Virtual sheep brain dissection game

I Feel Like I've Been Punished by the Universe

2024.05.16 23:22 Jealous-Dot-728 I Feel Like I've Been Punished by the Universe

I've lived a consistently miserable life. And a very peculiar one. From age 6 I was being gaslit by my mother who has a narcissistic personality disorder. I was being provoked by her until she got me to have mental breakdowns and to behave erratically. Even if I didn't behave erratically, things would be taken out of context and then she would use them in a smear campaign against me, convincing everyone around me I was an aggressive, insane delinquent. She isolated, manipulated, and controlled me everyday of my life. She was regularly sadistic towards me and fed on my constant emotional distress. I grew up in the south, where children are seen not heard, so when my mother told the CPS workers involved with our family, my therapists/psychiatrists, family friends, my father, troubled teen program staff, etc I was the problem, they accepted the situation as such. At the very least, I was considered pitiable for being crazy, and at most I was seen as a monster. Like the kind of kid reality tv shows about out of control kids make episodes about for money.
I was just completely demonized and it was insane considering how I was regularly a victim of abuse from my mother and the peers she involved. I was pretty much the victim of an angry mob. The raw cruelty that flowed out of people was jawdropping. A lot of it came from people's archaic views, but I think some of them were just power hungry people looking for a socially acceptable reason to abuse people. If you justify your actions as discipline against monsters, your sadism becomes socially justified.
It was complicated, because I was being advertised as crazy and the experience itself eventually made me crazy. I began to slip from the constant pressure of mind games. That didn't help my case. The abuse never seemed to end.
When we moved to the north when I was 15, I was met with a sizable amount of people's doubt of me, but for the larger part, finally believed. Significantly believed. People were able to see I was telling the truth. Still, when I moved out of my mother's house about a year later, the damage had been done. Despite being a good student, I dropped out of high school because I was too occupied with my cptsd and other accumulated mental health issues, and beginning to struggle with being scatter brained. Since then, I've been living like a shell of a human being, working through layers of various mental health issues with no improvement. Everyday is just miserable.
I am now at a point where I am considering that the universe or whatever divine power out there has been purposefully putting me through these things my whole life as a lesson and/or punishment, and that I've just been blind to how deserving I've been of it all. I have been recently asking the universe/the divine for signs of confirmation this is the case, and I've gotten them. They seem too on point to be coincidental. They are thorough.
I think that either I was put through these things because I deserved the misery for being guilty in the way everyone around me thought I was, or in the context that while I wasn't guilty in the way everyone around me considered me to be, I was/am guilty of being a fucked up person. Maybe it was a way of bringing karmic balance. I was never seen as guilty for being corrupt in the ways I was as a little girl, so the divine planned for the world to see me as guilty and make me miserable for the things I didn't have wrong with me. Either as a punishment, a lesson, or both.
And if either of these scenarios are the case, my first instinct is to say it's not fucking fair. I've been trampled my entire life, and still I'm supposed to view the things that have happened to me as deserved or my fault? That I need to take accountability and realize I'm the problem? Are you fucking kidding me? I feel like I don't, nor did I ever deserve that shit. But the divine seems to disagree. And you can't disagree with the divine, they're always right. I'm a mere stupid human. I want this to all be in my head or just random coincidences but the manner in which these signs are showing seems too real.
Maybe me thinking I'm not the problem is the mistake I consistently make. And if that's the case I don't want to continue to make that mistake. Both because I feel like the divine will continue to punish me/teach me this lesson, and because I don't want to be blind and I want to make things right.
Making this post in itself feels like taking a step backwards. Like I'm fishing for people to tell me that's not the case, and that I didn't deserve what happened, because for the most part I don't believe I deserved any of this. If someone else said this about their trauma, I'd tell them how that's just their trauma talking. But I've always been an outlier situation. Maybe I'm just a unique brand of fucked up that warranted that pain.
Between the weird trauma I have and the signs I've seen, I feel like I'm cursed or haunted or being disciplined spiritually.
submitted by Jealous-Dot-728 to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:17 racerx1913 Wombo Combo

Take this with a grain of salt on the largest banana that can be shoved up your ass. But what if the Wombo Combo is what DFV is counting down too?? We are headed towards the end of LEAPS that would have been opened 3 years ago, this might explain the Famous Dorito of Doom trend.
Things have obviously become interesting this week with the run up starting before DFV tweets. Mix this hype/count down with LEAPS expiring and it starts to sound interesting. Next we see that we are coming near the convergence of the Dorito and we have a sudden surprise breakout up.
This is all fine and dandy, but I do not think this is enough. The timing is important for GameStop to finally show the world what they have been building in there for the last 3 years. Mix that with the LEAPs and some might call that a WOMBO COMBO.
1.SHF hide in 3 year LEAPS to buy them time and hope to God that RC does not have an actual plan. 2. GameStop starts playing with ideas with Crypto/NFT. I personally think this was a misfire of prototyping/testing for whatever they are really planning, all the while through the SHF off the scent thinking they are just spinning tires with a failed NFT marketplace and wallet 3. GameStop raises cash to ensure nothing can destroy them while they work on whatever endgame project they have going on. 4. GameStop works to be profitable and gets approval for a buy back. 5. Start buying back at the right time to spike the price before LEAPs expire, this will freak the enemy out and cause major panic. The media makes this so obvious. 6. While doing this DFV comes back into play to hype the shit out of everyone with memes that seem to be some sort of count down. h”He knows or sees something somehow. I am not even going to speculate on that, it does not matter right now. 7. GameStop blows the rest of their wad on buybacks and revels to the world their true plan driving the price way up before LEAPs expire. WOMBO COMBO! Gamestopped…
I would also imagine that DFV and maybe some other whales will execute calls to drive it all home forcing shares to be bought drive the price up even further. MOASS can take it from there.
I have no brain cells, I just like the stock and have since the beginning, maybe this is true, maybe it is some hot fan fiction. Either way, I love you all. Stay zen and dance the night away.
submitted by racerx1913 to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:12 Ok_Neighborhood8090 First time thinking about building a pc

Recently I've wanted to make the jump from console to pc mainly to play games like DayZ, rust some 4x strategy and and also things like starfield and Cyberpunk. I genuinely am completely new to everything pc building and want all criticism, laugh at me if you want. If you could tell me if this setup that I put together is too much/too little for what I want to use it for I would appreciate it so much. All information is welcome no matter how small. Also if you have suggestions for cheaper parts that accomplish virtually the same I would also be very happy to hear.
submitted by Ok_Neighborhood8090 to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:12 fanofhistory2029 The Platonic Ideal Life Path

I've recently been reflecting on my efforts at being more productive and started writing some longer form content to help structure my thoughts.
I wrote up the below in the past few days and wanted to share. Perhaps some of you have also found yourself hindered by an ongoing search for the ideal life path vs. just enjoy the journey.
Hope you find this helpful!
Despite your inflated sense of yourself, you are not, amongst all other humans, impervious to being brainwashed. This is a hardwired feature of your mind and a circuit that is operating at all times, if you allow it to do so. You aren’t being brainwashed in the cartoonish mode of being made to act like a chicken or empty your wallet. However, you are being brainwashed nonetheless.
Replace the word “brainwashed” with “influenced” and you may start to see my point. If you read me, you are not a fan of the influencers for stupid people (a la Andrew Tate) but perhaps you have more refined taste (Huberman, Attia, Ferriss, Jocko, Peterson, Newport). If there are any such personalities you are a fan of, I assure you that in your efforts to live a more productive, successful, disciplined life… you have been brainwashed.
I want to focus on how quickly the messages that you hear from these sources transition into “shoulds” that run in the background of your daily self-talk. These sources are an unending stream of great ideas for how you should wake up, how you should work, how you should eat, how you should exercise, how you should have sex, how you should meditate, how you should partake in leisure and so on. Notice that they don’t always come in the form of a statement that says “you should do x.” They may come in the form of “my typical daily routine looks like y”. Either way, your mind is primed and ready to sponge it all up.
If you were but a simple peasant farming in Ye Olde England six hundred years ago, your life was governed by a very rigid set of “shoulds”. There was the Bible, there were social norms, the rules of the king, and so. However, these were still a relatively manageable list of rules that one could live by, and it was not unreasonable to assume that you could mostly stay on the Righteous Path. Fast forward to the algo-influencer age and all bets are off. Open up any platform and within minutes, you’ll be bombarded with more “shoulds” than you can possibly keep in mind at once. This observation comes with no value judgment on the quality of what we are being told, I am only commenting on the volume.
You are wrong if you tell me that you are effective at curating the good stuff that will improve your life from the algo-influencer-Youtube-podcast-x regime. I know you think you are because, as we noted, you are a fan of the high class, refined content. The good stuff. The science backed stuff. Here’s the thing, once a source of information finds some sort of “resonance” with your subconscious, you are going to suck it all right up. All the great stuff you hear will immediately seep into your subconscious and become a constant quiet voice in the back of your mind berating you with a litany of “shoulds.”
Alas, you object - it’s all good stuff. Huberman has me locked onto managing my dopamine levels, Attia has me optimizing my diet, Dr. Zoidberg has me keeping limber, and Cal Newport is showing me how to live a deep life. I want to point out three problems with what is going on here.
Problem #1 - Your mind is not actually asking what end purpose is being served by adopting the idea that you “should” be doing a given thing.
Let’s cue Jocko Willink on this one. I am someone who, for many years, felt it was important to wake up at 4:30am because of… discipline. Why? Well, I must get up early to be up before the enemy and for freedom. I note that discipline is the ultimate meta-”should”. Discipline means getting yourself to do all the “shoulds” on your list. Can anyone tell me what outcome I’m missing out on by not partaking in a daily cold plunge, heat plunge, ice bath, or looking at the sun within 15 minutes of waking up?
Problem #2 - Even if you have a desired end goal, your mind is not doing a rigorous job of assessing whether or not a given “should” will get you there.
Most of us would like more control of our daily schedule in order to have more freedom and flexibility. The grindset types on Youtube, or on X have a common solution for us. I am not likely taking a huge leap in that one “should” you have picked up is something to do with entrepreneurship. Ok, have you really considered whether starting your own business will give you more freedom? Maybe it will… I just suspect you picked up this idea without really looking at the pros and cons.
Problem #3 - Even if you’ve been bequeathed a fantastic, grade A, “should” from someone… you’ve got more than you can handle already.
If a “should” that you heard on Youtube or read in a book resonates for some reason, your mind will take it up and start beaming you subconscious messages to do that thing. Your mind will also happily send you 10 of these at once. Are they contradictory? Who cares? I “should” wake up at 4:30, and I should sleep at least 8 hours with no alarm clock. I should also consider being a night owl creative type, and stay up late to grind if life demands it. Some “shoulds” probably aren’t even really defined to any precision. I should be more driven, more mindful, more dynamic. I genuinely feel all those impulses and can’t even begin to tell you what it would like to actually do them. Mr. Brain has no problem with cognitive dissonance, and will dutifully tell me to live up to all of these.
Let’s now talk about Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden (as an aside, yes I also feel a “should” to be more religious, spiritual, and penitent). Well, really I want to talk about The Promised Land. I know you… you are the hard driving, disciplined type. You like to punish yourself for not living up to your expectations. Alas, you are on the verge of getting there. If you could just get a few days in a row where you nail all your “shoulds,” it will all fall into place. One perfect day will lead to the next and the next. Then, I’ll have made it. I’ll be in the land of enlightenment (and oh so productive). Fellow pilgrim, I’m right there with you on the Righteous Path.
Wait a second, something feels off. Did I say above that our mind will happily adopt any set of “shoulds” no matter how contradictory or ill-defined they may be? And, did I also say that I’m striving to get to The Promised Land by doing “All the Shoulds”? If The Righteous Path is the road that leads to The Promised Land, I’ve got some bad news for you. You are permanently off The Righteous Path. This, my friend, is why you constantly feel like you are not living up to your expectations. They are impossible - you never had a chance. It’s ok though - Jesus died for your sins and there is still a path to salvation.
Oh, but, I’m not ready for salvation, I want to rock on. Here’s what we’d all prefer to do when faced with that sensation of being off the Path. It’s time to hunker down, and go to war, and GRIND. Don’t tell me I can’t do it all. When fate whispers, “You cannot Withstand The Storm,” the Warrior Whispers, “I am the Storm.” I’m feeling chills (no really, it’s a great quote). That’s how we roll. We man up and get that shit done. Well, I hate to be the one to break it to you, but if that worked you wouldn’t still be in the market for motivational content. You are still lost… no Youtube video is going to get out of the bottomless deep of the “should.”
Back to Jesus (gasp - you didn’t warn me this would be a borderline sacrilegious article). It’s okay, Jesus is fair game in the algo-world. This is that obnoxious pause point in a self help book where there’s a worksheet page and you are asked to write stuff down. Take 10 minutes and make yourself a list of all the “shoulds” that you are feeling at this point about your life. I’ll help you get going with some prompts: businesses to start, podcasts to create, books to read, daily rituals to adopt, food to eat/not eat, workout routine to start, races to run, people to call, projects to do. You get the idea.
More work for you. Now imagine your perfect day. I mean a day that checks all the boxes. I despise rap, but seek inspiration in imagining the productivity version of the Ice Cube hit, “It was a Good Day.” How would you spend your time? Think about it hour by hour, minute by minute. When do you wake up? What do you do after waking up? How much time do you spend working? What sort of work? What else do you do? Map it all out. Imagine this as a day where you fully control your schedule.
Are you still with me? Probably not. This is too many words for the internet and I’m asking too much of your lazy ass. You should be less lazy. See what I did there? Ok, next step. Map your perfect day onto reality. Take any of the days from the past week where you had real life commitments such as work meetings, errands, childcare and ask yourself how you would map this perfect day onto that reality. Where would the three hours of Cal Newport Deep Work fit? How would you wake up at 4:30am after being up late because your kid was sick or your friend from out of town was visiting?
My point is, of course, obvious. However, don’t underestimate what I am saying. I am not saying that you can’t always have your perfect day. I am saying you can never have the perfect day. You are imposing unrealistic expectations upon reality. This conflict has always existed and you had two choices: 1) Dig deeper and muscle through because you are failing as a person to be sufficiently disciplined, or 2) Accept that your “shoulds” were always impossible to fully satisfy, and try something different.
Here’s the last thing I want you to do for now. Go back to your “should” list from the first step and take a critical eye. I give you permission to cross out as many as you’d like. If you are unsure before you cross it out, ask yourself: Where did this idea come from? Does it help me lead a happier life? Do I even agree with the premise? When in doubt, cross it out and feel the freedom.
I’ll leave you with one last message - you are probably doing just fine. Are there improvements you can make in your life? Sure, we all can. However, you aren’t failing, you aren’t straying from The Righteous Path, and there is no Promised Land. There’s just the lower case p path, and that is alright.
submitted by fanofhistory2029 to productivity [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:11 Sweet-Count2557 15 Things to Do With Houston Kids Over Christmas Break

15 Things to Do With Houston Kids Over Christmas Break
15 Things to Do With Houston Kids Over Christmas Break Looking for ways to keep your kids entertained and make the most of their Christmas break in Houston?Well, let me tell you about one exciting activity that will surely pique your interest. Imagine gliding across the ice, surrounded by the sparkling lights and festive atmosphere at Discovery Green's ice skating rink. It's a perfect opportunity for some family fun and a chance to create unforgettable memories.But that's just the beginning! We have compiled a list of 15 things that will guarantee a memorable and enjoyable Christmas break for you and your little ones.So, keep reading to discover the other exciting activities that await you in Houston.Key TakeawaysHouston offers a variety of holiday light displays and attractions, including neighborhoods known for extravagant lights, the Light Park in Katy, and Galaxy Lights at Space Center Houston.The Houston Botanic Garden presents Radiant Nature, an illuminated wonderland featuring Chinese lantern installations, offering a unique and enchanting holiday attraction.Ice at Discovery Green provides an outdoor ice skating rink where families can skate with Santa on select days, allowing them to embrace the holiday spirit.Indoor play spaces like Wonderwild in the Heights and Frolics Castle at Memorial City Mall offer safe and entertaining environments for kids to release their energy and have a great time during the holiday break.Holiday Lights and DisplaysLet's explore the magical world of holiday lights and displays in Houston, where neighborhoods come alive with dazzling decorations and festive cheer. Houston is known for its extravagant holiday lights, and two neighborhoods that stand out are River Oaks and Pecan Grove. These neighborhoods go all out, creating breathtaking displays that are perfect for holiday lights photography.As you drive around, you'll be amazed by the festive atmosphere that fills the air. The streets are lined with beautiful displays and decorations that will surely put you in the holiday spirit. It's a wonderful experience to immerse yourself in the joy of the season and create lasting memories with your family.If you're looking for a unique light experience, check out The Light Park in Katy. It offers a drive-thru light experience, allowing you to enjoy the dazzling displays from the comfort of your own car.Another immersive holiday event is Galaxy Lights at Space Center Houston. Here, you can explore the wonders of space while being surrounded by stunning light displays.But the holiday lights aren't limited to neighborhoods. Houston also offers other attractions that are worth visiting. The Houston Botanic Garden presents Radiant Nature, an illuminated wonderland where you can explore dozens of Chinese lantern installations after dark. It's a magical transformation of the Gardens that showcases the beauty of nature in a new light.For some outdoor fun, head to Ice at Discovery Green. They offer an outdoor ice skating rink where you can glide across the ice and embrace the holiday spirit.And if you're looking for indoor play spaces, Wonderwild in the Heights and Frolics Castle at Memorial City Mall are great options. They provide safe and entertaining environments for your kids to release their energy and have a great time.In Houston, the holiday lights and displays are truly a sight to behold. Whether you're strolling through neighborhoods or visiting attractions, you'll be mesmerized by the festive atmosphere and the stunning decorations. So grab your camera, gather your loved ones, and embark on a magical journey through the best neighborhoods for holiday lights in Houston.Galaxy Lights at Space Center HoustonAs we continue our exploration of Houston's enchanting holiday lights and displays, let's now venture into the immersive and awe-inspiring world of Galaxy Lights at Space Center Houston. This holiday event takes Houston's holiday light displays to a whole new level, transporting visitors into a dazzling galaxy of lights and wonder.Here's why you should add Galaxy Lights to your must-visit list this Christmas break:Spectacular Light Displays: Space Center Houston's Galaxy Lights boasts an incredible array of light installations that will leave you in awe. From twinkling stars to colorful planets, you'll feel like you're floating through space as you stroll through this captivating wonderland.Interactive Experiences: In addition to the breathtaking light displays, Galaxy Lights offers interactive experiences that are fun for the whole family. Step into a virtual reality experience and take a journey through the solar system, or try your hand at controlling a rover on Mars. These interactive elements add an extra layer of excitement and engagement to the event.Festive Entertainment: Galaxy Lights also features live performances and festive entertainment to get you in the holiday spirit. From holiday-themed laser light shows to live music, there's something for everyone to enjoy. You can even catch a glimpse of Santa Claus himself as he makes special appearances throughout the event.With Space Center Houston's Galaxy Lights, you'll not only get to experience Houston's holiday light displays, but also embark on an unforgettable journey through the cosmos. So gather your family and embrace the freedom to explore this enchanting holiday event that will create lasting memories for years to come.The Light Park in KatyThe Light Park in Katy offers a mesmerizing drive-thru light experience that will transport you and your family into a magical winter wonderland. As you enter the park, you'll be greeted by a dazzling display of lights, creating an enchanting atmosphere that's sure to ignite your holiday spirit. The drive-thru experience allows you to enjoy the beautiful light displays from the comfort of your own vehicle, making it a convenient and family-friendly holiday activity.As you navigate through the park, you'll be treated to a symphony of colors and shapes, with each display more stunning than the last. From towering Christmas trees adorned with twinkling lights to whimsical scenes depicting Santa's workshop, there's something for everyone to enjoy. The attention to detail is truly remarkable, and you'll find yourself in awe of the artistry and creativity that went into creating this magical light park.The Light Park in Katy is the perfect way to spend an evening with your loved ones. The drive-thru format allows you to go at your own pace and take in the sights at your leisure. Whether you're looking for a romantic date night or a fun outing with the whole family, this holiday attraction has it all.Houston Botanic Garden's Radiant NatureHouston Botanic Garden's Radiant Nature presents a breathtaking illuminated wonderland for visitors of all ages to explore and enjoy. Step into a magical illumination that transforms the garden into a nature wonderland, creating an enchanting experience like no other.Here's why you should add Radiant Nature to your list of must-see holiday attractions:Immerse yourself in the beauty of nature: As you wander through the garden, you'll encounter dozens of Chinese lantern installations that come alive after dark. These intricate and colorful lanterns illuminate the surroundings, creating a mesmerizing atmosphere that celebrates the wonders of the natural world.Witness the transformation of the Gardens: Radiant Nature showcases the garden in a whole new light, quite literally. The enchanting illumination highlights the unique features of the plants and landscapes, allowing you to see them in a different perspective. It's a wonderful opportunity to appreciate the beauty and diversity of the botanical world.Create lasting memories with your family: Radiant Nature offers a memorable experience for the whole family. From strolling through illuminated pathways to discovering hidden surprises, there's something for everyone to enjoy. Let the magical ambiance spark joy and wonder in your children's eyes as they explore this captivating nature wonderland.Don't miss out on this enchanting holiday attraction. Radiant Nature at Houston Botanic Garden promises to transport you to a world of magical illumination and natural beauty. So, gather your loved ones and embark on a delightful adventure that will leave you with cherished memories.Ice Skating at Discovery GreenGet ready to lace up your skates and hit the ice at Discovery Green for a fun-filled and festive ice skating experience. At Discovery Green, you can enjoy outdoor ice skating in the heart of downtown Houston. This popular holiday attraction offers a magical setting where you can glide across the ice and embrace the holiday spirit.The outdoor ice skating rink at Discovery Green is the perfect place to create lasting memories with your family. Imagine the joy on your children's faces as they take their first steps on the ice. As you skate hand in hand, you can feel the excitement in the air and the holiday cheer all around you.One of the highlights of ice skating at Discovery Green is the opportunity to skate with Santa on select days. This special event allows your little ones to meet Santa Claus himself while enjoying the thrill of gliding on the ice. It's an experience that combines two beloved holiday traditions and will surely make this Christmas break one to remember.Whether you're a seasoned skater or a beginner, Discovery Green's ice skating rink offers a wonderful activity for everyone. The rink is surrounded by festive decorations, adding to the holiday ambiance. So, grab your skates and join in the fun as you twirl and spin on the ice, surrounded by the beauty of Discovery Green.Ice skating at Discovery Green is just one of the many holiday-themed activities that Houston has to offer. So, take advantage of the freedom that the Christmas break brings and explore all the festive attractions in the city. From dazzling light displays to enchanting holiday events, there's something for everyone to enjoy during this magical time of year.Don't miss out on the chance to make unforgettable memories with your loved ones. Lace up your skates and let the adventure begin!Wonderwild Indoor Play SpaceWhen it comes to finding a fun and adventure-filled play space for kids in Houston, Wonderwild in the Heights is the place to be. At Wonderwild, children can enjoy exciting indoor playtime and engage in active entertainment.Here are three reasons why Wonderwild is the perfect destination for your little ones:Endless Fun: Wonderwild offers a wide variety of activities that will keep your kids entertained for hours. From climbing walls to giant slides, there's something for everyone. Children can explore the colorful play structures, navigate obstacle courses, and even bounce on trampolines. The possibilities for fun are endless, and your kids will have a blast letting their imaginations run wild.Safe Environment: Wonderwild prioritizes the safety of its young visitors. The play space is designed with padded floors and walls to ensure a secure environment for children to play freely. Additionally, the staff members are attentive and trained to maintain a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone. You can relax and have peace of mind knowing that your kids are in good hands.Physical Activity: In today's digital age, it's important to encourage children to engage in physical activity. Wonderwild provides the perfect opportunity for kids to get moving and stay active. Whether they're climbing, sliding, or jumping, they'll be getting exercise while having fun. This indoor play space allows children to burn off energy and develop their motor skills in a controlled and supervised setting.Frolics Castle at Memorial City MallLocated within Memorial City Mall, Frolics Castle is a fantastic indoor play area where kids can unleash their imaginations and have a blast. This kids play area is the perfect destination for mall entertainment and offers a safe and exciting environment for children to play and explore. With its colorful and whimsical design, Frolics Castle will capture the attention of kids of all ages.Inside Frolics Castle, children can climb, slide, and crawl through various play structures, allowing them to release their energy and have a great time. The castle-themed play area is filled with interactive elements, including tunnels, bridges, and obstacles, that will keep kids engaged and entertained for hours. They can let their imaginations run wild as they pretend to be knights, princesses, or even dragons in this magical setting.Parents can relax and enjoy some shopping or take a break while their children play in Frolics Castle. The play area is conveniently located within Memorial City Mall, making it a convenient option for families looking for mall entertainment. It provides a safe and supervised space for kids to have fun, while also giving parents the chance to browse the mall or grab a bite to eat.Frolics Castle at Memorial City Mall is a must-visit destination for families during the holiday break. It offers an enjoyable and engaging experience for kids, allowing them to burn off some energy and have a memorable time. So, if you're looking for a fun and exciting activity for your children, head over to Frolics Castle and let the adventure begin!Neighborhood Holiday LightsAs we explore the enchanting world of holiday lights in Houston, prepare to be dazzled by the neighborhoods that go above and beyond to create a festive atmosphere. There's nothing quite like taking a drive through the city during the holiday season and witnessing the magical display of neighborhood holiday lights.Here are three neighborhoods that are known for their extravagant displays:River Oaks: This upscale neighborhood is famous for its stunning holiday lights. As you drive through the streets, you'll be greeted by beautifully decorated mansions, adorned with twinkling lights and festive decorations. It's a sight that will truly take your breath away.Pecan Grove: Located in Richmond, Pecan Grove is another neighborhood that goes all out when it comes to holiday lights. The entire community comes together to create a festive atmosphere, with each house competing to have the most dazzling display. You'll be amazed by the creativity and effort that goes into these decorations.The Light Park in Katy: For a unique and immersive holiday experience, head to The Light Park in Katy. This drive-thru light park features over a million lights, synchronized to holiday music. As you drive through the park, you'll be surrounded by a dazzling display of lights, creating a truly magical atmosphere.Driving through these neighborhoods and experiencing the festive atmosphere is a wonderful way to embrace the holiday spirit and create lasting memories with your family. So grab some hot cocoa, hop in the car, and get ready to be amazed by the neighborhood holiday lights in Houston.Festive Atmosphere DriveReady to immerse yourself in the holiday spirit? Hop in the car and embark on a festive atmosphere drive through the neighborhoods of Houston, where dazzling light displays and beautiful decorations await.There's something magical about driving through neighborhoods adorned with twinkling lights and festive decorations. It's a tradition that brings joy and excitement to both young and old. As you cruise through the streets, you'll be greeted by houses decked out in colorful lights, extravagant displays, and whimsical decorations. It's a feast for the eyes and a surefire way to get into the holiday mood.One neighborhood that's known for its extravagant holiday lights is River Oaks. The houses in this area go all out, creating a truly enchanting atmosphere. Pecan Grove is another neighborhood worth visiting, as it boasts stunning displays that are sure to leave you in awe. As you drive around, take your time to admire each house and appreciate the effort that goes into creating such festive scenes.If you're looking for a more immersive experience, consider visiting The Light Park in Katy. This drive-thru light experience offers a dazzling display of lights synchronized to festive music. It's a magical journey that will leave you and your family in awe. Another option is Galaxy Lights at Space Center Houston, where you can explore a winter wonderland filled with interactive displays and larger-than-life light installations.A festive atmosphere drive is a wonderful way to create lasting memories with your family. So gather your loved ones, turn up the holiday tunes, and set off on a magical adventure through the neighborhoods of Houston. Enjoy the beauty of the lights, the joy in the air, and the warmth of the holiday spirit. It's a time to be together, to be filled with wonder, and to embrace the magic of the season.Chinese Lantern InstallationsIf you're looking for a unique and enchanting holiday attraction in Houston, be sure to explore the dozens of Chinese lantern installations after dark at the Houston Botanic Garden's Radiant Nature. This breathtaking display is part of the Chinese lantern festivals, which are cultural celebrations that showcase intricate and vibrant lanterns.Here's why you should make a visit to Radiant Nature a priority this Christmas break:Immersive Experience: As you walk through the Houston Botanic Garden, you'll be transported to a world of wonder and magic. The Chinese lantern installations create a mesmerizing ambiance, illuminating the night sky with their stunning colors and designs. It's an experience that will captivate both children and adults alike.Cultural Appreciation: The Chinese lantern festivals are deeply rooted in tradition and symbolism. Each lantern tells a story and represents different aspects of Chinese culture. By visiting Radiant Nature, you'll not only be entertained but also have the opportunity to learn and appreciate the rich heritage behind these beautiful lanterns.Family Bonding: The holiday season is all about spending quality time with your loved ones, and visiting Radiant Nature is the perfect way to do just that. As you stroll together through the garden, you can marvel at the intricate lanterns, share laughter and create lasting memories. It's a chance to slow down, embrace the freedom of the moment, and enjoy the company of your family.Outdoor Ice Skating RinksAfter exploring the enchanting Chinese lantern installations at the Houston Botanic Garden's Radiant Nature, it's time to lace up our skates and glide into the next festive adventure - outdoor ice skating rinks. Outdoor ice skating is a classic winter activity that brings joy and excitement to people of all ages. Houston may not have the coldest winters, but that doesn't mean we can't enjoy this icy pastime. So, grab your warmest coats and hats, because we're about to hit the ice!When it comes to outdoor ice skating, there are a few tips to keep in mind. First, dress in layers to stay warm while on the ice. It's important to stay cozy, but also be able to move freely. Second, wear thick socks to provide extra cushioning and insulation for your feet. And don't forget to bring gloves to keep your hands toasty!Now, let's talk about the best outdoor ice skating rinks in Houston. One popular spot is the Ice at Discovery Green. Located in the heart of downtown, this rink offers a picturesque setting with the city skyline as its backdrop. Another great option is the Memorial City Ice Rink. This outdoor rink is surrounded by festive decorations and offers a fun and lively atmosphere.Whether you're a seasoned skater or a beginner, outdoor ice skating is a fantastic way to embrace the holiday spirit and create lasting memories with your family and friends. So, let's lace up our skates and glide across the ice, feeling the exhilaration and freedom that comes with this winter activity. Houston may not be known for its icy winters, but that won't stop us from enjoying the thrill of outdoor ice skating!Immersive Holiday EventWe can't wait to dive into the immersive holiday event and be transported into a world of enchantment and wonder. Here are three reasons why we're excited about this experience:Interactive Light Displays:Picture yourself surrounded by a mesmerizing array of lights that respond to your touch and movement.Engage with the interactive light installations, creating a unique and personalized experience.Watch as the lights dance and twinkle, illuminating the night and filling you with a sense of joy and awe.Magical Atmosphere:Step into a world where holiday magic comes to life, immersing you in a festive and enchanting atmosphere.Be surrounded by beautifully decorated trees, sparkling ornaments, and whimsical characters that ignite your imagination.As you explore the immersive holiday event, feel the warmth and joy radiating from every corner, making you believe in the magic of the season.Memorable Experiences:This immersive holiday experience offers the perfect opportunity to create lasting memories with your family and loved ones.Capture unforgettable moments as you marvel at the stunning light displays and share laughter and joy together.Whether it's a romantic stroll hand-in-hand, a fun-filled adventure with your children, or a gathering with friends, this event promises to leave a lasting impression.Get ready to be captivated by the immersive holiday experience and be transported into a world filled with interactive light displays, magical atmosphere, and memorable experiences. It's time to embrace the freedom of the holiday season and create cherished memories that will warm your heart for years to come.Enchanted Holiday AttractionGet ready to be transported to an enchanting holiday attraction that will captivate your imagination and fill you with wonder. Houston is home to some truly magical light installations and enchanted holiday crafts that are sure to delight both kids and adults alike.One of the must-visit holiday attractions in Houston is the Houston Botanic Garden's Radiant Nature. This illuminated wonderland features dozens of Chinese lantern installations that come to life after dark. As you wander through the gardens, you'll witness the magical transformation of the surroundings and experience the beauty of nature in a whole new light. It's a unique and enchanting holiday attraction that isn't to be missed.If you're looking for some outdoor fun, Ice at Discovery Green is the perfect choice. This outdoor ice skating rink offers a festive atmosphere where you can glide across the ice and embrace the holiday spirit. And on select days, you can even skate with Santa himself! It's a fun and festive activity that the whole family can enjoy.For those looking for indoor entertainment, Wonderwild in the Heights is an adventure-filled play space that will provide hours of fun. Let your kids release their energy and have a great time exploring the various play areas. And at Frolics Castle in Memorial City Mall, kids can enjoy free play and let their imaginations run wild.No matter which enchanted holiday attraction you choose to visit, one thing is for sure - you're in for a memorable experience. So gather your family and embrace the joy of the holiday season as you immerse yourselves in dazzling light displays and create lasting memories. Houston has everything you need to make this Christmas break truly magical.Release Energy and Have FunAs we continue our exploration of Houston's enchanting holiday attractions, let's now shift our focus to a subtopic that's perfect for kids (and adults) who need to release their energy and have a whole lot of fun. During the Christmas break, there are plenty of indoor activities and holiday-themed crafts to keep everyone entertained. Here are three options to consider:Indoor Play Spaces:Wonderwild in the Heights provides an adventure-filled play space where kids can climb, slide, and explore to their heart's content. It's a safe and entertaining environment for indoor play, allowing kids to release their energy and have a great time.Frolics Castle at Memorial City Mall offers free play for kids, giving them the freedom to let loose and enjoy themselves. With various play areas and activities, it's a fantastic option for burning off energy and having fun.Holiday Themed Crafts:Many local museums and art centers offer holiday-themed craft workshops during the Christmas break. Kids can unleash their creativity and make their own ornaments, cards, and decorations. It's a great way to engage their imaginations while enjoying the freedom to create.DIY Festive Games:Create your own holiday-themed games at home. From pin the nose on Rudolph to a Santa sack race, the options are endless. Get the whole family involved and have a blast playing these customized games. It's the perfect opportunity to release energy, have fun, and make lasting memories together.With these indoor activities and holiday-themed crafts, kids can have a blast while staying active and engaged during the Christmas break. So, let's embrace the freedom to release energy and have a whole lot of fun!Embrace the Holiday SpiritImmerse yourself in the holiday spirit with a variety of festive activities and events in Houston. Get into the holiday groove by indulging in some delightful holiday crafts and enjoying the enchanting sounds of holiday music. Houston offers plenty of opportunities to embrace the holiday spirit and create lasting memories with your family.Get your creative juices flowing by participating in holiday craft workshops. Many local art centers and community organizations offer classes where you can learn to make your own unique holiday decorations. From handmade ornaments to festive wreaths, these workshops allow you to express your creativity and add a personal touch to your holiday decor.Don't forget to tune in to the sweet melodies of holiday music. Throughout the city, you'll find live performances of your favorite holiday tunes. Whether it's a local choir singing carols or a symphony orchestra playing classical holiday music, there's something for everyone to enjoy. Let the music fill your heart with joy and put you in the holiday spirit.In addition to holiday crafts and music, Houston also boasts stunning light displays that will leave you in awe. Take a drive through neighborhoods like River Oaks and Pecan Grove, known for their extravagant holiday lights. Marvel at the beautifully decorated homes and immerse yourself in the festive atmosphere. For a unique experience, visit The Light Park in Katy, where you can enjoy a drive-thru light show that will dazzle your senses.Embracing the holiday spirit in Houston is all about celebrating with loved ones and enjoying the festive atmosphere. So gather your family, put on your favorite holiday tunes, and get ready to create memories that will last a lifetime.Frequently Asked QuestionsHow Much Does It Cost to Attend Galaxy Lights at Space Center Houston?The cost to attend Galaxy Lights at Space Center Houston varies depending on the day and time you visit. It's best to check their website for the most accurate and up-to-date pricing information.When planning your visit, consider going during off-peak times to potentially save on admission costs.Regardless of the cost, experiencing the dazzling light displays and immersive holiday event at Galaxy Lights is sure to create lasting memories for you and your family.Are There Any Special Events or Activities at the Light Park in Katy?Yes, there are special events at the Light Park in Katy that Houston kids will love! With dazzling lights and a drive-thru experience, it's perfect for creating lasting memories with your family.At the Light Park, you can immerse yourself in the holiday spirit and enjoy beautiful displays and decorations. It's an enchanting holiday attraction that will leave you in awe.Can You Purchase Tickets in Advance for Houston Botanic Garden's Radiant Nature?Yes, you can purchase tickets in advance for Houston Botanic Garden's Radiant Nature. Planning in advance is a great idea to ensure availability and secure your spot.Online booking makes it convenient and easy to purchase tickets from the comfort of your home. Pricing information can be found on their website, allowing you to budget accordingly.Don't miss out on this unique and enchanting holiday attraction, so be sure to get your tickets early!What Is the Admission Fee for Ice Skating at Discovery Green?The admission fee for ice skating at Discovery Green during Christmas break isn't mentioned without the context of Things to Do With Houston Kids Over Christmas Break.Is There a Minimum Age Requirement for Children to Play at Wonderwild Indoor Play Space?At Wonderwild indoor play space, there's no minimum age requirement for children to play. This means that kids of all ages can enjoy the adventure-filled play space and have a great time releasing their energy.Indoor play spaces like Wonderwild provide numerous benefits for children, such as promoting physical activity, stimulating imagination, and promoting social interaction.ConclusionSo gather your family and get ready to make some unforgettable memories this Christmas break in Houston! Whether you're marveling at the extravagant holiday lights in River Oaks and Pecan Grove, exploring the immersive Galaxy Lights event at Space Center Houston, or letting your kids release their energy at Wonderwild or Frolics Castle, there's something for everyone to enjoy.And did you know that Houston Botanic Garden's Radiant Nature features over 100 Chinese lantern installations? It's a truly enchanting experience you won't want to miss!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:10 shwoohl I have an addiction.

Addiction to quick saves of course. I just can't live without quick saving for 5 or more seconds, my hands saving the game on their own, and my fingers start to hurt and my brain is melting. Is there any cure available?
submitted by shwoohl to Fallout [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:06 TSB_Belocke Gaming community for the masses! (16+)

🔥 Attention, gamers! Prepare for an epic journey into the gaming realm with TSB (Take a Seat Bitch) Gaming Community! 🎮 Join our mighty army of over 2500 members and experience:
✅ Diverse Community: A community that celebrates gamers of all ages and interests.
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✅ Battle Royale: Showcase your skills in intense tournaments and challenges.
🔍 Joining Requirements:
✅ Age: Must be 16 years or older. ✅ Trophy Count: Minimum of 25. ✅ Discord Access: Stay connected with your gaming squad. ✅ Clear Communication: Equip yourself with a headset and microphone for effective teamwork.
🔥 Don't miss your chance to be part of the gaming revolution! Join TSB today and conquer the virtual battlefield! 🔥
submitted by TSB_Belocke to GamingCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:03 Embarrassed-Ant-9849 Feeling Anxious when i am not speaking to my partner

I learned about my boyfriend's pa months ago but we were at the time staying together for 3 months, i knew i would face the music when i returned home and we had to be apart for a bit. I am crying all the time. I feel so horrible. I want to be empathetic but i don't know how to be. When he told me it was because i saw an old second reddit account from before we met where he was subscribed to a pornstar's subreddit and i saw him screenshot a pornstar months before we met and said "does anyone know what her name is" , followed by a list of pornstars from 2 years ago. After that i started analysing our sexlife, so when he was hard and not wanting to have sex i broke down and he confessed to me how he had a problem with porn before we met , and that he force stopped it and so it's still affecting how he percieves pleasure because he was so used to videocalling me and masterbating with me virtually, and watching porn, vs when he actually has consistent real life sex with me his brain is adjusting to it and sometimes even if he's hard he doesn't feel horny. But that he loves me and he knows he only wants me, but this takes time to heal.
I felt like a bitch. I just cried and cried , went to sleep and didn't speak to him the next day. He cried all day and thought i was leaving him or thought he wasn't attracted to me until i hugged him. I felt awful because i couldn't say anything, i just knew i wasn't leaving. We ended up having sex after and went to get food, we watched a movie and i stopped and just cried again. It was awful. I love him so much but i had no idea how to feel.
I was terrified to leave in 3 months, I knew i would feel worse because i can't have his phone near me, i can't see the bathroom door open when he goes. I can't watch him game. I'm home now and i am having panick attacks everytime i don't see him online playing on discord with friends when we are not on a call, or when he is not out of the house. Not seeing what he is doing makes me spiral and guess that he is watching porn. Last night he had a headache so we didnt videocall/masterbate as we normally do, and i asked him "are you sure you're going to sleep?" i cried until i fell asleep after this. I feel so mean. I want to not to add pressure to an already difficult process but i can't. And i also can't leave. Knowing we are apart, i know he is watching at least 1/2 times when we are not masterbating together so i'm always trying to guess when it's happening. I don't want this. I want it to stop completely by the time i see him next. I am tired of crying and panicking
submitted by Embarrassed-Ant-9849 to PornAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:02 CheeseHotdogTTV M 24 Howdy Partner, Let's Chat!

HOWDY Partners 🤠 I type this important message from the southern region of the United States. If your lookin for someone who will respond back to your messages in 1.2 milliseconds, well look no further. My interest include and are not limited too (if our hobbies are different please tell me about yours I’m always looking for new ones for my ADHD brain): •Gaming, of course who doesn’t game in this day in age. •Watching 10 movies in a row and not feeling bad about it. •Blasting music at night daydreaming scenarios in my head staring at the blank void filled walls. I have a ton more but I’d figured I’d save them for the meat of our chat. Hope to hear from whatever soul is reading this post. Peace and Love ✌️&❤️
submitted by CheeseHotdogTTV to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:00 eimblu PC is more than qualified specs to run Jedi Survivor, but still crashes from memory allocation every ~10 minutes

PC is more than qualified specs to run Jedi Survivor, but still crashes from memory allocation every ~10 minutes
My pc specs are more than above the minimum requirements to run Jedi Survivor at 1440p, and it runs very well, until it crashes due to memory allocation errors. My pc has: 7900 XT Sapphire Pulse 20 Gb Graphics Card 7800x3d Ryzen 7 CPU Gigabyte B650 GAMING X AX V2 ATX AM5 Motherboard G.Skill Flare X5 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR5-6000 CL36 Ram Samsung 990 Pro 2 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 4.0 X4 NVME SSD Corsair RM850e
And I am running only 1440 p on all low settings, and yet I still crash only a handful of a few minutes (give or take about 10) and I receive an error about memory allocation for the rendering resource. This should not even be happening either. So far the troubleshooting that I have thought and looked up to do was:
  • Updated windows
  • Updated my graphics card driver
  • Ran the game as administrator
  • Re-enabled EXPO in bios settings (honestly no clue when and how it got turned back off but idk)
  • Confirmed I had no motherboard bios to update
  • Put the game settings low (graphics, even tried turning off V-sync but same result)
  • Verified integrity of game files on steam (back before I refunded it and then downloaded it again through XBOX Gamepass)
I feel like I am missing something, especially when I see other systems on youtube run this game with a 7900 XT, and even provide benchmark performance stats, yet I only can expect about 10 minutes worth of game time until I crash. I am wary to mess with more advanced settings because I do not want to mess anything up with my system.
My OS is Windows 11 home.
A quick note about the screenshots below; they are both from when I crashed at just the start menu before I had refunded it on steam. I tried again to run it later after downloading and installing it from XBOX Gamepass.
One solution I have heard about was to increase my systems virtual memory, or something along those lines, but I heard it puts strain on my drive, so I am not totally sure what to do next. The game runs about 120 fps give or take when it does work, and its overall enjoyable, but I hate the looming dread that at any moment it'll get cut short.
If anyone could help me out, it would be appreciated a lot.
Edit: I also updated Adrenaline too after windows update.
submitted by eimblu to StarWarsJediSurvivor [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:53 tony5yaya Hell Difficulty Tutorial: A LitRPG Adventure by Cerim Free Audiobook and Review

"Hell Difficulty Tutorial: A LitRPG Adventure" by Cerim is an immersive and exhilarating voyage into the realm of LitRPG (Literature Role-Playing Game), where the lines between reality and virtual reality blur. The plot follows the protagonist, Jason, as he navigates the trials of a virtual world known as Hell Difficulty.
As Jason embarks on his adventure, he realizes that Hell Difficulty is no ordinary game - it's a violent and ruthless world where survival is everything but assured. Armed with his wits and a unique set of skills, Jason must battle fierce enemies, solve challenging riddles, and overcome dangerous barriers in order to progress.
Cerim's writing is fast-paced and action-packed, with plenty of twists and turns to keep readers on the edge of their seats. The novel is replete with epic battles, intriguing quests, and detailed scenario-building that immerses readers in the rich and fascinating world of Hell Difficulty.
What sets "Hell Difficulty Tutorial" different is its creative incorporation of gaming mechanics into the narrative. As Jason levels up and gets new powers, readers are privy to extensive descriptions of his character evolution, equipment upgrades, and strategic decision-making, providing an extra layer of depth to the plot.
Overall, "Hell Difficulty Tutorial" is a riveting and enjoyable book that will appeal to fans of LitRPG and game fiction. With its compelling tale, dynamic characters, and deep world-building, it's likely to fascinate readers from start to finish. Whether you're a seasoned gamer or simply seeking for a thrilling adventure, this book gives all the thrills and excitement of a virtual reality gaming experience.
Free Audiobook with a free trial of Audible at freeaudiobookstrial .com
submitted by tony5yaya to audiobookreviewgroup [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:52 Upstxte New to panic attacks

Hi all, I’m not new to anxiety and have experienced it since I was around 14. However I’ve never had a panic attack until a couple months ago (January). I got home from a long day and ended up going to my girlfriends parents house, to house sit for the night. I was sitting on the couch with her when I experienced a random chest pain (that has always happened, ever since I can remember) but this one was different because just a month prior my dad had a severe heart attack and that’s all I could think about. I freaked out and suffered my first panic attack, that one lasted around 5 hours fully before I was able to go to sleep. It wasn’t that bad but ever since I will get them. It doesn’t matter if I’m at home by myself, with family or even out in public. I now have a panic attack at least once every 2 weeks, they are mostly not a big deal and I have learned that playing games on my phone are a good way to distract myself. The other day however (Monday), I experienced a panic attack while out with my girlfriend and it was by far the worst one since. I got very nauseous, I wanted to puke and my whole body was just sweaty and tense. That one really sucked and put a lot of stress on my body to where I have been feeling off and tired since (it’s now Thursday). I know panic attacks make your body and brain tired but this is my first time ever feeling this way for so long after. I have been eating, hydrating and resting but it doesn’t seem to work. I am a fairly active male in my 20s and have never felt this drained and sort of brain foggy from anything before. I’m not any medications for it but would like to be on some in the future.
I would really appreciate any feedback that wouldn’t make me feel crazy for feeling so lethargic days after… or any advice on how you learned to cope with panic attacks after the first one.
submitted by Upstxte to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:50 Thedreadedpixel Space Dogs of Zeta 9 chapter 3

Chapter 3: Dynamic Exist
Memory transcript : Farusl Archivist Tyka Date: 2277 August 21st [human standard time]
Tyka yawned, he had been monitoring several of the predator cages for a while trying to gauge their reactions, these were new catches from another region which was vastly different to the other side of the continent which by comparison was stable, these more eastern humans were almost all completely feral, ascribing totemic tribal practices with lethal weaponry, it was saddening.
“Terrifying creatures these humams….even the Arxur wouldn't be able to survive a total atomic annihilation yet these humans, who by all accounts are physically weaker than the Arxur, seem to have survived remarkibly well”
The calculating tone of the elder Officer Netly said peering over into the security monitor watching the newest catches, most of whome seemed to be violent marauders of some kind,and if the toxicology reports were to be believed extremely intoxicated prior to capture
“Well HC-1380 was clean….it why we've placed HC-2251 with them, they both passed with a clean bloodstream and 1380 seemed….mildly more docile than the other recent arrivals”
Tyka said as Netly raised her muzzle in contempt
“A predator is a predator, docile is not in there nature no matter how docile it may seem”
She said as Tyka openly scoffed
“I will admit many new acquisitions may be more feral than expected but the fact that we HAVE found humans who are not as violent should be seen as a boon, infact the nuclear devastation could be a benefit, they may be more willing to partake in the cure if it means that they can live out of the Wasteland”
“And how exactly would we do that, most of there genomes Are irreparable damaged by atomic Fallout and residual radiation, it would take decades to repair there existing genome let alone provide an appropriate Cure for eating flesh. Let alone there awful gaze” Netly spat indignantly, clearly insulted at the notion of a feral species could ever be uplifted to a proper sentient species is laughable
“Ahh But that's where you are misinformed Netly, you see her?” Tyka said tapping a paw to the monitor, it was the two new arrivals he had discusted eariler
“The scavenger and the pale one? What significant are they?” She asked confused as Tyka let out a slight smirk
“There genetic code suggests limited to no genetic damage, HC-2251 for example has no significant radiological degradation, she's as close as clean as you can get, And according to the lab, her UV intake, the thiny that gives humans bare skin there pigments? Its limbited suggesting a sheltered lifestyle, possibly one with a stable, equally pure gene stock of other untouched humans!”
Netly was shocked to say the least, from virtually every other predator they had captured they had all shown signs of genetic damage or severe mutation due to radiological exposure, of Tyka was correct…there was a possibility that the Original cure that was designed for humanity could be distributed
“If that is true, where could they possibly be located? We have satellites pointing All over the continent and wed be able to see a large, functional human tribe, like those desert tribes to the east” Netly said as Tyka nodded
“If they were on the surface, i postulate that they may be subterranean and i believe the answer likes in 2251s arm mounted computer. We plan on removing it after another checkup but the lab has had troubles devising a method of removing it without killing her since the device Is somehow attached to her by some biometric seals were having difficulties cracking but by her next interview”
Tyka said, and before Netly could respond a security alarm blamed, forcing the two to shift their focus away from there Conversation to the monitors, it was HC-2251 and HC-1380, the two were fighting, Tyka could only imagine it was for dominance, predators were such a precious bunch but at least they lacked claws, that was the thought until a trial of blood was seen spilling from 2251's nose!
“Ancestors! Netly send a security team to break that up and isolate 2251 as soon as possible, if she dies then we loose any lead on finding more undamaged human stock!”
Memory transcript: Abigail Nelson, vault dweller and current show fighter
The hits were all staged but every so often to get across the idea they Were real every other hit randomly connected with enough force to show it, that was Somah’s plan, make them think They were fighting for some reason, Somah had said that fights like these were was drew in security to stun them and break up the fight, which was also Why they didn't want to actually hurt one another, because if one or both of them got hurt they'd not only be separated and isolated like Somah was after her first attempt, and after getting socked In the face and giving her a light bloody nose. It worked as the door opened and in poured…..cocker spaniels? Chest-tall, wall eyed, cocker spaniels in rubber suits welding cattle prods.
In a flash Somah kicked up the metal tray that the measly alien veggies were delivered on, using it to bash in the muzzle of one, drawing the other three's attention away letting Abigail slam her bawled fisted into the temple of one of the aliens, causing it to slam into another causing them both to frankly…..easily drop to the floor, the lot of them whining and whimpering, clutching their heads as Somah grabbed one of their weapons, tossing one to Abigail as Somah made for the exit, having to brush off the shock of alien dog men she followed her new companion close behind.
“Were those…..dogs?” Abigail asked in surprise running along side Somah as the two raced down the hall as alarms blared overhead
“Yeah, I kinda forgot to mention that, didn't I? They look like Pre-War dogs with weird Brahman eyes,” she shrugged nonchalantly to Abbies confusion. The two suddenly stopped in a side room with an air vent, somah watched the corners and seemingly satisfied pulled Abigail in, and motioned her to be quiet. Before she could question why she heard the squeaking of booted paws run past them and somah only spook once the sound seemed sufficiently distant.
“Alright …..we're in the clear, are you ok-” Before Somah could continue she was meet with a smack across her face from Abigail
“That was for hitting me in my nose!” She spat rubbing her once prestigious white jumpsuit with her red viscous fluid leaking from her nose.
“Okay…I deserve that,” Somah admitted, rubbing her cheek “Honestly, I expected something worse, but I deserved it,” She says as Abigial noticed exactly where they were exactly. “Wait….are we in a alien supply closet”
Somah looked around, noticing the abundant sealed boxes written in alien script, one slightly open revealing some kind of rag or cloth That Abigail readily swiped to help stem her nose’s red trickle.
“Okay so, back on track, we need to find a way off this ship, last time I checked were still over Earth” Somah said as Abigail looked back at her
“How would we know?” She asked pinching her nose*
“Because you can feel when the ship moves, and they have announcements in English” She says which just made Abigail’s eyes go wide.
“They speak english?!” Abby said shocked as Somah nodded, “Then why the FUCK would they lock us up without saying anything?!”
She spat as Somah tried to get her to calm down “Honesty, I don't know, the only thing I do know is what I've heard from some of the guards, something about us being Acquisitions and a cure…I think there trying to collect us a labor force for whatever reason”
That reason resonated with Abigail in a disturbing way, the way the cells were arranged reminded her uncomfortably of Paradise Falls
“But why us?” She asked as Somah began looking around the small storeroom
“It makes sense to me, humans survived a nuclear apocalypse and they want a slave force for there homeworld, it's not like humans can fight back in any way, swoop down, suck up a town into your hold and zip away. They're probably checking to see what diseases we have to make sure we don't bring back any plagues and to inoculate us to theirs.”
The logic tracked, Paradise Falls had a rigorous system for assessing new….cattle to ensure they weren't feeble or lame, Just thinking that alone made her sick to her stomach.
“Alright, but we should stop them, force them to capitulate, somehow, and free everyone onboard!” Abby declared as Somah scoffed.
“And how exactly do we do that, Vaulty? “Ask nicely and hold out a flag of peace and tranquility?” She asked sarcastically as Abigail tried to rack her brain. What would Dad do in a situation like this…. This wasn't like the vault….but that's when it hit her. This alien ship…. Maybe it was like a vault, if it's so big and would need alot of…. Well, everything, to move from planet to planet. Maybe, like a vault, if they crippled certain systems, maybe, they could stop them.
“As a matter a fact, I do have a plan”

Abigail said with smirk, removing the now stained towel as Somah raised a brow to her as Abigail regained her plan to her scribe accomplice.

Chapter 3 is done and I feel pretty good about it but escape scenes Aren't my forte im afraid, as usual I adore everyone who reads and enjoys it, I'll have proper links set up to go back to previous chapters sometime later I hope yall enjoy!
submitted by Thedreadedpixel to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:37 Maleficent-Common836 Unpopular opinion: the slower movement in the test place is fine

as a rank 150 who has started since 2019, phantom forces was never a super fast paced movement shooter, rather a methodical and positional tactical shooter. This game isnt about going in braindead and matrix dodging bullets by abusing broken movement techs and more about positioning, flanking and predicting the enemy. ive used the smgs and lmgs a ton with their various speed differences and even when i was using the slowest lmgs in the game i never felt slow. people who are complaining just rely on their crutch broken movement to succeed instead of developing brains to play the game smarter. the only necessary movement to know in the game is super jump and thats all you need to drop high kill games. we dont need all this fancy movements, it just creates wannabe tryhards that ruin the game for everyone, just stick to the basics and get GOOD
submitted by Maleficent-Common836 to PhantomForces [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:37 Well_being1 The most promising potential future cure for chronic pain

There's a project inspired by Joanne Cameron's condition:
"In 2019, scientists discovered a woman with a new form of congenital pain insensitivity that left her virtually immune not only to physical pain but to psychological pain as well.
Unlike other forms of congenital pain insensitivity, her condition left her blissfully unaffected by fear, sadness, anger, anxiety, and grief. She is also free of the frequent injuries and early childhood self-mutilation behaviors that make other forms of congenital pain insensitivity so pathological and dangerous.
Her pain-sensing neurons work, but she does not generate intrinsically unpleasant experiential qualities in response to the signals they send her brain.
Her syndrome remained unknown to her until she was well into her sixth decade of life, in contrast to other forms of congenital pain insensitivity that make themselves known immediately due to their disastrous consequences."
"On May 24th, 2023, University College London released its landmark paper investigating the molecular basis of this strange new pain insensitivity syndrome titled "Molecular Basis of FAAH-Out Associated Pain Insensitivity," in which it was revealed that this "Feel Good Syndrome" was caused by two simple genetic mutations affecting the FAAH Platform: a less active SNP of the FAAH gene and an 8KB micro-deletion at the beginning of the FAAH-OUT pseudo-gene, which lead to a drastic increase in anandamide ("the bliss molecule").
These two generic differences had a downstream impact on many genes, but only a handful of these changes were identified as relevant to physical and psychological suffering. Chief among them were the downregulation of ACKR3 - an endogenous opioid scavenger - and the upregulation of BDNF - a nerve growth factor known to impact depression and anxiety.
This "Feel Good Syndrome" could be replicated using gene editing technologies like CRISPR in humans and livestock animals. Moreover, it could plausibly be reproduced pharmacologically using already existing inhibitors of FAAH (which substantially boost anandamide and BDNF) and ACKR3."
Inhibition of FAAH not only provides profound analgesic effect itself but also seems to prevent and reverse opioid tolerance
Their website
submitted by Well_being1 to ChronicPain [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:37 deepvoid_78 My 15F brother, almost 12M beats me and my parents don't see much of an issue with it.

I just cried sleeping beside my mum for god knows how long and finally woke up to ask for advice. I'm broke as shit and the last time I tried to ask my parents for therapy, things went so bad that I almost wanted to puke. Thats why I'm here on reddit. please excuse me for any grammatical errors as I can barely see and think through my tears and brain fog.
Siblings fight each other, right? its normal. I've fought with my brother plenty of times before when we were children and we always forgot about it. i have many fond memories with him, memories that make me smile whenever I think about them. But recently I've been seeing just how spoiled he became. here's some context:
he's 24/7 on laptop or tv playing games and watching anime. i mean literally 24/7. from the second he wakes up to the second he sleeps. my parents are great, they provide us with so many things, everything except love and attention. they think that just because they sacrificed buying something for themselves, we are supposed to feel like they love us. don't get me wrong, I do appreciate it, but i'd much rather stay at home and play monopoly with them than go to a 5-star hotel to watch them fight about how expensive it is and how I should be more grateful while they stay on their phones all the fucking time. anyways, my brother is extremely neglected emotionally and I know for a fact that he has terrible anger management issues.
i know this because I'm the one that has to put up with his upbringing. We once went out to a family gathering with all of our extended families, and if you guys know asian families, a LOT of people will be present. We were all talking when I caught him seeing anime girls on yt shorts on my mom's phone. mind you, he isn't even 12 yet. see, I'm in no way a good person, I'm probably very very fucked in the head but I did not want him to be like that. the day I got into porn was the day a part of my soul died and even tho I quit now, I never recovered from that. i didn't want him to go thru that so I told him to stop and we fought abt it. mind you, we were still at the gathering so I was being quiet and telling him that we'll talk later. i don't remember what exactly triggered him, but he started hitting me and grabbed my arm. i have long nails, and I scratched him while trying to pull away. he started crying and screaming and yelling while grabbing me and hitting me non-stop. he isn't thin or weak by any means, so it stung. a lot. and I had to just shut up and be quiet and endure it without a word because hey, I'm the "good" kid, right? if I had said something, my parents would have scolded me for humiliating them. well, it isn't like they didn't scold me anyways, I provoked him, apparently. its my fault either ways. they entire family ended up yelling at me, saying things like "I know elder kids, they're always making fun of the younger ones." and stuff that really stung.
this other time, he hit me in an office lobby while we were waiting for my mom. today, he hit me at my cousin's house because we made a joke abt him. i walked over to him knowing he'll get offended and told him "I'm not making fun of you. I'm sorry for saying that, we didn't mean that and you know it." and we all apologised to him. the joke btw, was about how he went swimming w another cousin of ours and we saw him playing at the pool w a girl. we knew it wasn't a girl, but when we said it was he used to get irritated and chase us around laughing, so it was an old joke. well, as soon as I was done, he slapped my face. it wasn't hard, but he slapped me. and stormed off and complained to my mom saying I was making fun of him. my mom came and lectured me in front of my cousins, and I had to smile after she left because hey, I'm a good kid. because I'm obedient and disciplined. oh god, this brings back memories about how my dad used to slap me in front of many people and I had to pretend that I was wrong and smile at people while I died on the inside. i was 11. why don't they yell at him like they yelled at me? why me? they don't even hug me. they push me away. why cant I be hugged? don't I deserve to be hugged?
whenever they do realise that my brother's being an ass, they yell at him and it always, ALWAYS fucking ends with him yelling screaming crying at the top of hid lungs and slamming doors and my mom always goes and hugs him and comforts him. if she can hug him even when he does so many awful things, why can they hug me? i go to hug her and she fucking pushes me away saying "please, stay away". the face she makes while saying it, I think I die a little everytime she does it.
she hugs me sometimes, but immediately pushes away, after she feels satisfied with her parenting. i know I'm not a good person, and I haven't done great things, but do I really not deserve a fucking hug?
I'm sorry, I'm spiralling out of the main topic. its 2 am and I'm hiding in my washroom and typing and my laptops gonna die soon. i just don't know what to do. i didn't ask to be my brother's parent. i didn't want to raise him, and I did a terrible job at that. i passed down my generational trauma to him. no doubt. he asks me for help and I criticize him rather than helping. i will end the generational trauma by ending the generation. i don't think I'm fit to be a parent. i think that's because I'm fucking 15. I love my parents. they sacrificed their lives for me. but I didn't fucking ask for it. oh my god, I remember the time I got sexually harassed in a bus and my mom rolled over and went back to sleep as I yelled. lololol. good times. anyways, good night. i shall go and cry some more.
edit: forgot to mention, I have a viral infection and my left jaw is swelled and it hurts. badly. he slapped me there knowing this. for the second time today btw, he hit this morning at home but I forgave. also, I apologised after we got home because.. you guessed it. I'm the good kid. i will always be a good kid. nothing else. just a 10/10 certificate in studies for them to brag about. i wanna go away from home, but I guess this is home.
submitted by deepvoid_78 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:34 VirtualClout [MAY-16] Headphones Discount Dump

Here are todays deals I've founds on brand-name headphones/earbuds. Let me know if you have a specific pair you would want to to track for discounts.
I track deals on my website Site gets updated automatically every 30 mins and is free to use.
Category: Headphones Title: EPOS I SENNHEISER GSP 500 Wired Open Acoustic Gaming Headset, Noise-Cancelling Microphone, Adjustable Headband with Customizable Contact Pressure, Volume Control, PC + Mac + Xbox + PS4, Pro –Black/Red Original Price: 98.27 Sale Price: 83.04 (15% OFF) URL:
Category: Headphones Title: Sennheiser Consumer Audio HD 450BT Bluetooth 5.0 Wireless Headphone with Active Noise Cancellation - 30-Hour Battery Life, USB-C Fast Charging, Virtual Assistant Button, Foldable - Black Original Price: 179.95 Sale Price: 99.95 (45% OFF) URL:
Category: Headphones Title: Sennheiser ACCENTUM Plus Wireless Bluetooth Headphones - Quick-Charge Feature, 50-Hr Battery Playtime, Adaptive Hybrid ANC, Sound Personalization, Touch Controls - White Original Price: 229.95 Sale Price: 206.31 (10% OFF) URL:
Category: Earbuds Title: JBL Vibe Beam - True Wireless JBL Deep Bass Sound Earbuds, Bluetooth 5.2, Water & Dust Resistant, Hands-free call with VoiceAware, Up to 32 hours of battery life (Black) Original Price: 49.95 Sale Price: 39.95 (20% OFF) URL:
Category: Earbuds Title: Apple AirPods Pro (2nd Generation) Wireless Ear Buds with USB-C Charging, Up to 2X More Active Noise Cancelling Bluetooth Headphones, Transparency Mode, Adaptive Audio, Personalized Spatial Audio Original Price: 265.00 Sale Price: 189.99 (29% OFF) URL:
Category: Earbuds Title: Soundcore Anker Life P2 Mini True Wireless Bluetooth 5.2 Earbuds Headphones, Black Original Price: 34.99 Sale Price: 23.90 (32% OFF) URL:
Category: Earbuds Title: Beats by Dr. Dre - Beats Fit Pro True Wireless Noise Cancelling In-Ear Headphones - Sage Gray (Renewed) Original Price: 131.85 Sale Price: 114.90 (13% OFF) URL:
Category: Earbuds Title: Beats by Dr. Dre - Beats Fit Pro True Wireless Noise Cancelling In-Ear Headphones - Purple (Renewed) Original Price: 150.00 Sale Price: 129.99 (14% OFF) URL:
submitted by VirtualClout to headphones [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:30 coolest_person13685 quote “(blank)’s missing a lot of things”

there was this yt video (i think) where someone said that someone was “missing a lot of things” (their brain) in response to something else. i think it was a gaming video but im not sure it even was a video in the first place
submitted by coolest_person13685 to find [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:29 Gloomy_Ring_3095 Things I wished the game did

After spending hundreds of hours in the game I think I can confidently say I know what I wished the game did more of or better. Don't get me wrong, I love this game and I played it for so long but the more I just feel like there's more that could've been done. Dragon's dogma is the only game of it's like. Sure you can say it's similar to this and this but nothing really scratches that itch that dragons dogma does. I love a lot of the decisions they made with the game and the world but I'm not blind to it's flaws either. Most of the things I'll talk about has been said a million times but it really can't be understated how much more they could've done.
Like I said up in that paragraph no other game really scratches the itch that dragon's dogma does. Combat alone was a big selling point for me because where else will you get an ARPG where the combat feels nice and weighty without it being clunky and or it being too light and feeling more like a hack and slash combo game. It too me hits that perfect itch of being realistic but also fantasy. My only gripe with it is that it feels like a high fantasy game trying to be a dark fantasy game. It's more of a tone thing but in a world where people are able to cast meteors and tornados and jump 10 meters into the air and become a spinning ball of death the enemies you face are just grounded goblins and monsters. I feel like it's trying to be two things at once leading too the classes feeling just kind of mismatched. compare the gameplay of fighter to thief. Two close quarters classes and starting out they feel like they're on the same level somewhat but as you progress fighter just kind of remains the same while thief is over here causing explosions and flying around everywhere despite them starting on equal grounds. A more jarring example is mystic spearhand the "anime vocation" you can teleport around send out magic waves and stun enemies with a magic chargeable bolt. I have no problems with spear hand but to go from fighter a pretty grounded gameplay style to mystic spearhand where I feel like I'm playing DMC it's just kinda jarring. I like that the vocations feel unique don't get me wrong but it really just does feel weird to be a really normal guy swinging a sword around to teleporting everywhere and becoming invincible exploding man. Other than that I don't really have much else to say about the combat besides game difficulty really does affect combat a lot. As much as I like the combat even I can agree that it gets stale killing everything in 2-3 hits with no real danger. I still remember my first ogre fight since it was the first and only tough battle I had after that the game was a cake walk and I quickly shut my brain off for the majority of it.
the world of dragons dogma is fucking beautiful. Sometimes I just walk around admiring the world they made, seeing the trees and grass sway with the wind as oxcarts and patrolling knights walk past. The only thing that can ruin it is oh right an enemy encounter every 3 mins. I Love the combat but fuck, combat every 3 mins when I just want to explore and see the world can get tiresome and just lessens the encounters to be mind numbing button mashing. not only does it lessen the combat system by just giving you too much of it but it ruins exploration by making the world feels smaller. The world is so fucking beautiful but if the only thing you really see or interact with is combat after combat you stop focusing on the world and you just look at the same goblins and lizards. One video I've been watching a lot is a dragons dogma 2 relaxing ambient music where they have scenes of the world just existing. You forget how beautiful the world that capcom created actually is because every 3 mins you just fight goblins. Just that open field of wheat outside of vernworth can give you like 50 beautiful screenshots of the world. I really wish there was a mod that would either lower enemy population count or get rid of half the enemy placements in the world because I really do just want to explore and take in the world. Another problem that DD2 has with exploration is that all the armors and weapons are in the shops. After realizing this halfway through the game I just lost like 50% of my desire to fully explore the game. If all the cool armor and weapons can just be bought what's the reason to explore caves and dungeons and complete quests? I get why they did this because if you're a thief and a quest reward or a random dungeon chest is a warrior armor then you pretty much just wasted time to get loot that doesn't match your vocation but having it all in the shop just ruins so much of the game's exploration and quests. Also if you want to start a new game I recommend you download a mod called "wild loot" on nexus. It takes all the items in the shops and just does what it says, places it into the wild. Whenever I found a cool new armor or weapon I'm always interested to see how big a difference it made rather than just buying the best set in the store.
I just wish there was more world building and lore to the world to explain stuff for those that truly want to know about the world. Like why don't we have the misty marshes be explained as "A long time ago a litch showed up and that's why theres so many undead and an uneazy fog around it" and if you keep exploring you can find out that oooooo the old villagers executed a wizard or priest for some reason and they placed a curse on the local area to be an undead area. I wish there were more biomes too, like wide open plains or snowy mountains. Imagine climbing a snowy mountain at night being lost in the snow storm only to see a bright yellow light off in the distant and seeing a tiny little cozy mountain village. seeing different architecture and culture from the giant stone fortress that is vernworth. Some kind of nordic (cheesy I know) wooden mead hall and all with people wearing heavy layering of furs of the loacal animals. Magic also just feels kinda out of place too. Maybe these ideas are cheesy but you're telling me that magic where you can summon litteral meteors wouldn't affect the world even a little bit? There wouldn't be some kind of magic school that teaches young mages to control such volatile and destructive magic? This brings me back to the whole "Low fantasy" trying to be "High fantasy" The world just needs more to feel alive. Like what if the elven village was more than just three circles connected to each other and instead you're able to walk up through mountain edges and actually see the elven houses up on the cliffs that you couldn't reach. There's dwarves in the game but they have no impact to the world at all. They don't even have their own place or history. You won't go down a cave and find yourself in a abandoned dwarven mine like moria and find a dragon hoarding a secret vault of treasures like a cool magical armor or weapon. It lack world building to add context to why the world is the way that it is. Things just are in this world. The original DD wasn't perfect but it tries to add context to the world, It really just needs to bake the world more.
I'll keep this short we all know the story sucks, only thing I can say is, make the story about you and the pawn. We like our pawns more anyways. Make it about exploring what free will is and if pawns are even alive or something, just make us connect with our pawn. Add more scenes and flesh out the characters more. Just do better that's it. Also add more RPG mechanics. Honestly, just mix Bethesda rpg and dragons dogma and it's a perfect game for me.
I love the pawn systems. I have my gripes with it but the main thing I want is for more pawn interaction. The only meaningful interaction is them showing you the way, the dap, and dual casting. Like why don't we have team attacks in in ff15? they tried to do it a bit with the ability to launch pawns but its lack luster and barely works. Imagine how cool it would be if you could coordinate with your archer pawn to launch them over the enemy and do a flip while raining arrows down on the enemy. Or if you're a sorcerer and have a warrior pawn that gives you a cool fist bump before taking a giant swing at a charging minotaur causing it to fall down while you have charge up a quick magic spell for a quick follow up attack. Just more interactions would've been so cool especially in combat.
Overall I loved dragons dogma. I wished it did more but it's one of my favorite games. Wish there were more games like this.
submitted by Gloomy_Ring_3095 to DragonsDogma2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:19 AmericanAikiJiujitsu Fantomex concept

Fantomex is a character who can create illusions almost like mysterio that confuse peoples senses and seem almost like reality
He also has eva which is his secondary nervous system which pretty much does whatever the plot demands. It’s a second brain that’s basically a super computer that can turn into a ship, shoot lasers, whatever
This would be a 1, 0 card
His description would be:
“Draw EVA into hand, cast misdirection until end of turn 6”
In game the ability would be to change any location to a random one until the game ends, then it changes back to the original one after turn 6
EVA would be a 5,8 card and the ability would be “Fantomex is stronger the closer EVA is to him, always draw on final turn”
so if you never play EVA, he stays -3. If you play at the furthest location, fantomex is 0. If you play next to him, he becomes 3, if you play the same space he becomes 6 power.
Obviously he would be altered with play testing but my logic is that a total of 14 power for 6 cost is good except for the fact that you needed to play two separate cards, and there’s no guarantee you’ll even have space to put him at the same spot. Could be a 6 total cost for Eva and fantomex and you end up netting 5 power
5-8 also isn’t bad, which means maybe you could sacrifice fantomex to carnage and add Eva just as it’s own card if you ended up getting too many rocks, squirrels, or raptors.
I also think it has some good potential to interact with watcher because unlike most location changes, this one can change back. So you might have some strategic considerations there where you know you only want to have “this turn destroy all cards” as turn 6 or something while you get to use another location for the other rounds
submitted by AmericanAikiJiujitsu to MarvelSnap [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:19 elguapo2023 Building my Switch wishlist

I was going through a friend’s copy of “Going Straight” (awesome book!), and it reignited something in my lizard brain. I forgot how much I loved this genre and how many of those older games I used to play! Streets of Rage 4 and River City Girls 1/2 are on their way. So far on my wishlist I have TMNT: Shredder’s Revenge (anniversary so I can play Usagi), Fight N Rage, and Final Vendetta. What are your other must haves on Switch? Can be old or new. Bonus for rockin soundtrack and cheesy plot.
submitted by elguapo2023 to BeatEmUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:18 ShowerGrapes 1 in 4 U.S. teens told Pew Research Center they play games on a VR headset - an analysis
can you analyze this article, indicate what it says about the future and talk about your predictions?
Certainly! According to the article on UploadVR, 1 in 4 U.S. teens reported playing games on a VR headset. The survey, conducted by Pew Research Center, involved 1453 U.S. teens aged 13 to 17. Notably, 32% of boys and 15% of girls stated that they play games using VR headsets1.
This data suggests that VR gaming is gaining traction among younger audiences. While some may still consider VR a niche technology, the reality is quite different. Meta (formerly known as Facebook) has sold over 20 million Quest headsets, which is comparable to the number of Xbox Series SX consoles sold by Microsoft. Additionally, 1 in 3 Quest Store apps generate millions of dollars in revenue. Developers targeting the Quest platform have observed that teens constitute their fastest-growing demographic. Furthermore, Meta’s highest VR revenue typically occurs during the holiday season, when children often receive gifts like consoles from their parents1.
As for predictions, I anticipate that VR gaming will continue to expand its reach. As technology improves, headsets become more affordable, and content libraries grow, we’ll likely see even more widespread adoption. Additionally, advancements in social VR experiences, educational applications, and creative tools could further fuel the popularity of virtual reality among teens and adults alike. The future of VR gaming appears promising, with potential for innovation and exciting developments in the coming years1. 🚀🔮
submitted by ShowerGrapes to CircuitKeepers [link] [comments]