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2019.01.16 21:26 SrGrafo SrGrafo

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2011.10.19 20:11 All about going natural, hair porn and other stuff too!


2018.09.12 02:33 MasterOfTrolls4 Chonkers

2024.06.09 12:01 AutoModerator ★OFFICIAL DAILY★ SV/NSV Thread: Feats of the Day! June 09, 2024

Celebrating something great?
Scale Victory, Non-Scale Victory, Progress, Milestones -- this is the place! Big or small, please post here and help us focus all of today's awesomeness into an inspiring and informative mega-dose of greatness!
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submitted by AutoModerator to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:59 Business_Storage5016 So it finally happened, I told his mom off

For a bit of background, I (21m) have been with my boyfriend (19m) for over a year now. He moved in with me last July, and we have been nothing but content with one another since. It started kind of slow, with us talking to each other December 2022, and our relationship went crazy from there. I love this man with my whole heart, and he loves me. But we are totally different, he is the sweetest, kindest guy who will try to do anything to appease anyone. I am the opposite (I'm not mean by any means, but I'm blunt). I don't sugarcoat anything, I am straight to the point, and I try not to beat around the bush.
Since he has moved in with me, his mom has made snarky, harsh comments on my livelihood, my personality and who I am as a person. Lately, this has been getting much worse since his mom just met someone back in November and literally married her Friday. The first interaction I had with his mom was her calling at 3pm (at the time, my boyfriend was working night shift, not getting home til 4am), so naturally he chose to sleep in. I was woken up to her screaming and cussing him out on the phone for sleeping in... And this was a slight argument between her and me because she woke me up too, and she had no right to call her son screaming and cursing him out for sleeping in.
Moving on to a month after that interaction, she started showing up out of nowhere (his family lives 2 hours away from us, so she was making an appoint to come up on his days off without notice to see him - wrecking any plans we had). Eventually, him and I got tired of it and when we confronted her about at least giving us a notice, she started threatening to kill herself...
Fast-forward to January, my boyfriend and I went on a trip with my family to Florida. It was completely paid for by my grandmother and my aunt, and his mom had nothing good to say about it. She insisted that I'm spoiled rotten and I get everything I want (I don't, this was literally a treat). We went to Florida because my aunt and grandfather passed away just a little bit before and left her and my aunt everything they owned, so in remembrance of them - we took a trip which I invited my boyfriend.
When we got back from our trip, I decided to take off from work since I have saved up a lot of money to pay my way through school to get my accounting degree.... And oh boy did his mom not like this.. Ever since I chose not to work to instead take on 5-6 classes, she has been nothing but nasty to me and about me. For the past few months she has said that I have been using her son for money, I'm a mooch, I'm lazy, I don't work worth of shit, I'm terrible, I'm abusive, etc. You name it, any insult under the sun she's said about me to him. I've tried to keep my cool about it, venting to him about how much his mom hates me and what she says isn't right. Did she forget he is living under my roof?! I door dash on the side for extra income, but I've said money since high school so I could go to college. It's always been my dream to focus on my education and studies and not worry about working a crappy dead end job.... I've told him to tell her numerous times that I don't use him for money, if anything he still owes me over a grand for me covering his expenses when he moved in with me!
Last month, she and her new fiance decided to invite him, and only him, out to lunch. I ended up getting so upset over this because I wasn't invited to an event that should've included me, and I have been with my boyfriend much longer than she's even known this woman. I ended up asking her if she has a problem with me because I wasn't invited, and she just assumed I knew I was invited (I think she deliberately didn't invite me because she doesn't like me...) It's not just the lunch invite that says this, it's the fact she's only says negative things about me, she tells him I am abusive, if she contacts me it's because she wants something from me. God forbid she texts him wanting something, she's told her son that she would kill herself if he didn't send her money.... What kind of mother.... Anyways, onto yesterday.
It got bad yesterday. I decided to try to call, and I was responded with voicemail. I wasn't mad at this point, her wife (they got married the day after I mentioned I am going to propose to my boyfriend, it's like she was trying to one up me?!) said to me that I need to work and focus on school, and I told her, "what I need to do is do what I want to do and what's best for me, not what you and his mom keep saying for me to do!" I ended up telling her if they don't fk finance or feed me than they need to stop trying to have a vote in my life because I have done nothing but support and help their son, and they have done nothing but talk crap about me... Oh this went so bad. After saying that (which, no I did not cuss her out. The only curse word I said was that saying of fk feed finance), she went ballistic. She started cursing me out, going off on me. I have never ever read so many curse words, but after she said they don't say "shit" about me this is when I got mad. After all the cursing and name calling she did, I said "say it with your fking chest." It ended up with her going off on me even more, and I told her wife to go fk herself, I don't have to put up with this. Blocked her. His mom started calling him, screaming and cursing at him that I cursed her wife out and that I'm abusive, he needs to break up with me and get out of this "toxic" relationship. I tried to call his mom once I cooled down, and I sent my boyfriend the messages because that isn't what happened whatsoever!! I texted his mom saying she needs to get her facts right, and if she's going to talk shit about me she needs to have something other than lies to stand behind. It didn't go over to well with her, and no I didn't curse her out either (because why would I? I have more self respect than to drop to their level of petty and hurtfulness!!) I have been trying so hard to be good to his mom, but I have absolutely had it with the bashing and name calling and everything else she has been putting me through....
Tonight, when he got off of work, we talked about what was happening. He agrees with me, and is going to be distancing her out of his life for a little bit... I told him that she is only hurting herself and her relationship with her son.... And that I have the final say in what she gets to be apart of, hell she won't be invited to our wedding if she doesn't apologize and make this right. And I have every right to exclude her from any events with her son because it's him and me, and she isn't going to treat me like a 2nd class citizen....
I don't know what's going to happen, but I have tried so hard to be sweet and kind to his mom. After a certain point, I can't take it anymore. I am just glad I had the texts of her and her wife cussing me out and calling me all those terrible names! And after all they told him I better apologize. This is such a mess, but if he loves me he'll stand by my side. And if he doesn't, I'll help him back his bags to go home. But I'm not going to be treated like garbage, and I shouldn't have to put up with the insults, the harassment, the petty comments, all the bs she has been dishing out at me this past year.... I'm done.
submitted by Business_Storage5016 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:58 gabbando How do i stay motivated?

For context I’m a 20 year old man, I currently weigh 359 lbs and im the heaviest ive ever been, ive always been fat, throughout all of school i was “the fat kid” i didnt come from a healthy family, both of my parents worked full time growing up so we often had takeout to save time. This has been my lifestyle for as long as i can remember, i always hated vegetables as a kid and never grew out of it, although ive got a small handful of veggies i can eat, i wouldnt particularly say i like them, when making or ordering food its just easier to go without you know? Anyways, with that being said, my self esteem is about as low as it can get, my confidence has steadily dropped throughout school and now I’m at a point where i dont even really talk to anyone, and always wear big baggy clothes, even when its super hot. Looking back, i was a very easily fixable weight back in high school, but since i got a job ive gained a lot, I still live at home and dont pay much for rent, so i have a fair amount of disposable income, all this does is cause me to spend it all on food, bc of that i always end up running out of money not even half way into the month.
This is a problem that has caused me to be in all sorts of states of depression so obviously im sick of it. Ive tried losing weight more times than i can count, i even had weekly meetings with a dietitian at one point, but no matter what i do or how I approach it, it always ends up going the same.
•feel super motivated to lose weight •delete all food related apps •go shopping for healthy food •start going to the gym and eating healthier •track my calories
This all lasts for a few weeks at best, then i start losing motivation, either life stuff comes up and i can’t focus, or i just straight up get bored, i think a big thing is snacking, theres no way for me to get home from work where i dont walk past a shop, i always end up going in for snacks, i also finish work late which makes going to the gym annoying, but at the same time i dont like going beforehand because i dont want to be too tired. I work monday to friday but even if i were to go on the weekend, it probably wouldnt be enough, plus i dont even really know what to do in the gym, ive asked people before but only people who are in shape and have never been in my position, do i just do cardio? Are weights even gonna help at this point? I like the gym, i feel good after i leave, but building up the will to get there is the hard part. I know people say discipline is important, but i have no discipline, how do i even get discipline? Recently ive developed a kind of “i dont care about anything” kind of mindset, and i feel like the fact that I’ve acknowledged that i have that mindset makes it even harder to get out of it.
Essentially, i need help, i want to be better, i dont want to die before my parents do, i dont know what to do, i feel like ive been told so many different things that didnt help, im praying theres someone put there who has been through a similar thing who can give me some good advice. Thank you.
submitted by gabbando to WeightLossAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:51 vitd2023 Wish I didn’t go 30 min before closing on a Saturday night

Wish I didn’t go 30 min before closing on a Saturday night
These are the minis. I subbed Brooke for chocolate milkshake since they were sold out. I should try going between Tues/Friday for quality and accuracy.
The cookies LOOK great imo … but the a) cinnamon roll was super dry and not warm b)coconut cream, was good but the cookie base was RAW- tasted raw cold flour and c) you can’t really go wrong w a brookie but it’s a basic cookie and I didn’t care for the cookie this week.
submitted by vitd2023 to CrumblCookies [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:44 Obvious_Calendar_461 Does anyone else feel really anxious after spending time with their partner?

My partner and I do not live together, and we normally spend Fridays together. But it usually happens to me that after spending time with him, I spend days anxious and thinking that I haven't enjoyed his company as I should, that I haven't felt in love and that this is no longer an OCD problem. It's like I don't want to spend time with him anymore because I know I'm going to feel worse later, and when I'm with him I struggle to feel good and connected.
It would help me a lot to know if this happens to anyone else.
submitted by Obvious_Calendar_461 to ROCD [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:42 Justforgaming12310 Chapter 5 Giantess Female Led Marriage story

Chapter 5: A Life of Servitude Jessica sat naked on the couch, her long legs stretched out before her. Brad, now kneeling at her feet, carefully painted her toenails a deep shade of red. He was his normal height of 5’10”, and his eyes were cast downward, avoiding eye contact with his wife. The soft hum of the TV in the background and the gentle rustling of the wind outside created a soothing atmosphere, but the tension between them was palpable. Jessica smiled to herself, feeling a sense of satisfaction as she gazed at her submissive husband. She had grown accustomed to keeping Brad tiny, only allowing him to return to his normal size when she needed him to run errands or complete chores. And even then, she never let him out of chastity. He was always locked away, a constant reminder of his submission to her. Since she had started dating Henry, Jessica had found herself keeping Brad tiny more and more often. It was easier that way, less complicated. She could use him as a buttplug or stuff him down her panties when she went on dates with Henry. It was a thrill, feeling Brad squirming inside her as she laughed and flirted with her new beau. As Brad finished painting her toenails, Jessica reached out and gently stroked his tiny head. "You're doing a wonderful job, Brad. You're such a good boy." Brad looked up, his eyes filled with a mixture of sadness and resentment, but he quickly masked it with a forced smile. "Thank you, Jessica. I'm happy to serve you," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. Jessica's expression softened, and she reached out to gently lift Brad's chin. "Oh, Brad, I know you're not happy about me dating Henry. But I want you to understand, I need this. I need a real man in my life, someone who can satisfy me." Brad's eyes dropped, and he nodded reluctantly. "I know, Jessica. You deserve to be happy. I just wish...I wish I could be enough for you." Jessica's face lit up with a warm smile, and she leaned forward, her voice taking on a gentle, condescending tone. "Oh, Brad, you are enough for me. You're my husband, my submissive, my everything. But I have needs, darling. Needs that you can't fulfill. Henry makes me feel alive, he makes me feel petite and feminine. You can't do that for me, no matter how hard you try." Brad's face fell, and he looked away, his eyes welling up with tears. Jessica's voice was gentle, but firm. "Brad, I'm replacing you with Henry. Not as my husband, not as my love. But as the man who can satisfy my needs. You'll always be the love of my life, but I need more. And Henry can give me that." Brad nodded, reluctantly accepting his wife's words. "I'll do it, Jessica. I'll do whatever you want. I just want to serve you, to make you happy." Jessica's face lit up with a warm smile, and she leaned forward, her voice taking on a gentle, condescending tone. "That's my good boy, Brad. I'll even explain our relationship to Henry, so he knows he's not there to replace you. You're my submissive, my tiny husband, and I love you for it." With a flick of her wrist, Jessica shrunk Brad down to a mere three inches. She picked him up, her fingers closing around him like a vice. "Now, Brad, I want you to worship me. I have a phone call to make." Brad's tiny voice was barely audible as he whispered, "Yes, Jessica." Jessica placed Brad between her butt cheeks, feeling a thrill of excitement as she made her phone call. Her voice was flirty, playful, as she spoke. "Hi Henry. I've been thinking about you. Are you free this Friday?"
submitted by Justforgaming12310 to Giantess_Cuckold [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:29 Impossible_Tip_2011 Not sure what I want to get out of this, guess maybe just a vent? And also find out how to find sober friends?

TL;DR: ive had a sudden realisation that me and my friends have a binge drinking problem and I want to find new friends
Hi people, while I’m not completely sober right now (as in I still have an occasional glass of wine) I think it’s definitely in my trajectory and something I want for myself. Here’s my longwinded vent but ultimately I have discovered that my closest girlfriends and I definitely have a binge drinking/bendering habit and I don’t want that for myself anymore.
I’m 29F. Over the last few months I’ve been drinking less and less. I was not an everyday drinker but whenever my friends (3-4 of them) and I would get together, we/ I would binge drink and do coke. This would happen about once a month. I now havent done it since April when one of my friends had a 30th birthday. That day/night was so full on that it sent me into the worst hangover of my entire life that lasted almost 2 weeks. I believe that is what traumatised me and gave me this realisation that I do not want that for myself anymore.
Anyway, last weekend one of our friends had a birthday party at a restaurant fairly far away. I opted to not drink so I drove these friends of mine down to the location for the afternoon. They drank all afternoon, champagne and cocktails and even in my car on the way there. I realised they left empty cans in my car too later in the week.
Fast forward to Friday that’s just been and my best friend invited me to an afternoon lunch for today with one of our other close friends. She said “the weather will be good so keen to have a few drinks in the sun”. I said no, because I wanted to spend time with family. I was just texted a photo of them together and they are out at another bar and they’ve been going for about 7 hours now. I’ve also noticed instead of going out and hard once a month it’s become an almost every weekend thing for them.
I’m not sure what I’m trying to get out of this but I guess I feel disappointed that these are my best friends and I’ve realised that all we do is drink together. No one ever has the idea to do something sober and wholesome. I also have a child, so the only time we’re really sober is if I offer for them to come over and see my kid and have dinner and watch movies.
On my path to sobriety I guess I need to find some new friends but I’m not sure how except through work. I’m a serious introvert… any tips and tricks welcome.
submitted by Impossible_Tip_2011 to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:29 knockoffsloth Post surgery hemoglobin keeps dropping, really scared.

44wf, 5’3, 240lbs. Six days out from RNY gastric bypass. I have hemidiaphramatic paralysis and EDS (hypermobile).
Looking for some thoughts on the awful week I’ve had and if there’s something that should or could help me.
6/3 - had bypass following two weeks of liquid diet. All seemed well. Typical post op pain and gas pain. As expected. I actually felt pretty good and did like six laps of the patient floor the first day.
6/4 - still doing good, ready to go home. i had passed gas and stool without issue. Discharged home. No nausea or issues with consuming water or protein shakes. Tired but again, expected. When discharged my hemoglobin was 12.6 and hematocrit was 38.4.
6/5 - at some point in the night I get up to use the bathroom and I am both extremely weak and painfully constipated. Passing the stool was extremely difficult and I was absolutely drenched in sweat from exertion. The stool was black, like tar. I’m no doctor but I know that’s not good. Walking ten feet to my bed felt like miles. Call doctor in the morning and the care team is very responsive and concerned and send me for fluids on next day.
6/6-6/7 - during these days I have some iv fluids and iv iron infusion. I am also poked around 30 times because it’s hard to find a vein with me so dehydrated, despite the fact that I had been taking in maybe 50+ grams of protein and similar ounces of water. On 6/7 I even went to hospital admissions expecting to be admitted but they told me to go home and start taking oral iron 325 Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I am honestly feeling pretty good at this time. 6/6 hemoglobin is 7.2 and hematocrit is 21.8.
6/8 - I wake up at 6 and immediately can tell I’m weaker than the previous day. I can walk to and from the bathroom okay but it is a bit tiring. Could be that I had major abdominal surgery though so am ignoring it but after an hour or two my fingers and toes get really cold and I just start thinking “what if I don’t get help right now and it could have saved me?”. Call 911 and get a ride to hospital.
At hospital they are very concerned that I am white as a sheet. Hemoglobin at 9 am is 5.6 and hematocrit is 17.1. They do a blood transfusion and test again at 6 pm and it is 7.7 and 23.7 respectively. Things are looking up! Except at my 230 am blood draw it was back down to 7.1 and 21.
Both Chest X-ray and ct of my abdomen and pelvis were normal.
Still having very, very dark stool but it is soft now.
I guess I’m just trying to find out what may happen from here. I know those numbers aren’t good but they aren’t treating me as critical or anything so, maybe with another transfusion it will help?
I know this is scattered, sorry. I just wrote notes to my family in case they take me into emergency surgery and I don’t make it so I’m a touch messy. Thank you for your advice.
submitted by knockoffsloth to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:03 throwaway-acnt-help My (28 NB/M) GF (28 F) came out to me one day, and 3 days later started a continuing relationship with another woman after I tried to support her journey. Feeling exploited and wondering if I've been cheated on? She'd proposed to me 2 months prior.

Tldr: I went from having a fiance and a partner of over 8 years, to alone and homeless whilst she got with a woman in what may/may not be discribed as cheating. Feel without answers and shocked by my partner's new coldness. As well as heartbroken, of course.
This is a bit of a long story, but essentially my girlfriend/ex-girlfriend and I have been together for 8 1/2 years, since I was 20. As far as I was concerned the relationship has been great. She proposed to me 2 months ago (I said yes!) and there wasn't an element of our relationship I wasn't happy with, and I haven't got the impression she felt any differently either.
For added context however, I was deeply worried about her. Shes from a tough and abusive family background, and had just fallen out with her only sister, had her childhood best friend diagnosed with alcohol induced dementia, and her work in social care was completely wiping her mentally and she was being overworked. She was stressed, snappy and making some impulsive and irrational decisions. I put that down to stress and nothing more, and tried to support in the usual ways a partner does.
A couple of weeks ago, on a Wednesday, she came home and broke into tears, telling me 'Im Gay'.
It might be naïve sounding, but I was initially happy to hear her acknowledge that. I've known since early on that she was bisexual, but she has a REALLY weird relationship to admitting to that, often admitting attraction (i.e. to some actor on the TV), then quickly denying it. She also had a strong reaction multiple times when I came to the understanding that I was non-binary (I am AMAB), one time shouting 'I want to be with a man'when I tried to explain it to her. Again, for context, I think she has a lot of internalised homophobia due to her mother getting with a woman after her partners divorce, her getting bullied at school for that, and then getting neglected and worse (by said mother). Though her lack of self-acceptance is still shocking as such a large percentage of our friendship group is queer and lesbian.
So, anyway, I supported and embraced her. However, after a few minutes, I went 'Hang on, what about me?; are you still attracted and want to be with me?' She replied with a 'Yes, of course', and I saw this as acceptance of hers (and to an extent) our queerness.
By the next day, I again asked her if I was "kidding myself" and if our relationship could work. She said I wasnt and that she loved 'only me'.
However, by the Friday, she suggested this was something she needed to explore and that she needed to cement her attraction to women. This was something which was hard to hear (we were in a monogamous relationship), but which I understood and respected. By the Saturday morning, Id agreed we should have a break and she should give herself time to figure out what she wants and explore her sexuality, and that we could agree a way for me to go away for a bit and give each space and make parameters etc arrangements on the Monday (we had a friend staying for the weekend, and she needed to leave the house so the conversation was cut short).
By Saturday night, I was still with our friend, and she was on a night out with her mates. We were meant to meet, but when we got there my ex was dismissive and cold and super out of character, and her friends were all being distant too. Turns out, and some point before or after we parted ways, she kissed a girl, and then stayed round her house (she claims nothing happened there).
Sunday day she told me she kissed a girl, and was 'definetly Gay', and I had a meltdown, four day panic attack and was shouty, wailing and was all round crazy. She initially inferred there was nothing special about the girl, but it transpired that whilst I was in the throws of a breakdown (that she did gratefully support me through and must've been hard for her) she lied about going to see a friend and actually met up with the woman. Additionally she (i found this out because i read her phone in my breakdown, which im not proud of) was sending flirtatious messages to her before the incident (including an explicitly flirty message about a groin massage with a 💦 emoji on the Saturday afternoon).
To her, I'd said we were going on a Break, but to me, we hadn't agreed parameters and made the preparations we said we should. Either way I can't help but think that this was at least emotional cheating, and that doing that less than 24hrs after we'd settled on this idea is really weird thing to do if you care about someone. What hurts more is that she'd only known the girl 4 weeks, and had been confiding in her about questioning her sexuality in advance of this. She mentioned off hand, post breakup, that her therapist had mentioned that she was 'mentioning this girl a lot' a some point in the build up to this. So I feel like I gave space for her to explore her identity in good faith and in a spirit of openness and honesty and she used this as an opportunity to get with a specific person, that she knew she already liked.
She's claimed in subsequent conversations that she 'is maybe still bi' and that she loves me still and that she enjoyed sex with me 'a lot' and 'till the end', so I'm even more confused how she's done this without considering her prior relationship (especially given she was given an open and encouraging space to explore and cement her identity). I love her, and would never want to stop her growth (including accepting whatever her sexuality is, even if that is completely lesbian). And I understand the concepts of comp-het and how she mayve taken a while to accept her lesbian or bi (but mostly into women) identity properly. However, I don't really understand how she could say those things about me and our relationship and sabotage it when we'd created space for her to explicitly find that identity. I still don't really understand why she couldn't have just talked to me, instead of doing this. If she's lying about her attraction to me, then how did she last so long in our relationship, especially when we have such an accepting queer network of friends? She has also implied she's in love with this woman though, which is difficult to hear (can that even be true? - I know this is a stereotype, but normally it doesn't involve instantly leaving someone else), but I wouldn't deny her feelings.
Her conduct since has been most horrible though. I had a period of time where I was not my best self, aggressive answer seeking and demanding 'whys' before she'd had a chance to process, but now I've calmed down, every time I ask her to acknowledge the back handedness and manipulative nature of the way she got find someone else and into a relationship instantly, she tells me 'shes already said sorry loads' and stops replying. Her previous apologies have been 'i wish I didn't hurt you' and 'I am deeply sorry for you', which don't really address her actions. She also says 'I don't know how this happened', and 'it just happened' alot, which feels like not acknowledging actions too? Most painfully, at points she's weaponised my queerness against me suggesting she didn't like how I was 'changing' (I wore a ribbed shirt and dungarees a couple of months ago and she freaked out a bit), before claiming I was 'Trans' (as in a trans-woman, Im not) and 'Gay' (as in only into men, Im not). This felt a bit like projecting, because nothing I've said or done would infer that, unless you were prone to huge exaggeration. But then maybe I am being unfair to think she went about this the wrong way? Maybe it just happened so fast and I am in shell-shock?
I feel like I need acknowledgement of these actions to get to the first steps of forgiveness, and I can't bear just freezing her out after 8.5 years. But she is refusing to give me this at the moment (I do wonder if this is to protect herself and her new relationship from the realisation that she's started a new thing on the back of dishonesty).
To add to the pain, she's also already asked me to leave home and found a new housemate. So I now have no address and am sofa surfing. There are practical reasons for this, and why she should have the house (I work from home, so can work anywhere with WiFi), but it still feels cold and she doesn't seem to appreciate I am still making a huge sacrifice by allowing her to stay at our home.
So within a week, I went from having a loving happy fiance to being partner-less and homeless.
I suppose what Im seeking is whether I'm mad to think she's done this in a horrible way? And that I'm right in thinking this is much more to do with one girl in particular, ahead of any realisation of sexuality (I have no doubt she has accepted her attraction to women, and Im glad that she's been able to do that)?
Is it fair for me to ask for answers and acknowledgement, and justified in thinking I've been mistreated in this, and not just the victim of internalised homophobia and bad fortunes?
And can her words about me and our relationship (attraction, good sex, love) be true, if she's done this? And if so, why has she left me?
Obviously I understand everyone thinks and feels differently too.
submitted by throwaway-acnt-help to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:59 AutoModerator ★OFFICIAL DAILY★ Daily Q&A Thread June 09, 2024

Got a question? We've got answers!

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submitted by AutoModerator to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:56 Business_Storage5016 So it finally happened, I told his mom off

For a bit of background, I (21m) have been with my boyfriend (19m) for over a year now. He moved in with me last July, and we have been nothing but content with one another since. It started kind of slow, with us talking to each other December 2022, and our relationship went crazy from there. I love this man with my whole heart, and he loves me. But we are totally different, he is the sweetest, kindest guy who will try to do anything to appease anyone. I am the opposite (I'm not mean by any means, but I'm blunt). I don't sugarcoat anything, I am straight to the point, and I try not to beat around the bush.
Since he has moved in with me, his mom has made snarky, harsh comments on my livelihood, my personality and who I am as a person. Lately, this has been getting much worse since his mom just met someone back in November and literally married her Friday. The first interaction I had with his mom was her calling at 3pm (at the time, my boyfriend was working night shift, not getting home til 4am), so naturally he chose to sleep in. I was woken up to her screaming and cussing him out on the phone for sleeping in... And this was a slight argument between her and me because she woke me up too, and she had no right to call her son screaming and cursing him out for sleeping in.
Moving on to a month after that interaction, she started showing up out of nowhere (his family lives 2 hours away from us, so she was making an appoint to come up on his days off without notice to see him - wrecking any plans we had). Eventually, him and I got tired of it and when we confronted her about at least giving us a notice, she started threatening to kill herself...
Fast-forward to January, my boyfriend and I went on a trip with my family to Florida. It was completely paid for by my grandmother and my aunt, and his mom had nothing good to say about it. She insisted that I'm spoiled rotten and I get everything I want (I don't, this was literally a treat). We went to Florida because my aunt and grandfather passed away just a little bit before and left her and my aunt everything they owned, so in remembrance of them - we took a trip which I invited my boyfriend.
When we got back from our trip, I decided to take off from work since I have saved up a lot of money to pay my way through school to get my accounting degree.... And oh boy did his mom not like this.. Ever since I chose not to work to instead take on 5-6 classes, she has been nothing but nasty to me and about me. For the past few months she has said that I have been using her son for money, I'm a mooch, I'm lazy, I don't work worth of shit, I'm terrible, I'm abusive, etc. You name it, any insult under the sun she's said about me to him. I've tried to keep my cool about it, venting to him about how much his mom hates me and what she says isn't right. Did she forget he is living under my roof?! I door dash on the side for extra income, but I've said money since high school so I could go to college. It's always been my dream to focus on my education and studies and not worry about working a crappy dead end job.... I've told him to tell her numerous times that I don't use him for money, if anything he still owes me over a grand for me covering his expenses when he moved in with me!
Last month, she and her new fiance decided to invite him, and only him, out to lunch. I ended up getting so upset over this because I wasn't invited to an event that should've included me, and I have been with my boyfriend much longer than she's even known this woman. I ended up asking her if she has a problem with me because I wasn't invited, and she just assumed I knew I was invited (I think she deliberately didn't invite me because she doesn't like me...) It's not just the lunch invite that says this, it's the fact she's only says negative things about me, she tells him I am abusive, if she contacts me it's because she wants something from me. God forbid she texts him wanting something, she's told her son that she would kill herself if he didn't send her money.... What kind of mother.... Anyways, onto yesterday.
It got bad yesterday. I decided to try to call, and I was responded with voicemail. I wasn't mad at this point, her wife (they got married the day after I mentioned I am going to propose to my boyfriend, it's like she was trying to one up me?!) said to me that I need to work and focus on school, and I told her, "what I need to do is do what I want to do and what's best for me, not what you and his mom keep saying for me to do!" I ended up telling her if they don't fk finance or feed me than they need to stop trying to have a vote in my life because I have done nothing but support and help their son, and they have done nothing but talk crap about me... Oh this went so bad. After saying that (which, no I did not cuss her out. The only curse word I said was that saying of fk feed finance), she went ballistic. She started cursing me out, going off on me. I have never ever read so many curse words, but after she said they don't say "shit" about me this is when I got mad. After all the cursing and name calling she did, I said "say it with your fking chest." It ended up with her going off on me even more, and I told her wife to go fk herself, I don't have to put up with this. Blocked her. His mom started calling him, screaming and cursing at him that I cursed her wife out and that I'm abusive, he needs to break up with me and get out of this "toxic" relationship. I tried to call his mom once I cooled down, and I sent my boyfriend the messages because that isn't what happened whatsoever!! I texted his mom saying she needs to get her facts right, and if she's going to talk shit about me she needs to have something other than lies to stand behind. It didn't go over to well with her, and no I didn't curse her out either (because why would I? I have more self respect than to drop to their level of petty and hurtfulness!!) I have been trying so hard to be good to his mom, but I have absolutely had it with the bashing and name calling and everything else she has been putting me through....
Tonight, when he got off of work, we talked about what was happening. He agrees with me, and is going to be distancing her out of his life for a little bit... I told him that she is only hurting herself and her relationship with her son.... And that I have the final say in what she gets to be apart of, hell she won't be invited to our wedding if she doesn't apologize and make this right. And I have every right to exclude her from any events with her son because it's him and me, and she isn't going to treat me like a 2nd class citizen....
I don't know what's going to happen, but I have tried so hard to be sweet and kind to his mom. After a certain point, I can't take it anymore. I am just glad I had the texts of her and her wife cussing me out and calling me all those terrible names! And after all they told him I better apologize. This is such a mess, but if he loves me he'll stand by my side. And if he doesn't, I'll help him back his bags to go home. But I'm not going to be treated like garbage, and I shouldn't have to put up with the insults, the harassment, the petty comments, all the bs she has been dishing out at me this past year.... I'm done.
submitted by Business_Storage5016 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:55 spirit8991 My laparoscopic hysterectomy

Thursday i had my laparoscopic hysterectomy, my Uterus, Cervix and Fallopian tubes got removed I had this surgery while I had lots of problems and pains with my period, plus a few cases of cervical cancer in my near family. So I just wanted the thing very much gone. Thursday around 11 am, the surgery took place. It all went very well. I woke up in the recovery room around 14:30 pm in the afternoon. I did had a bit of pain and got medication for it. Later on I was nauseous and sometimes dizzy. My digestive system had a few problems functioning properly again so i got a bit of stomach pains and gas by it on Friday. Yesterday This all went alot better, I had no problems at all anymore.And the antibiotics and medication got reduced bit by bit. I also could walk around very well without becoming nauseous or dizzy nor any other problems anymore. I actually wanted to go home yesterday, but I was not allowed yet. Since yesterday afternoon I got no medication anymore and that also went well. This Sunday morning, I could go home while everything looked very good. Of course I'm still very tired and got the normal "wound pain" but nothing dramatic anymore. I'm very glad that I got this surgery and would recommend it too everyone else.
submitted by spirit8991 to hysterectomy [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:51 Far_Drawing9820 Japanese Knotweed found after exchanging contracts

Hello Reddit,
We’ve just bought our first house and have agreed completion to be at the end of this month, we have already exchanged contracts. When we went to measure the kitchen for white goods, we went outside as my husband (who works for the council and is qualified in horticulture) noticed there was Japanese Knotweed growing in small patches in the garden. It looks to have come from next door, however there is a random patch of unkempt land behind our garden. We’re unsure at this stage where it has come from.
We have had the Japanese Knotweed confirmed by the councils horticulture team. As this happened on Friday, we haven’t been able to get in contact with our solicitors yet. We understand that we need to see if the seller has signed the TA6 saying if the property has or hasn’t got the weed.
As you can imagine, we have researched about this invasive plant and treatment. However, if we’d have known about this in the first place, I’m not sure we would have gone through with the sale.
I’m looking for some information and advice about this situation and if anyone has gone through something similar.
submitted by Far_Drawing9820 to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:35 WowWataGreatAudience How do you do fellow 3rd genners

How ya’all doing with wheel bearings on your rigs?
I put in 30 hours total on my rig in 4 days after work last week just catching up on things I’d been delaying working on, and when I went to take it in for the alignment on Friday buddy hit me with “your wheel bearings on the way out, I can’t do it”. Which got me thinking about the 2 others I’ve swapped (1 used on a parts knuckle and one new pressed in a spare D/S axle) and at first thought I was thinking I’m doing it way too much but in hindsight I don’t think it’s out of the norm. (FWIW I putcase of beer in front of him after he said that and he decided that he could do the alignment, lol)
I’ve got 31” 265/70/r16 wild peaks on mine for about 4 years now, which would no doubt decrease the lifespan of the bearings but I’m fine with that trade off on a 22 year old rig.
How often are you guys swapping out your bearings, any particular patterns you noticed, and do you do it yourself, take it to a shop, or just buy an entire used assembly? At this point on bearing #3 I’m seriously leaning towards just buying a press.
Side note: in searching for a spare knuckle to make things easier for myself, I think over these last couple years most junkyards are getting rid of the 3rd gens because I had a bitch of a time finding anything decent. So if you have the chance to load up on some good condition used parts, do it lol
submitted by WowWataGreatAudience to 3rdGen4Runner [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:23 Grimwolf1998 My parents and brother is ruining my every weekend

Im 25M, i really hate my parents and brother, i want to build self discipline, self care, workng my hobbies (reading book, drawing digital and traditional, gym), and im currently fighting phone addiction by reducing screen time
My parents and brother ruining my hobbies every weekend, they told me to visit stepfather (mom boyfriend) and grandma, i know its important but i said NO, because its literally waste time for staying stepfather home, doing nothing and too much screen time
They keep dragged me to visit stepfather and grandma, every week, im so upset to my parents and my brother said its important, and i didnt finish my homework for school of fine crafts
From monday to friday, school, cleaning, laundry, shopping, dog walk, i have 3 hours free time if i dont go gym, my parents and brother was so busy work from 9 am to 7 pm
I want to better artist and good shape
submitted by Grimwolf1998 to productivity [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:01 Saranoya How to say 'thank you'

I was told on Friday that I get to stay in my current job, despite a turbulent year in which I had multiple seizures at work, and was absent regularly beyond that, due to my own and my three-year-old son's health issues.
If my boss had wanted to get rid of me, she easily could have, even without mentioning my condition or my absences anywhere. I'm a high school teacher. There are always things that could have gone better.
I've been fired (or have not had my contract renewed, in any case) in similar circumstances more than once. Finally, after five years of hopping from one school to the next, I get to stay where I am, with a superior who not only puts up with it, but genuinely appreciates me for all the times I'm there despite the universe seeming to conspire against me, and for all the things I actually do a good job of.
"Thank you" seems like too small a set of words for this. How would you guys express appreciation?
submitted by Saranoya to Epilepsy [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:58 hctiwsblade13 Stamina shot on new performing schedule. Is it a simple case of building in more practice time during the week?

I play a lead role in a major commercial musical. We're currently touring internationally, and our previous performance schedule was your typical eight shows per week.
We had two weeks off before we got to our current country, and the nature of the jurisdiction we're in now means we tour to a different city each week. So, we have about four days off during the week, a tech session Friday afternoon, a show Friday night, two shows on Saturday, and two shows on Sunday. Then we rinse and repeat.
I've never done this sort of schedule before. This is our second weekend and I have yet to make it through the full schedule of shows. Last weekend I had to call off mid-way through the first Sunday show. This weekend, I called off today's shows before we even left the building last night. My voice is just that wrecked after a double show day.
The vocal load of my role is intense. The only issue I can think I'm having is that my voice is not conditioned for the weekend. Do you think it's a simple case of getting some good practice time in from Tuesday onwards so that my voice has an on ramp to the big weekend? Would love any professional tips you can offer.
submitted by hctiwsblade13 to singing [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:56 bands888 Lost my job on Friday and I am spiralling

This is a throwaway account.
I (22m) have struggled with anorexia for more than 5 years now. In the last year it has gotten a lot worse. I was not happy before I had it, and I know that my unhappiness made it really hard to sleep. Ever since I've had anorexia it's been impossible. I don't eat for 4-5 days at a time, then I eat, hate myself, and pass out. If you're interested in how I'm not dead, welcome to the crew. I have absolutely no clue how I'm still alive and truthfully I'd prefer it if I wasn't.
Anyways, on Friday I hadn't eaten for 4 days. I had a short shift at the pub I worked at. Only 5-9. Bear in mind, it was part time work and on a zero hour contract. I ate at midday. Because I hadn't eaten in so long I fell into a food coma and fell asleep. I woke up at 8pm, no battery on my phone. I knew I was fired. The exact same thing happened to me 5 weeks ago where I ate and slept into my shift. So this was my last chance. I hold no animosity to my boss. She let me go really kindly and I would have done the same thing if I was in her position.
I am usually very punctual to work. I would show up about 10 minutes early and start serving. I'm good at customer service. But when I fuck up, boy do I ever fuck up.
I've been spiralling ever since I got fired. I don't know how to tell my parents and I'm planning on saying that they were downsizing. It's 9am in London, I drank pretty much all night and I started cutting myself again. Yet another sleepless inebriated night goes under my belt of misery. I feel like I keep digging deeper rock bottoms.
submitted by bands888 to insomnia [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:55 nuraman00 Let's Be Clear With Shannen Doherty: Let's Talk Love, Sobriety, and Family....with Rick Salomon.

Doherty’s ex husband, Rick Salomon, and his daughter, Tyson, are guest hosts.

submitted by nuraman00 to BeverlyHills90210 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:53 CollarSignificant715 28M slowly turning fat in a new country - Trying to lose it

I am a 28M European guy and I live in South Korea since 3 years. I will describe my situation with bullet points for clarity. I am 1.68cm and currently around 68 kilos.
* Used to be a fat boy during teenage * Started Uni & fasting, eating globally less, got depressed and became extremely thin with no muscles - Still some love handles - 1.68 for 52 kilos. * Started to live again around 22 years old, eating at home simple dishes (Pasta chicken or pasta ground beef, or pasta nuggets, etc... No a good cook) - Started to drink again with friends * Was around 1.68 for 55-58 kilos most of the times, still love handles but being careful and it was fine. * Was mostly unemployed or studying so fasting was easy. * Moved to South Korea for job at 25 years old * Working a lot, tired, not a lot of time ahead and easily being bored. * Not familiar with asian ingredients and veggies/fruits are out of price. * Heavy culture of eating out - Doesn't mean it's not unhealthy food. * Still managed to maintain my weight
However, since 6 months: * Started smoking due to bad influences and heavy workload * Went up to 1.68 for 68 kilos
The thing is I try not to eat a lot: * Skip breakfast in the morning * Eat at 12PM - Mostly convenience store food (Instant Noodles, or Kimbap) Under 500-600 calories - Not the most healthy so I try to get rid of it recently with good quality sandwich (low portion) or a small japanese restaurant doing rice with pulled pork meat and an egg, low portion. * 3PM - Vanilla Latte on Monday and Friday * Go home at 7PM - Eat out or order food. When I speak about eating out or ordering, it is never fast food, mostly traditional korean stuff. * Don't eat anything between 8PM and 12PM next day, even if I can be hungry around 9-10AM.
I restrict myself on almost everything else, except Zero Coke (Usually 0.25 a day, up to 0.5L a day) - But it doesn't make me crave sugar, I actually never eat sugar except the vanilla lattes.
During those 6 months of gaining weight, I didn't hit the gym - But even when I do, I have no muscle and it's hard to perform. * Trying to go to gym again these days, mostly running as I want to get my previous shape. * Do 250-300 calories session on the treadmill and then I am done. * Wondering if that's enough. * This once every two or three days now.
* I don't track my intake because it is hard due to eating out or ordering every night. * It is better, cheaper and less time consuming than cooking though - Hard to cook in tiny condos here. * When I speak about eating out or ordering, it is never fast food! It is mostly traditional korean stuff. * Even when I track, it seems like I am still hitting a low calories settings (At lunch I try to keep it under 500 or 600 max if hungry, similar for dinner when tracking is available). * Portions at restaurant are rarely big and I am not taking sides compared to most people.
* Optionally having between 2 and 4 pints of beers during the week-ends, and they have less alcohol here.
I am really clueless regarding what I should do. The weight intake is becoming a real problem and I am not sure if I am stopping it or doing something wrong or even sick with something causing weight gain.
People at my work place always makes comments about how small I eat and they are all concerned about it.
I thought my diet could be bad so I tried to reduce my portions or change my food for something with less calories, but when doing so, I have remain hungry. While experimenting I started to faint in subway on my way to work for several days.
Also concerned if starting to smoke could play a part here, but from what I read, smoking usually cause weight loss, and stopping it cause weight gain.
submitted by CollarSignificant715 to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:45 Far_Drawing9820 Japanese Knotweed found after exchange of contracts

Hello Reddit,
We’ve just bought our first house and have agreed completion to be at the end of this month, we have already exchanged contracts. When we went to measure the kitchen for white goods, we went outside as my husband (who works for the council and is qualified in horticulture) noticed there was Japanese Knotweed growing in small patches in the garden. It looks to have come from next door, however there is a random patch of unkempt land behind our garden. We’re unsure at this stage where it has come from.
We have had the Japanese Knotweed confirmed by the councils horticulture team. As this happened on Friday, we haven’t been able to get in contact with our solicitors yet. We understand that we need to see if the seller has signed the TA6 saying if the property has or hasn’t got the weed.
As you can imagine, we have researched about this invasive plant and treatment. However, if we’d have known about this in the first place, I’m not sure we would have gone through with the sale.
I’m looking for some information and advice about this situation and if anyone has gone through something similar.
submitted by Far_Drawing9820 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:08 lurklevel1000 65% Neapolitan Dough Pies I made yesterday.

65% Neapolitan Dough Pies I made yesterday.
Recipe was Nicos Kitchen Neapolitan Dough found on this link . Cooked in my Gozney Arc XL at 430-450 degrees celcius stone temp. I ended up cold prooving the dough from Wednesday night to friday late night, balled it up and put in the fridge again until the next morning then room temp to around 5-6 hours later before cooking. Dough was really manageable and cooked beautifully with good airy crusts and attractive leopard spotting.
submitted by lurklevel1000 to Pizza [link] [comments]