Unblocked php prxy unblockable

my first krypt item maxed out!

2024.06.09 23:17 idonthateshinigami my first krypt item maxed out!

submitted by idonthateshinigami to mkxmobile [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:16 zoemaddy Bestfriend and Bridesmaid has blocked me and I miss her

I had a best friend. We met at work, became very close, and she was my best friend for a few years. I moved about an hour away for a new job and to be back in the city. She was my bridesmaid. To make it simple, she made me feel like the things I had planned for my wedding (a two-day bachelorette) were too much and wanted me to just do one day. I said I didn’t want that but told her that if she could only come for one day, that was totally okay. This went on for months. I felt like an inconvenience and that my wedding was more of an annoyance than something exciting. We got into a big fight, and she told me to have a great life, hung up, and blocked me on everything. This was a little over a month ago.
I recently heard that she has been talking really poorly about me at my previous workplace, saying that I had several excursions she had to attend and that I was asking too much. (All I planned apart from the wedding was a two-day bachelorette at a cabin an hour away from her house.) She also told old co-workers who are invited to the wedding that I didn’t want them to come at all. It’s been really hard. I feel so hurt, but I miss her so much too. I wish she would unblock me so we could talk. I know there are hurt feelings between us both, and I just want to apologize for my part in this. It’s really sad, and everyone in my life wants me to move on, but I just can’t.
submitted by zoemaddy to FriendshipAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:16 Candi-Bo-Bandi Ex sent me email breaking up with me after I’ve been dodging his non stop calls 😂

Ex sent me email breaking up with me after I’ve been dodging his non stop calls 😂 submitted by Candi-Bo-Bandi to abusiverelationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:15 SessionFit6938 Findom bucket list 😇

A few weeks ago, i asked which points on a findom bucket list should every finsub check at least once?💸 😇 Since then, i've checked a few mire points but im still curious:
What would you add to the list?!
(Edit: Adding the points you suggested)
I'd love to hear your guys thoughts about it!
submitted by SessionFit6938 to paypigsupportgroup [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:10 ringsidenewscom Ryback Starts Unblocking Spree After Blocking Over 22,000 Twitter Users

Ryback Starts Unblocking Spree After Blocking Over 22,000 Twitter Users submitted by ringsidenewscom to ringsidenewscom [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:06 Sufficient-Touch1884 Triggers

I’ve had like 2 triggers today that resulted in me crying quietly or having to go to the bathroom bc I got butthurt. Some guy I been talking to as a friend kinda said he didn’t want to be my friend anymore because I want to sleep with him and that he doesn’t want to sleep with me unless we are in a relationship. He also said he liked me for a bit but that I was still in love w my ex and just wanted to wish me well. (Mind you he has thrown hints and said he wanted to sleep with me too) . Anyways I’ve been butthurt, and my ex found me on a dating app and he swiped me. I was triggered and upset bc I don’t want him on there and he knows I’m obsessed with him, I told him I reported his account . And he blocked me on there , but I texted him somewhere else he unblocked me and said it’s okay and that I’m just scary. I started crying because I realized he might be afraid of me. And we had been friends with benefits for months ( I suggested it) he caught feelings but I fell in love and started tweaking. I told him I would stop sleeping with him and that I would go on a date with my manager . Bc he wasn’t texting me fast enough while he was at work. We just got back in contact and he’s been texting me but I want him to unblock my # . I just realized he won’t bc he thinks I’m insane. He’s aware I have bpd we dated back in 2021-2022. I’ve dated another man and got over him fast but I’ve never been able to get over this ex and he knows it. He drives me insane but deep down I like it sometimes and he claims he likes how crazy I am but when he blocked me and I showed up to his house he told me to leave him alone . I’m just so tired of feeling this way. I just feel out of control .
submitted by Sufficient-Touch1884 to BorderlinePDisorder [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:03 RedFoxRunner The girl I was seeing started acting crazy and it scared me. I blocked her on everything

I've been watching some youtube videos about BPD and I am pretty sure this girl I had been dating had it.
We had been dating on and off for about a year and a half. When I first met her she said that she was separated and going through a divorce. She would call everyone around her a narcist - her family, her ex husband, her friends.
I planned on going on a weeklong beach trip with her last August. 3 days before she cancels on me and says we aren't in the same place emotionally. (First discard). I end up having to go on the trip alone and lose a bunch of money on it.
3 weeks later she starts talking to me again. We talk here and there and start hanging out again.
Second discard came around Halloween. We had plans to do pumpkin painting and to go to a Halloween bar crawl. She asked to come over the night before, that she was feeling down. I said I have to hit the gym but you can stop by at 10 or later. She gets mad and says nevermind, I will find another way to care for myself and flakes on the Halloween stuff. We don't talk for a while.
She starts talking to me on NYE. We hang out here and there between then and now with her leaving one more time in February.
After knowing her for a year she tells me she has two kids. She also says her divorce isn't finalized yet, that she trying to figure out where to move to because there are too many bad memories in this city. That she is taking her time to make sure it is the right thing and she doesn't want to make that decision while she is trying to heal emotionally. I find out she is still living with her "ex" husband. She says she is just doing that until she figures out where to move, that she doesn't want to stay here so she isn't going to get a place here. She pushed for us to be bf/gf, I tell her her divorce needs to be finalized and she needs to get her own place before we get anywhere close to that.
She kept saying she wants to move to a city 4 hours away and she may go down there and not come back. I ask why would she move away and leave her kids with her husband if he is a narcissist and mentally abusive. She says they are boys and need a man to raise them properly, that a woman can't raise boys on her own. And that he is a low key narcist and her boys are strong willed so they will be fine.
I plan on taking a week long road trip to the beach, the same place she flaked on me last year. I tell her I am going on a road trip with my buddy. I don't tell her that he may not join me til later in the trip because he may have his kids. The same weekend I leave she had said she may go to the other city and not come back.
It turns out her did have has kids that weekend so he told me he would meet me later in the trip.
I go on my trip. 2 days in I start getting really rude texts from her. Calling me names, that I am a narcist, I used her, I'm an asshole, I just need to go suck my moms tits. That if I was a real man I would have taken her on a relaxing trip to let her unwind and start the long process of healing. I'm like WTF, I didn't do anything to you.
She says how my friend is a family law lawyer and I just watched her flail around. That I should have stepped in and stopped her when she was acting crazy and I'm not a real man. She then asks if my friends kids are with me. I say no, he has a custody issue to deal with with his kids and he is going to fly out and meet me later in the week. She starts accusing me of taking another girl on this trip and that she has "receipts".
This keeps going on and I have to block her for a day because it is stressing me out and ruining my trip. The next morning she shows up uninvited to my apartment and sits outside my door and looks at the camera for a minute and leaves.
I unblock her later that night and say she is being rude and that I did nothing wrong. She sends me a screenshot of my friends profile. The day after I left for my trip he posted a photo of his kids. She said that proves I lied to her. I told her I didn't lie to her and that the plans changed, that he had a custody issue with his kids but he is still joining me later in the week on the trip. She won't listen and is convinced I am sleeping around, took a girl on this trip and lied to her. Keep in mind she has never met my friend before and is not friends with him on social media so she went way out of her way to creep on him and jump to conclusions.
She called me a couple times from a private number and leaves me odd messages. You can tell she is very emotionally disregulated. Saying she doesn't want to see me again but we need to talk. That we weren't honest with each other, that she is going to make me heal one way or another. It will help her heal and I don't get to tell her how she heals.
I call her a couple hours later and she doesn't answer.
I get another call or two from a private number over the next couple days with no voicemail.
She gave me a painting she made a few months ago. She texts me and says I either need to pay her $50 for the painting she gifted me or her ex-husband will come and get it. Says things like he doesn't know where you live but I'm sure he can find out.
I say I like your painting but I will give it back if you insist. What address would you like it sent to? I also didn't do anything to you and this is a misunderstanding. The plans on my trip simply changed and I didn't go with anyone else. I'm willing to talk to her if she stops calling me names.
She says she has "receipts" and she knows what is going on. She never wants to see or talk to me again. That its fine, her ex husband will come get the paintings, that she doesn't have an address. I say I'm not meeting him, why don't you just give me an address to send it to. Your ex husbands, a friends, somewhere you are staying and stop making this difficult and I will mail it to you.
3 days and nothing. 3 days later she texts me and says pay me or my ex husband will come get the painting today.
I block her on everything.
I hung the painting outside my front door so if she does stop by she can just take it and not talk to me.
It has been 2 days now and the painting is still there and no one has stopped by my place. I installed another camera outside of my door. The way she was acting in the end was scaring me. It is obvious she didn't really want the painting back as she wouldn't give me an address to send it to, she just was playing some kind of games.
submitted by RedFoxRunner to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:01 im_very_gay_butbfpls Should I unblock everyone I've blocked for shifts anx giggles?

View Poll
submitted by im_very_gay_butbfpls to u/im_very_gay_butbfpls [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:57 iGlutton [Charix, the Raging Isle] Mono-U Cancer, opinions if this was in your pod and long game times

Decklist at the bottom. Long post, so here's my questions up front: How do you feel about control decks in casual pods, as I know a lot of players just dislike control as a whole? And if I brought this deck out at a table you were in, what would you think?
Hello! I recently got back into playing EDH. This Charix list is my first pet project deck, as when I had first seen Charix spoiled, I knew I wanted to make a crab tribal, but well, crabs are kinda bad. I had never designed an EDH deck from scratch before. But mono-U? As a player who does enjoy playing control, I figured having a horrible creature base is more than able to be played in this color. So I built it, restricted myself to only creatures that have crab in their type line, no changelings, tinkered a bit, and maybe played two games with my friends before going on my multiple year hiatus, so I did not get enough play testing to see how it would do in the wild. I did recently put my decks/collection into ManaBox and was kinds surprised at the deck price once I had finished, it was more expensive than my Animar and only slightly under my Breya's current deck cost, mostly due to me trying to get the best tribal support I could for a very, very bad tribal.
Last night I went to play commander for the first time at a new LGS, and had a super awesome pod! It was a fatheson duo who had some really strong decks using [[Rowan, Scion of War]] and [[Kolaghan, the Storm's Fury]], the 4th player in our pod was playing a [[Zedruu the Gatehearted]] gifting deck(idk if that's the right term, he'd swap control of permanents and give stuff, but not really group hug, he was the often the only one generating value). All of us were very lighthearted about plays and whatnot, often times congratulating each other when we did something cool or good for the table and the table politics were incredibly hilarious with the fatheson dynamic being involved. I am very upfront about the theme of the deck being bad bodies with a lot of counterspells and board bounces, without a true win con, during rule 0 discussion. But this brings me to the topic point because well..
Our first game took almost 3 hours to finish. I know that playing control slows games down, and if you look at my list with the counterspells/board bounces I run, I'm not surprised that it did run long,, I want to say I played 2 bounces that game, between turns 7 and 11. No one at the table complained about the length of game, and while there were some groans by whichever player was getting counterspelled at the time of resolving, no one was really vocal about having a control player in their pod outside of one comment of, "I prefer playing the kind of Magic that let's other people play their cards as well." Which I did not take as a dig, as I can 100% understand and relate to that sentiment; the players who taught me EDH ran a lot of interaction, so I found out pretty fast that not having interaction can be a big detriment in a multi-player format and very unfun for players who do not.
The Kolaghan player was killed due to the Zedruu player gifting him a Nine Lives before I played a [[Coastal Breach]], I honestly forgot that it was going to kill him until I had resolved my spell and we saw the boardstate. He laughed it off and sat and watched us continue, as his son was still playing.
His son was the next player out, a couple of turns later. He had gotten himself super low to use Rowan across multiple turns, and ended up flipping really poorly with his [[Dark Confidant]] and actually ended up killing himself with a reveal trigger.
This ended up leaving just me and the Zedruu player, who eventually ended up giving me his Nine Lives again, which effectively put our game into a stand still as I had tons of chump blockers and a [[Maze of Ith]] to stop his unblockable [[Body of Knowledge]] and couldn't draw a Rift to save my life. I was able to mill him down to 2 cards after at one point, when he played [[Archangel's Light]], putting 97 cards back into his library, gaining a huge amount of life, and forcing me to mill his entire deck a second time (I think he milled between 150-160 cards across the whole game). By the time I did manage to mill him down to win, the game had been 2 hours and 55 minutes long. The fatheson duo had completed two 1v1's while waiting for us to finish the first game at the table.
I felt horrible. Not because I won using control, but because I felt like:
a) I effectively forced the table to play almost 2 games worth of time in a single game and
b) the last half of the game was just me and the Zedruu player watching his milled cards to see if he would mill the things keeping him alive while two people waited for us to clean up. My decks only real "win cons" are milling, and potentially a [[Cyclonic Rift]] or [[Coastal Breach]] to let me pump Charix to lethal commander damage with the tribal support. I'm hesitant to add a true win con since playing a control heavy deck into a 'no responses? OK, I win' combo wasn't the idea behind the deck. I just wanted an heavy interaction focused deck, with some funny crabs.
Thankfully, we were able to get 2 more games in before the end of the night, I promptly switched decks to more combo heavy and lost both games(which was well deserved, both times I was getting ready to combo to win if no responses on my next turn). I really do think I'm the only one who walked away feeling bad about the first game, so that's why I'm here. Asking how y'all might feel after the first game at a table taking 3 hours.
submitted by iGlutton to EDH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:50 SupermarketLoud3459 4 Months of no contact should I unblock?

I (m26) met my ex BF(m22) last year at a retail store. He was a cute skater guy. Artsy type of kid with stoner tats and jewelry and was a painter always between jobs. Gave off a pretty masculine vibe and was straight but had messed around with guys and liked it. Sex was amazing. Personalities matched. Always laughed together and we never fought. All my friends loved him, he was charming and fun. But he would take forever to text back and was always visiting his family update but never telling me when he’d go. So I’d get a FaceTime from him randomly upstate after just seeing him the day before. That stuff annoyed me but it wasn’t a dealbreaker for me. In February he dumped me for a girl he met 2 weeks earlier. I cried when he broke up and walked away from the convo once I knew he was serious. I blocked him on instagram and have been no contact ever since. He hasn’t reached out and I still want him to text or walk into my work, or something. I wanted to think we could stay together long term- we spent a year together that for the most part was great. I really thought we vibed and I feel so stupid for falling in love with an artsy bi guy. Should I unblock him? Any advice?
submitted by SupermarketLoud3459 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:31 BazsiGazsi I’m sooo happy

My second random drop, and i got my first drop yesterday. I feel so lucky. A really good epic piece too
submitted by BazsiGazsi to mkxmobile [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:03 Krone7769 I got a lawyer to get money from my ex-girlfriend after she embarrassed me

Right now, I just want to vent me and my ex-girlfriend. She has been diagnosed with BPD and many other mental disorders have a long and troubling past. We had a year and a half long relationship after half a year in our relationship she cheated on me with another guy, she was messing around with him. She got pregnant by either me or him she doesn’t know, but she’ll tell people it was either me or him and it depends on her mood.
A while ago, she got out of the relationship and me and her family help her. She disrespected some family members and they have cut her off completely and her family has praise me for but now I see that it was really a waste of time to help her.
Recently, I went out to go see her, and when I did, she tried multiple times through my phone when she did she got mad at me for talking to another girl about a few months before her running away from the other guy that she left me for because of a piece of relationship and another guy I was a bit curious at the time of our break up And she is mad at me about things that I have done outside of our relationship which very much confuses
I helped her out with almost $5000 and I’ve been asking her to get that money back. She’s telling me that I did it out as my heart and I said yeah but you said you were gonna pay me back and she said no I did. I never said that what she did on social media she has been asking me for money. I said money I’m not you giving you more money if you already owe me and she gets mad and starts blocking me again about a month ago I had to change my phone number
so I can get into contact with her so she can pay me back the money she owes me she kept on talking about how she was a victim in our relationship, but she was gaslighting me, manipulating me trying to control who I can and can’t talk to who I can and can’t follow, but she followed a guy that wanted to be in a relationship with her her exes and was flirting with people behind my backand she’s telling me that she’s victim our relationship
Then out of the blue two guys pop up and I hear them on the phone and they’re calling me a stalker they’re calling me harass her. They call me a weirdo. I’m telling them that I just want my money back and they’re telling me that that’s a problem that’s my own personal problem and I don’t need to go For the money she owes me for helping her and then I clarified some situations because they were like oh you’re harassing her. I said she unblocked me a while ago
They said oh she’s a nice person. Why are you harassing her? I said she cheated on me. Oh it was probably like a one night stand and I clarified no she was with the guy for four months and got pregnant by him or me well, you probably did something And I told them one time she lied to the police and sent me to jail. Oh you did something to her for her to do and like you can sit here and tell the cops and they’re trying to FaceTime me see what I look like a weirdo or something like that which insult me and embarrasses me because he’s two people are in a conversation about something they don’t even know about
Can I talk to my ex because she owes me money and I want my money back they hung up the phone on me and they blocked me later to help her now she’s blowing up my phone and mad at me a lawyer and she can possibly go to jail for not paying me And she has a warrant for her arrest because she stole a car running away from the that she left me for
So right now I’m just venting because I’m tired of my ex delusions that she has done nothing wrong in our relationship that she is the complete and utter victim and that only person that was doing wrong with me after she cheated she gaslight me. She lied on me and she tried to control where I went and also asked for my location And I asked for hers and she said I shouldn’t be giving it out to you because you’ll just try to manipulate me and try to stop me from hanging out with my friends when she didn’t have any friends, and the only people she had was guys wanna have sex with her.
submitted by Krone7769 to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:57 sastheayubian Fezie.com scammed me.can someone please help me

I was just desperate .I lost most of my money on binance in spot trading .There was this telegram channel called andrew crypto .it has about 125k members.He suggested selling ehtherium there and so I did .I got successful twice but on 3rd try they blocked my withdrawal and are now asking for 250usd to unblock my account .I know they won't release it .please can someone help please.
Edit: I am willing to pay 250usdt to whoever help me in unfreezing my wallet. Pleas someone
submitted by sastheayubian to CryptoExchange [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:43 Right_Caramel8791 Extender disconnection

I am currently having connection issues with my wireless router. I have had issues using routers with xfinity in the past and my understanding is that devices like this are intentionally blocked by xfinity when recognized as foreign devices. It gets you to buy their products. We all know xfinity customer service and their assurance that their products will work with their wifi- and what we have to go through when their products don’t work. In my area, no one can use the website. Anyone in my neighborhood and surrounding area cannot get past a reloading sign-in screen for xfinity. We are all forced to go to physical locations that have lines of tens of people as soon as they unlock the doors around 10:15 and even at that point the employees are half asleep and rude and ultimately - they only have the power to assist in increasing your bill.
If I remember correctly, there should be a way to unblock or correct the issue. I have tried going to and the extender shows a successful connection via Ethernet port. The extender itself shows a strong wireless signal. Everything that connects wirelessly regularly disconnects and will not reconnect without resetting the router. Devices Ethernet cabled to the router stay connected more consistently but also have these issues. All devices in use are within 20 feet of the extender.
Anybody know a solution that does not involve having to buy xfinity gear to have extended wifi?
submitted by Right_Caramel8791 to Comcast_Xfinity [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:34 Free_Mind08 Stunt Simulator Unblocked

Stunt Simulator Unblocked
Stunt Simulator Unblocked is a game where you will find yourself surrounded by a stunning green setup, complete with ten different types of cars that will put your driving skills to the test. With two distinct maps to choose from, you'll have the opportunity to showcase your racing prowess and outmaneuver your opponents. But don't worry, these cars are not just showstoppers, they are also designed to deliver exceptional performance, with every gear shift and acceleration crafted to perfection.
With this racing simulator, you'll be transported to the world of high-speed thrills and spills, where you'll have the opportunity to take the wheel and put your skills to the test. With precision controls and stunning graphics, you'll feel like you're right in the driver's seat, dodging obstacles, jumping ramps, and drifting through hairpin turns.
We are sure you can handle the speed and be on the top of the leaderboard. Good luck and have fun racing!
submitted by Free_Mind08 to FreezeNova [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:26 Wild-Masterpiece-01 BLOCKED ASPECT BUG

Hi guys sorry for my English it isn't my first language. I have a problem, I finish everything with my titan to unlock the others prismatic aspect. the thing is with my other 2 guardians can't unblocked because i don't have the 2 corresponding quest. is this a bug or I have to do something more?
submitted by Wild-Masterpiece-01 to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:26 Novusius Fearful Avoidant Ex Unblocked Me But No Contact

We were in a LDR. This was the second time she broke up with me. In our first breakup, she did not block me and after 2 days she contacted me saying that she had missed me. A month ago she abruptly broke up with me over text and said never want to talk again. 2 weeks ago she unblocked me and I’m sure that I am on her contacts. If I want to reconcile, should I reach out to her considering that she might be too guilty to reach out?
submitted by Novusius to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:24 Novusius Fearful Avoidant Ex Unblocked Me But No Contact

We were in a LDR. This was the second time she broke up with me. In our first breakup, she did not block me and after 2 days she contacted me saying that she had missed me. A month ago she abruptly broke up with me over text and said never want to talk again. 2 weeks ago she unblocked me and I’m sure that I am on her contacts. If I want to reconcile, should I reach out to her considering that she might be too guilty to reach out?
submitted by Novusius to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:21 whateverbeaver Navigating the sibling fallout of no contact with father

Hoping for some advice on how to handle a pretty delicate situation in my family. It’s about me (34M), my sister (36F) and my father (65M). My parents divorced when I was a kid so my mother is not directly involved in any of this. At the end of this post, there is a very concrete situation that I need advice on how to handle so if you don't want to read too much you could skip to the final part (The situation), but the first parts provide a bit of background.
My father and I
My father and I haven’t had any contact for 6 years whatsoever. To put it briefly, we’ve always had a very tumultuous and downright antagonistic relationship and after many, many years of pain, sorrow and disappointment I finally gave up on having a relationship with him at all. One night, in a fit of fury, I told him how I felt about him and in no uncertain terms. I told him that I regard him as a child abuser and a vile, moronic narcissist and that he means less than nothing to me. I meant every word, still do and shortly thereafter, I sent him a massive text message that made it very clear exactly how he has harmed me and how it has affected my life. I then immediately blocked his number as my mind was made up and I just wanted him gone. For good - and I couldn't care less about his response or any future communication.
So, there is no reconciliation possible, and I’m as fine as anyone could be with that. That's not my goal, and I have no remorse or guilt about how it ended and I have never for a second doubted that it was the right choice for me.
Collateral damage
When I broke off contact, the hardest part was that I realized this would make it incredibly difficult to sustain my relationships with members of my extended family on my father's side. Although it pained me greatly, I made that sacrifice willingly thinking that that would be the end of it. At that point, it was about self-preservation and I was absolutely ruthless in guaranteeing myself freedom from his influence. Whatever it took, I was willing to do it. But, of course, it wasn’t going to end just like that as these things so rarely do. In my case, primarily because of my sister.
My sister has, historically, been chiefly on my side in all of this because she witnessed the abuse I suffered directly and was unable to prevent it despite numerous attempts at diplomacy. She carries a lot of guilt because of this, but at the same time, her and my father were always quite close. My father's abusive tendencies also targeted my sister but in a very different manner, and she is much more of a people pleaser kind of person than I ever was. Where I was routinely shamed, blamed and ridiculed, my father made her into a mother-figure and confidante meaning she's been his personal therapist ever since her teens. She resents him for this but her feelings are far more murky and ambivalent than mine, and despite her complaining about him and his behavior constantly even to this day, she hasn’t broken off contact with him because she wants her children to have a relationship with their grandfather. To me, that’s her choice and I’ve never criticized her for that regardless of how I feel his influence might come to harm my nieces and nephew.
My father and I have successfully avoided each other for 6 years and I think we're both quite terrified of the day that we meet. But as long as navigate around each other, that's not a problem.
The situation
Recently, my sister gave birth to her third child and the christening is set for August. Where I'm from, it's a big occasion where all family members (inner and extended) are invited along with friends and their significant others and children. And of course, my sister doesn't know what to do about me and our father because we haven't seen or talked to each other for 6 years. She knows exactly how I feel about him and that I don't want to be anywhere near him or ever see him or hear him talk again. In that, I have found peace, but my father is unwilling to accept that he will not be invited to the christening because I don't want him there and deeply upset about my sister originally not inviting him.
So, he's been emotionally pressuring/blackmailing my sister into inviting him. My sister has said to him that I'm the one who gets to be there if me and my father cannot agree that it is alright for the both of us to be there - somehow. She's told him that she thinks that he is supposed to be the mature one and that it's his responsibility to reach out and make amends with me, if he wants to be there for his granddaughter's christening. So, he said to her that he would reach out to me. My sister then texted me to tell me that my father might contact me because they'd had that conversation.
At first I didn't think he would contact me at all because he generally doesn't follow through on any promise he makes and he's a massive coward when it comes to dealing with me - or any conflict for that matter. But to my surprise, I received a text from him today that reads:
I'm reaching out because your sister has expressed that she wants the three of us [him, myself and his wife] at the christening and I was hoping that we could agree to being in the same room for this and future events. We don't have to shake hands or even talk, we just need to behave like adults. Kind regards...
Never mind that my sister has not expressed that she wants him and wife at the christening or how aggressive the tone of this message is, it has provoked way more emotions in me than I thought possible. I thought I was over it, but there's a lot of anger and to a lesser degree also sorrow and anxiety. Emotionally, I regret unblocking his number for this message deeply since it has left me in quite the state of emotional turmoil, but I also don't know what to do about the situation with the christening at hand. I've narrowed it down to three options:
  1. I can tell my sister what reading his message did to me and that I'm clearly not able to cope with being anywhere near him seeing as I can't even read a message from him without imploding emotionally. That would mean she has to choose between us, and I don't want to put her in that position or risk antagonizing her and ruining our relationship. If I go down this path, I'm honestly afraid she'll consider me incredibly cowardly or suspect me of agitating the conflict on purpose. And then decide that I'm the one who won't get invited to the christening.
  2. I could defy every emotion and instinct I have, try to man up and tell my father that we can both go as long as he keeps his distance and avoids talking to me or about me. I absolutely mean it when I say that I have no way of predicting exactly how I will react if he tries anything, but it could get very, very ugly as it has many times before. I won't know until it happens but I am definitely at risk of losing my temper and making a scene. Also, I find the idea of being at the christening with that many people around almost publicly humiliating (because they all know what's going on with me and him) and I feel like I'll be spending the entire day avoiding my father and his wife - and then, what even is the point of being there if I have to be hyper vigilant and anxious? I broke off contact with him exactly because I could no longer ignore my own feelings or downplay myself just in order to keep the peace. And on that promise to myself, I will not - under any circumstance and on my life - go back, so there's a real risk that it might end extremely badly.
  3. I tell my sister that I'm simply not emotionally ready for this happen (every inch of my body is communicating this to me but I have only thought about it for one day so this might change). And then, I suggest that I'll pass this time and then me and my father can sort of take turns at participating in her events so we don't have to see each other and so she does not have to feel like she's caught in between or that she has to intervene or mediate between us (which, as she explains it, is actually the biggest issue for her). I'm not a big fan of this because I will have to "cede territory" to him and there's another, warrior-like part of me who is telling me hell no, you will cede nothing to this demon of a man and if he tries anything you'll [insert varying, non-violent vengeance fantasies]. But come the day I do not know if I'm strong enough to assert myself sufficiently to make him uncomfortable enough to avoid any future events. Keep in mind also that I'm dealing with a man who many suspect of being a sociopath, so... yeah, that's probably not a battle any wise person would take willingly.
I'm hoping for some advice on how to proceed. I don't have to decide for a while but my mind is going in circles and I'm caught somewhere in between self-pity and wild fury unable to make sense of what's happening in my head and heart.
Thanks in advance to anyone who took the time to read and respond.
submitted by whateverbeaver to entitledparents [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:20 Free_Mind08 Stickman Swing Unblocked

Stickman Swing Unblocked
Stickman Swing Unblocked bring back the the favorite Stickman character and he's more challenging than ever! Take on the role of this charismatic stick figure as he swings through a series of increasingly difficult levels, requiring your precision and timing to guide him to safety. The main objective is simple: use the rope extension attached to Stickman's body to navigate from platform to platform, carefully releasing the grip at the perfect moment to reach the next platform.
As you navigate through increasingly difficult levels, you'll face numerous obstacles that will test your skills and timing. But don't worry, there is a the presence of walls to bounce off and use to your advantage. By cleverly timing your bounces, you can gain more momentum and extend your rope swing, allowing you to reach further distances and overcome seemingly insurmountable gaps.
Will you be able to guide Stickman through the challenges ahead and claim victory?
submitted by Free_Mind08 to FreezeNova [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:07 Shirohige_beats AITAH: Me and my girlfriends decision to cut ties with our friends right?

I(22,male) and my girlfriend(22), let our names be A and B. We(A and B) have been together for 4 years and have been living together for 2 years,we have a friend group of 4 people(including us) let the other 2 be X(22,M) and Y(21,F). So, starting from 2022, i had just joined a gym, where me and X became close friends, basically gymbros, this was in February 2022 before that I and B were in a long distance relationship and as the lockdown had just uplifted B also arrived to my city for colle in 2022 feb. So my equation with X had always been amazing (Y isnt in the picture righ now no one knows she exists) so the gym i and X had met in we stay there for 8 months approximately and in September-october X finds a great gym so we decide to change our gyms. (During this my girlfriend also moves in with me) in the new gym X meets a new friend group where he meets Y. Y is a girl who has been gymming since a year when he met her and X is a gym rat so they basically hit it off and X basically starts to ignore me for the new friend group but i never really cared that much because i had understand he wanted to hit things off. Not going into much detail but till January end of 2023 me and X have very rare conversations but we are still friends tho no hard feelings then around valentines things mess up and Y and X stop talking and Y comes in a relationship with a guy (Z) it was basically a very forced relationship but after that X comes back to me starts spending time with me but I never said anything for that matter as I wanted to support him. So then X also becomes friends with B my girlfriend and now its only the 3 of us . I do talk Y seperately because i was friends with Y and rest of the group so it wasnt fair to just not talk and it was just till greeting each other when meeting in gym So even though X kept saying that he doesn’t care about Y but he very much did( also Y after 6 months of being in a relationship breaks up with Z) so me and my girlfriend do our best and we root for them and they are now in a relationship from the (sept2023) Things start to take a huge turn from here as now i and my girlfriend are now close with X and Y we are now a friend group. During the start we give them all the time they need to build their relationship But one day we saw X and Y are watching a movie with some other friends whom we also knew and they didn’t even ask us naturally i and B get sad and indirectly target them through stories ( yes that was very immature of us instead of just talking with them) but their reason was that they didn’t ask us about movie because we just said that we are financially tight but we never dined for a movie infact B was very excited for that movie but still after that argument we get to hear “it was immature of you to put up an instagram story” to which we agreed but we weren’t heard and somehow it was our fault in the end. So after that in the end of 2023 i and B change gym and X and Y do too so naturally we start drifting apart in this timeline there has been many instances where i and B have invited them to our house asked them to hangout but they were never free for us and somehow always managed to hangout with others just to make it clear i and B have no problem with X and Y hanging out with other friends it’s the disrespect we have gone through even after discussing with them what we clearly feel instead of putting up stories we actually talked but it always ended with “you guys are thinking too much” “ it’s not that serious” and never “we are sorry we made you feel this way” anyways my girlfriend B is a veery aware of her emotions person and she wants to cut them both off but I insisted to hold on a little longer. Fast forward to June 2024 till now many instances have happened where i and B have been disrespected and not heard, so we joined the same gym as X and Y, so we asked if they would like to go to the gym with us, they usually go in the evening and we due to certain commitments prefer going in the afternoon, so to the invite they say if they will have their food they will join us, so afternoon in the gym i was waiting for them and guess what they went to watch movie with some other friends and with all the disrespectful events, i got really pissed and decided to block X and Y and so did my girlfriend blocked them! However, i thought that because X has been my friend for a long time i shall meet and discuss and i let him know that you guys have been blocked and then I explained why and we came to a conclusion that no matter what happens between Y and B i and X would remain friends When i met X he had not noticed that he has been blocked so when i met him I immediately said you and Y are blocked BUT HE DID NOT LISTEN anyway after clearing things with X i unblock him and send him a request he then proceeded to dm me and ask “did you block me to i?” I was like yes i told you .X then proceeds to flip out and starts freaking out and says stuff like how could you block me? This doesn’t work like that i am confused as to why this reaction when things have already been talked about in between of the argument he proceeds to involve my girlfriend and says “from the time B has arrived in the city since then you have become like this” and not only says this once but 100 of times and literally starts blaming my girlfriend on the call while Y is on a conference listening. (Even after X including my girlfriend i did not cross the line to include X’s girlfriend in the conversation) But he still has the audacity to say that i and B target Y when not even once we mentioned her. I and B are trying our best to tell them that this is what we were talking about and how you guys are still not listening. But after 2 days of fight they still called us immature for blocking them (when i and B saw no future with them and didn’t see any difference with or without them in our life) so we blocked them and gave them a kind explanation but they still chose to tell us how i and B are immature and whatever we both feel is petty and how they are superior for letting petty things go. Where i and B were just looking to end things calmly X and Y made everything about themselves and things got really ugly till the end. So AITA
NOTE: Sorry for such a long message,it’s the first time posting on reddit, also wanted a safe place to vent out and get good advices.
submitted by Shirohige_beats to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:56 Haunting_Safe_5386 alright, this is hypothetical (for now) but what games would u add on a phone/ipad for just games?

and shoud i do ipad or phone?
I was thinking I Love Hue, coloring apps, unblock car, word scapes, youtube, music, monkey mart, other relaxing/cozy/therapeutic games, wifi-less games
some games u could download on phone/ipad and get on nintendo (which should i get it on?): Crossy Road, Stardew Valley
anything i am missing? Anything else i should look into when i save up?
Side not: if i get phone i get one for everday and game for app storage which is smth i struggle with.
submitted by Haunting_Safe_5386 to CozyGamers [link] [comments]
