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2014.11.04 00:18 Dating Over 30: Because dating is hard, no matter how old you are.

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2017.10.18 20:31 Nympho_Ninja High-Quality Verified Foot Models

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2015.09.23 17:59 jontheboss Unknown Videos

A place to watch and share great undiscovered videos with too few views. Thus making the unknown become the known. Share your videos to Reddit and find new gems.

2024.05.15 19:29 DeliciousSandman Progress Update w/ Recommendations

Tldr: Lift weights, get 1 gram protein per poind body weight, and maintain a deficit. It works.
This post is geared toward people who are trying to maintain as much muscle mass as possible while losing body fat.
23 6’1” M SW: 223.7 CW: 193.2 GW: 180 (lbs)
I have been keeping strong for a solid 4.5 months now, and am down 30 pounds! Could be 35-40 if I didn’t take a couple maintenance breaks or enjoy the occasional vacation or 10-15 drink evening, but here is my advice based on my success so far:
  1. Focus on your protein in order to feel full on a deficit. I aim for a 1000 cal deficit daily, which puts me at 1800 per day. In addition to helping preserve muscle mass while losing fat, protein is highly satiating, so eating chicken breast, ground turkey, and salmon has been huge for me. And whey/casein shakes depending on time of day. I aim for 200 g protein per day.
  2. Lifting weights with light cardio mixed in is the way to go (for muscle mass preservation). I lift 6x per week, doing PPLPPL then a rest day. I got a DEXA done in January, and again about a week ago, and have been able to shed 33 lbs of fat while gaining 3 lbs of muscle. The people that say you can’t build muscle and burn fat at the same time don’t know what they’re talking about! While in a deficit, I have still gotten stronger in all of my lifts, again something that the naysayers claim should not happen.
  3. Consistency is key. Now, I like going out on Fridays and Saturdays. And I am a big dude, so I can have 10-15 drinks without getting sloppy (or getting a little sloppy). Count the drinks. Count the drunk food. You’ll see that at most, you set yourself back 0.5-1lb over a weekend. Not the end of the world when you’re losing two per week! A lot of people say to cut out alcohol completely, which is probably better, but you do not have to completely cut out fun/going out to achieve your goals! It may just take a little longer.
I’ll be back here when I polish off these last 13.2 lbs, hoping to accomplish it in 8 weeks. Anything is possible when you put your mind to it, and it is all a numbers game with CICO. Some stuff on top helps for specific goals, but track, workout, and get that protein, and you can do it!
submitted by DeliciousSandman to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:27 TopPomegranate4432 £10 off any shop that uses Klarna at checkout

Klarna is a Buy Now Pay Later and credit card service. If you shop online, you've probably seen them as a payment option during your Checkout.
They're currently offering those who sign up via referral a free £10 discount (£10 minimum purchase) off ANY retailer that offers Klarna as a payment option. Search the list here to check your retailer offers it.
My experience: Worked brilliantly for me! I entered my email address, verified it and the discount was applied to my email immediately, so I went directly to the retailer's website (didn't bother downloading the Klarna app), did my shopping and checked out. I chose Klarna as the payment option and was directed to Klarna's payment page, entered my email and boom - Klarna recognised my email and applied the discount. A little '£10 discount applied" notification appeared at the top of my page. I checked out, paying £10 less for my shopping, easy! :)
My steps on how to get your £10 discount with Klarna below:
  1. Sign up via my referral link - you have to DM me here as Klarna doesn't allow public referral link sharing
  2. Once you have the referral link, enter your email address and Klarna will automatically apply the £10 discount to that email
  3. Download the Klarna app OR go directly to the retailer you want to shop at (I just used my web browser as didn't want to download the app) and shop normally
  4. Go to Checkout, choose Klarna as your payment option and the retailer will direct you to the Klarna payment page. Enter the same email address and Klarna will automatically recognise it and apply the discount
  5. Proceed with payment, minus the easy £10 discount, and you're done!
submitted by TopPomegranate4432 to beermoneyuk [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:23 typicalspicycouple Will I be broken forever, does love like this ever fade?

Sorry, this is a long read but I feel like I need to vent and maybe be judged for being an idiot. I will try to be as unbiased as possible as I know I'm at fault too.
So I (m30) and my ex (f26) met on Hinge and quickly started playing video games together (Destiny 2, and to this day it's still one of my best memories). We stayed up for so long just talking for hours; we hit it off instantly. This theme carried on until we met. I traveled to her (this will become a pattern), and when I tell you it was love at first sight, I mean it. I just could not stop smiling; she was so perfect in every way. As the relationship progressed, it only got stronger. She helped me open up (we both have broken pasts and trauma to go with it). She helped me become soft and as silly as it may seem, she helped me cry again. I have never felt so safe, secure, loved, seen, and heard by anyone. I truly looked up to her and appreciated her as a person, and I know she felt the same. She told me on many occasions how happy she was, how no one had ever been this good to her. She had a bad past with men, so I took that into consideration and even asked if it was OK to touch her and if she was comfortable during our intimate moments. We honestly were perfect and everyone could see how happy we were. Everything I liked, she liked. If I played a game, she got that game to join me (she even got a PS5 just to play with me). She was my little copycat; she even stole some of my jokes and sayings. We were inseparable; she was my best friend and future wife.
Fast forward to us moving in together about a year into our relationship. I moved everything; I left friends and family and packed everything up to be with her. Things were still amazing and healthy. We both have a child each, so that added to the mix, and honestly, they were a pain now and again, but I can safely say they loved having each other around... when they weren't bickering, and I loved them both. I took her child as my own and loved her; I still do.
We went through a lot together and I was always there to support her, and I think I did a good job of it too. I helped her through all her problems; I was always there to help and be a shoulder to cry on. She told me about her past and how every single one of her exes hurt her in some way from the r-word to abuse and cheating. I made sure I was nothing like them. I respected her in every way possible. I made sure I kissed her, told her how beautiful she was and how lucky I was to have her, how much I loved her. I hyped her up every chance I got. I made it my mission to make her feel confident again, and it worked. She finally saw what I did, but let's focus on the issues because every relationship has them. We both got sloppy. I have ADHD and she has her own personal issues, and we let the house get on top of us now and again. She definitely cleaned more than me and I never took the initiative, but when I cleaned, oh boy did I clean, and this was something we were working on and I honestly was getting better but I feel like she didn't see that. I was also struggling to find a job and I got more and more depressed, and in the last month of our relationship, I let myself go completely. I was in a hole and I just needed support, support like I always gave her. She started to argue more but I shut down when I feel like I'm being attacked (it's childhood trauma I'm working with a therapist now). I now see I could have handled it better, but at the same time I told her about this and at times she talked to me about it instead of fighting and it helped. I'm painting myself in a bad light here. She also had her problems, like she would nap a lot and I'd have to deal with the kids, or she would also shut down, especially when her PTSD kicked in. But I never minded. I knew who she was and I fully accepted her for it, and I understand people aren't perfect. But the love we had and the good times we created heavily outweighed the bad.
The night we broke up was the worst night of my life. The day started off so well. We were the amazing loving couple we always were. She and the 2 kids were play fighting and she was egging me on to join, so in a joking fashion I told her no and told my son to go beat her up for me. He took it too far and hit her too hard (he's only 5 at the time). She then out of nowhere hit me across the face and I didn't know what to do. I shut down. I calmly got the kids to bed and just shut down. She was begging and pleading for me to talk to her and I just ignored her like the child I am. The sweetest, most loving girl I've ever known and I ignored her. She left the house in the dark in her pyjamas and I couldn't stop her. I had this battle in my head that wouldn't let me.
She came back an hour later with no emotion. She wanted me and my son out. I tried and tried to talk to her but she wasn't there anymore. Everyone hated me and I couldn't understand why. I know I had a few issues but doesn't everyone? It was our first big fight and all of a sudden I'm manipulative and a narcissist. All I could do was apologize. It got to the point I was saying sorry for things that I didn't do. I was lost and confused. She kissed me before I left and that only made it worse. Me and my son were homeless and living on my mom's couch. I tried talking to her but she got nasty, started with the name calling and belittling, pointing out all my flaws. I didn't know what to do. I just kept apologizing and telling her I loved her and I'd be better. I was losing my mind. She was the best thing that ever happened to me and at one point I was to her. I couldn't understand how she could completely do a 180 and hate me to the core. I made all the mistakes. I begged, I pleaded, I even messaged her nan hoping she would understand and help me but it only made it all worse. I sent gifts, I tried reminding her of the good times... Like I said, all the mistakes. I became obsessive (since then I have done a lot of work with my therapist and I had a nervous breakdown due to my abandonment issues and anxiety). I even turned up at her house; granted I did message beforehand because I needed some documents for the next day but she never got the message.
Well, as I'm sure you can all guess what happened next. She rang the police and I was blocked on everything. I did stop messaging her eventually and only did when I needed to sort out my belongings(admittedly I did mess up now and again but no one is perfect), and at one point we talked on the phone. She told me she didn't know if she wanted to involve the police anymore (gave me false hope). We talked a little; turned out she needed some money so I sent her some. Then it was back to her being cold and evil... She made reports to child services (I've been cleared of them). She reported me for having firearms... They were airsoft guns :/ and she knows this. She's been talking about me behind my back and making me this monster that ruined her life when it was I that lost everything. Even one of her friends came forward and told me all the nasty things she's been saying and all my insecurities she's been mocking me about.
I got to a dark place. I had nothing. It was 3 weeks into the breakup and I snapped. It all got too much. I felt like I failed everyone and I had nothing left to live for. I tried taking my own life. The only person I told was my child's mum so she could come get him.
News got to my ex and she took it as an attack on her. She somehow made it about her. This only made her more vindictive, calling me a narcissist and manipulative yet again. This fucked me up more. For weeks all I could do was research narcissism. Even after my therapist said I wasn't a narcissist, I was still unsure.
I finally got a truck sorted to get my stuff from her, and there was a lot missing so I had to go into the house to sort it. I even made her laugh at some point (bad idea... made her hate me more somehow). But when I was leaving, she turned yet again (I now know it's because I was in front of the ring camera and she wanted me to react to her abuse to further paint me as the bad guy). She laughed in my face and called me pathetic for trying to end it... It destroyed me. She also said if she didn't hit me she would have hit my son, then called me a pussy for not hitting her back.
Do I deserve all this? I know I wasn't a perfect, I'm trying to at least better myself. I fucked up by bugging her for sure but is this level of revenge justified? She's ruined my life. My mental health has never been so bad. I don't feel like this is normal. But then again, I've never loved like this and definitely never felt a heartbreak like this. It's nearly been 3 months now and I still blame myself for everything. I feel like a monster. I've not bothered checking up on her and I'm trying my best to move on She still hates me and from what I heard and the smear campaign is still going strong.
I miss the sweet adorable good girl I used to have, I miss the funny out going person I used to be and I miss the family we had, I'd do anything to have that back but her actions are telling me it's never going to happen and maybe that's for the best I just wish I could stop crying everytime I think of her I wish I could fix this I wish I was better for her but I'm broken.
Will she allways hate me? Is this all my fault? And will this pain ever go because I'm struggling I don't know how much longer I can do this, the one woman I ever fully loved with all my heart hating me over a mistake is weighing heavy on me, maybe one day she will understand that it's not just her with mental health issues and I was only trying my best but I'm not holding out hope.
If you ever read this A Im truly do love you with everything I have and I know you must be hurting too, I'm sorry I did this to you, I'm sorry I couldn't be better, I let my trauma get the better off me and ill never forgive my self for losing the love of my life, I know I made you happy and hopefully in the future I'll get the chance to make you happy again.
submitted by typicalspicycouple to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:23 UninterestedPirate "Vintage Vogue Revival: Strutting Grandparent Glam in Today's Gritty Fashion Streets!"

Oh, fashion, you fickle time-traveling siren! 😏 Let’s warp back to the styles our grandparents strutted because, let's admit it, we're in the throes of a full-blown vintage resurgence, folks!
Alright, people, let's talk bullet points because that's how the cool cats organize their thoughts:
Laces out, frocks on! Ball gowns and lace are storming back onto the scene, not as costume but legitimate #OOTD. You might not be going to the ball, Cinderella, but who says you can't pick up your soy latte in style?
No, you’re not experiencing déjà vu—those icons from the sepia-toned past are paving the way for the era-blending future:
Before you know it, shoulder pads and polyester suits might make a play for dominance. All kidding aside, we seem to be cherry-picking the best bits of past eras, melding them into the eccentric ensemble that is today's fashion tapestry.
So, thrifters and retro aficionados, rejoice! Wrap yourself in the lush velvets, slippery satins, and bodacious brocades of yesteryears and sashay down your supermarket aisles like it's Paris Fashion Week. The past is back, baby—and it’s got undeniable swagger. ✨👠🧵
submitted by UninterestedPirate to FashionFuture [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:21 typicalspicycouple Will I be broken forever, does love like this ever fade?

Sorry, this is a long read but I feel like I need to vent and maybe be judged for being an idiot. I will try to be as unbiased as possible as I know I'm at fault too.
So I (m30) and my ex (f26) met on Hinge and quickly started playing video games together (Destiny 2, and to this day it's still one of my best memories). We stayed up for so long just talking for hours; we hit it off instantly. This theme carried on until we met. I traveled to her (this will become a pattern), and when I tell you it was love at first sight, I mean it. I just could not stop smiling; she was so perfect in every way. As the relationship progressed, it only got stronger. She helped me open up (we both have broken pasts and trauma to go with it). She helped me become soft and as silly as it may seem, she helped me cry again. I have never felt so safe, secure, loved, seen, and heard by anyone. I truly looked up to her and appreciated her as a person, and I know she felt the same. She told me on many occasions how happy she was, how no one had ever been this good to her. She had a bad past with men, so I took that into consideration and even asked if it was OK to touch her and if she was comfortable during our intimate moments. We honestly were perfect and everyone could see how happy we were. Everything I liked, she liked. If I played a game, she got that game to join me (she even got a PS5 just to play with me). She was my little copycat; she even stole some of my jokes and sayings. We were inseparable; she was my best friend and future wife.
Fast forward to us moving in together about a year into our relationship. I moved everything; I left friends and family and packed everything up to be with her. Things were still amazing and healthy. We both have a child each, so that added to the mix, and honestly, they were a pain now and again, but I can safely say they loved having each other around... when they weren't bickering, and I loved them both. I took her child as my own and loved her; I still do.
We went through a lot together and I was always there to support her, and I think I did a good job of it too. I helped her through all her problems; I was always there to help and be a shoulder to cry on. She told me about her past and how every single one of her exes hurt her in some way from the r-word to abuse and cheating. I made sure I was nothing like them. I respected her in every way possible. I made sure I kissed her, told her how beautiful she was and how lucky I was to have her, how much I loved her. I hyped her up every chance I got. I made it my mission to make her feel confident again, and it worked. She finally saw what I did, but let's focus on the issues because every relationship has them. We both got sloppy. I have ADHD and she has her own personal issues, and we let the house get on top of us now and again. She definitely cleaned more than me and I never took the initiative, but when I cleaned, oh boy did I clean, and this was something we were working on and I honestly was getting better but I feel like she didn't see that. I was also struggling to find a job and I got more and more depressed, and in the last month of our relationship, I let myself go completely. I was in a hole and I just needed support, support like I always gave her. She started to argue more but I shut down when I feel like I'm being attacked (it's childhood trauma I'm working with a therapist now). I now see I could have handled it better, but at the same time I told her about this and at times she talked to me about it instead of fighting and it helped. I'm painting myself in a bad light here. She also had her problems, like she would nap a lot and I'd have to deal with the kids, or she would also shut down, especially when her PTSD kicked in. But I never minded. I knew who she was and I fully accepted her for it, and I understand people aren't perfect. But the love we had and the good times we created heavily outweighed the bad.
The night we broke up was the worst night of my life. The day started off so well. We were the amazing loving couple we always were. She and the 2 kids were play fighting and she was egging me on to join, so in a joking fashion I told her no and told my son to go beat her up for me. He took it too far and hit her too hard (he's only 5 at the time). She then out of nowhere hit me across the face and I didn't know what to do. I shut down. I calmly got the kids to bed and just shut down. She was begging and pleading for me to talk to her and I just ignored her like the child I am. The sweetest, most loving girl I've ever known and I ignored her. She left the house in the dark in her pyjamas and I couldn't stop her. I had this battle in my head that wouldn't let me.
She came back an hour later with no emotion. She wanted me and my son out. I tried and tried to talk to her but she wasn't there anymore. Everyone hated me and I couldn't understand why. I know I had a few issues but doesn't everyone? It was our first big fight and all of a sudden I'm manipulative and a narcissist. All I could do was apologize. It got to the point I was saying sorry for things that I didn't do. I was lost and confused. She kissed me before I left and that only made it worse. Me and my son were homeless and living on my mom's couch. I tried talking to her but she got nasty, started with the name calling and belittling, pointing out all my flaws. I didn't know what to do. I just kept apologizing and telling her I loved her and I'd be better. I was losing my mind. She was the best thing that ever happened to me and at one point I was to her. I couldn't understand how she could completely do a 180 and hate me to the core. I made all the mistakes. I begged, I pleaded, I even messaged her nan hoping she would understand and help me but it only made it all worse. I sent gifts, I tried reminding her of the good times... Like I said, all the mistakes. I became obsessive (since then I have done a lot of work with my therapist and I had a nervous breakdown due to my abandonment issues and anxiety). I even turned up at her house; granted I did message beforehand because I needed some documents for the next day but she never got the message.
Well, as I'm sure you can all guess what happened next. She rang the police and I was blocked on everything. I did stop messaging her eventually and only did when I needed to sort out my belongings(admittedly I did mess up now and again but no one is perfect), and at one point we talked on the phone. She told me she didn't know if she wanted to involve the police anymore (gave me false hope). We talked a little; turned out she needed some money so I sent her some. Then it was back to her being cold and evil... She made reports to child services (I've been cleared of them). She reported me for having firearms... They were airsoft guns :/ and she knows this. She's been talking about me behind my back and making me this monster that ruined her life when it was I that lost everything. Even one of her friends came forward and told me all the nasty things she's been saying and all my insecurities she's been mocking me about.
I got to a dark place. I had nothing. It was 3 weeks into the breakup and I snapped. It all got too much. I felt like I failed everyone and I had nothing left to live for. I tried taking my own life. The only person I told was my child's mum so she could come get him.
News got to my ex and she took it as an attack on her. She somehow made it about her. This only made her more vindictive, calling me a narcissist and manipulative yet again. This fucked me up more. For weeks all I could do was research narcissism. Even after my therapist said I wasn't a narcissist, I was still unsure.
I finally got a truck sorted to get my stuff from her, and there was a lot missing so I had to go into the house to sort it. I even made her laugh at some point (bad idea... made her hate me more somehow). But when I was leaving, she turned yet again (I now know it's because I was in front of the ring camera and she wanted me to react to her abuse to further paint me as the bad guy). She laughed in my face and called me pathetic for trying to end it... It destroyed me. She also said if she didn't hit me she would have hit my son, then called me a pussy for not hitting her back.
Do I deserve all this? I know I wasn't a perfect, I'm trying to at least better myself. I fucked up by bugging her for sure but is this level of revenge justified? She's ruined my life. My mental health has never been so bad. I don't feel like this is normal. But then again, I've never loved like this and definitely never felt a heartbreak like this. It's nearly been 3 months now and I still blame myself for everything. I feel like a monster. I've not bothered checking up on her and I'm trying my best to move on She still hates me and from what I heard and the smear campaign is still going strong.
I miss the sweet adorable good girl I used to have, I miss the funny out going person I used to be and I miss the family we had, I'd do anything to have that back but her actions are telling me it's never going to happen and maybe that's for the best I just wish I could stop crying everytime I think of her I wish I could fix this I wish I was better for her but I'm broken.
Will she allways hate me? Is this all my fault? And will this pain ever go because I'm struggling I don't know how much longer I can do this, the one woman I ever fully loved with all my heart hating me over a mistake is weighing heavy on me, maybe one day she will understand that it's not just her with mental health issues and I was only trying my best but I'm not holding out hope.
If you ever read this A Im truly do love you with everything I have and I know you must be hurting too, I'm sorry I did this to you, I'm sorry I couldn't be better, I let my trauma get the better off me and ill never forgive my self for losing the love of my life, I know I made you happy and hopefully in the future I'll get the chance to make you happy again.
submitted by typicalspicycouple to nocontact [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:21 typicalspicycouple Will I be broken forever. Does live like this fade away

Sorry, this is a long read but I feel like I need to vent and maybe be judged for being an idiot. I will try to be as unbiased as possible as I know I'm at fault too.
So I (m30) and my ex (f26) met on Hinge and quickly started playing video games together (Destiny 2, and to this day it's still one of my best memories). We stayed up for so long just talking for hours; we hit it off instantly. This theme carried on until we met. I traveled to her (this will become a pattern), and when I tell you it was love at first sight, I mean it. I just could not stop smiling; she was so perfect in every way. As the relationship progressed, it only got stronger. She helped me open up (we both have broken pasts and trauma to go with it). She helped me become soft and as silly as it may seem, she helped me cry again. I have never felt so safe, secure, loved, seen, and heard by anyone. I truly looked up to her and appreciated her as a person, and I know she felt the same. She told me on many occasions how happy she was, how no one had ever been this good to her. She had a bad past with men, so I took that into consideration and even asked if it was OK to touch her and if she was comfortable during our intimate moments. We honestly were perfect and everyone could see how happy we were. Everything I liked, she liked. If I played a game, she got that game to join me (she even got a PS5 just to play with me). She was my little copycat; she even stole some of my jokes and sayings. We were inseparable; she was my best friend and future wife.
Fast forward to us moving in together about a year into our relationship. I moved everything; I left friends and family and packed everything up to be with her. Things were still amazing and healthy. We both have a child each, so that added to the mix, and honestly, they were a pain now and again, but I can safely say they loved having each other around... when they weren't bickering, and I loved them both. I took her child as my own and loved her; I still do.
We went through a lot together and I was always there to support her, and I think I did a good job of it too. I helped her through all her problems; I was always there to help and be a shoulder to cry on. She told me about her past and how every single one of her exes hurt her in some way from the r-word to abuse and cheating. I made sure I was nothing like them. I respected her in every way possible. I made sure I kissed her, told her how beautiful she was and how lucky I was to have her, how much I loved her. I hyped her up every chance I got. I made it my mission to make her feel confident again, and it worked. She finally saw what I did, but let's focus on the issues because every relationship has them. We both got sloppy. I have ADHD and she has her own personal issues, and we let the house get on top of us now and again. She definitely cleaned more than me and I never took the initiative, but when I cleaned, oh boy did I clean, and this was something we were working on and I honestly was getting better but I feel like she didn't see that. I was also struggling to find a job and I got more and more depressed, and in the last month of our relationship, I let myself go completely. I was in a hole and I just needed support, support like I always gave her. She started to argue more but I shut down when I feel like I'm being attacked (it's childhood trauma I'm working with a therapist now). I now see I could have handled it better, but at the same time I told her about this and at times she talked to me about it instead of fighting and it helped. I'm painting myself in a bad light here. She also had her problems, like she would nap a lot and I'd have to deal with the kids, or she would also shut down, especially when her PTSD kicked in. But I never minded. I knew who she was and I fully accepted her for it, and I understand people aren't perfect. But the love we had and the good times we created heavily outweighed the bad.
The night we broke up was the worst night of my life. The day started off so well. We were the amazing loving couple we always were. She and the 2 kids were play fighting and she was egging me on to join, so in a joking fashion I told her no and told my son to go beat her up for me. He took it too far and hit her too hard (he's only 5 at the time). She then out of nowhere hit me across the face and I didn't know what to do. I shut down. I calmly got the kids to bed and just shut down. She was begging and pleading for me to talk to her and I just ignored her like the child I am. The sweetest, most loving girl I've ever known and I ignored her. She left the house in the dark in her pyjamas and I couldn't stop her. I had this battle in my head that wouldn't let me.
She came back an hour later with no emotion. She wanted me and my son out. I tried and tried to talk to her but she wasn't there anymore. Everyone hated me and I couldn't understand why. I know I had a few issues but doesn't everyone? It was our first big fight and all of a sudden I'm manipulative and a narcissist. All I could do was apologize. It got to the point I was saying sorry for things that I didn't do. I was lost and confused. She kissed me before I left and that only made it worse. Me and my son were homeless and living on my mom's couch. I tried talking to her but she got nasty, started with the name calling and belittling, pointing out all my flaws. I didn't know what to do. I just kept apologizing and telling her I loved her and I'd be better. I was losing my mind. She was the best thing that ever happened to me and at one point I was to her. I couldn't understand how she could completely do a 180 and hate me to the core. I made all the mistakes. I begged, I pleaded, I even messaged her nan hoping she would understand and help me but it only made it all worse. I sent gifts, I tried reminding her of the good times... Like I said, all the mistakes. I became obsessive (since then I have done a lot of work with my therapist and I had a nervous breakdown due to my abandonment issues and anxiety). I even turned up at her house; granted I did message beforehand because I needed some documents for the next day but she never got the message.
Well, as I'm sure you can all guess what happened next. She rang the police and I was blocked on everything. I did stop messaging her eventually and only did when I needed to sort out my belongings(admittedly I did mess up now and again but no one is perfect), and at one point we talked on the phone. She told me she didn't know if she wanted to involve the police anymore (gave me false hope). We talked a little; turned out she needed some money so I sent her some. Then it was back to her being cold and evil... She made reports to child services (I've been cleared of them). She reported me for having firearms... They were airsoft guns :/ and she knows this. She's been talking about me behind my back and making me this monster that ruined her life when it was I that lost everything. Even one of her friends came forward and told me all the nasty things she's been saying and all my insecurities she's been mocking me about.
I got to a dark place. I had nothing. It was 3 weeks into the breakup and I snapped. It all got too much. I felt like I failed everyone and I had nothing left to live for. I tried taking my own life. The only person I told was my child's mum so she could come get him.
News got to my ex and she took it as an attack on her. She somehow made it about her. This only made her more vindictive, calling me a narcissist and manipulative yet again. This fucked me up more. For weeks all I could do was research narcissism. Even after my therapist said I wasn't a narcissist, I was still unsure.
I finally got a truck sorted to get my stuff from her, and there was a lot missing so I had to go into the house to sort it. I even made her laugh at some point (bad idea... made her hate me more somehow). But when I was leaving, she turned yet again (I now know it's because I was in front of the ring camera and she wanted me to react to her abuse to further paint me as the bad guy). She laughed in my face and called me pathetic for trying to end it... It destroyed me. She also said if she didn't hit me she would have hit my son, then called me a pussy for not hitting her back.
Do I deserve all this? I know I wasn't a perfect, I'm trying to at least better myself. I fucked up by bugging her for sure but is this level of revenge justified? She's ruined my life. My mental health has never been so bad. I don't feel like this is normal. But then again, I've never loved like this and definitely never felt a heartbreak like this. It's nearly been 3 months now and I still blame myself for everything. I feel like a monster. I've not bothered checking up on her and I'm trying my best to move on She still hates me and from what I heard and the smear campaign is still going strong.
I miss the sweet adorable good girl I used to have, I miss the funny out going person I used to be and I miss the family we had, I'd do anything to have that back but her actions are telling me it's never going to happen and maybe that's for the best I just wish I could stop crying everytime I think of her I wish I could fix this I wish I was better for her but I'm broken.
Will she allways hate me? Is this all my fault? And will this pain ever go because I'm struggling I don't know how much longer I can do this, the one woman I ever fully loved with all my heart hating me over a mistake is weighing heavy on me, maybe one day she will understand that it's not just her with mental health issues and I was only trying my best but I'm not holding out hope.
If you ever read this A Im truly do love you with everything I have and I know you must be hurting too, I'm sorry I did this to you, I'm sorry I couldn't be better, I let my trauma get the better off me and ill never forgive my self for losing the love of my life, I know I made you happy and hopefully in the future I'll get the chance to make you happy again.
submitted by typicalspicycouple to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:19 garopj25 Blow it up er no?

Blow it up er no?
Hi all. My league is a superflex, 12 teams, 0.5 point PPR. Our inagural season was in 2018 and (after a clutch late season pickup of Damian Williams) I won the league championship.
Little did I know that would be my peak. Since that point my team has hovered around a .500 regular season record every year with positive progress (points wise) the last two. I feel like I'm maybe a season away from competing. Here's my roster breakdown:
QBs: Anthony Richardson, Jared Goff, Drake Maye, Russell Wilson RBs: Rachaad White, Rhamondre Stevenson, Zamir White, Ezekiel Elliott, Zack Moss WRs: Ja'Marr Chase, Zay Flowers, Romeo Doubs, Jacoby Myers, Xavier Legette, Elijah Moore, Treylon Burks TEs: Jonnu Smith, Daniel Bellinger 😬 K: Harrison Butker D: DET, GB, JAX
Obviously I need a tight end and I've been working on trades for one (I have mid RBs but still have 4/5 starters). But as I'm exchanging offers one of the better teams in my league (top 2 finish the last two years) offered me the attached image.
Do I keep my rebuilding progress with Chase being my cornerstone or do I take this HAUL? Keep in mind his picks will probably be late. I also currently have a 1st and two 2nd rounders in 2025.
submitted by garopj25 to DynastyFFTradeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:19 boomfruit Fire Emblem Engage

Hello, this is my first time making a post here, although I read and engage every so often. I actually played this game last year, but didn't feel like making this until now.
I've played (I think) every single mainline US-available Fire Emblem game; it's one of my top series and I just love the formula so much, to the point that I have tried multiple times to play FF Tactics and just can't get into it because it's too dissimilar from FE, and when I play a tactics game, I just want the FE formula.
Anyway, I played FE: Engage last year and here are some thoughts (there will be a couple light spoilers):
That's pretty much it. What did everyone else think?
submitted by boomfruit to patientgamers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:19 x993231 X From Ihub with a few thoughts See some of you next week

Lol now ihub punk is asking “What is the current sales pipeline for Lightwave Logic's polymer modulators and other products? Can you share any details on the size and timing of potential deals with the 20+ major corporations that have viewed the technology demo?"
"When do you anticipate Lightwave Logic will achieve its first $1 million revenue quarter? What milestones need to be hit to reach that level of quarterly sales?"
"What is the company's plan to become cash flow positive and profitable? When do you expect Lightwave Logic to reach profitability?”
Punkin has come a long way, he used to say that it could never be done, now he keeps falling back, apparently trying to hold the line, lol, now he is asking questions about revenue and dang even invoking God to help humanity as his reason for posting in his credentials. Even if one thinks that they are right that is quite a statement, typically something that a reasonable person keeps to themselves a life's effort is something between them and their creator. I have no idea where this technology will lead or what it will solve, my goal is an investment, certainly not divine, I have no clue in the end who it will truly benefit but the medical thing does have potential.
Today I'm happy with thousands of modulators on a foundry produced wafer. And thousands of modulators from a few ounces of Perkinamine. These modulators Triple the speed, reduce the power and are 1/30 the size of today's modulators. Lebby will fill us in on what we need, he is far more intelligent than anyone on this board.
Read on folks.
Oh and do not forget about those that sold early (or didn’t sell early) that purport to be long and like to consistently complain every single time the price drops. Let me try to explain it this way, this is not a sports game, this is a technology, so unlike sports, points can be literally be taken of the scoreboard by simply borrowing and selling shares (shorts). Remember though that those shares must be purchased back and until then the actual score of the game is not known. So the shorts agenda is to sell it down then try and convince folks to sell them shares at that discounted price. Some longs do not understand that they are helping the shorts at their game. That being said, there are currently 17% more shares sold than exist. They have borrowed those shares and pay interest daily and have sold them to us with the hope of buying them back at a reduced price (Some purported longs even try to help them) apparently, they think that if they complain it will force an NVDA, Microsoft, IBM, Amazon to reach an agreement with Lightwave sooner. Well, it will not change the speed of the adoption of the technology, I’m all for doing a tier1 agreement, but a few quick little agreements could force their hand so the Tier1’s do not have to have to honor those agreements should the company be taken over. Some seam to forget that until now Silicon photonics could keep up, but no more and with AI we just entered a new world, where the pace set by Moore's Law for silicon photonics is leisurely compared to this new demand. AI is totally on a sprint, with its computational power doubling not every two years, but approximately every six months.
Let me look at what the shorts have said over the years basically throwing spaghetti at the wall and have been proven wrong. Patents were filed in 2020, 2021, ALD I think was 2022. Patents were not made public, the shorts were babbling meanwhile Lebby had not only solved it but wrote and submitted patents.
Here are the 10 top B.S. short myths, trying to suppress the stock so they could try and cover I also think that there are a few purported longs that sold prematurely that are now helping to push the shorts game forward, meanwhile with the next deal announcement the dam is about to burst.
I’d love to see Punkin hold a conversation with Lebby one on one for 5 minutes, it would be hilarious,
Shorts and those paid by the shorts to act like they “know something” won't even tell you when they are short, they just say, no not short just here to spend my life 7 days a week helping folks that I have never met. Well, here they are, you tell me guys.
1.) The shorts had worked for months to try and convince investors that Lightwave had a problem poling. Then low and behold Lightwave unveiled 2 patents they submitted years prior solving that issue.
2.) The shorts claimed for years Lightwave could not protect the device in anything other than a gold box, then Lightwave unveiled the ALD patent that they had acquired. Basically, hair spray over the finished chip is all that is needed. The foundries are using the same thing over the electronics side of the chip. Understand that even if someone else invents an EO Polymer Lightwave Owns the Patent on ALD over Polymers. Comprende?
3.) The shorts claimed Lightwaves material was not stable, Wham Bam blown out of the water yet again.
4.) Shorts said that Lightwave could never get this under 1 volt, well Lightwave did, in fact Lightwaves polymer is so sensitive that their modulators can function without the aid of driver to boost the voltage. Basically the electrons in the 1's and 0's rolling off the silicon can embed themselves into the laser using Lightwaves polymer. Oh and by the way, Lightwave also owns the patent on a driverless Polymer Modulator. Even if someone perfects a stable sensitive EO polymer when the want to do direct drive, they have to come knocking on Lightwaves door with cash in hand.
5.) For the 6 months leading up to last years annual shareholder meeting the shorts stated Lightwave could not close a commercial deal all the then like now trying to convince us that the sky was falling and once again Lebby delivered.
6.) For months the shorts said Lightwave could not use anything other than gold on their electrodes, well guess the F what, yup, once again (at the shareholders meeting) Lebby put up a slide of successful foundry runs and when asked by me if the contacts labeled AL on the slide stood for Aluminum Lebby said “yes, we use that any many other materials as well”. I asked about aluminum corrosion, the response was, X (you idiot) that is what the ALD will also protect.
7.) The Shorts were trying to convince longs that the foundry had not made progress on PDK’s, Lebby certainly blew them out of the water on that as well. As info PDK’s are process development kits, it is how the foundries make Lightwaves devices available to the public so when an NVDA’s, Amazon (AWS), Cisco or Fujitsu are designing devices they can check that box and add that to their device in the foundry. 2 weeks ago lebby said the foundries have thousands of modulators per wafer. On question that I need to understand is that with thousands of devices on a wafer how many of those thousands of modulators are affected by the kerf when dicing (sawing or scribing?)
8) The shorts used to say that it couldn’t me done now as you see Pumpkin is asking Yes but “What is the current sales pipeline for Lightwave Logic's polymer modulators? Can you share any details on the size and timing of potential deals with the 20+ major corporations that have viewed the technology demo? When do you anticipate Lightwave Logic will achieve its first $1 million revenue quarter? What milestones need to be hit to reach that level of quarterly sales? What is the company's plan to become cash flow positive and profitable? When do you expect Lightwave Logic to reach profitability?” Lol, Lol and again Lol It sounds like Pumpkin is finally being honest, perhaps it is by divine intervention on his posts
9) As info the institutions now own 26% of the shares, The shorts would have us believe that is irrelevant, wait what?
10) I like this, Ted who also has another ID said that he gets his info from the internet because everything on it is true. When asked why he does not use first-hand information he said that he is not good at reading people, lol and yet he watches every video with baited breath.
I know some do not see it but as evidenced by their latest efforts the shorts are worried and it is obvious that whomever they got their info from was consistently years behind making up issues that had in fact already been solved. I would not want to have been an advisor to the shorts.
Lightwave is finally at the stage where they have the patents in place, moved into additional lab space, hired additional lab personnel for making larger quantities of perkinamine, (a few fluid ounces can make thousands of devices) the new lab will be equipped to test larger quantities of chips coming back from foundries, work on new polymers for additional devices (they even have another polymer available for licensing) produce data sheets, standardize bulk testing, they have even hired a dedicated deal maker, oh also a V.P. dedicated just to working with foundries that are actively running wafers. Now they have added a former Intel deal maker to the board of directors.
Soon this thing will in fact snowball because the industry's "go to" good old silicon photonics has hit the wall it simply cannot run faster. Lightwaves material when added applied to Silicon triples the speed and because it is so sensitive it is 30times smaller and uses 1/10 the power all at a time when AI is pushing the amount of data processed by the data centers through the roof.
~Some of us were wondering why the Lightwave employees were still in town (apparently held over) for an extra 2 days over after the OFC San Frisco meeting, now we see that there were no less than 20 companies that apparently requested an unscheduled impromptu demo on a holiday week (good Friday) after the convention was over. Not only did Lightwave employees not go home but it sounds like a bunch of Tier 1’s and such saw it as important enough to see ASAP. And yes while many on here say that NDA’s do not exist, LOL I’ll bet that not only were NDA’s mandatory but I bet that every demo was “private” by scheduled appointment only and also attended by the various expert employees at Lightwave to get the most bang for the buck.~
Lightwave makes the thing that makes the component better anyone communicating using fiber optics needs it, the entire industry needs it. Think if BASF produces a chemical that makes paint last longer. Why would the paint manufacture tell its competitors what makes their paint so durable. Lightwave is going partner with many and they will simply sell devices that are faster and require less energy, those companies are not going to tell the competition what they do to make that happen. Lightwave will quietly market to the tier1's and they will insist on it in their data centers and devices. The one exception that I see is that if the foundry runs were paid for by Lightwave Logic (vs. say an amazon or facebook etc) Lightwave would do joint public PR of where the industry can order chips with Lightwaves Perkinamine on it (It is called checking the box on the PDK).
The shorting situation will be solved by additional Partnerships and look out when those Partnerships are accompanied by a dividend in a new 3rd party company licensing say the ability to develop the Lidar device market or for the biotech crowd a medical sensing partner, wham short situation solved in short order. Remember that currently they are only talking about Telcom 2km to 10km market but there are so many more.
Currently 1k difference between the buys and sells changed it 1 penny. Folks this is just normal trading without any pressure on the price. This time next week we’ll either be in the lab or in the meeting.
Still trying to digest the effects of T+1 on the shorts especially the foreign exchange rate, Fails To Deliver, Naked shorting etc. it is coming the Tuesday after Memorial Day (Holiday in the U.S., which is the weekend after the Shareholders Meeting), Finra Settlement Date 5/31 which then will mean a trade date of 5/30.
Short Game, Market Maker Game, Institution Game, changing technology
Check it out rainy day so I thought I’d look Punkin “I never said any of those things in that context. I’m just here doing Gods work” That was in reply to JimJet218’s statement. 1. Couldn't be poled.
  1. Needed a gold case.
  2. Would never be less than 1 volt. Pumpkin claims to be doing “Gods Work”.
Xster Rainy day so I thought I'd spend few minutes today,
Getting spanked so far today.
submitted by x993231 to LWLG [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:18 typicalspicycouple Will I be broken forever? Does love like this fade away?

Sorry, this is a long read but I feel like I need to vent and maybe be judged for being an idiot. I will try to be as unbiased as possible as I know I'm at fault too.
So I (m30) and my ex (f26) met on Hinge and quickly started playing video games together (Destiny 2, and to this day it's still one of my best memories). We stayed up for so long just talking for hours; we hit it off instantly. This theme carried on until we met. I traveled to her (this will become a pattern), and when I tell you it was love at first sight, I mean it. I just could not stop smiling; she was so perfect in every way. As the relationship progressed, it only got stronger. She helped me open up (we both have broken pasts and trauma to go with it). She helped me become soft and as silly as it may seem, she helped me cry again. I have never felt so safe, secure, loved, seen, and heard by anyone. I truly looked up to her and appreciated her as a person, and I know she felt the same. She told me on many occasions how happy she was, how no one had ever been this good to her. She had a bad past with men, so I took that into consideration and even asked if it was OK to touch her and if she was comfortable during our intimate moments. We honestly were perfect and everyone could see how happy we were. Everything I liked, she liked. If I played a game, she got that game to join me (she even got a PS5 just to play with me). She was my little copycat; she even stole some of my jokes and sayings. We were inseparable; she was my best friend and future wife.
Fast forward to us moving in together about a year into our relationship. I moved everything; I left friends and family and packed everything up to be with her. Things were still amazing and healthy. We both have a child each, so that added to the mix, and honestly, they were a pain now and again, but I can safely say they loved having each other around... when they weren't bickering, and I loved them both. I took her child as my own and loved her; I still do.
We went through a lot together and I was always there to support her, and I think I did a good job of it too. I helped her through all her problems; I was always there to help and be a shoulder to cry on. She told me about her past and how every single one of her exes hurt her in some way from the r-word to abuse and cheating. I made sure I was nothing like them. I respected her in every way possible. I made sure I kissed her, told her how beautiful she was and how lucky I was to have her, how much I loved her. I hyped her up every chance I got. I made it my mission to make her feel confident again, and it worked. She finally saw what I did, but let's focus on the issues because every relationship has them. We both got sloppy. I have ADHD and she has her own personal issues, and we let the house get on top of us now and again. She definitely cleaned more than me and I never took the initiative, but when I cleaned, oh boy did I clean, and this was something we were working on and I honestly was getting better but I feel like she didn't see that. I was also struggling to find a job and I got more and more depressed, and in the last month of our relationship, I let myself go completely. I was in a hole and I just needed support, support like I always gave her. She started to argue more but I shut down when I feel like I'm being attacked (it's childhood trauma I'm working with a therapist now). I now see I could have handled it better, but at the same time I told her about this and at times she talked to me about it instead of fighting and it helped. I'm painting myself in a bad light here. She also had her problems, like she would nap a lot and I'd have to deal with the kids, or she would also shut down, especially when her PTSD kicked in. But I never minded. I knew who she was and I fully accepted her for it, and I understand people aren't perfect. But the love we had and the good times we created heavily outweighed the bad.
The night we broke up was the worst night of my life. The day started off so well. We were the amazing loving couple we always were. She and the 2 kids were play fighting and she was egging me on to join, so in a joking fashion I told her no and told my son to go beat her up for me. He took it too far and hit her too hard (he's only 5 at the time). She then out of nowhere hit me across the face and I didn't know what to do. I shut down. I calmly got the kids to bed and just shut down. She was begging and pleading for me to talk to her and I just ignored her like the child I am. The sweetest, most loving girl I've ever known and I ignored her. She left the house in the dark in her pyjamas and I couldn't stop her. I had this battle in my head that wouldn't let me.
She came back an hour later with no emotion. She wanted me and my son out. I tried and tried to talk to her but she wasn't there anymore. Everyone hated me and I couldn't understand why. I know I had a few issues but doesn't everyone? It was our first big fight and all of a sudden I'm manipulative and a narcissist. All I could do was apologize. It got to the point I was saying sorry for things that I didn't do. I was lost and confused. She kissed me before I left and that only made it worse. Me and my son were homeless and living on my mom's couch. I tried talking to her but she got nasty, started with the name calling and belittling, pointing out all my flaws. I didn't know what to do. I just kept apologizing and telling her I loved her and I'd be better. I was losing my mind. She was the best thing that ever happened to me and at one point I was to her. I couldn't understand how she could completely do a 180 and hate me to the core. I made all the mistakes. I begged, I pleaded, I even messaged her nan hoping she would understand and help me but it only made it all worse. I sent gifts, I tried reminding her of the good times... Like I said, all the mistakes. I became obsessive (since then I have done a lot of work with my therapist and I had a nervous breakdown due to my abandonment issues and anxiety). I even turned up at her house; granted I did message beforehand because I needed some documents for the next day but she never got the message.
Well, as I'm sure you can all guess what happened next. She rang the police and I was blocked on everything. I did stop messaging her eventually and only did when I needed to sort out my belongings(admittedly I did mess up now and again but no one is perfect), and at one point we talked on the phone. She told me she didn't know if she wanted to involve the police anymore (gave me false hope). We talked a little; turned out she needed some money so I sent her some. Then it was back to her being cold and evil... She made reports to child services (I've been cleared of them). She reported me for having firearms... They were airsoft guns :/ and she knows this. She's been talking about me behind my back and making me this monster that ruined her life when it was I that lost everything. Even one of her friends came forward and told me all the nasty things she's been saying and all my insecurities she's been mocking me about.
I got to a dark place. I had nothing. It was 3 weeks into the breakup and I snapped. It all got too much. I felt like I failed everyone and I had nothing left to live for. I tried taking my own life. The only person I told was my child's mum so she could come get him.
News got to my ex and she took it as an attack on her. She somehow made it about her. This only made her more vindictive, calling me a narcissist and manipulative yet again. This fucked me up more. For weeks all I could do was research narcissism. Even after my therapist said I wasn't a narcissist, I was still unsure.
I finally got a truck sorted to get my stuff from her, and there was a lot missing so I had to go into the house to sort it. I even made her laugh at some point (bad idea... made her hate me more somehow). But when I was leaving, she turned yet again (I now know it's because I was in front of the ring camera and she wanted me to react to her abuse to further paint me as the bad guy). She laughed in my face and called me pathetic for trying to end it... It destroyed me. She also said if she didn't hit me she would have hit my son, then called me a pussy for not hitting her back.
Do I deserve all this? I know I wasn't a perfect, I'm trying to at least better myself. I fucked up by bugging her for sure but is this level of revenge justified? She's ruined my life. My mental health has never been so bad. I don't feel like this is normal. But then again, I've never loved like this and definitely never felt a heartbreak like this. It's nearly been 3 months now and I still blame myself for everything. I feel like a monster. I've not bothered checking up on her and I'm trying my best to move on She still hates me and from what I heard and the smear campaign is still going strong.
I miss the sweet adorable good girl I used to have, I miss the funny out going person I used to be and I miss the family we had, I'd do anything to have that back but her actions are telling me it's never going to happen and maybe that's for the best I just wish I could stop crying everytime I think of her I wish I could fix this I wish I was better for her but I'm broken.
Will she allways hate me? Is this all my fault? And will this pain ever go because I'm struggling I don't know how much longer I can do this, the one woman I ever fully loved with all my heart hating me over a mistake is weighing heavy on me, maybe one day she will understand that it's not just her with mental health issues and I was only trying my best but I'm not holding out hope.
If you ever read this A Im truly do love you with everything I have and I know you must be hurting too, I'm sorry I did this to you, I'm sorry I couldn't be better, I let my trauma get the better off me and ill never forgive my self for losing the love of my life, I know I made you happy and hopefully in the future I'll get the chance to make you happy again.
submitted by typicalspicycouple to BreakUp [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:17 lambchopsuey The SGI-USA's generational bottleneck

One of the fascinating aspects of outsider reports and analysis is what they see. Given that at this point (1992) the internet was not yet widely available/accessible, this sort of thing would have been difficult to find. And of course SGI wasn't ever going to tell us the truth!
This will show you that SGI-USA (then called "NSA") was failing in recruiting far earlier than perhaps most of us in the US realized. SGI in the USA was basically a flash in the pan; it fizzled fast; and now it's just that rank stale smoke smell that lingers long after the fire's been put out.
This comes from Cults and Nonconventional Religious Groups: A Collection of Outstanding Dissertations and Monographs, "Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism and the Soka Gakkai in America: The Ethos of a New Religious Movement", Jane Hurst, 1992, pp. 150-151. Jane Hurst has some interesting research out there; while she tends toward being uncritically supportive of SGI, anyone who is making statistics available is a big help.
NSA members in the 1960s and 1970s were young (52% below age 30), more than half female (59%), and from a variety of occupations and social classes.
The Baby Boom generation were at most age 19 in, say, 1965 and at most age 24 in 1970.
This youthfulness is largely reflected in the early organization's origins in the American servicemen who returned from being stationed in Japan with their Japanese war-brides - those servicemen tended to be young and from a variety of ethnicities and backgrounds, as the draft was still in effect during that time period (ended March 1975). In addition, the first General Director of the US organization, Masayasu Sadanaga, initially targeted college campuses for recruitment by offering lectures on Buddhism. Sadanaga changed his name to George M. Williams in 1972, in obedience to the (short-lived) direction back then of Japanese leaders adopting American-sounding names (first AND last) in order to appeal more broadly to non-Japanese Americans.
The percentage of Oriental members steadily decreased as more and more white and black Americans joined NSA as seen in Figure 10, above.
Figure 10 (I'll get to that line in another post.)
Most of the original "Oriental members" were those Japanese war-brides, whose first efforts to recruit new SGI members were directed toward other Japanese individuals.
NSA members came from the major religious traditions of Protestantism (30%), Catholicism (30%), and Judaism (6%). At the time these 1971 statistics were compiled, all areas of American society. By 1983, the age span was even more broad, with 11% of the members age 50 and above, 62% ages 30-49, 24% ages 20-29, and 3% below age 19.
For reference, here are the age ranges for the existing generations in 1983:
While these 1983 statistics aren't broken down by generation, here's what is clear:
This means that 97% of the membership of SGI-USA was Baby Boom generation OR OLDER!

IN 1983!!

Notice how this affirms the demographic estimate from this other research: "Soka Gakkai in America": Little appeal/interest outside of Baby Boom generation
Take a look at Table 4.
Specifically, the Age cohort (%) category.
For the Converts, 26% are older than Baby Boomers; 61% are Baby Boomers. That makes 87% Boomer and older. Only 14% are younger than Boomers.
No wonder SGI-USA is aging and dying, with these kinds of numbers!
We are seeing, like, 90% Baby Boomers in the group photos we've looked at.
The pictures back this up.
Also, this comment by an SGI-USA leader a few years ago during Minoru Harada's visit (anyone know what year that was?):
They [top SGI-USA leaders] then went off on how when we create these big-ass meetings, we shouldn't have to look into the crowd and see, and I quote, "A bunch of old-ass motherfuckers" The words of my "superiors", not mine. I think this is when they brought up the idea of 50K to my co-leaders and me. Source
"Old-ass motherfuckers" is all they have. How 'bout showing a little of that appreciation and gratitude SGI bangs on about??
Worse, "old-ass motherfuckers" is all SGI-USA can get.
Further, again referring to Table 4, SGI-USA's membership is solidly 2/3 women. That means it's going to be very difficult for women in SGI-USA to find mates to marry, which means childlessness will be more of a norm than an exception. Child-free is a valid and respect-worthy decision, don't get me wrong, but a religion's most reliable source of younger members is its own membership's children. Since SGI-USA's female members don't feel any responsibility or obligation to bear multiple children (like those poor, stupid Mormon sheepwomen do), there won't be any next generation to take over.
There's a reason so many religions have traditionally exhorted their membership to have lots of babies, why they condemn birth control and abortion. A big part of it is to keep their own numbers up! Source
It's the same problem happening in Japan within the Soka Gakkai:
On the other hand, aging is relentless. In terms of the Soka Gakkai's membership demographics, the "volume zone" where most members fall is the baby boomer generation who joined by the 1960s. They are now late elderly. In the past, the management of centers in various places was handled by the "Gajokai" consisting of Young Men's Division members, but it is no longer possible to secure personnel. Instead, in 2009, the Soka Gakkai launched the "Ojokai'' consisting of "middle-aged divisions,'' scolding them as "young people in their 50s'' and rushing to mobilize them. Source
For perspective, note that SGI-USA was managing to recruit just "1,000 per YEAR" - including all ages - between 1991 and 1999. Eight years of only 1,000 members added per year, with no accounting for the deaths or defections. Were the years after that more successful, recruiting-wise? I doubt it.
[Then-SGI-USA's public-relations director for the East Coast Bill] Aiken says SGI-USA has attracted about 1000 new members per year for the past eight years. - from 1999. Only 1,000 new members - across the ENTIRE 360+ million-person strong USA - in an ENTIRE year. And this extremely low level of success for EIGHT YEARS IN A ROW!! Source
From 2018:
In recent years, the number of young Soka Gakkai members has been decreasing rapidly . Looking at the participants in the simultaneous broadcasts and roundtable discussions, the majority are of the grandparents' generation, with only a small number of young people in their 20s and 30s, and the number of teenage boys and girls is almost an endangered species .
Therefore, what I am interested in is the population of Soka Gakkai by age group. This time, I would like to estimate the current population of Soka Gakkai by age , based on information I have personally seen and heard and verification from others . Please note that this estimate is very rough.
First, the largest number of Soka Gakkai members are baby boomers (born between 1947 and 1949 [Japan's Baby Boom]). This seems almost certain considering the history of the development of Soka Gakkai .
Also, the total number of members has already been verified by many people, and is estimated to be around 3 to 5 million people. This time we assume about 4 million people .
And this is what I heard directly from a staff member at headquarters last year, who said , `` The number of activists decreases by about 1/3 with each generation.'' I think this is a reasonable rate of decline that can be felt by looking at participants in simultaneous broadcasts and roundtable discussions. It seems that members who have stopped being activists are less likely to have their children join, so this time we will use a value of 1/3 per generation as the member decline rate .
Also, regarding the number of years it takes for generational change, the average age for men and women to give birth to their first child is currently 30 years old. Considering that the average age of childbearing for both men and women when the baby boomer generation was born was 24 years old, and that there are cases where not only the first child but also the second and third children are born, the generational shift will take 30 years. Let's calculate it as if it would take a year . In that case, the annual membership attrition rate would be (1/3)1/30 = 0.964, or 3.6% .
It is unclear when this trend of declining membership started, but this time we will assume that it started in the year following the baby boom generation (1950). Source
And "Soka Gakkai is like an old people's club":
Regarding the problem of a decline in Komeito votes, or in other words, a decline in active Soka Gakkai members, many people concerned point out that the primary cause is the aging of Soka Gakkai members. The enthusiastic members of the generation who supported the growth of the society along with charismatic Honorary President Daisaku Ikeda are now elderly across the board. Most of the current new members are second- or third-generation members who join because their parents are members of Soka Gakkai, and they are not very enthusiastic about Soka Gakkai's activities. Today, many of Soka Gakkai's daily events are even derided by insiders as "like an old people's party."
And a more recent report (this year):
Back about 20 years ago a good friend and good guy, now deceased, from ChiTown, was commissioned by SGI Central Command to survey every contactable member of SGI in every district in America. The number he came up with was 5% of the number of Gohonzon passed out since, I guess whenever Gohonzon started to be passed out. The total number was about a million give or take, 20 years ago. These were contactable people, not practicing members. I remember going through lists of people we had on the books and trying to see if they could be reached. So the number we came up with was reported. Hearing nothing about it, I happened to run into my friend at some event at Soka U. He mentioned that he did the survey, and gave me the results. I believe he told me the facts. (Not everyone who practiced was a lying asshole.) So about 20 years ago SGI had about 50,000 “contactable“ people who had received Gohonzon. My estimate that about half of that number had zero interest in SGI. Thus 20 years ago, SGI had about 25,000 members still interested in SGI in some capacity. I think it’s the same number today. (2500 districts x 10=25,000.) Like I said before I went to FNCC twice last year, and everyone, including me, were old zany seniors. Neither conference was for old people. Conclusion: SGI is a senior citizen support group. When I joined in1969, we were all hippie ish, rejecting all the old shit, looking for something new and hip. Now SGI looks like old shit. Source
And another (this year or last):
When I joined 50+ years ago the ratio of youth to MD and WD was about 80:20. Now it's the reverse. Our goal is to move steadily back to a youth focus again. Source
Except it's obvious that SGI-USA doesn't HAVE "20% youth":
Youth? They've got to be fooling themselves!!! When I was still with the SGI last February (2023), I went to the kosen-rufu gongyo meeting at the center in my area. Mind you, the state I live in closed its center in 2021 for undisclosed reasons. That aside, the one I went to was in another state, and at that meeting, they had no byakuren, Gajokai, or Soka Group in attendance. Additionally, the only youth at the meeting were a few small children. Source
I feel that SGI is out of touch with anyone who’s younger than 60. The leaders are retired, have a lot of time on their hands and completely disregard the fact that people may work or have families. For young people it’s the old people taking nonsense. Source
The PROBLEM was already evident in 1983 - and none of the SGI-USA's big "Recruit-Youth-A-Thons", like "Victory over Violence" and "Rock The Ego Era" and "50K Liars of Just-Us" (everybody wants to forget the epic fail that was the "Gandhi, King, Ikeda" exhibit), has made the slightest difference in this demographic disaster. In fact, preparing for the 2018 "50K" event, SGI-USA likely had only 2,451 members in the 12-35 (or perhaps 11-39) age group, just 9% of the most generous SGI-USA active membership total (~30,000).
Ikeda could have preserved a "youthful" Soka Gakkai by passing the Presidency to a younger candidate, but Ikeda refused, because Ikeda was too focused on and obsessed with HIMSELF - his power, his prestige, his wealth, his status, his fame, his renown, HIM becoming leader of the world, his PERMANENCY, and his legacy. He refused to let anyone else come anywhere CLOSE to the power and control - he greedily, selfishly clutched it all tightly to himself and refused to share.
THAT is why the Ikeda cult Soka Gakkai/SGI is aging and dying. It's ALL Ikeda's fault, Ikeda's responsibility. IKEDA DID THAT.
Some "mentor". Source
SGI-USA has never managed to recover from that demographic bottleneck that happened no later than 1983.
submitted by lambchopsuey to sgiwhistleblowers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:14 Adc0m Red canister riding, a little movement trick

As I just scrolled by a post where some people ride on top of a red canister into a launchpad, I got remided of a cool trick which I wanted to share.
I do not known if this is news to anyone, but I want to share this cool trick to whoever doesn't yet know about it.
Me and my friend realized f you hold a red canister, and you look straight up in the air with it in hand, and drop the red canister while you move out of its way it will stand upside down.
If you then jump on top of it while it points upwards, and stand on it, and then shoot it a couple of times, you will get launched straight up in the air a fair bit until it explodes. Just make sure you stand on top of it while it is flying upwards
This can be helpful, especially for heavies which have limited movement and need to get on top of a building.
The only downside is that you take a little bit of damage from the explosion. But I've managed to make it work many times, especially on Monaco.
It can sometimes launch you the whole way on top of some roofs, but it usually launches you some floors. If you are quick enough, you can jump off the canister just before it explodes to gain a little bit of extra airtime which can make you fly higher or give you time to grab a balcony or a windowframe.
I don't have any recording of it unfortunately, but I recommend trying it out for yourself.
submitted by Adc0m to thefinals [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:14 Professional-Bid-575 Kindle Scribe disappointing

I've been without an ereader for many years, mostly using my iPad, mainly because I haven't found anything that satisfactorily could replace my sadly lost Kindle Voyage. I was sick of reading on LCD and OLED screens, so I decided to bite the bullet and get an ereader. At first I was looking at the 6"-7" models but the Scribe reviews turned my head. I've seen many people here and elsewhere say it's the best Kindle they've ever owned and that they've ditched note taking on their iPad or in physical notebooks after getting the Scribe. I journal daily, write for work, and do creative writing as a hobby so I just had to try the Scribe.
Well, sadly, I have to say I am majorly disappointed. The device is extremely well built and fit and finish is top notch, so that's not an issue. The stylus feels good in the hand. The screen looks gorgeous, and reading books with larger text without having to turn pages nearly as often is a godsend. A+ on all of those aspects.
Then the negatives popped up quickly. I do a lot of writing in notebooks with fountain pens and I don't care what anyone says, none of these devices come anywhere close to the tactile satisfaction of feeling the nib of a fountain pen on good paper and watching the ink appear on the page. So in that respect, the Scribe is no worse than any other digital writing device and better than several. But to me the iPad is still the gold standard of digital writing experiences. I like the Scribe stylus more than the Apple Pencil in the hand, but you can tell that Apple put an incredible amount of time and money making the writing experience on the iPad feel like the best in the world, and it is. The animations, the responsiveness, the ability to customize the output, how close each writing type looks to its analog counterpart, it's all unparalleled. The Scribe falls so short, it's not even close. The customization options feel paltry and the pencil for example looks like I'm writing with a Wooly Willy pad. I can excuse the lower responsiveness because it's an e-ink screen and the iPad has a 60-120hz LCD or OLED screen, but the overall experience of writing is several steps down.
Now, I would still consider taking those tradeoffs for the benefit of a no distractions device to write on, especially in conditions where pen and paper is not convenient. But this brings me to the biggest and most immediately deal breaking aspect of this device: I cannot find anything from Amazon about how notes and notebooks are secured, encrypted, and otherwise guaranteed to be seen only by me or people I chose to share access with. While Amazon is undeniably convenient, I do NOT trust them at all, and they don't address the security of notes at all that I can see. With Apple I can (and have) enable advanced protections on my account that end to end encrypts pretty much everything. So now I can't use the note taking aspect of the Scribe for work, or anything more personal than a shopping list. Couple this with the extreme limitation of what you can even do with notes as they don't sync to anything, you can't even write in the margins of 99% of ebooks, and the writing utility of the Scribe dwindles to virtually nothing for me.
So that leaves the Scribe's utility as a big ereader. Unfortunately this is heavy and while thin it's still a very big device. In the same way I can't as easily carry around and use my iPad the way I do my iPhone, the Scribe is not conducive to using in many of the places I would want to use an ereader, like in bed with my cat on my chest or, let's be blunt, on the toilet. The ever present expandable icon for adding sticky notes on ebooks is a perpetual distraction on a class of device that is all about eliminating distractions.
There are also baffling omissions in both the software and hardware. We've got the button on the stylus, and it can only be used to change between different modes. You'd think a perfect use for this would be to cycle between line thickness options, or choose the lasso selector, or undo with a single tap, redo with a double tap or long hold. There's a sticky note option for the button, an excellent idea, that appears to not work at all. The device has this big empty space on one side for holding the Scribe one handed and there's no hardware buttons for changing pages?? On a device this size, if you're already using that space to hold it one handed, it seems like a no brainer to put either full hardware buttons or touch inputs like the Voyage had where your hand already is to turn pages. Instead I now have to use my free hand to move a page forward.
I think the Scribe is a great idea, with great hardware, and middling to terrible execution. For the non-discounted price the Scribe goes for (thankfully I did not pay full price but I'll be returning nonetheless), plus the fact you have to pay extra for the good stylus, there is no excuse for such a poor user experience. And even if the user experience were A++, anyone privacy or security conscious still couldn't use the Scribe for any significant writing because Amazon has taken no steps to secure and protect our notes.
submitted by Professional-Bid-575 to kindle [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:12 Book_Golem Help, there are too many 3rd Rank spells to choose from!

Hello, lovely people! Our party has just hit Level 5, which means that I need to pick out some new spells for my Wizard. My School is Universalist, and my Thesis is Staff Nexus (with GM permitted options to swap out the staff spells I picked at first level using Downtime). I've taken the Loremaster archetype with Free Archetype.
Our party consists of a Bard, Champion, Cleric, Magus, and Summoner. Lots of healing and moderate damage output leading to longer fights.
We're playing through the Abomination Vaults, so keep that in mind. I'd prefer to avoid spoilers, please, but if I'm considering something that's going to be less effective it would be nice to know. We've just completed (or are in the process of completing, we haven't opened the way down yet) the fourth level (Belcorra's Retreat), so I'm aware that there are a lot of Undead and other horrible monsters!
I'd appreciate any advice on spell selection, but particularly for the two new spells I get to pick up at 5th Level, which can now be 3rd Rank.
My current "standard" loadout is as follows:
Innate Cantrips:
1st Rank:
2nd Rank:
Staff (Staff Nexus Staff of Earth - I just wanted a cheap staff to get charges for Nexus spells)
Thus, on to picking Rank 3 spells for 5th Level.
An observation I made in our last major fight was that I need to improve my "boss fight suite". Currently that's pretty much Revealing Light, Laughing Fit, and Enfeeble (plus Briny Bolt if I keep that prepared). That is at least one spell targeting each save (and AC), but the effects are fairly light and none of them contribute damage to the mix.
I'd like to be able to contribute damage, but I feel that as a Wizard inflicting status ailments/buffs is more important (it's not like anyone else in the party is doing much of that). Doing both would be ideal! With that in mind, here's my shortlist of spells and my thoughts on them. I'd appreciate any insight into which of these might be particularly good (or bad) given our adventure and party makeup (and doubtless I've missed a few gems along the way too)!
Potential 3rd Rank picks:
Additionally, I'm tempted to pick up (via scrolls) the following with an eye to Heightening them to 3rd Rank. Honestly, I'll probably grab as many as possible, but it'd be cool to know if there are particular standouts among these options - I haven't really considered Heightened spells before.
Spells to Heighten to 3rd Rank:
And that's about it. My current thought process is that I'll take Cave Fangs and one of Agonizing Despair, Haste, and Slow. I do enjoy the idea of stacking detrimental conditions onto a target until it stops being able to do much of anything, but I'm not sure that's actually a viable playstyle given how effectively things make saves in Pathfinder.
Anyway. Thanks for reading this far, and my apologies for the wall of text - hopefully it was at least legible! Any thoughts you may have on spell selection (even if it's just "why would you take X when Y is just better?") would be very much appreciated!
submitted by Book_Golem to Pathfinder2e [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:10 Sazqwatch Deciding on what pair to try next

I’m trying to decide what New Balance running shoes to try next, and looking for opinions. Or if I’m missing any I should consider. I’m slowly getting back into exercising, and would like to incorporate running (1-2 miles 2 to 3 times a week). And then some faster sprint type workouts. I wear a 12.5 2E, and am 245lbs. I believe neutral shoes should work for me although my feet are relatively flat.
The shoes I’m considering: -880 v14 -Rebel v4 -Vonga v6
The last shoes I’ve had/tried: Beacon v3: -Liked fresh foam but for some reason they just hurt my knees when walking, they felt like they had no support or contour to my foot. Almost like it was just a flat interior of the shoe.
880 v12: Liked a lot but I kept messing up the sizing. They felt very springy, which I’m not sure if that was from the FuelCell forefoot addition or not.
880 v13: felt like the v12 but the top of my toe kept getting caught on a firmer piece of the upper and bothered me so I sent them back
Rebel v3 12.5 2E: Still have these, but they feel extremely mushy, almost like I go through the cushion. Then I don’t feel like I get much spring afterward. I thought trying a full fuel cell shoe after likening the 880v12’s would be the direction for me, but somehow the v12’s felt more responsive at my weight. The shoe itself is a perfect contour of my foot, almost like a sock which I love. It feels like there is additional arch support. They are great for walking around to me, a little unstable but not worrisome, but the running experience wasn’t super pleasant. I don’t think I want a higher foam stack height than the rebel v3
submitted by Sazqwatch to Newbalance [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:09 sailflower Engaged ft. a mini review!

Engaged ft. a mini review!
Recently got engaged, picked out this ring with my fiancé. Didn’t want to share the specs amongst family/friends, but have always excitedly waited to post in our little community!
Specs are 1.7 ct, G color, VVS1. The model is the Solitaire 1895 yellow gold from Cartier. First two pictures taken from a Ricoh GR IIIx, last picture off an iPhone.
Mini review: It was a great experience picking this ring out; the service was top notch. Can’t say the same for some of the other places we visited. We shopped around (Garrard, Tiffany, online, etc.), and we fell in love with how classic this one was, especially with the yellow gold. Also, I’m pretty sure they have magic in their lighting because the diamonds looked ridiculously sparkly at the showroom.
They do custom rings depending on the size of the diamond you’re looking for and if they have your band size in stock. Definitely paid a premium for the name; everyone here already knows you could get something much bigger for the price. That said, it was always a bit of a dream of mine to get an engagement ring from Cartier. Appreciate all the advice/pics everyone has shared over the years here!
submitted by sailflower to EngagementRings [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:09 Angelcuddly 28[F4M/F] Who in Toronto, CA wants to hangout more or less soon? Requirements in the description:

Must be 24 or older, be non smoker, and possibly interested in having some edibles?
Must have prior marijuana use experience if we decide to do together.
I also like playing board/table top games, so would prefer that you've interest in that too.
I've smoked a little long ago, though recently decided to try and may just be nice to have company with it. Or who knows, make a friend?
Anyway if that interests you feel free to reach out while the offer still stands. I don't plan on doing this long term, so may be kind of a once in a lifetime lol. I guess I need to keep writing to make this 100 characters or so. Though I hope it's enough and that you have yourself a great time.
submitted by Angelcuddly to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:06 lampingninja The Price is FAKE! History is Repeating Itself - Connecting the Dots To Better Handle Current Price Fluctuations

The Price is FAKE! History is Repeating Itself - Connecting the Dots To Better Handle Current Price Fluctuations
Howdy apes - this post is to serve as a reminder and illustration of historical data and past trading patterns by short hedgies/parties who are on the wrong side of this trade to better educate those who are fearful of today's drop and any foreseeable downturn the stock may experience moving forward.
I'm excited seeing the movement and how much the price of our beloved stonk has risen in just the past week and a half (~$16 close as of May 3, 2024). Despite today's drop (~30%) we need to remind ourselves we are UP over 100% during this week and a half time period. The stock has made great strides, don't get discouraged.
To best illustrate the manipulative practices the shorts are exercising on you, me and this entire community, it's imperative to take a look at historical data from the first sneeze back in 2021. During this period DFV was posting his YOLO updates to the little yellow-haired kid's sub which we will also take a look at. First, hop in my Delorean with me as we travel back to the last trading week of the initial sneeze of January 2021.
Easy on the wheel, Doc!
Oh hey fellow ape, it's the end of the month of January 2021, welcome back! Rensole just posted the morning news, the hype videos are abundant and Rick is getting ready with his banana. What a time to be alive. I digress, let's check out January's last week trading metrics.
Data provided by Yahoo Finance
Look at that ASCENT! GME went from $19 to $86 over the course of Jan 25-27 (+352%) and closed at $81 on Jan 29, or a net +323% for the week. Also, look at that volume: the craze around the stock was palpable, FOMO was setting in to those who missed the initial launch but wanted to hop on this rocket ship. The stock had one direction, UP.
DFV YOLO update - January month-end
DFV posted his month-end January update, and boy was he up huge. I closely followed these during the first sneeze and it was a beacon of hope. If he was in, I was in. As hype as this week was and everyone was on cloud nine, the hedgies were aware of this and attempted to shake us into paper-handing by playing our emotional instability like a fiddle to create liquidity for them to find locates to cover their short positions. So what do the hedgies do?
They absolutely SLAM the price. A whopping 72% decline over the course of just TWO trading days, poof, gone, erased. You can imagine the panic and fear this created in the market for GME investors. Hedgies were banking on this move to expose investors' emotional instability and for them to release and sell their shares back into the market. It's mind games like this that they repeatedly used to stay alive since they are between a rock and a hard place - they need shares but supply was scarce. They had to deliberately employ some tactic or else it would be bye bye hedge fund.
DFV YOLO Update - Feb 2, 2021
DFV lost over half of his net value in the stock in just those two trading days. Can you imagine? But this didn't phase him. He believed in his thesis, the vision and direction of the company, and he diamond-handed the stock like an absolute legend. Staying true to himself and his reason for why he entered into his position in the first place, he held. And what did that hodling do for him and all of us?
*Insert The Price Is Right yodeler song climbing the mountain*
Hey now would you look at that! The stock REBOUNDS right back up over the course of a month of trading! Granted it experienced a little back and forth along the way but the climb was very real. And that's because we all held our shares with an unrelinquishable grip.
This process will take time. Step away from the computer and ticker if you need to. Go outside, take care of yourself, get adequate sleep and keep on top of your health. Like DFV cryptically mentioned in his one video he tweeted this past week where Tommy Shelby of Peaky Blinders mentions "It's gonna be a a busy few weeks brother". The fluctuating price action during the initial sneeze is no different than what is currently happening again this time around. These big players with lots of money (not for long) have the power to absolutely manipulate the stock price to oblivion with the hopes your emotional instability will take over and cause you to liquidate your positions and sell your shares. DO NOT get discouraged from this drop. The price is fake. The stock will rebound and until a couple digits turns into three, three into zipcodes, and zipcodes into phone numbers, HODL!!! Remember and trust the DD, WAGMI. The magnitude of this once in a lifetime opportunity is too great to be shook by a measly 30% drop in price. We learned from the past and we're not going anywhere. I'll see you on Valhalla.
submitted by lampingninja to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:05 Cygus_Lorman [IGN] Assassin’s Creed Shadows: 40 Details You Need To Know

The Setting

Stealth and Parkour

Combat and RPG Systems

Dynamic World and Seasons

Assassinations and Quests

submitted by Cygus_Lorman to assassinscreed [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:05 TightAsF_ck The BeermoneyUK Bank Switch Offer Guide (AKA The Bankedex) - May 2024

The title of the previous Bankedex has been making people think it only contained offers for NI. So here it is again, with all the current offers and with a more generic title. There are currently 5 active bank switch offers (and only one is specific to Northern Ireland!).
Here is the the ultimate guide to UK bank switch offers - the collective knowledge of ~140k BeermoneyUK members. Switch your bank account, get a cash reward for doing so. But don't switch your main account, open up a second account and switch that to get the money!

Updated 15/05/2024:

The most commonly asked bank switch questions:
  1. I started to switch to XXX bank before the offer ended, am I still eligible for the bonus?
Yes, usually, most terms will state that a switch just has to be started (or applied for) before the end date or before an offer ends.
  1. Do I have to transfer the required amount in all in one go, and does it matter if I pay money in before my switch is complete?
No and not usually, as long as the amount you pay in adds up to the required amount, and as long as you pay it in before the deadline stated in the terms. There has been one exception to this - Co-op - so check individual terms.
  1. I need to switch "active" direct debits, does a payment need to have been taken before I switch?
According to Nationwide, an active direct debit is one that has been set up or had a payment taken from it in the past 13 months. So no, according to this. But why not just wait for the direct debit to be taken? You'll not have to worry about it then.
  1. How do I set up and switch an additional Chase current account?
    • See Chase instruction here to open an additional account.
    • The second account will be linked to the same card as your main Chase account.
    • Use the secondary account details and your original card details when switching.
  2. What are the easiest/best direct debits to use for bank switching?
There are many: Paypal, Ebay, Moneybox savings account, Plum savings account, your credit card, Sprive Mortgage auto savings, Wealthify Robo Saving. We recommend ones that save money into an account in your own name. Here’s useful ones that have additional bonuses available via beermoneyuk
Site/App Offer Comment
Park Christmas (Search) Save for Christmas via direct debit
Plum (Search) A very useful direct debit Easy and fast to set up
Sprive (Search) Autosavings for mortgage overpayment direct debit (£5 bonus) Easy and fast to set up
Wealthify (Search) A very useful direct debit (£1/month min) Easy and fast to set up
Questions about Bank Switching should generally be asked here. Posts on the subreddit asking questions about bank switching will probably be removed.

As always with the Bankedex, we need your help.

The post has been updated with the newest offers, and tips commented in the previous Bankedex posts, and those in other posts on beermoneyuk. But it is a difficult task keeping on top of all the questions. Please continue to share your experience with Bank Bribes. I will add questions/answers to this post. Your help is much appreciated - thanks to you all.

Current bank switch offers (£551 in total)

Bank Bonus Offer Deadline Comment
Barclays 31k Avios for £48 spend None £100 profit, Requires premier banking
First Direct £175 to switch None
Danske Bank £175 to switch Northern Ireland only
Santander £175 to switch None £15 extra available
Virgin Money £100 to switch 31/05/2024 10% gross interest rates boost to 12% on £1k for 1 year (~£120 total) + extra £30 via Snoop

No switch, just sign up bank switch offers

Bank Offer Comment
Tide (click for details) Spend £100, get £75 cashback A beermoneyuk staple
Monzo (click to search) Spend £1, get £5 or £50 £50 is for a business account
Starling (click to search) Free National Trust Day Pass

Never switched a bank account before?

You should consider it. It is one of the easiest and most efficient ways of earning a little beermoney. It is advised to leave your main bank account alone. Instead, switch a secondary bank account, or open a new account at your current bank to be used just for switching. Recommended steps:
  1. Open a second current account with your main high street bank (must be part of CASS service)
  2. Set up direct debits on the second account (if required).
  3. Add £1 to your second account. This will be transferred to your new account, allowing you to see when the switch has been completed.
  4. Apply for a new account and arrange to switch to your second bank account (sometimes this is during the application process, other times it is after the account is opened).
  5. Let the current account switch service take care of everything.
  6. Make sure all other terms are met (e.g. pay in money if needed).
  7. Receive your bank switching bonus.
You will hear about lots of people rushing through all of the switch bonuses available. These offers have been coming and going for years, my advice is to do an offer that tickles your fancy and try out a new bank. Then, if you decide you do not like your new bank you should sample another bank and get paid again!

Are there some bank accounts worth keeping?

Why yes. Some are quite good, and give ongoing rewards. For example, Club Lloyds gives free Disney Plus. See the "don't leave us please" bank rewards post. Some also give access to the best savings accounts (e.g. regular savers).

Detailed switch offer information

Whilst we do our best to make sure things are correct, sometimes errors do slip through. Always do your own research. Also, it may not be possible to work through all of these.


Current offer: 31k Avios for full switch to Premier Banking, and paying £12/month for “Avios Rewards” for 4 months - works out around £100 profit when converted to Nectar points.
Direct link to offer (scroll down)
  • You must switch to Premier Bank account.
These are premium accounts, supposed to be for those with £70k+ salaries. However, cycling £4201 each month also appears to do the job
Offer end date: None listed
  • Open a Barclays Premier bank account & join Avios Rewards (£12/month fee), or
  • Complete a full switch from a different bank (you do this from within the app, after opening the account).
Reward payable by: 1.5k Avios each month for Avios Rewards, 25k Avios paid in month 4 for the switch.
Available to existing customers: No.
Additional notes: it can be worth doing the Barclaycard Avios Plus offer at the same time, as you will get a discount on the credit card fee.

Danske Bank

Current offer: £200 for full switch
Direct link to Danske Bank offer
  • You can switch to their Danske Reward, Danske Choice or Danske Freedom current account.
Offer end date: No end date given, may be removed at any time.
  • Full switch (no direct debits mentioned).
  • After opening account, pay in £1000 within 60 days (can be multiple deposits)
  • You cannot have had a Danske Bank reward since 01/01/2024
Available to existing customers: only if you are a new personal current account customer. .
How long does it take to pay the bonus: paid within 10 days of meeting requirements.

First Direct

Current offer: £175 when you switch
Direct link to First Direct offer
  • You can switch to their First account.
Offer end date: No end date given, may be removed at any time.
  • Full switch (two direct debits or standing orders are required).
  • After opening account, log in to mobile banking, pay in £1000, and make 5 debit card payments within 30 days.
  • You cannot have had a 1st Direct account before.
  • You cannot switch if you have an HSBC account opened after 01/2020
How to do it: Once your first direct account is open, simply log into your first direct app, select the account you wish to transfer into, tap ‘switch to us’ from your account menu and follow the instructions.
Available to existing customers: No. Also can't have had a HSBC account opened since January 2018.
How long does it take to pay the bonus: paid by the 20th of the month following that in which you met all of the criteria.


Extra £15: You can get an extra £15 by signing up to a Santander Edge account via Topcashback. If you don't have a Topcashback account, you can sign up here:
Topcashback sign up
Current offer: £175
Direct link to offer
You can switch to any of these paid current accounts: Santander Edge current account, Edge Up, or the Private Current Account
Offer end date: None given
Requirements: Full switch.
  • Apply to switch when you apply to open the account (or existing customers can just switch into an existing qualifying current account).
  • Complete switch of a non-Santander account, set up 2 active direct debits, and pay in £1500 within 60 days of applying/telling Santander you want to switch. Must keep direct debits active on account
  • Cannot have had a Santander-group bonus previously (Santander, Cahoot, Cater Allen)
Reward payable by: between 60 and 90 days after opening the account.
Available to existing customers: Yes (can switch a non-Santander group current account into a new or existing Santander account). Existing customers may need to visit a branch.

Virgin Money

Current offer: Extra 10% interest on £1k for a year (~£100 bonus)
Extra £30: You can get an extra £30 by signing up to Virgin via Snoop (you need to connect your Virgin account to Snoop). If you don't have a Snoop account, you can sign up here for an additional fiver too:
Snoop £5 sign up bonus
Direct link to Virgin Money offer
  • You can switch to their M Account (free, ~10% interest total, gross), M Plus Account (free account, ~12% interest total) or Club M Account (costs £12.50/month for insurance and stuff, ~12% total, is one of the best value package accounts - especially if a joint account)
Offer end date: apply by 31/05/24
  • Full switch (two direct debits required as part of the switch).
Available to existing customers: No. And can't have closed an account since 30/04/2024
How long does it take to pay the bonus: interest is paid monthly, so a a year to get it all!

General Bank Switch Questions

Current Account Switch Bribes - Why do they offer them?

They want your business. Banks like fighting each other for customers. Most of them know they can't win by highlighting their outdated systems and products, so they fight each other by offering potential customers cash bribes (or equivalent) to switch their "main" bank account.

Can I switch any bank account to get a bribe?

No. You must switch a bank account that is part of The Current Account Switch Service (CASS). Most high street banks are included. But some Neo Banks are not (e.g., Kroo, Revolut, & Monese are not included). You should try to avoid switching your main bank account. You can always open an additional account just to switch.
See here for a full list of CASS banks.

Is it too much hassle?

No. The Current Account Switch Service (CASS) makes switching your account between most banks smooth and effortless. You do not have to do anything apart from apply for and set up a new account at a different bank and tell them you want to switch your account to them. Everything is transferred automatically (except recurring card payments).

Is there the best route to sample all the banks with switch offers?

Do the offer ending soonest first. Then you might switch again. If you complete all offers in this post, you could earn yourself >£1000.

Some of these end soon. Will the offers come back?

Banks have been offering bribes on and off for many years. We can't predict the future. But this is not a new thing.

How long does a bank switch take?

Approximately one week.

Do I have to switch my main account?

You could. But you don't have to. Many people have second bank accounts. One option may be to open up a second account with your current high street bank, add some direct debits to this second account and then switch it to the new bank you want to try out. On the sub, people also like Starling or Monzo as they are easy to set up (but you might want to switch back to them at the end - their functionality wins vs any usual high street bank).
High-street banks also let you open multiple accounts. If you already have an account with one, you might want to open an additional one with your current bank first (Halifax, NatWest etc are reported to allow several current accounts and to be fast to open).

I have savings accounts at the same bank as my current account. Can I still switch to this current account?

Yes. Only the current account will be closed (some linked regular savers may be converted to normal savings accounts). You might want to consider if switching to a secondary account is a better option.

I have linked savers attached to my current account. Can I still switch it?


Which banks let me open a second bank account?

Most of them.

Do I need to activate the card on the account I am going to switch?

Just do it anyway. Some banks require it

What details do I need to switch?

  • Sort code and account number.
  • Debit card information.
  • Usually, but not always, 2 active DDs on the account you are switching.

Do you need to have money in the account you are switching?

No. But it might be a good idea - this will allow you to see when the switch happens (i.e. when the money is transferred!).

I do not have a bank card with my old current account as it is very very old, can I still switch it?

Most online forms require card details, but you can usually switch such accounts over the phone.

My new bank has not given me my account number (e.g. NatWest).

Usually, these are sent via post/email when you sign up. But some banks don't have the account numbers on the card, or maybe letters get lost in the post. If this happens, wait for the card to arrive and contact their support. If you get a bot on the chat thing, type "speak to a human" repeatedly.

My new bank account is a premium account and it has a fee. Do I need to keep paying for this?

No. You can downgrade the account. But you should probably wait until you have been paid the bonus.

I don't like my new bank, do I need to wait for the bank card before switching again?

Yes. See question above. Most banks require the card details of your existing account.

I made an account just to switch. Can I switch before my new bank card arrives?

Best not to. You are asked to enter the debit card information as part of the process.

The offer says I have to pay in £xxxx. Does it have to be in one go?

No. You can transfer in and out. The total sent in has to be equal to or greater than the stated amount. You should be careful with this though, sending money in and out of an account can trigger anti-fraud measures.

The offer says I have to pay in £xxxx. Can I pay it in before the switch completes?

Yes. You can pay it before, after, or during. You can manually transfer it, or it can be transferred automatically from your old account.

I've been asked to verify my identity. Is this normal?

Sometimes automated checks fail. If this happens, you may be asked to manually verify your application by visiting a branch or sending in a copy of your ID.

I switched from Monzo/Starling and want to return, can I?

Starling does not let you return within 12 months. With Monzo, it's possibly a shorter one month that you have to wait.

Do I have to switch direct debits?

Check individual offer terms.

What is an "Active" direct debit?

An active direct debit is usually one where a payment had been taken in the last 13 months. But some bank switch terms require direct debits to have been paid out of the account. If an offer requires an active direct debit, it's safer to switch to an account that has already paid out direct debits.**

What are good direct debits to set up on a second account?

There are many: Paypal, Ebay, Moneybox savings account, Plum savings account, your credit card, Sprive Mortgage auto savings, Wealthify Robo Saving.

I recently switched to XXX Bank, and I do not like it. Can I switch again?

Yes. If you are not happy with the new service, you may want to switch to a new bank that will pay you to give them a try.

Do I have to stick with my new bank for any length of time?


If I switch away, will the bank claw back the bonus?

Very unlikely. They would have to specify this in their terms, and none have ever done so.

My switch is complete, but I have not yet received my bonus. Will I still get the bonus if I switch this account before it is paid?

Probably not.

My most recent switch is not quite complete, but I have already received the bonus. Can I start another switch?

You should probably wait for the switch to complete.

Can I get more than one bribe from each bank?

Sometimes. With some banks (e.g. Nationwide), you can get a bonus for switching one sole and one joint current account. Other banks will pay you to switch again, as long as you have not had a bonus in a specified amount of time. You will need to check individual offer terms.

XXX Bank gave me a bonus before, can I get a bonus again?

You need to check the individual offer terms.

Will this affect my credit score?

Credit scores are a funny thing, What is more important is what is actually in your credit file. Obviously, if you apply for an overdraft then it will affect your "credit score". However, if you do not have an overdraft or you make sure that you have paid off any overdraft before switching banks, then a single current account switch should not negatively impact your credit score. Nevertheless, typically all major banks (excepting Monzo and Starling) do a hard credit search, and this will be recorded on your file. If you plan on applying for a new mortgage soon then you may wish to exercise caution in switching between a load of banks. This is because the hard searches performed by banks will appear on your report and may have an effect for 6-12 months.

Which banks do hard searches and which do soft searches??

See here. Most banks do hard searches.
  • Hard searches: Bank of Scotland (first account only), Barclays, Co-op, Clydesdale, Halifax (1st account only), First Direct, HSBC, Lloyds (1st account only), Monzo, Nationwide, NatWest, RBS, Santander, TSB, Ulster, Virgin Money.
  • Soft searches: Starling, Metro Bank, and Chase

I have a bad credit score, will I be accepted to XXX bank?

Unfortunately, we do not know the acceptance criteria of the banks. You might be unlucky with one bank, but lucky with another.

My application was rejected. Why?

Nobody here knows. You could try appealing, but your only way to find out more is to contact the bank.

After switching my account, I still have online banking with my old provider. Do I need this?

No. You do not need to keep the online access (you could shut it down). But you may wish to retain these details in case your old bank suddenly appears with an offer that makes you want to switch back. Or open up a savings account.

Has anyone else been paid for switching to XXX Bank yet?

Check the terms of the offer you signed up for. Some banks have long deadlines and stick to them (e.g. Santander, TSB). Some are quicker. If you haven't been paid within the stated terms, then you should contact the bank's support.
submitted by TightAsF_ck to beermoneyuk [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:03 androidbetaprogram Android 15 Beta 2 now available!

Hi Beta users,
Today we’re sending you an Android 15 Beta 2 (AP31.240426.022) that includes the following fixes:
Known Issues
Please review our release notes for more details. In addition, see top open issues for the latest list of top open issues that have been reported by developers and users.
How do I get the Android 15 Beta 2?
If you’re currently enrolled in the Android Beta Program, you will automatically get offered an over-the-air (OTA) update to Android 15 Beta 2. Eligible devices include Pixel 8a, Pixel 8, Pixel 8 Pro, Pixel 7a, Pixel 7 Pro, Pixel 7, Pixel 6a, Pixel 6 Pro, Pixel 6, Pixel Fold, and Pixel Tablet.
If your device is already running Android 14 QPR3 or Android 15 Developer Preview, Beta 1, 1.1, 1.2, you will automatically receive an over-the-air (OTA) update to Android 15 Beta 2.
Note: Pixel 5a is not eligible for Android 15 Beta. If you have a Pixel 5a device currently enrolled in Android 14 QPR3 Beta, you will receive the final stable public release of QPR3 in June.
If you aren't yet enrolled and would like to join Android Beta, please visit
Note: it may take up to 24 hours to receive the OTA update on your device. You can check for updates by going to Settings > System > System updates. Thanks for your patience!
Note: If you are already enrolled in Android 15 Beta 1, your device will be automatically updated to Android 15 Beta 2 within 5 days.
Tell us what you think
As always, your participation and feedback is incredibly valuable to us, and we look forward to hearing about your experience with this latest update. Please share feedback using the Android Beta Feedback app included in the Beta on Pixel phones and/or by posting to this community.
Happy beta testing!
submitted by androidbetaprogram to android_beta [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:01 happymod-ios HappyMod iOS 16.7.8

HappyMod iOS 16.7.8
In mobile apps, customization and enhanced features have become crucial for many users. While the Apple App Store offers many applications, users seek more functionality and flexibility. This is where HappyMod iOS 16.7.8 steps in, offering users a platform to access modified versions of their favourite apps. This article will delve into what HappyMod iOS 16.7.8 offers, how to download and install it, and why it stands out in the crowded app market.

What is HappyMod iOS 16.7.8?

HappyMod is a platform that provides modified versions of popular apps and games. These modifications, or "mods," typically offer enhanced features, unlocked content, and other benefits that the standard versions do not provide. HappyMod iOS 16.7.8 is the latest version tailored for iOS devices, ensuring compatibility and improved performance with iOS 16.7.8.

Key Features of HappyMod iOS 16.7.8

  1. Wide Range of Mods: HappyMod offers various apps and games with multiple mods. Whether you want unlimited in-game currency, unlocked premium features, or ad-free experiences, HappyMod has you covered.
  2. User-Friendly Interface: The interface is designed to be intuitive and easy to navigate, making it accessible even for users who are not tech-savvy.
  3. Regular Updates: Apps and games on HappyMod are regularly updated to ensure they work seamlessly with the latest iOS versions and provide the best user experience.
  4. Safe and Secure: All mods available on HappyMod are tested for viruses and malware, ensuring your device remains safe and secure.
  5. Community-Driven: HappyMod thrives on its active community of users who upload, test, and review mods. This ensures you always have access to the best and most reliable mods available.

How to Download HappyMod iOS 16.7.8

Downloading and installing HappyMod iOS 16.7.8 is a straightforward process. Follow these steps to get started:
  1. Visit the Official Website: Open your browser and go to
  2. Download the Installer: You will find a link for HappyMod iOS 16.7.8 on the homepage. Click on it to download the installer file.
  3. Install the App: Once the download is complete, open the installer file and follow the on-screen instructions to install HappyMod on your device. You should allow installation from unknown sources in your device settings.
  4. Launch HappyMod: You can find the HappyMod app icon on your home screen after installation. Tap on it to launch the app and explore the wide range of available mods.

Why Choose HappyMod iOS 16.7.8?

There are several reasons why HappyMod iOS 16.7.8 stands out as the preferred choice for many users:
  1. Enhanced User Experience: With mods that unlock premium features and remove ads, you can enjoy a superior user experience compared to standard app versions.
  2. Cost Savings: Many mods offer features that would otherwise require in-app purchases, allowing you to save money while enjoying full functionality.
  3. Exclusive Content: HappyMod provides access to exclusive content and features unavailable in the standard versions of apps and games.
  4. Customization: Mods allow you to customize apps and games to suit your preferences, giving you greater control over your digital experience.

Popular Mods on HappyMod iOS 16.7.8

To give you a glimpse of what you can expect, here are some popular mods available on HappyMod iOS 16.7.8:
  1. Minecraft: The Minecraft mod on HappyMod offers unlimited resources, skins, and unlocked content, allowing you to build and explore without restrictions.
  2. Spotify: The Spotify mod provides premium features such as ad-free listening, unlimited skips, and high-quality audio without a subscription.
  3. Clash of Clans: This mod gives you unlimited gems, gold, and elixir, making it easier to build and upgrade your village and troops.
  4. Among Us: The Among Us mod offers unlocked skins, pets, hats, and enhanced game features for a more enjoyable experience.

Safety and Security

One of the primary concerns when downloading modified apps is security. HappyMod takes this seriously by ensuring all mods are tested for malware and viruses. Its community-driven aspect also means that users review and rate mods, providing an additional layer of trust and reliability.

Regular Updates and Support

HappyMod iOS 16.7.8 is regularly updated to ensure compatibility with the latest iOS versions and to fix any bugs or issues that may arise. This ensures you always have access to the best and most up-to-date mods.
In addition, HappyMod offers customer support to assist with any issues or questions. This includes a comprehensive FAQ section on their website and a support team that can be reached via email.

Community and User Engagement

The success of HappyMod is mainly due to its active user community. By engaging with the community, you can discover new mods, share your experiences, and even contribute your mods for others to enjoy. This sense of community makes HappyMod more than just an app store—it’s a platform where users can connect and share their passion for enhanced mobile experiences.

Legal Considerations

It’s important to note that while using mods can enhance your app and gaming experience, there are legal considerations to remember. Mods may violate the terms of service of certain apps and games, and using them can result in account bans or other penalties. Always use mods responsibly and be aware of the potential risks involved.


HappyMod iOS 16.7.8 offers a unique and exciting way to enhance your mobile app and gaming experience. With a wide range of mods, a user-friendly interface, and a strong focus on safety and community, it stands out as a top choice for iOS users looking for more flexibility and functionality.
submitted by happymod-ios to u/happymod-ios [link] [comments]