Race pictures pinball time

Accidental Racism: When innocent things appear to be racism, though it's totally not intentional

2012.12.03 20:27 M0D3RNW4RR10R Accidental Racism: When innocent things appear to be racism, though it's totally not intentional

Accidental racism

2011.09.11 08:36 tdm911 Peloton - World Tour Road Cycling News, Results and Discussion

Peloton is the community for professional road cycling. Share links, news, results, transfer rumours & other road cycling tidbits related to the teams, events and riders in the World Tour.

2010.03.17 22:47 redafa The NVIDIA Subreddit

A place for everything NVIDIA, come talk about news, drivers, rumors, GPUs, the industry, show-off your build and more. This Subreddit is community run and does not represent NVIDIA in any capacity unless specified.

2024.06.09 22:17 Alternative-Onions 20 [M4F] Canada/Northern US - I don’t like dating apps so I’m looking here!

I’m making this post because lately things have been going well for me, so I figured I’d take a chance at ending my singleness and finding a girlfriend. I’m going on 20 in a little less than a month, I’ve got glasses, long thick dark hair, chubbier build, and live in Alberta Canada. More details about me are on my profile. I’m a bit of a nerd, and I have autism so I hyper fixate and can be awkward at first. I like, Modded Minecraft, Movies, Animals (Cat’s and dogs, I have a dog), Writing, and Dinosaurs and history. I really like creepy/mysterious stuff like Conspiracy Theories/Cryptids/Supernatural sightings etc., though I don’t necessarily believe it all. I’m larger, but healthy. I take good care of myself. I’m more of an introvert, but I do enjoy the occasional gathering or party. I currently have a part time job and I’m trying to do writing or something creative on the side. I’m saving up to get my own place. Willing to make a go at long distance if the vibes are right. Open to more NSFW chats but I need to work up to it, don’t DM if that’s all you want.
All I ask from you is that you give me the time of day, are respectful/open-minded, and don’t mind chatting frequently. If it matters my type is curvier alt women but if we click we click. Please be within my age group (19-25). If you DM me please introduce yourself and send a picture if possible.
submitted by Alternative-Onions to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:16 spike595 Room available 8/1 in Waltham

ISO 1 roommate for a 2 bed 2 bath apartment in Waltham. Rent is $1,350 + electric and internet (water is covered in rent, heat is electric). I am set to renew my lease on 8/1, but my current roommate will move out on 6/30, so move in can happen any time in July.
Central heat and air (landlord replaced the HVAC last month), in-unit laundry, private balcony, storage closet off of balcony, 2 parking spots + visitor parking, 5 minute walk form Brandeis commuter rail stop, 5 minute drive to Riverside Green line D stop, 3rd floor walk up, very close to 90/95 interchange.
I am a 24 year old trans feminine person (she/they), I mostly love to read, cook, and recently I have just been trying to go out and explore more! I work 8-4 Mon-Fri and am usually around most of the weekends. I am really easy going as a roommate as long as shared spaces are kept mostly clean. Would prefer to live with other feminine-identifying or queer people, but not a requirement, just must be LGBTQ+ friendly.
The space is pretty undecorated, so feel free to fill it with any decorations you already own! I'm willing to chip in for more furniture to fill out the space. Also, the bedroom and bathroom pictured are the ones you would have to yourself, ignore the state of them, my current roommate hasn't moved out yet, they will be empty and clean when he moves out.
Message me if interested!
submitted by spike595 to bostonhousing [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:16 rosemarie321 MIL 44F "confronted" my gf 21F about me not wanting to take pictures with her on Mothers day

So this happened on mothers day. I wasn’t feeling thar well because I am estranged from my own mother. So instead of cooking with my girlfriend, her brother and his gf for MIL I just stayed in the room and cried.
My girlfriend wanted me there, and I didn’t want to be completely alone that day so I came along.
When it was time for pictures my eyes were swollen so I didn’t want to take a picture with MIL. She took one with my girlfriends brothers girlfriend. She looked a bit surprised I declined to take a picture with her but I thought that was that.
Later she asked again for a picture, which I politely declined and took pictures for her and the family when asked to do so. I didn’t even join a group picture.
I thought that was that. But MIL had to go to my girlfriend and ask and complain that I didn’t take a picture with her. She told me to my face she doesn’t like me before, so I don’t know why she’s making such a fuss out of this!
Additionally, my girlfriends brother’s girlfriend bought a bouquet of flowers for MIL while I didn’t want to get her anything bc she’s not my mom. I think my girlfriend would have wanted me to, but is this really necessary? I helped my girlfriend pick out her gift, despite not wanting to ( my gf didn’t do it till the day off), but I just simply don’t want to gift someone that is always mean to me anything.
submitted by rosemarie321 to motherinlawsfromhell [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:15 singletadpole13 Major Decluttering

Major Decluttering
  1. Pantaloons mini dress. - Never worn - Rs 900 2.Max white mini dress with inner - worn a few times - Rs 400 3.Mast and harbour maxi dress with pockets - worn once - Rs 900
  2. Jumpsuit - worn once - Rs 600
Shipping price extra. You can DM if more pictures are needed. Happy to provide!
submitted by singletadpole13 to IndiaThriftCorner [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:14 flower_lady_ Looking for advice!!! 🆘

Hey everyone, first time posting here. Incoming.. this is a long one. I’m looking for advice for a situation that I’m paranoid will escalate into something legal.
I’m a small scale flower farmer, and the past 2 seasons I worked on a property for a woman, call her Ann, who is trying to get a “farm assessment” title. In New Jersey, once you get this title, you don’t have to pay property taxes, which are usually steep ($15k or more). Ann has been wonderful, and a mutual acquaintance of hers asked about my farming. Woman number 2, let’s call her Karen, is already farm assessed and needs a farmer to work her land to maintain her title. She asked me and my farmer friend if we were interested, and we agreed to farm it the 2024 season- purely a verbal contract mind you.
Things were going fine until this spring I had some health issues come up which led me to make some changes, including letting Karen know I most likely won’t be able to farm her properly after this season is over. She seemingly was understanding, but then the following week her tractor was conveniently out of service. The week after that, it was obvious that the land had been worked with said tractor. So she prevented me from using equipment that I needed to continue farming, and that was definitely a move. The tone had shifted and I felt very unwelcome from that point on.
My farm partner also had notified her last month that due to her life circumstances, she wouldn’t be able to farm at her property this year.
Fast forward to yesterday (6/8), I went to clear all of my items out of her greenhouse (her request) and she had a document ready for me to sign agreeing that I farmed her property this year. So she got what she needed from me for her tax cut. I had told her on Monday (6/10) I was going to clean up my small area of one of the fields with my plants growing- this would entail cutting down the plants and removing the rows of landscape fabric. She told me I’m not allowed to bring my farm partner to help me as Karen has deemed her “untrustworthy” leaving me with a good amount of work to do on my own, with my health issues. She told me our contract will be terminated by the end of the day Monday (6/10).
At this point I’m feeling so uncomfortable with how things have transpired and how negative she’s acting towards me, I told her I was “no longer comfortable being around her or being on her property” and that I wouldn’t be returning for my clean up. Mind you, I’m leaving crops that will provide her with beautiful flowers that she can hypothetically sell…
She had a falling out with another person she worked with for farming activities, which included a restraining order against him. I don’t know the full story but she has been passive aggressive since I told her my decision about next season. I worry that she is quick to take things to a court.
Things got weird really fast. So I’m concerned about her character, and if she has legal grounds to come after me for anything. Are plants that I planted on her land still technically her property?
Flower picture for attention. Thanks in advance 🙏
submitted by flower_lady_ to legaladviceofftopic [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:14 jujubbz Can I collect the rent of my sister’s inherited home?

I am 26F, and my sister is 18F. We are in California. Our step father recent passed away, and he left his house to my sister. Neither of us are related to him by blood or were very close to him in life, but he wanted to leave it to our family as he had no children of his own. I am not interested in the property for myself.
(If you are wondering why her and not me, apparently it was because I was more annoying when he babysat us as children 😂 and that’s all he remembers us from)
To preface, my sister is currently finishing up her first year of undergrad, while I have just finished graduate school and have started working. She goes to a UC with about $15k tuition a year that is primarily (~90%) covered by FAFSA grants as our mom is low income. Our bio father is out of the picture. From what we have researched, inheritance should not affect her FAFSA qualification. However, we would like to rent the home out, and we are having trouble finding the answers to several questions:
  1. Will this rental income affect her FAFSA? I would presume yes.
  2. Is it possible for me to be her property manager and collect the rent as my own income until she graduates? That way it will go on my tax return rather than affecting her FAFSA or will it be considered her income (and affect her grants) since it is her name on the property? What kind of lawyer or accountant do we need to talk to to set this up?
  3. Is the only option to let the house sit there for a few years until she graduates?
We appreciate any advice you can give! My sister also overwhelmed with the college experience as a whole and wants to avoid the responsibilities of being a landlord at the moment. I already buy her everything she asks for regularly, and she is letting me keep any rental income during the time that I would be managing the property or until I recoup any money I put into the house. I don’t have experience as a property manager or landlord, but I am more financially responsible than she is at the moment. I also have experience with remodeling a home because my SO and I recently completed the full remodel of our own home purchased 8 months ago also in CA, so I feel up to this challenge
Thank you guys in advance
submitted by jujubbz to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:13 Effective-Archer9175 Old pics of my dolls

Old pics of my dolls
I found these pictures of my childhood collection. I had 13 dolls in total. Looking back some look pretty beat up. Lanie was my first doll and her hair is so frizzy now. I enjoyed them so much as a child and even turned a closet into a dollhouse for them. I learned how to use a sewing machine to make them clothes when I was in 1st grade. I turned a really beat up felicity into a boy for some reason so I learned how to rewig them at a young age. was very creative as a child.. I then went on to rewig a lea and one of the truly mes. I miss the carefree time of making stop motions and just having fun.
submitted by Effective-Archer9175 to americangirl [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:13 Dejavinh My ex bf from high school has a new gf and it touched me

I (27F) have dated that guy who’s almost 32 now if I’m not mistaken (omg time flies) back when I was 17-18 (yes I wasn’t legal hen we first met but whatever), we met online and from there we started to hook up regularly. I inevitably ended up catching feelings for him. I asked him to be my bf which he declined quite harshly. I was hurt, so I just came back to the app I was using at the time and eventually found another guy (19M at the time being) I dated for one year and half. Ironically (or not), he deeply regretted saying no and kept pursuing me the whole time I was with the other one. Once he even came to sit down at the table where that guy and I were having a meal, alpha style lol. Truth is, I wasn’t over him either so I ended up cheating on the guy with him (bad, I know). We broke up a few weeks after and my now official bf and I started to date. There’s been an incident at the very beginning of that new relationship, where I found out he was texting random male strangers, way older than him, to jerk off with via Skype… I confronted him it, I remember trying to be as comprehensive and not shameful as possible even though I was very confused. He brushed it off, probably ashamed about the nature of those interactions. But I did the most damage in the relationship, I must admit. My very first boyfriend wasn’t loyal nor considerate towards me so I eventually coped by doing the same afterwards, and trust me I truly regret all the pain it has caused to my then bfs. I guess I just wanted to quit but couldn’t find the words nor the courage to so I sabotaged it in whole. I remember the last time we saw each other before officially breaking up he was begging for me to stay even though I did him so wrong. I was embarrassed, almost pissed off and in the moment I acted very cold. So it ended. We stayed officially together two years and half, he’s been my longest relationship. He kept wishing me my birthday as well as a Happy New Year for a long time after we got apart, but it never went further than these small interactions. He only stopped about two years ago (I had to check, I’m actually shocked it lasted for even longer than I thought) and I assumed he met someone, I felt kinda relieved somehow. In the meanwhile I’ve grown, I’ve learned and I met my wonderful bf (23M). I love him so much; that’s the first time I experiment a relationship where’s there’s absolutely no redflags and where I actually see my future with my loved one. We communicate very well and we have each other’s back 100%. Back to that guy, while I was just waking up this morning I’ve received a FB notification saying he’s been identified in a picture (I hardly use FB anymore and I never bothered cleaning my FB list which is freaking huge, I’m too lazy for that). That ex in particular has never been into socials nor pictures, so out of curiosity I clicked on it. And that’s how I had the visual confirmation he had someone. I wasn’t expecting that reaction from me, never thought it would move me the way it did but it did. I mean it’s been a long while since we both moved on, yet it made me think about all of what I’ve talked previously, going through some type of deep introspection. It’s hard to describe how I feel… I’m genuinely happy for him, I am too although I can’t help but feeling a bit sad. I regret that his family, especially his sisters, got in the way (he has an engineering background and after art studies I decided to do modelling full time so it has been fairly common in my relationships that the entourage made assumptions based on stupid stereotypes). It affected my self esteem so much and I resented him for never standing up for me while we were together, before all went down from my part. He told me he did tell them to shut up after we broke up though, and it’s even more triggering to me. Right now I see my mistakes, I know what went wrong and I regret that I hurt him, even though I have no desire to get back to him, neither do I have feelings for him. I think it’s just nostalgia speaking… I feel kinda guilty though, my bf will see I’m feeling blue so I’ll have to tell him, I tell him everything. But I’m scared it’s gonna sting. I love him I don’t want to hurt his feelings :(
Sum up : I saw a picture of my ex high school bf and his gf and it’s making me nostalgic
submitted by Dejavinh to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:13 VioletHappySmile444 If the "Race Against Time" movie (or something like it) was connected to Ben Prime's Timeline how would you have reintroduced Ben's Chronian transformation into UAF or Omniverse like the rest of Ben's classic era aliens?

If the submitted by VioletHappySmile444 to Ben10 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:13 eblyy Budget/Recap - May 2024 wedding in Troutdale (Portland), OR

I love reading these so wanted to contribute my own! I did not do super accurate tracking and I'm definitely missing all the misc costs (plus all the things I purchased and missed the return period on), but this should be the main costs. I wanted to stay between $25k - $30k and was pretty successful! First, a few detail shots and a summary of some of the things that went wrong with the day lol: Pictures!
The reason there are so few detail shots is because of RAIN and also a bit of poor planning/lateness. :( I had been looking at the forecast starting 10 days out, and there was no rain in the forecast - even when I looked at the forecast the morning of!! But of course, isn't it ~ironic~ (I know, it is not irony, but the song fits very well here) that it would start raining just 1 hour before the ceremony. Luckily we were able to get all our bridal/party/family pics done before it started raining, but we had to quickly pivot from our planned outdoor ceremony to a ceremony in the reception space. This, combined with the transportation of all our decorations being a bit late, meant that we were scrambling a bit right before the ceremony to move/set up everything and having all the guests then occupy the reception space so our photographer couldn't get too many detail shots. Also, we didn't have our photographer for getting ready pics so we couldn't really get pictures of my shoes and jewelry, his watch and accessories, etc since we were already wearing them. Overall not a big deal because honestly I'm not too concerned with photos and am more than satisfied with having photos of the people/event.
We had a total of 90 confirmed guests + 3 vendors, but 5 guests no showed on the day.
Now to costs - Mostly approximate, but comes out to somewhere around $26,000ish?
Venue fee: $4000. This included access to the venue from 1pm - 11pm (with 4 hours being for setup/photos, 5 hours of event time, and 1 hour for cleanup), all staff, tables, chairs, linens, and tableware. The venue is a restaurant that also hosts a lot of weddings which I loved because that meant everything was in-house and the staff are very experienced.
Food: $6,182.70. This included 3 appetizers for cocktail hour and an appetizer, salad, 3 sides, two mains (chicken + salmon), and 2 vegan entrees for the 2 vegans in attendance for dinner. This price includes 20% gratuity. I spent probably around $150 for dessert? I purchased a half sheet cake, 4 vegan cupcakes, and 1 gluten-free pound cake from a local bakery, and I baked a 9-inch round cake for cutting and two 9x13 cakes.
Beverages: $558 for non-alcoholic drinks (coffee, iced tea, lemonade, pink lemonade, and sodas). $2200 for open bar. Both prices include 20% gratuity, although I tipped an extra $100 on the bar tab because I was surprised it was so low lol. This was another benefit of having it in a restaurant because they had a full bar and a menu of signature drinks as well.
Florals: ~$800. I bought the pastels DIY package from Flower Moxie with a few additional a la carte flowers and also bought 100 stems from a local flower farm. This was enough for a bridal bouquet, 5 bridesmaid bouquets, 9 boutonnieres, ad 85 bud vases. Honestly I could have done even more with the flowers since I had soooo many extra flowers at the end, but story time: The flowers from Flower Moxie were supposed to arrive the Wednesday before our Saturday wedding. The plan was flower prep on Wednesday then arranging on Thursday. Well, about half of the flowers arrived on Wednesday as planned, but the other half didn't arrive until Friday at 11am due to shipping issues. Therefore we weren't able to make the bouquets until Friday, where we didn't have much time because our rehearsal was 12-1 (11:30 - 1:30 due to travel time) and our rehearsal dinner was at 7 (had to leave at 6:30 at the latest, plus needing time to get ready). This + flower arranging with sad stems since they only had ~1.5 hours to hydrate meant that we didn't have time to do anything but the absolutely necessary items. We could have made bigger bouquets, corsages, added more to the bud vases, etc. Our florals still turned out beautiful but I'm just bummed we wasted so many beautiful flowers :( (especially because we left on our honeymoon on the Wednesday following the wedding, so we composted all the extras). Even though this added extra work before the wedding, I'm glad we cut costs here.
Other decor: ~$250 for 85 bud vases, ~$200 for faux floral ground arch, $80 for votives, $200 for big mirror welcome sign.
Photographer: $2,350 for 7 hours and engagement session
DJ: $1,300 for 5 hours
Day of Coordinator: $800
Stationary: Approx. $150 for a printer, $50 paper + extra ink, $10 for invite template from Etsy, $30 for an address stamp, and $80 for postage. With this I was able to print 50 save the dates, 50 invitations, 100 programs, guest book sign, favors sign, and seating chart. I'm super glad I went the DIY route - I love how everything turned out and I needed a printer any way so it works out. The prints came out very high quality. I designed everything except the invites in Canva.
Favors: $312.50 for 125 customized chopsticks. These were a hit - even though we only had 90 guests, we only ended up with 15 extras that were the ones that I left at home because they didn't fit in the box lol. If I brought all of them, they might all have been taken.
Attire: $1,500 for ceremony dress + alterations, $40 for veil, $620 for reception dress + alterations, $250 for ceremony + reception shoes. $180 for groom's suit + alterations, ~$100 for shirt + tie + belt + socks + shoes.
Photobooth: Also DIYed this using the booth.events app. I already had an iPad, so I bought a ring light, backdrop, and Canon Selphy printer for prints. Booth.events lets you design your template. The printer prints 4x6 photos so I had a paper cutter out that let guests cut it into two photo strips. All in all probably ~$280 for everything, not including the things I already had. The photobooth was a big hit with the guests - it was used over 50 times, and all the pictures were saved on my iPad + on an online gallery for the guests. And now I have a photobooth set up I can whip out at other events!!
Guest book: Bought a cute vintage guest book off Etsy for $20 and I already had 2 instax cameras. Spent $40 for extra film which wasn't all used. I highly recommend doing a photo guest book, I got teary looking through all the pictures of the guests along with their sweet messages. I wish all the guests signed, some missed it.
Other costs: ~$900 for two nights in a bridal suite, $600 for wedding party attire, $500 for wedding party gifts, $140 for transportation.
I know I'm missing a lot but I think this is most of it. Overall everything turned out wonderfully even with the rain! I personally found the DIY stuff worth it and I enjoyed doing those things. I have more to say but at this point I've become a bit ramble-y so I'll just stop here! :p
submitted by eblyy to weddingplanning [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:12 riddo22 Haven't been doing a great job

It's the summer break now and I'm more of a mess than ever. I broke my record, woke up at 7pm and just after an hour or two am already struggling to pass the time. I'm jealous of everyone I know going on holiday while I have no one to do anything with. No surprise since when I'm with people I'm always either too depressed or anxious to come off as an interesting person and make friends.
I'm ashamed of my looks, personality, upbringing and everything so I always want to curl up and hide in a corner. I wish I was like everyone else, good looking and charismatic but I can't picture that happening to me. I've been on many meds and therapy for years and still hovering around the same state. So I'm just lonely, unmotivated every day and don't know what to do. Perhaps I don't know what I could do that would possibly help, since after all nothing would make me less ugly, which is really bothering me.
submitted by riddo22 to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:12 Roonil-B_Wazlib I can’t get telemetry working

submitted by Roonil-B_Wazlib to ardupilot [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:12 SlicePapi Completed lightfall on legendary today. Nimbus no give me exotic.

Completed lightfall on legendary today. Nimbus no give me exotic.
you can see in this screenshot that I have completed lightfall on legendary. however all of the triumphs for each mission under show incomplete still.
And Nimbus didn’t give me Abeyant Leap. What do i do???
submitted by SlicePapi to destiny2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:12 Mysterious_Wealth789 USRowing YNC Fuck Up Again

USRowing YNC Fuck Up Again
In the A/B semi final, our boat was put into 5th place after a photofinish between us and 4th. From our boat, it looked like we were up the whole time while we were racing, so we watched the overnght stream. In the livestream, it was apparent that our bow crossed the finish line first. After petitioning to the refs, they gave us a “photofinish picture” that was taken after the finish line, after both crews had stopped rowing. Further inquiry with the refs showed that the finish line laser is set up without precautions and without any confirmation that it is set up right. Basically whoever is manning the laser just eyeballs it every morning and hopes that it’s aligned right. Usrowing told us that they’ll upgrade their technology next year, basically admitting that they fucked up our race. We won the B final by open water and would’ve gotten 6th in the A based on time.
In the pictures, we are the white boat. The photofinish picture they sent us is after both crews stopped rowing. Third picture is the exact same photo of the photofinish they sent us, showing clearly it was taken after the finish.
submitted by Mysterious_Wealth789 to Rowing [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:12 Akabeckham The value of Kevin Magnussen

Dear Haas. Before even considering replacing Mr. magnussen, try to do a calculation of all the tv time he's providing you and your sponsors, without much support from you the pit. Week after week he's earning tv time for Haas. This week was no different and it was a true pleasure to watch him Race his (h)ass flat out in the first laps, until he was screwed by the pitstop.
submitted by Akabeckham to haasf1team [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:11 Gjab Lando Norris, leaving the track and gaining an advantage, no further action

Lando Norris, leaving the track and gaining an advantage, no further action submitted by Gjab to formula1 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:11 Money_Bluejay4964 What have you seen that you really wish you hadn’t?

I went out with one of my oldest friends last night for the first time in two years. We’re both in our early 30’s (F) and love a good night out once in a blue moon. I had a baby last year, so it’s the first time I’ve been able to go out.
It was about 10pm and we were still sober. We went into one bar that was full of, I’d say, 18 year olds. Like no joke, we were probably the oldest two in there. We were so out of place, so we decided we weren’t gonna stay. My friend needed to go to the toilet whilst we were there. I thought I’d might aswell go too. Whilst looking for a free cubicle, I only gently opened one of the cubicle doors (just to make sure it was empty first) and I kid you not, I was horrified by what I came across. I’m not a prude in any way shape or form, and I’ve seen many weird things in my time. But I can’t process this. There was a young girl who I assume hadn’t even reached their 20s yet. She was sitting on the toilet floor in the shortest dress (no tights), legs apart with a phone in between on selfie mode. I don’t need to explain anymore, as you’ll be able to figure out what she was doing. Our faces must have been a picture anyway, as she looked horrified aswell. I wouldn’t have been half as shocked if I see a couple in there getting it on, or people taking drugs, or even someone taking a shit but that right there, has knocked me for 6. I wondered maybe she’s an OF girl who’s uploading this for money maybe but why sit on a dirty toilet floor in a bar with the door not even locked? So gross. It’s disgusted me enough to upload this. It’s not something you’d generally tell your family members or work colleagues that you witnessed this weekend.
I’m also interested in knowing what you’ve seen before that you really wish you hadn’t, and a bonus if it was on a night out.
submitted by Money_Bluejay4964 to AskUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:10 redheadkills Would this be considered defamation?

Last week, the official affiliated Facebook crime watchers that is associated with our local police department posted a photo of my brother leaving a store with supplies. They claimed on a date and time, he was at the store, and walked out with an amount of money under 500 but above 300.
So for example (none of this is accurate but similar), they posted his picture on a "Wednesday, May 11" leaving "Target" with a butt load of stuff and accused "the crime stoppers are asking for help locating and identifying this man who stole "$450" of merchandise on "Tuesday, May 10" at "3:15", if you have any information reach out, information can lead to cash rewards".
The date and time that they posted my brother was no where near the store. He has proof to show that, but was at the store another day, where he purchased items (with cash), left the store, only to realize he bought something he didn't need, went back into the store to return it and then left the store. This is where they (I assumed) they assumed he was stealing.
He did not steal, nor was he even there that day (proved through work records), and now his boss, friends, and family in his life have all seen this and are treating him different or accusing him. His job is at jeopardy, and they have stopped him from working until the investigation is wrapped up.
He called the crime stopper to talk to them that it was a misunderstanding but it is under investigation, still.
Once the investigation passes, can there be any kind of defamation suit? For the effect that this picture and accusation has had on his life?
submitted by redheadkills to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:10 OkTie8753 My (24f) bf (26M) hid something from me, am I overreacting?

For context my (24F) bf (26M) and I have been together for almost two years. Since the very beginning of our relationship, he’s always been super open access with his phone. He gave me passwords and all, unprovoked. He brought the idea up, even. A few months into our relationship, he hit a few bumps in the road and was actively seeking his next career opportunity. Fast forward to now, he just started a new job where there are a lot of flirty women. He’s let them know that he has a partner and has no interest in their shenanigans. I have no doubt about he’s let them know, while he’s a very attractive man, he’s never liked attention and I have no doubt that he loves me. He consistently communicates his love for me and a desire for marriage. I love him, and my friends and family love him too (I have very picky loved ones).
When going through his financial hardships, he deactivated his social media platforms to help better focus on improving his situation and lessen his ability to compare to where others his age are in life. Now things are getting better and he’s back on socials. The training for his new job has many women. He comes home telling me how some women try him and he shuts them down. I noticed his follower count had increased a bit, and asked did he connect with those in his specific training group (group within the class) he said yes and let me know who, it checked out.
So fast forward to this week, while we’re getting ready to go out, I grab his phone just scrolling through (he’s well aware) and I notice that while he has many new followers, his notifications show that he’s only followed one person back. A man from his class. So I asked did he follow all the folks in his small group at the same time, and he says yes. I then realized that he deleted the follow notifications for the women that followed him and he followed back, and kept the male notifications visible. I asked him about it and he admits that he hid it because he felt it’d make me feel a way and he didn’t want to trigger me as he knows how I feel regarding men, women and social media (more geared towards likes).
So naturally, I ask, why would you do anything that bothers me anyway. Which it didn’t. I’m fine with him following women as long as he isn’t liking their pictures or dm’ing them, obviously. But I’m concerned that he has the capability to hide anything from me. Especially something as small as following someone back. And mind you this happened about a week after him and I had a conversation about him liking women’s pictures (he’d liked women’s pictures a few weeks into us dating nearly two years ago, he hasn’t liked any since, but I noticed the timing on the images he liked and it bothered me because when he liked the images, it was after we had the early relationship conversation about how I felt regarding liking other women’s pictures).
Am I tripping for being upset and feeling like my trust in him is damaged? Should I just forgive him and work towards repair? I just can’t believe he’d do anything that makes me uncomfortable and then actually delete/hide it.
Side-note: I will admit that I’ve been feeling more insecure lately due to some weight gain and that has had an impact on our relationship and my overall happiness.
TLDR: A few women from my bf’s work training class followed him, alongside a few men. He felt the woman follows would make me uncomfortable and deleted the notifications from his feed so I wouldn’t see? The follows don’t bother me but the hiding/deleting does. Am I wrong for being upset? Am I crazy for staying?
submitted by OkTie8753 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:08 ICumCoffee 2024 Canadian Grand Prix - Race Classification

2024 Canadian Grand Prix - Race Classification submitted by ICumCoffee to formula1 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:07 mln1489 Facebook messenger scam

So I occasionally list stuff on Facebook marketplace. It seems like every time I do I get an immediate response worded something along the lines of "I want this but I'm not active on Facebook. Please text me at xxx-xxx-xxxx". I always check profiles of people I might potentially meet up with and the profiles associated with these accounts are all either brand new with no profile picture or they have 1 photo uploaded and that's it. This has happened several times with recent listings of mine. The first time it happened I did respond on messenger but did not text and they just repeatedly said they're not active on Facebook (as they continually respond) and I need to text. My question is if this is some sort of scam and if so what is the point of it?
submitted by mln1489 to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:07 PeppyMoss Quest for the Matrix Event Review

As most players (if not all) know, there have been two Quest for the Matrix limited-time events so far: Galaxy Prime and The Fallen. Both were great, to say the least, and added new life to the game that it desperately needed. With The Fallen event about to end 10 hours from now, going forward, we need more Quest for Matrix Events to happen to give players more unit skins and other cosmetics to unlock, and here’s what I think the next events should be:
— Prowl could have an authoritarian Autocracy theme, inspired by IDW.
— Airazor, Cheetor, and Rhinox could have Transmetal themes.
— Hot Rod could have a punk theme.
— Galvatron could have a further-explored Unicron theme.
— The Battlechargers could have a street racing theme.
— Shockwave could have a further-explored Shockwave theme (since he technically transforms on death and already got an entire Arena inspired after him).
— Soundwave could potentially also get his own music theme, since his cassette tape minions transform (and he doesn’t get enough appreciation).
You could even go so far as to make these events different from the Quest for the Matrix events, since these characters can have their own themes as described above. However, each event should always include the same set of unlockable items: an Avatar, a Banner, a S&M Turret skin set, a Turret Explosion effect, and finally a unit skin.
I can’t wait to see more of these events and to unlock for skins for more character! These events definitely help spice up the game for me and make it more interesting to play, especially when making squads with new themes thanks to the characters having different skins. The Turret Skins are also very fun to unlock, and the overall customization improves the feel of the gameplay.
submitted by PeppyMoss to TransformersTactical [link] [comments]
