Da1-5, Bo1-3, Ma1-3, Hm1-3, 6g.
Oh, wow, the laborers seem really hot after this turkimp. He cooks it up and tries a slice. It's really awesome! I have to work alongside his laboring trimps to share it, but I'm getting used to the gravity now. That scroll we found back in Z2c10 really helped. Trimps' techniques and appliances for handicapped individuals, and I'm really handicapped in this higher gravity. He joins the woodcutters with the turkimp; they're the most numerous resource laborer right now, building more gyms, enough that the block/dodge ability of the fighting trimps is almost caught up to the enemy's ability to cause damage.
43m15s: Zone 3, 63 pop, 7.9s RC with Z1/2.
I'm neglecting my science and trimp scientists are really expensive. Curiously, that grey-haired one can't speak all that well, only says "Tai" and "Shijou", but it can write and draw like nobody's business. It's the only scientist so far. [Puchim@s Takanya: Online references probably still claim that she can utter the first two syllables of any word, but she can actually utter only the first two kana syllables of someone's name, most often the given name of basis human Takane Shijou, who also has that habit. (All the utterances of the puchidoru are based on the speech foibles of their basis humans except maybe Piyopiyo, where I haven't seen anything match up so far.)]
47m32s: Finally, we can make drywall and houses. 59m30s: Z3c77, 94 pop, 7.8s RC.
Oh, those poor things are really struggling up at the front. These trimps are enthusiastic and know no fear, but I still feel like telling them to stop for a while. I don't have the heart to keep them from trying while they're still doing some damage.
1h05m24s: Zone 4, 107 pop, 9.3s RC with Z3/4. 1h15m26s: Zone 5, 120 pop, 8.2s RC with Z3/4.
"What is that?" the human asks. He has three scientists. His first does all the writing, but the other two can actually speak. One of them hops up on a rock spire beside the human to reach his eye level.
At the next ridge line, over the lowest and most passable gap in the terrain, this really mean looking hovering sausage monster.
"I dunno," the scientist trimp shrugs, "But it's making me hungry. Looks like a perfectly cooked frankfurter from here." [John Morell's dubious dirigibles.]
"Oh, yeah," the human nods, "that's a blimp."
"A blimp?" the trimp tilts its head quizzically at the human, "How could you know?"
"I wish I could tell you, little buddy," the human extends his arm braces to descend the pass on the side of the zone boundary in the boss enemy's direction, then grunts, "Let's go kill it."
1h16m11s: Z1c9, 120 pop, 10.3s RC with Z4/5. 1h33m34s: Zone 6, 151 pop, 7.4s RC with Z4/5.
1h33m54s: TP in Z1c3.
"What's this?" the human asks, having picked up the little square document with the curling corners.
"Oh," the hungry scientist looks at it, "It's a garden path, follow me."
"You want to lead me down the garden path?" the human says.
"Yeah," the scientist says.
"Are you kidding?" the human asks.
"No," says the other scientist, "We don't get human humor. Listen, these fighters can't go, let them wear themselves out here, then we'll take the next group through this garden."
"Okay," the human nods, watching two more trimps join the fray as he issues the Z5 coordination orders, "they're doing pretty well after all that block training research we just wrapped up." [That's a common artifact, even in normal games, Z5 Traintacular combines with many gyms, enough population to add several trainers, affording Blockmaster, which is expensive on a run zero, plus a break on Tion Z5, a 40% all-stat increase. I don't think Zach designed it into the game on purpose, it just worked out this way.]
1h34m07s: 151 pop, 10.5s RC with Z5/7. 1h37m44s: Drop from Z6c39, TP for 3.
"Now we have these access map frags we can use to route through the old trimpopoli," the scientist explains, "Atlimpis for food, Morimpa for gems, Everimp for metal, and Impazon for wood."
"What about the garden?" the human asks.
"Well, we got lucky with Tricky Paradise," the scientist says, "but you can randomize the route and maybe get lucky. What's with that look?"
"Somehow, I'm remembering 'frag' as something that blew up with deadly pieces," the human says. [Different video games - ones with better graphics and worse gameplay O(>▽<)O]
1h39m59s: Blues back up to the top on series I...
"Tai, Tai!" the first ever trimp scientist stops the human just before he upgrades the mace and dagger to Mk.6 and Mk. 8 respectively. It has a note for him.
"Why do you keep calling me that?" the human asks, "Do you think that's my name?"
"Shijou, Shijou," it nods as though to indicate, I KNOW it is. Then it proffers its note again. The human takes it and reads, "Don't upgrade the first row equipment right now."
"Why not?" the human asks.
"Shijou," it points at the end of the mapped route, where there's a scroll sticking out of the thistles.
2h24m07s: Zone 8, 224 pop, 12.2s RC with Z7/12.
"Your settlement is getting crowded, there's Trimps in the streets, and you're taking heat. You feel a sudden strong desire to create a map, though you're not quite sure how that would help."
2h49m10s: Zone 9, 357 pop, 9.5s RC with Z8/15.
"You can't shake the feeling that you've been here before. Déjà-vu?"
The trimps really seem to like the new high capacity mansions, and the village has rapidly expanded since they started building them.
"There's something familiar about this," the human says.
"Tai," the grey one that writes clings to his arm and shows him a note that says, "Don't give up now."
"We must persist," says the yellow one has found a foothold it can grab onto and grabs the human's shoulder gently, "If you give up to early, we'll never solve this. You'll be stuck here forever."
The human puts his hand over the trimp's paw on his shoulders, then looks at him, "I can die, too."
"No, you can't," the trimp says quietly, "Please don't test that, tall one."
"Death is just another path..." he remembers.
"Gan," the grey one squeaks. [That's the first two kana syllables of "Gandalf"]
" that we all must take," the human continues, "The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass, and then you see it-"
"A green mist," the yellow trimp interrupts, "flash of fire, we're all gone and our progress forgotten. The wandering stars return to that day, and you again crash that ship- ...a little better every time."
"Wait," the human looks around, "have I been here before?"
"I-" the yellow trimp tries in futility to share what little it knows, "...or... somebody got just a little coolant into the-"
"Into the what?"
"This side up," the grey one's note says.
"Into the that," the yellow one points at the note, "It really helped. You- ...I don't think we've ever had mansions before."
Well, of course they didn't have mansions before. That was one of my ship's data cards. How did it get way out here? Will anything start to make sense?
3h02m13s: Zone 10, 387 pop, 8.7s RC with Z8/15; '28s: 11.1s RC with Z9/19. 3h16m41s: Tough snimp after food book, L10 rand dept from lo-hi-med 118/25/96, 4 Items.
"That's twice our frags led us to gem-rich Moria," the human says.
"Morimpa," the new red trimp scientist corrects, there now being 5 scientists. [There'd be more if there were more turkimp.]
"The question is how do we use all these gems?" the human looks at the village zoning plans again, "I like those mansions and all, but they use hardly any gems compared to, well-" he gestures at the pile of over two dozen thousand gems they've gathered, "-that! And still a lot of wood and lumber."
"I think there's something," the yellow one sighs, "I wish I knew more."
Quite some time later, after they're done looting that route for equipment plans, the trimps are again advancing through Zone 10, and he hears it.
"Tai?" the grey one wonders.
"Where are you going?" the yellow one asks.
"To the farm," the human answers.
"Whatever for?" the red one seems exasperated.
"Shijou?" the grey one sighs, then looks at the fighting front. It's been around long enough to remember, "Shijou!"
"You guys already get so much to eat this doesn't do you much good," the human explains.
3h32m33s: L11 112/35/78 rand sea, dropped from Z11c6 with disband, 4.
"What's wrong?" the red one asks.
The human comforts one of the wounded. Once trimps start into a zone fight, they have to finish before they bleed out. He's really bothered making them desert in front of that second turkimp. "They had a lot left in them," he sighs, rubbing his eyes, "but we can't keep that much dead turkimp at once, we have to leave it alive to use up all of this one."
"Shijou," the grey one presents a note, "We need this map right away, anyway. Don't worry about it, Tightniks."
"Tightniks?" he looks at the grey one, "Is that me? How do you know?"
"Tai," the grey one points at the top of the human's left breast pocket.
"Ah, crud," the yellow one curls its tail around in front of itself as trimps do when they're embarrassed, "Is that really a name tag?"
The human hadn't even noticed it since the green flash blew up his memory as he was stepping out of the ship.
4h04m22s: Block (sub-8h AP is only 0.3%), taking it, 504 pop, 9.8s RC with Z10/24.
It's a pretty thick book about using shields for block instead of hit points. The pad has the stats analysis. Sh3-1 is only giving us 9% of our hit points. Turning to his trimp scientists, he says, "It seems to me to be worth it."
"Let's," the yellow one nods.
"Shijou," it hands him a note, "It scales badly, but that won't matter for a long time. I think there's a way to undo it before it matters."
"Doing it." The human takes out his pad and starts scanning.
4h29m05s: L14 rand moun 137/26/80 is really good for a lo-hi-med. 4h30m52s: Hotels.
"Ah," the yellow one says, "I knew there was something. That must be it."
5h08m09s: L15 lo-hi-hi rand gard 129/28/82 (just got explorers). 5h09m32s: Picked up Wall.
"Dam," the human says.
"Damn?" the red one chuckles.
"No," the human says, "Earthen wall dam; it's a thing that makes artificial lakes by holding rivers back."
"Lakes?" the yellow one asks, "Rivers?"
"Oh yeah," the human says, "This planet doesn't have enough rain for those..."
5h48m21: Leaving Wall from about c70 to fetch Tion Z15.
"You can't resume the map from the same point if you start another," the human reads the grey one's note.
"We can go back to the same point on that route if we hold there and finish Zone 15, right?" Tightniks asks.
"Shijou!" it seems to be saying yes.
"Yes," the yellow one adds, "but we're out of Series III upgrades, and you need a fresh map route to start up Series IV."
"We should be okay," Tightniks says, "but if we have to start it over, I don't see that being a big deal." As they advance through the rest of Zone 15, Tightniks resumes his usual duties at the research desk instead building and running traps like he was before.
The trimps seem hopeful at this decision.
5h49m10s: Fresh turkimp. 5h50m16s: Zone 16, 1071 pop, 13.4s RC with Z15/75, 13m43s turkimp (skel in c1.)
"Z:16 Seriously? Another Blimp so soon?"
"So," Tightniks lowers his bee nickels and looks at the red one, "is it going to be boss fights at the end of every zone from now on?"
"Hmm," the red trimp looks up past the human at some random rock spire or cloud.
"Well?" the human persists.
"Yup," he says.
"Hmph," Tightniks grabs a Sw3-1 of the rack and advances towards the front, "Before then, we have another Mister Titanium."
"What does he like about skeletimps?" the red one asks the grey one as the human marches off.
"Shijou?" the grey one seems just as confused by that.
"He's not going back to the ship, and he's not getting himself killed," the yellow one smiles, "so I'll take it."
"Hey guys, go for the mortar!" the human suggests to his 75 fighting trimps in the Wall's boss fight.
"I can tell from your bedtime stories that you're used to the artillery in that other place," the yellow one gripes, "but fighting works differently here, there's no artillery."
And the human instantly collapses laughing, the scientists a little worried he might have injured himself in the planet's severe gravity. But he's okay, at least physically, "Mortar is the stuff between the bricks, fellas. That's is a brickimp, right?"
5h59m18s: Wall, 1076 pop, 13.3s RC, 1% AP for sub-8h finish, first L16 roll good 156/35/84 moun, 10 for the metal.
Beyond the Wall was a more edenic section of the trimpolis ruins, doubling the production of the lumberjacks. The trimps are actually really happy with the mode of all of the laborers moving between the three big jobs, along with the turkimp, except for the foremen specialized at leading the job. It isn't enough to boost their productivity, but the human goes to them with trays of sandwiches.
6h06m52s: 50 map run 0.3% AP...
6h19m13s: Zone 17, 1141 pop, 16.0s RC with Z16/94, no turkimp.
"Z:17 You climb a large cliff and look out over the new Zone. Red dirt, scorched ground, and devastation. Is that a Dragimp flying around out there?!"
"Hmm," the human surveys the new zone with his bee nickels, "Looks like crap. Any ideas?"
"You're the idea man," the yellow one groans.
"Set the map flag," he puts his bee nickels away, "We'll run a depth for practice and to load up on gems for more hotels."
"Righto," the red one gets to work.
6h44m34s: First DCP. (Draglimp Care Package; I refuse to call it a tribute.)
"Oh," the human says, "It's tame now, so it brings back gems in exchange for food?" He looks at his gaping scientists, "That's what it looks like, huh? Guys? Yo!"
"Tai..." the grey one sighs.
Draglimp, the dragimp imprinted on Tightniks, lands beside the human, drops some gems at his feet, and accepts some scratching behind its horns before diving into the food bowl.
"You tamed a dragimp???" Grey's note says.
"Well," the yellow one huffs, "I guess that happened."
8h18m53s: L20 depth of 154/27/79.
"Mapping up here?" the red one half closes one eye and tilts his head.
"Yeah," the human says while fitting together the depth map fragments, "With the coordination book not right at the end, we have an extra mark of coordination to take advantage of. Let's take our housing up to 2000 or so, shall we?"
"Okay," the yellow one says from a pile of logs, "What's all the wood for?" They had been collecting it for days now.
"The series upgrades follow a rather specific pattern," Tightniks explains, "Just on the other side of this blimp is Zone 21, where we should be able to find the Shield series V, right?"
"Shijou!" the grey one nods.
8h56m17s: 1% AP for 100 map runs, leaving it, 1751 pop, 24.8s RC with Z20/232. 8h56m54s: Zone 21...
"Ooooookay," Tightniks growls, "There is something off about this thing."
"Shijou?" the grey one looks at the yellow one with concern about their human starship pilot friend.
The human stoops, picks up the little green gem on the ridge between Zone 20 and 21, looks at it, huffs, and asks, "Any idea where this comes from?"
"Err..." the red one seems hesitant to say, "I think you made it."
"Really?" the human huffs, "How could that be?" Then he tosses it at Red, "See if anything reacts to it. It might be radioactive, so we should take turns to minimize exposure."
"Really?" Red's holding it now, "What makes you say that?"
"Because I'm pissed off for no reason I can figure out," the human says, "I think it's coming from that."
"Frags," the red one says quickly, "I think it's arranging a route. You're good with maps," it tosses the gem to the grey scientist.
"Shijou," the grey one says hopefully, and has a map drawn within a few minutes. [Whether it looks like the one in Puchim@s 1x61 is anyone's guess. That one annoyed me as well as Chihya.]
9h02m37s: L21 moun first roll was a decent 160/26/84. 9h21m00s: Starting run 5 of that map...
Tightniks had taken his anger out on some food and wood to build about 8000 traps. Now he's leaning against a rock spire in his increasingly tattered uniform. A nap begins, perhaps unintentionally.
Wild trimps are examining the pile, finding it unwelcoming, and also finding no place in the town, just mill about. It looks like they want to help.
"Ku?" it's a blue trimp, probably a farmer waiting for stuff to grow, climbs up on the rock spire the human is leaning against, starts patting him on the head, "Ku. Ku ku." [Puchim@s Chihya.]
9h23m09s: Still working that lap...
Tightniks wakes up from that nap, and the grey one is standing there. "Shijou," it says with a note of concern, although not much of one. The note it holds says, "It wasn't me."
"Oh, what wasn't you, buddy?" He stretches out a bit, feeling somewhat refreshed. It feels like somebody washed his face and hair while he was sleeping.
The grey one is also holding a small mirror, apparently broken off from a larger mirror and with the sharp edges filed down to make the edges safe.
The human takes it from the grey trimp and holds it in front of his face to discover that somebody has bound up all his hair into about twenty little pigtails. He touches them with his other hand to confirm. "Eh, whatever." He hands the mirror back and goes back to sleep. [Puchim@s Koamimami.]
9h30m08s: The following run...
"He's not throwing stuff every which way yet," the yellow one whispers to the red one, watching the human snoozing with his pad on his knee.
"You remember that, too?" the red one asks.
"'Remember'?" the yellow one turns to face the red one, "I s'pose that's better than imagining it."
"I remember it, too," the grey one says via a playing card sized note.
"If we're stuck in a time loop," the yellow one sighs, "maybe this cycle will be different."
"Tai..." the grey one admires him for a moment. Then thumbs in the direction of the mountain, "Heh, Shijou!" it laughs.
9h35m58s: Run 8, c9 of that map.
The scientists nap and take notes, and meditate and take notes, and draw stuff. The grey one often storyboards for the other nine because it's the best at drawing stuff. They have come up with a list, and most probably "order" (they're debating whether their ranking means "order" (sequence of things happening over the various loops) or "frequency" (what proportion of previous loops they have happened in). But they've come up with this, from first (or perhaps most often) to most recent (or perhaps least often):
- The ship crashes (they're pretty sure that happens every loop) - The human builds huts - The human teaches some of his trimps to speak and do science - The human builds houses - The human makes maps - The human builds mansions - The human blows up and gets himself killed somewhere around Z17 to Z21, often on a dragimp - The human only recently/occasionally builds hotels - The human only recently/rarely tamed a dragimp - The human only recently/rarely maps the Dimension of Anger
They're all agreed that that they have never finished the Dimension of Anger. What they are not all agreed on is that they've never done this conference to figure out whether they're in a time loop or what that might mean. [See also Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "Cause and Effect" ...which was sort of a time loop but they weren't going back in time. It's very interesting, but its meta makes no sense - no one ever went looking for the Bozeman in 80 years? No one who went looking for the Bozeman also got stuck? No one noticed the passage of time outside the little area of space where the not-quite-a-time-loop was happening? Errr... sci-fi writers, don't be half-assed about your time loops, lmao! Be like Harold Ramis- ...what am I saying?? (That would be Groundhog Day, which grafted a time loop into a romcom; there are no other sci-fi elements. But it was a full-blown time loop and not half-assed like "Cause and Effect".)]
9h54m06s: Dropped from Z21c95...
I think it would be a bad idea to bypass that green area, as much as I'd rather not face it. Both his domesticated trimps, which are breeding up a new group of fighters, and the wild trimps he has decided just now not to open the traps for, stare at him and point in that direction. He shoulders a huge Shield V-3 and grabs an Mace IV-2 as well and announces, "We're doing it." Thus equipped, he marches off into the Dimension of Anger.
10h27m53s: Taking Pi4-2; recently had taken Pa4-2...
The group at the front had expired, and the snimp in DoAc95 glares at the advancing colony of trimps, which had halted only because of it. It refuses to counterattack the vulnerable colony and its human, instead snorting and huffing, waiting for the next bunch of 232 fighting trimps to come in range.
Tightniks runs along the line of traps, releasing the recently tamed trimps, singing a song that he doesn't remember the meaning of, that he doesn't remember was crafted by an ethnically Chinese guy out of an African language, and later mastered by two caucasians over the internet before they ever met in person. "Baba yetu yetu uliye, mbinguni yetu yetu amina..." because it just happened to be stuck in his head. [Because the Doylian author decided on a whim to. Christopher Tin got it into Civilization IV and at the time (2010 July), I made the best video for it on YouTube, which got subsequently blown to shreds when Peter Hollens and Malukah re-recorded the song from scratch in their own voices and instruments in 2014, pity with no English translation, the purpose of my video.]
Noticing the last batch of metal he needs coming out of the furnace, he waves the waiting grey scientist to fire up the forge [to use the term properly and not as the game does], for it was time to wrap up the forging dies for the Spetum IV, Mark 2 pike heads.
"Shijou!" the grey one cheers, setting aside a snack that looks like maybe ramen, and starts jumping up and down on the bellows handle.
It takes a while for the human to chip out the tip in the two halves of the forging die, and then polish it, and then heat it up in the forge, and then quench it, inspect it, and put it into service crafting thousands of new pike heads for the fighting trimps.
But only one second passed on the map frame clock (10h27m54s) four cells behind that snimp, in the case being brooded over by this huge, and if it's honest, rather concerned megablimp.
10h35m45: Portal PB, 45 He, 4.247 He/hr, 1891 pop, 22.7s RC with Z20/232, no turkimp.
The last head of the map's boss monster goes limp as one of the fighting trimps' mace heads bounces of it, and the huge thing settles on its tail, resting on the package that seems to be the prize of this map. And there's a popping sound, and then something mechanical.
Is that a scroll compressor? Tightniks looks at the package. The deflating monster's lifting envelope material drapes over everything underneath it. "Red, Shijou!" he snaps and points, "roll up that side of it. Keep this part from sucking down on the extractor nozzle!"
All ten of the scientists jump in, literally, pushing the gas in the bag towards the compressor. Tightniks as well, rolling up the front.
Until he kicks, and nearly trips over, a smaller package that might be the explanation for the reason why the center of the monster's defense seemed to be a little away from the big package he could see. It's in the right place, he realizes. He gets it uncovered and reads stenciled-and-sprayed block letters on it:
Perhaps the Dimension of Anger is so named because of the rage suddenly rising up in Tightniks' throat. It isn't so much as the free-floating aggression suddenly has an answer, there is definitely a fresh batch of rage and anger as he grips the nearest Mace IV, Mark 3 with both hands and gets it over his shoulder, its target obviously this object, anger at the realization he screams at the top of his lungs, "We are stuck in a mutha FAH-king time loop!!" His swing begins. [Tightniks almost never cusses, unlike Snugniks.]
submitted by featherwinglove to Trimps [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:41 ddgr815 Detroit killed the sedan. We may all live to regret it

Last week, General Motors announced that it would end production of the Chevrolet Malibu, which the company first introduced in 1964. Although not exactly a head turner (the Malibu was “so uncool, it was cool,” declared the New York Times), the sedan has become an American fixture, even an icon, appearing in classic films like Say Anything and Pulp Fiction. Over the past 60 years, GM produced some 10 million of them.
With a price starting at a (relatively) affordable $25,100, Malibu sales exceeded 130,000 vehicles last year, a 13% annual increase and enough to rank as the #3 Chevy model, behind only the Silverado and the Equinox. Still, that wasn’t enough to keep the car off GM’s chopping block. The company says that the last Malibu will roll out of its Kansas City, KS, factory this November; the plant will then be retooled to produce the new Chevy Bolt, an electric crossover SUV.
With the Malibu’s demise, GM will no longer sell any sedans in the U.S. In that regard, it will have plenty of company. Ford stopped producing sedans for the U.S. market in 2018. And it was Sergio Marchionne, the former head of Stellantis, who triggered the headlong retreat in 2016 when he declared that Dodge and Chrysler would stop making sedans. (Tesla, meanwhile, offers two sedans: the Model 3 and Model S.)
As recently as 2009, U.S. passenger cars (including sedans and a plunging number of station wagons) outsold light trucks (SUVs, pickups, and minivans), but today they’re less then 20% of new car purchases. The death of the Malibu is confirmation, if anyone still needs it, that the Big Three are done building sedans. That decision is bad news for road users, the environment, and budget-conscious consumers—and it may ultimately come around to bite Detroit.
When asked, automakers are quick to blame the sedan’s decline on shifting consumer preferences. Americans simply want bigger cars, the story goes, and there’s some truth to it. Compared to sedans, many SUV and pickup models provide extra cargo space and give the driver more visibility on the highway. In a crash, those inside a heavier car have a better chance of escaping without injury—although the same can’t be said for pedestrians or those in other vehicles. (That discrepancy inspired a headline in The Onion: “Conscientious SUV Shopper Just Wants Something That Will Kill Family In Other Car In Case Of Accident.”)
This narrative of the market’s dispassionate invisible hand tossing the sedan aside holds intuitive appeal, but it leaves gaping holes. For one thing, federal policy has, in many ways, ]distorted the car market to favor larger vehicles]( Fuel economy regulations, for instance, are more lenient for SUVs and pickups than they are for smaller cars, nudging automakers to produce more of the former and fewer of the latter. Another egregious example: Small business owners such as real estate agents can save thousands of dollars by writing off the cost of their vehicle—but only if it weighs more than 6,000 pounds, a stipulation that effectively excludes sedans entirely.
Carmakers, for their part, powerfully influence consumer demand through billions of dollars spent on advertising. Because SUVs and pickups are more expensive and profitable than sedans, manufacturers have a clear incentive to tilt buying decisions away from small cars and toward larger ones (which helps explain ad campaigns designed to confer an undeserved green halo on SUVs).
Even those who don’t want a big car may feel pressure to upsize, if only to avoid being at a disadvantage in a crash or when trying to see what lies ahead on the road. Such people find themselves trapped in a prisoner’s dilemma, preferring that everyone had smaller cars, but resigning themselves to buying an SUV or pickup since others already have them.
For all these reasons, modest-size sedans like the Malibu are disappearing from American streets, supplanted by SUVs and pickups that seem to grow bulkier with every model refresh. (The Chevy Bolts produced at GM’s Kansas plant will be bigger than the previous Bolt model, which was retired last year.) This pattern of ongoing vehicle expansion, a trend I call car bloat, is especially advanced in North America, but it’s visible worldwide. In 2022, SUVs alone comprised 46% of global car sales, up from 20% a decade earlier.
From a societal perspective, the decline of the sedan is a disaster. Consider road safety, an area where the U.S. underperforms compared to the rest of the rich world, especially for pedestrians and cyclists (deaths for both recently hit 40-year highs). Larger cars have bigger blind spots, convey more force in a collision, and tend to strike a person’s torso rather than their legs. They’re also heavier, with propulsion systems that guzzle more gasoline (or electrons) to move, producing more pollution in the process. Their weight also catalyzes the erosion of tires and roads, spewing microscopic particles that can damage human health as well as aquatic ecosystems.
Despite the myriad problems of car bloat, the federal government has taken no steps to restrain it. In the absence of regulations or taxes, carmakers have ample reason to abandon their sedan models in favor of SUVs and trucks. The higher margins of larger cars is especially precious now, as the Big Three scrabble for money to invest in electrification and autonomous technology, as well as to pay for the rising costs of wages and benefits that they agreed to last fall during negotiations with the United Auto Workers.
Realistically, it would be a Herculean task to pivot back toward selling small cars, even if American automakers wanted to. Although adept at selling high-priced, feature-laden SUVs and trucks, they’re far less experienced at the low-margin, high volume business of producing cheaper small cars. That is one reason (though hardly the only one) that China’s booming market for EVs, including many modest-size and affordable models, is sowing fear throughout Detroit—and in Washington, too.
Where does the shift from sedans toward SUVs and trucks leave everyday Americans? With a strained wallet, for one thing. With its MSRP starting at $25,100 the Malibu has been one of the most affordable U.S.-produced cars, costing barely half as much as the average new vehicle, which exceeded $47,000 in February (the Malibu is also at least a few thousand dollars cheaper than the Bolt that will replace it at the Kansas factory).
Especially when factoring in higher interest rates and spiking insurance premiums, cars are becoming a financial strain for many Americans. According to the federal Bureau of Transportation Statistics, the average annual, inflation-adjusted cost of owning a vehicle and driving it 15,000 miles hit $12,182 in 2023, an increase of over 30% in just six years.
Over time, the elimination of sedans leaves the Big Three vulnerable if consumer preferences shift away from enormity. “Legacy car companies haven’t done a great job of thinking long term,” said Alex Roy, a cohost of the Autonocast podcast. “Gutting lineups is probably good for manufacturing efficiency, but not having one vehicle in a given product segment is short-sighted.”
Due to sprawled development patterns and woefully underfunded transit, many American families will still want a car even as they become more expensive. But, as I argued previously in Fast Company, a surge in vehicle prices could compel some households to swap a second or third car for a minicar or e-cargo bike that offers limited range, but costs only a fraction as much. Already, golf carts are popping up in places far removed from the retirement and beach communities where they have been a mainstay: In New Orleans, they’ve become so popular that the city is adopting new ordinances.
With the Malibu’s death, is clearer than ever that Detroit has abandoned the affordable sedan. They may yet live to regret it.
submitted by ddgr815 to Detroit [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:07 Then_Marionberry_259 MAY 14, 2024 DSV.TO DISCOVERY REPORTS FIRST QUARTER 2024 FINANCIAL RESULTS

TORONTO, May 14, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Discovery Silver Corp. (TSX: DSV, OTCQX: DSVSF) (“Discovery” or the “Company”) today announced financial results for the three months ended March 31, 2024 (“Q1 2024”). The Company also provided a summary of key events since the beginning of 2024, including the release on February 20, 2024, of the feasibility study results (the “Feasibility Study” or “Study”) for Discovery’s 100%-owned Cordero silver project (“Cordero” or the “Project”) in Chihuahua State, Mexico. All figures are stated in Canadian dollars unless otherwise noted.
Tony Makuch, CEO, commented: “During Q1 2024, we achieved a major milestone with the release of the Feasibility Study for our Cordero Project. The Study results clearly establish Cordero as one of the world’s largest silver development projects both in terms of reserves and estimated production. The Project will average 37 million silver equivalent (“AgEq”) 1 ounces (“Moz”) annually over the first 12 years with low unit costs that will generate attractive economic returns. Very importantly, the Project will deliver substantial socio-economic benefits in Mexico in the form of job creation, skills training, direct investment, the purchasing of local goods and services and tax revenue, and will be developed and operated in a manner that achieves best practice in responsible mining. In addition, we will be bringing valuable technology and infrastructure as part of the Project that will provide important benefits in key areas like water treatment and purification. We will also be continuing our work to build Cordero’s presence in the community around Parral, and in Chihuahua State, through ongoing direct participation in, and support for, local initiatives, organizations and institutions.
“Another key feature of the Cordero project is the tremendous leverage it provides to the price of silver. The Project’s robust economic returns were estimated using a silver price of US$22 per ounce. To date in 2024, the price of silver has increased close to 20%, to over US$28 per ounce, fueled largely by favourable market fundaments with the silver market expected to be in deficit for the fourth consecutive year in 2024 reflecting record demand in key sectors like electric vehicles, solar and other forms of green energy. At current spot metal prices 2 , the Project’s after-tax net present value (“NPV5%”) increases by 70%, from US$1.2 billion to US$2.0 billion and reaches US$3.0 billion in Year 4 when the Project reaches final completion to 51,000 tonnes per day. This significant leverage does not include the potential benefit of growth in reserves that could occur at higher prices, with there being 240 million tonnes of Measured and Indicated Resource situated outside the Feasibility Study reserve pit that was estimated using a silver price of US$24 per ounce.
“Looking ahead, our work program in 2024 is aimed at further de-risking Cordero, continuing to advance permitting, acquiring or leasing additional surface access rights and making further progress with our community relations program as we work towards completing permitting and financing for the Project.”
  • 2024 Work Program: Highlights of the 2024 work program were released in January 2024 and included plans to complete Front-End Engineering Design (“FEED”) work to permit the ordering of long lead-time items; additional permitting, including a target to submit the Change of Land Use (“Cambio de Uso de Suelo” or “CUS”) during the third quarter; engineering and permitting work related to power generation and transmission and water treatment; further progress acquiring or leasing land surface rights; and continuing to advance community relations work in support of the permitting process.
  • Feasibility Study: Results of the Feasibility Study for Cordero were released on February 20, 2024. The results position Cordero as a world-leading silver development project with large-scale, long-life, low-cost production that will generate attractive returns, deliver substantial benefits for Mexico and achieve best practice in responsible mining.
    • Large-scale, long-life, low-cost production : 19-year life-of-mine (“LOM”) with average annual production of 33 Moz AgEq LOM and average all-in sustaining costs 3 under US$13.50 per AgEq ounce.
    • Attractive returns: Two-stage development plan contributes to favourable economics, with a LOM NPV5% of US$1.2 billion at US$22 per ounce silver, which increases to US$2.2 billion in Year 4 when the Project reaches final completion.
    • Substantial benefits for Mexico: Total investment of US$1.4 billion (including a US$606 million initial investment), 2,500 direct jobs created during construction, peak employment of over 1,000 direct jobs during operation, an estimated US$4 billion of goods and services purchased and expected tax payments of approximately US$1.4 billion within Mexico.
    • Industry-leading environmental standards: Third-party reviews of proposed environmental practices completed to ensure compliance with industry-leading standards; US$130 million budgeted for site restoration and rehabilitation; significant investment included for infrastructure and technology to recycle wastewater with treated water to be the primary source of water for the Project.
  • Land access agreement reached: The Company finalized a land access agreement for the use of 600 hectares of land adjacent to the Project in March 2024, which will be used for the access road to the mine as well as for water storage. The agreement was reached with Ejido Cordero, a local land cooperative, and is part of the Company’s ongoing efforts to advance and de-risk the Cordero project.
  • Increase in silver prices: Spot silver prices have increased close to 20% year to date in 2024 (as of May 13, 2024) to US$28.39 per ounce. Higher silver prices largely reflected continued strong market fundamentals, with the Silver Institute 4 projecting a market deficit in 2024 of over 200 million ounces, the fourth consecutive year of market deficits and the second highest deficit in over 20 years. According to the Silver Institute, market deficits are being driven by record levels of industrial demand for silver, largely related to the use of silver in electric vehicles, solar panels and other forms of green energy, as well as the emerging use of silver in many artificial intelligence applications. Mine production of silver declined by 1% in 2023, with another slight reduction expected in 2024.
  1. Please see the Technical Disclosure section of this news release for more information related to AgEq production.
  2. Current spot metal prices as at May 13, 2024 include silver: US$28.39 per ounce; gold: US$2,346 per ounce, zinc: US$1.34 per pound and lead: US$1.02 per pound versus Feasibility Study prices of silver: US$22.00 per ounce; gold: US$1,600 per ounce; zinc: US$1.20 per pound; lead: US$1.00 per pound.
  3. Non-GAAP Measure. Please see the Technical Disclosure and Non-GAAP Measures sections of this news release.
  4. Please see the Silver Institute’s World Silver Survey 2024, and related news release, available at
The following selected financial data is summarized from the Company’s unaudited condensed interim consolidated financial statements and related notes thereto (the “Financial Statements”) and the Management’s Discussion and Analysis (“MD&A”) for the quarter ended March 31, 2024.
The Company’s Financial Statements and MD&A are available at or on SEDAR at
(1) D efined as current assets less current liabilities from the Company’s consolidated financial statements.
About Discovery
Discovery’s flagship project is its 100%-owned Cordero project, one of the world’s largest undeveloped silver deposits. The Feasibility Study completed in February 2024 demonstrates that Cordero has the potential to be developed into a large-scale, long-life project with low unit costs and attractive economic returns that offers the combination of margin, size and scalability. Cordero is located close to infrastructure in a prolific mining belt in Chihuahua State, Mexico.
On Behalf of the Board of Directors,
Tony Makuch, P.Eng
President, CEO & Director
For further information contact:
Forbes Gemmell, CFA
VP Corporate Development
Phone: 416-613-9410
Qualified Person
Gernot Wober, P.Geo, VP Exploration, Discovery Silver Corp. and Pierre Rocque, P.Eng., an independent consultant to the Company, both “Qualified Persons” as such term is defined in NI 43-101, are the Company's designated Qualified Persons for this news release within the meaning of National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects (“NI 43-101”). Mr. Wober and Mr. Rocque have reviewed and validated that the information contained in this news release is accurate.
Technical Disclosure
  • The Feasibility Study project team was led by Ausenco Engineering Canada ULC (“Ausenco”), with support from AGP Mining Consultants Inc. (“AGP”), WSP USA Inc. (“WSP”) and RedDot3D Inc.
  • Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability.
  • A full technical report has been prepared in accordance with NI 43-101 and was filed on SEDAR on March 28, 2024.
  • AgEq produced is metal recovered in concentrate. AgEq payable is metal payable from concentrate. AgEq produced and AgEq payable are calculated as Ag + (Au x 72.7) + (Pb x 45.5) + (Zn x 54.6); these factors are based on metal prices of Ag - $22/oz, Au - $1,600/oz, Pb - $1.00/lb and Zn - $1.20/lb.
  • AISC is calculated as: [Operating costs (mining, processing and G&A) + Royalties + Concentrate Transportation + Treatment & Refining Charges + Concentrate Penalties + Sustaining Capital (excluding $37M of capex for the initial purchase of mining fleet in Year 1)] / Payable AgEq ounces.
The Company has included certain non-GAAP performance measures and ratios as detailed below. In the mining industry, these are common performance measures and ratios but may not be comparable to similar measures or ratios presented by other issuers and the non-GAAP measures and ratios do not have any standardized meaning. Accordingly, these measures and ratios are included to provide additional information and should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for measures of performance prepared in accordance with IFRS Accounting Standards. Total cash costs per ounce, all-in sustaining costs, and free cash flow, are all forward-looking non-GAAP financial measures or ratios. As the Cordero Project is not in production, these prospective non-GAAP financial measures or ratios may not be reconciled to the nearest comparable measure under IFRS and there is no equivalent historical non-GAAP financial measure or ratio for these prospective non-GAAP financial measures or ratios. Each non-GAAP financial measure and ratio used herein is described in more detail below.
The Company calculated total cash costs per ounce by dividing the sum of operating costs, royalty costs, production taxes, refining and shipping costs, net of by-product silver credits, by payable ounces. While there is no standardized meaning of the measure across the industry, the Company believes that this measure is useful to external users in assessing operating performance.
The Company has provided an all-in sustaining costs performance measure that reflects all the expenditures that are required to produce an ounce of silver from operations. While there is no standardized meaning of the measure across the industry, the Company’s definition conforms to the all-in sustaining cost definition as set out by the World Gold Council in its updated Guidance Note issued in 2018. The Company believes that this measure is useful to external users in assessing operating performance and the Company’s ability to generate free cash flow from current operations. Subsequent amendments to the guidance have not materially affected the figures presented.
Free Cash Flow is a non-GAAP performance measure that is calculated as cash flows from operations net of cash flows invested in mineral property, plant, and equipment and exploration and evaluation assets. The Company believes that this measure is useful to the external users in assessing the Company’s ability to generate cash flows from its mineral projects.
Neither TSX Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
This news release is not for distribution to United States newswire services or for dissemination in the United States.
This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy nor shall there be any sale of any of the securities in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful, including any of the securities in the United States of America. The securities have not been and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “1933 Act”) or any state securities laws and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to, or for account or benefit of, U.S. Persons (as defined in Regulation S under the 1933 Act) unless registered under the 1933 Act and applicable state securities laws, or an exemption from such registration requirements is available.
Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
This news release may include forward-looking statements that are subject to inherent risks and uncertainties. All statements within this news release, other than statements of historical fact, are to be considered forward looking. Although Discovery believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those described in forward-looking statements. Statements include but are not limited to the feasibility of the Project and its attractive economics and significant exploration upside; construction decision and development of the Project, timing and results of the feasibility study and the anticipated capital and operating costs, sustaining costs, net present value, internal rate of return, the method of mining the Project, payback period, process capacity, average annual metal production, average process recoveries, concession renewal, permitting of the Project, anticipated mining and processing methods, feasibility study production schedule and metal production profile, anticipated construction period, anticipated mine life, expected recoveries and grades, anticipated production rates, infrastructure, social and environmental impact studies, the completion of key de-risking items, including the timing of receipt permits, availability of water and power, availability of labour, job creation and other local economic benefits, tax rates and commodity prices that would support development of the Project, and other statements that express management's expectations or estimates of future performance, operational, geological or financial results Information concerning mineral resource/reserve estimates and the economic analysis thereof contained in the results of the feasibility study are also forward-looking statements in that they reflect a prediction of the mineralization that would be encountered, and the results of mining, if a mineral deposit were developed and mined. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts which address events, results, outcomes or developments that the Company expects to occur. Forward-looking statements are based on the beliefs, estimates and opinions of the Company’s management on the date the statements are made and they involve a number of risks and uncertainties.
Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those described in forward-looking statements include fluctuations in market prices, including metal prices, continued availability of capital and financing, and general economic, market or business conditions, the actual results of current and future exploration activities; changes to current estimates of mineral reserves and mineral resources; conclusions of economic and geological evaluations; changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined; the speculative nature of mineral exploration and development; risks in obtaining and maintaining necessary licenses, permits and authorizations for the Company’s development stage and operating assets; operations may be exposed to new diseases, epidemics and pandemics, including any ongoing or future effects of COVID-19 (and any related ongoing or future regulatory or government responses) and its impact on the broader market and the trading price of the Company’s shares; provincial and federal orders or mandates (including with respect to mining operations generally or auxiliary businesses or services required for operations) in Mexico, all of which may affect many aspects of the Company's operations including the ability to transport personnel to and from site, contractor and supply availability and the ability to sell or deliver mined silver; changes in national and local government legislation, controls or regulations; failure to comply with environmental and health and safety laws and regulations; labour and contractor availability (and being able to secure the same on favourable terms); disruptions in the maintenance or provision of required infrastructure and information technology systems; fluctuations in the price of gold or certain other commodities such as, diesel fuel, natural gas, and electricity; operating or technical difficulties in connection with mining or development activities, including geotechnical challenges and changes to production estimates (which assume accuracy of projected ore grade, mining rates, recovery timing and recovery rate estimates and may be impacted by unscheduled maintenance); changes in foreign exchange rates (particularly the Canadian dollar, U.S. dollar and Mexican peso); the impact of inflation; geopolitical conflicts; employee and community relations; the impact of litigation and administrative proceedings (including but not limited to mining reform laws in Mexico) and any interim or final court, arbitral and/or administrative decisions; disruptions affecting operations; availability of and increased costs associated with mining inputs and labour; delays in construction decisions and any development of the Project; changes with respect to the intended method of mining and processing ore from the Project; inherent risks and hazards associated with mining and mineral processing including environmental hazards, industrial accidents, unusual or unexpected formations, pressures and cave-ins; the risk that the Company’s mines may not perform as planned; uncertainty with the Company's ability to secure additional capital to execute its business plans; contests over title to properties; expropriation +or nationalization of property; political or economic developments in Canada and Mexico and other jurisdictions in which the Company may carry on business in the future; increased costs and risks related to the potential impact of climate change; the costs and timing of exploration, construction and development of new deposits; risk of loss due to sabotage, protests and other civil disturbances; the impact of global liquidity and credit availability and the values of assets and liabilities based on projected future cash flows; risks arising from holding derivative instruments; and business opportunities that may be pursued by the Company. There can be no assurances that such statements will prove accurate and, therefore, readers are advised to rely on their own evaluation of such uncertainties. Discovery does not assume any obligation to update any forward-looking statements except as required under applicable laws. The risks and uncertainties that may affect forward-looking statements, or the material factors or assumptions used to develop such forward-looking information, are described under the heading "Risks Factors" in the Company’s Annual Information Form dated March 28, 2024, which is available under the Company’s issuer profile on SEDAR+ at
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submitted by Then_Marionberry_259 to Treaty_Creek [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:17 PyroIsSpai Are UFOs impacted by energies and gravitational anomalies generated by fault lines? A few new clues and questions from a claimed UFO Program leaker on a similar subreddit.

0. High level summary

I propose that fault lines may play a significant and under documented role in what is happening with UFOs and specifically the impact of fault lines on some number of UFO related crashes. I suspect energetic effects from fault lines and gravity effects from mass variances in fault lines (especially while active) impact UFO/NHI navigational systems. They may do things like routing around, or via, fault lines.

1. A new leaker: Dijkstra's algorithm and Diablo Canyon.

On May 13th, 2024, a claimed leaker on UFO/NHI related programs posted on /Aliens with details on their history with the "Program".
It's a huge volume of data but one very particular passage instantly stuck out to me:
"The craft use a system that originally befuddled generations of researchers, but it's essentially a 3D dijkstra algorithm. It finds points around the craft, and chooses the most efficient possible route through space time to get to that point. Some of the parameters it uses to gauge efficiency are totally unknown to us and are a serious point of contention. It's not autonomy, but rather obstacle avoidance not unlike what you would see in a self-driving car. But, the self driving car could go through air, space and water without worrying about what medium its in. Additionally, the algo accounts for the crafts place in time."
And then this surprising sentence shortly after:
"Although the algo is extremely effective, Nuclear explosions and experiments somehow interfere with this navigation. Craft particularly avoid Diablo Canyon, even if we put something they really want there."
So, this Dijkstra's algorithm and Diablo Canyon.
I can find not one single prior reference to this anywhere, ever, in all of Ufology prior to that Reddit post.
I think this is entirely new, or new to the Internet for UFO topics.
In a 3D version of Dijkstra's algorithm, the algorithm extends from two-dimensional plane navigation to three-dimensional environments, making it suitable for applications such as drone flight paths, underwater vehicle navigation, or spacecraft trajectory planning. The algorithm begins at a starting node, exploring all neighboring nodes and continuously updating the shortest known distances from the start to each node, considering all possible paths. By repeating this process until the destination node is reached, the algorithm ensures that the path with the minimal total distance or cost is selected, taking into account the complexities of moving through 3D space. So, we have the introduction of a known means of navigation, that does 4D (by inclusion of a temporal parameter) mapping in this model.
Then we have the inclusion of Diablo Canyon -- but there are six of these in North America. Three of these are very close to government sites.
Which could the leaker be talking about? And why is it interesting in the context of UFOs?
Why would a UFO avoid a canyon?

2. Energy fields, UFO navigation and "fault lines" in gravity.

There are numerous reports and stories of things like claimed lasers, directed energy weapons/fields, and even allegedly things like RADAR having some manner of detectable impact on navigational capabilities of UFOs/NHI craft. The lore is full of this topic over time, and it aligns substantially with the scientific backgrounds of people known to be involved, like Sean M. Kirkpatrick.
This caught my eye as I've been doing a lot of reading on certain much lesser-known effects of fault lines, after I learned that the home and neighborhood I lived in as a child, where a group of us saw a "saucer", was literally sat atop a small land mass completely encircled like an island by fault lines. This is not unique--there are others. But this was a wild surprise to me, and especially when the flight path of the ship we saw... once I saw the fault lines path/heading...
It was the same route. The thing we saw, once I saw the fault line maps... it was like looking at a snippet of a Google Maps route that the UFO took, for the duration of our experience seeing it. I did not know this for decades.
For the curious, the bread crumb that led down this path was not this whistleblower, fault lines, or my own experience. It was studying Lagrange Points.
What's a Lagrange point?
Positions in space where the gravitational forces of two large bodies, like Earth and the Moon, balance out the centripetal force felt by a smaller object, allowing it to remain in a stable position relative to the two larger bodies. Think of it like the mid-way point between any two bodies with mass that impact gravity. Earth/Jupiter. JupiteSun. Earth moon/Neptune. You/your cat. It's not a 50/50 thing; if you are and your cat are 10 feet away, it's not 5-foot between you. It's also impacted by gravity from other bodies within range (and range is infinite because gravity is, no matter how infinitesimal at long distances).
There is even conceptually such a place, even if it's trivial in variation, between galaxies.
Keep in mind: there are specifically named 3D mapped always-moving (as Earth/moon for example) always-in-motion Lagrange points for the Earth and Moon. Five total--but those are just the optimal ones. There would be a relative band of space where overall the gravity between bodies is more balanced.
Almost like a fault line in gravity, huh?
That, the fault line discovery related to my experience, and my (then) unrelated fault line research which was pure curiosity unrelated to UFOs... at first.

3. Piezoelectrics, Electrokinetics, and Gravitational anomalies.

So we have a new claimed 4D mapping/navigational tool by NHI UFOs, and that they go out of their way to avoid some "Diablo canyon" no matter what we do. We know definitively there are places where gravity can have relative weak spots, due to the balancing of gravitational waves/forces/mass between bodies. All bodies with mass produce gravity... including tectonic plates.
But that's not all they produce in terms of energy.
Fault lines can generate three different distinct effects beyond seismic (shaking/motion) impacts on the world.
They are:
Stress-induced Piezoelectric Effects
Stress-induced piezoelectric effects refer to the generation of electrical charges in certain crystalline materials, such as quartz, when mechanical stress is applied. These effects are caused by tectonic stress and strain in the Earth's crust, which deforms the crystalline structures, generating electric fields. At the surface, these effects can disrupt local power grids, cause voltage fluctuations, and affect sensitive electronic equipment. In the atmosphere, piezoelectric effects can lead to changes in the ionosphere, affecting radio signal propagation and GPS accuracy up to altitudes of around 600 km. In space, the impacts are typically observed as changes in ionospheric electron density, detected by satellites in low Earth orbit (LEO), such as those at altitudes up to 1,200 km.
Additional reading:
Electrokinetic Effects
Electrokinetic effects are electrical phenomena that occur when a fluid (such as groundwater) moves through a porous medium (like soil or rock) under the influence of a pressure gradient. These effects are caused by the movement of ionized fluids through the Earth's subsurface, which can be influenced by tectonic activity, fluid injection, or natural fluid migration. At the surface, electrokinetic effects can alter groundwater flow, impact water supply systems, and cause electrical disturbances in subsurface sensors. In the atmosphere, these effects are less direct but can influence humidity and ionization levels, which may affect weather radar and communication systems. In space, electrokinetic effects are typically not directly observed; however, related ionospheric disturbances from fluid movement in the Earth's crust can be detected by satellites at altitudes up to 1,200 km.
Additional reading:
Gravity Anomalies
Gravity anomalies are variations in the Earth's gravitational field caused by differences in the distribution of mass within the Earth. These anomalies are caused by subsurface geological structures such as mountains, valleys, fault lines, and varying rock densities. On the surface, gravity anomalies can affect precise geodetic measurements, influence surveying accuracy, and impact construction projects that rely on gravitational data. In the atmosphere, gravity anomalies can slightly influence the flight paths of aircraft and atmospheric satellites, but these effects are generally minimal. In space, gravity anomalies are detected by satellites like the GRACE mission at altitudes of around 500 km, affecting satellite orbit calculations and providing data on Earth's subsurface structures and water distribution.
Additional reading:

4. The impact of fault lines on UFOs.

Disturbances related to stress-induced piezoelectric effects, electrokinetic effects, and gravity anomalies have been observed and recorded at various altitudes. Here are some notable examples across different categories:
A) Stress-induced Piezoelectric Effects
  • High-altitude Observations: Piezoelectric effects typically influence ground-based systems such as power grids and sensors. There is limited data on their direct impact at high altitudes. However, atmospheric electrical phenomena, such as changes in the ionosphere related to seismic activity, have been noted up to several hundred kilometers above the Earth's surface. These are often detected by satellites in low Earth orbit.
B) Electrokinetic Effects
  • High-altitude Observations: Electrokinetic effects primarily affect subsurface and near-surface fluid dynamics. There is no significant evidence of direct electrokinetic phenomena being observed at high altitudes. However, related atmospheric effects, such as changes in humidity or ionization, can indirectly influence atmospheric layers.
C) Gravity Anomalies
  • High-altitude Observations: Gravity anomalies have been detected at high altitudes, including by aircraft and satellites. Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellites, for example, operate at altitudes of approximately 500 km and have provided detailed maps of gravity anomalies across the Earth.

Specific High-altitude Observations

  1. Ionospheric Disturbances Related to Seismic Activity:
    • Altitude: Up to 600 km.
    • Impact: Changes in electron density in the ionosphere, detected by satellites.
  2. Gravity Anomalies Detected by GRACE Satellites:
    • Altitude: Approximately 500 km.
    • Impact: Detailed mapping of Earth's gravity field, revealing variations due to tectonic and other geological processes.


  • Stress-induced Piezoelectric Effects: Up to ionospheric altitudes (~600 km) via indirect atmospheric electrical phenomena.
  • Electrokinetic Effects: Primarily near-surface, with no significant direct high-altitude observations.
  • Gravity Anomalies: Up to satellite altitudes (~500 km), with significant observations by GRACE and similar missions.
Reports say that the navigational apparatus of UFOs can be impacted by energy fields, implying this plays a role in their crashing. Similar claims revolved around electromagnetic fields.

5. Why would UFOs avoid "Diablo Canyon"?

We need to know which one it is. The most likely based on the intersection of fault lines; fault lines with impacts; and near proximity to notable UFO-related locations--Vandenburg and Los Alamos--leaves us with New Mexico and the nuclear power planet.
Here are all nearby relevant fault lines for each.
This section took a substantial amount of digging/cross referencing over weeks. I had begun this for a fiction/story idea that didn't pan out, and did not save the litany of sources I read. This is a summary.

A) Diablo Canyon Power Plant, California

  • Hosgri Fault Zone

    • Location: Offshore, running parallel to the coast near the power plant.
    • Stress-induced Piezoelectric Effects
      • Specific Locations: Documented near Avila Beach and Montaña de Oro State Park.
      • Relative Strength: Moderate compared to other equivalent faults in California, such as the San Andreas Fault. The presence of quartz in the fault gouge enhances the piezoelectric effect, making it comparable to effects observed in the Garlock Fault.
    • Electrokinetic Effects
      • Specific Locations: Recorded near Diablo Canyon Power Plant and Morro Bay.
      • Relative Strength: Comparable to electrokinetic effects seen in the Hayward Fault in California due to similar fluid movement dynamics.
    • Gravity Anomalies
      • Specific Locations: Detected offshore near Point Buchon and Diablo Canyon Power Plant.
      • Relative Strength: Significant compared to other coastal fault zones, with variations similar to those found in the Cascadia Subduction Zone.
  • San Andreas Fault

    • Location: Approximately 10 miles inland from the power plant at its closest point.
    • Stress-induced Piezoelectric Effects
      • Specific Locations: Parkfield, California and Hollister, California.
      • Relative Strength: High, as the San Andreas Fault is one of the most studied and active fault lines globally. The piezoelectric effects are significant and comparable to those seen in other major fault systems worldwide.
    • Electrokinetic Effects
      • Specific Locations: San Juan Bautista, California and Carrizo Plain National Monument.
      • Relative Strength: Significant, due to extensive fluid movement and high seismic activity. Comparable to effects observed in the Wasatch Fault Zone.
    • Gravity Anomalies
      • Specific Locations: Palmdale, California and San Bernardino, California.
      • Relative Strength: Very high, with anomalies providing critical insights into fault mechanics. Similar to those in the New Madrid Seismic Zone.
  • Shoreline Fault

    • Location: Discovered in 2008, runs very close to the plant, offshore and parallel to the coastline.
    • Length: Approximately 25 miles.
    • Within 5 miles: The Shoreline Fault comes within 5 miles of the Diablo Canyon Power Plant.
    • Stress-induced Piezoelectric Effects
      • Specific Locations: Nearshore areas close to Diablo Canyon Power Plant.
      • Relative Strength: Potential effects are moderate, with less documentation compared to major faults.
    • Electrokinetic Effects
      • Specific Locations: Offshore areas near the power plant.
      • Relative Strength: Comparable to minor faults in coastal regions.
    • Gravity Anomalies
      • Specific Locations: Offshore near Diablo Cove.
      • Relative Strength: Minor, indicating subtle density changes.
  • Los Osos Fault

    • Location: Within 10 miles of the power plant.
    • Stress-induced Piezoelectric Effects
      • Specific Locations: Los Osos Valley.
      • Relative Strength: Minor compared to major faults but notable within the local context.
    • Electrokinetic Effects
      • Specific Locations: Areas with significant groundwater flow near Los Osos.
      • Relative Strength: Comparable to small, groundwater-rich fault zones.
    • Gravity Anomalies
      • Specific Locations: Los Osos Valley.
      • Relative Strength: Minor anomalies detected.

B) Diablo Canyon, New Mexico

  • Embudo Fault

    • Location: Within 20 miles of Diablo Canyon.
    • Stress-induced Piezoelectric Effects
      • Specific Locations: Near Dixon and Pilar, New Mexico.
      • Relative Strength: Moderate compared to other faults in the Rio Grande Rift. Similar effects to those observed in the East African Rift.
    • Electrokinetic Effects
      • Specific Locations: Near Embudo, New Mexico.
      • Relative Strength: Moderate, consistent with other active rift zones with significant groundwater interaction.
    • Gravity Anomalies
      • Specific Locations: Near the town of Española, New Mexico.
      • Relative Strength: Significant, providing insight into the rift's complex tectonic structure. Comparable to anomalies in the Basin and Range Province.
  • Pajarito Fault

    • Location: Within 20 miles of Diablo Canyon.
    • Stress-induced Piezoelectric Effects
      • Specific Locations: Near Los Alamos, New Mexico.
      • Relative Strength: High, due to active seismicity and the presence of stress.
    • Electrokinetic Effects
      • Specific Locations: Near White Rock, New Mexico.
      • Relative Strength: Significant, due to active groundwater flow in the region.
    • Gravity Anomalies
      • Specific Locations: Near Los Alamos National Laboratory.
      • Relative Strength: Notable, with detailed mapping providing insights into fault mechanics.

6. Conclusion

Simply, some variables on the navigational systems of the UFO craft which rely on precise 4-dimensional mapping for their navigational system, with implied near real time adjustments across all parameters, are negatively impacted by unexpected or significant enough to not be able to compensate for impacts from native Earth effects generated by tectonic plate actions, in specific key locations.
I'd often suspected if there was something like this related to the handful of known crashes, and them seeming to be concentrated in certain areas. With this leaker, we see another few possible pieces of a puzzle filling.
Are they legitimate? We obviously can't tell, today. But this new data sure does align with:
  1. Reports of the USA trying to "bait" UFOs.
  2. Reports of the USA utilizing nuclear facilities to this end.
  3. UFO engagement with nuclear sites.
  4. UFOs reportedly avoiding certain areas, not limited to prior crash locations.
  5. UFOs reportedly being seen over time in the same places or repeated routes/locations.
  6. The USA getting big into gravity research along these lines (gravity scanners for military).
  7. Elizondo references to LIGO.
  8. And more beyond, that I'm sure more of you can recite from memory than I could.
Maybe this has some part of the genesis of the mythology of ley lines, because ancient humans couldn't possibly on their own know all these things. Were they just energetically charged fault lines that had some manner of intersection over time with UFOs?
If anyone wants to run with this or research equivalent sites in other parts of the world and their intersection with UFOs/UAPs, this may be a worthwhile rabbit hole for pursuit.
submitted by PyroIsSpai to UFOs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:11 The_Lucinator A quick primer on stealth

A quick primer on stealth
I have seen a lot of people both here on reddit and on discord with questions on stealth or misconceptions on it. As a Docent and historian at the worlds largest private aerospace museum which has a lot of documentation on the subject and a few actual stealth aircraft, which helps in understanding this topic at a deeper level than most. This is meant to be a basic overview of how reduced Radar Cross Section, (RCS) is achieved. I’m not gonna go into detail about other features that matter in stealth such as Infrared signature reduction, or electromagnetic signature reduction both of which are just as critical to a proper stealth design.
If anyone wants to do some light reading on the subject I recommend Stealth by Doug Richardson, or Stealth Aircraft by Bill Sweetman. Both can provide a basic overview of the technical aspects of RCS. If you have a Aviation Week subscription they did a couple of great primer articles on this a few years ago and are also worth reading. There are also numerous academic papers on this topic that can be found if you want something with a bit more meat on the bones. What will follow is even further simplified from those books but should at least be more accessible and easy to understand.
The first thing I want to point out is how Radar actually works as this is something that a lot of people get wrong, and it can lead to many mistaken beliefs about how stealth works. People often think of a radar return as light reflecting off a object, and while in layman's terms this explanation suffices the actual quantum mechanisms are a bit more complicated and while the description is fine for basic knowledge knowing how it works at the smallest of scales is critical for getting your RCS to actually work.
When Radar strikes a object it doesn't just bounce off, what actually happens is that the radar wave induces a current in the material it hits, this then creates waves of the same magnitude as the incoming waves. It is this re-emitted energy that is what the radar receiver actually pics up. The direction of emission is also related to the direction of the incoming energy. One important factor in this is that object with a length/diameter about one half the wavelength will create a much stronger return. This is why some objects are much more radar reflective than others. However this isn't the only thing the energy can do. Sometimes the energy is absorbed by the material struck, this is your standard Radar Absorbing Material (RAM). Another interesting feature of radar is scattering and wave travel. The energy does not have to be emitted right away, it can travel along the object it hits before being re-emitted. Sharp boundaries are more likely to emit this radiation than smooth rounded shapes. This is further compounded by scattering which is how the magnitude of the return varies by the relationship of the wavelength to the size of the object. When they are about the same size (note this means the area the wave can travel not the size of the whole plane) you get what is called resonance which greatly increases the return of the object. When the wavelength is smaller than the object then it starts to treat smaller and smaller sections independently of each other as the object. This is important and will be discussed later.
The goal of RCS takes all of these considerations and more into the equation as some objects are also transparent to radar waves and others translucent. Furthermore the ability of a material to conduct electricity is important because this can help the waves propagate further before emitting. While on the surface this may seem bad and in some cases it is, it also allows for better control of where the emissions come from. Move over the angle of the surface being emitted dictates the strength of the signal and how it changes with direction, think this like a funhouse mirror, the cone/dome of radar can be emitted in a very different direction than it came from. This is not a easy thing to calculate and is a reason that early stealth aircraft were faceted as with the sharp lines were easier to predict where and in what direction the return waves would propagate. This has ironically led to many people thinking that faceted shapes are better for RCS, when in truth the opposite is true, however as stated earlier it is easier to model. This is why flat surfaces such as single vertical tail fins, and turbine blades are such big reflectors. The goal of any RCS is to reduce the amount of stuff making its way back to the emitting aircraft and being able to know exactly how the waves will travel is paramount to a successful RCS design.
To complicate matters further as I mentioned earlier when a wavelength is smaller than the object you are trying to detect than it will treat different parts of the aircraft separately however this can be modified by increasing the distance the wave can travel in a object. This is where the most critical part of any proper RCS effort comes into play. This is one of tolerances. See gaps are the ultimate emitter of waves since they have sharp edges, and break the electrical current flowing through the material thus drastically increasing the chance of emission. This is by far the largest contributor to RCS. It has also proved the bane of countries trying to develop stealth since it is very hard to have manufacturers that can achieve such tight tolerances and it isn't something you can just steal like the shape or RAM materials. Since a plane needs to have at least some moving parts being able to make them close to one another is paramount, having seems be almost non existent on a moving part is very hard. Most stealth aircraft require special tape to bridge the gaps especially the ones between materials with different electrical properties like those around the cockpit. This tape had to be applied every mission perfectly and was (and to some degree still is) the part that added the most to the Maintenance of aircraft like the F-117 and B-2. You can see a good example of this on the photo below of the TACIT BLUE aircraft which was one of the first stealth aircraft.

those dark area's around any hatches is the tape
As you probably well know part what is important is how the aircraft is structured and shaped, What isn't talked about is that most shapes that direct radar waves in a specific direction aren't the most conducive to good aerodynamics, thankfully for early stealth pioneers there are many materials that are very transparent to radar (such as the dome over most maritime radars). These materials can be used to smooth out the airflow and create a shape conducive to good flying characteristics (or even the ability to fly at all). Below is a good example of a photo showing the intricate sub surfaces on a aircraft control surface. You will notice that the underlying sawtooth shape would probably not be very aerodynamic but with the radar transparent leading edge the surface smooths out into the familiar shape you can recognize.

A great example of how the edges are smoothed over to create a clean wing
Another part that needs to be considered is that there are a wide range of radar wavelengths that can be used. What is a good RCS shape to one wavelength might matter a lot less to another frequency. This is why most broadband stealth designs are created and coated with materials the work to harmonize as many different wavelengths of radar as possible into a more cohesive waveform. This is mostly seen in third and fourth generation designs like the F-22 and F-35. You will often note the metallic sheen their paint tends to have and this is indicative of attempts to do this.

Stealthy paint
Not stealthy paint
There is one last effect that is worth noting and that is that if a wavelength is larger than the object then a effect know as Reyleigh Scattering happens and the radar treats the aircraft as one homogeneous aircraft and shape and angles no longer really mater to the return just the size and composition of the object. This is why many countries looking to develop counter stealth technologies often look at low frequency radar as it can get around the shaping of the aircraft as well as issues with things like gaps, though the effectiveness of RAM isn't changed. Ok so you are probably asking why people don't just use long wave radar, well there are two problems while long wave radar has great range due to the energy required for a given distance is proportional to the wavelength it also comes at the price of accuracy and also needing a large antenna to pick up any receiving signals since the reception of radar signals generally requires a receiver proportional to the wavelength. Also effected is resolution which means that knowing that something is out there is easier but knowing where it is, is much harder. The lower resolution can have other unhelpful effects such as combining many small objects (like a flock of birds) into one.

Lastly as alluded to earlier there is a hierarchy to the importance of design features. In general it goes like this. By far the most important one is tolerance of the parts and elimination of gaps. Then in a distant second is RAM and other coatings. Lastly there is shape though unlike the other two this is still required by some degree to any stealthy aircraft whereas you can go without the other two but with a much more easily detectable object. It illustrate this and to show how all of this starts to fit together look below at the four aircraft's. Now rank them in order of smallest RCS to largest.......Scroll down past them for the answer.
F-22A Raptor

Su-57 Felon
F/A-18E/F Block III Super Hornet
KF-21 Boramae (fighting hawk)
Ok good here are the results
  1. F-22
  2. F/A-18 E/F Block III
  3. KF-21
  4. Su-57
so how many of you thought that the KF-21 would be 3rd, or that the Su-57 would be last? This illustrates the importance of both keeping tight tolerances and in the heavy use of RAM and other skin (and some sub-skin) treatments. Both of the planes have shaping that is conducive to having a low RCS but are not able to match the 4.5 gen Superhornet’s latest version due to the latter's better tolerance control and increased use of RAM materials. This much has been admitted by the Korean government which has admitted that the Block one KF-21 which has no RAM and looser tolerance levels than they would have wished. They do plan on incorporating those as well as including a full internal bay rather than the semi-recessed hardpoints it currently has. This shows the difficulty in mastering those two elements since the South Koreans have a lot of experience building and even decent experience designing planes. The Su-57 is a bit of the different case. Teasing out the failings of the Su-57 has taken more work given the Russian government claims that its stealth feature are some of the best in the world. However pictures of the Su-57 during construction shows a complete lack of sub-surface shaping, as well as a lack of RAM coating on many surfaces that should have it. Furthermore riveting and screw attachment of parts are massive no no’s in stealth and the Su-57 has those in droves. Furthermore the engine's turbine blades are visible through the air intake something even the KF-21 avoids limiting the ability to actually improve the RCS. It also has clearly visible gaps at locations where they would significantly contribute to increasing the RCS. Lastly the paint on the plane does not exhibit any metallic properties meaning that it likely is derived from first gen stealth paint, most likely from samples of the F-117 that was shot down in the Balkans. Based on this and knowledge that tolerances have always been a weakness of Russian manufacturing (though in the past this was deliberate as low tolerances allow for more rugged machines) thus the Su-57 probably doesn't have a ton of RCS reduction and is probably on the level of the Eurofighter in terms of RCS.

Ok so now withe the brief overview out of the way you are probably wondering how Flyout's “RCS” system fits into all of this. The answer is not at all. There is almost no connection between the games determination and reality. This can be deduced by the lack of most properties that are needed to define RCS. Some of the notable ones needed are wavelength of the radar used and given radar itself isn't in game we know that's not yet on the table, the electrical conductive properties of a aircraft's paint and skin/structures are very important to any radar return modeling and so far materials used in game are purely cosmetic. There also is no RAM material and even how that works is highly variable in real life but even a massively simplistic implementation doesn't exist so we can cross that out. There also is no setting for tolerances of parts of the plane and given that is the most important contributor to reducing RCS the lack of all these features means that the game’s RCS has no real connection with how real RCS works. Lastly, I don’t expect there to be a accurate system implemented. This is due to the massive computing power needed to model the subtle interactions of radar waves with all of these factors. As mentioned before there is a reason faceting was used heavily in early stealth aircraft despite it being less than optimal. It would take several months of using 1970’s supercomputers specially programed to just do this calculation to get a RCS model for a given aircraft shape. Even then it had to have data from real world RCS testing added to achieve this. While computing power has exponentially increased since then the ability to actively simulate a planes RCS in real time, is still well beyond anything a desktop computer can do. Especially given you would need a completely custom engine just for that part. And none of what I have said touches on other parts that can contribute to RCS like degradation of RAM coatings, or the fact that the exhaust from planes in afterburner shows up on radar (this is due to the lower density of hot air coupled with changes in the airs natural radar absorbing properties due to being at a different temperature). So for everyone out there, don't worry about or look too far into the RCS of your stealth plane be as creative as you want. That being said it is possible that IR reduction could be better simulated in game and might be a possible thing to have added. Real RCS will likely be limited to at best massively approximated stand-in values. Though there is a way to achieve a real world stealth parameter which is visual stealth, ie cammo or other tech that reduces a aircrafts visual signature. Along with some tech (like the hole material that is fictional but renders the plane truly invisible)
Implementing the \"hole\" surface material to a plane in real life
On a side tangent I want to point out that the exhaust phenomenon is something that has effected all stealth aircraft and the main reason the A-12 and SR-71 had no real RCS reduction since the massive amount of air the moved through the planes engines meant they were usually spotted at the maximum range of whatever radar they flew near. And while on the A-12 they tried to eliminate this through a combination of using a cesium fuel additive(which did absolutely nothing), and plasma stealth to shield the air intake so the fan blades would not reflect (which apparently worked ok but used a enormous amount of power, led to airflow disruptions that made the engine both less efficient, even more prone to flameouts, and caused the formation of nitric acid and other corrosive compounds the hurt the engine.). For the reasons I just showed the cesium and plasma stealth systems were disabled on the A-12 by the time it entered its brief service and not used at all on the SR-71, which instead used it’s extreme speed, altitude and what can be argued was the most extensive ECM suit ever fitted to a aircraft at the time, to ensure that any missile that got close could be jammed.
Hope this helps people.
submitted by The_Lucinator to flyoutgame [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:06 brightgoldsoul We Don't Know What Binding Vows Are At Play

A lot of people are upset with how binding vows in JKK are used, specifically how Sukuna seems to be the only character **shown** to be using them via the narrator's oracle speech.
But we don't actually know what binding vows are at play in the story.
I'm not trying to express that binding vows aren't being used as a narration tool to move the story forward or explain gaps but I hope with this post to talk about how the story expresses them and why it's very possible all of the characters in these chapters fighting Sukuna could be using them without our knowledge.
Why didn't / don't the main characters use binding vows during or leading up to the battle?
***We'll talk about this last
Who is the one judging the weight of a vow?
But Kenjaku said if you break a vow you just lose the thing you gained?
Upholding Vows
submitted by brightgoldsoul to Jujutsufolk [link] [comments]

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submitted by Large_Scene3565 to Statisticshelpers_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:49 Cozy-Spring I hate my friend, and want to distance myself from her.

I don’t like this girl. Let’s call her Kayla. We been friends since the fourth grade when I begun, and we went to sport together. We even begun in the same class in high school, but she has always been kinda “special”. She gets really mad easily if things doesn’t go her way, she is jealous if I do better than her, doesn’t like that I have other friends and always tries to be “better than me”. She is also really in her head about me being her best friend, and really pushing that on me. But I’ve never felt close to her on that level, but she is so.. idk annoying and clingy.
Lately she has also been asking to hang out EVERY SINGEL DAY, and I’m getting so tired of her drama. I know it’s sounds simple, just ditch her but it’s not. For the first, we’ve shared many good memories and she is so funny. And on top of that, she is really manipulative and I’ve already seen what she did to her other friend when that other friend got a new friend.
She also is always talking about how hard it is to be her, but I know for a fact she cut her arm up a little, then bragged about to other’s so they would show her sympathy.
In these last few months as I’ve mentioned, it seems like she can’t be alone, she always has to hang out with somebody? And it’s driving me insane, I’m really bad with boundaries and she just keeps on asking. And I think she knows for a fact that I don’t want to hang out with her.
Sorry this is all over the place, but any advice? I can’t ditch her, at least not till high school is finished, but is there something I can do to make her distance from me? Or am I being an asshole and should just suck it up?
submitted by Cozy-Spring to AdviceForTeens [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:28 AstorSigma [Lafayette LA 70501][FS] Many KS games + others; Arcadia Quest KS, God's War KS, Mythic Battles Pantheon KS, Deep Madness KS, more [W] Paypal

Large and heavy packages can be quite expensive to ship. Potential buyers should keep this in mind when inquiring about a game.
Cost for packing and shipping of most of these items will fall between $20-$100 depending on size and weight with exceptionally large/heavy or small/light orders likely falling outside this range.
No international shipping.
Below are the games I have for sale. The number in brackets refers to the condition of the item based on the 5 point grading system used in this subreddit (check the post formatting guide for details). All games will be shipped through UPS and buyer pays packing and shipping.
Procedure and Payment:
Games will be brought to UPS store to determine the packing and shipping price and then packed and shipped from there. Some games may already be packed if new. I will request a phone number to be able to text the buyer pictures, information, and updates on when I'm going to UPS and when to deliver payment.
Payment accepted through Paypal Goods and Services. Payment will be accepted after final shipping cost is calculated and before the shipment is sent off. Buyer will then receive a picture of the receipt with tracking number and the expected delivery date.
Buyers who wish to use their own labels can potentially create them and email me the file to print. I can do this if the items to be shipped are not exceptionally large or numerous as I would have to bring them to UPS to be weighed and measured for boxing. Alternatively, if the game is new and still in shipping box, I can take the measurements myself and the weight is usually listed on the shipping box.
Crossed out items have already sold.
Bonus Games:
In addition, I'm offering a free bonus game for the first $30 spent and every $200 spent total (not counting shipping). So a bonus game at $30, $200, $400, $600, etc. Bonus games will come from the freebie list below (oldecheap used games I've set aside as rewards). You will get to choose from the available rewards on a first come first serve basis while supplies last or you can forgo the free games to potentially save on shipping.
Games for Sale:
Godtear KS gameplay all in [5] - $200
Hellboy 1st KS gameplay all in + 3D Doors & Scenery [5] - $200
Cthulhu Wars KS Onslaught 2 gameplay all in [3] and Onslaught 3 gameplay all in [5] - $700
Glorantha: The God's War 1st KS all in [5] - $400
Black Rose Wars 1st KS gameplay all in + sleeves [5] - $200
Masmorra: Dungeons of Arcadia KS gameplay all in + treasure chests [3] - $100
Xenoshyft: Dreadmire KS gameplay all in (original and dreadmire content) [3] - $100
Mythic Battles: Pantheon KS 1 [4] & KS 2 [5] gameplay all in - $400
Arcadia Quest 1st KS gameplay mostly all in (missing few KS excl. heros) + sculpted tokens [3] & 2nd KS gameplay all in + sculpted tokens [4] - $300
Mechs vs Minions Wave 1 [4] - $70
LOAD: League of Ancient Defenders KS gameplay all in + all epic heroes & tower minis [4] - $60
Aeon's End KS [3], War Eternal KS [3], & Legacy KS + 1 reset pack [5] gameplay all in - $100
I Am the Fourth Wall [4] - $15
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Freebie List:
Posthumous Z [3]
Earth Reborn [3]
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Tomb Cryptmaster [3]
Banner Saga Warbands KS [4]
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Let's Kill Card Game + Exps. [3]
Anima Card Game + Exp. [3]
Zombie State [3]
Cutthroat Caverns + 2 Exps. [3]
Quarriors [3]
Mansions of Madness 2nd edition [3]
submitted by AstorSigma to BoardGameExchange [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:46 Nat_Peterson11 Suicidal as a child

There’s no easy way to put this, and because I was raised in an environment of brutal honesty instead of watered down truth, this will be very difficult or uncomfortable to read so fair warning for the content below.
I only remember the first few years of my childhood barely, but the years following after the age of 5 were not pretty. I was quite an introverted kid mainly due to stupid kid stuff at the time, I remember elementary school where the big talk was about modern musical artists at that time and Wii was a huge thing, I was more interested in ocean life and life outside, and more interested in bands like ACDC, twisted sister, Motörhead, and Black Sabbath. I was picked on constantly, I never really dressed in basketball shorts and jerseys, I always stuck to what I grew up around Bikes, Bands, and my dear old mom and dad. My uncles was a chopper builder and felt like a big bro more than an uncle, my aunt the same.
Of course because I was raised in a Roman Catholic family, I got sent to religious instructions, it wasn’t bad yet, but I met my first ever like real friend a kid named Devin, he was a year older but we grew up together and made each other laugh, we did everything together to make each other laugh like we had nothing better to do, he was the ultimate brother from another mother. Because of these classes every now and then the local priest would show up and observe, there was guy who followed him around, I think he was like a priest in training or something like that. This sounds like a set up to a dark South Park joke, but it’s the real thing. Devin was my only friend, but he went to a different school, everyone else at my school picked on me or spread rumors to have people avoid me.
Every Wednesday I went to religious instructions, and this priest kept calling me out of class to go to his office, now I had learning disabilities and couldn’t sit still, so I ended drawing on my paperwork a lot and I would get called in for it, but instead of being mad at me for defacing Bible passages, he instead took an interest in my artwork, and it made me feel proud and I felt less introverted. These office visits became frequent and the priest kept encouraging me to keep drawing which I thought was great, it made me feel important.
That was like alcohol to an addict, it felt good to be noticed and it felt good to feel like you’re important until he started touching me. I know this sounds like a stereotypical dark joke, but most dark humor wouldn’t exist if there wasn’t some real life occurrence. It started slow, a hand on the lap, a hand in the shoulder, a hand moving up my thigh, a hand moving up my thigh and around my butt, before it became a sexual assault. Picture the worst thing happening to you, that can be categorized as a sexual assault or rape, and that’s what I was going through. I felt guilty, I felt ashamed, at the same time I felt addicted because I was getting special treatment in these religious classes, I felt good sometimes but at the same time I had a know in my stomach, I felt fucking pain all the time. I lost feelings for pain and instead it became a crutch, watching a 7 year old start scraping his arms with the blades of scissors in 2nd grade art class is not an image you want to see.
My parents became aware of my strange behavior and believe me when I say it took a lot to tell my parents what was going on every Wednesday.
They were livid, they responded like any parent who found out their kid was being raped by someone they trusted. I don’t need to get into the details of police officers asking me to go into detail about what happened to me. As for what happened to the priest, suprisingly the church defended him, and I was seen as a little liar, he never got to see life behind bars, because cancer took his life away 6 months after all of this came out. Though in my mind now I’d like to think he committed suicide because he was a coward and didn’t want to face consequences.
If not the act of being raped as a child is disgustingly awful, it’s the years following that are more painful, but somehow even at the worse times of it, I’m still here! I smoked, I drank, all at ages you wouldn’t even fathom, Devin was still around, and he was the only friend I confided in with this event in my life and he took it to his grave, he passed away in 2020, age 20. Years following after the priests death and the therapy I went through I felt like I wanted to die, I had to die, I hurt myself, sometimes I hurt others, I wanted that time back but now 17 years later I know I’ll never get it back.
Some kids found out around that time and thought it was the greatest joke, I must’ve heard the word faggot and queer a thousand times. But even more surprising is that the same kids that said that, ended up realizing just how bad it was, and gave me some of the most heartwarming yearbook signings when I graduated high school in 2018.
How the fuck I’m still here? I’ll never really know, the times where I was blindly self harming and feeling a shit load of pain, i really felt like dying but now it’s something I want to pretend never happened, but I accept it and like most things in life, I have to move on. It’s not easy, it never is but somehow I just do. I focus on what I have ahead of me more so than ever, and I found that graphic Designer is the perfect position for me to be in, I never stopped drawing or designing things to my liking, I also recently got engaged to someone who genuinely cares and loves me. I’m living life like I got another millennium ahead.
submitted by Nat_Peterson11 to DecidingToBeBetter [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:27 tubeneckcrownhead Book recommendations

Hi, I have 3 credits that I would like to use, but I want to make sure I get “good” books. Does anyone have recommendations for any of the books that are currently being offered? It doesn’t have to be May specific. I like thrillers, fantasy, historical fiction, sci-fi, apocalypse, but I am open to other suggestions. I’m not a huge romance person unless it’s tied into another subject like fantasy. My current reads I have enjoyed are “Throne of Glass series” “Fourth Wing” “Hang the Moon” “The Housemaid” “The Drowning Woman” “Jar of Hearts”
submitted by tubeneckcrownhead to bookofthemonthclub [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:24 GokaiDecade Is it weird that I don’t remember September 11th?

32 American here, I was in Fourth grade at the time in semi-rural Pennsylvania. I remember hearing about it and how it was a huge deal at the time. But I don’t remember it. From what I remember of that day, it was just a regular day for me
submitted by GokaiDecade to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:14 xZombieDuckx A small passage from The Antichrist, reminded me of a historical fact

The passage - 17 "....One will understand without further indication at what moment of history the dual fiction of a good and an evil God first becomes possible, The same instinct which makes the subju- gated people reduce its God to the 'good in itself' makes them expunge the good qualities from the God of their conquerof; they revenge themselves on their masters by ` changing their masters' God into a devil. - The good God and the Devil: both products of décadence."
When Zoroasterism became popular in Persia, people practiced multiple religions during that time, one of them which was a sister religion of Vedism. If you look at the belief systems of the both the religions
ZoroasteZarathustra's texts mention certain gods as evil, for example: Indra. Who was a very revered god in ancient India. Zoroaster promotes the worship of Ahura-mazda, (pronounced Asura in Vedic Hinduism), who are evil beings in Vedic Hinduism.
Another interesting thing is that, this reversal of 'good' and 'bad' dieties wasn't initially the case, but it eventually became so, probably through some conflict.
submitted by xZombieDuckx to Nietzsche [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:08 Grand_Reanimation Chapter 8: Four Turns

Chapter 8: Four Turns

Chapter 8: Four Turns

Abhi is shaken to the core, his walk gains a bit of tremble, he starts to breathe and sweat heavily, his eyes constantly trying to look back.
“Am I being followed…” Abhi Gasped audibly.
Abhi ignores the man on his trail for the time being, as it's entirely possible for the man to have the same travel route as Abhi, even though it is unlikely that someone had the same bus route as Abhi the man could still be going somewhere nearby and there just happens to be a small overlap.
A few minutes passed, and even after a few more turns and minutes of walking, the man was still on Abhi’s trail. Abhi’s expression grew more and more anxious, he was looking back at the mysterious man more and more frequently as time passed.
Abhi suddenly stopped, he noticed a city map plastered on the building. It covered all of Nixtom High City but the regions below or beyond the high city were left blurred or anonymous. While keeping a subtle look out for the follower Abhi used his finger to point at something on the map, he was pointing at the nearest police station which was a kilometer to the west. The mysterious man soon passed by Abhi but didn’t do anything.
Abhi kept staring at the police station symbol on the map perhaps contemplating his decision to go there. He then looked around and saw a pendulum clock inside an antique shop.
“7 minutes till 7 pm,” Abhi said to himself while observing the clock.
Abhi started walking but didn’t follow the western path to the police station instead he went opposite, towards the east where his bus stop was. Abhi had just recently requested a change in his job timings because of his school, he changed his shift at his job from a full-time day job to a half-time evening job. This shift change was quite major as it essentially changed everyone Abhi worked with including his superiors.
Getting a negative first impression on his first shift wasn’t just not ideal, but it would also lead to Abhi’s supervisors, managers, and other superiors making an example out of him via harsh punishment; therefore, it was essential for Abhi to reach his workplace on time. Taking detours such as visiting the police station in the opposite direction would involve the risk of not catching his second bus which only comes around every 30 minutes. Knowing all this, Abhi kept walking. There wasn't much to worry about as Abhi was already at the edge of High City so the bus station was nearby. As the mysterious man following Abhi had already passed by him and he wasn't too late for the bus, there was nothing to worry about.
Abhi strolled freely humming an old rhyme. He was finally close enough to see the bus stand’s landmark a few towns apart. Abhi sighed in relief “I can finally reach the bus stand safely.”
Suddenly he felt the same ominous present he had felt a few minutes ago, Abhi’s walk became more restricted his posture less confident and he slowly turned his head back without stopping his walk and immediately saw the same mysterious man in the well-designed suit right on his trail. Abhi started shivering in fear and anxiety, breaking cold sweat on a breezy evening. The sun was already almost submerged in the horizon, the atmosphere was dim and the street lights still weren't on. In the faint remnants of the absent sun’s light, Abhi kept walking while constantly looking back to observe his mysterious follower.
Fortunately, he was finally close enough to see his bus stop directly, but before walking towards it, he suddenly stopped, Abhi kept staring at the ground as if he was drawing in deep thought. He subtly looked back and saw the same mysterious follower standing just a few meters behind, pretending to check the menu of a cafe. “No… I can’t go home; mom is home alone.” Abhi spoke to himself. Abhi seemed to have realized that if the mysterious follower kept following him even on his bus, then he might end up finding out where Abhi and his mom lived. No man will jeopardize his mother’s safety for his own sake or for work.
Abhi was out of breath, shaking and sweating from the fear and anxiety of being followed, yet he stopped walking. He looked up, towards the dark crimson sky filled with blurry emerging stars, his gaze didn’t shake nor blink and soon enough the twinkling stars reflected in his eyes as a glimmer of hope. His breathing became calmer and his eyes colder. Suddenly he diverted from the straight path to the bus stop and instead took a left turn. Abhi started walking again only this time his steps didn’t echo fear but it resounded determination.
A few steps later, Abhi looked down and murmured something to himself, and then he started to recite something far more clearly… almost in a robotic tone:
“En Passant: Caution, Chapter 6: Stalkers, point 4:
In case, you think you are being followed but cannot tell for sure, there is a method to verify your situation. Note your starting position then take four right or four left turns while walking. The idea behind this action is that whenever you turn the same way four times, you end up in the same place you started at. So in case you have a suspicion about someone following you, you can verify whether they just happen to have a similar route to yours or if they are in fact on your trail as no innocent person will circle back to the same spot with you”.
Abhi had recited a passage from an informative book he had memorized. Following the book’s advice, he started by taking his first left turn. While walking, he looked back to observe the mysterious man who was still checking out the café’s menu.
“Garlock Gobbler Gamers”. “What a weird name for a café” Abhi had noted the café as his starting point.
While looking at the café he suddenly made eye contact with the mysterious follower. He quickly looked forward and started walking, he took another left turn and kept walking, this time he didn’t turn or look back at all as that might end up alerting the follower. He instead starts walking slightly faster and only looks ahead, he still tries to observe the follower by looking at mirrors and other sources of reflections to subtly check the areas out of his field of view. He takes his third left turn while still keeping an eye out for the follower through reflections and such.
Abhi slightly slows down his pace as he doesn’t notice anyone on his trail.
“Did I lose him? Or was he just coincidentally going to the same bus as me.” Abhi says to himself, then he walks with a bit less intensity. He takes his fourth and last left turn and uses this opportunity to check the entire street behind him, not seeing a single person in the entire street gives Abhi the last bit of assurance.
Abhi walked towards the bus stop and saw the “Garlock Gobbler Gamers” sign in the distance. He walked a bit closer and realized that no one was outside the café. “I guess that man just happened to have the same bus route as me. I didn’t think anyone other than me had the same bus route, but guess I was wrong.”
Abhi was finally free of worry and relaxed calmly walking towards his bus stop, soon past the café and kept walking. Suddenly a hand touched Abhi on his shoulder. “Oi! Kiddo what is you doin?”. Abhi slowly turned back in horror to see the same mysterious man appear out of nowhere while he held Abhi’s shoulder in his rough hand.
Abhi shook the man’s hand off of him and jumped back a few steps.
“What the fuck do you want!? Why have you been following me for so long?” Shouted Abhi while not taking his eyes off the man for even a second.
“Yo Chill out cuh. I was just gonna ask you the same, why have you been following me?” Said the man while wearing an elegant suit.
Abhi who looked a bit perplexed after seeing a man dressed in such formal attire talk in slang language and turn the ‘follower’ accusation back on him, replied:
“What? I’m not following anyone you were the one constantly on my trail, also why would I follow you? Who the hell even are you?”
The man looked and Abhi’s eyes and calmly replied:
“Me? I’m the principal of your school homie.”

submitted by Grand_Reanimation to GoldenFeathers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:27 TransportationLow564 Finally started watching Strange New Worlds.

And I'm enjoying the heck out of it so far.
I'd watched the first three episodes previously, and while they were all "fine" (especially the third one), none of them really left me with a burning desire to keep hitting the "Play Next Episode" button.
This time around, however, the fourth episode is the one that hooked me. The Reavers (sorry... The Gorn) stalking Enterprise through the gas cloud surrounding a dead star? Good, tense stuff.
I've also been pleasantly surprised at the amount of actual science fiction in this science fiction series. The show seems genuinely interested in exploring Big Ideas (war, predestination, prejudice, the ethics of genetic engineering, whether the needs of the many truly do outweigh the needs of the few, what it means to be able to truly see things from another person's POV).
Are the camerawork and cinematography needlessly flashy at times? Is a lot of the dialogue more jokey and quippy than it needs to be? Sure. This is definitely still Star Trek for the Marvel Age. But I'd still say it's far and away better than Disco or Picard; the primary difference, I think, being that while Strange New Worlds is a sci-fi show, Disco and Picard are primarily action/adventure shows taking place in a sci-fi setting. Their stories are driven by action and emotion, rather than ideas.
(To elaborate: Disco Season 2 isn't about the dangers of an all-knowing A.I. taking over the galaxy and trying to eradicate non-artificial life; it's about Burnham looking for her missing brother (and eventually meeting up with her long-lost mom). Disco Season 3 isn't *really* about The Burn: it's about Burnham trying to figure out if she still knows how to play by the rules after being separated from the Disco crew for a year.)
(And Season 4 isn't really about an unknowably powerful alien species accidentally stepping on us the way we'd step on a couple of ants; it's about Burnham and her boyfriend finding themselves on opposite sides of a high-stakes ethical dilemma. Every season of Picard, of course, is pretty uniformly about constant fan service).
Anyway... here's looking forward to Season 3! (Says the guy who hasn't finished Season 1 yet)
submitted by TransportationLow564 to StrangeNewWorlds [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:06 cjutsuu Third year student. Don't know if I overreacted (vent ahead)

Just started my fourth week in an acute stroke/geriatric ward. I have to do 40 hours per week along with assignments worth 50% of my grade and an exam that's worth another 50%. I also have a part time admin job, because we don't get paid for nursing placements in my country. Financially I'm struggling but still able to get by with savings. Anyway, no complaints with any of that, it's hard and stressful, but I expected it to be. The one thing I didn't expect is my preceptor.
In the past, I've always had a good rapport with preceptors and felt very supported in my learning journey, and they would give me honest feedback that I always appreciated. But with my current one, I feel as though I am expected to know everything overnight and be perfect in every possible way because "you're in third year now". It's pushing me to do better, but today it just got overwhelming. While she was yet again condescendingly pointing out what I've done wrong with no commend on what I did do right, I basically told her how I felt a lot of pressure coming from all her micromanaging and how she never gives me the opportunity to correct my mistakes, and how instead I am immediately criticized for the things I do both wrong and right. I told her that I've lost confidence in my skills and that I was so tired of having to live up to whatever she expected me to be. She interrupts my handovers because I get neevous and stutter, she answers call bells while I am with another patient saying I should be answering all of them myself because she's only shadowing me, and that I should report to the TL directly without even needing to escalate care to her first because I am "technically already a nurse". Idk if any of that is valid but she seemed confident that she was saying the right things so I am now at a loss on what to do.
Before this placement, I haven't even stepped foot in a hospital for 6 months. I have also never been placed in an acute ward, always been in rehabilitation and only used to be 2-3 shifts a week. I had no control of any of these, just the way my university scheduled things, and my preceptor knows all of this. Not using my circumstances as an excuse, but it would honestly make my life 10 times easier if my preceptor could have just a little bit of understanding and patience. I know I get prompted a lot, but if she gave me just a little more time to think between her little ramblings then my train of thought wouldn't constantly get interrupted. I feel so stupid and incompetent as a nurse when I'm with her. I understand I have to face these kinds of situations and I have so much more to learn, but she makes me feel bad for not knowing things I've never encountered before, and it is so discouraging. I want to take this on as a challenge for me to overcome and grow, then apologise to her for "snapping" at her, but I also don't think we mesh well in general so a different preceptor would help me learn the same amount. I don't think it would be good for my record to do the latter though, so I'm honestly at a loss.
After my outburst, she backed off on the micromanaging and the shift went well, although very awkwardly. I'm kind of concerned she'd tell other nurses in the ward about my little outburst because I know she likes to gossip, but whatever. I'll take it as it comes, and tomorrow is another day.
submitted by cjutsuu to nursing [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:57 weeping_samael About Dark Magic and its misconceptions

What is Dark Magic?
That's the question, I'm sure, if not every single one, but the majority of readers asked themselves at least once. Dark Magic in general is described as magic malicious in nature, one that's used to cause harm. It doesn't really make sense: a good applied Incendio is just as well to kill you as a swift Killing Curse, even more painfully, in fact. Or why Imperius is Unforgivable, but love potions are totally fine and legal and not considered Dark? And I'm sure people here are painfully familiar with many such arguments.
Did you know that "Petrificus Totalus" spell Hermione used on Neville at the end of the first book is a dark charm? Apparently, according to "The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 1" from Pottermore, jinxes, hexes and curses (though the last one is obvious) are all dark spells. And that includes such things as Ron's Slug-Vomiting Curse, Ginny's signature Bat-Bogey Hex, even Leg-Locking Curse that Draco used to bully Neville in first year. All because their purpose is to cause a negative effect.
So, some Dark Magic is bad, but other is used regularly in schoolyard fights, and no one bats an eye. Where's the line and who sets it?
Alright, Dark Magic in canon doesn't make sense. That means, that a lot of fic writers take it upon themselves to fill the gaps in logic and give their own definitions of what magic constitutes as dark. From the top of my head, I can remember a few, let me know if you recognize them:
I like these theories, I like when people try to come up with their own interpretations or their ways to fill the holes in lore and logic. Not all of them I agree with, but it hardly matters.
What peeves me, however, is when authors use this fact, that there's no clear definition of Dark Magic or Dark Arts, as an excuse to basically do whatever they want. A character (more likely, main one) does or practices something that people don't like, so they just accuse them with an empty argument "it's bad, it's Dark Magic!". And no one can argue, because no one understands what Dark Magic even is! They don't have a box list of criteria to disprove. "I don't know what you're doing, I don't understand it - it's Dark Magic, it's bad."
It's one of the favorite arguments in Hermione or Order bashing stories when MC does something they do not approve of. Dumbledore bashing uses a bit different arguments, but this one can also be included.
It's just such a... I don't want to call it a bashing tool, because I can't say if every such story involves a heavy bashing, but it has potential to be, at least. I'd call it a bludgeoning tool. Just a blunt method to make characters do whatever they want without the need for any finer details: it's so much easier to just use the brand "Dark Magic" and get over it, why give any explanations.
Although, to be completely fair, canon does it as well to some extent.
“Did something happen to it when Flint blocked him?” Seamus whispered.
“Can’t have,” Hagrid said, his voice shaking. “Can’t nothing interfere with a broomstick except powerful Dark magic — no kid could do that to a Nimbus Two Thousand.”
Non-Dark magic can't do something like that? What is Dark about taking control of a broom anyway? Though, admittedly it's Hagrid, no matter his virtues, not the most reliable or knowledgeable of sources on this topic.
“Ask him,” shrieked Filch, turning his blotched and tearstained face to Harry.
“No second year could have done this,” said Dumbledore firmly. “It would take Dark Magic of the most advanced — ”
Again, I don't understand what the heck it is, so it must be Dark Magic. But, it is Dumbledore and highly knowledgeable wizard, plus it's clearly a harmful effect, so it's more assumption based on those, plus experience.
“Nonsense, O’Flaherty,” said Professor Binns in an aggravated tone. “If a long succession of Hogwarts headmasters and headmistresses haven’t found the thing — ”
“But, Professor,” piped up Parvati Patil, “you’d probably have to use Dark Magic to open it — ”
The Chamber of Secrets can't be kept a secret without resorting to Dark Magic? If no one found it, so it must be something truly obscure and terrible, so it's Dark. But, I mean, she's a second year girl...
Black jumped at being addressed like this and stared at Hermione as though he had never seen anything quite like her.
“If you don’t mind me asking, how — how did you get out of Azkaban, if you didn’t use Dark Magic?”
But Hermione surely disappoints here. Apparently, non-Dark countermeasures are all accounted for, so if they failed he must have used some Dark stuff.
It's very sad picture, which says about either ignorance on the matter, which is excusable for children but pity that it's not taught, or arrogance in the assumption that you know every bit of non-Dark magic there is and can be.
Anyway, we came back to the canon and it's understanding of Dark Magic. I spent some time thinking about it, what J.K.Rowling meant by it, without resorting to any headcanons.
No one can argue that Harry Potter series is filled with symbolism as any good fiction tends to be. It's a story for children, at least started as, and young adults, so besides a good adventure it also contains a moral message and more than one. The story of Boy-Who-Lived is about love and redemption, first and foremost. "Love is the most powerful thing in the world" is not just a preaching of a senile old man, but the most central point of the whole book series.
So, based on this, I believe that in canon Dark Magic at its basics is the magic that corrupts the soul. What it means is open to interpretation, as it often is when the topic of a human soul is involved. It's all based on the same moral messages between the lines: when you do bad things to others, it slowly but surely corrupts your soul, and if you fall into temptation, only love and compassion can heal the harm done to yourself. Harry vs Voldemort is basically the fight between Love and Hate, Soul and Soulless. That's why Patronus is basically an epitome of defense. And that's why Horcruxes are considered to be The Darkest of Magic, when it literally tears the soul apart. And that's why the cold blooded murder is even involved in the process of making one - metaphorical tear becomes literal.
To be completely honest, I find myself a bit resentful of the message, no matter how nice and beautiful it sounds. It somehow implies that soul is only about love, compassion, friendship and so on, that any negative feelings do not and must not have a part in it. But, I guess, it's a bit too much of a philosophical, ethical and psychological question to dive into in here.
submitted by weeping_samael to HPfanfiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:43 Philothea0821 My Biggest Problems with Protestantism

I want to take a moment to list out some of my most challenging problems with Protestantism according to what Scripture says, in no particular order. It is not a comprehensive list of all of the problems that I have with it, but having these answered would go a long way to me taking Protestantism seriously from a theological viewpoint.
We should rely on our own personal interpretation of Scripture
And we have the prophetic word made more sure. You will do well to pay attention to this as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts. 20 First of all you must understand this, that no prophecy of scripture is a matter of one’s own interpretation, 21 because no prophecy ever came by the impulse of man, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God.
Here, Peter is saying PAY ATTENTION TO THE CHURCH!!! Listen to what the apostles are teaching and allow that to form your reading of Scripture. If you read the rest of this chapter, He says that "we" (the apostles) have had given to them, "all things that pertain to life and godliness" through knowledge of Jesus Christ. When we read Scripture, we should not read it solely with our own understanding, but allow ourselves to be taught by the apostles (or those appointed by them as successors).
When it comes to Sola Scriptura, I do not see how it is not relying on one's own personal interpretation. How do I know that I am understanding Scripture correctly? How do I know that I do not have an interpretation that is horribly off base? I have never really gotten an answer to this from Protestants.
If I am debating Scripture, according to Protestants, I am debating the sole highest authority. So if I test my interpretation against something else, I am testing against a lesser authority and thus it can still be challenged and I have not sufficiently solved the problem.
We only need to declare Jesus as Lord to get to Heaven
“Not every one who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.
Here Jesus flatly says professing that Jesus is Lord is not enough to get you into Heaven, but doing the will of the Father. Yes, we are saved by faith through grace. If you get baptized and are shot dead the moment you walk out of the church, you will go to Heaven having done nothing except making that "leap of faith." If you are in a car crash and have a minute to live and all you can do is place your trust in Jesus, yes, you will be saved. But for 99.99999% of people, this is not the case. We have our entire lives to live after baptism. So the question is "Do we live according to what we profess with our mouth?"
If I say "I am an Orioles fan." but only ever go to/watch Yankees games and only ever root for the Yankees, would you say that I am actually an Orioles fan? Do I not call into question that statement that I made by my actions? What if I grow up as an Orioles fan, regularly attending games and watching them daily. But then later, my favorite player gets traded to the Yankees and I convert to a Yankees fan. Was I never an Orioles fan to begin with? No. That would be silly. I was an Orioles fan, but then became a Yankees fan.
Likewise, if I say "I am a Christian and believe that Jesus rose from the dead." But I never attend Church, I am not loving others, I am worshipping other gods, etc. Am I really a Christian? Maybe I was at one point, but I certainly am not now based on what I have done.
As such, yes, it is true that works do not save us, but if we act contrary to what we believe, we cannot have assurance of our salvation. Hopefully God still finds a way to bring us to Heaven. I would rather someone spend 1000 years after death having their soul purified knowing that they will go to Heaven then know for a fact that they are in Hell. Even so, we must recognize that Hell is real, it is a real possibility.
Baptism does not save
He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned.
Baptism, which corresponds to this, now saves you, not as a removal of dirt from the body but as an appeal to God for a clear conscience, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, 22 who has gone into heaven and is at the right hand of God, with angels, authorities, and powers subject to him.
I have ZERO idea where some Protestants get this idea from. The idea that Baptism is not salvific is not at all Scriptural. This really ties into the "Sola Fide" bit of this post.
The Eucharist is merely symbolic
I am the bread of life. 49 Your fathers ate the manna in the wilderness, and they died. 50 This is the bread which comes down from heaven, that a man may eat of it and not die. 51 I am the living bread\)c\) which came down from heaven; if any one eats of this bread, he will live for ever; and the bread which I shall give for the life of the world is my flesh.”
52 The Jews then disputed among themselves, saying, “How can this man give us his flesh to eat?”\)d\) 53 So Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you; 54 he who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. 55 For my flesh is food indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. 56 He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him. 57 As the living Father sent me, and I live because of the Father, so he who eats me will live because of me. 58 This is the bread which came down from heaven, not such as the fathers ate and died; he who eats this bread will live for ever.” 59 This he said in the synagogue, as he taught at Caper′na-um.
Jesus flat out says "This bread that I am talking about here is my flesh." So the disciples challenge Him saying "You mean this figuratively right?... RIGHT?
So Jesus responds repeating himself over and over in verses 53 through 58. How many times does Jesus need to say something for you to believe it? You will latch on to a singular verse that teaches something you agree with (or seems to) for dear life at the exclusion of literally any other verse on the topic, but something else is taught multiple times and you don't believe it? I am confused about how Protestants read the Bible. It does not seem to be in any kind of coherent exegesis.
You are allowed to get divorced and remarried... at all.
“Every one who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery, and he who marries a woman divorced from her husband commits adultery.
But Jesus said to them, “For your hardness of heart he wrote you this commandment. 6 But from the beginning of creation, ‘God made them male and female.’ 7 ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife,\)a\) 8 and the two shall become one.’\)b\) So they are no longer two but one.\)c\) 9 What therefore God has joined together, let not man put asunder.”
He said to them, “For your hardness of heart Moses allowed you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so. 9 And I say to you: whoever divorces his wife, except for unchastity,\)c\) and marries another, commits adultery; and he who marries a divorced woman, commits adultery.”
A wife is bound to her husband as long as he lives. If the husband dies, she is free to be married to whom she wishes, only in the Lord.
Marriage is "until death do us part." The teachings on divorce from the Gospels is trying to set a trap for Jesus to see which rabbinical school he agrees with. Jesus comes out and says. "Neither." He says "Yeah. Moses allowed for divorce. But this is not how it was from the beginning. What about that "except for unchastity" phrase in Matthew (and only Matthew)?
There Matthew is talking about unions that God did not join together. He is talking about invalid marriages that his primarily Jewish readers would have been thinking about. The gentile converts to Christianity would not have thought about these weird situations, so this is excluded from the other gospels.
You can get re-baptized
There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call— one Lord, one faith, one baptism,
Some that want to say that you can get rebaptized jump to Acts 19. Reading this passage, it would seem that what is going on here is that the Baptism by John was not in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Paul is essentially saying that the "baptism" that they had received was not valid. He does not say that he "baptized them again into Christ." Rather it says that Paul "baptized them in the name Jesus Christ." As in they were not baptized into Christ, so Paul baptized them "for real this time."
You can only be cleansed from Original Sin once. After that, you can confess your sins and have them forgiven. Baptism is what makes into a child of God. That can only happen once. To do otherwise is a grave sin because you are saying that God was not powerful enough to save you the first time. Again, if a baptism is deemed to be invalid, this is a different story. This is why Paul asks "Into what were you baptized?"
The Church is simply the collection of believers
“If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. 16 But if he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every word may be confirmed by the evidence of two or three witnesses. 17 If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector. 18 Truly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
Here it is clear that the "Church" is something more than a collection of believers. Jesus teaches here that first, you deal with disagreement 1 on 1. If that does not work, you go and get other believers to help show that they are wrong. If that does not work, then take to the Church. If even that does not work, they are to be treated as an unbeliever (excommunicated).
Certainly, all believers are a part of the Church - which is the body of Christ. The Church is not a parish or a singular building. The Church is universal, but there is a clear structure to it. There are priests, bishops, elders, etc. There is real authority in that structure. This article goes over in Scripture and towards the bottom the Church Fathers what the Church is meant to look like:
Many Protestant ideas sound nice, but I do not want to believe something merely because it sounds nice. Dessert for dinner sounds nice but it is not good for my body. Likewise, we should not judge something on "does it sound nice." We should judge something on whether it is good for our souls.
I look at many Protestant theological views and note how they seem to not be based in Scripture or based on a misunderstanding of Scripture. I would love to see if Protestants can properly answer these. Simply quoting verses that seem to back you up is not enough here. You need to show that these other verses are not problematic.
I do not only want to trust in Jesus, I want to trust that I am following everything that he taught. Jesus commanded the apostles to teach all that He has commanded, not just the important stuff. If you get the main stuff right but other things wrong, you still got it wrong. If a teacher gave a 10 question quiz and said, "You got questions 1, 2, 5, and 7 right, but everything else wrong. It is ok though those questions were the most important." I still get a failing grade. So, if you want me to convert to Protestantism you need to show that you actually follow all of Scripture, because I want to strive to get a 100% on the "test" of salvation. After all Jesus told us to "Be perfect as Your Heavenly Father is perfect" Not "Be kind of perfect as Your Heavenly Father is perfect."
submitted by Philothea0821 to Christianity [link] [comments]