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2024.05.15 17:19 Kman-Kool3315 How to avoid/overcome people (particularly artists) running out midway through development?

This particularly has to do with game artists. It goes like this:
This has killed some of my projects because I've already invested a great deal into the things they've already made and to pivot to someone else I'm worried the style difference would be jarring. I could just reach out to someone else and start from scratch, but I don't want to lay all that money out just to get burned again.
Any advice on how to avoid these scenarios and/or overcome them?
submitted by Kman-Kool3315 to GameDevelopment [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:18 DeadWeasel98 Looking for online call of cthulhu 7e [coc]

Hello I am looking for a online call of cthulhu game. I am new to the game and would like to join a game. I play dnd so I have good table top knowledge and I have played with the starter kit for call of cthulhu. My time zone is est. Please reply to this or message if you have an open spot for a new player.
submitted by DeadWeasel98 to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:18 fluffypenguinfeet Am I wrong for asking him to remove my friends?

TW: mention of miscarriage and abortion
I (18) met a guy (20/21M) on tinder and got really close but for weird reasons didn’t work out. He thought I was using him for sex because he thought I only started to like him back after the first time we hooked up which wasn’t true I just told him I needed to make sure I was definitely ready first and needed to meet him properly first but the first time we met we hooked up. Anywyas he came up with many reason why he randomly out of nowhere “lost feelings” even tho we hooked up a couple times after that (we are no longer hooking up or anything like that). The reasons were weird. Anywyas we had also found out I was pregnant which was rocky because we kept arguing about what we should do I even had to tell his family. He hated the idea of me aborting and said I was definitely not to do adoption. He also kept on mentioning taking it back to his country as he’s not from here he’s just living here for a bit. Kept on making everything about him and the kid but I felt he didn’t care how I felt during it all. Then out of nowhere he was adding my friends on Snapchat and on Fortnite (video game) which I found weird. About a week after that I had unfortunately miscarried at 13 weeks which was hard on me emotionally and physically he said he was sad and distraught as well. He also said something he would’ve named the kid and I asked if he still wanted to name it because I wanted to but he didn’t like that thought. Anyways couple days later he’s half ignoring me so I ask him what’s going on and he said he wasn’t which he kinda was was. He told me to move on from the situation we had just been through and also apparently deleted the ultrasound photo. After that convo I found out he was still talking to all my friends whilst ignoring me (all girls). I think he may also possibly be attracted to one of them. I was furious as I was/am going through all this alone he even told me he couldn’t be there for me even tho originally he said he would be there for me no matter what even tho he lived 4 hrs away. Everything is and was a mess. He acted like he cared for me before and during the pregnancy being nice offering me things and even just talking to me but after losing my baby he’s been ignoring me and almost like he hates me and not supporting me at all. Talking to my friends who also somewhat knew what is going on also hurt me. I asked them to remove him at least while we get through what we needed to get through and they refused and so did he. I felt bad but angry at the same time. Our friendship was always weird we were close for a very long while even when he said he didn’t like me anymore he also kept changing his mind on that back then too. So am I an asshole for asking them to remove eachother? They’ve never even met him don’t even know him and have never spoken him till now. He’s not even supporting me but instead talking to my friends and ignoring me. I will sit there obviously upset them knowing that while totally ignoring me to play a game online together.
submitted by fluffypenguinfeet to AskMenAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:17 Asutanashi [online] [5e] [EST] [morning games] [cant Wednesdays] Player looking to get back into DnD

Hello there! i am a 22 yo dude that lives in the US you can call me eli, asutanashi, asu or my char name. experience wise, i am decently experienced but a little rusty cuz i havent played dnd in a while. i usually work evening shifts (after 3pm EST) so im looking for a morning game. i wouldn't mind playing any class or filling any role and im pretty cool with house rules and systems as well as playing with long-time players and newer ones. my 2 preferences are fantasy worlds and smaller groups (3-4) players. i tried to add as much info as i can but please dont hesitate to ask me any questions. to clarify the cant Wednesdays in the title, Wednesdays i usually work full shifts so i cant play but every other day should be cool.
submitted by Asutanashi to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:17 Zealousideal-Fly2764 Is the GT7 game crashing when saving Replays online?

Is this an issue with my console or the GT7 game has encountered a new bug. I couldn't save a single replay after a few Manufacturers race online earlier.
The game would just FREEZE which would then result to close the game and live broadcasts.
Can anyone let me know ?
submitted by Zealousideal-Fly2764 to GranTurismo7 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:17 PHST25 Does anyone know the cpu requirements to use an nvidia p106 for gaming?

The p106 is a mining card, with no displayports. If you modify the drivers it can still be used for gaming, but only by sending the output through the igpu to its hdmi port. Not all CPUs support this and I couldn't fine any lists online.
The only thing I could find was that 4th gen+ Intel processors might work, but no Infos on amd.
submitted by PHST25 to nvidia [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:16 fluffypenguinfeet Is it bad I asked my friends to block/remove eachother?

TW: mention of miscarriage and abortion
I (18) met a guy (20/21M) on tinder and got really close but for weird reasons didn’t work out. He thought I was using him for sex because he thought I only started to like him back after the first time we hooked up which wasn’t true I just told him I needed to make sure I was definitely ready first and needed to meet him properly first but the first time we met we hooked up. Anywyas he came up with many reason why he randomly out of nowhere “lost feelings” even tho we hooked up a couple times after that (we are no longer hooking up or anything like that). The reasons were weird. Anywyas we had also found out I was pregnant which was rocky because we kept arguing about what we should do I even had to tell his family. He hated the idea of me aborting and said I was definitely not to do adoption. He also kept on mentioning taking it back to his country as he’s not from here he’s just living here for a bit. Kept on making everything about him and the kid but I felt he didn’t care how I felt during it all. Then out of nowhere he was adding my friends on Snapchat and on Fortnite (video game) which I found weird. About a week after that I had unfortunately miscarried at 13 weeks which was hard on me emotionally and physically he said he was sad and distraught as well. He also said something he would’ve named the kid and I asked if he still wanted to name it because I wanted to but he didn’t like that thought. Anyways couple days later he’s half ignoring me so I ask him what’s going on and he said he wasn’t which he kinda was was. He told me to move on from the situation we had just been through and also apparently deleted the ultrasound photo. After that convo I found out he was still talking to all my friends whilst ignoring me (all girls). I think he may also possibly be attracted to one of them. I was furious as I was/am going through all this alone he even told me he couldn’t be there for me even tho originally he said he would be there for me no matter what even tho he lived 4 hrs away. Everything is and was a mess. He acted like he cared for me before and during the pregnancy being nice offering me things and even just talking to me but after losing my baby he’s been ignoring me and almost like he hates me and not supporting me at all. Talking to my friends who also somewhat knew what is going on also hurt me. I asked them to remove him at least while we get through what we needed to get through and they refused and so did he. I felt bad but angry at the same time. Our friendship was always weird we were close for a very long while even when he said he didn’t like me anymore he also kept changing his mind on that back then too. So am I an asshole for asking them to remove eachother? They’ve never even met him don’t even know him and have never spoken him till now. He’s not even supporting me but instead talking to my friends and ignoring me. I will sit there obviously upset them knowing that while totally ignoring me to play a game online together.
submitted by fluffypenguinfeet to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:16 oaomcg A restart will fix it (but not how you'd expect)

The president of my company has been working out of our second office in another state all winter and was due to arrive back in town Monday. Friday afternoon I took it upon myself to do a once over in his office, restarting his printer and docking station to make sure everything worked smoothly since he'd been gone for a few months. I hate when he comes back in the building and something isn't working as expected because it's been sitting stale for so long. Everything seemed in line and I didn't anticipate any issues on Monday morning.
I get into my office at 7:51 and at 7:52 he walks in saying "Hey, I need your help with something."
"Sure. What's up?"
"Can you help me get these basketball tickets on my phone?"
Not what I was expecting, but at least nothing is broken. Normally if someone asked me for help with something like this I'd tell them to get lost but this guys name is literally on the front of the building so I agree to take a look. A colleague has sent him playoff tickets via a link in a text message. He clicks the ticketmaster link and it gives him an error. "Session suspended, try another location or another device." I take the phone, copy the link out of Safari, and try it in Chrome. Same message.
I ask him if we can go try the link on his computer and he agrees. I send the link to himself in an email so it will be in his inbox. We walk to his office and I have him pull up Outlook. He's about to open the message and he says "Oh, he also already emailed it to me" and shows me an email from the colleague with the ticket transfer message.
So I'm thinking "oh, this explains it. the guy retransferred the tickets via email so the fist link in the text is probably no good."
We open that link on his computer and he's able to log into his ticketmaster account and accept the tickets. They are in his account now, he should be good to go. But there is a message on the page saying "Your phone is your ticket, login from your mobile device to add the tickets to your wallet."
We go back to his phone and i just try pulling up the main ticketmaster(dot)com website and to my dread see the same "your session is suspended, try another location or device" message. Well, now i CAN'T use another device, it has to be THIS device so i can get the tickets into his apple wallet. I clear the browser cache and cookies. Same thing. I try incognito mode. Same thing. I switch from wifi to mobile data. Same thing.
I start looking up the error and it seems like ticketmaster has some checks in place and if it sees suspicious browsing behavior, it assumes you might be a bot trying to snipe tickets and blocks you. The TM support page says it's temporary and to try again later.
I tell the president i think it temporarily blocked him after he opened that first link so many times. We should let it cool off and try again later. "No problem. the game isn't until tomorrow."
I didn't see him the rest of the day and he took off early in the afternoon so we didn't have a chance to circle back.
He doesn't get into the office until about 11am the next morning and hands me his phone. It's been over 24 hours at this point, the temporary block must be gone. I open up the TM website and see the same freaking error... uh oh... I tell him there's still a problem and I need to figure out what to do next. He blurts out the passcode to his phone and heads out to lunch.
I take the device back to my office and start doing some research. Everyone online that has this problem gets the error because they are trying to do some shady crap to buy or reserve tickets and nobody has an answer for how to release whatever block TM puts on you. TM support articles say you just have to wait. I can't wait. The game is tonight. If he doesn't get these tickets, he's going to be out thousands of dollars and it's going to be MY fault because my fingers are all over this at this point. Is any of this even my job?
I figure the next step is going to be to grab a spare phone out of my supply, have him log into his apple id (if he even remembers the password), and accept the tickets from there. I'm not entirely sure how the apple wallet works. If he gets the tickets on one phone will they show up on his other one? I figure, worst case scenario, he has to carry this second phone with him to get into the game.
I'm waiting for him to get back from lunch to explain this asinine workaround when I think to myself "screw it. lets just restart this phone."
I restart the phone and am lucky I am staring at it while it starts up because once it does I see a message in the corner. For 1 brief second it says "VPN" and disappears. I go into the settings and find out that while this guy was out of town, he subscribed to a VPN service and installed it on his phone. Once I disabled it, the TM website worked perfectly normally. Saved again by a restart!
He came back from lunch and I said "I didn't realize you had a VPN on your phone." He says "Oh yeah, i got that a couple months ago. why?" I told him that the TM website apparently doesn't play well with with his VPN service and that once i disabled it, i was able to get to the website and that he should turn it back on once we get the tickets into his wallet.
He logs into the site, sees the tickets, and adds them to his apple wallet. Then i show him how to turn the VPN back on.
Mission Accomplished!
Then he turns back to me and says "So now, how do i transfer these to someone else?"...
submitted by oaomcg to talesfromtechsupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:15 Round_Associate_8136 Anyone else AVOID magic in this game?

Before I say anything: I have absolutely 0 experience with dnd. Never played it, I don’t have any friends who play it, I barely even know what it is. I had online friends who played bg3, so that’s why I brought it, not because I’m a dnd player!
Anyone else avoid magic in this game? Like, the only attacks you ever use are main attack and ranged attack? I’ve tried playing as literally anything other than a fightebarbarian but I just can’t. I always run through a bunch of stuff in the beginning just so I can quickly recruit Karlach.
The magic is just so confusing. In comparison to a sword, at least.
Anyone else? It should be noted that I have some slight learning disabilities so like, I could just be too dumb 😅
I also miss using magic a lot, don’t get me wrong. There’s a bunch of fun spells I’d love to use… outside of battle. Like animal speaking, or turning into an animal, or playing an instrument. But then I always die in battles.
Romancing Gale is uh… difficult for me. Even if I adore him :/ I’ve given an honest attempt to have him in my party on an Astarion origin run but… man. I just do better with Karlach, Lae’zel, Astarion and (FighteBarbarian) Tav.
submitted by Round_Associate_8136 to BaldursGate3 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:15 fluffypenguinfeet Am I wrong for asking my friends to remove/block eachother?

TW: mention of miscarriage and abortion
I (18) met a guy (20/21M) on tinder and got really close but for weird reasons didn’t work out. He thought I was using him for sex because he thought I only started to like him back after the first time we hooked up which wasn’t true I just told him I needed to make sure I was definitely ready first and needed to meet him properly first but the first time we met we hooked up. Anywyas he came up with many reason why he randomly out of nowhere “lost feelings” even tho we hooked up a couple times after that (we are no longer hooking up or anything like that). The reasons were weird. Anywyas we had also found out I was pregnant which was rocky because we kept arguing about what we should do I even had to tell his family. He hated the idea of me aborting and said I was definitely not to do adoption. He also kept on mentioning taking it back to his country as he’s not from here he’s just living here for a bit. Kept on making everything about him and the kid but I felt he didn’t care how I felt during it all. Then out of nowhere he was adding my friends on Snapchat and on Fortnite (video game) which I found weird. About a week after that I had unfortunately miscarried at 13 weeks which was hard on me emotionally and physically he said he was sad and distraught as well. He also said something he would’ve named the kid and I asked if he still wanted to name it because I wanted to but he didn’t like that thought. Anyways couple days later he’s half ignoring me so I ask him what’s going on and he said he wasn’t which he kinda was was. He told me to move on from the situation we had just been through and also apparently deleted the ultrasound photo. After that convo I found out he was still talking to all my friends whilst ignoring me (all girls). I think he may also possibly be attracted to one of them. I was furious as I was/am going through all this alone he even told me he couldn’t be there for me even tho originally he said he would be there for me no matter what even tho he lived 4 hrs away. Everything is and was a mess. He acted like he cared for me before and during the pregnancy being nice offering me things and even just talking to me but after losing my baby he’s been ignoring me and almost like he hates me and not supporting me at all. Talking to my friends who also somewhat knew what is going on also hurt me. I asked them to remove him at least while we get through what we needed to get through and they refused and so did he. I felt bad but angry at the same time. Our friendship was always weird we were close for a very long while even when he said he didn’t like me anymore he also kept changing his mind on that back then too. So am I an asshole for asking them to remove eachother? They’ve never even met him don’t even know him and have never spoken him till now. He’s not even supporting me but instead talking to my friends and ignoring me. I will sit there obviously upset them knowing that while totally ignoring me to play a game online together.
submitted by fluffypenguinfeet to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:14 fluffypenguinfeet Am I the jerk for asking my friends to block/remove eachother?

TW: mention of miscarriage and abortion
I (18) met a guy (20/21M) on tinder and got really close but for weird reasons didn’t work out. He thought I was using him for sex because he thought I only started to like him back after the first time we hooked up which wasn’t true I just told him I needed to make sure I was definitely ready first and needed to meet him properly first but the first time we met we hooked up. Anywyas he came up with many reason why he randomly out of nowhere “lost feelings” even tho we hooked up a couple times after that (we are no longer hooking up or anything like that). The reasons were weird. Anywyas we had also found out I was pregnant which was rocky because we kept arguing about what we should do I even had to tell his family. He hated the idea of me aborting and said I was definitely not to do adoption. He also kept on mentioning taking it back to his country as he’s not from here he’s just living here for a bit. Kept on making everything about him and the kid but I felt he didn’t care how I felt during it all. Then out of nowhere he was adding my friends on Snapchat and on Fortnite (video game) which I found weird. About a week after that I had unfortunately miscarried at 13 weeks which was hard on me emotionally and physically he said he was sad and distraught as well. He also said something he would’ve named the kid and I asked if he still wanted to name it because I wanted to but he didn’t like that thought. Anyways couple days later he’s half ignoring me so I ask him what’s going on and he said he wasn’t which he kinda was was. He told me to move on from the situation we had just been through and also apparently deleted the ultrasound photo. After that convo I found out he was still talking to all my friends whilst ignoring me (all girls). I think he may also possibly be attracted to one of them. I was furious as I was/am going through all this alone he even told me he couldn’t be there for me even tho originally he said he would be there for me no matter what even tho he lived 4 hrs away. Everything is and was a mess. He acted like he cared for me before and during the pregnancy being nice offering me things and even just talking to me but after losing my baby he’s been ignoring me and almost like he hates me and not supporting me at all. Talking to my friends who also somewhat knew what is going on also hurt me. I asked them to remove him at least while we get through what we needed to get through and they refused and so did he. I felt bad but angry at the same time. Our friendship was always weird we were close for a very long while even when he said he didn’t like me anymore he also kept changing his mind on that back then too. So am I an asshole for asking them to remove eachother? They’ve never even met him don’t even know him and have never spoken him till now. He’s not even supporting me but instead talking to my friends and ignoring me. I will sit there obviously upset them knowing that while totally ignoring me to play a game online together.
submitted by fluffypenguinfeet to AmITheJerk [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:14 sonicpoweryay Take (It may or may not be hot) the GD level progression is awful.

If it wasn't for online levels, GD would be considered a terrible game because when trying to beat the main levels, you get hit by massive difficulty spike after massive difficulty spike. Be honest; how many of you would've quit the game if online levels and the level editor weren't a thing? I sure would've.
(I know the levels are ordered by the date they were added but that doesn't change anything)
submitted by sonicpoweryay to geometrydash [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:14 fluffypenguinfeet AITA for asking my friends to remove/block eachother?

TW: mention of miscarriage and abortion
I (18) met a guy (20/21M) on tinder and got really close but for weird reasons didn’t work out. He thought I was using him for sex because he thought I only started to like him back after the first time we hooked up which wasn’t true I just told him I needed to make sure I was definitely ready first and needed to meet him properly first but the first time we met we hooked up. Anywyas he came up with many reason why he randomly out of nowhere “lost feelings” even tho we hooked up a couple times after that (we are no longer hooking up or anything like that). The reasons were weird. Anywyas we had also found out I was pregnant which was rocky because we kept arguing about what we should do I even had to tell his family. He hated the idea of me aborting and said I was definitely not to do adoption. He also kept on mentioning taking it back to his country as he’s not from here he’s just living here for a bit. Kept on making everything about him and the kid but I felt he didn’t care how I felt during it all. Then out of nowhere he was adding my friends on Snapchat and on Fortnite (video game) which I found weird. About a week after that I had unfortunately miscarried at 13 weeks which was hard on me emotionally and physically he said he was sad and distraught as well. He also said something he would’ve named the kid and I asked if he still wanted to name it because I wanted to but he didn’t like that thought. Anyways couple days later he’s half ignoring me so I ask him what’s going on and he said he wasn’t which he kinda was was. He told me to move on from the situation we had just been through and also apparently deleted the ultrasound photo. After that convo I found out he was still talking to all my friends whilst ignoring me (all girls). I think he may also possibly be attracted to one of them. I was furious as I was/am going through all this alone he even told me he couldn’t be there for me even tho originally he said he would be there for me no matter what even tho he lived 4 hrs away. Everything is and was a mess. He acted like he cared for me before and during the pregnancy being nice offering me things and even just talking to me but after losing my baby he’s been ignoring me and almost like he hates me and not supporting me at all. Talking to my friends who also somewhat knew what is going on also hurt me. I asked them to remove him at least while we get through what we needed to get through and they refused and so did he. I felt bad but angry at the same time. Our friendship was always weird we were close for a very long while even when he said he didn’t like me anymore he also kept changing his mind on that back then too. So am I an asshole for asking them to remove eachother? They’ve never even met him don’t even know him and have never spoken him till now. He’s not even supporting me but instead talking to my friends and ignoring me. I will sit there obviously upset them knowing that while totally ignoring me to play a game online together.
submitted by fluffypenguinfeet to IAmTheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:13 GoBackToLeddit After all these years, why has no one created a potion calculator mod?

Imagine grabbing all your ingredients and going to an alchemy lab and seeing all the potions you can craft based on what you're carrying. You could group by effect, number of effects, and then descending by price to ensure you craft the most powerful of that type. Or, if you're just wanting to make money, don't group at all and sort descending by all and spam out potions.
It would definitely beat alt-tabbing out of the game to plug everything manually into the online ones or even using that one that reads your save file and tells you what to create (I never used that one, not even sure if it works anymore).
If it were possible, I assume someone would have done it by now, so it must not be.
submitted by GoBackToLeddit to skyrim [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:12 Pulsar-Darkstar I (26 F) don't get appreciated by my partner (32 M) and am not in his priorities. He also started blaming me for many things. What should I do?

I'm Lisa, 26 F, and have been in my relationship for 1,5 years with Max, (32 M). Me and Max met each other online. We both like gaming and one day started talking more with each other. We both confessed that we were not on the lookout for a partner, but soon realized that our chemistry was on point, and soon after we first met in a hotel. Things were going great, we realized we loved each other deeply, and after 3 moths, I asked him if he was ready for a new relationship. His last relationship ended just about a year ago because his ex gf suddenly left him. It was obvious that he was hurt, but never compared me to her or vice versa. Max is the guy that's very neutral, not bashing people or just talking gold of them, he sets things straight and clear, and has nothing to hide. He cares for his stuff, is working full-time in a 3 shirt system, and cares for the people he cares about. I on the other hand, am more of a realist/pessimist, but thanks to Max I started being way more optimistic. We both had a rough childhood. Max' mother left him and his family when he was 13, not caring about them after that. His dad always supported and cared for him, and teached him very useful lessons about how to handle things on a daily basis, and to overtime certain objects which become to be important in the future. My childhood was more chaotic. My dad never actually cared for me or my mother (his wife) and never stopped bashing my mom. She on the other hand handled everything herself. She cared for me nonstop as I had a serious heart condition and basically not working immune system, but thankfully this subsided over time when I grew older. My parents were always messy tho, they rarely took care of our home, and couldn't throw or give away stuff no one ever needed and used. I grew up in this horrible environment, not getting the support I needed in school when I was getting bullied and almost killed by some classmates, and had to deal with bashing at home after school. When I was 11, soon after the incident with my classmates, I soon became depressed and overwhelmed by all the hate and anger I encountered over the years. It's safe to say that some would've ended it after these events, but I didn't, but I thought about doing it. Yes, I started thinking about it, and it went on till my early 20s. Soon after when I was out of school, things took a turn for the worse, and my health was declining. At 16 my doctor diagnosed me with hydrocephalus, where the fluid in my brain caused pressure on my frontal lobe. He also found out that my right heart chamber was enlarged, and that I needed to take things slow and avoid stress at all costs. These issues persisted and are cause more and more smaller issues that affect my daily life. My hormones are out of control, with testosterone being in an extreme high, which makes me impulsive and I get angry fast. I was never like that, and I can't control it either. My senses started dwindling and I got in an even more depressed state as more issues appeared. I'm currently trying to get ahold of some professional doctors to further check me out, but getting appointments is very difficult and extremely time consuming. My boyfriend Max always supports me, and even offered me to take me to specialists, but never did it and stopped talking about it, even tho I asked from time to time. He knows about my past, and at the beginning he understood and respected me and the way I am because of all this. He never had any issues besides me being too pessimistic, but this greatly changed over a couple months after we came together. What concerns me is, as soon as I started improving, he started being the negative one. He started blaming me for being lazy, even tho he knows how bad my physical and mental health can be at days. I don't follow my parents standards when it comes to hygiene, and tbh I sometimes don't clean for 2 to 3 days, but this isn't the norm. I keep my home relatively clean, despite having 3 cats. He was very affectionate and curious at the beginning, but this all dwindled down with time. He knows what I like, like being cuddled, having my head or back scratched or getting gently caressed. It's something I do to him, and I know he loves it, but he stopped doing this to me. Max loves getting massages by me, as it helped with his back pain, and when I ask for a massage in return, he just postpones it day after day. He even stopped making out with me, even tho he always tells me how badly he wants it. The only thing that's been unaffected by this is the intimate part. It got better over time, and lacks nothing except sometimes, he tends to rush it. The overall affection and carefulness is on a hold tho, and when I try to talk to Max, he gets defensive and tries to blame me for everything. His understanding, respect and appreciation for what I actually do decimated as well. Even tho we share most lifegoals, Max still isn't sure about having a family one day and what we as a couple strive for. He also spends more and more time with his friends. He isn't cheating, I know most of his friends and been with him many times, and when I ask about some we-time, I always get "they are my friends, I was always like that. If I want to spend time with them I will" as an answer. He has no secrets, and would let me look into his phone and everything anytime, but I never looked into it as I respect his privacy.
What should I do? Should I ask him if I am one of his priorities at all? Or should I make clear what I want and expect? I just want mutual feelings and honesty, e.g. when I write him a letter about how I feel, how much I love him, what he means to me and that I'd like to built a healthy life with him, or when I do extra chores for him when he's sick, comforting and caring for him. Would that be too much to ask for?
submitted by Pulsar-Darkstar to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:09 spookymark23 34 [M4F] #Australia / Anywhere - drunk at my besties wedding retreat & craving genuine connection…

Well.. Gday, I guess!
I’m Mark - 34 year old dual Aussie/British citizen, though born and raised in Australia so don’t have that fancy British accent! Haha.
Have spent the last few months working on my physical, mental and emotional health after a chaotic few years, and after removing toxic influences from my life am realising I’m craving real and genuine connection. Location doesn’t bother me, if we get along I love to travel and visit new people! I also keep weird hours so time zones don’t bother me either.
Neuro-spicy, empathetic, emotionally aware, very down to earth and non judgmental. I froth over open effective communication, honesty, respect, and getting lost in conversation.
I am pretty easily entertained and enjoy writing, reading, Netflix binges, road trips and adventures with my dog, laughing, online games, board games, storms, forests, waterfalls, socialising- all the regular things I guess! What am I doing right now? I’m drunk in bed watching Greys Anatomy on my laptop, in a cabin at the most gorgeous retreat for my besties wedding, waiting to talk to you.. yes, YOU!
Some fav tv shows include but aren’t limited to, Friends, South Park, X Files, Buffy, Stargate, Sopranos, Bobs Burgers, Big Mouth, 911, The Rookie, Greys Anatomy, yeah I could go on.. haha. Pretty easily entertained, remember?
The games I often jump into are DBD, ESO (new to it!), Ark, Palworld, Deep Rock, or things like Resident Evil, the Evil Within, etc… and have been enjoying some Fortnite lately after ages of giving it shit and embarrassingly am a little hooked! Haha
Let me know if you’d like to chat! ☺️
more photos, including dog tax!
submitted by spookymark23 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:08 spookymark23 34 [M4F] Australia / Anywhere - drunk at my besties wedding retreat & craving genuine connection!

Well.. Gday, I guess!
I’m Mark - 34 year old dual Aussie/British citizen, though born and raised in Australia so don’t have that fancy British accent! Haha.
Have spent the last few months working on my physical, mental and emotional health after a chaotic few years, and after removing toxic influences from my life am realising I’m craving real and genuine connection. Location doesn’t bother me, if we get along I love to travel and visit new people! I also keep weird hours so time zones don’t bother me either.
Neuro-spicy, empathetic, emotionally aware, very down to earth and non judgmental. I froth over open effective communication, honesty, respect, and getting lost in conversation.
I am pretty easily entertained and enjoy writing, reading, Netflix binges, road trips and adventures with my dog, laughing, online games, board games, storms, forests, waterfalls, socialising- all the regular things I guess! What am I doing right now? I’m drunk in bed watching Greys Anatomy on my laptop, in a cabin at the most gorgeous retreat for my besties wedding, waiting to talk to you.. yes, YOU!
Some fav tv shows include but aren’t limited to, Friends, South Park, X Files, Buffy, Stargate, Sopranos, Bobs Burgers, Big Mouth, 911, The Rookie, Greys Anatomy, yeah I could go on.. haha. Pretty easily entertained, remember?
The games I often jump into are DBD, ESO (new to it!), Ark, Palworld, Deep Rock, or things like Resident Evil, the Evil Within, etc… and have been enjoying some Fortnite lately after ages of giving it shit and embarrassingly am a little hooked! Haha
Let me know if you’d like to chat! ☺️
more photos, including dog tax!
submitted by spookymark23 to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:07 golangprojects [Hiring] Remote Golang job: Senior Back End Developer at Poki (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

Do you want a job where you will never be working on a dull CRUD layer?
At Poki, our vision is to let the world play by creating the ultimate online playground, that provides easy access to the best games on web. These games are created by our thriving global game developer community, and monetised by in-game advertisements. With around 60 million monthly active users, as a Senior Back End Developer, you’ll be at the forefront implementing scalable, high traffic APIs that bring joy to gamers, while providing valuable insights and revenue streams for game developers. This is in addition to being responsible for designing, building, and maintaining server-side components, and the infrastructure that powers Poki. You will do this together with our skilled senior development team, many of whom have been a part of building Poki over the last ten years.
What this job is about: This is quite a diverse role, and that’s why we’re looking for an autonomous, versatile back-end developer. You’ll find yourself optimising our cloud-native infrastructure while also mentoring junior developers. You’ll also be talking to our business unit to flush out our new approach, which you’ll then develop and operate in production under extreme load. You’ll also help ingest nearly 2 billion data-points a day, while making sure we push 7+ PetaBytes of data to our users every month. This is a unique, challenging and rewarding job with actual impact and ownership. From ingestion to complex data pipelines and business intelligence, we do everything in house at Poki.
Your challenge as a Senior Back End Developer: Maintaining, extending and upgrading our GoLang backends, working with the flows for invoicing, data processing and game upload processing. You’ll also make sure that core parts are feature and unit tested to keep our codebase healthy and in high-quality shape. Our platform is growing, with 60 million monthly players we can safely be considered a high-traffic environment. We’re handling multiple tens of thousands of sustained dynamic requests a second. Including our cached static routes we push this number to 100k+ requests per second in peak hours. Leverage our data warehouse to generate the next-generation of data-driven applications within Poki. Develop heuristics that that steer our advertisement business in realtime and make sure our players get the most fitting content presented to them.
You: Have at least five years of experience working with Golang. Have experience with at least two of the following: Clickhouse, BigQuery, Google Cloud, Javascript ES6. Have end to end experience with the product development lifecycle. We’re cloud native, so you know how to leverage and understand all the best public clouds (GCP and AWS) have to offer with ease. You live in or are willing to locate to the Netherlands.
Bonus experience: Experience with, and knowledge of security and compliance Experience in mentoring junior team members Experience in a similar role in a start up or scale up environment
Why work at Poki? Direct impact on the experience of 60 million players and a community of 350+ game developers. A lot of personal responsibility and freedom, plus the chance to work together with a diverse, international, talented and self-motivated team. Play is how we learn; we make sure everyone is being challenged, and offer an annual training budget. When you grow, we grow: build your career at a fast growing tech scale up. Many members of our team have been with us since their internships and now are leading teams. We care about our team, and your wellbeing matters. We have a dedicated colleague who focuses on a variety of wellbeing initiatives from regular check-ins with everyone to bi-weekly massages at the office. Opportunity to connect with colleagues regularly with daily lunches in our colourful office, drinks every Thursday and team activities. A hybrid work environment, work from home budget, and travel costs covered for those living outside of Amsterdam. A full-time contract (36-40 hours/week), opportunity to join our Poki Ownership program, and a competitive salary – we value our teams’ skills and experiences.
Are you curious? Do you thrive in an environment of dynamic possibilities? You may well be our Senior Back End Developer. So hit apply and let us know!
Read more / apply:
submitted by golangprojects to techjobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:06 Fire_Cloud_Shoes Sabrina Ionescu’s Second Signature Shoe “Nike Sabrina 2”

Sabrina Ionescu’s Second Signature Shoe “Nike Sabrina 2”
Basketball fans and sneakerheads alike are eagerly awaiting the start of the WNBA regular season, not only to watch their favorite players hit the court, but also to see what new kicks they’ll be sporting. One player in particular, Sabrina Ionescu of the New York Liberty, has already made a name for herself in the sneaker game with her first signature shoe, the Nike Sabrina 1. Now, just days before the start of the season, images of what could be her second signature shoe with Nike have surfaced online, and fans are buzzing.
According to several Instagram accounts, the shoe in question is the Nike Sabrina 2, and it looks like it could be a real showstopper. The colorway is predominantly purple and black, with iridescent Swoosh branding on the lateral side that catches the eye. Although no details about the shoe’s tech have been revealed, it appears to feature branding for Zoom Air cushioning on the midsole, which is next to Ionescu’s signature. Several commenters have noted that the shoe bears a resemblance to kicks from the Nike Kobe franchise, specifically the Nike Kobe 5.
Despite the excitement surrounding the leaked images of the Nike Sabrina 2, there’s still no word on when the shoe will actually be released. But for those who can’t wait to get their hands on a pair of Ionescu’s signature kicks, there are several colorways of the Nike Sabrina 1 currently available on for $130. This court-ready shoe features forefoot Zoom Air units and React foam underfoot, making it not only stylish, but also functional for serious ballers.
As the WNBA regular season gets underway, all eyes will be on Ionescu and her footwear choices. Will she debut the Nike Sabrina 2 on the court? Only time will tell. In the meantime, fans can continue to speculate and debate about what other surprises Nike has in store for the rising star.
In other news, Sabrina Ionescu and the Liberty are gearing up for the 2024 WNBA regular season. The team will face off against the Washington Mystics on May 14 at 7 p.m. ET in what promises to be an exciting and highly competitive game. With Ionescu leading the charge, the Liberty is poised to make a strong showing this season and cement their place as one of the top teams in the league.
But before they hit the road, the Liberty will have their 2023 WNBA regular season home debut on the Barclays Center court in Brooklyn, N.Y. on May 18. The team will take on the Indiana Fever in what is sure to be a thrilling game filled with high-flying dunks, clutch three-pointers, and electrifying plays. Whether you’re a die-hard Liberty fan or just a casual observer of the sport, this is one game you won’t want to miss. So mark your calendars and get ready for an unforgettable night of basketball action!
submitted by Fire_Cloud_Shoes to SneakerFits [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:05 GiantJigglypuff3 Video Game Colorblind Accessibility Testing

Video Game Colorblind Accessibility Testing
In some video games, there are color based mini games with no accessibility options. In this image of Donkey Kong 64, the barrels match the piano keys by color, but there are no letters associated with the barrels like there are for the piano keys.
Donkey Kong 64 - Trichromacy (Normal View)
Using a combination of formulas I've found online, I've tried to adjust the colors so anyone with that color blindness could differentiate they barrels/keys. Could anyone with these color blindness let me know:
  1. What color blindness you have
  2. Which piano keys in the trichromacy image (the above image) are hard to differentiate
  3. If the image labeled with your color blindness (the next 3 below images) fixes the issue. If not, point out the piano keys that are still hard to differentiate
  4. Whether the "Trichromacy Image After Colorblind Adjustment" colorblind image matches the "Colorblind Image After Colorblind Adjustment" colorblind image
  5. Whether the image looks aesthetically pleasing
Below are the Deutera, Prota, and Trita images (in that order). The images are adjusted for the colors, but do not remove the color blinded color, as those with nomaly should still be able to see the color whereas those with nopia should not.

Trichromacy Images After Colorblind Adjustment

Donkey Kong 64 - Adjusted For Deuteranopia (Green Colorblind)
Donkey Kong 64 - Adjusted For Protanopia (Red Colorblind)
Donkey Kong 64 - Adjusted For Tritanopia (Blue Colorblind)

Colorblind Images After Colorblind Adjustment

Donkey Kong 64 - Deuteranopia View After Adjustment
Donkey Kong 64 - Protanopia View After Adjustment
Donkey Kong 64 - Tritanopia View After Adjustment
submitted by GiantJigglypuff3 to ColorBlind [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:05 XParzival22 Returning Player Questions

Went Wayfinders first launched into EA I purchased a founder pack to play with a friend on Steam. At the time the game had online issues that caused me to stop playing around oct/sept of last year.
I saw a new update from the team that the game is getting an offline mode. I was curious what are any other big changes that have happened with the game as I am looking at getting back into it to see how it play now versus then.
Can I still unlock items from the EA battlepass or earn them in-game now? Can I purchase the higher teir Found packs still (what happens to the items in mine)? Are there any major changes to playing online or entering dungeons? Anything else I should now before I reinstall?
submitted by XParzival22 to PlayWayfinder [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:04 polostring Any chess sites that let you play with a hidden rating?

I enjoy playing chess, I like hobbies where there is the opportunity for steady improvement, I like going over my games, and I like doing puzzles/studies.
However, I hate playing with a rating. I'm always stressed out about losing a few points, gaining a few points, crossing this barrier or that barrier, etc.
Similarly I hate playing anonymously on or lichess. The average rating is apparently much, much, MUCH higher than I am and I get crushed game after game.
Is there anyway to play chess online, matched against similar opponents, but without an obvious rating? (I know both lichess and have "zen" modes that hide everything, but you still see your dang rating before the game, after the game, when you open the site, etc.)
submitted by polostring to chess [link] [comments]