Can adderall give negative

Happy Reddit to make you happy

2008.01.25 10:15 Happy Reddit to make you happy

Too many depressing things on the main page, so post about what makes you warm and fuzzy inside!

2014.06.20 16:26 r/CreepyArt - Appreciating art that is beautiful and creepy

CreepyArt is for the appreciation of paintings, sculptures, or photographs that give you that creepy feeling. Is there a photo of an old abandoned house that gives you the chills or a painting that you can’t stop looking at and you don’t know why? Then maybe it belongs in CreepyArt.

2017.12.29 14:25 phillyd32 SneakerFits - For your sneaker related fashion needs.

Sneaker-centric fashion

2024.06.10 01:06 Leenapyt Another rant

My god I post in this sub so much. Sorry for people who are tired of my rants. Currently 7 1/2 months pregnant and SEVERELY over my SO and his two daughters (10 and 12). He is the WORST parent and partner ever and I’d give anything to have the resources to move out right now. He is raising his kids to be the worst people possible. All they do is suck the life out of me. I get used as a free babysitter and maid/chef for his kids but he can’t respect when I tell them to stop doing something or behaving a certain way. These little girls don’t have any chores. They don’t help around the house, they leave messes everywhere. And since I’ve been pregnant I’ve been NACHO and “attempting” to put my foot down. Nothing works in this home unless I keep my mouth shut I am suffering. If I even mention to my SO that the girls need to help around the house more he gets so offended and treats me like shit! And yes before you guys say anything I am saving my money and looking for apartments as I write this! I do NOT want to live with these kids anymore. I’ve grown to hate when they are here and what hurts the most is it wasn’t always like this! In the beginning I liked having them around. Told them I loved them often and did everything for them! My SO has completely ruined this dynamic with his shitty parenting and being a shitty partner! I FULLY regret getting pregnant by him and I can’t wait to get out of here! Until I am able to leave what am I supposed to do to deal with the constant screaming and stomping coming from these kids? They act like 5 year olds! And when I ask them to relax my SO loses his mind! I can’t live like this!
submitted by Leenapyt to stepparents [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:06 Early-retirement-420 We're all HODLing! The real question is who is BUYing? 💎🚀🦧

Hello fellow apes,
Can we please stop with the who's holding posts? This is not financial advice but we are all likely holding. We'd be making a mistake to sell at this point when we have so much upward momentum - FTDs due, production of the cars, more media covering the stock, more volume, more apes, etc. All the real apes are holding 💎🚀🦧
We should be asking who is buying on Monday?
They're likely preparing to short this week before the FTDs. They went after one of our ape leaders in MP. There are so many more negative comments on threads. We need to make a stand and push to $1, because once we hit $1, the possibilities are endless.
So, who's buying? Count me in because we're just getting started. LFG ape fam.
submitted by Early-retirement-420 to FFIE [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:05 oneisall117 True Awakening leads to a mindset of Solitude

It has been close to 5 years of “me” understanding what I believe is more than just a portion of truth of the true nature of reality. I am. To call it an understanding is an understatement. If I have moments in which I get lost in the identity as a human, reflection can help me realign.
I constantly experience an identity crisis. Am I creator consciousness having a human experience or am I a human being. I know the truth, but bringing balance is hard when surrounded by humans who believe they are only human. This is when I am compelled to identify only as an individual human.
I am not trying to sound hierarchical and I am absolutely not trying to bloat my ego, but it is difficult to be surrounded by people who don’t know truth; people I’d call: creators who have not woken up yet.
The realization and awareness of my true self has had such a profound impact on this human’s experience, it is hard to try to force it away and just blend in as a normal person. I do my best and I don’t think anyone I interact with daily truly would suspect I rarely feel like the human whose experience this is. Is this the joker Alan watts has talked about?
I have had a few years to try and figure out how to live in an awakened state. I am still figuring it out. So far, I have found that while there are many kind and well-intentioned people, most are heavily influenced by the ‘external’. These humans identify with mass ideas and labels. There are a rare handful who are more aware and an ever rarer group who are truly awake. The scariest things are the humans who know what to say, with regards to spirituality, to give an inkling of belief to fuel your hope, only for them to not know truth. They construe a perception of spirituality and knowing, only to be just as unaware as the human who only thinks they’re human. I keep an eye out for the awakened creator, for we recognize each other; but this has been rare for me.
Solitude is the easiest way to align with your true self, the best way to forget about being a human, and the hardest thing to experience as a human. However, it’s not a problem if there is no identity crisis. Do all awakened creators experience this?
submitted by oneisall117 to awakened [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:05 Ntombizenhlanhla23 I no longer want to have kids with my husband

I don’t think I still want to have kids with my husband.
Me (23) and my husband (27) been married for few months, we don’t have kids but planning on having them in future. I was looking forward to having kids with him.
Today he told me that when he die, his sister is going to be the his beneficiary and not me as his wife or even kids. He said he trust that his sister is going to take care of our kids. He trust that his sister is going to save money and invest it. He says his sister will give me a stipend per month. He believes that his sister will guide our kids career wise. He also says his sister will take care of our kids because she don’t have her own and he believes that she’ll never have kids because she’s in her 30’s. He also haven’t even see his sister in years. I than ask him, does he feel like I’m not fit enough to know what’s good for my kids? He says that’s not what he’s saying but his sister was born here in the US so he knows everything and I have less knowledge. He trust that his sister can do better work on my kids than I can as a mother.
I have never given him any impression that I wouldn’t want to save and invest for my kid’s education. Also, if he feels like I have less knowledge wouldn’t he want to fill me up with information for his kids?
Also going back to the his sister , it’s the very same sister they won’t talking to each other for more than 5 months. The same sister who gave him a cold shoulder when he attend her graduation.
I don’t know if I’m overreacting but I feel like this is an insult. If he don’t trust me enough with our kids than I don’t think I should have kids with him.
submitted by Ntombizenhlanhla23 to findareddit [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:05 airbunny_3730 My girlfriend's best friend admitted their feelings to me some time back though I completely did not find the message until just now

I have been dating my girlfriend for 8 months now and the relationship is perfect. It is just complicated because as the relationship has continued I have had a strong relationship with her best friend and we have shared numerous laughs and jokes with each other throughout the time, sometimes personally fun times with each other. It is just complicated because as we have been together my girlfriend and I have had times where we have really had it out badly, and she has been there to mediate and moderate where it was possible to save the relationship, otherwise I don't think we would be together today. Don't get me wrong, I think we have a connection where my girlfriend initially signed on though has shown enough instability and emotional tension in the relationship at times it is unclear she wanted to see me at all in the relationship though was eventually resolved by us falling back into our habits of seeing each other. She agreed to date me immediately when I asked, and this may be a factor where regardless of what she has said, there has been an alternate underlying thought process of hers throughout the relationship. I think she handles things in a certain way that doesn't really give to explanation though at the end of the day she is interested in me and myself in the relationship. It is something we are looking forward to resolving between us, some of these worse arguments of ours, though I think it will take time to really find the correct approach to resolve them. She isn't really interested in making things right on her own sometimes, so I have to contribute to finding a solution we both can believe. Some of our relationship questions have been harder to address than others I will be honest.
I want for us to be able to have something great though as things have continued just recently my girlfriend's best friend let me know something important that happened some months ago. She let me know that she wrote me a message saying she was interested and into the idea of dating me, though I never received it. I guess it just didn't reach my inbox or something. I really want for us to have something great though as the relationship has continued I am unsure of how to address this. I have said I was into her before, and she is better than my girlfriend at communication though in other departments there are things that she hasn't really completely addressed so I don't know what to do. I am with my girlfriend after all and would never betray her trust. It may be we are interested in having something fun together as friends and know each other for some time. It is possible her and my girlfriend have talked about this before as well though she isn't really saying the correct things like my girlfriend's best friend says when we are together. She almost aims deeply for a sense of safetly until she can act normally compared to my girlfriend's best friend who is better at handling relationships completely. This really puts it at odds as to why I should stay with my girlfriend aside from the connection and bond we have formed until now. I think we can have that connection and bond by acknowledging something like this may have happened and nobody saw it coming though still the relationship with my girlfriend is important.
I think we should continue to see where things progress and go though as the relationship continues it is a relationship that shows us to be really needing to be trusting of the fact we are all friends in the relationship first before there is anything to be done. I guess it is important to just ask how to approach something like this? I want to stay with my girlfriend I think, though at the same time I like her best friend and if there are unresolved emotions I don't know if we can really be comfortable with things.
Any ideas and advice is appreciated, thank you. ❤️
submitted by airbunny_3730 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:05 manapilled [IWantOut] 18NB student Brazil -> Japan

Hi! I'm a 18 year old about to start college (law btw) and recently I've been struggling to convince my family to let me send a MEXT application.
I'm autistic and take fluvoxamine. Their argument is that I wouldn't be able to get a prescription for my medication and, even if I were, I wouldn't have the mental capacity to live on my own. (Even though I'm able to communicate fairly well in Japanese and did a lot of research on how to get medication abroad. And also, I struggle a lot with learned helplessness. They don't let me cook, clean, or overall do household stuff, even though I'm able to do these things because, according to them, "I don't know how to do this properly/will break something so it's not worth the risk.")
I know I'm a legal adult and can apply without their permission, but knowing them they would be really hurt if I leave (and it's not even clear if I'll get it, so even if I get refused they'll get angry and that'll make things worse) despite their advice. Do any neurodivergent people now how to manage this? I really wanna leave this place, but don't know how without hurting someone in this process.
* I know, I know MEXT is a 5 year scholarship, but I think it's worth giving it a try even if I have to go back to Brazil. I've been researching about the Japanese-brazilian population and wondering if I can find a niche in the legal advice area especifically for them so I can find a job and stay there.
submitted by manapilled to IWantOut [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:05 Undefined2020 "Gang Stalking" from a Hyper Game Theory perspective - helpful to understand

Hypergame theory is an extension of traditional game theory that takes into account the fact that different players may have different perceptions of the game they are playing. Unlike standard game theory, which assumes that all players have a common understanding of the game's structure, hypergame theory recognizes that each player might have their own subjective view of the game, leading to different strategies based on their individual perceptions and misunderstandings.
In essence, hypergame theory models scenarios where players operate under different sets of information and assumptions, creating a more complex and realistic analysis of strategic interactions in situations where complete information is not shared among all participants.
The possible outcomes of a situation involving "gang stalking" can vary widely depending on the actions and reactions of the targeted individual and the perceived perpetrators. Here are some potential outcomes:
For the Targeted Individual
Psychological Deterioration:
--Stress and Anxiety: Constant perceived harassment can lead to chronic stress, anxiety, sleep problems, and depression.
--Paranoia: A persistent feeling of being stalked can develop into paranoia, further deteriorating mental health.
--Distrust of Others: The target may begin to distrust their loved ones, colleagues, and society at large, leading to social isolation.
Social and Professional Isolation:
--Loss of Friends and Family: Relationships can become strained or break down due to distrust and perceived conflicts.
--Impaired Work Performance: Reduced concentration and increased stress can affect work performance, potentially leading to job loss or damaged work relationships.
Legal and Medical Interventions:
--Seeking Help from Authorities: The target may seek help from police or other legal entities, leading to investigations and possible legal actions.
--Medical and Psychological Treatment: The target may need to seek professional help to cope with the psychological burden, which can include therapy and medication.
For the Perceived Perpetrators
Legal Consequences:
--Legal Actions: If the target manages to gather sufficient evidence and involve authorities, the alleged perpetrators might face legal actions, including arrests and prosecution.
Adaptation of Strategies:
--Change in Tactics: Perpetrators may alter their methods to avoid detection or intensify the harassment depending on the target’s reactions.
For Society and the Surrounding Environment
Increased Awareness:
--Public Discussions: Cases of gang stalking can lead to increased awareness and discussions about psychological harassment and the need for legislation and protection for vulnerable individuals.
Skepticism and Distrust:
--Skeptical Public: Many people might be skeptical of gang stalking claims, leading to the target not being believed or taken seriously.
Possible Positive Outcomes
Strengthened Resilience:
--Development of Coping Mechanisms: Some targets might develop increased resilience and better coping mechanisms as a result of the challenges they face.
Support and Community:
--Support Groups and Networks: The target might find support through groups and networks of others who have similar experiences, providing emotional and practical support.
Possible Negative Outcomes
Worsened Mental Health:
--Psychological Crisis: If the situation continues without the target receiving help, it can lead to a severe psychological crisis or mental health conditions requiring intensive treatment.
Self-Harm or Suicide:
--Severe Psychological Effects: In extreme cases, the constant stress and paranoia may lead the target to harm themselves or even consider or attempt suicide.
In summary, the outcomes of gang stalking situations depend on a variety of factors, including the individual's psychological resilience, support systems, and how the situation is handled by both the target and any involved authorities.
submitted by Undefined2020 to GangstalkingTruth [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:04 No-Illustrator9756 In Peacock how do you specify that you want to receive 5.1 audio rather that 2-channel? And do you get it unstuck at "analyzing"?

Supposedly according to the web site you can get EAC3 5.1 audio but how do you specify that is the format you want? It seems to give 2 channel by default and there is no obvious way to get 5.1. Also, if it gets stuck at "analyzing" but you can verify that you are still logged in and you can successfully play video in their browser window, what's the secret to getting it unstuck?
submitted by No-Illustrator9756 to Streamfab [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:04 No-Return-6453 How do I [M20] talk about this with my boyfriend [M22]?

I [NB/M20] need genuine advice on what to do with my long distance boyfriend [M22] of 10 months. (knew each other since 2021, dated in 2022 for 5 months, broke it off because we both weren't good mentally during it, stopped contact, reunited in 2023 and decided to give it another shot because we both had our feelings for each other even when we didn't talk, both matured more and agreed to communicate more thru the relationship)
And I need genuine advice for people who have the experience. How do I confront my boyfriend for a talk? The thing is, he voiced that he's unsure of his feelings and that he is feeling cold and experiences apathy, not just about me but his whole life in general. Once, he went completely offline for more than a week, and when he came back, that's when it happened. I sent him a picture of me before he went to work, and got a bit upset that he didn't compliment my looks, the same day we hopped on a voice call and I told him that I'd appreciate if he could tell me something about my physical looks when I send pictures of myself, we were both a bit quiet after that, and ended the conversation. After some time, he told me the way he feels so cold and etc is because he feels really bad for what he did (AKA not complimenting me) while I reassured him that it's okay, and I was NEVER mad at him. His feelings are valid, so I told him it's okay to feel that way because it means he's genuinely sorry for making me upset, and I told him that it's completely fine and now he knows that I'd appreciate it being said next time, we both communicated about it. But he is still upset. I was always there for him, still am, I reassured him when he felt really bad, tried my best with everything I could. But as I mentioned, he said he feels apathy for life now. After it happened, we didn't spend much time together doing our average activities like before, doesn't sound like much of a problem because I understand how he feels, but I tried to cheer him up. I ended up sending him a package I was preparing to send since August of 2023, it was finally done in march of this year and I sent it to him. He loved it, but after that went completely radio silent for over 3 weeks everywhere while I was worried like hell. I do not mind if he takes breaks, but I also want to be sure he's okay, but I got no warning. I felt so bad like I did something wrong. Turns out, he talked to other people but didn't wanna talk to me. I felt betrayed at that moment. Not because he has other friends or anything, but because he knew how worried I was and chose to ghost me. And when he came back, he lied to me about it, saying he was all alone and by himself while I literally had proof from his friends that sent it to me. Am I valid for feeling upset because of it?
But now the reason I even made this post, is how am I supposed to talk to him about everything? He is distant, drinks, cold and says he doesn't feel any care for the world or self. I know I am not his therapist, and I suggested him to get therapy, but I really want to help him. He tells me he lost feelings and doesn't know what he wants anymore, but I don't want the history to repeat itself. The reason we broke up in 2022 is because of similar stuff happening, him drinking again and feeling no will to live, and then he broke up with me. But after reunion he told me he tried being egoistic, trying to move on and to be in this mindset that he doesn't need me anymore, yet none of it helped and he wished he could've done stuff differently. We both gave it a chance and now it happens again. Maybe that's the reason I'm trying so hard, but I also love him very much, and we made plans to meet up irl too. Now he pushes me away and says he's tired. I feel like I may be a bit pushy but at the same time, I don't want him to fall into this abyss again. I talked to my friends and they told me it's okay to give someone a little push, ESPECIALLY when they're feeling so low and think bad about themselves. I tried, but he says he doesn't need it. I don't want to break up, nor do I want the relationship to end. I just wanna know if there is ANY way I can talk about this with him. I tried asking what's wrong or what did I do, and he tells me that it's all his fault. I did some stuff in a relationship too, get jealous and mad, but I overcame it and admitted my mistakes and now left that mindset and more chill about it. We all make mistakes after all, but how am I supposed to do anything when he tells me it's all his fault? He tells me he's used to doing things alone and coping with them too, but I want to be there for him cuz I am his partner, his feelings matter to me and so does he as a person. I just don't know.
I hope this post fits the subreddit, and as said, GENUINE advice needed. I want to help him, but how do I talk this out with him? Is it worth it?
submitted by No-Return-6453 to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:04 Business_Cup_7158 Tires keep tearing from the inside

Tires keep tearing from the inside
I've had this issue for a long time now every since I purchased a set of tires on my 2016 Hyundai Genesis 3.8 Sedan.
The car calls for size 245 tires but the tire shop put in size 225.
So every 6 months or so one of the tires would tear up from the inside and I would go back to the store and get it replaced with the warranty . They won't give me the 245 tires even though they are aware of it being the incorrect size . The last guy I talked to said it's a suspension problem but my mechanic friend with decades of experience said it's not that .
And I had recently done a realignment last year. Can anyone confirm if this issue is due to the tire size or something else?
submitted by Business_Cup_7158 to Hyundai [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:04 Undefined2020 "Gang Stalking" from a Hyper Game Theory perspective - helpful to understand

Hypergame theory is an extension of traditional game theory that takes into account the fact that different players may have different perceptions of the game they are playing. Unlike standard game theory, which assumes that all players have a common understanding of the game's structure, hypergame theory recognizes that each player might have their own subjective view of the game, leading to different strategies based on their individual perceptions and misunderstandings.
In essence, hypergame theory models scenarios where players operate under different sets of information and assumptions, creating a more complex and realistic analysis of strategic interactions in situations where complete information is not shared among all participants.
The possible outcomes of a situation involving "gang stalking" can vary widely depending on the actions and reactions of the targeted individual and the perceived perpetrators. Here are some potential outcomes:
For the Targeted Individual
Psychological Deterioration:
--Stress and Anxiety: Constant perceived harassment can lead to chronic stress, anxiety, sleep problems, and depression.
--Paranoia: A persistent feeling of being stalked can develop into paranoia, further deteriorating mental health.
--Distrust of Others: The target may begin to distrust their loved ones, colleagues, and society at large, leading to social isolation.
Social and Professional Isolation:
--Loss of Friends and Family: Relationships can become strained or break down due to distrust and perceived conflicts.
--Impaired Work Performance: Reduced concentration and increased stress can affect work performance, potentially leading to job loss or damaged work relationships.
Legal and Medical Interventions:
--Seeking Help from Authorities: The target may seek help from police or other legal entities, leading to investigations and possible legal actions.
--Medical and Psychological Treatment: The target may need to seek professional help to cope with the psychological burden, which can include therapy and medication.
For the Perceived Perpetrators
Legal Consequences:
--Legal Actions: If the target manages to gather sufficient evidence and involve authorities, the alleged perpetrators might face legal actions, including arrests and prosecution.
Adaptation of Strategies:
--Change in Tactics: Perpetrators may alter their methods to avoid detection or intensify the harassment depending on the target’s reactions.
For Society and the Surrounding Environment
Increased Awareness:
--Public Discussions: Cases of gang stalking can lead to increased awareness and discussions about psychological harassment and the need for legislation and protection for vulnerable individuals.
Skepticism and Distrust:
--Skeptical Public: Many people might be skeptical of gang stalking claims, leading to the target not being believed or taken seriously.
Possible Positive Outcomes
Strengthened Resilience:
--Development of Coping Mechanisms: Some targets might develop increased resilience and better coping mechanisms as a result of the challenges they face.
Support and Community:
--Support Groups and Networks: The target might find support through groups and networks of others who have similar experiences, providing emotional and practical support.
Possible Negative Outcomes
Worsened Mental Health:
--Psychological Crisis: If the situation continues without the target receiving help, it can lead to a severe psychological crisis or mental health conditions requiring intensive treatment.
Self-Harm or Suicide:
--Severe Psychological Effects: In extreme cases, the constant stress and paranoia may lead the target to harm themselves or even consider or attempt suicide.
In summary, the outcomes of gang stalking situations depend on a variety of factors, including the individual's psychological resilience, support systems, and how the situation is handled by both the target and any involved authorities.
submitted by Undefined2020 to SurveillanceStalking [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:04 ASoCalledLife Lack of Fe

I had an INTP friend (so supervision relations in Socionics) and I constantly felt like I was never good enough for him. I felt like I didn’t give him what he needed. Can anyone else relate to this? At the start our friendship was amazing, but as time went on, I felt like he wasn’t getting anything from speaking with me. Like it was just routine to call me. And he started getting less patient with me. I thought that a lot of this might have been lack of Fe on my part. Gosh he was so sensitive too but it was all one sided. Dare I tell him to f*** off because he was being a d*** and I was ghosted. But if he told me, I was told the explanation and expected to accept it. This has largely been my experience with all INTP. I’ve seen people try to rationalise things online and say they don’t need anyone and they give people the rope and test them and honestly, I’m not sure I ever want to be friends with one ever again.
submitted by ASoCalledLife to ENFP [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:04 VertigoParadise Should I [30F] read too much into what my Aunt [62F] said about my boyfriend [36]?

My Aunt (& uncle) are fun, generous, caring people to be around & I always look forward to seeing them.
My very friendly & sociable boyfriend & I have been seeing each other for 18 months & they’ve met him at least two times before (one of which was my 30th birthday that he entirely planned with my family).
Not that it matters (or I care), but he is slightly more “working class” vs some of the rest of my family. He makes a decent living as an electrician, owns his own property, & is drama free.
We drove 4 hours to my Aunt & Uncle's little holiday home to see them this weekend at their insistence, & we all had an amazing time. One thing has been slowly eating away at me though.
At dinner one night my aunt gestured to go to the loo for girl talk. She had had a few drinks by this point but not sloppy drunk. She said:
“I know your dad likes your boyfriend & we like him too, & I can tell he's trying really hard…. but you have to remember you're so special & you're a posh girl. Look at how you’ve been raised. I always pictured you with someone sort of, different….you know what I'm saying. Make sure if you stay together you bring him up to your level, not the other way around".
I was honestly quite taken aback & didn’t know what exactly to say… I said something to the tune of “he’s so thoughtful & kind, & the people you know that are in high city professional marriages from what I can tell are mostly keeping up appearances, & I’m not sure are all that happy behind closed doors”.
I’m not even posh? No private school, natty nickname or illusive job that pays loads but no one is really sure what it is… I’m really quite normal.
I brushed it off at the time but now I’m home it’s sunk in and got me so upset. I called my boyfriend crying & was selective with the truth. I said my aunt had grilled me to make sure I’m certain he’ll take care of me & I was upset because he’s never given me or them a reason to doubt it.
He said she was just looking out for me, but said he hoped he didn’t do anything to upset them (which of course he hadn’t). I wish I hadn’t of said anything because I’ll give him a complex now.
I know she only wants the best for me & is protective as my parents had a messy divorce, but it felt so out of character. Ultimately I think if I said something now it wouldn’t help as there was mostly just insinuation, no smoking gun as such and she had had a few drinks.
What do you guys make of it? Any advice?
TL;DR my normally nice aunt insinuated my lovely boyfriend wasn’t posh enough for me. Don’t know how to feel.
submitted by VertigoParadise to family [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:04 Emotional-Tell4978 GET INTO KENDU WHILE YOU CAN

Won’t lie I used to think this was a scam until I realized this community is the pinnacle of diamond hands don’t give a shit about all the jeets. Invest what you can and don’t look back because you’ll regret it later on if you don’t.
Seriously, $Kendu y’all are amazing I fully believe in your project 🙏💯
submitted by Emotional-Tell4978 to memecoins [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:04 QUICKDRAWMACDRAW Wife is fed up- Never seen her like this before

I am 35 years old. Married for 7 years. Recently my wife and I have hit a crossroads. We have always had problems with communication and intimacy. Well the veil has been lifted due to recent circumstances. She is saying she's checked out and isn't sure if she can check back in. I have been on edge for days. She says I have one more chance but she isn't giving me any guarantees about the future. Full disclosure: my track record has not been stellar regarding consistency with my husbandly duties. We are both trying to grow, as individuals and rekindle the flame but the is alot of uncertainty in the house now where there wasn't a few days ago. I don't want to lose my marriage. Any kind words will truly be appreciated.
submitted by QUICKDRAWMACDRAW to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:03 upsetchrist Would Jehovah remove his support

So I've always wondered wether if...if it truly had divine backing could lose that divine backing like the isarelites did many times.
I listened to a podcast recently where a zealous christrian who attended church every Sunday completely lost his faith in his church because they closed and went online during COVID. He said where is the faith???
I feel that the org has not been the same since COVID. It ground to a halt. The promotion of gene therapy drugs Which more and more scary data is being released in their negative side effects. Being on zoom. Pretending Jehovah invented zoom and has given us this special opportunity to write letters seemed to be gas lighting the members into reversing their training that no matter what, ministry and meetings do not stop.
Then the uno reverse card pulled again to promote attending in person because no holy spirit at set a precedent that worship from home is acceptable and they can never take that back.
Maybe that lack of faith in divine protection has really been felt worldwide. If the org was being blessed, in some ways you could say it has been previously then it certainly doesn't seem to be now. Especially not with the lack of zeal and the legal losses.
Just thoughts
submitted by upsetchrist to JehovahsWitnesses [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:03 Exciting_Ad6895 AITA for rejecting my boyfriends proposal because the ring was gold?

For context, I am a silver girly all the way. Always have worn silver, never ever worn gold. Me and my boyfriend have been together for 4 and a half years at this point, and this is the lowest our relationship has ever dipped.
Sometime near the end of May, my boyfriend, who we’ll just call Kyle for now, proposed to me in a beautiful tulip field picnic, in which all our friends and family were gathered. We always go there annually as a way to stay in touch, just a fun tradition.
However, halfway through, Kyle took me quite a long distance away from the picnic, gave me a kiss, and knelt down as he proposed to me with a beautiful diamond ring. It shined so brightly, tens of diamonds wrapped around the front with a giant center stone was held by the ring shaped in twirls.
There was only one problem, however. The ring shined in not silver, but in 24 karat gold.
I was utterly offended. Kyle and I had been together for four years, and he didn’t even know what kind of jewelry I preferred. As soon as I saw the gold, I said no. A look of horror washed over his face. His mother, who was sneakily standing behind us, dropped her camera.
He didn’t say anything. He just sighed, smiled, and walked away. His mother, on the other hand, began to pry for a reasoning. When I told her it was because the metal was gold, she immediately began to antagonize me. She said I was a selfish spoiled brat who only used Kyle for his money, and she was disappointed that she had never noticed it before.
I demanded for Kyle to take me home after that, not wanting to be near her for any longer. The drive home was silent, and he simply kept the ring box in his pocket rather than giving it away. Just then, it clicked to me. It was so obvious he was cheating! He was clearly seeing another girl who liked gold, and he was thinking of her when buying the ring.
When I asked him if this was true, he called me a crazy bitch, leading to a fight that ultimately ended in him kicking me out of his car, leaving me stranded in the middle of nowhere. I came home five hours later, and he didn’t even bother to ask if I was okay.
He also didn’t bother to open the door, as all of my stuff was packed and left out on the porch. I’m currently living with my parents, who also won’t speak to me. I’ve heard them talking about kicking me out soon, so I’m searching for places to stay.
I honestly find this whole situation ridiculous. Nobody seemed to understand that I just can’t wear gold. I can’t. It looks absolutely terrible on me, it makes me look washed out. And if Kyle didn’t realize that the whole four years of our relationship, that’s on him.
Yet, everyone seems to call me insane for saying no. So reddit, AITA?
submitted by Exciting_Ad6895 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:03 YaGurlBlishy Can someone make me a T-shirt with Garfield on it giving the thumbs up and it says Racism underneath

submitted by YaGurlBlishy to CharacterAI [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:03 CrAZiBoUnCeR Strategies To Improve Faster (Crosstalk Advice?)

Hi All!
I’m around 500 hours and have been using DS to become fluent enough to speak with my girlfriends family when we visit Peru next year for Christmas.
That’s plenty of time, but now we have been invited to Dominican Republic in August and some of her family will be there. I am thinking of ways to improve my comprehension and speaking ability faster and have the below ideas but I wanted to gather everyone’s thoughts and any advice on the one method being crosstalk.
  1. Listen more, the obvious one, I listen two hours a day rn
  2. I have two italki professors. I speak to each one for one hour each week.
  3. More podcasts - Any recommendations for these? I prefer people in conversation rather than a single person just speaking. Normally it keeps me more engaged and this goes for DS videos too.
  4. Crosstalk - I have never used this and am nervous to do so. Can anyone give any advice? If they have filters I can find someone in Peru that wants to learn English and so I talk English while they speak Spanish so we both get CI from each other?
I’m pretty nervous. When I speak with my gf parents I know what they are saying but they don’t speak as fast to me, but during family parties (the family that live in US) they talk to each other fast and normally I miss out, plus there is usually music on so it makes my focus a bit difficult.
Anyway, any advice would be much appreciated and would love to hear any stories of those learning Spanish due to significant others!
Thank you!!!
submitted by CrAZiBoUnCeR to dreamingspanish [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:03 Bimefrenchfries02 AITA for feeling like my friend neglects me? (Part 2)

I've never posted on Reddit so apologize if my story has been hard to follow. Anyway thanks again for reading my story. I ask that all responses be respectful, please.
A Significant Event: The most hurtful incident was when my uncle died suddenly. I didn’t respond to anyone for almost a week because his passing was so sudden. When I apologized to my friends and explained about my uncle, everyone except Todd acknowledged my loss. He started talking about himself instead.
Thinking he might not have received my message, I replied, but he didn’t respond. Then I saw a concerning post of his, and it worried me, so I checked in on him. He didn't respond for a few days, so I followed up with a voice note. I told him I just wanted to know if he was okay, and that I’d give him all the space he needed. I just asked if he could let me know he's okay.
When he finally did reply, he said he was busy and promised we would talk, but more days passed without contact.
I changed my number not too long after that since I just moved to a new state. I messaged him, and he seemed happy to hear from me. We flirted and talked a bit, but it quickly returned to the same pattern of brief, unengaging conversations. The last straw was when he sent me a text, I responded, and he said nothing.
A Confrontation: I finally asked him if we could talk. I told him how I felt—that it seemed like he didn’t want to engage in conversation with me anymore and that our connection was fading. I was sad because we hadn’t had real conversations in a while, just the same repetitive questions about our days. I suggested scheduling phone calls once or twice a month, thinking it might help us bond without overwhelming each other. I made it clear I wasn’t upset and didn’t blame him for anything.
Todd’s Response: He responded by saying he felt punished and criticized, and that he couldn’t handle conversations about life’s hardships, even though I never said that’s what I wanted. He felt I was only considering myself and not him, which isn’t true. He also claimed no one inquires about his struggles, which is not true. At least in my case. I've often put aside my feelings to make sure he knows he's loved.
My Dilemma: I see a pattern where whenever I express my feelings, he feels attacked. Despite understanding he’s going through a lot, I feel it’s unfair for him to expect me to navigate his needs without clear communication. Now, he wants to do phone calls, but I can’t stomach talking to him after he downplayed our friendship and ignored my uncle’s passing.
I’m heartbroken and contemplating ending our friendship. I’ve tried to fix things, but it seems like nothing I do makes a difference. Am I wrong for feeling this way? Should I end things with him? I really need advice.
[Linking Part 1 in the comments]
submitted by Bimefrenchfries02 to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:03 MerkadoBarkada COMING UP: PH: Wednesday holiday; PH: AREIT/MREIT div payouts; INT'L: US Fed rate decision; Citicore Renewable Energy has successful IPO; Robinsons Land plans P33.9-B deal with RCR; NexGen Energy has IPO approved by SEC (Monday, June 10)

Happy Monday, Barkada --

The PSE gained 9 points to 6519 ▲0.1%

Shout-out to all the readers who wished me good luck with the weekend of celebrations. I survived with only a multi-day hangover! That's better than I thought would happen. I'm already playing with house money.
A huge thank you to all the readers who wrote in personally to show their support for MB in relation to this issue with disclosure and transparency. I didn't receive one negative message on the topic, just encouragement and appreciation. The two-day coverage of that issue took a lot out of me, but your notes filled me back up and even with a massive weekend hangover I'm back and ready to go.
Thank you all!

In today's MB:

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▌Main stories covered:

  • [COMING_UP] The week ahead... Now that Citicore Renewable Energy [CREC 2.70; unch] has been listed, our market won’t have any scheduled domestic drivers until the BSP’s rate decision on June 27.
    PH: Wednesday is a non-trading day, and with as “meh” as the market’s been, I suspect that I’ll be getting more than the usual set of out-of-office replies. AREIT’s Q1 dividend pays out on Thursday, while MREIT’s Q1 dividend pays out on Friday.
    International: The US Federal Reserve will make its June interest rate decision overnight between Wednesday and Thursday.
    • MB: Nobody that I’ve talked to expects the Fed to do anything this meeting, and while I’m obviously going to be interested in the meeting minutes and the chatter around the decision and the analysis of the minutes, that’s basically the same position that we’ve been in for a long time already. The US has a very strong jobs market (and it has for quite some time) and the fear there is that strong demand for jobs will push up wages and provide inflationary risk.
  • [UPDATE] Citicore Renewable Energy IPOs to a flat finish... Citicore Renewable Energy Corp [CREC 2.70 unch; 100% avgVol] [link] opened its trading life on the PSE on Friday up 1.8% with the first trades going through at ₱2.75/share. The per-share price ticked down slightly through the day and finished at the intraday low of ₱2.70/share, which was CREC’s IPO offer price. A little over 25 million shares traded hands, which is approximately 1% of the total public float. CREC has a stabilization fund.
    • MB: The PSE’s second IPO is in the books! CREC has been raising money like crazy to achieve its ambitious goal of having 5 gigawatts of capacity by 2028; this IPO is only the latest fundraise in a sequence of raises that started in September of last year with the US$100 million financing that it negotiated. CREC continued the spree with a ₱20 billion deal with RCBC [RCB 21.75 ▼0.2%; 68% avgVol] and a surprise sale of ₱5 billion worth of its subsidiary, Citicore Renewable Energy REIT [CREIT 2.82 ▼0.3%; 401% avgVol] to SM Investments [SM 840.00 ▼1.3%; 40% avgVol]. CREC is cashing up to build. CREC’s President, Oliver Tan, said that CREC’s goal is to “become the largest, if not the top three largest power generation companies in the Philippines, not only as a solar developer but also as a power generation company.” So far their actions and words are in alignment.
  • [NEWS] Robinsons Land to sell ₱33.9-B of malls and offices to REIT subsidiary... Robinsons Land [RLC 15.74 ▲0.4%; 55% avgVol] [link] disclosed that its board of directors approved a property-for-share swap deal with its REIT subsidiary, RL Commercial REIT [RCR 5.20 ▲0.2%; 56% avgVol], that will send 11 malls and two office towers to RCR in exchange for 4.99 billion shares of RCR at a valuation of ₱33.9 billion. The implied per-share price of RCR in this deal is ₱6.80/share, which is a 30.7% premium over RCR’s Friday closing price. Once complete, the transaction will make RCR the PSE’s largest mall REIT.
    • MB: This is an enormous departure from RCR’s office-only strategy to this point, and a welcome one for shareholders considering the troubling performance of the commercial office sector in recent years and the lack of good news for any kind of pickup in the short- or medium-term. RCR hopes to get SEC approval for the transaction in FY24, but the SEC has not been very predictable when it comes to the approval times of these property-for-share swap transactions. Some are quick, while others seem to take an inappropriate amount of time to get approved. This transaction will lead to dividend growth, which (all other things being equal) should lead to RCR share price growth to balance out the yield. RCR is one of the cheapest REITs on the PSE in terms of its distributable income to price multiple.
  • [NEWS] NexGen Energy IPO approved by the SEC... NexGen Energy [XGEN] [link] had its ₱500 million IPO registration approved by the SEC. XGEN is a subsidiary of Pure Energy Holdings Corp (PEHC), the energy generation holding company owned by Dexter Tiu that is also the parent company of Repower Energy Development Corp [REDC 5.40 ▲3.9%; 18% avgVol].XGEN operates solar and wind power plants through its subsidiary companies and plans to expand its portfolio to 2.35 gigawatts over the next 10 years. XGEN also plans to get into offshore wind development.
    • MB: The prospectus calls for a July 16th IPO, but we won’t know the actual dates until Mr. Tiu drives the application through the PSE’s approval process. Once the PSE approves, we’ll get a Preliminary Terms and Conditions notice from the PSE that will have all the material terms of the deal, including the pricing, offer, and listing dates. It’s still possible for XGEN to make adjustments at each stage along the way, but each hurdle like this SEC approval that XGEN passes increases the certainty of things. I’ll do a deep dive once we get that Preliminary Terms and Conditions notice!
  • [NEWS] Ayala Corp appoints Erry Hardianto as CEO of AC Logistics... Ayala Corp [AC 596.50 ▼0.3%; 27% avgVol] [link] announced that will appoint Erry Hardianto as CEO of its subsidiary logistics holding company, AC Logistics (ACL), effective July 1. Mr. Hardianto will come to ACL with over 23 years of experience with Maersk in senior positions across SE Asia. AC said he has “successfully managed, grown, acquired and transformed complex multi-country logistics operations across Asia.”
    • MB: I’ve been calling for AC to get serious about logistics for a long time. I think this is just one step of many potential steps that AC could have taken in the right direction, but it’s a logical first step to make. I think it’s interesting that AC made such a big deal about mentioning Mr. Hardianto’s ability to manage, grow, acquire, and transform complex logistics operations. I hope this suggests that they’ve got big plans for this unit that go beyond the tepid organic growth of its logistics interests in AyalaLand Logistics [ALLHC 2.03 ▼1.0%; 59% avgVol]. There are a ton of interesting acquisition targets sitting out there, ready to get rolled up by a deep-pocketed conglomerate with the vision to do so. Lots of conglos have kicked the tires here. Is AC going to be the one to actually do it?
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submitted by MerkadoBarkada to phinvest [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:03 Easy_Researcher8293 My Blind Dog Won’t Stop Barking

So my mum is away on holiday for 2 weeks and I am left alone with my blind dog with one eye. My mum is his main care taker as she works from home and they are together all day long and he sleeps in the same room as her at night. My problem is he will just constantly bark throughout the night despite following his exact bed time routine ( giving his medication, then toilet etc) but no matter how long I sit to settle him he ends up wondering around the house just barking none stop, I work Monday-Friday in a hospital so I need my sleep and I don’t what to keep shouting at him to be quiet because he doesn’t even stop when I do. I’m aware he is just missing her but I can’t not sleep for 2 weeks is there anyway I can help him to be more settled he is 13 years old and can’t really go on walks because of his condition to tire him out. I’m open to any advice I just want to take the best care of him I can.
submitted by Easy_Researcher8293 to DogAdvice [link] [comments]