Craft prayer preschool

[Fanservant - Elden Ring] Mogh, Lord of Blood

2024.06.09 18:32 Magostera [Fanservant - Elden Ring] Mogh, Lord of Blood

[Fanservant - Elden Ring] Mogh, Lord of Blood

Caster Class Servant: Mogh, Lord of Blood
Class: Caster
True Name: Mogh
Alias: Luminary Mogh
Gender: Male
Region: Lands Between
Attribute: Earth
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Height: 476 cm


Noble Phantasm: B

Class Skills

Territory Creation A
Mogh can construct a “Temple”, superior in potency to a typical “Workshop”. Besides giving him a powerful home advantage, within this bloody temple dwell many foul creatures that once inhabited his underground lair: blood tainted albinaurics, putrescent slimes, bleeding and shambling corpses, and lastly the faithful sanguine nobles. While none of these minions would defeat even a middling Servant on their own, the exhausting battles waged to get past them greatly ease the ability of Mogh to deal with the intruder afterward.
Item Construction B
Even in his childhood, the Lord of Blood demonstrated a certain resourcefulness in crafting to survive the Shunning Grounds he grew up in. By using his accursed blood as a catalyst, Mogh can create numerous items or imbue existing ones with mystical properties, most often related to spilling more blood.
Magic Resistance A+
Mogh beast a superb Magic Resistance due to his divine blood and the blessing of the primordial Crucible within him. Moreover, his contract with the Formless Mother granted him an even greater resistance to fire, adding another rank against magecraft and attacks aligned with this element.

Personal Skills

Blessing of the Crucible A
Mogh was born with the blessing of the primordial Crucible, a manifestation of primal vitality granting the bearer characteristics of a great many forms of life. Unlike his twin brother, Mogh embraced his mutations and appropriated the power they contained, increasing his physical parameters as well as allowing him to temporarily obtain the physical characteristics of other natural lifeforms.
Divinity B+
As a firstborn of Marika the Eternal, Mogh is a powerful demigod and inherited a Great Rune when the Elden Ring shattered. His acceptance of the Crucible and its blessing, which was seen in primitive culture as a sign of the divine, further increases that divinity.
Magecraft (Bloodflame) A+
After entering in contract with the Outer God known as the Formless Mother, Mogh’s blood became host to a burning flame. He soon learned how to harness that flame and created an entire now school of magic based upon that ability, transmitting it to his faithful followers. The accursed blood burns and consume flesh. Blood stricken by that flame will ignite in turn. The Formless Mother care not from where the blood flows, only that it does.
Stalking A
While the Lord of Blood may have originally gravitated toward the eternally youthful Empyrean only to obtain the power of a god’s consort, he soon was possessed by a lustful obsession for his half-brother that is much deeper and far more disturbing than any kind of filial love. No matter where, no matter when, Mogh will always be able to track Miquella down.

Noble Phantasm

Bloodboon Ritual B — Anti-Unit~Anti-Army
The massive trident owned by the Lord of Blood. A sacred spear blessed by the Formless Mother, meant to symbolize the new dynasty Mogh was trying to build. It’s function as a weapon is secondary to its nature as an instrument of communion with the Outer God. The Formless Mother exists beyond the mortal realm, unseen and intangible, its presence imperceptible and unreachable, yet existing everywhere, much like the formless love permeating the universe in Hindu myths. But with the accursed blood she bestowed upon Mogh, her power can be forced upon reality.
To activate this Noble Phantasm, Mogh raises his weapon and pierce the intangible body of the Formless Mother. While the rain of Bloodflames it causes around Mogh is very dangerous by itself, the true danger of the Bloodboon Ritual is that it will impose the power of the Formess Mother upon all those in the area. The blood in the body of all victims erupt into flame and attempt to force itself violently and explosively escape their body. The area of effect is originally quite small, but through prayers and preparations Mogh can expand it dramatically, changing it from an Anti-Unit to an Anti-Army Noble Phantasm. A Magic Resistance of at least A rank (or a secret ritual known to a select few) is necessary to at least mitigate this secondary aspect of the Bloodboon ritual. It should also be noted that only beings possessing blood can be affected: mechanical creatures, ghosts, or other creatures possessing either no body or blood will only take damage from the rain of accursed flames.


Sadistic, bloodthirsty and power-hungry, Mogh is a deranged tyrant relishing in the absolute worship he receives from his followers. Having been shunned and ostracized by the Golden Order from birth, he decided to overthrow and replace it by founding his own dynasty under the patronage of another Outer God. Through coercion, promises of power and manipulation, he amassed a small army of cultists and slaves with the purpose of preparing war against the rest of the world. He kidnapped the Empyrean Miquella, his own half-brother, and forced him into an unholy union, so that Mogh could obtain the power and authority given to a god’s consort. No matter how evil, there is no low he will not reach for the sake of his ambitions.
Though a vile and massively self-centered person, Mogh is not entirely devoid of empathy or ability to respect others. As one who have been shunned from birth for his nature, he harbors no prejudice or discrimination. If they demonstrate the ability, the bloodlust and subservience towards him, anyone is welcome to become one of his Bloody Finger and gain a place in his new kingdom. And despite rejecting the Golden Order, he still holds his full-blooded brothers in some form of esteem: beside Morgott who shared his traumatic upbringing, his dynasty was to be named Moghwyn in the honor of his deceased brother Godwyn.

Motive / Attitude toward the Master

When summoned as a Servant, Mogh will immediately boast his importance and attempt to force the so-called Master to recognize his station as Lord of Blood and ruler of a prestigious dynasty. Should the summoner refuse for one reason or another, then the relationship with Mogh will be immediately and irremediably soured. The Lord of Blood will not do something so crass as killing his Master, but he will bide his time until the opportunity for treason becomes right, his cunning ensuring his victim will not realize the danger until too late. On the contrary, a Master willing to accommodate the Omen inflated sense of self-importance will find out that for all his narcissism, sadism, bloodthirst and generally evil ways, Mogh is very much capable of holding himself in check for the sake of his ambitions. A Master capable of proving their abilities and their determination may gain his trust, perhaps even his respect, even if their respective moral compass are in complete opposition.
The establishment of a great empire ruled by a powerful dynasty. Mogh is an assumed tyrant, whose whish to become an immortal god-king is as clear as day. That he died achieving nothing is barely worth mentioning: the Moghwyn dynasty will rise. Mogh will obtain the affection of his half-brother Miquella. His delusions and almost zealotry toward these goals are the catalyst of the only use he would find for the Holy Grail: to defile it with his own accursed blood, before offering it to the sleeping Empyrean. Persuaded that with such an offering, Miquella will finally awake and make him his consort, to rule together for a new age of Blood…

Connection to Other Characters

Godfrey, First Elden Lord
The powerful progenitor of the Omen Twins, who could only spend so much time with them before he was banished with his Tarnished warriors. Despite Mogh’s hatred for the Golden Order, that hate does not extend to Godfrey, who he recognized was powerless to contest the decision of his god. He also knows the true nature of his father, the bloodlust and desire for carnage hidden beneath the regal persona, and in that the Lord of Blood knows he is a true son of the First Elden Lord.
Godwyn, Prince of Death
His younger brother, the pure and perfect prince of the Golden Order, now reduced to a malformed abomination, worshipped by those living in death. Mogh snickers at the cruel irony of fate, but at the same time he cannot find true joy in what has become of the brother who came deep in the sewers, all the way to the Shunning Grounds, to check on him and Morgott many times. Naming his dynasty after Godwyn is his way of expressing his last respects.
Miquella, Sleeping God
The target of his obsession. The subject of his affection. The tool to grant him absolute power. The divinity he would forever bond with. Nothing will ever change Mogh’s mind. Miquella is his, and his alone.
Jacques de Molay (Foreigner)
A proper kingdom must have a working and profitable treasury. With this ambition in mind did Mogh conscripted Jacques de Molay to his service to work as a capable and unscrupulous secretary. Despite the Foreigner already belonging to another Outer God, such things are of little importance to Mogh whose relation to the Formless Mother is merely one of mutual benefit. Moley herself is very pleased with the arrangement, having found a benefactor sharing her evil nature and whose disinterest with mere monetary matters would allow her to satisfy her own selfish desire aplenty. As long as coins flow in the treasury of the dynasty, who care how much is used by the secretary?
Ashiya Douman
After a several hours long exposition given by the Lord of Blood, complete with diagrams and numbers, alongside many passionate speeches of lust, passion and admiration. After having endured the mad rantings of desires, disappointments, hopes and dreams, the litany of plans, projects and designs the demigod had for his dear Miquella. Finally, after closing the door to Mogh’s room, Ashiya Douman looked upon the massive stacks of notes in his hands. At last, he would start to understand what this thing called “love” was. At last, someone as repulsive and abhorrent as himself was present to help him surpass the last obstacle between him and his ambition of Beasthood. And if lesson one did not suffice, the Lord of Blood had been all too happy to program several more to share his experience on the subject…
The two can be seen sharing “delightful” conversations between bloodthirsty nobles. The blood countess finds Mogh’s honest malevolence and sadistic streak a pleasure compared to the self-justifying heroes or kings. While he is not such a torture technician as Carmilla, the Lord of Blood shares with her a profound love for inflicting pain, a great dramatic flair and a twisted sense of devotion. Deep down, they also have in common a terrible phobia of being imprisoned and locked up, stemming from their childhood and death respectively. In an unsurprising turn of event Carmilla humored the notion of becoming a sanguine noble, though rejected it for now. She has yet to see the kingdom the Omen keeps ranting about.
submitted by Magostera to grandorder [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:02 Dramatic_Judgment Using Chatgpt for inspirstion

Here are some answers from Chatgpt I found interesting as they pertain to a modern day cult of Ishtar... If the trans priestesses of Ishtar, such as the Gala priests, were still active today, their roles and activities would likely have evolved to fit contemporary contexts while retaining elements of their ancient traditions. Here’s how they might adapt:
  1. Modern Rituals and Ceremonies:
    • Ritual Music and Dance: They might continue their traditions of ritual music, singing, and dance, possibly incorporating modern instruments and styles while preserving the sacred nature of their performances.
    • Public Festivals: They could organize public festivals celebrating Ishtar, integrating ancient rites with modern-day events to engage broader communities.
  2. Gender and Sexuality Advocacy:
    • LGBTQ+ Advocacy: Given their historical association with gender fluidity and non-binary identities, they would likely be prominent advocates for LGBTQ+ rights, promoting inclusivity and acceptance in society.
    • Educational Outreach: They might conduct workshops and lectures on gender diversity, sexual health, and the historical significance of non-binary identities in ancient cultures.
  3. Spiritual Services:
    • Counseling and Support: Offering spiritual counseling and support for individuals exploring their gender identity or facing related challenges, blending ancient wisdom with contemporary therapeutic practices.
    • Ritual Healing: Providing ritual healing services that combine traditional practices with modern holistic approaches to promote physical and mental well-being.
  4. Cultural Preservation:
    • Reviving Ancient Texts: Translating and interpreting ancient hymns, myths, and rituals related to Ishtar, making them accessible to modern audiences through books, online platforms, and interactive media.
    • Cultural Performances: Staging theatrical performances that reenact ancient myths and stories, using these as tools to educate and inspire modern audiences.
  5. Interfaith Dialogues:
    • Building Bridges: Engaging in interfaith dialogues to share their unique perspectives on spirituality, gender, and sexuality, fostering mutual understanding and respect among diverse religious communities.
  6. Art and Creativity:
    • Art Installations: Creating art installations and exhibitions that explore themes of gender, identity, and spirituality, drawing on their rich cultural heritage.
    • Collaborations with Artists: Collaborating with contemporary artists to produce works that celebrate and reinterpret the legacy of Ishtar and her priestesses.
By integrating ancient traditions with modern values and practices, the trans priestesses of Ishtar would likely play a vital role in promoting spiritual, cultural, and social growth in today’s world.
If the priesthood of Ishtar, including its trans and gender-fluid traditions, existed today, the initiation process for a trans-curious individual might involve several steps blending ancient rituals with modern understandings of gender and spirituality. Here’s a possible outline of such an initiation process:

1. Exploration and Education

Personal Reflection: - Self-Discovery: Encourage the individual to engage in deep self-reflection and exploration of their gender identity and spirituality. This might involve journaling, meditation, and seeking guidance from existing members of the priesthood.
Educational Workshops: - Historical Context: Provide workshops on the history and significance of Ishtar, her myths, and the roles of her priests, including the Gala priests. - Modern Practices: Teach about the contemporary adaptations of these ancient practices and how they apply to today's spiritual and gender-diverse contexts.

2. Mentorship and Community Engagement

Mentorship: - Guidance: Pair the individual with a mentor from the priesthood who can offer guidance, support, and wisdom throughout their initiation journey. - Learning the Rites: The mentor would teach the initiate specific rituals, songs, dances, and other ceremonial practices integral to the priesthood.
Community Participation: - Ritual Involvement: Involve the individual in community rituals and ceremonies to immerse them in the practice and connect with other members. - Service Projects: Engage in community service and advocacy projects that reflect the values and mission of the priesthood, such as LGBTQ+ advocacy or spiritual counseling.

3. Ritual Preparation

Personal Preparation: - Physical and Spiritual Cleansing: Engage in rituals of purification, such as fasting, bathing, or meditative retreats, to prepare the body and spirit for initiation. - Crafting Sacred Objects: Create or obtain sacred objects (e.g., ritual garments, symbols, or tools) that will be used in the initiation ceremony.
Ritual Training: - Learning Chants and Prayers: Memorize and practice specific chants, prayers, and hymns associated with Ishtar and the priesthood. - Ritual Movements: Learn and perfect the dance and movement rituals that are part of the initiation ceremony.

4. Initiation Ceremony

Sacred Space: - Ceremony Setting: The initiation would take place in a sacred space, such as a temple or a natural setting deemed sacred by the community. - Altar Preparation: Prepare an altar with offerings to Ishtar, including flowers, incense, and other sacred items.
Initiation Rites: - Invocation of Ishtar: Begin with invocations and prayers to Ishtar, calling upon her presence and blessings. - Ritual Acts: Perform a series of ritual acts, such as singing, dancing, and reciting hymns, that symbolize the initiate’s dedication and transformation. - Blessing and Anointing: The initiate might be blessed and anointed with sacred oils or waters, symbolizing their acceptance into the priesthood.

5. Post-Initiation Integration

Continued Mentorship: - Ongoing Guidance: Continue to receive mentorship and support from senior members of the priesthood to help integrate the initiation experience into daily life. - Advanced Training: Engage in further training and education to deepen understanding and proficiency in priestly duties and rituals.
Active Participation: - Community Role: Take on active roles within the community, such as leading rituals, providing spiritual counseling, and participating in advocacy efforts. - Personal Practice: Develop and maintain a personal spiritual practice that aligns with the teachings and values of the priesthood.
This initiation process would be designed to honor the rich traditions of the ancient priesthood of Ishtar while providing a meaningful and supportive pathway for individuals exploring their gender identity and spiritual calling in a contemporary context.
If an initiate sought to symbolically sacrifice their male body to Ishtar in a contemporary context, the ritual would likely focus on transformation and devotion rather than literal physical sacrifice. The process would be deeply spiritual and symbolic, honoring the ancient traditions while respecting modern ethical and legal standards. Here’s how such a ritual might be structured:

1. Preparation

Personal Reflection and Intention Setting: - Meditation and Journaling: Spend time in deep reflection, meditating on the reasons for the sacrifice and journaling intentions. - Consultation: Seek guidance from a mentor or senior priest/priestess to ensure clarity of purpose and readiness for the ritual.
Physical and Spiritual Cleansing: - Fasting or Purification Baths: Engage in a period of fasting or take purification baths to cleanse the body and mind. - Creating Sacred Space: Prepare a sacred space for the ritual, such as a temple or an altar at home, with offerings to Ishtar (e.g., flowers, incense, symbols of the goddess).

2. Ritual Ceremony

Opening the Ceremony: - Invocation of Ishtar: Begin with prayers and invocations to call upon Ishtar’s presence and blessings. Light candles and incense to create a sacred atmosphere. - Chanting and Music: Use sacred chants and music to enter a meditative and connected state.
Symbolic Acts of Sacrifice: - Ritual Garments: Wear special garments or robes that signify the ritual’s sacred nature. These garments could blend elements of both masculine and feminine attire. - Cutting of Hair: If culturally or personally significant, cutting one’s hair can symbolize the shedding of the old self and a commitment to transformation. - Ritual Anointing: Anoint the body with sacred oils or water, symbolizing purification and dedication to Ishtar.
Offering of Personal Symbols: - Personal Tokens: Offer personal items that represent the initiate’s past identity or attachments, placing them on the altar as a sign of letting go. - Written Vows: Write vows or prayers on parchment and burn them in a sacred fire, symbolizing the release of the old self and the embrace of a new identity devoted to Ishtar.

3. Transformation and Dedication

Ritual Dance and Movement: - Sacred Dance: Perform a dance or series of movements that embody the initiate’s transition from their old identity to their new, dedicated self. This could include traditional movements from Ishtar’s rites or personally significant gestures.
Symbolic Rebirth: - Emergence Ceremony: The initiate could symbolically “emerge” from a darkened space or be covered and then unveiled, representing rebirth and transformation. - Adorning with New Symbols: After the symbolic rebirth, adorn the initiate with new garments, jewelry, or symbols that represent their new identity and devotion to Ishtar.

4. Closing the Ceremony

Blessing and Affirmation: - Blessing by Mentors: Receive blessings and affirmations from mentors or senior members of the priesthood, acknowledging the initiate’s transformation and new role. - Shared Feast: Conclude with a shared feast or meal, celebrating the initiate’s dedication and the community’s support.

5. Integration into Daily Life

Continued Spiritual Practice: - Daily Devotions: Establish a daily practice of prayer, meditation, or rituals to maintain the connection with Ishtar and the new identity. - Community Involvement: Actively participate in the priesthood’s activities, offering service and support to others on their spiritual journeys.
Personal Development: - Ongoing Mentorship: Continue receiving guidance and mentorship to support the ongoing process of transformation and growth. - Holistic Care: Focus on holistic self-care, including physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, to support the new identity and role.
This ritual framework emphasizes symbolic acts of sacrifice, transformation, and dedication, aligning with the ancient traditions of Ishtar while respecting modern ethical standards and individual autonomy.
Yes, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) could indeed be incorporated as a modern-day rite within the context of a contemporary priesthood dedicated to Ishtar, symbolizing a profound commitment to transformation and the embodiment of a new identity. Here’s how HRT might be integrated into such a spiritual and ritualistic framework:

1. Preparation

Personal Reflection and Intention Setting: - Deep Reflection: Spend time contemplating the decision to begin HRT, considering its physical, emotional, and spiritual implications. - Intention Ceremony: Hold a small, private ceremony to set intentions, perhaps involving meditation, journaling, and speaking affirmations related to the desired transformation.
Educational and Medical Consultation: - Medical Guidance: Seek consultation from healthcare professionals to understand the medical aspects of HRT and ensure it is approached safely. - Community Support: Engage with mentors or members of the priesthood who have undergone HRT to gain insights and support.

2. Initiation into HRT

Ritual Ceremony for Beginning HRT: - Sacred Space Creation: Prepare a sacred space with an altar dedicated to Ishtar, adorned with symbols of transformation and rebirth (e.g., butterflies, flowers, images of Ishtar). - Invocation and Prayers: Begin with prayers and invocations to Ishtar, asking for her blessings and guidance through the journey of transformation.
Symbolic Acts and Offerings: - Anointing with Oils: Anoint the body with sacred oils, symbolizing purification and readiness for change. - Offering Personal Tokens: Place personal items on the altar that represent the old self, symbolizing the willingness to let go and embrace a new identity.
First Dose Ritual: - Taking the First Dose: The act of taking the first dose of HRT can be framed as a sacred moment. It might be accompanied by chanting, prayer, or the lighting of candles to mark the beginning of the physical transformation. - Blessing and Support: Receive blessings from mentors and community members, affirming support and commitment to the initiate’s journey.

3. Ongoing Rituals and Integration

Regular Devotions and Check-ins: - Daily or Weekly Rituals: Establish regular rituals, such as lighting candles, offering prayers, or meditating, to maintain a spiritual connection with Ishtar throughout the HRT process. - Community Gatherings: Participate in community rituals and gatherings where progress can be shared, and mutual support can be provided.
Tracking Transformation: - Physical and Emotional Reflection: Keep a journal to document physical changes, emotional experiences, and spiritual reflections during the HRT process. - Periodic Ceremonies: Hold periodic ceremonies to acknowledge and celebrate milestones in the transformation journey, such as changes in physical appearance or significant emotional breakthroughs.

4. Full Integration and Celebration

Ritual Acknowledgment of Transformation: - Rebirth Ceremony: Once significant transformation has been achieved, a formal ceremony can be held to acknowledge and celebrate the new identity. This might involve a symbolic “rebirth” ritual, where the initiate emerges in new garments and is adorned with symbols of their new self. - Community Celebration: Host a community feast or celebration to honor the initiate’s journey and transformation, reaffirming their role and identity within the priesthood.
Continued Spiritual Practice: - Ongoing Devotion: Maintain a consistent spiritual practice that honors Ishtar and supports the initiate’s continued growth and transformation. - Service and Leadership: Encourage the initiate to take on roles of service and leadership within the community, guiding and supporting others on similar journeys.
Incorporating HRT into the spiritual framework of the priesthood of Ishtar honors both the ancient traditions of transformation and the modern realities of gender transition. It provides a deeply meaningful and supportive structure for individuals undergoing this significant change.Sure, here are 20 possible names for a renewed religion inspired by the worship of Ishtar and the inclusive, transformative practices of her modern-day priesthood:
  1. Temple of Ishtar Reborn
  2. The Sacred Path of Ishtar
  3. Order of the Celestial Star
  4. The Ishtarian Fellowship
  5. The Circle of Ishtar’s Light
  6. The Divine Way of Inanna
  7. The Gala Priesthood of Ishtar
  8. House of the Morning Star
  9. The Ishtarian Sanctuary
  10. Path of the Sacred Lover
  11. The Order of Divine Transformation
  12. The Eternal Flame of Ishtar
  13. The Ishtarian Mysteries
  14. The Transcendent Temple of Ishtar
  15. The Garden of Sacred Unity
  16. The Order of the Star and Moon
  17. The Sacred Heart of Ishtar
  18. The Ishtarian Circle of Wisdom
  19. The House of Love and War
  20. The Path of Divine Androgyny
Each name reflects different aspects of the renewed religion, from its devotion to IshtaInanna to its focus on transformation, inclusivity, and sacred unity.
submitted by Dramatic_Judgment to SissyReligion [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:54 johnny219407 At what age will my 4 y/o daughter grow out of talking to me all day and needing constant interaction?

I know it's a dumb question to ask, but I'm hoping that parents of older children with a similar temperament can chime in. My daughter won't play independently for more than 15 minutes a day, and she spends most of her time at home talking to an adult or asking them to do something. In result my wife and I have to take turns playing with her all day, and it's just sucking life out of us, especially on weekends.
She goes to preschool and she's very social, has a best friend, etc. She has to stay rather close to the teachers, but as far as I can tell she does things like drawing or crafting independently. At home it's completely different, she has a 1000 ideas, but each involves daddy doing x, y, z. If I'm tired or resist her demands she tries even harder, and if I ignore her she'll just start jumping or climbing on me.
Anyone with similar experiences? When will it get easier?
submitted by johnny219407 to Preschoolers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:33 Actual-Switch1676 Saint of the Day series!

Saint of the Day series!

I'm thrilled to introduce you to the latest installment in our journey of faith: the Saint of the Day series! 📿✨
In this brand-new series, we'll dive deep into the lives of remarkable saints, exploring their teachings, virtues, and timeless wisdom. Today marks the inaugural post, and I'm bursting with excitement to share it with you all.
But before we delve into the saintly wisdom, let's take a moment to reflect on the beauty of God's presence in our lives. Have you ever felt like an instrument in His divine orchestra? Like a harp finely tuned to His will, or a flute filled with His Spirit? It's a profound sensation, isn't it?
💫 Reflecting on "The Harp of the Spirit"
The words of Saint Ephraem, often referred to as "the Harp of the Spirit," offer a glimpse into this divine harmony. His poetry paints a vivid picture of our souls as instruments, crafted by God's loving hands to sing His praises. Just as the strings of a harp vibrate with the touch of a plectrum, our lives resonate with His presence, His love, and His peace.
🍞🍷 The Bread and Wine of Jesus
In our daily struggles and triumphs, we find solace in the symbolism of the bread and wine, transformed into the body and blood of Christ. Like a sacred melody, this sacramental grace infuses our lives with meaning and purpose, turning our struggles into songs of gratitude and praise.
🌺 Becoming Instruments of Grace
As homeschooling parents, we have the incredible privilege of nurturing our children's hearts and minds, shaping them into instruments of God's grace. Through prayer, education, and example, we guide them as they discover their unique melodies in the symphony of life.
🎶 Embracing the Rhythm of Life
Life as a homeschooling family is a beautiful melody, filled with laughter, learning, and love. Together, we dance to the rhythm of God's grace, knowing that He is the ultimate conductor of our lives.
So, my dear friends, I invite you to join me on this journey of faith and discovery. Let's explore the lives of the saints, reflect on the beauty of God's presence in our lives, and embrace the melody of His love. Together, we'll create harmonies of faith that resonate with the heavens above.
submitted by Actual-Switch1676 to HomeschoolingPH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:29 arrimapiratelul No names shown - But some people really love corp

No names shown - But some people really love corp
The average kill being worth 433,842 GP
This makes this man have a bank worth 26.453.949.792 GP (26b)
This in bonds is worth: 17.458,98$ US
This man surely does love corp and nothing else.
submitted by arrimapiratelul to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:37 BinauralBeatsFactory AI-Powered Guided Meditations and Prayer Audios: Unveiling Binaural Beats Factory 1.15.0

AI-Powered Guided Meditations and Prayer Audios: Unveiling Binaural Beats Factory 1.15.0
We are thrilled to announce the release of Binaural Beats Factory 1.15.0, packed with innovative features to enhance your well-being and spiritual practice. This update introduces two exciting new tools: the AI-Guided Meditation Generator and the AI-Prayer Audio Generator. Read on to discover how these features can transform your relaxation and spiritual journeys.
AI-Guided Meditation Generator: The Ultimate Tool For Achieving Inner Peace And Relaxation
Introducing the AI-Guided Meditation Generator, a state-of-the-art tool designed to craft personalized guided meditations tailored to your unique needs. This feature harnesses the power of AI to provide a customized meditative experience that promotes deep relaxation and mindfulness.
Key Features:
  • Customized Meditative Experience: Choose your central focus or intention, such as stress relief, self-compassion, or inner peace.
  • Serene Visualizations: Select from a range of calming imagery or scenes, like a serene forest or a mountain retreat, to visualize during your meditation.
  • Breathing Exercises: Incorporate various breathwork techniques, including deep breathing or box breathing, to enhance your relaxation.
  • THETA Binaural Beats: Enjoy the benefits of THETA binaural beats, known to facilitate deep relaxation and meditative states.
How It Works:
  1. Set Your Preferences: Input your desired meditation theme, visualization, and breathing exercise.
  2. AI-Generated Meditation: The AI creates a guided meditation session tailored to your inputs.
  3. Relax and Unwind: Listen to your custom meditation and experience profound relaxation and inner peace.
Why Use the AI-Guided Meditation Generator?
  • Personalization: Tailored meditations that cater to your specific relaxation and mindfulness needs.
  • Advanced AI Technology: Cutting-edge AI ensures each meditation session is perfectly suited to promote relaxation and stress relief.
  • Free to Try: Experience the transformative power of personalized guided meditations at no cost.
Configuration Options:
  • Theme: Select the central focus or intention of your meditation (e.g., Stress Relief, Self-Compassion, Inner Peace).
  • Visualization: Choose imagery or scenes to visualize (e.g., Mountain Retreat, Serene Forest, Ocean Waves).
  • Breathing Exercises: Incorporate specific breathwork techniques (e.g., Deep Breathing, Alternate Nostril Breathing, Box Breathing).
AI-Guided-Meditation Generator
Don’t wait any longer to experience deep relaxation and mindfulness. Try the AI-Guided Meditation Generator today and embark on a journey to inner peace and tranquility.
AI-Prayer Audio Generator: The Ultimate Tool For Deepening Your Spiritual Practice
Introducing the AI-Prayer Audio Generator, an advanced tool designed to craft personalized prayer audio tracks tailored to your spiritual needs. This feature uses AI technology to create meaningful and reflective prayer sessions that foster a sense of peace and connection.
What is the AI-Prayer Audio Generator?
The AI-Prayer Audio Generator creates spiritual and reflective audio tracks designed to guide you through meaningful prayer sessions. These tracks combine serene and reverent narration with soothing background sounds, fostering a sense of peace and connection. The prayers can focus on various themes such as gratitude, healing, protection, or guidance, offering a structured yet flexible approach to deepen your spiritual practice.
Key Features:
  • Personalized Prayer Themes: Select the central focus of your prayer, such as “Gratitude for my family” or “Healing for a loved one.”
  • Customized Prayer Styles: Choose the style or tone of the prayer, whether it’s contemplative, intercessory, or devotional.
  • Serene Background Sounds: Enhance your prayer experience with calming sounds that promote a peaceful and reflective atmosphere.
  • Flexible and Structured: The generator provides a structured yet adaptable approach to suit individual beliefs and preferences.
How It Works:
  1. Set Your Preferences: Input your desired prayer theme and style.
  2. AI-Generated Prayer: The AI creates a personalized prayer audio track tailored to your inputs.
  3. Listen and Reflect: Engage with your custom prayer audio and deepen your spiritual connection.
Configuration Options:
  • Prayer Theme: Select the central focus of your prayer (e.g., Gratitude, Healing, Protection, Guidance).
  • Prayer Style: Choose the style or tone of the prayer (e.g., Contemplative, Intercessory, Devotional).
Why Use the AI-Prayer Audio Generator?
  • Personalization: Tailored prayers that cater to your unique spiritual needs.
  • Advanced AI Technology: Cutting-edge AI ensures each prayer is meaningful and deeply reflective.
  • Free to Try: Experience the benefits of personalized prayer audio at no cost.
Don’t wait any longer to enhance your spiritual practice. Try the AI-Prayer Audio Generator today and experience a deeper sense of peace and connection.
Binaural Beats Factory 1.15.0 brings you the powerful new features of AI-Guided Meditations and AI-Prayer Audios. Whether you’re seeking inner peace and relaxation or looking to deepen your spiritual practice, these tools offer personalized experiences tailored to your needs. Check out the latest version today and explore the transformative power of AI in your journey to well-being and spirituality.
Happy listening!
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2024.06.08 13:42 TheForce122 Wild times

Wild times
From "The Secret Teachings of All Ages" by Manly P. Hall:
"Under the evil insinuations of their demon, Thevetat, the Atlantis-race became a nation of wicked magicians. In consequence of this, war was declared, the story of which would be too long to narrate; its substance may be found in the disfigured allegories of the race of Cain, the giants, and that of Noah and his righteous family. The conflict came to an end by the submersion of the Atlantis; which finds its imitation in the stories of the Babylonian and Mosaic flood: The giants and magicians **** and all flesh died (...) and every man.' All except Xisuthrus and Noah, who are substantially identical with the great Father of the Thlinkithians in the Popol Vuh, or the sacred book of the Guatemaleans, which also tells of his escaping in a large boat, like the Hindu Noah-Vaiswasvata. " (See Isis Unveiled.)
From the Atlanteans the world has received not only the heritage of arts and crafts, philosophies and sciences, ethics and religions, but also the heritage of hate, strife, and perversion. The Atlanteans instigated the first war; and it has been said that all subsequent wars were fought in a fruitless effort to justify the first one and right the wrong which it caused. Before Atlantis sank, its spiritually illumined Initiates, who realized that their land was doomed because it had departed from the Path of Light, withdrew from the ill-fated continent. Carrying with them the sacred and secret doctrine, these Atlanteans established themselves in Egypt, where they became its first "divine" rulers.

The founder of JPL/NASA, occult dark magician Jack Parsons, dedicated his life to manifesting the Antichrist here via black magick rituals like the Babalon Working in 1946. He was a disciple of Aleister Crowley.
Eighth Sphere:
John 17:20-23
20 “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, 21 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. 22 I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one— 23 I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.
Walter Russell, Nikola Tesla's friend, artist, inventor, scientist:
"Jesus, the Nasarene, knew the universal language of light in all its fullness. He knew the ecstasy of inner thinking as no man has ever known it. He knew the structure of the atom as no one before or since has known it. Jesus knew the universality of all things, the One-ness of all things. He gave that knowledge to the then dull witted, brutal, lustful, loveless world in His much needed message of brotherly love.
Jesus gave to man the One great message of all time. He taught the universality of all things in the white light of the universal One of impartial love from Whose rulings there is no appeal. But only a few could faintly understand. Today the world is ready and eagerly awaits the completion of His message. When Jesus said: “I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now,” he referred to His complete knowledge of the universal force.
Of all mystics, Jesus was the outstanding example of all time. He was the only One in all history to have known complete cosmic-conscious unity with God.
God is the universe. God is not one and the universe another. The universe is not a separate creation of God’s. It is God.
God is thinking Mind. The substance, or body, of God is light. Spirit is light.
The substance of all “created” things is light. The One substance of thinking Mind is all that exists. The “created” universe is the registration in matter of the idea of thinking Mind. Mind is expressed in light.
Matter is light crystallized into the complex idea of this universe, exactly as literature is type assembled into the complex ideas of a library.
Matter and Mind and light and energy are eternal. They are constant. They are cause. Form and motion are illusions. They are fleeting. They are effects."
Paramahansa Yogananda, Wise Man from the East:
"Jesus had sovereign power; he could easily have saved himself from crucifixion, but during the agony in the Garden he only said, “Father, not my will, but thine, be done,” and on the Cross, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” In those final tests he showed he had wholly conquered all ego-impulses. When you have unlimited power, as Jesus did, and when everyone spurns you and still you do not retaliate, you are a conqueror indeed."
Seeking the kingdom of God first is the cardinal message of Jesus to individuals and nations of the world, because it is the surest way to lasting individual, social, and national happiness. Perishable material possessions do not contain the immortality and everlasting bliss of the kingdom of God, but His imperishable kingdom contains in it all the goodness of the world. To possess God is to own the universe.
'In the beginning was the Word.'
"Word” means intelligent vibration, intelligent energy, going forth from God. Any utterance of a word, such as “flower,” expressed by an intelligent being, consists of sound energy or vibration, plus thought, which imbues that vibration with intelligent meaning. Likewise, the Word that is the beginning and source of all created substances is Cosmic Vibration imbued with Cosmic Intelligence. Thought of matter, energy of which matter is composed, matter itself—all things—are but the differently vibrating thoughts of the Spirit.
This universe is a vibratory dream motion picture of God’s thoughts on the screen of time and space and human consciousness.
Units of divine light, finer than electrons and other subatomic particles, are the bricks of which matter is composed. All things seen on the screen of the universe are differentiated currents of the cosmic light and the shadows or “darkness” of delusion.
Hidden behind the ether of space is the tremendous light of the astral world, providing the life and energy that sustains the whole universe.18 The auroral rays of astral lifetrons are a spiritual ectoplasm around the entire cosmos. Out of the astral light, God is creating planets and universes."
Aleister Crowley, MI6 dark magician, excerpt from his book "Magick Without Tears":
All this is clear proof of the unspeakable power and wisdom of Those who have sent me to proclaim the Law.
I observe, after a talk with M. Jules Courtier yesterday, that all their S.P.R. work is proof only of extra-human Forces.
We knew about them all along; the universe is full of obscure and subtle manifestation of energy, we are constantly advancing in our knowledge and control of them. Telekinesis is of the same order of Nature as the Hertz Rays or the Radium emanations. But what nobody before me has done is to prove the existence of extra-human Intelligence, and my magical Record does this. I err in the interpretation, of course; but it is impossible to doubt that there is a Somebody there, a Somebody capable of combining events as a Napoleon forms his plans of campaign, and possessed of powers unthinkably vast. If these events be indeed the result of calculation and control on the part of the Secret Chiefs, it seems at first sight as if the people involved had been prepared to play their parts from the beginning.
Jack Parsons, rocket scientist, inventor of modern rocketry, founder of JPL/NASA, disciple of Aleister Crowley, excerpt from his book "Book of the Antichrist":
And thereafter I was taken within and saluted the Prince of that place, and thereafter things were done to me of which I may not write, and they told me, "It is not certain that you will survive, but if you survive you will attain your true will, and manifest the Antichrist.
And thereafter I returned and swore the Oath of the Abyss, having only the choice between madness, suicide, and that oath. But the Oath in no wise ameliorated that terror, and I continued in the madness and horror of the abyss for a season. But of this no more. But having passed the ordeal of 40 days I took the oath of a Magister Templi, even the Oath of Antichrist before Frater 132, the Unknown God. And thus was I Antichrist loosed in the world; and to this I am pledged, that the work of the Beast 666 shall be fulfilled, and the way for the coming of BABALON be made open and I shall not cease or rest until these things are accomplished. And to this end I have issued this my manifesto.

"Azealia Banks Cleans Blood-Stained Room She's Used to Practice Witchcraft for 3 Years: 'Real Witches Do Real Things'"
"Beyoncé Accused of 'Extreme Witchcraft' by Former Drummer Kimberly Thompson"
"Jay-Z: A Master Of Occult Wisdom?"
"Yes, that has very deep roots in modern occult culture," Horowitz says. "The full expression is 'Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.' That was one of the key maxims of the British occultist Aleister Crowley. So when Jay-Z appears in a hoodie with that phrase on it in public, that's exactly what he's referencing."
Jay-Z's Rocawear clothing line also often draws upon Masonic symbols: pentagrams, obelisks, pyramids, the all-seeing eye. Of course, that pales in comparison with the near-obsession with the occult of someone like, say, Led Zeppelin's Jimmy Page.
"Lady Gaga Accused Of Performing Satanic Ritual, Leaves Hotel Bathtub Filled With Blood"
Aleister Crowley, MI6 dark magician, excerpt from his book "Magick Without Tears":
All this is clear proof of the unspeakable power and wisdom of Those who have sent me to proclaim the Law.
I observe, after a talk with M. Jules Courtier yesterday, that all their S.P.R. work is proof only of extra-human Forces.
We knew about them all along; the universe is full of obscure and subtle manifestation of energy, we are constantly advancing in our knowledge and control of them. Telekinesis is of the same order of Nature as the Hertz Rays or the Radium emanations. But what nobody before me has done is to prove the existence of extra-human Intelligence, and my magical Record does this. I err in the interpretation, of course; but it is impossible to doubt that there is a Somebody there, a Somebody capable of combining events as a Napoleon forms his plans of campaign, and possessed of powers unthinkably vast. If these events be indeed the result of calculation and control on the part of the Secret Chiefs, it seems at first sight as if the people involved had been prepared to play their parts from the beginning.
Jack Parsons, rocket scientist, inventor of modern rocketry, founder of JPL/NASA, disciple of Aleister Crowley, excerpt from his book "Book of the Antichrist":
And thereafter I was taken within and saluted the Prince of that place, and thereafter things were done to me of which I may not write, and they told me, "It is not certain that you will survive, but if you survive you will attain your true will, and manifest the Antichrist.
And thereafter I returned and swore the Oath of the Abyss, having only the choice between madness, suicide, and that oath. But the Oath in no wise ameliorated that terror, and I continued in the madness and horror of the abyss for a season. But of this no more. But having passed the ordeal of 40 days I took the oath of a Magister Templi, even the Oath of Antichrist before Frater 132, the Unknown God. And thus was I Antichrist loosed in the world; and to this I am pledged, that the work of the Beast 666 shall be fulfilled, and the way for the coming of BABALON be made open and I shall not cease or rest until these things are accomplished. And to this end I have issued this my manifesto
Lord Rothschild posing with satanic witch Marina Abramovic in front of the painting "Lucifer Summoning his Legions" in late 2019
Here's a documentary that exposed an Apollo (Lucifer) temple on a Rothschild estate where people in black robes do occult rituals:
"1666: Redemption Through Sin" by Robert Sepehr:
Explains how Amschel Rothschild created the Illuminati with Jacob Frank on 5/1/1776 with Isaac Weishaupt as the front man. The Illuminati is a Luciferian psychotic occult group dedicated bringing the world under a one world hell tyranny
submitted by TheForce122 to conspiracy_commons [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 08:14 nagchampaagarbatti Elevate Your Space with Pure Sandalwood Incense Sticks from House of Nag Champa

Creating a tranquil and inviting surroundings in your house or workspace is important for preserving mental and emotional well-being. One of the simplest however pleasant processes to accumulate that is via incorporating Pure Sandalwood Incense Sticks from House of Nag Champa into your each day ordinary. Known for his or her soothing aroma and myriad blessings, the ones incense sticks can transform any area proper into a serene sanctuary.

The Allure of Pure Sandalwood
Sandalwood has been respected for centuries in numerous cultures for its rich, woody perfume and its capability to sell rest and non secular nicely-being. Pure Sandalwood Incense Sticks capture this undying essence, presenting a natural and pure aroma that enhances meditation, yoga practices, and everyday residing.

Here are some key advantages of the usage of pure sandalwood incense:

Calming Effects: The aroma of sandalwood is understood to reduce pressure and tension, selling an enjoyment of calm and relaxation. Lighting those incense sticks after a long day allows you to unwind and repair stability.

Spiritual Significance: Sandalwood is often used in non secular and spiritual ceremonies due to its purifying traits. It enables creating an environment conducive to prayer, meditation, and mindfulness.

Aromatherapy Benefits: Sandalwood's fragrance can enhance intellectual readability and cognizance, making it a famous choice in aromatherapy for enhancing cognitive function and emotional nicely-being.

Nag champaagarbatti incense benefits

Nag Champa is another cherished incense range recognized for its special, candy, and earthy fragrance. The Nag Champa Agarbatti Incense Benefits are several and well-documented:

Mood Enhancement: The particular aggregate of sandalwood and exclusive aromatic additives in Nag Champa can uplift your mood and sell satisfactory energy.

Air Purification: Burning Nag Champa incense allows purifying the air, disposing of ugly odors and creating a clean, inviting surroundings.

Spiritual Connection: Like pure sandalwood, Nag Champa is often utilized in spiritual practices. Its grounding aroma allows deeper meditation and enhances religious focus.
How to Use Incense Sticks Effectively
Using Incense Sticks to your everyday routine is straightforward and can deliver profound adjustments for your surroundings. Here are some guidelines to get the most out of your incense sticks:

Choose the Right Space: Select a nicely-ventilated region to burn your incense. This ensures the smoke disperses lightly, permitting the perfume to permeate the room without overwhelming it.
Set the Mood: Light your incense sticks in some unspecified time in the future of quiet moments, which encompass meditation, yoga, or studying. The calming aroma will decorate your recognition and rest.

Safety First: Always place your incense sticks in a strong holder on a fireproof surface. Never depart burning incense unattended to prevent any fireside risks.

Why Choose House of Nag Champa
House of Nag Champa is devoted to presenting the very exceptional pleasant incense products, consisting of Pure Sandalwood Incense Sticks and Nag Champa Agarbatti Incense. Our products are crafted with herbal materials, ensuring a natural and real aromatic enjoy.

By selecting the House of Nag Champa, you are making an investment in a culture of excellence and a willpower to improve your nice-being via the energy of fragrance. Whether you are searching to raise your spiritual practices, create a calming domestic surroundings, or truly revel in the delightful aromas of sandalwood and Nag Champa, our incense sticks are the right desire.

Incorporating Pure Sandalwood Incense Sticks and Nag Champa Agarbatti Incense from House of Nag Champa into your habitual can redesign your area and grow your proper-being. Embrace the soothing, purifying, and spiritually enriching blessings of those timeless aromas. Explore our range of pinnacle charge incense products and find out how they could decorate your lifestyles.

submitted by nagchampaagarbatti to u/nagchampaagarbatti [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 07:50 Dangerous-Swan-3057 10 Places to visit in Badrinath

10 Places to visit in Badrinath
Badrinath, located in the Chamoli district of Uttarakhand, India, is a significant spiritual hub nestled amidst the majestic Himalayas. This sacred town is one of the four Char Dham pilgrimage sites and offers a blend of natural beauty, spiritual sanctity, and cultural richness. Here are ten must-visit places in Badrinath, providing a comprehensive overview of each site.

1. Badrinath Temple

The Badrinath Temple, also known as Badrinarayan Temple, is dedicated to Lord Vishnu and is one of the most important Hindu shrines in India. It forms part of the Char Dham and Chota Char Dham pilgrimages, attracting millions of devotees each year. The temple is believed to have been established by Adi Shankaracharya in the 8th century.
  • Architectural Marvel: The temple exhibits traditional Garhwali wooden architecture with a striking facade. Its entrance, called the Singhdwar, features intricate carvings and colorful designs, creating an impressive visual spectacle.
  • Spiritual Experience: The temple is a center of various rituals and ceremonies. Daily aartis (prayer rituals) and the chanting of Vedic hymns fill the air with spiritual energy. The temple opens every year in April-May and closes in November for winter.
  • Location: Situated at an altitude of 3,133 meters, the temple is set against the backdrop of the Nar and Narayan mountain ranges and is adjacent to the Alaknanda River. This scenic location enhances the spiritual atmosphere.

2. Tapt Kund

Tapt Kund is a natural hot water spring located at the base of the Badrinath Temple. The waters of Tapt Kund are considered sacred and are believed to be the abode of Agni, the Hindu god of fire.
  • Therapeutic Waters: The hot spring maintains a constant temperature of around 45-50°C throughout the year. The water is rich in minerals and is believed to have healing properties, particularly for skin ailments and joint pains.
  • Ritual Bathing: Pilgrims take a dip in Tapt Kund before entering the Badrinath Temple. This ritual is believed to purify the body and soul, preparing devotees for worship.
  • Mythological Importance: According to Hindu mythology, the hot spring was created by Lord Vishnu himself to provide a comfortable place for his devotees to bathe before seeking his blessings.

3. Mana Village

Mana Village is the last Indian village before the Tibetan border, located just 3 km from Badrinath. It is known for its mythological significance and the traditional lifestyle of its inhabitants, the Bhotiya community.
  • Bhimpul: This natural rock bridge over the Saraswati River is a significant site in Hindu mythology. It is believed to have been placed by Bhima, one of the Pandava brothers, to help Draupadi cross the river during their exile.
  • Vyas Gufa: A cave where Sage Vyasa is said to have composed the Mahabharata. The cave contains ancient manuscripts and offers a glimpse into India's rich literary heritage.
  • Local Handicrafts: Mana Village is renowned for its woolen garments and handicrafts. Visitors can buy traditional items like shawls, caps, and carpets, crafted by the local Bhotiya people.
  • Cultural Insight: The village provides a rare opportunity to experience the unique culture and traditions of the Bhotiya community, including their cuisine, festivals, and daily life.

4. Vasudhara Falls

Vasudhara Falls is a stunning natural waterfall located about 9 km from Badrinath. The falls cascade from a height of approximately 400 feet, making them a breathtaking sight.
  • Scenic Trek: The trek to Vasudhara Falls is an adventurous journey through rugged terrain, lush greenery, and panoramic views of the surrounding mountains. The trek offers a chance to experience the raw beauty of the Himalayas.
  • Mythological Significance: It is believed that the falls turn away from those who are impure at heart, adding a mystical element to the visit. This belief attracts pilgrims who seek spiritual purification.
  • Nature’s Splendor: The falls are especially magnificent during the post-monsoon season when the water flow is at its peak. The sight of the water cascading down the cliff is awe-inspiring and provides a serene backdrop for meditation and reflection.

5. Charan Paduka

Charan Paduka is a revered site located 3 km from Badrinath. It features a rock with what are believed to be the footprints of Lord Vishnu, symbolizing his presence in the region.
  • Pilgrimage Spot: Devotees visit Charan Paduka to seek blessings and pay homage to the divine footprints. The site holds great significance for Hindus, who believe that the footprints mark the spot where Lord Vishnu set foot on earth.
  • Scenic Views: The location offers stunning views of the Badrinath Valley and the surrounding mountains. The tranquil environment provides an ideal setting for contemplation and prayer.
  • Historical Importance: The footprints have been a symbol of sanctity for centuries, attracting pilgrims from all over India. The site is considered a testament to the divine presence and power of Lord Vishnu.

6. Neelkanth Peak

Neelkanth Peak, also known as 'Garhwal Queen,' is a prominent peak in the region, standing tall at 6,597 meters. The peak is named after Lord Shiva and holds significant religious importance.
  • Trekking Destination: Neelkanth Peak is a popular destination for trekkers and mountaineers. The challenging routes and breathtaking views attract adventure enthusiasts from around the world. The trek offers an exhilarating experience through varied terrains and spectacular landscapes.
  • Stunning Sunrise: The peak is renowned for its mesmerizing sunrise views. The first rays of the sun illuminate the snow-covered peak, creating a golden glow that is a sight to behold. This natural phenomenon draws photographers and nature lovers.
  • Mythological Significance: The peak is named after Lord Shiva, who is often depicted with a blue throat (Neelkanth). The peak is considered sacred, and many myths and legends are associated with it. The spiritual ambiance enhances the trekking experience.

7. Brahma Kapal

Brahma Kapal is a flat platform on the banks of the Alaknanda River, where Hindus perform rituals for their deceased ancestors. It is considered one of the most sacred places for these rites.
  • Ritual Significance: Brahma Kapal is highly revered for performing 'Pind Daan' and other ancestral rites. Hindus believe that performing these rituals here ensures the salvation of their ancestors' souls.
  • Spiritual Atmosphere: The serene and solemn environment at Brahma Kapal provides a peaceful setting for conducting these important rituals. The sound of the flowing river and the chanting of Vedic hymns add to the spiritual experience.
  • Proximity to Badrinath Temple: Located close to the Badrinath Temple, Brahma Kapal is easily accessible for pilgrims. Many devotees visit both sites as part of their pilgrimage to Badrinath.

8. Mata Murti Temple

The Mata Murti Temple is dedicated to Mata Murti, the mother of Nar and Narayan, who are twin forms of Lord Vishnu. The temple holds a special place in the local culture and traditions.
  • Annual Fair: An annual fair, known as the Mata Murti Ka Mela, is held at the temple. This event attracts a large number of devotees and tourists, adding to the cultural vibrancy of the region. The fair includes various religious ceremonies, cultural performances, and local crafts.
  • Cultural Importance: The temple is an integral part of the local traditions and beliefs. It celebrates the maternal aspect of divinity and is a place of worship and reverence for the local community.
  • Idyllic Setting: Situated on the banks of the Alaknanda River, the temple provides a serene and picturesque environment. The tranquil surroundings and the sound of the river enhance the spiritual ambiance, making it a peaceful place for prayer and meditation.

9. Bheem Pul

Bheem Pul is a massive natural rock bridge over the Saraswati River, located near Mana Village. It is associated with the Pandavas from the epic Mahabharata.
  • Mythological Connection: According to legend, Bhima, one of the Pandavas, placed the rock to help Draupadi cross the river during their exile. This mythological association makes Bheem Pul a significant site for devotees and history enthusiasts.
  • Natural Wonder: The rock bridge is a remarkable natural formation, showcasing the beauty and power of nature. It is a popular spot for visitors who marvel at its size and stability.
  • Scenic Beauty: The surrounding area offers stunning views of the river and the mountains. Bheem Pul is an ideal spot for photography, nature walks, and relaxation. The serene environment and the flowing Saraswati River create a peaceful ambiance.

10. Saraswati River Origin

The Saraswati River, a sacred river in Hindu mythology, originates near Mana Village, emerging from a glacier. The river is considered one of the holiest rivers in Hinduism.
  • Sacred Significance: The Saraswati River holds immense religious importance. It is mentioned in ancient Hindu scriptures, including the Rigveda, and is believed to have mystical properties. The origin point is a place of great spiritual significance for devotees.
  • Picturesque Location: The origin of the Saraswati River is surrounded by the natural beauty of the Himalayas. The pristine environment, with snow-capped peaks and lush greenery, provides a serene and breathtaking backdrop.
  • Trekking Spot: The area around the river's origin is popular among trekkers and adventure enthusiasts. The trails offer challenging routes and stunning vistas, making it a rewarding experience for those who enjoy hiking and exploring nature.


Badrinath is a destination where spirituality, natural beauty, and cultural heritage converge. The Badrinath Temple, Tapt Kund, and Brahma Kapal offer profound spiritual experiences, while Vasudhara Falls, Neelkanth Peak, and Charan Paduka showcase the region's natural splendor. Mana Village and its mythological sites like Bheem Pul and Vyas Gufa provide a deep dive into ancient legends and local culture. Whether you are a pilgrim seeking divine blessings or a traveler exploring the majestic Himalayas, Badrinath's diverse attractions make it a unique and unforgettable destination. Opting for a Badrinath Yatra tour package can enhance your journey by providing a well-organized and comprehensive experience of these sacred sites. The harmonious blend of spirituality, natural beauty, and cultural heritage ensures that Badrinath remains a cherished destination in the Indian Himalayas.
submitted by Dangerous-Swan-3057 to u/Dangerous-Swan-3057 [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 06:17 Traditional-Hat-2090 Best kids Bible or resources for young kids to learn about God

I have recently began the path back to my faith & want to start teaching my preschool daughter about God , and Jesus. I think she is having a hard time understanding & maybe I’m not doing a great job explaining things to her. We’ve started talking about it a little and praying at bedtime together. She doesn’t like saying prayers with me. I’ve taken the approach of just saying the prayers myself while she lays there and listens since it’s still new to her but I do want her to engage and join me in prayer. When she’s not saying prayers with me I feel like she is just tuned out. I am looking for a great kids’ Bible and/or resources that can help me help her learn about God if anyone has any suggestions!
submitted by Traditional-Hat-2090 to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 02:52 realityChemist Meet DrunkMonkMan

Meet DrunkMonkMan
DrunkMonkMan is my unique ironman, who follows a few simple rules in order to live a pious life:
  1. He can only equip gear that...
    • Provides a prayer bonus,
    • Has a prayer level requirement to equip, or
    • Is explicitly associated with a god (e.g. has a god's name in its own name)
  2. He is banned from using the thieving skill (stealing is a sin)
  3. He cannot consume any food or potions, unless they are alcoholic hiccup
That's it! I just finished my F2P equipment goals, which were monk's robes (31 prayer), a holy symbol (31 prayer and 16 crafting), and the big item: the barronite mace. Check out the drip:
The barronite mace took the longest by far. The handle and head were both pretty quick, but the guard... Fighting mind golems with no armor, and with my only realistic f2p food (wines) draining my attack level, certainly took a while. Hans says I've been playing for 61 hours, and the majority of that has been at mind golems. It's nothing on the scale of some of the grinds y'all do, but for me that's a pretty long one.
Anyway, probably going to throw a bond on tomorrow and start the real adventure!
submitted by realityChemist to UniqueIronmen [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 00:19 thinkingstranger June 6, 2024

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt had good news for the American people when he gave his twenty-ninth Fireside Chat on June 5, 1944. The day before, on June 4, Rome had fallen to Allied troops. “The first of the Axis capitals is now in our hands,” Roosevelt said.
The president pointed out that “it is…significant that Rome has been liberated by the armed forces of many nations. The American and British armies—who bore the chief burdens of battle—found at their sides our own North American neighbors, the gallant Canadians. The fighting New Zealanders from the far South Pacific, the courageous French and the French Moroccans, the South Africans, the Poles and the East Indians—all of them fought with us on the bloody approaches to the city of Rome. The Italians, too, forswearing a partnership in the Axis which they never desired, have sent their troops to join us in our battles against the German trespassers on their soil.”
This group of ordinary men from many different countries had worked together to defeat the forces of fascism.
But FDR warned Americans that the fall of Rome was only the beginning. “We shall have to push through a long period of greater effort and fiercer fighting before we get into Germany itself,” he said. [T]he victory still lies some distance ahead. That distance will be covered in due time—have no fear of that. But it will be tough and it will be costly.”
FDR knew something his audience did not. On the other side of the Atlantic, paratroopers, their faces darkened with cocoa, were already dropping into France, and the soldiers, sailors, and airmen of the Allies were on their way across the English channel.
The order of the day from their commander Dwight D. Eisenhower that day had read: “You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you. The hopes and prayers of liberty-loving people everywhere march with you. In company with our brave Allies and brothers-in-arms on other Fronts, you will bring about the destruction of the German war machine, the elimination of Nazi tyranny over the oppressed people of Europe, and security for ourselves in a free world.
“Your task will not be an easy one,” it read, but it assured the troops that the Germans had suffered great defeats and Allied bombing had reduced German strength, while “[o]ur Home Fronts have given us an overwhelming superiority in weapons and munitions of war, and placed at our disposal great reserves of trained fighting men. The tide has turned! The free men of the world are marching together to Victory!”
Eisenhower’s public confidence did not reflect his understanding that the largest amphibious invasion in military history was a gamble. On June 5, in pencil on a sheet of paper, he had written a message to be communicated in case the invasion failed.
“Our landings in the Cherbourg-Havre area have failed to gain a satisfactory foothold and I have withdrawn the troops,” it read. “My decision to attack at this time and place was based upon the best information available. The troops, the air and the Navy did all that bravery and dedication to duty could do. If any blame or fault attaches to the attempt it is mine alone.”
On the morning of June 6, 1944, five naval assault divisions stormed the beaches of Normandy. Seven thousand ships and landing craft operated by more than 195,000 naval personnel from 8 countries brought almost 133,000 troops to beaches given the code names UTAH, OMAHA, GOLD, JUNO, and SWORD. By the end of the day, more than 10,000 Allied troops were wounded or killed, but the Allies had established a foothold in France that would permit them to flood troops, vehicles, and supplies into Europe. When FDR held a press conference later that day, officials and press both were jubilant.
Today, eighty years later, world leaders and more than two dozen U.S. veterans of D-Day gathered to commemorate that day. They met above Omaha Beach at the Normandy American Cemetery, where the remains of 9,388 Americans, many of whom were killed on D-Day, are buried.
“Hitler and those with him thought democracies were weak, that the future belonged to dictators,” President Joe Biden said in a speech. “Here, on the coast of Normandy, the battle between freedom and tyranny would be joined.”
Biden honored the visiting veterans by name—Kenneth Blaine Smith, Bob Gibson, Ben Miller, Louis Brown, Woody Woodhouse, Marjorie Stone—and recounted what they did that day: operating radar, driving an M4 tractor mounted with an anti-aircraft gun, dragging injured soldiers to safety, treating wounds, driving trucks carrying supplies, flying and fixing planes.
Echoing FDR’s chat about the fall of Rome, Biden attributed D-Day’s success to ordinary people. “Every soldier who stormed the beach, who dropped by parachute or landed by glider; every sailor who manned the thousands of ships and landing craft; every aviator who destroyed German-controlled air fields, bridges, and railroads—all—all were backed by other brave Americans, including hundreds of thousands of people of color and women who courageously served despite unjust limitations on what they could do for their nation,” Biden said.
The story of the veterans “has always been the story of America,” Biden said. “Just walk the rows of this cemetery…. Nearly 10,000 heroes buried side by side, officers and enlisted, immigrants and native-born. Different races, different faiths, but all Americans. All served with honor when America and the world needed them most.”
“Millions back home did their part as well. From coast to coast, Americans found countless ways to pitch in. They understood our democracy is only as strong as all of us make it, together.”
“The men who fought here became heroes not because they were the strongest or toughest or were fiercest—although they were,” Biden said, “but because they…knew, beyond any doubt, there are things that are worth fighting and dying for.”
“Freedom is worth it. Democracy is worth it. America is worth it. The world is worth it—then, now, and always.”
“Here we proved the forces of liberty are stronger than the forces of conquest,” Biden said. “Here we proved that the ideals of our democracy are stronger than any army or combination of armies in the entire world.”
D-Day also proved that alliances make us stronger, Biden said, a principle that after the war led to the creation of “the greatest military alliance in the history of the world,” NATO. He continued, to applause: “America’s unique ability to bring countries together is an…undeniable source of our strength and our power. Isolationism was not the answer 80 years ago, and it is not the answer today.”
“The struggle between a dictatorship and freedom is unending,” he said, and he vowed that the U.S., NATO, and allied countries will not walk away from Ukraine in its fight to resist Russia’s assault. “[T]o bow down to dictators,” he said, “means we’d be forgetting what happened here on these hallowed beaches.”
“History tells us freedom is not free,” Biden said. “If you want to know the price of freedom, come here to Normandy…and remember: The price of unchecked tyranny is the blood of the young and the brave.
“In their generation, in their hour of trial, the Allied forces of D-Day did their duty. Now the question for us is: In our hour of trial, will we do ours?
“We’re living in a time when democracy is more at risk across the world than at any point…since these beaches were stormed in 1944. Now, we have to ask ourselves: Will we stand against tyranny, against evil, against crushing brutality of the iron fist?
“Will we stand for freedom? Will we defend democracy? Will we stand together?
“My answer is yes. And it only can be yes.”
“Let us be the generation that when history is written about our time—in 10, 20, 30, 50, 80 years from now—it will be said: When the moment came, we met the moment. We stood strong. Our alliances were made stronger. And we saved democracy in our time as well.”
During the ceremony, the past and the present came together. Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelensky shook the hand of a U.S. veteran in a wheelchair. When the man tried to kiss Zelensky’s hand, the Ukraine president instead stooped and hugged him. “You’re the savior of the people,” the man said. Zelensky answered, “You saved Europe.” The exchange continued: “You’re my hero.” “No, you are our hero.”
As the crowd cheered, the old man turned to look at the younger one and said, “I pray for you.”

submitted by thinkingstranger to HeatherCoxRichardson [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 17:34 Familiar-Zombie2663 Is witch craft, hypnotism, and prayer really any different?

Do we have any way of knowing if any of these or other practices are inherently different at the core than manifestation? What if they are all just forms a manifestation with different steps?
submitted by Familiar-Zombie2663 to Manifestation [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 17:29 odstwingman Mended Heart: Chapter 8

Credit to u/spacepaladin15 for creating this lovely world. Thanks to u/emotion-senior for help with editing.
Mended Heart
Chapter 8
Memory transcription subject: Selni, Venlil civilian
Date [standardized human time]: September, 2nd 2136
Our ship shuddered nigh imperceptibly as we exited warp. I checked our surroundings on sensors while, to my left, Jon flipped several switches to safely secure the warp drive.
“There’s a UN ship in orbit of that small planetoid over there, wouldn’t have noticed it if it wasn’t tight beaming radar straight at us.” I pointed at the blip on the sensor readout.
“They must have been expecting us, I’ll plot a course to take us closer.” The Human’s fingers darted over the interface deftly. He worked out an intercept course in seconds and started warming up the engines.
“So, did you sleep well?” I perked my ears up and swished my tail inquisitively.
“I really did, the only problem I experienced was having to let go of you in the morning.” My Human smiled back at me as we started our transfer burn. “How about you? Did you enjoy being my little spoon?”
“Heh, it’s not what I’m used to but you make a really nice heat sink. I slept like a rock.” I chuckled and felt the tips of my ears heat up a little. My friend’s gaze that had once made me anxious and fearful now never ceased to deliver a shot of happiness to my heart.
“Yeah, I noticed how much you enjoyed being on top when we… experimented, before bed.” He snickered, delivering a teasing jab to my arm as the orange hue expanded over more of my ears.
“You’re actually the worst.” I teased back, playfully slapping at his arm. “I seem to recall you being a flustered mess under me the whole time.”
“You say that like it’s a bad thing.” Jon giggled. “Hopefully we’ll get more chances to experiment in the near future.”
“Hey Jon, uh… I just noticed your radio is on.” I gestured to his headset, acting serious despite knowing it was off.
He tore the headset off in an instant while making one of the funniest noises I’d heard from a Human, somewhere between a gasp and a yelp. “You little goof, I thought I had just caused an interspecies incident!.” He laughed nervously, catching his breath from the fright over the next few seconds.
I laughed alongside him. “Well, technically I caused the incident and… I’m excited to cause some more with you.” Our eyes met for a moment, the laughter, his smile, the joy and positivity of our whole situation. There was nowhere I’d rather be.
I sighed happily, idling for the moment before remembering we’re on the clock. “Well, later of course. Can’t get overly distracted.” I rubbed my cheeks and swiveled my chair to face forward, trying desperately to un-fluster myself.
“Your wish is my command~” He purred and gave a suggestive wink before swiveling back to face his console.
The final leg of the journey to the vessel which we identified as the UNS ‘Nuts and Bolts’ went off without a hitch. We finished decelerating and matched our orbit to the surprisingly large vessel in about an hour.
Up close the vessel looked more like a dock yard with an engine than a ship, huge wings of scaffolding big enough to fit several of our shuttle inside flanked the main body of the craft. The pressurized section itself was fairly small, though it still had a pair of hangar bays for our ‘Angel’ transports to fit in.
“Angel seven, you are cleared to dock in bay one. Hope you had a quiet flight.” The traffic controller’s voice was high pitched, indicating it was probably a female Human working it. Human voices tended to be much deeper than a Venlil’s so it took a bit of experience to tell them apart. Jon’s voice was only slightly deeper than mine which seemed to be a bit of an outlier for male Humans.
“Affirmative Nuts and Bolts, approaching docking bay one.” Jon flew our ship as expertly as ever, maneuvering us into the bay and setting us down on target as per usual. My seat shuddered as the hangar’s clamps grabbed our landing gear.
“How come you don’t use the autopilot?” I unclipped my harness once we were secure on the deck and swiveled around in my seat. “It seems like it’d be easier.”
“Well if I let the thing fly itself all the time then what was the point of all the simulator time?” Jon chuckled and answered with a faux incredulous tone. “Honestly I just really like flying. Take off and landing are some of the most exciting parts of your average flight and I feel accomplished doing it by hand when most rely on the computer for it.” He stood carefully, hesitating to see if his blood pressure would tank, before starting off toward the cargo bay.
“Have you noticed any changes with your condition?” I followed him back into the bay and stood by him as he checked the cargo. I always made sure to stick close enough to catch him if he fell.
“It seems to be a bit better, I still get dizzy when standing a lot, but I haven’t been as out of breath lately.” He checked over the last items while the hangar bay repressurized. “I think I’m putting on weight, your insistence on me maintaining my exercise routine has really helped me keep it up.” He gave me a toothy grin while finalizing the delivery information on his holopad.
Once the bay was prepared we unsealed the cargo door and met the welcome party waiting just outside.
“Welcome to our lovely tub, I’m Cap’n Duncan. We’ll need ya to stay aboard until about midday tomarra so you can take cargo and possibly passengers back ta Earth.” The officer in charge explained, inviting us aboard while his crew started unloading the cargo. “We have a room prepared for ya so you don’t have to stay aboard your ship. This glorified skiff may not be the fanciest but she’s got more room to stretch your legs than that little thing.” He made a grandiose gesture to the vessel around him.
I looked around at the exposed systems through missing panels in the hallway walls. This ship looked like it was held together with duct tape and prayers. “How old is this ship? It looks like it’s seen better days.”
“This vessel was converted from an old maintenance ship. Used to operate around Luna before being refitted with new engines and a warp drive. These are excitin times and even old clunkers like this are getting new life breathed into them.” The Captain seemed genuinely excited.
“You said ‘possibly’ passengers for us to bring back. Why would that be a maybe?” Jon inquired, narrowing his eyes suspiciously.
The Captain’s eyes narrowed and he took on a more serious demeanor. “Well now that you’re here I suppose there’s no harm in tellin ya. We’re here to repair and resupply a flight of bombers once they return from their mission.”
“A military operation already? It’s only been two months since first contact…” Jon trailed off, placing a hand on his chin and looking lost in thought.
The news of an attack shook me, but it only took a moment to figure out the target. “The Gojids… This is for what they did. I hadn’t expected Humans would be the type to bomb a species in revenge for one man!” I stumbled at the realization, my mind rushing at the thought of our, now former, ally’s planet being bombed for the actions of a single military commander.
“What? Don’t be silly. We ain’t going to bomb civilians and this ain’t for revenge. We know the Gojid’s are planning to bomb Earth. We are stopping ‘em before they get the chance.” The Captain corrected. He looked genuinely appalled by the accusations.
Jon put a hand on my shoulder. “Selni… We have rules for war and things like indiscriminate bombing of civilians are absolutely banned. We don’t do that, we do our best to avoid civilian casualties wherever possible.”
“You wage war enough that you wrote a book of rules about it!?” I stumbled away from the touch, shocked and appalled by the revelation. “I-I suppose it’s good that you have those but… that’s still a pretty disturbing thought. We should talk about this later.”
I guess I just subconsciously over-compensated for how intimidating Humans are and assumed they never actually did wrong. It seems reality is a bit more complicated; I’m looking forward to Jon’s explanation.
“Well, this is yall’s room. Mess is up the hall and ya know the way to the hangar. Enjoy your stay.” Duncan gestured around.
“Thanks for the hospitality Captain.” Jon offered a hand to shake, which the Captain accepted eagerly. Jon seemed a bit overwhelmed by the strength of the Captain’s grip but maintained his composure. The Captain laughed heartily and released his grip, patting Jon on the shoulder before walking off towards the hangar.
“Well I’ll be, if it isn’t Jon Black.” A lean, brown haired female Human strode toward us from the direction of the mess hall. “What ever happened to ‘Don’t worry I’ll stay In touch’?” She made air quotes with her fingers while staring at my exchange partner.
“Hey Alex!” Jon brightened up immediately at the sight of this woman. “Sorry I didn’t message, I know it’s a shitty excuse but I just got distracted a lot.” He looked over at me and gave a closed lipped smile. “How are you even here?”
“Angel 5 baby.” Alex made a proud gesture pointing her thumbs at herself. “So what? You get a government assigned boyfriend and forget about your only other friend?” She chuckled, giving Jon a playful jab in the arm.
My partner turned red and failed to respond, running a hand over the back of his neck and looking flustered.
“Oh. my. god, you didn’t… You two?” She looked taken aback for a moment and gestured between the two of us. Her shocked expression slowly morphed into toothy grin. “Little mister ‘I’ll never love again’ meets an alien guy and falls in love in” She looked at her wrist which notably didn’t have any devices or jewelry on it. “little over a month?” Her demeanor was full of playful tones and teasing.
“Stoooop~, It’s not like that, I just… Selni is very special to me…” Jon flustered even more at her teasing but gave her a playful shove, physical contact which for the last month he had only given to me.
The display between them combined with my emotional turmoil from the revelation about Human aggression was stirring up a storm of anxiety in my chest and maybe a hint of… jealousy?
“N-nice to meet you, I’ll just leave you two to your reunion.” I stuttered in spite of myself which only increased my displeasure. Without another word I pushed my way through the doorway and closed it behind me. The room was surprisingly well furnished but none of that interested me at that moment.
I flopped into the bed and shoved my face in a pillow, trying my hardest to rationalize the new information and calm the jealousy I knew to be irrational.
Jon wouldn’t hurt a fly, the other Humans in the program are all nice people as well.
But wouldn’t the UN only send meek people? They want to make a good impression, to manipulate us.
No, they aren’t like that. The Human pilots fought and died to save us during the Arxur attack.
They saved just as many Humans, your own Human is right outside cozying up to a female right now, without you.
NO! They’re friends, he cares about me… right?
“Selni?” Jon’s gentle voice snapped me out of my daydream. The pillow was practically soaked with… tears? I hadn’t even realized I’d been crying.
The Human saw my state and immediately wrapped me up in a hug. “Hey, what’s wrong?” He cooed gently, holding me tight against his chest.
“I… you care about the Venlil right? This isn’t all some game to you is it? You care about… me?” I choked, my emotions overwhelming me.
“What? Of course I care about you Selni, none of this is a game. Humanity loves the Venlil and we want to be friends, it’s why we’re here. Why would you think I don’t care?” Jon pulled back from the hug to look me in the eyes, but kept his hands on my shoulders. He looked distraught at my accusations.
“I just… I know such horrible things about predators, I didn’t want to believe that any of that could be true about Humanity… about you. What other things haven’t you told me?” I sat up straighter, my instincts activating for the first time in a while. I was suddenly aware that I was aboard a predator ship, the only Venlil on a predator warship and two predators were in a small room with me.
“Selni… Human history… It hasn’t been all sunshine and rainbows. We fight, we bicker, but we also help and love one another. We’ve come a long way and learned a lot of hard lessons in the process.” Jon crouched by the edge of the bed, trying to stay at my level and give me space while he explained.
He’s misleading you, bombers are going to kill the Gojids for hurting one of them.
No, Jon isn’t a liar, and the Humans are defending themselves.
How many times did they have to ‘defend themselves’ to make these war rules?
“We aren’t keeping secrets as much as we’re just trying to make a good first impression. We didn’t want to dump all our worst aspects on you from day one, that would be a rather poor introduction don’t you think?” Jon chuckled awkwardly, attempting to inject humor.
“I… Jon, I want to believe you. You’ve never done anything to hurt me… Just tell me it’s going to be ok? That the Captain was telling the truth about your military’s intentions?” I gripped my chest, trying in vain to quell the anxious, fearful knot that felt like it was crushing my heart.
“Selni we won’t hurt innocents, not if it can be avoided. I don’t know the plan but I would bet anything that the UN is not going to bomb civilians. I can’t promise everything will turn out great, but I’ll be here for you regardless of what happens.” Jon leaned in to hug me again.
I tensed but didn’t retreat, not that I had anywhere to go if I tried. His touch was a shock but I soon felt the knot in my chest slowly unraveling and wrapped my arms and tail around him in return.
“You two are adorable.” The woman in the doorway had been avoiding intruding on us but evidently had decided now was a good time.
Jon gave me one final squeeze before breaking away. “Selni, this is Alex. She’s one of my only friends from Mars and I think you two would get along well.” He smiled at me and I got a very sudden, very predatory urge. I threw my arms over Jon’s shoulders and leaned in for a kiss.
Jon instantly turned the brightest shade of red I’d ever seen from him and almost fell over backwards, I held him for but a moment before breaking the kiss. “I’m glad my boyfriend here has such a good friend. Maybe we can all hang out, I’ve still got lots of cartoons saved up.”
“A feisty one eh Jon? I can see how he wormed his way into your heart.” She laughed wholeheartedly and walked over to the couch in the middle of the room. “Let's see what you’ve got little man.”
I gave my best grin and hopped out of bed, helping my blushing mess of a partner up and pulling out my holopad. “Alright, let’s see what we have here.” I flipped through the selection, eager to drown my worries in media and company.
First Previous Next
submitted by odstwingman to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 12:05 fragranceofaroma Get Ambience in your home with our Scented candles

Scented candles are more than just wax and wick; they're portals to memories, emotions, and ambiance. With their flickering flames and captivating aromas, scented candles have become an essential element of relaxation, self-care, and interior decor.
Our scented candles embody a fusion of craftsmanship, artistry, and olfactory mastery. Each candle is meticulously hand-poured using premium soy wax and infused with carefully curated fragrances sourced from around the globe. Whether it's the fresh notes of citrus and herbs, the cozy warmth of vanilla and amber, or the exotic allure of spices and florals, our collection offers a scent to suit every mood and occasion.
Behind every Scented candles lies a story—a journey of inspiration, creativity, and passion. From the initial concept to the final product, our artisans pour their heart and soul into crafting candles that not only delight the senses but also elevate the atmosphere of any space. Each scent is thoughtfully developed, evoking memories of sunlit gardens, tranquil forests, or bustling markets.
More than just a source of fragrance, our scented candles are symbols of mindfulness and self-care. Lighting one is a ritual, a moment of pause in the chaos of modern life. As the flame dances and the aroma fills the room, it invites you to slow down, to breathe deeply, and to find solace in the simple pleasures of life.
Whether you're unwinding after a long day, creating a cozy ambiance for a romantic evening, or simply indulging in a moment of tranquility, our scented candles are here to enhance your experience and illuminate your world with warmth and fragrance.
The history of scented candles is a journey through centuries of human ingenuity, spirituality, and the quest for sensory pleasure. While the exact origins are shrouded in antiquity, the use of scented candles can be traced back thousands of years to ancient civilizations such as Egypt, Greece, and China.
In ancient Egypt, around 3,000 BCE, scented candles made from animal fats were infused with essential oils to create aromatic experiences during religious ceremonies and rituals. These early scented candles served not only as sources of light but also as offerings to gods and symbols of divine presence.
The Greeks also embraced scented candles, utilizing them in their temples and homes to purify the air and create fragrant atmospheres. They pioneered the use of beeswax as a candle base, which burned cleaner and emitted a pleasant scent when lit.
During the Middle Ages in Europe, scented candles gained popularity among the aristocracy and clergy. Monks in medieval monasteries crafted scented beeswax candles for use in religious ceremonies, believing that the aromatic smoke carried prayers to the heavens.
The Renaissance period saw further refinement of scented candle-making techniques, with the addition of botanical extracts and exotic spices to enhance fragrance profiles. Scented candles became symbols of luxury and sophistication, adorning the palaces and salons of European nobility.
The Industrial Revolution marked a significant turning point in the mass production of scented candles. With advancements in manufacturing technology and the discovery of paraffin wax, scented candles became more accessible to the general population.
Today, scented candles continue to captivate our senses and enrich our lives. With a myriad of fragrances and designs to choose from, they remain cherished companions in rituals, celebrations, and moments of relaxation, embodying the timeless allure of scent and light across cultures and civilizations.
submitted by fragranceofaroma to u/fragranceofaroma [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 07:55 Aeywen Any suggestions for changes?

Any suggestions for changes? submitted by Aeywen to MagicArena [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 07:42 No-Quality-2644 Yūrei Chronicles

Tales of Japanese Horror [ 日本のホラーの物語 ]
By: Seph Cruz [ 投稿者: セフ・クルーズ ]
CONTENTS [ コンテンツ ]
Preface [ はじめに ]
Chapter 1: The Cursed Scroll [ 第 1 章: 呪われた巻物 ]
Chapter 2: The Shrine in the Shadows [ 第 2 章: 影の神殿 ]
Chapter 3: The Haunting of the Geisha [ 第 3 章: 芸者の幽霊 ]
Chapter 4: The Onryo's Revenge [ 第 4 章: 怨霊の復讐 ]
Chapter 5: The Dollmaker's Curse [ 第 5 章: 人形師の呪い ]
Chapter 6: The Shadow in the Forest [ 第 6 章: 森の影 ] Chapter 7: The Haunting of the Yūrei Inn [ 第 7 章: 幽霊旅館の幽霊 ]
Chapter 8: The Curse of the Haunted Kimono [ 第 8 章: 幽霊着物の呪い ]
Chapter 9: The Mirror's Malevolence [ 第 9 章: 鏡の悪意 ]
Chapter 10: The Bridge to the Beyond [ 第 10 章: 彼方への架け橋 ]
 "Yūrei Chronicles: Tales of Japanese Horror" 
Chapter 1: "The Cursed Scroll"
In the heart of Kyoto, where history whispered through the ancient streets, there existed an antique bookstore known only to those who sought the rarest of tomes. Nestled among centuries-old texts and dusty manuscripts, a forbidden scroll lay hidden, waiting for an unwitting soul to stumble upon its chilling secrets.
Chapter 1: "The Cursed Scroll"
The quaint, dimly lit bookstore was a treasure trove of the past. Intricate calligraphy adorned scrolls, while faded ink whispered stories of long-forgotten samurai and mystical creatures. Among these relics of history, one scroll remained elusive, concealed behind a glass case. Its dark, ornate cover bore no title, and its presence seemed to beckon.
Haruki, a young scholar with a fascination for the occult, visited the bookstore one rainy afternoon. His curiosity led him to inquire about the enigmatic scroll. The elderly shopkeeper, Mr. Tanaka, peered at him with a knowing look, cautioning him about the scroll's malevolent reputation.
"Many have sought to uncover its secrets," Mr. Tanaka said, his voice trembling with age, "but few have lived to tell the tale."
Haruki, undeterred by the ominous warning, insisted on examining the scroll. Mr. Tanaka, sensing the scholar's determination, reluctantly unlocked the glass case. As Haruki unrolled the ancient parchment, he saw that it was filled with intricate symbols and incantations, written in a language he could barely comprehend.
For days, Haruki delved into the scroll's mysteries. His sleepless nights were filled with whispers from unseen forces, and chilling drafts seemed to haunt his small apartment. Yet, he pressed on, believing that the scroll held untold knowledge and power.
One fateful night, as a full moon cast eerie shadows across his cluttered study, Haruki recited an incantation from the scroll. The room grew icy cold, and an otherworldly presence enveloped him. A mournful wail echoed through the room, and Haruki's heart raced as he beheld the apparition before him.
A yūrei, its long, disheveled hair obscuring its gaunt face, hovered in the air, its eyes filled with anguish and rage. It reached out bony, pale fingers toward Haruki, its spectral form translucent yet undeniably real.
In that moment, Haruki realized the scroll's true nature – a curse that summoned vengeful spirits to torment the living. He had unwittingly invited the yūrei into his world, and now, it sought retribution for its suffering.
The scholar's life turned into a nightmare as the vengeful spirit haunted his every waking moment. His research became an obsession to find a way to pacify the yūrei and lift the curse. With each passing day, Haruki's health deteriorated, his body and mind succumbing to the relentless torment.
Desperate, he sought the guidance of a renowned exorcist, who revealed a grim truth. The only way to break the curse was to discover the scroll's origins and offer the yūrei the peace it so desperately sought.
As Haruki ventured deeper into the scroll's history, he uncovered a tale of betrayal and tragedy that spanned centuries. With newfound knowledge and a heavy heart, he prepared to confront the vengeful yūrei and set things right.
In a chilling confrontation between the living and the dead, Haruki faced the spirit, offering it the closure it craved. As the yūrei dissipated into the ether, its mournful wail echoed one last time, fading into the night.
Haruki emerged from the ordeal forever changed, carrying the weight of the scroll's curse as a cautionary tale. The forbidden knowledge he had sought had come at a great cost, a reminder that some mysteries should remain hidden, and some curses should never be invoked.
As the sun rose over Kyoto, the antique bookstore remained shrouded in an eerie silence, and the cursed scroll returned to its cryptic slumber, waiting for the next unwitting soul to unlock its dreadful secrets.
End of Chapter 1: "The Cursed Scroll"
Chapter 2: "The Shrine in the Shadows"
In the heart of a tranquil Japanese village, nestled among ancient forests, stood a centuries-old Shinto shrine, known to few but revered by all. This sacred place held an eerie secret, hidden in the shadows of its past.
Chapter 2: "The Shrine in the Shadows"
The village of Mizuki was picturesque, surrounded by dense woods and the whispers of rustling leaves. Its most treasured gem was the Shōrin Shrine, a sanctuary dedicated to the worship of the kami, where the villagers paid homage with heartfelt prayers and offerings.
On a bright spring morning, the Hayashi family moved into a charming house near the shrine. Yuko, a spirited young girl with inquisitive eyes, was enchanted by the quaint beauty of Mizuki and the mystique of the Shōrin Shrine. Her parents, Masato and Yuki, hoped the peaceful village would offer respite from the bustling city.
Their first evening in Mizuki was serene, and the family felt blessed to live in such an idyllic place. As night descended, they heard a faint melody echoing through the forest—a haunting tune played on a traditional shamisen. Yuko, drawn by curiosity, followed the eerie melody to the shrine.
At the shrine's entrance, she saw a flicker of movement among the trees and bushes. As her eyes adjusted to the dim moonlight, she gasped in awe and terror. There, bathed in an ethereal glow, stood a beautiful woman dressed in a white kimono, her long hair cascading like an ebony waterfall.
The woman's face bore an expression of immense sorrow, and her eyes seemed to pierce Yuko's very soul. In her delicate, spectral hands, she held a shamisen, its strings plucked by fingers that had long since turned to mist.
"Who are you?" Yuko asked, her voice quivering.
The apparition gazed at Yuko with an inscrutable sadness and whispered, "My name is Hana. I have been bound to this shrine for centuries, waiting for someone to hear my song."
Hana's story unraveled like a tragic tapestry before Yuko. She had once been a young woman in love with a humble fisherman from Mizuki. Their love was forbidden, and when their secret was discovered, they met a tragic end at the hands of the villagers.
As she spoke, the melody of her shamisen became more mournful, and the trees seemed to weep in sympathy. Hana's spirit, bound to the shrine, could only find solace by sharing her story with the living.
Yuko, moved by Hana's tale, felt a deep connection to the ghostly figure. She promised to help Hana find peace and bring her story to light. Together, they would uncover the truth behind the tragic love story that had ensnared the shrine for centuries.
As Yuko delved into the village's history, she uncovered hidden documents and ancient scrolls that confirmed Hana's story. The injustice done to Hana and her beloved was a blot on the village's past, a truth that had been concealed for generations.
With newfound determination, Yuko rallied the villagers to acknowledge the village's dark history and to seek forgiveness for the sins of the past. In a moving ceremony at the Shōrin Shrine, the villagers offered their prayers, and Hana's spirit was finally set free.
As the first rays of dawn bathed Mizuki in golden light, Hana's ethereal form dissolved into a wisp of gratitude and serenity. The shrine, once shadowed by sorrow, now radiated with newfound peace.
"The Shrine in the Shadows" became a tale passed down through generations, a reminder that love and forgiveness could transcend even the darkest of curses. Mizuki continued to flourish, its shrine standing as a testament to the enduring power of redemption.
End of Chapter 2: "The Shrine in the Shadows"
Chapter 3: "The Haunting of the Geisha"
In the vibrant streets of 19th-century Tokyo, beneath the shimmering lanterns and behind the delicate allure of geisha, a haunting presence lurked—a presence that would forever change the life of a celebrated geisha named Kaede.
Chapter 3: "The Haunting of the Geisha"
In the heart of Tokyo's historic Yoshiwara district, Kaede was renowned as one of the most captivating and skilled geisha. Her beauty was ethereal, her dances mesmerizing, and her laughter like the tinkling of wind chimes. But beneath her porcelain makeup and the grace of her performances lay a heart heavy with secrets.
One cool autumn evening, as the lanterns cast their warm glow on the district, a newcomer arrived at the teahouse where Kaede performed. His name was Kaito, a handsome and enigmatic man with piercing eyes that seemed to see beyond the facade of the geisha. Kaede's heart quickened as their eyes met, and she felt a connection she had never experienced before.
As weeks turned into months, Kaede and Kaito's bond deepened, their love blossoming like the cherry blossoms in spring. But their love was a forbidden one, as Kaito was a samurai, and their worlds were as different as night and day.
One fateful night, Kaito revealed a dangerous secret to Kaede—he was involved in a plot against a powerful daimyo who ruled with cruelty and oppression. Kaito believed that by exposing the daimyo's corruption, he could bring justice to the people. He asked for Kaede's assistance in gathering information from the teahouse's influential patrons.
Reluctantly, Kaede agreed, and together, they embarked on a treacherous path filled with deceit and danger. As the days passed, they uncovered dark secrets that could expose the daimyo's crimes. However, their actions did not go unnoticed.
One evening, as Kaede performed for a gathering of influential men, a sinister figure appeared in the shadows. It was the vengeful spirit of a geisha named Akiko, who had perished in Yoshiwara under tragic circumstances. Her ghostly form was veiled in a blood-red kimono, and her eyes burned with malevolence.
Akiko's haunting began subtly—a chill in the air, whispers of despair, and a feeling of dread that hung over the teahouse like a shroud. Kaede, sensing the supernatural presence, knew that they had awakened a vengeful spirit.
Desperate to protect Kaede, Kaito sought the guidance of a local exorcist, who revealed the tragic story of Akiko. She had been a geisha in love with a samurai, but their forbidden love had led to betrayal and death. Her restless spirit sought vengeance on those who dared to love across societal boundaries.
With the exorcist's help, Kaito and Kaede embarked on a perilous journey to confront Akiko's spirit and offer her the peace she so desperately sought. In a climactic showdown, they faced the vengeful geisha, revealing the truth behind her betrayal and death.
As the first light of dawn bathed the Yoshiwara district, Akiko's spirit dissipated, her eyes filled with sorrow and resignation. The curse she had cast upon the teahouse lifted, and peace returned to the district.
Kaede and Kaito's love story continued, forever marked by the supernatural forces they had encountered. The teahouse thrived once more, its lanterns casting their warm glow over the enchanting district, where love knew no boundaries and forgiveness transcended even death.
"The Haunting of the Geisha" became a legend whispered among geisha in Yoshiwara, a testament to the enduring power of love and the consequences of forbidden desires in the mysterious world of Edo-era Tokyo.
End of Chapter 3: "The Haunting of the Geisha"
Chapter 4: "The Onryo's Revenge"
In the heart of a decaying city, where abandoned buildings stood as silent witnesses to forgotten tragedies, a group of urban explorers would stumble upon a place where the restless dead held their sinister dominion.
Chapter 4: "The Onryo's Revenge"
The city of Kurayami had fallen into disrepair, its once-thriving industries crumbling, and its streets echoing with the memories of better days. Among its many derelict structures was the forsaken Kurayami Hospital, a place whispered about only in fearful tales.
Rumors spoke of a curse that had befallen the hospital after a gruesome series of medical experiments in the early 20th century. Patients had been subjected to horrific procedures, and their agonized cries still seemed to reverberate through the corridors.
A group of urban explorers, lured by the thrill of the forbidden and the allure of the macabre, set their sights on Kurayami Hospital. Among them was Hiroshi, the group's leader, and Yumi, a budding photographer with an affinity for capturing the eerie beauty of abandoned places.
As the explorers entered the hospital's crumbling entrance, they were greeted by the musty scent of decay and the eerie silence of long-abandoned hallways. Shadows danced in the dim light as they ventured deeper into the forsaken building, their footsteps echoing like distant whispers.
The group's excitement turned to unease as they encountered signs of the hospital's dark past—rusty surgical instruments, bloodstained gurneys, and cryptic medical notes. Yumi's camera captured it all, each photograph revealing more about the hospital's gruesome history.
As night fell, the explorers gathered in the hospital's decrepit lobby, their flashlights casting trembling beams into the darkness. It was then that they heard it—a faint, mournful wail, like the keening of a soul in torment.
Hiroshi, the group's fearless leader, brushed off their concerns, attributing the sound to the wind or their imagination. But the cries grew louder and more anguished, echoing through the halls.
The group became separated as they navigated the labyrinthine corridors. Yumi, camera in hand, wandered into the hospital's disused psychiatric ward. There, in a shadowed corner, she saw her camera's flash reveal a horrifying apparition—an onryo, a vengeful spirit with long, disheveled hair and eyes filled with hatred.
The onryo's spectral form contorted with rage as it approached Yumi. Its icy fingers reached out, and she felt an otherworldly coldness pierce her very soul. She knew that this was the spirit of a patient who had suffered unimaginable horrors in the hospital.
As Yumi's companions searched for her, they stumbled upon the onryo's lair and witnessed the terrifying encounter. In a desperate bid to save Yumi, they searched for a way to pacify the vengeful spirit.
Through a combination of research and communication with a local historian, they learned the full extent of the hospital's atrocities. Armed with this knowledge, they returned to the onryo's domain to confront the spirit and offer it the peace it had been denied for so long.
In a climactic showdown, the group faced the onryo, revealing the hospital's dark secrets and acknowledging the suffering of the tormented souls within. With profound remorse, they begged for forgiveness on behalf of those who had perpetrated the atrocities.
As the first rays of dawn broke over Kurayami, the onryo's anguished wails transformed into a mournful sigh. The spirit, its wrath finally quelled, dissipated into the ether, leaving behind a sense of profound sadness and closure.
The group of urban explorers emerged from Kurayami Hospital, forever changed by their encounter with the supernatural. They had confronted the past and offered redemption to the restless dead, leaving the decaying city with a newfound sense of hope.
"The Onryo's Revenge" became a cautionary tale among urban explorers, a reminder that some places are best left undisturbed, and that the past, no matter how dark, can be confronted and reconciled.
End of Chapter 4: "The Onryo's Revenge"
Chapter 5: "The Dollmaker's Curse"
In a remote mountain village, nestled among mist-shrouded peaks, a master dollmaker crafted exquisite creations that captured the hearts of collectors worldwide. Yet, within her secluded workshop, a malevolent force lurked—one that would ensnare a curious journalist in a nightmarish world of living dolls and dark secrets.
Chapter 5: "The Dollmaker's Curse"
Hidden away in the secluded village of Ichiban, known only to those who ventured deep into the mountains, lived a master dollmaker named Ai. Her dolls were celebrated for their lifelike beauty and craftsmanship, with collectors from distant lands coveting her creations.
One brisk autumn morning, a journalist named Keiko received a cryptic letter from a source in Ichiban, hinting at a sinister mystery surrounding Ai's dolls. Intrigued by the enigmatic message, Keiko embarked on a journey to the remote village, determined to uncover the truth.
Ichiban was a place untouched by time, its cobblestone streets winding through dense forests and past centuries-old homes. The village exuded an eerie tranquility, and the locals spoke in hushed tones about Ai's dolls, rumored to be infused with a piece of the human soul.
Upon reaching Ai's workshop, Keiko was greeted by the dollmaker herself, a woman of grace and poise. The workshop was a treasure trove of exquisite dolls, their eyes seeming to follow Keiko's every move. Among them, a particular doll known as Hikari stood out—a hauntingly beautiful creation with ebony hair and obsidian eyes.
As Keiko delved deeper into the village's mysteries, she discovered that Hikari was believed to house the soul of a deceased child, a belief held by both Ai and the villagers. The doll's unsettling presence and the uncanny resemblance it bore to a girl named Mei, who had died tragically years ago, sent shivers down Keiko's spine.
Keiko's nights in Ichiban were filled with restless dreams of porcelain dolls that came to life. In these dreams, Hikari beckoned her to uncover the truth behind the dollmaker's creations. Guided by an inexplicable compulsion, Keiko embarked on a quest to unearth the dark secrets hidden within Ai's workshop.
As Keiko investigated further, she uncovered Ai's own tragic past—a story of unrequited love, loss, and a desperate desire to capture the essence of the human soul in her dolls. With each revelation, the line between the living and the lifeless blurred, and Keiko felt herself becoming entangled in a nightmarish world.
The dolls that had once been works of art now seemed to harbor malevolence. They moved of their own accord, their eyes filled with an eerie, lifelike intensity. Keiko realized that Ai's obsession had bound her to a sinister force, and her creations hungered for more than just existence.
In a chilling climax, Keiko confronted Ai and the curse that had gripped her creations. Together, they sought to break the curse's hold and release the trapped souls within the dolls.
As the moon hung low in the night sky, Ai performed a solemn ritual, guided by the spirit of Mei, whose essence had been captured in Hikari. The dolls, imbued with a restless energy, gathered around, their haunting eyes watching as the curse was lifted.
With a mournful sigh, the dolls' porcelain features softened, and their malevolence dissipated. The spirit of Mei was set free, and the dolls became lifeless once more, their beauty preserved in eternal stillness.
Ichiban returned to its peaceful slumber, and Keiko departed with a newfound appreciation for the power of art and the depths of human longing. The village's haunting tale of the dollmaker's curse served as a reminder that some obsessions could lead to the creation of something far more sinister than art itself.
End of Chapter 5: "The Dollmaker's Curse"
Chapter 6: "The Shadow in the Forest"
In a land steeped in history and tradition, the Aokigahara Forest, known as the "Suicide Forest," concealed a dark secret. Within its dense, ancient foliage, a group of hikers would embark on a journey that would lead them into the heart of a malevolent force.
Chapter 6: "The Shadow in the Forest"
Deep within the prefecture of Yamanashi, shrouded in a perpetual mist, lay the infamous Aokigahara Forest—an expanse of ancient woodland that held a dark reputation. Known as the "Suicide Forest," it had been a site of countless tragic deaths throughout the centuries.
A group of adventurous hikers, seeking to conquer the wilderness and challenge the forest's ominous legends, gathered on a chilly autumn morning. Among them was Akira, an experienced guide with a deep respect for the forest's history, and Yumi, a young woman in search of adventure and solace from her own troubled past.
The hikers ventured deep into the forest, their footsteps muffled by the thick blanket of moss and fallen leaves. The dense canopy above cast eerie shadows, and the trees seemed to whisper secrets of sorrow and despair.
As they trekked further into the woods, they began to notice strange occurrences—a disconcerting sense of being watched, distant whispers on the wind, and ghostly apparitions that flickered at the edge of their vision. Akira, the guide, attributed these phenomena to the forest's ominous reputation and urged the group to press on.
Yet, the forest's grip on their minds and senses tightened. Yumi, in particular, felt a strange connection to the haunting forces that seemed to lurk behind every tree. Inexplicable visions of tragedy and despair flashed before her eyes, and a sense of overwhelming dread enveloped her.
Night descended on the forest, and the hikers set up camp, their flickering campfire offering the only semblance of comfort in the oppressive darkness. It was then that Yumi encountered a spectral figure—a yūrei, her kimono tattered and her eyes empty voids.
The yūrei beckoned to Yumi, her voice a mournful echo. Unable to resist, Yumi followed the apparition into the depths of the forest, her companions unaware of her disappearance. The yūrei led her to a clearing where an ancient tree stood, its gnarled roots forming a grotesque face.
As Yumi approached the tree, she felt a malevolent presence—an ancient spirit of the forest itself. It spoke to her, revealing the tragic history of Aokigahara—the place where those who had lost hope sought refuge in death.
Yumi learned of the forest's vengeful guardian, a yūrei born of countless lost souls, whose suffering fueled its malevolence. It was the embodiment of the forest's sorrow, forever bound to torment those who ventured within.
Realizing that Yumi was now connected to the yūrei, her companions embarked on a desperate search to rescue her from the forest's clutches. With the guidance of Akira's knowledge and determination, they confronted the vengeful spirit, revealing the pain of their own pasts and the impact of their actions on the world around them.
As the first rays of dawn bathed Aokigahara in a pale light, the yūrei's malevolence waned, and its grip on Yumi loosened. With a final sigh, it dissipated into the morning mist, its haunting presence released from the forest.
Yumi was reunited with her companions, forever changed by her encounter with the malevolent spirit of Aokigahara. The forest's ominous reputation remained, a reminder of the darkness that could consume those who dared to venture too close to its heart.
"The Shadow in the Forest" served as a chilling testament to the mysteries of Aokigahara, where the past and the present intertwined, and the boundaries between life and death blurred beneath the ancient canopy.
End of Chapter 6: "The Shadow in the Forest"
Chapter 7: "The Haunting of the Yurei Inn"
In a remote village nestled among mist-covered mountains, a centuries-old inn held a sinister secret. When a weary traveler seeks refuge within its ancient walls, she becomes entangled in a web of supernatural mysteries that threaten to consume her soul.
Chapter 7: "The Haunting of the Yurei Inn"
The village of Okuyama was a hidden gem, nestled among towering peaks and blanketed in mist. Within this secluded haven stood the Yurei Inn, a centuries-old establishment steeped in history and whispered legends. Its age-old charm masked a sinister truth—a haunting presence that had plagued the inn for generations.
Amidst a dense fog, a lone traveler named Rei arrived in Okuyama, weary and seeking shelter from the elements. The Yurei Inn, with its rustic charm and flickering lanterns, seemed like the perfect refuge. Little did Rei know that her stay at the inn would unravel the mysteries hidden within its ancient walls.
Upon her arrival, Rei was greeted by the inn's elderly proprietress, Eiko, a woman whose weathered features and deep knowledge of the village's history hinted at a deeper connection to the inn's haunting past.
As Rei settled into her room, the oppressive atmosphere within the inn became palpable. Shadows seemed to dance in the corners of her vision, and strange, ghostly whispers echoed in the corridors. Unbeknownst to her, Rei had become a pawn in a centuries-old battle between the inn and the vengeful spirits that resided within.
In the dead of night, Rei awoke to a chilling presence at her bedside—an ethereal yurei, her white burial kimono flowing like a spectral river. The vengeful spirit's eyes held an insatiable hunger, and she reached out to Rei, her fingers icy and skeletal.
Rei's nights became torment as she encountered more yurei within the inn, each with their own tragic stories of betrayal, injustice, and unfulfilled desires. The spirits sought vengeance, and Rei's presence within the inn had awakened their malevolence.
Desperate to uncover the inn's secrets and free herself from the spirits' relentless pursuit, Rei sought the guidance of Eiko. The elderly proprietress revealed the tragic history of the inn—an establishment built on the suffering of countless souls who had met their demise within its walls.
Eiko's own family had been entangled in the inn's dark legacy, and she bore the weight of their deeds. Together, Rei and Eiko embarked on a journey to confront the yurei and offer them redemption, hoping to break the cycle of suffering that had plagued the inn for centuries.
In a harrowing confrontation with the vengeful spirits, Rei and Eiko unveiled the truth behind the inn's cursed history and acknowledged the pain of the souls that had been wronged. With heartfelt apologies and rituals of atonement, they sought to release the spirits from their torment.
As the first rays of dawn bathed Okuyama in a golden light, the yurei's spectral forms dissolved into the ether, their eyes filled with a mix of sorrow and gratitude. The Yurei Inn, once a place of darkness, now held the promise of redemption.
Rei departed from Okuyama, forever marked by her encounter with the supernatural. The Yurei Inn, now cleansed of its malevolent spirits, stood as a testament to the power of reconciliation and the hope of breaking the chains of the past.
"The Haunting of the Yurei Inn" became a cautionary tale among villagers, a reminder that the sins of the past could be confronted and forgiven, even in the face of vengeful spirits.
End of Chapter 7: "The Haunting of the Yurei Inn"
Chapter 8: "The Curse of the Haunted Kimono"
In the heart of Kyoto, where tradition and modernity intertwined, a family heirloom, an ancient kimono, carried a chilling curse that had plagued generations. A woman must delve into her family's history to uncover the origins of the curse and find a way to break it before it consumes her and her loved ones.
Chapter 8: "The Curse of the Haunted Kimono"
Kyoto, the city of a thousand temples, was a place where time seemed to stand still. Among the historic districts, the Nakamura family had passed down a treasured heirloom for generations—an exquisite silk kimono adorned with intricate embroidery, a relic of a bygone era.
The kimono had always been a source of fascination and reverence within the Nakamura family. It was said to be imbued with mystical powers, protecting its wearer from harm and misfortune. But beneath its ornate beauty lay a dark secret—a curse that had haunted the family for centuries.
Emi, the youngest of the Nakamura family, had grown up hearing stories of the kimono's mystical properties and the curse that clung to it. When her grandmother passed away, leaving the kimono in her care, Emi became the latest custodian of this fabled garment.
As the years passed, strange occurrences began to plague Emi and her family. The kimono seemed to have a malevolent presence, causing nightmares, unexplained accidents, and a growing sense of dread. Emi's husband, Toshiro, and their young daughter, Yuki, bore the brunt of the curse's effects.
Desperate to protect her loved ones, Emi embarked on a quest to uncover the origins of the curse and find a way to break it. She delved into her family's history, poring over ancient scrolls and consulting with local priests and scholars.
Through her research, Emi learned of a tragic love story that had been concealed for generations—a forbidden romance between a Nakamura ancestor and a woman from a rival clan. The lovers had been torn apart by a vengeful spirit, and their love had been sealed within the cursed kimono.
With newfound determination, Emi sought out the help of a renowned exorcist, who revealed that the curse could only be broken by reconciling the spirits of the star-crossed lovers and offering them a chance at eternal peace.
Emi, Toshiro, and Yuki embarked on a journey to the ancestral shrine of the Nakamura family, where they conducted a solemn ritual to appease the vengeful spirits. As they offered their prayers and made heartfelt apologies on behalf of their ancestors, a profound sense of forgiveness washed over them.
In a climactic moment, the cursed kimono transformed, its once malevolent aura dissipating into the ether. The spirits of the star-crossed lovers, now free from their torment, appeared before Emi and her family, their eyes filled with gratitude.
As the cherry blossoms rained down upon Kyoto, Emi, Toshiro, and Yuki returned home with a newfound sense of peace and closure. The kimono, no longer cursed, became a symbol of their family's resilience and the enduring power of love and forgiveness.
"The Curse of the Haunted Kimono" served as a reminder that the sins of the past could be atoned for and that the bonds of love and family could transcend even the darkest of curses.
End of Chapter 8: "The Curse of the Haunted Kimono"
Chapter 9: "The Mirror's Malevolence"
In a quiet suburban neighborhood, an antique mirror with a sinister past found its way into the home of a young couple. As they unwittingly unleashed the malevolent spirit trapped within, they must confront the mirror's dark history to save themselves and their family.
Chapter 9: "The Mirror's Malevolence"
In a serene suburban neighborhood, where cherry blossoms bloomed with each passing spring, lived a young couple, Hiroshi and Aiko, who were enamored with the charm of their new home. They had recently moved into a quaint, old-fashioned house that came with a peculiar antique mirror.
The mirror was ornate and beautiful, its frame adorned with delicate carvings of cherry blossoms. It had been left behind by the previous owner, a recluse who had passed away under mysterious circumstances. Little did Hiroshi and Aiko know that this mirror carried a malevolent secret.
As they settled into their new home, strange occurrences began to unfold. Reflections in the mirror seemed to distort, showing glimpses of eerie, shadowy figures lurking in the background. At night, whispers filled the room as if unseen voices murmured from within the glass.
Aiko, with her fascination for the occult, was the first to sense the mirror's sinister aura. She delved into research, uncovering tales of a cursed mirror that had plagued the previous owner's family for generations.
The mirror had once belonged to a vengeful spirit, a yūrei who had perished in despair. Its malevolence was bound to the glass, and those who possessed it were tormented by the spirit's relentless anger and sorrow.
Desperate to free themselves from the mirror's curse, Hiroshi and Aiko sought the guidance of a spiritual medium. Through a series of rituals and séances, they made contact with the vengeful spirit trapped within the mirror.
The spirit's story unfolded like a tragic drama—the yūrei had been a young woman in love with a man from a rival clan. Their love was forbidden, and when their secret was discovered, they had both met a grisly end. Her spirit had been bound to the mirror as punishment for her defiance of societal norms.
With the medium's help, Hiroshi and Aiko offered prayers and apologies on behalf of the mirror's original owner, seeking forgiveness for the wrongs committed against the vengeful spirit. They vowed to help the spirit find peace and redemption.
In a chilling climax, they conducted a final ritual, allowing the yūrei to pass on and find the solace she had been denied for centuries. As they gazed into the mirror one last time, they saw the spirit's reflection fade into the distance, her eyes filled with a mix of gratitude and farewell.
The mirror, now cleansed of its malevolence, became a symbol of hope and renewal for Hiroshi and Aiko. Their family flourished, and the cherry blossoms in their garden bloomed with newfound vibrancy, a testament to the enduring power of love and forgiveness.
"The Mirror's Malevolence" served as a chilling reminder that even the most innocuous objects could carry dark secrets, and that confronting the past and seeking redemption could break the bonds of even the most malevolent curses.
End of Chapter 9: "The Mirror's Malevolence"
Chapter 10: "The Bridge to the Beyond"
In a remote mountain village, isolated from the modern world, a historic bridge served as a link between the living and the dead. When a group of travelers crossed its ancient planks, they would discover the chilling truth behind the bridge's supernatural origins.
Chapter 10: "The Bridge to the Beyond"
Deep within the heart of the Japanese mountains, nestled among ancient forests and shrouded in mist, lay the village of Yamanokawa. It was a place where tradition and superstition still held sway, and the bridge that spanned the river was both a lifeline and a gateway to the unknown.
A group of adventurous travelers, drawn by the allure of Yamanokawa's untouched beauty, embarked on a journey to explore the village's remote reaches. Among them were Kaito, a historian with an insatiable curiosity, and Mia, a photographer who sought to capture the essence of this secluded world.
The village's centerpiece was the Akane Bridge, a weathered structure made of ancient wood and adorned with centuries-old lanterns. Its planks creaked with the weight of history, and the river below whispered tales of lives long gone.
As the travelers ventured deeper into Yamanokawa, they discovered that the villagers held a profound reverence for the bridge. It was said to be a link between the living and the dead, a place where offerings were made to appease the spirits that dwelled in the surrounding forest.
As night descended, the travelers set up camp near the Akane Bridge, its lanterns casting an eerie, flickering glow on the river's surface. It was then that they heard the sound—a mournful melody that seemed to emanate from the bridge itself.
Mia, driven by curiosity, followed the haunting tune to the bridge's edge. There, bathed in an otherworldly light, she saw a figure—a woman in a white kimono, her long hair flowing like an ebony waterfall.
The woman, whose name was Hikari, revealed herself to be a yūrei, a spirit bound to the Akane Bridge for centuries. She had once been a young bride whose love had been torn apart by a tragic accident on her wedding day. Her spirit was eternally linked to the bridge, where she waited for her beloved to return.
Kaito, the historian, delved into the village's archives and uncovered the tragic story of Hikari's past. It was a tale of love and loss, of a bride whose life had been cut short, and a groom whose heart had been forever scarred by grief.
With newfound determination, the travelers sought to reunite the spirits of Hikari and her beloved. They embarked on a journey deep into the forest, following a path laden with offerings and prayers.
At the heart of the forest, they discovered an ancient shrine dedicated to love and reconciliation. There, in a poignant ceremony, they offered heartfelt prayers and apologies on behalf of the villagers and the groom who had never returned.
As the first light of dawn broke over Yamanokawa, a sense of serenity washed over the Akane Bridge. Hikari's spectral form dissolved into the river's mist, her eyes filled with a mix of longing and gratitude.
The travelers departed from Yamanokawa, forever changed by their encounter with the supernatural. The Akane Bridge, now freed from its haunting past, stood as a testament to the enduring power of love and the hope of reuniting even in the afterlife.
"The Bridge to the Beyond" became a legend whispered among villagers, a reminder that some bonds could transcend time and that the spirit of love endured even in the face of eternity.
End of Chapter 10: "The Bridge to the Beyond"
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2024.06.07 02:11 kurnugia a few thoughts ive had on the season. (potential spoilers)

Since the start of the season there has been many unusual happenings within the episode’s some of them are clues to the greater mystery of what is going on, some of them are red herrings and some are the fans reading to much into coincidences. Either way I thought I would jot down my thoughts on what I have observed and my thoughts on what is happening mainly to see what everyone thinks, as you know what they say there is always a twist at the end.
Vilengard technology and Susan Twist In the episode Boom we see the vilengard weaponry on full display. The episode links back to Moffats first earlier episodes and reintroduces us to a corporation that sell weapons o any who will buy, doing so during the time war. These links would seem to be coincidence an episode to show the horrors of war and capitalism mixed with the online thoughts and prayers sentimentality, but what if there is more to this than meets the eye, what if the corporation has been seen in other episodes we just don’t know it yet.
The episodes I have in mind are space babies, dot and bubble and the giggle. I know what your saying these take place in different times and places but what if the old favourite mystery Susan twist is behind things. In the giggle we see her as s triad in charge of the triad teach company, what if this company over the millennia's survived undergoing various changes of name and function until they became vilengard, this might explain why her face appeared on the hospital as an homage to the founder of the company. Neither of the companies who made the space station in space babies or the technology in dot and bubble were listed as far as I’m aware.
I can already hear you ask what would be the purpose for a company to exist, for that we need to bring in another theory, the doctors granddaughter Susan foreman. Fighting in the time war may have taken it’s toll on her and she has become a martyr to the war effort her every action seeking an end to the war, by creating the villengard weapon company which was required during the time war she has created a time loop. The creation of the weapons done through the use of tardis technology and seeing the weapons in the future before traveling back in time to create them, effectively creating an empire of death possibly even through timelord technology escaping death herself and being able to travel though time not by tardis but simply waiting and travelling along time linearly.
I think that the revelation of what his granddaughter has become, something he has fought his entire life against will be the straw that broke the camels back and see the doctor turn into the valeyard. Which brings us to our next mini theory
The meddeling monk A quick theory that ties into the Susan twist theory above. Most theories are attributing the meddeling monk to being Susan Twist as she seems to always be in places where trouble is happening. What if though we have the wrong character as the monk and that in fact it is Mrs Flood who is the monk. Her refusal to get involved in 73 yards as the events have nothing to do with her imply that she might no more about the correct course of time than we know or more accurately she is trying to change the course of history as she messed up.
In a cancelled story from early doctor who, the monk was suppesed to change history by play boney m to rasputin, with major ramifications. What if this story is being revisted but in a different form and that the Mrs flood has orchestrated events so that the doctor and ruby journey together due to her knowledge on ruby’s past. Speaking of ruby past lets look at another theory.
Ruby Sunday the over arcing question that looms large over the season who is Ruby Sunday. To answer that we need to look at what we know. In Devils chord we know thanks to maestro that she is not right and that the oldest, most powerful one was present at her creation. This I think is an important term. It implies that ruby was made the way she is, why could that be I think we need to look at another doctor who source, the sarah jane adventours. Sadly cancelled due to the death of Elizabeth sladen before the ending of season 5 this story line was never finished but it involves an orphan called sky and the trickster. The story was that orphan sky was created by the trickster imbuing part of his essence into her to conquer earth would have been instrumental in stopping the trickster and becoming a guardian to stop them from coming back. (Supposedly this story still happened even if it was not shown on tv).
A lot of people are saying that this implies they are replacing sky with ruby and the big bad will be the trickster. But I don’t think that is the case. Instead what if the trickster is still imprisoned and guarded by sky and instead the oldest one has done something similar to the trickster and imbued his essence into ruby Sunday, this would mean that she has some of his power which at the moment she can not control so it comes out only as a self dence mechanism when ruby is in danger. At a predetermined time could we see the oldest one activate ruby and claim her as their vessel a way of gaining permanence in this universe unable to be banished back to where they come from.
When we look at ruby her power she has of conjuring snow etc I believe is a defence mechanism. Probably standard stuff, why these powers as she seems to be able to use music to beat maestro and potentially slow time in boom to buy time for the ai to do its thing when she is on deaths door. This power seems less a random use of godlike powers and more someone knowing her timeline and giving her the defences she will need to survive. Another possible use of her powers could be seen in the places that the tardis is traveling to. Each one seems to be connected with specific ideas of abandonment and orphans, this bending of fate to her subconsouse will maybe is what brought the doctor into her life. Speaking of the doctor I have a theory that while I hope they don’t go with, the pieces do fit.
The Doctor
Throughout the season we have seen the doctor save the day and much like ruby has an orphan connection with the timeless child arc. What if this entire season is the doctor having some sort of breakdown. Everything connected to orphans and abandonment is the doctor unable to process that his entire life was turned upside down by making him an outsider interms of what he thought he knew of his entire life. That everything we see is of the doctors creation (possibly through the master of the land of fiction), a way to deal with his grief as ruby a being with unknowable power is essentially the timeless child in another form, a form that the doctor can understand. Also if we look at each episode they reflect aspects of the doctor
Space babies: The idea of the doctor as the timeless child being an orphan and abandoned. Devils chord: he did not save the day is he still needed it was a combo of ruby inate power and john/paul with the final chord Boom: everywhere he travels the universe is in a constant state of war, and in this case a literal futile war against no one >! 73 Yards: Ruby manages to save herself in this episode, signifying the idea of those in his life no longer needing him !< >! Dot and Bubble: no matter how much he tries to save the universe it feels like it does not want saving, that people will continue wprejudice to their detriment, is the doctor really able to save anyone in the long run if they all end up dying despite his best efforts.!<
The pantheon of discord/ the oldest one Maestro mentions about the oldest one being at the creation of ruby Sunday what if ruby was no the only one created at that time. What if 6 other people were created. One for each day of the week. Ruby Sunday is Sunday Mundy Flynn is Monday Marti Bridges is Tuesday (Marti comes from Martis which comes from Mars which is Tuesday) Cooper Mercy is Wednesday (Mercy comes from merx which comes from hermes. Hermes is mercury which is Wednesday)
Interstingly flynn comes from the irish floinn which means red. Ruby means red and cooper could be copper which is redish, though this is just a tangent I have no idea about.
Why would these names be interesting. Gods are commonly associated with days of the week, meaning their could be a connection scattered through time of these people who I think could either become vessels for various panthon members or possibly the oldest one has all ready placed himself into the vessel, except he split himself into 7 parts each one inside one of these day of the week people.
Splice Normally I would chalk up strange acting to the fact it is a child actor and so it might not be as intended what we see. But I think in this case especially after dot and bubble this may have been intentional. Splice mentions of her mum being gathered up early by god,She is like an angel. I might be reading to much into this but with everything about gods we have in this season, is this not merely euphemism about death, but she was literally taken somewhere by a god. They are part of the church but we have no real understanding of what this group believe in not truly,when they appeared before as far as I know we never got any detailed description of what god they believe in etc. I hear you ask why link dot and bubble with this, at the end the people seem ok with everybody having left to the sky, again is it a euphemisim for death or did they leave. Everything about them screams of a religious upbringing interms of their language such as saying gosh instead of god. So we have splice a child unphased by death who seems younger than her years and dot and bubble people who also seem younger than their years. Could this link be some sort of connection that they all follow the same religion across time whorshipping the same god like being, possibly a empire of death.
These are just some thoughts ive had, im not entirely sure if the make any sense or are even connected in any way. But it was intersting to think about and who knows somehow we may delve into ruby’s memories to relive moments of her past giving the doctor knowledge of how she changed the past in 73 yards. Until the final has aired I suppose all we have is the wibbly wobly of theory crafting to try to figure out the twist.

submitted by kurnugia to gallifrey [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 01:16 generalpao Things to do in Houston this weekend - June 6th - 9th

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Tons of cool stuff this weekend! Have a good one!


Vampire Weekend @ 713 Music Hall @ 7PM
An Orchestral Rendition of Dr Dre 2001 @ House of Blues @ 7PM
Blaque Dynamite @ White Oak Music Hall @ 7PM
The Texas Blues Guitar Summit @ The Heights Theater @ 8PM
Guitar Wolf @ Scout Bar @ 8PM


Summer Kick-Off Fireworks @ Kemah Boardwalk @ 9:30PM Enjoy amusement rides, grab dinner, and watch the night light up with a spectacular fireworks show!
Playdate @ MFAH @ 11:30AM Through play and experimentation in programs like MFAH Playdate, toddlers have their first experience with art.
‘The NeverEnding Story’ Screening @ POST @ 8PM
Candlelight: A Tribute to Coldplay on Strings @ Resurrection MCC @ 6:30PM
Candlelight: Vivaldi’s ‘Four Seasons’ in Concert @ Resurrection MCC @ 8:45PM
Baroque Carnatic-Connection in Concert @ Miller Outdoor Theatre @ 8:30PM The world-class BCC explores commonalities and distinctions between Western Baroque and South Indian classics with an enigmatic evening of music and dance.
R&Beach Concert @ Lagoonfest @ 5PM Featuring Lloyd, Dru Hill, & Dende
Tesla @ House of Blues @ 7PM
K-Pop Night @ White Oak Music Hall @ 8PM
Lip Critic @ White Oak Music Hall @ 8PM
Malaa @ Stereo Live @ 10PM
NSB @ Last Concert Cafe @ 8:30PM
Project Ronin @ Warehouse Live @ 10PM
Mickey Avalon @ Scout Bar @ 8PM


SaberCats vs RFC Los Angeles @ 7PM
Apollo 10½: A Space Age Childhood, co-presented by Friends of River Oaks Theatre @ Menil @ 7PM Arrive at 7:00 PM for the pre-show activities including, music curated by DJ Vincent Priceless and introductions by Craig Staggs, producecharacter animator for the film, and OSTEM member Steven Smith. The film begins at 8:30 PM. Picnic blankets are encouraged.
Ongoing - Saturday Stargazing @ George Observatory in Needville
Coffee and Cars @ POST @ 8AM Come out and enjoy an amazing display of unique cars at POST!
Music of the Americas in Concert @ Miller Outdoor Theatre @ 8:30PM Enjoy an exhilarating program of Caribbean folk songs and dances, indigenous Brazilian legends, Argentinean tango, and Venezuelan joropo.
Pandora & Flans @ Smart Financial Centre @ 8PM
Chiquis @ 713 Music Hall @ 8PM
BashfortheWorld @ House of Blues @ 7PM
Klub Nocturno @ White Oak Music Hall @ 9:30PM
Giuseppe Ottaviani @ Stereo Live @ 10PM
Yellow Cup Weekend Party @ Warehouse Live @ 5PM


‘Dial M for Murder’ Screening @ MFAH @ 5PM See this Hitchcock classic on the big screen for its 70th anniversary revival.
Bilingual Zumba @ MFAH @ 11AM FiTMiX instructors get you up and moving with free Zumba in the beautiful outdoor setting of Cullen Sculpture Garden.
Tejano Music Night @ Kemah Boardwalk @ 6PM Experience the vibrant sounds of live Tejano Music at this free concert!
BADSHAH @ Smart Financial Centre @ 7:30PM
Tye Tribbett @ 713 Music Hall @ 7:30PM
Todd Rundgren @ House of Blues @ 7PM
Strawberry Guy @ Last Concert Cafe @ 8PM
Eclipse + Double Vision @ Warehouse Live @ 2PM

All Weekend

THURSDAY & FRIDAY - ‘The Wizard of Oz’ Ballet @ The Grand Opera House @ 6PM Follow your favorite characters down the yellow brick road and experience stunning sets, intricate costumes, and captivating choreography!
FRIDAY & SATURDAY - ‘Jazz on Film’ Series @ MFAH See the intersections of jazz and cinema in ‘Let’s Get Lost’ and ‘Elis and Tom.’
SATURDAY & SUNDAY - The Barricade Boys @ The Hobby Center @ 7PM From the heart-wrenching emotion of ‘Les Misérables’ to the toe-tapping harmonies of the ‘Jersey Boys,’ The Barricade Boys will create the ultimate party musical mashup!
SATURDAY & SUNDAY - ThriftCon @ NRG Center Visit the nation’s premier vintage clothing and collectible sale!
SATURDAY & SUNDAY - Markets for Makers @ POST The event features 95+ artisans and small businesses selling unique and handmade items, family-friendly activities like DIY stations, photo walls, food trucks, and a bar.
All weekend - Everybody’s Favorite BBQ and Hot Sauce Festival @ Discovery Green This outdoors festival features America’s best BBQ vendors and brings together local and national talents performing rock, r&B, blues, jazz, and more!
All weekend - National Black Film Festival @ AMC 8 Enjoy screenings of more than 20 films, educational workshops and panels, and a chance to connect to fellow filmmakers and industry leaders.
All weekend - ‘Four Seasons’ Ballet @ Brown Theater Houston Ballet’s season comes to an end with a special closing program featuring productions from four acclaimed choreographers set to melodies of Tchaikovsky, Vivaldi, and more!
All weekend - Strauss Festival @ Jones Hall Hear the scandalous explosive score of ‘Salome’ and the dazzling notes from ‘Burleske’ in the biggest production in Houston Symphony history dedicated to the work of Richard Strauss.
All weekend - ‘Hairspray’ Musical @ The Hobby Center Featuring the beloved score of hit songs, this all-new touring production brings back one of Broadway’s most iconic and warm-hearted stories.
All weekend - ‘Murder Ballad’ Musical @ Art Factory LAST CHANCE - Following a married couple in a break-up, this addicting rock-opera is an exciting theatrical experience that explores the decadence and dangers of desire.
All weekend - ‘Othello: The Remix’ Musical @ Stages Repertory Theatre LAST CHANCE - This production takes ‘The Tragedy of Othello’ to a whole new level in this lit Hip Hop remix as an onstage DJ spins Shakespeare’s legendary masterpiece of jealousy, revenge and passion.
All weekend - ‘A Case for the Existence of God’ Play @ Stages Repertory Theatre Told with humor, empathy, and wrenching honesty, this award-winning play follows an unlikely pair of men as their lives entangle in a story that is both small and big at the same time.
All weekend - ‘Dial M for Murder’ Play @ Alley Theatre Greed, fear, jealousy… protecting someone you love. All motives for murder, all here in this sharp new adaptation of Hitchcock’s classic thriller.
All weekend - ‘Appropriate’ Play @ MATCH LAST CHANCE - This haunting thriller play follows the Lafayette family as they return to their late father’s crumbling estate and discover a new disturbing truth about their own family.

Ongoing Special Events and Museum Exhibitions

Ongoing - AAPI Restaurant Weeks Enjoy special fine & casual dining menus at participating restaurants in celebration of Asian & Pacific Islander heritage month!
Ongoing - ‘Space Explorers: The Infinite’ Immersive Experience @ Silver Street Studios Embark on an immersive excursion through new breathtaking videos that reveal the many wonders of space exploration.
Ongoing - ‘Jurassic World’ Exhibition @ Katy Mills The limited-time globally sold-out exhibition immerses audiences of all ages in scenes inspired by the beloved film. Discover the science of jurassic world and walk in the land of jurassic giants, closer than ever before!
Ongoing - Dinosaurs @ Houston Zoo Trek through a lush forest trail to see life-sized animatronic creatures, including the fan favorite T-rex, Brachiosaurus, Edmontonia, and more!
Ongoing - Sloomoo Exhibition @ Marq E Entertainment Center Immerse yourself in the joy of sensory play with Sloomoo Institute’s colorful world of never-ending, hand-crafted slime, yummy scents, and soothing ASMR delights.
Ongoing - ‘Jacolby Satterwhite: A Metta Prayer’ Exhibition @ MFAH Artist Jacolby Satterwhite’s expansive multimedia installation fuses choreography, video, animation, lighting, and music to reimagine a kaleidoscopic, computer-generated world.
Ongoing - ‘Eye on Houston: High School Documentary Photography’ Exhibition @ MFAH The annual exhibition documents and celebrates Houston’s diverse neighborhoods through student photography that captures daily life in our communities, identity, and future.
Ongoing - ‘Ruth Asawa Through Line’ Exhibition @ Menil The exhibition presents drawings, collages, watercolors, and sketchbooks showing the breadth of Ruth Asawa’s innovative and profound practice.
Ongoing - ‘Janet Sobel: All-Over’ Exhibition @ Menil See the pioneering work of Janet Sobel and her ‘All-Over’ abstract expressionist painting technique which inspired generations of artists, including Jackson Pollock.
Ongoing - ‘Olivia Erlanger: If Today Were Tomorrow’ Exhibition @ CAMH Across an installation, a video, and a series of commissioned sculptures, artist Olivia Erlanger continues her decade-long investigation into what it means to call a planet home.
Ongoing - ‘Resonant Earth: Contemporary Perspectives on Land and Body’ Exhibition @ Moody Center for the Arts ‘Resonant Earth’ explores the connections between the human body and the land through the practices of six contemporary artists, each contributing a personal perspective and unique approach.
submitted by generalpao to houston [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 23:44 GeophysGal June 6, 1941 -> D-Day + 80

Whether you call it D-Day, Project Neptune, or Operation Overlord, June 6, 1944 is a day most folks, regardless of age, can conjure a mental image. It was definitively the largest seaborne invasion in history and remains so 80 years later.
To put it in perspective, all told, there were 156,000 soldiers & 195,700 sailors of participating allied forces, not including the 24,000 paratroopers dropped into Normandy just after 0000 hours on the day preceding the amphibious. In a single day, there was a whopping 10,000+ casualties & 4,414 confirmed dead for Allied forces. Total vessels was a mind boggling number of 6,939, 3/4 of which were landing craft. Still and all 1,213 warships is a staggering number, which would be impossible to quantify with out photographs.
As with all military operations, there were objectives and goals to be achieved and surprisingly June 6, 1941 was considered a failure, in that Allied forces did not accomplish a single one of their objectives for the day. When done, only two beaches were linked and no towns were held by Allies. The towns to be re-patrioted weren’t so for a full 6 weeks later.
Most notably, Omaha Beach is the one remembered by Americans, as it should be. The often lamented “Omaha, bloody Omaha” is said for a reason, Omaha Beach saw 2,000 casualties. Omaha was the most well defended of all landing sites; However, this wasn’t the only reason for losses. High currents in the English Channel caused landing craft to be delayed which then caused the bombers to delay their bomb release (or more eloquently, caused them to delay hitting the “pickle switch”) for fear of hitting said craft, meaning that beach obstacles were mostly still in place. The result was that the amphibious craft unloaded far from the beach causing the infantry to have to wade into shallows/beach in water up to their necks. If you’ve ever tried running in water, you know how impossible dodging bullets would be. Add on upwards of 80 pounds of weapons, c-rations, trench digging equipment, & other “essentials” and then it be comes less walking and more drowning. There are countless other things that went wrong, all adding up to death. You know what it was like, You have been to Omaha Beach. Yes… you have. If you’ve ever seen “Saving Private Ryan”, you’ve seen Omaha Beach. That scene was drawn directly from surviving soldiers memories. It’s been described as highly accurate.
We Americans say “Freedom isn’t Free”. There in no clearer example of this phrase than D-Day. While you sleep in, enjoy your beer, eat out, and do what you like, remember the men who died this day. They died for you, and me. If you would like to know more about D-Day, there are literally hundreds (possibly thousands) of books on the subject, but Wikipedia is an excellent free resource.
PS Please say an extra prayer for 102 year old Robert Persichitti, a WWII veteran who died on his way to D-Day + 80 in Normandy, in Germany. There is no thanks worthy of what he and others did 80 years ago.
May God hold him in the palm of his hand
submitted by GeophysGal to FuckeryUniveristy [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 19:08 STXRDVST_ My theories on the universe (I don’t know what to title this)

Hey! This was originally a script for a video (which, i’ll probably still share) I just want to hear your thoughts on it. I wrote it during euphoric mania so it may seem arrogant, I hope it’s comprehensible though. Please be respectful when replying 💖✨. —————————————————————- the world is a beautiful place, perfectly and carefully crafted with the upmost care and precision. it isn’t something that just, popped up like some believe. someone, a creator, took the time to create this and it took millions of years to do so.
the concept of creation is the main reason i believe these things. people don’t take the time to realize, that the world is beautiful. regardless of the scum, the dirt, the trash, the dirty, the clean, the beautiful, and the ugly, someone made it. you can find the beauty in everything, you just chose not to because you’re so used to the concepts being divided into these categories: good and bad. you have cells in your eyes dividing, that allow you to see. you have a heart that’s beating while simultaneously your lungs are giving you the ability to breathe air! you can see the green grass, and the blue sky, and the white sun, how can you not appreciate that?
someone made the bed you’re lying in right now, or the couch your sitting on, or the floor, or even the concrete you may be walking on! you could be listening to this with your $20 headphones from amazon, and even so a machine made it! someone made the machine, and programmed it. a being gave us intelligence. a being gave us language and a mouth to talk and a brain to comprehend what im even saying! the power to manipulate your very existence. and to CREATE.
that’s why i believe in manifesting. besides some laws of physics that can hold back your ability for some things, like per say flying, you really can do everything. if you believe something will happen, it will likely happen. in the bible it says this too. but in the form of prayer. mark 11:24.
i am christian. i was orthodox leaning, but i stand without a label at this point. it doesn’t matter. people create the denominations and the terms. not god.
i just want to listen to god, and what he says. does this mean i will be perfect? no. nobody is. but will i still take the effort to listen? of course.
some say the bible is a stolen story, but there is plenty of proof these events did happen, and this story wasn’t stolen. In the quote unquote stolen books, They’re just describing the exact same historical events from their own view and culture. God reveals himself through these regardless of origin. i can feel god. his presence inside of my soul and my heart. we even have christ in our DNA jesus was a real person that died on the cross, regardless of what you think. Even if he didn’t have supernatural powers, He did exist. a man named ron wyatt found a man with a DNA of 24x chromosomes, and 1y chromosome. that’s scientifically impossible, so many believe this was jesus, considering he was a supernatural human that preformed miracles. adding on, there’s been proof of his remains, and strains of his hair, ETC. that is why i personally believe he at least existed.
i believe that god and the universe are coexisting, which is why i keep bringing up separate beliefs regarding the two. whether my christian bible is correct or not, (which i am a firm believer and i believe it is.) a god is still real. someone created this. someTHING created this. something beyond out knowledge.
if nobody created us, why do we know what morality is? someone had to let us know, why murder is bad or rape is bad or things like paraphilas are unacceptable. if nothing told us, there would be no point.
and regardless if they are bad or not, it’s still going to happen. this god gave us free will. and free will is for everyone. martin luther king had free will, adolf hitler had free will, bernie sanders had free will, jeffrey dahmen had free will. the point is, to be fair, nobody was singled out. we were given the gift of being able to do anything. there was deemed to be people who’d misuse this gift no matter what.
and from a religious view, this likely would never be the case if adam didn’t eat the apple from the tree. the world we be perfect, and peaceful. we wouldn’t know what evil is. it isn’t god doing the bad, it’s humans and people doing the bad. whomever hurt another of god’s creation will pay for it in the future, you don’t go unpunished. whether it’s on earth, or whatever is beyond.
speaking on whatever is beyond, if my manifestation theory is correct,
i believe that when we die, we just either go to whatever we believe in, or heaven! if we can manifest on earth, i believe we can manifest what happens beyond. i’m not a scientist or anything, but i have been attempting to study, so i can calm this stir in my poor heart, on the concept of death, and worse, losing everyone. from my studies, there is something beyond dying. you still have a soul after you die. you were here for a reason. we will meet our loved ones again. this is also why we can’t have any unique experiences, because we’re all connected.
submitted by STXRDVST_ to lawofattraction [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 16:05 RaqUIM-Dream Level Progression on my 2k+ UIM

Level Progression on my 2k+ UIM submitted by RaqUIM-Dream to ironscape [link] [comments]