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2024.06.09 11:49 oumram Need help sticking to my decision of divorce

Dear Muslim Redditors,
Throwaway for obvious reasons.
Also, I know I could have left bits out, but I think it's important to be transparent about where I have fallen short and been bad.
I met my husband six years ago, and we got married after a year of being together. He had some red flags that I was aware of, but I cared about him too much to stop myself from marrying him. He's had a hard life; he is from a refugee camp (but grew up in the States), and his parents divorced when he was 10. As a result, he saw some very toxic marriage behavior whilst growing up. However, he managed to still go on to do good things with his life and the support of his mom, like getting a decent job.
When I met him, he didn't really have many friends except for some guys who were really terrible. They made fun of him, but most of all, they were into drinking, clubbing, etc. My husband is an introvert and went out with them once every 3-4 months. But that's it, he was super isolated. After he met me, he repented and wanted to lead a good Muslim life with me.
When he met me, he was really into me, and we saw each other all the time. He was kind (with food), handsome, loved spending time with me (and vice versa), and he put me first. His red flags at the time were that he was REALLY jealous/tried to control what I wore even though I am relatively modest. When he was upset, he also swore and shouted at me. He constantly feared I would cheat on him (he's been cheated on before) and would accuse me of looking at guys. I read a lot about psychology, so I think he might have borderline personality disorder. He is also afraid of abandonment.
In our first year of marriage, I got my dream contract job in Texas (we are from New Jersey) and he moved there for me. The salary was very low, but the experience was really valuable. So he mostly paid all the bills (I told him once the six-month contract was up, I'd live with his mom for a year to help us both save money). I was also really busy with this job, so I didn't cook much. Also, as a new bride, I didn't know how to cook. During those times, he would get super angry at me and be rude, swear, and just be horrible.
I am not great at getting bullied, so when he was being verbally abusive and angry, I would react terribly. I've locked him in the bathroom, and I've kicked him (not hard, like to push him away from me because he was trying to touch me) and pushed him off the bed. I know I shouldn't have done those things, and I know I should have just divorced him, but something about being called a btch, prck, c*nt just felt REALLY horrendous. I just can't handle that happening to me. He has also pushed me back, and frequently said to me you need to be hit to be taught a lesson "as a joke". But he does play fight with me rough. So I know it's not a joke. I've told him to stop and he doesn't, and says why am I being dramatic.
P.S. For the record, when he stopped verbally abusing me I never did anything violent towards him again. I never ever hit him hard (the kick was to push him away from me, and when I pushed him off the bed it was also to get him away from me whilst he was talking to me in a disgusting way. I know I am not a physical abuser, because we have gotten into normal arguments and I haven't reacted badly. I just reacted like that to being abused myself.
Anyways, we broke up over this behavior from him, and he apologized and said he wouldn't do it again, and he genuinely stopped for three years. He also stopped accusing me of cheating on him, and I felt safe enough to start having a family with him, so I got pregnant. The verbal abuse has completely stopped, but now I have normal people issues, and something happened yesterday that was not normal.
During pregnancy, I had hyperemesis. If anyone knows what that is, it basically completely destroys your body and soul. I threw up more than 15 times an hour and lost 10kg in 1.5 months. I couldn't consume anything, even water. The stomach pain was horrendous. Women who have had cancer and hyperemesis (may Allah grant them patience) have said hyperemesis was worse than chemotherapy. I couldn't walk for 5 months, had to take medication, didn't leave the house, and was physically and emotionally crushed. I only felt okay at 7 months, but by then, I had developed anemia and breathing problems.
However, during pregnancy, my husband was also great to me. He took me to every single one of my IV drip appointments and scans. He got me whatever food I needed (crushed fruit was all I could eat) and looked after me.
After I gave birth, one week later, it was Arabic Mother's Day. I was getting flowers for his mom and my mom and I said to myself, oh yeah, I'm an Arabic mother now. He gave me a dirty look and said you're not expecting anything, are you? I didn't because I had just remembered myself, but I said what's wrong with that? And he said, "what have you done to deserve to call yourself a mother?" I started crying because after everything I've been through, how can he think like this? I am staying with my mom, so he thinks I'm being pampered since I'm not living with my mother-in-law anymore.
After that, things started taking a turn for the worse. We're staying at our parents to save money and buy a house. Alhamdulillah, we managed to actually buy a house from living with in-laws. Also, to be able to buy a house, I have only had 2 weeks of maternity leave šŸ˜¢. My husband had six weeks of paternity leave and only helped the first two weeks. When I went back to work, my mom and I mostly looked after the baby. He wouldn't even look after him while I had Teams meetings, and he was just sitting on the bed watching YouTube enjoying his paternity leave.
After paternity leave finished, he's mostly been at the new house fixing it. He's been asking me for money to help pay our new house bills/renovations, and I'm refusing. We initially agreed on a 70/30 split, but he has barely helped me with the baby, and he has also not been supportive AT ALL to help me while I make the difficult transition of working with a NEWBORN baby.
He also recently betrayed me and my family by telling his mom and sister our family secret about my brother in law. I have genuinely never felt so betrayed and angry. I no longer have empathy for him. I am rude; I tell him he is not a man for asking me for money, and to leave me alone.
For Eid, he gives his family money, his mom, sister, and the kids, and I was like lol, don't I get an Eid present? Then he went into a rant about why I couldn't be one of those wives who holds her man down and helps him give Eid money to the kids, etc. I was like, is your sister a kid? Why, as the mother of your child, am I not worthy of a present? FYI he never buys me gifts.
Last week, I was moving heavy boxes and asked him for help. He ignored me and carried on watching YouTube (I am 2 months postpartum and have a pelvic floor problem as a result). So I told him, if I ever cheat on you, remember this moment. I know I shouldn't have said that, but I just wanted to hurt him the way he's hurt me after giving birth. Nothing else hurts his feelings.
For the record, I had never dated anyone before meeting him, and I was a virgin when I got married. I had literally never had ONE boyfriend. I also had a lot of potentials that all the other girls likedā€”sons of ministers, ambassadors, and good potentials. But I rejected them because I wanted someone who grew up humbly like me. I thought since he was raised by a single mom too (my mom is a widow), we would understand each other's struggles in this world.
Yesterday he came home, and I was feeding my baby. He said, "open your phone" aggressively. I said no (he doesn't let me go through his phone - however, I know he's not cheating, he doesn't really go out much), and he grabbed my finger and tried to press it on the phone. My mom was downstairs talking to the plumber fixing our drain. I said get off, you're hurting me. He grabbed my hand and aggressively kept trying to get me to open the phone. I have red hand marks on my wrist. My baby was screaming at this point and crying. He still wouldn't stop. Everyone came upstairs to ask what was wrong with my baby.
I said to him calmly in private for the sake of my baby and mom, if I open the phone, will you leave the house? He said yes. So I opened it and let him go through it. Luckily, my mom came, and I gave her the baby and took the phone. I would never cheat on anyone; that's not me.
He has never approached me calmly and asked how I'm doing postpartum after having a difficult pregnancy and going back to work. He never comforts me. He blames me for all his problems in life.
Before pregnancy, I was so responsive to all his emotional needs and anything else he wanted. I just feel completely neglected. He was good to me at the start and has some good things about him. We have had mostly good times, the above is 3% of the time. But I am fed up, and I don't think I can see him the same after how aggressive he was around my baby and how he hurt my hand.
Thanks for reading this far. Your advice is really appreciated.
submitted by oumram to MuslimMarriage [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:37 SewNerdy Possible leak and house water pressure issue

Hi looking for some advice. Premptive TLDR: possible sprinkler head/pipe leak affected house waterpressure. I need to know who to contact to fix it. Is it a "call the Plumber" emergency or call the irrigation pros situation?
My house is 3 years old, home builders installed the sprinkler system. I rarely use it (am in a rain heavy area), so I keep the system and water turned off. Recently the city switched us all to reclaim water.
Not long after, I noticed a patch of grass growing way too well near a sprinkler head, figred there was a sprinkler leak. Today I started digging around to find the leak. Cant even find the pipe right away, so I turned on the sprinkler so see if maybe that'll show the leak.
I turned on the water supply, then ran each sprinkler zone to cheak over. Didn't see the issue with that spot. Went inside to wash my hands, and the water pressure inside my house was super low, then stopped all together. No water. Turned off the sprinkler water source, and the presure returned in the house.
So. Is this just cause I had the water source to the sprinklers turned off and the pressure just needed a minute? Could the City have switched the lines and somehow the reclaim switch screwed up the water supply? Or, more nefariusly, could that leak outside actually be a line to the house, not the sprinkler? Basically, who do I call? Plumber? Irrigation Pro? The city? Additional info: I checked my water bill and usage, that has not gone up since the leak appeared. Thank you!
submitted by SewNerdy to Irrigation [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:57 West_Lie9079 Plumbing Company Overcharge

I'm looking for some advice concerning a plumbing company that overcharged me to install a water heater at my home.
The plumbing company was supposed to give me a quote before they came to my home, they had two(2) days to send it, it didn't come until 15 min before to plumber showed up. And it did not show parts, labor, trip charge, etc, just split charge for the water heater and the expansion tank.
While I was very concerned about this we had not had hot water in our home for over a week, so I let him install the water heater thinking I would get the work ticket after wards. That didn't happen, why is a really long story, but since I booked them through another source I had to go pay that source to get a quote or invoice.
When the other source didn't have the invoice I had to wait for them to get it. In the meantime I've requested an invoice and the other source has requested an invoice to show why there is $500 in extra cost after the water heater, expansion tank, misc parts, and installation cost were already listed.
I want to pay this vendor for the water heater, expansion tank, and installation, but I dont think it fair as a customer to have to pay $500 above those cost.
I'm looking for advice on what to do cause I only want to pay for the basics of the services provided, but the plumbing company is threating to send the whole $1300 bill to collections?
submitted by West_Lie9079 to homeowners [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 16:49 bradbrookequincy High Water Bill

Does anyone know the current process that the water dept uses to deal with a high water bill? You used to be able to show a receipt from a plumber and they would adjust your bill. Just got a $1700 bill.
submitted by bradbrookequincy to baltimore [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 07:30 ComfortableGreen9840 Mold Remediaton Scam

Hi all, any help or advice is greatly appreciated. I live in Ca. I have a cabin I co own with my brother in a family trust. Long story short it had sat locked up a couple of year after my mom passed away and I had twins. I went to open this summer and it smelled super musty. With one year old twins itā€™s hard to do a deep clean. We always washed down the walls every summer opening. I packed up a bunch of laundry to do at home and could several blankets moldy and thought it explained the issue and maybe the skylight they were under was leaking. Saw no signs of mold elsewhere. I reached out to a cleaning company that had good reviews on google. They said they do deep cleans and wash walls no problem. They came to look at the property and offered to power wash and treat external growth on the cabin, like green algae from not being power washed in a long while. They said the would deep clean, mold treatment and remediation guaranteed. We never signed a contract. They charged a $1,500 deposit and sent estimates via text. Work was to be ā€œsoft power washing and exterior treatmentā€ ā€œdeep cleaningā€ ā€œmold treatmentā€ and wall washing. They returned the next day with a contractor they wanted me to hire to do work on the property, but refused to share his contact information. Monday I went to the property to meet a plumber. I found a small hole in the roof from a branch. I patched it and sent picture of it, and the water staining and mold growth I found inside below to the company. She said she would do tests on it. Then I heard nothing. They were to do work Tuesday and Wednesday. I heard nothing Tuesday despite reaching out. I said I would be coming by to check progress Wednesday am. When I arrived the husband has a power washer alone and she was inside with two people in hazmat suits. They were wiping everything with bleach, which smelled very strong. No special chemicals not natural mold killers nothing. No tarps. No air tests. She told me it was definitely just a surface issue and they could clean it for me . The contractor I have since hired says thatā€™s absolutely wrong and anyone who knows what theyā€™re talking about would know itā€™s a removal job and the inside of the ceiling needs to be treated. I told them the scope of work was changing and they were to wrap up what theyā€™d started and hired a contractor to treat mold issue and water in the bedroom. They closed up and I went back this morning to get the key. They broke the kitchen faucet and took a print from the kitchen. Rugs were thrown out and the floor isnā€™t even clean. Nor are the windows. They took all my cleaning supplies and in the process loosened the pea trap under the sink, causing it to leak bleach water all over the wood cabinets. I have now received a bill for $8,000 over the $1,500 already paid. I called the local sheriff to start a paper trail. Texted the company my issues with the state of the cabin. Reached out to the BBB, they requested I try to resolve it with the company before filing a complaint with them. Looking for my liability. What should I do from here? Any advice appreciated.
submitted by ComfortableGreen9840 to legal [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 05:49 Sensitive-Mousse5156 Apprentice seeking advice

So im 6 months in in my apprenticeship and I'm somewhere in feeling like I've done good work and I am still a retard.
My 1st 5 months I spend with journeyman plumber who were good but I just stood there like a little Timmy. And everything I leaned went constantly without practice. The master plumber who owns the company saw that and I'm not Drowning under pressure. I'm doing things I can and can't handle at the same time but a lot of it I crack now under pressure. Where I saw the journeyman do 100 times and I done once. I'm now just feeling like it's a different knowledge and a different pressure. And I want to learn mainly under the person who pays my bills or shall I say has mastered his craft.
I feel like I fuck up a lot somtimes I get a toilet on a flange perfectly, somtimes I don't, somtimes I'm scared to death that I'm grading a trench wrong, can we bump a line before the rain somtimes we don't and work through the rain. Somthing simple was measuring cutting pvc and gluing it with good fall is a nail biter.
How can I prepare myself better for a plumbing apprenticeship I've gone in blind
submitted by Sensitive-Mousse5156 to Plumbing [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 01:46 nate_nate212 Unexpected bill

Hi, I had a leak in a rental property. I called a plumber, and the plumber called a Fast Dry company. He said the fast dry services were covered by homeowners insurance. In my haste I signed an authorization to bill my insurance.
I later decided that I would pay for the repairs out of pocket and not make a claim to my insurance. I asked the Fast Dry company for a bill and they sent me a bill for $2500 (originally not itemized but eventually got an itemized bill).
This is significantly higher than I was expecting especially since they didnā€™t do that much - they sealed off the bathroom with the leak and put in some fans.
Is there a way to dispute this? I realize I should have asked for an estimate beforehand and I didnā€™t.
submitted by nate_nate212 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 00:37 MackAndSteeze Water bill fight

What legal options do I have with fighting a water bill? CalAm says we had a massive leak and is only partially reducing the bill. Iā€™ve had two plumbers inspect everything and said there is no evidence of any leak. Also, this leak started AND stopped on its own over the course of a month, I had no indication that anything was wrong until after it had ā€œfixed itselfā€, which is when I got the bill (they were admittedly a month+ behind on billing as well).
Iā€™ll fight this in court and/or watch my credit tank before I just hand over $1,400+ for a leak that never happened. This is also a rental house, landlord knows about the situation and there is no evidence of any leaks underground, under the house, etc.
submitted by MackAndSteeze to AskALawyer [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 14:27 TheMalsh Which job offer would you take?

I am currently on 25K salary working as a work coordinator in the maintenance/construction industry. I am 24, live at home rent free with no major bills. I do PCP my car and also have a night school Plumbing course coming up at the end of the year, my end goal is to be a full time plumber by 2028. I have never struggled with money so 25K has been enough but now I am looking for a job with a career and more money to save for my future.
I have been applying for Jobs very similar to what I do now, but they're more advanced, more money and offer me more of a career. At interviews I have also let all places know that I will be doing Plumbing and plan to eventually take up plumbing full time and my current Salary expectations were between 30K - 35K.
I have worked in 3 office jobs since 2021 and have been at my current job for the past 2.5 years. Past 2 jobs have been quite relaxed which I felt like made me work better, first one was abit too much for me, but with that being said I would like to say I was thrown in at the deep end with no experience so I like to think that maybe I would cope well under pressure now. Every job I have had since 17 has been very local to me so I have never travelled far for work but understand this isn't always going to happen, it's also been a preference to stay local.
I have been offered 2 jobs and I would like to hear which job you guys think is best.
Job A Advantages - 5 minute walk from me. Exactly the same to as what I do now. Very relaxed environment with a casual dress code. Staff seemed very welcoming. I really liked the goals/visions they had. Job A Disadvantages - Starting at 28K rising to 30K after a 3 month progress reviews. Bigger than where I work now but isn't much bigger. Although I liked what they said, I am not too sure on actual career progression at this company.
Job B Advantages - 35K Starting Salary. Very big company. Exactly the same to as what I do now but on a larger scale as its an actual project coordinator not just work coordinator. So much progression on offer which is also seemingly offered so soon into being hired. Job B Disadvantages - I was interviewed at the office a 10 minute drive from me, but the vacancy was for there office a 30-40 minute drive from me 3 - 4 days a week with the other days being at the local office. Staff were welcoming, but seemed very formal and I can imagine they can be quite strict on dress code and how you work.
I would like to also add although I am looking at a job which would help me pursue my plumbing career, these jobs may not be long term so I may decide upon completion of my plumbing courses I want to move on and start fresh somewhere where I can utilise both my plumbing and office experience from day one.
UPDATE: Job A has agreed to up my starting salary to 30K. I have also asked Job B about working in the office closer to me for the majority of the week. I have made both aware that I have had other offers with the other offer being better money wise or commute wise. I will make my final decision tomorrow.
submitted by TheMalsh to UKJobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 10:41 MelodicJello7542 Just moved into the flat and having crazy water meter readings

Hi all,
I moved into a new flat and got a bill from Thames Water of Ā£135 for 9 days of usage, when we had not even moved in yet. This equates to Ā£450 for the month. The bill mentions actual meter readings, so it doesnā€™t look like an estimate. We will be checking the water meter today (itā€™s on the street, so we needed a screwdriver to open it).
I emailed the landlord letting her know of the situation and a possible leak, expecting she would suggest sending in a plumber to check. She replied saying ā€œWelcome to London šŸ˜Šā€ and to monitor our water usage lol
A few questions:
1) assuming the meter readings are correct (i.e. it is the right meter), then how can I prove there is a leak? by taking meter readings during the night?
2) if she refuses to send a plumber to check, can we get our own plumber to check for leaks? If he finds one and she refuses to fix it, is it her responsibility to pay for the high water bills?
3) anything else I can do about this?
submitted by MelodicJello7542 to HousingUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 01:19 RichardRichard-Esq Shared water meter - leak and missing neighbour

Iā€™ll try to keep this as succinct as possible.
We are one of three units sharing a water meter. Yarra valley Water splits the water meter bill three ways.
Two of the units are in good order, no visible leaks (though could be possible) however the third unit is owned (outright I think) by an aging brother and sister, possibly with some mental health issues. This property is old, it likely has had little maintenance and I would think it is the most likely cause of the leak.
When home the owners rarely answer the door. They have no email, no phone number. They are essentially uncontactable.
A couple of months ago I came to learn that the sister had needed to go into hospital. Currently there is a huge stack of letters on their front door.
I have called YVW but they have said there is nothing they can do. In the meantime we are leaking money.
Where do we stand legally? And are there any means to shut off their water while unoccupied or force action? Is there a way to find and contact someone with power of attorney?
Our bills are 3x what they were in the past and both our unit and next door will be getting a plumber to inspect. However if they find no leak what do we do?
Thank you!
submitted by RichardRichard-Esq to AusLegal [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 22:50 crazygram99 [Landlord US-FL] Tenant With Issues

I have a tenant who is making me crazy! The issues are:
Issues include:
I had tenants in previously who stayed for four years and had fewer issues in the four years than these tenants have had in the one year they've been there. Any advice for dealing with "issue" tenants?
I think they're planning on moving out soon- they asked me to sign a landlord verification letter for them. Any advice for finding quality tenants who won't cause problems next time?
submitted by crazygram99 to Landlord [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 20:16 Trackstar192 Advice on need for hot water recirc pump

Advice on need for hot water recirc pump
Hello plumbers!
Hoping for some advice in how to approach our situation. We moved into a new place 2 years ago, and we recently discovered that one of the reasons our electrical bill is so high is that we've got a recirculating hot water pump running 24/7.
I believe our unit has a dedicated recirculating line, since there's a T merging cold water with the pump's output to serve as the intake for the heater (but please check me on this, photos attached).
In addition, we're exploring replacing our aging gas water heater with a heat pump one, and the folks we're working with are encouraging an on-demand recirc pump, which sounds like it would work but is a) decently pricey and b) seems like a high-tech pain to manage. So, we want to evaluate whether we actually need this pump before proceeding with an on-demand one.
As an experiment, we unplugged the pump to see how long it takes for our unit (top floor of a 3 story, 2 unit condo) to get hot water. However, it's been tough to judge the experiment, because, with the pump off, the pipes make a rhythmic banging sound, and the water doesn't get nearly as hot (video here). My research says that this could be a broken check valve on the pump, allowing cold water to backflow into the tap dispensing hot water.
So, a couple questions for the experts: - is my diagnosis about the broken check valve correct?
  • Are there issues with us no longer using the dedicated recirculation line? Is it a "waste"?
  • Are my concerns about an on-demand pump (i.e. AutoHot) overblown?
  • To try to continue our experiment, is it safe to close the valve adjacent to the current pump, to effectively plug the recirculating line?
Thanks a ton, folksā€”really appreciate it.
submitted by Trackstar192 to Plumbing [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 17:46 clown_bean VASP for Foreclosure

My grandparents are both disabled but do not have the official diagnosis. They are also both veterans in their 60s. My grandmother used her VA house loan with her first husband who was abusive so she no longer has hers. My grandfather has used his on his current house which is now 6000+ over due. We will go into official foreclosure in August. He is extremely sick and we do not know why. The doctors donā€™t even know they just blame sleep apnea. Heā€™s had a heart attack, been electrocuted and now is horribly dizzy 24/7 and is mentally foggy. He cannot drive either. Heā€™s been out of work now for at least 3 months, prior to that he was working 50 hours a week as a full time plumber. My grandmother is on SSI but it only brings in 600$ and does not pay for much. I live with them along with my fiancĆ© and we pay the remaining bills to the house but we donā€™t not bring nearly enough in. We have shrunk down our bills in the minimal amount but still not enough. My question is whether itā€™s worth seeking out that program or is it a crap shoot. Does anyone here have more info about it or any experience with it so far? We are scraping by.
submitted by clown_bean to Veterans [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:16 LivingGrab9298 Imbalanced home labor distribution in hetero relationships.

Itā€™s always pained me that even when women work full time jobs, theyā€™re still expected to do all the traditional home labor.
I came across a post where the man explained how him and his wife ā€œmade a family decisionā€ for her to work more hours so she can pay someone to assist with the cleaning and laundry that she was ā€œfailing to keep up withā€
He sold it as such a deal because she trades two hours for 8 hours of house labor. And everyone thought it was such a good idea.
Iā€™m aghast. This guy decided his overworked wife work more to pay for someone to do her domestic duties instead of picking up a rag himself or just using money from their shared expenses to cover the extra help. No, he refused to help his wife at all, and instead pats himself on the back for his genius thinking.
When I pointed this out he decided to explain to me all the work that goes into the man duties (I literally own a house, and am solely responsible for it). Hereā€™s the list of his responsibilities:
There absolutely is; it's just a huge variety of work that probably you don't see, much of it at odd times and intervals. Landscaping, mowing, and yard work, spraying the poison ivy every spring, replanting stuff, and maintaining water systems. Planting flowers that the wife likes to see. Maintaining the various walkways, driveway. Cars: Inspections, Oil changes, registration paperwork, insurance bills. Just last week, I had to take one car to the shop to get new tires. I also occasionally wash cars. Trash recycling out to the big cans and then the cans up the driveway to the street every week, like clockwork, raining or not. Replacing water filters. Replacing air filters. Replacing light bulbs. Occasionally updating the smart home system. Making sure the pets get their monthly flea and heartworm pills Dealing with home contractors, like plumbers and electricians, painters, handyfolk. Paying all the bills, banking, investing, and finances. Putting out pest traps, we live in cockroach ecology, and they are tricky bastards. Replacing or fixing household appliances when they break. We had to replace a dishwasher last year and I did all the research, purchasing, staying at home waiting for delivery, and then interfacing with the delivery guys to make sure everything worked when it go there. We also needed a new garbage disposal, and that one was all me.
We also have 2 young kids and I do a majority of the school pickups. I also cook 4-5 dinners a week.
My favorite part is that half this list is him interfacing with the person he hires to do that actual work. But of course the plumber comes out of shared money.
Iā€™d rather just be single.
submitted by LivingGrab9298 to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:58 Severe-Courage-1654 [MA] [Condo] Plumbing/Water Damage Between Units

I bought a third floor unit in a 3 unit condo. Within a month of moving in (May 2021), the downstairs unit owner texted me stating that her tenants were getting water through their smoke detector and that it was ā€œlinked to my showerā€. She stated that the issue started ten years ago (via text, got screenshot). So I get a recommended licensed and insured plumber out there to cut up her ceiling and see what was going on (pic of ceiling attached). He tells me itā€™s the grout. So I completely retile and renovate the shower, fixtures, pan, everything. About 6 months later, and after I pay for her ceilingā€™s plastering, she tells me that the issue persists. Enter plumber #2 who bullshits me and just says itā€™s the toilet. New wax wring, It happens again randomly months later. Fed up, I tell her to choose the plumber SHE wants and trusts and I will foot the bill. This fool tells me itā€™s the sink that I never use. Flash forward to last month, the issue is back and raining in. Iā€™m bankrupt and have no interest to pay additional plumbers to look at that ceiling when this issue shouldā€™ve been dealt correctly 10 years ago with the prior owner.
Iā€™ve been completely displaced from my house for the past two weeks and living out of duffle bags, as I canā€™t shower there. I had a lawyer send a letter after reading the docs and thereā€™s been no response from her (she happens to be the only owner on the HOA accounts due to us never meeting). She refuses to use HOA funds for leak detection to settle things once and for all, and continues to demand that this is because of my shower. The lawyer cited condo docs:
ā€œā€˜Meā€™ has already paid for repairs that were reasonably linked to her unit, but leaks persist, and they are behind shared common area walls. This owner continues to harass her to pay for the repairs instead of going through the proper channels. Please refer to the trust master deed, section VII: Description of Common Elements (d) and section VIII: Maintenance of Common Area, which state;
The common areas and facilities of the Condominium, hereafter referred to as the ā€œCOMMON ELEMENTS,ā€ consists of the entire property designed aforesaid, including all the parts of the building and improvements thereon, but excluding the units as set for the above, and shall include without limitation the following:
d) All conduits, ducts, plumbing, wiring, flues, and other facilities of power, light, air and all sewer and drainage pipes and sewer system, electric wires, electrical units or facilities, water pipes all if owned by Declarant, and if not so owned, the right and easement to use the same to the extent the Declarant can do grantā€¦.ā€
Without a meeting or a vote, sheā€™s already got an insurance adjuster coming out there Saturday, with no details as of why. Just a ā€œmandatory inspectionā€ that only requires entry to the basement and her unit. Sounds like she is trying to use master policy to pay for water damage?
Iā€™m tired, Iā€™m bankrupt and heartbroken due to this place, and I love my condo otherwise and busted my behind for that down payment. My dues are paid; weā€™ve only met once despite bylaws. Any advice?
When plumber opened up the ceiling
submitted by Severe-Courage-1654 to HOA [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:25 Super_Pizza1541 I canā€™t be the only one

Everytime I open my trading app, all I can see in my head is the CEO of faraday, an old man standing there with all of their chips on the table, saying we will overcome short selling. Whether we have or havenā€™t at this point I donā€™t really care.
Obviously I donā€™t know the man but Iā€™ve been in his position on a much fucking smaller scale, saying I believe in this. Ffie is trying. Weā€™re all trying just to keep our god damn heads above water, to pay our bills or pay off our debts, put food on the table, send our kids to a school that we never had the chance to go to so they can have a better life than us. Hell I just want to be able to afford insurance at the least
Where ever this goes Iā€™m learning for the next one, so I can try to undo this fucked up clock. Iā€™m tired of going backwards in life. Iā€™m tired of being late to the game. If this doesnā€™t work out everything gonna be fine. Iā€™ve been a carpenter,plumber,electrician,house flipper, drywaller, roofer, we all probably work 60 hrs a week just to be dunked on come tax day letā€™s at least pay in a shit ton, weā€™re capable of anything
I know I know ā€œcool story broā€ Iā€™m sorry
submitted by Super_Pizza1541 to FFIE [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:18 Commercial-Thanks879 Career switch

Need some life advice boys. Im currently a 22 year old plumber with about 3 years experience making around 80-90k a year. I have recently been thinking alot about switching to hvac temporarily for maybe a year or so just to have that experience of knowing another trade, but it would be massive pay cut as well but i also dont have many bills as of now. Figured while i was young and am able to take a paycut like that it would be good to learn as many different things as i could, but i really do enjoy plumbing and would probably be my trade to master after doing this. Was just wondering if this is a good idea or would it be better to just continue growing as a plumber, thank you!
submitted by Commercial-Thanks879 to Plumbing [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 00:38 icantrun2023 Turning into a bigger project

Turning into a bigger project
So my wife wants a sprinkler system installed and I was planning on going off my main water. I went to go dig up my shut off valve and line and discovered my handle broke off from corrosion. Itā€™s a pretty hefty bill from the plumber so Iā€™m wondering how difficult of a fix would this be for myself, plus how difficult would it be to install a tee with an isolation valve. Our main water shut off is on the curb so we can still turn off our water.
submitted by icantrun2023 to Irrigation [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 20:21 Golden_Mandala My plumbing is not leaking

Yesterday I was talking with a friend at my dining room table. I heard water dripping. I looked in the kitchen sink. I looked under the kitchen sink to see if there was a leak. I didnā€™t see a leak, but there is a lot of stuff under there so I might have missed it.
I went back to talking to my friend. I worried about plumbing bills and if there would be water damage. I still heard dripping.
Finally I went to the bathroom. My friend had left the sink running a little. He is hard of hearing so he didnā€™t notice. I closed the faucet. The dripping stopped. I donā€™t have to get a plumber. There is no water damage. I am relieved.
submitted by Golden_Mandala to BenignExistence [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 17:52 BlytheVale House renter in CA, gas company shut off gas due to leak, owners responsibility

Iā€™m a renter in Los Angeles county, California. On Friday the gas company came out and shut off our gas due to a leak that they determined was the homeowners responsibility to repair. We told the property management company Friday night. They informed us a plumber would be sent out the next morning (Saturday). A plumber did not show up until 5p and no work was began. The property manager said the homeowners wanted another quote. So another plumber came out on Sunday and looked at the problem. He quoted them and told us he spoke to the wife and she said she was waiting for her husbands approval before they went ahead with the repairs. It is now Monday morning and we have no update on when they will fix the gas leak to get our gas back on. The first of the month also passed which is when our rent is due. They havenā€™t asked for it yet, but Iā€™m sure they will. We pay the gas bill (and all other utilities) ourselves. My question is, is it legal for us to be living here with no gas and no access to heat or hot water or to use our stove to cook? We canā€™t shower (unless itā€™s freezing), cook, or do laundry. What are my legal options in this situation? I get this repair is expensive and they want to get quotes, but they have tenants living here and we are put out because of this.
submitted by BlytheVale to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 02:38 jswans22 Sewer water in air ducts and leaks all over with no repairs

Looking for help with this we rent a trailer in a park. After many phone calls and many emails we are having no luck getting our issues repaired. They have came out without 24 hour notice and now say it was a sink in middle of home that was cause. I have done repairs in past to faucet and sink drains. Our home smells like a porta potty and mantince people are watching YouTube to figure leaks out no certifications are there. I had a plumber friend look at this and he said toilet drain over duct was cause also found a leak we didn't know about in hose bib outside. Was reported last April and nothing but toilet wax ring and hose bib replacement outside has been done. We were also told to due not allowing access while we were sick, without notice we are now responsible for water bill being three times higher.
submitted by jswans22 to legaladvice [link] [comments]