Retell stories 4th grade

Long Term Subbing

2024.06.09 17:22 crashabl3 Long Term Subbing

Earlier last month I was told by a para that the teachers next to the one I was subbing would be going on maternity leave. I was curious and asked if I could pick up the last 2 weeks of school for her and she said that they're going with short term subs for now.
She added that the teacher would still be out until October.
I was thinking of reaching out to the school and asking if I could take on the assignment. However I am a bit reluctant as I've heard that it is a lot more work that regular subbing and don't know if the cons outweigh the pros.
Currently I get paid $110 a day, but the district says I would get paid between $145-$180 depending on the assignment. It's 4th grade math, and the other teachers are very nice and close to one another. The school was my old elementary and the staff is nice.
Any advice?
submitted by crashabl3 to SubstituteTeachers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:21 Shagrrotten FG Decades Tournament, the 2010’s: Round 2

Well here we are, FG, our first decades tournament, the 2010’s. Thank you to everyone who nominated movies, and let’s get right into it!
Results of Round 1
Results of Round 2
View Poll
submitted by Shagrrotten to IMDbFilmGeneral [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:20 USPS_Nerd Looking for curtain options for multiple windows very close to each other

The front of my house has 3 windows all spaced 6 inches from each other. And a 4th window on the left corner. As it's a 2nd story, and west facing, we get a lot of afternoon sun. Right now we have blinds, but those dont filter out enough light. I'm not looking to get blackout curtains, just enough to filter down the light enough to watch TV in the afternoon.
I'm not sure I like the idea of one large set of curtains that go across all 3, was thinking more so of doing a set of curtains for each window, but am concerned that might be too busy. Any thoughts on the best ways to approach this?
submitted by USPS_Nerd to HomeImprovement [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:15 Kooky-Plenty-3856 aitah

So it’s my first time writing here and i really don’t know where to start but i have this one friend and she’s changed a lot the last 2 weeks so i know it’s common for people to change over a period of time but it hurt me tbh. In september, we weren’t friends and also we go to same grade, back to the story we weren’t friends because of some fight over summer and also she was mad at me for something i did 3 years ago (we were at her birthday party and her friend liked a guy my back then bsf liked for so much time and she was his ex they were together for 11 months, and i took a pic of the girl that like that guy and sent it to my bsf and i didn’t say anything bad i just said she was nice and my bsf said she was ugly asf in that moment that girl that had birthday party let’s call her Ana she came up to me and saw my phone and those messages and she was mad at me and 1 month later she forgave me and after 2 years we were fighting over messages and she brought that up so we didn’t talk for 4 months) and back to the story in school we slowly started to become friends again she was nice and had a good music taste she loved talking and she was genuinely fun so i really started to love her again and she was like a best friend to me. 2 months ago she find the trust in me and told me who was her crush and only few of her friends knew that and i didn’t know him but he didn’t like her back so she was crying a lot and i wrote her probably 100 paragraphs over period of time and she stopped liking him and in that moment something changed about her. At first it was little things like the way that she dressed or her talking bad about herself and she wrote to me sometimes like ,,i have shit to tell people like i’m not okay i don’t know what to do but i don’t wanna tell anyone” and i truly didn’t see nothing wrong there but at the end of the day everyone has problems and she doesn’t understand that bro i have problems and issues and i don’t tell that to people like ,,Hey i have a lot of issues in life” so that didn’t seem right and that she started changing every time i did anything she said BLUD literally anything and look at me like i was biggest disappointment to her and she stop talking to me ignoring my messages for 5+ days hating on me and the way that i act and i act like a kid sometimes and i’m sorry but yolo and i can get behind everything but she is hating on every single thing that i do and she doesn’t have a reason and we were talking and she said ,,I will never be able to forgive you for what you did 3 years ago”. And one thing i forgot i was going out with 6 people the other night and the guy from the start she used to like he was friends with one guy that’s hanging out with us and he said ,,She broke up with him because he was hanging out with 6 girls” and later i told her like is that true that you broke up with him for that because they were together and she loved him still and after i told her that she said ,, i knew it i can’t trust you” and i told her what happened that she was just brought up one time nobody said anything after that and nobody said she was a bad person or anything and she is currently mad at me for that and she’s ignoring my messages. So chat be honest should i stop being friends with her because i stop loving her i am slowly starting to hate her and idk what to do.
submitted by Kooky-Plenty-3856 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:10 Laskonova Reading these posts from the perspective of an undereducated parent is horrifying...

I was raised in IBLP as a girl after I was pulled out of third grade. My education degraded horribly the second that happened, and when I was thirteen I was shifted to a "character first" education which essentially meant my schooling was done. I am incredibly lucky I was taught to read in public school and have always loved reading, because if I didn't I couldn't have gotten out. I have always been deeply ashamed of my lack of formal education and after I left I tried to make it up by reading as much as I can and learning as much as I can.
I have a kid now who's going into second grade, and of course we are sending him to school. We work really hard with him at home, and I tell him that he is amazingly privileged for getting an education and that not everyone gets one and he needs to take advantage of this opportunity. One of the biggest things I always emphasized was reading. As long as you love to read, you can make up shortcomings in other areas later and the younger grades are where attitude towards reading is developed. We work on it at home a ton. I show him kid books I liked before the cult and I am open about how much I read to set an example. I show him that I'm even stricter with myself about screentime than I am with his when he complains that the other kids don't have to deal with being bored or have limits and explain to him that it's bad that they don't have limits and why I even have to set them for myself. He's been at the top of his grade in the school in reading, and grade level in everything else and I am honestly incredibly proud of him.
I work at amazon, and there are a lot of fresh highschool grads there. Lately, I have been astonished after I have started to be more open with my coworkers about my past, and they are jealous of my lack of education! They wish that they just graded their own tests with the answers like I did while my mom worked one on one with my brother! They just also don't like the religious abuse that came with that. What the hell? I remember crying at night because I knew my textbooks were years behind me because I have uses the same math book for 3 years, and the same "science" book for 5. Yet without any adult involvement I still tried. I graded myself accurately and tried to use stuff like my classic books, bird field guides, and dictionary to learn supplementary things. I failed myself on tests that I took after only being handed a workbook and tried again. And a lot of those jealous people have kids!
I was confused, and didn't know what a school environment was really like so I started looking things up about why all this this seems off. And then I found this reddit and found out it wasn't just the kids at my work or my kid's school. I don't understand. All these kids are intentionally throwing away things I'd have given my right arm for as a kid. Free access to books, learning, adults who will teach them and answer a question about the material if you have one, and the ability to look things up. I don't understand, and it's just upsetting to find out the sheer scale of people throwing away what they could have had, and that the adults in their lives, admin and parents, are contributing so much. As an adult, my wife has helped teach me so much math and I am so greatful that she is so nonjudgmental towards me for it because I have always been so ashamed I didn't teach myself math better and felt like it was my own fault I wasn't past 4th grade math. She helped me really see it was the adults that failed me, and I'm horrified the parents are failing their kids now too.
submitted by Laskonova to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:09 yyyaaiik Gimme your cute headcanons!

Me first. In the return ending, while it was only shown that Sekiro and the kiddo went to the west, I believe, I fully believe, I absolutely believe, I KNOW that Emma must've joined them too. Because 1st, Emma encouraged for the severance of the dragon's blood with no one to die so it's only reasonable for Emma wanting to help. 2nd, who would be there to give Sekiro some nice pleasantry-healing juice? EMMA! 3rd, who would be there in case Sekiro want to get someone drunk? The kiddo? Hell no! It's EMMA! 4th, Emma is the only person Sekiro can talk equally to, he would clearly be obedient with the kiddo since she has Kuro inside her (Jesus) so having Emma as an actual talking partner would be nice.
Second headcanon for me would be that, if Sekiro 2 would actually happen, and IF the story revolved around the development of Sekiro as a character (I mean personally, if it were solely about the dragon's return, that would be lame don't you think?) I believe Emma would be the person to teach Sekiro how to converse his feeling some more. I mean Sekiro is clearly no longer a proper shinobi after the ending, so I think Emma talking to Sekiro about more personal conversation would be cute, I love those two anyway.
What about yours? I surely hope some of it references about Emma x Sekiro ship!
submitted by yyyaaiik to Sekiro [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:06 Strong_Caramel_7665 Uni has broken me and i have no one to talk to about it

Title as is really, i am sick of my life at the moment. I am 24 and have forever been single due to being ugly and no hope for the future, meanwhile I'm plagued whenever i log in to facebook and see everyone i went to school with starting families all happy and smiling and going on their f'ing holidays when i can barely cope anymore. They dont have to go through uni exams like i have to. and they get to enjoy a nice normal life while i'm stuck living with my mum who just complains all day which is too long of a story in itself
I am nearly finished with my university course but I think i will likely fail my exams and need resits and its like i feel forever trapped with it. I cant study anymore, i'm too old and dumb and i try but nothing sticks in my head. I've passed some exams previously but i get basically the pass mark and no spectacular grades. I just feel utterly hopeless and worthless that i'm stuck like this and so old and everyone else already has it together
submitted by Strong_Caramel_7665 to depression [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:57 email_queen Were you out at school?

Hi loves! My enby kid wants to return to school in the fall (4th grade) with their chosen name and they/them pronouns. Currently they’re only out with a little bubble of our immediate family and the families of their two closest friends
We’re getting a new principal next year but I am on good terms with the one exiting so i decided to talk to him about it bc he’s leaving and could shoot me straight
Basically we’ll be the first openly gender diverse family in the history of the school. He helped me put together a plan of how to socially transition and which staff to bring in but it all makes me so nervous
There is no real going stealth when you’re non-binary and that makes them visible/vulnerable. Were you out in school? Any advice for us?
submitted by email_queen to NonBinary [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:55 Tattooedminimalist Ross PhD timeline?

Ross PhD timeline?
This has always bugged me a little bit. In season 1, Ross is supposedly 26. Yet he already has his PhD and is working at the museum. This would suggest that he did his entire masters and PhD in 4 years. Now, in the episode where people are doing it in front of his book (lol) he tells the doctoral student that he skipped 4th grade, so technically could he have graduated college at 21, thus giving him 5 years to do his PhD? Photos are from some light googling I did to try to help me figure this out 🤣 I’m sure I’m not the only one who has thought of this so apologies if this has been discussed before!
submitted by Tattooedminimalist to howyoudoin [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:54 Cars_and_guns_gal I think I have survivors guilt, and it's so frustrating

I (23f) grew up with a sister and brother. We were all "homeschooled" and when I was around 20yrs old we all figured out the covert narcissist nature of our mother and enabler father (more like we knew what to name it). I moved out at 20, got married and now have almost 5 month old daughter and have been NC with parents since my daughter was 2wks old. My siblings however are a different story.
My brother (25m) has job hoped, ruined really good paying jobs, ruined his driving record, has a lot of depression and blames his whole life on my parents. We have tons of conversations how to improve his life and move out (yeah he's living in his car on their property) he's very smart but he'd rather sit at home all day, not work and just blame his life on how they screwed us.
My sister (18f) also lives with them, she works at a really bad job, gets paid under minimum wage, her boss is verbally abusive and actually insane, my sister and her coworkers hide from her. She actually pees on her patio and sh*ts in her bed, she has tried to choke a gardener there. My sister won't leave tho because of her lack of schooling (we were "homeschooled" but my sister basically has a 3rd grade education because my mom did nothing and then blamed us older kids that we didn't teach her) she's afraid to get another job. I told her to get her education up to speed and she says she's not afraid of doing doing the work but she's infuriated why she has to (my mom). But she still isn't doing it! Then if I tell her to study she gets mad at me like I'm attacking her when I'm trying to help. She's young and kinda ignorant and doesn't see the big picture. She went from one bad place (home) to another.
In short, I told them if they are so mad at my parents and have zero respect for them (rightfully so) I don't get why they stay!? They don't need too, my sister I can understand more but my brother? I want to smack both of them, ALL of our conversations always lead back to this topic and they're answers are always the same. "My life was so bad, I'm screwed, its all their fault" then we make plans and they never follow through and it leads to nothing. We all grew up in the same house, yet I got out. All their excuses just seem to be that.
Can't anyone else relate? Advice? I've always been a mom figure to them since kids since my mom wasn't and I love them but now with my own family and their lack of effort to help themselves I'm feeling very frustrated and drained. I don't know what to do.
submitted by Cars_and_guns_gal to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:51 OSAwkwardMatt Aita for saying that I will never forgive my brother?

This is a hard story but here we go. My (35 male) older brother (45 male) and I have always had a weird relationship, but then he did something I can't forgive. Let me lay some background info, my brother Kevin NRN is a deadbeat father to 3 kids by 3 different women owes 30k in back child support and is a drug addict who ran away from rehab, but despite that I've tried to help him. I've put in a good word for him with employers, provided a reference multiple times and once he tried to get me to take a drug test for him (I refused of course) , but he finally did something I couldn't forgive. Last month my grandmother passed away. And the pole bearers were set to be me, my cousin's husband, her sister's boyfriend, and my brother. The day of the funeral he briefly goes into the funeral home for maybe a minute and then goes outside to smoke and then leaves before the actual funeral begins. Since everyone was grieving and listening to the preacher nobody noticed he wasn't there. Then when it comes time to go to the graveyard we realized that he left and told nobody. So we adapt and the new 4th pole bearer ends up being my brother's oldest son, one of the kids he has nothing to do with, but still tries to insist he's a good father to. Anyway fast forward after the funeral and I text my 'brother' and tell him " way to go JACKASS when she was alive you were always around to borrow money from her, but when it's important and time to lay her to rest you proved that your 14 year old son is more of a man than you are. I will never forgive you for this, and I hope Granny never forgives you from the other side." I told my friends about this, but it's kind of split. Some thought it was justified and some think it was too far and that he was grieving as well. So I'm wondering AITA?
submitted by OSAwkwardMatt to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:48 Sufficient-Fudge-968 Post-Test Reflection

LR RC LG LR -- pretty ideal order if I do say so myself.
Manifesting that I did well on it, I know I did and I can't wait to open my score in a couple of weeks!
Was booted out of my test cause I forgot my LSAC log in (test nerves) but was thankfully able to continue my test although I was 30 min into my testing time. The proctor I got (online) after I was booted out was lowkey mean.
Anyway, First LR - answers popped out at me. Seemed to glare at me right through the screen. Enjoyed this section very much. RC - had the passages that began with the Pueblos... the third passage (the comparative one) tripped me up a bit. I had to take some educated guesses as time was running out. Nevertheless, I believe I did well. LG - has never been my strongest suit although it is the most learnable section. Flew through the first 2 games, looked at the third, said "hell nah" and proceeded to do the 4th. 4th was decent, went back to the third and made some reasonable inferences. LR - at this point, my brain felt wooshy. However, I persevered and I know I did well.
I pray I did as well or even better than I think. In God's name - AMEN!
This is also my first time taking the LSAT and I have not completed the writing portion (way too busy worrying about the rest), any tips/tricks? I heard it's not graded so I'm not superrr stressed about it.
Hope you all see a happy score in a few weeks, me included :-)
submitted by Sufficient-Fudge-968 to LSAT [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:42 Im_gayer_then_u AITA for being on my phone and someone else seeing what as on it?

Right I’ll just get to the story. Me F was about 13 at the time and my friend M was about 14 at the time we’ll call him Kia (not his real name)
This was a couple years ago when I was in year 9 (8th Grade for the Americans) I got sent to a school for special needs kids in year 7/8 For autism and ADHD and they had this sensory room with padded walls and lights and stuff and me and my friend Kia would sit in there when we had a terrible lesson because we were told to.
There was this lad that joined in at the start of year9 we’ll call him Lucas (not his real name) and he went to primary school with Kia and they didn’t really get along. The first day he came he insulted me because kia was telling me he knew him and he was a bit of a dick and I said he seems like it and I wore eyeliner and dyed my hair red(more pink but anyway) he made fun of that by calling me ‘emo’ and shit but i guess he just didn’t like me after that witch was fine I didn’t know him and he was in a different class because our class got split in two because they put the people who needed more support in one class.
When me and Kia were in the sensory room we were sitting on our phones and I was scrolling through my photos finding old messages of pedos and there d pics and me and Kia we’re making fun of them. Kia is gay and he was on twitter and there was porn on there obviously it’s twitter well X now but Lucas came in the room to use his vape and he was asking what we were looking at and we said just d picks of people and just scrolling on twitter and Lucas came up behind us and looked at out phones and saw what we we’re looking at.
Later me and Kia got called down to the office to talk with teachers separately with our parents there because apparently it’s classed as CP even tho the people in the photos were 18+ but then my parents wanted to go through my phone or the teachers and it’s not like I haven’t gotten other things to hide that aren’t bad but I would get in more trouble for it but I let them go through it which they didn’t find anything because they didn’t really know what they were doing but it caused me and Kia refusing to go In to school for a couple days because why would we and they got scanners to check for phones which we didn’t want to hand in.
So I want to know was me and Kia the bad ones in this story?
submitted by Im_gayer_then_u to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:41 HadjiChippoSafri EVENTS: What's On in Coventry this week (Monday 10th - Sunday 16th June)

⭐️ Featured image on this post is from: After The End Of History: British Working Class Photography 1989-2024 (Herbert Art Gallery & Museum)

🎨 Art & Exhibitions

Event Date Venue
BSL Gallery Tour with Olivier Jamin Sat 15th Jun 2pm Warwick Arts Centre
Exhibition On Screen: My National Gallery Until 13th Jun Warwick Arts Centre
After The End Of History: British Working Class Photography 1989-2024 Until 16th Jun Herbert Art Gallery & Museum
Summer Exhibition Until 23rd Jun Warwick Arts Centre
Sent from Coventry Until 7th Jul Coventry Cathedral
Coventry's Jewish Community Until 30th Sep Herbert Art Gallery & Museum
Picturing High Streets: Coventry - Tim Mills Until 3rd Nov Coventry Transport Museum
Collecting Coventry Until Apr 2025 Herbert Art Gallery & Museum
Dippy In Coventry: The Nation's Favourite Dinosaur Until Feb 2026 Herbert Art Gallery & Museum
Warwickshire's Jurassic Sea Until Feb 2026 Herbert Art Gallery & Museum

🎤 Comedy

Event Date Venue
Coventry Improv: Full of Beans Fri 14th Jun 4pm Coventry Transport Museum

👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 Family

Event Date Venue
Doze Under Dippy Sat 15th Jun Herbert Art Gallery & Museum
Play Children's War Games Sat 15th Jun 11am The Blitz Museum
Big Gobs Puppet Project Until 15th Jun Herbert Art Gallery & Museum
Family Sundays Until 23rd Jun Warwick Arts Centre
Mini Creatives Until 25th Jun Warwick Arts Centre
Junior Drama Classes (5-7) Until 2nd Jul Belgrade Theatre
Junior Drama Classes (8-11) Until 3rd Jul Belgrade Theatre
Sensory Stories and Rhymes Until 16th Jul Herbert Art Gallery & Museum
Mini Museum Engineers Play Until 28th Aug Coventry Transport Museum

🎥 Film

Event Date Venue
Blue Jean Fri 14th Jun 3pm Warwick Arts Centre
Beautiful Thing Fri 14th Jun 5:15pm Warwick Arts Centre
Pride (10th Anniversary) Fri 14th Jun 7:30pm Warwick Arts Centre
Young Woman and the Sea Until 13th Jun Warwick Arts Centre
Rosalie Until 13th Jun Warwick Arts Centre
Dead Don't Hurt Until 13th Jun Warwick Arts Centre
Here Until 18th Jun Warwick Arts Centre
Freud's Last Session Until 20th Jun Warwick Arts Centre
Sasquatch Sunset Until 20th Jun Warwick Arts Centre
A House in Jerusalem Until 20th Jun Warwick Arts Centre
Warwick Student Cinema Until 28th Jun University of Warwick

🍔 Food, Markets & Socials

Event Date Venue
Darts Tournament Tue 11th Jun 7pm Sky Blue Tavern
Open Mic: Words & Music Thu 13th Jun 6pm Warwick Arts Centre
Gallery Late x Warwick Pride Fri 14th Jun 6pm Warwick Arts Centre

🎵 Music

Event Date Venue
Lunchtime Concert Thu 13th Jun 1pm Warwick Arts Centre
Sink or Swim presents: Drahla + special guests Thu 13th Jun 7:30pm The Tin
The King's Voice Fri 14th Jun 7pm Rialto Plaza
Pulsar + Vertigo Flowers + Alys Rain Fri 14th Jun 7pm LTB Showrooms
Walk Right Back Fri 14th Jun 7:30pm Albany Theatre
The Mudsharks Fri 14th Jun 8pm Arches Venue
The Caroline Bomb Fri 14th Jun 8pm Commonground
Jake Edgar Sat 15th Jun 9pm LTB Showrooms
Summer Jams Until 22nd Jun HMV Empire
Jazz Fridays Until 28th Jun Warwick Arts Centre

🗣 Poetry, Writing & Talks

Event Date Venue
Cheddar Gorgeous In Conversation with Ibi Profane Fri 14th Jun 4pm Warwick Arts Centre

⚽️ Sport


🎭 Theatre & Performance

Event Date Venue
TSG Legally Blonde Thu 13th - Sat 15th Jun Warwick Arts Centre
Eric Scutaro: Strike A Pose Fri 14th Jun 12:30pm Warwick Arts Centre
An Orphan's Dream Fri 14th Jun 7pm Albany Theatre

🛠 Workshops & Classes

Event Date Venue
Introduction to Suminagashi Paper Marbling with The Handcrafted Hen Sat 15th Jun 10:30am Herbert Art Gallery & Museum
Songwriting Until 25th Jun Warwick Arts Centre
Adult Acting Classes (Thursday) Until 4th Jul Belgrade Theatre
Adult Acting Classes (Friday) Until 5th Jul Belgrade Theatre
Any events that we've missed? Drop them in the comments below!
submitted by HadjiChippoSafri to coventry [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:37 becausehippo Learn English some resources
Learn words in sentences and phrases not individual. Watch TV shows and online streams.
Watch movies/series/YouTube channels in English, with English subtitles at first and then without
My khmer family uses my Netflix and what they get out of it has been invaluable in terms of their English. Three years ago my brothers English was very poor. Just from reading subtitles he is now fluent
Reading and listening are important. Listen to English-speaking radio. You can get lots of them on the internet. Try different English-speaking countries. Watch TV shows if you can. Get them on YouTube or other similar sources. Look for programmes like news or documentaries. You have the pictures to help you understand. Language in them is more genuine than in a soap opera. Look for programmes or things to read that are of interest to you. So if you have a hobby or other interest, look for things in English that relate to them. You will learn English and maybe something about your interests.
Lately, I've just found out this site ( ) where you can chat/speak with native English speaker, it's really cool.
Always have a notebook with me to makes some notes or write down some new vocabulary or phrases.
And the most important thing … speaking practice. I can recommend you ,,speaky app.,, It’s really cool. Lot of weird people which do not distinguish this app from tinder there but I have found some decent people that I am able to speak a few times per week with. I can even say that after few months they even became my friends.
  • try to embed yourself in english
  • persistance and constistnecy, do it daily, event if it’s just one new word its always step forward,
  • find an english speaking friend and stay in touch with him frequently
  • exercise your speaking muscles everyday for 5 minutes in there you can find people to speak with anytime
I've learned English on my own through YouTube.
Step 1. Unsubscribe from all the channels in your native tongue.
Step 2. Subscribe to all English Learning Channels you can find.
Step 3. Watch Videos from the subscribed channels whenever you have occasion.
​In 2-3 months you will understand most of the content.
If you're a complete beginner, read books meant for kids.
Honestly I'd suggest trying a couple of nature documentaries first. The speech will be very slow and give you lots of time to understand what you heard. If you're still struggling with that, then worry about kids shows.
I'd also suggest looking at podcasts for English beginners. They should deliberately speak slowly and not use complicated words
Some that come to mind easily are two tv shows called Sesame Street and Peppa Pig because of their simple language (aimed at native English kids learning English).
For listening practice you could try this free Whatsapp group with daily British English listening practice -
Try :) It is free and you get to watch movies.
This explanation is a little long so you can translate it to your native language by using
There are many ways you can learn English as a beginner. First, I think it's important to find out exactly what your level is. A great framework for understanding language level is called CEFR "The common European framework for Reference". There are many free tests online you can take to find out your level. I recommend the EFSET test. It's free and fast. Here is the link.
After you have found out what your level is, you need to learn the necessary content. You also need to manage your time expectations. Each level of the CEFR A1 A2 (beginner) B1 B2 (intermediate) C1 C2 (Advanced) takes a different amount of time. The A levels take about 100 hours each. The B levels take about 200 and the C levels take about 300 hours.
To complete a level you will need to improve 8 areas:
  1. vocabulary = Improve your vocabulary by buying an appropriate vocabulary book. Try to learn 20 new words each day. Download an SRS app (spaced repetition) to help you learn the vocabulary faster. e.g. Anki or Quizlet. Also, try to make or use mnemonics to remember what the words mean.
  2. grammar = Buy an appropriate grammar book (I recommend Grammar in Use by Murphy) Each CEFR level has about 200 grammar structures. First, study the structures and understand what they mean, then activate them and make sure you can use them all in conversation. To help with this, you can use my Youtube. I post grammar lessons every day (Yes, I know this is a shameless plug)
  3. conversation = Make sure to practice what you have learned by speaking to a native speaker. There are a lot of great apps like Italki and Cambly where you can practice this for a very low cost.
  4. pronunciation = Improve this by shadowing (listening and repeating what people say) e.g. the audio content from the reading textbook. You can also improve your pronunciation by watching Youtube pronunciation channels.
  5. conversation = Make sure to practice what you have learned by speaking to a native speaker. There are a lot of great apps like Italki and Cambly where you can practice this for a very low cost.)
  6. reading = Buy a graded reader and practice reading at your level. To see if the content is at your level, use the following rule. If you need to translate more than 10 words per page, the book you are reading is too hard.
  7. listening = Improve your listening by watching TV shows that use simple English. I recommend kids cartoons and sitcoms e.g. friends. There are also lots of great youtube channels that you can use.
  8. writing = Improve your writing by using an app like Hello Talk or a similar SNS. It allows you to easily practice writing and communicating with other English speakers and language learners.
I hope this helps and good luck with your studies.
About me: I have been working as an English teachecurriculum developer for 16 years.
Mostly pdfs:
submitted by becausehippo to BooStreet [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:31 emax4 Is it worth trying to make friends at 50 or adjust to being friendless?

I'm 51 and have rarely had in-person friendship interactions. My Mom is partially to blame because she said "Wait to be invited" but I was never cool enough or interesting enough in High School or Grade School to have people calling me to see how I'm doing or invite me to go places. College wasn't as bad but I still never got invited. I was bullied more in 7th grade in a small school, so most people wouldn't know about it transitioning to a larger High School, so I feel my lack of trust in some people plays a big factor.
I had one friend since 20 but he's been flakey, takes too long to get ready for an event like a car show that there's never been enough time to browse and I would feel rushed. There's more drama with him that's irrelevant to my situation but I've stopped replying to him. He never made an effort to drive 30 minutes or so to see me when I was married. And when in relationships and was married my partner didn't typically have a girl's night out, as it was usually us with or without her friends.
I learned young that being funny and making people laughed really helps, but I have yet to see true results. My Dad told me to treat others as I would myself, and to put others ahead of myself to go around in life, but all that's done as hold me back as I have yet to see lasting results. I read an article on Lifehacker a decade ago about how to make friends in your 30's and one of the suggestions was, which did help as I made acquaintances and did meet others at events, but I understand people change.
My gf of 10 years knows my struggles, so she encouraged me to get out when I have a chance at meeting new people. We don't always have the same interests either so I appreciate her willingness to adjust. Going against my Mom's advice I would tell people where I would be going and ask if they'd be interested days in advance, but nobody seems to have the time, or they have so many friends (proving it can be done) that nobody considers me a priority. They enjoy my caring and giving nature, my ability to help with computer stuff, but I picked up that they only seem to reach out to me for that, and I feel I'm not good enough for anything else.
I befriended an older woman months ago at work who keeps pushing me to do stand-up, as I'm always making her laugh, and have been there to listen as her brother is in the hospital. I offered to hang out but she feels uncomfortable and doesn't want to look suspicious as she knows I have a girlfriend. I was upset about it but then she wishes she would have changed her mind when I spoke to her the next Monday.
This past week there was a street fair in a big town as my gf was there doing tarot readings, and that the street fair has eclectic items and draws a huge crowds with food vendors and entertainment. I mentioned this event to said coworker, a friend from Grade School I just reconnected with, my female friend from Meetup (no reply, and she lives with her bf closer to the event) and my ex wife who I get along with. The ex wife wasn't sure as she always was in bed by 9 (an issue in our marriage). After I told the coworker Friday about the event, she said on the day of the event that she made plans elsewhere. The friend from grade school seems to be going through issues and doesn't seem reliable, like everyone else.
I'm not a beealcohol drinker, was picked last or near last at gym so I'm not into sports, and I dont have the typical guy mentality; so it's easier to do me to be friends with women. One of my other female friends says "Life gets in the way" but if that were true why do a lot of FB posts show them with friends and best friends? That envy and comparison was why I only go on FB to buy and sell stuff. Do those friends and best friends not have lives, and is that why they're able to do things?
So at this point in life is it better to accept my fate and move on? Was I simply taught wrong when I should have learned morals off the street? Is everyone just not reliable enough? I keep telling myself that if you're not already in someone's inner circle that there's no chance of getting in now, and I'm starting to think that's true. I've tried being the catalyst with no results. Even this morning I read a story on here of a Mom who got RSVP's for her 5-year olds b-day party but got cancellations days leading to the event, so i know im not alone. Maybe this is best posted over at /MaleMentalHealth but wanted other's inputs here. If being funny, caring, and considerate isn't enough or more than enough, what am I lacking?
submitted by emax4 to RedditForGrownups [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:21 ByeByeImgone [NEW FILIPINO] I just thought its fun to add Ibong Adarna headcanons-

[NEW FILIPINO] I just thought its fun to add Ibong Adarna headcanons-
Hey guys! New girl here!!! So recently I watched that one low-quality animated series of Ibong Adarna from youtube used for our grade 7 filipino class and I just thought that its fun to add some headcanons(Because I can).
  • Don Juan is adopted and illegitimate(Might explain the little de-saturated blonde hair)
    • The reason that Don Diego(dark-brown-haired guy) has a different hair color are mostly taken genes from the king’s OTHER relatives, most of whom are step-siblings.
    • The three princes probably have often sibling fights when they were younger.(I’am an only child but I can imagine teen Don Pedro hits little Don Juan a little too hard and Don Juan starts screaming.)
  • The Ibong Adarna is a herbivore. Some birds can either be carnivores which is most but some are herbivores.(Actually I’m not sure so idk what am I doing here.)
  • The Ermitanyo’s are retired generals from the war, or some ex-priests who escape to the fuckin forest to avoid the king’s wrath.
Now you guys may be asking, “Wdym by ‘war’”, this list is also part of my story recreation for the Ibong Adarna, thats why its a little different. I have nothing else to dump here so have a good day:D
submitted by ByeByeImgone to Philippines [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:14 Ok-Needleworker-5496 [acne] explaining my acne experience and seeking some help

[acne] explaining my acne experience and seeking some help
I'm 24(f) and have had acne since I was 17. I was on Alesse birth control from 17 until 23. My skin (the first pic) was my skin when I was 17.
From 18-21 my skin cooperated with me (I couldn't even tell you the skin care I used because I was here there and everywhere with it but l used tactupump forte, walnut scrub from ole henriksen, lactic acid and nicimicide idk how to spell it from ordinary, calendula kienls face wash, idk what moisturizer l used to use ). My skin stayed calm relatively and had the few cystic break outs around my period. Then last summer (when i turned 23) my skin started to break out more and more so I started tetracycline (HORRID EXPERIENCE, my skin was literally burning at any sun exposure, which made my skin flare more). I started to use dermaquest products (feel like my skin reacted more with medical grade skincare). I tried retin-A cream 0.005% and horrid! SOOOO i started plasma therapy.
second pic was how my skin was from august 2023-february 2024. the plasma microneedling was supposed to result in me having clear skin but once I stopped my acne came back. during the time of clear skin i went off birth control, and I literally washed my face with water, used baby wipes to take of my makeup and moisturized with Tatcha dewy skin cream .
I find my skin actually likes Tatcha, i try new moisturizers and always end up going back to Tatcha. Yet im struggling to find a face wash that agrees with my skin. My forehead and upper cheeks tolerates salicylic acid pretty well but my jawline ??? like is the skin different ?? because my jawline flares up with benzel peroxide and salicylic acid. In a way spot treating works to an extent but then my skin gets really itchy and I wake up the next day with more breakouts.
I cover my breakouts with makeup (dior concealer) and honestly this probably aids in my skin breaking out more as my more intense acne is in areas where i use makeup the most.
I tried a 30% SA peel and the first two days my skin was calm but then BOOM, break out. so i tried laser and the same thing happened again! I switch between tatcha and LA roche posayyy toleraine face moisturizer. idk if it's LA irritating my skin more tho ??
I'm currently on 100mg spirolocatane (2 week in), i was prescribed aklief but im scared to use it and purge. my derm said its hormonal acne tho i feel there's a fungal component and cosmetic component to it
I'm annoyed but would like to hear other peoples stories and products they use that help their skin. even what do u find your skin reacts to ingredient wise !
first pic: acne at 17 second pic : my skin 4 months ago 3,4,5: skin now (I use manila honey on my forehead and the bumps have really gone down, eating some garlic too Lol to see if it'll keep the bumps away!)
current skin care routine: adasept cleanser, vanicream cleanser, tatcha moisturizer, sometimes glycolic acid toner ordinary, ordinary SA 2% on forehead and upper cheeks and manuka honey on forehead, sometimes BP 5% on my active jawline acne mixed with ointment polysporin, sometimes toleraine LA pose, sunscreen zinc mineral
where you see the most inflamed is where i use BP, and cover with makeup a lot (dior concealer)
submitted by Ok-Needleworker-5496 to SkincareAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:13 PrudentTackle8763 Possible ba mag shift agad to archi sa UPmin?

Hello, so here's the story. I got DPWASed this AY 2024-25 then I got admitted to food tech here sa UPmin. Is it still possible ba na makapasok sa architecture? Cause my body and soul is very ready na talaga for archi huhuhh, also I'm quite flabergasted na natanggap ako sa food tech na mababa naman sciences grades ko huhuhuhu. Also what to expect sa food tech na program 😭😭😭
submitted by PrudentTackle8763 to peyups [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:07 WhatDoIDo615 How can I get rid of my autogynephilia?

I can't do this any longer especially as a Christian (it's a sin). I'm an AGP who's first experience ever masturbating was by reading a forced feminization story at 12 years old while wearing some of my mother's older clothes that she was going to donate soon. THIS IS ALL I KNOW! I've only masturbated to normal, heterosexual sexual fantasies a few times in my entire life, despite the fact that I myself am 100% heterosexual and love women. In fact, I liked girls so much at a young age that it's the entire reason why I got into AGP/feminization shit in the first place! I've had low self-esteem for literally my entire life, and have always been super skinny, so I never even had the courage the ask out or talk to any of my numerous crushes going all the way back to 5th grade. So, as a way to experience femininity without potentially embarrassing myself or having to deal with heartbreak, I decided to just dress up like a girl. And then I looked up forced feminization stories on the internet, which led to my entirely sexual-driven AGP.
I JUST DON'T WANT THIS ANYMORE!!!! I WANT TO BREAK THE CHAINS OF THIS DISGUSTING FETISH OFF OF ME!!! I want to be masculine, confident, and strong!!! I'm tired of being a loser. My self-esteem is so low that you can't even measure it at this point. I'm significantly underweight (6'0, 144 LBS), and don't have a SINGLE OUNCE of muscle on my body. I look terrible and extremely unhealthy all around. My dick CANNOT GET HARD in ANY WAY to normal, heterosexual porn or to any normal, heterosexual fantasies (big boobs, fat assessment, etc.) I can ONLY get erect if I'm reading or watching feminization or sissy crap and/or while wearing woman's clothing.
And the thing is, I CAN become very attractive. I have asked many other men about my potential attractiveness level, and they've all said that I have the absolute perfect body build to look shredded and masculine if I put in the work. I have a handsome face with great features that looks much more attractive than a lot of men that I see with attractive GF's. I get women flirting with me in public pretty often.
And yet, here I am. A total loser wasting his life away for his AGP fetish, feminization stories, and sissy content. I don't want to, and CANNOT live this way anymore. I want to be a damn man for once in my life, and finally be attracted to women the NORMAL WAY.
This was a much needed vent for me, so I apologize in advance if the excessive amount of words in caps bothers any of you. I just need advice on how to get rid of these fetishes FOREVER. I want to be a man finally. I want to be normal. I'm 21 years old, and I've never even HUGGED a woman before.
Any advice is extremely appreciated. Thank you.
submitted by WhatDoIDo615 to NoFap [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:06 jbirdco My Daughter is at the age I was...

My daughter just finished 9th grade and started summer break. She is 15, very happy and confident, proud, and fun-loving. She has friends her own age, crushes her own age, and is overall enjoying an absolute opposite childhood than I had. It continues to be my priority to be a present mother and be involved everyday so she knows I am there, I care, and our home is a very safe haven.
It was the summer of 1995 when I was 15. I had already experienced many traumatic events up to that point and had a very volatile home life that I regularly escaped from. I felt untethered to my mother and home. That summer, the 38 year old man who gave me my white chip at my first AA meeting, statutory raped me and that is how I lost my virginity. I told my AA sponsor who was a grown woman, and eventually my older sister, and my mother who was married to a cop at the time... My self-worth was non-existent and I didn't seem to care that no one did anything about this predator.
I bring that up because I have learned... it's not just what happens to you, but how your caregivers react/repairespond. When i got sober again much later in life in my late 30s, this hit me like a ton of bricks.
Fast forward to now, my child entering this summer break at that same age... I always kinda had this feeling that I just needed to get her through age 15 safely. But Since summer break began friday I have had a little cry every day and a little panic the two times she has done things outside the house this wknd. My rules are intense, i repeat myself, i am strict, and i apologize for my intensity to her. She knows a little of my story and why I am so careful with her and cautious. But i dont want to instill my fear in her. I need to get it together.
I have been in and out of therapy my whole life and find comfort in gentle yoga and security in my sobriety. Someone told me the communities on reddit were supportive. This is my first post.
This world feels so unsafe. I know I can't protect my daughter from eveything all the time, but I sure the hell will try.
submitted by jbirdco to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:58 CommercialClock3035 Played MGSV PP first. What should I expect if I start from the beginning?

I was recommended MGSV because of the gameplay. Absolutely loved it. Still loving it. I knew I would be lost when it came to the story, but I was okay with it.
100% the game. S Rank, animals, audio tapes, etc. I am about the complete the 4th and final FOB after about a 1000 infiltrations lol.
I would love to keep the MGS train going and start with the collection, but I know it won’t be the same. Gameplay will be wonky.
After playing MGSV for about 4 months, how can I transition to a game that won’t have such a clean gameplay?
The same person that recommended MGSV PP recommended to start Death Stranding after, but I feel like I gotta give this franchise a shot.
Do I have a shot at enjoying the rest of the franchise? I’ve been playing on PS5.
submitted by CommercialClock3035 to metalgearsolid [link] [comments]