Prediction worksheets for 5th grade

Small town, big personality.

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2024.05.17 01:32 novelpuckhead AITA for holding a grudge against my ex-bestie for longer than our friendship was?

This is probably a longer story than it really is, but I am just trying to give as much context as I can.
In grade 11, me (F16-17) and my ex-friend (F16-17) were best friends. For some context, we both became friends fairly early in high school. In my country high school is from grade 8-grade 12. I joined the high school in grade 8 from out of city, the high school is just closer to me than the one in my city, so I was a new kid. I made some friends in grade 8 as a new kid but those friendships did end in grade 9. Grade 9 is when my best friend, we'll call her Emily, transferred to the school. And we formed a friendship. Through grade 9 we had formed our own little friend group with 2 other girls, we'll name them Clara and Sabrina. It was the 4 of us through majority of high school. We would always text each other, always hang out after school, spend any break we had at school together and had as much fun as any girls in high school could have (minus the partying because my school is not a partying school).
Emily and I were the closet in the friend group, afterall we were pretty similar and come from similar backgrounds (We're both a type of asian). We both would be described as the smart kids. We both would end up getting high grades in all of our classes. In grade 9, when we met, she told the friend group her dream was to become a doctor like her parents were, so she studied extra hard in high school to keep her grades high. I, on the other hand, did not really have any specific dreams. I wanted to become a writer or even a lawyer (but was worried because I'm not the best speaker). Due to that, I never tried that hard at school. Like i care about grades, my parents cared a lot about me getting high grades, but I wasn't studying for anything. And with that I never really studied either, I would do my homework and pay attention in class and take pretty notes but I was not spending any real time after class to do work Which is something that Emily would do. She would spend hours and hours a day just studying. If she wasn't studying she would be doing some volunterring or some club stuff.
Fast forward to grade 11. Right from the beginning of the year something just felt odd about our relationship. She seemed distant. Which I chalked up to it being we were now considered seniors at our high school so she was starting to stress about universities already, but it was still whatever. My school worked in semesters, so for half of the year we would have 4 specific classes which would then switch to different classes in second semester. During first semester I didn't have any classes with any of my friends. I was just chilling in all of my classess and getting adopted into different group friends in those classes. I was always well-liked in high school, I was not a popular kid. But compared to all the smart kids in the school, I was deemed the nicest so because of that everyone would be nice to me and friendly (even though I know for some of them it was so they could get hw answers out of me, but they were still very nice to me).
During this time, my friends and I would make up plans to hang out. We always made it a point to hang out at least once a week outside of school. It was always after school, we would usually study, walk around or go to the mall. In our gc on insta we would always double check with one another on which days to do it. Clara, Sabrina and I would always talk in the gc and were always the ones initiating the plans. Emily was also in the gc but would rarely reply to anything. Any times we would make plans to hang out, Emily would either not reply (which would then lead us to asking her during lunch the next day if she was free, where she would barely talk) or she would just say no to all plans. The few times she would say yes, she would always cancel the day of. Which would be annoying, and Clara, Sabrina and I would talk amongst ourselves that we found it odd she would always cancel and never want to hang out outside of school, but we were like it's not that big of a deal. She could just be busy.
We then just ahead to my birthday. Now i have an early birthday and it falls around the time that we come back to school after the winter break. Now during the winter break, Clara, Sabrina and I formed a seperate gc as it would just be the three of us talking and making plans. We also always took so many pictures and felt bad about sending it into the gc with the four of us in it as we didnt want Emily to feel bad about not coming. So we figured it was better if we kept it seperate. But in the main gc, I just ask when is everyone free to do something small. I'm not really a birthday person. Since high school, all my birthdays include going to some cozy restauraunt with my 4 closest friends and just having a casual dinner. So I ask and everyone leaves their responses, including Emily. We decide on a day, it would be after school just a day or two after my actual birthday and we would be going to a restuarunt and an arcade nearby (I have strict parents so I really wasn't allowed to go out late or really go out anywhere far). The plan is made and everything is set. When the day comes for the dinnearcade, we all meet up by our lockers to go take the bus together.
The 3 of us are there waiting for Emily to come and she does just a few minutes late. That is when she tells us she can't come because she has a club meeting today, and she told us it was mandatory for us to attend. Now of course my friends and I tried to convince her to blow it off just this one time, but she was adamant about going. So, whatever. We say bye to her and start walking to the bus. While walking there we bump into a mutual friend, also waiting for the bus. She is also in the same club, so we confused why she was here. We do ask her, saying "hey isn't there something happening with the club today?" That is when she tells us there was just this small meeting recapping what had happened in last weeks meeting for the people who missed it. Meaning the meeting was not madatory at all, especially when Emily had cancelled our plans last week to go to this said meeting. Meaning she did sort of lie to get out of going to my birthday party. I of course was hurt by this. When she told us she had to go to the meeting, I didn't think much of it as I knew how much school mattered to her and how much doing this club stuff mattered. But she had the choice to come, and she decided to just blow me off. We went out and had fun and didn't bring the matter up with her. We figured it was just her caring a bit too much about school.
Anyways this whole cancelling plans last minute, ghosting the main gc thing happened more and more. It also got to the point where if I wanted to talk to her, whether that was through text or in real life I would always have to approach her first. As this carried on for a while, i of course was getting a bit annoyed about where this friendship was going.
We now get to Emily's birthday a month later. Now Emily decided to plan her birthday, very last minute. I am just pointing this out as i am not a person who can do spontaneous plans, one because i have this need to plan properly and two because I do have strict parents. So i can't just spring a plan on them the day of and expect to go. Which is something Emily knows. Anyways she makes the plan and i tell my mom about it to ask if i can go and she says yes. The day before, Emily then decides to change the plan entirely. We were going to go into downtown city (for context, it's roughly 2 hours transit from our neighborhood). I obviously had to ask permission as she wanted to stay out late which is not something my parents would like, so when Emily told us at lunch the change in plans, Clara, Sabrina I told her we had to double check if we can still go as we all have strict parents, but our extended friend group were all down to go.
After school, the four of us head into the bathroom, which is a toally normal thing for high school girls to do before we headed out. While there Emily then decides to start a fight with me about not going to her birthday, which hasn't happened yet. She starts yelling at me about how Im mad that she didn't go to my birthday and am not going to hers as revenge (I'll be honest, I kinda forgot she didn't go). And starts yelling at me about how I'm being a bad friend and frankly a b*tch. And when I say she is screaming at me, I mean there is the largest echo circling our bathroom as she yells at me. Now I'm just standing there, trying to reason with her. I'm just trying to explain to her that i didn't say i wasn't coming, i just needed to get permission to go, which is something that Clara and Sarbina said as well but Emily wasn't saying anything about them. She proceeded to just yell at me for a solid 5 minutes. Another girl did walk into the bathroom, saw Emily yelling and just left, which I feel bad about. I do not do well with someone yelling at me, so I just tell her that I'm leaving now and we can talk later. I practically run out of the bathroom and out of school. Clara runs up to me and says i can't go home feeling like this. I felt horrible, i felt like throwing up. So Clara makes it her job to cheer me up as Sabrina is trying to calm Emily down. Clara takes me to Mcdonalds, where we split a meal as that became a tradition of ours and she bought me ice-cream to make me feel better. We end up spending roughly and hour and half there before starting to walk back to our houses. I did feel a lot better and I was smiling. Clara didn't really say much about what happened as she knew it would upset me. She just said that Emily was being mean and left it at that. At some point during our walk, Emily calls Clara and starts screaming at Clara over the phone about choosing "my side". I only know it was Emily because I can hear her screaming through the phone and Clara is trying to be nice to her and say she was comforting her friend like a good one would do. Emily continues screaming and Clara just hangs up on her.
We don't talk about it. Now the next day, at school, is Emily's birthday. I feel so awkward. Because i'm still upset about what happened. When I see her, I'm not sure if I should wish her a happy birthday. I feel like I am owed an apology first. so i don't really say anything to her. and we don't really talk. Now we are in the same Chemistry honours class together and are lab partners. So we have to talk. I ask her, if we're going to talk about what happened. And she just says, no, it's my birthday. I just say really but she doesn't say anything after. So Im just like, fine, whatever. We spend the entire class in awkward silence, and I do not see her again the entire day. Even at lunch because she has a club meeting or something. Clara, Sabrina and I all agree that we don't want to talk about it. Clara got an apology text last night but she was still mad about being yelled at over the phone. Sabrina asked us if we wanted to know what her and Emily talked about yesterday but i said no. I was frankly too mad and knew if anything was said, I would be upset. Emily did not end up having a birthday party. and there is now an awkward silence between the 4 of us. it's like a horror movie, where the music is playing and you just know something bad is coming and you have to wait for it.
A few days later, I know i have to say something. I can feel that our friendship is hanging by a thread and I want my best friend back. So at lunch, while we're all sitting by our lockers I bring up the topic. I do not remember the conversation that took place. All I know was that Emily was practically screaming in my face, in front of all our friends (Clara, Sabrina and 5 of our other friends). Everyone is trying to get her to stop, but she keeps yelling at me. At some point I just start crying. Now this is the first time, that someone outside of my family, has ever made me cry. Its the first time I have ever cried at school too. The tears are flowing down my face as I just say "i'm sorry i cant do this" to the rest of our friends as i had off to the bathroom to calm down. Clara and one of our other friends rush off with me to try to calm me down and stop the tears. But they keep coming. I can't stop them and am now in the bathroom splashing my face with water and doing my best to wipe them all away. Clara, this other friend and i all have the same class next. So they have to literally drag me to class as I'm sort of paralyzed about whats happening. When we get to the classroom, everyone there, which was half of the class is looking at me and seeing my red, teared-up face. Our seats are at the very back corner of the classroom, on the very opposite side from the door. So i have to walk past the entire face as they all stare at me and wonder whats happening. the entire time im not really paying any attention. during little work periods in the class, my fellow classmates would walk up to me and ask if im okay. which i would say yes, i was even though i wasnt because what else could i say. I ended up powering through the rest of the day before going home and wonderign what to do.
In the secret gc, I text with Clara and Sabrina about what my next steps should be. They suggest we have an actual therapy session as a friend group to discuss if we even want to be friends at this point. I agree to this. I even start writing up my own speech I am going to tell Emily when i see her.
So I'm just going to jump ahead to whenever this happens. It's during lunch, outside on the grass field. I am calm, I know what to say and everything. I'm sitting there with Clara and Sabrina has to literally drag Emily out of school to come and talk. I kid you not. We have like an hour for lunch. It takes 20 minutes for Emily to finally show up. And she shows up like, "ugh what are we even doing here? im kinda busy" and just acts like there is nothing at all wrong. I start to calmly explain to her how ive been feeling the entire year. I do not remmeber the conversation. But what I remember talking about is how i feel like she's distant, she's always cancelling plans, im always the one texting her first, about how she gets mad at me for small little things, how she yells at me, etc. My whole speech was about how "i don't want to feel like sh*t for trying to continue this friendship". Because even after the first time she yelled at me, I just wanted an apology and we could move on and that didn't happen. And now Im just like I don't want to cry again and don't want my tears to come from someone who's supposed to be my best friend. She does argue her case in this. Her whole thing is how "i'm being clingy and annoying and controlling".
Now for her arguement, I think it should be known more about my persoanlity type. I am not the best people person. I have social anxiety and how that manifests in me is that i can't really talk to people that well. I don't know how to converse and get incredibly nervous to talk to anyone new. So when I do become friends with someone, I do latch on to them. I talk to them all the time, when i can, and they become my person. I think that is where the clingy party comes from. For the controlling/annoying thing, I can only chalk it up to me always texting her. Like i said, i would always have to be the one initating our conversations and plans. So our chats always look like 5 bubbles of text from me (because i am the person that types in multiple bubbles rather than one large text bubble) and her short responses. When it comes to plans, as I said i do not do spontaenous plans. I need to have them properly organized for both my parents sakes and my sake. I'm not someone who plans everything out minute by minute, I just need to know times and places. And if you are actually free.
Thankfully this time, Emily isn't yelling at me however she is talkimg a bit loudly. Now at this point we have spent 25ish minutes talking about this when she suddently gets up and says "i have to go otherwise i'll be late for my class and get in trouble". Which there is still 15 minutes before lunch ends. And her classroom is across the hallway from my next class with Clara. The walk from the grass field was literally 2 minutes. Our coversation wasn;t done. There was no convlusion and no real understanding on either part. So all of us get up as Emily starts speed walking and we all chase her. We're all telling her there is still so much time left, but she doesn't listen and still carries on. So then I say, "i don't want to be friends anymore if this is what it's going to be like". and she says "fine." and walks away. and that was the end of our friendship.
It was almost spring break and our friends were doing their best to navigate the situation. I think they believed we both needed time to cool down and we can all be friends again. However that didn;t happen. Emily and i agreed to be civil as we still had the same friend group but she never really hung out with us in the next couple days, or talked during lunch and that was it.
The two of us did not talk at all. The only times we did was in our Chemistry class, where she did the most un-civil thing ever. As I said we were lab partners. Anytime we had any lab, involing the microscope, I would always be the person doing the microscope work as Emily writes down the results of what I found. I would then get the numbers or obersations from her and add them to my worksheet as our teacher wanted us to work in partners but submit our own work. This one lab went off for too long and the bell rung. So as we are packing up quickly, I ask Emily for the numbers she wrote down. She said she's late for something and will send me the numbers later today. And I'm like fine. She never did. It was also a Friday so we went into the weekend and she never sent me anything. I did text her once on Saturday and another time on Sunday if she could send it. but she never replied and i just asked another classmate if they could send me their answers. If our teacher asked why did we as partners have different answers, I was going to tell him Emily wouldn't give them to me. He never did ask and that was the last time we really talked.
We then headed into spring break which ended up turning into the pandemic lockdown. Now I feel so bad when saying this, as i know this was a difficult time for so many people. But me as a 17-year-old high school studnet, loved the first few weeks of lockdown. I saw it as a mental health break as all the stuff that went down with Emily did in fact put me into a depression phase (I actually do have depression and i do end up in mini-phases where its really bad). The lockdown gave me time to breathe as it felt like i was holding my breath for so long and i could relax. Now in the fall, our school did a hybrid for our last year. Which was fine, it was weird but managable. Emily did not talk to me, Clara or Sabrina at all during our seniour year. We graduated and my friends and I had the best time we could under pandemic restrictions.
Current day, I (21) am now in university. Clara and Sabrina and I are as close as ever and have managed to keep our friendship alive and strong even 3-4 years outside of high school and while all attending different universities. We still hang out regularly (once every week or so) and text all the time. And would you believe it, Emily goes to my university. Remember, how I said she wanted to become a doctor. Yeah so her plan was to go to university in Toronto for some medicine thing. I don't really know. She didn't do that. Instead she stayed in our city and decided to do business instead. What am I doing, you ask? Also business. Now I know I can't claim a school, or a major or anything like that. But i can't lie, im a little annoyed that she decided to swtich her career path to the same as mine. Thankfully Ive only had one class with her and it was one of those big lecture halls so i didn't have to talk with her. Just seeing her tho reminds me of high school and i can feel my blood pressure rising and me sweating as all the nerves and stress come back.
Anyways Clara and Sabrina's birthdays are coming up. Their birthdays are within the same week so since high school, they've always just done one big combined party. The two of them are both really chill people, they are friends with everyone and anyone. So as their coming up with their birthday plans, they are thinking of their guest list and Emily is on it. Now, Clara and Sabrina did ask me beforehand if they could invite her. They do want to make sure I am comfortable. They both tell me that they don't really talk to her anymore, maybe once every 3 months or something. They also haven't hung out since high school. But for their 21st birthday they are thinking of inviting everyone from our high school friend group to have sort of a mini-reuinion. I am down for it, I do think i have moved on, in the sense that I know I do not want Emily in my life. I do tell them I will probably feel awkwad but I can manage for one night for their birthday.
As I'm telling my sister (F16) about Clara and Sabrina's party and who's coming, she asks me about Emily. She basically says if Clara and Sabrina are fine with inviting her, that means they have forgiven her for high school stuff, so am I not being a bit mean for holding on to my feelings? I am a person who believes there is no expirational date on any pain caused by a person. I should not have to "forgive and forget" a person, who has not asked for it and who caused me so much pain just because that is how the world has worked. But it go me thinking, am i being a bit rude?
So, two questions: AITA for what happened in high-school? (am i in the wrong for the friendship breakup) and AITA for not wanting to forgive her?
A FEW NOTES: (i'll add more when i think of it)
I have not spoken to Emily since grade 12. Not in person, not through people, not through text. We have had no contact with one another and i am fine with that. I do not want any relationship with her.
Clara and Sabrina are two of the sweetest people in my life. It does not hurt me at all they have the odd interaction with Emily at all. Afterall they do say its very minimal contact and the few times they have made plans with Emily included, they let me know well in advance, ask if its okay to invite her and all that. Each time I say its fine because I know Im in a good place to not feel bad.
I have never yelled at Emily. Nor have I ever spoken badly about her. With our mutual friends I might complain about the situation, but I never say anything bad about her. I should also say, Emily i don't think was well-liked. As I said the two of are good students, the smart kids, whatever else you want to say. However Emily is what would be described as a "teacher's pet" and does give off an arrogant vibe at times towards others. Some of my other friends/classmates would sometimes make comments about this to me, but i would always sort of downplay it. Like, oh that's not how she really is, she just cares a lot about school. A few times I would say the comments are harsh to some of the classmates. Her, on the other hand, has called me a controlling b*tch to several people. who have all told me about it. She did bad-mouth to quite a few people.
At some point in grade 11 (not really relevant to the main story, but might be part of the reason Emily's always made at me), but I was blamed for a rumour going around that Emily had a crush on this guy in our grade. Emily and I had to go to this one teacher's class for some notes or something. And in the class was this girl who I didn;t really like. So before we walk in I whisper to her, no one can hear, that "hey there's that girl i don't like". Emily then makes it so obvious that she is looking at this girl. And next to her is one of the popular boys in our class. Emily makes it so obvious that shes looking in his direction and does it a few times, that the rumour she likes this guy becomes a huge joke in our grade. She does not like this guy, never has liked this guy, but it is a joke that him and his friends carry on. This continues for the entire year, and Emily in our therapy session does mention this fact. She says its my fault that this joke has gone around. I don't see how.
submitted by novelpuckhead to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:30 Careless-Wish-4563 Why am I not as attracted to people as a whole after returning from the pandemic? Why have my preferences changed so drastically over time, and why am I not very attracted to anyone post high school?

I’ve been 19 for a month and notice that I’m not attracted to most of the people I crushed on or was attracted to between 4th-11th grade. I am a black woman who has always lived in an area with a low black population. Pre-pandemic, I actively had crushes on people and felt attraction to others a fair amount. Post pandemic, this is much, much rarer for me.
In 4th grade, I had a crush on a Filipino boy. In 6th-7th grade, I had a crush on a 1/2 white 1/2 Asian boy. In 7th grade, I felt attraction toward an Asian girl who was commonly considered to be quite average, had been bullied in elementary school. I also had a big crush on David Bowie throughout middle school.
Around 9th grade, I had a crush on a 1/2 black 1/2 white boy who was slightly above average - he was a bad person, and I no longer liked him by 11th when he had become average looking.
Online schooling started shortly before 10th grade. 10th grade, I had a crush on an above average looking black boy (older than me, the attraction may have actually been reciprocated) and on a white girl who was average or maybe a little below it (she was overweight, I really liked her personality and that she defended me.) 11th grade I was particularly interested in dating as in the environment I grew up in, I had been made to feel as though I was too unattractive to get a boyfriend and wanted to prove my peers wrong. I ended up dating a black boy who I also think of as average (overweight, like my mother.) Around high school, I still felt some attraction to white men/boys and even started feeling attraction toward above average Mexican/Latino men, but it’s almost like I stopped feeling attraction toward both women and Asian males. As an adult, I know that I am not attracted to the average white man, and probably have a preference for black men. But I know it’d have been hard to predict this, I bet, if you’d talked to me 6 years ago.
My older brother had a breakdown toward the end of my final year in middle school, and this changed my family dynamic. He was in rehab when I was in high school. I think this eventually made me think more about the plight of black men.
Middle school was a weird time for me wherein I think I was attracted to a wider variety of people than I am now, and was more open minded about what I liked in terms of physical appearance (didn’t have as much of a set preference as I think I sort of do now that I’m an adult.) I even subjectively find a fair number of them unattractive now.
Do you have any explanation around the matter? Why do you think this happened?
submitted by Careless-Wish-4563 to TooAfraidToAsk [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:28 Careless-Wish-4563 Why am I not as attracted to people as a whole after returning from the pandemic? Why have my preferences changed so drastically over time, and why am I not very attracted to anyone post high school?

I’ve been 19 for a month and notice that I’m not attracted to most of the people I crushed on or was attracted to between 4th-11th grade. I am a black woman who has always lived in an area with a low black population. Pre-pandemic, I actively had crushes on people and felt attraction to others a fair amount. Post pandemic, this is much, much rarer for me.
In 4th grade, I had a crush on a Filipino boy. In 6th-7th grade, I had a crush on a 1/2 white 1/2 Asian boy. In 7th grade, I felt attraction toward an Asian girl who was commonly considered to be quite average, had been bullied in elementary school. I also had a big crush on David Bowie throughout middle school.
Around 9th grade, I had a crush on a 1/2 black 1/2 white boy who was slightly above average - he was a bad person, and I no longer liked him by 11th when he had become average looking.
Online schooling started shortly before 10th grade. 10th grade, I had a crush on an above average looking black boy (older than me, the attraction may have actually been reciprocated) and on a white girl who was average or maybe a little below it (she was overweight, I really liked her personality and that she defended me.) 11th grade I was particularly interested in dating as in the environment I grew up in, I had been made to feel as though I was too unattractive to get a boyfriend and wanted to prove my peers wrong. I ended up dating a black boy who I also think of as average (overweight, like my mother.) Around high school, I still felt some attraction to white men/boys and even started feeling attraction toward above average Mexican/Latino men, but it’s almost like I stopped feeling attraction toward both women and Asian males. As an adult, I know that I am not attracted to the average white man, and probably have a preference for black men. But I know it’d have been hard to predict this, I bet, if you’d talked to me 6 years ago.
My older brother had a breakdown toward the end of my final year in middle school, and this changed my family dynamic. He was in rehab when I was in high school. I think this eventually made me think more about the plight of black men.
Middle school was a weird time for me wherein I think I was attracted to a wider variety of people than I am now, and was more open minded about what I liked in terms of physical appearance (didn’t have as much of a set preference as I think I sort of do now that I’m an adult.) I even subjectively find a fair number of them unattractive now.
Do you have any explanation around the matter? Why do you think this happened?
submitted by Careless-Wish-4563 to AskSocialScience [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:21 Fun-Cycle-9442 Rejected from Waterloo CE, chances for UofT EE?

105D out of province Grades: IB Math HL: 93% (6 predicted) IB Physics HL: 92% (6 predicted) IB Chemistry HL: 99% (7 predicted) IB English L&L SL: 90% (5 predicted) IB Economics SL: 92% (6 predicted) IB French B SL: 83% (4, finished last yr)
Admissions average: 93.4% counting math twice (IB score 34/42, 36/45)
-competitive chess player since 2016
-featured in provincial chess blog for an interview
-240 hrs volunteering as community organizecamp leader at CC
-120 hrs volunteering at local uni STEM camps
-40 hrs food bank volunteering
-6 months part time job at mcs in gr 11
-computer program/game development (roblox, javascript games)
-founder of roblox development group
-designing electric devices with arudino (e.g. automated lights project)
-fluent in lua, java, C++ -badminton
-academic tutor
-model un club head delegate (gr 10)
-first place in province in caribou math contest gr 9/10
-Principals list grade 10 (90+ avg)
-academic recognition gr 9, highest avg in school
-top contestants in investing competition
-1st place in recent multiprovince chess tournament
-top 3 in provincial chess championship 2021
-distinction for achieving 10,000+ monthly active users in roblox game
-2nd place in schoolwide math competiton in 2022
-wrote euclid this year
interviews went rlly well, essays were good. Lmk in the comments
submitted by Fun-Cycle-9442 to OntarioGrade12s [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:00 Typical-Arm1694 UK Medicine Application Questions

Hello! Asking on behalf of my sister, as some brief context, she is a J2 taking BCME, H3 Bio in JC. The UCAS has just opened and I’m helping her with some research but I am not sure about the whole process as I did not apply to the UK.
I have some questions, hope they don’t come off stupid, I would like to ask yall 🥹🥹
  1. How does she submit her predicted grades (since she has not done her prelims yet) or does she submit them only in around late september? And does that mean she can only submit the whole application around that period? Do the JC1 grades matter (do they have to be input anywhere or do they only affect the predicted grades she will have to put?)
  2. For the personal statement (i know of the one PS for all courses - she’s applying for Med for all), what are some ways she can stand out for her PS considering so many exceptional candidates? She has done her fair share of volunteering and work experiences + I think she had a stint with ASTAR for research. Does she require strong leadership skills/talents etc. that schools like NUS now consider (under ABAs) also?
  3. (just to double confirm 😅) I checked the websites for most schools and interviews will mostly be held from December to Mar? Just to confirm, is this true?
Understand the deadlines are still some time away but if there’s anything for me to note, do comment/PM me! Am hoping my sister gets into her dream school and would like to support her in this application process 🥹🥹
Thank you everyone!
submitted by Typical-Arm1694 to SGExams [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:52 Ok_Turnover_6653 Need some advice

Hi everyone, I am 20M in my third year of college. This is my second post on this platform and my only post talking about my experience, so I don’t know if it will reach people at all. However, I lose nothing by trying. I’ll start by giving some context about myself. My intent is to know if people relate to my experiences to some extent and what they have done, if anything, to become better.
I can consciously ascertain that I’ve had an introverted nature ever since I was in 3rd grade. This became more apparent over the years, but when young, not being able to participate in class by answering questions even though I knew the answers (some strange invisible force wouldn’t allow it), and not turning in my homework because it involved standing up, walking , and placing it in the turn-it-in pile with the rest (the same strange force acted upon me, but this time because I didn’t want to be seen by my classmates even though they were all doing the same thing) would be the usual. I was lucky enough to be “adopted” by my current group of friends when I was in 7th grade. Else, my HS life and regular life would have been bound to be much lonelier.
I have always attributed my lack of communication skills to my introversion, but I’ve been able to identify some characteristics in my behavior that make me believe I have some degree of social anxiety. Rather, I am almost certain:
• Although I’ve been able to get better over the years, and even more now that I live alone, talking with people in customer service, retail, cashiers, etc. is something I dread. Early in my life, I would be able to get my message across, but weirdly phrased due to my nervousness. Even today, if there is some kind of self-checkout, or I can order my food online even though I am in the restaurant, I will most certainly do that instead of talking directly with someone. Same goes for phone calls, I detest the idea of making them and receiving them, but I’ve had to adjust. Today, when talking with people in customer service, I limit myself to provide the necessary verbal information that is needed to conduct whatever business we’re involved in (such as paying for groceries) and if asked unrelated questions, will answer in the most concise manner, leaving no room for conversation.
• I am not able to maintain eye contact with people for a lot of time when talking with them and will tend to have my sight directed elsewhere. This does not apply to immediate family, but most certainly applies to extended family (even if close), friends, acquaintances, and evidently strangers.
• I am unable to start relationships with new people and this is mostly due to the fact that I don’t talk to people. In my 3 years of college, I’ve made about 8 acquaintances due to obligatory groups for class projects. Out of those 8, about 3 will nod at me (and I’ll nod back to them) when we see each other in public. I have no communication (in-class or messages) with any of them. I have no friends and will most likely end up graduating college with no friends made at all. No connections. I spend my days in my apartment, doing homework and wasting time (watching TikTok or doing other unproductive stuff). Note that I do not live in the same country as my group of friends, so I am, in practical terms, friendless. It is not that I want to be like this, but whenever someone new approaches me, my mind blanks and I always come up with concise responses to whatever they tell me. Again, leaving no room for conversation. Just today I was taking my dog to the vet, so I stepped into the elevator (I live on the 5th floor of the building). A girl had called the elevator from the 4th floor, so it stopped so she could jump in. Our “conversation” went something along the lines of this:
Random Girl: Hi Me: Hi Random Girl: Aww your dog is so cute, what is their breed? Me: Havanese Random Girl: Aww a little Havanese, so cute. I really want a dog. Me: … silence, while directing my eyes towards my dog which I had in my arms to avoid eye contact with girl Me: … now starts watching the elevator button panel Elevator reaches first floor after maybe 30 seconds of silence Me: Have a good one. leaves Random Girl: Have a good one. also leaves
That is my most recent example, but all of my spontaneous interactions look like that. And it is not that I didn’t want to talk to the girl, but my mind just goes blank, and thus my mouth shuts.
I am sure there are many other things I could talk about here, but I won’t as this post would become too long and what I want to know is your experiences, and if possible, hear some advice from anyone who can and wants to give it. It goes without saying that I live a lonely life and am not very happy because of it. I long for connection with other people. People with whom to laugh, cry, eat, etc. I have also never been involved romantically with anyone, but I understand stuff like that won’t happen with me being this way. I guess my petition to you is to provide me with advice on how to get better in this aspect of life. To be utterly honest with you, I am desperate, and I am tired of my life being this way.
submitted by Ok_Turnover_6653 to socialanxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:28 TSX_God Luca Mining Corp. (LUCA) has achieved significant progress in its metallurgical test work on the copper-lead separation process at Campo Morado.

The successful test work has highlighted the company's commitment to ongoing improvements at Campo Morado, with the objective of enhancing cash flow by diversifying their concentrate production. With ongoing pre-production already at their Tahuehueto project, this is only one of LUCA’s many advancements. The results indicate a promising pathway towards producing three separate, higher value concentrates: copper (with precious metals), zinc, and lead. Ramon Perez, President and interim CEO, emphasized the significance of this milestone, stating, "A key milestone we have stated for Luca is to increase cash flow at Campo Morado by producing three high-quality concentrates of copper, zinc, and lead, instead of two concentrates (zinc and a bulk concentrate)."
Key findings from the metallurgical testing include:
1.⁠ ⁠Improved Copper Recovery: Open circuit, bulk rougher results revealed impressive copper recovery rates ranging between 80% and 93%. This indicates the effectiveness of the separation process in recovering copper from the ore.
2.⁠ ⁠Enhanced Copper Grades: The testing indicates the potential to achieve copper grades as high as 28% Cu, compared to current grades of 15-18% Cu in the bulk concentrate. This signifies a significant improvement in the quality of the copper concentrate.
3.⁠ ⁠Positive Separation Results: The separation results in the lab have been positive, with improved grades of gold and silver in the copper concentrate. This suggests added value and potential revenue streams from precious metals.
4.⁠ ⁠Pathway to Implementation: The test work has provided a clear pathway for implementing the copper-lead separation process at Campo Morado by re-configuring existing plant equipment. This demonstrates the feasibility of scaling up the process for commercial production.
The company has also emphasized the importance of understanding the mineralogy and mineral associations in guiding the test work. This understanding has led to modifications in the plant design, including identifying grinding target sizes and predicting flotation performance. Campo Morado's existing grinding capacity will be utilized to meet target throughput and achieve adequate liberation of copper and lead minerals.
Luca Mining Corp. is now on track to deliver results in the second half of 2024, with plans already underway for the development of a new flowsheet and reagent optimization program. Overall, the successful completion of the metallurgical test work underscores Luca's commitment to innovation and continuous improvement in its mining operations.
*Posted on behalf of Luca Mining Corp.
submitted by TSX_God to PennyStocksCanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:27 TSX_God Luca Mining Corp. (LUCA) has achieved significant progress in its metallurgical test work on the copper-lead separation process at Campo Morado.

The successful test work has highlighted the company's commitment to ongoing improvements at Campo Morado, with the objective of enhancing cash flow by diversifying their concentrate production. With ongoing pre-production already at their Tahuehueto project, this is only one of LUCA’s many advancements. The results indicate a promising pathway towards producing three separate, higher value concentrates: copper (with precious metals), zinc, and lead. Ramon Perez, President and interim CEO, emphasized the significance of this milestone, stating, "A key milestone we have stated for Luca is to increase cash flow at Campo Morado by producing three high-quality concentrates of copper, zinc, and lead, instead of two concentrates (zinc and a bulk concentrate)."
Key findings from the metallurgical testing include:
1.⁠ ⁠Improved Copper Recovery: Open circuit, bulk rougher results revealed impressive copper recovery rates ranging between 80% and 93%. This indicates the effectiveness of the separation process in recovering copper from the ore.
2.⁠ ⁠Enhanced Copper Grades: The testing indicates the potential to achieve copper grades as high as 28% Cu, compared to current grades of 15-18% Cu in the bulk concentrate. This signifies a significant improvement in the quality of the copper concentrate.
3.⁠ ⁠Positive Separation Results: The separation results in the lab have been positive, with improved grades of gold and silver in the copper concentrate. This suggests added value and potential revenue streams from precious metals.
4.⁠ ⁠Pathway to Implementation: The test work has provided a clear pathway for implementing the copper-lead separation process at Campo Morado by re-configuring existing plant equipment. This demonstrates the feasibility of scaling up the process for commercial production.
The company has also emphasized the importance of understanding the mineralogy and mineral associations in guiding the test work. This understanding has led to modifications in the plant design, including identifying grinding target sizes and predicting flotation performance. Campo Morado's existing grinding capacity will be utilized to meet target throughput and achieve adequate liberation of copper and lead minerals.
Luca Mining Corp. is now on track to deliver results in the second half of 2024, with plans already underway for the development of a new flowsheet and reagent optimization program. Overall, the successful completion of the metallurgical test work underscores Luca's commitment to innovation and continuous improvement in its mining operations.
*Posted on behalf of Luca Mining Corp.
submitted by TSX_God to RichTogether [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:26 TSX_God Luca Mining Corp. (LUCA) has achieved significant progress in its metallurgical test work on the copper-lead separation process at Campo Morado.

The successful test work has highlighted the company's commitment to ongoing improvements at Campo Morado, with the objective of enhancing cash flow by diversifying their concentrate production. With ongoing pre-production already at their Tahuehueto project, this is only one of LUCA’s many advancements. The results indicate a promising pathway towards producing three separate, higher value concentrates: copper (with precious metals), zinc, and lead. Ramon Perez, President and interim CEO, emphasized the significance of this milestone, stating, "A key milestone we have stated for Luca is to increase cash flow at Campo Morado by producing three high-quality concentrates of copper, zinc, and lead, instead of two concentrates (zinc and a bulk concentrate)."
Key findings from the metallurgical testing include:
1.⁠ ⁠Improved Copper Recovery: Open circuit, bulk rougher results revealed impressive copper recovery rates ranging between 80% and 93%. This indicates the effectiveness of the separation process in recovering copper from the ore.
2.⁠ ⁠Enhanced Copper Grades: The testing indicates the potential to achieve copper grades as high as 28% Cu, compared to current grades of 15-18% Cu in the bulk concentrate. This signifies a significant improvement in the quality of the copper concentrate.
3.⁠ ⁠Positive Separation Results: The separation results in the lab have been positive, with improved grades of gold and silver in the copper concentrate. This suggests added value and potential revenue streams from precious metals.
4.⁠ ⁠Pathway to Implementation: The test work has provided a clear pathway for implementing the copper-lead separation process at Campo Morado by re-configuring existing plant equipment. This demonstrates the feasibility of scaling up the process for commercial production.
The company has also emphasized the importance of understanding the mineralogy and mineral associations in guiding the test work. This understanding has led to modifications in the plant design, including identifying grinding target sizes and predicting flotation performance. Campo Morado's existing grinding capacity will be utilized to meet target throughput and achieve adequate liberation of copper and lead minerals.
Luca Mining Corp. is now on track to deliver results in the second half of 2024, with plans already underway for the development of a new flowsheet and reagent optimization program. Overall, the successful completion of the metallurgical test work underscores Luca's commitment to innovation and continuous improvement in its mining operations.
*Posted on behalf of Luca Mining Corp.
submitted by TSX_God to CanadaStocks [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:09 adjaplx Appreciation post

Sadly unable to commit here even if it was a dream I had since 5th grade to attend, but shoutout to the financial aid and admissions team, they're honestly the most fast and helpful people ever. Other colleges would take days to respond/just straight up ghost my email but Stevens responds in just a couple hours. I even got calls asap when needed. They were so helpful and really lovely to talk to + they knocked down my tuition to almost 17k before loans (which ngl, for Stevens standard that's a little cheap). Don't know how the other admin is like here but I'm thankful I had the pleasure of experiencing helpful staff for months. Also, shoutout to Phoneboy and stream their music, cause they're hella awesome
submitted by adjaplx to stevens [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:08 CannonBolt_ 18M - Struggling with Procrastination, Academic Failure, and Heartbreak: Seeking Advice to Rebuild My Life and Earn My Parents' Pride.

I began preparing for the NEET (medical entrance exam in India) from class 11 at a large coaching institute, which charged my parents a substantial fee, a sum that was not easily affordable for them. Initially, my course was conducted offline, but it transitioned to online due to COVID. Being in the comfort of my home, I neglected my studies and instead watched movies and series under the guise of attending classes. I resorted to cheating in my exams and advanced to class 12. As the pandemic subsided and classes reverted to offline, I, fearing my lack of knowledge, deceived my parents into believing that my classes were still online. Consequently, I squandered another year in idleness. As class 12 came to an end, my Board exams (Finals) approached, yet I had procrastinated and not studied. Entering the exam center unprepared, I managed to write down what I knew for each subject until Physics, my greatest fear, confronted me. With no knowledge to fill the paper, I was certain of failing for the first time. However, in the last 30 minutes, a teacher provided answers, enabling me to pass all exams. I achieved 60% without studying for two years. My parents were disappointed with the results, believing I had studied diligently, but I alone knew the truth.
After my 12th grade, I attempted the NEET for the first time and scored very low marks, which I lied about to my parents. They were upset but allowed me another opportunity to study at a prestigious institute. Initially, I studied diligently and achieved above-average marks on my first test. However, a pivotal moment soon disrupted my life. I fell for a girl in my class at first sight. To get closer to her, I befriended a guy who I had seen speaking with her. Over time, we grew as close as brothers, and he persuaded me to skip classes. Initially hesitant due to fear of my parents' reaction, his influence eventually led me to acquiesce. We ended up skipping classes for half the year and completely neglected our studies.
Once again, I abandoned my studies because of a girl I liked and a friend, which I still regret. Regarding the girl, she had a boyfriend and was aware of my feelings for her, yet she behaved as if we were in a relationship in class. Everyone assumed she was my girlfriend, but that wasn't the case. Jealous of her boyfriend, I attempted to sever ties, but she persisted in messaging me and began to manipulate me with her texts. She deceived me. As our course neared its end, she blocked me, and when I tried to contact her through other apps, she ignored my messages. Currently, I am heartbroken, wondering how someone could be so cruel. It's been 15 days, and she's out with her boyfriend, despite promises of spending time with me.
On May 5th, 2024, I sat for my second NEET attempt, unprepared. Initially, I answered correctly, but towards the end, I randomly selected answers. I'm dreading the results, expected in 15-20 days, and I'm uncertain how my parents will react. I am so scared.
This year, I am venturing into a field quite different from my current one. I am preparing for the Chartered Accountant exams and will need to begin from the basics, as I have never studied the subjects before. I would also appreciate your advice on this matter.
My tendency to procrastinate, neglect my studies, and cheat has led me to feel like a failure. I'm reaching out through this post for help to get my life back on track, to be the good son to my parents that I once was, and to achieve something that will make them proud. My mental health has suffered because of a girl. I'm constantly thinking about her, and I can't bring myself to delete our chats, fearing it would mean losing her completely, though I feel I already have. I need guidance to overcome this.
This is my first time sharing something like this; apologies for any issues with how it's presented.
submitted by CannonBolt_ to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:44 Lune_m00n Why cursive works sometimes

So I was just listening to the “We’re Getting Older” episode (I know I’m way behind) and thought this might interest yall. They mention cursive being old and outdated during the episode, but in rare cases it’s not. I work at a school for kids with dyslexia and dysgraphia. They’re taught cursive from 3rd grade to 5th grade and use it until high school. They don’t have to once they reach there and we know they might not use it. But for writing on paper, a lot of our kids prefer cursive because they don’t have to pick up the pencil from the paper. With dyslexia and dysgraphia, it’s like writing with your non-dominant hand but only looking at the paper through a mirror. It’s really difficult. With cursive, they don’t have to pick up the pencil to write a new letter, which also helps them with spelling because they don’t have to focus more on writing on the line. So just a fun fact!
submitted by Lune_m00n to distractible [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:43 kaicenatohiorizzgyat my life is getting worse every day and i dont want to do anything

since this year my life has been gradually going downhill, in january my dad died and i lost all motivation. my grades have been declining and my family was arguing nonstop, and recently i wrote final exams and i fucked them all up because i couldnt bring myself to study even if i tried. now i may not get into a good school, and even if i did go to a good school i dont even know where i want to go and what to do in life, i have zero hobbies and i dont go outside, i watch movies all day and sometimes play games but even that got boring and i used to play them 24/7, my only friends dropped me in april and found a new one, i despise all my annoying ass classmates and also i look like a pedophile and no girl has showed interest in me ever except maybe for jokes in 5th grade. i also got misdiagnosed with aspergers but i cant do shit about it. so i look like a goblin, have shit grades, zero hobbies and motivation and im classified as a a retard. is there any point in continuing this?
and also my life for the past couple of years is centered around nostalgia, all my interests are ones that ive had as a kid, i play games i played as a kid and i only like cloudy days because they remind me of my childhood the most i despise any other weather. and for some reason all of this gets worse during sunsets, i want to jump out my balcony whenever theres a sunset because i get so miserable
submitted by kaicenatohiorizzgyat to selfhelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:25 AffectionateCamp3583 Elementary Spanish Curriculum

Hello all,
I am a K-5 principal. A friend of mine (and native Spanish speaker from Venezuela) has started teaching Spanish classes to our Kindergarten through 5th graders. I am looking to purchase a curriculum for next school year to support what he is doing. He was a school principal in Venezuela so he understands education and students. But, he never taught non-native speakers how to speak Spanish. I would appreciate any recommendations! Here are a few more details.

  1. Being an immigrant he has other jobs. No time for creating a curriculum. We want a published curriculum.
  2. Students go to Spanish class for 30 minutes per week. It's not a lot, but they are really excited and are already learning!
  3. We are in California, so Mexican/ Central American Spanish is preferred. He could modify this as needed.
  4. We may start a club for students who want even more Spanish instruction.
  5. Grades 6-8 is a possibility.
Thanks in advance!!! This is one of my passion projects as I have been learning Spanish myself and really want to make this a meaningful experience for our students.
submitted by AffectionateCamp3583 to SpanishTeachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:25 Holiday_West578 I got in trouble in 5th grade for drawing a dick on my desk.

I grew up with a brother who was 4 years older than me, so oddly enough I was introduced to inappropriate things at a young age. My brother used to draw dicks on the walls in our bathroom and i genuinely had no idea what it was. I went to school one day and had finished a test early. I decided to start doodling and ended up drawing a dick on my desk. The teacher took me in the hall and asked what i drew, and I told her that it was a shape my brother made. She sent me to the office and I got a demerit. My brother and I got in trouble, and the teacher never respected me after that.
submitted by Holiday_West578 to confessions [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:12 fanofhistory2029 The Platonic Ideal Life Path

I've recently been reflecting on my efforts at being more productive and started writing some longer form content to help structure my thoughts.
I wrote up the below in the past few days and wanted to share. Perhaps some of you have also found yourself hindered by an ongoing search for the ideal life path vs. just enjoy the journey.
Hope you find this helpful!
Despite your inflated sense of yourself, you are not, amongst all other humans, impervious to being brainwashed. This is a hardwired feature of your mind and a circuit that is operating at all times, if you allow it to do so. You aren’t being brainwashed in the cartoonish mode of being made to act like a chicken or empty your wallet. However, you are being brainwashed nonetheless.
Replace the word “brainwashed” with “influenced” and you may start to see my point. If you read me, you are not a fan of the influencers for stupid people (a la Andrew Tate) but perhaps you have more refined taste (Huberman, Attia, Ferriss, Jocko, Peterson, Newport). If there are any such personalities you are a fan of, I assure you that in your efforts to live a more productive, successful, disciplined life… you have been brainwashed.
I want to focus on how quickly the messages that you hear from these sources transition into “shoulds” that run in the background of your daily self-talk. These sources are an unending stream of great ideas for how you should wake up, how you should work, how you should eat, how you should exercise, how you should have sex, how you should meditate, how you should partake in leisure and so on. Notice that they don’t always come in the form of a statement that says “you should do x.” They may come in the form of “my typical daily routine looks like y”. Either way, your mind is primed and ready to sponge it all up.
If you were but a simple peasant farming in Ye Olde England six hundred years ago, your life was governed by a very rigid set of “shoulds”. There was the Bible, there were social norms, the rules of the king, and so. However, these were still a relatively manageable list of rules that one could live by, and it was not unreasonable to assume that you could mostly stay on the Righteous Path. Fast forward to the algo-influencer age and all bets are off. Open up any platform and within minutes, you’ll be bombarded with more “shoulds” than you can possibly keep in mind at once. This observation comes with no value judgment on the quality of what we are being told, I am only commenting on the volume.
You are wrong if you tell me that you are effective at curating the good stuff that will improve your life from the algo-influencer-Youtube-podcast-x regime. I know you think you are because, as we noted, you are a fan of the high class, refined content. The good stuff. The science backed stuff. Here’s the thing, once a source of information finds some sort of “resonance” with your subconscious, you are going to suck it all right up. All the great stuff you hear will immediately seep into your subconscious and become a constant quiet voice in the back of your mind berating you with a litany of “shoulds.”
Alas, you object - it’s all good stuff. Huberman has me locked onto managing my dopamine levels, Attia has me optimizing my diet, Dr. Zoidberg has me keeping limber, and Cal Newport is showing me how to live a deep life. I want to point out three problems with what is going on here.
Problem #1 - Your mind is not actually asking what end purpose is being served by adopting the idea that you “should” be doing a given thing.
Let’s cue Jocko Willink on this one. I am someone who, for many years, felt it was important to wake up at 4:30am because of… discipline. Why? Well, I must get up early to be up before the enemy and for freedom. I note that discipline is the ultimate meta-”should”. Discipline means getting yourself to do all the “shoulds” on your list. Can anyone tell me what outcome I’m missing out on by not partaking in a daily cold plunge, heat plunge, ice bath, or looking at the sun within 15 minutes of waking up?
Problem #2 - Even if you have a desired end goal, your mind is not doing a rigorous job of assessing whether or not a given “should” will get you there.
Most of us would like more control of our daily schedule in order to have more freedom and flexibility. The grindset types on Youtube, or on X have a common solution for us. I am not likely taking a huge leap in that one “should” you have picked up is something to do with entrepreneurship. Ok, have you really considered whether starting your own business will give you more freedom? Maybe it will… I just suspect you picked up this idea without really looking at the pros and cons.
Problem #3 - Even if you’ve been bequeathed a fantastic, grade A, “should” from someone… you’ve got more than you can handle already.
If a “should” that you heard on Youtube or read in a book resonates for some reason, your mind will take it up and start beaming you subconscious messages to do that thing. Your mind will also happily send you 10 of these at once. Are they contradictory? Who cares? I “should” wake up at 4:30, and I should sleep at least 8 hours with no alarm clock. I should also consider being a night owl creative type, and stay up late to grind if life demands it. Some “shoulds” probably aren’t even really defined to any precision. I should be more driven, more mindful, more dynamic. I genuinely feel all those impulses and can’t even begin to tell you what it would like to actually do them. Mr. Brain has no problem with cognitive dissonance, and will dutifully tell me to live up to all of these.
Let’s now talk about Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden (as an aside, yes I also feel a “should” to be more religious, spiritual, and penitent). Well, really I want to talk about The Promised Land. I know you… you are the hard driving, disciplined type. You like to punish yourself for not living up to your expectations. Alas, you are on the verge of getting there. If you could just get a few days in a row where you nail all your “shoulds,” it will all fall into place. One perfect day will lead to the next and the next. Then, I’ll have made it. I’ll be in the land of enlightenment (and oh so productive). Fellow pilgrim, I’m right there with you on the Righteous Path.
Wait a second, something feels off. Did I say above that our mind will happily adopt any set of “shoulds” no matter how contradictory or ill-defined they may be? And, did I also say that I’m striving to get to The Promised Land by doing “All the Shoulds”? If The Righteous Path is the road that leads to The Promised Land, I’ve got some bad news for you. You are permanently off The Righteous Path. This, my friend, is why you constantly feel like you are not living up to your expectations. They are impossible - you never had a chance. It’s ok though - Jesus died for your sins and there is still a path to salvation.
Oh, but, I’m not ready for salvation, I want to rock on. Here’s what we’d all prefer to do when faced with that sensation of being off the Path. It’s time to hunker down, and go to war, and GRIND. Don’t tell me I can’t do it all. When fate whispers, “You cannot Withstand The Storm,” the Warrior Whispers, “I am the Storm.” I’m feeling chills (no really, it’s a great quote). That’s how we roll. We man up and get that shit done. Well, I hate to be the one to break it to you, but if that worked you wouldn’t still be in the market for motivational content. You are still lost… no Youtube video is going to get out of the bottomless deep of the “should.”
Back to Jesus (gasp - you didn’t warn me this would be a borderline sacrilegious article). It’s okay, Jesus is fair game in the algo-world. This is that obnoxious pause point in a self help book where there’s a worksheet page and you are asked to write stuff down. Take 10 minutes and make yourself a list of all the “shoulds” that you are feeling at this point about your life. I’ll help you get going with some prompts: businesses to start, podcasts to create, books to read, daily rituals to adopt, food to eat/not eat, workout routine to start, races to run, people to call, projects to do. You get the idea.
More work for you. Now imagine your perfect day. I mean a day that checks all the boxes. I despise rap, but seek inspiration in imagining the productivity version of the Ice Cube hit, “It was a Good Day.” How would you spend your time? Think about it hour by hour, minute by minute. When do you wake up? What do you do after waking up? How much time do you spend working? What sort of work? What else do you do? Map it all out. Imagine this as a day where you fully control your schedule.
Are you still with me? Probably not. This is too many words for the internet and I’m asking too much of your lazy ass. You should be less lazy. See what I did there? Ok, next step. Map your perfect day onto reality. Take any of the days from the past week where you had real life commitments such as work meetings, errands, childcare and ask yourself how you would map this perfect day onto that reality. Where would the three hours of Cal Newport Deep Work fit? How would you wake up at 4:30am after being up late because your kid was sick or your friend from out of town was visiting?
My point is, of course, obvious. However, don’t underestimate what I am saying. I am not saying that you can’t always have your perfect day. I am saying you can never have the perfect day. You are imposing unrealistic expectations upon reality. This conflict has always existed and you had two choices: 1) Dig deeper and muscle through because you are failing as a person to be sufficiently disciplined, or 2) Accept that your “shoulds” were always impossible to fully satisfy, and try something different.
Here’s the last thing I want you to do for now. Go back to your “should” list from the first step and take a critical eye. I give you permission to cross out as many as you’d like. If you are unsure before you cross it out, ask yourself: Where did this idea come from? Does it help me lead a happier life? Do I even agree with the premise? When in doubt, cross it out and feel the freedom.
I’ll leave you with one last message - you are probably doing just fine. Are there improvements you can make in your life? Sure, we all can. However, you aren’t failing, you aren’t straying from The Righteous Path, and there is no Promised Land. There’s just the lower case p path, and that is alright.
submitted by fanofhistory2029 to productivity [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:02 celestiallion12 I feel like I was set up to fail.

I am just now finishing my first year of teaching and the whole time I've been given the shittiest hand I could have been. Let me go through everything that's happened.
  1. When I was hired I thought I'd be doing HS chemistry. It's what my degree is in and what I did my student teaching in and it's what I'm certified in. And I love HS juniors and seniors. After it was too late to get something else, the district told me I would be teaching 8th grade science instead. I do not like 8th graders, and I was not familiar with the 8th grade curriculum. All the lessons and labs I made and ran during my student teaching were useless.
  2. The school I'm in has a messed up system. It bases every section a student is in based on what math class they are in. There are 3 math classes for 8th graders. Geometry, algebra, and transition to algebra. I got all the transition to algebra students. I also got 90% of the students with an IEP and over 80% of the ELL students. I am not certified in either ELL or SPED. Yet in some of my sections over 60% of students had an IEP. I also didn't get an ELL aid until March despite a lot of them being very recent immigrants who speak virtually no English.
  3. Tying in with 2. Putting all the lower academic kids in the same class together did not allow for much teaching. These kids hate school, and from day 1 they made it their mission to disrupt learning as much as they could. While my classroom management was mostly fine for high schoolers taking chemistry it took me months of trial and error and working with other teachers to get strategies to get the disruptors under control enough that I could somewhat teach. Though I never did more than a few labs because in my 2nd one several students decided it would be fun to dump all their chemicals out onto their lab trays (fortunately the most dangerous thing I used was diluted drain cleaner). And when I tried to do labs a lot of students would sit there doing nothing. After about my 5th dud in a row I just gave up. I wasn't willing to put in the work when the kids weren't even going to try to do it.
  4. I am a trans woman and many of the kids have throughout the year been really hateful towards my identity. Constant purposeful misgendering. A student telling me I was going into the wrong restroom as I was walking into the faculty woman's restroom. I've had students tell me im a man and a bunch of other things. I did my best to not let it show it got to me. But when I brought these concerns to admin I felt like I was brushed off. The only time something was done was at the end of a bad day a student said something that triggered a full dysphoric episode and I had to leave the class in tears. That student got moved to another teacher. Based on the amount of transphobia I faced you'd think I was teaching in a sundown town. But no, I'm in a deep blue stronghold city.
Well today was the state testing. My students had a 22% pass rate. Looking at past data that's the pass rate that my group of students have had throughout their academic career. I feel like this was always going to be the case. And my lead who had this group last year was expecting around that.
I'm just so tired. I'm not returning to the school. This whole year I've felt like a glorified baby sitter and not a teacher. I got bait and switched, abused by students, and ignored by admin. While there are some students that I absolutely love and would give the world for, most of my students are incredibly disrespectful to all their teachers and many of the veteran teachers say they are the worst group they've ever seen.
The biggest bright spot has been the other teachers at the school. My lead always had my back. And my team members were amazing at helping me figure out my classroom management strategies.
submitted by celestiallion12 to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:56 UofTComputerEngineer My thoughts (and tips) on every course I took so far (UofT Computer Engineering)

I've recently completed my third year of computer engineering at UofT, and I wanted to share my thoughts on the courses I've taken. I hope this will be beneficial to incoming first, second, and third-year engineering students. My area of depth is 6 (Software) and my areas of breadth are 4 (Control) and 5 (Computer hardware/networks).
Difficulty: How hard it was to comprehend course material and/or complete practice problems accurately. Keep in mind that difficulty is subjective but I tried to eliminate personal bias and be as objective as possible.
Workload: The amount of work to complete outside of lectures (labs, assignments, homework, studying for tests/exams).
All engineers take the exact same courses in their first year first semester and similar ones in second semester. I took these courses in 2021 during covid so some information might be outdated.
First Year Semester 1:
APS100 Orientation to Engineering:
Difficulty: 1/10 Workload: 3/10 Course Average: N/A
There is no technical material in this course. All coursework consists of Ethics analysis, creating a schedule for time management, creating your resume, and discussion board participation. During tutorials, the TA typically asks behavioral questions to the class and covers slides pertaining to engineering principles, the learning environment, test readiness, and related topics.
APS110 Engineering Chemistry and Materials Science
Difficulty: 6/10 Workload: 5/10 Course Average: B
This course blends elements of chemistry, physics, and mathematics, requiring lots of formulas and memorization. The assignments and online quizzes were moderately difficult. Not sure if he’s still teaching but Scott Ramsay was a really good professor. Really enjoyed watching his video demonstrations.
APS111 Engineering Strategies and Practices I
Difficulty: 3/10 Workload: 6/10 (Variable) Course Average: B
Students are organized into groups of 5-6 and are assigned the task of developing a solution for a client, following the engineering design process. Success in this course heavily relies on your team. Throughout the semester, there are several milestones where you need to submit large reports with your team, making it crucial to have capable teammates. Many teams resorted to last-minute cramming the night before each milestone (not a good idea). Additionally, there are two peer reviews, so make sure you contribute to avoid being perceived as an unproductive member. In most cases, you don’t need to worry about this though. You’d likely all be good friends by that point (and give each other a perfect review).
CIV100 Mechanics
Difficulty: 9/10 Workload: 9/10 Course Average: C+
The consensus among most students in my year was that this was the toughest first year course. It's incredibly calculation heavy, with questions that may appear straightforward in theory but require multiple steps to solve. Even a minor error can screw up your entire calculation process. The assignments are extremely time-consuming, and the quizzes pose significant challenges. I suggest you work in a group for the assignments. Furthermore, both the final exam and midterm were exceptionally difficult.
MAT186 Calculus I
Difficulty: 4/10 Workload: 4/10 Course Average: B
If you’ve taken IB or AP this course will be a breeze. Even without that background, it's still relatively straightforward. Very little on integrals, mostly derivatives, rates of change, and graphs. PCEs and WebWorks were trivial, and the midterm and exam were easy.
MAT188 Linear Algebra
Difficulty: 7/10 Workload: 7/10 Course Average: B-
The majority of the course revolves around relatively straightforward operations on matrices and vectors. However, it does introduce abstract concepts like higher-order dimensions, which may require some deeper thinking to fully grasp. Webwork assignments were slightly more challenging compared to MAT186's, and completing assignments took a while. Once again, you should work with a partner or as a group. Pay attention in the MATLAB practicals because you’ll be using MATLAB pretty often in future courses.
First Year Semester 2:
APS105 Computer Fundamentals
Difficulty: 6/10 Workload: 5/10 Course Average: B-
If you’ve taken programming in high school, you will likely find this course very easy (2/10 difficulty). The course covers simple programming syntax, along with basic sorting algorithms, without delving into more advanced concepts beyond linked lists and binary trees. I think that this was one of the more enjoyable courses of first year.
APS112 Engineering Strategies and Practices II
Difficulty: 5/10 Workload: 7/10 (Variable) Course Average: B+
This course is essentially a continuation of APS111, but with the added component of being assigned an actual client with a real-world problem statement. Each group works with a unique client, and at the end of the term, you present your final report directly to them, along with your supervisors. As with APS111, the quality of your team plays a crucial role in your success. Another thing to note is that unlike APS111, there were multiple individual assignments to complete on top of your team reports.
ECE110 Electrical Fundamentals
Difficulty: 8/10 Workload: 6/10 Course Average: C+
Definitely one of the harder first year courses. This course marks your introduction to circuits. Topics covered include capacitors, Ampere's law, Ohm's law, Kirchhoff's laws, AC/DC circuits, magnetism, Thevenin and Norton equivalents, and more. The material is extensive and requires thorough understanding, as many future courses will build upon its concepts. Make sure that you understand the content well, given its foundational importance in subsequent courses.
ECE191 Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering
Difficulty: 0/10 Workload: 1/10 Course Average: N/A
Seminar course. You just need to show up to the lectures (one per week) and submit a 100-ish word report about what you learned.
MAT187 Calculus II
Difficulty: 6/10 Workload: 5/10 Course Average: C+
The workload in this course is comparable to Calc I, but the content is more challenging (obviously). It delves deeper into integrals and introduces concepts like ordinary differential equations and polar coordinates. But again, you’ll manage just fine if you did decently in Calc 1, and especially if you’ve taken AP math or IB HL math.
MIE100 Dynamics
Difficulty: 7/10 Workload 4/10 Course Average: C+
I personally found this to be the most challenging course in first year, but it seems that most people disagree with me. It shares similarities with CIV100, but you’re instead dealing with dynamic systems (moving) rather than static ones (not moving). Some concepts may prove difficult to grasp initially. However, if you focus on memorizing the relevant formulas and understanding when to apply them, you should be okay. Expect an emphasis on physics in this course.
Second year was the worst (for ECE) and a very big step up from first year. If you struggled in first year, you better lock in for second year.
Second Year Semester 1:
ECE201 ECE Seminar Course
Difficulty: 0/10 Workload: 0/10 Course Average: N/A
Another seminar course, except you just need to attend 7/10 lectures to pass. Most students just scan their Tcard at the entrance then leave right after. The lectures are pretty useless except the Magellan one where they show you how to choose courses for 3rd and 4th year.
ECE212 Circuit Analysis
Difficulty: 7/10 Workload: 8/10 Course Average: B+
This course provides a deeper exploration of circuits, extending beyond circuit solving to include frequency and sinusoidal analysis. Questions tend to be long so careless errors will cost you. Personally, I found the labs challenging, particularly because they required working with oscilloscopes at a higher level than I was used to, and I could not for the life of me figure out how to use that thing.
ECE241 Digital Systems
Difficulty: 7/10 Workload: 8/10 Course Average: B-
This hardware course focuses on the foundation of hardware. A lot of the content is at the fundamental level so it’s not too hard to comprehend. However, the main challenge lies in learning Verilog, a hardware description language. I hate Verilog. All the labs are done using Verilog, and frustratingly, the course provides no instruction on the language, nor are there many helpful resources available online. This lack of guidance made what should have been straightforward labs much more difficult. Thankfully if you are in CE, you’ll never need to take another course with Verilog again. The midterm was easy but the final was borderline impossible.
ECE244 Programming Fundamentals
Difficulty: 7/10 Workload: 7/10 Course Average: B-
This course is the sequel to APS105, delving into more advanced concepts like pointers, constructors, polymorphism, and inheritance. Many of these topics may feel familiar if you have prior programming experience, particularly from high school. Consequently, if you're already proficient in programming, as many computer engineering students are, you should be able to navigate through this course well. The labs were generally manageable, although a couple of them were time-consuming.
MAT290 Advanced Engineering Mathematics
Difficulty: 7/10 Workload 8/10 Course Average: B
In this course, you’ll learn a lot of miscellaneous mathematical concepts that will be relevant in future courses. The goal is to establish a strong foundation to facilitate understanding in third and fourth-year courses. There is also a quiz every week. They were terrible from a time management standpoint, but as long as you spent 3-4 hours per week completing the assigned textbook questions, you should be alright since one (out of two) of the questions on the quiz is guaranteed to be an assigned textbook question (at least, that was the case when I took the course).
MAT291 Calculus III
Difficulty: 9/10 Workload 9/10 Course Average: B-
The entire workload comes from studying for those damn weekly quizzes, much like MAT290. Personally, I found it to be one of the most difficult courses I've ever taken. Think of calculus 2, but now everything is in three dimensions, encompassing concepts like surface integrals, flux integrals, and more. Additionally, the course introduces abstract topics that I still struggle to grasp. Balancing the demands of this course alongside everything else was an incredibly stressful experience.
Second Year Semester 2:
ECE216 Signals and Systems
Difficulty: 8/10 Workload:7/10 Course Average: C+
I think everyone hated this course. It was so poorly taught and the midterms felt haphazard and unpredictable. I relied on the power of BS to pass (worked surprisingly). Other than working with many graphs and MATLAB, I don’t remember much about this course because it was so uninteresting.
ECE221 Electric and Magnetic Fields
Difficulty: 8/10 Workload: 5/10 Course Average: C+
This course serves as an introduction to fields, while also expanding on the principles covered in ECE110. Many concepts build upon intuitive ideas, such as the repulsion of identical charges and attraction of opposite charges, which can make seemingly complex topics less intimidating. There are also many procedures that you need to know to solve specific types of questions. The labs are generally straightforward. You just need to follow the steps on the lab worksheet and answer a few simple questions from the TA.
ECE231 Intro to Electronics
Difficulty: 9/10 Workload: 7/10 Course Average: C+
This course is basically circuit analysis but significantly harder. It combines everything you've learned about circuits thus far, introducing new topics on top of that foundation. There are so many new concepts to learn and the final pretty much tests you on all of them. I’ve encountered multiple scenarios where I saw two concepts that I thought were completely separate from each other being integrated into a single question on an exam. Also very calculation heavy. Despite my experience in this course, I must admit Khoman Fang was a great professor.
ECE243 Computer Organization
Difficulty: 7/10 Workload: 6/10 Course Average: B
This course is a direct continuation of ECE241, and surprisingly, I found it a lot more enjoyable than its prerequisite. The focus is on Assembly language programming, which I found to be way more understandable compared to Verilog. Assembly operates at a fundamental level, so you’re technically working with the most basic building blocks in programming. The labs often involved seemingly simple tasks like counting to 10 on a HEX display, but the nature of Assembly meant that achieving this could require hundreds of lines of code. I appreciated these labs as they provided a refreshing change from the usual programming tasks. Final and midterm exams were relatively easy.
ECE297 Software communication and design
Difficulty: 8/10 Workload: 9/10 (Variable) Course Average: B+
Despite the demanding workload, this course was one of my favorites. The main project involved collaborating in teams of three to develop a geographical information system (similar to Google Maps). Unlike other courses where teams are assigned, here you have the freedom to choose your own teammates. Starting off, your team is given only the OpenStreetMap database, and the APIs, granting you complete control over your project's design, functionality, and optimization. Performance enhancement and pathfinding algorithms were key components of the project. It's crucial for all team members to contribute effectively for success in this course; And trust me, this is not a one or two person project. To succeed in this course, all three members must be doing their share.
Third Year:
They say that third year is the easiest year for ECE, but that depends on what courses you choose. For me, it was only slightly easier than second year but still significantly harder than first year.
APS360 Fundamentals of Deep Learning
Difficulty: 8/10 Workload : 8/10 Course Average: B+
This course felt fundamentally very different compared to the other programming related courses. If you’re unfamiliar with deep learning, the content can be overwhelming but the inner workings behind AI are both fascinating and challenging to grasp. Fortunately, much of the coding in the course revolves around preparing data, setting up AI architectures, and training/testing models, rather than building an AI from scratch. While the labs are manageable, the final project can be very time consuming, particularly as training a single model can require hours or even days. Regarding this aspect, make sure you start early. Both the midterm and final exams were quite difficult.
ECE302 Probability and Applications
Difficulty: 7/10 Workload: 3/10 Course Average: B-
The first half of this course is very straightforward. Just an introduction to probability. The second half is where the difficulty quickly ramps up. Make sure you don’t underestimate the second half of the course. I made the mistake of assuming the material was easy after performing well on both midterms (midterms were very easy), leading me to neglect the final third of the course so I flunked the final. FYI, our marks were determined solely by the 2 midterms and the final.
ECE344 Operating Systems
Difficulty: 8/10 Workload: 10/10 Course Average: B
This course had the most difficult and demanding labs I’ve ever seen in my life. They are due every two weeks and some of them took most students more than 15 hours to complete. I’ve seen people staying up all night in the GB computer rooms to finish these labs. One positive aspect of the course if Jon Eyolfson is your professor, is that all lectures are both recorded and live-streamed, allowing attendance in person, online synchronously, or asynchronously. But if you have Ding Yuan, good luck. I heard he is not only bad at teaching, but also makes you program an operating system from scratch. The course content is quite interesting and the Midterm and final exams were fair.
ECE345 Algorithms and Data Structures
Difficulty: 8/10 Workload: 7/10 Course Average: B+
If you're one of those programming geniuses who have been doing Leetcode since like 3 years old, you’d have likely already learned all course content before you’ve even started the course. You could probably write midterm and final exams without attending any lectures. However, if you're not as experienced, attending every lecture, taking detailed notes, and staying focused is crucial. Personally speaking, some algorithms were incredibly difficult for me to grasp, while others were simple. Assignments typically include both coding and long-answer components, which can be time-consuming, but you can work with a partner.
TEP444 Positive Psychology for Engineers
Difficulty: 1/10 Workload: 3/10 Course Average: A-
This course overall was very enjoyable and a nice refreshing experience from the other technical courses. You go on excursions to various locations with your group and write reports. It's an excellent opportunity to expand your social circle and make new friends. If you aim for an A- grade (80-85), you can breeze through with minimal effort. However, achieving a higher grade (A or A+) would require significantly more work (like 5 times more, no joke), which is not worth the extra effort in my opinion.
CSC343 Introduction to Databases
Difficulty: 7/10 Workload: 10/10 Course Average: Unreleased
The content of this course is actually pretty interesting and is taught well. But the assignments were excessively time consuming. There are only three in total, but each one demanded such a significant investment of time to the point where I contemplated dropping the course altogether. You do work with a partner (going solo isn’t even an option if you want to complete the assignments) but even so, be prepared to invest 15-30 hours per person, per assignment (they also mark hard). Despite the workload, I do recommend taking this course because knowing SQL can substantially benefit you in the future. Just start the assignments early. On a positive note, the midterm and final were relatively straightforward.
ECE311 Introduction to Control Systems
Difficulty: 10/10 Workload: 5/10 Course Average: C+
This course didn't come with a heavy workload, consisting only of three labs and two midterms. However, I found the content to be very challenging. It felt like they condensed and combined every concept from every engineering math and physics course into one. Topics ranged from circuits and dynamics to Laplace transforms, matrices, Bode plots, and more. It didn’t help that Prof Scardovi didn’t record any lectures, has messy handwriting, and uses a damn chalkboard instead of modern technology like other profs do. The midterms and final were somewhat lenient compared to the lectures, but this course still ended up being my lowest mark.
ECE361 Computer networks I
Difficulty: 8/10 Workload: 9/10 Course Average: B
This course requires a lot of memorization compared to other courses. You’ll have to understand calculation processes but also memorize a lot of general knowledge about networks. A problem with this course is that some concepts that show up in tests are not adequately explained in lectures. By far the best way to study is to do past exams. Professor Valaee often recycles questions, sometimes even directly copying past midterms and finals (like he did in my cohort). Unlike other courses, there is no big assignment/lab for this course, but it makes up for it with quantity. There’s a quiz every week, a wireshark lab every 2 weeks, a programming lab every 2 weeks, and a midterm. The programming labs are already difficult by themselves, but this cumulative workload felt very overwhelming.
ECE472 Engineering Economics and Entrepreneurship
Difficulty: 7/10 Workload: 5/10 Course Average: B+
This is straight up an economics course, no engineering at all. You’ll learn about investments, equity, financing, and related areas. There are 4 quizzes throughout the semester, with quiz 3 (quiz 3 specifically) being by far the hardest (average in the 50s). Since you're able to bring your textbook to the quizzes and exam, my biggest tip is to write past quiz and exam solutions in your textbook, as there's a limited pool of questions, and new questions often resemble some kind of variation of past ones.
ECE421 Introduction to Machine Learning
Difficulty: 9/10 Workload: 7/10 Course Average: unreleased
While the course content itself may be challenging, surprisingly, the midterm and final exams were pretty easy. There's a slight discorrelation between the lecture material and what appears on the exams, but relying on past exams for preparation should be enough. The course leans heavily on mathematical concepts, much more so than APS360. The assignments were difficult and tedious but I recommend you work with others to complete it.
With that, I've covered my thoughts and tips for all the engineering courses I've completed. Transitioning into your next year in engineering, particularly if you’re transitioning from high school, can feel daunting. However, remember that you're not alone in this experience – many of your peers are facing similar challenges. If you need any more advice or have questions, feel free to reach out to me via DMs!
submitted by UofTComputerEngineer to UofT [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:57 Eev123 Games for my 5th grade class?’Spot It’ and ‘ Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza’ are a big hit

One week and one day of school left for my fifth graders! We’re doing board games at the end of the day, and I’m looking for suggestions. We have the classics- guess who, connect 4, battleship, headbands, etc
And they love Spot it and Taco, Cat, Goat, Cheese, Pizza. So I’m looking for more suggestions like that- I think it’s the rapid pace and the simple rules that make it work really well. So I’d love some suggestions for other similar card games. Or other games in general
I just really don’t want to spend the last week with everyone watching movies or staring at a computer screen, so I’d love game suggestions they get excited about and want to play together!
General information- games that can fit more participants are great but not necessary, nothing super complex- they can probably deal with a 7 or 8 minute explanation of rules max. Something without a bunch of pieces that could get lost would be awesome. And any game that doesn’t take a crazy amount of time, up to 45 mins is probably reasonable
And as bonus, I am a teacher so I wouldn’t say no to any kind of game that has even a small academic value, vocabulary like taboo, spelling like banana grams :)
submitted by Eev123 to boardgames [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:32 chloechas 9701/41M/J/24

Everyone's talking about maths 12 but nobody saying anything about chem??? that also le@ked! I feel like this wasn't given enough attention since less people take variant 1 compared to variant 2 for chem. For 12 basically the whole Middle East was on Cambridge's ass and that's why they released a statement but what about chem 41. I feel like chem 41 is potentially even worse since it leaked very publicly on social platforms like discord and reddit and not in a friends WhatsApp group like maths 12 💔For those of you who contacted your british councils and told your examination officers/schools to contact - what did they say? This is giving me sleepless nights and I genuinely want to fucking d!3 because of how scared I am for the threshold. I'm begging that they do something I cannot believe other people had access to that paper a full day before and on top of that it was the worst paper ever. They either need to lower gt, let us retake or use predicted grades.
I know not everyone will like every option but guys come on I know the vast majority agree that paper was straight from hell I saw the posts on here. A retake at the end of the session wouldn't be so bad we would have like so many weeks to just focus on it. or what about predicted grades?? we used them in covid why not now too. Im sorry this was all over the place but yeah Ive never been so scared in my life. Please please email the proof of those leaks to cambridge and tell your schools to email on your behalf. I thought I'd firmed the L but I just broke down today and I'm not okay. I genuinely have nothing to live for if I miss my uni offer bc of fucking chemistry
submitted by chloechas to alevel [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:36 Maddprofessor Intro Biology Lab Worksheet Revamp Ideas?

I teach mostly intro biology courses and labs (majors and non-majors) and while Google has long been a source of cheating, AI is making it harder to use things like TurnItIn to check for the students who used the internet and not their own brain. I use worksheets for most of the labs and they have questions that are easy to paste into AI and get a decent answer. I can sometimes reword the questions to be understandable in the context of the lab but too vague for AI to be very useful if they just paste the question in. Maybe I'll just work more on this approach.
My other idea was to turn the labs into a Canvas "quiz" with mostly multiple choice questions where the distractors are mostly from AI or Google and the students have to choose the correct/best answer. In general I prefer more short answer type questions but so many students are using AI to paraphrase answers from the internet or each other that the lab questions aren't making them actually engage with the material. Putting this together would be a ton of work but grading would be easier.
Any ideas? What do others do for intro biology labs to reduce plagarism/cheating?
submitted by Maddprofessor to Professors [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:32 fallenxone- I'm obsessed with my toxic ex and his girlfriend.

I'm obsessed with my ex and his girlfriend. In like 5th grade me and her used to good friends, and I always found her interesting. We were good friends and she trusted me. And I was happy to be friends with her. But now my ex is dating her for over 1.5 years. And we broke up 1.5 years ago. And it didn't even take him days to go after her. I wanted to be friends with her but I couldn't, and they both were friends with each other.
But at that time, I had him. He was my boyfriend. And we were eachothers first proper relationship. We went out for about 6 months and I broke up with him around the 8 th month. I'm saying that because, we had a on and off relationship. And I was in a very toxic place with him. He used to send me hate messages, and he would state the things that he hates about me and even abuse him. But I still wanted him, because well I unconditionally loved him ( I know I was an idiot)
My ex had a dark past, he was raped by his neighbour repaditly when he was a kid to when he was 17 years old. He used to cry and I would consule him, he even tried to take his life multiple times but I stopped him everytime. Me and him, we were both depressed as fuck, like we both were on the werge of dying and kill ourselves but then we found eachother. And that's how we became friends to best friends to inseparable couple.
I grew up in a very toxic household. My own mother was abusive, she would hurt me physically and emotionally alot. It was every days seen. She once hit me so hard that I thought I was going to pass out. And the reason she hit me so much for that day was pointless.
I grew up with a absent father who used to hit me whenever he felt like it. He once hit me so bad when I was in like 6th grade that my whole mouth was broken. I was bleeding so much from my mouth and my nose. He didn't ever wanted a daughter, he only wanted a son. But I was the firstborn girl.
I still remember that when I was like 8 or 9 years old, my dad has just came home and I was watching cartoons. And he asked me for the remote and I said no, I'm watching cartoon. He slapped me so hard that my ear was bleeding all night and I remember being in the doctor's chair and there was alot of clotted blood in my ear. I was crying in pain all the night, he didn't even checked on me and continued to sleep.
I was bullied alot throughout my school life. I was never really good at studies so I was hit my all my teachers in front of everyone all the time and they just used to laugh at me. In 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th grade. I remember this and this humiliation still haunts me, I got really bad grades and all my classmates who I thought were my friends, took trash out of the dustbin and whatever they had like paper pieces and leaves and ofc trash. They dumped all of it on my and they were pointing and laughing. I wanted to cry my heart out, I wanted to scream so bad, but I instead was thrown out of the group on the school field and nobody wanted to be friends with the dumb girl.
Anyway I think this can literally go on forever. I'm here to talk about my ex, so I always had doubts that he liked that girl, and I even told him multiple times that, hey, I think she likes you. Maybe you should be with her instead of me. I had very low self-esteem and I thought I wasn't worthy of any sort of love. So I tried to push him away. But he stayed and always told me that he's not even going to talk to her after the school ends. And that I have nothing to worry about really. So I believed him. But guess what he's now been dating her for 1.5 years and she even has the same birthday as me. This thing just ruins my birthday. Because I always end up thinking of them. And that will wish me " happy birthday" this year?
I've become very very obsessive when it comes to them. I literally just spend hours searching for the playlist that they created for eachother. And that's what confirmed that they are together. At first I was in denial that he'd never do such a thing. But when I asked him this recently he said yes. And he even said " don't even utter a word against her" Man, I was shattered. I was diagnosed with BPD in 2022 and then with C-ptsd & GAD in 2023 and he's the reason why.
submitted by fallenxone- to BPD [link] [comments]