B1 vitamin foods


2020.03.23 23:18 Thiamine

A subreddit for discussing thiamine (vitamin B1), thiamine megadosing, and any cofactors or topics related to thiamine

2012.06.24 04:34 zapff PlantBasedDiet - Whole Food Plant Based Diet subreddit (WFPBD)

Home of the Whole Food Plant Based Diet (WFPB)! A whole-food plant-based, low-fat diet could reverse heart disease and diabetes.

2016.07.06 20:35 rboymtj Alcoholic Wet Brain or Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome

A place for people to discuss Wet Brain/Wernicke-Korsakoff. Feel free to share links or tell your story.

2024.05.16 01:49 Valuable-Profile-704 Are certain ulcer symptoms, such as dark stools, dangerous/in need of emergency?

For the last week I have been having these horrible stomach pains/burning sensations, loss of appetite, sometimes my throat refuses to swallow food.
Whenever I drink omeprazole 40mg 30 mins before eating, the pain instantly goes away. If I eat without it, I get really bad tummy pains.
My stool is sometimes very dark, sometimes brown to yellowish brown. My recent one was very dark and I am beginning to worry if I am internally bleeding. Apart from omeprazole, I am taking duspatalin, vitamin A, D and Iron.
Please let me know if my dark stools are ok and I shouldn’t go to ER.
submitted by Valuable-Profile-704 to Gastritis [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:49 Lanky-Entrepreneur60 Projectile vomitting

Opinions wanted.. I just went out to eat with my family and we had some chicken parm & spaghetti. I haven’t had spaghetti in a while but I decided to get it and ate some ice cream on the way home because the food honestly wasn’t that great and I didn’t eat much. I come home, do a few things feeling completely normal (just very full) and I go to take my medications (sitting on my bed) with some power c vitamin water (not refrigerated but opened before) and the second I stood up from my bed I almost projectile vomitted out of my nose and throat. A rush of acid came up. I’ve never experienced this before. Now it feels like there’s a big glob in my throat and it won’t go away.. the burning in my throat and nose was also insane. Hurt a lot…
Took some antacid chews and a med.
submitted by Lanky-Entrepreneur60 to GERD [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:20 bettermetips Weight Loss Tips: 20 Science-Based Strategies That Actually Work. Part 2

Back to exploring the 20 top tips that may have a considerable impact on weight loss.
Have you tried any of these tips yet? Leave a comment and let us know how it went! 👇
11. Eat (Healthy) Fats
Dietary fats provide energy, regulate hunger hormones, and help in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. So, even when you are trying to cut weight, eating fats is essential. Healthy sources of fats include avocado and olive oils, as well as seeds, nuts, and oily fish.
12. Practice Mindful Eating
Mindful eating is based on a practice of Buddhism – mindfulness which means focusing on the present while acknowledging your feelings and sensations. This approach requires an individual to entirely focus on food while eating. It encourages an individual to gain full awareness of their eating experiences. Basically, it involves eating without distraction, slowly while paying attention to how the food tastes, smells and looks. This practice promotes healthy eating habits as you get to make eating an intentional act instead of an automatic one. In the long-term, it may promote weight loss.
13. Chew Slowly
Putting in a conscious effort to chew your food more slowly may help increase weight loss. Slow eating has been shown to reduce energy intake during meals. According to a small study, caloric intake was higher with chewing 15 times per bite than with 50 times per bite (4). So take time to appreciate the food you eat, chew slower, and do not hurry through meals.
14. Find Exciting Ways To Cure Boredom
Many of us often resort to snacking when boredom hits. You might find yourself in the kitchen looking for something to eat. So keeping your mind engaged is a great way to avoid random snacking throughout the day. Unhealthy snacks contain a lot of extra calories, which are unhelpful for weight loss.
Try out simple, fun activities like gardening, crocheting, knitting, cleaning your room, or reading a book. Resist the urge to reach out for a candy bar or a bag of chips. Make the smarter choice and fill up your extra time doing something fun.
15. Walk More
Walking is an excellent form of a low-intensity workout. It is one of the best weight loss tips for women over 30. In the case you have a busy day at work and cannot do a full workout, walking is a great alternative. It is a simple way to remain active and burn a few extra calories.
Instead of using the elevator, try taking the stairs, walk to the grocery store instead of driving there or take a short evening walk. The best part is that you can listen to music, an audiobook, or your favorite podcast while you walk.
16. Eat Your Calories
It is a fact that weight gain is a result of the consumption of extra calories. So when it comes to weight loss, many women tend to go too low on calorie intake. It is important to note that calories are essential for the proper functioning of the body. It is only when you consume more calories than the body needs does it become detrimental.
17. Avoid Added Sugar
Added sugars are any sweeteners added to food or drinks during preparation or processing. They contain extra calories but lack essential macronutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Added sugars increase the risk of developing heart disease, diabetes type II, and weight gain (3).
Sodas, energy drinks, candy, and desserts are the most common sources of added sugars. And given that foods with added sugars are sweet, they are very tempting and easy to overeat. To promote weight loss and your overall health, cut back on added sugars.
18. Practice Yoga
Practicing yoga promotes physical, spiritual, and mental development to bring out a better version of yourself. Active forms of yoga may be a great tool to help you cut weight. These intense types of yoga like power yoga, hot yoga, and ashtanga may help you burn more calories as they involve a series of fast-paced poses.
Yoga may also help increase metabolism and increase muscle tone. Yoga also helps reduce stress levels, therefore, reducing stress eating. With weight loss being your primary goal, it is best to combine it with other forms of exercise like walking or jogging.
19. Swim More Often
Swimming is a great way to burn calories and tone muscle while having fun. With low or moderate laps, you burn about 423 calories per hour. It is also a full-body workout. So, call your girls, pack that colorful bikini you love, and go for a swim.
20. Snack Smarter
Choosing healthy snacks that are low in calories is a great way to promote weight loss and reduce hunger levels between meals. Choose snacks that keep you full for longer and reduce cravings. Avoid sugary or salty snacks as they tend to make you hungry (6).
submitted by bettermetips to bettermeofficial [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:50 YouHaveaPurpose2 I have beef with vegan ice cream products/brands

TLDR: does anyone know of any vegan ice creams that have a good source of calcium or even nutritionally similar to regular ice cream? So I just thought of something today, typically vegan ice cream doesn’t have much calcium or any calcium. I know ice cream is not a healthy food but we’d be lying if we said there was zero nutritional benefit to traditional ice cream. If we’re talking whole fat and more whole ingredients then I’d say there’s calcium and fat and maybe some other minerals or vitamins. But sometimes we crave things because our bodies are craving a nutrient that inside this thing we are craving, ice cream for example. And if a vegan is craving ice cream, then maybe it’s the minerals or vitamins inside of it (and of course the sugar). And unfortunately the vegan ice creams at Fresh Thyme (Sprouts) nearly have zero amounts of calcium and just a bunch of sunflower oils. Tell me something I don’t know!:) seriously! Any “nutritional” store bought vegan ice creams anyone recommends? If not, maybe diy vegan ice cream is the answer.
submitted by YouHaveaPurpose2 to vegan [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:43 ogland11 Suddenly a bunch of things all wrong at the same time

34F, 5'4" 135lbs in the US.
I ended up in the ER about two months ago due to tachycardia (heart rate 165+). D-Dimer was elevated but no PE showed. Lab wise - TSH was high but T3 and T4 were normal, hemoglobin and hematocrit were low. At my follow up, my PCP sent me for a few more tests - urine calcium was low, vitamin D was low, B12 was low, TSH was still high, hemoglobin, hematocrit, and transferrin saturation was low. She has me taking Vitamin D, Calcium, B12, Iron, and repeating labs in three months. I asked if it was normal to suddenly have so many things off at the same time and she said some of these just happen due to where we are (Vitamin D) and she wasn't worried about it.
Unfortunately the list of symptoms is growing and now includes extreme fatigue, pulsatile tinnitus, daily migraines, dizziness, lack of hunger (I still crave certain foods so I'll eat but I am not hungry), my hands are constantly tingly as though asleep, I'm freezing (for example: wearing a sweatshirt when it's 77 degrees in my house), I'll see shimmers in my eyes when a lot of this is happening. Today I stood up and everything went black. Thankfully I sat back down and it got better. My husband has been asking for about a week now whether everything is okay because I'm not acting like myself.
Any ideas what could be happening? I have been taking my supplements as instructed. Could all of these symptoms be from these low tests but shouldn't they be getting better? Anything that could cause all of this including the low tests? I see my doctor at the end of the month and I am trying to not freak myself out in the meantime.
Edited to add-> I did have one beer during this time frame and my entire arms went pins and needles within half an hour of having it, in case that information helps with any ideas.
submitted by ogland11 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:12 Reverend0352 Newbie on Cholesterol and fear of Statins

CHOLESTEROL241 High TRIGLYCERIDE104mg LDL Chol,Calc.151.0 High VLDL Chol,Calc.20.8mg/dL0-30 HDL69 High mg/dL7-50 CHOL/HDL RATIO3.50-4.9 Non-HDL-C172 High mg/dL0-130 GLUCOSE98 I workout 7 days a week and am 6ft 200lbs. I've trying to gain more muscle but realizing that I need to slim down. I'm afraid of being on Statins for the rest of my life. Not a big fan of taking phrama pills. I eat pretty clean no fast food or processed junk. I do eat more red meat than I should which I'm in the process of altering to a med diet. I've been taking every vitamin that I can find to help lower cholesterol. Is there another pharm pill that is better than a statin or do I just have to swallow this pill.
submitted by Reverend0352 to Cholesterol [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:17 gossamer_gubble54 Undiagnosed EDS and *rare* inflammatory kidney disease

I haven't been able to get an EDS diagnosis as, although all the markers are there (and some of Marfan) my bloods didn't have the correct indicators.
I have a diagnosis of HSD (which is quite bad) but also of a chronic inflammation disease of the kidneys which I've had since birth. I also had a kidney removed about 5 years ago owing to excruciating pain and ill health for a year that was seemingly undiagnosable - despite the diagnosed "disease"??! Don't even get my started on how stupid it all was, it was medical gaslighting and negligence.. however the kidney (singular) failure also did not show up in my bloodwork, or look obscure (any more obscure than usual) in the ultrasounds. Although there was visible and explainable reasons for the pain outlined by the histology report following surgery.
I therefore believe and operate under the assumption that I do have EDS.. and that my inflammation of the kidneys is also a complication of my connective tissue. I could go and get a second opinion, and I could also get genetic testing to discover if there's an issue there. For the time being, the rheumatologist did confirm there is a connective tissue problem and that's what I attempt to manage.
I struggle with my energy and mobility to a certain degree but am very lucky that I can mostly manage day to day life with some accommodations and if I go slower, bring snacks, take rests etc. It gets harder as time goes on.. and I will, at some point, go back to a rheumatologist but I kind of can't be bothered right now..
I feel as though I'm at the tipping point of my health in that, I can no longer keep up fully and I'm trying to find a new balance and find the right support. But often when I ask for help, I seem fine and get dismissed.! I am aiming to have an appointment with my new GP soon and think she's helpful and kind so will ask there too but would like to be prepared.
I'm not on any medications. I take vitamin D and sometimes magnesium and turmeric with black pepper. I'm trying to get stronger again also. Was very sad I had to give up sports, but the recovery time is just not worth it. Trying to get stronger again through exercises and hypermobile friendly stretches. I've also done a significant amount of grounding and balancing of my nervous system. I have also been tested for PCOS through several ultrasounds and do not have this.
I have four areas I'd like advice:
I've been told all my life to keep a low sodium diet for my kidneys.. and for the most part I do. But there's days I crave salt or find that I need it for physical strength (possibly POTs). I'll eat chips or salted crackers or drink pickle juice (!) if I feel like I need a quick boost or electrolytes. I've tried eating a banana or some other low salt replacement, but I really feel like I need the salt. Otherwise, I don't add salt to my food, I naturally don't like things that have too much salt. I would love to see if taking electrolytes or adding protein powder will help me feel physically stronger, but I am worried about my kidney health. Does anyone have any advice.. or can recommend what kind of diet to follow? Most doctors don't know how to help or think I'm being *dramatic* (when often I underplay how much I struggle cause hello internalised ableism). Unfortunately also my kidney specialist I had when I was a kid passed away.. and my case was too complicated for the nutritionist I saw, although he did say for the most part my diet seemed healthy.
I've been getting more flare ups recently after overexerting myself. There are a couple of factors that I can pinpoint (like drinking beer or sitting on the ground outside unsupported for too long) that can trigger a flare, but sometimes I can't tell why. Again this could be diet related, could be due to not making better accommodations on a given day or could be not resting sufficiently, dehydration etc. Does anyone know how to figure out what the triggers can be? Or if it's more related to the inflammation or EDS so can know what to manage better? Some days I seem to manage perfectly, and others I mess up and have no idea why.
Does anyone have experience getting an EDS diagnosis without the blood work markers and can offer recommendations? Long shot, but does anyone know any specialist doctors that might be interested in my case?
For whatever reason I haven't been able to get financial benefits in Ireland, even when I was severely ill and had surgery (owing to the negligence of my GP) mostly due to the complicated nature of my illness. Again - I have a diagnosed "rare" disease, that affects all my insurance, but doesn't qualify me for care or benefits?! Is there anyone in Ireland who receives benefits due to EDS and how did you go about getting this/ what process?
I can still work but can't do 40+ hours unless it's mostly remote and I can work in bed. I also can't work on my feet anymore unless it's like 1/ 2 days a week and I spend the next day in bed. I really want to work (and would, in another life, be working outdoors/ with kids and camping all the time) but am limited by my options. I'm looking for a new job now but scared of being at work 40 hours a week and asleep or in bed for the remaining time.
Sorry it's so long, any help or advice appreciated :)
submitted by gossamer_gubble54 to IrishWomensHealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:55 gossamer_gubble54 Undiagnosed EDS and *rare* inflammatory kidney disease

I haven't been able to get an EDS diagnosis as, although all the markers are there (and some of Marfan) my bloods didn't have the correct indicators.
I have a diagnosis of HSD (which is quite bad) but also of a chronic inflammation disease of the kidneys which I've had since birth. I also had a kidney removed about 5 years ago owing to excruciating pain and ill health for a year that was seemingly undiagnosable - despite the diagnosed "disease"??! Don't even get my started on how stupid it all was, it was medical gaslighting and negligence.. however the kidney (singular) failure also did not show up in my bloodwork, or look obscure (any more obscure than usual) in the ultrasounds. Although there was visible and explainable reasons for the pain outlined by the histology report.
I therefore believe and operate under the assumption that I do have EDS.. and that my inflammation of the kidneys is also a complication of my connective tissue. I could go and get a second opinion, and I could also get genetic testing to discover if there's an issue there. For the time being, the rheumatologist did confirm there is a connective tissue problem and that's what I attempt to manage.
I struggle with my energy and mobility to a certain degree but am very lucky that I can mostly manage day to day life with some accommodations and if I go slower, bring snacks, take rests etc. It gets harder as time goes on.. and I will, at some point, go back to a rheumatologist but I kind of can't be bothered right now..
I feel as though I'm at the tipping point of my health in that, I can no longer keep up fully and I'm trying to find a new balance and find the right support. But often when I ask for help, I seem fine and get dismissed.! I am aiming to have an appointment with my new GP soon and think she's helpful and kind so will ask there too but would like to be prepared.
I'm not on any medications. I take vitamin D and sometimes magnesium and turmeric with black pepper. I'm trying to get stronger again also. Was very sad I had to give up sports, but the recovery time is just not worth it. Trying to get stronger again through exercises and hypermobile friendly stretches.
I have four areas I'd like advice:
I've been told all my life to keep a low sodium diet for my kidneys.. and for the most part I do. But there's days I crave salt or find that I need it for physical strength (possibly POTs). I'll eat chips or salted crackers or drink pickle juice (!) if I feel like I need a quick boost or electrolytes. I've tried eating a banana or some other low salt replacement, but I really feel like I need the salt. Otherwise, I don't add salt to my food, I naturally don't like things that have too much salt. I would love to see if taking electrolytes or adding protein powder will help me feel physically stronger, but I am worried about my kidney health. Does anyone have any advice.. or can recommend what kind of diet to follow? Most doctors don't know how to help or think I'm being *dramatic* (when often I underplay how much I struggle cause hello internalised ableism). Unfortunately also my kidney specialist I had when I was a kid passed away.. and my case was too complicated for the nutritionist I saw, although he did say for the most part my diet seemed healthy.
I've been getting more flare ups recently after overexerting myself. There are a couple of factors that I can pinpoint (like drinking beer or sitting on the ground outside unsupported for too long) that can trigger a flare, but sometimes I can't tell why. Again this could be diet related, could be due to not making better accommodations on a given day or could be not resting sufficiently, dehydration etc. Does anyone know how to figure out what the triggers can be? Or if it's more related to the inflammation or EDS so can know what to manage better? Some days I seem to manage perfectly, and others I mess up and have no idea why.
Does anyone have experience getting an EDS diagnosis without the blood work markers and can offer recommendations? Long shot, but does anyone know any specialist doctors that might be interested in my case?
For whatever reason I haven't been able to get financial benefits, even when I was severely ill and had surgery (owing to the negligence of my GP) mostly due to the complicated nature of my illness. Again - I have a diagnosed "rare" disease, that affects all my insurance, but doesn't qualify me for care or benefits?! Is there anyone in Ireland who receives benefits due to EDS and how did you go about getting this/ what process?
I can still work but can't do 40+ hours unless it's mostly remote and I can work in bed. I also can't work on my feet anymore unless it's like 1/ 2 days a week and I spend the next day in bed. I really want to work (and would, in another life, be working outdoors/ with kids and camping all the time) but am limited by my options. I'm looking for a new job now but scared of being at work 40 hours a week and asleep or in bed for the remaining time.
Sorry it's so long, any help or advice appreciated :)
submitted by gossamer_gubble54 to eds [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:04 positivityonliye Recovery

Hi guys I’m 17 and I’ve been going through dpdr for the past 5 months and I can say I’m doing better I’ll tell you how 1. Vitamins are a good help I take omega 3 magnesium glyicnate and vitamin d (I think these help me stop over thinking and kinda relax my nervous system) 2. A positive attitude trust me this one can be hard and don’t get me wrong every time I’m doing good I always have think it won’t last 3. Give your brain a rest it’s okay to have good and bad days trust me I’ve had bad days some more than good but it won’t last forever I promise you that 4. Getting out, the more your out the better you will feel and stop being worried about stuff 5. Please please take a big note on this it is not the dpdr or the symptoms that are doing this, stop worrying about getting dpdr to go and focus on the main problem olem for me it’s childhood trauma please heal your trauma let your body be the safe space the more you work on this the symptoms will go 6 . Yoga and exercises for relaxation in the body this will help you loads and I mean loads 7. Set a goal dont think about dpdr or anything just set this as it is what you want to plan in life as you was perfectly fine please take a bit take to this please 8. Green tea and herbs to drink omg when I tell you this puts my mind to ease it does it relaxes me and gets rid of my anxiety not permanently but defiantly when my mind can be anxious 9. Please be patient when recovering this will take time no longer and no shorter times different for everyone 10. Find a comfort show book or hobbies 11. Please look into Jordan hardgrave on his TikTok or YouTube this is which has gotten me where I am 12. Get offline get off redit and delete it stop researching you wont find the cure overnight if you do this, this is a step 13. Forget about it this is so hard and I’m struggling cause I think about this everyday please try too Best luck on getting recovered I have no doubt you guys won’t!!!! You got this 14. sleep and food or so important too get a good night sleep and eat proper foods this one’s so important
submitted by positivityonliye to dpdr [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:58 cubitvum From Me to You: A Big Sister Guide (Beauty Tips & Tricks)

Hello everyone, I hope you are doing well!
Recently I commented under a post about tips and tricks to improve physical appearance and it seems that a few people liked my advice, so I figured I could transform that one comment into a whole post so more people can have access to it.
I am a 26 year old Southern European girly, I have learned a few things here and there that I would I like to share with you. This is by no means a step by step guide, but rather a helping hand that can provide some support or advice. This is for everyone, younger girls and older girls, from everywhere and all walks of life. Take from this post what works for you, and leave the rest.
Small disclaimer, these are tips and tricks that have personally worked for me. I don't believe there is one way to look or feel good, rather this is more for girlies who feel a bit lost style wise and need some minor guidance. My focus is more on healthy rather than pretty, since I do believe that if you feel good on the inside, you will also feel good on the outside.
Enjoy, and please do let me know if you need any more specific advice/tips, I am happy to help!





Hope this helps! I might add some edits here and there as I remember more things!
submitted by cubitvum to TheGirlSurvivalGuide [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:44 maevewolfe ✨ Dust Masterpost ✨

Want to be prepared for the dust this year? While there are water trucks that hit certain parts of the inner venue, parts of the forest (especially the walking trails) can become extremely dusty as well as the camp grounds at times. For people with asthma or other health concerns or anyone who doesn’t want to be blowing out gross dustiness all weekend, it’s really important to keep a few things handy.
Please note, if you have asthma or otherwise feel like you need a nebulizer treatment and didn’t bring a portable one: the larger medical tent in the venue is stocked for handling neb treatments but any medical tent near you including the camp grounds should be able to advise.
Otherwise the best prep I have found: - A well fitted mask is better than no mask at all or using a pash. Gold standard is a fitted KN95, N95, or similar (it may take some shopping around to find the one that fits your face the best but you want it to form a seal), a cloth mask with an insert for filters is also great (Etsy has a lot, best to order ahead/now) and a regular cloth mask or a wet bandana are better than nothing. Wear it while you are going in between stages and it will make a huge difference. - Using water wipes/baby wipes in place of tissues to be gentle on the nose. If you carry these already for the portas/bathroom, even better. - Pressurized saline rinses (some people like Neti pots but these require more prep with distilled water) come pre packaged and ready to go. Can order online or pick up at most pharmacy type stores. Use in AM/PM. - Please feel free to add anything in the comments
Aside from keeping up on at least some sleep, a bit of food, vitamins/supplements - doing the above kept me from getting sick last year for the first time in many years just from the dust (and I have asthma). Probably going to bring some extra KN95s to gift but do you and your friends a solid and try to bring your own supplies so you don’t have to worry about it there.
Happy forest and safe travels, we’re almost home! ⚡️💚
submitted by maevewolfe to ElectricForest [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:08 Nice-Ad6510 Anyone REALLY familiar with foods & ingredients?

I'm trying to find a food I can buy online that meets all of the following criteria but am having a hard time. Does anyone recognize these as being found in a particular brand or where I should look? These were all recommended for cats with IBD.
I'm happy to get rabbit meat for her and mix all of the other stuff into it if there's some kind of supplement for at-home cat food that someone could recommend.
submitted by Nice-Ad6510 to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:04 FunnySecret7069 Electrolyte Energy Pouch

Dear Redditors,
Do you struggle to have a consistently balanced diet? My name is Dan, I'm currently at University and over the past few months have been looking for affordable vitamin/health supplements as it has been hard at University to maintain a healthy and balanced diet. At the same time with the fast pace nature of life I have also been trying all kinds of caffeine products (coffee/caffeine gummies/ energy drinks).
As a result of the financial strain of constantly buying these different types of products, and in search of a potential business ideas I decided to create an Electrolyte Energy Pouch. The Pouch works exactly like a Zyn/Snus and is placed under the lip. The pouch contains vital vitamins and electrolytes needed for a healthy diet such as: Calcium, Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium, Vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, and B12, as well as caffeine. This product DOES NOT contain nicotine. There are 15 pouches per box and we have found that the recommended usage is 3 pouches per day, to stay healthy and energised. We are developing a variety of flavours and so far have settled for ICE MINT, CITRUS BURST, and COFFEE flavours. The cost of one box is $7.60/£5.99
I would greatly appreciate your feedback on whether you are someone who would benefit from such a product and or is interested in a cheaper, more affordable caffeine and electrolyte product.
submitted by FunnySecret7069 to SomebodyMakeThis [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:59 Purplecat1099 $INKW News. New to The Street TV Signs Greene Concepts, Inc. to a 6-Part Media Series, Contract Includes Digital Ads, Billboards, and Commercials

New to The Street TV Signs Greene Concepts, Inc. to a 6-Part Media Series, Contract Includes Digital Ads, Billboards, and Commercials
NEW YORK, May 14, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- FMW Media Works' New to The Street will feature ~Greene Concepts, Inc.~ (OTCPink: INKW) ($INKW) ("Company") on its national television program. The series will span six months following the Company's business products in the bottled water and health/wellness beverage industries.
~New to the Street~ will produce and film interviews with INKW's Management and broadcast each segment as sponsored programming on ~Bloomberg TV~ and the ~FOX Business Network~. Viewers will hear and learn more about the Company's growing consumer demand for its brands, ~"BeWater™,"~ a premium artesian aquifer bottled water, and ~"Happy Mellow,"~ a CBD and vitamin-infused beverage. Management expects to talk about expanding/increasing its bottling plant's capabilities, strengthening its brand's marketing and awareness, hiring additional personnel, developing new products, seeking to add intellectual properties to its brands, and developing new business acquisitions or ~partnerships~.
All broadcasted shows will stream for 24 months on the New to The Street website, ~.~~newtothestreet.com~. New to The Street will provide social media marketing to further the reach of each broadcast. On a schedule, show previews and commercial ads will air on New to The Street's TV platforms. Digital ads will stream on New to The Street's billboard platform throughout New York City.
~Lenny Greene, CEO and President of Green Concepts, Inc., states,~ "Sales of our artesian spring water Be Water™ beverage, along with our immune-support CBD beverage, Happy Mellow, continue to grow through multiple retail and distributor lines as we continue to take portions of the thriving $303.95 billion bottled water and $4.4 billion CBD beverage markets. We are laser-focused on our business goals and always take action to meet or, better yet, exceed each of them. I am so proud of where we are going as a Company, our growth potential, and how we've overcome many obstacles placed in our path to continue toward our main company objectives. Finally, I want to say that I am very grateful to our incredible shareholders who have supported us over the last several years since we launched operations in 2020. The road to our success has not been easy, and various challenges have been thrown our way, but we have fought through and overcome them all. We have vast plans for nationwide growth, marketplace uplisting to NASDAQ, establishing foundations to assist those in need throughout the country and beyond, and, most importantly, creating products that provide tremendous health and wellness benefits to the masses. We are well on our way, and I thank each of you. I also thank New to the Street and its 'Game Changers' segment for helping us get the word out about our incredible Company. We are excited to expand the media relationship with New to the Street. We look forward to updating our consumers and shareholders with our latest developments and introducing our Company to a new, broader audience."
The Company is expanding sales and awareness of Be Water™ in areas within a 100-miles radius near and around its ~manufacturing facility~ in Marion, North Carolina, located at the foothill of the Pisgah National Forest of the Appalachian Mountains. Numerous online and retail locations, including ~Walmart~, Amazon, Whole Foods, Camping World, and other recognized outlets sell IKNW's beverages. Every label on a "BeWater™" bottle has the Company's uplifting slogan: "Now is The Time to Refresh Mind, Body, and Spirit." Be Water™ comes in 24-pack, 6-pack, and gallon-size configurations, and *Happy Mellow comes in 6-pack size configurations.
Vince Caruso, Founder and CEO of FMW Media and Producer at New to The Street TV, states, "During the next 6-months, we expect fantastic TV interviews with INKW's management team, giving us exciting business updates and developments. Many consumers reported that "Be Water" and "Happy Mellow" products have improved their health and well-being. I'm excited for our viewers to learn more about INKW product lines and how they might enhance health and wellness. We at New to The Street expect to maximize viewership interest in Greene Concepts, Inc.'s beverage business and share management's growth strategies and value propositions."
New to The Street TV Signs Greene Concepts, Inc. to a 6-Part Media Series, Contract Includes Digital Ads, Billboards, and Commercials (yahoo.com)
submitted by Purplecat1099 to pennystocks [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:41 ZealousidealAnnual96 Diabetes and nutrition in our society.

Greetings. Hope you all doing well.
Without boring you with statistics, it's common knowledge that Diabetes in Algeria is a serious problem, not only among the elderly people but also a very large amount of people under the age of 40 are suffering from it. What seems to be the problem?
Every day when I'm having my morning coffee, i see people shoving their faces with half a dozen of cakes (pastry, croissant, millfeuille.. etc) followed by a full bottle of juice or overly sweetened milk, followed by another overly sweetened coffee. It's HORRIFYING.
That is in no way, shape or form how you should start your day.
Sugary drinks.... good lord!...... they're fine in moderation and your body can easily handle the occasional pop but i know plenty of people who consume them Every. Single. Day. Twice. A day. Studies show that sugary drinks are the leading cause of type 2 diabetes (among other medical problems such as rotten teeth, colon problems... etc)
We lack diversity in our meals. 90% of our dishes are composed of high-carbs, low-nutrition processed white flour. According to a study i did myself back in 2022, more than half the population is not meeting its daily recommended intake of vitamins, minerals and ESPECIALLY protein. It's no wonder many teens and adult teens have an underdeveloped muscle mass. I see plenty of girls in college, mature, adult girls with the bodies of toddlers (this isn't body shaming or anything, it's not even their fault) because when a pregnant woman isn't eating a balanced diet with enough protein, it's very likely the result would be a baby with an underdeveloped muscle mass.
Just because you're still young in your 20s or 30s and still have fast metabolism, doesn't mean you can just over consume junk food and then eventually stop in the future. It doesn't work like that. As time goes on, your pancreas will feel tired from constantly being overworked. Your cells will develop insulin resistance and the insulin produced by your body will no longer be sufficient to keep your blood sugar in check.
Indulgence is fine in moderation. Key word: moderation.
Stay safe.
submitted by ZealousidealAnnual96 to algeria [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:28 AmanitaWolverine Teachers, I need to have a word with you about classroom pets.

Teachers, I am requesting something of you.
I work in a high school as a custodial and maintenance team member. I love working in the school environment - I have training in SPED & originally wanted to work as a SPED paraprofessional, but (and I still find this upsetting) the pay and benefits are significantly better for a year-round custodial position. So here I am. I also operate a small animal rescued and hold a state permit to work with a small number of non-releasable mink.
Teachers, some of you are just killing me with these classroom pets. Not the fact that you have them- I absolutely LOVE classroom pets!!
It's the blatant neglect that's been wearing on me for the past ten+ years. I'm so, so, so tired of it. Two weeks ago I had two "disposable" class pets die in my hands as I tried to reverse some short term neglect that had occurred. I wrote a version of this post that night, but it was too aggressive due to my anger at what had just happened. This is my toned down version.
Here's a checklist to save for next year if you are considering a class pet:
  1. Did you put in real time and effort to thoroughly research the species you are bringing in? Not the Pet Store "Wish" version of research, I mean did you really research? Seek out rescues, breeders, experts who can give you the real scoop about the care commitment to the animal? Are you going to need special lighting, is an ethically sized enclosure going to fit in your room, can you deal with buying live bugs on a weekly basis? I can't tell you how tired I am of seeing things like two adult slider turtles tossed in a baren ten gallon tank with three inches of water and no lighting, kept this way for years while their shells (their skeletons) become horrifically and painfully deformed. These little classroom novelties feel pain and experience stress, don't keep them if you refuse to put in the effort to do it correctly. Red eared sliders, for example, need a minimum of a 30g tank for one adult turtle, part watepart land (the turtle must be able to get completely out of water and 100% dry off), special UV lighting, a powerful water filter (or two), and special vitamins.
  2. Are you willing to commit to the upkeep? Teaching is exhausting. I see the long hours and the burnout first hand. Do you really, truly have the time to commit to the upkeep of an animal in your classroom? Because let me tell you, it's not fair to the animal if the cage only gets cleaned twice a year, and only then because your custodian can't stand to see three inches of chinchilla feces in place of actual bedding, so they do it for you. Can you remember that you have a living being in a cage depending on you for food and water? Because your custodian shouldn't have to be the one filling the rabbit's water and supplying the food on the Friday night before a three day weekend. Can you make it to the pet store to buy those live crickets weekly? Because not all of you have custodians that will notice the salamander is becoming emaciated after not being fed for a month so they go make a trip to the pet store themselves to buy crickets out of their own pocket for your living responsibility. 📝 If you're too busy, tired, burned out to take care of the class pet, THAT'S OK. Just do the responsible thing and re-home it, don't make your students watch it waste away or sit in filth.
  3. Are you prepared, mentally and financially, to provide vet care? Hamster, turtle, parakeet, lizard, guinea pig, snake, rabbit, chinchilla, various other pocket pets, amphibians, and reptiles. What do these all have in common? The all have complex central nervous systems, they all experience pain, and they all need a veterinarian when injured or sick. Even if it's for euthanasia. Do not - DO NOT - bring in a class pet if you plan to let the students just watch it suffer and die if something goes wrong. You need to think about it ahead of time and have a plan for illness and injury. You make your best effort to do right by your students and that animal. If you think ahead to possible injures/I'll esses and your line of thought flows along the lines of "it's just a turtle, if it dies it dies" while the turtle is sitting there with a cracked shell because someone dropped it badly, do not bring an animal into your classroom.
The thing that angers me so much more about seeing neglected classroom pets, aside from the pain and stress the animals are experiencing, is the fact that you are exposing your students to this neglect. You are either teaching them that neglect is normal and ok, or you are potentially traumatizing some of them. If nothing else I've said here gets through to you, remember that you are one of the most important people in your students lives, and they are watching how you care for that class pet. This may be the only exposure to animals that some of them get. Remember that, and do better.
It is 110% ok to admit that you do not have the time or energy for a class pet. It is ok to re-home. It's ok if you slowly fell in to a pattern of neglect and are now realizing it & plan to make changes or re-home. It's not ok to continue a pattern of neglect once it's been noted.
Two final notes- I do also see teachers that take AMAZING care of class pets!! Tended, spoiled, pampered. Cage always clean, fresh food and water, toys for enrichment, taken home over breaks. I so wholeheartedly support the concept of class pets when they are cared for, I find it beneficial for students of all ages.
I do address serious situations of neglect with admin. Sometimes things change, sometimes they don't. Class pets are understandably very low on the list of problems and priorities. Not all of the examples of neglect I offered occured at the school I currently work at.
submitted by AmanitaWolverine to AskTeachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:21 Visual_Bite1072 How to help my severely sick aunt?

Aunt, (F) between the ages 55 and 60. Weight, around 130 lbs.
Located in Kern County, California.
In 2014, my aunt began to act differently. She began seeing people who weren't there, began dressing strangely by wearing multiple shirts and wearing a pair of jeans on her shoulders, began yelling at neighbors, forgetting who some of us were at times, and other strange new habits. Prior to 2014, she acted "normal," just like how any "normal" aunt would act.
She currently lives with my uncle, who is about the same age as her. The two never had children, I don't know their reason. And they don't see a doctor regularly, due to lack of insurance and low income. I do know in the past they've visited small clinics, but have had seen or trusted witch doctors and chiropractors more often. We tried convincing my uncle to take my aunt to a real doctor back in 2014 and 2015, but our requests were ignored.
Fast forward to May 2024, my aunt, according to my uncle, does not eat as much as she used to. He claims she lays down in bed much of the day, after falling and possibility breaking some ribs early May. After a decade, my uncle finally got the guts to call an ambulance to come and pick her up to help her. According to my uncle, the paramedics refused to take my aunt, because my aunt rejected and claimed she was fine. They did not want to take my aunt by force.
Is there any way I or my uncle can do to get my aunt some help before it is extremely too late? My aunt has always refused to see professional help and keeps a close eye on my uncle when he makes her food. She will reject anything if my uncle tries to sneak in vitamins.
I do know California has a medical program called Medi-Cal, unfortunately, I don't think my uncle and his wife have the necessary documents to submit and application.
submitted by Visual_Bite1072 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:10 2thebeach Malnutrition?

I'm wondering if people using this and reporting that they eat very little food as a result are taking vitamins and nutritional supplements. I know they prescribe them with WLS because you simply won't be eating enough to get all the nutrients your body needs.
submitted by 2thebeach to WegovyWeightLoss [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:01 wizmey "Very high" DHEA unconjugated, how likely is an adrenal tumor vs PCOS?

Hello everyone. I'm 25F and recently had labs done to test for PCOS. My unconjugated DHEA levels came back at 3,149 ng/dl (ref range 385-1143 ng/dL, although I can't be certain of my cycle phase due to IUD/no periods), and all of my other hormones are normal, with estradiol on the low end of normal (19). I also have low vitamin D and newly high cholesterol. It has been difficult to compare my results to others since I did not have DHEA sulfate tested. My PCP believes it's likely to be an adrenal tumor and says this is the highest level she's ever seen. I have ACTH, DHEA-S, and cortisol testing for Friday and an abdominal CT for Monday.
I first went to the doctor related to this 3 years ago because of hair loss and my DHEA-S level was normal at the time, I was also on birth control pills. The derm said it was because I had low iron and vit D. I don't think my hair ever stopped thinning, but it definitely slowed down. I got the hormonal IUD 6 months later, and since then have been gradually gaining weight despite not changing my diet, and have been unable to lose it despite calorie counting and weighing food. I've always had very thick and dark hair, but I started growing a ton of chin hair one year ago, and now I pluck 10+ hairs per day. In the last 3 months, I've been waking up in the middle of the night every night, and late at night/middle of the night I have bad knee cramps that feel like growing pains.
Is it possible to just have PCOS that's causing this, or is that super unlikely? Is unconjugated DHEA even reliable? I was really convinced that I have had PCOS that had been masked by the birth control pill. Thanks!
submitted by wizmey to endocrinology [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:50 SkyFall3N Canary doesn't lay eggs

Hey guys, sorry if I use wrong words, English is not my native language. My question/problem is my female canary built the nest more than 1 months ago, and she mated with the male canary but she hasn't layed eggs up to the present. I give lettuce twice a week and they always have regular canary food. Also, we have squid bone and calsium block in the cage. Again twice a week, we give some vitamins to their water. What could be the problem? She layyed eggs before so she cannot be infertile.
submitted by SkyFall3N to Canaries [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:48 LaceyTMAU Fecal odor possibilities (scientifically proven not some bs)

As many of you know I’m not new here and I’m not a doctor with a fixed school of thought. So I’d like to share some things some of you should search in yourselves for!
EPI may refer to Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency, a condition that occurs when the pancreas doesn't release enough digestive enzymes, making it difficult for the small intestine to digest food. (Food isn’t processing which sits and rots in you and the odor comes from your mouth and pores etc) you’ll know because you can’t process fats at all. When you eat fried food you’ll smell like shit!!!
Liver flukes are parasites that can infect humans and cause liver and bile duct disease. There are two families of liver flukes that cause disease in humans: Opisthorchiidae (which includes species of Clonorchis and Opisthorchis) and Fasciolidae (which includes species of Fasciola).
Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is a condition where there is too much bacteria in the small intestine. It's also known as bacterial overgrowth or small bowel bacterial overgrowth syndrome. (3 diff types)
H. pylori is a common type of bacteria that attacks the stomach lining. It's usually passed from person to person. Most infections are harmless. But the bacteria is to blame for most peptic stomach ulcers, and if it's not treated, it could be a risk factor for cancer. (Really bad breath like shit)
Most of you have gas that smells like shit that’s why you stink. Try Simithicone chewables, moly b and digestive enzymes!
Check your vitamins these conditions are serious and will wreck havoc on your digestive system.
Also don’t ask me for per reviews I’m too lazy to go find them haha :)
submitted by LaceyTMAU to TMAU [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:39 Prior_Ambassador_293 Height growth on Carnivore

I am 16 yo 163 cm, my father 165cm mother 160 cm Testosterone 943 ng/dl (naturally high testosterone) Human Growth Hormone (STH) - 10.7 ng/ml Males 0.5 - 3
I have just recently discovered the carnivore diet I believe carnivore or at least an animal based diet is the optimal human diet. But the reason im posting this if anyone knows how to optimize my height on this diet or is it more optimal than animal based (with fruit as carbs ) Looking back historically we were taller as hunter gatherers than after we switched to primarily farmers As for mineral deficiency i believe that they are non existent with carnivore because we know for a fact that plant food have anti nutrients that inhibit mineral absorption. Dr. Anthony MD (a well known carnivore)also notes that people do not need calcium from dairy as they can get everything they need from meat. Studies show that drinking milk and having a lot of calcium did not significantly help bone density or osteoporosis, and some showed worse results. Some civilizations and populations thrive on dairy, but many people in the world can have serious problems with it. As for vitamin C Profesor Bart Kay also explains that the need for vitamin C is significantly decreased on a carnivore diet due to minimal carbohydrate intake, as the same transporter responsible for carrying glucose also absorbs vitamin C. If someone relies on meat for both energy and vitamin C while also consuming carbs, the vitamin C may not enter cells effectively, leading to potential deficiencies. However, with a meat-only diet, the GLUT4 transporter, typically engaged in glucose transport, can instead transport vitamin C, reducing the risk of deficiencies. Kay cites examples of individuals who have followed a carnivore diet for extended periods without developing scurvy to support his theory.
I have confirmed that I have open growth plates I am also planning on taking an AI such as Anastrazole, IGF-1 LR3 and MK677 to support my height.
Anyone please feel free to add on to what I have stated as to that I am very open to change my mind and can take any advice provided
submitted by Prior_Ambassador_293 to carnivorediet [link] [comments]
