Important sources of proteins?

Neutral Politics: Evidence. Logic. Respect.

2012.02.14 02:01 PavementBlues Neutral Politics: Evidence. Logic. Respect.

Neutral Politics is a community dedicated to evenhanded, empirical discussion of political issues. It is a space to discuss policy and the tone of political debate.

2015.09.29 02:19 Subhazard Interdimensional Cable

Interdimensional Cable-like content!

2012.02.23 08:10 Greek Mythology Now 100,000 strong

Welcome to GreekMythology - the subreddit about Myths, Legends, Stories, Epics and anything related to the rich mythology of the Greeks

2024.05.16 18:09 Regular-Atmosphere11 Seeking advice on my impostor syndrom

I hope someone knowledgeable will be able to guide/help me.
I am 22 years old - my problem is that I have been experiencing a strong impostor syndrome from the beginning. I have done the DIVA test three times with different psychologists. Each time I scored high, and basically, everything fits together rationally. I do indeed recognize the impostor symptom in myself. I discussed this with a friend who is finishing psychology studies and also has ADHD, and he supports my perspective.
Additionally, my father, who committed suicide, most likely also struggled with ADHD (based on the DIVA methodology, I asked the family and matched it to events that complicated his life further, plus, of course, chronic depression).Everything was rather stable until 3 days ago when I had bad lack for a psychiatrist (where I did the last DIVA and a specialist was recommended) - an online visit. I don't want to sound conceited (also, I'm not a doctor), but I had the impression that the psychiatrist I consulted often didn't know the answers to my questions and was evasive. He seemed more interested in my money than in helping and understanding me (I have seen 2 psychologists, 2 therapists, and 3 psychiatrists, so I have a comparison whether someone cares or is genuinely interested). I have scheduled my next appointment with a doctor that is leading ADHD treatment here in Poland
Returning to the point, my impostor syndrome flared up additionally when the psychiatrist stated during the interview that "the symptoms I experience are rather mild, or I somehow manage them, otherwise I would have problems with studying and working" (my professional life is okay, but about 4 times below my potential because I have issues with fluctuations in activity - I work intensely for several days, and then have a few days of a depressive period - it's not like manic-depression, it's rather about activity and the ability to motivate myself to do things, not finding less painful activities, etc.). This surprised me because I perceive them differently (and they seem more concrete than just excusing my inefficiencies). So, of course, I continued the previously started research to feel more at ease.
I was prescribed a dosage that seems non-standard: Medikinet 10mg CR daily, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, and I can double it and then report back after finishing.All this has led to many questions and overthinking. The first day, 10mg didn't make much of an impression on me; it settled me a bit, I felt some interest, took the second dose in the afternoon as recommended, and, of course, couldn't sleep (despite 6mg of melatonin).
Yesterday, I took 20mg in the morning and felt the need to organize everything, and I cleaned the whole apartment, including scrubbing under the closet.Despite this, the impostor syndrome is so insidious that I keep wondering if I'm imagining things, over-researched, and adjusted the answers or interpretations of my life and events to fit the thesis.It's generally a terrible issue because I hope that after years of struggling with "depression," it will finally be addressed, and I can stop dealing with such matters and just focus on work - I am 22 years old, and my first visit to a psychiatrist for depression was around 15-16 years old.
Currently, I have the biggest dilemmas in the following areas, and I really hope someone could shed some light or guide me:
  1. **Methylphenidate in a person without ADHD** - I couldn't find anything concrete on whether I can verify this - if, for example, I don't have ADHD, how should it affect me vs. someone with ADHD. It's so vaguely described on the internet that it's not clear if there's a concrete way to verify this to avoid questioning my own observations. Obviously, a solid diagnosis like a blood test or MRI for other diseases won't be available, but by nature, I'm a skeptic and need it grounded to sleep peacefully and not get into unnecessary discussions with people who barely understand the subject.
  2. **Effectiveness of diagnostics** - I haven't encountered any data on how often diagnoses are invalidated. I read on Reddit (unfortunately, there are few better discussion places with a lot of content) that one girl had an ADHD diagnosis, took Adderall, and after about 2 years, it turned out it wasn't ADHD but some compulsive disorder. Is there any information on how many people with an ADHD diagnosis and prescribed treatment are misdiagnosed? It's known that in the USA, people sometimes stretch the truth to get Adderall, but I'm sure you understand my point and the essence of the matter.
  3. **Dosage** - I have a bit of time left before my next appointment and wonder what I can do (but nothing stupid). My friend, for example, has 30mg CR in the morning and then has those on-demand Medikinet, which keeps him okay later in the day and doesn't cause sleep problems; he's considering switching to Concerta. From my psychiatrist, I basically got the information I already mentioned plus to avoid abusing alcohol. Is there anything I can change in these recommendations to not waste time? If I just take 30mg or 40mg in the morning (of course, gradually and checking the response weekly), am I exposing myself to any problems? I found out on my own that I won't die, but I'm interested in the effectiveness of this treatment, not messing around.
  4. **A question completely omitted by the psychiatrist, and I didn't get any specific information, which is quite important to me**. In all the DIVA tests, I scored higher in adulthood than in childhood. In the last one, it came out as follows: Summary of symptoms according to DSM-5: I. Attention Deficit: Adulthood: 8/9, Childhood: 7/9 II. Hyperactivity and impulsivity: Adulthood: 9/9, Childhood: 8/9 III. Experienced symptoms are a source of significant problems, manifesting in at least 2 areas of life in both childhood and adulthood. After my own analysis, talking to my mom and sister, it's hard to deny that I had serious problems in areas affected by ADHD plus many “less obvious” symptoms that I learned about from PsychiatraPlus from Mr. Jóźwiak (thanks God he records because books and articles in Poland on the internet are often a disaster) in quite significant intensity. I'm still afraid of cognitive bias and fitting the situation to the thesis.
I noticed an increase in many symptoms attributed to ADHD after 2022 (when my father committed suicide, which involved PTSD therapy because I saw a lot, plus a depressive episode). Before, I might have had 2-3 such severe depressive episodes. I skimmed through (I emphasize because I might have missed something that would answer my question, and I don't want to appear lazy coming for a free ready-made solution) meta-analyses (The World Federation of ADHD International Consensus Statement: 208 Evidence-based Conclusions about the Disorder). This fragment intrigued me: "ADHD is rarely caused by a single genetic or environmental risk factor, but most cases of ADHD are caused by the combined effects of many genetic and environmental risks, each having a very small effect."
This, of course, suggested a possible scenario - a father with ADHD + trauma could have exacerbated my symptoms, hence now they are more noticeable to me than before, although it resonates more with me that conditions, tasks, and challenges I face have changed. I didn't observe myself in this regard before; I didn't have the knowledge; I attributed my failures to a different “legend” (I wasn't taught consequences, laziness, lack of discipline, if I tried harder, etc.) than ADHD. Obviously, I'm not so infantile as to expect someone to try to resolve this issue, but based on the current conclusive knowledge, how do you assess my line of thinking, does it hold together? Could I check anything else additionally?
To conclude, I know I need to find a good psychiatrist; I have one in mind, but it's pointless at this moment when I have prescriptions and "recommendations" to schedule and pay for a visit since I'll probably get not very in-depth answers (I also understand doctors don't have 2 hours to give a lecture on how and why things work), rather reassuring and "we'll observe." Whenever something stresses or confuses me, I just try to understand it, and when it turns out that my inherent skepticism activated unnecessarily, the problem disappears from the radar.
I hope someone will guide me to the right materials that will tell me a bit more about these issues. Once again, thank you in advance for any response and time spent just reading this post. If additional questions arise to provide a better answer, I am happy to respond.
submitted by Regular-Atmosphere11 to irlADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:07 PossibleNebula6395 How to stimulate tissue regrowth on glans penis (regeneration, tissue repair)?

This topic is difficult to research online, given how little discussion there is around it, if any. Still, I believe it is possible to regenerate glans penis tissue, given that our bodies' cells are in a constant process of regeneration (death and birth) at a controlled rate. When it gets out control, it's called cancer but that's another topic; this needs to be a controlled, effective and safe kind of treatment. Glans regeneration (regrowth, tissue repair, however you wish to call it) may also be possible with some kind of stem cell therapy. If some kind of wound or burn happens on it, it obviously can heal to a considerable degree if you're healthy, so there must be a way to stimulate the procreation of new cells in this part of the body.
The reason why I'm asking is because, throughout the months, I washed my glans penis too frequently and too intensely in the shower due to my OCD. It was a grave and stupid mistake of mine that I really regret, and I'm looking for a solution. What happened: I ended up slightly deforming my glans penis, making it a bit flatter on top and slimmer on the sides, giving it a slightly conical shape, and reducing the protuberance of my urethra opening. This has made me feel like my sexual wellbeing has considerably decreased.
Furthermore, I have a couple of ideas in my mind to stimulate glans tissue regrowth or regeneration: Applying honey or olive oil, or both (going the natural, non-pharmaceutical route).
Also, of course, including plenty of protein in diet (like a carnivore diet or thorugh protein supplements) is important for tissue repair. And olive oil, or extra-virgin olive oil more specifically, has a downside which is the risk of yeast infection, as far as I'm concerned. So a way to properly sterilize olive oil for healing as a topical treatment, without having it lose its beneficial chemical properties, is needed. I guess there's also coconut oil but I don't know if it can be of any help, since I've heard it's used for other reasons... Including plenty of vitamin C in the diet can also help the body produce its own collagen, as far as I'm concerned, and collagen is necessary for tissue to be healthy, is it not?
So do you have any suggestions? Please help, thank you! If you're just going to comment something like "regeneration isn't possible" or "there's nothing you can do" then don't even bother doing so, since that kind of answer is unhelpful and arrogant (because science is in a constant process of evolution and discovery, and just because you think it isn't possible, doesn't mean it actually isn't).
submitted by PossibleNebula6395 to menshealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:07 Regular-Atmosphere11 Seeking advice on my impostor syndrome

I hope someone knowledgeable will be able to guide/help me.
I am 22 years old - my problem is that I have been experiencing a strong impostor syndrome from the beginning. I have done the DIVA test three times with different psychologists. Each time I scored high, and basically, everything fits together rationally. I do indeed recognize the impostor symptom in myself. I discussed this with a friend who is finishing psychology studies and also has ADHD, and he supports my perspective.
Additionally, my father, who committed suicide, most likely also struggled with ADHD (based on the DIVA methodology, I asked the family and matched it to events that complicated his life further, plus, of course, chronic depression).Everything was rather stable until 3 days ago when I had bad lack for a psychiatrist (where I did the last DIVA and a specialist was recommended) - an online visit. I don't want to sound conceited (also, I'm not a doctor), but I had the impression that the psychiatrist I consulted often didn't know the answers to my questions and was evasive. He seemed more interested in my money than in helping and understanding me (I have seen 2 psychologists, 2 therapists, and 3 psychiatrists, so I have a comparison whether someone cares or is genuinely interested). I have scheduled my next appointment with a doctor that is leading ADHD treatment here in Poland
Returning to the point, my impostor syndrome flared up additionally when the psychiatrist stated during the interview that "the symptoms I experience are rather mild, or I somehow manage them, otherwise I would have problems with studying and working" (my professional life is okay, but about 4 times below my potential because I have issues with fluctuations in activity - I work intensely for several days, and then have a few days of a depressive period - it's not like manic-depression, it's rather about activity and the ability to motivate myself to do things, not finding less painful activities, etc.). This surprised me because I perceive them differently (and they seem more concrete than just excusing my inefficiencies). So, of course, I continued the previously started research to feel more at ease.
I was prescribed a dosage that seems non-standard: Medikinet 10mg CR daily, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, and I can double it and then report back after finishing.All this has led to many questions and overthinking. The first day, 10mg didn't make much of an impression on me; it settled me a bit, I felt some interest, took the second dose in the afternoon as recommended, and, of course, couldn't sleep (despite 6mg of melatonin).
Yesterday, I took 20mg in the morning and felt the need to organize everything, and I cleaned the whole apartment, including scrubbing under the closet.Despite this, the impostor syndrome is so insidious that I keep wondering if I'm imagining things, over-researched, and adjusted the answers or interpretations of my life and events to fit the thesis.It's generally a terrible issue because I hope that after years of struggling with "depression," it will finally be addressed, and I can stop dealing with such matters and just focus on work - I am 22 years old, and my first visit to a psychiatrist for depression was around 15-16 years old.
Currently, I have the biggest dilemmas in the following areas, and I really hope someone could shed some light or guide me:
  1. **Methylphenidate in a person without ADHD** - I couldn't find anything concrete on whether I can verify this - if, for example, I don't have ADHD, how should it affect me vs. someone with ADHD. It's so vaguely described on the internet that it's not clear if there's a concrete way to verify this to avoid questioning my own observations. Obviously, a solid diagnosis like a blood test or MRI for other diseases won't be available, but by nature, I'm a skeptic and need it grounded to sleep peacefully and not get into unnecessary discussions with people who barely understand the subject.
  2. **Effectiveness of diagnostics** - I haven't encountered any data on how often diagnoses are invalidated. I read on Reddit (unfortunately, there are few better discussion places with a lot of content) that one girl had an ADHD diagnosis, took Adderall, and after about 2 years, it turned out it wasn't ADHD but some compulsive disorder. Is there any information on how many people with an ADHD diagnosis and prescribed treatment are misdiagnosed? It's known that in the USA, people sometimes stretch the truth to get Adderall, but I'm sure you understand my point and the essence of the matter.
  3. **Dosage** - I have a bit of time left before my next appointment and wonder what I can do (but nothing stupid). My friend, for example, has 30mg CR in the morning and then has those on-demand Medikinet, which keeps him okay later in the day and doesn't cause sleep problems; he's considering switching to Concerta. From my psychiatrist, I basically got the information I already mentioned plus to avoid abusing alcohol. Is there anything I can change in these recommendations to not waste time? If I just take 30mg or 40mg in the morning (of course, gradually and checking the response weekly), am I exposing myself to any problems? I found out on my own that I won't die, but I'm interested in the effectiveness of this treatment, not messing around.
  4. **A question completely omitted by the psychiatrist, and I didn't get any specific information, which is quite important to me**. In all the DIVA tests, I scored higher in adulthood than in childhood. In the last one, it came out as follows: Summary of symptoms according to DSM-5: I. Attention Deficit: Adulthood: 8/9, Childhood: 7/9 II. Hyperactivity and impulsivity: Adulthood: 9/9, Childhood: 8/9 III. Experienced symptoms are a source of significant problems, manifesting in at least 2 areas of life in both childhood and adulthood. After my own analysis, talking to my mom and sister, it's hard to deny that I had serious problems in areas affected by ADHD plus many “less obvious” symptoms that I learned about from PsychiatraPlus from Mr. Jóźwiak (thanks God he records because books and articles in Poland on the internet are often a disaster) in quite significant intensity. I'm still afraid of cognitive bias and fitting the situation to the thesis.
I noticed an increase in many symptoms attributed to ADHD after 2022 (when my father committed suicide, which involved PTSD therapy because I saw a lot, plus a depressive episode). Before, I might have had 2-3 such severe depressive episodes. I skimmed through (I emphasize because I might have missed something that would answer my question, and I don't want to appear lazy coming for a free ready-made solution) meta-analyses (The World Federation of ADHD International Consensus Statement: 208 Evidence-based Conclusions about the Disorder). This fragment intrigued me: "ADHD is rarely caused by a single genetic or environmental risk factor, but most cases of ADHD are caused by the combined effects of many genetic and environmental risks, each having a very small effect."
This, of course, suggested a possible scenario - a father with ADHD + trauma could have exacerbated my symptoms, hence now they are more noticeable to me than before, although it resonates more with me that conditions, tasks, and challenges I face have changed. I didn't observe myself in this regard before; I didn't have the knowledge; I attributed my failures to a different “legend” (I wasn't taught consequences, laziness, lack of discipline, if I tried harder, etc.) than ADHD. Obviously, I'm not so infantile as to expect someone to try to resolve this issue, but based on the current conclusive knowledge, how do you assess my line of thinking, does it hold together? Could I check anything else additionally?
To conclude, I know I need to find a good psychiatrist; I have one in mind, but it's pointless at this moment when I have prescriptions and "recommendations" to schedule and pay for a visit since I'll probably get not very in-depth answers (I also understand doctors don't have 2 hours to give a lecture on how and why things work), rather reassuring and "we'll observe." Whenever something stresses or confuses me, I just try to understand it, and when it turns out that my inherent skepticism activated unnecessarily, the problem disappears from the radar.
I hope someone will guide me to the right materials that will tell me a bit more about these issues. Once again, thank you in advance for any response and time spent just reading this post. If additional questions arise to provide a better answer, I am happy to respond.
submitted by Regular-Atmosphere11 to ADHDUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:07 Regular-Atmosphere11 Seeking advice on my impostor syndrome

I hope someone knowledgeable will be able to guide/help me.
I am 22 years old - my problem is that I have been experiencing a strong impostor syndrome from the beginning. I have done the DIVA test three times with different psychologists. Each time I scored high, and basically, everything fits together rationally. I do indeed recognize the impostor symptom in myself. I discussed this with a friend who is finishing psychology studies and also has ADHD, and he supports my perspective.
Additionally, my father, who committed suicide, most likely also struggled with ADHD (based on the DIVA methodology, I asked the family and matched it to events that complicated his life further, plus, of course, chronic depression).Everything was rather stable until 3 days ago when I had bad lack for a psychiatrist (where I did the last DIVA and a specialist was recommended) - an online visit. I don't want to sound conceited (also, I'm not a doctor), but I had the impression that the psychiatrist I consulted often didn't know the answers to my questions and was evasive. He seemed more interested in my money than in helping and understanding me (I have seen 2 psychologists, 2 therapists, and 3 psychiatrists, so I have a comparison whether someone cares or is genuinely interested). I have scheduled my next appointment with a doctor that is leading ADHD treatment here in Poland
Returning to the point, my impostor syndrome flared up additionally when the psychiatrist stated during the interview that "the symptoms I experience are rather mild, or I somehow manage them, otherwise I would have problems with studying and working" (my professional life is okay, but about 4 times below my potential because I have issues with fluctuations in activity - I work intensely for several days, and then have a few days of a depressive period - it's not like manic-depression, it's rather about activity and the ability to motivate myself to do things, not finding less painful activities, etc.). This surprised me because I perceive them differently (and they seem more concrete than just excusing my inefficiencies). So, of course, I continued the previously started research to feel more at ease.
I was prescribed a dosage that seems non-standard: Medikinet 10mg CR daily, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, and I can double it and then report back after finishing.All this has led to many questions and overthinking. The first day, 10mg didn't make much of an impression on me; it settled me a bit, I felt some interest, took the second dose in the afternoon as recommended, and, of course, couldn't sleep (despite 6mg of melatonin).
Yesterday, I took 20mg in the morning and felt the need to organize everything, and I cleaned the whole apartment, including scrubbing under the closet.Despite this, the impostor syndrome is so insidious that I keep wondering if I'm imagining things, over-researched, and adjusted the answers or interpretations of my life and events to fit the thesis.It's generally a terrible issue because I hope that after years of struggling with "depression," it will finally be addressed, and I can stop dealing with such matters and just focus on work - I am 22 years old, and my first visit to a psychiatrist for depression was around 15-16 years old.
Currently, I have the biggest dilemmas in the following areas, and I really hope someone could shed some light or guide me:
  1. **Methylphenidate in a person without ADHD** - I couldn't find anything concrete on whether I can verify this - if, for example, I don't have ADHD, how should it affect me vs. someone with ADHD. It's so vaguely described on the internet that it's not clear if there's a concrete way to verify this to avoid questioning my own observations. Obviously, a solid diagnosis like a blood test or MRI for other diseases won't be available, but by nature, I'm a skeptic and need it grounded to sleep peacefully and not get into unnecessary discussions with people who barely understand the subject.
  2. **Effectiveness of diagnostics** - I haven't encountered any data on how often diagnoses are invalidated. I read on Reddit (unfortunately, there are few better discussion places with a lot of content) that one girl had an ADHD diagnosis, took Adderall, and after about 2 years, it turned out it wasn't ADHD but some compulsive disorder. Is there any information on how many people with an ADHD diagnosis and prescribed treatment are misdiagnosed? It's known that in the USA, people sometimes stretch the truth to get Adderall, but I'm sure you understand my point and the essence of the matter.
  3. **Dosage** - I have a bit of time left before my next appointment and wonder what I can do (but nothing stupid). My friend, for example, has 30mg CR in the morning and then has those on-demand Medikinet, which keeps him okay later in the day and doesn't cause sleep problems; he's considering switching to Concerta. From my psychiatrist, I basically got the information I already mentioned plus to avoid abusing alcohol. Is there anything I can change in these recommendations to not waste time? If I just take 30mg or 40mg in the morning (of course, gradually and checking the response weekly), am I exposing myself to any problems? I found out on my own that I won't die, but I'm interested in the effectiveness of this treatment, not messing around.
  4. **A question completely omitted by the psychiatrist, and I didn't get any specific information, which is quite important to me**. In all the DIVA tests, I scored higher in adulthood than in childhood. In the last one, it came out as follows: Summary of symptoms according to DSM-5: I. Attention Deficit: Adulthood: 8/9, Childhood: 7/9 II. Hyperactivity and impulsivity: Adulthood: 9/9, Childhood: 8/9 III. Experienced symptoms are a source of significant problems, manifesting in at least 2 areas of life in both childhood and adulthood. After my own analysis, talking to my mom and sister, it's hard to deny that I had serious problems in areas affected by ADHD plus many “less obvious” symptoms that I learned about from PsychiatraPlus from Mr. Jóźwiak (thanks God he records because books and articles in Poland on the internet are often a disaster) in quite significant intensity. I'm still afraid of cognitive bias and fitting the situation to the thesis.
I noticed an increase in many symptoms attributed to ADHD after 2022 (when my father committed suicide, which involved PTSD therapy because I saw a lot, plus a depressive episode). Before, I might have had 2-3 such severe depressive episodes. I skimmed through (I emphasize because I might have missed something that would answer my question, and I don't want to appear lazy coming for a free ready-made solution) meta-analyses (The World Federation of ADHD International Consensus Statement: 208 Evidence-based Conclusions about the Disorder). This fragment intrigued me: "ADHD is rarely caused by a single genetic or environmental risk factor, but most cases of ADHD are caused by the combined effects of many genetic and environmental risks, each having a very small effect."
This, of course, suggested a possible scenario - a father with ADHD + trauma could have exacerbated my symptoms, hence now they are more noticeable to me than before, although it resonates more with me that conditions, tasks, and challenges I face have changed. I didn't observe myself in this regard before; I didn't have the knowledge; I attributed my failures to a different “legend” (I wasn't taught consequences, laziness, lack of discipline, if I tried harder, etc.) than ADHD. Obviously, I'm not so infantile as to expect someone to try to resolve this issue, but based on the current conclusive knowledge, how do you assess my line of thinking, does it hold together? Could I check anything else additionally?
To conclude, I know I need to find a good psychiatrist; I have one in mind, but it's pointless at this moment when I have prescriptions and "recommendations" to schedule and pay for a visit since I'll probably get not very in-depth answers (I also understand doctors don't have 2 hours to give a lecture on how and why things work), rather reassuring and "we'll observe." Whenever something stresses or confuses me, I just try to understand it, and when it turns out that my inherent skepticism activated unnecessarily, the problem disappears from the radar.
I hope someone will guide me to the right materials that will tell me a bit more about these issues. Once again, thank you in advance for any response and time spent just reading this post. If additional questions arise to provide a better answer, I am happy to respond.
submitted by Regular-Atmosphere11 to AutisticWithADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:03 Healthyreviews- 10 Effective Weight Loss Tips You Need to Try Today!

Hey, fellow Redditors! Are you on a journey to shed some pounds and improve your health? If so, you're in the right place! Losing weight can be a challenging but rewarding process, and I'm here to share some tips that have helped me and countless others along the way. Without further ado, let's dive into these 10 effective weight loss tips:

  1. Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water not only helps you stay hydrated but can also help curb hunger and prevent overeating. Aim for at least 8 glasses a day, and if you're feeling hungry between meals, try drinking a glass of water first.

  1. Eat Mindfully: Pay attention to what you're eating and savor each bite. Eating slowly can help you feel more satisfied and prevent overeating. Avoid distractions like phones or TVs while eating to focus on your food.

  1. Include Protein in Every Meal: Protein helps keep you feeling full and satisfied, making it easier to stick to your calorie goals. Include sources of lean protein such as chicken, fish, tofu, beans, and legumes in each meal.

  1. Fill Up on Fiber: Foods high in fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes, can help keep you feeling full for longer periods and aid in digestion. Aim to include fiber-rich foods in every meal to support your weight loss efforts.

  1. Watch Portion Sizes: Be mindful of portion sizes, especially when eating out or snacking. Using smaller plates and bowls can help control portion sizes and prevent overeating.

  1. Incorporate Strength Training: While cardio is great for burning calories, don't underestimate the power of strength training. Building muscle can boost your metabolism and help you burn more calories even at rest.

  1. Get Enough Sleep: Lack of sleep can disrupt your hormones and increase cravings for unhealthy foods. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night to support your weight loss goals.

  1. Plan and Prep Meals: Spend some time each week planning and prepping your meals. Having healthy options readily available can prevent impulse eating and help you stay on track with your nutrition goals.

  1. Stay Consistent: Consistency is key when it comes to weight loss. Stick to your plan even on days when you don't feel like it, and remember that progress takes time.

  1. Be Kind to Yourself: Lastly, be kind to yourself throughout your weight loss journey. Celebrate your successes, learn from setbacks, and remember that small changes add up over time.

Remember, weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint. Focus on making sustainable lifestyle changes rather than quick fixes, and you'll be well on your way to reaching your goals. What are some weight loss tips that have worked for you? Share them in the comments below! Let's support each other on this journey to a healthier, happier life. 💪🥗🏃‍♂️
submitted by Healthyreviews- to u/Healthyreviews- [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:02 Sorin61 The Association between Dietary Protein Intake and Sources and the Rate of Longitudinal Changes in Brain Structure

submitted by Sorin61 to Biohackers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:02 bouncedsheep121 Hash AI Where intelligence meets mining excellence Currently at 117M 1B loading

Hash AI
Where artificial intelligence meets mining excellence.
What is Hash AI?
Possessing extensive experience within Crypto and Web3, the Hash AI team have built the infrastructure, partnerships and distribution network to build and run a successful Crypto mining company.
This includes the implementation of mining rig supplies, as well as providing the infrastructure to allow the installation of rig hosting and GPU sales, and most importantly building our own mining facility containing over 500 of the best GPU's available on the market.
The term 'Hash' comes from hashrate, which is a measure of the computational power per second used when mining.
Energy Efficiency;
Hash AI is committed to sustainability. We embrace green mining practices by incorporating renewable energy sources including solar power, minimizing our carbon footprint, and contributing to the broader environmental well-being
Community Share Pool:
We are on Staking Pool Number 3, all income generated by our mining operations is assigned to our staking pool ready to be collected by our token holders.
The Dapp shows current hashrate, number of live GPU's, earnings to date, and estimated earning for 24 hours / 7 days and 1 month.
Contract Address : 0x292fcDD1B104DE5A00250fEBbA9bC6A5092A0076
Currently at 117M..1B Loading….
Website :
Telegram: @ HashAIEth
submitted by bouncedsheep121 to CryptoMoonShots [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:58 krauserhunt Very disappointed in this sub , basically not going to stick around.

This is probably the first year since my previous fifa that nothing, nothing on this sub has been useful.
It used to be that ppl would share their tactics or good tips and create meaningful posts, however that community seems to have moved on.
This sub is totally useless and it will remain to be so unless moderators step in and curb some of the negativity. While criticism is important, there needs to be a balance. At this point all the positivity in this sub has been suppressed.
I'm out, this used to good source of info, now it's just full of BS.
submitted by krauserhunt to fut [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:54 AngryRussian1 This law of earth, is not a magic wand, it's a principle.

I must take it seriously once I understand how to operate this law in the most simple and most productive way. The only JOB and WORK I have to do, becomes clear the moment I confess my faith and belief in what I partake in.
I must believe that imagination creates reality, I can prove it by looking back into my past and see if not all events that took place were preceded by an imaginal atmosphere that I partook in, be it moods, scenes, anything that MADE ME CHANGE MY CONSCIOUSNESS of something and myself, that resulted in the physical result.
I must believe that God, which is told us to be named as a name as I AM, and is named without a name as Love, is infact the only god. I must exercise myself and then seek out to prove it or disprove it. But you legit can only prove it because if you're a sane individual that keeps track of his thoughts and doings, and remembers his past, you cannot avoid the traces you left that prove that I made it all.
So the moment I believe that Imagination is God, and by God it means a PERSON, a BEING that creates outcomes in this world, and am I not He? If I exercise my imagination daily, PINK ELEPHANT. See? automatic imagining. If I am told his name is I AM, thus Myself. And his unnamed name is Love, the source of all imagination.
Do I not have enough simple material to work here with? I do.
This is a principle, that requires a strong desire, and a clear idea of how I want things to be. This law of earth that remains unseen to those that are asleep, rules all ever since. But the most important thing we seek here, is freedom and control over my life, because who else matters but the only protagonist in this world called I AM? You, the only one reader.
This is no magic wand, this principle REQUIRES ME to change myself, to no longer live and continue living from the consciousness and attitude and perspective towards life that I had formerly, and become a completely different man or woman using my imagination, that is an infinite stage that allows me to enact any realities I wish to partake in, and bend all memory and time according to my ability to believe in the change I witness. But if I am faithless, let me expect nothing but the proof to my belief in nothing in life. "O faithless generation, how long shall I have to endure thee?" This word of Jesus simply defines us the world of humans, that the majority have zero faith in ANYTHING. they believe in nothing, even those that say that they believe in things that they see as proof, you know that they get all the proof in the world yet they still keep sticking to their same guns and same perspectives despite all the proof in the world. Why? Cause your state of consciousness externalizes only your consciousness, there are no other proofs but those YOU fuel yourself with as you think, feel, and participate in the consciousness of some state.
Can I now believe today, in myself? In my own divine ability of imagination, which is the life perceiving ability that you have? Your ability to BELIEVE in things without proof? Your ability to CREATE VIVID PHYSICAL PROOF in imagination? I can.
I can from today onwards begin to believe in my ability to believe in things, just as I believe now in imagination being the only creative power in this world, and PROVE MY BELIEF by my actions, by my wise use of imagination and a continious right planting which will reward me with the physical proof. The proof that all which shall take place and takes place today, has ALREADY taken place and was enacted in the imagination of man.
So now that I know this, let me not complicate this further for myself, and know, Do I believe that my imagination creates the phenomena of this personal dream that the bible tells me about it? I must believe, in order to partake in something.
So I believe, and I begin to act imaginatively precisely, and not beating around the bush.
I define my desires clearly, I make all the blueprints all the details I need even before I close my eyes the first time to enter imagination to enact it. I cannot enact ANYTHING unless I have the script and plans.
So I define, I orchestrate every detail, and then I go within with faith in this power I have innately misused, and I enact this loving ideal, remembering that imagination is fuelled solely in love. And any other fuel other than your own good and love, creates confusions and monstrosities we then are distracted by.
I define it, then I begin to live it. If I know not what I want and how it would be, then do I even know if I want to live good? Or continue suffering this can of worms I have made my home at and gotten used to and learnt its inns and outs?
Is it not time I learn the inns and outs of my ideal? Define it, clearly, fill all the gaps, be realistic if you are prepared to become this man. And let your desire be true, that you wont drop this work and change of self tomorrow, but will persist in it until you are perfectly made into that by your own self change of consciousness.
Enact in imagination only what you have defined, do not go emptyhanded into the house of god. Even a feeling is something, but those that close their eyes upon confusion, only meet themselves, confusion.
It's that simple, but do I believe? I never do anything seriously unless I believe in it.
submitted by AngryRussian1 to NevilleGoddard [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:54 Least_Dot_5 34M - Rare Late 80's Model Human, Well-Maintained and Upgraded looking for people to chat with!

Hey folks! I've got something special for you today – a one-of-a-kind late 80's model male human, available for all your companionship needs!
This European import comes in a stunning white exterior, free from any visible damage. Trust me, it's a head-turner! Don't worry about missing out on essential features either – this guy still possesses all the original specs, with a couple of bonus upgrades. He underwent vision augmentation and dental alignment during his early years, ensuring an enhanced experience for both parties involved.
Though he may sound a little funny with his unique accent, fear not – he's perfectly understandable. And hey, if you're curious about his history, the registration documents are readily available upon request.
Now, let's talk performance. While he may not be in his prime, he's still in pretty decent shape and has managed to maintain his original dimensions over the years. You're in for a treat with his fuel efficiency – he runs like a champion on caffeine in the mornings, but expect a slightly slower pace in the evenings if his fuel source consists of fried cheese and beer.
To top it off, he's available right now and open to negotiations. Whether you're looking for a long-term commitment or a short-term chat adventure, this import model male human guarantees exceptional response time and aims to exceed your expectations (note: expectations not guaranteed to be exceeded).
So, what are you waiting for? Don't miss out on this rare opportunity to own a piece of late 80's human history! Give me a shout and let's make a deal. Serious inquiries only, please.
submitted by Least_Dot_5 to Needafriend [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:53 Specialist-Photo7518 Ryan Xu Hyperfund and the Revolutionary Weather Forecasting Systems

Ryan Xu Hyperfund and the Revolutionary Weather Forecasting Systems
In the age of information and technology, weather forecasting systems have become an indispensable tool for individuals, businesses, and governments worldwide. Ryan Xu Hyperfund, a visionary leader in the technology industry, is pioneering the development of next-generation weather forecasting systems, revolutionizing the way we predict and prepare for the elements.
I. The Importance of Accurate Weather Forecasts
Accurate weather forecasts are crucial for various reasons. They help farmers plan their planting and harvesting schedules, ensuring optimal crop yields. They assist transportation companies in making informed decisions about routes and schedules, minimizing the risk of delays due to adverse weather conditions. Furthermore, weather forecasts are essential for emergency response teams, enabling them to prepare for and respond effectively to natural disasters such as hurricanes, floods, and tornadoes.
II. Ryan Xu Hyperfund's Contributions to Weather Forecasting
Ryan Xu Hyperfund, with his vast experience and knowledge in the technology sector, has been instrumental in advancing weather forecasting systems. His team has been working on developing high-precision forecasting models that incorporate cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning.
By leveraging AI, Ryan Xu Hyperfund's weather forecasting systems can analyze vast amounts of data from various sources, including satellite imagery, ground stations, and historical weather patterns. This data is then processed and analyzed using advanced algorithms to produce more accurate and reliable forecasts.
Furthermore, Ryan Xu Hyperfund's team has also focused on enhancing the user experience of weather forecasting systems. They have developed intuitive interfaces that allow users to access real-time weather updates, forecasts, and alerts with ease. The systems also provide personalized recommendations based on the user's location and preferences, ensuring that they receive the most relevant and useful information.
III. The Benefits of Advanced Weather Forecasting Systems
Advanced weather forecasting systems offer numerous benefits to individuals, businesses, and governments. They provide accurate and timely information about weather conditions, enabling users to make informed decisions and plan their activities accordingly. This can help farmers optimize their crop yields, transportation companies minimize delays, and emergency response teams respond effectively to natural disasters.
Additionally, advanced weather forecasting systems can also contribute to sustainable development. By providing accurate forecasts, these systems can help policymakers and planners make informed decisions about resource allocation and disaster risk reduction measures. This can ultimately lead to a more resilient and sustainable society.
IV. Ryan Xu Hyperfund's Vision for the Future
Ryan Xu Hyperfund believes that weather forecasting systems will continue to evolve and become even more accurate and reliable in the future. He envisions a world where advanced forecasting models and technologies are widely accessible, enabling everyone to make better decisions and prepare for the elements effectively.
As part of his vision, Ryan Xu Hyperfund is committed to investing in research and development to further enhance weather forecasting systems. He believes that by harnessing the power of AI and other technologies, we can achieve unprecedented accuracy in weather predictions, ultimately saving lives, reducing losses, and promoting sustainable development.
V. Conclusion
Weather forecasting systems play a crucial role in our daily lives, and Ryan Xu Hyperfund is leading the way in revolutionizing this field. By leveraging advanced technologies and continuously innovating, he is developing more accurate and reliable forecasting systems that can help us better predict and prepare for the elements. With his vision and dedication, Ryan Xu Hyperfund is paving the way for a safer, more resilient, and sustainable future.
submitted by Specialist-Photo7518 to RyanXu_Hyperfund [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:47 AbuW467 Joking about and Mocking Ahlul Bida’

"What do you say about talking about the people of innovation in a joking manner, in order to laugh and joke about them and give them nicknames in order to belittle them?"
"To mention the bad characteristics of a person of bid'ah especially if he is one who calls to his bid'ah, then to mention his faults in giving naseehah and advice to the Muslim is permissible in order to warn the Muslims from this individual. However, the aspect of mocking this individual and being sarcastic and laughing at him etc. is not from advice to the Believers. It is very important that one differentiates between the two affairs: naseehah (advice) by mentioning the faults of the individual in order to warn the people and the other affair of mocking people which is a despicable trait."
Shaykh 'Abdur-Razzāq Al-Badr, may Allah preserve him
Translated by Source: A lecture titled "Hadith of the Guarantee", on the 8th of April, 2006.
submitted by AbuW467 to SalafiCentral [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:46 AbuW467 Joking about and Mocking Ahlul Bida’

"What do you say about talking about the people of innovation in a joking manner, in order to laugh and joke about them and give them nicknames in order to belittle them?"
"To mention the bad characteristics of a person of bid'ah especially if he is one who calls to his bid'ah, then to mention his faults in giving naseehah and advice to the Muslim is permissible in order to warn the Muslims from this individual. However, the aspect of mocking this individual and being sarcastic and laughing at him etc. is not from advice to the Believers. It is very important that one differentiates between the two affairs: naseehah (advice) by mentioning the faults of the individual in order to warn the people and the other affair of mocking people which is a despicable trait."
Shaykh 'Abdur-Razzāq Al-Badr, may Allah preserve him
Translated by Source: A lecture titled "Hadith of the Guarantee", on the 8th of April, 2006.
submitted by AbuW467 to MuslimSunnah [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:42 MyClericalGnomance Beginners guide to honour mode & unlocking the golden dice.


The main purpose of this guide will be to help unlock the golden dice for those of you who feel less confident about tackling honour mode. This is designed to be a path of least resistance, so we won’t be experiencing everything this game has to offer. It’s also worth noting that instead of focusing on min-maxing for damage; we prioritise safe & consistent damage. We don’t need to be respeccing characters often, if at all, and we won’t be relying on strength elixirs. My girlfriend (u/-babyjanehudson) and I put this together as we’ve beaten honour mode a 5 times now without any failed attempts, we were even in the first 800 people to beat it which is kinda cool! Here’s how we did it. First starting with our builds, then a little general advice and finally just a list of some general Do’s & Don’ts. Apologies for the wall of text.


Bardlock (party face) - Great old one Warlock 2, college of lore bard 10 - Cha16>Dex16>Con14>Wis12

Life cleric 12 - Wis16>Con16>Dex14>Str
(light cleric does more damage so is technically better for experienced players but a life cleric is there to save your run in case of an emergency, something pretty invaluable to beginners in HM as we can’t assume we are winning every fight in the first 2 turns like we ideally aim to)

Swords Bard Archer (Lockpicker) - 6 Swords Bard, 4 Rogue Thief, 2 Fighter - Dex17>Cha14>Con14>Wis12>Str
Skill priority for this character is Sleight of hand > Stealth > Perception > Persuasion > Intimidation > Deception > Acrobatics

Barbarian - Wild heart Bear Barb 8, Battle Master Fighter 4 - Str16>Con16>Dex14>Wis12

Final note for builds:
As you’ve probably noticed, yes almost everybody in the party takes a dip in fighter for access to action surge & shield proficiency. I learned this habit from Colby like everything else I know. He’s the Bob Ross of DnD builds and well worth your time.

General Advice

The most important factor in honour mode is “meta knowledge”, This means things like: knowing how to enter each combat effectively, making sure everyone is in a good position before starting, knowing exactly which enemies/spells you’ll face during that fight and ensuring you always take the enemy by surprise to gain a free turn. Being properly prepared is better than any build. As for difficulty, Act 1 is always going to be your biggest challenge so use plenty of rests and pick your fights carefully. For this guide I also recommend using your bard to persuade the act 2 bosses into committing suicide.



[Updated & reformatted version of the guide I wrote and posted a few months ago on bg3builds with my old account u/JoseMongo]
submitted by MyClericalGnomance to BaldursGate3 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:40 tony5yaya Good Energy: The Surprising Connection Between Metabolism and Limitless Health by Casey Means MD and Calley Means Free Audiobook and Review

"Good Energy: The Surprising Connection Between Metabolism and Limitless Health" by Casey Means MD and Calley Means is an intriguing investigation of the relationship between metabolism and overall health. The book questions conventional understanding regarding metabolism, offering readers a unique perspective on how it effects everything from energy levels to longevity.
Drawing on scientific research and their own medical expertise, the authors delve into the nuances of metabolism, describing how it acts and how it might be modified for greater health. They say that a balanced metabolism is not only necessary for maintaining a healthy weight but also plays a critical role in fostering vigor, mental clarity, and general well-being.
One of the book's important breakthroughs is the concept of metabolic flexibility, which refers to the body's ability to efficiently switch between burning different fuel sources, such as glucose and fat. The authors underscore the need of increasing metabolic flexibility through lifestyle interventions such as nutrition, exercise, and stress management.
Throughout the book, the authors present practical advice and tactics for boosting metabolic health, including dietary recommendations, exercise routines, and mindfulness practices. They also address common misconceptions regarding metabolism and offer evidence-based guidance for reaching optimal health.
"Good Energy" is a well-researched and fascinating read that enables readers to take control of their metabolic health and unlock their full potential. Whether you're wanting to reduce weight, enhance your energy levels, or simply optimize your general health, this book offers essential insights and concrete suggestions for living your best life.
Free Audiobook with a free trial of Audible at freeaudiobookstrial .com
submitted by tony5yaya to audiobookreviewgroup [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:35 Final-Refuse7545 Can somebody please help me understand my classmates?

Hi. So, for context, I'm a younger millenial who decided to go back to college at the age of 27. My very first university experience was horrible and it took years to gather the courage to try again. I applied to both a different school and a different degree than the previous time, and I love it. The environment at the other school, a large public one, was cold, competitive and isolating. I stayed there way longer then I ever should've, because of how ingrained in me it was that any college degree is important and once you start one, you should stick it out. Except I really did feel that degree in particular was useless, with not that many work oppurtunities and a toxic, soul-sucking environment.
Now, I've joined a smaller private university, which is well ranked internationally and to study a subject that I'm genuinely passionate about.
The one issue with private universities in my country is that their standards on admission are very low. The teachers are still amazing and very fair, and although they do go a little easier on us that at my former school, they still grade you according to the grade you deserve (basically just because its easy to get in, doesn't mean it's easy to get out). So yes, there is a bit of a stigma where I'm from that, in private universities, you pay to get in and aren't actually smart or deserving (yet another reason why it took me so long to gather up the courage to take the leap and apply). But once, you're in, everybody's paying the same, and everybody is treated the same.
I do think a lot of my classmates' behaviour can be attributed to this - they weren't good students before, they've never really built the work ethic my very strict and very honest mother raised me with (and which a lot of my own millenial classmates in ''high school'' - secondary school here - also didn't have). A lot of them genuinely do not want to be here, and have said so. Their parents are paying and they come because ''they're made to''. For even more context, this school's tuition is about 3, maybe even 4 times now with inflation, the amount you would pay for a public university education - it isn't like the United States, it doesn't cost so much that people go into debt for years, but it is still a lot of money to come up with.
Aside from a few older students, and one or two who are around my age, most of them will have been born at around 2003 and 2004, plus a couple people who were 20 when we started first year.
A significant amount of them are extremely poorly behaved and disrespectful to our teachers. They can get extremely loud to the point several teachers have lost their patience and told them off (kinda the way it used to happen when I was in 8th grade, about a million years ago). It got to the point where I genuinely considered bringing earplugs to wear in the classes that took place in the anfitheaters, where the echo makes it genuinely painful to have that must noise.
A few of them either have been caught cheating, or have openly admited that they cheat. It has been reinforced again and again since week one how important it is that everybody in this program knows english, because in our area, all cientific papers must always be published in english, regardless of what country the study originated from. To facilitate things, an english class was added to our first year...which people regularly didn't show up to, a few of them have failed several times and have not made even the slightest effort to learn, resorting instead to automated translation softwares, which are very unreliable and more often than not will not convey the information correctly. This part confuses me greatly, because so much of the media people consume in this country is not dubbed. Shows, movies, music and so much stuff available for free on youtube is in english. That's how I myself learned. Except they don't seem to even want to try.
I've had several nightmare group projects experiences, to the point where even my therapist has agreed with me that I'm better off doing my work alone whenever I have the chance, because this isn't benificial socialization and it's hindering me and stressing me out more than it is building any skills. I had one girl disappear from a large period of time and then text me one week before the due date asking what the project was about (we had talked about it in person and I had emailed her several articles I found and had even told her to pick one to highlight).
When it was time to do the presentation, I told her to read carefully the parts of the source material that explained in more depth the things she was supposed to cover in her turn to speak. Instead, she read directly from the slides, and even read it wrong (said ''resposability'' instead of ''responsivity''). When the teacher asked her questions, she straight up didn't know.
Recently, two people I was doing a group project with tried to hire me to plagirize a report for them and we got into a fight that basically led me to strom out of a group project for the first time in my life and ask the teacher to grade me individually (she's amazing and was very accomodating and understanding). Found out the only reason those two wanted to work with me in the first place was because they were using me for grades, because I usually do super well in research projects and end up having high grades, which in a group project will bump up their own grades and let them barely pass the class. One simple conversation with them made quite clear they didn't actually understand the article we were supposed to be analyzing at all and I simply got fed up.
Now, earlier today, I was in the library, revising for a test I had and someone had stuck chewing gum on the bottom of the chair I was sitting in and now I have a huge white stain on my leggings that I can't get off.
That was kinda the final straw for me, because, not even back when I was in school, in 1st to 12th grade did this ever happen to me...
I'm sorry, but I really needed to vent...I really want to believe that not everyone is like this, but they have really been testing my patience lately.
submitted by Final-Refuse7545 to GenZ [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:34 Books-And-Blankets NSV: Overate yesterday but am giving myself grace about it!

30F, SW 230, CW ~155-158, GW ?140-145
This is a big non scale victory for me — not feeling ashamed of overeating one time!!!
I have been exercising quite a bit more over the past couple of weeks than previously (increased from 30-45 min 6x/week to 50-75 min 6x/week, and often combining cardio and weight lifting in the same day), and hadn’t increased my calories to compensate. I was still eating at 1200/day, often ending the day more like 1100-1150 because I didn’t have any 50-100 calorie options to fill the gap. I made a post a couple days ago about how much hungrier I was feeling.
Yesterday I felt really tired in the morning, shaky and nauseous after going to the gym, and felt a little woozy whenever I stood up. I was very hungry even after eating a full day of calories (1200), and finally gave in and ate a bunch of late night snacks, primarily crackers and some peanut butter from the jar. I didn’t measure/weigh it all, but my best guess is I ate about 600-800 calories of snacks in one sitting. Whoops!
Naturally, the scale is up 2.5-3 lbs this morning. BUT! I know that it’s not fat, it’s most likely just water retention (all those salty snacks!), because I certainly didn’t eat 3500 calories over maintenance. This didn’t undo all of my progress of losing 75 lbs in the past 7 months. And more importantly, I know that this was a sign that I wasn’t fueling my body well enough prior to this.
I had more energy waking up this morning, had a better gym session, and feel more alert today. I needed those calories! Although of course I’d like to be a smaller size and like how I look, strength and health is ultimately the most important goal. So I’m taking this little snack “binge” (hesitate to call it that, since it was really not a binge, but I don’t have a better word) as an indicator that I need to increase my daily calories to give me more energy and protein and nutrition, which will be more sustainable and better for me in the long run. I’ll try 1300/day, and if that doesn’t feel like enough, I’ll try 1400/day.
So this is huge for me, to not fall into a panicked shameful spiral and restrict further to make up for the excess calorie consumption yesterday, OR to not say “screw it” and fall off the bandwagon completely. I’m learning my body and its cues and what it needs, and reacting to those messages in a positive and productive way. I’m proud of myself for that!
submitted by Books-And-Blankets to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:30 Omologist The Best Turkey Quinoa Black Bean Chipotle Chili

The Best Turkey Quinoa Black Bean Chipotle Chili
The Best Turkey Quinoa Black Bean Chipotle Chili This best turkey quinoa black bean chipotle chili recipe makes my day complete. And, yes, I KNOW it’s a long name for a recipe, but I just couldn’t sacrifice a single descriptor. It has ground turkey instead of beef – that’s important to know that it’s healthier. Quinoa gives it an extra protein punch. Black beans in chili? You have to love it. Chipotle makes it taste all southwestern-y delicious. So there you have it, the best turkey quinoa black bean chipotle chili recipe. It’s super healthy and filling so you won’t have any Monday morning guilt. If you happen to want to […] See the first comment for a link to the recipe
submitted by Omologist to mincerecipes [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:30 Sorin61 The Association between Dietary Protein Intake and Sources and the Rate of Longitudinal Changes in Brain Structure

The Association between Dietary Protein Intake and Sources and the Rate of Longitudinal Changes in Brain Structure submitted by Sorin61 to ScientificNutrition [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:28 krukster86 A Precautionary Tale / PSA on Remilitarizing a Kar98a

A Precautionary Tale / PSA on Remilitarizing a Kar98a
I have seen a couple of recent posts here where folks were asking about what is needed to remilitarize a sporterized Imperial German Kar98a carbine back to military configuration, as these sporterized carbines are often found for very attractive prices. Unfortunately, while this is tempting, some understanding about the road ahead is needed before making a decision to commit to remilitarizing them.
I am all for remilitarizing rifles to bring them back to their former glory, but it is extremely important to have a budget in mind, and either have on hand (or have a source for) the required parts, stock, and stock components needed for this task.
More often than not, these carbines are found in sporterized condition of varying degrees as these were highly sought after for spoterization projects in the 1950's and 60's since they were short, handy, and lightweight.
There are a couple of pitfalls to consider when taking on a project to remilitarize one, from my experience. Other than the Polish pre-WWII K98 carbine (of which only a "majority", but not all of the parts are compatible), very few parts are interchangeable with other Mauser 98 rifles.
The trigger, triggerguard, bolt, stock, handguard, barrel bands, bayonet lug, front and rear sight assemblies are unique. As a result, parts are hard to come by, and when they do come up, they fetch a hefty premium. One of the hardest to find components (non-wood related) is the rear barrel band screw surprisingly. Another very hard to find part is the unique bayonet lug for the stock. They are NOT of the same design as that of a Gew98/K98k. You will need to be checking eBay weekly for parts to come up, as you aren't going to find these in stock at places like Numrich, Liberty Tree Collectors, Apex, Century Arms, etc.
Stocks and handguards are probably one of the scarcest components to find. Polish K98 stocks are compatible, but are of a slightly different design and wouldn't be 100% correct for an Imperial German rifle. PPHU Fox in Poland makes repros, but he has had health issues and is swamped with a backlog of orders. I actually had an order for one with him that I cancelled after waiting 2.5 years, as I ended up sourcing a stock eventually. I think member PolskaBear2019 makes stocks/handguards with a stock duplicator, so he may be a new option to consider.
Long story short, I went down this long road to remilitarize a Bubba'ed sporter back to original Imperial German military configuration (albeit a patchwork quilt version), and in the end, I think I would have saved money by just buying an "honest" bolt mismatch example.
Again, I fully support anyone willing to put in the honest effort of remilitarizing one of these, I just hate seeing folks get burned/discouraged.
submitted by krukster86 to milsurp [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:26 zedadex Thing is...

It just makes sense to plan around this stuff
  • LA is building rail infra, ahead of the 2028 Olympics. (Buy in '25, sell in '28?)
    • Studying: Learn langs; study remotely albeit hopefully with a nice library.
    • Finances: Investing in the area; speculatively, seems like the move. In general, I haven't been growing my finances enough; the play "yesterday" was indices (you'd think... ah well 😅). The play "today" is calculated aggro risks. (I don't think that using expansion plans to pick where to invest is even aggro? Just seems like a long play lol)
      • More importantly, figure out where I could see myself living for at least 3y. 2y study, 3y proj mgmt cert (If I go for at current job.)
    • Career: Branch out of tech focus; build "the story" and use it to leverage into a job that helps me develop personally and professional-skills-ly. (Data, meh; there's also PM'ing. Do we have a shortage? Is that the case everywhere?)
      • I know I need to do this for myself anyways; might as well get brownie points for doing that work for him.
    • Lifestyle: Should give me a chance to get into a healthy rhythm; I can re-find a gym and social circles there based on common interests.
    • [...]: Lang studies in-person until I'm well enough along to learn online. Keep to the Plan. (Holly's "Spooky imitation of Artemis" quote as thought in interstitial space as one of many examples of that whole 'echoic memory for certain lines' thing. I swear that's prolly a thing in neurosci; resonance and such)
  • SEA: Buying ahead of The Big One would suck; and I'm already 50/50 on going back. Maybe buy after; be part of the rebuild.
    • Having been back... (I seriously need time away. Lol. Fuck that guy) (Evidence from semi-trusted sources and logical level indicate that I might be making a hasty emotional decision; distance was/is a good idea so secure time off.)
      • play the game; you're already "in" (kinda) or at least in a situation that could be worse. (Decent life philosophy -> remember what you still have. Kenny gets it!) long-term game (out of necessity; might as well be better positioned to make career moves.) I'm at the right level to make moves internally - coach under geoff), but short term, I could definitely use a break.
  • JP: '25 Expo could be a nice trip, but at this point I can't do both and pursue DE. Vacay could (and most likely will) be a pivot after we ask [...], probably-get heartbroken (yay!), and can do that to feel better. (...Yay-but-actually! 🤣)
    • I'm pretty sure that wouldn't be enough. Vacays take me OUT of a routine. I feel better IN routines.
  • NO/DE: (Lol, Node): Pending other developments. Likely NO in either case. Could go FR?
SEA was good, but... it's really just surrounding myself with people, activities, opportunities. I can do that most anywhere.
What do you think, Mudkip? :pokes cheek, Zee giggles happily: [...] Dw, I like water too, bud. We can stay close to it for now. ^^
submitted by zedadex to u/zedadex [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:25 Least_Dot_5 34 [M4R] #online Europe/USA - Rare Late 80's Model Human, Well-Maintained and Upgraded

Hey folks! I've got something special for you today – a one-of-a-kind late 80's model male human, available for all your companionship needs!
This European import comes in a stunning white exterior, free from any visible damage. Trust me, it's a head-turner! Don't worry about missing out on essential features either – this guy still possesses all the original specs, with a couple of bonus upgrades. He underwent vision augmentation and dental alignment during his early years, ensuring an enhanced experience for both parties involved.
Though he may sound a little funny with his unique accent, fear not – he's perfectly understandable. And hey, if you're curious about his history, the registration documents are readily available upon request.
Now, let's talk performance. While he may not be in his prime, he's still in pretty decent shape and has managed to maintain his original dimensions over the years. You're in for a treat with his fuel efficiency – he runs like a champion on caffeine in the mornings, but expect a slightly slower pace in the evenings if his fuel source consists of fried cheese and beer.
To top it off, he's available right now and open to negotiations. Whether you're looking for a long-term commitment or a short-term chat adventure, this import model male human guarantees exceptional response time and aims to exceed your expectations (note: expectations not guaranteed to be exceeded).
So, what are you waiting for? Don't miss out on this rare opportunity to own a piece of late 80's human history! Give me a shout and let's make a deal. Serious inquiries only, please.
submitted by Least_Dot_5 to r4r [link] [comments]