

2021.10.25 03:36 mcgamerkid123 FreestylePooping

Like freestyle peeing but with poop

2017.03.28 04:03 People Pooping

It's as simple as it sounds. Pictures of Redditors pooping. No scat please.

2011.10.18 23:25 cjb6714001 Showerthoughts

A subreddit for sharing those miniature epiphanies you have that highlight the oddities within the familiar.

2024.06.10 03:08 Suitable-Potato6586 Prolapsed vent in baby quail chick??

Could someone please tell me if this is a prolapsed vent? He had a pretty mild case of pasty butt last night that we cleaned off gently. He had some swelling/ redness and wouldn’t stop crying unless I held him.
His droppings were soft but otherwise normal aside from a couple watery poops. Today the swelling was still present so we cleaned the area again and tried to gently push it back in but it wouldn’t stay. We applied some hydrocortisone and he’s been sleeping in a heated box on my lap ever since.
For reference, he’s about 2 weeks old and he’s a Gambel quail.
submitted by Suitable-Potato6586 to quails [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:05 SpamAccount25 First time fostering 4 week old kittens… help please !!

First time fostering 4 week old kittens… help please !!
Hey y’all! I’ve just gotten my first litter of kittens to foster, so far I’ve all had adult cats (been fostering for a few months now but not new to animal care). I’ve done quite a bit of research and am a bit confused as to why they are on full food now (wet and dry) with no formula supplemented with them being this young.
They are an estimated 4 weeks and have a ferocious appetite, which is great! They’ve just been given their second round of deworming as a precautionary measure, which is also awesome. What is less awesome is that they are having horrific diarrhea and not interested in using a litter box at all.
Their diet is comprised of prescription wet and dry food, topped with FortiFlora 2x a day. They are eating all their wet food and occasionally try to eat the dry, but I think they may just be pushing it around since it doesn’t seem to have a dent made in it for the last 2 days (I switch it out daily tho). One is also not interested in drinking so I mix water in her wet food so she doesn’t dehydrate.
I don’t mind cleaning the poops everywhere but I am worried for the little guys! They’ve had diarrhea for 3 days with me and presumably also had it for longer since the shelter already had them on FortiFlora and a prescription diet.
How long is weaning diarrhea supposed to last? I thought they’d be firmer by day 3 but it is not consistent at all (one semi-soft stool out of the 3 of them per day but all other poops are puddles).
I’m thinking of calling the vet tomorrow morning to see if I can get them on some antibiotics or god forbid test for parvo (I’m assuming they’ve been tested already but those poops are rough smelling and lead me to think it might be despite the lack of other symptoms), but I know that can also cause diarrhea and I don’t want to make it worse. Their affect is great too, which is a good sign!
Any thoughts or advice is much appreciated!! Also, there’s a pic for kitten tax.
submitted by SpamAccount25 to FosterAnimals [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:00 Bagel_bitches Poop smell

My husband and I use Alva baby cloth diapers. We put our poop diapers in a bucket in the garage with oxiclean and detergent to pre soak until we have enough to wash. We waited too long this time to wash them and now I can’t get the poop smell out of them. I have done 2 sanitary washes with oxiclean,arm and hammer soap and biz. The 2nd wash also had baking soda. Our sanitary cycle includes a prewash and 3 extra rinses. Please help!
submitted by Bagel_bitches to ClothDiapers4Beginner [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:55 Horror_nerd_0925 Feel like I’m not grieving enough

Warning for some upsetting details mostly around cancer
My hedgehog, Kiko, passed away 6 days ago on June 3rd and we recently scheduled a euthanasia appointment for my dog, Dexter, on June 19th.
Kiko was three years old which isn’t bad for a hedgehog but I was really hoping to have longer with her. About two weeks before we put her down she began showing bad signs of what most likely was uterine cancer (female hedgehogs are very prone to uterine cancer) she started peeing blood, so we brought her to the vet and she was prescribed antibiotics in case it was a UTI instead of cancer. About 2 or 3 days later she grew very lethargic and the pee/blood was getting a lot worse, the lethargy was very sudden cause the day before she’d been running around, eating, drinking, peeing, pooping, and within 24 hours all of that changed. We are currently waiting on her ashes and I have plans for a memorial to set up.
Our dog, Dexter, has had cancer for over a year now. He’s a big brown poodle that’s 11 years old. We also have a half poodle half doxie but he doesn’t have any health issues we know of. Dexters cancer has been very gruesome, even more than Kikos. He has two very large tumors out in the open that keep rupturing then getting infected then healing then the cycle repeats. They are both constantly bleeding and leaking other fluids, luckily it’s never seemed to bother him as much as I’d expect, at most he just seems to want to itch it sometimes. Recently he’s also grown more lethargic and it seems like the tumors we can’t see are also getting bigger (heavier breathing, can’t get comfortable, more trouble getting up). We’ve had him for a very long time.
I cried when kiko passed and afterwards and I’ve cried about dex too, but I feel like I’m not grieving enough. I feel like I grieved more years before this even happened just from the dread of knowing it will happen and I don’t know why because I love all my pets so so much, I don’t want to lose them. There’s times when I do just really cry and feel like shit for a bit but a lot of the time I feel weirdly normal. I’ve been much more tired and more numb to just about every emotion (anger is higher in certain moments though) and sometimes I really do just forget about it. I know I’ll never forget kiko or Dexter and what they meant to my whole family, but I feel like because this is so recent it should be on my mind more constantly. I don’t want to feel like I don’t love them enough because I really do love them and I really don’t want to even consider that I love them less than I know I do.
submitted by Horror_nerd_0925 to GriefSupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:51 sempiternalthoughtsx Dog is sick again, throwing up and vomiting

Species: mixed breed dog. Age: 6 Altered: no, but he is getting neutered this summer as his prostate is slightly enlarged. Weight: 34 pounds from last visit at vet 2 months ago.
So back in early to mid March my dog started getting sick all of a sudden. Throwing up any bit of food he ate. Liquid diarrhea as he couldn't hold it in so we had constant messes in my apartment to clean up throughout the night/day. I took him to a vet two-three days later after trying a bland diet with him that just didn't work. They gave him a dewormer, Metronidazole and fortiflora pouches. He ended up getting solid poops after a day or two, and didn't throw up as much anymore.
All of a sudden today this morning, he ended up throwing up throughout the night again and had one solid poop on the floor and the rest was pure liquid diarrhea. Like a puddle. He threw up all of his kibble and soft food too in a few piles as well.
I'll be taking him in Thursday if he isn't better by Wednesday with a bland diet. I'm just wondering what this could be? No blood in the stool, no weird discharge from eyes or nose. Nothing out of the ordinary other than him wanting to hide a little bit more while he's sick and just only coming out to give me cues on when to go outside. He never has been sick like this in the past, and it's worrying me if it could be a condition of some sort.
submitted by sempiternalthoughtsx to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:50 AlienRadioactive I need advice, please read

Hello. I'd like some advice. This might be long but I hope some people can read it.
My dog is turning 18 years old in a month (July). He's a French poodle, I've had him since 2006. He's the only pet I've ever had.
He's almost completely blind & completely deaf. He is incontinent, so he pees around the house, so he wears a diaper all day. He poops around the house as well sometimes. We still take him out for walks at least 3 times a day; however, he is not able to walk for a whole block. He walks for about half a block (small blocks btw) & he just gives up. His back legs shake a lot, which makes us think they'll stop working soon.
He has stopped eating recently. We've tried feeding him with our hands and he does sometimes eat, but there are days when he just doesn't eat anymore. We've tried giving him chicken or beef like the vet said but he throws it up afterwards (not always) He's super skinny. He always used to weight 4.5 kilograms but last time the vet checked him he was 3.2 kilograms.
He wanders around the house & sometimes hits his head against the walls & recently, he's started walking around in circles, relentlessly, & he doesn't stop even when we grab him or pet him.
I'm just really sad. He's not sick. He does not have cancer & we don't think he's in pain (not that we know of). However, he just doesn't have a life anymore. He doesn't play around, he doesn't enjoy anything like walks (he used to walk for many kilometers with my mom & now he just can't walk for 10 meters), he's almost blind so he hits his head a lot & he's deaf. I also don't think he recognizes us anymore.
We're exhausted as we have to clean pee and poo every single day, wash diapers every day and it's honestly exhausting. However, I do not want to be selfish & put him down just because we're tired.
I do not want to regret putting him down because like I said, he's not sick. I do not want to feel guilty because I feel like I'm killing him before his time has come. This breed can live up to 20 years! But what kind of life will he have where he can't walk or eat well?
I just want to read some advice. Please. I hope my English is understandable. I'm sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes.
submitted by AlienRadioactive to Petloss [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:47 Economics_Fancy Kitten sucks at grooming

Kitten sucks at grooming
I have an 8 week old kitten, she was with her mom and 10 other kittens until 7 weeks. She tries to groom herself constantly but she’s awful at it. Like I love her to death but she constantly has dirt (she’s an indoor cat so it’s probably not actual dirt but idk what it is) on her face and ears, eye crust, poop on her butt, food on her chin, etc. I’ve been wiping the dirty spots with a wet cotton pad to clean her but it’s annoying. Is there a way to encourage her to do it better? Will she grow into it? I’ve attached a pic of her dirty little face (even after I wiped it with a cotton pad like a half hour earlier).
submitted by Economics_Fancy to cats [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:34 One_Elephant_8048 I'm pregnant & God I have questions! (Some TMI)

Hi! So I'm 6 weeks pregnant and honestly planned on mainly being a lurker here, but consider I can't see a doctor in my town until mid-july (I'll be 11 weeks) I have questions!
Some of this will probably be TMI, but honestly I don't know who to ask and Google can be a scary place.
1) it looks like a little spotting is normal. I started spotting yesterday, just a little when I wipe and it stopped after like half a day. According to the y'all here and Google thats normal, so I'm not freaking out. I only had a slight cry fest when I saw it. I shouldn't freak out right?
2) like I said I haven't seen a doctor yet, but I know I need to take prenatal vitamins, so I started some. My poop is now green not like full on, but still like green. The Google says it's the iron in my prenatals, is that normal? My husband thinks I should stop taking them until we see the doctor, but that would be pretty much through my entire 1st trimester.
3) I'm so hungry!!! Like all the time, I don't know what to do. I eat all the time and I don't think I can eat anymore. Any filling recipes or ideas, because I'm dying.
4) I have a S curve scoliosis. My bottom curve wasn't surgery worthy but it was close. I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with that and if I should do anything leading up to actually having a baby to help?
Thanks for the help ahead of time.
submitted by One_Elephant_8048 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:31 Beautiful_Eye2360 Potty training resistance

Tying to potty train My newly 24 mo old we have been at it a week. After a few days of some success, would sit when prompted and pee and even few poops in toilet, now he is completely resisting to sit down on the potty or even pee standing. I think he is ready. I would like to give it a good try but feeling very frustrated right now after a week when I was home . I have a good nanny who will follow my plan, but I think I need a good plan in place for her to follow and right now I got nothing.
submitted by Beautiful_Eye2360 to toddlers [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:29 WildHold3903 Need help pls Warning TMI

So ever since yesterday, I have been having stomach pains on and off. It was so bad for a little bit yesterday that I thought I was going to throw up. I was slightly nauseous. I tried to eat and after I did, I felt better. Now today, I am still having some pain on and off that last for a few minutes. It doesn’t last all day, it just hurts every few minutes then stops for a few hours then happens again. i’m scared to eat and don’t want to but I still do so bc it seems like when I do the pain stops. Now this part may be TMI, but I just went to the bathroom and my poop was green. I’m freaking out someone. Please help me understand what is going on.
submitted by WildHold3903 to emetophobia [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:24 ContractAny374 Pooping 8+ times a day?

Hi, is it normal to poop 8+ times a day? What might have caused this and is it serious?
Any advice or opinions would be greatly appreciated! 22F, 135lbs
submitted by ContractAny374 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:24 mama_lu0831 first wild friend!

first wild friend!
we found him on my car handle, i thought he was a bird poop until he started moving! i’m not positive if they’re male or female, i assumed male because of the pedipalps, but i’m happy to be corrected. we did not keep him, my son and i just observed him a bit in an enclosure that we have. we did make a little landscape in the enclosure before putting him in there so that it may be a little more homey for him lol, my son’s idea but i was thrilled to oblige. he was very restless in the enclosure, i assume because he is just hunting for a mate. it was so cool to see one up close and personal for the first time! i had the enclosure on hand because we are planning to start a bio active enclosure for a captive-bred fella once ready :)
submitted by mama_lu0831 to jumpingspiders [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:22 legit_smitt0610 Poop

Literally the worst internet provider I’ve had. I have their “best plan”. However, every time I pay the bill for some reason the internet goes out. Whenever it rains even just moderately the internet goes out. I swear it goes out multiple times a day for a few minutes. I’m constantly having to unplug and plug in my router. And there’s only 3 devices using my wifi. Generally I dont get a lot of laggy spikes but I do get a lot of no connection. It’s infuriating. Whats the point of paying top dollar for a pos. Any other suggestions for isp? I live near Dayton, OH. A friend of mine said Metro Net is pretty reliable
submitted by legit_smitt0610 to Spectrum [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:22 nkf19 Dog being treated for ITP: Blood in stool

As detailed above, my dog was recently diagnosed with primary immune-mediated thrombocytopenia. Yesterday she had a CBC which showed her platelets had risen out of the zone that is at risk for spontaneous bleeding. She is on prednisone and mycophenolate. Today she has been having very, very soft poops with a small amount of blood in them (ie- not tarry or black, blood is fresher). Before her diagnosis, she was taking carprofen for arthritis; that was discontinued when steroids were begun. I have called her internal medicine vet (which is also an emergency vet) three times over the past 8 hours without being able to speak to any doctor. The only thing the tech could tell me was that a doctor (not hers) said to not discontinue the steroid.
Is this side effect normal for prednisone/mycophenolate? Should I take her into the emergency hospital? I am concerned because only a matter of days ago I was told to be on high alert for bleeding and now she is. I'm not sure whatever doctor was consulted knows the whole story of her ITP.
submitted by nkf19 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:21 jheez17 My cat has been acting weird lately

My cat is 9 going on 10 (male). Lately he has been meowing/howling randomly a lot and very recently started pooping in my shower and peeing in my bathroom sink which is super out of the ordinary for him to do. I had taken him to the vet super recently too before this started and no concerns about anything. His litter box is clean too and I just put brand new litter in it. Does anyone have any idea why he’d be acting like this? because it is not like him to do that.
submitted by jheez17 to cats [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:20 Medical-Celery-6203 Help! Please

I'm worried one of my chickens is egg bound. She hasnt been acting normal for the past 2 days, at first she was brooding 6 eggs but she mostly stayed in the coop yesterday and today. I gave her an egg for calcium, I gave her a warm bath. It looks like she's straining her vent but I'm not sure if it's normal or not. She did poop a little after her bath. What do I do?? Is she even egg bound? I'm so worried
submitted by Medical-Celery-6203 to chickens [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:18 RegretfulEgret My (M33) girlfriend (37F) of two and a half years wants me to give away my dog I've had for 8 years. I'm heartbroken. What can I do?

I have a little Maltese dog who is 14 years old and I love very much, even though she is an objectively bad dog. My GF (who I'll call Jenn here), managed to live with me and my dog (who I'll call Rose) for a year before I moved out to live on my own.
Due to a recent diagnosis of a life-changing disability and losing my job, I'm having to make some big changes. One of those changes is moving back in with Jenn or moving across the country (USA) to live with my parents while my SSDI application is processed.
But Jenn says she won't live with my dog again, and that she can't move across the country with me. Jenn said it would feel like I'm choosing Rose over her, along with the hassle of moving, finding a new job, apartment, etc.
I acknowledge my dog is a problem; she pees on the carpet when I'm not in the apartment (which may be a behavior Rose learned from her previous owner.) But I am at home most of the time now. She has a pee pad which she uses, but still she pees and occasionally poops in the house. I walk her frequently, and tried to house train her when I first got her, but she has continued to mess in the house. It's just something I've grown to deal with.
Rose is underfoot when Jenn is cooking and Jenn would occasionally kick her accidentally while Rose is sniffing for food. Rose barks at my friends when they stand up or when I'm hugging them. Same with Jenn.
I love this little Maltese and I know she's old and causes problems, but she doesn't know any better.
Any advice would be appreciated 🙂
PS: Rose is 14, which is very old for a dog, but she's in incredible health except for being mostly deaf. I wouldn't be surprised if she lives to 20.
submitted by RegretfulEgret to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:18 Aneidys Is it reasonable to have broom rules?

Update: thanks y'all. I think I need to make sure the existing designated brooms live near their tasks and/or label them.
I recently replaced our household broom because it got used outside to sweep our patio where our dog frequently poops! It wasn't used to clean poop, to be clear.
Then my new, indoor-only, broom got used to sweep up cat litter from around an overflowing litter box (in our creepy basement)!
I lost it a bit.
It's normal to have rules about which brooms get used for which jobs, right? There is a broom that lives in the garage and various bristle brushes for gross jobs in different places.
It's gross to sweep your regular floors where kids play with the same broom that is used to sweep areas with animal waste. Do others share this sentiment?
I'm not being overly uptight about this, right??
submitted by Aneidys to CleaningTips [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:14 PeculiarPip Horror stories from my time at Ross

In no particular order, these happened in the span of the year (and few months) that I worked there.
My first day they put me on the register. I got this customer that had two baskets, one full of clothes and the other full of various objects. She also purchased some wall art and mirrors then had the nerve to ask me “why is it 600 dollars?” They took me off the register and had a different coworker who worked there longer than me ring everything back up. This was almost before closing and she ended up staying after closing. The total ringed up to be about the same amount.
One time someone stole the curtain to the big stall. I’m not sure if they ever replaced it, it was still gone by the time I put my two weeks in.
One time I was working fitting room, walked away to put something back that was near the fitting room area and came back, not realizing that a guy had snuck in there. I went to check the fitting room and he was in the big stall with the curtain closed (I didn’t think anything of it cause sometimes guys close it after they leave). When I opened it I caught him touching himself. I just said “oop.” Walked out and then told my boss over the radio what was going on.
During the Christmas holiday a homeless guy was coming back to the fitting room where I was working and he had this big jug of water he was carrying, open. He managed to drop it on the way and despite being more than 8 feet away from him, he blamed me and was about to punch me but walked away to try to find the bathroom.
The bathrooms were frequently dirty. Any day of the week we could find poop smeared on the walls. We didn’t have an employee bathroom by the way. Customers also got mad when we told them the bathroom was closed and some would DEMAND to know why. It was either cause there was no toilet paper, it was being cleaned or once because there was blood on the men’s door handle and they counted that as a bio hazard. There was a food store next to the Ross that people could have went to and used that bathroom but apparently that was too much work.
There was one lady that kept coming in the store for like two weeks straight. She rode around on a power chair and one time no one was in the fitting room to open the door for her. So as she was waiting, she shat herself and when someone came to let her in she told them it was too late and she sat in the store for a good few hours like that.
One time I answered a call and someone told me two homeless people were “making love” outside of the store. Another time a homeless person tried to get in my car, thinking I took his tent. My partner was driving at the time so, I hopped back in the passenger’s seat, closed the door and they drove off. I called my boss and he understood why I was going to be late.
submitted by PeculiarPip to retailhell [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:14 Sensitive_Screen_103 Please help

I have 3 cats and none of them are using the litter box even tho they were trained. They’ve been puking, peeing, and pooping everywhere. I don’t have the money to visit the vet and everything on google doesn’t work. I don’t know what to do because my mom wants to get rid of them because they do those things. I know about rule number 2 but I really can’t afford a vet visit before asking
submitted by Sensitive_Screen_103 to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:14 ChronicallySilly Fastest way/gcode to start a print on P1S for rapid prototyping?

Sometimes I want to just start printing like a 1mm test layer extremely quickly to dial in my measurements, especially for complex shapes where "measure twice print once" isn't always as straightforward (or accounting for shrink in different materials, etc.)
Even turning off bed levelling it can be pretty annoying to wait the ~3-5 minutes or so for whatever the printer has to do, is there seriously no way to just start printing in 10 seconds if I already have the bed/nozzle sitting pre-warmed up? I use the AMS if that changes anything, but not worried about color mixing so I'd love to skip the filament "poop" too
submitted by ChronicallySilly to BambuLab [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:09 Technical_Mall6102 Yuuji's poop

So like. Yuuji is Sukuna's vessel, As We Know. If he poops, is his fecal matter cursed?
submitted by Technical_Mall6102 to JJKMeiMei [link] [comments]
