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What the hell...?

2019.04.24 02:45 heynongwoman_ What the hell...?

“I Think You Should Leave with Tim Robinson” Seasons 1-3 now on Netflix

2018.03.16 19:40 whitebandit ThanosDidNothingWrong

Perfectly balanced, as all things should be

2012.11.22 22:12 RunningBearMan Pacific Crest Trail

A place for those interested in the PCT to gather and share information. An open community for discussion of the PCT, with a focus on the HYOH and LNT philosophies.

2024.06.09 10:27 Wooleyty I met the Dogman at Raven's Nest and it took my sister. [Part two]

As if in response to his words, the rain began to pour down in torrents. I scanned the area frantically, searching for shelter from the deluge. My eyes landed on a nearby gazebo, its roof providing a semblance of protection from the elements. I pointed it out to Lily and Mark, and without hesitation, we hurried over and huddled together beneath its flimsy shelter.
As we stood there, trying to formulate a plan, I couldn't help but notice the water cascading down from the mountaintop, converging into streams that flowed ominously toward the town below.
"It's going to flood," I stated, my voice trembling with uncertainty. I racked my brain, desperately trying to devise a course of action in the face of impending disaster.
Lily shot me a look of concern, her brows furrowed with worry, while Mark's head whipped around in my direction, his expression a mix of shock and disbelief.
"What? How do you know?" Mark demanded, his voice cracking with anxiety.
"Look," I replied, pointing towards the only road leading in and out of the town situated atop the mountain.
As Lily and Mark turned to follow my gaze, their eyes widened in horror. The road had transformed into a raging torrent, resembling more of a waterfall than a thoroughfare.
"Fuck," Mark muttered under his breath, his voice heavy with dread.
"We have to find somewhere elevated, away from the ground," I insisted, scanning our surroundings for potential refuge.
"There!" Lily exclaimed suddenly, pointing towards the Library, which was not far in the distance. Perched on the side of the mountain, it was accessible only via a flight of stairs. Its elevated position promised some degree of safety from the rising waters, and its sturdy roof offered protection from the relentless downpour.
"Okay, let's go!" I declared, breaking into a sprint towards the Library. The building was within reach after just a few minutes of brisk running. As I reached the steps, water cascaded down from above, creating a makeshift waterfall that made the climb treacherous but manageable. Determinedly, I ascended the stairs, each step bringing me closer to safety.
As I reached the top of the stairs and glanced back down, my heart sank at the sight of Lily and Mark still struggling to reach safety. "Let's go! Hurry!" I shouted over the din of the storm, my voice barely audible amidst the howling winds and pounding rain.
Lily dashed towards me with determination, but Mark remained rooted in the spot, paralyzed by fear.
"Mark, come on! Let's go!" I urged, my voice tinged with urgency. But just then, a deafening roar echoed through the valley, freezing us all in our tracks. It was the same roar we'd heard earlier. Still, now it was closer and had a chilling amalgamation of animalistic cries and human-like roars, resonating with an eerie intensity.
Breaking free from the spell of terror, I shouted again, "Come on, Mark! You're almost here!"
As Lily struggled against the rising tide of the cascading water coming down the stairs, I reached out to her, my hand extended in a desperate attempt to pull her to safety. She stumbled, but I managed to grasp her arm and haul her up the rest of the steps.
Glancing down, I saw Mark finally lurch into motion, his movements labored as he fought against the now ankle-deep water. With every step, he seemed to expend what little energy he had left.
"Mark, you can do it! Just a little further!" Lily's voice echoed through the storm, urging him on.
But as Mark neared the stairs, the water flowing down the steps surged with newfound force, threatening to sweep him away. With a burst of adrenaline, he pushed himself forward, his fingers grazing mine for a fleeting moment before the current overwhelmed him.
Helplessly, Lily and I watched as Mark was carried downstream, his screams of terror echoing through the valley. And then, as if summoned by the chaos, a monstrous figure appeared out of the shadows in the street.
Standing tall and menacing amid the storm, it was like something out of a nightmare. A grotesque fusion of man and beast, its black fur matted and patchy, its human-like face contorted into a snarling, canine visage.
As the creature locked eyes with Mark, it lunged forward with terrifying speed, its massive form crashing down upon him in a flurry of claws and fangs. Mark's screams pierced the night air, a haunting symphony of agony and despair that sent shivers down my spine.
Unable to bear the horror unfolding before us, Lily turned away, her face twisted in anguish as she fought back tears. As the creature dragged Mark into the darkness, I felt a cold chill run down my spine, a chilling reminder of the darkness within the heart of the Raven's Nest.
As I watched in horror, the creature tore into Mark's body with savage ferocity, reducing him to nothing more than a bloody mass of flesh. Its eyes met mine for a fleeting moment, sending a chill down my spine as it snatched up what remained of Mark and vanished into the darkness.
With trembling hands, Lily pulled me into the Library and hastily barricaded the door with a bookcase. My mind reeled with shock and disbelief, unable to process the gruesome scene that had just unfolded before my eyes.
"Rory, Rory, snap out of it!" Lily's voice pierced through the fog of my mind, her words a distant echo as I struggled to regain my composure. Her soothing touch and gentle words slowly brought me back to reality, the weight of what had just transpired crashing down upon me like a tidal wave.
I found myself hyperventilating, gasping for air as panic threatened to overwhelm me. Lily held me close, her arms a lifeline amid the chaos, calming my racing heart and guiding me back from the brink of despair.
It wasn't the first time I had experienced such a paralyzing reaction to trauma. The memories of our parents' passing flooded back, the pain and grief still raw after all these years. And now, faced with the brutal reality of Mark's demise, I felt myself slipping into that familiar state of shock once again.
Lily's tears mingled with mine as we huddled on the cold library floor, seeking solace in each other's embrace. The distant sounds of the monster devouring its prey served as a grim reminder of the danger that lurked just beyond our makeshift barricade.
In that moment of despair, all we could do was hold onto each other, finding strength in our shared grief and determination to survive. But deep down, I knew that the nightmare was far from over and that the horrors of the Raven's Nest had only begun.
Lily drifted off into sleep relatively quickly. She needed the rest; despite being twenty-seven, she was still young, and the day's events had taken their toll on her. I couldn't help but reminisce about our childhood memories when I used to affectionately refer to her as "Lil Sister." Those memories brought a sense of comfort amidst the chaos, and as I dwelled on them, I felt myself being pulled into the embrace of sleep.
Before long, I, too, succumbed to exhaustion, the weight of the day finally catching up with me. As I drifted off into slumber, memories of simpler times danced through my mind, mingling with the events of the present in a surreal dreamscape. And as the tendrils of sleep enveloped me, I found solace in the fleeting moments of tranquility amidst the chaos of the Raven's Nest.
I bolted awake at the sound of crashing, instantly alert and searching for Lily in the darkness. My eyes hadn't yet adjusted, so I fumbled in my bag for a flashlight, my heart pounding with anxiety. As the beam of light pierced the darkness, I swept it around the room, desperately seeking any sign of my sister. Then, another crash echoed from the direction of the basement stairs, labeled ominously in the dim light.
Normally, I'd have hesitated to descend into such a foreboding place, but with Lily missing, I had no choice. Slowly, cautiously, I made my way down the stairs, the beam of light casting eerie shadows on the damp walls.
The sound of running water grew louder with each step, and when I rounded the corner, I was met with the sight of the flooded basement. Something stirred in the murky depths, a figure moving in the dim light at the room's far end. My heart raced as I approached, the water sloshing around my ankles with each step. And then, in the faint glow of the flashlight, I saw her: Lily, struggling against an unseen force, her movements frantic and desperate.
I waded through the waist-deep water, my movements sluggish against the pressure, trying to reach Lily as she struggled against something unseen. The rustling and grunting ceased as I pushed forward, the urgency building with each step.
"Lily, what's going on?" I called out, my voice strained with concern.
"Rory?" Lily's voice came from the other end of the room, surprisingly calm.
Finally reaching her, I found Lily hidden behind a stack of boxes, her attention fixed on a metal ammunition box she'd uncovered.
"What the hell are you doing?" I whispered urgently.
"Maybe there's something in here we can use against... whatever the fuck that thing is," Lily replied, her voice tinged with desperation as she attempted to pry the box open, to no avail.
"Bring it upstairs, and maybe we can find something to open it," I suggested in a hushed tone, my nerves on edge as I scanned our surroundings for any sign of danger.
Lily's frustration seemed to dissipate into resignation as she met my gaze. Together, we began to wade back through the flooded basement, our senses heightened by the impending danger. Suddenly, the tranquility of our surroundings shattered as the front door upstairs, our only means of escape out of the building, sounded like it was violently torn from its hinges, the sound echoing through the basement like a harbinger of doom.
The heavy, ominous footsteps of the creature reverberated through the air, accompanied by the unsettling growl of its breath. It was clear that our presence had been detected, and the beast was now descending into the basement, drawing closer with each passing moment. Panic seized me as I realized the gravity of our situation - we were trapped, with nowhere to run and the relentless pursuit of the unknown closing in on us.
"Shh..." I hushed urgently, motioning for Lily to hide behind the boxes with me as the ominous sound of the creature's approach grew nearer. Despite the impending danger, Lily remained fixated on the ammunition box, her determination evident in her efforts to unlock it quietly.
"Stop," I whispered with growing frustration, attempting to draw her attention away from the futile task. However, it seemed as though she was wholly absorbed in her mission, impervious to my attempts to redirect her focus. Desperation gnawed at me as I realized the precariousness of our situation, with the creature closing in and Lily oblivious to the imminent threat, likely due to the shock of the day's events.
The monster's presence in the basement sent a chill down my spine as I peered cautiously from behind the boxes, taking in its imposing figure. Despite the water being waist deep for me, the creature waded through effortlessly, its massive form towering over us. Its keen senses were evident as it sniffed the air, detecting our presence with unsettling accuracy.
As Lily's persistent efforts finally paid off and the box squeaked open, her triumphant expression quickly shifted to one of realization and dread as the monster roared in response. The deafening sound reverberated through the basement, causing me to instinctively cover my ears in a futile attempt to block it out. Amidst the roar, I could discern an underlying tone that chilled me to the core—a human-like cry buried within the beast's primal roar, as if someone were pleading for mercy.
With adrenaline coursing through my veins, I lunged to the side, pulling Lily with me as we narrowly avoided the charging monster. For a moment, I thought we had escaped unharmed, but my relief turned to horror when Lily's scream pierced the air. Glancing down, my heart sank as I witnessed the gruesome sight—her leg had been violently torn from her body, leaving a trail of blood that tainted the water around us, a vivid crimson. The agony etched on her face mirrored the shock and helplessness I felt at that moment.
The sight before me was a nightmare made real. My mind recoiled at the grotesque spectacle unfolding as the monster tore into Lily's severed leg with savage abandon. Blood sprayed in every direction, mingling with the water to create a chilling tableau of horror. Each crunch and tear of flesh echoed in the cramped basement, a grotesque symphony of violence.
For a moment, I was frozen in shock, unable to comprehend the sheer brutality of what I was witnessing. It felt like time had slowed to a crawl, trapping me in this macabre scene of primal savagery. The monster's inhuman appetite seemed insatiable as it devoured Lily's flesh from her forcefully amputated leg, indifferent to her screams of agony as she lay not even fifteen feet away from it, screaming in pain.
As I watched in horrified fascination, a sickening realization dawned on me: we were not dealing with a mere beast but a predator driven by an insatiable hunger for flesh. And if I didn't act fast, Lily wouldn't be the only victim of its ravenous appetite.
With grim determination, I focused on the task at hand. Ignoring the nauseating sight of Lily's mangled leg, I reached for her, gripping her arm tightly. She cried out in pain as I hoisted her out of the water, her screams echoing in the basement.
"Come on, Lily, we need to go," I urged, my voice tinged with urgency. Ignoring the searing pain in her eyes, she nodded weakly, her face contorted in agony.
Together, we staggered towards the stairs, every step a Herculean effort against the overwhelming tide of fear and despair. The monster continued its grisly feast behind us, the sounds of its feasting driving us forward with a renewed sense of urgency.
I stumbled over an unseen obstacle beneath the water's surface, sending Lily and me plunging into the cold, dark depths. The shock of the fall stole my breath, and for a moment, disorientation clouded my senses as we struggled to regain our footing.
Frantically, I reached out in the darkness, my hands grasping for Lily's form as water rushed into my nose and mouth. With a surge of panic, I managed to find her, clutching onto her tightly as we resurfaced, coughing and sputtering.
As we gasped for air, I felt the weight of Lily's body in my arms, and with every ounce of strength I could muster, I began to drag her toward the stairs as she floated.
Struggling to hoist her up, I noticed the severity of Lily's injury more clearly. Her left leg was missing from the knee down, torn off in a gruesome manner. Each time I dragged her up a step, her bloody stump thudded against the hard surface, eliciting agonizing screams from her. Finally, we reached the corner of the stairs, where I adjusted her position to navigate the new angle.
As we turned the corner and I struggled to hoist Lily onto the first step of this new and longer set of stairs, the thunderous approach of the monster echoed through the basement, intensifying with each passing moment. Though I couldn't see it, the sound of its sprinting footsteps through the water and heavy breathing grew louder, signaling its imminent arrival. Fueled by adrenaline, I tugged harder on Lily's collar, the urgency of escape overriding any concerns about her injury. All that mattered now was getting her to safety before the creature reached us.
As we ascended, almost halfway now, I caught sight of the creature turning the corner. Its rapid pace caused it to collide with the wall, the force denting the cement as it rebounded. The sight filled me with a surge of terror, propelling me to pull Lily with renewed urgency. For a moment, she felt weightless in my grasp as I almost dragged her completely up the stairs, driven by sheer determination. Yet, as my grip faltered, I felt her slipping from my hold.
The moisture from the rain and flooding had made my hands slippery. Everything seemed to unfold in agonizing slow motion as Lily tumbled down the stairs, her descent helpless and inevitable. In the blink of an eye, the monster pounced upon her, its ferocious hunger driving it to begin devouring her without hesitation. Frozen at the top of the stairs, I watched in horror, my gaze alternating between the gruesome spectacle unfolding below and my wet, pruned hands, feeling utterly powerless to intervene.
The monster's gaze briefly flickered toward me as if acknowledging my presence for the first time since it began its grisly meal. Another thunderous roar erupted from its throat, prompting me to instinctively cover my ears. Again, I could have sworn I heard a desperate man screaming when the thing roared.
With a surge of adrenaline, I dashed up the final step and slammed the door shut behind me, shutting out the horrifying scene below.
As I fled through the unlit and dark town, I encountered areas still very submerged by the flooding, forcing me to swim through the murky waters in a desperate bid for escape. As I sprinted through the town, the absence of rainfall struck me. How long had it been since the downpour ceased? How long had I been asleep? Time seemed distorted, the day's events blending into a surreal blur. I pressed on, my only focus now: finding a way out of this nightmare.
After what felt like an eternity of navigating through the flooded streets, with every step weighed down by the relentless rainwater, I finally reached the end of the main paved road, where it transitioned into the dirt path leading to the mine—the sole exit out of town. The dark, murky, muddy path stretched ahead, promising a treacherous journey. The thick sludge threatened to swallow any misstep, making each footfall precarious.
As I stood there, catching my breath and surveying the daunting path ahead, the distant echo of the monster's roar pierced the eerie silence. It was a chilling reminder that danger lurked nearby, urging me to push forward despite the obstacles ahead.
By the time I reached Lily's jeep, I had lost both my shoes to the road and was caked in the thick, clinging mud. I swung open the jeep door, my heart racing with the anticipation of escape, only to be met with the realization that I didn't have the key. Frustration boiled over, and I cursed loudly, slamming the door shut in a fit of anger.
Then, a flicker of memory illuminated my mind: Lily's old jeep, a '95 Jeep Wrangler. We had discovered soon after she bought it that, true to its shoddy nature, it could be started with nothing more than a screwdriver in the ignition.
In a frantic search, my eyes darted around the muddy surroundings, desperate for any sign of a tool or implement that could help me start Lily's jeep. The sound of the monster's roar reverberated in the air, closer now, sending shivers down my spine. Every second felt like an eternity as I scoured the area, my heart pounding with fear and adrenaline.
Peering down the muddy road, I spotted the lumbering figure of the monster struggling to ascend. Its massive form sank into the mud with each step, hindering its progress as its feet and hands became mired in the thick, sticky terrain. Relief washed over me as I realized this bought me precious moments, a brief respite in my frantic escape.
I decide to look inside the car as I frantically rummage through the cluttered middle console of the car, my heart pounding against my ribcage. Every second felt like an eternity as I searched desperately for anything that could start the engine. Amidst the chaos of scattered items—a map, an old CD case, a jumble of charging cables—I felt my fingers close around something solid.
Pulling it out, I found a weathered Swiss Army knife, its metal casing worn and scratched from years of use. I unfolded the blade with trembling hands and positioned it carefully within the ignition. The familiar weight of the blade grounded me amid panic as I turned it, hoping against hope that it would work.
The engine sputtered to life after a few tense moments, its roar filling the confined space of the jeep. Relief flooded through me, mingled with uncertainty about what lay ahead. As I glanced up, I caught sight of the approaching monster, its massive form looming closer with each passing second.
With a quick intake of breath, I slammed the car into reverse, the tires spinning in the thick mud before gaining traction. The jeep lurched backward, leaving deep tracks in its wake as I raced away from The Raven's Nest.
The memories of that fateful day haunted me for years, a constant reminder of the horrors that lurked within The Raven's Nest. I tried to seek justice and warn others of the danger lurking in that cursed town, but each attempt fell on deaf ears.
As the years passed, I became increasingly disillusioned with my futile attempts to bring the truth to light. It wasn't that no one believed me; I knew too much. The secrets of The Raven's Nest ran deep, intertwined with the very fabric of the town's existence.
Authorities dismissed my claims as the ramblings of a troubled mind, unwilling or unable to acknowledge the darkness that permeated every corner of that forsaken place. And so, I resigned myself to the fact that some truths were better left buried, that the secrets of The Raven's Nest were meant to remain hidden.
In the quiet moments of solitude, I ponder the events of that harrowing day, eight years distant yet still vivid in my memory. I often wonder about those cameras we had installed, silent sentinels bearing witness to the horrors of The Raven's Nest. Do they still perch in their hidden alcoves, their lenses trained on the dormant secrets within those cursed streets?
The temptation to return, to retrieve that footage and unveil the truth to the world, is a constant tug at the edges of my consciousness. If only I could lay my hands on that evidence, undeniable proof of the malevolent forces that lurk in the shadows. But with each passing thought, a shiver courses down my spine, a reminder of the dread that still clings to the very mention of that forsaken place.
And so, the footage remains abandoned, lost to time and neglect, much like the town itself, swallowed by the unforgiving embrace of the valley. Perhaps some mysteries are best left buried, their secrets guarded by the silent guardians of the past.
I find myself consumed by a profound sense of guilt, particularly regarding Mark's tragic fate. I remember vividly the day we met at the museum, his genuine curiosity and eagerness to explore the town's history. Little did he know the peril that awaited us all. I can't help but feel responsible for leading him into that nightmare. It was a gruesome scene, etched into my memory with agonizing clarity. I watched in horror as the creature pounced on him, its razor-sharp claws tearing through flesh and bone with merciless efficiency. The sound of his screams still echoes in my ears, a chilling symphony of agony that pierces through the silence of my nightmares. At that moment, I was powerless to save him, gripped by a paralyzing terror that rendered me immobile. His death is a burden I carry with me always, a heavy weight that serves as a constant reminder of the price we paid for venturing into the heart of darkness.
I often find myself wondering about our parents' untimely departure, leaving behind a chasm filled with unanswered questions and aching longing. In the quiet of the night, I ponder how they would have reacted to my tale—of Lily's tragic end, of the nightmares we encountered in that desolate town. Would they have believed my words? Would they have comprehended the depth of my sorrow, the burden of guilt for failing to shield their cherished daughter?
In my heart, I carry the weight of my dear sister Lily's untimely demise. Her laughter, warmth, and unwavering spirit are now lost to the darkness that enveloped that cursed town. Each day, I long to see her smile once more, to hear her voice echoing in the halls of our shared memories. Yet, I know she is gone, forever lost to the merciless jaws of that insatiable beast. The memory of her screams, the sight of her torn body, they etch themselves into my soul, a painful reminder of the fragility of life and the cruelty of fate.
Lily's injury and her agonizing screams echo incessantly in the corridors of my mind, haunting me like a relentless specter. The memory of that moment is etched into my consciousness with vivid, excruciating detail—the sight of her torn leg, the gushing crimson of her blood staining the murky waters, and the raw, visceral sound of her screams reverberating through the air. Each time I close my eyes, I am transported back to that harrowing scene, unable to escape the overwhelming sense of helplessness that washed over me. Her pain, her fear, her desperation—all of it lingers like a scar on my soul, a constant reminder of the horrors we endured in that forsaken place.
submitted by Wooleyty to ZakBabyTV_Stories [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:26 Duck_Giblets Question about DAP, brewing grade compared to farm sourced (NZ)

Kia ora everyone!
Will jump straight into it,
As per the title, I'm wondering what the differences are between 'food grade' and farm store sourced DAP (Di Ammonium Phosphate), or what to look out for and what not to get when it comes to sourcing dap. Am aware that impurities and mineral content can differ, been getting 200g bags of dap from a brew supplier who's been out of stock for a while but they don't last long when I'm both distilling for work purposes (cleaning alcohol) and personal use.
Also if anyone has advice around sourcing molasses for that matter. Am aware that sulphur free molasses is ideal.
Only been doing sugar washes until this time, also open to starting on grains or alternatives.
Ngā mihi
submitted by Duck_Giblets to firewater [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:25 Lucajan567 Babymetal has reached 4mil listeners on Spotify

Babymetal has reached 4mil listeners on Spotify
Babymetal has reached 4mil in record time. The first screenshot is from the 27th of May and the second is from today. So they have gained 1.5 mil listeners in just 13 days. I hope it doesn't go down once the hype around ratatat passes. I was also at rock am Ring yesterday and it was f-ing great. I was at the very front at first but went back a bit after some songs because the crowd was brutal. I didn't expect it to be this bad. Should I post the videos I made on this subreddit too?
submitted by Lucajan567 to BABYMETAL [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:21 Salt-Size-7381 Urgent Help required! (storage problem)

I own a Chinese smartphone from Redmi particularly redmi 5a with 2 gb ram /16gb storage variant . It shows i have 9gb available total excluding system reserve storage . currently day by day the storage is dropping like month ago i used to have atleast 1 gb free but but now it has decresed to 100mb . I only have system apps installed with whatsapp taking approx 600 mb , regain 50 mb, and spotify lite, 80 mb and max size being taken up by any app is of google 650mb only . I cleared cache and almost all system apps data of bloatware apps like mi apps, calendar, clock , browser etc . still everyday i check it goes down i tried everything . It's barely usable now . i am getting a new phone maybe next month so till then i have to bear with it plz help!
submitted by Salt-Size-7381 to help [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:21 Witty_Programmer_874 A teenage regression group chat!

I hope y'all join and have fun! Feel free to talk about whatever as long as it in the lines of our community! Make some friends while you're here!
submitted by Witty_Programmer_874 to TEENAGE_regressors [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:21 CocklpotGov A Number Of Announcments From Cocklpot

A Number Of Announcments From Cocklpot
The Grand High Kingdom of Cocklpot apologises for it's absence on the inter-micronational stage for the past eleven months. we have been busy working on domestic affairs, such as drafting the new Cocklpotian Territories and Land Holdings act and creating the official national anthem. after such a long period of time away from the greater micronational community Cocklpot would like to share some announcments and developments that have happend and that we see as worthy of being mentioned on this post.
First and foremost, Cocklpot has finally recived an official national anthem. On the 7th of April 2024 "Hail Cocklpot" was approved by His Majesty, King James, as the official national anthem. After many years of deliberation and many failed attempts at creating an anthem that satisfied the Kings wishes we have finally done so.
Secondly, and perhaps most importantly, Cocklpot has recently been in the process of drafting an act of that is of some importance to our nation. At the time of writing the act is yet to go into affect as the King continues to go over it and to fine tweak some points of the act in order to ensure that it is as close to perfect as it can be.
The preamble of "The Cocklpotian Territories and Land Holdings Act" reads as follows: "Whereas, the Kingdom of Cocklpot recognizes the importance of governing its territories and land holdings with precision and clarity; and whereas, to promote harmonious relations and the well-being of the citizens therein, this act will define the rights, classifications, and governance of various territories and land holdings within the realm as discussed by His Majesty, Grand High King James, and his Privy Council.".
As you may be able to see this act will fundamentally alter the way in which Cocklpot is classified internally. The act will establish an official system for classification for the various territories and land holdings that Cocklpot currently has control over. These changes will not change the core territories the existed when Cocklpot was first created, unless otherwise specified (such as Crown Holdings), but it will affect all other current and future territories.
This act lays out several clasifications and defines them and their rights in the act, however we will not include how each is defined as this post will already be rather long with added legal jargon. The names of these clasifications are as follows: Incorporated Territory, Unincorporated Territory, Sovereign Colony, Sovereign Realm, United Imperial Territory, Cown Holding. Each different type has its own rights and privillages, however there is some overlap between each type.
if you have any questions about this act please feel free to ask in the comments and we will get back to you as soon as we possibly can.
Thirdly, The King has a new official portrait which as recently been released to the public. Please find both variations below:
This is an official portrait of His Majesty, King James, which was created in 2024 and has 2 different variations, this being the first of the 2
This is an official portrait of His Majesty, King James, which was created in 2024 and has 2 different variations, this being the second of the 2
submitted by CocklpotGov to micronation [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:19 CocklpotGov A Number Of Announcments From Cocklpot

A Number Of Announcments From Cocklpot
The Grand High Kingdom of Cocklpot apologises for it's absence on the inter-micronational stage for the past eleven months. we have been busy working on domestic affairs, such as drafting the new Cocklpotian Territories and Land Holdings act and creating the official national anthem. after such a long period of time away from the greater micronational community Cocklpot would like to share some announcments and developments that have happend and that we see as worthy of being mentioned on this post.
First and foremost, Cocklpot has finally recived an official national anthem. On the 7th of April 2024 "Hail Cocklpot" was approved by His Majesty, King James, as the official national anthem. After many years of deliberation and many failed attempts at creating an anthem that satisfied the Kings wishes we have finally done so.
Secondly, and perhaps most importantly, Cocklpot has recently been in the process of drafting an act of that is of some importance to our nation. At the time of writing the act is yet to go into affect as the King continues to go over it and to fine tweak some points of the act in order to ensure that it is as close to perfect as it can be.
The preamble of "The Cocklpotian Territories and Land Holdings Act" reads as follows: "Whereas, the Kingdom of Cocklpot recognizes the importance of governing its territories and land holdings with precision and clarity; and whereas, to promote harmonious relations and the well-being of the citizens therein, this act will define the rights, classifications, and governance of various territories and land holdings within the realm as discussed by His Majesty, Grand High King James, and his Privy Council.".
As you may be able to see this act will fundamentally alter the way in which Cocklpot is classified internally. The act will establish an official system for classification for the various territories and land holdings that Cocklpot currently has control over. These changes will not change the core territories the existed when Cocklpot was first created, unless otherwise specified (such as Crown Holdings), but it will affect all other current and future territories.
This act lays out several clasifications and defines them and their rights in the act, however we will not include how each is defined as this post will already be rather long with added legal jargon. The names of these clasifications are as follows: Incorporated Territory, Unincorporated Territory, Sovereign Colony, Sovereign Realm, United Imperial Territory, Cown Holding. Each different type has its own rights and privillages, however there is some overlap between each type.
if you have any questions about this act please feel free to ask in the comments and we will get back to you as soon as we possibly can.
Thirdly, The King has a new official portrait which as recently been released to the public. Please find both variations below:
This is an official portrait of His Majesty, King James, which was created in 2024 and has 2 different variations, this being the first of the 2
This is an official portrait of His Majesty, King James, which was created in 2024 and has 2 different variations, this being the second of the 2
submitted by CocklpotGov to micronations [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:19 Walkman_Metrocop Survivor rankings

This is a thread i can currently make about how i see some survivors and what i think about going into a match with or against them.
Starting off strong, we have;
Bozo brigade: Honestly i dont know if its just me, but by god. If it isnt just megs, fengs, mikaelas and sables that are 90% some of the worst players in this game with a small percentage of them actually being compitent. I cant even say how many times ive had them as teammates and have been absolutely fucked over, left behind, or they off themselves on hook because they got outplayed. I feel bad for the minority of their players who are actually good.
Chernobyl escapees: Some of the most toxic survivors would have to be Ash, ace, Jane, claudette, bunny fengs, nea, kate, nancy, yun jin and zarina players. That is ALOT all at once but it just seems toxic players gravitate to these sorts of characters. They will almost always be who you see in bully squads unless its all one character. To the few who arent toxic, you deserve better.
The heroes: These players will NEVER leave you hanging, and you will always be able to count on them no matter what (most the time). Leons, steves, bill, jake, jeff and david players will quite literally give their lives to save you if they see you on hook. They are a blessing as they also usually tend to be pretty good at the game and can give killers a run for their money.
The banes of killers: These players will absolutely make the game alot harder if you have them, any p100 player has a high chance to be good, but if they play these characters? If you're a killer; run. Adam, quentin, dwight, tapp and yoichi players are some of the most challenging players i have played against in the game, and have really given me a run for my money most the time.
The wannabe sweats: Yeah, alot of the players who use these characters are on a high after watching a JRM or an Ayrun video and think they'll destroy you, flashlight you, etc. Long story short; nah. Ada, thalita, rebecca, renato and haddie. There is only one exception to this; the 1%. Speaking of-
The 1%: These are the players who are complete monsters at this game. They dont go by character, rank, cosmetics, perks, or anything. They're hiding in the shadows. You will either win as a survivor or lose as a killer. There is no inbetween. Whoever these people are, they're probably a cult.
The gigachads: They're always going to be fun to be around. And their communities are usually pretty chill. Gabe, nic, alan and vittorios will most likely be average, but they'll always give you a hand if you need it. unless theres a bandana vittorio. Rare, but will always be above average in skill.
The ones who disappeared: I havent even seen an ellen or a jonah in months. Do they even exist?
Feel free to share your thoughts and your own opinions below!
submitted by Walkman_Metrocop to deadbydaylight [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:17 CocklpotGov A Number Of Announcements From Cocklpot

A Number Of Announcements From Cocklpot
The Grand High Kingdom of Cocklpot apologises for it's absence on the inter-micronational stage for the past eleven months. we have been busy working on domestic affairs, such as drafting the new Cocklpotian Territories and Land Holdings act and creating the official national anthem. after such a long period of time away from the greater micronational community Cocklpot would like to share some announcments and developments that have happend and that we see as worthy of being mentioned on this post.
First and foremost, Cocklpot has finally recived an official national anthem. On the 7th of April 2024 "Hail Cocklpot" was approved by His Majesty, King James, as the official national anthem. After many years of deliberation and many failed attempts at creating an anthem that satisfied the Kings wishes we have finally done so.
Secondly, and perhaps most importantly, Cocklpot has recently been in the process of drafting an act of that is of some importance to our nation. At the time of writing the act is yet to go into affect as the King continues to go over it and to fine tweak some points of the act in order to ensure that it is as close to perfect as it can be.
The preamble of "The Cocklpotian Territories and Land Holdings Act" reads as follows: "Whereas, the Kingdom of Cocklpot recognizes the importance of governing its territories and land holdings with precision and clarity; and whereas, to promote harmonious relations and the well-being of the citizens therein, this act will define the rights, classifications, and governance of various territories and land holdings within the realm as discussed by His Majesty, Grand High King James, and his Privy Council.".
As you may be able to see this act will fundamentally alter the way in which Cocklpot is classified internally. The act will establish an official system for classification for the various territories and land holdings that Cocklpot currently has control over. These changes will not change the core territories the existed when Cocklpot was first created, unless otherwise specified (such as Crown Holdings), but it will affect all other current and future territories.
This act lays out several clasifications and defines them and their rights in the act, however we will not include how each is defined as this post will already be rather long with added legal jargon. The names of these clasifications are as follows: Incorporated Territory, Unincorporated Territory, Sovereign Colony, Sovereign Realm, United Imperial Territory, Cown Holding. Each different type has its own rights and privillages, however there is some overlap between each type.
if you have any questions about this act please feel free to ask in the comments and we will get back to you as soon as we possibly can.
Thirdly, The King has a new official portrait which as recently been released to the public. Please find both variations below:
This is an official portrait of His Majesty, King James, which was created in 2024 and has 2 different variations, this being the first of the 2
This is an official portrait of His Majesty, King James, which was created in 2024 and has 2 different variations, this being the second of the 2
submitted by CocklpotGov to freemicronations [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:17 Aromatic-Frosting-75 Colin took Penelope for granted

Which is why it took him so long to realize his feelings.
I love rewatching over and over because I always notice something new. One detail I have tried to pinpoint is the moment he falls in love with her, and am Austen quote comes to mind,
"I cannot fix on the hour, or the spot, or the look, or the words, which laid the foundation. It is too long ago. I was in the middle before I knew that I had begun."
For Penelope, it was love at first sight. Not just because she found him handsome, but also because he is so gentle and sweet. And as Eloise's best friend, she was always at the Bridgerton house. Always happy to see or speak to Colin. He has known her for years as a fixture in his home.
And because of that he took her for granted.
He has always been fond of her and cared about her. He has rescued her from Cressida and rescued her and her family in S2.
But it took Penelope overhearing his cruel words and her fight with Eloise to make him acknowledge how much he actually feels about her.
For instance, right at the beginning of S3, before the opening title, Colin returns home. He is found flirting with a group of young ladies while Penelope watches from the bushes. She looks dismayed and confused by this new Colin. Then he turns to greet his family, and she steps out from the bushes hopeful. This is the Colin she knows and loves. The minute he hugs Eloise he turns to look directly at her house, and sees her. (He really does always seek her out). But he doesn't acknowledge seeing her and turns back to himself family. She feels snubbed. In her eyes, he is indifferent to her. I imagine seeing Eloise reminded him of her, and he looks to double check that she is there. But she is always there, and once satisfied by seeing her, he turns away. He takes her presence for granted.
Minutes later he walks up to her at the park, but her attitude is cold and indifferent. He jokingly comments about Eloise and Cressida being friends, and her response is cold and vague. Later when he speaks to Eloise in the family drawing room he brings up their friendship again. Eloise announcing in a rather final voice that they have grown apart is the moment he first realizes that the woman he has been taking for granted may very likely not be a fixture in his home.
This is compounded by their conversation after her dress is ripped. He thinks his flowery compliments will work on Pen the way they work on the other ladies of the ton, but instead she lashes out at him and reveals she overheard his cruel words. Colin even tries to get her somewhere alone and private, seconds after reminding her that she needs a chaperone, but Penelope is decidedly not succumbing to his practiced charm.
It is in Colin realizing that Penelope may very well no longer be in his life that he stops taking her for granted.
Even when giving her lessons in finding a suitor, I believe he saw the exercise as a fun way to spend time privately with her. He likely sees their lessons as a way to teach her confidence and as an excuse to flirt. He is having fun.
It is only when Lord Debling takes a serious interest in her that he understands he could very well lose her for good.
The kiss is when he finally acknowledges his attraction for her, with episode 3 being a slow torturous dawning of understanding of the intensity of his feelings. By the end of the episode as he watches her dancing with Debling you can see he finally really gets it.
He is in love with Penelope Featherington. He has been in love with Penelope Featherington. And now he has lost her to someone else.
Penelope on the other hand has loved him for so long, she sees the kiss as a final goodbye. She is inexperienced and never courted anyone or had any man show interest in her. It is why she is oblivious to what he is doing.
She doesn't notice when he flirts with her. She doesn't question all the times he goes out of his way to be alone in private with her. She doesn't even see the longing look he gives her after their kiss. She doesn't notice all the times he looks for her whenever they are at a ball or at a park. She is completely oblivious.
Even Eloise is oblivious to what is happening between them. She sees Colin's attentions towards Penelope as friendly. Lord Debling notices that Colin is competition by the end of episode 3 when he interrupts them to ask Penelope for a dance, and gives Colin a very pointed look.
When Violet announces that Penelope is to receive a proposal, Colin finally decides to make a move. Even then after interrupting Debling and Penelope's dance, he initially cannot get the words out. It is only after she leaves that he realizes he could really lose her forever. It is in that moment he risks everything.
That is why he proposes immediately after the carriage ride. He has taken her for granted for so long and it almost made him lose her. He won't bother waiting for the morning or asking for her mother's permission. He does not want to waste a single second more. It must have been heartbreaking and terrifying watching the woman he loves be with someone else. He doesn't want to waste another second.
submitted by Aromatic-Frosting-75 to PolinBridgerton [link] [comments]


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submitted by PersonalCaramel7500 to blackmagicspelling [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:12 OverwatchShake Possible theory as to Ryan Cohen's plan: no moass. Discussion invited.

Hi everyone. Been here since jan '21, rarely make posts, always offer reassurance because I've always been sure of the thesis. If there is still an outsized short position, I am in until it is resolved, because an open short is nothing but a promise to buy a share at some date in the future. I've never seen any indication that they closed and the ride has been fun as hell.
But now I've been struggling to understand the second offering of shares and have been thinking a lot on it. I've landed on something that kind of makes sense with all the hints from Ryan Cohen, Larry Cheng, etc.
We're not squeezing them, we're cooking them. Boiling them like a frog. Why?
Because squeezing them is hard and unreliable. They could and would possibly just turn off the buy button again -- same story, not enough collatoral, the clearing house would not sanction it without it, doubling down on their lame excuse all those years ago, all payment for order flow brokers just shutting down buying.
Moreover, if the squeeze is not powerful enough they wouldn't even have to do that, they could just close some shorts at the bottom, sell overpriced options premium, and when the squeeze runs out of steam short it near the top, try to scare new investors and kick the can, collecting the premium from options to offset short term losses.
Moreover the company would be under scrutiny to show they did not facilitate the squeeze.
I think Ryan Cohen is simply going to offer new shares every time the price jumps, raise the hard bottom price of the stock, buy shares and become a holding company like Berkshire Hathaway. He just wants the shorts off his back, out of the company, while using the periodic sneezes to bolster Gamestop's balance.
Currently at $27 Gamestop's market cap is at 8.5 billion. If Gamestop has 4.25 billion in the bank that means it can never go under $15 on brand value and cash on hand alone. The shares would probably do well over time as the stock market usually goes up. And every time the price sneezes he does it again, raising the floor of the stock.
If the short position is huge and multiple times the float this would cook them -- as when the floor of the stock rises to $30, then $40 eventually the entire short position would still be underwater with no means to ever go green again. Institutional money would flood in any time it dips below the floor.
If the short position is substantial but not multiple times the float -- this would give the shorts a potential way to get out while benefiting the company and long-term investors (not speculators, which technically we are hoping for moass).
Lastly, it would definitely clear the company of all suspicions of manipulation, since they gave the short side many outs.
I'm not a finance professional, and I don't know anything. I'm hoping to learn in the comments what smarter folk than I think about Ryan Cohen's intentions and what awaits us going forward.
Not meant to fud. Even while working this out, selling never crossed my mind, it is in all scenarios in my best interest to hold. Even in the "worse" scenario, all risk of losing is removed over time by the rising floor.
I'm still hoping for moass, but I'm not sure RC wants it. I feel that like chess-players we should objectively evaluate our position and not blindly hope. I'm interested in your thoughts -- especially from the people that are experts in finance or management, but feel free to weigh in with anything.
submitted by OverwatchShake to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:09 Odd_Produce_2303 NGS2B Alpha is so good.

Wow. This mod has come a really long way. You don’t need cheat engine anymore. It’s way more polished. Gore has been restored so well.
I find it a lot harder than NGII MN too. The enemy AI is more aggressive and IS splash damage is a lot. But the combos on the Sigma engine feel smoother so you can still be stylish.
Some of the spawns are more interesting than Vanilla NGII MN (Chapter 2 Tower Grey Ninjas).
Honestly the plugin potential too is making it above NGII for me. I just got to Chapter 3 on MN. 1 and 2 were SOLID. Very tough but overall okay balance for people familiar with NGII MN.
Thank you Fiend Busa.
I reccomend anyone reading this to try NGS2B Alpha with the gore restored and free camera mod. The free camera mod is amazing. I really dislike the cinematic zoom ins on vanilla NGII OT UTs, especially when it ruins the camera.
submitted by Odd_Produce_2303 to ninjagaiden [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:08 EqualSweet1181 Research Job Offer Advice

Hi all,
I’m about to graduate with a master’s in International Development from a prestigious uni in the UK and I have, of course, been thinking about next steps.
For a month or so I’ve been working remotely as an RA for a research institute in East Africa and just got an offer to work for them as a Research Officer in one of their field offices. My salary would stay the same ($3k/month) with free accommodation and a few other benefits, but I’d be doing way more work than I am now.
It’s for sure a big move and I’m now trying to decide if to take the offer and make the move or keep trying to find a job at any of the development organisations/NGOs etc. in London or other European countries (I’m from an EU country).
I for sure don’t want to work in research long-term and I guess the dream is to eventually work in the actual design/implementation of dev projects. Plus, I also have some loans to pay, so the financial part is definitely important and I’m not sure if the move actually makes sense.
Any input would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by EqualSweet1181 to InternationalDev [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:07 FullmetalArgus The Wolf and the Cyclops Part 1

It had been less than twelve hours since the Emperor, her father, had brought her aboard his starship. Her world looked small below her, almost like she could reach out and grab it from the vacuum. She could if she wanted to, she knew, though not in the physical sense, but then again she didn't need to prove her psychic might to herself.
In those few hours she had met two of her sisters: Juno, a refined woman in blue and gold livery, as well as Ferra, who though gruff and kurt had been welcoming to her. They had both come down to greet her before returning. There was a great deal of work to be done before departing from her home system, but they had insisted on introducing their new sister to the glories of the Imperium from a place with a bit more perspective. After a time Ferra had left them for the forges, leaving just herself and Juno staring out the window at her world.
"Is it just the three of us on this ship," she'd asked, enthralled by the scale and grandeur of the ship. To think that humanity had made such beauty was still hard to accept, let alone that, if they were to be believed, Juno had said it was one of thousands of such ships. "The three of us sisters, I mean."
Juno looked down and smiled wryly. "No, sister. There is another of our siblings aboard, though she didn't want to come down to meet you. She's probably in her quarters, down where you'll be staying, if you'd like to introduce yourself. I warn you, though: she's not as, shall we say, 'dignified' as we are."
Strange, she'd thought. Why wouldn't she come to see me. Not a very welcoming type, I guess.
She'd made her way down the passages towards the living quarters, passing crew and serfs who bowed to her as she passed. Their looks of awe were nothing new to her, such was the effect she had on others. It was something she accepted as the way of things, even her sisters had been reverent and respectful when they'd met her in the city plaza earlier that day.
Her wanderings eventually had led her to the door she'd simply known had to be the one. Unlike the other doors it held bare metal aside from placed where the old decoration had been torn off. On it a single symbol had been scratched into the metal with a sharp object. A tad dramatic, she'd thought, and awfully uncouth for a daughter of the Emperor. She'd put her thoughts aside, mustered herself to be presentable, and pushed open the door.
Magnolia entered a large room that looked to have been ransacked, and beheld a savage sitting in a plush chair at its center. A fire was roaring in the hearth behind the chair, obscuring the details of the woman who sat within it. Two large beasts, what one could mistakenly call wolves, looked up from whete they lounged at the savage's feet. Their throaty growls could be felt even in Magnolia's enhanced physiology. Fascinating, she thought, studying the eyes of the beasts; faintly, she could feel intelligence staring back at her.
"Skoll! Hati! Be still, that's no way to greet your new sister," the savage said, a grin tugging at the edge of her lips. Teeth reflected in the lumens above in that grin, teeth long and sharp. The two beasts quieted and returned their heads to the carpeted floor, though their eyes never left the stranger who had entered their packmate's room. "You're the new one, yeah? He must've found you on this little excursion to whatever backwater system we're in. So, what do they call you?"
"Magnolia, they call me the Crimson Queen where I am from," she replied regally, studying the face of the warrior across from her as she did. Her dirty blonde hair was long, unkempt and braided in places, the bulk of it held away from her face with a strip of leather cord. Her eyes were the blue of glacial ice with black paint swathed across them so they stood out even more than normal. An old scar ran down her left forehead vertically down her cheek. She was dressed in the skins of animals Magnolia could not identify, muscled arms and shoulders silhouetted beneath them. Much like the beasts at her feet, Magnolia was surprised to find intelligence behind those azure orbs; in fact she was almost taken aback at the intensity of that intelligence. There was a calculating mind behind those eyes, one that many would not see fully.
"Magnolia? Pretty name, that," the savage said, grabbing an oversized drinking horn on the table beside her and draining the contents in a handful of drafts. Her lack of decorum or any standards of acknowledgement stung Magnolia's pride that tasted bitter in her mouth. "So, Magnolia, what is it that you do?"
"What do I do?" What kind of question is that coming from such a creature, she thought. Can this thing even be called 'my sister'?
"You know, what do you do," the savage said, swinging her arms out to each side. "From those of our sisters I've met we all do something, usually something different. Well, some I've met are a bit more alike each other but don't go saying that around Petra." The woman threw her head back and let out rolling, boisterous laughter that shook the air. It was hard for Magnolia not to smile at the sound, even with the bitterness of the woman's reproach still acrid on her tongue.
"Well, I am much like our father in what I can do in the metaphysical sense," Magnolia said, standing straighter with pride.
The laughter abruptly ended. A dark look came over the woman's face, the lips that once held a smile now turned up in a snarl. "What do you mean by that? Our father is the greatest man to ever exist and you claim to be his equal the second you meet him?" The beasts at her feet began to growl again, their hackles raised.
"I meant no disrespect to the Emperor of Mankind, sister," Magnolia said, shocked by the sudden aggression. The savage's mood had changed in a heartbeat, the very air in the room seemed to hum with the anticipation of further escalation. "You see I am gifted in the ways of arcana, much like our father is. I am by no means his equal, though I hope to learn to be like him."
"And how do you practice such arcana, hmm?" the woman snarled, raising herself up from her seat. Now standing she was large; not at large as Magnolia but far and above the stature of the Astartes warriors she'd seen when the Emperor had visited her on her homeworld of Prospero. She now saw twin hand axes of dark iron were strapped to each hip, the handles wrapped in worn leather with wood underneath, both of which were stained with the blood of battles long since past. The woman's right hand rested upon the haft of its corresponding axe, not yet an outright challenge but certainly a threatening gesture. "I know how malifecarum works, witch, and I've dealt with those who wield it without discipline. So, how do you do your little spells, Magnolia?"
"I-I use a number of techniques, all of which I've mastered and wield with the utmost ability... and safety, of course," Magnolia said quickly. I can kill her now if she attacks, but I don't think that would be wise. Best to find capitulation with this brute. "I am very much of the mind that wielding such forces for the good of our Crusade our father has so graciously allowed me to join."
The woman stayed standing, staring into Magnolia's eyes with burning intensity. Her body was taut, a musclebound spring coiled up ready to leap forward on a second's notice. Her blue eyes never wavered, the snarl bearing her fangs for Magnolia to see in all their obscene glory.
Then she... started to chuckle. Then she started to laugh. She laughed and laughed, doubling over before throwing her head back again so that those on the decks above could also hear her. Magnolia, stunned into silence, watched on in stupefied bewilderment. What in the Hells is she?
"You should have seen your face," the woman cried, holding her side. She mimed a frightened face, bringing about even more uproarious laughter. She sat back heavily into her seat and immediately reached for another horn of alcohol from the table beside her. Her smile had returned, but it didn't reach her icy stare. Those eyes never lost their intensity. "I think I can come to like you, in time. I hope you'll be a good sport and keep coming back around while you can. I'm sure our father will send such a powerful creature such as yourself out into the universe soon. Until then ask Juno to teach you regicide, I need someone new to play against." She leaned back, teeth glinting in the light.
"Well, thank you for seeing me today, sister. I look forward to speaking again," Magnolia said, bowing her head and turning to leave.
"Farewell, Magnolia the Red," the woman called from her seat, her beasts returning to their places.
"I never learned your name, sister," Magnolia said, turning back in the doorway to address the woman. "I wish to know what to call you when we next meet... hopefully under more pleasant and amicable circumstances."
The grin on the woman's face widened, a throaty chuckle escaping from between her clenched teeth and pointed fangs. Those eyes never left Magnolia's, almost burning bright beneath her shaggy hair and eyeblack.
"My name is Lyana of the Russ, the Wolf Queen of Fenris, Lord of Winter and Wrath, slayer of krakens and the Tamer of Morkai. But for you, Magnolia? Just Lyana will suffice."
(I've seen all the lore being posted and figured I'd throw my hat in the ring. I have ideas for how to further their story so if y'all like it let me know. C&C is always welcome. Also some italicizing is lost in this format but shouldn't hinder the reading.) Edit: spelling/grammar
submitted by FullmetalArgus to PrimarchGFs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:07 dizzy24h I 19F am not on the same page with my 20M boyfriend on marriage, how do I deal with this?

This post sucks to write.
My boyfriend is my first real love, I’ve had casual flings and “exes” in the past who have never given me the amount of attention and love my boyfriend has. He’s planned amazing dates and been there for me for a lot, however we haven’t been together for longer than 9 months. We’ve made serious plans about marriage and seeing a potential future with each other.
He is about to graduate as a full time active duty Marine. That means we have been apart for two, going on three months, with no contact other than two letters. He has written me more than he’s written his parents or anything else, and he has been very successful during bootcamp, winning drill competitions, promoted to the guide of his platoon, doing phenomenal on his physical tests, etc. We met at the same recruiting center before I told him I decided I was going to go army, which was okay with him, however we quickly realized that we would never get stationed together if I was full time active duty.
We both agreed we would follow each other wherever we went, made retirement plans and all, however, he says he wanted to wait a year or two before marrying me to “see if it lasts”. We have great chemistry, he’s already seen my best and worst, he’s seen that I am a self sufficient provider for myself paying my own bills and working full time, and says he’s very proud of me.
I know I want to be with him forever, but I feel that he needs to decide whether he is going to marry me or not when he gets home so that I can know whether or not to enlist in the reserves or full time active duty and not put all my future eggs in a basket for someone that is unsure of me. The only reason I would go to the reserves is so that I could live wherever he is stationed, we would get free housing if we are married, and I would be able to work part time while also tending to our home comfort, cooking, cleaning etc. Otherwise, I would be full time active duty so that I could get my own housing and other benefits situated without having to accommodate being in the same place as a partner.
When he gets home, he will only be here for 10 days. I want to enjoy my time with him and love him as I always have, but I’m fearful of displaying affection and intimacy to someone who isn’t going to be around me for long as our relationship may come to an end.
How do I prepare for this or handle this situation? Is it really as simple as having a conversation and ripping the bandage off? How long do I wait to have this conversation, and how should I go about bringing it up, tone and all? I want to marry him I don’t want to go years of dating and searching when I feel I’ve found my person. If he rejects me, should I just enjoy our final moments before parting ways forever, or do I just cut it off right away? I love him.
TLDR; my boyfriend wants to wait a year or two of long distance before marrying me and it is holding up my career path, and he only comes home for 10 days, I don’t know how to discuss it
submitted by dizzy24h to datingadvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:07 sBin_Forever 23 [M4F] India/Anywhere - Looking for a gaming girlfriend and a meaningful connection

Hey everyone, I hope you're all doing well. I'm reaching out here because I'm currently looking for a relationship and would love to find someone to connect with.
A bit about me: I'm a 23-year-old guy from India. Im currently studying Medicine (MBBS) (Final year) , I'm passionate about movies, cars, Formula 1, racing, and football. I also love trying new things and exploring new ideas, so I'm always open to learning about different hobbies and perspectives.
In terms of what I'm looking for in a relationship, I'm still figuring it out, but I'm mostly open to long-term relationships. I'm looking for someone who is kind, curious, has a good sense of humour and enjoys good conversations. I don't mind if we don't share all the same hobbies or points of view; it's always nice to learn and grow together.
If you're interested in a conversation or just want to chat, feel free to drop a comment or send me a message. Looking forward to hearing from you soon! PS: We can swap selfies over DM
submitted by sBin_Forever to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:07 glupschipup [H] Victoria 3, Space Hulk: Ascension, Elex II, 300+ Keys [W] Steam (VR-)Games, Steam Game Gifts, Steam Awards/Points, Steam Items (Cards, CS2, etc.), PayPal or Other Offers

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2024.06.09 10:06 glupschipup [H] Victoria 3, Space Hulk: Ascension, Elex II, 300+ Keys [W] Steam (VR-)Games, Steam Game Gifts, Steam Awards/Points, Steam Items (Cards, CS2, etc.), PayPal or Other Offers

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2024.06.09 10:06 glupschipup [H] Victoria 3, Space Hulk: Ascension, Elex II, 300+ Keys [W] Steam (VR-)Games, Steam Game Gifts, Steam Awards/Points, Steam Items (Cards, CS2, etc.), PayPal or Other Offers

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2024.06.09 10:05 PersonalCaramel7500 Powerful traditional healer《+27-73-313-8119》South Africa, Gauteng, Johannesburg, Alberton, Bedfordview, Midrand, Benoni

Powerful traditional healer《+27-73-313-8119》South Africa, Gauteng, Johannesburg, Alberton, Bedfordview, Midrand, Benoni, Boksburg, Brakpan, Edenvale, Kempton Park, Springs, Katlehong, Tembisa, Germiston, Sandton, Southgate, Soweto
(+27-73-313-8119)) 100% Guaranteed & Affordable Private & Confidential with Immediate Results. Welcome to Dr. Martin [[+27-73-313-8119]] in South Africa the only one who heals and solves all failed /unfinished problems from other healers & sangomas. Stop suffering today! Change your life and archive your goals. No matter whom you are or religion you believe in, this type of treatment may be the only solutions to your problems with your long illness. Try this you will see a better change! If you have tried many doctors/healers with no progress, Just visit her to help you and she never fails. (+27-73-313-8119) My works is a mixture of African traditional spiritualism, psychic powers, rituals, native healing, spell casting, all of which are designed to take care of whatever adversity you may face. Have you been searching all over Internet to find a professional and real spell caster? If your answer to these questions are “YES”, then you have come to the right place! CONTACT ME +27-73-313-8119 I’m determined to offer what you’re seeking: From love spells to Luck spells and protection spells. I provide the most authentic spells you’ve ever encountered. Contact me now for a free review of your situation. Don’t be a statistic. Get affordable help now! Dr. Martin has an experience in treating and solving most problems and complications affecting the majority of people among the populations all over the world +27-73-313-8119
submitted by PersonalCaramel7500 to blackmagicspelling [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:03 Warmregardsss Pain when being vertically

Pain when being vertically
Reading the previous post published here made me see how similar symptoms we have and encouraged me to share my pain and maybe someone has answers for me here. This group seems to be very helpful!
I am 34 f. have had scoliosis since early teens, one leg is 1,5 cm shorter. I have done PT all my life and managed being pain free since about a year ago. 8 and 5 years ago I had two rather difficult births, one natural, one CS. At the end of second pregnancy I lost ability to walk, they said the pelvis is too released because of the birthing hormones. I started having intense pain about a year ago in my left glute, quite deep. I couldn’t straighten myself, but the pain came and went and the more I walked and kept active the better it was. The pain kept coming back for a year and the beginning of this March I went for a first longer XC ski trip. After that I haven’t been able to stand upright or walk much. I don’t know why or what the ski trip triggered. I am normally quite active person but I also have a sitting job (I am an artist who paints lots of miniature works). Now the pain is there every day, it moves from one glute to the other, but mostly it’s sides, not spine. Pain is unbearable if I stand upright. I can walk small increments but at some point it gets too much and I need to lay down. Sitting is mostly ok. The pain is tingling, burning, sometimes radiates down the leg but not very noticeable.
I am waiting in a long line to go see specialist. What tests should I ask for? I have seen osteopath once and will go to her again next week. I am in rural Finland so finding a suitable doctor is not easy. Yesterday after the previous poster I started reading about adhesions and wondering if that’s what I have, does anyone who has more experience with adhesions have any comments on that? Pain most days 5 or 6, can easily jump to 7 if I stand.
submitted by Warmregardsss to PiriformisChronicPain [link] [comments]