Games to give door prizes

Play Stupid Games Win Stupid Prizes

2017.04.19 16:38 Bobby_Thellere Play Stupid Games Win Stupid Prizes

Sub dedicated to gifs and videos of people playing stupid games and winning stupid prizes.

2012.02.08 18:38 turlockmike Anti Memes - Upvote some of the things!

For posting funny antimeme. What is an antimeme? 1. It either uses an existing meme template or looks like a meme. 2. It contains either an anti-joke or is uncaptioned but is not intended to be funny. 3. Still makes you laugh. Our Discord Server:

2008.06.09 05:04 Game Design: The Art of Crafting Rulesets

For topics related to the design of games for interactive entertainment systems - video games, board games, tabletop RPGs, or any other type. /GameDesign is not a subreddit about general game development, nor is it a programming subreddit. This is a place to talk about Game Design and what it entails. Use this community to network, discuss crafting rulesets and general game design, and share game design tips with other game designers. Designers of all experience levels are welcome!

2024.06.09 16:52 Neat_Attempt_2165 NEED HELP ARK OF ASCENSION, HAUS

wish I wouldn’t of had to post this, but here we go.
stuck on The Ark Of Ascension quest, specifically managing to juggle both killing the zombies and blowing up the brains. This is in the final subsection of this quest specifically where you’re supposed to descend into the Ark Chamber.
No matter how I’ve been using fury and the extra gear they give you, I can’t get past the 2nd brain when the mutator and flame guy come out.
Would appreciate if I got some tips, or offers to help join the game to beat it.
submitted by Neat_Attempt_2165 to DeadIsland2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:51 fifihaha91 Persona 5 exploring the map

Hi! I’m new to the series and there is one thing i need to ask. So, in the games with open/semi-open world i always try to discover hidden areas and search for secrets. I’ve been playing persona 5 for three hours and there is a lot of stuff that can be examined, for instance the cells with prisoners in the Kamoshida castle or even the fridge in the cafe. But trying to explore the world hasn’t provided me with anything but useless dialogues so far. Even when i try to eavesdrop on people there is nothing but general information that can’t be put to use. As far as i can see, only the people with a dialogue cloud on top of their heads, to whom you can directly speak, can say something useful.
So, my question is, should i keep on trying to open every door and read anything that can be read, for instance the newspapers in the underground? Or is it to just make the world feel more alive? No spoilers, please 🫡🫡
submitted by fifihaha91 to PERSoNA [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:51 MrRoeder To the Demons: What is the biggest sweatlord/try-hard-survivor you stumbled across?

No offense, just a describtion for persons, who really want to win this game which is fine. But this question came into my mind when today I experienced probably the most sweatiest Henry-player in the game.
So what are your most sweatiest encounters so far?
submitted by MrRoeder to EvilDeadTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:51 Several_Intern1949 #Dailyhunt sure?

#Dailyhunt sure? submitted by Several_Intern1949 to u/Several_Intern1949 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:50 Scriptico How Much A Pound Cost

I’ve lived to see another Tuesday night
Might as well step outside
Evening chill by my side.
Might smile sadly shake my head at the homeless guy asking if I got a quid
Wish I did mate
I lied.
I’ve got a couple coins in my pocket that I’m saving for the table
So I can push some balls in pockets and prove that I’m able
To better a peer over a cheap game and some beers
Bitter sweet relief the chimes of cheers ring in my ears
Then it’s
I nod my head and step outside again
The English air as crisp as ever pinching at my skin.
Through the fumes of the smoking area I lock eyes with a sort with brown locks and eyes no lighter
She touches my arm and asks if I’ve got a lighter
I pass it her and watch the spark come and go in an instant.
No worries.
Brief is easier
I don’t need a loss or a win
Don’t need her seeing the scars of sin leaking out from my skin
Yeah brief is sweet
I’m not sure
Maybe part of me thinks brief is what deprives me of more
Fuck it.
I’ll still blissfully piss a whole score up the wall
I’ll piss away my youth n all cos after all what’s life for if not for pisstaking and pub crawls
Footy scores, sticky floors and broken toilet doors with handles I ain’t touching.
Several more pints get drained until the pub spits us out again
Stumbling masses spilling out on the streets
Free of shame
In the air I smell the leaves of the Holy Mary Jane
Hit with the lit propane swimming straight into a brother’s brain
I fancy some of that
Got some buds waiting at the gaff
Time to head back but before I do I turn my head back
I see the homeless man staring, wearing his beanie front to back
Then I think of Kendrick
I think about his words on that one track
Anger and shame fill the gaps between my mind’s cracks
And thoughts I thought I’d drowned begin to start coming back
I pause.
Why am I haunted?
Why can’t I shake the feeling that something is watching?
Is it the drink in me sitting bad making a kid feel solemn?
Or is it that a pound cost the same as a dollar.
submitted by Scriptico to OCPoetry [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:50 OkInspection8026 What to do before committing

I’m giving myself til the end of summer before I commit. I want to know what you’d do if u had a timeframe to live so I can make a list for my last summer. I’m an animal lover (no animals tho so nothing including personal pets) and like the outdoors when I’m not working so any ideas w doing things in nature is appreciated. I’m also a pc gamer so game recs would be great. Also no this isn’t a cry for help so please don’t reply w any bullshit abt why it’s a bad idea, I only want ideas for things to do, thx
submitted by OkInspection8026 to depression [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:50 mateusmr Mod Reccomendation: Realistic Fallout 2.0. - Immersive Edition

Hello guys, Im a moderator in this sub and I port mods fairly regularly for the XBox crowd. I created a mod focusing on realism and I wanted to share it with you as well. I like to use it with some mods that you guys unfortunately dont have for the full experience, but you still can use without them. It's almost done, but will receive pontual updates from time to time. Realistic Fallout 2.0. - Immersive Edition [PS] Mod

Bottom of the Load Order.

"Realistic Fallout" is a collection of hundreds of changes to Fallout 4 aiming at increasing the realism while retaining the fun aspect. No changes made here should compromise your enjoyment of the game nor are its features overcomplicated. This mod, however, was unapologetically created for players that value immersion.
I've scoured all (ALL) 160 pages of the "immersion" and "gameplay" categories of mods on Nexus to draw inspiration for this mod. My criteria was simplicity and near perfect compatibility. There are no added scripts or new assets in this file, everything was made editing the game's parameters on Creation Kit directly and slotted in a single ".esp" file.
I tried to keep out tweaks that could override other configurations players usually employ. I also avoided edits that could be considered divisive, so most people can enjoy this mod and add new things without worrying too much.
"Realistic Fallout" was made to compliment the mod "Advanced Needs 76" , but can be used without it (I'm not sure if it exists on Playstation, unfortunately).
I also advise using mods that make the loot and items placed in the world scarcer, for the full, intended experience.


Difficulty Settings:
Player damage dealt to enemies is set to 1x in "Hard" and "Very Hard" difficulties to avoid bullet sponginess. Enemy damage dealt to the player is left like in vanilla across all difficulties. Survival Mode is left entirely vanilla.
Time Scale:
Utilized the popular "6 to 1" time scale (1 minute in real life is 6 minutes in-game, unlike in vanilla where 1 minute in real life is 20 minutes in-game). Fast Travel speed was adjusted to compensate for the slower passage of time.
Healing and Chems:
  • Unnatended broken limbs will start healing in 2 in-game days, and will be fully healed after 5 in-game days (adjusted for this mod's time scale). Sleeping still heals limbs, however, healing from sleep can be turned off or set to partial healing if using "Advanced Needs 76".
  • Stimpaks and Radaway heal overtime (10 seconds for full effect).
  • One Stimpak only heals up to 25% of a damaged limb's health and the healing process also happens overtime.
  • Chems that fortify damage only work on melee weapons and fists.
  • Added "chemist" perk requirement to craft stimpaks, radaways and chems. Level requirement vary according to the buff. Added "robotics expert" lvl 01 requirement to build "robot repair kit".
  • Molerat Disease: you get a crippling debuff of -40hp, but it only lasts for 10 days. This retains the moral implications of the Vault 81 questline and is realistic (a child wouldn't survive for long), but doesn't punish too harshly players that decide to follow a virtuous path.
  • The lockpicking sweet spot is reduced to make the minigame more of a challenge. Bobby pins aren't too brittle so the challenge is fair.
  • Locks won't tell you the level of the lock anymore.
Food, Cooking, Foraging, Hunting and Farming:
  • All foods that require dirty water now cost purified water instead*;
  • All foods that require heat cost 1 wood on top of the other ingredients;*
  • Purified Water recipe is now 1 dirty water and 1 wood*;
  • All crops require 1 fertilizer to be planted (a bag of fertilizer can be scrapped for 4);*
* Wood and Fertilizer must be manually scrapped from objects in settlements to be able to be used for cooking and planting. This is to avoid automatic scrapping of objects you dont want to destroy, and is more immersive.
  • Creatures give food and parts based in their size, a fraction of the loot's quantity is randomized to keep hunting interesting.
  • Creatures don't drop nonsensical loot such as caps, ammo, guns and armor.
  • All plants yield a random number of produce based on their 3d models in the game.
  • Wild crops found during exploration can be planted at settlements.
  • All sealed, prewar industrialized foods have their rad effects removed (except Nuka Colas);
  • Removed healing effects from food. Now food is only used for sustenance and for its secondary buffs (note: health will still "increase" when the food has a "fortify health" buff);
  • Bubblegum gives a temporary +1 charisma buff (sweet breath)
  • Mystery Bacon and Mystery Jerky now increase hp temporarily according to your cannibal perk level (lvl 1 = 10hp for 1min, lvl 2 = 15hp for 2 mins, lvl 3 = 20 hp for 3 mins).
Carry Weight and Power Armor:
  • The weight of most junk and misc items have been revised. Hundreds of objects have had their weights adjusted to resemble real life more closely while still being adequate for gameplay purposes. In general this means 90% of the junk you find will be 2 to 4 times lighter than in the base game (weapons and armor are unnafected).
  • Base carry weight is reduced to 60, and CW per strength level is decreased to 5 points per level. You gain no extra carry weight at level up besides the points you get from investing in strength. This balancing aims to simulate real life more closely (a fit adult that is able to carry 60 to 105 pounds), but should be balanced for gameplay purposes. It is highly advisable to use a backpack mod, since these usually adds CW in a range of 40 to 60 pounds. **
  • Power Armor has a base bonus of 200 carry weight to compensate for the carry weight debuff. You still can't wear backpacks in power armor, but this won't be an issue since you'll have 60 + 200 + 55 from the strength buff PA gets, which is roughly 315 carry weight.
Ammo prices:
Ammo prices are increased across the board. I tried applying some logic into it while retaining a balance for gameplay purposes. This is meant for games where ammo is rare and very expensive. Guns have vanilla prices because in the post-apocalypse they would be lying around, but ammo is increasingly scarcer.
I believe I covered all ammo in the game except for the "Contraptions" stuff and whatever Creation Club and the next gen patch might have introduced. These may come later. Contrary to popular belief I never actually finished Fallout 4 so there are tons of things I never witnessed in the game.
Here are some examples of prices per round from the top of my head (the prices CK uses take in consideration a character with charisma 10 if I'm not mistaken. Your actual prices in game will be higher):
.38 = 10 caps 10mm = 20 caps Energy / Cryo = 25 caps Shotgun Shells = 30 caps Rifle Shells = 30 caps Syringer = 20 caps Alien = very expensive (don't recall, probably 300 or 500) Automatics = around 12 or 13 caps (cheaper than most regular rounds) Fusion Cores = 500 caps (yeah...)
  • All turrets have "Scrapper" lvl 1 as a base requirement;
  • All generators, powered water pumps and water purifiers now have "Scrapper" lvl 1 as a base requirement, and more advanced models have "Science" perk requirements. Component requirements have been slightly increased;
  • The regular water pump still has vanilla costs and doesn't require "Scrapper" lvl 1, so you can help Sturges out easily;
  • The Decontamination Arch now requires "Science" lvl 2, "Medic" lvl 2, "Scrapper" lvl 2 and the component requirements have been slightly increased;
  • Fusion Cores can be recharged at Chemlabs using 150 fusion cells and perk "Science" lvl 1. Make sure you only have one fusion core in your inventory at the time or the chemlab will recharge a random fusion core from your inventory (you can't choose which).
  • All poisons (syringer ammo) require "chemist" lvl 01 to be crafted.
  • Workbench crafting requires specific perks and are no longer tied to "Local Leader" 2. Changes are as follows:
-"Armorer " 1 for armor and PA benches; -"Gun Nut" 1 for weapons workbenches; -"Chemist" 1 for chem workbenches; -"Robotics Exp" 1 for robot workbench.

Things this mod doesn't do

This mod focuses on implementing changes for:
gameplay settings misc items junk items ammo recipes specific leveled lists for flora and fauna.
  • I will not implement changes that relies on external assets or scripts.
  • I will most likely dont do edits to movement speed and enemy AI since these could conflict with combat overhauls.
  • I will not edit records that tweak weapons and armors, since these are often handled by other overhauls, which could end up being overwritten by my mod. Compatibility is a central concern in RF2.
submitted by mateusmr to Fallout4modsps4 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:49 Dapper_Difference663 [PC SERVER] New Beginnings {PVE CLUSTER} Quests SuperBosses Shop - Kits Element Transfers Ark Additions Shiny Dinos! (Immersive Taming) 3x EXP, 5x Harvest, 10x Taming, 30x Breeding

New Beginnings - you've never ARKed like this before!
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ New Beginnings is a brand new ASE PVE community Launched 5/25, looking for core members to play and grow with us! It is our goal to provide extensive content and extend your gaming pleasure well into late game with new features and enhanced end game content that will keep you coming back for months and years to come.
Enhanced content: We have Over world super bosses from 3 tiers each stronger than the last and the final tier will require maxed breed lines, capped saddles, and well organized compositions to beat. These bosses are stronger than the Ark bosses you have faced before but very rewarding with exclusive rewards only obtained through events and superbosses!
Quests are added to make your progression even more rewarding and give milestones to chase for epic rewards some will take a very long time but will be worth the mileage. Our quests have a unique UI that you can explore that also give you player stats and leaderboards.
Admin hosted events: We host many events for our community to keep things fresh and entertaining, many of our events are PvPvE and will be hosted on a exclusive event map with PvP enabled with safe zones for PvE events. Among these events we host: Paintball tournaments, Downhill doedic derby, Darts, Maze runs, Ovis soccer, Dodo Olympics, Battle Ship, Capture the flag, Admin hosted Boss runs, Shiny parties, and much more! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
🖥️ Server Setting 🖥️
XP Multiplier: 3x
Harvest Amount: 5x
Taming Speed: 10x
Breeding: 30x
Crop growth: 2x
Player food consumption: 0.5
Player water consumption: 0.5
Player weight stat: 15x
Player movement speed stat: 5x
Player crafting skill stat: 5x
Player fortitude stat: 5x
Wild dino Food consuption: 1.5x
Tamed dino Weight stat: 15x ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
📀 Mod List 📀
Shiny dinos!
Ark additions
Shads Atlas imports
Krakens better dinos
Roleplay appearal ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
🏰 Structure Mods🏰
Structures plus
Ckf remastered
Ckf science fiction
Ecos Highland homes
Ecos rp decor
Ecos Primal decor ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
🧺 Qol Mods 🧺
Lethals reusables
Awesome Spyglass
Awesome teleporter
Immersive taming
Dino Storage v2.0
Hg stacking +1000 - 50 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
🏎️starter Kit to help you get started 🏎️
Hide armor
Metal tools
Awesome Spyglass
Awesome teleporter remote
Reusable bola
Reusable spear
Lvl 100 pteradon with saddle
🌎Maps 🌍
The Island (Extension Cie)
Crystal isles
Rotational map (currently Extinction, rotates every month) (Event Map coming soon!) ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
Hope you will join us!! (Would love to see new players come enjoy the server and make lasting memories with us!)
🧑‍🤝‍🧑Discord 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Link in my bio
-- xac5f9rQs6 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
submitted by Dapper_Difference663 to SurviveTogether [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:49 Dapper_Difference663 [PC SERVER] New Beginnings {PVE CLUSTER} Quests SuperBosses Shop - Kits Element Transfers Ark Additions Shiny Dinos! (Immersive Taming) 3x EXP, 5x Harvest, 10x Taming, 30x Breeding

[PC SERVER] New Beginnings {PVE CLUSTER} Quests SuperBosses Shop - Kits Element Transfers Ark Additions Shiny Dinos! (Immersive Taming) 3x EXP, 5x Harvest, 10x Taming, 30x Breeding
New Beginnings - you've never ARKed like this before!
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ New Beginnings is a brand new ASE PVE community Launched 5/25, looking for core members to play and grow with us! It is our goal to provide extensive content and extend your gaming pleasure well into late game with new features and enhanced end game content that will keep you coming back for months and years to come.
Enhanced content: We have Over world super bosses from 3 tiers each stronger than the last and the final tier will require maxed breed lines, capped saddles, and well organized compositions to beat. These bosses are stronger than the Ark bosses you have faced before but very rewarding with exclusive rewards only obtained through events and superbosses!
Quests are added to make your progression even more rewarding and give milestones to chase for epic rewards some will take a very long time but will be worth the mileage. Our quests have a unique UI that you can explore that also give you player stats and leaderboards.
Admin hosted events: We host many events for our community to keep things fresh and entertaining, many of our events are PvPvE and will be hosted on a exclusive event map with PvP enabled with safe zones for PvE events. Among these events we host: Paintball tournaments, Downhill doedic derby, Darts, Maze runs, Ovis soccer, Dodo Olympics, Battle Ship, Capture the flag, Admin hosted Boss runs, Shiny parties, and much more! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
🖥️ Server Setting 🖥️
XP Multiplier: 3x
Harvest Amount: 5x
Taming Speed: 10x
Breeding: 30x
Crop growth: 2x
Player food consumption: 0.5
Player water consumption: 0.5
Player weight stat: 15x
Player movement speed stat: 5x
Player crafting skill stat: 5x
Player fortitude stat: 5x
Wild dino Food consuption: 1.5x
Tamed dino Weight stat: 15x ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
📀 Mod List 📀
Shiny dinos!
Ark additions
Shads Atlas imports
Krakens better dinos
Roleplay appearal ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
🏰 Structure Mods🏰
Structures plus
Ckf remastered
Ckf science fiction
Ecos Highland homes
Ecos rp decor
Ecos Primal decor ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
🧺 Qol Mods 🧺
Lethals reusables
Awesome Spyglass
Awesome teleporter
Immersive taming
Dino Storage v2.0
Hg stacking +1000 - 50 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
🏎️starter Kit to help you get started 🏎️
Hide armor
Metal tools
Awesome Spyglass
Awesome teleporter remote
Reusable bola
Reusable spear
Lvl 100 pteradon with saddle
🌎Maps 🌍
The Island (Extension Cie)
Crystal isles
Rotational map (currently Extinction, rotates every month) (Event Map coming soon!) ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
Hope you will join us!! (Would love to see new players come enjoy the server and make lasting memories with us!)
🧑‍🤝‍🧑Discord 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Link in my bio
-- xac5f9rQs6 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
submitted by Dapper_Difference663 to ARK_pc [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:48 Subject_Ordinary2699 Haven’t been getting along for months, every day I feel closer to being so over this and done.

Umm… it’s a long story I guess. TL/DR at the bottom.
Sometimes I really want to divorce. But I also really don’t. I do love my husband a lot and we have had such incredible times together and built a really amazing life. I don’t want to leave it all behind, to start over with someone new, blow up my life and start with literally nothing, but man am I hurting right now. I feel so lonely in my marriage that sometimes I feel like it would just be easier to actually be alone. I don’t like how I’m being treated and I don’t like that I’m asking for bare minimum and not even getting that. Sometimes I feel like I am growing up and outgrowing him/our dynamic and things feel stagnated (I want kids, he wants to drink and party).
My husband (30M) and I (29F) have hit a rough patch, except I’m not even sure if it’s just a rough patch anymore or if we are truly falling apart. Together for nearly 6 years, married for 3. It makes me sick to think about because I feel as if my husband is a totally different person now. I’m so confused because our relationship has never ever felt this wrong or hurtful, I used to believe our love was so healthy and nurturing; my husband used to communicate and be open and loving and now he’s just passive aggressive (he’ll even admit it), hot/cold and mean to me.
He has said some very hurtful things but will never take accountability or apologize for what he has said to me, he often times will spin things around and blame me for all the ways I’m hurting him and never acknowledge what I have come to him with; like I will raise a concern and somehow by the end of it, I’m left apologizing while my feelings were never acknowledged. Or he just goes “ok!?” Like ok so what??? A lot of DARVO and defensiveness, he will twist my words and insist I said something when I know I didn’t. If I call him out, I just get a “sorry I misspoke” from him. If I tell him he hurt my feelings, he says it’s a me problem. That he has no problems. That I should just be happy and move on. In his mind, we wake up the next day and be happy and all is well because we choose to be better (ok sure, fine) but with no apology or repair attempts, I have a hard time “just moving on”. It’s hard to forgive a person that can’t even admit they hurt you or show remorse for how they have done so. I have gone to bed sobbing next to him and it’s never brought up or talked about the next day and he wonders why I’m growing distant. He has zero compassion and empathy for my feelings and I feel really alone in that.
Last year, we were long distance for the whole year (military). Our fights started in September when I went to visit and I felt he was disrespecting me, mocking me, not taking me seriously, disregarding my suggestions in front of our friends. One night, he started picking fights with me at a bar and insisted we go home “because I wasn’t having fun”. I never expressed that, though the bar scene is not my thing, I still went with him and our friends and was enjoying our time. I told him to go have fun, dance, hang out and I’ll enjoy my drink. He kept saying I wasn’t having fun and we needed to leave and I kept insisting I was totally happy to just be there (that was the truth). A lot of times he will project his own interpretations of my feelings onto me and assume he knows what I’m thinking/feeling without asking. We left that night without our friends and grabbed dinner on the way back to the hotel, except he completely ignored me and stonewalled me the entire time. I tried to make conversation but took the hint, let him know I don’t feel welcome in this interaction since he wasn’t engaging in return, and that I was going back to the hotel alone since he clearly didn’t want me there. His defensiveness is usually cold and silent, he has admitted that he “stonewalls me because he’s done talking with me”. He refuses to talk a lot of the time or will say there’s nothing he wants to talk about.
After I had come back home, our fights continued. I asked him a handful of times to please send me the pics we took on our vacations and it took him over a month of me reminding him to please just do it. Finally he became angry and BLEW UP on me and sent them, only half, and I reminded him that there’s more and he spit back at me “THAT’S ALL I HAVE, WE’RE NEVER TAKING PICTURES ON MY PHONE AGAIN” when I knew there were more. What a stupid, petty thing to get mad at me over?
Another time, he completely disappeared on me for 3 whole days and I hardly heard a word from him. I knew exactly where he was (drunk in his dorm playing video games, on a complete bender with his friends online, only taking breaks to go to work drunk/hungover and come back to drinking again). I attempted to reach out, say hi, stay connected, because I feel that’s important long distance? To make an effort to communicate? Because we have a responsibility to each other? I don’t feel like I’m asking for much here, but he was just gone for 3 days. When I finally heard from him and let him know how hurt I was because I felt like he didn’t have time for me (I have often felt second to his online friends, I spent a year and a half going to bed alone and existing without him because he would stay up drinking with them), all he said was “sorry sometimes I just fuck off into my own world”. Like dude you have a wife that you need to be involved with too? I have a really big problem with his drinking and his online life as it’s taken a higher priority over me a lot of times. For a long time, all I saw him do was go to work, come home, drink and game.
Between September to now, things have only spiraled and gotten so much worse. In January, we moved abroad. I knew it would be a hard adjustment for me as I’ve never left home, am incredibly close to my family and overall just a big change, plus I had all my luggage and our two pets to drag through airports and onto flights with. I needed help. I wanted to do it together, as husband and wife, I wanted his support and for us to be doing this new thing in life together… except I had to BEG him to come pick me up. I knew I would need him as my heart was aching over leaving home. There was so much resistance from him though, he said I’d be fine and to just meet him at our next duty station. That it’s such a big waste of time and money to come get me from Asia (he gets a free flight home though??), just to fly back to Asia. Then he started talking about going home to his home state before our move, to see friends and family, and I asked, ok so if you’re in the states already, why not just come up to me and pick me up and we go to Japan together (also, he has time and money to go them but not for me?)? At this point he came unglued and hysterical, insisting again how it’s a waste of time and money and who is going to pay for him to go home? Me? (I’m like, wtf why would I pay for you to go party but you can’t make time to pick me up for a big transition???) he let me know how much I frustrate him and honestly the whole fight just turned into something so bizarre and vague, I wondered what we even were fighting about anymore (as often is the case). I was sobbing and so hurt that he clearly wasn’t choosing me when I needed him, and we fell silent on the phone while I just cried and cried. All he could say was “yeah I know you’re pissed at me”.
Since moving, our sex life has completely declined (my fault). I’ve been depressed, stressed, tired and honestly so hurt by him that I don’t want to have sex with him, especially when he won’t even acknowledge that he has hurt me or apologize. That’s not someone I want to be intimate with. So I have rejected him a couple times, letting him know I’m feeling really insecure about us. I have tried SO HARD to not reject him because I know how hurtful it is, and sometimes in the past, I was just tired. Not in the mood. It doesn’t happen frequently at all (maybe 3 times in our time together), and the times I have said no, he literally will throw himself over in a tantrum like manner and it’s so gross and childish to me. Now, since things have gotten worse, he just goes cold. He told me that if it weren’t for us being married, my couple of times saying no recently would’ve been enough for him to be done with me. And that hurts, because not once has he even attempted to ask what’s wrong, why am I feeling this way, what can we do differently, how is my heart? He can throw everything away over that without even talking to me first? I told him I’m straight up depressed/homesick and having a hard time since moving, not to mention our lack of connection, and he never expressed concern, only his hurt feelings for how rejected and ugly he feels because I won’t have sex with him. He makes weird, off handed snarky comments about how he sometimes “considers going to the gym and getting in shape just to attract some attention and that he never would do that, but he’s thought about it”. The weird comments have happened here and there over a few subjects, leaving me dead in my tracks thinking “what the fuck was that? Where did that comment even come from?”
I have begged him to meet me half way outside of the bedroom, because I don’t feel emotionally connected anymore and that we really need help, and he’s still so dumbfounded that I won’t have sex even though I’ve clearly laid out the ways in which I’m hurting and feeling like we are falling apart. I can’t even remember the last time he told me he loved me first, that he appreciates me, is proud of me, feels lucky to have me, but he used to say those things.
At one point, I wrote him a very long, heartfelt letter stating exactly what was hurting me and why I was feeling the way I am. He read it and didn’t speak to me or even look at me for a week. LITERALLY. When he finally responded (opposite shifts and never any time to talk, a lot of our conversations have been letters or texts lately, because there’s no time/we never see each other and our in person fights derail anyways), he told me he “read my note and felt nothing and that he didn’t care, but knows that he should care so he’ll consider how he should feel.”
I have asked for counseling, to which he insisted he was never going to do again because it’s just a crying/shit-on-the-husband-fest (he is divorced once, I assume he went with his ex), he told me there’s nothing wrong with him, he doesn’t need someone telling him how to live his life, he’s happy with who he is and will not go to counseling. I told him it’s not an option anymore and so we went once (didn’t go well) and he reminded me more than once how stupid it was. I told him I want a husband that has a growth mindset and someone who is wanting to work on things with me, who takes me seriously when I say we need help, someone who is open to talking and communicating. He took offense that I don’t think he’s growth minded because of his spiritual journey and personal growth but I asked him, how are you showing up as a husband? He tells me “we don’t need to be checking in and talking about things”.
He says I’m trying to change him and want him to be different (because I’ve asked him for help around the house but he doesn’t see the mess the same so it doesn’t matter to him? But to me it does because it’s his mess too and we exist together, therefore we both need to be making an effort? I have taken on 90% of the household chores for a while now and let him know I need help and suddenly he’s saying I’m trying to change him and asking him to “put on his husband mask”, what does that even mean?????) I’ve asked him to attempt to speak my love language more (touch and words), as there’s hardly any intimacy between us (no hand holding, cuddling, hardly any affection outside the bedroom) and that’s asking him to be someone he is not?? Because he’s not touchy feely? He will slap my ass or grope my boobs (huge pet peeve and I’ve expressed that) and when I ask him for a hug instead, there’s push back? He gets mad and guilts me when I won’t drink with him (I don’t need or want to drink every night at home, sorry). One time he was poking and pinching at my sides and I asked him not to as it was making me uncomfortable (struggling with binge eating at the moment) and he got irritated and defensive because “he’s just playing and why can’t I have fun”.
Through all of this, I feel like I am the one saying I want to work on things, I love him and our life and let’s do better, let’s fix things, let’s grow together, I’m the one still making an effort to bridge the gap even though we are hurting, and all I’m hearing from him are all the ways he doesn’t like me: he thinks I’m boring (because I won’t drink with him), that I can’t do anything for him that he doesn’t do for himself (yes he literally said this, what do I even offer him?), that he fell in love with me for my independence and what am I doing now? (I uprooted my entire life and moved to another country to support him, I got a job within 2 weeks of being here and have since secured a government position, I’ve bought and paid off a car in 3 months, I go out and travel in a country where I can’t even speak the language, made friends, and he says I’m not independent?? WTF), that he doesn’t need me or this relationship and only fears I’m wasting his time. He can’t think of a single thing he appreciates about me (his words) when I feel I have given up everything and bend over backwards for him to care for him and our relationship. I really feel he doesn’t like me or respect me, but he’ll say he wants me around. He insists I don’t love him or like him, but I feel that is his own projection onto me. We are long distance again and I have expressed multiple times that it’s important to me to stay engaged and check in at least once daily, to say hi, and I’ve been doing that despite being incredibly busy myself, but he ghosts me constantly and is hardly reciprocating effort. I have hardly heard from him in a month, despite my efforts (I’m starting to feel like a damn fool by continuously reaching out, if I don’t text, we don’t talk, I’m tired of the games and have since pulled back but that feels so shitty to even have to do???). I want someone that WANTS to say hi to me and see how I’m doing???
I don’t feel I have a friend in him, as he never asks about me, my life, my inner world, what’s going on with me, does not express interest in my new jobs, new friends etc, when I am constantly interacting with his world and engaging with him. I have expressed to him I feel like I am his friend but he is not mine because he doesn’t express an interest. We do a lot of what he wants and not a lot of what I want.
I told him I want to go home for my 30th birthday in July (it’s a big deal to me!) and I asked him to meet up with me in my state (he will already be in the states for a work trip). He told me he doesn’t want to come hang out with me on my birthday and was instead thinking of going to a big get together with his online friends in a different state to party and drink with them. That really hurt me. Do I not matter to him at all???
I have a big problem with his drinking (he has driven drunk at least 3 times that I know of, 2 of which I was in the car with him, once my family was also involved), I have expressed my concerns about his drinking and he says “I don’t think it’s a problem”. I told him I don’t want our future kids thinking it’s ok to wake up and pop open a beer for breakfast every day and he dismissed it.
We are not agreeing or seeing eye to eye on our next 5-10 years together: we want kids, but I want to be in the states closer to home so we can have our families be involved with our kids too, meanwhile he wants to live abroad as long as possible and retire out of the military overseas. He wants nothing to do with his family and doesn’t care to be close to them. I knew this, and thought I would be ok with it, but I’ve since realized that it’s actually really important to me to have our families involved and not be on the other side of the world at the moment. We can’t find a way to meet in the middle on this, but I don’t want to be this far away for too long (current trajectory is 3-7 years). He says he isn’t sure if he can compromise because he’s always done for others and not himself. Meanwhile, I feel like: maybe you should’ve thought about that before getting married? Aren’t your spouse’s feelings enough to move you in a direction that would be fulfilling for both of us, not just yourself? I agreed to 4 years overseas when I really didn’t want to, and now that I’m asking that we go home after, now it’s an issue?
We went to a marriage retreat that only further revealed what I have been hurting and expressing concern about: that I don’t feel connected and that we need to be digging deeper and investing more into our relationship. I cried so hard when we returned from that retreat and all he could tell me was how frustrated he was that he took us there only for me to come home and cry about it.
He is ok with pushing my boundaries and disregarding my feelings: example of this a couple months ago, I let him know multiple times and many hours in advance we had dinner reservations (we need to leave by 7). He gets ready around 630. I tell him, ok time to go. He says, just 5 more minutes (on his pc gaming and drinking). I say, ok it’s been 5 minutes, let’s go. He says, wait just another minute. 20 minutes pass and I’m now visibly irritated and telling him, I’m leaving, now we’re going to be late. He gets pissy and storms behind me, I let him know that it’s really important to me to be on time for things and I felt really disrespected by him making us late. He told me with attitude that “it’s fine” and it’s “not a big deal because we’ll still be there and we’ll get there when we get there”.
In the store, I will ask for his input on groceries and he will mutter under his breath to leave him alone, only to admit later that he did that and it was disrespectful: but just as an admittance and matter of fact, nothing more, like he’s ok with disrespecting me and declaring it??
Honestly there’s still so much to this, but it’s getting long - bottom line, I just really feel he doesn’t respect me or like me. I don’t feel like he loves me as a husband should or how I envision a marriage to be. I feel a lot of disinterest and complacency. I wonder if he could ever even properly be there for me in the ways I would want my husband to be (what happens when my dog or parents die, is he just going to dismiss my feelings then too and tell me to get over it? He is very emotionally avoidant, numb and dismissive). I don’t feel loved, supported, heard or understood, I feel so incredibly lonely in our marriage. I feel I am reaching a breaking point and it hurts deeply. He was NEVER like this, our relationship used to be so good and I have no idea what happened or why things changed but I am deeply unhappy now and don’t see a way forward with an unwilling partner who will not participate or sees nothing wrong. I deserve better and I want a husband and partner in life that is just as invested and just as loving and interested in me and willing to grow, as I am to him. I’m a damn good wife and I know that, I know what I have to offer, and I want someone that sees that and appreciates that. I feel my husband is very childish and immature and emotionally unavailable, I have wondered but whether or not he is manipulative doesn’t really matter and I don’t think labels are helpful, at this point all I know is I’m hurting and this isn’t working for me.
Of course this is only my side of the story, and no I have not been perfect. I have found myself in a dark, contemptuous state of mind towards him and tried my best to turn that around and reflect and do things differently. I am reading books, listening to podcasts, going to counseling, trying to model to him real apologies (sincerely too). He will say that I criticize him (I do have a harsh start up at times but have since tried to communicate softer and take more responsibility for my feelings and not find fault in his actions), that I want him to be someone he is not (he says I want him to put on a husband mask??), that he feels ugly and rejected because I won’t have sex with him, that I’m hurting him (but I’m honestly confused as to how because he can’t give specifics when I ask how or what I can do differently).
Sometimes I just feel so done with this and like it’s not worth it. I gave up everything to be in another country with him, I gave up friends, family, a career that I wanted to pursue, EVERYTHING, and this does not feel worth the pain I am feeling being so far away from the things that bring me joy outside of him. I feel deeply unfulfilled day to day.
We used to be so happy. He was so sweet and nurturing and cared for me, took interest in me, prioritized me. We had a wonderful life and home together, supported each other’s dreams and desires, used to communicate openly without defense or combative behavior. This is so left field for him/us that it’s left me deeply confused and feeling so much ambivalence. I used to feel #1 to him and now I just feel like his roommate.
Jesus this is long, if you read it and have any advice, thank you. I feel so alone in these feelings and don’t want to dump on my family and friends more than I have already. I am in individual counseling and that helps but I just needed to get it out of me and into the void.
TL/DR: basically I feel like I started challenging some bad behaviors and speaking up when my feelings were hurt (previously I guess I was the “cool girl” and chill and wouldn’t speak up and now I have resentment), and our relationship has become toxic. I am constantly torn between should I stay or should I go? I really don’t have much optimism anymore as my husband will spin things around and blame me, and I’m really not trying to act like a victim here, but he doesn’t take accountability or step up into being a leading man or husband and I’m tired. I’m tired of fighting, feeling sad, being long distance from my family and life in what feels like a failing marriage and not feeling like I’m being met half way on repairing/moving forward in a healthy manner.
submitted by Subject_Ordinary2699 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:48 Dapper_Difference663 [PC SERVER] New Beginnings {PVE CLUSTER} Quests SuperBosses Shop - Kits Element Transfers Ark Additions Shiny Dinos! (Immersive Taming) 3x EXP, 5x Harvest, 10x Taming, 30x Breeding

New Beginnings - you've never ARKed like this before!
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ New Beginnings is a brand new ASE PVE community Launched 5/25, looking for core members to play and grow with us! It is our goal to provide extensive content and extend your gaming pleasure well into late game with new features and enhanced end game content that will keep you coming back for months and years to come.
Enhanced content: We have Over world super bosses from 3 tiers each stronger than the last and the final tier will require maxed breed lines, capped saddles, and well organized compositions to beat. These bosses are stronger than the Ark bosses you have faced before but very rewarding with exclusive rewards only obtained through events and superbosses!
Quests are added to make your progression even more rewarding and give milestones to chase for epic rewards some will take a very long time but will be worth the mileage. Our quests have a unique UI that you can explore that also give you player stats and leaderboards.
Admin hosted events: We host many events for our community to keep things fresh and entertaining, many of our events are PvPvE and will be hosted on a exclusive event map with PvP enabled with safe zones for PvE events. Among these events we host: Paintball tournaments, Downhill doedic derby, Darts, Maze runs, Ovis soccer, Dodo Olympics, Battle Ship, Capture the flag, Admin hosted Boss runs, Shiny parties, and much more! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
🖥️ Server Setting 🖥️
XP Multiplier: 3x
Harvest Amount: 5x
Taming Speed: 10x
Breeding: 30x
Crop growth: 2x
Player food consumption: 0.5
Player water consumption: 0.5
Player weight stat: 15x
Player movement speed stat: 5x
Player crafting skill stat: 5x
Player fortitude stat: 5x
Wild dino Food consuption: 1.5x
Tamed dino Weight stat: 15x ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
📀 Mod List 📀
Shiny dinos!
Ark additions
Shads Atlas imports
Krakens better dinos
Roleplay appearal ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
🏰 Structure Mods🏰
Structures plus
Ckf remastered
Ckf science fiction
Ecos Highland homes
Ecos rp decor
Ecos Primal decor ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
🧺 Qol Mods 🧺
Lethals reusables
Awesome Spyglass
Awesome teleporter
Immersive taming
Dino Storage v2.0
Hg stacking +1000 - 50 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
🏎️starter Kit to help you get started 🏎️
Hide armor
Metal tools
Awesome Spyglass
Awesome teleporter remote
Reusable bola
Reusable spear
Lvl 100 pteradon with saddle
🌎Maps 🌍
The Island (Extension Cie)
Crystal isles
Rotational map (currently Extinction, rotates every month) (Event Map coming soon!) ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
Hope you will join us!! (Would love to see new players come enjoy the server and make lasting memories with us!)
🧑‍🤝‍🧑Discord 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Link in my bio
-- xac5f9rQs6 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
submitted by Dapper_Difference663 to ARKServers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:47 Iregretjoining15 The servers are so bad

Is Splatoon online not working for anyone else??? I keep trying to play the big run but it gives me constant communication errors and if I do get in a game (only happened once so far) it boots us off early In because of server problems
submitted by Iregretjoining15 to splatoon [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:47 flamingo_yamingo Is it worth it buying ps+ premium if you don't have great WiFi?

It's currently only €10 to upgrade from extra to premium for the rest of the year. (exactly 1 January because I always buy it on New year's) But as far as I understand the only benefit from premium is streaming games from PS3. And while I would like this when I tried doing this through ps now a couple years ago it barrely worked since my WiFi connection is pretty shit.
So should I just consider buying the games for my old PS3 or should I give ps+ premium a try?
submitted by flamingo_yamingo to PlayStationPlus [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:47 Blopppppppp Watch the final weekend of 2024's biggest Ability Draft tournament now

It's time for the final day of Rumble in the Jungle IV, where the best Ability Draft teams are battling it out under the new Patch, 7.36!
This tournament has already seen a mix of seasoned veterans and rising stars from North America, South America, Western Europe and Eastern Europe.
The defending champions, Maslyata, who came in with a 29-game winstreak, faced an unexpected defeat against Sibfamily Rejects, an AP stack that usually never plays AD.
Yesterday, we watched as Sibfamily Rejects defeated the AD-Stack Drugalki, sending them to the lower bracket and securing a spot in the Grand Finals.
Remaining 3 teams
Today’s Matches
Lower Bracket Finals: Drugalki vs Maslyata
Grand Finals: Sibfamily Rejects vs Winner of Lower Bracket finals
The Lower Bracket Finals kick off at 17:00 CEST, followed by the Grand Finals at 19:30 CEST.
What Makes Our Tournament Unique
Balanced Drafts: We use a community-made tool to ensure balanced drafts, preventing lopsided matches. This tool creates teams with roughly equal winrates based on hero models, enhancing the competitive spirit of the games. With the latest winrate data from Patch 7.36a, hero models are more balanced than ever.
Mulligans: Each team gets one chance to re-roll the draft per series.
Watch the Action Live
Main Stream: BloppDota2
Russian Coverage: Tiarinhino
Prize Pool: €1000 + additional crowdfunding, with 100% of donations going directly to the prize pool
submitted by Blopppppppp to DotA2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:47 Breaking_PG I'm On A Journey, Man. Part 6

Season 5
After a triumphant treble last season, I aimed to repeat the feat and add a fourth with the AFC Champions League. Little did I know, due to Japan's season running from February to December, we'd only play the group stage this time around. So focus remained on the league and domestic cups. As if we failed to win the Champions League this time around we needed to ensure we qualified again for the second half of next season. So, starting as we meant to go on, it was time for transfers.
Marcao - FLA - £240k
Shunsuke Nishikubo - Fujieda - £300k
Yuji Miki - Tochigi SC - £140k
Fuminori Tabuchi - Kashima Antlers - £300k
Itambé - Al-Fateh - £275k
Caio Cesar - Peterborough - £150k
Kiyohisa Kubo - Gamba Osaka - $400k
Hamode Kanaan - Ashdod - Free
Ryuta Sakai - Shonan Bellmare - £775k
Srdan Cvetkovic - Radnicki (SM) - £400k
Seiya Baba - Yokohama F. Marinos - £850k
Thanawat Suengchitthawon - Moangthong Utd - £825k
Yasuki Kimoto - Vissel Kobe - £275k
Our season began with the opportunity to gain another trophy as we faced Cerezo Osaka in the Fuji Xerox Super Cup. Japans answer to the Community Shield. This was a good litmus to see how we stacked up against our biggest challengers from last season with our new line up. This doubled as a testimonial of sorts for Komai Can't Communicate (But he can score) as he was retiring following this game. And score he did, we ran away with the game winning 7-0 and making us all very very excited for the season to come.
The AFC Champions League
We were drawn a decent group but not one that should cause us any issues for qualification, however, such is the way of the AFC Champions League, only one team from each group would qualify so we'd need to be at our best througout. In our group were South Korean side Pohang Stealers, Indonesian outfit Bali United and BG Pathum Utd from Thailand.
Pohang were our first opponents and we brushed them by the wayside winning 4-2 in Korea. We followed up with an impressive 5-1 win over Bali United which left us thinking this Champions League stuff isn't that hard now is it? BG Pathum United set out to prove me wrong, taking the lead early in Thailand. A late equaliser from Diego Medina secured our undefeated status however. We then played Bali United again, in Indonesia, we entered their home and didn't even wipe our feet as we smashed through them 4-0. Pohang were welcomed into our stadium and again, we beat them, a much more reasonable, from their perspective, 2-1 win all but confirmed our qualification and our goal difference was far superior to 2nd place BG Pathum, who we played next and were 3 points ahead. A draw would confirm our qualification but, a lesson was taught, NO ONE DRAWS WITH KYOTO SANGA TWICE! We won 3-1 and are in the second round of the contest. We would just have to wait till next season to play it.
The YBC Levian Cup
We, as defending champions of all Japanese Trophies entered in the second round were we faced the team we beat in last seasons final JEF United Chiba. Much like the finals our first leg tie ended 0-0. In the home leg we were 2-0 up after 50 minutes thanks to goals from Magnus Christensen and Srdan Cvetkovic but Karel Pojezny decided now would be a good time to show off his Crash Bandicoot slide dash impression as he took out a Chiba player on the 59th minute. Luckily for us, Full Blown Bazooka (A renamed Fugo Kazuka) ran clear after a counter attack and gave us a third as we ended the game with 10 men but also a spot in the round of 16.
Here we faced Renofa Yamaguchi, a team from the J2 league. And despite us going 4-0 they fought back to make it 4-3. Fortunately, once again, another late goal, this time from Takeshi Yamauchi set us up with a 2 goal lead going into the second leg. And what a bloody good job he did as we lost the second leg 2-1. We were heading to penalties here as well until a Full Blown Bazooka penalty in the 86th minute put us back in the lead on aggregate.
Shonan Bellmare were our quarter finals opponents. They held us to a 1-1 draw at their place, however, we gently ushered them to our stadium and trounced them 4-0. Meaning we were to take on Urawa Red Dragons in the semi's. And just like the semi in your trousers right now, yes yours, it was unimpressive. A narrow 1-0 win over 2 legs sent us to our second league cup final in a row.
The Emperors Cup.
Now, there's less games in this tournament as much like Paul McCartney's dating history, they're single legged affairs. That doesn't mean we made it easy on ourselves though. First off was Nagano Parceiro in the 2nd round. And boy howdy did we squeak through. It was 4-2 to us with just 8 minutes of time left to play when, young debutante Tomohiro Fukumoto decided to emulate his mentor Pojezny and absolutely massacre Parciero's striker and get himself sent off. Nagano clearly took that personally as they pulled another back almost instantly. Yuya Yamagisha scored for us on the 88th minute which seemed to save us 5-3! But, no, they scored again in the 93rd and again to level the scoring on the 95th. Moving us into extra time with a man less. Thankfully Yamagisha had other ideas as he scored a peach of a volley in the 96th minute to give us the win. 6-5 we're through.
The rest of the tournament was plain sailing, a 4-2 win over Machida Zelvia, 2-0 over FC Tokyo then a 5-0 demolition of Kagoshima meaning last seasons beaten finalists Vissel Kobe awaited us in the semi finals. Revenge was on their mind and they failed miserably at achieving it. We hammered through them 5-1 to set up a third Emperors Cup final in as many years this time facing Gamba Osaka.
The League
Now, the league, surprisingly is the shortest one to get through. We won and we won and we won and we won, but we also drew quite a lot, and lost once or twice. That's the story of the league really. We started to hit a rough patch due to injuries and general fixture congestion as our star man for much of the season Cvetkovic broke his leg and would be out for the remainder of the season. It was a month before the transfer window, so we powered through, drawing 3 of our next 4 games, the player we brought in to replace Cvetkovic, Thai winger Suengchitthawon, looked like a world beater, a player we could rely on to get us goals and fire us to glory, he signed the contract, he attended his first training session, he broke his foot. He..... broke his fucking foot before even sniffing the starting line up. Hello Darkness my old friend.
This left us 6 points behind league leaders Vissel Kobe with 4 games to go, the first of those 4 was against Kobe themselves. A win here, it's a 3 point gap, we can close that in 3 games if we play as I know we can. The league could still be ours. Well, could, but we lost to Kobe. 3-2, a last minute goal from their top scorer Ahmed Atef signed our league hopes death warrant. 9 points behind, 9 up for grabs. This may seem like the set up for a miracle. But, alas, it was not, we also lost our next 2 games against Nagoya Grampus and Kawasaki Frontale. A morale boosting 3-1 win over Jubilo Iwata on the last day did go somewhere to improving feeling about our impending Emperors cup final but the league was over, Vissel Kobe ensured the J1 Title stayed in Hanshin, just sadly, not on our side...... Pricks.
The Finals
The J League Cup, we won it last year and this time just Kashiwa Reysol were left to stop us from retaining the title. They took an early lead, a goal from Takahiro Akimoto in the 7th minute left us worried, but we equalised through Tatsuya Kusumoto in the 35th and then went and scored the deciding goal on 75 minutes, Kazuaki Sato, making his debut due to the previously mentioned injuries scored to win us the YBC Levian cup and give me my 6th trophy as a manager and 5th with Kyoto Sanga.
The Emperor's cup final was a turgid, boring affair, it's very sad that the last game of the season, hoefully an exciting paragraph offered up exactly 1 highlight in normal time, that highlight being a corner Osaka headed over in the 63rd minute. Extra time loomed, we were half expecting penalties as both my previous Emperor's Cup finals had been settled this way with varying results. Hiroaki Abe had other ideas though, the 19 year old Gamba Osaka academy graduate powered a header past my keeper and resigned us to another finals defeat and a disappointing end to our season.
Next season will soon be upon us, we have been drawn against Chiangrai United in the 2nd round of the AFC Champions League, we have a lot to look forward to, Japanese Football? I'M NOT FINISHED WITH YOU!
submitted by Breaking_PG to footballmanagergames [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:47 mb_1943 Advice beginner

Hey guys, me and my friend are gonna start playing elder scrolls online. We just want to roam in the world and do some quest etc. We dont really want PvP. Just PvE but we never played the game or any other elder scrolls game. What could u give as advice for us beginners. What to do what not to do etc. I would appreciate any help.
submitted by mb_1943 to elderscrollsonline [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:46 riotingplatypus Was Pope Benedict XVI brainwashed by American propaganda during his youth in post-WW2 Germany? This article makes a case to that effect.
When he came to the United States in April 2008, Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI, met with President George W. Bush. After the President’ remarks, the Pope gave a short talk. In it he profusely praised America and the principles behind its founding, thereby ignoring at least a hundred years of pontifical pronouncements on the proper ordering of society and the church to the state. He approved of the myths about American existence and history that are continuously reinforced, in one form or another, to the captive audience in the United States:
“From the dawn of the Republic, America’s quest for freedom has been guided by the conviction that the principles governing political and social life are intimately linked to a moral order based on the dominion of God the Creator. The framers of this nation’s founding documents drew upon this conviction when they proclaimed the self-evident truth that all men are created equal and endowed with inalienable rights grounded in the laws of nature and of nature’s God... [RJeligious beliefs were a constant inspiration and driving force, as for example in the struggle against slavery and in the civil rights movement....Americans continue to find their strength in a commitment to this patrimony of shared ideas and aspirations....[A]ll believers have found here the freedom to worship God in accordance with the dictates of their conscience, while at the same time being accepted as part of a commonwealth in which each individual group can make its voice heard....the preservation of freedom calls for the cultivation of virtue, self-discipline, sacrifice for the common good and a sense of responsibility towards the less fortunate. It also demands the courage to engage in civic life and to bring one’s deepest beliefs and values to reasoned public debate... Democracy can only flourish, as our founding fathers realized, when political leaders and those whom they represent are guided by truth and bring the wisdom born of firm moral principle to decisions affecting the life and future of the nation.”
Ratzinger, like most people exposed to American culture and to the weaponized form of Americanism developed by Murray, Luce, and the CIA during the Cold War, may not have fully understood the effect of American propaganda when it was happening, though he should have at some point in his 80 some years. The effects of succumbing to American propaganda, especially TAP, are pernicious. One comes to view America as the ideal for the social, cultural, and political organization of peoples and societies, and that opens the door to all sorts of evil and mischief, not the least of which is domination by the City of Man.
Americas apologists, especially through TAP, say that the Church has no rightful and exalted position in society, and that all one needs is the natural law with the Holy Spirit directly enlightening everyone. None of these ideas are Catholic, but RatzingeBenedict has indicated his allegiance to them all the same in a number of public events, such as the one in 2008 at the White House and more recently the one before the Bundestag on September 22, 2011.
Accepting TAP and America as the ideal means rejecting Christ, for it means rejecting the Faith and His Church with its rightful place of preeminence, as the country’s religion. People who accept TAP come to believe in America as the ideal, necessarily accept a corrupt form of Christianity because America, and its propaganda justifying it, is a Protestant construct. Hence, to accept America as the ideal is to fall under the power of the Jews as Dr. E. Michael Jones pointed out in his scholarly work on the Jews, The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its Impact on World History.
While the Holy Spirit keeps him from writing encyclicals that are erroneous, Ratzinger a/k/a Pope Benedict XVI is an American in his speeches, policies, and personal opinions, which he seems to enjoy spreading about, and which the media is quick to pick up. As this is being written, a report has issued from what used to be the East German police, the Stasi, and according to, Ratzinger was a “fierce foe” of Communism. This bit of evidence strongly militates in favor of Ratzinger’s having become an American in thought and worldview. (It would be interesting to know what the CIA has on Ratzinger.)
This colonization of Ratzinger’s mind by the Americans to view America as the ideal explains a lot, not the least of which is the reason our joy at his elevation to the Papacy was replaced over the years by bewilderment. With his many public appearances and talks that are devoid of mention of Christ and promotion of a decidedly American worldview, and with such writings as Jesus of Nazareth, and Light of the World, we see the danger posed to Catholics. Instead of seeing the world with its many problems through the lens of the Gospels, RatzingeBenedict sees the world as an American would. He therefore gives credence to and endorsement of America. Being an American is not compatible with being a Catholic, and Ratzinger’s many statements while serving as Pope have caused many a Catholic to stumble and become confused without offering any solution to so many troubles that beset them, and without offering any way to evangelize the world for Christ as He commanded in Matthew 28:18-20. Catholicism and Americanism are in conflict. Catholicism orders all we do and think towards serving God. Americanism orders all one does and thinks to serving Mammon. The twain shall never meet.
submitted by riotingplatypus to Catholicism [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:46 EyeOwnLeafApTubeOops Onlyfans is awful and full of lies

Basically I've realized that the only way to deal with sites like OF is to assume that everything you're seeing and hearing is a lie.
Get a message that says it was sent only to you but is suspiciously lacking in any info specific to you? It's a lie.
They say they will send you X if you go and like/comment on some amount of their posts? Probably a lie.
You bought a dick rate? They probably sent the same text/video response to 100 other people.
In fact, you might not even be talking to the person you think you are. Many creators will just hire someone else to handle the chatting or have their partner do it or something.
Ok, you don't want to pay for rates or sexting or anything that could just be a complete lie, so you want to buy a custom thing that ensures the creator must actually do at least a few minutes of work themselves? That will be several hundred dollars please. (Also you might never get it because it could turn out the entire account was fake and OF will side with the scammer)
Those "spin the wheel to earn a prize" things? Total scam, the creator can just pick which one they want to do, it's not up to chance.
The disclaimer things in their bio making various legal threats if you do anything with their content? Mostly BS. The only way you have a chance of seeing legal consequences is if you redistribute their content to others in a way that can be tied back to you.
Some of these disclaimers are hilarious and even try to prohibit DOWNLOADING the content... I'm sorry but did you think the internet worked by opening magical inter-dimensional portals between people's screens and nothing is ever stored on the end user's machine? If you thought that I have some bad news for you; if anyone can see any of your content, they have already downloaded it. End of story. These disclaimers are just more lies trying to scare you. You are safe to download as much as you want, as downloading it is a prerequisite to viewing it at all.
A creator is running some kind of contest/sweepstakes thing? Good chance it's a scam. You won't win and they won't provide any proof of giving something to the winner, so how would you know? Also some people host "fuck a fan" contests??.. Which is literally just prostitution except most people get nothing. Not really sure how that's legal.
Any basic demographic info you see like name, age, location, etc is probably also a lie, although I get that in those cases it's partially about anonymity.
I understand that some users want to be lied to because they are trying to live out some kind of fantasy with these sites. I also understand that many creators on the site are well-meaning people trying to make an honest living. But the sheer extent of the lying and lack of any kind of regulation or standards just makes it an awful experience. I don't think I'll ever give another dime to these sites, and just wanted to rant a little bit about them. Thanks for reading.
submitted by EyeOwnLeafApTubeOops to Rants [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:45 Both_Response_2789 Existence is bad. Creating new people is selfish. Dont create more people

You are born without your permission, into genetics you didn't choose, to parents you didn't choose, to a family you didn't choose, to a country you didn't choose, to a culture you didn't choose. You didn't choose the time or place, you didn't choose your language, you didn't choose the school, or the people in your class or the teachers.You didn't choose your likes and dislikes, your strengths or weaknesses, you didn't choose your economic status, you didn't choose to be prone to diseases, you didn't choose to be human instead of another animal, you didn't choose to be this "race" or another, you didn't choose your skin color, you didn't choose your IQ, you didn't choose what makes you happy, you didn't choose what makes you sad. You dont choose who thinks you are uglt or beautiful. You didn't choose who loves you, you don't choose who hates you, you don't choose who to love, you don't choose who to hate, you don't choose the code of morality, you don't choose to have wars, you don't choose to have peace.You didn't choose to be on this planet specifically, orbiting this sun, in this solar system, in this galaxy, in this universe, obeying these laws of physics.Everything that happens in the present has happened because of past events, and on the same principle, the future is already decided for us because of the same past. Your whole life is nothing but a "movie" you watch from your own body. A very limited point of view, and a very short movie (even though it feels like alot), relatively to the scales of time of the universe's existence. Your role is already "scripted." Even the fact that I'm writing this and that you are reading it is just part of the chain of events ruled by the principle of causality. Even if it will have an impact on you or not, it was already decided long long long time ago, infact, it was decided from the first moments after the start of the chain of events which will end in nothing. From nothing, to something, to nothing again. Everything that is "good" in our life can be traced to or summed up as some physical need of the body. We work in one job that other people need, to get money, so we can get from other people's work what we need. And what we need is to eat, drink, sleep, "piss", "shit", and multiply. If you do that successfully, you have other needs and desires to fulfill; otherwise, you'll experience boredom and a sense of lack of meaning. Therefore people paint, travel, dance, play games, create music, read, watch movies, have hobbies or do some other activities we do "with the body for the body." When fulfilling all these needs and desires are not enough, people tend to have the desire to create more humans, and those who choose to create another person are therefore deciding for the created person that the value of the "good" things (which are just material physical needs forced upon us) is more valued than the "bad" things that can happen (which are also forced upon us) like crimes, wars, diseases, injuries, anxiety, depression, sadness, rape, murder, race discrimination, theft, slavery, heat, cold, hunger, thirst, tiredness, nightmares, boredom, hate, confusion, old age, and so on and so on. As I said earlier, because of the principle of causality, each proportion of this "good" and "bad" in one's life is already decided ahead of one's birth, and the sense of agency and free will are nothing but a perception from the inside of our body. This perception of free will itself is a cause of a lot of harm to many people because we don't choose anything, but we do give all the credit and assign all the blame for people's actions they are not choosing.Another tragic fact about the universe and existence is that everything that is "good" for somebody is bad for somebody else. For example, you enjoy your steak, which means some cow lived and died for it. Or you enjoy some vegetable or fruit, so it comes from a field that used to be a habitat for some other animals, and people have to pick it for you in hard conditions. You enjoy a book, some tree and habitat was taken down for it. You enjoy the roads, somebody had to pave them, and so on and so on. Every animal existence, humans included, are living at the expense of other animals or even humans. If it is true that all we do is serve our bodily needs, then there is no other way but to say that: The thing we call life is nothing but slavery to our body. The saddest thing in my own opinion is that you don't choose when you'll die and how. Even if you want to die as much as one can, you'll face challenges and moral dilemmas and all your natural instincts that evolved through millions of years of successful reproduction will kick in to prevent you from the risks of causing yourself harm. Also, the process itself is a cause of suffering most of the time and is very scary to us by nature. If you want to bring another soul to existence because you want company, it's selfish. If you want them to fight your wars, it's selfish. If you want them to fulfill your dreams, it's selfish. If you want them to help you in old age, it's selfish. If you want them to take care of your wealth or businesses when you are gone, it's selfish. If you want to create a legacy, it's selfish. If you want to change the world, your world, it's selfish. If you want to serve your god, it's selfish. If you want to serve humanity, which you decided should be protected by your morals, it's selfish. There is no such thing as an unselfish act because every act is done to gain some good for ourselves in some way or another, including having kids. No matter what the reason was, the reason is still, at its core, a selfish one because the parents benefit from this birth in some way or another.To conclude: Existence is bad. Creating other people is selfish. Don't create other people. I'm open to a civilized discussion. If you call me traumatized, depressed, or a loser, I'm okay with that. Maybe its true. I wish everyone luck in this life. Luck is all we need.
submitted by Both_Response_2789 to antinatalism [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:45 Senschey no matter what i do in X battle, it feels wrong and it frustrates me

im sorry but i just have to vent. my avg X points are about ~1700 and no matter what i do it just feels wrong. no matter what kid i use, what weapon i choose all of this doesnt matter and it frustrates me. oh, didnt pick a stringecharger? well fuck you heres an entire enemy team who perfectly holds you at range. what, your team has 2 rollers? here you got a stringer player who doesnt even know what a bow is.
everything i try just feels wrong at this point. no matter how good i play, how many gold medals the game gives me and tells me "hey, you lost but you did well" itll destroy my ranking no matter how well i played.
im well aware that it isnt always my teams fault and i surely lead to some losses the last 2 days during my frustration and not being focused on my actions as much as i should. im also aware that rank is supposed to grow and shrink here and there but its just so exhausting to see a 16/32 winrate the last 2 days.
even weapons/kits im used to just feel totally wrong and to be fully honest i dont know how what to do in this situation. i dont mind having a loose streak, but this just takes my motivation so hard away that i feel exhausted to play even other modes.
im not burned out of splatoon, i love playing it. but again, im at the point where everything feels wrong, i never had that in any competetive game i played
submitted by Senschey to splatoon [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:45 Wandering_sage1234 Why am I not growing fast enough and why are my videos not performing as well as they could?

I run a small gaming channel, and it's taken me four years to get here. In this time, in my main niche, I've had numerous successes but the videos never seem to get above 10-20k views. Like the most is 1k to 10k views, or 1k to 9k views. Which is good. But my subscriber base seems to be growing while my views are inconsistent. For example, I love my main niche. I love stragety games. But I have grown tired of playing Total War only because I feel like I get bored of it but if I play it with new content it feels fresh. I did an Assassin's Creed review on my channel which got 1.8k views. Which was great. But it seems I have to target different strategy games. I'm not giving up on this channel; I already have 3 specific channels to focus on different games. But I can't do 5 more and focus on one.
If this is the case, why are my videos not going as well as Youtube could recommend? Is it my audio? My thumbnails are bad? Am I not hitting the audience? I need help to figure out if I'm doing anything wrong.
submitted by Wandering_sage1234 to NewTubers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:45 ajamesdeandaydream i feel extremely confident that jess was ASP’s favorite rory love interest

this is long af lol sorry!
maybe this is obvious and not saying much of anything, but it just feels very plain that he was her favorite and that it wasn’t even close 😭 i’ll pull examples from the OS and AYITL, as well as some behind the scenes politics and things she’s said to explain this assertion. this isn’t even coming from a “team jess” place, although i won’t pretend im not, and im sure that biases me a ton, but mostly im just trying to analyze the way he’s written in contrast to the other two and assume ASPs perspective. like she lovedddd that boy and you can tell
to start with the most glaring reason, he’s the only love interest that we regularly see outside of his relationship with rory. we see dean unattached to rory like twice working in doose’s in the first three seasons, and in only a very small handful of scenes in season 4 & 5, and logan in 0. if they’re in a scene that rory herself is not in, there’s still a 98% chance it’s related to her in some way, jess is the only one this doesn’t apply to. this makes it so so much easier for the audience to sympathize with him because we see him as an actual character and not just rory’s boyfriend. when we see him fuck up, which was certainly a lot of the time when he was a teenager, we really understand why and therefore feel comfortable excusing it in ways we can’t with logan and dean. we see his struggles and insecurities firsthand, whereas it’s a lot of guesswork with the other two, we mostly only know what rory knows. plus his dynamic with luke is one of the most beloved on the show and showed really incredible depth to them both.
onto my next point, ASP really made it so whenever he was put up against another rory love interest, he was the more appealing foil and the audience is encouraged to side with/root for him. i know some people really hate him but most people don’t and no audience will ever be 100% in agreement on a love triangle. whether you personally find it appealing, he is arguably meant to be propped up against dean in a flattering way (for the most part). we’re supposed to be charmed just as rory is. then when he meets logan, he’s pretty polite and tries to keep it civil best he can, whereas logan is being a huge huge asshole, even more so than on his typical day. then rory follows him out and jess has the infamous “why did you drop out of yale” speech and gets through to her in a way logan hadn’t been able to. then there’s later the contrast between logan and the bridesmaids and jess having matured and being opposed to helping rory cheat (this also brings up the point that jess is the only guy rory never cheats on, the only guy that never cheats on anyone else, and the one she cheats on the other two with), that props him up as well (even if you don’t think logan cheated because i know that’s a grey area for a lot of people here, i personally always saw it as a major communication issue but not cheating). especially when you remember that most of jess’ major problems seemed to get mostly fixed at 19, whereas logan was 24 and still being a dick. yes that’s a very a weeping assumption because of how little we see jess, but it felt like we’re really supposed to get the sense he’s gotten his emotional shit together and AYITL reaffirms that. he’s really the only one of the 3 that has an authentically positive trajectory from start to finish and that says a lot to me. plus most of the traits people typically hate in jess, his smugness, entitlement, and issues with communication logan has too and in spades-they just manifest differently.
also, i always felt like a small point was made of jess knowing/seeing rory in a way the other two didn’t. in s2 when they’re in the car, he says something about foreign correspondence being too rough for her. he’s supportive and pivots when he realizes he scared her, but the man wasn’t wrong! rory was an excellent writer, a fantastic editor, and had great leadership skills but she was never going to like or be good at being a foreign correspondent, it is so ill suited to her personality, and based on where she’s at in AYITL i assume she learned that. then there’s obviously the “why did you drop out of yale” thing where he manages to get through to her when no one else could, (although im not gonna give him all the credit on that one as her frustration was clearly already mounting and i believe she would’ve gotten there herself soon enough) but he declares he knows her better than anyone which yeah could be interpreted as him talking out of his ass, but i really get the vibe that the opinion of the writer was seeping through there given how that whole speech was framed. then there is of course the book idea in AYITL that sparks her up again which i always found cute (and thought it showed their compatibility as adults quite nicely as jess is also an author).
plus, regardless of your general feelings on logan, he’s objectively not very good for rory. in some ways he challenges her in a positive way, like getting her to be more of a risk taker, but honestly i always felt like she was not her best self when she was with him and often very insecure, too. the drunkenly sobbing on the bathroom floor and crying “why doesn’t he like me” felt like an early indication that this relationship was not going to be healthy for her (personally i always saw it as a callback to dean drunkenly crying in luke’s asking “why didn’t she love me” and foreshadowing how rory would find herself in a different but still vaguely similar position that dean was in with her. this is reinforced by the “you’re not good enough” dinner that happens in the very next episode, something dean had to suffer through in the gilmore house). jess hurt rory a lot too don’t get me wrong, he was not a good boyfriend while they were dating at all, but i do think there’s a difference between being hurt by someone and developing a complex, which i think she and logan had and never properly got rid of. she starts to shake it a little bit in the second half of s6 but it doesn’t rly stick, and it was back full force in the revival.
plus i really do think a lot of logan’s charm would dissipate if he didn’t have a black card at his disposal, and ASP lets us know it! as that was pretty much the only way he pulled off most of his “gestures” except for the lorelai letter and hanging by the coffee cart. then in s7 when ASP got booted as a writer he basically became a different guy overnight, very mature and together super boyfriend? yet in AYITL he’s 35 and back to his old ways so i don’t think that was ever the intended trajectory for him, he was always kinda meant to suck, in a charismatic way sure but still kinda suck
speaking of AYITL, it feels to me like ASP effectively closed the door on every love interest except for jess. dean only has that one small cameo, that’s obviously very much over, and logan’s goodbye scene feels very final to me. obviously he’s the father of her baby (i do believe that’s been confirmed recently) so it’s not a full goodbye, but they both seemed to have really accepted that they’ll always love each other but it’s not the right fit. also, i never really subscribed to the idea that rory has to have parallel love interests to lorelai (“dean is her max” “jess is her luke” “jess is her chris” etc etc) but because im assuming ASP’s logic, she has said that logan is rory’s christopher. to me that says that she never had any intentions of having them be endgame, and their love was absolutely real, but that along the way, he became the one rory “wanted to want” and having a baby wouldn’t change that. maybe it would to them in the short term, but similarly to lorelai and chris they’d realize it’d just never work.
also, logan is for the most part, portrayed as a total dick with 0 growth in the revival, where jess doesn’t have any negative anything. i also always saw a very stark contrast in how they support rory in terms of the book. as i previously addressed, jess knows rory well and he sees she’s stuck and tells her she should write a book, and that seems to be the first thing that’s inspired her in quite some time. and what does logan do? logan buys her a house to write it in, which is nice but certainly no skin off his back and required no emotional anything from him, just his bank account, having a solid grasp of rory’s aesthetic preferences, and a good real estate agent. i just think that says so much about them and who they are to rory. jess is also the only one that gets an optimistic moment when he gazes at rory through the window. yeah we don’t get any indication from her side that she’s been thinking about jess that way, but the door feels open at least a crack, which it doesn’t for the other two. i think ASP wanted to keep the possibilities very open ended but it feels alluded to that if rory had to end up with one of the three, which she doesn’t, it’d be jess.
now, you might say, if ASP loved him so much then why was he only on the show for two seasons? why did he only date rory for like half of one? well, because he was supposed to have his own spin off, wayward circle. the episode where he goes to california was meant to be a back door pilot, but it fell through. when this happened ASP wanted to bring him back as a regular but milo said no and like he felt like jess’ story in SH was kinda done, but he’d come back here and there to honor the character. i think that if that had never happened, ASP hadn’t gotten left behind for s7, and the show didn’t have a surprise cancellation that things would’ve turned out differently for them (although i admit that’s a lot of ifs). maybe rory still would’ve ended the show single but jess likely would’ve had much much more material, but ofc this is all conjecture and it’s impossible to say for sure.
thank you for coming to my ted talk, i know it was super scattered and probably riddled with bias, but id love to hear other people’s thoughts on this!
submitted by ajamesdeandaydream to GilmoreGirls [link] [comments]