Allied home mortgage ohio

The Future of Mortgage Lending: Exploring Wells Fargo’s Innovations in Home Financing

2024.06.09 12:50 Offres The Future of Mortgage Lending: Exploring Wells Fargo’s Innovations in Home Financing

The Future of Mortgage Lending: Exploring Wells Fargo’s Innovations in Home Financing submitted by Offres to Gulf_News [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:50 Offres The Future of Mortgage Lending: Exploring Wells Fargo’s Innovations in Home Financing

The Future of Mortgage Lending: Exploring Wells Fargo’s Innovations in Home Financing submitted by Offres to NetsloversBlog [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:48 Offres Revolutionize Your Home Buying Experience with our Mortgage Calculator Tool!

Revolutionize Your Home Buying Experience with our Mortgage Calculator Tool! submitted by Offres to Gulf_News [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:47 Offres Revolutionize Your Home Buying Experience with our Mortgage Calculator Tool!

Revolutionize Your Home Buying Experience with our Mortgage Calculator Tool! submitted by Offres to NetsloversBlog [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:46 SimplifiedQuestions Fixing Mistakes; Unsure of Best Way to Proceed

I started a business when I was incredibly young and it very recently started to do exceedingly well and I have started to make quite a bit (I am still very young). I have made some poor financial choices coupled with not making a lot of income and am likely continuing to make some. Hopefully, I have not made a choice too tragic...but I am a little lost on how exactly I should tackle my debt problem. Before anyone becomes too concerned, I am not the only partner in my business, and the business is run very well with multiple talented folks internally and externally ensuring that poor financial decisions are NOT being made in the business.
For context, I have a wife and two young children. I bring in about $300,000.00 in income, and I own a well-insured new-build home that I rent out for $3,600.00/month. I live in another state and rent an apartment for approximately the same amount (it is a HCOL area than the area the home is in). It is unknown at this time if we are going to move back to the home or not or stay here in this state (I mention this only to say that either it will continue to be an expense of roughly $1,800, or it will be a savings since the mortgage is less than the delta of rent income to rent expense). We have one paid-off, well-insured Japanese shitbox that we maintain very well. I have approximately 10k in "operating capital" right now as I took care of the majority of financial my situation already (this looked...far worse). I don't feel tight...I am fine, family doesn't feel it, just not a lot of savings to show yet. I have approximately 12,500.00 in a HYSA that I have been saving 30% of any distributions I have taken from the business for tax purposes so that I don't have a repeat of the below Chase Pay Over Time Plan 2 (which was a 12 month payment plan from my April tax bill -- which, I should have planned better for). As an aside, I have excellent credit (800+), but I have been denied for several consolidation loans, yet am never denied for any credit card I apply for. I am unsure of why, beyond the fact that I am always told that I have far too many inquiries. I do apply for far too many things. I don't want to take a HELOC and I am unsure if I can due to a lien I have from an SBA loan I took for the business (which is almost paid off now).
I am also thinking that since the HYSA is less yield than the interest on the tax bill / Chase Plan 2 (or any of the debts), and I will have this pretty much under control by next year (or less than two tops), I should clear it out. I should use it to pay off the tax bill (or whatever), and worst case, just put the new tax bill on the credit card again next year (since I will have way less debt to work with next year). Isn't that what people do? Don't they just take a "tax distribution" to pay their tax bill anyways? I'm behind the eight ball to do that now, but...something like this.
As a final aside, if anyone is wondering how the hell I have 100k in student loans...private doctoral education. Completely useless for the extremely esoteric business I found myself in.
I don't know if any of this context is necessary but here we go.
Chase Pay Over Time Plan 1: $1,063.78 @ 6.88% (Fixed 11 Pmts Rem.) Chase Pay Over Time Plan 2: $13,852.67 @ 6.87% (Fixed 10 Pmts Rem.) Personal Loan: $17,907.70 @ 6.98% (Fixed 24 Pmts Rem.) Credit Card: $7,159.79 @ 0.99% (Until 2025, Then 21.24%) Student Loan(s): $97,406.88 @ 5.75% Mortgage: $294,963.11 @ 4.0% (House Worth Double) 401(k) Loan: $31,018.01 @ 9.5%
I know that the popular approaches are the Snowball and Avalanche...but I am still struggling to wrap my head around it. I understand it theoretically. However, would I want to leave the 401(k) alone since the interest is payable to myself? It's not like I am actually losing this money. Also, the Credit Card becomes absurd next year. Shouldn't I make DAMN SURE that is paid off this year? Should I pay the Student Loan AT ALL? Should I hold out for some magical government fairy wand of some sort?
I guess, what I am asking y'all, after watching this sub for years (and thinking I'd never be able to even get this far), is how can I OPTIMIZE this.
The best way I can figure it, would be this order.
1.) Credit Card
2.) Chase Plan 1
3.) Chase Plan 2
4.) Personal Loan
5.) Student Loan
6.) 401(k)
7.) Mortgage
What would you do?
submitted by SimplifiedQuestions to Debt [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:00 AutoModerator Daily r/LawnCare No Stupid Questions Thread

Please use this thread to ask any lawn care questions that you may have. There are no stupid questions. This includes weed, fungus, insect, and grass identification. For help on asking a question, please refer to the "How to Get the Most out of Your Post" section at the top of the sidebar.
Check out the sidebar if you're interested in more information on plant hardiness zones, identifying problems, weed control, fertilizer, establishing grass, and organic methods. Also, you may contact your local Cooperative Extension Service for local info.
How to Get the Most out of Your Post:
Include a photo of the problem. You can upload to for free and it's easy to do. One photo should contain enough information for people to understand the immediate area around the problem (dense shade, extremely sloped, etc.). Other photos should include close-ups of the grass or weed in question: such as this, this, or this. The more photos or context to the situation will help us identify the problem and propose some solutions.
Useful Links:
Guides & Calculators: Measure Your Lawn Make a Property Map Herbicide Application Calculators Fertilizing Lawns Grow From Seed Grow From Sod Organic Lawn Care Other Lawn Calculators
Lawn Pest Control: Weeds & What To Use Common Weeds What's Wrong Here? How To Spray Weeds MSU Weed ID Tool Is This a Weed? Herbicide Types ID Turf Diseases Fungi & Control Options Insects & Control Options
Fertilizing: Fertilizing Lawns How To Spread Granular Fertilizer Natural Lawn Care Fertilizer Calculator
US Cooperative Extension Services: Arkansas - University of Arkansas California - UC Davis Florida - University of Florida Indiana - Purdue University Nebraska - University of Nebraska-Lincoln New Hampshire - The University of New Hampshire New Jersey - Rutgers University New York - Cornell University Ohio - The Ohio State University Oregon - Oregon State University Texas - Texas A&M Vermont - The University of Vermont
Canadian Cooperative Extension Services: Ontario - University of Guelph
Recurring Threads:
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submitted by AutoModerator to lawncare [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:58 SmoulderingAbyss [MxM] “I hate you, so why do I burn for you?” — Enemies to Lovers [1x1] [Discord/Reddit] [Romance]

Firstly, thank you so much for clicking on my post!
If you’re on the search for constantly shifting power dynamics, chemistry and tension so thick you could cut it, then you’re in the right place!
I’m looking to write a long-term dark-romance story with someone who can capture emotion, vividly written senses, and near-disastrous chemistry. I want to weave together two characters that hate each other so terribly that they burn for one another, and it only leaves them hating each other more. I’m cruel to my characters like that, but it always makes for a delicious tale!
(Also please excuse this formatting. Reddit tends to mess with what I have, and this is the only way I can make it nice to read.)
✧ 28YO
✧ Advanced literate writer
✧ 10+ years writing experience
✧ Third person perspective
✧ Multi-paragraph to novella posts
✧ Discord, Reddit or other platform friendly
✧ Happy to OOC chatter, but respects personal boundaries
✧ Your character will have a fan base, and than fan base will be me
✧ Actively advances plot
✧ Happy to plan, organise and discuss ideas but also a love of keeping some things secret and spontaneous
✧ NSFW friendly, seeking adult themes
Writing Sample
I’m currently looking to write a male character as my main. I do love writing masculine men that have multiple layers and a bit of gruffness to their exterior; I find them so much more delicious to torment. In contrast, I can also write leaner men with slightly more feminine features; that appear beautiful but are deadly sharp.
✧ I’m looking to write a switch/versatile male character.
✧ I’m hoping to find someone who is also looking to write a switch/versatile male character, or even dom/top leaning.
Enemies-to-allies-to-lovers, hate-fuelled passion, banter, intense chemistry, “I hate you so much I burn for you”, yearning, masculine men, alliance of convenience, against all odds, morally grey, denial, fighting as flirting, competition, prolonged palpable tension, “just kiss already, dammit”
“Captive Prince” Inspired Spinoff
✧ The continent is split into many Kingdoms, two of which neighbours and have been at war for a great length of time.
✧ My character (MC) is the sole legitimate son of King A, and has served as his father's General throughout his early twenties. He's an esteemed warrior, a battle-hardened man, and extremely devout to his father's cause. In battle, MC kills the young King Bof their enemy Kingdom. However, a little while after he returns home, King A/MC’s father dies and MC’s been framed with the murder. MC is taken prisoner by his jealous half-brother (who's made the elaborate scheme) and told that he's to be given to their enemy kingdom as a slave—amidst dozens of other slaves to be gifted to the enemy kingdom as "good will" while MC’s bastard half-brother ascends the throne and seeks to make peace.
✧ Your character (YC) is the brother of the fallen, young King B and now sole remaining heir to the enemy kingdom. Having now inherited the crown, YC ascends as King, and receives the shipment of slaves sent to him as a token of good faith in attempt to broker a peace deal (this could be to their disgust, or hold cultural significance). YC is, however, told that one particular slave has been explicitly sent as his gift (MC), and that refusal of such a slave would be to elicit further war. YC has no choice but to accept the slave…who just so happens to be the rightful Crown Prince (MC) and murderer of his brother. But does YC recognise his brother’s murderer? Does he recognise that the “slave” he’s been sent is the rightful King of the other kingdom?
✧ I'd love to explore starkly different cultures and the shock faced when MC is thrust into the unknown. I'd also love to develop political intrigue, espionage, and more. Besides, what better way is there to force these two unlikely characters together than the need for an ally?
✧ Perhaps YC is nearly assassinated, and recognises that MC has skills able to keep him safe. Similarly, perhaps MC knows that he'd have no chance to escape his servitude alive if the King is killed, and instead plots to escape while protecting the King, with the goal to return to his kingdom and kill his bastard half-brother as revenge.
✧ I imagine their relationship in public to be very stony, with examples of "ownership" in order to keep the court gossips from spreading rumours. Despite whatever intimacy they find behind closed doors (if at all), I imagine that they would have to participate in court theatrics and games so that no one questions their relationship. After all, I doubt the court nobles would take well to their new young King having feelings for his slave—as it’s one thing to own one, and another to actually care for them.
✧ If YC recognises MC, then I also imagine that, given MC killed YC’s brother, the previous King, in combat, that there would be some very hard feelings there. A potential reason for the hatred, on top of sheer bias as result of the two countries being long-term enemies. However, the hatred between people and the general scorn YC may feel would be enough for a sour relationship.
✧ I do, however, imagine that MC would be far more trouble behind closed doors. While in the public eye, he understands that his behaviour is a reflection upon YC and would likely result in severe punishment. So, he avoids it, even if he has to bite his cheek until it bleeds and participate in petty, little games. Behind closed doors, however, I imagine he is far more likely to try and push YC beyond his limit, the two perhaps even getting physical during a fight. If all this boils over into passion, then that’s the dream!
✧ I see there being no true “role” between either characters, as there’s a deeper power struggle occurring. While one holds possession of the other (MC being owned by YC), behind closed doors would be entirely different. Their relationship would be complex, dynamic, and forever changing. I’d much prefer for their roles to be just as fluid, and entirely dependent on the specific situation rather than pre-defined. In all actuality, I see both characters vying for dominance over the other, until they settle into intimacy and understanding.
Please feel free to pitch your own ideas! If they have these key elements (chemistry, tension, boiling hatred), then I’d be more than interested to hear them!
Thank you so much for your time and attention, I really appreciate it!
Have an awesome day,
Smoulder 🔥
submitted by SmoulderingAbyss to AdvLiterateRP [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:31 meneerduif Meneerduif sits down with British national who was trapped on New Caledonia

This is the transcript from the televised sit down between Conservative deputy leader and mp meneerduif and survivor of the riots on New Caledonia Micheal Jones.
Meneerduif; “I’d like to thank all the press for being here for this important sit down with my honourable guest. If you’d like to introduce yourself.”
Mr Jones; “hi, I’m Micheal Jones I’m 37 years old and I live in Manchester. Just recently I was on vacation with my girlfriend in New Caledonia. Hoping to enjoy nature and the local culture. That sadly changed when riots and violence swepped the island.”
Meneerduif; “and could you, if you don’t mind, tell us some more about how the riots impacted you?”
Mr Jones; “we were afraid for our lives. We were unsure if we could safely leave the hotel and who we’d need to contact to get help. The people sleeping in the hotel room next to us were evacuated by their own government but our government did nothing for us. It almost seemed like they didn’t care or forgot about us.”
Meneerduif; “thankfully you are now safely with us. Could you tell us some more about what happend after the riots started and how you left the island?”
Mr Jones; “when the riots started we could no longer leave the island since the main road between our hotel and the airport had been blocked. So we are still very grateful for the French authorities ability to reopen this road. We then made our way to the airport we’re we managed to convince a member of the Australian airforce on letting us on one of the evacuation flights. Even tough our government had not worked with the Australian government on those flights. After we arrived in Australia we had to fend for ourselves on how we got home from there.”
Meneerduif; “showing us once again that we can rely on our Australian allies, even more then on our own government. I must imagine that all of this must have an impact on you.”
Mr Jones; “yeah, it has really impacted me and my girlfriend. My girlfriend still has nights that she can barely sleep. Or if we hear kids lighting fireworks or another loud noise she’ll become really stressed. We also used to be real adventurers on vacation, exploring new cultures and countries. But now we plan on staying a bit closer to home where we are more certain that we can stay safe.”
Meneerduif; “it’s saddens me that the inaction of the government has had such big consequences for you. It really shows me how solidarity has no longer got the energy to govern.”
Mr Jones; “exactly, this whole affair has also influenced my voting intentions. I used to be someone who would read up on what all party’s wanted during the next term and what the government had done during the last term, but seeing how you have been the only one supporting me and the others trapped on the island has made me into a solid Conservative voter.”
Meneerduif; “thank you for that, all I did was my job as an mp of holding the government accountable when they would not act. I hope more voters learn from this debacle from the foreign secretary and see that the Conservative Party is the right choice.”
“With that I’d like to thank you mr Jones for being here and sharing your story and all the press for being here.”
submitted by meneerduif to MHOCPress [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:16 AutoNewspaperAdmin [National] - A home in Ohio for African immigrants with nowhere to go Washington Post

[National] - A home in Ohio for African immigrants with nowhere to go Washington Post submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:13 Adam_Addy_Hansen My problems with dating these days

28M, living at home still.
My life hasn't been easy, and sure I can level the playing field by saying no one's life has been easy. We all go through things, we all struggle, and there are those who overcome those struggles, and those who stay in those struggles.
To me, it almost seems like no matter how much I try to overcome my struggles, there was always one or two more things that came out of nowhere and made everything worse than the struggles previously, just to knock me back down a few more pegs. I'll give you some examples: at 24, while striving for a full-time position at the hardware store I was working at to secure stability and independence, I was wrongfully fired. Compounding the stress caused by later being diagnosed with Ulcerative Proctitis (ulcerative colitis), and the looming need for personal health insurance. A stroke of luck came when my mom's friend facilitated a job opportunity, but the role of a mortgage servicer proved mentally and emotionally taxing, exacerbated by the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and eventual quarantine. Despite grappling with trauma and disillusionment from the corporate world, I found solace in joining my best friend's candle business at 26, albeit facing daunting challenges accessing affordable health insurance due to income restrictions and exorbitant medication costs for the condition ($600-$1200 without insurance). The only way I could see a way out was either by balancing multiple part-time jobs and working insane amount of hours, finding a full-time job with benefits, or staying exactly where I was by flying underneath the goverment required limit of hours one can work, so as to recieve free healthcare by only working with my friend (who wasn't giving me very many hours to begin with since it is a small-business of just her and I). I chose to stay where I was because there were more layers behind just the need for healthcare that was in the recesses of my psyche which were self-esteem issues, finding a sense of purpose, the seeking of therapy to work through these issues, eating disorders that have been around since I was a kid, and the perpetual loneliness I had been feeling for quite sometime. You might be wondering, "why didn't he just move out and find a roommate?" I don't want a roommate, and see no difference in living with someone like a roommate and learning to adapt to their lifestyle, or living with my mother who I already know the lifestyle of.
Nevertheless at some point, I found a YouTube channel called, "HealthyGamerGG." Where the creator known as Dr. K talks to everyone in his community about mental health matters. I learned about alexithymia (which is correlated to my sense of purpose), he talks about self-esteem, he talks about confidence and finding a partner, and I'm just soaking it all up! I'm learning everything I could, I'm talking to all of my friends about this stuff too and they're noticing a change in me. At some point, I started going to therapy and my therapists started noticing the changes in me as well, I even started going to the gym. I finally find a sense of purpose, and I go out on a limb and try something in IT--my friend told me I could shadow him at work, and he was going to help me through getting a job.
Despite the significant personal growth and improvements in various aspects of my life, such as self-esteem, ambition, and healing from trauma and Alexithymia, I still struggle to find love. The issue: there is an initial expectation of perfection early on, which often overshadows deeper connection and understanding of nuance in personal situation. In essence, there's a lack of flexibility and grace for each other. Of course, while I endeavor to be transparent about my journey without overwhelming potential partners, my life is far from stagnant and there is a clear path forward with much ambition (something I've been told that many women are looking for in men); I'm actively pursuing certifications in IT to eventually land a job, I'm learning French, I'm engaging in photography, and I'm maintaining a fitness routine. However, I recognize that my life feels incomplete without a partner to share experiences and contribute to mutual growth, aiming for a relationship where both individuals complement each other without relying on the other for complete fulfillment solely from one another.
A recent twitter post by a woman in her 30s sparked some discussion online a while ago, about her dating struggles due to career-focused life choices. She had a life that was very carefully designed by her own hands, and she was finding it hard to get into a relationship with someone who would fit in to the concreteness of the life that she built for herself; vs finding someone when she was younger or being a little more flexible with what she allows. At first, I thought this was just something that was significant for her life and could only be attributed to a reason why I was still single on the other side of the equation, but didn't have any consequence with how I should or have approached my own life. Upon recent reflecting on a date that happened a few weeks ago, in addition to a friend's insight about why I'm still single as a whole--with the analogy of me being a unicorn seeking another unicorn, coming from my friend--I came to the understanding that I shared in the issue immensely. The challenge for me was to find acceptence of the seemingly concrete quirks from people who didn't want to accept those quirks. This introspection revealed the need to reject limitations imposed by conditions like ARFID so that I can be embraced for actual personal traits, rather than being a unicorn seeking a "perfect match." Thus the a wider diversity of people being able to love me for me rather than most being put off by the rigidity of my quirkiness and only few trying to love me for "me," with the quirks. The aim has shifted to working on being open-minded so that compatibility isn't overshadowed by arbitrary constraits set upon by my own short-comings and traumas.
In the interim, while I can understand that people shouldn't date others based on one's "potential" or their prospect, that should only apply when someone's word doesn't match their actions. Likewise, there seems to be a lack of understanding that when you get into a relationship, you are adopting some of that person's responsibilities and/or another person as a responsibility. Relationships aren't there to make you happy, they're designed for accountability and improving in life and happiness can be a side-effect of that. Which means that you're not going to be perfect or ready when you walk into a relationship, but you become ready and you have to be willing to change. Otherwise, there is no other point to be in a relationship as there is no place for rigidity in relationship. This requires a lot of grace, patience, and understanding from both sides of the equation to work and to attempt the relationship. It's scary, but at some point everyone needs to take a leap of faith knowing that even if the grass might be greener on the otherside, you should just worry about taking care of the grass you do have instead of comparing with something that is imaginary or could potentially just be artificial.
submitted by Adam_Addy_Hansen to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:10 Thegingervoice Newly Single - FinancialSavings Advice

Hello. I am just out of a 11 year relationship, I am about to buy my ex out of the house that I (we) renovated and my outgoings are going to increase quite a lot.
I am looking for some advice in how maximise my savings, I have no idea about stocks/shares and ISA etc. Information is below:
TOTAL INCOME: £2,758.08 (I have a good pension through work)
TOTAL SAVINGS £11,000 (2% personal savings account)
Mortgage £1,077.38
Utilities £208.68 (getting a water metre fitted to reduce water bill)
Council Tax 112.5
TV License £13.25
Amazon Prime £8.99
Car £207.19 (4 years left)
Car Insurance £38
Home Insurance £22.21
Food £200
Petrol £100
Train £25
Phone £10
Savings £200 (into 2% personal savings)
Pocket Money £20 (for my neice and nephew)
OUTGOINGS: £2243,20
submitted by Thegingervoice to UKPersonalFinance [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:09 KingJPS Proof of funds Trading 212

We are purchasing a new house and my mortgage advisor needs me to provide documentation proving to the bank that we have the funds together for the deposit.
A large portion of my funds are currently sitting in trading 212. Partly in cash earning daily interest and partly invested in a vanguard tracker.
Is there a way I can get a formal statement with my name and total amount of money I have in the account - Akin to a bank statement?
I have screenshots of the Home Screen from the app and also forwarded them across the monthly statement email.
Neither of these have been approved and I need something more formal.
Can anyone help?
submitted by KingJPS to trading212 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:03 AutoNewsAdmin [National] - A home in Ohio for African immigrants with nowhere to go

[National] - A home in Ohio for African immigrants with nowhere to go submitted by AutoNewsAdmin to WAPOauto [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:01 Normodox ADL study finds harassment, antisemitic hate on ‘toxic’ US neighborhood Facebook groups

Some Facebook groups in local communities have become “toxic sites of harassment,” for Jews, women, LGBTQ+ advocates, immigrants and people of color, the Anti-Defamation League says.
Researchers at the ADL’s Center for Technology and Society (CTS) examined Facebook groups or pages in three local regions — a suburban county outside New York City where neighbors organized against a growing Orthodox Jewish community, a town near Boston where there was backlash when a woman of color won a local election, and in a small town in Ohio where a reproductive rights activist running for the council was forced to leave their home amid harassment by extremist groups.
“Unlike other forms of online harassment, such as trolling campaigns where targets don’t know their perpetrators, targets of local harassment are more likely to interact with their harassers in everyday life, inhabiting the same town or region, and often know people in common, making this form of harassment even more harmful,” the report says.
In addition, ADL researchers examined the levels of antisemitic content in those online communities on Meta’s Facebook, and found they had 5-10 times as much antisemitic content as control pages.
“You are more likely to be harassed on Facebook than on other platforms, yet this harassment is rarely visible to researchers,” says Jordan Kraemer, גirector of Policy and Research, ADL Center for Technology and Society.
“Facebook has become a key platform for neighborhood news and discussion groups, serving as a new ‘public square.’ However, harassment remains rampant and reporting inefficient, with the platform rarely if ever taking action to protect the targets,” Kraemer says.
ADL study finds harassment, antisemitic hate on 'toxic' US neighborhood Facebook groups The Times of Israel
submitted by Normodox to BeneiYisraelNews [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:00 Salt-Bluebird AITA? Partner wants to charge me market rate rent, which amounts to 85% of his mortgage.

Hi there - before I pick a fight with my (32F) partner (38M), I wanted to test whether my position is reasonable.
We have been together for two years and have a great relationship. My partner values his own space - he was single for ten years before we met - however is kind, loving and considerate. We both own our own apartments, and spend 4-5 nights together each week. We have discussed marriage and children, and planned to try for a baby in the next 12 months.
We had a happy surprise last week - I am pregnant, which we are both very excited about. We have discussed me moving in to his apartment, which he bought a long time ago, and owes comparatively little on. I bought my apartment three years ago, so have a larger balance and monthly mortgage payment ($3k per month, plus $400 for body corp, rates, water).
My partner pays $1300 each month for his mortgage, and suggested that as he could rent his spare room out for $1000 a month on the open market, I should pay him that in rent. Meaning, he effectively no longer has much of a mortgage payment.
I would only be able to rent out my place out for $2600, meaning that I would still need to pay $800 each month (extra $400 towards mortgage, plus normal $400 body corp/rate payment). So, my housing related costs would be $1800, while his would be $300 (plus whatever his body corp fees are).
While this would be more than fair for a normal tenant, I feel like it's strange to turn a profit off your partner, particularly when we are having a child together. I don't want him to feel like my landlord.
I earn a little bit more than he does, however the take home difference is minimal after tax. I also have quite a lot of leave saved up, so still expect to be drawing the same income while on maternity leave.
AITA? I assumed that we would split his $1300 mortgage payment between us, however in his eyes, he sees his proposal as a win-win for both of us, as I am still paying less than I would be if I continued to live alone. Let me know your thoughts...
submitted by Salt-Bluebird to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:33 EarthInternational9 They say I am married, by proxy, to someone I didn't intend to.

Website saved to Pocket!! It was designed for a specific reason, military or international spouses, not for strangers getting married because one is showing fake ID. ME married Paulhill not me. I heard them outside pretending that I am schizo instead of them harassing me because they never sleep! They were supposed to give me the child Raj wanted, but they didn't because kid was Indian. Black people can be racists, separatists. I'm guessing he was the child named Ganapati? CRK'S son with Raj but she didn't want or lost custody?
Basically, they are trying to REWRITE my story from 2000 to STILL prevent me from working a #programming job in 2024. Nothing else mattered to them but to prevent MY working income because they think all black women wanted welfare, BUT they don't!!? Or black people could get welfare and had dozens of kids when only limited number of kids per parent can get welfare. I was saying it was SCAM. My tubes tied in 2002 and I don't want to raise my brother's kids because my parents said no when my dad died.
If any notary or local people accept marriage by #proxy then THEY proved how easy it is to scam people!!! That's why I saved link in Pocket. All the OTHER truth and good stuff saved, but they only chose the stuff scammers can exploit!!! Because there's possibly that MH, who told my church to rip us off, was RA's sister. Apparently when I bought my house with a mortgage, that it got RA in trouble for Long Island house. That's the actual issue she has about me owning a home as well as reporting the fraud getting Section 8 in NYC area as JL. They ran a child brothel using #Section8? I reported fraud when I saw my name.
submitted by EarthInternational9 to u/EarthInternational9 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:32 anti_w Think I am burning out and not sure what to do to help me and team.

TLDR: I am doing the work of 3 people due to sickness and am struggling with the workload. How can I fix the situation for me without giving more work to the team?
Last March I got a promotion as a team leader for the team I have worked in for the past 7 years. It is my first ever management job.
In October there was a restructure and I went from managing 3 people to 7. Since then, I have been fighting one crisis after another: one of our new recruits from the restruture left after a month; my line manager went on long-term sick in March; several people on the team were off sick throughout April (to the point where one day it was me and one other person) so everyone pretty much ended up behind; and another team member has been on long-term sick since the end of April.
I am currently covering both the absent team member and (in part) my line manager. My team are already working flat out and I am worried about other people going off sick due to work stress given what happened in April, so I felt it was not appropiate to delegate more work to them.
I thought I was coping okay until this week. Another team member, who has fallen behind in her work, has been on holiday this week, so I have been trying to pick up what I can of her work as well only to realise she is more behind then we believed (as in three months behind). I also had to do training for a new system which I am struggling to follow. It got to the point that on Thursday spoke to an EAP counsellor about how I was feeling. Thanks to a fire alarm, the call ended abruptly and I was feeling more distressed and got a headache, so I went home off sick. Then I had a panic attack later that day as I basically spiralled trying to explain to my sister how stressed I was feeling. I was on leave anyway the next day but have not been able to stop thinking about work and all the things I have to do.
I don't know what to do to resolve the situation. I am working pretty much 8-6 on some days without a lunch break. I cannot delegate more work to the team as they are already working flat-out. I cannot ask for more team members because there is a recruitment freeze at the moment, although we were able to proceed with finally recruiting the replacement for the woman that left in December. I am already prioritising tasks where I can but short of dropping things completely (and getting into serious risk of getting us referred to the ombudsman by students) I am still overwhelmed.
My current line manager is being understanding and has agreed to an honararium backdated from when my line manager went off sick, but I honestly would rather have an extra person helping me than more money. I have also tried suggesting ways of distributing the workload in the long-term to the team, but none of them were receptive (nobody within the team has suggested anything to me other than 'can we get more people?'). If someone else goes off sick I think I am going to have a mental breakdown.
This weekend is the closest I feel like quitting, but I am earning a good salary for the sector and have a joint mortgage to pay, so I feel ungrateful. Many other Unis are having layoffs or recruitment freezes like mine so there is no guarantee I can pick up a similar job at the salary. Plus I am quite risk-averse. Any ideas?
Sorry for the long post as I had a lot to get off my chest.
submitted by anti_w to UKJobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:28 zelkia Newish player looking for some more info within the game

Hey guys I’m just completed my first campaign as Britain historical focus by accidentally creating what I now understand are space marines and I think I now understand why they are considered cheese haha.
I’m a bit of a larper in this game and I wanted to understand a few things. All of my questions save one are regarding vs AI.
Is it possible to get a good understanding of enemy division composition/width etc? I can never seem to understand what I’m fighting against. I can make decent divisions etc but sometimes I struggle to find out why I’m losing a fight and it would be good to get an idea of why that is before starting a fight.
Furthermore is it possible to see the strength of allies in terms of men in the field, equipment, naval power etc. I tried to play Germany but Italy got rekt in the Mediterranean and I couldn’t bring my boys home from Africa easily.
Finally, what’s stopping people in multiplayer just using different division icons to confuse people for example using a tank icon for a defensive infantry division or vice versa.
Thanks guys I’ve played several hundred hours and only just starting to feel like I’m scraping the surface of what this game has to offer
submitted by zelkia to hoi4 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:24 mlbglenn What would you do?

This is an extremely difficult to explain story so in just a single post, but I'll try. My wife's son seemingly had a history of ADHD, depression and possibly concussive related psych issues. (Not officially diagnosed). My wife and I had a daughter and after her birth he started going downhill. He alleged that his biological dad sexually abused him and there did seem to be some merit to that claim but every time he got somewhere with therapists he would ruin it somehow. He caused many scenes in our home destroying things claiming it was an accident or he doesn't know what happened. It seemed as if he was trying to have us push him away but eventually these actions got so severe we had to do just that.
He eventually said that he was having what he described to be unwanted sexual thoughts of kids including our then 7 year old daughter. His tantrums were much more dramatic (he was early 20 at this time). He demanded to be taken to psych hospitals where he stayed several times. He claimed the kids thoughts were more out of control than ever and it was regarding every child now. He wound up seeing a forensic psychologist who said these were not unwanted thoughts and he was placed in a group home. Shortly after this we found out he left the group home disappearing completely.
It was nearly a year til we found out he had gone to work at a ranch in COL where ironically kids attended and he was reportedly a great employee and had seemingly no psych issues. We were horrified because he had made such scenes that he could not be around children that before he was put in the group home the agency helping him suggested we be on a schedule so our daughter would not use bathroom at same times he would. We felt trapped in our own homes.
When we reached out to see what was going on and how he was suddenly better (seeing as we were still receiving medical bills for him and he had claimed he was completely incapacitated before moving). No sooner than we reached out he had left the ranch and was missing for another year in which he found a girl online and moved to NC to live with a girl and her family. When we finally discovered his location (no thanks to legit identity.. he used fake names on social media) we went to NC to find him and get answers.
At that time I wanted justice for what he put us through at the time in Ohio. The torture of constant stories seeing as he had no issues seemingly with children any longer based on where he had worked. We found him and it was with great shock to the girlfriends family. He wanted to keep her from finding out about his past in Ohio so he painted myself and his mom as bad people. He admitted to her when we showed up that this was a lie. However he told us they had recently broke up. It was at that time that the girlfriend began talking to us and told us he had raped her multiple times and injured her during the course of their relationship.
Here is the problem.. the story this girlfriend has said is completely crazy but the police are investigating it and because of step sons previous actions and crazy behavior (he has literally written documents that police know about that say all he thinks about is rape) he is guilty based on circumstances evidence alone. His mother (my wife) has become very sympathetic to his current situation and it has fast tracked him right past addressing what horrible things he said, did regarding the past.. I am still very angry and part of me wants justice yet I have no idea what that would be and if that would just be damning to him with other issues in NC. I am quite sure that is a story that is not true and both him and this girl both have psych issues unresolved.
As for the fact that he claims our daughter was "the one" he obsessed about daily. He says he was just trying to self destruct with us and force me to "kill him". His stories however were extremely detailed. On one occasion we went to a sporting event in city and he said because we took him to this event he was exposed to so many kids who he began imagining uncontrollable naked. He blamed us for these instances which in turn filled us with great guilt and suffering. I can't even begin to describe how hard this time was and the stories he would say. He would admit to crazy sex acts on himself in one case running into our kitchen screaming he used a light bulb on himself to simulate rape to see if he could remember anything.
My question is what would anyone do in this case? Forget what he said and did and the hell you went through? If what he is claiming is true he sexualized our daughter for the sake of attention and getting us to hate him not to mention the random kids he claimed we caused him to "look at". He admitted to random other things including these feelings at psych hospitals before leaving town. He admitted to masturbation everywhere he went in bathrooms and even in class as an 18 year old up until 20 year old at work. If anyone has any suggestion please feel free to voice it because I'm at a major loss. (And have been for some time!!)
submitted by mlbglenn to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:15 Mission-Tension5792 Can/Should I buy a house right now

So, now that medical school is done I'm excited ro start F1! And i was even lucky enough to get a London place despite the lucky dip method this year, which means I can move back to London with my fiance. I went university up North for a few years, so my fiance lived at home with his parents but now that I'm back we've been excitedly looking at houses and are glad that we can "finally be together" after 6 long years and want this sorted before our wedding next year.
However, I've seen some posts and tiktoks that have me worried that buying a house (which he can thankfully very much afford in London due to his job) may not be in our best interest due to the bottleneck and competition ratio of jobs. My fiance is in finance and reluctant to rent as he sees it as throwing money down the drain he also states london properties will only increase so we should buy now while we can. Im so worried because i finally thought "yay we can be together after all my hard work" but i'm depressed now because that may not even really be the case anymore due to the reduction in training posts. I don't have that much of a competitive portfolio (med school was mainly about surviving for me) and I'm seeing people with MUCH more competitive backgrounds getting turned down from jobs due to ridiculous ratios.
What do you guys think? I don't want to buy a house and then saddled with a mortgage if in 2 years I have to leave London again - mega stressy! Trying to plan my wedding and life and now since passing the stress of my exams this realisation has hit me.
submitted by Mission-Tension5792 to doctorsUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:15 krzysztowf Looking for an advice: Should we buy a flat short term?

TLDR: Is it insane buying a 240k flat to live in (with mortgage) with possibility of moving out in 2 years?
Hi all,
Me and my wife are foreigners who planned on moving back to our home country (Poland) in 2019-ish. That's why we had bought a flat there. However COVID happened, which messed with our plans, then we had a second child and here we are. On and off we had ideas of buing a flat in Wales for us to live in, but we always had in mind we might not stay for too long for it to be a good idea (and yet it's our 10th year in Wales now, so we should have done that). Currently, I changed jobs and am earning 1k monthly more than before and we thought we probably should make a move to own a flat as this extra money would cover (almost) the mortgage monthly payment.
However, we're not sure how many more years we're going to stay in Wales. My wife is very hesitant to move and I'm on a side of going back in like 2 years (my main drive is my family, parents). So let's say 2 years...
We're looking at a 240k flat now, which we like a lot and think it would improve our quality of life significantly! We already talked to the advisor and his best offer is for 15% deposit 25 year mortgage with 5.18% interest rate. As I mentioned, we already have a flat in Poland, so the stamp duty for us would be 11700k. My wife is very into taking a risk, buying this flat and seeing what future brings. I'd like t buy it too, but I'm thinking that we might just loose a lots of money on it
So if I do my maths correctly and using the morgage calculator within the 2 years we'd pay following non-refundable charges:
Non-refundable expense Pounds
Mortgage interest 1st year 10'471
Mortgage interest 2nd year 10'253
Stamp duty 11'700
Solicitor when buying 1'500
Service charge (24*360) 8'640
-- TOTAL -- 42'564
When we move out we'd have to decide what we do with a property. If we try to sell it, we'd incur Estate Agent fees (e.g. 1.5% = 3'600) and solicitor fees ~800, which would total 45k. If we tried to keep the propery and rent, we'd have to re-mortgage to BTL which of course is on the worse interest rate (and I'm not really sure we'd have the capacity to pay it off with new jobs we'd have to take on).
If I compare the above 45k to "just renting" (24 * 1'050 = 25'200) it's at least 20k more. The rent we pay is for a flat of worse standard than the flat we're looking at, though. But within that budget we'd be able to rent a bigger place.
All in all my question is - do you think we're out of our minds, if we went ahead and bought the place? I'm worried we'd just loose 20k, which is hell lot of money. However:
Any input appreciated, thanks a lot!
submitted by krzysztowf to HousingUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:06 ObjectSufficient1100 Please tell me I'm not a bad person

My beautiful boy passed away from cancer in March 2024. He was miraculously 25 years of age and he was rescued from a shelter at the age of one. This boy was my heart and meant the world to me. From when he was 16 I nursed him through all his medical conditions for 9 years. I have always lived alone and effectively he was my child. In return he showed me all his love. My heart aches for him and you can imagine the life experiences he has shared with me in 24 years. I studied law, I paid off my mortgage, he shared my life and I live alone and so he was my absolute world. When he died I took one day from work and then the weekend, throwing myself into work after that I still haven't processed the grief. With an empty house without soul I decided to adopt a cat from a foster home. He was a black cat..the same as my heart...they were similar in looks. I adopted him and brought him home recently, 9 weeks after my loss. I thought I was ready. I wasn't. My new cat was beautiful and on the first night he slept on my bed with me. He was beautiful, cheeky and funny and he was 2 years old. I had him 2 days ...just 2 days...and decided I had made a mistake. This wasn't my boy. He was nervous, his stomach was unsettled,but brave and started to explore my small home and loved sitting in the window. If truth be known i went in to panic mode. This wasn't my boy. I had not grieved. Given time no doubt we would have formed a bond but I found myself looking at my lost boy's photo and actually saying sorry to him. The emotion was panic for the future for me, the betrayal I felt in my heart for my lost boy in trying to love another and my long hours as a lawyer where I possibly couldn't have allowed us the time to bond. I hadn't thought it through. I felt I had made the hugest mistake. I called the agency. They didn't really show any compassion and I felt like a bad person. They made me feel as though I hadn't tried hard or long enough. They asked if i had closed him off in a room to settle. I said no as it was clear from the first moment he wanted to explore. They blamed me. They are probably right but they allowed me to return him. I took him back in my car and he swaggered his little hips back in to the home without a care in the world. He didn't know me and hadn't even learned his name so I knew he would be ok. Still I feel like the most evil person in the world for what I've done. 2 days is all I gave him. My biggest mistake was choosing him as he looked very like my old boy. It wasn't my intention to replace him but I just love black cats. I do not feel as though I will ever be ready now ever again. My old boy was my child and my heart and I loved him so. I made a mistake and I hope you can all forgive me. At this time I don't feel as though I either want or deserve another cat again. I need my heart to mend.
submitted by ObjectSufficient1100 to CatAdvice [link] [comments]