Having a hard day quotes

Having a hard time?

2015.08.11 13:59 Having a hard time?


2017.08.16 13:49 BoxingwolfOnReddit Having A Bad Day?

This is a sub dedicated to posts that will cheer you up if you're having a bad day!

2011.09.14 06:48 vortex222222 Home for sharing quotes

"I think the problem Digg had is that it was a company that was built to be a company, and you could feel it in the product. The way you could criticise Reddit is that we weren't a company – we were all heart and no head for a long time. So I think it'd be really hard for me and for the team to kill Reddit in that way.” Steve Huffman, aka spez, Reddit CEO. For more information about the black-out: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-65855608

2024.06.10 00:37 Mightylitebulb Who bets on golf?

I have gone 2-2 this week but overall it has been best sport for odds this year personally. For example, memorial tourney 4th round parlay hadwin over straka / Aberg over Xander. 3rd round Christian over Bradley. I am purely looking for the better odds cause in my mind any pro golfer can have their day. I get something from a mental pov going back to back low days are hard, some got it (Scottie), and the list goes on but want to get any golf gamblers take. Gate is open, let the flood begin, and go Tiger! JK, but seriously go Tiger. Hope everyone is flushing it out there.
submitted by Mightylitebulb to golf [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:37 Mightylitebulb Who bets on golf?

I have gone 2-2 this week but overall it has been best sport for odds this year personally. For example, memorial tourney 4th round parlay hadwin over straka / Aberg over Xander. 3rd round Christian over Bradley. I am purely looking for the better odds cause in my mind any pro golfer can have their day. I get something from a mental pov going back to back low days are hard, some got it (Scottie), and the list goes on but want to get any golf gamblers take. Gate is open, let the flood begin, and go Tiger! JK, but seriously go Tiger. Hope everyone is flushing it out there.
submitted by Mightylitebulb to golf [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:36 Dear_Marionberry3621 I didn’t know I was toxic until he cheated and finally told me his feelings

TLDR: my fiancé cheated on me but I think it’s because I didn’t know I was toxic? AITA for not giving up on fighting for us and for exposing his affair to his mother who says he was just helping another person?
24M , 24F year old, been together for 9, engaged for 2 years since we were 14. No other relationship before eachother. Well suddenly one day he leaves after playing pickle ball with our friends, saying “I can’t do this anymore”. For approximately 5 weeks he switches between talking to me and ghosting me. Me thinking it’s a mental Health situation because he was in his final term of his masters program and was rightly stressed continuously showed up for him through these 5 weeks by texting him every night saying I loved him and hope he had a good day, I maintained our house and our life, I would tell him it was okay that he was prioritizing himself and working through his tough emotions, I started therapy, started working in attachment theory work books, started reading about healthy marriages.
Turns out he was having an affair with a married woman in another state who is married and has two children. I confront him about it in a 10 page letter expressing my deep love and devotion and appreciation for him and what I can tolerate with the affair if he does come home and he says it isn’t a big deal and isn’t the reason he is leaving the relationship. We agree on another week break where he stops all contact with me and the affair partner, he ghosts me on the day we are supposed to me then another week goes by and he calls and ends things, saying I was emotionally abusive, I was toxic and tried to control him, i was mean to him and he was scared of me, I tried to keep him from his family, I was never happy with him. Stuff he has never said before in the 9 years we’ve been together. My heart is completely broken.
2 weeks after being broken up we are still trying to split apart our lives and move out etc. the weekend before we are supposed to be out of the apartment I get a notification on our joint emails that he is flying to her state. I tell his mom because I’m extremely worried about him, his safety, moving out, him coming back, etc. I want someone to keep him safe to the best of their ability. I wash my hands with it, learn how to sign out of everything and leave the rest up to his family. Two days later on the day he is supposed to fly back his affair partners family reaches out to me saying she left her two children and spouse to be with my ex and they are worried he is going to run away and skip states to avoid child support. I freak out and let his mom know what I know so that she can help him and keep him from doing something stupid like running away and not finishing his degree and she doesn’t sound too mentally stable to just leave her children after only meeting a person once.
Fast forward to now he hates me, blocked me on everything, his family won’t talk to me and has blocked me, our mutual friends dropped me from their upcoming wedding, and him and his family told me I wasn’t allowed back at the house and that they had moved out on time, the day before we have to be out of the old apartment I show up to meet the carpet cleaners and the fridge/ freezer is still full and there is a pile of garbage in the garage including a couch, and because he flew to her state the weekend he was supposed to move out the trash never got taken out and so the trash bins were overflowing with garbage and raccoons had drug trash all over the back yard. I have to clean to the best of my ability and rent a uhaul and pack all the garbage and the couch all by myself and pay for the dump fees.
It’s been a truly crazy roller coaster. I am completely shattered, I lost my best friend, my love, my partner of 9 years and half my family. They have treated me beyond poorly. I know I violated his privacy by not signing out of our joint email sooner and I shouldn’t have looked through his journal with all his plans to cheat and what she meant to him but our wedding guest list and list of baby names were in there and it was never a personal journal.
I am about 2 weeks out from all this and I know I don’t deserve this but I do see that my behaviors in our relationship might have driven him away. Ex. During very intense conflict I would attack his character and say things like “you don’t care” or “you don’t love me” or “I’m just not the woman that makes you want to do special things for” or “you are such a mommas boy” or “man you are a bad fiancé sometimes” or “you are being garbage right now”. I would become deeply upset if he went to spend time with others because I felt like we didn’t spend time together which is true we rarely went on dates or spent time together once we started workin full time, I would be sad if he didn’t come home after trips to visit his family on time and would revisit the hurt often in conflict as examples for how he would prioritize others over us. I was truly very toxic but I had no idea.
Whenever we did have conflict I would ask him what I needed to do to make him feel more loved and heard but he would just say I was perfect and if he did say anything at all it was that I needed to be happier and fight with him less. I live with so much regret, I never knew I was hurting him and us. I am putting in the work to be a more secure partner for whoever loves me next or if he comes back. He truly hates me now. I wish we could have been able to talk better before we hurt eachother in these ways. I don’t know what he is telling our friends and his family but I’m not some crazy ex, I only ever tried to love him and care for him and be his number one fan. I loved him so good on most days. I would have done anything for him. I know I’m capable of being a more secure partner because all through the 5 weeks of him using me and manipulating me and learning about his affair I only showed him kindness, love, respect, appreciation, and compassion.
He says I’m pathetic and a fool because I didn’t let him go easily (wrote him 3, 5 to 24 page letters about all he means to me and what being loved by him means and what I’ve learned about my attachment style and steps I was taking to improve) but I don’t think anyone has the right to judge how you handle trying to keep everything you love and every hope and dream.
There is this theory that if you do a thousand paper cuts (my behavior in conflict and when I was missing him) eventually you will create a chasm that is so deep and so wide nothing will be able to fix it. I think he and I built a chasm and his affair was the symptom. He is the love of my life and I tried hard, I did everything within my power, not to let him slip through my heart but in the end everything I did only made him hate me and lose everything I ever wanted. My soul is shattered and I don’t even want to pick up the pieces. How much of this is my fault?
submitted by Dear_Marionberry3621 to survivinginfidelity [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:36 A1Mkiller Stuck in life. No other options left.

Fresh out of University and I have no prospects in life. None. No motivation to do anything useful to society. Anything I am interested in is just a hobby, really. (Not very profitable anyway, like gaming, reading, or history knowledge.)
The idea of having to work 8 hours a day (with possibly an hour of commute time added) every day for the rest of my life is so incredibly depressing and monotonous. THE REST OF MY LIFE. 9-5, boring ass computer programming job with incredible amounts of imposter syndrome. I really, really don't like the idea of that. There is no escape from this either. I have to work the rest of my life to feed myself, to live somewhere, to drink. However, I absolutely fucking despise the idea of working a 9-5 for the rest of my life. Especially because:
  1. Corporations will use and abuse you. And they always win. Capitalism or you're a dirty socialist, am I right?
  2. There's no sense of job security anymore.
  3. Cost of living is too expensive to save up for retirement, so I'll most likely be working until I'm dead.
3a. Seriously, has anyone else figured this out? You all realize that we are going to be working until we die, right? No retirement, no reward for working hard, nothing. There's no incentive to do this anymore. None. Other than to just be able to live the next day.
And if I say this to anyone (a therapist, my family, any normal person) they will just say what you will probably end up saying as well: "Suck it up... This is how life is. We are all in the same situation where we are getting fucked over. Deal with it."
Well, I don't just want to "deal with it." So should I just kill myself? I really want to live, but not in this fucked up, warped version of society. I really want to live, but the prospect of living a boring life will probably drive me to suicide anyways.
submitted by A1Mkiller to antiwork [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:35 wethekingdom84 Things are going downhill

I don't like to share about my depression to those around me because I don't want to cause them depression.
40 y/o wife and mom of 3. I've always suffered from feeling down, maybe not full blown depression. Things have seemed to get worse after we bought our new house and I couldn't be home with my kids anymore.
Now I have to work full time and I feel chronically tired and like I'm missing out on my family. I get up at 4, and work till 4, try to go to bed by 7:30, but I toss and turn. My job is pretty physical. A lot of days it's OK as long as I can zone out. But if I think about it too much I want to cry.
I crave down time, but then I get bored and don't know what to do. I nap a ton, but then don't want to wake up and face life. I don't want to do anything, but it makes it worse.
I was diagnosed with bipolar 2, ptsd, and depression. I am on lamotrigine, latuda, and now ambien. My Dr just increased my latuda and said I should feel better in a week or two.
I feel like I just want to sleep or die.
I want to quit my job so badly, it's so hard to not walk off the job. I know I can cut down to part time somewhere, but we need to pay off debt first.
We have 3 vehicles, 2 became non drive able within like 3 weeks of each other, so now we are borrowing a truck from a friend, we can't drive our car because it was declared totalled, (its drive-able but we arent allowed tl drive it) so we need to pay the rest of it off that insurance didnt pay.
Our ac unit went out and we had to buy a whole new one for 9 grand, so we are paying on that.
We owe the irs 7,000 dollars. It's just 1 thing after another. I can't see the light at the end of the tunnel.
I feel bad for unloading all of this. But I'm terrified because I had a very strong urge to off myself, and I don't want to do it. This was so exhausting to write and I'm sure it might get rejected because a lot of my posts on reddit do.
I just wanted to vent. I go back to work tomorrow after the weekend.
How can I feel better?? I need some help and advice.
submitted by wethekingdom84 to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:34 Rough-Necessary9575 F26 UK - let’s trade memes and cute pet pictures 🫶🏼

Hello! 😊👋🏼
If you're looking for your new best friend and your biggest cheerleader sprinkled with a little bit of Golden Retriever energy, you've come to the right post! 🐶
I’m somebody who loves to chat the day away, getting to know all there is to know about a person (I actually kinda do this for a job!) and forming lovely connections.
A little about me - I’m an introverted extrovert. I love my home comforts, but in the comfort of my own home and with people I love, I’m a bit of an oddball. I love to read, watch horror & comedy movies, listen to metal and country music, get way too invested in WWE, collect Funko Pops, bake, laugh at bad jokes and great memes, and send unsolicited videos of me lip syncing to my friends. I’m a fiancé and a mum to my cute pup and my three lovely cats (crazy cat lady who?). Happy to exploit them for my own personal gain by sharing pictures of them without their consent should you wish. Also, I have watched Always Sunny more times than I can count and will quote this at you regularly ☀️
I like to be upfront and let people know that I’m pierced and rather chonky because if that bothers you then we probably aren’t gonna make great friends ❤️
If you think we’d get along, or simply that you can lip sync better than me, then get in touch! Looking forward to meeting some lovely new people 🌻
submitted by Rough-Necessary9575 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:34 Old_Astronaut6482 What should I do?

Hello. So for context, my ex boyfriend and I were going out for 11 months. He moved on in 3 weeks already and likes a mutual friend of ours and she likes him back. I guess I understand why because he was losing interest and that’s why we broke up but it just hurt man. Anyway, so recently i’ve started to detach a little bit but it’s been hard because I really loved him and he was my first love. And during the day i’m doing okay but whenever I am reminded of my ex boyfriend or his stupid new crush I get so angry that I just start crying and have a meltdown and this has been happening for awhile. I’m so tired of being angry and sad. I’m thinking of learning drums as an outlet for anger but I don’t know where to even start with that, is there anything I can do to curb my anger when I am reminded of my ex boyfriend or that mutual friend?
submitted by Old_Astronaut6482 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:34 Healthy_Eggplant91 The perfect song for Eddie (+2 songs for Buddie)

I've been obsessed with Teddy Swims lately and I was listening to Last Communion for like the 20th time before I looked at the lyrics and realized it's literally Eddie's song (about his wife) and it's really cathartic to listen to given how they ended S7. I just wanna talk about it extensively because my heart hurts for Eddie, so I'm gonna analyze this in Eddie's POV because I am unwell 😭
So this song is part of an album called "I've Tried Everything But Therapy" which is very appropriate as a general Eddie Mood™ ngl. Anyway it's a song that deals with loss of faith, the end of a relationship, and lack of closure that results from it. It literally hits pretty much everything Eddie is trying to work through with his relationship with Shannon right now.
The song opens with:
Used to believe Heaven was bulletproof Only God can turn a red light blue Been cuttin' me deep, dyin' to talk to you Only love can push the blade right through
Right away, it's establishing faith. Even though Eddie's not as religious as his family or Bobby, I think he still believes in the broad strokes of Christianity like a higher power and maybe a heaven and how religion serves to let people deal with the problems that they might need a little bit more spiritual help to overcome. "Only God can turn a red light blue" can be interpreted as the belief that only divine intervention can help change a negative situation (in this case, his wife's death) into a positive one. The stop/go imagery adds the nuance that the situation is something that's holding Eddie back and God/a higher power is the only one that will "permit" him to move on as if "moving on" is completely out of his hands. It also lines up with Eddie's tendency to "search for signs" to move forward, like Shannon's "pregnancy" to propose, or Carla telling him to ask Ana out, or Christopher pushing him to call Marisol. Eddie is hurting himself to talk to or find closure with Shannon. The act of "pushing a blade right through" can mean his love for Shannon put the blade in him in the first place/she's the reason why he's hurting, and only love (someone else's/Buck's) can push it through so the hole can finally heal even if it hurts to do so.
This love's an orphan callin' on deaf ears There's no afterlife, but if there is It's late in the night time, so it's the right time For sleep talkin', sleep talkin'
The orphan imagery in the chorus is definitely supposed to signify that Eddie feels left behind, his love for Shannon is falling on "deaf ears" because she abandoned him while she was alive (he waits for her but she never responds) and literally after she died (he can't talk to a dead person). "Night time, right time for sleep talking" can be interpreted as Eddie hiding his feelings, keeping them to himself in the dark/in private where he can break down his defenses when he's alone, and the only time he processes his feelings is through his "dreams" or his fantasies. This is the bridge so it gets repeated along with the chorus to emphasize abandonment and the hope that he can "talk" to his wife through his imagined fantasy/afterlife/Heaven where she's still "alive".
And now the heart's shot dead Buried under each and every word unsaid 24 hours since 'Goodbye, God Bless' 'Fore we let the ghost get away One last communion babe
This whole chorus is basically painting the abrupt (and emotionally devastating) end of Eddie's relationship with his wife and desire for closure. The second line is self explanatory, there were a lot of things unsaid when Eddie had to let his wife go in the ambulance, I really think he couldn't unload on a dying woman and ask her why she wanted to divorce, why she would think there was a possibility she would never come back to him and Chris, why wasn't Eddie enough for her to stay, etc. This all happened very quickly in the show, I think it was like within one episode of each other, Eddie was asking Shannon to marry him, her refusing, and Eddie choosing to console her as she dies despite how much he obviously still had things to say (as shown when he talked with Bobby).
Before they let the "ghost" of their relationship get away, he wants one last "communion" with her, which can mean "to commune"/share thoughts and feelings, to "break bread" with each other, remember each other's sacrifices, put aside their differences and either part on good terms or try to fix their relationship.
With Shannon's death, it paints Eddie's desire for them both to have one last chance to say the things that haven't been said for the sake of peace. This is the chorus so it keeps repeating and just highlights this desire to resolve their issues and have a proper goodbye. The bridge and the "One last communion" part of the chorus is kinda circular, in the bridge he feels abandoned but still has hope, but when he "thinks" about his relationship, all roads just lead him to the longing of wanting one last "communion" with her in order to fix or to let go. When the bridge-chorus repeats in the song, it just paints how much Eddie is stuck in this loop of hope, devastation and desire for closure.
So I let it go, nobody else around Couldn't watch forever fall face down So I turned my head the second it hit the ground And I felt it, but it made no sound
Again, I'm thinking about the ambulance with Eddie consoling Shannon while she talks about "leaving again" and how Eddie probably wanted to ask why she wanted to divorce him, why they couldn't stay together for Chris if she really loves him etc. He lets go of his problems with her in the moment for the sake of comforting her. I'm also thinking about how Eddie told Bobby that he "forgave her for everything and it wasn't enough", this was something he decided to do likely with no input or advice from anyone else. The second line, I think Eddie really thought he and Shannon would stay together forever despite how shitty their marriage was and how shitty they were to each other. He turned a blind eye to the destruction of their relationship, deep down he probably "felt it"--their relationship was dead--but he refused to hear it because he couldn't watch his "fantasy" of being married to her forever crumble even after her death.
Bridge and chorus play again, Eddie stuck in a loop of hope and devastation every time he ruminates about his relationship with Shannon and lands with wanting closure with "one last communion".
It was a grand old age Oh and yes I know that nothing gold can stay But I couldn't bring myself to turn that page Before I drop a kiss on the grave One last communion babe
God this song is fucking perfect. Eddie built up a fantasy of having a perfect relationship with his wife, and maybe "The Grand Old Age" might have been true during high school and when they were first married to each other. Everything was perfect and golden, in Eddie's words "I loved being married to her" and he might have been blissfully in love with her then and maybe he knew it was never going to last especially when he started running away. But now with her gone, he can't bring himself to "turn that page / before [he] drops a kiss on the grave", in other words, he can't let go of that golden age ideal, to turn to the next chapter of his life, to move on, not before he let's go of his wife--which he can't do because he has an all consuming desire for "one last communion" with her, to make peace and get answers.
It was a childish game Who can light a candle in the cryin' rain No one could know about the mess we've made I'm scrubbing, praying that the blood don't stain I only whisper your name For one last communion babe
This song is literally made for Eddie 😭 "It was a childish game, who can light a candle in the crying rain" in the context of their marriage means they were immature and naive trying to make it work, trying to keep their "passion" or "candle" alive while they were both hurting. It was like an exercise in futility to participate in this back and forth "game" of Shannon lighting the candle under the torrent of Eddie's tears/hurt, and then Eddie trying to light the candle in turn under Shannon's.
They tried to hide their problems from others, they made a "mess" of each other, and the devastation Eddie is left with (his "heart shot dead" from the earlier lyrics) has covered him in blood (grief/trauma/left him broken) and he hopes that the "blood doesn't stain", he hopes almost desperately (scrubbing/praying) the aftermath of his relationship with her doesn't permanently mark him or break him. Now Eddie can only "whisper her name" longingly, it might also be a sign of secrecy, his need to keep his feelings about his wife--which persist even if he might not want it to--hidden from others maybe a little bit because of shame, he wasn't able to fix it. And again, he wants to so badly but he'll never get his "one last communion".
Ugh 😩 It's so beautiful honestly. Like word for word, it sums up Eddie's turmoil so well. This is now Eddie's anthem in my head, I can't separate him from this song.
The next 2 (honestly 3) songs are also part of the album, they're right after one another towards the end. The whole album kinda tells a story of anger, toxic relationships, heartbreak and finally moving on, realizing you're deserving of love and then finally finding it if listened to in order, so obviously I wasn't not going to think of Buck after that Eddie-as-fuck song. I'm not gonna go as heavy on the analysis because they're pretty self explanatory.
First one is Suitcase, and surprise surprise, it's about ✨baggage✨ lmao. It's slow and kinda sad, kinda hopeful, trying to move on even with all the hurt and exhaustion you gotta carry from previous relationships, always afraid you're moving back instead of moving forward but still loving who you can't help loving despite the setbacks and just asking them for a little more time and space to heal. 😭😭😭 From the artist himself: "This is a song about my journey to learn that I am deserving of love and worthy of someone who will love me despite my baggage and insecurities!" So it can read as for Eddie or Buck or both.
This part is my fave:
Every time I stumble for you Two steps back and one step forward And now I'm fallin' down more than I'm fallin' for you But I adore you, I adore you
Next one is Flame!!!! The feel good song!!!!!! Finally moving on!!!!!!! Happy and upbeat, kinda silly:
We should put on our favorite records Pour a little whiskey too early in the day We could blame it all on the weather Swear the connection was better in LA
We could use our imaginations to make up a confrontation For the sake of something goin' on We should put on our favorite records If we're lucky, turn tonight into a love song
It's alright Gonna stay right here 'til it hits us Even if it takes all night Gonna find the flame we've been missing, baby
It's actually "a song about having a hard time writing a song" but true to the lyrics, it literally turns into a love song out of context lmao. It actually feels kinda friends to lovers tbh, two people fucking around in a hotel room trying to have fun with each other, using their "imaginations to make up a confrontation" stirring up fake drama just to get a little "friction" going (this feels very "wanna go for the title?" to me) until they find the "flame they've been missing".
And then Evergreen, an actual love song. After Flame, it just feels like they've "found the spark" and now Eddie at least is falling for Buck, who is obviously the "sun knocking at [Eddie's] door" and the fuel to Eddie's fire and the "evergreen" crashing through Eddie's walls 😭 Just Eddie vibes fully leaning into his new love, finally realizing that he could have a life with Buck:
Took a while to make this bed Tired of livin' in my head The ritual, things I ain't know Never felt like this before
Sorry that my heart's a mess But you keep me from spirallin' And I guess when it rains it pours 'Til the sun knocks at your door
Oh, I think that I could love you Through the darkness, through the cold
'Cause I'm feelin' somethin' when you're next to me You fuel my fire like some kerosene We're intertwined with nothin' in between Cross your heart, promise you'll never leave
I'm feelin' somethin' when you're next to me I have walls up that nobody sees But you crash through me like an evergreen Cross your heart, promise you'll never leave
Thanks for reading this wall of text 😭 Last Communion is a masterpiece honestly, it's been a while since I've heard such heavy lyrics, it was literally begging to be analyzed and it just happened to be perfectly in line with my obsession with Eddie's current arc and now I love the song even more. I really hope they get together in S8.
submitted by Healthy_Eggplant91 to buddie [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:33 Initial-Proof-8338 New boyfriend

Hell I everyone, I am a newly 20 yr old girlfriend of 2weeks and a virgin. I told my boyfriend that I am waiting til marriage the very first date we hung out. He said he still wanted to date me. He later brought up a conversation that he wouldn't marry me unless we had sex. I got upset at this comment and was like well maybe we should break up because if you can't see us getting married in the first place why be together because I'm waiting til marriage. I told him one of the main reasons I haven't lost my virginity is because I haven't found anyone that really cared about me which I haven't done this day and time but thought I won the jackpot with him. I really like him and he's great. He also made a comment about if I never have sex. With him wed broke up and I wouldn't want that to happen. He stated after the conversation that he was sorry and that he politely wanted me to change my mind because you need to know if we have good sex or not but then he said we'd work on it if it was bad. So that doesn't make any sense to me. He makes me songs that a are sweet and buys me food when we go out and his parents like me. He has done hookups before and stated he has had sex only for pleasure but then stated a news thing of his is he can't get hard unless there is an emotion connection. I guess I'm like what do I do. My best friend said to see where it goes with him and not break up. I like him but hated the comment. We later solved the issue and showered together but nothing sexual, as a way for me to gain my trust towards him. I stated that I'm sorry for leading you on sexually when I said I don't want anything sexual til marriage. He then over messages said I thought you had fun and I said my actions should align with my words at the end of the day and then he said like I said its all up to you. Just give me some advice. This is my first relationship in my adult years and I'm new to it. What should I do with my morals involved? I know I could change my mind but its only 2 weeks into a relationship and I'm inexperienced so I want to take things slow.
submitted by Initial-Proof-8338 to relationships_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:32 failedhydra Am I ok? Is it dangerous? What’s triggering it? Help!

I have been suffering from a situation that I dunno how it started and why?
I just woke up one day with hard thuds in my chest with heart beats, i went to a cardiology consultant he arranged a couple of tests, ecg, echo etc and all was fine. But he suggested Holter for 24/7 to monitor my pulse
Well, then I came to know i am skipping heartbeats. And i started noticing that on my apple watch..
From that day untill now, I couldn’t fogure out what’s the trigger point. Doctor said It’s fine they’re just 2000 to 3000 per day..
Im not sure, am I worrying for nothing? Im too anxious. I feel sad and guilty, cuz i used to vape 0.05% nicotine for couple of years, which i stopped 2 months ago when it started…
I did the following tests, and all clear;
  1. GERD test, by endoscopy, no hernia, just inflammation and bile reflux minor.
  2. UBT - no h-pylori found
  3. I have skin itching, so did food panel, no allergies found
  4. Did kitney test, im hyperuricemia patient, its all normal potassium and uric acid level with it’s medicine
  5. I did cbc count, all normal
  6. Magnesium- normal
  7. Sodium level is good
Lastly got biopsy done for bile inflammation and h-pylori again… waiting for reports
I am obese and losing weight lost 25KGs in last 6 months. My heart rate goes less now after quitting vape, than 60 at rest. Earlier ectopic beats started at low but now adays i have em during 70+ aswell
I swim three to four times per week 30 to 40 mins
Maintaining water input, making 30% protein, 50% carbs, 20% fats. Calorie deficit 180 height and 1500calories perday, from last 7 to 8 months
I dunno what’s happening please advise.. why is cardiologist not taking me serious? He says it’s fine when they reach 10k a day i will prescribe u medicine..
I went to another electrocardiology consultant, same response…
It happens when i feel bloated and feel gases in my stomach. I do have acid reflux problem from quite some time.. but doctor said i dun have hernia around diaphram, and inflammation can’t be the cause, then what is?
submitted by failedhydra to AFIB [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:32 Better_Inside_2708 Everyone is proud of my bf for doing well at his race but me, because he participated even when I didn’t want him to

This is going to be hard to explain but here it goes. My bf has a race car, and there was a weekend-long event he talked about going to, but there were no solid plans to actually go. He decided to attend this race just one day before he would have to leave to drive there. It’s an 8 hour drive away to the racetrack. Before he made the definite decision to go, he would tell me he didn’t think he would go because his skill level wasn’t going to be nearly as good as the others participating. (I normally would have went too if he made definite plans and gave me time to put in for PTO) So Monday before the race comes and now my aunt is in the hospital unexpectedly and given a few days to live. She and I were close as I was growing up, so this was a sad time for me. She ends up passing away late Friday evening. He’s aware of what’s going on in my life and decides that he is still going to the race anyway. So he leaves Friday morning and is gone until late Sunday evening. He ends up doing well during the race, better than anyone would’ve expected. So now everyone is telling him that he should be proud and all of these things, but he really let me down by leaving me all alone and grieving. He knew I wanted to go with him to this race (if he was actually going to go) but since he made the decision to go at the last minute I wasn’t able to. I guess my question is AITA? I’ve explained to him why I am angry about him leaving me alone while I was grieving, but he keeps telling me how everyone is telling him they’re so proud of him, almost like he wants me to agree? Also advice needed for how to be less resentful about this whole situation 😅
submitted by Better_Inside_2708 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:32 samxjoy0331 Do I warn the next girl about my psychopathic, narcissistic Catholic ex-boyfriend?

Do I warn the next girl about my psychopathic, narcissistic Catholic ex-boyfriend?
Last year, I dated the craziest Catholic man you could imagine. 2 months only, thank the Lord.
He was not a rad trad, but he did use Christ for his own gain.
When I met him, I found him to be so charming, caring, compassionate, and truly just a man of God. He loves wearing impressive attire everywhere he goes, so his presence had this confident, charismatic energy to it. Just very attractive; a truly beautiful man (I can't even lie here.) He also seemed to have endless friends, everyone who knows him seems to adore him. That was a very attractive quality for me—to be with a Catholic man of God who is so liked by so many people.
But once he had me and we were together, he completely switched. It was little things at first but then his insanity became so obvious. He became controlling, critical, admitted to past psychopathic tendencies, and always had to be right. He was insulted that I told him I felt unsafe in his car (because he would always drive fast since it made him feel cool). His sense of humor was always sardonic and he made me feel bad at every turn. He literally picked a fight with me because I wanted to run on the treadmill, and he was like, "You ought to run outside, though! Running inside makes zero sense." And he would also pick at my words, "Don't say you're 'going' to do something. Say that you 'will' do something. The former sounds less serious. Like you are giving yourself an excuse." Uhhh... my dude, you psychopathic goober. Don't tell me how to speak. He would also comment on my body. I told him that I loved going to the gym every day, but that I didn't like intense workouts. He said, "That sounds like a cop-out for not wanting to work hard." He also would have this very creepy smile that would set off my spidey sense, especially since he loved listening to very violent metal music. He would take this sick thrill in my discomfort. As it turns out, he was sexting his ex-girlfriend the whole time. I found out because his ex-girlfriend warned me. Now, I do not trust that ex at all—she's probably crazy in some way—but she helped me. It was so heartbreaking, and I always ask God why this had to happen. It is so infuriating.
Anyway, about 2 weeks ago, I found out through socials that he's with another girl. I really was not supposed to find out because I had him blocked for a long time, but I unblocked him. Now I know, and I can't erase it from my mind. She seems just like how I used to be: innocent, sensitive, naïve, and vulnerable in some way. I just feel so fucking bad for her—this guy, no matter how handsome or charming, is exactly how I described him: a psychopathic goober. The women he chooses are so innocent and naïve—in fact, it's almost like everything in his life exists for him and his narcissistic supply. It's so sad.
I know it's not my business. It is not my life or my problem. But another girl warned me. Another girl exposed him to me, and even if she was crazy... she gave me all I needed to know. I think I'm the only girl he's known in a romantic way that cut him off. I think I'm the only one who could see through his absolute buffoonery and fake-love-bullshit. I prayed for him, even when our breakup was the hardest for me. I know he is a human, and I am too. No one is perfect, and I know God loves him just as much as everyone else. Psychopathic people have a lot of issues for many reasons, so maybe he was traumatized and now that's why he is the way he is. But at the same time, I didn't deserve to be betrayed by him.
I didn't deserve to feel the pain of someone else's sins, mistakes, and traumas.
But when you know a man is a manipulator and easily can make his compassionate, devout, unconditionally loving Catholic friends feel bad for him or think he is changed—which is exactly what he did when they all found out he was a cheater (again) and broke another person's heart—what are you to do?
I fear that my ex is going to put this new girl through what I went through, but I have zero faith that she will be able to understand when or what is happening. I have studied psychology for the last 3 years in college, and so I'm very aware of how narcissists and abusers think. I have zero faith that any of his Catholic friends are warning her. I met all of them, and not one of them warned me. If it weren't for my education and personal insights, I never would have been able to leave him. I'd think that he loved me. I doubt his friends are even saying to his new girl, "Hey... he's had this history... lying, not being honest, being hurtful... just thought you'd know." Nah. They just think he's a poor sinner who regrets his history and he's doing his best. Yeah, he cheated and he lies... and maybe he has a weird sense of humor... but haven't we all sinned? He needs to mature more and their prayers will do the trick.
This is just... awful. Yes we have all sinned, yes we have all fallen short of God's love, but I feel like this mindset, even with the holiest intentions, enables manipulators!!
What would Christ want of me, in this situation? Honestly, I don't want to overstep or anything. One last important note is I met my best friend through my ex, and I have no idea how to ever talk about him with her. That's why I am sharing all of this on Reddit. I think she knew him for over a year before I even met him, and she probably really cares about him. (Newsflash: same. I thought he was in love with me.)
I have not asked her if she is still friends with him, because I know the answer is going to be 'yes.' I am almost 99% certain that she is. She's such a good, kind, and endlessly loving person (!!), but it's like she never wants to bring him up. (This may sound sus... but it's actually not. She has been dating another man else for over 2 years now. They will be engaged so soon.) I've never been into drama or starting stuff, and I have completely cut off contact with my ex. He has no access to me, my social media account, or anything. All is good in my universe. I hope the next time I see him is in heaven—but here, I'll take my chances of permanent no-contact. That being said, it still feels really foolish and dramatic and maybe even petty to try and get in the middle of anything. I only dated him for 2 months, and it's been 11 months since it ended.
Ugh. I am trying to be internally holy but now I am just so bitter and upset. That man made me so mad, and I was moved on. I wish I just would have stuck to my promise and never went back to his stupid Instagram account. But now I know what I know.
Curiosity killed the cat.
submitted by samxjoy0331 to CatholicWomen [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:32 Half-Leaf Coolant temp spiking hard during acceleration

For about a month, I've been having coolant temp on my RX8 spike HARD during heavy acceleration. I've had the car for about 2 years now and I've redlined every day, autocrossed, and generally beat the crap out of the motor without every going over ~212°F on coolant temp. Since this issue started, even if I just run through 2nd gear merging into the highway, my coolant will spike to 217-218 within seconds and I have to back off. Car idles fine without heating up. On a very hot day with the AC on it'll sit around 205, but going up hills at low speeds the coolant will also jump up to the mid-low 210s.
My motor was professionally rebuilt with only 15k miles and has never gone past 220°F, so I doubt it's coolant seals (plus I'm not losing any coolant). I have a koyorad radiator, thermostat was recently replaced. Today I replaced the water pump and did a full coolant flush, and I'm still having the same issue. The undertray is properly in place and isn't missing any hardware. I've even ziptied a few spots on it that didn't have attachment points from the factory to keep it from flexing down at high speeds.
Again, I'm not losing coolant, so I don't think it's coolant seals and I don't think it's a leak anywhere. I did recently move to salt lake City from the Pacific Northwest. This is my first summer here, so temps and altitude are much higher than the car has seen before. Those wouldn't make THAT big of a difference, right?
Anyone have any ideas of what else to check? What else am I missing here? It seems like the issue is getting worse (although that may just be the weather getting hotter) and I'm kind of at my wits end... I just wanna be able to enjoy the car again.
submitted by Half-Leaf to RX8 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:32 Better_Trifle3221 I hate being a mom of two.

I only wish I stuck with the one due to my health and financial hardship.
My first is 7yr old right now. My youngest just turned 2
I went through multiple miscarriages between them I was on BC. Turned out BC had the opposite affect on me 😭 With BC I'm extremely fertile. Without it I don't get pregnant. Very odd. (I tried them all except the depo shot) When I got pregnant with my 2nd, I got Covid in 2022. I'm still suffering the affects to this day.
I went blind, my retinas are destroyed, I have black spots in my vision now, no cure and no name for my condition, apparently it's really rare, so rare there apparently no other cases like it. We know it's not related to my pregnancy and they are unsure it was from Covid but confident it was because I was severely sick, I was getting passed around to different specialists trying to find some kind of answer, none could provide. I traveled across states to find at least a diagnosis to no avail. Apparently it's never been seen before I also developed a low immune system. POTs and much more.
My husband make to much money for state assistance, but doesn't make enough to cover the basics, bills, gas and food. So it's hard to afford diapers, clothes, and everything else a baby needs. We live in a crowded apartment and my kids share a room. It's crazy because this is the most my husband ever made an hour working in IT. Thankfully both my babies are the same gender and I kept a good bit of clothing through the 6yrs I had my oldest but that's just the tip of the iceberg. I also do not have family support. I can't drive and it's hard to work due to my eyes. Since there is no name for my condition and it's unknown how permanent it is so I do not qualify for disability. And I can't apply for temporary disability assistance due to the uncertainty of my condition.
It's very frustrating, I'm starving myself to keep food on the table. With my POTs I get dizzy and sometimes go completely blind for a few hours after standing too quickly. And my energy is almost 1 to nothing. I can barely walk up the steps to get to our apartment.
I love my babies. I definitely love my 2yr old. Thankfully she was not affected in the womb when I got Covid.
I feel guilty feeling this way and I'm so thankful I was able to have another after losing hope. And if I could have my health back and keep both my kids I would take it with no hesitation!! But sadly there is nothing that can change our situation unless my husband starts making $35hr and that simply seems unrealistic. Or I finally qualify for assistance and that's already been shut down multiple times.
I just hate that I cannot be the mother I once was with my oldest, and my youngest will never get to know that mom. I used to be so devoted and go over and beyond being a mom. I love being a mom But now it's hard to get up or even move. I have to constantly give my eyes rest since they are working overtime to make up the areas that I cannot see. I move around like I'm 80 due to fear I might pass out or collapse due to my health.
I don't know what to do. Any options I think I have ends with no help or solutions.
I feel like I'm failing my family.
I hate myself, my body, my health and the economy so much.
I want to provide, teach and love my babies. And I cannot do that. I'm a failure as a mom. I cannot find the answers I need to help them.
submitted by Better_Trifle3221 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:31 Bimefrenchfries02 AITA for feeling like my friend neglects me? (Part 2)

I've never posted on Reddit so apologize if my story has been hard to follow. Anyway thanks again for reading my story. I ask that all responses be respectful, please.
A Significant Event: The most hurtful incident was when my uncle died suddenly. I didn’t respond to anyone for almost a week because his passing was so sudden. When I apologized to my friends and explained about my uncle, everyone except Todd acknowledged my loss. He started talking about himself instead.
Thinking he might not have received my message, I replied, but he didn’t respond. Then I saw a concerning post of his, and it worried me, so I checked in on him. He didn't respond for a few days, so I followed up with a voice note. I told him I just wanted to know if he was okay, and that I’d give him all the space he needed. I just asked if he could let me know he's okay.
When he finally did reply, he said he was busy and promised we would talk, but more days passed without contact.
I changed my number not too long after that since I just moved to a new state. I messaged him, and he seemed happy to hear from me. We flirted and talked a bit, but it quickly returned to the same pattern of brief, unengaging conversations. The last straw was when he sent me a text, I responded, and he said nothing.
A Confrontation: I finally asked him if we could talk. I told him how I felt—that it seemed like he didn’t want to engage in conversation with me anymore and that our connection was fading. I was sad because we hadn’t had real conversations in a while, just the same repetitive questions about our days. I suggested scheduling phone calls once or twice a month, thinking it might help us bond without overwhelming each other. I made it clear I wasn’t upset and didn’t blame him for anything.
Todd’s Response: He responded by saying he felt punished and criticized, and that he couldn’t handle conversations about life’s hardships, even though I never said that’s what I wanted. He felt I was only considering myself and not him, which isn’t true. He also claimed no one inquires about his struggles, which is not true. At least in my case. I've often put aside my feelings to make sure he knows he's loved.
My Dilemma: I see a pattern where whenever I express my feelings, he feels attacked. Despite understanding he’s going through a lot, I feel it’s unfair for him to expect me to navigate his needs without clear communication. Now, he wants to do phone calls, but I can’t stomach talking to him after he downplayed our friendship and ignored my uncle’s passing.
I’m heartbroken and contemplating ending our friendship. I’ve tried to fix things, but it seems like nothing I do makes a difference. Am I wrong for feeling this way? Should I end things with him? I really need advice.
[Link to Part 1 in the comments]
submitted by Bimefrenchfries02 to dustythunder [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:31 ThrowAyWeigh22 Coal During the Public Talk

One of the most difficult talks to sit through this weekend and I had to physically bite my tongue for almost the entire 30 minutes or so he was talking.
The first part was your standard "worldly people bad, JWs good" stuff. He had the gall to talk about there being a loneliness epidemic, which I do believe in, yet the org kneecaps people's social skills— kids especially— and are infamous for their shunning.
Then the kicker:
Sex talk. Yay!
Exploring your sexuality before marriage is like someone giving you a gift in the car and telling you not to open it until you get home, and then you open it beforehand. Well if opening the gift before getting home was that big of a deal the person could just show up at your door and give it to you then? Also how are these desires a "gift" if you're shamed for it for the first chunk of your life during your formative years?
The speaker also brought up a quote from the Young People Ask book, in which someone brought up the question of "Why would God allow sexual desires to manifest from your early teens onward if you're expected to ignore and shun them until you're married?"
Good question. The speaker said sexual desires were no different from being hungry, tired, or angry. Dwelling on anything sexual before marriage is just like always punching someone just because you're angry.
Oh boy... That is a false equivalence if I've ever seen one.
Being horny is not 1:1 comparable to being hungry or angry. If you're hungry, you can eat something— anything you want. If you're angry, you can work out and channel your frustration into the exercises. You can hit a punching bag, you can vent to a friend (unless it's about the org, then you're shit outta luck), you can keep a journal or diary and rant through that.
The sexual equivalent of those aforementioned activities would be watching porn, masturbaing, or reading something erotic, if you're into that. ALL of those activities are forbidden by the org and that is what makes sexual desires different from those other two: you're allowed to take it upon yourself to satisfy any other cravings you have except for sex or intimacy.
But of course, JWs react to logic and reasoning about the same way a vampire would to garlic sauce. They either shut down or frantically start making excuses. In this case the speaker said either talk to a spiritually mature brother or sister (ie give them more gossip material), or just pray it away. Can't do that? Well siddown, shuddup, and deal with it. Maybe God will fix things in paradise.
And worse yet, this is probably going to be my reality. I graduated college almost two years ago. Still no job. Nobody's really looking to hire entry level fresh grads. Since a lot of senior level people got laid off some time ago I've had to compete with them, meaning employers can afford to ask for 5 years of experience for entry level roles.
I've had a hard time making peace with the fact that this will probably be as good as my life gets. Stuck with my parents, in a religion I don't even believe anymore, forced to put on an act at least once or twice a week for my "friends." No upward mobility career-wise for the foreseeable future, and I don't make nearly enough to move out.
What fun...
submitted by ThrowAyWeigh22 to exjw [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:31 wethekingdom84 Will it ever end?

I don't like to share about my depression to those around me because I don't want to cause them depression.
40 y/o wife and mom of 3. I've always suffered from feeling down, maybe not full blown depression. Things have seemed to get worse after we bought our new house and I couldn't be home with my kids anymore.
Now I have to work full time and I feel chronically tired and like I'm missing out on my family. I get up at 4, and work till 4, try to go to bed by 7:30, but I toss and turn. My job is pretty physical. A lot of days it's OK as long as I can zone out. But if I think about it too much I want to cry.
I crave down time, but then I get bored and don't know what to do. I nap a ton, but then don't want to wake up and face life. I don't want to do anything, but it makes it worse.
I was diagnosed with bipolar 2, ptsd, and depression. I am on lamotrigine, latuda, and now ambien. My Dr just increased my latuda and said I should feel better in a week or two.
I feel like I just want to sleep or die.
I want to quit my job so badly, it's so hard to not walk off the job. I know I can cut down to part time somewhere, but we need to pay off debt first.
We have 3 vehicles, 2 became non drive able within like 3 weeks of each other, so now we are borrowing a truck from a friend, we can't drive our car because it was declared totalled, (its drive-able but we arent allowed tl drive it) so we need to pay the rest of it off that insurance didnt pay.
Our ac unit went out and we had to buy a whole new one for 9 grand, so we are paying on that.
We owe the irs 7,000 dollars. It's just 1 thing after another. I can't see the light at the end of the tunnel.
I feel bad for unloading all of this. But I'm terrified because I had a very strong urge to off myself, and I don't want to do it. This was so exhausting to write and I'm sure it might get rejected because a lot of my posts on reddit do.
I just wanted to vent. I go back to work tomorrow after the weekend.
How can I feel better?? I need some help and advice.
submitted by wethekingdom84 to depression_help [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:31 Odd_General444 Was I enough?

This is a long story. My boyfriend broke up with me (both 23) out of nowhere and I keep thinking I maybe wasn’t enough. We were together for 1 year and a half, two months ago we had time off college and spent those months practically every single day together, went to the beach just the two of us and he invited me to his family vacation, I was extremely happy and things were great between us, seeing how we worked together and solved conflict while being alone was so nice, he said he could actually see ourselves living together since we worked so great and had so much fun. During these months I had been struggling with pain during sex due to an infection, so we would still have sex but not penetrative, this had me insecure but he would tell me I would get better when I got better and that he was there for me, that was such a calming thought and. I was also working on getting better with doctor appointments and a diet.
When we got back to college everything seemed fine, we tried as always to see each other as much as possible while also having our lives, seeing friends and study, we would also study together if we had to. He had always struggled with stress and feeling badly about himself, specially with things about college or how good he was when playing basketball and I always tried to make sure he knew I was there for him. As it had happened last year, he would have problems when turning in assignments on time, he procrastinated a lot and also liked doing many things so he would always have that problem.
During the last month he had plenty of bad days, he would lose things, get bad grades, said he was playing bad, etc. The thing is during our whole relationship whenever this things happened ( often once every week or at least every two weeks ), he would become distant and indifferent towards me and it hurt. If he had bad a day he wouldn’t say good morning, he wouldn’t ask about my day, would ignore any text I send him if it was not related to what was happening to him and wouldn’t say I love you at night. I got used to it and used to get really sad but still tried to make sure he knew he could count on me, I used to tell myself his behavior had nothing to do with me and tried to be supportive but it was complicated. Through the time we were together whenever I tried to be there for him, it rarely worked. He would say horrible things about himself, that he was an asshole, loser, someone without a future, piece of sh*t and literally every curse word you can imagine, he would also constantly repeat he wanted to die and if he was dead things would be so much better. This reaction happened almost every time something bad happened to him from losing a crewneck or missing an exit on a high way to failing a class, there really wasn’t a difference in the reaction he would have, there wasn’t a filter. He would hit things and break them or even hurt himself on occasions.I have anxiety and all of this made me feel really uneasy, I used to cry a lot and think I should be more tough to be able to support him so I went to therapy.
Therapy helped me deal with my anxiety and put boundaries, I wanted to be there for him so when he started to say these things or felt bad I would tell him I loved him, said things I liked about him, asked him if he wanted his favorite food, watch a movie, go on a walk, talk or be in silence, but when I did all of this he would say I was lying, that it wasn’t true, that he didn’t understand why i loved him, that I just said the things I said cause I was in love with him, that if he was gone I wouldn’t notice, etc. It made me feel horrible so I stopped talking to him in that way when he felt bad cause it really didn’t help. I started to ask if there was anything I could do but his answer would always be no, i kept on telling him I was there for him and helped him when he let me, I would go see him and hang out but many times I would go home crying cause he ignored me or said he wanted to die and no girlfriend wants to hear that.
The months previous to the break up I had talked with him about the fact that it really hurt me when he ignored me during the day, it wasn’t like he didn’t talk to me but he would only talk to me about how much he hated himself, when I gave him solutions he would tell me It wouldn’t work and that sort of thing. We had had this conversation before, many times, every time we had it I would tell him it was okay that he felt badly that that wasn’t what bother me, it was the way he treated me what made me sad, he would apologize and then everything was kind of fine.
Two weeks before our breakup he became distant, it kind of happened from one day to another, he couldn’t really look at me or even touch me, I told myself i was crazy and when I asked he said he was fine. I felt so rejected so one day I asked him if he wanted me there, what was going on, told him I wanted a little bit more reassurance to what he Said He had been feeling bad for a while and he couldn’t be what I needed him to be, he couldn’t be a boyfriend that it was best if we broke up. I was shocked and when I asked why he felt badly he said the sex life of our relationship bothered him that he knew it wasn’t my fault cause i was sick and he felt guilty since I was too good to him, the thing is during all the time I was sick he said it was fine like he never told me Anything and I feel like if he had said something to me, I would have understood cause I think It’s a matter of couple, but he never asked me anything about the matter, it felt like he was giving up on me, like I was broken. Then he said he also felt like I couldn’t be there for him like he was for me, that when he felt badly I couldn’t help him.
I’m heartbroken, I feel like I did everything I thought was right, I really tried my best and it wasn’t enough. He never talked to me about these things that bothered him so I had no chance in fixing or at least knowing about these issues. I always tried to make sure he knew I was there for him, how could he say I couldn’t when all I did was try, I feel like all I asked in that area to not be hurt. When I asked him to change in the past he would say that was just the way he was. I feel so confused as if I had done something wrong, one month ago he was saying how he could see himself marrying me, he would alway say I was his dream girl. I don’t really understand how he changed so much, I feel so sad about the sex part cause that really isn’t my fault and I thought I was more than that, I was getting better and working really hard to do so. I think I was a pretty good girlfriend, said always good morning to him, have his favorite soda always as in my house, cooked his favorite meals, invite him to all family and friends plans, would go to all his plans too and was happy to, had a good relationship with his family and even gave his parents presents or I would show up to his house with sweet treats for the whole family , I apologized when necessary and was always willing to talk not fight. I don’t know what else I could’ve done, my goal was alway that we were both happy and I hate this feeling that I wasn’t enough. I love myself and life, even if there were things that bothered me like the ones I described, always felt like feeling badly was my fault and that it was worth it since the rest of time he was wonderful, the rest of the time I felt like the luckiest girl, I wonder if I could’ve done anything differen, I always felt like he appreciated me, why did he stopped?
submitted by Odd_General444 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:30 No-Essay-9832 Can a person be convicted of rape of a child in an adult Court for an offense that allegedly happened when they were 9 or 10 years old?

In the state of Washington my friend's son was convicted of rape of a child for an offense that allegedly happened when he was 9 or 10 years old. Nothing was ever said when they were children, when was 25 years old, financially stable, just got married and started a family his is ex-foster mom, out of nowhere, accused him of molesting his sisters back when they were young children. They were ages 3 2 and 1 when she said it happened. From day one he is said that he was not guilty of this. He took it to court and had a terrible attorney and he got convicted of it. The sentencing for this type of crime was between 280 months and 340 months or something like that. I think the judge knew that this was wrong and he only sent it to him to 66 months. He is having a very hard time now keeping a job, he is not allowed to see his daughter in person whatsoever. How is this legal? Could you imagine if every child who ever played doctor was convicted of a sex crime as an adult? And even if something did happen, he was a young child. why wouldn't this be seen in a juvenile court?
submitted by No-Essay-9832 to AskALawyer [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:30 Insatiabledoobie 35 [F4M] SFW chat, cause I’m bored.

I haven’t posted here in a while because life has been ‘life-ing’ pretty hard and those who get it, it’s nice to feel seen! There’s also the fact that I never find anything long lasting here, which is okay, it’s Reddit 🤣.
It’s my birthday today and unlike others with a life, or those who pretend they have one, I clearly do not have one and it’s stings just ever so slightly right now. I’m not a big bday person anymore and I’m used to being alone, but you really are forced to see just how alone and at times lonely you are when no one acknowledges you on that day you were forced into this body you currently possess.
So here’s a TLDR. I’m here to see if anyone around my age wants to chat for a short amount of time. (I can’t do the older gents, I’m sure you’re amazing though) please be single, I don’t want problems with a partner or spouse if they find out you’re conversing with a stranger. If you turn out to be amazing, how ever will I go on knowing you’re attached to someone else already? The horror. (Jk)
Please know I do not want to have a nsfw chat, I don’t want to see you and you don’t need to see me, so don’t ask for photo exchanging and for the love of pickles do not send me a photo without asking - I don’t care if it’s a nice selfie. You know that forces people into a corner when you do that, right? They feel like they have to share at that point because “it’s only fair”.
I just want a friendly chat while I sit on my couch and eat pizza and something I have as a treat kicks in. Let’s talk about life. You like space? What’s your biggest fear? What was your most recent near death experience? You ever got trapped in an elevator with ten people and had your patience tested for five minutes while you wait to get to the bottom floor? (That was my recent experience btw and I’m happy to share) What’s a word you just find fkn hilarious for no reason? Here’s one of mine: pumpkin.
Voice notes are even better, I’m beyond delighted to send some back and I do not want to move off of Reddit, this conversation probably won’t last past tonight.
Hit me up if I don’t sound like a sourpuss to you and you’re bored as well! 👋🏾
submitted by Insatiabledoobie to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:29 CantThinkOfMyUser I’m a mess

This post is gonna be probably just pure ramble but I need to write this all down before I sleep. For context I got into my very first relationship approximately two and a half months ago, and earlier last week, she broke up with me. And I’m not handling it well.I know what you all will say. “You’re 13, focus on something else.”, “I wasn’t doing things like this when I was 13” but these feelings are real to me. And at the end of the day that’s all that matters.
I loved her. Fuck it no I still do. I love her. And she genuinely gave me the best two months of my life. She made me feel complete, feel whole. She took away my problems. She held me safe in her arms, a shield from the dangers outside. She was my whole world, and now I’ve lost that. I’ve lost the one person in life who I thought cared. Who saw me for who I am. Granted that’s an ugly, 5 foot, socially awkward nerd. But still. She was too good for me. She’s so fucking beautiful, and funny, and kind, and creative and so much more I could fill a novel. And I sit here, every waking moment a reminder of her. She introduced me to music, can’t listen to any of those songs now without crying. She used to give me cuddles, and kisses. Genuinely a sensation unmatched by anything else. I need them. I need her. I miss her. I miss the things we used to say. The late night calls. The glint in her eye as she showed me something new. The pure joy and energy she exuded. I miss the way she used to make me feel. I feel empty knowing she isn’t there for me anymore. It’s pathetic ik it is. It was barely any real time yet I fell for her, and boy did I fall hard. And it hurts to see her around school. It hurts to not be able to go “that’s the girl I love”. It hurts to not have someone to go to when you’re feeling down. It hurts to not have someone just to hold your hand. It really fucking hurts. I can’t look her in the eye anymore. I can’t sit there and pretend that I’m okay with staying friends. Don’t get me wrong I really do want to stay in contact with her she’s such a wonderful person yet it feels odd to talk to her now. No more pet names. Not allowed to over worry. Not allowed to say that I love her basically every sentence. I can’t do this . It’s not even deep really is it. I’m just a pathetic mess. I’m coping by crying to myself as I read out old messages. That’s pathetic. It really is.
There’s so much more shit i could literally write forever but i cba, and i doubt anyone will read this far anyways. But if you have read it, thank you for caring enough to not click off. Or just being interested you do you Idfk.
Fuck me does this sound cringe
submitted by CantThinkOfMyUser to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:29 dc031114 Monday 10 June 2024 - 2G 60 minutes

Endurance + power run / row! Back to back sets on the floor.
Tread / Row Block - 23 minutes * Goal: choose your intensity on the treadmill, increase intensity on the rower each round * Round 1: * 800m (0.5 mile) tread (PW: 400m / 0.25 mile) * 25 x speed squat * 250m push to AO row * Round 2: * 640m (0.4 mile) tread (PW: 320m / 0.2 mile) * 20 x speed squat * 200m AO row (0:30 - 1:00) * Round 3: * 480m (0.3 mile) tread (PW: 240m / 0.15 mile) * 15 x speed squat * 150m AO row (0:22 - 0:45) * Round 4: * 320m (0.2 mile) tread (PW: 160m / 0.1 mile) * 10 x speed squat * 100m AO row (0:15 - 0:30) * Round 5: * 160m (0.1 mile) tread (PW: 80m / 0.05 mile) * 5 x speed squat * 50m AO row * Bonus: * Tread or row until finisher: choose steady or intervals * Finisher: 30 sec AO tread OR row
Floor Block 1 - 17.5 minutes * Back to back: * 5 each x low bench single arm step down reverse lunge * 10 total x alt sumo deadlift, rest * 5 each x TRX single arm squat reach with rotation * Back to back: * 10 x high row * 10 x chest fly, rest * 10 x straight arm situp
Floor Block 2 - 4 minutes back to back * 10 x high plank pull through * 10 x bridge, rest * Repeat until finisher: 30 sec of high plank pull through OR 30 sec of bridge
DC commentary: >! Quite enjoyed the run / row today even if it was a low splat day. Five rounds of run / rep row starting with a 800m (0.5 mile) run, 25 speed squats (air squats / pulsing squats, whatever you want to call it) and then a 250m push to all out row. Each round you take off 160m / 0.1 miles, 5 reps and 50m off the row. Most people finished the rounds and got to the bonus today, there is quite a bit of time to get through all of this. I chose to go steady with the bonus round and just do a base to push until the all out at the end and ended up with 2.22 km (1.379 miles) in the bonus block. \ \ I chose to start with a push in the first round and increase the pace each time around. You are also asked to increase your pace on the rower each round as well but they are all pretty short. I thought this was a nice block and let me push the paces a little bit on the treadmill and rip the rower handle hard on the all out rows. \ \ We have lunges again on the floor but mercifully they are quite short. You have two back to back efforts in the first block broken up with a bit of TRX / core work. I took the bench out of the lunges and just did on the floor and thought that was fine. Coach said that the bench is just there to ensure that you get deep enough on the lunge effort. I thought, overall, the block was pretty good even with the lunges and I got through four rounds of this before the final block of high plank pull throughs and the bridge. \ \ Enjoyed the class today, felt pretty doable for our long weekend holiday. I would give today a 3 (🪶 🪶 🪶) out of 5 for gentleness. !<
submitted by dc031114 to orangetheory [link] [comments]
