Is mucinex with concerta safe

Off My Chest Philippines

2019.11.20 09:10 Off My Chest Philippines

A Filipino community where we work to make it a safe space in which you can unload your burdens, as well as celebrate your wins and milestones. This š’‚š’Šš’Žš’” to be a non-judgmental space where you can vent things you want off your chest and find support in each other. May posting here bring relief to you.

2009.04.20 19:43 A safe, welcoming community for all pregnant people!

A safer space for all pregnant people.

2013.10.04 15:07 shittyartist Dashcam videos in Gif form!

The craziest crashes in gif format. Gif'd content from a dashcam, rear dashcam, a cell phone, helmet cam, or go pro that was taken in any vehicle. Reddit has a gif checkbox if you want to upload your content that way. But MP4's with no sound are accepted. NOTHING LONGER THAN 40 SECONDS.

2024.05.16 04:24 hetheron Remembering you did stuff already?

Hey guys! I'm new-ish (within the last few months) to my medication journey and quickly I'm finding that while remembering to take the medication isn't hard for me (I'm excited to take it every day and start feeling better) but I am struggling to remember If I have actually taken it at all. My dose is kinda high (Concerta, 54 mg), otherwise I would just take a second one for safe measure. What are your guy's favorite ways to remind yourselves that you've taken your medications already? I'm terrible with alarms, I just shut them off and its out of sight and out of mind. Thank you in advance!
submitted by hetheron to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:14 Outrageous-Dog-3563 5-HTP and concerta + L-Tyrosine

I just ordered 100mg 5-HTP and 500mg L-tyrosine. i have ADHD and take 36mg concerta (methylphenidate) every day. Is it safe to take 5-HTP with it and should i take it in the morning with concerta and tyrosine or in the evening?
submitted by Outrageous-Dog-3563 to 5htp [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 13:23 cerbeerus0 54mg concerta doesnt work

Hey im curently using 54mg for like 6 years i guess and i dont think its not working for i even tried not using it for like 3 months but still i cant feel the effects so what is the best and safe way to increase effects (sorry if i made some mistake while typing english is not my first language so i hope i did explained my self right) Edit:i tried taking 2-3 pills at a time it worked but im scared of being addicted and feeling side effects. Edit 2: im 6'5 and 260 pounds (196 and 130kg) so what is the dosage that i can handle
Edit: i told my doctor about my situation and we started ritalin for support the concerta he told me what i did was wrong but that would be fine bc i drink lots of water and my weight was able to handle it but it was wrong thing to do so i took a concerta in morning and when im about to start studying i take a ritalin for support.
So basicly dont do things your own talk with a doctor.
submitted by cerbeerus0 to Concerta [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 09:00 Nightingales219 Accidentally took my meds double

Soooo.. I am very awake today and instead of taking a painkiller I double took my meds. I am on concerta (27mg) and dextroamfetamine (5mg), only took the latter one twice. I know my doses are quite low so it is certainly safe, but anyone have experience with randomly doubling your dextro dosage? šŸ„²
submitted by Nightingales219 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 22:28 kc3292 I need advice on my case

I apologize if this is long. Iā€™m gonna try and throughly explain whatā€™s going on and see if anyone can give advice.
So I have 2 daughters, one will be 2 in august and the other is 5 months old. Me and my husband got a case started on us when I gave birth to my second daughter, I smoked thc during my pregnancy and so Cps came to our house and drug tested me but refused to drug test my husband and my results came back positive for thc and cocaine. I do not do cocaine and due to research, Robitussin, Ibuprofen, mucinex and a few other over the counter medications can cause false positives for cocaine and I had been using ibuprofen due to me having my second c section in 14 months. We were on an informal adjustment and are now being moved to a CHINS case on Monday.
Here is the issue. We completely stopped smoking weed on February 2nd. We never used anything else at all but were told we keep testing positive but it doesnā€™t make sense at all. Thc stays in the system for 30 days so how on March 6th did my husband test positive for thc but the very next day completely negative for everything? I also randomly keep testing positive for cocaine with a mouth swab but that also makes no sense. Hypothetically if i were using on a sunday and got drug tested on Monday Wednesday and Friday, Mondays screen would be positive for cocaine, Wednesday would be positive for cocaine and Benzoylecgonine because cocaine breaks down into Benzoylecgonine, and Friday would just be Benzoylecgonine but I was testing positive one day and completely negative the next? They have screwed up our case in many ways, weā€™ve been assigned now a third different case manager which we also think is weird, our first one retired, the second one ā€œquitā€ after she started defending us and asking her superior why things arenā€™t making sense. We are in MULTIPLE different services, we have family parenting on Wednesdays for an hour and that worker does not believe we use, we have family therapy on Thursdays for 2 hours and she also does not believe we use, and then we also go to addiction support meetings on Fridays for an hour. We are completely compliant and nobody sees why they have a case on us besides the mouth swab drug tests coming back randomly positive but completely negative the next day. I just do not understand. Our home is safe, we have transportation and we have food stamps, our kids are well above their age level, the only issue is these dumb mouth swabs that are coming back wrong. What can I do? I do not use at all and I can not lose my babyā€™s. Please be kind Iā€™m going through so much with this
submitted by kc3292 to CPS [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 08:39 Partymonster86 Ending titration, it's taken about 3 months

Finally almost at an end of my titration journey!
My GP has already agreed to do a shared care agreement with ADHD360, they confirmed this maybe a month or so ago so not having to worry is great.
The plan is 54mg Concerta XL in the morning around 6:45 and then 36mg Concerta XL around midday. Hopefully they're going to increase my circadian to 4mg though 2mg kind helps but 4 is blissful!
If you're just starting your journey don't try and rush this phase, honestly it's worth spending time and getting it dialed in. If you can titrate in 2 or 3 weeks great but it's probably worth spending a little longer on it if possible. I started on 18mg Concerta XL in the morning I'd never have got to where I am in 3 weeks safely!
Good luck and may the odds be ever in your favour!
submitted by Partymonster86 to ADHDUK [link] [comments]

2024.04.21 23:42 Few-Permission5362 What can I actually take when super sick??

Been sick with the worst throat/chest ain of my life. My voice is gone, I have a dry cough, ear pain, and a horrible headache that wonā€™t subside and I havenā€™t slept for two days.
Urgent care tested me for different things and all came back negative. They gave me absolutely nothing.
Tylenol doesnā€™t work. Been drinking tons of water, honey, etc etc etc etc etc nothing is helping and Iā€™m in so much pain!
So Iā€™ve been reading so many mixed messages online. Mostly curious about: Mucinex as well as Tylenol PM and AM in pill form.
Can anyone help identify what is known to be safe or not safe during pregnancy? Iā€™m 27 weeks. Thanks!
submitted by Few-Permission5362 to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.04.21 19:44 KoleTownsend94 Hair/Scalp Treatment

Iā€™m just looking for advice, or suggestions on what I can use to help with my dry itchy scalp.
Age: 29
Sex: Female (trans male)
Location: scalp/ hairline
Medications: Synthroid, Concerta, Ferrous Gluconate, Lansoprazole, Seroquel, Duloxetine, testosterone
Dry, itchy, flaky scalp. Little white flakes. Gets itchy second day after washing hair. My dog likes to like my faces and scalp for 30 minutes every night. Been researching, and have been told by a hairdresser that it is not dandruff but just dry scalp. Hair is not overly oily, can go a few days without washing my hair before it starts looking greasy.
Is there shampoo and conditioner I can use that will help- or get rid of it? Is dandruff shampoo safe for me to use? Is there some kind of leave in spray or product that I can use? Currently Iā€™m using Flexitol scalp relief shampoo, or head & shoulders 2 in 1 green apple. Neither seem to work well enough and Iā€™m constantly itching my scalp trying to get some relief.
submitted by KoleTownsend94 to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 19:07 Ruby_Red_Moon Medical marijuana

(30F) 150lbs. I used to smoke marijuana years ago. I have been wanting to try a low dose edible again but am scared because I take alot of medications. I am on latuda 40mg, luvox 50mg, concerta 18mg, Ativan 0.5mg, procardia 60mg, and atenolol 25mg. I wanted to know if marijuana will interact in a lethal or dangerous way with any of these, and exactly how it would specifically interact. I have talked to doctors with no real clear answers. A pharmacist told me of the possibility of seratonin syndrome. But I was on a much higher dose of latuda then. Also wanted to know how common marijuana psychosis is. I had a lot of people on multiple medications tell me they smoke daily and it's fine. But I just want to be safe. I know there may be some interaction, but wanted to know if it's lethal
submitted by Ruby_Red_Moon to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 08:15 Impressive-Fig4591 ADHD, Concerta XL and Cannabis.

I am prescribed medical cannabis in the uk for treating ADHD, but I am also prescribed Concerta XL. I have been using cannabis on off days and only use my day time sativa Stainesā€™s after I feel the Concerta crash if I use it on the same day. It has a similar affect as taking an instant release without the blood pressure and heart rate increase (for me anyway). I am not worried about the psychological effects of cannabis as it has not given me any issues. I use cannabis correctly by vaping and using the minimum doses.
I use a night time strain which completely illuminates any stress, which should be a heart positive right? Whatā€™s worse for your heart, stress or treating it with cannabis? It helps me get to sleep and is an absolute god send when I have been overstimulated or I have been stressed at work. It works instantly and I can feel the stress stop dead.
Is this safe? I know everyone says ask the doctor but I am with two different private doctors and it has been a real battle to get to where I am so I donā€™t want to trigger any prejudice (uk docs and adhd or cannabis can come down to the doctors own beliefs and not facts I have found). All I can find is that they are really bad for the heart together but I am careful and only using cannabis when I fell the crash and I feel like the Concerta is no longer stimulating. I only use it when I have a need for it too.
If anyone is wondering about cannabis and if it works then I can confirm that a Sativa strain feels very similar to methylphenidate and I get stuff done. It doesnā€™t help me as well when it comes to Uni work though. Everyone is different and this is just my experience so no medical advice from me as I am just a pleb. Stick to what your professionals recommend.
submitted by Impressive-Fig4591 to ADHDUK [link] [comments]

2024.04.15 04:37 Various-Honeydew-196 Adhd meds weird smell

So for the past year I've been taking Mefeda, a Concerta equivalent. Essentially extended release Adderall, it doesn't really matter. Every month I have to go to my doctor to get a medication recipe on hand, which I show at a pharmacy to get my meds, but this month my doctor said someone who was trying out the meds stopped using them, so I would get them for free this month and she gave them to me by hand. There were two unopened pill bottles and one opened with 13/30 pills left. After coming home and having checked the opened pill bottle, I noticed a bit of a change smell, my roommate best described it as pizza, and I agreed. I just thought that whoever used them left them opened or something, as the pills don't usually have any kind if smell. However, when I opened one of the unopened pill bottles, they were even still in the packaging, I could smell the same "pizza" odor in them as well. I checked the expiry date and it says it's this month (no day information). I don't remember how long they usually have before expiration when I get new ones from the pharmacy, but I'm guessing it's at least a year. I will not take the meds until I ask my doctor about this, but I wondered if anyone else had similar experiences? Are these meds safe to consume? I honestly don't trust the opened bottle, who knows whose fingers could've been in there, and the expiry date just seems suspicious, even though I read that most meds last way longer and they usually just lose their effect. Advice would be appreciated, thank you in advance, L
Tldr. Concerta equivalent meds have a weird pizza smell this month, as they usually don't have any smell. Their expiry date is this month.
submitted by Various-Honeydew-196 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.04.12 06:29 hammerkat605 Auvelity + Delsym= Robo trippin

Soooo I have a really bad cold. Iā€™m getting tested for covid and rsv tomorrow, itā€™s that bad.
Well I have a bad, bad cough so I was taking both mucinex and Delsym cough syrup.
The active ingredient in Delsym is dextromethrophan, which is also an active ingredient in Auvelity.
Before taking the two I had called poison control and asked if it was safe. The guy laughed and couldnā€™t believe theyā€™d mix cough syrup and wellbutrin to make Auvelity. He said it would only make me sleepy
Well it didnā€™t šŸ« 
Instead I ended up overdosing on dextromethrophan and going on a several day trip. I felt like I was depersonalizing and my therapist said that it sounded like that. Sheā€™s the one who figured out what was wrong with me.
So just a word of warning- poison control isnā€™t always right šŸ˜¬
submitted by hammerkat605 to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 16:25 artsii 5 day eclipse trip

5 day eclipse trip
Most of my trips lately have been short weekender type trips, but I enjoy the whole one bag planning and documenting process so hereā€™s my 5 day trip breakdown for the solar eclipse.
The bag: Fjallraven Ulvo 23 Iā€™m a very pouch-y type of gal, so one compartment top-loaders are my style. The ulvo is cute (very important for me) decently light when empty (650g), and can be used for travel, edc, or hiking. This worked out great for me since I used it to go hiking 2 of the days on the trip.
The pouchies: Toiletries I tend to over pack in this department, but I think this section gives me a high quality of life on a trip. - crystal deodorant, perfume 5ml, moisturizer, hand cream, lip balm, body wash - mirror, handmade washcloth, spare toilet paper, qtips, and cotton rounds, floss, hand sani, ear plugs, toothpaste and toothbrush.
Camera Fujifilm XT-10
tech The Anker MagSafe battery is crucial, I take this baby on every trip
Clothes Everything fit in a Peak Design small packing cube - 4 shirts - running leggings - sleep shorts - bralette & 6 undies - merino pullover - I wore my black jeans and puffy jacket
Med pouch - bandages - hand sanitizer wipes - shout wipe - Benadryl - bonine - mucinex
Misc - iPad - canon t2i - Fuji link mini printer and film pack - extra canon battery - water bottle - headphones - belroy sling mini
The Trip Travelled to Upstate New York from the west coast. I had 2 full day layovers in Philadelphia, one at the beginning of the trip and coming back. I left my bag at a hotel with one of those luggage storage services which was sooo convenient. Lugging around a backpack for 14 hours no matter how small would have been the worst.
The flight in and out of Philly was on a regional jet, the 2nd smallest you can get flying commercial. Everyone with a roller had to gate check, and even some larger backpacks. The ulvo fit sideways in the overhead-bin and under the seat perfectly.
Packing-wise it would have been more comfortable if I didnā€™t have both the cameras or the film, but those were necessary for this particular trip. I also managed to fit 2 kitchen aid paddle attachments in the bag on the way back that my mom gave me.
submitted by artsii to HerOneBag [link] [comments]

2024.04.09 17:49 TraditionalBit6187 Should I see a doctor or wait it out?

34f, taking bupropion, fluoxetine, and concerta. I started feeling under the weather on Thursday when I noticed during a short 3 mile run that it was feeling more strenuous than it should have felt. Friday I began to feel worse and felt like I was coming down with a respiratory infection or cold. I raced in a half marathon on Saturday and while walking from the car to the start I had to dart away to vomit. During the race it felt like my body was shutting down and I wasnā€™t able to perform at nearly the level I had anticipated and trained for - like I had to walk a lot where I shouldā€™ve been able to run the entire race without walking. Sunday I still felt ill and towards the end of the day I developed really severe pain in the left side of my jaw where it hinges. The jaw pain is still there and I feel a good bit of pressure in my left ear and some slight irritation in my throat on the left side. I went to a CVS minute clinic when I got back into town yesterday evening and it was incredibly uninformative and unhelpful. I stayed home from work today to play it safe and have now just began vomiting again. Should I try and get in with my primary care doctor or just wait it out and wait for whatever this is to pass?
submitted by TraditionalBit6187 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.07 21:35 kyruns1590 Pneumonia Recovery

32F, 140 lbs 5ā€™6, daily meds: Flonase, current meds: doxycycline, mucinex, ibuprofen, no major health concerns, history of generalized anxiety disorder
Started feeling sick with a cough about 2 weeks ago. Went to urgent care, exam and chest xray were negative at the time so we assumed viral illness and to use OTCs and ride it out (NP did prescribe steroids at the time, however I had been told by previous providers and reading here that they were largely unhelpful and I hate the emotional side effects of them, so I skipped them at the time). Never really had a period of feeling better, but by Easter was feeling absolutely awful. The next day I had a fever, high heart rate, lower than normal O2, and was constantly having chills/sweats. Went back to urgent care and she sent me to the ER since there was no xray tech available and she was hearing rales and ronchi bilaterally. ER diagnosed me with pneumonia (left lower lobe consolidation on xray) and prescribed doxycycline for a week.
Iā€™m on day 6/7 of doxy and overall feel better. Major improvements came on days 2-3 where I no longer had fever, body aches, my hr and O2 normalized, and I was actually able to get up and function like a human. Took it easy the next couple of days and really only between yesterday and today started trying to do more. My main symptoms now are just feeling tired in general/tiring out more easily than usual and an occasional productive, hacking cough. Pollen is also exploding where we are, so Iā€™ve had a lot of sinus/nasal drainage and congestion thatā€™s impacting me.
I follow up with my pcp office on Tuesday, but as I was talking to my MIL today (sheā€™s a peds NP), she insinuated that she thought I should be feeling much betteback to normal by now. I mean, I am much better compared to where I was, but my normal is going all day with two small toddlers and running half marathon distances, whichā€¦Iā€™m nowhere near back to. Does this sound like a normal course of healing from bacterial pneumonia or should I be bouncing back more quickly? Also just curious what to expect from my follow up appointment? Iā€™ve read X-rays can take a while to clear, but if my lungs are sounding good and other major issues have improved is it safe to say the pneumonia is gone? Also just curious about my susceptibility to future illness/pneumonia because of this as I have two small kids who bring everything home.
submitted by kyruns1590 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.06 01:43 Zestyclose-Slide-788 To medicate or not to medicate?

I am a 34 year old mother of 2 and I was diagnosed with ADHD in Grade 9. I tried adderall and concerta i believe at the time and had some not so great side effects and stopped and never tried again. I donā€™t remember what dose or how long I tried them for but i felt robotic, no appetite, no personality sort of? Was much easier to focus though. I have a lot of regrets not sticking with it or tryint again as I feel I have a lot of wasted potential and could have done really well in school/life had I stayed on medication.
Fast forward to now I have 2 kids (one with high functioning autism) and a sales career. I am really struggling keeping my home and life organized and constantly feeling overwhelmed. I also binge eat i think for serotonin or as an impulse which i also think meds may help with? I also always feel im forgetting everything and my mind is mush.
My dr. prescribed the lowest dose of vyvanse to try. Is it worth it at this point? Do you think its safe? Would it help or hinder my anxiety/depression as well?
Thanks! If you made it this far with ADHD im super grateful and impressed!
submitted by Zestyclose-Slide-788 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.04.04 03:49 Intentionally- 13yr old daughter just DX but 1 doc says no stimulants

My daughter was diagnosed this week with ADHD-C and anxiety. We've known her entire life she was amazing and extra but it's gotten to where we need intervention. Mostly because I have it (late diagnosed- over 40) and am poorly regulated now that I'm a mom....working on thaylt. Anyways, I do take Concerta and find it helps.
The problem is my daughter's psychiatrist wants her to to Concerta also but she has idiopathic Juvenile Osteoporosis, she's in the 1st percentile for size and we've always tried to keep her gaining weight, hypermobility, as well as celiac disease and a kidney issue. She's amazing, despite the list, none of it affects her terribly :)
Her endocrinologist and nephrologist do not want her taking a stimulant drug due to the appetite suppression and a few other things I guess. She needs calories to build muscle to help the hypermobility and bone density. So we need another option and while I'm waiting to hear from the doctor I was hoping to get some other non-stimulant options that I can research.
I say "research" because I also have celiac disease so finding meds that are guaranteed gluten free is hard. One generic methylphenidate almost sent me to the hospital on day 1. So now it's name brand only for Concerta. I know she can safely take Concerta by Janssen. So before taking any new medications I have to call manufacturers. Unless anyone here knows of some GF options! That would be great.
submitted by Intentionally- to ADHDparenting [link] [comments]

2024.04.01 16:01 madafackinjesus On the verge of reaching an all time low. Again

Posting here because ADHD and depressionhelp keeps deleting my post lol (tried everything to respect the rules but fuck me ig)
TW: suicidal thoughts. Dr*g abuse. Eating disorder
Heya. 26yo(M) here
Enflish isn't my first language and i'm currently pretty tired/a little dizzy (explanation below lol) so please forgive me for the few language/typing mistakes that might follow
This is just a vent post as i'm facing some rough times and i might use some advices or encouragement idk. Actually i'm posting here because i'm having a hard time keeping everything inside and i don't wanna bother my friends or familly or anyone anymore (also my shrink is on holydays). I discussing about my problems with friends isn't inherently a problem but they've got their own and i'm not their responsability. Well, the issue is that they seem to think that i've got to take care of their problems by listening which is not a problem for me. The fact they can't do the same for me really makes me feel like i'm truely alone.
But i'm digressing. For context: i've always been a weird, distracted, socially isolated, anxious kid and had difficulties in every fields exept arts. My mother decided to figure out what was going on with me as i was very forgetfull, had memory problems, failing at understand everything exept whatever i was fixating on and i had impulsive/dangerous behavior on top of that. I also couldn't get anything done/was failing the moment i was left alone. All of that had an impact on my family's everyday life so i went to see tones of specialists and by the age of 12, the diagnosis was pretty clear: moderate ADHD. Anxiety. Depression symptoms. Attachment disorder. Difficulties understanding social interaction especially in a group of people.
3 days ago, I actually found maybe like 6 medical reports stating everything i mentioned above and bursted in tears. Because i was a 7-12yo child. Doctors gave guidelines, suggested CBT and precribed meds but parents did absolutely nothing. I read on those repports that i already had poor self esteem and non existent self confidence.
Fast foreward. I'm now 26 years old and the last 10 years have been hell. Went from eating disorder (anorexia, bullimia) to making a lot of impulsive dƩcisions like not going to some art school i've been accepted in because i wanted to focus on music but never got ro finish one project. Kept sabotaging every relationship i was involved in. Met a girl i "fell in love with". i mean. It's pretty clear that i was looking for the familly i never really had. Someone that would make me feel at home in this world because i never felt safe with myself. Anyway, she wasn't feeling the same way about me but she was just as lost as me so we trauma bonded, went through the whole savior syndrom so to sum up. Still had feelings for her the whole time: that relationship was as beautifull as it was toxic. I already had an addictive personnality (mainly food, sugar, sports, video games) but she introduced me to drugs which were already intriguing me. So we went on our little chemical adventures: [list of spychoactiv chemicals] and my personnal favorite: amphetamines. Amphetamines had a calming effect on me and made me feel like i was finally able to achieve every little things i couldn't: engage friendly conversations with strangers at parties with confidence and the ability to listen and answer without having my mind racing. Finish a project and be proud of me. organise my thoughts and my living/working space. It made me more optimistic and pragmatic. But i ended up chasing the "euphoria". I wanted to feel light as feather again so i kept upping the doses and next thing you know: i'm binging on 400mg of 90%> pure fluorinated [well know extra methylated stimulant] analog. That obviously didn't end well. I ended up in rehab and after detoxing my psychiatrist gave me a concerta script for my adhd (we only have methylphenidate here in france). I kept trying and getting off those meds because of how anxious, numb and physically sick i feel on them. But i always end up taking them because my life turns into some hellish rollercoaster when i'm not on them: back to depression impulsivity, overwhelming stress, paralysis, drug use and messing up at my job and basically everything.
2023 has been my downward spiral: lost the friend i was talking about (our relationship evolved but i son't seem to ger over the grief), left my toxic home, had tons of regrets about everything and everyone i failed, felt so alone and couldn't tolerate loneliness at all, started getting insomnia, meltdowns, crying ever day to the point i started thinking "fuck it. You might as well relapse or just kill yourlself. I used [list of chemicals i was addicted to] a few times again. Would 't call it relapses but it convinced me i needed some times in rehab again and had a reservation for january 2024. Due to an escalation of events (one of them induced ptsd) my brain started constantly exploding by december. Couldn't imagine living like this any longer but didn't want to die so i bought enough [horse anesthetic] to sedate my thoughts, body, feelings. Everything. Spent one week alterning being a vegetable/crying/vegetable/crying/vegetable/behaving eraticaly/vegetable. Then i had a talk with a friend i was about to lose that convinced me i had to do my best to get back on track and live the life i want for myself. So that's what i did: Started exercising. Started concerta/ritalin titration again. Met new people and old friends and that felt so nurturing and refreshing. Went to rehab. Got completely sober. Made a plan that consisted in going back to work (and to my parents house, infortunately. They live right next to the shop i work in and i had no other options). Get an appartment and become a tattoo artist. Everything was going well
Except i should have known that things would go downhill with my father who's a manipulative, narcissistic, hateful, "sex starved" (he's actually a saxual/mental abuser) and overall bad person who could destroy every person staying near him long enough to have their self confidence/esteem and sanity obliterated (what was i thinking? Oh yeah. I thought non violent comunication courses dispenses at rehab would help) . I should have know that concerta would eventually turn into nothing but a side effects soup that makes working at my job not only as hard as before but insufferable because of headaches, nausea, acid refluxes and come on! I've been on them for 7 months. 18mg to 54 and i've also tried ritalin ILA. I should have know that having to leave paris to go back to the country would lead to even more loneliness. And now i feel like i have zero chances to survive in this world. I can feel the depression crawling back to me. i wanna relapse so bad because i feel like a failure again and i feel so alone (doomscrolling like a mindless robot doesn't help) so incapable, so undeserving of love again.
I know medications are just part of the therapy but i'm thinking about going to belgium to try elvanse (vyvanse) which is an amphetamine...i know. But i just want my life back. I want to survive. I want to be happy and to be able to accept every other emotions.
And right now, i just want to fuck everything up. Either i do it on purpose or i do it unintentionally. What's the point?
I'm typing this lying in my bed still on the influence of ?mg valium (prescribed. Well...abused. in that case) i took yesterday because i had a panic attack at work but kept redosing because i couldn't handle anything anymore. Took my concerta even tho i didn't wanted to. Just had to avoid withdrawal. So here i am. Nauseous, shaky, depressed but focused enough to write this while thinking about what would happen if things went the same way they did last year.
Thanks for reading and sorry for the long post. I honnestlt don't know what answers i should expect but anyways. Bless y'all! Hope you're having a good day :))
TLDR: diagnosed at 12. Untreated. Neglected by parents (mother did her best tho). Took a load of bad decisons. Got hooked on drugs. Codependent relationship. Life fell apart but did my best to get it together. Problem is concerta (methylphenidate only med authaurised in my country) doesn't seem to agreee with me. Failing at my job that's supposed to help me afford an appartment. Feeling isolated. Living with my family again was a bad decision cuz my father's a demon in human desguise. Slowly losing hope and thinking about suicide/relapsing again
submitted by madafackinjesus to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.03.30 08:24 Arach78 How do you go about "managing" or "Treating" insomnia / getting medical care?

I went to my doctor and he just told me to try to try some prescription sleep meds for a while and then if I still need it I could go on ambien?
I have NO TROUBLE falling asleep, don't really have any stress or disruptions, but I wake up about 1.5 hours later wide awake. So if I go to bed at midnight, by 1:30 or 2 am I'm wide awake ready to be active for the day. Been like this for well over a month. It happened after a car accident, which my DR said he believes is just a coincidence. I do get so much drainage ("nonallergic rhinitus") that I feel like I struggle to breathe at night sometimes as well, but I've been dealing with that for years and the insomnia is new.
So in short I go to bed with Mucinex, Antihistamines, and get a "restful" 1.5-2 hours of sleep.
I'm just not confident in this "treatment plan", and there's no way its healthy for me to be living off of 1.5-2 hours of sleep a night. I seem to function OK for the most part but get serious light sensitivity and sometimes feel like its not safe for me to be driving because my reaction times go to heck, and its tough to focus at work.
How should I go about trying to figure out a treatment plan? Are there special types of doctors I should be looking for or better resources for learning what the heck is going on?
submitted by Arach78 to insomnia [link] [comments]

2024.03.23 06:54 ERRR777wah Safe to bring my medication (Ritalin) in Algeria ?

Hey all ! I am coming to Algeria for a month to spend some time with my family and also for some business.
I have a prescription for my ADHD, i am taking methylphenidate (Ritalin, concertaā€¦) more or less daily and i know it is a Ā« forbidden Ā» medication in Algeria
I need it to be able to work, i wonder if i can encounter any issues at the airport when I arrive if I have those meds in my checkin luggage. Planning to bring the box with the label and so on and also the prescription of my doctor. Iā€™m just taking the right number of pills to be able to spend my time there so i wonā€™t fly back with those.
I would assume itā€™s safe but curious to hear your take on that. Any help or related experience highly appreciated.
Have a nice day guys !
submitted by ERRR777wah to algeria [link] [comments]

2024.03.17 18:02 swyvelcrux Concerta/ritalin side effects

I noticed my resting heart rate is usually between 55 and 70 but on methylphenidate it seems to occasionally be around 75 to 90. Is this normal and does it go away if I take it consistently for a few weeks to months? Also I'm a avid bicyclists and curious if it's safe to cycle and push myself on these meds? The increased heart rate is also a thing on adderall as well. I will add in I drink coffee and tea daily and those lower my heart and calm me and migraines so maybe adhd stims just need a break in period like caffeine as well? I remember family gave me 36 mg concerta as a kid for years and was fine other my tourettes tics. Took 18 mg as an adult. Other than my coffee/tea habit I only have 2 or 3 beers a week no energy drinks, soda, smoking or other drugs. Any advice or input on the heart rate would be nice. Also I've considered asking my doctor to prescribe clonidine in addition to a stimulant as I hear that helps with tics and adhd so maybe some synergy with less tics? I also am considering switching yo vyvanse as I heard it'd a smoother less dirty stimulant. The goal is to not even feel like I'm on meds just suddenly more efficient at work and more emotionally stable with impulse control
submitted by swyvelcrux to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.03.13 14:16 yellowleavesmouse Irritability and methylphenidate

Hey lovely people. I try to figure out myself here and even though I will clearly speak to my doctor about my medication, to understand what even is the issue, actual stories if experiences would help me trenendously. It is pretty specific story but I would value your input if you struggle with irritability as well
  1. I was misdiagnosed as BP for years.
  2. I got rediagnosed, slowly and carefully by the same doctor over the span of 2 years.
  3. I was prescribed Concerta.
  4. I noticed I have become more irritable at winter - especially when taking half a dose or when it wears off in the evening. Also when I have been useing them without a break - aka working and socializing every day for 3 weeks in a row, butning myself out to the max, not being able to speak.
  5. My theory is that this is because I cover up my autistic need for rest and solitude and keep masking when my body cant really handle it anymore.
  6. Resting for a few days, not masking, not taking any stimulants etc seemed to relax me and bring me back.
  7. Short acting stimulants instead of Concerta seem to help me as well, because I can stop in the middle of the day and check in with my body if I maybe need to rest or maybe even not take the evening dose and sleep instead.
  8. It is a rough world and I do have to keep up with a full time job though.
  9. To be on a safe side - should I ask to add in some sort of mood stabilizer or tranquliser?
Thank you. It is a delicate matter of figuring out myself.
submitted by yellowleavesmouse to AuDHDWomen [link] [comments]