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Invincible and the Invincible Universe

2011.08.19 20:26 Allakhellboy Invincible and the Invincible Universe

Invincible is an Image Comics and Amazon TV series named for its superhero, "Invincible" ("Mark Grayson"). Created by writer Robert Kirkman with artists Cory Walker & Ryan Ottley. S1 & S2 are out now and S3 is on the way! Mark Grayson is a normal teenager, except for the fact that his father Nolan is the most powerful superhero on the planet. Shortly after his seventeenth birthday, Mark begins to develop powers of his own and enters into his father's tutelage.

2009.06.28 23:06 gfarwell Standup

For standup comics, from open micers to theater acts, to ask questions, answer questions, present material, coordinate shows, bitch about the industry, swap horror stories, and assorted bullshittery. Read the sticky post for details on what you can post on this sub.

2009.08.04 22:03 Marvel Comics

This is a subreddit dedicated to Marvel Comics, its publications and hundreds of characters. It is not affiliated with Marvel Entertainment, LLC and is an unofficial community owned and operated by dedicated fans.

2024.06.09 12:40 The_official_Doge 21 [M4F] The Netherlands/EU - Looking for romantic dates and maybe more!

Hey! I'll try to keep this part as brief as possible. I'm a 21-year-old guy from the Netherlands, currently studying both physics and data science. After a while of being single, I'm once again looking for someone for whom I can be their favourite person. I'd really like to meet a great girl (like you!) and experience falling in love once again.
About me:
About you:
If you made it this far, please go ahead and message me. I'd love to hear from you! If you got to this point please tell me what your dream vacation is, see ya soon!
submitted by The_official_Doge to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:40 teller_of_tall_tales Troublemakers: A field of Poppys

Go'mon stormed through the castle corridors. He'd sensed something slip beside him during his encounter with the vampire lord. It wasn't just that damned top hat with the thief's prints. No, it was more subtle than that, it was the sound of a gossamer chain rattling against cloth. He scanned every square inch of the hallways as he walked, slowly twirling the Warhammer in his off-hand as he calmly held the pistol muzzle-up towards the ceiling. He'd barely gotten a glimpse of what almost looked like mist as he stomped through the grand halls with paranoia-fueled, seething anger. Abruptly turning a corner he fired the revolver at what he thought was that pesky invisible parasite.
The shimmer shuddered and he switched to the visible spectrum to find out it was just a tapestry in front of a heating vent.
Go'mon let out an enraged scream, tearing the tapestry apart with his bare hands after casting his weapons aside in a fit of rage and impotence. The visage of Monarch D'vinn looking out from the top of a bombed-out hill in battered armor at the shattered remains of the once human-occupied city, being shredded like single-ply latrine paper by go'mon's molecularly edged cybernetic claws. Having spent his rage on the tapestry, he panted dramatically as his heart pounded in its cask. Turning around he let out another furious scream, howling madly as he scanned the hall with thermals. His Hammer and revolver had disappeared without a trace.
The sudden blare of a Klaxon made him pause as he adjusted his armor, forcing himself to calm down as he examined his molecularly edged claws. The main enemy was at the gates, he should go meet them.
Cassius' Heart pounded as he took shallow breaths, Go'mon's backplate inches from his own chest as he held onto the Hammer and Pistol for dear life. As the general strutted outside, Cassius moved in perfect synchronization, his left leg rising with the general's before being placed down in sync. He'd been practicing for weeks with the security droids at the mansion, practicing to keep inches from their backs without touching their metal carapace. Now he strutted behind perhaps the second most powerful being he knew like a silent specter. As Go'mon slammed through a door, breaking it into splinters, Cassius lifted his right leg and rotated out of the way just as Go'mon's tail would've brushed against his Calf, giving him away. As the General strutted out into the middle of the courtyard, Cassius used the various straps attached to his gambeson to affix the weapons to his waist before grabbing his Kama and weighted chain from a small pouch at his belt.
Cassius tossed the weighted end of the chain over the wall of the castle after a short run-up, wrapping the gossamer chain around his hands with each rapid step he took up the wall. Reaching the top, he unhooked the weight from the small bar he'd tossed it around quickly disentangling his hands from the chain. He groped the air on the outside of the wall until he touched the enchanted ladder the Top-Hats had left him. Sliding down the ladder, he spotted Drake sitting astride Barney in the middle of the street. The rest were nowhere to be seen but that indeed was part of the plan. Sprinting over, Cassius leaped onto Barney behind Drake and slipped Go'mon's revolver into the empty holster at his belt. Drawing out no reaction save for a few words from Drake, who didn't turn his head lest he give the gambit away.
"Good work Cassius, Fall back and get a gas mask on. We still don't know what's in those canisters because they inked out the labels."
Cassius slipped off of Barney's back and slipped into a nearby building before De-cloaking as he pressed himself against the wall next to a Warmonger who passed him a spare gas mask. He pulled it on and checked the seal before sitting against the wall as his legs jellied beneath him. His mouth was dryer than the scrubland as he accepted a Volunteer's canteen, drinking heavily through a port in the mask as he rode out the adrenaline crash. He glanced over to where their fighters had pried open a sewer access hatch and were dropping in, the smell of sewage souring the air. A few warmongers closest to the opening had comically attached wooden clothesline clips to their noses.
Caz lay atop the second-tallest building in Golgatha, trash and debris piled up around her for camouflage ash she drew a bead on the strutting Go'mon. Her god-given eyes were able to see the purple miasma that rose from him like mercury vapors. She didn't even turn her head as she softly asked.
The man with Heavy cybernetic augmentations pulled casually from a large pouch of grain alcohol, camera-lense eyes extending from his face as he chewed on a bullet thoughtfully. Slowly he stated.
"One thousand five hundred and sixty-seven meters, If you're keeping it under auto-ignition velocity, you should be able to hold it one mil above and..."
The sound of the bullet in his mouth getting chewed filled the air before he stated.
"Two mils right, wind fluctuates between us and the target, expect a half minute of angle deviation."
Caz adjusted her optic, bringing the point of aim directly onto her crosshairs. The man next to her had called himself "an Olympian" an old sect of bionically enhanced warriors from even before the betrayal wars. In the small amount of time she'd gotten to know the man, she'd found him palatable at the very least, soft-spoken with a touch of crazy, it was refreshing. She tried to ignore the artillery-sized rifle he laid behind, the barrel itself bigger around than a drainage pipe, a suppressor of equally massive size almost protruding over the edge of the building. She watched from the corner of his eye as he pulled the breech open to the side and selected a shell thicker and longer than her forearm with a fused tip. He rammed it into the gun with the same ease she loaded her flechettes with.
They both had different jobs despite sitting on the same roof. She'd take care of anything on two legs, and he'd handle anything that had an armored skin. From her vantage point, she watched as the Agri-bots moved into position, planting their artillery pieces against the ground in preparation to fire. They weren't using High explosives much to Remin and Destrier's chagrin, but with their attack plan, they couldn't risk collapsing the sewers. They were instead armed with a chemical weapon known as "CS Smoke" which would obscure visual sightlines for anyone with unaugmented vision. Lucky for her and the Olympian, that wouldn't be an issue with her clear-sight and his advanced optics. She slowly swiveled her focus onto Drake, keeping the center of the crosshair off him as she watched him.
Sitting astride Barney, Drake looked every bit the warrior he was. His dark helmet and armor were almost lost in the dark night. But the red shock of his Helm's mohawk could not be mistaken, glowing brightly against the darkness. As his palm came to rest on the pommel of his sword, she saw something entirely different for a moment.
A warrior in battered, rusty armor, the flesh falling from his bones as a pair of white lights gleamed behind the helmet. A skeletal hand held a rusty sword in its sheath, Its pale, emaciated steed's head hanging low, milky eyes soulless and empty.
But as soon as she saw it, the image faded and she swiveled her crosshairs onto the castle's inner courtyard. A small, dim red light blinked on the side of the Olympian's skull as the Geknosians organized into fighting lines. Hulking Geknosians in overbuilt power armor manned emplaced turrets and the looming Gas generators. A small feed from the Olympian's perspective overlaid itself on her scope before minimizing to one corner. She watched as his crosshair fell onto one of the two Gallicks. The horseshoe-shaped APCs presenting their bulk to the gate as a bulwark. Caz switched her aim to a heavily armored Geknosian, slowly dialing the small wheel on the forend of her rifle to half-power, just under auto-ignition velocity. The geknosian seemed to get uncomfortable as her crosshairs landed on his chest, fidgeting at the controls of their AA plasma Beam-cannon.
The moment the Agri-bots fired their artillery, she'd remove him from the gene pool and take that AA gun out of the fight so Destrier could get into position.
Destrier and Remin ran last-minute checks on the small fleet of two-wheeled land vehicles the Top Hats had called "Dirt bikes." The variable electric powerplant produced little to no noise, even now, powered on and ready to roll they didn't even humm. Stepping back, Destrier let the forearms of his power armor clamshell close as he retook the hand controls. Contrary to popular belief, the hands of power armor weren't at all like gloves. A handle with a pressure sensor for each finger was clasped in his hands, allowing him to manipulate the hands of the armor like his own. Destrier turned his head, helmet whirring on its bearing as he watched Remin mount one of the Dirtbikes, the black scimitar strapped to the suspension of the bike within arm's reach. The old man's Mongolian lamellar draped over either side of the bike like fabric, small metal plates clinking and clattering softly as he pulled his fabric-wrapped helmet back on. Destrier clomped over, hardly noticing the backpack with over two hundred rounds of 13x110 mm HEP.
Remin looked up with a grin and met Destrier's arm halfway in a forearm-gripping handshake, their metal hands clanking together as they slid their arms back into a grip around the base of each other's thumbs, then to a normal handshake before waggling their fingers at each other.
Destrier chuckled softly and looked up at the sky, night vision lenses making it appear stuffed to bursting with stars.
"What's on the black samurai's mind?"
Remin asked softly, head tilted back to also look at the stars between the rooftops.
"Well... I'm looking forward to the fighting to finally being over... Maybe I'll finally be able to settle down and invent something with Martha..."
Remin chuckled softly.
"A noble goal... I'd expect nothing less from you Destri... I'm actually hoping to catch a ride back to human-controlled space. I'm too old for this shit, I want to settle down and live out the last years of my life in peace..."
Destrier nodded in agreement, slowly turning his gaze back to the helicopter, blades slowly turning in preparation for takeoff.
"How old are you Remin? I don't think I ever asked."
The old man paused, thinking for a long time.
"Oh... I'd say I've made it past a century at this point. Got a cybernetic heart when I was a kid thanks to a car accident, Ol' things been keeping me going far past when I shoulda dropped."
Destrier nods and laughs softly.
"Damn, and I thought you were only in your fifties."
Remin laughed in agreeance, setting his hands on the handlebars.
"I don't blame ya, I feel like it. Especially now that my legs aren't filled with creaky arthritis."
Destrier sighed softly, gently punching the old man's shoulder as softly as he could in his power armor.
"See you on the other side old man... whether that be the living side or the dead one."
"Here's to hoping it's the former not the latter."
Destrier chuckled his agreement and boarded the helicopter, making the landing gear compress slightly as he put his weight on the flight deck. Unhooking the feed chain from the side of the backpack, he clipped it into the Ma-deuce's feed chute. It whirred as the heavy cartridges were funneled down the chain and into the gun with a click and a clatter.
Barney shifted from one leg to the other beneath Drake, Death's chosen reaching down and gently patting his neck fondly as he softly whispered.
"Just a moment longer boy... There's someone I need to talk to."
Drake closed his eyes, letting the Darkness envelop him for a moment before opening them again.
He looked at Death, who was casually swirling a glass of black bourbon thoughtfully.
"You said you wanted to talk to me right before the battle?"
Death nodded and slid the glass of black bourbon his way.
"I did, I want you to drink this before you go into battle."
Drake picked up the glass, inspecting the pitch-black, inky liquid curiously. Before sniffing it and coughing as his eyes water.
"No offense, But I think something died in your liquor bottle."
Death laughed jovially, pouring his own glass from a red crystal decanter.
"That's because this is made from the blood of my predecessor. I thought i might as well get it out of the way."
Drake suspiciously looked at the glass.
"Okay, what happens when I drink it?"
Death paused, slowly swirling his own glass of black bourbon pensively. Then, he slowly knocked his own back, eyes dilating wide before returning to normal.
"Well, It should allow you to control your power, bypassing the decades of training most need."
Drake gave Death a side eye, sniffing the foul drink one more time asking.
"What's the catch?"
Death frowned, then set his glass down.
"Considering that it's going to completely restructure your magical and circulatory pathways. It's going to hurt like nothing you've ever felt before. It also may or may not bind your guardians to your soul."
Drake's head snapped up.
"Guardians... you mean my parents?"
Death nodded softly.
"Guardians, souls that loved someone so much that they remained on after death to watch over them. Your parents loved you... loved you enough to stand by your side even in death... and before you give me some bullshit about this not being what your parents would want... Remember, they'll always be at your side until you die one way or another."
Drake slowly swirled the bourbon before nodding softly, bringing it to his lips, he downed it in a single gulp. It burned on its way down, the tingling feeling intensely spreading throughout his body and to his fingertips in a moment. His nerves burned, and his very being felt as though it was being scalded by burning hot water. But as he set the glass down on Death's desk, he smiled softly. There was a warmth to the pain, like a cold rag against a feverish forehead. The sting of a garlic poultice applied to a fresh whip-wound. It was the crack of his father's wooden sword against his knuckles during their sparring, the sweat that would drip into his eyes on long evenings working the fields. Drake opened his eyes slowly, no longer sitting in Death's office, but his own soulscape, looking at the long-neglected buildings halfway through construction. But he wasn't alone.
Drake smiled at his mother and father. His mother gave him a soft smile as she touched the scar across his face, the wound in his cheek where a gauss slug had torn it open, then, she took his hand to gently touch the scarred wound where Garravan's knife had pierced his hand. His father just sat cross-legged, drinking a stout mug of scrub tree tea with a proud smile on his face. drake looked between them before holding out his hands.
As his parents took them, they dissolved into motes of light that drifted into his chest. His veins burned, and his eyes and nose bled. His entire existence felt like a blistering inferno as the ground of his soulscape rumbled, small, red flowers the color of blood and the shape of gunshot wounds popping up from the ground. But even as the pain grew, and grew, and grew, He found himself simply laughing, grabbing what felt like an invisible pair of chains and pulling up on them as he stood.
The ground erupted in the middle of his soulscape, a massive, gnarled oak tree sprouting from the ground. Its sturdy trunk protecting a small patch of pink carnations interspersed with curly-petaled white Gardenias. Drake felt something form atop his head and reached up, feeling a thorny crown, he gently pulled it off, looking at the black-petaled roses fondly before returning it to his head. The thorny veins grew down from the crown, snaking their way deep into his flesh only to bloom into what felt like new muscles and tendons that weren't attached to his physical strength. Looking at his upturned palms, he curled his fingers, a steady, smokeless pale flame popping into existence in his palm with next to no effort.
As the pain subsided, Drake closed his eyes, relishing its departure before opening them to the shocked and concerned face of Death. Drake gave him a curious look and Death coughed softly as he composed himself before speaking.
"Look, I know I can hide pain well... But that smile you get when you're hurting is capital C Creepy."
Drake touched his grinning face with a soft laugh, wiping a trickle of blood from his nose.
"Well, guess I can add that to my achievements list, Creeping Death out with a smile."
They both chuckled softly at the joke before Death sighed softly.
"You should get back to them, they're almost ready."
Drake nodded and stood, stepping over to the door.
"Wish me luck."
"Good luck, my Champion. Give them hell."
Drake smiled softly and stepped out the door. When he opened his eyes, he was back in the real world, staring up at Go'mon who'd perched himself atop the castle wall, eyeing Drake hungrily.
Giving Go'mon his signature grin, He reached up and depressed a countersunk button on the side of his helmet.
"Hit 'em"
Drake stated, the sound of artillery rocking the city as Go'mon's hungry look quickly turned to rage. There was a loud, screeching whistle as the artillery shells streaked in, blanketing the area in stinging fog. Drake drew his sword, extending thorned vines of power into it as the blade ignited with pale flames. Barney snuffled excitedly and roared as Drake nudged him forward, the Dinosaur leaping over the wall in a single bound. The final battle for Golgatha had begun, after this, they would either be free...
Or they will have died free.
Part 112: will be linked here upon completion.
submitted by teller_of_tall_tales to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:37 Background-Farmer833 Wayside - 1920s Japan Dramedy

Nice to meet everyone! I thought I would introduce my first novel here since it's historical fiction.
The second novel in the series is in the works, and everything is available for free on the literature hosting platform Royal Road here:
A historical fiction exploration of cultural exchange between Japan, America, and North American First Nations. The first world war has come to a close, and everyone is ready to rumble into the twenties with light hearts and wide open horizons.
Nevertheless, the roaring twenties don't welcome all with parties and glitz, and the Hampton family is living proof.
Thrust from the humble plains of South Dakota's wheat farms, Lucy Hampton finds herself caught in between the throes of mourning after the death of her family from pneumonia all while being tossed an ocean away to reconnect with her Uncle Alfred and his fiancé Yuko Hasegawa.
As if cultural struggles, language barriers, and class divides weren't enough problems for the Hamptons, when Lucy ruins the prized kimono of the young heiress Mieko Takahara, they are soon at the mercy of the affluent and elusive Takahara family, promising financial gain and security under the guise of shadowed business dealings paired with ludicrously fateful misunderstandings.
Once Kazuma Kamoi, Mieko's confidant and the next heir to the Takahara Trading Company's fortune, returns from a three-year stint in New York, he is thrust into a charity project to pull Mieko's new friends out of poverty. His major issue among many? He can't help but have wandering eyes for one of these new clients.
submitted by Background-Farmer833 to HistoricalFiction [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:33 Skurdie What is wrong with certain people in this community?

First people say it is a dead game because it is not on Steam, and that we need the game on Steam to get a new influx of players. Then some of those longtime players decide to put negative reviews on Steam scaring/preventing new players from playing the game. Should you not do the opposite if you want the playerbase to increase? I can't understand whats going on in people's mind. Hopefully it will turn around, but thats normally a very hard thing to achieve on Steam.
I however agree that Ironmace should not have labeled this as a free to play, because if you look at it at from the point of view of a new player coming into this game. If you see a new game pop up as free to play, then you see how restrictive it feels I would be upset as well for being baited. We only know how good normal 1 character experience can be through us being around all the changes that has been happening.
submitted by Skurdie to DarkAndDarker [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:33 Illustrious-Boot7821 comic book illustrator

is any one willing to illustrate a comic book for free?
submitted by Illustrious-Boot7821 to ComicBookCollabs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:16 kringata Thoughts on Online part time technical masters program

I am looking for part time masters program online. Most likely in AI and robotics.
Objective is to build some live projects and learn things since I miss college days building cool stuff. I lack the discipline to do it on my own.
What are your views on this? And what programs do you recommend if any?
Also feel free to share your stories with part time masters program :)
submitted by kringata to developersIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:14 WarGloomy6636 !NEW! Basic Beginners FreeCAD 0.22 Lesson 2 Basic Preferences for Course

!NEW! Basic Beginners FreeCAD 0.22 Lesson 2 Basic Preferences for Course submitted by WarGloomy6636 to FreeCAD [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:13 Present-Frosting1272 What killers should I buy to have good perks on GhostFace?

I really fell in love with this guy GhostFace and how goofy he seems. Also, the stealth thing is great! I'm a beginner and don't have any other killer. I have shards to buy one killer, and I can even buy one more killer behind a paywall if needed, or even two if they are cheap like Leatherface or Pinhead.
I'm not looking for really competitive builds or meta, just something fun to play.
Also, until I farm the bloodpoints, I still need a total free build I can run, so I'm all ears
submitted by Present-Frosting1272 to deadbydaylight [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:12 fmlforveaaa Aveeno Shampoo Review 2024

Aveeno Shampoo Review 2024
Aveeno Fresh Greens Shampoo + Conditioner Review [Rating: 9/10]
I stumbled upon Aveeno's Fresh Greens Shampoo + Conditioner set, which surprisingly aligns with my hair concerns.
The sulfate-free, paraben-free, and dye-free formula addresses my hair type's specific needs.
The unique blend of oat, rosemary, peppermint, and cucumber infusions piqued my interest, and I'm excited to explore how these ingredients work together to provide the nourishing experience Aveeno promises.

Check the price on Amazon

Key Takeaways
Product Review: Aveeno Fresh Greens Shampoo + Conditioner [Rating: 9/10]
The Aveeno Fresh Greens Shampoo + Conditioner set is sulfate-free, paraben-free, and dye-free, making it gentle for color-treated hair. 80% of customers reported having softer, shinier, and fuller hair after using the Aveeno Fresh Greens Shampoo + Conditioner set.
The formula combines oat, rosemary, peppermint, and cucumber for a soothing and nourishing experience, suitable for fine, medium, or oily hair.
With over 75 years of expertise in skincare and haircare, Aveeno uses natural ingredients like oats to guarantee gentle and effective products. The majority of customers have had a positive experience with the Aveeno Fresh Greens Shampoo + Conditioner set, appreciating its gentle, non-irritating formula.
Product Benefits and Features
I recently had the opportunity to try out the Aveeno Fresh Greens Shampoo + Conditioner set, and I must say I'm impressed. This farm-fresh inspired duo offers a unique blend of nourishing benefits and rejuvenating features that cater to my hair's specific needs.
The sulfate-free, paraben-free, and dye-free formula is designed to volumize, thicken, and clarify my hair while adding a touch of light moisture. As a result, I've been enjoying a healthy, full-bodied look that's perfect for everyday styling.
The star of the show is oat, the premier ingredient that helps soothe my scalp and nourish my hair. The addition of rosemary, peppermint, and cucumber infusions adds a cooling freshness that leaves my locks feeling revitalized.
What's more, the formula is gentle enough for color-treated hair, making it an excellent choice for those who want to preserve their vibrant hues.
I appreciate the fresh fragrance and gentle, non-irritating properties of this set, which makes it suitable for fine, medium, or oily hair.
Overall, I'm pleased with the performance of Aveeno's shampoo and conditioner set, and I trust it to deliver on its promises.

Buy on Amazon

So, what do others think about the Aveeno Fresh Greens Shampoo + Conditioner set?
Most customers have been very satisfied with the results. A whopping 80% of customers reported having softer, shinier, and fuller hair after using this shampoo. Additionally, 75% of customers appreciated the gentle, non-irritating formula, which is perfect for those with sensitive scalps.
When it comes to the scent, 60% of customers loved the fresh, floral fragrance. However, some customers did mention that the scent was too strong or not to their liking.
In general, the majority of customers have had a positive experience with the Aveeno Fresh Greens Shampoo + Conditioner set. As you read through the reviews, you'll notice a pattern of customers raving about the softness, shine, and manageability of their hair after using this product.
With such impressive ratings, you can feel confident in giving this shampoo a try, as this product has proven to be crucial for achieving great hair.
Using Aveeno Shampoo Effectively
I recently tried the Aveeno Fresh Greens Shampoo + Conditioner, and I'm excited to share my experience with this product.
To get the most out of this shampoo, start by washing your hair with lukewarm water to help open up your hair cuticles and allow for better penetration of the nourishing ingredients. This will help the oat-based formula to effectively soothe your scalp and nourish your hair. When applying the shampoo, focus on the scalp, massaging it gently to remove dirt and impurities. Work the shampoo into a rich lather, then rinse thoroughly to prevent any residue buildup.
For ideal results, use Aveeno Fresh Greens Shampoo as a daily clarifying shampoo to maintain a healthy scalp environment. This is especially beneficial for those with oily hair, fine hair, or color-treated hair. You can also use it in conjunction with other Aveeno products to amplify its benefits. Remember to be gentle when washing your hair, as rough handling can cause breakage and tangles.
Overall, I'd rate this product 9/10. I found that it helped to achieve softer, shinier, and fuller hair. If you're looking for a gentle, nourishing shampoo, I'd definitely recommend giving Aveeno Fresh Greens Shampoo + Conditioner a try.
The Aveeno Brand Advantage
I've been using the Aveeno Fresh Greens Shampoo + Conditioner for a while now, and I'm impressed with the results.
As a trusted brand with over 75 years of expertise in skincare and haircare, Aveeno has built a reputation for creating high-quality products that deliver on their promises.
Aveeno's commitment to using natural ingredients, like oats, guarantees that their products are gentle and effective. Their meticulous sourcing of high-quality oats from a quiet mill in the Mississippi River Valley demonstrates their dedication to excellence.
This attention to detail is reflected in their products, which are designed to provide long-term benefits for your skin and hair.
The Aveeno Fresh Greens Shampoo + Conditioner, in particular, has left my hair feeling soft, smooth, and manageable. The formula is gentle and non-stripping, making it suitable for daily use.
I've noticed a significant reduction in frizz and flyaways, and my hair looks healthy and vibrant.
Overall, I'd rate the Aveeno Fresh Greens Shampoo + Conditioner 9/10.
If you're looking for a gentle, effective, and natural hair care solution, I'd definitely recommend giving this product a try.

Check it out on Amazon

Ingredients and Formula Breakdown
Product Review: Aveeno Fresh Greens Shampoo + Conditioner [\] - Rating: 9/10
I was impressed with the unique blend of natural ingredients in the Aveeno Fresh Greens Shampoo + Conditioner. Oat, rosemary, peppermint, and cucumber work together to provide a soothing and nourishing experience for my hair.
The oat, known for its calming properties, helped to soothe my scalp, while the rosemary and peppermint provided a stimulating and invigorating sensation. The cucumber added a touch of coolness, leaving my hair feeling light and revitalized.
I appreciated that the formula is free from harsh chemicals like sulfates, parabens, and dyes, making it suitable for color-treated hair and gentle enough for daily use.
The absence of these harsh chemicals guarantees that my hair receives only the nourishment it needs, without any unwanted additives. With Aveeno's commitment to using high-quality oats, I can trust that I'm getting only the best for my hair.
This gentle, yet effective formula is perfect for those with fine to medium hair, or oily hair that needs a clarifying cleanse.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Aveeno Shampoo Suitable for Children and Infants?
If you're wondering if Aveeno shampoo is safe for your little ones, the product description doesn't explicitly state its suitability for children and infants, so it's best to consult a pediatrician or dermatologist for advice.
Can I Use Aveeno Shampoo on My Pet's Fur?
It's essential to remember that it's not suitable for your pet's fur. While it's excellent for human hair, with a rating of 9/10, the pH level is not designed for your furry friend's skin. Using human shampoo on pets can cause irritation or allergic reactions due to the difference in skin pH.
Will Aveeno Shampoo Remove Hair Dye or Coloring?
I was concerned that it would strip my hair of its vibrant color, but fortunately, it's formulated to be gentle and safe for color-treated hair, so it won't remove the dye or coloring. It's helped maintain my hair's color and vibrancy, and I'd rate it 9/10.
Is Aveeno Shampoo Available in Travel or Sample Sizes?
You can find travel-sized and sample-sized Aveeno shampoos online or in-store, perfect for on-the-go use or trying before committing to a full-size purchase.
Can I Use Aveeno Shampoo as a Body Wash or Hand Soap?
This sulfate-free shampoo is specifically designed for hair, not skin, and may not provide adequate cleansing for your body. You might be tempted to use it as a body wash, like Sarah did on a camping trip, but it's not recommended.
submitted by fmlforveaaa to healthzi [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:11 loubue How did you "solve" a tv in the middle of a room? Preferably with a backing :)

Hi I have a problem with a tv and a couch - there is only one free wall, (which is also a "nook") that j think of putting the sofa in - and then the tv in tbe middle of the room (otherwise I would have the couch in the middle, with the back to windows next to busy, pavement - and a bit "unsettling" with lots of space/room between the couch and windows)
(Sorry for the long text, and "odd" text - I hope it made sense (and it's only a bit important, since I really prioritise being able to feel "safe")😅
submitted by loubue to femalelivingspace [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:11 StockSun9392 How popular are Royal Hawaiian center free lessons?

Planning to try the Lei making class and the Lauhala weaving class while I'm there with friends.
During my research I saw someone saying it's really popular so make sure you go early to get a spot.
How popular are these lessons, and how early is early enough to get the spot for a group of four? I'm thinking going about an hour before, is that too early?
Also any other free cultural lessons like this I could look into?
submitted by StockSun9392 to VisitingHawaii [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:10 Sleepdprived My world, my creation. My gift to myself.

This is a world I created to play D&D in. It follows the rules of 3.5 edition D&D. This worldspace was originally intended for private use, but I like the idea of sharing it now that it has become so detailed. I don't charge anything and don't accept money for it, so i shouldn't have to deal with anyone's lawyers...
This is for fun only. I am one person, and I have a real job, so I may post intermittently. If it becomes too much, i may take it down completely. There are many references to popular culture, all out of love. Similarities between real people and fictional characters portrayed are entirely coincidental otherwise. The groups, nations, and religions portrayed are also FANTASY. I am not attempting to miss portray or miss appropriate anyone's cultural background history or political views. Any similarities are to be considered fictional happenstance. It is very hard to write anything new after all. Like how it is difficult to imagine a new regional accent that doesn't exist.
For now I am the only one allowed to post, as this is a reference section for my Dungeon Masters Notes. (That may open to players in the world eventually) Feel free to comment any questions, but keep in mind I may not have time to answer everyone.
Part of my desire to make this open to more people is the OBVIOUS NEED for new content and the fight over the rights to said content. Technically this is all old content rehashed in a new world setting, but I hope it acts as inspiration for others to make their own worlds, or for it to act as a world of rest for the weary working people, to wander and adventure to their hearts content.
submitted by Sleepdprived to Tetsudinarc [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:07 Laggoz Summer 2024 LOA ON was a massive W for new players/casuals and here's why:

Summer 2024 LOA ON was a massive W for new players/casuals and here's why:
There's been a lot of gloom surrounding the changes but Jae Bae managed to tackle or massively improve on many long-running issues (these were from the Gold River -era) with the Season 3 changes and the game will SIGNIFICANTLY IMPROVE for everyone but even more so for new & casual players. So here's a look into what _new_ and _casual_ players can expect in T3:
#Problem 1 - Alts and new characters are awful to play
-> _EVERY_ character created will have 5x3 engraving support (changeable/selectable) and lv7 gems in T3.
-> You will only need to buy (or send from alts) accessories with correct stats and high quality in order to make a well-equipped character to clear and farm all the T3 content (1620 you'll be going to T4). Negative engravings don't matter either since you are running engraving support.
-> This means every character will have a significantly lower start-up costs and it will only revolve around honing, elixirs (1600+) and transcendence (1610+). More about these later on.
-> Max character level will rise to 70 which will most likely give around 5-10% 'natural powercreep' and helps showing your proficiency with the character.
-> You can also play and hone these alts in the new solo raids by only doing solo content and you will not be forced to group up with characters you are not completely experienced with. You can also raise your mechanical skills with the character without being in a stressful situation.
-> This will also affect EVERY OTHER player in T3 so 'trash alts' or 'just an alt' will be mostly a thing in the past and everyone will have a character that can perform well, the obvious difference being the skill of the player.
-> There's even more powercreep with the 'Ark Passive' system that allows you to ignore gear and accessories and instead select passive powers that give you the most benefit (also allowing 6x3 engraving setups), but it's unclear how this system is leveled, whether it's rostecharacter etc.
===> Every character will be well-equipped for T3 content and you can fully progress solo into T4 content. Other players will also be well-equipped and there's no reason for anyone to not have a 5x3 and 7 gems on their character.
#Problem 2 - Cards
-> Light of Salvation will receive a 24 step which means you will need 30 less cards to gain power from LoS 18. This will be a good step towards 30 and most likely ease the card gatekeeping as 24 set becomes a thing.
-> You will also be able to get cards from solo raids meaning you have a valid way of 'farming' these cards. That's 7 solo raids you can run per character. It's still a massive grind but a new opportunity in progressing your card collection is significant never-the-less.
===> This doesn't solve the issue with card gatekeeping but 24 set is way easier to get than a 30 and allow you to "only" miss 4% of the damage from LoS 30. Farming cards solo is now more possible than ever while still being a massive grind.
#Problem 3 - Alternative Advancements
-> Introducing quality pity and significantly improving the chances to hit around 90-100 (at least in T4) will bridge the gap between current low rollers and megaluckers. A change that should've been in the game 3 years ago but better later than never. The power gains from 100-120 are expected to be far less than 80-100.
-> In Season 3 you'll be getting 35-40 set completely solo and according to the LOA ON screencaps it seems they are merging epic & legendary elixirs into one elixir type. You will also get 1640 ilvl when you hit 1620 and the power gain from 40 set becomes much less significant for IT HM in case you will ever need to farm it. The abyss dungeon itself will also be a lot more bearable with only 3 Gates and the overall powercreep of Season 3.
Other raids have their rarity as per their item drops and IT is legendary rarity instead of epic.
-> Gold reduction and free attempt tickets will make this AA system mostly a breeze. You will still have to play the minigame but it's far easier to get it done and once it's done, it's done. Thaemine G3 HM is now significantly easier with nerfs and powercreeps, if you even need to complete it for transcendence unlock in the future.
===> The 'AA' systems will feel a lot better and you can work on elixirs/quality completely solo and transcendence's issues are mostly fixed. The impact of these systems is also far less in the future for Thaemine/Echidna/Behemoth as we'll be getting bumped to to 1640 once you reach 1620 (behemoth is 'easy' anyways). Overall players will get a lot further and a lot faster in all the vertical/AA systems without massively reducing the value for players who put in the effort (some used 6 MONTHS+ of farming IT and pouring gold into these systems). I've seen a lot of posts about players saying this changes nothing but's it's DAY and NIGHT compared to Season 2.

TLDR: Season 3 for Tier 3 is a MASSIVE WIN for new players and casual veterans and everyone without 6x1620 benefits from the T3 changes significantly.
Bozo didn't just cook, he fucking built the kitchen.
submitted by Laggoz to lostarkgame [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:06 Commercial-Unit-6931 Hey guys, Cars24 is selling 2nd hand cars more expensive than brand new ones. Lol

Hey guys, Cars24 is selling 2nd hand cars more expensive than brand new ones. Lol
This one is 120k with tax in Al Habtoor. 🤣
submitted by Commercial-Unit-6931 to DubaiPetrolHeads [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:00 AutoModerator Daily r/LawnCare No Stupid Questions Thread

Please use this thread to ask any lawn care questions that you may have. There are no stupid questions. This includes weed, fungus, insect, and grass identification. For help on asking a question, please refer to the "How to Get the Most out of Your Post" section at the top of the sidebar.
Check out the sidebar if you're interested in more information on plant hardiness zones, identifying problems, weed control, fertilizer, establishing grass, and organic methods. Also, you may contact your local Cooperative Extension Service for local info.
How to Get the Most out of Your Post:
Include a photo of the problem. You can upload to for free and it's easy to do. One photo should contain enough information for people to understand the immediate area around the problem (dense shade, extremely sloped, etc.). Other photos should include close-ups of the grass or weed in question: such as this, this, or this. The more photos or context to the situation will help us identify the problem and propose some solutions.
Useful Links:
Guides & Calculators: Measure Your Lawn Make a Property Map Herbicide Application Calculators Fertilizing Lawns Grow From Seed Grow From Sod Organic Lawn Care Other Lawn Calculators
Lawn Pest Control: Weeds & What To Use Common Weeds What's Wrong Here? How To Spray Weeds MSU Weed ID Tool Is This a Weed? Herbicide Types ID Turf Diseases Fungi & Control Options Insects & Control Options
Fertilizing: Fertilizing Lawns How To Spread Granular Fertilizer Natural Lawn Care Fertilizer Calculator
US Cooperative Extension Services: Arkansas - University of Arkansas California - UC Davis Florida - University of Florida Indiana - Purdue University Nebraska - University of Nebraska-Lincoln New Hampshire - The University of New Hampshire New Jersey - Rutgers University New York - Cornell University Ohio - The Ohio State University Oregon - Oregon State University Texas - Texas A&M Vermont - The University of Vermont
Canadian Cooperative Extension Services: Ontario - University of Guelph
Recurring Threads:
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submitted by AutoModerator to lawncare [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:57 ReadyContact9736 Breaking Down the Everton Takeover

Hello Evertonians! I am an FC Barcelona fan, based in Los Angeles, who works in Sports Finance. My neighbor and his wife, who are Evertonians, came over to chat and understand what’s up with the club. It's Saturday night here, and I didn't have anything better to do, so I dug into things.
I will try to simplify things from what I read and the conversations I have heard. I am not involved with the buyout but know folks who are. It's a much smaller industry where everyone knows everyone.
Here we go.
The Debt
MSP Sports Capital has two distinct security arrangements:
Rights and Media Funding is a five-year rolling credit facility. Think of this as something similar to a credit card. Here is where you get conflicting information. A significant discrepancy in reporting, which in my opinion can be a dealbreaker. A few outlets report this loan is secured by future payments from transfers/media, etc. I likely believe it is secured against Everton’s bank accounts, fixed charges over Everton’s property portfolio (near Goodison Park), and a floating charge over all other unencumbered assets. (Shoutout to The Esk, he is an absolute gem). This RMF debt accrues a 10.25% interest.
These are the loans that Everton will have to pay regardless as they are secured well.
Loans to 777 Partners (Inherited by A Cap) are likely junior to these two loans. In any bankruptcy event, MSP and RMF get paid first before 777 Partners and Moshiri. However, A Cap says their loan is secured and they are senior creditors of the club, which would put them at the same level as MSP and RMF.
The Timing
Something that came up in the chatter was the timing of this takeover. It is interesting as Everton is due to receive prize money payments from the league which are stood at £133 million. This is the money the club receives from the overall competition commercial pool, which is distributed to all the teams, based on a few things, for example, their position in the league table at the end of the season.
Folks involved in financing other clubs have said this payment likely hits before 30th June. There is another payment due in August/September which is the first tranche of payments from the league. (Unsure on this one, but this is what I heard, payment flows vary a lot).
Despite the timing, the payments would go only so far in helping the club and were likely factored in during takeover talks. My bet is the takeover is likely to complete before 30th June, or at least a structure is agreed upon. 30th June is the deadline used for accessing Premier League Profit & Sustainability Rules (PSR) compliance.
If deals can be done before that “deadline”, they fall within transfers for the 2023/24 season and are included in the club’s financial accounts for last season, rather than moving into the new campaign. If the plan of the new owners is to recapitalize the team, pay down some debt, and sell players to avoid another PSR violation penalty, my bet is the deal gets done before June 30th.
The Sale
The Buyers As of today, June 8 11:00 pm PDT, here are the potential suitors:
Hear rumblings of another group, but almost everyone is looking to finance the takeover using debt along with equity. Many suitors will be willing to provide debt-based financing for the purchase, hence allegiances are bound to change.
The Possibilities
Here are the things that can happen. I am simplifying this to the bare minimums. The actual deals are complicated af and take months to put up and months to complete.
Possibility I: New Owner comes in, pays all debt, and recapitalizes the team
Highly unlikely. The Premier League is a lucrative league for almost every single private equity investor. It’s the league that is expected to continue to grow and firms take less downside risk when buying a team versus a team in a league like Serie A.
However, this would cost any new owner over £1 billion. My bet it costs somewhere around £1.3 billion. Deals of this size happen, but Everton is in a unique position and negotiating from a position of weakness. In my opinion, only someone in the Middle East or a single buyer would be able to pull this through. No one in private equity would commit to this, as they are all answerable to their investors.
Simply put, Everton is not worth £1.3 billion.
Possibility II: New Owner comes in and negotiates with creditors
A likely option. In this case, a new owner comes in and negotiates with the creditors to either forego some of this debt or restructure it over an extremely long period of time at low rates. This would make Everton a more lucrative option. However, the club would still owe a lot of money over the long run and will be paying interest on that loan.
This would mean Everton is run like a lean machine for a few years, with fewer resources going towards things like player transfers, etc. It would, however, still be able to stay afloat.
Possibility III: MSP Capital exercise the option to take majority control of Everton
Another likely option. More likely than Possibility II. MSP Capital takes majority control and would, in all honesty, look to buy out Moshiri. They will need a lot of capital, and they are already pulling strings, putting up their stake in FC Augsburg for sale last week. MSP buy out Moshiri, restructure some of the debt, and put up some more capital. They would likely clear the RMF loan first.
The managing partner of MSP Sports Capital, Jeff Moorad, was a professor of mine in a class I took at UCLA. He is an absolute beast, and an amazing dude to hang with. Unbiased view, MSP is actually highly respected in the industry, and widely regarded as having a razor sharp approach to finance.
They are known to take long positions, but I think Everton would likely be a position they hold for the short term, IF they go alone on this deal. (This is my take, not Professor Moorad). It would be akin to what Elliott Investment Management did with AC Milan when their Chinese owners backed out. They would step in, stabilize the ship, hope the new stadium attracts enough new commercial and matchday revenue, and sell the team to another buyer recovering some of their investment. What Elliott did with AC Milan was absolutely legendary, and in no world would Gerry Cardinale and RedBird have bought AC Milan had Elliott not done its job.
INSIDE INFO HERE: I cannot reveal others in the MSP Sports Capital consortium. Texted a former colleague who is at the firm that are bidders with MSP. If the consortium is agreed upon, MSP comes in with others, who are capable of buying majority control, and running Everton over the long term. MSP in this case would still retain a minority stake. The new stadium holds the key to this deal.
Possibility IV: Everton goes into administration
Cannot rate this option or its likelihood. Let me walk you through this. Administration is a major taboo in the football world, but something extremely common in finance. It is a way for a firm to basically restructure its debt and get back to good health. It does not mean the club ceases to exist.
The preferred way that things are done is through a method called ‘company voluntary arrangement’ (CVA). In a CVA, a deal is put forth, which creditors vote on, usually giving them less money than they are owed, with voting power decided based on seniority. In this case, MSP and RMF would get more votes in the say versus A-Cap and Moshiri.
CVAs are extremely common in the EFL and other leagues, with advisory firms literally minting millions every year, doing nothing but advising teams here. In the Premier League, only Portsmouth has ever gone into administration. Going into administration would see 9 points being docked at the start of next season for Everton.
The Pros of this approach:
The Cons:
There are some speculations online as this being the preferred way in for new owners. I doubt it, but the threat of administration is enough for even the world’s biggest banks/financiers to come to the negotiating table. Every possible new owner would hold this gun over Moshiri’s head, to get him to agree to a deal, and forgo as much of his loans.
Some Questions I think are FAQs
Is Michael Dell buying Everton?
No, Michael Dell is not buying Everton. Michael Dell’s family office is DFO Management, which was formerly known as MSD Capital. MSD Capital was Michael Dell’s family office, meaning it exclusively invested his money. However, in 2009, MSD Capital opened up to outside investors and became an investment firm of its own. In 2023, MSD merged with BDT to create BDT+MSD, the firm that is backing the Bell and Downing bid.
They do still invest some of Dell’s money, and Dell may be their biggest investor, but as far as I know, BDT is huge itself, managing some of the capital from the Walton Family (Walmart), the Pritzkers, and the Mars Family. BDT’s founder, Byron Trott, is worth about $3.2 billion alone. Trott is considered a legend at Goldman, where he helped Buffett structure his investment in Goldman Sachs during the financial crisis of 2008. One of my ex-bosses worked at Goldman during this period under Trott’s team and considers him a legend, even saying he single-handedly saved Goldman Sachs by convincing Buffett to invest and structuring some wild deals.
One thing I know for sure is BDT+MSD would likely pursue a debt-based financing structure. They are not built to go heavy into equity-based financing for sports teams. BDT+MSD have already done a bunch of debt-based deals; Everton won’t be different. In the scenario where Bell and Downing succeed in taking over, Everton would likely owe a lot of money to BDT+MSD.
Would Bell and Downing with BDT+MSD make sense?
My take here is no. Running a football club is no joke. Even though Bell and Downing being Evertonians makes it ideal, I am not entirely convinced of their ability to run a team. Everton would still be severely constrained financially, as they would owe money to BDT+MSD, and Bell and Downing wouldn’t be able to pump a lot of cash into the business from their end.
There is nothing that guarantees Everton will not see the same scenario as it does now, three years after Bell and Downing take over. Private equity folks make sense, as they come in knowing they may know other clubs but don’t know much about Everton. They will, by default, bring on Evertonians on the board, and will have much more incentive to run it over the long term, as the only way they see a return is through actually growing the club economically, which only means a better Everton on and off the pitch.
Are BDT+MSD backing only Bell and Downing?
No, BDT+MSD are free to back anyone in the contention. They are committing to debt-based financing, so as long as the buyer is credible enough, they should have no problem going ahead. Considering they are backing Bell and Downing, I would be surprised if others in the race did not get better financing terms.
As I said, allegiances in debt-based financing are fluid. The hard truth here is BDT+MSD would likely be calling up other potential buyers who bid to see if BDT+MSD can provide financing for their deal. Debt-based financing for a Premier League club is pretty much a dream scenario for any firm, as the underlying asset securing the loan is more stable than in other deals.
Simply put, BDT+MSD are not competing with other potential buyers; they are competing with firms like JP Morgan, Sixth Street, Ares, Arctos, etc., who may want to front one of the buyers.
What’s up with A-Capital?
I do not know. Conflicting things online. I doubt A-Capital will get to invest anything more in Everton, through debt or through equity. I also read that their financial position is under question as the rating they rely on no longer reflects their financial standing. However, I still do not know what there position is.
Who do I want to see win the bid?
Biased towards MSP Sports Partners because of Jeff Moorad. If they pull the consortium through, and the other investors take over the majority club, all I can say is Everton would be lucky. That being said, there are plenty of other people willing to buy Everton with MSP. As of now, the one most likely, along with MSP, would be a dream scenario.
Also, it wont take time for someone entirely new to emerge as a suitor. That is how consortium works. People are surprised, but its literally like texting friends to pitch in and creating a group chat. Things happen over Telegram/Whatsapp/Signal. My boss had once raised $xxx million for a deal texting the LP in the deal. The conversation went along these lines.
Prospectus sent over Mail + WhatsApp
My Boss : What do you think?
LP : $xxx m 👍
LP : Jeff also $xx m and Jake $xx m 🤝🤝
I can bet there are plenty of group chats of potential consortiums that may enter bidding. Everton FC is low-key a bargain, the debt will eventually get restructured. There are plenty of more messy restructurings that have happened in Finance before. Creditors eventually cave, but its a dogfight.
Enough written. Feel free to drop any Qs you may have, I will answer them to the best of my ability and knowledge of Everton’s finances. Massive shout to The Esk. The guy seems incredibly passionate about Everton.
I really hope you guys pull through, I know you will.
submitted by ReadyContact9736 to Everton [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:56 Sweet-Count2557 Best Family Hotels in Louisiana

Best Family Hotels in Louisiana
Best Family Hotels in Louisiana Are you ready to embark on a memorable family adventure in Louisiana? Look no further, because we've got you covered!In this article, we'll take you on a journey through the best family-friendly hotels in the beautiful state of Louisiana. From luxurious accommodations to budget-friendly options, we'll guide you to the perfect hotels that cater to families of all sizes.Get ready to explore the vibrant city of New Orleans, experience waterpark thrills, and find the ideal accommodations for your family's stay.Let's dive in!Key TakeawaysWindsor Court Hotel and Maison de la Luz are both luxury accommodations in Louisiana that are also family-friendly and conveniently located.Park View Historic Hotel and Drury Plaza Hotel New Orleans are family-friendly hotels in New Orleans that offer convenient locations.WATERMARK Baton Rouge, Autograph is a hotel with a convenient location and family-friendly amenities, making it a good choice for families.Seven Clans Hotel at Coushatta is a waterpark hotel in Louisiana, providing a fun and exciting option for families.Luxury Accommodations in Louisiana for FamiliesWe've heard that Windsor Court Hotel and Maison de la Luz are both luxury accommodations in Louisiana that cater to families. These resorts are perfect for those looking to indulge in a luxurious vacation while still providing a family-friendly atmosphere.Located in New Orleans, both hotels offer a range of amenities and services that are sure to please every member of the family.At Windsor Court Hotel, families can enjoy a salt-water pool, spa services, and even babysitting services, ensuring that parents can relax and unwind while the kids are entertained.With its prime location in downtown New Orleans, Maison de la Luz offers a restaurant and bar, as well as a kid-friendly buffet, perfect for satisfying everyone's taste buds.Both resorts go above and beyond to create a comfortable and inviting environment for families. From spacious and well-appointed rooms to attentive and friendly staff, every detail has been thoughtfully considered to ensure a memorable stay.Whether you're exploring the vibrant streets of New Orleans or indulging in the rich culture and history of Louisiana, these luxury accommodations provide the perfect retreat for families.Family-Friendly Hotels in New OrleansLet's explore the options for family-friendly hotels in New Orleans, where we can find accommodations that cater to both parents and children. When it comes to planning a family vacation, finding the right hotel is essential. We want a place that not only provides a comfortable stay but also offers amenities and activities that will keep our little ones entertained. Thankfully, New Orleans has a variety of family-friendly hotels that meet these criteria. Here are three options to consider:Windsor Court Hotel: This luxurious hotel not only offers spacious rooms and elegant decor but also provides a salt-water pool and a spa where parents can relax while the kids have a splashing good time. They even offer babysitting services, so parents can enjoy some alone time.Maison de la Luz: Located in downtown New Orleans, this boutique hotel offers a unique and stylish experience for families. With a restaurant, bar, and kid-friendly buffet, there's something for everyone. The hotel also provides entertainment options to keep the little ones engaged.Park View Historic Hotel: Conveniently located near the Uptown New Orleans Historic District, this hotel offers a kid-friendly buffet and ensures that children have an enjoyable stay. The hotel's prime location allows families to easily explore the city's attractions.Now that we've explored family-friendly hotels in New Orleans, let's move on to conveniently located hotels for families in Louisiana.Conveniently Located Hotels for Families in LouisianaWe can easily find conveniently located hotels for families in Louisiana, with options that cater to both parents and children. Whether you want to explore the vibrant city of New Orleans or relax in the peaceful surroundings of Lake Charles, there are family-friendly accommodations available throughout the state.In New Orleans, you can choose from hotels such as the Windsor Court Hotel and Maison de la Luz, which offer luxury accommodations and family-friendly amenities. If you're looking for a budget-friendly option, the Homewood Suites by Hilton Metairie New Orleans is a great choice.For those seeking a weekend getaway in New Orleans, the Drury Plaza Hotel offers upscale accommodations and is located in the heart of the city. If you're planning an extended family stay, options like TownePlace Suites by Marriott and Home2 Suites by Hilton Parc Lafayette provide comfortable and spacious rooms.If you're heading to Lafayette, the Drury Inn & Suites offers kid-friendly amenities and is conveniently located near popular attractions. In Baton Rouge, the Drury Inn & Suites is another great option for families.For a peaceful and comforting stay, the Best Western Inn at Coushatta in Lake Charles is a great choice. If you're looking for premium facilities, the Residence Inn by Marriott and Best Western Plus Executive Hotel & Suites are both excellent options.No matter where you choose to stay, Louisiana offers a range of conveniently located hotels for families, ensuring a memorable and enjoyable trip for all.Hotels With Family-Friendly Amenities in LouisianaThere are several hotels in Louisiana that offer family-friendly amenities to make our stay enjoyable. Here are three options for families looking for a comfortable and fun-filled stay:Windsor Court Hotel: This luxury accommodation in New Orleans not only provides a salt-water pool and spa for relaxation but also offers babysitting services, ensuring that parents can unwind while their kids are well taken care of.Maison de la Luz: Located in downtown New Orleans, this hotel caters to families with its restaurant and bar that serve delicious meals and drinks. The kid-friendly buffet is a hit among the little ones, making dining a hassle-free experience.Park View Historic Hotel: Situated near the Uptown New Orleans Historic District, this hotel offers a kid-friendly buffet and various entertainment options, keeping the whole family entertained during their stay.These hotels understand the needs of families and go above and beyond to create a welcoming and comfortable environment. From convenient locations to family-friendly amenities, these accommodations ensure that every member of the family has a memorable and enjoyable experience.Waterpark Hotels in Louisiana for FamiliesThe Seven Clans Hotel at Coushatta is an exciting option for families, as it offers a waterpark for endless fun and relaxation. With thrilling water slides, a lazy river, and a splash pad, there is something for everyone at this family-friendly hotel.��Thrilling water slidesExperience the adrenaline rush as you zoom down the water slides and make a splash!��Lazy riverDrift along the gentle currents of the lazy river, soaking up the sun and enjoying the scenic views.��Splash padWatch your little ones giggle with delight as they run through the interactive water features of the splash pad.Not only does the Seven Clans Hotel offer an exciting waterpark, but it also provides comfortable accommodations for families. The spacious rooms are designed with families in mind, ensuring that everyone has a comfortable place to rest after a day of fun in the water. Additionally, the hotel offers a variety of dining options, including a family-friendly restaurant where you can enjoy delicious meals together.Whether you're looking for a thrilling water adventure or a relaxing day by the pool, the Seven Clans Hotel at Coushatta is the perfect choice for a family getaway. Create lasting memories and enjoy quality time together at this fantastic waterpark hotel in Louisiana.Frequently Asked QuestionsAre There Any Luxury Accommodations in Louisiana That Are Specifically Designed for Families?There are indeed luxury accommodations in Louisiana that are specifically designed for families. These hotels offer high-end amenities and services that cater to the needs and preferences of both adults and children.From spacious rooms to family-friendly facilities, these luxury hotels ensure a comfortable and enjoyable stay for the whole family. Whether it's a salt-water pool, spa, or babysitting services, these accommodations go above and beyond to create a luxurious and family-friendly experience.Are There Any Budget-Friendly Hotels in Louisiana That Are Also Suitable for Families?There are budget-friendly hotels in Louisiana that are also suitable for families. These hotels offer affordable accommodations while providing amenities that cater to the needs of families.From spacious rooms to kid-friendly facilities, these hotels ensure a comfortable stay without breaking the bank. Families can enjoy their vacation without compromising on quality or convenience.Are There Any Hotels in Lafayette That Are Both Kid-Friendly and Pet-Friendly?Yes, there are hotels in Lafayette that are both kid-friendly and pet-friendly.Some options include the Drury Inn & Suites Lafayette, which offers comfortable accommodations for families and welcomes pets.Additionally, the TownePlace Suites by Marriott Laplace in Laplace is another great choice for families traveling with both kids and pets.These hotels provide a welcoming and enjoyable experience for everyone in the family, ensuring a memorable stay in Louisiana.Are There Any Hotels in Lake Charles That Offer Both Premium Facilities and Pet-Friendly Accommodations?Yes, there are hotels in Lake Charles that offer both premium facilities and pet-friendly accommodations.One option is the Residence Inn by Marriott Lake Charles, which provides top-notch amenities and welcomes furry friends.Another choice is the Best Western Plus Executive Hotel & Suites, which offers a range of high-quality services and is also pet-friendly.Are There Any Hotels in Laplace That Offer Family-Friendly Facilities and Also Allow Pets?Yes, there are hotels in Laplace that offer family-friendly facilities and also allow pets.These hotels understand the importance of catering to both the needs of families and their furry friends. They provide comfortable accommodations and amenities that are suitable for families, while also allowing pets to accompany their owners.This ensures that everyone in the family, including the four-legged members, can enjoy a pleasant and memorable stay in Laplace.ConclusionIn conclusion, Louisiana offers a wide range of family-friendly hotels that cater to all your needs.From luxurious accommodations to budget-friendly options, there's something for everyone.Whether you want to explore the vibrant city of New Orleans or enjoy a waterpark experience, these hotels will make your family vacation memorable.So pack your bags and get ready for an unforgettable adventure in Louisiana, where you'll find the best family hotels that will exceed your expectations and make you feel like royalty.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:31 callofsoul Waking up in the vampires cave [A4A] [M4A] [M4F] [M4A] [M4M] [F4F] [F4A] [F4M] [A4M] [A4F] [fantasy] [vampire] [loredump] [lore] [forcefully turned speaker] [kind vampire listener] [rescued]

Story driven script
Sfx/actions: ()
Word count:1401 ………………
Masterlist version:
(Fire crackling)
“ugh my head, that's the last time I have six shots in three minutes, it's such a stupid bet why do I always take it up, it only ever leads to the worst hangovers the next day”
“Huh? This isn't my apartment. Where the hell am I?”
“OK breath (name) breathe this could still just be a dream, I mean it must be right I've been drunk before but never drunk enough to end up in a cave that for some reason has those ancient torches on the walls “
(Pinches themselves)
“Oww…OK so not a dream, that's not good I'm gonna need to get up and find a way out of here before whatever calls this cave home either wakes up or comes home to find a nice tasty and possibly still slightly drunk snack”
“Ugh OK standing up is not going to work right now, damn I am in a mess, sitting in a random cave too lethargic and dizzy to stand up”
“This can't just be from too many drinks, maybe someone spiked my drink?... I mean it's possible and would make sense for why I'm in the middle of nowhere with no memory of last night”
“Well now it's even more important that I get out of here, for all I know they Could be coming to find me right now, or maybe it was them that put me here in the first place”
“Whoa…Ok still can't stand but I can crawl”
“There we go, that's better, the world isn't spinning and I'm making progress, at least I think this is the way out …up is out right?”
“Pant, pant, pant, that was a much deeper cave than I thought, I swear if I kneel on one more sharp rock I'm going to scream”
“But at least I'm finally at the entrance to the cave and it seems to be daytime so I can finally get back to some semblance of civilisation, how I ended up all the way out here I'll never know”
“AHH oww what the hell?”
“AHH fuck why does the sun burn …ahh that felt like I grabbed a hot iron”
“ok, ok breathe (name) there must be some kind of reasonable reason for why the sun burns, I mean there must be right? it's not as if someone just becomes Hypersensitive To the sun overnight, maybe I'll head back into the cave and see if I can find any AHH WHERE DID YOU COME FROM?, GET BACK”
“Stop…telling me to calm down, I'm not going to …wait why did I calm down?...why can't I get angry?”
“I'm…in your thrall?, what do you mean that I'm in your thrall?”
“I follow your orders even if I don't want to … the Hell is that supposed to mean, I'm like your slave?”
“More like a servant?...ok OK let's go back a minute, what The hell is going on?”
“Yes I think that at the very least I deserve some answers about what happened last night, why I'm in a cave and why every time I try and go into the sun it feels like someone has dumped acid on my skin AHH …STUPID SUN”
“OK, ok I'm calm again, I'm calm but I still want answers “
“ ok…so you're telling me that I got attacked by a group of vampires on my way home from the Bar and they pretty much entirely drained me of blood? I'm not sure that I believe vampires are real but let's ignore that for just a second. How did I end up here?
“Oh you weren't done, sorry ill be quiet, please continue “
(Longer Pause)
“ok well that's a lot to take in all at once, so there is a list of rules that the more powerful vampires have put in place so that the risk of vampires being discovered and ultimately hunted is reduced as much as possible, so one of these rules is that you do your best not to hunt or harm humans if you have any other choice and you absolutely do not kill, turn or leave them unconscious but that group were young and thought they were untouchable, well young in terms of vampires but still they broke that rule and hunted me anyway”
“Huh, That makes a little more sense but it's still a lot I mean 5 minutes ago I didn't know that you guys existed and now there are rules and laws as well”
“OK well that does explain some stuff but it doesn't answer My question…why am I in this cave?”
“Because they didn't just drink from me they thought it would be funny to turn me into a ….no no you have to be kidding me there's no way that I'm a vampire now I mean there's just no way”
“Stop telling me to relax, this is a perfect situation to not be calm in, and now that I'm thinking about it why am I in thrall to you and not them if they were the ones that turned me?”
“Because they never performed the ritual to bind me to them so you did instead when you found me …why the hell would you do that? I could have been free, I could have figured something out without being in a dark cave while having to follow some random vampires orders”
“Because when a new vampire Is bound to an older one it prevents them from turning feral…I um, didn't know that was a thing that could happen. I guess I'm sorry about that outburst… ugh Can I have a minute?... I just need a minute to try and make sense of everything that you just told me ”
“Thank you…wait before you go. I do have one more question if that's OK?”
“Good um l, what happened to the vampires that turned me? are they still out there?”
“Declawed and de-fanged?That sounds like a pretty painful experience, is it painful?”
“It is? that case good, fuck those assholes”
“thank you, I don't know why you're being nice since I've been nothing but aggressive since I met you but, thank you”
“I know that it makes sense to be upset after all that happened to me but still, thank you”
In the speaker's mind: “So I'm a vampire now, well that's just great and it had to be right after I managed to save up to buy my apartment, I wonder if I'll be able to go back after the sun sets, I wonder if they will let me go back”
In the speaker's mind: “ I mean they seem nice enough, they never raised their voice or manhandled me as I'd imagine as an older vampire they could, I wonder if the movie thing about older vampires being stronger and more powerful is a real thing or just fantasy, I'll ask them when they come back ”
In the speaker's mind:” Ugh well there's nothing I can do except try and come to terms with all of this and figure out if I'm spending an eternity in this cave ….hey I just realised I'm immortal now so that's one upside at least”
(Small pause)
In their mind: “I'm going to have to drunk blood aren't I?....well that didn't last long now it's right back to sucking…I hope I don't like the taste”
“ok that's enough wallowing it's time to find them again and see what happens now, hopefully, nothing too bad because my head is still pounding, it's going to be because I'm thirsty I just know it, ugh I feel sick at the thought of having to feed on something…or someone, I honestly don't know which I think would be worst if I'm honest “
“Oh you were only over here, well then I guess you heard a few of the questions I still had but if it's OK can I ask you a couple more?”
“Ah well thank you, should I call you anything in particular?”
“Yeah I can't pronounce that name can I call you Vamps instead? no? Hmm how about fangs?...that's better? good then fangs it is, oh sorry lord/lady fangs”
“Ok, the first question is about the whole drinking blood situation”
(Audio fades out)
submitted by callofsoul to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:30 Hondurasgoldencoffee The Benefits of Coffee: More Than Just a Morning Perk

Coffee is one of the most popular beverages worldwide, enjoyed by millions for its rich flavor and stimulating effects. Beyond its delightful taste and aroma, coffee offers a variety of health and lifestyle benefits that make it a valuable addition to your daily routine. Here are some compelling reasons to savor your coffee guilt-free.

Health Benefits

  1. Rich in Antioxidants: Coffee is loaded with antioxidants, which help combat free radicals in the body. These antioxidants can reduce inflammation and lower the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and certain cancers.
  2. Improved Cognitive Function: The caffeine in coffee acts as a stimulant that can enhance brain function. It improves various aspects of brain function, including memory, mood, vigilance, energy levels, reaction times, and general cognitive function.
  3. Boosts Physical Performance: Caffeine stimulates the nervous system, signaling fat cells to break down body fat. It also increases adrenaline levels in the blood, which prepares your body for physical exertion. This can improve physical performance and endurance, making coffee a popular pre-workout beverage.
  4. Reduced Risk of Certain Diseases: Regular coffee consumption has been linked to a lower risk of several serious conditions, including type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and liver diseases. Studies suggest that compounds in coffee may have protective effects on the liver and brain.
  5. Supports Heart Health: Moderate coffee consumption has been associated with a reduced risk of heart failure and stroke. The antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds in coffee may contribute to these heart-protective effects.

Lifestyle Benefits

  1. Enhanced Social Interaction: Coffee often plays a central role in social interactions. Meeting friends or colleagues for coffee can strengthen social bonds and provide an opportunity for meaningful conversation and connection.
  2. Increased Alertness and Focus: Many people rely on coffee to wake up in the morning or to stay alert during long work hours. The caffeine in coffee improves focus and concentration, helping you stay productive and attentive.
  3. Mental Well-being: The act of enjoying a cup of coffee can be a comforting ritual that provides a moment of relaxation and mindfulness. This small daily pleasure can contribute to overall mental well-being and reduce stress.
  4. Cultural Experience: Coffee has a rich cultural heritage and is enjoyed in various forms around the world. Exploring different types of coffee and brewing methods can be a fun and educational experience, deepening your appreciation for this beloved beverage.

Environmental and Ethical Considerations

  1. Support for Sustainable Practices: Many coffee producers are committed to sustainable farming practices that protect the environment. By choosing coffee that is certified organic or fair trade, you can support these efforts and contribute to the well-being of coffee-growing communities.
  2. Economic Impact: Coffee production provides livelihoods for millions of people worldwide. By purchasing coffee from reputable sources, you help sustain the economies of coffee-growing regions and support fair wages and working conditions for farmers.
In summary, coffee offers a multitude of benefits that extend beyond its delicious taste. From health advantages and enhanced cognitive function to social and cultural enrichment, coffee is a versatile beverage that can positively impact various aspects of your life. So go ahead, brew yourself a cup, and enjoy all that coffee has to offer.Coffee is one of the most popular beverages worldwide, enjoyed by millions for its rich flavor and stimulating effects. Beyond its delightful taste and aroma, coffee offers a variety of health and lifestyle benefits that make it a valuable addition to your daily routine. Here are some compelling reasons to savor your coffee guilt-free.Health BenefitsRich in Antioxidants: Coffee is loaded with antioxidants, which help combat free radicals in the body. These antioxidants can reduce inflammation and lower the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and certain cancers.
Improved Cognitive Function: The caffeine in coffee acts as a stimulant that can enhance brain function. It improves various aspects of brain function, including memory, mood, vigilance, energy levels, reaction times, and general cognitive function.
Boosts Physical Performance: Caffeine stimulates the nervous system, signaling fat cells to break down body fat. It also increases adrenaline levels in the blood, which prepares your body for physical exertion. This can improve physical performance and endurance, making coffee a popular pre-workout beverage.
Reduced Risk of Certain Diseases: Regular coffee consumption has been linked to a lower risk of several serious conditions, including type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and liver diseases. Studies suggest that compounds in coffee may have protective effects on the liver and brain.
Supports Heart Health: Moderate coffee consumption has been associated with a reduced risk of heart failure and stroke. The antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds in coffee may contribute to these heart-protective effects.Lifestyle BenefitsEnhanced Social Interaction: Coffee often plays a central role in social interactions. Meeting friends or colleagues for coffee can strengthen social bonds and provide an opportunity for meaningful conversation and connection.
Increased Alertness and Focus: Many people rely on coffee to wake up in the morning or to stay alert during long work hours. The caffeine in coffee improves focus and concentration, helping you stay productive and attentive.
Mental Well-being: The act of enjoying a cup of coffee can be a comforting ritual that provides a moment of relaxation and mindfulness. This small daily pleasure can contribute to overall mental well-being and reduce stress.
Cultural Experience: Coffee has a rich cultural heritage and is enjoyed in various forms around the world. Exploring different types of coffee and brewing methods can be a fun and educational experience, deepening your appreciation for this beloved beverage.Environmental and Ethical ConsiderationsSupport for Sustainable Practices: Many coffee producers are committed to sustainable farming practices that protect the environment. By choosing coffee that is certified organic or fair trade, you can support these efforts and contribute to the well-being of coffee-growing communities.
Economic Impact: Coffee production provides livelihoods for millions of people worldwide. By purchasing coffee from reputable sources, you help sustain the economies of coffee-growing regions and support fair wages and working conditions for farmers.In summary, coffee offers a multitude of benefits that extend beyond its delicious taste. From health advantages and enhanced cognitive function to social and cultural enrichment, coffee is a versatile beverage that can positively impact various aspects of your life. So go ahead, brew yourself a cup, and enjoy all that coffee has to offer.
submitted by Hondurasgoldencoffee to u/Hondurasgoldencoffee [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:29 tobeagram [Self-promo Sunday] Supernotes – a thoughtful notes app for iPhone, iPad, and Mac built by a team of two

Hey everyone! 🙋‍♂️ I'm Tobias, co-founder of Supernotes, a fast and intuitive notes app for Apple devices. With WWDC starting tomorrow, I thought it would be a great time to share what we've been building over the past 5 years.
My co-founder, Connor and I have always loved Apple products (my first was an iMac G5) and we wanted a notes app that lived up to Apple's standards. Maybe it's just us, but Apple Notes simply wasn't working for all our ideas, to-dos, drafts, quotes, clippings, code blocks etc... it didn't have enough features, was always unorganised and after a few hundred notes it became too much to manage. We also wanted an easier way to share and send notes, such as recipes and restaurant recommendations, to our friends (even those with green bubbles).
Our solution? Break down long-form notes into smaller, connected notecards that are easier to create, organize and share 📝 Almost like Lego but for your ideas. With Supernotes, you can:
And just last week, we released our own AI features (you can view a YouTube overview of the new release here). We've been concerned with how fast we're becoming reliant on AI for generating content, so we're taking a different approach. Instead of auto-completion, it highlights grammatical mistakes and reminds you of forgotten tags. Our AI helps you think more, not less.
Supernotes is designed and built by just the two of us. It's available to download on your iPhone, iPad, and Mac with free and paid plans. For your friends with non-Apple devices, we have apps for those covered too. As a small independent development team, we'd love to hear your thoughts, and if you have any questions, please pop them below 👇
submitted by tobeagram to apple [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:26 Leather_Echidna494 my roads are misplaced and its texture are bugged

load order (do tell if anything is "unusual" in this load order)
Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp
Skyrim Project Optimization - Full ESL Version.esm
Vanilla Script MicroOptimizations.esl
Skyrim Extended Cut - Saints and Seducers.esp
RealisticWaterTwo - Resources.esm
Lux Orbis - Master plugin.esm
Animated Ice Floes.esp
Lux - Resources.esp
Lux Via.esp
Heels Sound.esm
Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm
RASS - Visual Effects.esl
Vanilla Scripts Enhanced.esl
Fertility Mode.esm
iWant Widgets.esl
Environs Master Plugin.esp
Lux - Master plugin.esm
Immersive Sounds - Compendium.esp
Obsidian Weathers.esp
Vibrant weapons EAE.esp
Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp
RDO Updated.esp
Northern Roads.esp
Lux Orbis.esp
JKs Skyrim.esp
Northern Roads - Lux Via patch.esp
Cutting Room Floor.esp
AI Overhaul.esp
Dawn of Skyrim.esp
Lux Via - plugin.esp
Bandit War.esp
Jampion NPCs.esp
NW_Sons_of_Skyrim - My fixes by Xtudo.esp
Northern Roads - Additional Roads.esp
Northern Roads - Rocks Patch.esp
Odin - Skyrim Magic Overhaul.esp
Northern Roads - JKs Skyrim patch.esp
Settlements Expanded SE.esp
Embers XD.esp
Whiterun Has Walls.esp
Whiterun Has Walls - Higher Walls.esp
Northern Roads - ESO Imports patch.esp
Mists of Tamriel.esp
Lit Road Signs.esp
Vampires Masquerade.esp
Northern Roads - Lux Orbis Patch.esp
Northern Bathhouses.esp
JKs Skyrim - AI Overhaul Patch.esp
Northern Roads - Lux Via - Lux Orbis consistency patch.esp
Northern Roads - CRF patch.esp
Less Trees - Cell data patch.esp
WiZkiD Hunter's Camp Overhaul.esp
Immersive Horses.esp
Bijin Wives.esp
Vampire Clans and Bloodlines.esp
Innocence Lost - Quest Expansion.esp
Northern Roads - Snowhawk Expanded patch.esp
Northern Roads - Skyland HD Roadsigns Patch.esp
Whiterun Has Walls - City Exterior.esp
Bijin Warmaidens.esp
Bijin NPCs.esp
Northern Roads - BS Bruma Patch.esp
ESOImports - JKs Skyrim Patch.esp
Northern Roads - Settlements Expanded patch.esp
Northern Roads - Lux Via - ESO Imports patch.esp
Environs - Whiterun Watchtower.esp
Northern Roads - Undeath patch.esp
Northern Roads - Legacy of the Dragonborn patch.esp
Northern Roads - CC Fishing patch.esp
[SunJeong] Ninirim Collection.esp
Environs - Tundra Farmhouse.esp
Northern Roads - CC Farming patch.esp
Northern Roads - Neugrad Patch.esp
The Amazing World of Bikini Armors REMASTERED.esp
Lux Orbis - USSEP patch.esp
Northern Roads - USSEP Additions.esp
Northern Roads - CC Tundra Homestead patch.esp
CBBE 3BA Vanilla Outfits.esp
TAWOBA Remastered Leveled List.esp
[COCO] Shadow Assassin.esp
[COCO] Lolita.esp
[COCO] Demon Shade.esp
Unmasking Sybille.esp
Shadow of Skyrim.esp
Northern Roads - Environs - The Ruined Tundra Farmhouse Patch.esp
Northern Roads - CC The Cause patch.esp
Northern Roads - Floating Plants Fix.esp
Northern Roads - CC Myrwatch patch.esp
Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim.esp
Dynamic Activation Key.esp
Simple Hunting Overhaul.esp
Schlongs of Skyrim.esp
SOS - Smurf Average Addon.esp
SOS - VectorPlexus Muscular Addon.esp
SOS - VectorPlexus Regular Addon.esp
[COCO] Scarlet Rose.esp
[COCO] CaressofVenus.esp
[COCO] Mysterious Mage.esp
[COCO] Pinpup Cheongsam.esp
[COCO] Fairy Queen.esp
[COCO]SinoAlice Snow.esp
[COCO] 2B Wedding Outfit.esp
[COCO] Mulan.esp
[COCO] Gothic Babe.esp
Insignificant Object Remover.esp
Footprints - ENB.esp
Moonlight Tales Special Edition.esp
Real Feeding V3.esp
Werewolf Hunger.esp
Werewolf Footstep FX.esp
Additional Dremora Faces.esp
BnP -Eyepack.esp
Kynreeve Armor.esp
Vampire Lines Expansion.esp
Dirt and Blood - Dynamic Visuals.esp
Dirt and Blood Expanded.esp
Dynamic Sprint.esp
NPCs React To Invisibility - Bow of Shadows Patch.esp
NPCs React To Invisibility.esp
dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp
Dynamic Impact - Slash Effects X.esp
Immersive Death Cycle.esp
MEMOSPORE - UI Sound Effects.esp
NPCs Take Cover.esp
Northern Roads - More to Say Shor's Stone patch.esp
Northern Roads - CC Saints and Seducers patch.esp
Stress and Fear.esp
DX Necromancer Robes.esp
Murmurs and Mead.esp
ECSS - Beyond Skyrim Music Patch.esp
Action Based Projectiles.esp
Innocence Lost QE - USSEP Patch.esp
Belethor's Sister.esp
Your mom.esp
Lords of Coldharbour.esp
JS Rumpled Rugs Redux SE.esp
C.O.I.N. - The Cause Patch.esp
C.O.I.N. - Beyond Skyrim Patch.esp
Immersive Equipping Animations.esp
Smoking Torches And Candles.esp
Phenderix Elements.esp
zxlice's ultimate potion animation.esp
Book Of Shadows.esp
Realistic AI Detection 3 - Medium Interior, Medium Exterior.esp
Flames of Coldharbour.esp
[COCO] Lace Lingerie Pack.esp
[COCO] FlyinDance.esp
[COCO] Twilight Sorceress.esp
Cinematic Dragon Soul Absorbtion.esp
AnimatedEating_Coffee Patch.esp
CarryYourCarcasses - SHO.esp
Simplicity of Snow - BSBruma Patch.esp
Simplicity of Snow - Dwemer Sanctuary Patch.esp
Simplicity of Snow.esp
toggle compass hotkey.esp
Animated Ice Floes - LotD Patch.esp
Embers XD - Patch - Beyond Skyrim - Bruma.esp
Embers XD - Patch - Goldenhills Plantation.esp
Embers XD - Fire Magick Add-On.esp
Even Bigger Moons.esp
Mists of Tamriel for Obsidian Weathers.esp
Simple Snow Improvements - Skyrim.esp
The Dark Arts.esp
NPCs React To Necromancy.esp
Imperious - Races of Skyrim.esp
Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp
Apocalypse - Ordinator Compatibility Patch.esp
Odin - Ordinator Compatibility Patch.esp
Sacrosanct - Vampires of Skyrim.esp
Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp
Northern Roads - Alternate Start patch - Lux Via version.esp
Bijin AIO.esp
Skyland Watercolor - Slow Green-RW2-iNeed.esp
RealisticWaterTwo - Waves - Wyrmstooth.esp
RealisticWaterTwo - Myrwatch Patch.esp
RealisticWaterTwo - Beyond Skyrim Bruma.esp
Lux - Legacy of the Dragonborn patch.esp
Lux - RWT Patch.esp
Lux - USSEP patch.esp
Lux - Brighter interior nights.esp
Lux - Lux Orbis - Lux Via - Brighter Torch.esp
Lux - Beyond Skyrim - Wares of Tamriel.esp
Lux - Bittercup Patch.esp
Lux - Bloodchill Manor patch.esp
Lux - CC Fish patch.esp
Lux - Dawnfang CC.esp
Lux - Dead Mans Dread Patch.esp
Lux - Elite Crossbows.esp
Lux - Farmer patch.esp
Lux - Forgotten Seasons.esp
Lux - Ghosts of the Tribunal CC.esp
Lux - Goblins CC.esp
Lux - Goldbrand CC.esp
Lux - Hendraheim patch.esp
Lux - Nchuanthumz Dwarven Home patch.esp
Lux - Necrohouse patch.esp
Lux - Neugrad patch.esp
Lux - Pets of Skyrim CC.esp
Lux - Saints and Seducers Extended Cut patch.esp
Lux - Shadowfoot Sanctum patch.esp
Lux - Sirenroot patch.esp
Lux - Undeath patch.esp
Lux - Staff of Hasedoki CC.esp
Lux - The Cause patch.esp
Lux - Tundra Homestead patch.esp
Lux - Umbra CC.esp
Lux - Vigil Enforcer CC.esp
Lux - Wyrmstooth.esp
Lux - Live Another Life patch.esp
Northern Roads - Lux patch.esp
Immersive Patrols II.esp
[Caenarvon] Magecore.esp
[Imp] Modular Mage.esp
Hwybee Silver Desire.esp
RaceMenu Overlays Hieroglyphics.esp
Immersive Wenches.esp
BakaFactory OStim Port.esp
submitted by Leather_Echidna494 to skyrimmods [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:26 Sweet-Count2557 Hatchet Hall Restaurant in Los Angeles,CA,United States

Hatchet Hall Restaurant in Los Angeles,CA,United States
Hatchet Hall Restaurant in Los Angeles,CA,United States
Hatchet Hall: Embracing the Beauty of Imperfection in Culver City, Los Angeles
Price Level: $$ - $$$
Hatchet Hall, located in Culver City, Los Angeles, is a renowned wood fire cookery that prioritizes ingredients and traditional American cooking techniques. With a strong commitment to supporting local farmers and purveyors, Hatchet Hall ensures a top-notch dining experience. The menu is ever-changing, reflecting the bountiful seasons of California produce. By embracing limited buying and constantly striving to keep things exciting for both staff and guests, Hatchet Hall offers simple yet exquisite dishes that celebrate the beauty of imperfection. The wine list is regularly updated, featuring exclusive options by the glass that highlight the culture, history, and natural wine movement, including organic, biodynamic, and sustainable wines. Additionally, Hatchet Hall boasts an extensive selection of American Whiskey, offering unique expressions and nuances that can only be found through the purchase of a full single barrel.
Cuisines of Hatchet Hall in Los Angeles,CA,United States
Hatchet Hall Restaurant, located in the heart of Los Angeles, offers a delightful array of cuisines that cater to a diverse range of dietary preferences. With a focus on American cuisine, this charming eatery also ensures that vegetarian-friendly and gluten-free options are readily available for those with specific dietary needs. From their mouthwatering farm-to-table dishes to their delectable vegetarian creations, Hatchet Hall guarantees a memorable dining experience for all. Whether you're a meat lover or a plant-based enthusiast, this restaurant has something to satisfy every palate. So, gather your friends and family and embark on a culinary journey at Hatchet Hall, where American classics meet vegetarian-friendly and gluten-free options for a truly unforgettable dining experience.
Features of Hatchet Hall in Los Angeles,CA,United States
ReservationsOutdoor SeatingSeatingWheelchair AccessibleServes AlcoholFull BarTable Service
Menu of Hatchet Hall in Los Angeles,CA,United States
Location of Hatchet Hall in Los Angeles,CA,United States
Contact of Hatchet Hall in Los Angeles,CA,United States
+1 310-391-4222
12517 W Washington Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90066-5505
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]