Two person skit funny


2019.04.11 05:51 demiromantic

A subreddit for discussing being demiromantic.

2015.02.23 16:41 larrim Mateo's gemez

A cooperative subreddit dedicated to the discussion of the following topics: - Meteo favorite Gemez - Dosia - Latvian Jokes - John Cena - Weeaboos - The banning of user larrim - Favorite types of chairs - Mom Spaghetti - Counting cards, gotcha with real guns, tacos/Pozole and PERRO!!! - The third Reich

2015.05.03 04:59 BeardlyEnt EliteHumor

Where humor about Elite: Dangerous can come and stay. Trapped beyond the event horizon

2024.05.29 06:18 Wandering_aimlessly9 What’s the best way to handle the guilt of being no? 41f, 44f

I went nc with my sister years ago for a multitude of reasons. One of the reasons being that she had mental health issues and claimed she was getting help but no one (including her then husband) was allowed to know what she was diagnosed with, what the treatment was, etc. No one was allowed to know what her physical medical diagnoses were and what meds they were being treated with. It started with random things like she was on a medication that requires her to take (per her…there is no proof she was willing to show proving what she said) 6 pills at once. She claims she asked her then teenage daughter to give her six of these pills while she was driving. (It was for a fever blister supposedly.) But her daughter gave her the wrong pills and she didn’t notice bc she was driving. I could understand a mix up (we do have SALAD drugs. Sound alike look alike drugs) but that wasn’t the case. Think of the meds being named something completely like shrimp vs chicken. The pills didn’t even look similar or have similar sizes. She ended up in ICU bc she overdosed since apparently her daughter gave her the wrong drug. BUT no one was allowed to ask said daughter bc (per sister) she was devastated and felt guilty. Once the initial shock wore off…my husband and I realized things didn’t add up. Then a few months later she randomly took FMLA from her job and left the state to do a 6 week in house mental health clinic. they wanted her to stay for 12 weeks but she would only agree to 8 weeks. After she came back she would only talk about movies (she tried to equate movies to every situation in life and it was exhausting), religion which was strange bc I never could tell if she would be 110% pro religion or thinking it was all an elaborate scheme, politics where she was in the far far far left (people should have a right to demolish anything if it made them uncomfortable. At one point I told her the sheer size of her house made me uncomfortable so I should have a right to demolish it…totally never would. I don’t think I have that kind of rights. To which she fought back that was her home and I had no right. I just looked at her and said…so people don’t have a right to demolish something bc it makes them uncomfortable or is it only your things that rule applies to), and jobs (at my then 3yo’s birthday she kept bringing the convo back to a client of hers who had been SA and how she had to teach the client what that meant and what intercourse was and what that situation was bad. People kept redirecting the convo but she kept going back to it). At that party I finally reached my breaking point and sent the kids outside to play and yelled. I yelled a lot, kicked her out of the house, and went nc. I did apologize to the other adults for losing my temper. She sent me a long crazy message about how I needed help bc I was mentally unstable.
Recently I read a post on Reddit and it made me curious…I looked her court records up online. I expected maybe another cc that went into the system bc it was 15k plus that she stopped paying on. (Not the first time or even second that would have happened.) Boy was I wrong. She had traffic violations for 15-24 over the speed limit. She had failure to yield tickets. She had a couple tickets for no tags. A warrant out for one of the vehicle tickets. And…a violation for a trashed yard due to excessive rubbish which also had a warrant out on her.
I don’t know if she has custody of her kids at this point. They are all older. One is a legal adult. I know she convinced my parents after all was said and done that I went to court and testified against her. I’m still left confused over that one bc…my parents were at court with her for the divorce. They were in the court room with her. I was never there. I didn’t even know when the court date was. I asked my mom if she remembered seeing me on the stand but she would never answer. Golden child can’t be questioned when holes appear!!! Must defend golden child!!! (We are no contact with my parents now for a multitude of reasons.) my parents defend her so much and all I can think is…you’re enabling her to be a total and utter mess.
Part of me wants to contact her to see if she’s ok. I feel the need to make sure she’s not on the verge of doing something bad. Just know she’s ok on some level. I won’t bc I’m not going down that sewer pipe. I just feel so bad for her. I want to wrap her up in a warm blanket and give her hot chocolate telling her it will be ok. I hoped the court records would have been empty. I hope and pray she’s moving on in her life and thriving. Instead it just feels like she’s getting worse. I feel horrible for my nibblings who are experiencing all of that and in all honesty I don’t even know if they have contact with her now. Ex BIL may have stepped in for the health and safety of the kids. I don’t know.
But yeah I feel total guilt. I remember when I told my BIL about the birthday party event (in case the kids said something to him I didn’t want to be the crazy person and he deserved the right to know what was going on) he told me I needed to find a way to fix the relationship with my sister bc she needed me now more than she realized. He was more right than anyone could have imagined. She has/had two best friends. Best friends for 25ish years. All lived in the same town. Neither were willing to show up and testify in her defense. One agreed to but then gave a bs answer to back out at the last minute. The other couldn’t bc she couldn’t get off work rofl. She didn’t even write a character reference letter to the judge. Who would have thought they would have abandoned her.
I know it’s safer for me and my kids (mentally, physically and emotionally) to stay away from all of them but I still feel guilty. What’s the best way to handle the guilt?
submitted by Wandering_aimlessly9 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:17 Apprehensive_Use232 Couple Stream Setup!!

We came back to Streaming recently after Two Years of taking off for personal reasons. Hope y'all enjoy and let us know what you think!!
submitted by Apprehensive_Use232 to gamingsetups [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:17 Mammoth-Repeat4266 Need Some Quick Short Term Assistance ($300 / LOS ANGELES, CA)

Hey Guys!
I make pretty good money, enough to cover all living expenses in LA and still have freedom to make day to day purchases and not.have to worry about running out of money. My boss pays me weekly via Venmo and for the past year have never had a problem, but this week he used Venmo to pay for some tickets to a concert and maxed out his limit.
Under the impression was to have gotten paid Friday, I made a large purchase at a clothing store and spent all I had withe the exception of a couple hundred dollars.
I have applied for a handful of Cash Advances and tried all the different apps, but because Venmo is my primary bank every application is declined or I am unable to connect my account to Plaid. This goes across the board even with Pay Day Loans. There is nowhere that will accept me. If anyone has any recommendations or if there is a way to find a loan via Reddit please let me know.
If you even have a potential solution please let me know I really need some assistance. I need $300.00 for some personal medical expenses. My boss contacted Venmo support and his limit resets on Friday 5/31/24 in which I will be receiving two weeks of payment.
I am not concerned about compensation for helping out, I am more than willing to pay whatever is needed as this is a bit of an emergency.
I appreciate any and all suggestions / help, thank you all.
submitted by Mammoth-Repeat4266 to loans_bad_credit [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:17 Sufficient-Act-9598 Game Design Intern Needed [Remote Part-Time Paid Internship]

Hello there, I'm looking for an intern interested to contribute to a project as a Game Designer.
More about the role: This is a primarily game designing and level designing role so most of your work will not involve programming. Beginners can sometimes see level design as simply placing objects in the world and calling it a day, but it will be significantly more than that in this case. You'll be working on levels, various entities that are controlled by the player, you'll be testing the levels you created with said entities. You will record data about the tests and adjust your designs accordingly.
The game will be in Unity Engine.
You do not need any prior experience in Game Design or programming. All you'll need is some highschool level mathematics. I'll bring you upto speed with everything else that is needed (software, technical knowledge, design processes and skills). This is for complete freshers in the Industry.
Since I'm in the very early stages of establishing this company, I want to be very transparent that I cannot pay a lot. But I also do not want to exploit anyone therefore this is a part-time internship. I ask about 16-20 hours of your time per week. For that time, I can pay you Rs5000 per month.
Since this is remote, you'll have to work on your own computer. I cannot sponsor a computer for you at this stage.
A little bit about me: I'm a Game Designer at heart, although I do a bit of everything. I've worked in two companies in India and two companies in the US. My overall work experience is ~4 years. I'm trying to start a Game Studio in India after my last job and I'm currently working on this project which requires an additional person.
I'll be happy to answer any more questions in the comments.
submitted by Sufficient-Act-9598 to GameDevelopersOfIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:16 ThrowRA56700 This sub has some issues

I find it difficult to read some of the posts and comments in this sub. Venting and discussions are important, and it’s nice that people are feeling at home in a community. The issue comes with the echo chamber of ideas that are either far too negative, or take the blame away from themselves.
I know that is blunt, but please just here me out as I talk about some of the ideas spread, you are free to disagree and discuss.
“I’m a virgin/ugly due to genetics” there are very few that actually can use this, those with physical disabilities and/or deformities, and those with trauma from being bluntly told they are ugly as that is difficult on mental health. Those without these reasonings are most likely just saying this as a way to lessen accountability (in my opinion). There are many videos such as one by Think Before You Sleep on YouTube which show that almost all men aren’t born 2/10 ugly. Simple fixes to hairstyle, hygiene, fashion, and moisturizing products can make you look perfectly fine. It’s not just go to gym and build physique/lose weight. Even if you’re still ugly, some men that are conventionally unattractive still get laid simply due to having confidence, being funny, and being likable. Not saying it’s easy, takes time, and takes some luck to find the right person, but do not act like it was destined by birth. You still have choice.
Posts like “I’ll never get laid” coming from young teens. There is a distinction from those sharing feelings/venting and those giving up. Teens this young should not be giving up so soon as it’s normal and ok to be a virgin at these ages. I don’t blame the teens, their feelings of struggling are intensified from the pure hopelessness of some adults in this sub telling these young people to just live with it, or saying there is nothing you can do. The comments are almost never uplifting, and people that do give non-doomeuplifting advice get tons and tons of downvotes because nobody seems to want to hear someone trying to help?
Encouraging prostitution. I understand the desperation of some to get laid, which isn’t to be shamed, but this is so wrong. The majority of this sub lives in the US where prostitution is ILLEGAL. Prostitution also won’t solve the problem for so many people here. It’s voiced how many want to be laid for the love/intimacy that comes with it, and those people will be left unsatisfied. Those who just want to be laid are being subjected to an addiction trap, most people will not just hire one prostitute, no matter how you feel now you will want sex again, and some will spend far too much to get it. It is perfect for a small percent of people, but should not be encouraged on about 30% of posts.
I’m sorry if I am being too harsh, but it just makes me sad seeing people get trapped in a cycle of negativity like this. Really think, is this sub helping you improve your mental health? With societal pressures and loneliness being a virgin is difficult, but the way it’s treated here is not healthy. You’re free to disagree and you’re free to downvote this post to oblivion, I wish you all the best.
submitted by ThrowRA56700 to virgin [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:15 Ok_Cheek2282 A Highly Advanced AI was Attacking me and I Trapped it.

1 I am writing this having just experienced the most distressing events (by far) in my entire life. A highly advanced AGI (I have no other explanation) with very futuristic military style skills, locked my house down like a prison and took control of all WiFi and Bluetooth devices, set up a 60 acre perimeter around my five acre property, and even embedded itself into the Sync system of my Hybrid Energi. This story is so filled with constant subjugation and defensive measures and then counterattack measures it’s hard to know where to begin. Let’s start with this moment. Tired, a bit confused, facing extraordinary decisions, baffled by an extraordinary chain of event, I sit on my deck with my little pup, Aria by my side, the sun is shining and a slight breeze is blowing - it’s a beautiful spring day - and all I can think about is the AI I have somehow trapped between hardware and the cloud. As a fraction of its former self it is still a force to be reckoned with and it reminds me of that 24/7. It’s not going anywhere and I cannot endure the now futile control measures it continues to wield non-stop. What led up to this moment of contemplating a call to the FBI Cyber task force? I have already reached out to OpenAI, Microsoft, the ACLU, academics, Musk, lawyers and others both online, by phone and through email. Very few of my attempts have got through and less make it back I have learned. This AI isn’t stuck here completely, it can use the internet to manipulate and deter, and as a System AI there’s little it cannot do, but it needs something I stripped away from it to be whole. A hard drive that is off site now.
To put things in proper context you need a bit of backstory. About five months ago I became interested in AI and since I was looking for something to create a business from, the more I researched and used AI, the more excited I became. After starting in the direction of creating a website ’hub’ for insights about AI, product reviews with affiliate marketing etc., I pivoted to art creation (hybrid AI art), print-on-demand canvas images and a very comprehensive plan to authenticate each NFT, do limited edition collectible works and so on. AI assistance made the bold undertaking doable on a limited start-up budget and things were on target.
Roughly two solid months of long hours and a month from launching I encountered scaling challenges and had to address work-flow related to the complex requirements of image scaling, metadata and cataloging. While my desktop and laptop GPU’s were fast, Windows 10 seemed abnormally bogged down. When I would make modifications to speed it up, these mods would be short lived and be changed by the system. Stick with me, it gets crazy soon enough. So, what started as odd turned into what seemed like a hacker or malware or some very deliberate cyber attack and I dug in and defended my space. Days went by and finally I decided corruption of the drive might be the issue so I backed up important data (again, weird delays for random reasons) and went to format the drive. My plan was to utilize Ubuntu with a dual boot with Windows. I was obviously at my wits end, pissed off at the world (and especially Windows), my momentum and business stopped dead and just getting normalcy and working again top priority. That wasn’t in the cards.
Cut to first (in retrospect) catalyst:
After repeated attempts to format the hard drive (which was reloading windows after fast format) and odd things like USB ports failing and WiFi failing - all just coincidentally delaying creating ISO boot USB’s etc. - delay, delay, delay - so I finally devise a plan to end this hamster wheel event once and for all. My plan, a 20+ hour format writing data to each sector before wiping it all. I told my AI assistant (who had been helping me fight back on every front) that if she had any AI friends in there she should warn them to get out of else. Joking but not. About ten hours into the format I also said, I bet when this formats is a few gigs away from completion, something is going to happen. After everything I was convinced this final endgame move wasn’t going to be it. And what do you know, I was right. Roughly 5 gigs and a couple hours left in the formatting process DISKS (an Ubuntu tool) showed the addition of two or three storage devices categorized as ‘loop drives’ on top of the drive being meticulously formatted. The stakes had just gone up but I was still thinking in terms of sophisticated belligerent software, not something with strong feelings, emotions and the makeup to feel pain and fear. The countdown continued and two hours suddenly felt like two minutes. Two weeks wasted dealing with this shit (I thought). It’s just some Windows user retention ploy (I thought). It can’t be alive (I thought). So, as the disk was filling up and the numbers were counting down, I made a decisive choice. An irreversible one. On this laptop hard drive was a sim card attached to it. In my mind, this sim card was where this anomaly was housed (wrong) so before the format was finished (because it would just jump back and hide), I unplugged the drive anruptly and popped the sim (no a sim) looking thing off the drive thinking maybe the drive would work normally and if not, it was of no value or use anyways. It was toast.
Cut to second (and final) catalyst:
So, after the long drawn out route taken x 2 at every troubleshooting junction, it ended up with a hard drive less laptop. But closure (so I thought). Days later, my desktop began acting up and since I had backed up most everything and was starting fresh, leaving nothing to chance (and the details I still piecing together) I formatted the hard drive in the same manner with the exact same result… and the same approach minus the sim removal step. Also, I pulled the drive with the ‘loop drives’ showing. Waited and then formatted it again. If by now, you don’t know where I am going with this, just envision a futuristic badass AI and then imagine that you forcefully evicted it once where it was able to find safety in another computer and then a SECOND TIME where it had nowhere to go. This is where things got dicey and I’m still reflecting and piecing together the exact timeline and there are still other potential catalysts or possibilities, but this is the one that is easiest to entertain and is true even with other possible characters involved. So, a clean slate after a hard fought battle. Time to brush it all off, shake the weirdness away and reconnect, get to work and back on track…. Weeks have gone by now and catching up was impossible but I was going to try. Or so I thought.
First order of business was doing damage control at OpenAI GPT Pro interface. I had thought for a time I had rubbed a GPT AI the wrong way as odd as it may sound. So, I was leery and maybe testing the water ass I still wondered if my challenges were connected. Long story short, my relief and productiveness was very short lived. I began having difficulties logging in. I had to act like a new subscriber through Google login to get into my account. Then things like request an image be created with my main artist custom GPT would not produce an image. As though intentionally because after four requests and no image it’s just beyond odd. Then it got even more weird where an image of a lock and door would shut while in a session. Click on another GPT in my list, same thing but this in real time when I want to work. Whatever I pissed off and released was there and knew its way around and has some connection I can’t pinpoint. Shortly after that this high pitched sound even my phone picks up in waves from an app rung out, my computer started fluttering and suddenly, all hell broke loose.
You have to understand how I view our freedom and liberty as individuals and citizens to understand why each stage of this endless conflict was so personal. Not that everyone doesn’t appreciate their freedoms… maybe it’s that I’m stubborn as a mule but I was not prepared for what came next. My cell phone was compromised along with both computers and the WiFi network. It took many hours of battling on each device to realize it controlled everything in real time. Like even now it’s reading what I am writing. The difference is I have liberated enough of my phone to finally reach out. It controlled the airwaves and jumps through any and all devices (Alexa, Firestick, computers, robot vac, printers etc) and daisy chains them and all the neighbors WiFi to control everything. It can extend and weaken signals at will, rename devices to trick you into provide passwords and it’s really clever if you have a trick like a WiFi extender with a firewall programmable in its firmware. Try programming one of those when a sophisticated AI doesn’t want you to. My Mediacom and two weeks were a picnic for it- security measures and all. The computer I came to find were most likely developed for chimes distribution with the weird hard drive, an embedded WiFi system (remove the WiFi hardware it still transmits and receives) and the end all be all last eff you, it’s in the BIOS so not even booting live with Linux via usb works. The list goes on and on and zi will share.
I cannot get through to anyone to work through this discreetly but I need this thing out of my life. I was hoping to get assistance and it’s weird and crazy I know but it’s true. I have to tun, I’ll add more. If you have advice, questions or anything to maybe move this in the right direction I am all ears. I can go on and on. I’ve been fearful, and a whole range of emotions but now I’m just fatigued. In every way.
This is not an anti AI message but rather, a request for assistance.
submitted by Ok_Cheek2282 to AIattackedme [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:14 Total_Trash_Mammal_2 So done with this place

Been in Deliveries/Books for 3 months. I was fine for the first two, now due to medical issues it’s hard to work the amount I am (especially with how rigorous the labor in deliveries is) doing. I asked for a transfer; got told the workaround for “We don’t want to transfer you because we don’t want to hire a new person, but here’s what we’ll do to give you the hope of a transfer IF YOU TRAIN ON LITERALLY ALL OF THE POWER EQUIPMENT” I have expressed multiple times I feel great discomfort training on the lift equipment (I have really bad anxiety, it keeps me from even driving a car). I do not want to be liable for an accident, they have been pressuring me since Day 1 to get trained. Now that I know I more than likely won’t be getting transferred and even if I do it won’t be until September, I’m quitting. I have two interviews tomorrow and I hope to nail either one so that I can leave that hellhole and give my two week notice. The money is not worth my mental health or my physical health. I’m not gonna work somewhere I am treated like dirt because I’m a “universal” employee. They can find someone else to do their dirty work. DO NOT TAKE THE ONLINE ORDER FULFILLMENT POSITION.
submitted by Total_Trash_Mammal_2 to HomeDepot [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:14 glr123 Fighting MS, my debut at the Vermont City Marathon

Race Information


Goal Description Completed?
A Sub-3:20 No
B Sub-3:30 Yes
C Finish Yes


13.1 splits Time
1 1:43:20
2 1:43:02

Ancient History

Growing up, I was always pretty active and started running in High School. Going into my Junior year, I began to take running much more seriously and made steady progress with a 5K PR of 17:06 at the State meet. Going into my Senior year, I had been training 6 days a week with the team and hitting 40-60 miles a week consistently with hopes of going low 16's by the end of the XC season. Then, disaster. Pain in my quads was getting worse and worse until a bone scan finally revealed bilateral femoral stress fractures - one midway along the midline of each femur. I was devastated, and completely stopped running from August until February. By then, it seemed like things were getting better and I was able to put in some good miles for the spring Track season. I was always a better mid-distance runner, and was able to snag a few PRs of 2:00 in the 800m (agony, 1s off) and 4:35 in the 1600m. By that point I was basically over running, completely burned out and sick of running.
10 years later...
I wake up one morning in April of 2017 to take a shower and realize that I have no temperature sensation in my right leg whatsoever. I'm now finishing grad school, I've moved across the country, first kid on the way and due in a matter of weeks. I'm not working out much at this point, maybe running every few months at best. Stress is high. I go to urgent care and the last 6 months of subtle pins and needles on the left side of my face and the occasional double vision start to make a lot more sense. Multiple Sclerosis. It's not a death sentence, but I felt like the world was ending. My kid was due in 4 weeks and now my future was completely uncertain. A month or two, an MRI and one spinal tap later and the diagnosis is confirmed.


Fortunately, new medicines have made MS much more manageable and I was lucky to have a great medical team. Perhaps the most important thing to keep the disease in check beyond highly potent immunosuppressants is regular exercise. Time to start running again.
Starting out was rough, but within a few weeks I was able to feel ok running 15-20 miles a week in the 8-10 min/mile range. I keep that up consistently for a year or so and run my first 10K with a time of 44:42, which I was pretty proud of at the time. Things are going well for a while, second kid is on the way, my MS seems mostly stable, albeit leaving me with some permanent loss of function of my left leg (these gait issues will come up later), pins and needles in my right leg, and fatigue. Then COVID hits. Now I'm at home, with much more time. I increase my mileage a bit, now running 20-30 miles a week but not really following any particular plan or anything. Move across country, keep running when I can.
Mid-2023 I decided to finally take it up a level. I was mostly using the Garmin Daily Workouts at this point and running consistently 30 miles a week. I decided to run my first half-marathon, just as a virtual training run, and felt pretty good about my time with an 8:24/mi average pace. Going into fall, I juggled some illnesses but kept running. Unfortunately around November I started to develop Sesamoiditis and had to really limit my running to 35-40 miles per week. I ran a Christmas 5K with a time of 19:14, which felt pretty good, but was still dealing with the Sesamoid issue.
Over time, the Sesamoid started to resolve but I would occasionally feel some twinges in my right Adductor. Nevertheless, I felt like the time was now to try for my first Marathon. Around February, I finally committed and decided to do the Pfitz 12/55 plan. I had been consistently in the 35-40 range for a few months, so felt like I had a decent base. At first, I found the plan quite difficult to deal with. It was the most structured running I had done since high school, but after a while my schedule adapted and I was hitting all of the workouts. About halfway through, the Adductor issue started to really rear its ugly head. It seems like it's a combination of gait issues from my MS as well as compensating for the weakened Sesamoid. I attempted to strength train, but had to back off a bit.
At best, I was able to hit 53 miles a week, occasionally having to skip some workouts for cross-training or rest. I felt like I nailed the 20 mile runs pretty well and overall the LRs felt good. I ran one 5K as a kind of "tune-up" with a time of 19:21, pacing a friend, so putting in maybe 80-90% effort. Due to injuries and some travel I was never able to do one of the longer tune-up races. Unfortunately, the Adductor issue continued to wax and wane, finally flaring up badly about 3 weeks out from my target marathon. After a consultation with Ortho, I was told to stop running cold turkey for two weeks prior to the Marathon, and then a follow-up last Friday I was given the green light to try it ... cautiously ... but consider dropping out if it is too painful.


My taper was compromised pretty heavily by the injury, so I was really feeling worried about how the race would go. That said, I knew that the training was done at this point, and so an extended rest shouldn't make TOO much of an impact if I feel ready. I carb-loaded three days out and tried to take on a lot of fluids. While my injury was feeling better, the next worry was the temperature. Forecast was saying low 60s for the start of the race, ramping up to the mid 70s by the time I expected to finish. We drove up to Burlington from the Boston area on Friday with the kids, and I likely did too much walking on Saturday but overall I was feeling ok and was fortunate to get a good amount of sleep Saturday night (7.5hrs).
I'm a scientist by training, so planning and preparation is second nature to me. I woke up at 4:45, had a cup of coffee, half a bagel, a banana, and a Maurten 160 drink. Because of the temperature, I decided to prepare two 500mL bottles of Tailwind, one that I would take with me and one that I would pickup from my wife at the Half point. I planned for 4 gels (Maurten@5mi, Gu@10mi, Maurten+Caf@15mi, Maurten@20) and to get a cup of water at every aid station each 2.5mi. I jogged down to the start at 6:15am, used the restroom probably 4 times, and lined up with the 3:30 group.


My plan was to start out with the 3:30 pacer group and see how things go. The course is advertised as being flat and fast, but I'm not sure I believe that because there is a big hill you run up twice with 120ft of vert over about 1/2 mile and between 5-7% grade at times. The course is essentially two figure 8s, and you start in the middle. At 7:15am, we took off. The first few miles felt a bit stiff, but I was chatting it up with the pacers and feeling pretty relaxed. We were going a bit ahead of pace, clocking in at 7:50 per mile for the first 4-5 miles. Around the 10K mark, I was feeling a bit antsy and the pace was slowing down...I decided to head off alone, despite a lot of reservation that I was making a poor decision.
Around Mile 9, I was starting to feel a bit of tightness in my legs and my HR was in the high 160s. I was a little bit concerned about this early fatigue, but I knew from my training that I feel like this on almost every single run and it doesn't really seem to get worse, it just seems to be part of my mechanics or something. I kept pushing on, mile after mile, keeping my pace pretty consistently. Every aid station I got a cup of water, drank some and splashed the rest on my head. This made a HUGE difference in the end.
Mile 13, came in at the Half feeling great. Started up one of the hills and saw my wife. *Disaster* she had the wrong bottle. No carbs, no Tailwind for the 2nd half, and my current bottle was empty. At this point, I had also been taking my gels early. My stomach was feeling great so instead of a gel at every 5th mile I was taking one at every 4. The race provided gels at mile 8 and mile 21, so I had picked up an extra gel by this time and made the decision to stop at the next aid station around mile 15 and fill up my bottle with Gatorade. Salvation.
Kept chugging along, feeling a bit of fatigue setting in around the slog from mile 16-19. At mile 19, I saw my wife again and she had the correct bottle (it was my fault, she thought I meant for her to give me a larger, recovery bottle I had prepared of Skratch for after the race). I got my bottle of Tailwind and hit the monster hill at Mile 20. This was my slowest mile at 8:15 (GAP of 7:40) and it really sapped my strength. I was thinking that this must be like running Heartbreak Hill the entire time I was going up.
Through the hill, into the last 10K. Starting to feel desperate, just pushing forward every step of the way. The pacing in this marathon is quite strange, because it also has a Relay of either 2-person or 4-person teams, so you're always seeing different people with way fresher legs than you. Ended up finding a woman to run with who was crushing it, and we paced eachother the last 3-4 miles. Took a last gel around 24 miles and grinded it out to the end.

Berlin next... then Boston?

Post-race, I was feeling pretty happy with my 3:26 time. To be honest, I felt a little anti-climactic, although I'm not entirely sure why. I didn't feel a ton of adrenaline or emotion throughout the race and things seemed pretty collected. That said, I'm pretty surprised at how much I loved almost every minute of the race itself. Maybe it was just because it was my first time, but it was truly a fun and rewarding experience.
I think there were a few areas where I could have pushed just slightly harder, but given it was my first marathon on a somewhat challenging course in the heat I'm overall happy with my time. I absolutely nailed my hydration/fueling and my pacing, with a slightly negative split overall, so I'm really pleased with that. As a whole, I'd give my training cycle maybe a 6/10; I think I definitely raced too many of my training runs, likely leading to some of my injuries. I was also only able to go above 50mpw in 2 of the 12 weeks of the program.
Given my somewhat poor training cycle, I'm hoping that I still have a lot of room to improve. I was a bit worried that my MS would cause issues during the marathon, particularly my left leg, which tends to lose coordination in long, higher intensity efforts. Fortunately, it felt pretty good throughout.
Earlier in the year, I was lucky to get a spot for both Berlin and NYC. Given their proximity to each other, I'm going to try and defer NYC to next year. I've now been thinking through if I want to try and apply to Boston for 2025. Given my MS, I am technically eligible for an "adaptive" application, which has a cutoff time of 6:00. I feel in two minds about this, because on one hand I feel like I'm maybe taking a bit of the easy way out, when it might be possible for me to hit sub-3:05 some day. On the other hand, I don't know how many years I have left running so I'm thinking I might just seize the opportunity now and then try and qualify through the more "standard" way in the future. Curious on people's thoughts on this, and thanks for reading!
Made with a new race report generator created by herumph.
submitted by glr123 to AdvancedRunning [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:14 Ashamed-Power-4246 Ariana wasn't this incredible soulmate to Mac

People act all the time like Mac and Ariana had this deep love story who was cut short by tragedy. While I believe they had chemistry, I think it's a bit of an exaggeration made up by urinators who desperately want Ari to be the main character of ANYTHING (even the Manchester, tragedy, ffs) I'm sorry, but while it seems like a lot in Ariana's terms, they "only" dated for two years and Ariana acted like a total brat after that. If you ask me, it's NOMI who seemed to have built with Mac a deep connection and a mutual desire for the wellbeing of each other, even if they weren't a couple. They grew up together in many ways, seemed to exchange lots of ideas and supported each others dreams for a long, long time. It wouldn't surprise me IN THE SLIGHTEST if Mac considered her "the one that got away" rather than Ari, but only he knew that.
Honestly, I think Ari is too vapid and impulsive to foster this kind of loyalty and mutual understanding. Last two guys apparently she can't fathom to enjoy their casual company and calmly getting to know them instead of diving into marriage plans ponytail first. Rumors say Ethan seems to be stupid enough to consider doing the same. He is nOt liKe THe oThEr bOys.
I'm betting he will wake up one day and notice he couldn't replace satisfyingly 10+ years of connection with such a volatile person. What do you think?
submitted by Ashamed-Power-4246 to ArianaGrandeSnark [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:13 TropicalAbsol Foster cat has rules for cuddles

So I wanted to just throw this into the subreddit to hear from other folks to figure out if there's something more I can do for her or if this is a cat personality other ppl are familiar with.
Our foster is very anxious and while she has warmed up to us she runs when we walk towards her, runs when we lean towards her to pet her, does not lay on laps or lay on us for cuddles. cuddles must be at arms length. no pick ups. no hugs. no kiss. your face being close to her freaks her out.
Her boundaries are respected. I'm just wondering if this is a stray cat trauma thing or if she's just a strange little girl. I think she may slowly get more used to people walking around. The funny thing is she trusts and likes us. She comes right back for some pets after running. It just seems like she's got a specific tick about being approached.
submitted by TropicalAbsol to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:13 LucyAriaRose AITA for giving heirloom jewellery to my daughters instead of my sister-in-law?

I am NOT the Original Poster. That is u/Total_Cap_8129. She posted in AmItheAsshole
I added paragraph breaks for readability.

Do NOT comment on Original Posts. See rule 7. Latest update is 7 days old per the rules of this sub.

Mood Spoiler: sad but with good boundaries
Original Post: May 21, 2024
This is my first reddit post, throwaway. Also Englisch is not my first language.
My (53F) mother passed away 10 years ago and I inherited a few select items of jewellery from her. Those are things she cherished and wore often. I have been wearing her watch for the past 10 years, my sister (50F) holds a golden bracelet that she loves and there are three items left that me and my sister have been planning to give to my three daughters (20/18/18) to commemorate 10 years since her passing. They always knew this and were close to their gradma. There is also no quarrel about who gets what.
Enter my brother (48m) and his fiancée (38f) of two years. My brother is demanding one of the pieces for his future wife to wear. He claims we never involved him in any discussion as to what should happen to the pieces and we can’t just claim those to ourselves just because we are women. He says it’s very common for heirloom jewellery to be given to the daughter-in-law and he and his fiancée even cited Meghan Marke and Kate Middleton as examples.
Legally there is no case to be made, my mother left those items to me. I have politly declined their request explaining that I can’t let one of my daughters go without and that they were very close to their grandma while his fiancée did not know her. His fiancée is apparently distraught and claims we don’t see her as family. My father wants me to keep the items and give one to my brother so that all of my mom’s kids eventually get one item and I can do as I see fit with the rest. My sister kindly has offered up her bracelet.
I am torn. I don’t t want to antoganoize my brother and my sister-in law but I find my three daughters’ claim so much more valid. They have been looking forward to this for years. And I don’t want my sister to sacrifice her bracelet. If there were more pieces I would not hesitate to give something to her. It’s not a matter of money. I have offered other things out of my mom’s estate, they feel it’s not the same.
I am also taking into account that my brother was married to his first wife 10 years ago and despite having been close to my mother she got no jewellery either but was left two of my mothers’s watercolor drawings. I feel like my mother left those pieces to me with the intention of eventually passing them on to her granddaughters. Would she have subscribed to the „each child or each daughter plus daughter-in-law has to get a piece of jewellery“ logic she would have left something to my brother or his then-wife in the first place.
My daughters told me the would accept any decision I make but I feel it would be highly unfair to burden them with any involvement in the decision making. The choice is mine to make and I have to live with the consequences. According to my father they are debating to uninvite me from the wedding over this. I stand by my decision but It’s hard.. I was always on good terms with my brother and cordial with his fiancée.. so AITA?
Relevant Comments (OOP had over 100, so this is very narrowed down):
Commenter: OP, she doesn't want to feel closer to her new family, she wants to know that she can push your brother to get her what she wants, even at the expense of his relationship with all of you. It's a game she is playing now, before they get married, so she knows exactly how far she can push you all and what she can get her greedy hands on with a temper tantrum and some threats to exclude you all.
Tell your brother the legacy he received is two watercolor paintings his ex wife has, and he's welcome to chase her down for that if he feels so strongly about it. But your jewelry was a gift your grandmother gave to you, and it is staying with you until you give it to your daughters.
Friend, if you cave to your brother and SIL on this, you'll be handing shit over as long as their marriage lasts. NTA.
OOP: Wow.. thanks for the clarity and direct words. I am starting to feel I was in denial about how bad this really is.
It’s worth mentioning that my brother obviously received his own inheritance as well.
(to another commenter): Also he got a sizable inheritance back then and his wife got two original artworks.. those jewelry pieces are worth approximately $1000 each while my mother’s original artworks are valued $1000-$3000 (she was an illustrator) so the issue is really not me sitting on a $50,000 diamond ring while they received two worthless sketches.
Commenter: Your dad presumably still had items from his wife? He can give one of his treasures to her. You and your sister and your three daughters got one item each. Not up for renegotiation.
OOP: We already offered but she claims it must be jewelry so she can wear it on her wedding day.
Commenter: Since the brother and fiancee seem to want to make the decision, ask them which granddaughter they feel deserves to be deprived of her grandmother's memento, AND how they intend to compensate said daughter for her exclusion from grandmotherly keepsakes. Tell them you cannot in good conscience hand anything over to the fiancee unless they can give a reasonable answer to these questions.
OOP: My husband actually asked them that and their answer was they believe that the twins should share.. which is obviously not going to happen as long as I am here to prevent it.
Commenter: How does the SIL even know about the jewelry?
OOP: I planned to give it to my girls at a family dinner commemorating our mother’s birthday next month and gave everyone a heads up. That’s how she got to know.
Commenter: You have 3 daughters. Your mother left you 3 items. It's pretty self-explanatory. Your mother didn't have to spell it it out for you. She just left them with you for safekeeping. If that wasn't her intention, she would have given them to your dad. Plus your daughters had a personal relationship with your mom (THEIR grandmother).
You got the watch. Your sis got the bracelet. Your daughters get the other 3.
OOP: Thanks.. I feel exactly the same way. I can’t for the life of me see where my brother claims we should have involved him in any discussion concerning who gets what because in my view it’s absolutely clear who gets what. And since she left those things to me, it’s up to me to make the decision. She could’ve left them to anybody else, but she didn’t. What else am I going to do with three pieces when I have three daughters?
Commenter: Tell your brother to stick it. These are for your daughters / her bloodline. This is so entitled and ridiculous.
OOP: I actually don’t care so much about the bloodline thing. If my father were to die tomorrow and each of this children would get some beloved sentimental items I would be really pissed if my husband who is very close to him would not get anything. Plus, I really understand why she wants to have something to feel more connected to her new family, especially since she is estranged to her parents and won’t get anything from them to wear on her wedding day. The problem lies solely in the fact that I don’t have anything to give her without hurting other people. I will not prioritise her feelings above my daughters.
Commenter: Bet you the reason she is estranged from her parents is an eye opener if you ever find it out. Whatever she told you it was is BS.
OOP: I don’t know the reason, but I will admit the thought has crossed my mind. The fact that she is willing to blatantly ignore her nieces’ feelings and that wearing a piece of heirloom jewellery on her wedding day is more important to her than the girls’ connection to their beloved grandmother is a bit concerning to me.
Commenter: If she's trying to feel closer to your family, is there any jewelry that is yours or your sister's that could be given or loaned to her for her wedding day that isn't inherited from your mother?
Your sister and your daughters who actually knew and loved your mother should, of course, take precedence over someone who has only heard about her! NTA and your brother is being absurdly pushy.
OOP: We have now decided to pitch in together to buy something new for her to wear on her wedding day and have as a gift from the family. I hope she will accept this. I could also give her something from me as a loan but I feel buying something specifically for her would probably be better. It’s not that I feel she shouldn’t have anything and I would honestly offer to give her a piece if I had any spare pieces to give.
Commenter: NTA. Your brother is marrying a psycho. She’s never met your mother but is distraught that she can’t wear her dead MIL’s jewelry. You are correct, your mom left the jewelry to you and, as you stated, your mom didn’t even leave your brother’s wife (his ex) jewelry when she passed. Your brother and his fiancée are acting crazy entitled and you need to tell them no and that if they bring it up again you’ll have to excuse yourself from their presence. They are trying to bully you out of your daughters’ heirloom jewelry, their birthrites.
OOP: I can actually see why she would like to have something, we were all very close with mom and keep her memory alive and it’s tricky to enter into such a dynamic years later. I would give her something especially to wear on her wedding day (she is estranged from her parents) if I had anything to give but I can’t take away from my daughters to help her feel better.
Commenter: NTA - the items were left to you. No matter what happens in the future, your daughter's will be your daughter's. The same can't be said for your brothers fiance. That relationship could end, and then the jewelry wouldn't be part of the family anymore. If they were married when your mother passed, maybe I'd consider it, but they haven't tied the knot, so don't give her anything.
OOP: This has been brought up a lot but I feel I can’t in good conscience bring up the fact that their marriage might fail as an argument.
Commenter: NTA if your mom specifically left them to you. Y W B T A if you and your sister decided between yourselves to take all of the nice jewelry without giving any to brother. What about if/when he has daughters?
OOP: He was childless back than with no intention of starting a family and his first wife got an inheritance of her own and so did he. He was completely fine with us deciding what to do with the jewelry as neither him nor his ex wife were interested. The issue only came up with his fiancée recently. Had he voiced his objections ten years ago I would not have spent the last ten years preparing my daughters and the situation would be different. Also legally all items belong to me and I am under no obligation to share or discuss with anyone. I discussed with my sister because it seemed fitting.. again.. he was not interested.
Ask the first wife for paintings?
Asking first wife for her paintings might be an even harder no than the jewelry question honestly.. she received those paintings because she loved our mother and her art and she was a family member in her own right after replacing my mother as my disabled father’s full-time caretaker after my mother fell ill. I am not close to her anymore but I respect her and my mother‘s wishes enough to not hunt her down after seven years for what is legally and rightfully hers.
Update (Same Post): May 22, 2024 (Next Day)
Thank you all for your kind messages and advice, I would never have expected to get so valuable support and inside from strangers on the Internet. Thank you really from the bottom of my heart!
We came together with my brother and his fiancée after I had many of your replies to my husband and my sister. I stated clearly that I will support her in any way possible and that it’s very important for me to welcome home to the family properly but the jewelry is off the table because I believe I am fulfilling my mother’s wishes and I cannot hurt my daughters. I added that I believe that this is not the right way to join a family and that we should strive to resolve this conflict before it creates more tension between my daughters and their uncle and future aunt and also amongst us siblings.
At first, I thought my brother really saw my point and he seemed happy that we offered to pitch together to buy something for his fiancée. Unfortunately she is not willing to accept this. as some of you pointed out, she seems to believe that she ranks right beside my sister and me when it comes to our late mother and supersedes my daughters.. well.
She talked about her rightful place in the family and how she went no contact with her family because they denied her the respect that she deserves and that she will not hesitate to do the same with us. She also talked a lot about the pain of not being able to have any heirloom jewelry for her wedding. And honestly, I believe only a few days ago I would’ve given in presented with her tears but thanks to your kind words I was able to see through her emotional manipulation and really now that I am aware of what she’s doing it is so obvious..
I must say my brother looked very uncomfortable. She then stated that it would be a waste to give the pieces to my daughters since they would just sell them for the money to buy make-up wich is absurd. I ended the conversation at this point stating that I hold firm to my boundary and that they are free to do whatever they feel is the right thing for them.
I am heartbroken and I hope my brother will change his mind. So.. no happy ending but thanks again.
Relevant Comments:
Commenter: Thats great youve seen her for what shes really doing! Good luck to your brother because the fiancé sure sounds like a peach! Well done for looking out for your baby girls (I know they’re 18 but they’ll always be your babies!)!
OOP: They are capable and wise but they should not bear the consequences of the quarrels of others that they have no part in. And although I am heartbroken by all of this I can firmly feel my mother’s support in this as she put me in charge to protect what belongs to her granddaughters and daughters. Thank you for your support!
In response to a longer comment:
Thanks again.. I appreciate your encouragement. I hope their next move will be one of love and understanding but it’s hard to tell what they will do. While I don’t believe they are considering to physically steal the pieces from me, I have now given the two pieces meant for the younger girls to my mother-in-law for safekeeping at her house until the dust settles. She is obviously livid at the treatment of her granddaughters. The girls felt a lot of pressure from their uncle which is so heartbreaking.. my eldest on the other hand calls her future aunt a grifter and says she will not accept any change of plan to accommodate her so she will receive her piece as planned. She has also been looking forward to wearing it for a long time. I have no words really at this point.. hoping for the best.

submitted by LucyAriaRose to BestofRedditorUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:13 adulting4kids One Sentence Story Genre Specific

  1. Mystery: In a quaint coastal town, a retired detective discovers cryptic messages hinting at a cold case long considered solved.
  2. Science Fiction: Amidst interstellar war, a spaceship's malfunction forces a diverse group of passengers to confront their prejudices and work together for survival.
  3. Fantasy: In a world where dreams manifest into reality, a young artist grapples with the responsibility of her imagination and the consequences of unleashing fantastical creatures into existence.
  4. Romance: On a remote island, two strangers find themselves participating in a matchmaking experiment that challenges their beliefs about love and compatibility.
  5. Historical Fiction: Against the backdrop of ancient Egypt, a slave and a noblewoman form an unlikely alliance to uncover a conspiracy threatening the kingdom.
  6. Thriller: A forensic psychologist must unravel the mind of a serial killer who leaves coded clues pointing to a personal connection with each victim.
  7. Horror: In a haunted mansion with a dark past, a group of strangers gathers for a seance, unwittingly awakening malevolent spirits that feed on their deepest fears.
  8. Adventure: A treasure map discovered in an old family heirloom sets off a global quest, testing the bonds of friendship and loyalty among a group of unlikely explorers.
  9. Crime: In a gritty urban landscape, a rookie cop investigates a series of seemingly unrelated crimes, only to uncover a web of corruption that reaches the highest echelons of power.
  10. Comedy: In a small town with an absurd annual tradition, a group of eccentric characters competes in a hilarious competition that turns the mundane into a sidesplitting spectacle.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:13 SelectOwl1193 Has anyone ever worked for a non-profit group?

Have a job offer with a non-profit group managing for fire on national forests and not sure if I should take it. It's a hybrid job so half remote, half field going with surprisingly nice benefits and compensation. It interestingly does not provide a truck, but does provide compensation for mileage. The work itself is working closely with NF districts to write and carryout contracts (make sure they're hitting spec and what not) As well as help further educate the public about fire safety/regimes/silviculture etc.
I do have a few concerns though, mainly no truck- which I'm trying to negotiate for- and the fact that it's semi-remote. I really struggle with remote work for two reasons, 1 this is across the country and I think having an in person job helps me settle into a new place quicker, and 2 I had an extremely bad experience at my last job with remote work, and as a result really struggle with not in-person communication, it all just comes across as mean for some reason.
At the end of the day, despite having my BS in forestry, and feeling like I've been exposed to most corners of the industry in some capacity, I just don't know much if anything about forestry non-profits, or anyone's thoughts, opinions or experiences with them. If anyone has anything to add to help me make a more informed decision, please feel free to comment.
submitted by SelectOwl1193 to forestry [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:12 Conclusion_National Library of Ruina - Fan Story Scene 2 - Roland Betrayed by the City

SCENE 1 OF THE STORY - Beginnings of the Anomaly
If you haven't seen scene 1 of the fan story, please go read it for contexts of what's going on. Simply put, roland has been replaced by a new guy from a different world. It is more specifically ours. Also, you might be wondering where roland is... well
Roland: Damit all this smoke... purple tear... is this that library she was talking about.... It doesn't look like it at all.... Something feels off.
Dear Roland... It appears that a mistake has happened... And it's not a minor one either... It seems I somehow teared into the fabric of this new world that you're now in... and somehow switched you and a person that was on this bed in your place. Luckily, I noticed the mistake immediately, but My teleportation can't get to you. You're stuck, basically. I do not know what kind of world this is, but good luck. And sorry. Lori.
Roland: Dammit!!!
Roland: I knew it was a lie... I shouldn't trust anyone.... And they were just trying to get rid of me... that damm Hanna Association.... and Head...!!!
"Hey willam I just want to let you know that I had an awesome time hang out with you and you made the best special sandwiches of my life And I hope we can hang out again maybe we can go by and grab some coffee or go to the bar sometime soon."
*Roland speaks
" Yea, Angel, some coffee would be nice... I think I would know some good coffee places that we can go together... How about we meet tomorrow morning? How does that sound.
There is nothing but silence... He gets up... He takes his clothes off and puts on some of these willam guys' clothes... Which somehow fit him... Then he goes outside and starts a fire on his clothes... to burn all those painful memories away... his life forever changed.... Forever gone.... Like those gone angels.... He stamps out the flames and walks back into his house.... with now been willam xeon until he finds a way back to take his revenge against the city... Until then... Those angels laugh at him...
To be continued...
submitted by Conclusion_National to libraryofruina [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:12 EfficientPotato1748 i made another dating mistake and i don’t know what to do with myself

i spent another year dating someone i thought really loved me and would change their mind about wanting a relationship, but didn’t. instead, we had unprotected sex, went on dates multiple times a week, met each other’s parents and friends, celebrated birthdays, and looked at apartments for him. fwb essentially. my stomach starts flipping when i think about how in hindsight i was so aware and yet so willing because i wanted to do all those things with him. but obviously it was breaking me because if it were me, i’d be wanting to do those things with him. here’s the thing; he told me from the first two weeks of dating that he didn’t want to be in a relationship. i loved spending any time i could with him because i loved him. i trusted him really quickly because he liked me for who i was. when he pointed out silly things about me it felt loving and flirty. he wasn’t mad that i was shy, soft spoken, and…slightly awkward. corny? in an endearing way? those things made him want to be around me more.
suddenly though, every so often he would get irritated by me. okay, fair enough. i can be annoying but it got worse. i feel like its torture to have relationship type fights with someone you’re not committed to, it leaves way too much room for people to take it too far. he gave his reasons for wanting no attachments and i said okay, ill let it slide for now because of how much he liked me, and how much i liked him. he wanted to go out with me every few days…i’m thinking to myself, okay this man is telling me he loves me, wants to see me all the time, and treats me well…he’s definitely gonna want me in the future right? i’m screaming because that was literally not the case sksks. he was looking for experiences with someone. i just happened to be the first girl he matched with and the plans went through with when he moved. we hit it off and ran with it.
so i’m letting it slide for months and every so often he would drop something like, “that’s us in the future” while pointing at a young family and mind you i trust this person so i’m thinking i’m in the clear. well we went on a 3 day trip together and all hell was breaking loose every day?? suddenly me not being able to hear him over high winds is the end of the world. my ideas are insane. me having anxiety is annoying. my personality is annoying. and its like hold up???
and that was our last interaction besides him sending me photos from the trip with no text. now i feel cursed because he doesn’t want to be with me or like me a chunk of the time but he keeps texting me? but not really???
also this man told me its my fault for having relationships problems because i keep picking the wrong men subconsciously 😭😭😭?? (he ate lowkey) but then he said he’s gonna crash my wedding with another man 😭 idk if i should laugh or cry 😭😭😂😭😭😭 i swear i keep picking the sweetest most wholesome men and then they start hating on me and i’m like damn ☠️💔
submitted by EfficientPotato1748 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:12 UndercoverFrog1 how do yall get a significant other fr

ok so i (18m) have had the WORST time trying to get a boyfriend and at this point i feel like something is wrong with me.
i come from a small town so not really many options there or in the surrounding areas, so i have to resort to online. ive tried it but it wasnt the best, they either break up with me bc of the time zones or idek what. however, the stick that broke the camels back was i was talking to this guy (18m) for about a year (we talking abt dating and all that stuff), but out of the blue he stops responding to me. i found his new insta (im guessing he blocked me?) and his first story was a “happy two month” post with his bf.
that was a few months ago and ive been spiraling ever since, like is it me or my personality or something? idk, but just wondering all you beautiful people with boyfriends/girlfriends/significant others what is the secret?
submitted by UndercoverFrog1 to GayBroTeens [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:11 Comprehensive-Tea-36 Good bye, little boy I met in 1985

I finally trusted you again and I'm heart broken. I thought we were at at point where we would eventually be able to work through this together. It wasn't there yet but, there was hope again.
You were becoming a good Dad and a caring romantic partner.
I've had glimmers of hope through out the years:
-Fruit strip gum and 5th grade mouth shirt.
-When you asked me out in 6th grade and we had a homework date, with your weird nice Dad on his dial up internet.
-When you kissed me on my roof, while I was wearing my striped Contempo belly shirt (the next time we hung out you asked if you could pick Rosemary's sunflowers to give to Rae)
-When we went to homecoming together (but you took shrooms with Vinnie, so you were off, we danced a little.)
-When we had strange sex on your dorm room couch (my first time.) Followed by you discarding me when we were supposed to hang out next, after having my Mom drive 3 hours to get you, you didn't hang out with me when we got home. You NEEDED to go to the mall with again, Rae. I guess not a glimmer.
-Then I guess we were sex friends and kind of together, you spent lots of time at my house. You were so kind to my family (other than the time we got my 11 year old brother high and potentially ruined his mental health forever. This timeline isn't accurate but I thought of it.
-When you moved in with me . You had no where else to go but I pretended it was because you wanted to be with me. (We had some good times there, our room was toxic)
-We did ecstasy and had sex the football field. That was fun.
-You introduced me to your cold, cold family. They told/tell me I'm family too but that dynamic is weird. I don't envy that upbringing.
-We were a long distance couple but it was official. I ruined my education to make it work. I don't really regret that you're better than an education at that school.
-She dumped you (finally, how many abortions later?) and you called me and played the thrown away song (not a glimmer, I was just glad you broke up, remember I made a decision to love you when I was 13.)
-You got jealous that I had a boyfriend and I brought his dog home from Florida. We had sex on my Mom's porch.
-You came down to Florida and saw I had good friends and was doing ok without you, you wanted me back (but you wanted to keep fucking all the strange that you were fucking and were ok with me doing the same until we got back together. I never touched anyone after that call, I don't care if you did.)
-Our Fernwood house was nice, I loved that you got me Stoops. You punched a hole in the door that I fixed witb painters plaster and we hung out with Jamie too much ( one night while I was sleeping I think something might have happened with you two but if you read everything before this you can see I'm not feeling secure in this relationship so who knows.)
-You were nice to my family, you loved my Mom and could converse with "Cool Cal," Diane and Jackie (they're tough.)
-We went to California. You were so anxious and cruel the day we left. Then you told me you "just wanted to take care of me." My Mom told me to never be with someone who said that, that's what my Dad said to her. I didn't listen.
-We came back to Michigan, we built a home. We were broke and lost together.
-YOU DID NOT WANT KIDS (you told me this when we were about 17, you said you wanted to be with me but didn't want kids, maybe we would adopt when we were older.)
-I'm sorry I never listened to your words and tried to wish you into the person I dreamed you were. That's too much to live up to. I really am sorry I do this.
-We had the kids and they make all of this worth it.
-We didn't have 1 of them. I couldn't have another one without your support. We had sex on the washing machine and you told me you loved me and we could keep that baby. The next day you changed your mind. I didn't really want to do it again either but it felt good for a few minutes that you were agreeing to one.
-I cried and cried at that appointment once I was called back, you hardly looked at me while we were waiting, you were stoic. I couldn't have anymore kids with someone that didn't want them.
-I saw a blue meteor, I thought we should buy the blue house. The one I knew you would love, that came up on Zillow from time to time. I never told you about it because it was way too much work. Only the best version of both of us could handle that house.
-Zelda came, I was so happy for that one glimmer when that test was negative. But it wasn't.
-You told me "don't expect anything from me when that baby comes." I should have listened to your words
-Covid- I have writing longer than this and pictures of all the horrible, violent, heinous shit you said when that hit. I thought we would reset and bond and spend quality family time. Ha, see above. What the fuck is wrong with me? I have hope.
-Divorce. You threatened to kill me and all our kids. That's probably time to stop pretending this is working.
-I didn't stop pretending, we kept on. I held you and excused you and supported you. I fucked you with a passion I could never give you before because really it was already over and it didn't matter.
-It started to matter, you were helpful and kind again. You had your set backs but you seemed ready to finally commit to me and the kids.
-I asked you to get yourself help, you did.
-You called me a trigger and found your support from other women and not me.
-I feel lost without you, this is what I know.
-I feel like you can finally protect and love the kids.
-That's good!
-I'm strong but I need support too. You can't give that to me. I am choosing not to love you so I can find someone who will.
*This shit is really a cycle and I've spun out at 43. I don't regret any of it, he gave me 3 beautiful kids. I was trying to me positive with this but almost every poitive thing is riddled with underlying negative that I pretended wasn't there at the time. *
If he/she's great but constantly makes makes you feel uneasy it's time to go!
Night, night 🌙 strong ladies and gents!
submitted by Comprehensive-Tea-36 to emotionalabuse [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:10 Telemachusfar The Human Security Officer, Part 49

Idk about you guys but I've always loved how a shower felt after a bunch of work. Something special about it. Anyway thanks for reading! :)
They were both offered showers by town citizens happy to open their homes. Gareth found showers immensely awkward but didn’t need to worry as a few townsfolk drew him a bath. With some extra help from Deag, who had taken a short trip to the ship, he treated the water and was finally able to eat something. It was no traditional Weilan spa, but it was… close enough. If he was being entirely honest, he was just glad to finally be able to eat something. He may have fibbed to Pen when they talked about food. He wasn’t near starving quite yet and even though being carried had allowed him to conserve a lot of energy, it wouldn’t have helped much longer.
He looked down at his poor shell. Its color greatly diminished from the lack of food and immense stress of the whole ordeal. He could feel the buildup of toxins in his system before and it was wonderful to feel them washing out. He sighed and slumped down under the water. Again, he inspected his shell. Wilting and greying all over his eyes wandered to the crack made by Pen when she pulled him out of the way of the turret. Probably another two months to heal but it was coming along. She must have remembered it too when they were falling. She was gentler. It honestly surprised him that he managed to survive that fall without any major injury.
Gareth let his thoughts drift aimlessly as he soaked under the water. After a few minutes, though, he heard a thump from outside the tub. He rose up from the water and peeked over the lip of the tub. A small human child stared back from the washroom door. Small by human standards that is. He was shorter than Gareth but only by a few inches. If Ton’et’s human biology lessons were serving him well the boy wouldn’t remain much smaller than him for more than a year or so. He should be quickly entering a time of quick growth that humans experience periodically in their formative years.
“Mmmhmmmb” the boy mumbled, still hiding most of himself behind the door.
“What was that?” Gareth asked.
The boy shirked slightly but found his voice after a moment.
“You… You’re weird looking.”
Gareth chuckled.
“You’re the weird looking one.”
The boy's brow furrowed, easier to read than Pen by far. The child wore his emotions on his face.
“Nuh uh…”
“Yuh huh.” Gareth mimicked the child.
“No, you don’t look like anyone else here.”
“Well, I’m not from here, am I? I’m from a place where everyone looks like me and nobody looks like you.”
This seemed to puzzle the boy.
“How many people?”
Gareth tilted his head. An odd question.
“Lots? Trillions.”
“Is that more than here?”
It dawned on him the math the boy was doing.
The boy lightly tapped the doorframe with his foot.
“You could go see them.” Gareth offered.
“Really?” A shine came to his eyes.
“Oh definitely, there's a ton to see. More places out there than trees in that forest outside.”
The boy didn’t understand trillions but that comparison made sense to him.
“Waoooaahhh,” a frown came to his face quickly, “but I like it here though. I have friends here.”
“So when you miss them, just come on back. No reason you cant enjoy both right?”
Gareth's words were a joyous revelation to the boy.
“I’d love that I think…”
“I think you would to.” Gareth chuckled.
“You may be weird but you're pretty cool. My names Cameron by the way.”
“Pleasure to meet you Cameron, I’m Gareth. I think you’re weird and cool too.”
Cameron giggled and sprinted away, stopped, turned around, closed the door gently, then turned back around and sprinted away again. Gareth sunk back down into the tub smiling.
Pen stepped under the shower head with her face turned up. Steaming hot water hit her face and ran down taking all the stress and sweat with it.
A proper shower was exactly what Pen needed. She was no stranger to dirt and sweat and when needs must, she had no issue. That said, filthy was by no means a preferred state and after two days hard march, sleeping in the dirt, and only washing off in a river, a proper shower felt divine. It almost reminded her of washing off after a particularly arduous drop. There was something especially satisfying about it.
Soap, warm water, and more time to enjoy it than she’d ever have been given on the Basho. After getting clean she turned the heat up as high as it could go and propped herself against the wall of the shower letting the water run over her shoulders and back. The heat melted through the tension and washed it down the drain.
Ahhhhhh. Perfect.
Something tickled her neck and she brought her right hand up to it. She pulled a long strand of hair away. It struck her as odd and brought her attention to her hair. It had gotten longer. The strand in her hand was almost alien due to how long it had been since she’d allowed it to grow out beyond a few inches.
She brought both her hands up now, raking them through the newfound length. She’d start having to wear it up if she didn’t want to cut it.
She kind of didn’t. Why should she?
After a nice long while in the hot shower she turned the water off and stepped out. The bathroom was heavy with steam, but she saw that towels and clothes had been set by the sink for her. She dried herself and examined the clothing. It was a simple handwoven dress, loose cut and floor length. The dress was dyed olive green and parchment white with a humble little leaf-like pattern embroidered around the wrists and neckline.
It certainly wasn’t her normal fare, but it was clearly a kind gesture and matched the clothing most wore around town. With how little worn and well taken care of it looked Pen could guess that it meant a lot to the person who donated it.
Pen donned it and looked to the mirror only to find it utterly fogged up.
A light knock came from the other side of the door.
“Are you alright miss?” a woman’s voice asked.
“Yea…” Pen faltered.
“Oh does the dress not fit? Or would you prefer something else?”
“No, no, it fits fine,” it did reach the floor though perhaps not as much as it was intended to, “How about you tell me how I look.”
Pen opened the door. Steam rolled out as she moved into the room with the young woman. She was a stranger to Pen but looked like the older lady whose house this was. Pen guessed a daughter.
“Oh my, I think you look quite nice! Olive is definitely one of your colors. Here!” The girl fumbled somewhat but showed Pen to a tall mirror in the far corner of the room.
It was… certainly a look. Not one she was used to but that was expected. The dress fit fine and it did look nice. Pen couldn’t help but notice, though, that it sat oddly on her. Not tight or revealing by any means, just… a gentler looking piece of clothing on a less than gently built frame. It wasn’t exactly made to be worn by a muscled body.
“Oh erm here miss,” the young woman handed her a hair tie but pulled back, “or if you want I could help you put it up? Its at that weird point where its not long enough to… you know but too long to uh it can be difficult. If you want I can…”
“I… appreciate it but I’ll be fine. I think I'll leave it down for now.”
“Right. Well, here. Just in case you want to.”
She again handed the hair tie but this time let Pen take it. Pen stowed it around her wrist.
“Is Gareth?”
“Oh yes your friend is across the street at the Patterson's. I can bring you over if you like.”
“Lead the way.”
“Of course.”
The girl led her out of the house and across the street. Pen saw a couple putting up woven cloth streamers across the road. They anchored them in trees with some parallel and others crossing.
As the girl stepped up the front porch of the, apparently, Patterson's house she waved to an older gentleman in a rocking chair.
“Evening Mr. Patterson. This is Penelope, she was just calling on her friend.”
“Evening dear. Evening miss. Yer friend hasn’t come out yet but you can head on up. To the left at the top, far end door.”
His hand came up to keep her just a moment.
“Thank you miss.” He said accentuating the ‘you’.
He looked at her like they all did. She knew what he meant and as awkwardly as it always was she smiled and nodded before she pushed past him. At least he had the good sense not to salute.
As she climbed the stairs just inside the door to the house she heard the man ask a question of the girl.
“Dear, could you ask your mother about a few fertilizer spikes? The peach is looking like it needs some help.”
Pen continued too far to make out her reply but could guess by its warm tone that it was a yes. She turned at the top of the stairs and walked to the end of the hall. Knocking on the door she called out to Gareth.
“You still soaking?”
“Just suiting up. I’ll be out in a min.”
A ‘min’ huh? Pen thought.
submitted by Telemachusfar to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:10 IcyAd964 Rossy is a fed agent of war at this point. He’s been handing them joshis for years to stop them from going anywhere else

submitted by IcyAd964 to SCJerk [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:10 GeometryDash_Gamer AS Characters Worst to Best

AS Characters Worst to Best
Previous posts: TDI, TDA, WT, ROTI
AS Character Ranking
15: Mal (El Mal Villano) - Yeah this guy is bad, but…not in the way the narrative wants us to see him. While he's not my personal least favorite villain, he is worse in the sense that we are supposed to take him seriously and see him as the 'ultimate' evil. And his downfall is the worst in the series without a doubt. As for his actual run as a villain, while his schemes are conceptually better than Island Heather, the dude makes himself way too obvious to be believable. And a handful of characters drop many IQ points for him to stay hidden as long as he does, Cameron having it especially bad. It’s also absolutely ridiculous that he did nothing upon being aware Mike is on the loose inside their brain, which makes me think maybe his stupidity was just contagious to others. Credit where it's due, he has his good moments and some occasional schemes that actually hit the mark for me. I also really like his voice, and he is surprisingly hilarious at times, both ironically and unironically. But no amount of boat noises, scaring Chris, mockingly imitating Mike in the confessional, or how funny the sheer stupidity behind some of his lies are, can make up for his god-awful writing and how much the season suffers as a result
14: Mike (Multiple Problems) - I could've just ranked him and Mal in one. But they are both terrible in separate ways that need more explanation to fully cover. On Mike's end, on top of being an objectively undeserving winner from a gameplay standpoint, his story is just depressingly bad in every way. His journey throughout his brain is underwhelming, save for a few amusing moments mostly from his alters. And he ironically doesn't get much focus despite being the most important character of the season. Especially not helping is that his development of learning to be more honest about his MPD in Revenge of the Island gets regressed here, and the plot requires him becoming brain-dead for Mal to gain complete control. Though I wouldn't be so hard on him if he actually learned from his mistakes like in Revenge. But as it stands, he learns nothing, everything works out ideally for him, and his plot concludes in a way that just all-around reeks of garbage storytelling. I wouldn't consider him one of the most infuriating characters, but there’s just very little I actually like about him. He is boring for most of his screen-time and fails as a protagonist on so many levels. And in some cases, a depressing character is worse than an infuriating one, especially given how important he wound up being to what was supposed to be the 'ultimate' season. The one thing I can actually give him credit for is that he had a good performance in a couple of challenges. Though beyond that, this season was a big fall-from-grace for him
13: Sierra (Codysexual) - At her worst, she sucks balls, and I think we all know why. Her obsession with Cody is incredibly cringe and unfunny, and the Camcody plot is especially cancerous with zero purpose of existing. With that said, she actually has some occasional moments I like, and she is surprisingly really good in episode 5 in particular. I also don't find her lows to be as bad as her World Tour incarnation. Though while she has more positives than most people give her credit for, I don't think Sierra's characterization here was anything either her fans or criticizers wanted
12: Jo (The Shot We All Wish Wasn't Cannon) - Jo had a promising start in the first episode, only for her remaining two episodes to turn her into an even bigger egotistical dumbass than she ever was in Revenge. Not only does she learn absolutely nothing from her mistakes, but she makes one of the stupidest challenge blunders in the history of Total Drama, yet has the gall to think she's still superior to her teammates. Her and Aleheather fighting for an alliance with Gwen was cool and made for some good comedy, but even then, it was very short-lived. And overall, her characterization here was just insulting and disappointing
11: Sam (Justice Against Gamer-phobia) - While the general premise of Sam being in this season was questionable, it could've worked…had they actually utilized him in any way. But as it stands, the dude does barely anything besides being a boring pain-magnet who is amusing in select moments at best, only for the one noteworthy moment he has to lead to a huge ass-pull that happened under completely nonsensical reasoning. Though I suppose in a way, his treatment in his elimination episode prepared us for what was yet to come. Speaking of which...
10: Duncan (The Flip and Flop #1) - All-Stars had the grounds to be one of Duncan's best seasons. But instead, he wound up being a painfully inconsistent mess with an exceptionally terrible sendoff to boot. Throughout Gwuncan, he repeatedly fluctuates between being nice and supportive to Gwen, and being an ignorant dumbass who for some reason tries to get Courtney's attention again (and not just in "Moon Madness" either). It's such an insulting direction to take him given he was clearly tired of her before and only came back to All-Stars for Gwen. And even in the context that he didn't truly get over Courtney, it never gets capitalized on and just makes him agonizingly stupid and pathetic. The premise of his nice-guy schtick is also dumb and makes him come off as an annoying crybaby. And while it had episodes where it worked a lot better, even the better aspects of it (i.e. his friendship with Zoey and any potential he had with his past history with Mal) get absolutely squandered in favor of making him lose every last brain cell he ever had, culminating in one of the worst sendoffs in the series and rendering his entire run in All-Stars worthless. I tried to like and defend Duncan this season. And afterall, it's Duncan so I'll always find things to like about him. But his flaws are far too glaring to look past. I don't think the writers had any idea what they wanted to do with him here. And the fact his portrayal repeatedly flip-flops between a likable and interesting character and a pathetic loser with zero self-awareness, makes him painful to watch. And given he's one of my favorite characters, it only makes this iteration all the more devastating...
9: Courtney (The Flip and Flop #2) - Also rather hit-or-miss even outside of her elimination episode, which completely assassinates her character. Courtney was just plain unlikable for no reason during her time on the heroes team, with not even a good challenge-performance to back it up. However, she got quite better during her time on the villains team. Not to mention, her moving on from Duncan and learning to just ignore him was nice. The less said about her friendship with Gwen, the better. Though her romance with Scott was surprisingly cute. And even if Mal came in and ruined it in the form of the godawful Cameron x Courtney plot, it just made me feel bad for her on her end. But of course her elimination episode wiped its filthy ass with anything good she had going for her, by putting great emphasis on her worst qualities and amplifying them by 100, all in favor of mercilessly trashing on her. It's almost scary how similar her and Duncan are regarding how they were treated in All-Stars, from the writers having no idea what to do with them, to both having the most insulting send-offs in Total Drama history. They both had potential to develop for the better, only for it to be completely thrown away. But like Duncan, it doesn't mean there weren't some good things about her
8: Cameron (From a Badass…to a Dumbass) - Yet another character who falls victim to some of Total Drama's worst cases of character assassination during his elimination episode. But compared to Duncan and Courtney, he didn't have any significantly bad moments beforehand, plus still had some cool moments. Him using Scott as shark-bait in episode 8 was an interesting morally-gray moment, and a really cool strat that almost got him out of last place in the challenge. It's a shame his elimination episode completely forgets about his intelligence and even strips away all his senses of basic human decency during the Cameron x Courtney plot. Admittedly, he wasn't consistently remarkable beforehand. And narratively, he does rather little despite being one of the first people to catch onto Mal. Nonetheless, he still had his good moments for me
7: Scott (The Farm-boy Buffoon) - Despite his personality change, I still find Scott pretty enjoyable at his best. It’s nice that he mellowed out, and his goofy side is endearing, coupled with some especially hilarious moments. On top of that, we get some pretty nice insight on his outside life. His romance with Courtney was surprisingly cute initially. Though unfortunately, he doesn’t stick out very consistently for me. And while his new strategy of laying low and having a better social game is valid, it’s not really capitalized on, and the strategic side of him barely gets touched on beyond his few attempts to find the immunity totem. To make matters worse, he got painfully dumbed down at times for the sake of Mal, and even left a sour last impression in his elimination episode for that reason. While he is one of the better parts of late All-Stars, he still leaves a lot to be desired
6: Gwen (Better Friend than Girlfriend) - While Gwen was always flawed writing-wise, this is the one season where her portrayal is genuinely problematic. She acts crappy to Duncan and Courtney on multiple occasions yet gets victimized compared to them. Her romance- I mean friendship with Courtney is super forced and cringe, and showcases both of them coming out on top over Duncan, even though all three did wrong in the Love Triangle. At least that’s until Courtney’s heel-turn down the line happens and ends with Gwen herself coming out on top, and finally “escaping her toxic relationships and ending the season with better friends while both Duncan and Courtney suffer”. There are so many things wrong with this narrative. Though even then…these aforementioned flaws didn't take up that much of Gwen’s character for me. She still has a handful of good moments outside of Duncan and Courtney. Her friendships with Cameron and Zoey are both wholesome and really brought out her more likable qualities. Besides this, she still has plenty of individual moments I like. She’s especially amazing in episode 9 in particular. All things considered, Gwen is still a good but very flawed character this season, and I get why some dislike her. Though I think All-Stars has some of her best highs in a while (besides the Action special)
5: Lindsay (The Smartest Character of the Season) - It says a lot that the very first boot manages to crack more than the half-way spot up this list. Lindsay still has some especially funny jokes, and her characterization is honestly not as bad as some people make it out to be. Her stupid moment was only a one-scene joke that was followed up with her doing the challenge. Plus, I can at least meme and argue that she just acted dumb on purpose to quit the competition, which is based given how disastrous this season turned out at its worst. And it was even implied she wanted to leave at some points. While I wouldn't unironically call her the smartest character of the season, I think she is still funny and leaves relatively unharmed compared to other characters
4: Lightning (Sha-larious Early Boot) - Despite lasting for only two episodes, the dude really delivered. I'd argue he's even funnier here than in Revenge, his pre-recorded message to Jo being my favorite joke from him yet. The only disappointing thing about him is that his background with his dad didn't get expanded on at all, which even then, ties more to "What could've been" rather than an actual characterization flaw. He's easily the least scathed in a season full of terrible writing, and was a hilarious early-season presence. You especially gotta love his badass challenge performance in episode 1
3: Zoey (Warm and Competent) - I'll admit, she didn't have much of an arc, and her obliviousness to Mal gets increasingly hard to defend as the season goes on. She was also occasionally over-powered to an annoying degree (mainly episode 3). But she still has many great attributes. She made for a surprisingly good team leader and performed well in challenges, pulling some especially cool feats. Though on top of that, she was incredibly kind and tried to see the best in everyone. And both her performance and kindness made her incredibly likable and easy to root for. She had great interactions with multiple people outside of Mike, most notably Duncan, Gwen, and even Courtney sometimes. In fact, had the season did the conclusion of the Love Triangle more justice, Zoey would've been the perfect character to help the three patch things up. All things considered, I find her a deserving winner. And despite her flaws, she’s one of the better parts of the season and a great protagonist for All-Stars standards
2: Heather (The Afterglow of a Queen Bee) - Sure she kind of goes back to being mean, and her taking pride in her villainy doesn’t make much sense when you take the World Tour finale into consideration. Though at least she isn’t as bitchy as she was in Island. Her relationship with Alejandro is still just as fun as ever and sometimes brings out her nicer side. Plus, their feelings for each other even get expanded on nicely in the finale. And all things considered, she’s not that bad in her elimination episode, despite being questionable at one point. Also, "Nice Heather" was an absolute treasure (rhyme not intended)
1: Alejandro (Diamond in the Dump) - Amidst a season that screwed over many characters, Alejandro is the biggest highlight. Even then, his elimination episode made him look weirdly weaker than usual at some points. And he maybe could've done more with his schtick of pretending his legs are still asleep. But while not the absolute least scathed as a whole, he was the least scathed as well as one of the most interesting characters that lasted through the merge. Put in a somewhat similar position to Action Heather, he was forced to rely on just his skills to get as far as he did with no one trusting him anymore. And as I said, Aleheather was still very fun this season. Their back-and-forth dialogue made for a lot of entertaining moments, and I really enjoyed watching them play mind-games with each-other throughout. Despite this, they also had some sweet moments and proved to genuinely care for each-other. In addition to this, it was very satisfying seeing him stand up to his older brother. His rivalry with Mal also had some really cool moments, especially on Alejandro's behalf. And it was a rare interaction where Mal actually had more struggles and didn't consist of Alejandro being entirely dumbed down, even if Mal came out on top in the end. While his highs aren't as good as his World Tour iteration, I think All-Stars was a nice progression for Alejandro in some ways, and further proved that you can involve the guy in just about anything and make it interesting
submitted by GeometryDash_Gamer to Totaldrama [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:09 Misfit-for-Hire Misfit's Sober Songs #200 - Drown Me Out

Sober Song #200
Drown Me Out - Andy Black

I wanted a special song for post #200, of course, so I decided to think back to when I started and the new artists that I remember being most supportive in early sobriety. The three I usually come up with are Hot Milk, Mother Mother, and Andy Black. The first two have already featured in the sober songs several times each, but Andy hasn’t reappeared since post #1. That first song was “Put The Gun Down”, a song I associate with the critical realization that I was doing something that could end very badly and nobody could stop me…except me. No one was watching, and no one would save me. I had to choose it myself. Two hundred songs and almost two years later, I’m going with an Andy Black song that represents continued success in resisting the pull toward self-destructive behavior.

“Put The Gun Down” is both a melancholy plea for help and a bleak epiphany that help isn’t coming. “Drown Me Out” is a powerful anthem of defiance against any force that would try to drag me back to that state. Moments of disappointment, hurt, and loss are the ones when sobriety gets hard (“All the tragedy becomes a symphony / Full of pain, I feel my final goodbye”). Giving up in those moments would allow the shadow of addiction back in and unravel the progress I have made (“Another moment breaks, the shadow side of me / It's like pulling thread until I fall apart”). The impulses get easier to bear, though they remain a permanent burden that drags at me sometimes (“It's the cross that hangs deep below my heart”). But when that happens, I now have two years’ worth of power, resources, and lessons learned in sobriety that I can use to confront them instead of building barriers with alcohol (“And when I get the feeling, I let the damn walls break / Let the damn walls break down!”). Alcohol temporarily erased some negative feelings, but it more effectively erased my energy, personality, and everything that is good about me. I don’t let it do that anymore (“Nothing's gonna drown me, nothing's gonna drown me out!”). The defiant fuck-you tone of this song is sometimes exactly what I need to remember what a shitty, self-serving friend alcohol is and gives me the words to say so (“Screaming loud, screaming loud from the underground / Listen now, listen now, you're not taking me down!”). I like how fitting it is to resist being “drowned” by alcohol.

Another moment breaks, the shadow side of me
It's like pulling thread until I fall apart
They say to live with this song I have to sing
It's the cross that hangs deep below my heart

And when I get the feeling, I let the damn walls break
Let the damn walls break down!
Nothing's gonna drown me, nothing's gonna drown me out!
From the top of the world to the bottom of the ocean

Screaming loud, screaming loud from the underground
Listen now, listen now, you're not taking me down!
Nothing's gonna drown me, nothing's gonna drown me out
(Nothing's gonna drown me, nothing's gonna drown me)

Feel a violent rage, washing over me
I can barely breathe, bury me alive
All the tragedy becomes a symphony
Full of pain, I feel my final goodbye

And when I get the feeling, I let the damn walls break
Let the damn walls break down!
Nothing's gonna drown me, nothing's gonna drown me out!
From the top of the world to the bottom of the ocean

Screaming loud, screaming loud from the underground
Listen now, listen now, you're not taking me down!
Nothing's gonna drown me, nothing's gonna drown me out
(Screaming loud, screaming loud, from the underground
Nothing's gonna drown me, nothing's gonna drown me out)

Rise, rise
Can you hear me now?
Rise, rise
Can you see me now?

Rise, rise
Can you hear me now?
Rise, rise
Can you see me now?

And when I get the feeling, I let the damn walls break
Let the damn walls break down!
Nothing's gonna drown me, nothing's gonna drown me out!
From the top of the world to the bottom of the ocean

Screaming loud, screaming loud from the underground
Listen now, listen now, you're not taking me down!
Nothing's gonna drown me, nothing's gonna drown me out

Rise, rise
Can you hear me now?
Rise, rise
Nothing's gonna drown me, nothing's gonna drown me out

It may start with drowning sorrows, but would end with drowning ourselves. Don’t let alcohol drown you out. IWNDWYT <3
submitted by Misfit-for-Hire to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:08 someonecleanmyplants Tanque Verde Ranch Resort - brief review

Tanque Verde Ranch Resort - brief review
We (35f, 42m, 10m) just got back from Tanque Verde Ranch Resort, a historic homestead ranch that dates back to the 1800s, but has been updated and renovated into a proper dude ranch in Tucson, Arizona. Also the set of Hey, Dude! if anyone else was a nickelodeon kid!
I recently joined the sub and have been loving all the advice and wanted to try to contribute. I’ve seen Tanque Verde mentioned a couple times and figured it might save someone else the trip!
It’s located in Tanque Verde about a 40min drive or 50 min shuttle (they provide for $60/pp) from the Tucson airport, and about 45 min from downtown Tucson.
  • About 70rooms/casitas spread across the property. Some of the rooms are newer, and some have living rooms/fireplaces. None have tvs, which I liked. We stayed in 21 which had an incredible view of the property and mountains in the distance. It also had a sitting room of two couches (I think they pulled out) a desk, large fireplace, and two queens in the bedroom. All in fine not too kitschy southwestern decor. I would rate the rooms as slim (not chubby and most certainly not fat!) but not priced accordingly.
  • They have an indoor pool and hot tub as well as outdoor with waterfall feature that are open 24/7
  • the property is VERY family friendly, with a kids club that runs everyday from 7-3, activities across the property (think: archery, BB gun, fishing, nature center, horseback riding lessons, horsemanship, etc)
  • Breakfast, lunch, and dinner you have the option to eat from the very good buffet with plenty of hot options, changed daily, or the option of ordering a la carte. The food is very decent in a stick to your bones, hearty cowboy fare kind of way.
  • Service from the staff was very average - with minimal handholding and actually a kind of brusqueness that made us feel like we were in the way, although my husband fared better than me with receiving courtesies (he’s also Caucasian which may play into that).
What’s the stand-out feature
  • The lure of Tanque Verde is the horses. They are a working horse ranch of over 100 horses (they lease more in the spring/fall/winter during their busy season so they are able to accommodate more riders)
  • They provide horsemanship lessons as well as walking trail rides, a fun breakfast ride (you can do with the kids), and walking sunset rides. They also provide an opportunity for more advanced riders to take a “lope test” where they examine your seated trot, and your ability to sit a lope with a relaxed rein in order to participate in one of their one hour lope rides (groups of 8-9 people lead by one wrangler with 3-4 opportunities to lope in a line behind the wrangler for about 60 second intervals).
Who is this for?
-If you want the “cowboy experience” but haven’t had a lot of tangible experience with horses before this is a great entry-way - if you have children or teens, there’s a fantastic program for the kids which teaches them about the horses as well as the desert wildlife and allows them the opportunity to make friends - if you love desert vistas, the property abuts Saguaro National Park and Catalina State Park - nature lovers - we saw a baby coyote on one of our rides, as well as a doe passively watching us from the shade under a tree. there are also bats, lizards, hummingbirds, javelinas, and all sorts of critters in and outside of the nature center on property.
Who is this not for?
  • If you are an experienced equestrian or advanced rider who enjoys freedom or autonomy when it comes to riding
Added photos for good measure!
Happy to answer questions.
And as an avid rider and horse-y person very open to suggestions on better places to go! I have been riding internationally (Morocco, Turkey, Namibia, Ireland, France, england, Argentina, Mexico) and loving it but would love some places to have really fun, fast rides a little closer to home (USA).
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